Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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1, 110. .
Judge E. Baldwin, Gubernator
ial Candidate, Says
Colonel Is Wrong.
Xomlnce Pec-lam His Stand on
Labor Legislation flu Demanded
by Common Law and I In
Accord With Decisions.
NEW HAVES Conn.. Oct. 11- "I
now repeat my request that you re
tract the atatement of which I com
plain. I ask It aa a matter of fairness
to one of whom his reputation as a
lawyer Is of valae as well aa in the
Interest of truth."
, The foregoing- Is a paragraph of a
letter sent to Colonel Rooserelt today
by Judge Simeon El Baldwin. Demo
cratic nominee for Governor of Con
necticut, tiie demand for retraction aris
ing; from Roosevelt's recent attack on
Baldwin for his alleged retrogressive
tud on labor legislation.
Judtre Baldwin's letter to Rooserelt
In part Is:
His View. Court s View.
Too remark that I said in my letter
to you of October 24 as printed, that
the Tlew which you thus stated as that
of the Republican party would be op
posed to the settled principles of law.
that no competent lawyer could or
would take It. and that to ascribe such
a position to me was calculated to af
lect my standing as a lawyer.
"As to this. 1 would say that this
view, which you describe as that of
the Republican party. Is the Tlew which
as generally taken by courts and law
yers and was explicitly taken by me In
any work on American railroad law, la
a passage to which I refer, you. In my
letter of October 24. It is part of the
jreneral American common law. resting
upon principles of right and Justice
that hare been generally accepted by
the people of the United States.
1 ilTa not complain in my former
letter, nor do J now. of your charac
terizing me as having been 'retrogres
sive.' "Ton hare stated In public that I
took the Tlew that It was competent
for the workmen, when drlren to ac
cept any employment, to bind them
selves not to be comiensated. If they
lost life and limb In that occupation."
Liability View Denied.
"I hare denied that I ever took such
ft Tlew. I will add that I hare Ions;
been In favor of the workingman s
compensation acts (though not un
aware of the Constitutional difficul
ties In applying it in this country) and
was nominated to the office to which
you referred by a party which called
tor such legislation in Its platform.
"I now repeat my request that yon
retract this statement of which i com
plain. 1 ask It as a matter of fairness
to one of whom his reputation as a
lawyer Is of value as well as In the In
terest of truth.
"It would seem to me that In your
reference to the Hone case. In your
second undated letter, you not only got
wide of the question between us. but
write under a misapprehension of the
rules which govern the decision of legal
actions. Ivt me state a few of these.
as to which there Is no difference of
opinion among any who have made the
U a study.
Common Law Holds.
-A judge. In deciding a case, has to
eronounce on a past transaction. The only
question coming before him lei: What
were the right or the parties wnen tnsc
transaction took place? This must depend
on the law as It then exlesed.
"Most of our law Is what is termed the
customary or common law. In eacb
generation the people make It and add
to It by common consent, as they go
along: and so far. at least, aa the courts
recognise and approve It. tt Is as au
thoritative and binding as If enacted by
the Legislature. There has thus grown
up a -general common law -resting upon
consideration of right and justice that
have been generally accepted by the
people of the United States, the rule
of which necessarily governed the de
cision of the Hoxle case.
Decisions Are Cited.
"The main question In the Hoxle
ease was whether a Federal statute
had altered the common law. aa ad
ministered In the state courts of Con
necticut. Thst the fellow-servant rule
was part of this common law In Con
necticut wss not questioned by any of
the able counsel who participated In
the argument. . . .
"The Supreme Court of Errors had
no power to repudiate this fellow-serv-ant
rule, as sppllcable to the case be
fore them. It had become generally
accepted as right and Just In the middle
of the last century by the American
people. It had been ret-ognised and
applied by the Supreme Court of Errors
of Connecticut in many opinions."
Judge Baldwin here cited several
opinions bearing on the case and con
tinues: "Shortly after I came upon the bench
a case arose (Vol an vs. Railroad. 70
Conn. Reports 14). In which this same
fellow-servant rule was relied upon.
"Vi applied as we were- bound to do.
but with the observation that It was
too firmly established as law by a
multitude of decisions to be now re
versed or seriously modified by any
exercise of the power vested In
court a."
Interpreters Say Man Charged With
Land Fraud Approached Them.
GUTHRIE. Okla-. Oct. SI. A- J. John
son and George Kls;keton. two Indian
Interpreters, who are important witnesses
for the Government In the hearing to
extradite to Mexico five men wanted there
for alleged Kleaapoo land frauds, testi
fied today that they had been offeerd (304
eaeh to "stay by" the defendant
They said they had already been paid
mail amounts by two of the defendants
and that they had turned over the money
to the prosecutor.
Portland Excursion Will Visit Lew-lston-Faloue
Seven ty-nva business men of Port
land have already signified their In
tention of going on the "Lewlstoa
I'alouse country educational excur
sion." which will leave the city on
tue night of November It for a four
days trip through the rich valleys and
productive mountain slopes of Eastern
Washington and Western Idaho, a
territory tributary -to the commercial
Interests of Portland. At least three
sleepers and a dining-car will make up
the special train and other cars will
be added to accommodate any number
that might wish to make the trip.
The Itinerary follows:
Luv Portland, via O. R. N. Co..
P. M.. Wednesday. November IS; arrive
Lewlston Junction 1:13 A. U.. Thursday.
November 1: leave LtwlBton Junction, via
Camas Prairie Kailwav. 1:13 A. M. : arrive
Oransevtlle 8 A. M-: leave Grangevllle 9:30
A. M.. arrive Cottonwood 10:13 A. M. ; leave
Cottonwood 10:4S A. M.. arrive Steuenberg
11:10 A. M.: leave Steuenberg 11:23 A. Si..
arrive, Vollmer 11:60 A. M-; leave VoUmer
12:1S P. M.. arrive Reubens 12:40 P. M.;
leave Reubens 12:30 P. M-. arrive Culdesao
1:43 P. M ; leave Culdesao 1:63 P. M.. ar
rive Lew 1st on 3 P. M-: leave Lewlstoo 12
midnight, arrive Stltes 6 A M. Friday. No
vember IS: leave Stltes 8:30 A. It., arrive
Ore Pino :SO A. iL: leave Oro Flno 10
A. M.. arrive Moscow 1:16 P. M.: leave
Moscow 2:16 P. M-, arrive Pullman
P. U : leave Pullman S:33 P. St.. arrive
Palouae 4:20 P. il-i leave ralouse 4: 40 P.
it . i arrive Garfield 6 P. M. ; leave Garfield
s ;4 p. M. arrive Oakeertale 6:30 P.
leave Oekeedale :15 P. M-. arrive Rosalia
6 AO V. M-: leave Rosalia :B0 P. V . ar
rive 8pokase 8:10 P. M.; leave Spokane 11
A. M. baturday. November 1. arrive Cheney
ii-i.-. a u . iMva rhnev 12:30 P. V.. ar
rive Spracue 1:25 P. M ; leave Sprague 1:3S
P. 14.. arrive Ritzvllle 2:85 P. At.; leave
Rltn-ni 3 n.-. V M arrive Paha S:22 P.
M. ; leave Paha 3:82 P. M.. arrive Und S:4j
P. 34.: leave Llnd 4:18 P. M.. arrive Cun
ningham 4:63 P. M. ; leave Cunningham 4:08
P. JC, arrive Hatton S:lo r. M-: leave
ton S:13 P. 11.. arrive Connell 4:30 P. M
leave Connell S O P. M.. arrive Mesa 4:fS
P. M. : leave Mesa 7:05 P. M.. arrive Kltopia
7:20 P. M. : leave Eltopla T:3 r. m.. ar
rive Pasco 8 P. M. : leave raaco via o. r.
A 8. Railway 11:80 P. M. Saturday. No
vember 19. arrive Portland 4 A. M. Sunday,
November go. Rate per eaplta. 84Q.
Asinrrx browx, op Seattle,
Don SI. Carr Promoted to Port of
Assistant, Emphasizing Determl
nation Xot to Resign.
WASHINGTON'. D. C Oct. 31. (Spe
cial.) Secretary Balllnger. of the De
partment of the Interior, today an
nounced a reorganisation of his office
force, which emphasises his oft-repeated
assertions that he has no intention
of resigning his portfolio and indicate
that he Is preparing lor a nara win
ter's work.
Today, he promoted Don M. Carr, his
private secretary, to the position of as
sistant to the Secretary of the Interior
and named Ashmun N. Brown, Wash
ington correspondent of the Seattle
Post-Intelllgencer. as his secretary, to
fill the place made vacant by uarrs
Upon his appointment as private sec
retary to Mr. Balllnger, Mr. Brown
promptly tendered his resignation" to
his newspaper, Mr. Brown is a native
of Seattle and a son of the late Benan
Brown, once editor of the Post-Intelll
gencer and a well-known newspaper
Ashmun Brown has been In the news
paper business for about 20 years, most
of the time on the Pacific Coast. For
two years, he was private secretary to
Governor Head.
Mr. Carr succeeds E. C. Finney, who
was recently appointed counsel for the
Reclamation Service. Carr will not be
a stranger to assisting Balllnger In
looking after the details of the tre
mendous amount of work the Interior
chief is called on to do, for he and
Assistant Attorney-General Oscar Law
ler hare been the Secretary's right
hand man In all the strenuous times he
has had.
Deal Said to Involve $13,000,000.
Transfer Will Be Tnlversal.
Improvements Promised.
cial.) Ail the city lines of the Pacific
Electric Compsny, with their entire
equipment, were purchased today by the
Los Angeles Railway Corporation, and
beginning tomorrow morning will be op
erated under the one management.
The consideration Is not given out by
officials, but it Is understood to have
been about til. 000,000. - The deal Is one
explanation for the Los Angeles Railway
Corporation's recent increase of capital
isation from J3.VOO.000 to J3O.OO0.O0O.
The absorption of the so-called Red
lines by the Yellow means universal
transfers and 1 expected to be of great
benefit to the public. The buying com
poj.y has promised to make many Im
provements. The. system acquired was formerly the
traction company built bv the Hooks snd
afterward bought by Huntington's ln
terurban company and later absorbed by
the Pacific Electric It reaches far In
all directions with a few tracks and will
be a valuable groundwork for the Los
Angeles Railway Corporation's constant
construction of feeders. This will mske
the mileage of that company In excess
of SBO.
H. E. Huntington Is president and vir
tual owner, though most of the Mock
was Issued to bis son. Howard E. Hunt
ington, the general manager. The elder
Huntington also retains control of the
Pacific Electric, which Is directing Its
energies to farther fields and Is expected
to stretch Its COO miles of trackage to
1000 within two years.
Jordan Says tiovernments Sow
Ruled by Capitalists.
PALO ALTO, CaL. Oct. SI. 'The
high cost of living which we are feel
ing now la due partly to the outcome
of the Russian-Japanese War." re
clared David Starr Jordan, president
of the Leland Stanford. Jr.. University,
in a speech tonight on "International
"The whole world helps to pay the
penalties of any war." he said. "Gov
ernments are now ruled by their cap
italists. The drain of war In life and
blood has lowered the quality of the
race and has placed the nations under
bonds to the Invisible empire of wealth
that can never be paid.
"Every great power is staggering
under the weight of the Interest
charges alone. The "unseen empire' of
capitalistic combinations and not the
nations nactlvely engaged in war are
the actual gainers by hostilities."
Dr. Jordan's sddress to the students
was based on the observations of his
recent European tour.
Sons Receive Eckert Estate.
NEW TORK. Oct. SL The will of
Thomas T. Eckert, former president of
the Western Union Telegraph Company,
filed for probate today, leaves practi
cally the entire estate to his two sons,
Thomas T. Eckert. Jr. and James C.
Eckert. The value of the estate is not
given. General Eckert died at Eiberon.
N. J, October 10. aged 86-
Colonel Talks Nine Times in
Night in Behalf of
Manhattan Hears ex-President De
fine Policy of Friendship to La
boring Man Henry Taft Also
Joins Speechmaking Toar.
NEW YORK. OcC 31. Theodore Roose
velt swept almost from end to end of
Manhattan tonight. delivering nine
speeches in behalf of Henry L. Stimson,
the Republican nominee for Governor. At
the nine stops he spoke 15 minutes each
time, following close on the trail of Mr.
Stimson, who had precided him with an
equal number of brief campaign talks.
Both msde Tammany Hall the brunt of
When Colonel Roosevelt entered he was
Introduced as "the greatest citizen of
the world."
After an opening thrust at Tammany,
he said:
"I ask for the support of the East Side
because we are fighting your fight. Via
are trying to shape conditions so that
every decent man can have the opportu
nity to show the stuff tbst Is in him. so
that any oppressed man may come here
and have the chance to bring up himself
and those dependent upon him under fair
and honest treatment.
New Nationalism Defined.
"A good deal Is being said about "New
Nationalism.'. Xoi 'New Nationalism' is
simply the effort to apply old moralities
to new and changed conditions; to secure
for the working man reasonable wages
under healthy conditions and not too long
hours." .
At the second stop, still on the lower
East Side, Mr. Stimson promised rich
and poor alike a square deal. Colonel
Roosevelt charged that those who are
supporting Tammany Hall and the
Democratic ticket, "are the men wno
have been foremost In endeavoring to
nullify the child labor law and who
have protested against the regulation
of the hours of labor."
Power Rests in Belief.
At the Murray Hill Lyceum, East
Side, Colonel Roosevelt said:
"I have not an element of power ex
cept the belief of a number of my fel
low cltlxens that I stand for what Is
decent and straight and that I want
to bring nearer the day when there
will be honesty and fair dealing be
tween man and man. My power van
ishes when my fellow citizens cease to
believe in what Is straight and honest
I can fight for you. but I cannot gain
the victory for you. I can point out
the way, but you've got to do the fight
ing yourself. Now is your opportunity
to take advantage of It."
Henry W. Taft also spoke at this
meeting. The President's brother spoke
i follows:
"Some of our Democratic friends seek
to defeat the Republican state ticket as
a means of ruining Mr. Roosevelt's po
litical future, but the consequences of
such a defeat would be far reaching
and they ought to be regarded by
every thoughtful Republican with the
greatest concern because oi its eriect
on the result of the Presidential elec
tion la Wli" - '
2 '
.' I &f ' -.
If you like a long, roomy Overcoat,
that covers you up and down, with a
big enough collar to turn up snugly
to lay plain or to button in "Military"
style as shown here, try the
Hart, Schaff ner & Marx
UJsterette. You'll never wear anything better.
Form-fitting or box back, long
skirt or medium, button-through
or fly-form; we have Overcoats
of all sorts for men of all tastes.
Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats
$18.00- to $45.00
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Go.
Northwest Corner Third and Morrison
Copyright Hart Schaflner ft Mais
George Schmidt Victlnm of Free-
For-All Fight.
George Schmidt, blacksmith, 28 years
old, was fatally stabbed In the abdomen
during the progress of a free-for-all
fight by several residents In the neigh
borhood of Morris and Delay streets at
10 o'clock last night. Schmidt Is at St.
Vincent's Hospital.
Adam Schwarts, 49 Morris street, Ja
cob Steigeh Albert Schnell and Jacob
Kelp and his wife, 64S Delay street, were
Prom the statements made at
headquarters It Is apparent that
brass knuckles, rocks and knives were
the principal weapons used In the Im
broglio. Schwarts displayed the evi
dence of severe treatment at the hands
of Jacob Stelgel, whom, he avers, wielded
brass knuckles and struck him several
times about the head during the fight.
Kelp also was battered by the knuckles.
Just what was tne incentive tor me
flsrht Is a mystery. Kelp and his
wife maintain that they knew nothing
of how Schmidt received the wound in
the abdomen. Schwarts and Kelp came
to the station Immediately following the
conflict to make a complaint against
Stetgel. Schmidt had in the meantime
been Injured and sent to the hospital.
Saddler's Wife Declares He Threat
ened to Kill Her.
'My wife's biscuits are not fit for a dog
to gnaw at." declared W. J. Whltall. a
saddler by occupation and a bridegroom
of three months, after he had been de-
Doelted In a cell at police headquarters
last night on a charge of threatening to
kill his wife. He Is held in deiault oi
JiOO ball.
According to wmtall s plaint his help
meet's culinary efforts were dismal fail
ures from the outset. He was of a for
giving nature and resolved to overlook
her deficiencies. Ail went well until his
mother-in-law appeared at his home In
Arleta and took up her abode with him
and his wife. Saturday evening he took
exception to appearances of a plate of
soda biscuits made by his wife. A tri
angular argument enaued and Whltall'l
wife alleges In a warrant sworn out
against him yesterday, that he threat
ened to kill her.
Northern Pacifle Asks Display.
TT p. Wight, processor of the Com
mercial Club, yesterday received word
from the Northern Pacific Railway
Company to ship 0 cans of Oregon
products to St. Paul at once, to place
on exhibition In the Northern Pacific
advertising car. which will soon start
on a trip through the Middle West.
Processor Wight hss already sent 150
cans to the Great Northern for use In
Its advertising car. This consignment
of Oregon products will make up
half the car load carried by the Great
Northern. Both cars will start from
St. Paul.
Cold Kills Cotton Worth $150,000.
ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct. Jl. Commissioner
of Agriculture Thomas G. Hudson today
estimated that the damage to the cotton
crop In Georgia from the recent cold
weather waa C5O.00O.
Carnegie Fund Commission
Rewards Life-Savers.
Medals, 30 Silver and 28 Bronse,
Awarded to Brave Who Risk
Selves for Others Many
Pensions Allowed.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 31. Fifty-eight
names were added to the Carnegie hero
list today by the Camegle Hero Fund
Commission. For acts of heroism 30 sil
ver snd 2 bronze medals were awarded
the life-savers or their families In cases
where death resulted.
Ia addition cash awards aggregating
140.206 were made in 33 of the cases, the
cash to be used for educational or other
purposes at the discretion of the execu
tive committee. In 23 other cases of
rescue, or attempted rescue, where the
heroes died, pensions running from 320
to 370 a month were made to the de
pendents with $5 a month additional for
each child.
Mine Heroes Foremost.
Of the rescues from death or the at
tempts, seven were from railroad trains
or streetcars. 19 from drowning, one from
a runaway horse, eight from suffocation
In gas producers or wells. 20 from death
n mine disasters, two from fire and one
from shooting.
The mine disaster at Cherry, HI-, in j
riovemoer. ivw. xigurea prominently iu
the hero list, with the recognition of the
heroism of 13 miners. Eleven of these
died from Injuries In rescuing an un
known number of miners, and, besides
a silver medal, monthly stipends were
made to the families In the cases. Two
that survived were awarded the silver
medal and 31000 each.
Partial List Told.
The recipients of the awards and the
classification of their heroism follow In
Bronze medals to:
Daniel W. McGowan, Aroata. Cal.,
George H. Griffin (died). Tower City
N. r., drowning.
Bronze medal and cash as needed for
specific purposes to:
Edmund Price, Los Angeles, streetcar.
Henry P. McCoy, Pocatello, Idaho, suf
Silver medals and cash to:
C. Gustavo Groenvelt (died), Watson
vUle. CaL, suffocation.
Joseph B. Pinazza (died), Meaderville,
Mont., suffocation.
Herman W. Mcintosh (died), Fresno,
Cal., train.
Osmon Royal Heads Men's Union.
Election of officers was the principal
feature of the annual business meeting
of the Men's Methodist Social Union
of Oregon, which was held last night
at the First Methodist Episcopal
Church. General plans for work dur
ing the coming year were discussed,
and reports of committees read. Fol
lowing are the officers which are to
act for the year: Dr. Osmon Royal,
president; B. Lee Paget, vice-president;
J. W. Day, secretary; E. T. Johnson,
treasurer; G. F. Johnson, chairman of
the reception committee: J. P. Newell,
chairman of the entertainment commit
tee, ad J. E. Lwton, chairman of the
membership committee.
Storm In Caribbean Predicted.
MOBILE, Ala Oct. 31. The local
Weather Bureau today received the fol
lowing: "Advisory Indications of tropical storm
east to south of Jamaica, moving west to
northwest. Vessels leaving for the Car
ibbean Sea should exercise caution.
Veteran Railroad Man Dies.
DOVER, Del., Oct. 31. Sf alone Hayes,
secretary-treasurer of the Delaware Rail
road for about 50 years and one of the
best known men In Delaware, died here
today of general debility. Mr. Hayes
celebrated the 93d anniversary of his
birth last May.
If so, there are germs at work right at
the roots of the hair. The best thing
to do? Destroy these germs, every one
B B of them. Any hair medicine made that
rillf will do this, and without the slightest
I IUI B harm tQ s hair? Yes ; Ayers Hair
Vigor. You save what hair you have,
and you get a new growth besides.
Doubtful about this ? Then let your
doctor decide. Ask him what he
J gg-? thinks of Ayes Hair Vigor. With his
VaU-L approval, you should feel perfectly safe.
Does not Color the Unfair
J. C Aver Company, Lowell. Mass.
ever Proves Fatal Should Be Treated
Kxteraally With 1'e.lam.
Eczema ls,not a blood disease on
this point medical authorities agree. It
never proves fatal, and Is generally
found in tnose wno are uinerwo
healthy. Being a surface skin trouble,
it can only be treated by external
means. Poslam has probably accom
plished more remarkable cures of this
and other akin diseases than any rem
edy known. It is applied directly upon
the disorder, stops Itching at once and
clears and heals the skin. "After suf
fering with eczema for fourteen years
my hands and feet were in such con
dition I could hardly use them," writes
Mrs. Ksther Clark, Itoxbury, Maes;
"after being treated by several doctors
and spending a small fortune I thought
I would try poslam. I find myself per
fectly well. I am so grateful that I
cannot praise it enough."
Merely a small quantity of poslam
used for clearing the complexion, quick
ly removing pimples, eruptions, rashes,
and blemishes. Is sufficient to show
what it can do. For this purpose free
samples are mailed to any one upon re
quest by the Emergency Laboratories,
32 West Twentv-flfth street. New York
City. AH druggists, particularly the
Owl Drug Co., sell both the BO-cent
trial packages and the regular 33 jars.
Best Grade Lump Coal
$6.00 Per Ton
Delivered to Any Address Within the City Limits of Portlani
The Pacific. Coal Gas Company wish to announce to the public that
they have sold the 900 tons of ooal which they advertised they would
ell at 35. B0 per ton, and the Company has decided to offer an addi
tional BOO tons at 36.00 per ton on the same basis as that sold at fB.50
per ton, which was only two tons to each customer at this price and
no orders will be accepted unless accompanied by the cash or check.
We are making deliveries of our coal to those who have ordered, and
we are printing for your information some of the letters that have been
written to us by those who are now using the coal. We have many more
en file in our office and would be pleased to show them to you that yon
may know the kind of coal this ia
This order will posltlvelyaeease as soon as the 600 tons have beea
sold and the price will then be advanced to 37.60 per ton, which price
will remain fn force for the balance of the Winter.
If you wish to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to save
several dollars per ton on your coal, you will have to act at once as
this BOO tons wlU be sold very rapidly.
The' following la a copy at some ot the letters:
J. J. Folea.
O. K. Fitxslmmona
403 Merchants Trust Building.
lPortland. Oregon.
Phone Main 4073.
Portland, Or, Oct. 7,
Pacific Coal & Oas Co, 318-1 Commercial Club Bldg.. Portland. Or.
Gentlemen: I am very particular about the coal I use, always buying
the highest grades. A friend told me about your offer of two tons at
a low price aa a test. I am very glad I availed myself of that offer
and secured some of your coal. It Is as good as any high-grade coal I
have ever used. It Is clean, soot less, leaves little ash, fires, quickly aad
holds heat well. I consider that you have done me a great favor la
the service you have rendered. I will most certainly want more of lb
lou are at liberty to ue this letter as a sincere testimonial.
Tours very truly.
(Signed.) J. J. FOLEX
Portland. Or, Oct. 3, ltle.
Pacific Coal ft Gas Co, Portland, Or.
Gentlemen: In reply to yours of the Bth will say that after trying
your coal that it is a pleasure to me to recommend the same.
It burns well and does not clinker and leaves little ash.
It Is the best coal that I have used In Oregon and 1 can cheerfully
recommend it. Sincerely yours. JAS. P. H A.GADOMB.
Portland. Or, 3-13-110.
This Is to certify that the undersigned has purchased two tons of
coal from the Pacific Coal ft Gas Co. of Portland and have tested it
In our kitchen range, and find It to be Just as recommended, first-class,
coal for a oft coaL
1. & GREENFIEUX 41 Fatton Road, Office phoae.
Mala lit.
Pacific Coal & Gas Company
Boom 218, Commercial Club Building.
Phone, Marshall 2581.
Portland, Oregon.
W .KIK-i'St:
, fid entitle
That's the
flavor and
quality in
(Tbod old v
Bottled In Bono
Send for a free copy of "Making the
Standard Rye Whiskey of America."
A. Carkeiili filter & Bros, DiiuHen,
PitUbirf. Since 1857
Get Exhilaration And
Energy From Your Bath
It cleanses and refreshes the skin, lets the
pores breathe, removes dead cuticle
and stimulates circulation.
All Grocers and Druggista
taking liquid physic or big or little
oills that which makes you worse
instead of curing. Cathartics don' t
enre they irritate and weaten tne
bowels. CASCARETS make the
bowels strong, tone the muscles so
they crawl and work when they
do this they are healthy, producing
right results.
CA8CARBT9 loc a box for a week's
treatment. All drufrgists. Biggest seller
la the world. Miluea boxes a stoat.