Tin: MORXIXl OREG'OXIAX. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1910. BOMB PROBE MAY INDICT 3 OR MORE Several San Francisco Labor Leaders Called by Los Angeles Jury. :umax due in wee;; Tsrrntr-Six Witnesses From North to Be Questioned by Inquisitor. Startling Testimony- bj Mrs. Lavloe Is Kspertfd. LOS AKGEL.ES. Not. l.TSe sssem- bllris: of lo witnesses from San Fran Cisco and vicinity marked a phase of ths grand Jury Investigation or to Times disaster today, for which the. return of Indictments Is expected to supply th climax within a week. Three true bills are, confidently expected by officials of ths District Attorney's of ' flee. There may be four and possibly two mors. The three or four indictments will i name the alleged principals in the .plot . which resulted In the destrnrtlon'of the Los Angeles Times plant October 1 and the death of 21 of its men. The other , two will brine; suspected aides of the plotters to trial as accessories. Earl Rogers Testifies. Six witnesses were examined today. I Amors; them were Karl Rogers, who I directed the search for evidence la the north, and J. D. ZtanlnU a powder ex- i pert. The other four were from San I Francisco sod vtclnltT. Twenty-six more. Including Olaf Tveltmoe. Anton i Johannson and others prominent In union labor circles of 'San Francisco. I were waiting the call of the inquisitors . when the grand Jury adjourned until tomorrow. The foundation to support th alts ; gatlon that it was a dynamite explo- ' slon which wrecked the Times plant was laid by the survivors of the disss ter. who testified Friday and Monday. Ths line of inquiry tsken by the Jury today was indicated by the witnesses railed to the stand this morning and afternoon. 'Besides Rogers and ZlaninL tbi : were George H. Phillips, assistant man- ' egor of the Glsnt Powder Works: Bruce McCaull. shipping clerk at Olant, who dlpatchedhe conelgnment of dyna mite ordered by "Bryson." "Morris" and "Leonard. " Douglas Burrows, of Oak , land, whose boat, the Pastime, was chartered by the alleged conspirators. and Harrison N. r utter, clerk of waterfront hardware firm, who . sold the aluminum letters to make the name "Peerless.' which was substituted for Psstime on the little vessel. The exsmlnatlon of the rest of the witnesses will probably take the rest of this week. Then will come the I dlctments. If the evidence developed ran stand th test of th grand Jury probe. Attorney Earl Rogers was on the stand most of the afternoon. He went to the courthouse, accompanied by Mrs. D. It. Ingersoll. of San Francisco, friend or Mrs. Belle Lavlne. the San Francisco lodging-house keeper, who Is still held In the Los Angeles JalL wait Ing to tell the grand Jury whatever ahe learned of the alleged conspirator, Bryre. during her five months' associa tion with him In San Francisco. Important Testimony Due. M'. Ingersoll, according to Rogers and 9- L. Brown, chief detective of the Ittstrtct Attorney's staff, will tell the grand Jury a story that will connect several Important details In the evi dence which has been gathered against th trio. Brown said today that on result of the grand Jury's probe might be to con nect a fourth man with the actual per petration of the crime. Who the fourth man is he declined to stats. Mill another witness from San Fran cisco s Harry Piper, a Jockey, who. It is asserted, saw in the launch Pas time the powder wrappings subsequent ly found In the foulh San Francisco house with some of the dynamite marked "Bryson." Newspapermen were not permitted aavwher in the Vicinity or the gradd Jury room by order of Judge BordwelL MANY LBOR LK-iDEKS CALLED San I'rajM-lseo Men fcnmmoned Be fore Times Grand Jury. SAX FRANC1SX. Nov. 2. A large number of witnesses summoned here to testify before the Loe Angeles grand Jury which investigating the Times dvnamlttng tasVe left for Los Angeles last night. Among them were: Olaf A. TveHmoe. secretary-treasurer of the California Mate Building Trades Coun cil; Anton Johannscn. an organiser for the coun.ll, and A. K. Yoeil, secretary of the Asiatic Exclusion League. PEACE DISTURBERS GUILTY I rrsno's Fight VTIih Industrial 1 Workers of World F.nds. FRKSVO. Cel.. Nov. 1 The fight which has In progress for-some -reeks past h-"Veen the Industrial Workers of t je World and the local police came to au end today, when practically all of trie members of the organisation) men tioned, who have been lodged In the t'ounty Jail for speakloe, on ths streets without permission, marched to the Po lice Court, under escort ot patrolmen and Iieputy Sheets, and pleaded guilty to disturbing the peace and vagrancy, and were given uutil 1 o'clock today to leave town. Failure to do this means that each one of the men. numbering . wlU be com pelled to serve 9 dare la Jail. Tbe understanding is that after leaving town I hey must also leave the county. PACIFIC T0SEE AIRFLIGHT Tranoontlnentai Balloon Trip Is Latest Project. BOSTON. Nov. 1. Preliminary steps toward th carrying ent of tbe project of a transcontinental balloon trip are announced today by the Association of Aeronaut-leal Pilots of America, of which Coarls J. Gllddrn. of Boston, is president. it is proposed to start from th Pa cific Slop and land, if possible, some where en th Atlantio Coast. RATE HELD REASONABLE Omaha's torn plaint Aaiat Baltl , more Ohio Fall. TV A SIUN.TOV. Nov. 1. Dismissing the coaaiaiat of the Commercial Club of Omaha against the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and other railroads, the Inter state Commerce Commission todsy up held the rates on butter, eggs and poul try in carload lota from Omaha to Cen tral Freight Association and Atlantic seaboard territory as reasonable- It de nied the dab' petition for through rates, saying that the complainant's own witnesses testified that the service was uniformly satisfactory. The commission took occasion to point out that the "any quantity" rate of the railroads rest upon sound public policy, enabling the small shipper to compete fairly with Its powerful competitor. ROAD ACCUSED OF FAVORITISM Produce Company Complains That Wabash Aids Rival. WASHINGTON". Nov. I. The South western Produce Distributer of ' 8L Louis complained to th Interstate Com merce Commission today that the Wab ash Railroad bad set aside a large part of lis inbound freight house, with track age facilities, for the use of the Ajrperl can Central Fruit Auction Company, to the- exclusion of other consignees, with out rent or other charges. It is complained that tbe railroad nil) permit tbe Southwestern Company's cars to be set Into the freight house only on condition that the goods be suctioned by tbe American Company. The competi tor, says the complainant, uses the space only every other day and that facilities BERNHARDT S CHICAGO REVIVAL Famous French Actress An swers Demand to Play "La Samaritaine." PERFORMANCE ON SUNDAY World's Greatest Tragedienne to Portray "Woman of Samaria" In Production Xo Less Sacred Than Oberammergan Story. CHICAGO, HI., -Nov. 2. (Special.) In response to a number of Insistent de mands and, perhaps, feeling a hit of the consented to give her friends in the West, a few of her ideas. This 1 sny eighth visit to America," he said, "and I can truly say that I have never felt more like enjoying my self than I do now. I never felt more enthusiastic more anxious to please the people. I only wish I was able to travel over all the states and visit all of the larger cities as it has been my good fortune on previous trip It is useless to say that I am glad to come to Amer ica. The people of the United States are more appreciative than any other. I Ilk Chicago, and New York too. but I am afraid of the latter city. It Is so big and grows so fast. "On this trip I am presenting a down plays. My favorite old plays ar "Jeanne d'Arc' and 'Les Bouffons," the latter of which i played tonight, you know. I shall present four new plays. 'Judas, by an American. John W. Maokey; 'J- Bella.' 'La Bote Sacra' and Romaa esque.' "I am told that I nave a long tour ahead of me. but I am not dismayed. I Ilka to travel. The last time, I visited America, you will remember, I couldn't get a theater any place so was com pelled to appear in tents and barns and even then enjoyed myself. Now I will appear only in theater I understand, as your quarrelsome theatrical men have quit quarreling among themselves. I hope this is true, at least." "It is said. Mine. Bernhardt-that you are an enthusastic suffragette?" queried her Interviewer, seeing th talk was soon to terminate. "Oh, not at all." was the quick reply. NEW SNAPSHOT OF GBEAT TRENCH ACTRESS, TAKEN ON HER ARRIVAL PROM EUROPE v r i$ t a" V. t dkfi 7 H' " "s. r jrrs",w si .A . .. 'v. : V it A i-rhli I 9 Photo Copyright by American Press Asoclation. MAX) AXE SARAH BKRXHAHDT GHEETG FR1EKO OK LAADI.VG I.V KBW YORK. were refused the complainant when the depot apace was only half occupied. PALATIAL HOME READY SAV FHA.VCISCO COMMERCIAI CU B Ql'ARTEKS COMPLETE. Rooms Located In Center of Finan cial District to Be Thrown Open Soon F1ttings.RIcta. e & xr rv & xzrT QTY Vnv 2 fRneciaL) With a membership of 100 he San Francisco Commercial Cluo win open i i..ftan cnmnrlslnsr almost the en tire top floor of the blg Merchants' Exchange building, aoout tne miuuie oi the present month. The club will furnish attractive quar ters In the center f the financial dls- . tJm v. . v. k ns n mMln niece llll l. W w . ..v" . . w for the business and professional men of the city. It is planned to oe a place wuere . , i ..i.II.m fin.ni-l.n trim. portation and professional men and all oiners woo g w h cial life of San Francisco may mingle nd become oetier acquamiea wan unt nother. ' The rlubrooms will overlook all four .... . . v. . rlfr A larcR billiard. room faces the west, as doea a large lounging-room with a magnificent view of the western - and southern portions PI IH0 V . . - j....r. - --- room is the main dining-room, with accommodations ior vv persona. manding a view of the southern and essterly sections of the city. Including US Vllinrpni anu nw he main, dining-room are iwur pn, ininv-rooma for committee meetings or private gatheringa , ACID TAKEN AFTER FIGHT SiMrrs Quarrel. One, 20, Tries to Pie. Is Saved. VAMPA. Idaho. Nov. I. Special.) tespoodency. due to a quarrel with her sister, caused Anna Dickens, a !0-year-old girl, residing on a ranch with her parents five miles north of here, to make an attempt to take her own life yester day afternoon. Following the quarrel over a inning matter, the girt a ran parr n tents of a bottle of carbolic acid. In formed those present of what ah had done, and then went to her room. Medical aid was summoned and tn younr woman, unless unexpected com plications arts, win recover. liorklns; Valley Road Indicted. TOLEDO. Nov. 1. Twenty-eight In dictments against ths Hocking Valley Railroad and nine agamat tbe Bunoay Creek Coal Company were returned this morning at 10 JS by the United States grand Jury, charging discriminations in freight rates. Should these lndlct taents be sustained and the maxi mum penalty Imposed. the block ing Valley will be subject to a One of ISsO.eO". and tne uunaay itwx ion pany. flsO.Oe. The indictments were on the grounds of discrimination against shippers and showing favoritism to the Sunday Creek Company, a majority of whose stock was owned by the Hoc king Valley. One Discharged, Strike Called. TCCSO.V. Arts-. Nov. I. The boiler- makers of the siouthren Pacific I'.ail- road shops her have gone on a strike because the railroad discharged from ts employ J. II. Flunkett, a labor can didate for City Alderman. revival wave now sweeping over Chicago, Mme. Sarah Bernhardt, now playing In repertoire here, has consented to appear Sunday night in Rostand's "La Samari taine." a masterpiece the like of which never has been seen in America. An In addition Mme. Bernhardt insisted that the Sunday performance should be given at half price, in order that those to whom the play may appeal on the re ligious side, but who might be kept away by the scale of prices prevslUng during the engagement, might reap the benefit. Rostand's treatment of all of the char acters in "La Samaritaine"- Is most de vout and religious. Not eventh passion play, as presented by the peasants of Oberammergau, is more sacredly han dled than Is this woman of Samaria. Rare Treat Is In Store. Mme. Bernhardt is thrilled with th Idea of presenting this play in Chicago for the first time In America. Those who saw Its performance in Paris ssy that she Is one of the few. If not the only actress In the world, who could rise to the pitch of religious ecstasy that is demanded. "La Samaritaine" is the play of the woman of Samaria, who, inspired by the teachings of the Messiah, renounces her life of luxury and error. The woman of Samaria is at the well of Jacob when Jesus enters with his disciples, weary ah lingered and at hirst. Tbe Samaritans revile him and depart. Then follows ths Incident of the conversion of the woman and In sequence the conversion of her people by her Into a partial belief that tbe Messish has indeed come. Finally she appears, leading all the Samaritans with her o see Jesus and be convinced for themselves. Madame on Eighth Visit. Though she was reluctant to recerve InterWwors between plsys tonight, after "I belle In the principle of woman suf frage, but I would not try to force my Ideas. In a long and busy life I have found that I did not need what you call votes for women.- I have got along with whst wit and understanding and talent Qod gave me." BeMde her entire French company of CO persons, Mme. Bernhardt has 28 tons of scenery and 230 trunks, 60 of the latter belonging to the , actress alone. The American engagement will last seven months and the repertoire lncludea "L'Arglon." "t Toscs." "Judas." "Les BoufTons." "La Bols Sucre," "Camllle." CIZANO ITALIAN VERMOUTH The Standard of Quality the World Over InN1909 Over 64 Per Cent of All the Vermouth Exported From Italy "Was CINZANO For sale by all high-class dealers. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Povds cleanses, preserves and beau tifies the teeth and imparts purity and 'fragrance to the breath. Mothers should teach the little ones its dairy use. "Fedora," "Fhedre," "Jeanne d'Arc," ing as she alighted from the big French liner. La Provence, at New York on Sat urday. "La Sorclerei" "Madamo t X" and "La Beffa." , , Mme. Bernhardt has been asked con tinually by admirers of the fair sex as to her secret of eternal youth, to which she has replied each time: "It is the good God; and then I wortc all the time." ' Mme. Bernhardt opened at the Stude baker Theater - in Rostand's famous play, "L'Aiglon, played here a few years ago by Maude Adams, and she now by this, her third night, has Chicago theater-lovers sitting at her feet. As Mme. Bernhardt will play here but two weeks, the "S-R-O" sign has been hanging in the lobby of the theater for the past two weeks and the bouse has been compelled to limit the sale of the standing-room-only tickets. At the end of her too short a season here, Mme. Bernhardt' appearance will have shown financial reeults the like of which Chi cago box-office receipts will never be fore have'seen. ', Her two weeks' appearance here will net In receipts close to J50.000, of which the divine Sarah wlU take away at least one-half. At every performance thus far, three of which were given today, namely L'Aiglon' at the matinee and "Les Bouffons" and "La Bols Sacre" at the evening performance, the Madame has been given ovations to which she, de spite her age, has most gladly respond ed by curtain calls. Never will Chicago forget the recep tion which was given Sunday afternoon to this famous actress when she arrived in the city. A squad of mounted police, representatives of the various French so cieties and of the theatrical companies playing here this week greeted her at the depot. It was an imposing assem blage and the reception was as greatly enjoyed by the actress as was her greet- Silence! The instinct of modesty natural to every woman is often a great hindrance to tne curs 01 womsnry aiaessoa. shrink from the personal questions of the local physician which seem indelicate. The thought of examination is ab horrent to them, snd so they endure in silence, s condition of disrate which surely progresses from bad to worse. It bam beem Dr. Pierce's prtrllef to core treat many women wbobawo toumd m retn&e tor modeatr In bta otter ot FREE cwwssfa tlom by letter. XII eorreoBondeaee la bold . as maeredty confidential. Xddreaa Dr. R. Y. fierce, Buffalo. A. T. Dr. Pierce's Fsvorito Prescription restores and regulates the womanly funotions, abolishes pain and builds op snd puts the finishing touch of health on every weak woman who gives it a fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong, sJtek Women Well. Yon can't afford to accept a Mosret nostrum as s substitute for b; nos-aloobolio medicine or grown composition. Some writer has said that we need the beautiful in our everyday lives in order that our minds may develop .properly. - What that we can carry about us from day to day is more beautiful than the diamond? Then why not spend a little less for things that are so soon out of date and worthless, and invest in a gem that will last you a lifetime and can then be handed down for generations to loved ones? In times of need there is no article of jewelry or clothing; that can be dis posed of to seen advantage as the diamond, and for this reason, also, it pays to spend less for the things swiftly passing away and put more in something that is ever new and of world-wide value.- . Specializing in diamonds, we are prepared to give the very lowest prices ob tainable anywhere in the world, and being weighed and graded by an expert, you can make no "mistake as to weight and quality of diamonds secured from us. We always give full information as to the merits or demerits of any stone we sell. Where it ts aot eewvealewt par an k, we have devised our amrrial. said down, and the resaatader ed Im anSBthly aajasft wlthewt extra eharwe. te a-tve th beet attcatlaa to ear mall order eustomersi ana, s we sena (ads psre-val, part; the express charges beta ways, erderiac tress a distance. risk Is ran la ' LARGEST DIAMOND MASTEROTvSMEN DEALERS IN OiiKXAN 1 JN r JCLXaOlO rlEIALo -i 283 MORRISON 5T. l- 74 THIRD STREET- . CALIFORNIA 'HOTELS and WINTERRESORTS WHERfe SHALL I SPEND THE WINTER? sasWssMlaii mmP' hotel VllUlimr. Where the Winter Climate Is Mild and Delightful. Where the mainland Fen are Lost, Where Frost Is Un known. Has the Finest and Sportiest Gelt Links la W et. The Bathing in calm waters of Avaloa Bay Is Perfect. Winter Is Like Summer. Beautiful mountain trails and Mountain Coach Ins I Goat Hunting;! Famous for Deep Sea Fishing; the Vnlqne Submarine Gardens, seeing the life of the deep through Glass Bottom Boats. (The Whole Island a Winter Paradise). Write for ill. booklet, "All About Santa Catalina Island." BANNING COMPANY 104 Paelflo Electric Bids Loa Angeles. CaL Long Beach California ONii OP CAL.IFORMIA'8 finest absolutely fireproof hotels. Superbly situated by the ocean. American plan; every convenience offered to the Winter tourist. Trie ramoue VIRGINIA COUNTRY CLUB, THE) FINEST GOLF COURSE ON THE COAST, AUTO MOBILE ROADS PERFECT, WINTER BATHING IDEAL. Oood fishing. Direct 30-mlnute car service to and fronx Los Ange les. Illustrated Booklet. s Write CARL STANLEY M am. gee. Avalnn, Santa Catalina Island. Hotel Metropole European Plan. Every accommodation. All side trips to island points from ho tel. Overlooks Deautiiui avbidii Mountain coaching. Booklet, Banning Co, P. E. Bldg, Loa Angeles, cal. Sl Open """X-- Jit,Vv? Vlft 1 mt Anient " SAN DIEGO CAU nnranun nlan. AbBolntelv fire proof, concrete and stone: 50O rooms 830 with bath: equipped -with large salt plunges and Turk th batho. 9an Dlcso offers the moat ideal Winter climate of Cal ifornia. Automoblllng. rclf. etoj Rates $1.50 upwards. Under man of 1. H. Holme, formerly of Green, LONG BEACH SANITARIUM At the Gem Winter Besort of the "; west. Lonir Beach. Cal. Latest : Battle Creek Sanitarium methods, Lf",.t b building;. Strictly modern. Medical atten tion very best. Graduate nurses only. Ten nis, all outdoor amusements. Splendid golf course. Miles of fine auto roads and beau tiful streets. Horseback riding, driving, etc The Paclllc Ocean but a w Mocks from sanitarium, where Winter J thing Is delightful. Moderate rates. Illustrated free booklet on request. W. RAY SIMPSON. Ml'. Long Weaeh. CaL CALIFORNIA Is the place to visit. Orange groves in full bloom, topical flowers, Camog. T hotels, historic Old Missions, attractive waterg places deUghtfnl cliiate, making this favored section the Nation 8 most popular retreat You can see this section at its best via the , - - a and "Road of a Thousand Shasta Route wonder- SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Up-to-date trains, first-class in every respect unexcelled dining car service, quick time and direct connections to all points south. SPECIAL ROUND TRIP RATE OF $55.00 Portland to Los Angeles and Keturn With corresponding low rates from all other sections of the North west Liberal stopovers in each direction and long limit Inter esting and attractive literature on the various resorte and jrtfctae tions of California can be had on application to any S..P, or O. it & N. Agent, or from WM. McMUEEAY, Gen. Pas. Agent, Portland, Oregon V 133 Sixth Street Other Stores In Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake. The Nearest-Store Is Your Store A LITTLE TALK ABOUT COST You say your eyesight is priceless. But there is no sens in neefi tcs8 expense. With six stores operating in the chief trading centers of the West, with factories at each store and 150,000 regular patrons to depend upon, we do a volume of business that minimizes prices. System is a great conservator of time and time saves money. We conduct onr stores as a big business enterprise. Our opticians have nothing' to do but practice their profession no bills to worry over, no bookkeeping to do.-- We eliminate expense in clerical departments, but spare nothing in making our professional work as perfect as modern science and "sTtidy can make it.- In perfection, there comes the elimination of costly errors," which, coupled with our big output, 6mall clerical expense and marketing power, enables ns to quote lower prices on better work than smaller firms with limited resources. MAKERS OF GENUINE KK.YPT0K LENSES . TALK TO SALEM. ' Three minutes 25 Cents Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland completed same as local calls in Portland by: our new Two dumber Service. If you do not kridw telephone number of party wanted, call "Information" and ascertain. . ' - ' ' Try it and you will be pleased. "ij ' i The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets.