y turn I I LEW Ihr. ator-r brl.-. SflnlOO; tlt glass frrmt, lath ud Mars hail. sultaDi fr llshl Jot-bin. mMuJMurijic or retail, will lea one-hall; divide space to suit Ituu or Itnuu .V. O- lxn,. front and Anfnr rwO new arnall concrete stores Ju tora pleaed In main ut-uda biM.nMi block. Vondcrful opportunity for any kind of business. C. U HimtwriT. room 2. Urn Wfmmi bid,. Main IM. -f;W store; vrr promislnc location fr business. Hartm an it Itompwo, Cnam br of Comic errg. omc Oii KENT Thr.. fin. offlco room on ae ond for Lumber Eichar.c DulMln. 3d and Star at. Inquire F. H. Holbroo Co, 214 Lumtxr Esyr.anco bids'. OFT-CE3 for rent and ale. furniture for ul( t a born In. Inquire Janitor. Mer rhuiii' Trust bxlc-. or. " and vvaaa- tnrton. XRT of aie.lv furniaried offiee fr rent; telephone and typewriter furnished: 1 monLhtT- 4ia Hallway j;cjjnv. MOST centrally located offices. H and up. all-aisht .levator rrlc. SO Swellana bld.. 6th and Washington. tOR BENT UK room with desk, lis-hts. water, both pnonea and clerk services; .12.30 monthly. J Spalding bnllnln. r'FI.'E.- and sample-rooms. Manchester butld'ns-. bO1 6th at. ITOR RCW A faw otr.eaa la Couch bldg. ran LU b!d. ttKUti room in wll-llhlod orrice. Inquire room - - T - 2"J S Ab.na'.on bids;. W areboaaesv WAREHOUSE FOB RENT. Cor. Kaal Was functor, and East See-ond t. 13M7i feet, on floor; on o. R. A S. track, lately occupied by Cudahy Pack Ins l o. !' Investment Co.. i.T root at. Phono Main BRONG-PTEEI.K CO.. Ground floor lwts blds tOR 6ALK Las on atoro 13 men t ha to run; on whirtoo at . botwaan ith and aOtb. S 4v. Of C'jntaa OR IEa7b- Track., noe """ sarr locatloa; aiao corner " . . BUSINESS OrrORTtTXTTTXa. IP tou"have:oo to soo. Or mora to Invest In aolid manufartnr tne bu'ineaa wh-ra tha net Income from 6o lo l"o pr rrnl and your money abao autaly afe. allr-as or rail ATLAS EN.; I NEK It INI fO... tT llmry 1 1 1 . 1 e T h ' M a 1 n 1 .. 1 K'M.EHT STORK AT A SACRIFICE. Wa o(Tr for sa: a clean sto. It of ro ariea; Bituren and furniture of 3 rooms ail for taiM. worth ; this l a har- aala aad wilt not last Iocs BI.OCH RKALTf CO.. Lit" 0 rruermens b;.i. t.NE-UA!.E INTEBtT In the UE.ST P tnr buelneaa In Central tregon; prlca U'.MJO; lJv down. ThJ Investment will aurw brtna yoo HO.nno In two ear. For particular sea or r-rlts Ora Van TasaeiU Madraa. Crook Conntr. Oreiron. a-HRIVI.NO established erocery buatnesa, that la turning a small slock better than onco a nionth. Must sell on account or Illness. For Information sea O. I. Bam berr. A 2lv Itoom 2. Lumberruans Mt Min . sWK 6AI.E A bUcitsmlth shop SOartO feet, ana location; also an reden:a across street from shop; lot GOxsi feet; located on corner of eyh and B sts.. Me Vlnr.vi:le. Or. A. C. Ahrenden. owner. eU1L.S;.C mill partner wanted, owner can t handlo busmeea aloaa; pay you salary 410 monthly and Irt you pay half pur ehaaa price out of buatnesa Call room C?3 lin-.ter Et-har-.ce. sV Lot'Ah corporatin. aeil eslabllshel. do tes a food business; requires l-UOO ta OO for further deveiopmenl of business; beat of referenrea eiven and required. Ad drss O 4tJ. oreeonlan. SAIHNbH wanted to take half Interest In ladles' empument ofrlce. This Is a ebance for a lady or tentleman with small capital (live phons in aaawer. V '. Oregonlan. 4VMAI.L store business wants partner: owner can t depend on hired help; will pay you KS weekly to start In with. TK required. Call room 6-J Lumber Etchanec. sTLIIBBAN GROCER T Flock. lot and bull. line. In fist-rrowlnc dia'rlcl; con sider part trade. vl 1-umbermana Bank BMI. CAjil'ENTEM SHOr. p:cnty work on haml. st'K-k. too:, sd will and one mouths rent, all f"r ) Bloch Realty Co.. 221 Ijtimbermena bi'lg. Sa'AXTEUrartner In llkht manufartunnit business: owner will suarantea business pes u monthly. Particulars call room oa Lumber Eicbaafr. X 1 ,n touch with Eastern and European capital for larae arst-clasa enterprise. For private Interview addreaa i. 47 J. Ora If on I an. V'orLI like to Interest younr man or woman In near resiaurani ifrvinjviuvu r restaurant irwcoeitjwu . can make bis; money. A J niust haee f.oo 4 T J. orexonun. fXR ItAl.E Clsar and confectionery stand, entrance popular theater: price very roa-snn-ible. Hee owner. Jhk e. Burnslde. Iliads A'liJ A RS and confectionery store; a Mr money-maker. Call 417 iioard of TrAe. . WANTblU Partner In reetaurant: cook pre ferred. Investigate. Owner, trtto N. tlin atreet. . s;i,i i'liJAK ators. Iare Ir.insfer corner; this place Is now attune floo monto. Call aj1 Henry bide sCkESI Al'RAN T. doms Hood business, cen trally located, very cheap If takaa at once. l. E M . A Eamt jturnslde. llxEPTIviNAi. opportunity on irround floor larce manufacttirin protxisltlon; 10.00 re.iulred. AC 4UI. tefeeonian. J'iiiiFE.sSlON AL. advertlaine writer, familiar with all ptvtuotina literature, open for ta aaaement. i 4J4. Urvgonlaa. srJtRTNER wanted for an established busl. reaa czarina elO a day. 41! iloard el Trada aV-PUATKN printing plant, established 4 fear or will sell S Interest to rustler. 40s. teres on tan. GROCERY, ane location, roomlng-hooa dis trict. West tde. will Invoice, a bargain for cash: no agents. J 40. Uregonlan. ga'l'EKN hotel-roomliig-houeo on Waali Irgton at., HJ room and ground floor l"b hv $7ti will handle C 471. teregman. s'aNTEI Xlanacer. estahliahed manufac turing plant. -ovU requited. N eol. Ora K organ. sVL'T- iMATir Call ax Advertising Clock Co. liMto shares or anv part for M cents a stare. AB 47. Oregnnian. sVl hTtx'K aales;nan. Kneel commission to rtsht party: beet selling proposition la tha country. N 4HO. lirrwoua. BAKERT In tha rllv. with live rooms and etore. for eo cheap; owner going East. W 477. oreiconlan. sV SNAP If taken at once; dyeirts and clean tns works, horae an I wagon; leaving 1 own Phone Main ''.'?0. aVAR TNER VANTEl Cash busineas. re quires verv little money: will pay yoo. $m iXay. Particulars StS Stark St. CioNTROI.INO Interest In smalt manufac taring plant dHug a rd buslneav; good !.-a:lori. In city. Address I, t1. Box 37. JfcANTr'.l Party with $"ea ta take treae urersrtip At manufacturing proposition. A 47. Oreconlan. a?AKTNF.RWANTFT Solid off.ee lut!naa: g.vea bank refeeen.-es: soot profits guar anteed. Particulars a4'-e H:ark at. HIMIVO AND INfU'STRIAL S IXx. Eii. Telephone and other beuAs b-rusht and se'd Flet. her Ine. Co. 2-o Abingtoa. JjiiUv'AVKSSKS ar.d lun.-h room; rent S 17. Price tan. eaat a-.oe X 477. oregonlaa. J"vR ttALE S lntereat la cash bualneaa for t:e4. aeta to a day. P 4.'. Orcgonian. XX-ASS and apecin.-atloa. bvlf price, even lnr.e and overtime. P 47tl. treenlan BAKIIKR Si:"!'. 4 Uatre. tloa n town, g.'o. H. el H.. il i.umbermcna bldg. 4i tONTKiTll'SKRI and bakery, aalas average $.'o aay. tail 3J Henry blag. lUTlrR. esg and cheese store, doing ag buataesa. cheap. 417 lioard of Trade. CAFETERIA. 1-inch room, center of city; e-'loo. n. gr H . 3J1 Eumherrpena bldg HIOTO atudto fir sale la the best locatloa In city- A M 4.'A Oregonlsn. aCo-BUSINESS car.is. $!."0. you rr.tat bring thia ad Rose City ITinrery. 1 91 Third VtNDING machines, do out and earning money. eOVV LiimWinni bldg. VR gAI.E P olr.xim. 6 tables; good loca tlon. Call 3lJ Wllliame ave. scQR SALE Meat market, flae location, rent H Phone r-ll wood H.7 PARTNER wsnted tor a cash store to wait on customers, etc. 417 Board of Trade. COjL opening la book business. 31 Lum bertnens b.Ug. $'.i0 GROCERT. OD Wsahlnrton street. wilca average 9 l-V Call 3JS t l'-ir b! tg- CliilR and confectionery store: lease; dears t0 month. Call i4-'s stark si j5EAT-aiARKET cheap: pay you to InreaU aata. Avast 21st aad Clintosv TO IXA1C J I ifAIKI n w " - I.10T ftrrm to root for'caah to rtvr.t party; over 30O ictm In cuiuvatloa. bat. paatur;' ran kop -0O t"l of mllh cowa. ood bolldtuca. rannins watar. I miiM irt K. It. Coma lo our offices If la- - ! SI X 1 V nmiKTI I "I . . - r ....... . - . - - I OOOn ssloons for sale la city and eouhiy. Addreaa Lux Trading Company. National Bank of Commerce bldg-. Tacoma. Wash, MOTIOX-PICTL'RB machines: Powers. Bdl--.n. Fat be and others always In stock from 1 75 up: the latest and best films for rent. Tha beat la none too good" la our stand ard. We teach operating and qualify to run a show; before closing deal eiawwbere be sure and see tsi; we have the goods and trices are right. WftlTB V9 IN RBC.ARO TO OVR Or-ERATOH-S HOOK ENTITLED -PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION TO OPER ATORS OF MOVINO P1CTURB MA CHINES." Price l. Laemmls Film Sere Ice Alliance, rooms too-alu Couch bldg, Portland. Or. FOR EALB BT OWNER. A GOOrPATINO restaurant, with fu'l stock, ran seat l: low rent, long lease: am going away to take op contract work; call and see this at once; a good buy and will sell quick. "OWL CAFE." 3S E. Morrlaoa St.. city. FOR SALS. A I0-M rapacity Uuse!! portable saw mill complete, with cutoff saw. sawdust conveyor, etc.: also a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachmsms. good as new; hss been used only a abort time. For particulars call at my office, 22-22 Front it, Portlsnd. Or. HERMAN METZGER. Owner. OPPORTUNITY to Burchase twenty million feet of ane timber, located where It cast be locged cheaply to large pond of water. ao.OOo capacity sawmill and Willamette lorciog engine go with this deal If re quired; satisfactory trrraa can be made with right party. D 311. Oregonlan. VAX!' ABLE BUSINESS INFORMATION. This agency Is In a position ta furnish reliable Information regarding business openings: only legitimate propositions coa st dered. aVMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 4ta Ahlngtoa bldg.. Eatablishsd IMC MOVING-PICTURE THEATER. The New York Motion Picture Company starts you In motion picture buatnesa on easy terms: established theaters also for sals: largest stock of machines, films, etc for sale or for rent. b2Ci Washington, near 17 th. FOR PALE Confectionery atore. located In Vancouver: Ideal location, good traae; stock Is new and up to date, and la worth tICovl. but must sell, and will, at a great argaln. If you mean business, writs AB 4 7 '1. Orcgonlsn. W ANTED. Party with f lo laks an tntsrsst la a good paying business. AMi MERCANTILE AGENCY. 41 Abington bldg. Mam S'JSS. FOR SALE Real estate office, ground door, very best location; larga Hat of farms, city property and business chances; good furniture; large show window. A lecltl msts proposition; cash IMI. Phona A luoa. Maln 11)74. , FOR SALE Corsica and sheet metal shop, i Interest. In ths best town In Oregon; work on hand win last all Wlatsr; will Invoice foal: real bargain for a sheet metal worker. Address C 44. Oregonlan TWO FINE GROCERIES. One center of West Side, doing I') a day. ail cash trade, flsoo: one on East Side, doing glOu a day: low rent; f-SOO. Hall at llickle. 821 Lumbermcna bldg. I HAVE best money-making Invention and wish to meet any in tar rated party with Boms capital and who meaas business; moat proiltable and safe proposition aver ortered. Callb4E;Maln St. HALF interest In ai old established boat ness. doing a good business, with a sal aried position of 3100 per month. For full particulars, call Kinney Starapher, Lum ber I'.gcbange bidg.. rooms 531-f3J. TOUNG MAN. STRANG Will Ifaks careful Invsstlgation nt expense of seller before you Invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department. X. M. C A FU RN ITU RE SNAP. Furniture t Including .V0 piano) of T rooiti hotisc. good as new; cost $I4uO; will s.-ll for (SOO. H. H.. 8al Lumoermeos bldg. GROCERT STORE. For sale at a great sacrifice; fine line of grocerlee: good location; reasons for sellins. poor health. Apply Grays Cross ing Meat Market. Lenta. TH Id la your chance. I will exchange very good general merchandise bualneas In auburban town fir Portland property at Invoice price. Must sell account sick ness. Writs owner H 433. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT. Waahlngton at; -years leaaa. clearing; fine trade; If you want a good one yoa will buy this at ILMoO; terms. H. E. JAMES CO., S loth, near Stark. CONFECTIONERY. POOL. AND O RO CK RT. Down town: 2 years' lense; trade S20 a day: 1HK. H. 4k H-. 331 Lumbermtu bldg. WAXTED Silent or active partner to de velop a rich placer mine and locate burled gold and bullion; 100 Is required: success la rerta.n. J. A. C. Arista p. p.. Or. WANTED Party with 11500 to complete mining plant, ao stocks for sale; divi dends after BO days' run. Call or address 3mRailway Exchange, OLD-ESTABLISHED furniture business oa a prominent corner, can be bought rlfrhu Goldscnmldt's Agency. 2o3sa Washington St., corner 3d. PARTNER wanted In ground-floor real es tate and busineas chance office: good list, fine location, sasj rent, phona Marshall 1W. WILI psy an elderly lady 3-00 monthly and teach her face and acalp massage If she has fisoo to Invest; money secured. K 474. Oregonlan. 1-eViitl; PARTNER: right man can make good watrea be hla own boss and learn good business. Call room 601 Gerllngsr building. 2nd and Alder. FOR-SALE Lodging-house with tailor re pair busineas In connection; clears $150 per month: (300 takes It. Going East Ad Iresa J. Peyton. Hood River. Or. SCHOOL CONFECTIONERY. Close to Isrge school: A living roomi: ctran stock: e-loO. H. A H.. 3J1 Lumbax Biens bldg. Ki:STAUitA XT for sale. 371 Yamhill St cornar West Park: dirt cheap, ready for business. See owner. 51 Chambvr of Commerce bldg. VARIETY alora for sale; Eastern Oregon; fine location; only variety store In town. Ceng annual business of .lll.OoO to 114. ow. Address G 437. Oregonlan. TWO-CHAIR barber shop averaging 3t0 per week' go.nl lease, beKt town In Central Oregon: .-00 cash. Fyfa Glngraa, box -t. aladraa. Or. CEMENT ilCSINESti Partner wanted, re oulrea 7i.; pay energetic man S'-'u0 trontb: duties saally learned. Call 3t)a strk at. Fc'R SALE Blacksmith shop and tools: good location for a good horsesboer and gensral biacksrulth. Inquire of owner, James Sperce. St. Helens. Or. CloAR STAND. On Waahlngton at.; sales ISO: price 91700. tonus. AL A H. 3-1 Lumbermsna bldg. AN YONE wishing to Invest la a good saw mill property, ano location, cau get full Information br addreaslns Box 43a, Kver stuW ashmgton. TRANSFER business, partner wanted, re quires 110O0 and will pay 1 month; ex perience not accessary. Call S4Vs Stark stre-t. GIVEN away free, map of all the California ell Belds. also trial sohsorlptlon of publica tion tallfornla Oil Flelda" Sagar-Loomia Co . 701 ore gonlan bldg . Portland. Or. SICKNESS forces ma to sell my 9-room bouse, rood furniture. good carpets; rNars over my own rent Sea owner. 610 Swetland bldg. HAVE T you-flluo? I have for sale good wotd bualneas together with a home, house and woodiard. aawlng oulllt and wood. Ad dress C. M. Crittenden. Hubbsrd. Or. WANTED Neat, honest young maa with little money aa partner to show property and work In the office. 1 am alone and tired of hired help. 34J Fifth bl POOL AND CONFECTIONERY. 2 tables: trade alia to $13; no competi tion. $ooO. H. a H., 331Lumtormena bldg. STRICTLY "cash- grocery. Invoice (TOO. nice It. ing-rooms; can dear $135 month. Call S4a Stark St. HARDWARE or furniture stock wanted $..aM to $.moo; particulars wanted without delay. AM 471. Oregonlan. CONTRACTOR wants rellal dutlea easily learned: prodta iwt i-atl 'an W Stark at. reliable partner large; gsuo DO ou want to start a toasted com-flake mill T I can show you how. AJ 47a. Ora- aonlan. BOL1D famiiy grocery: $125 day sales; leasa. lew rent, best residence district. Call 3iSta Stark SL cTNFECTlONERY and grocery, all cash trade; BO delivery: rt living rooms; $lu00. H. ft H.. 3-1 Lumbermens bidg. AT COST One of tha beat groceries and marksts In the city; $340O monthly busi neas; no agents. K 47 Oragonlaa. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY., XOTE3IBER 1. 1910 ni.lVHr.lt AJLiaiiv a.os. I have for sale one of- the Ansel butcher shops and packing plants any where around: this Is no run-down busi ness, but is paying big money right row: about coOOU: will consider trade for good property. C. W. LaBarre. 20 commercial bide. 2i and Washington. MOVING-PICTURE theater This la a real snap at only $4500; central West Side lo cation: established business: good lease for S years; cheap relit; everything com plete, flnlahed to nil every requirement of law; Insured: Inveatlgate thoroughly be fore you buy. Corbetu 2" Alisky bldg. ROOMING-HOUSES. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 31I-IH-17 Ablnitton Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE HEAXIQUaRTERS. If you are looking for a FIRST-CLASS ROOMING-HOUSE, call and see us. We Srotect both the buyer and seller. Below i a partial list of what we can offer yon. OUR LEADER. , 85 rooms, new corner brick. Morrison sr. location; VERY beautifully furnished; rent. Including heat, hot and cold water. 1250 per month; i-year lease: here is a nice respectable place and big money maker: everything new and clean; price lif 'OO. $4000 cash, balance $100 per month, 7 per cent Interest. Don't fail to see lu DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 815-lo-lT Ablngton Bldg. GOOD APARTMENT-HOUSE. 4 rooms, new corner brick: cheapest rent In town, less than $5 per rvorn, strictly modern and extra well furnished: 4-vear lease: clears above all expenses 350 per month: 40O0 will handle It. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-16-17 Ahtngton Bldr. THIS IS GOOD . 20 rooms, close In. rent $00. and very nicely furnished, clears above ail expenses $100 per month: if you are looking for a nice home proposition and $100 per month, look nt this: price $?"00. DIETZ-MUELI.ER CO.. $13-16-17 Arlington Bldg APARTMENT-HOUSE 15 apartments. 2 and 3 rooms each, new corner brick Just furnished. 3-year lejse, rent $250 per month: this place Is fur nished In oak. all Axmlnater rugs, ana the best of everything: will clear abova all eapenrrs $-."-o per month: price $3oou DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. $13-16-17 Abington Bldg. BIO REDUCTION. 86 rooms, new brick building, one b.oca from Portland Hotel: very low rent, nearly every room with private bath, very rich ly furnished: clears $300 per month; price $0000. $31-00 rash; a bargain. Ill ETZ -MUELLER CO.. 815-16-17 AMnrton Bids. $400 PER MONTH NET. M rooms, new. modern brick, elerantiy r.irnlsheV; private baths; 5-year lease, at very low rent. Including gteam heat and hot and cold water: can bo handlsd on very easy terms: price 111.0O0. DIETZ-MUELLER CO. 813-16-17 Abington Bldg; PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 313 Henry Bldg. 16 roomi. near Union Depot, rent only $75. 2"i-year lease; house always filled, a money-maker: prlca only $1550, part caah, balnnce lo suit. . , 23 rooms, down town; transient; low rent 2-vesr lease: price $1000. IS rooms, swell location. Ine furniture and carpets: up to dnte and cl"-tn; good lease and rent only $05. See this If you want a nice) place. 14 rooms. clo-ln corner: clear $90 per month: only $500 cash required. 10 rooms, close In. rent $40; housekeep ing. Owner sick and will aacrttlce; $4o0 cash required. 9 rooms, nica home aad good Income, only 4i'0 cash requlrnd. n rooms, flue location: good furniture and carpets: only $376 cash required. These ars a few. We have ov.-r S"0 others, from four rooms up. See our list. PORTLAND ROOMIKO-llOUiB CO. 313 Henry Bldg. A 10-YEAR LEASE. 85-room hotel: steam heat, hot and cold water, fine lobby and dining-room: four stores on ground floor which rent for al most enough to pay rent of entire build ing. There Is a 10-year leaso at only Ji0 per mo., and the furniture and lease is only $6700, on liberal terms. There Is a fortune to be made In this. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO., 313 Henry Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE A very nice 40-acro tract of Southern truck and orange land; eqnnl to or better than Oregon truck land; half mile from good town: fine climate: wilt exehanice for roomlng tiouse. W 470. Oregonlan CERTAINLY A GOOD BUY. 22 rooms, all on one lloor; furniture very good: S-year lease; house clears $100 a month: price $15ot. terms. Call 417 2'oaru of Trade. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. Hotel of 41 rooms, first-elas condition, modern In every respect; for sale very cheap on account of leaving for Europe. Must be seon to be appreciated. Apply to 'owner. Phona East 450. SPECIAL TODAY. 14 rooms, cheap rent, good lease, hot and cold water In rooms, most beautifully fur nished place In city: will sell on sight. Call Eagle Realty Co., 81 Board ot Trade. A FINS TRANSIENT HOUSE. 12 rooms, right down town: furnltura Tory good and house clears over $50 a month; price $600. Call 417 Board of Tn.de. m I WILL loan my elegant Weber piano to responsible party willing to store samo free of charge for a period of not leas than one year. T 477. Oregonlsn. KOO UNO-HOUSES bought and sold; come and list with us. The Richardson Realty Co.. 253 S Alder St. Main 4533. A 4672. WANTED today, a rooming-house, well lo cated, of 15 to 20 rooms. Dubois st Crock ett, room 8 Washington bldg. lSbOM4 modern, best paying proposition In city, rent 30; clears $av; terms. 2sl $th. opposite city Hall. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SALE OF TIMBER. Portland, Oregon. Oo tober 12. IUIOi Sealed bids, marked out side. "Bids. Timber Sals Application. Sep tember 6, 1910. Crater," and addressed to the District Forester. Foreat Service. Port land. Oregon, will be received up to and Including the 21st day of November, 1M10, for alt ths merchantable dead timber standing or down and all the live timber marked for cutting by the forest ofTicer located on an area to be definitely desiK nsted by the forest officer before cutting begins. Including about U.olo acres on tha watersheds of Varney and Four Mile Creeks In the N. of N. W. and S. W. V of N. W. 1, of sec. 8, N. H. N. of a VV. . W. j of 8. E. "4 and part of N. E. U ot H. L o( sec 4, sec. 5. sec, 6, N. H. S. W. V. and W. H of S. E. U ot sec 7. W. H of N. E. . part of h. E. of N. E. U. N. W. . part of N. E. ' of S. W. U. and part of N. W. i of S. K. Va of sec. S, parts of E. H of N. E. Va and N. W. hi of N. E. a. X. . tt of N. W. V and S. W. of N. W. 14 and part of 3. S of see . part of X. W. 44. e. W. H. and part of W. S of 8. E of sec. 10. part of N. E.'. N V of N. W. A. , part of . W. K of N. W. part ot W. of S. W. ? of sec 15. N. E. Ai. E. of N. W. H. part of W. A of N. W. I.. 8. W. 4. and N. W. of ti. E. V of sec. 16, part o( S li and part of N. W. K, of M. W. W of sec. 17. jKirt of sea Is- sees. in. 20. and 21, part of W. 'a of sec. 22. psrt of W. s of sec. 27. seca 28, 21. part of sec. 30. part of N. a of sec 31. part of N. W. 4 of N. W. ia. part of N. E. a and part of N. E hi of s. E k of sec. 82. N. H an parts ot S. W. H and & E. hi of sec 83. part of W. h of N. E. hi. S. W. hi. part of S. W. 1. and part of W. hi of 3. B. As of ace 84. T. 3d 8.. R. 6 B-. W. M., within the Crater NaUonal Forest, Ore gon: estimated to be b3.000.200 feet B. Su of wesiern yellow pins. 33.440.100 feet B M. of Douglas flr. 17.6S7.7oO feet B. M. of white nr. 4.4O2.3U0 fe B. M. of sugar pine. evl.7i0 feet B. M. of Incenss cedar. 650 O00 feet B. B of noble nr. 176.000 feet B. M. of western white pine. 170.000 feet B. M. of Englemann spruce, and 75.000 feet B. M. of lodsepole pine, live saw timber, and 5.12LOOO feet B. M. of mer chantable dead saw timber, log scale, mors or leaa No bid of lass than $3.13 per thousand feet B. M. of western yel low plus, sugar pine, and western white pine. live saw timber, and $1.50 per thousand feet B. M. for live saw timber of all other anecles and for all dead saw timber will be considered, and a deposit of $5000. payable to the order ot the First National Bank of Portland. Oregon, must be sent to that bank for each bid submitted to the District Forester. Timber upon vslid claims Is exempted from Okie. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. For further Information and regulations governing sales, adureaa For est sup4rvtor. Crater NaUonal Forest, Medford. Oregon. AMQ Acting District Forester, (j Ji ENGINEER OFFICE. 723 Central building. Los Angeles. Cat. November 1, 11110. Sealed proposals for extending shoreward the breaJtwatcr at Los Angeles Harbor. California, will be received here until 11 A. M.. December 1. 1010. and then pablicly opened. Information furnished on application. W. P. Stokey, Captain. gl peers. Miscellaneous NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN that the Standard Cafeteria Company, a corpora tion, did. on the 7th day ot October, 1010, duly assign all of Its assets to the under signed for the benefit of all of its cred itors In proportion to the amount of their respective claims, and such creditors are hereby notlUed to present their claims under oath. . to tha undersigned as such assignee, within tlu-ee mouths from the date of this notice. Dated October la 1910. (Signed) BENJAMIN E. HAT MAN. Assignee. Office and PostofTlce address. 612-13 Lumbermena bJug Portland. Oa V. . ' . i III MITILK1L I - - . I MlaceUancoem. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF COR VALLIS A EASTERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Notice Is hereby given that the Cor vallia A Eastern Railroad Company, a corporation organised under the laws of the State of Oregon, has tiled in the office of the Secretary of state of Oregon; in the office of the Clerk of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon: in the of fice of the Clork of the County Court of Multnomah County, Oregon, and In Its own office, supplementary articles of In corporation, dated September 15. 1910, amending Article IV of the Articles of Incorporation of the said Corvallis A Eastern Railroad Company, so that Ar ticle IV thereof shall read as follows: ARTICLE IV. "That the principal office or place of business of this company ehall be in the city of Portland. County ot Multnomah, State of Oregon." J. P. O'BRIEN, J. K. WEATHERFORD, JAMES G. W1L-ON. Directors. JAMES G. WILSON. Secretary. TO whom it may concern: from this date X will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by my wife. Mrs. V. P. Mitchell. (Signed) V. P. MITCHELL. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine half mattresses retail at wholesale prices: wa renovate mattresses and return same day. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metagar, 223 Front. Phones Main 474. A 1374, LOST Sunday, October 80. on "White House road, near waterworks, white and black spotted setter pup. 4 months old; re ward. Frank B. Hart, 1223 Spalding bldg.. Portland. Or. LOST On the Vancouver car. a package containing moving-picture 11 1 ma. Com municate lock box 436 or phone Main 119. Vancouver, Wash. LOST Saturday. Oct. 29. open-face Elgin gold watch, between Milwaukie Heights and Willsburg: return to C Lundoerg. Milwaukie Heights: reward. FOUND Where watches, diamonds an Jewelry are sold for the amount loaned and one month's Interest. uncle Myers Collateral Bank. 71 6th at- near Oak at. LOST A green gold lizard pin set with small diamonds and emeralds, Saturday evening. October 2. Liberal reward. A. Cameron. Seward Hotel, city. LOST Wednesday or Thursday, string ot coral beads: liberal reward If returned to 217 Board of Trade bldg. LOST Saturday night, purse containing $45 and Astoria Brewing Co. beer ciieck; finder phone Main 2408; liberal reward. LOST Ladles' gold watch and chain; case number 11771002; return to 22a Lumber Exchange building; reward. LOST A sable fur scarf -with Sllverfleld mark on It. between 12th and Alder and i riuity riace. rnw jn ww. . LajsT string of gold beads; between 2nd and Morrison and Grand ave, reward. Phono Main 3170. LOST An old cameo brooch with gold frame In North overlook; reward. Phona Woodlawn 2459. LOST A red cocker, answers to the name Brick: reward. Phone Main 9473 or 731 Overton st. LOST Lady's gold watch and Honolulu pin: return to theater. Grand avenue and East Washln gton. Reward. LOST Fox terrier bitch, black and tan head, black spot at butt of tall. Reward. 41 4 th at. North. ' LOST Child'a gold bracelet. Return to 2o7 i lialaoy. receive reward, $2. Mrs. BUlupS; LOST A beauUfui elk charm. Finder please phone Main 119 and receive reward. FINANCIAL. SEVERAL first mortgages, all high-class dwelling-house security, close In, restricted districts. 1-3 of valuation. 7 per cent In terest, payable quarterly; Insurance, ab stract. Call 507 McKay bldg. Main 4710. I HAVE several gilt-edge building contracts or second mortgages for sale which I will discount from lo to 15 per cent. Anderson, 304 Spalding bldg. Call between hours of 11 and a. MORTGAGES. contracts. bonds. stocks, warrants and notes bought ,and sold. Loana negotiated. Henry Teal, 41$ Ab Ing tun blag.. lt)4', 3d st- WANTED Party with $2000 to Join me building a flat; I own a close-in lot and Investment will pay 11 per cent net. 810 Lumber Exchange bldg. LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 5 TO t PER CENT. 614 LEWIS BUILDING. Money to Loan Real Estate. ON IMPROVED city property or for build ing purposes; 8 to 6 years' time; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced aa building progreaaea. The Equitable Sav Ings A Loan Association. 240 Stark at. " I authorized, the NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY To loan $2io fur me on close-in property. Call at 2J Stark CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' Interest In contracts on real estate anywhere In Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved property. H. hL Noble. Lumbermens bldg.. 5th and Stark. QUICK loans in small or large amounts on Improved city or farm property. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $500,000 on Improved clly or farm property; building or small loans at lowest prices; large loans a specialty. J. H. McKenxls Co., 614-10-16 Uerllnger bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city- property, anywhere In Oregon or Washington. Devercaux. Fenton bldg.. b4 Clh at- Pa NT Y of money to loan at a aad I peg cent oa real estate security. KDW. P. MALL. 104 Second St. 1 ' MONEY to loan, first-class securities, bonds, morlgagea bought and sold. U. G. SHIPLEY, 302 Spauidicg bldg. WOULD loan $2)00 on Improved farm and $luoo on city property at a per cent for three years; no agents. AB 479, Ora gonlaji. WE HAVE plenty of money to loan on city property In sums from $100o up to $50,000 at lowest current rates. Morgan, Flleaner A Boyce. ooa-ooyngtonjjiag; $Tooo"to 4000 tcsloan on close-la improved Portland property; private funds. 002 Fcuton bldg.. 84 6th SU IMMEDIATE loans from $5 and up on ail secucjties. W. A. Hatnaway. room 10 Wasuina'ton bldg. Phone Main 30a. LOANS on Improved clly property for pri vate lnvestura M. K. Thompson Co- 4th and Oak, Henry bldg. CONSULTATION FREE. Specialists in Homes. H. A. Chandler. 010 Lumbermens bldg. $"200.000"" TO LOAN, large loans a specialty, building loans, lowest rates. W. U. Bait, 812 Failing bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A. H. Blrrell Co.. 2u2 McKay Bldg, ad and Stark. MONalY to loan on Improved inside property. BKONG-S'lEELE CO.. Ground Floor. Lewis Bldg. PR1VAXE FUNDS Any amount, reaaonabls terma, mortgages purchased. Hanry C prudhomme Co.. 9V6 Spalding bldg. PRIVATE money loaned on real estato mort- saSca. H. Milcy. room 204. Gerllnger bldg. LOANS on real, personal, chattel or collate arai security. C W. Paliett. 308-9 Fenton. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. U. luorn- as. state agent, Multnomah Co.. 400 C C MORTGAGE LOANS AT REASONABLE HAT11S. F. H- LE WIS 8 LE WIS BLDla. W ill loan $10,000 or less, rest estate security. Farrlugton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGSI.OAN3. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 238 8 1 ARK ST. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved realty. y-o-7 Board ot Trade bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding A Koynold Co.. 313 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. GOod- nough A belts, alu Spauiding bldg. -WILL loan $5000 or leas on real estate. MltChcOCa- BIO flotaemm wia- Money to Loan- ChatteU and Salaries. SALARY LOAN BANK. Anyone Steadily employed can borrow $14. $20, H". $54. $75. $109 On your personal note. No mortgage No indorser. Easiest pay mollis Lowest ratea Busineas strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO. $08 Falling Bldg.. 3d and Washington. MONEY advanced salaried peopie, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices in 66 principal ciliea: save yourself by gettlne my terms nrst. TOLMAN. 317 jrimbor-gxchango. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity chattele or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash, sts. WE loan money on diamonds and Jeweiryt reasonable Interest; long or short time A. A M. Deiovage. 269 Waahlngton St. lqw rates: we loan money on diamonds and Jeweiery Marx A Eloch. 74 3d sl A-LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Pekum bldg. LIBERAL loans on furniture or real estate. X B- Vlr-e 431 Board of Trade sjos, ' '- -a-rr-HF ' f PEKSOXA-. 1 BDSIXESS DIRECTOKT. Money to I osn Chattels and Salaries. HUT TON" CREDIT CO.. - . 307 Spalding Bldg. DON'T WORRY. Xo your landlord waiting for Ills real? la your grocer waiting for bis bill? Is your life Insurance company waiting tor Its premium T ... Is your furniture store waiting for Its pay ments 7 Have you been out of work or had alcK aess, with all Its extra billst If so. you have worried enough without worrying about money. But you say the landlord must be paid and others will not wait. Don't worry; let us do the waiting. We have money and nothing to do bnt wait that's our business. Get out of debt. v Get yoar mind off your money trouble. You will be able to work better and get out of debt sooner. Come and get the money from us from $10 upward. We will loan you on your furniture, piano, fixtures, storage receipt or any personal property: also oa your salary. We will give you 3 to 12 months in which to pay It off. Easy weekly or monthly payments. ' See us first when in need of money. We offer a better proposition on loans of this kind than can be found also where. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding Bldg. Third and Washington Sta. $$$$$$' ARE TOO LOOKING FOR MONEY T If you knew how easy our terms are you would not be short of money. Don't be bothered with a lot of small debts: let us furnish money to settle them. WE LOAN ON Furniture and pianos, storage receipts, llvo stock, rooming houses, life Insurance policies, all kinds of securities; terms to suit; also easy weekly or monthly In stallments. We buy and loan on first and second mortgages and equity in con- IT&REAL ESTATE A BROKERAGE CO. 812 Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d. Main 20S4. !$$$$$ WILL loan In amounts to suit on all kinds of securities; busineas strictly confidential. Gray & Cunningham. 2ol Roshchild bids., northwest corner Fourth and Washington sts. Loans Wanted. WTTJ loan money on watches, diamonds, seal skins, mink overcoats, trunks, dross suit cases and musical instruments. UNCLE MYERS, 71 Sixth St. Between Oak and Pine Sta. Main 910. vi can Invest your money at good ratea of interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mort gages. Long-terms Investment. PROVIDENT INT. A TRUSTEE COua 624-526 Board ot Trade Bldg. HIGHEST INTEREST ON YOUR MONEY. Ha' us place It in first mortgages on city ProP?"y; NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 170 Stark St. WANTED The loan ot $9000 at 8 per cent for 6 years on $28,000 or farm property. Apply to H-Awtnorne ave. stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. Phones B 1309 or BiA MONEY WANTED Applications on hand for desirable loans, mortgages for sale. Henry C Prudhomme Co.. Spalding bldg. IF you have money to loan on realty at 7 to 8 per cent, come see me. GRUBER. 927 Board ot Trade bldg. WANTED Loan of $3000; gilt-edge se- cunty; not property. N 465. Oregonian. LET us place your money, good mortgagee, references. F. H. Iwit8 Lewis Bldg. PERSONAL. DR. W E. MALLORT. 313 Rothchild bldg.. haa the moat up-to-date office in Oregon. Ail rooms are furnished with the most ex pensive appliances, including radium (ths inly physician on the Pacilic Coast who has radium). Every therapeutic eleotno current In use; X rays, statio machines. X-ray coils, ozone, oxygen generator, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal. Fa lo. galvanic? cautery, vlbratora. radiator, baths, herbal, steam, shower, electric light bath cabinets and bake ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights. Including fUisen, helios, solar, violet and ultra-ylo-laL You are asked to visit my offices End liveatlgate for yourself if you have mer. old sores, tumors, swollen gland rheumatism, catarrh, eczema, blood dls iasefc bronchitis, throat trouble, mother marks, moies and superetluoas hair re moved without scars. All chronic diseases treated with these methods. MISS DE VOE, "Philadelphia House." corner 3d and Salmon sts. A young lady student of SurslnFTakes this means of working ner way tnrough college and desires a lew iefsc and Tresiectable patrons for man -luring acalp treatment, magnetic and vl brauify ratments; those customers who Snprediate neatness and tidiness are 1 in vued to call. Miss DesaUne De V oo. 212 3d at- suites 2. 3. 4 and 5. ; KH KPARU Information wanted regarding h whereabouts of Oscar F. Snepard. resided Poruand, Oregon. In 1901-1902. Also Regarding hi. f "fievKe'eIaecea"d S"of of death desired. Address William H Hanford, attorney-at-law. No. 1 Lio e rtyatxeeuNewi ork. N. Y. FURS. FURS. FURS. A Urge stock of exclusive designs in muff sT scarfs, shawls and coats; old furs remodeled w latest styles; redyeing of seal and new order work a .specialty; lowest prices: practical work. A. REINER. 129 11th St. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Heisingfora graduate; rheumaliam. nervous and stom ich ailments, under physician s directions: batltsTmasseuse. No. 7 East 11th St. sec ond door south from East Ankany car- llne. phoneEast2B0.B1803. " FEBVEVT A HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock efbuman hair goode in the city; up-lo-data Barkis f bairdreaoing, manicuring . face ind scalp treatment. 147 7th st. net Morn "n and Aider. Phone Main Mg. wirTtreat aged people and others suffering from rheumatism, nervousness. Indigestion, dyspepsia, kidney and Uver troubles, etc, by our home treatment, fcuropeau mas sage and specially prepared foods; no money unless cured. bo4 E. Main st, NEW YORK Massage and Beauty Parlors Just opened, modern appliances, accurate lv used for rheumatism, blemish, flean inel facial massage; reasonable prices; SouU 10A. M. to 8 P. M. Marshall 2843. 426 Alder st- , " BR. D. L. LEWIS. n Leasee of women and children, electrio Ueltment of nervous ailments, private hoe pltaL Rooms 605-&0 Commonwealth 1 bid. Sthand Ankeny. Phones Main 4Q47. A 241L HAIR. HAIR All shades in best quality at eist Closing out stock; scienunc facs ind scalp treatments; expert halruresaing Ind maincuring taught. Axa H. AUobecke, Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. pfiPL-LAR author and playwright desires to meetparty. lady or gentleman, with lit erary 'ability and. some means. L 4.3, Qregomau. PAINLESS, prompt, permanent and inex tmalve cures by latest natural healing SiTthods. Dr. Philip X. Merchants' Triwt bldg T.K WALKER, specialist tor men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and buTuder troubles and piles. Consultation jeT... tl 1st su. Portland. tX 1.1 -I AL announcement; expert feather e.,Vling cleaning, dyeing and repairing S. or Madame Gilbert. 388 Ith St. FH'taln44i3. Moved from a.tth st. to EXCHANGE for city lot or rooming houat Sacrea frultlaud la the famous GoouicesHlll fruit district. What have y".T?G 473. Oregonian. - !iopHIA B- SEIP. mental and spir flu"al scSnSsiT bld-' Mali 8824. Open meetings W odneseday at 8 r. m. " MRS. MAIMS WALLACE, s-iactric and vibratory treatments; masseusj. 826 btark St.. Port Xj' fir. Phones Marshall 241)2. A 2o96. rTFSS suits for rent, $1.50 month keeps votir clothes cleaned, pressed. buttons ""'.. eie.. reoalred. Phonint calls and eTlTiverles: Unique Tailoring Co.. 3U9 stark. r,rv Ko matter what your ailment, if thra 1 have tailed to cure you. come to ui. VosT Medical A Optical Co, 2501, Alder a. inilNG gentleman, stranger in city, wishes to meet rettned young lady; object matri mum. - , TdiES- own plumes made into willows: r workmanship, lowest prices. Mrs. HHntelFranii:Un. Phone Main 7195. cTSTTiTisH clruglaas specialist, nerve, rheu matic and stomach disorders. C. Holm m0 802-3 orogonian bldg. Mara, am H LA-DD FINNICAN haa returned to MKrtlIrTd and can be found at 24, East f.h at. North. - ourtwright. skin and scalp treat le.ta facial deformities corrected, plas m".7eerv. 453 Morrison st. Main 604a. riQUOR habit permanently cured In 3 days; Ue?, suffering and harmless. Cardlola InsU 'peninsula ave.. Portland. Qr. 777 WALLACE, magnetio electric treat S1 .' ,.f,i srjlritual scientist. iCioi,., mony, v ' menva; . f,D KETCHUM treaU women's maladies. 179 3d St.. cor. YamhllL ccanTED Five more ladies to receive scalp treatment at home. Phone East 4642. OCCULT, new thought and scientinc buoka Jones' Book Store. 284 Oak St. MANICURING Removed from 125 6th St. to 0hU Morrison St.. room 15. xTa 1 V OF FIGS Remedies for diseases ol wmen. 532 Cavls .(. Mala 111$. Diseases ot women and children, sur gery; chronic and nervous diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodations; confinement cared for; consultation free. Room 12 Grand Theater bldg. Main 3928. A 560 1. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. HilL 429 Fliedner bidg. M 3473. BUSnfESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BAIRD A BERRIDGE, Public accountants and audllora 224 Worcester Block. Main 7369. A 1449. Office systems. Factory systems. Periodio audita Investigations. J. M. WILLEY & CO. Public accountants, all branches. Suite 426 and 428 Henry building. Phone Mar shall 1221. or 45 William St.. New York city. il h. COLLIS & CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commercial, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 34 Worcester block. Phone Main 650i. Assayer and Analyst. Wells & Proebstel. mining engineers, chem- ists and assayer. 204 hi Washington. t MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Labratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison st. Baths and Sytmrntng. . Portland Swimming Baths. 167 4th Elegant plunge, ateam and shower baths. 25c Brass and Machine Work. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. 106 N. 5th. Main 302. Ch ina" Painting. CHINA and oil Satauma ware and china for sale; order work and firing. Studio 293 12th st. Chiropractic Physician. DR. TICKNER semoves the cause of disease. 900-1 Columbia bldg. A 8255. Hrs. 12-5:30. Circulating Library. LATE flctfon. 3c a day. woman's Exchange bldg.. 136 5th St.. bet. Taylor and Yamhill. Civil Engineers. E. A. MIDELEBROOKS A C. C. COTTRELL, civil engineers and surveyors, 420 Cham berof Commerce. Phone Main 3758. Chiropody. . WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Denevey. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 802 Gerlinger bldg.. S. W. cor. 2d and Alder. Phone Main -1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. H11L room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. Commission Merchants. . TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, com mission merchants, pnenocar pioa. Collections and Law. NETH A CO.. COLLECTIONS COLLECT KVKRVWHPHR- NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Equitable Adjustment Co.. 214 Couch bldg. Collect on commission. Ask agent to call. lJancmg. PROFESSOR RINGLER'S dancing ls3ef' Monday and Saturday evenings. Private instruction daily. Western Acudemy, 2d .and Morrison. Main 9212. . Dog and Horse Hospitai. DR. BROWN. D. V. S Office 324 Flanders St.. Main 40S6. Hospital 89 12th St. EducationaL WANTED Pupils who wish tutoring in ths grammar grades. Phone E. 4431. Iectric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d st. Engines Gae and Steazeu ROBER Machny. Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gine. 2S1-263 E. Morrison st. Phone E. 51. Feed Store. ZIGLER & Misner. hay., grain, feed, ce ment, shingles, 294 Grand ave. E. 48. French Dry Cleaning. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS PRESSING REPARING Special club rates 50c per suit (sponged and pressed) per week. The Wardrobe, 751 Washington st. A 6417. Main Bood. Furs. N. M. UNGAR A CO.. INC.. formerly ot 406 Merchants Trust bldg., have removed to 109 toe veil in St. rurs nnuuuGw. - and stored. Marshall 753. liar d w ood 1' 1 oo rin g. G. P. EISMAN LUMBER CO. Handle all kinds af Eastern hardwood flooring, make estimates on all work, lay - lug, scraping, sanding and polishing, old or new floors; courteous treatment, prompt and efficient service guaranteed custom era. Warehouse corner East 1st and W ash. sts; office 620 Railway Exchange. Phones Marshall 2-48, A 1274; warehouse, E. 5716. Hat Factory. HATS made to order cost no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st St. M. 6442. Leatner and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front. Leather of every description, taps, infra,' findings. J A. STOWBR1DGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. 189 Front st- yachinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screeiia, uubbiub. iu,ua chinery. All kinds of repairs, 104 N. 4th. Contractors- machinery ' of all kinds. David Dow A Son. 202 Lumbermens bldg. Phones. Jtlulticrupbing. PORTLAND Mailing Co., multlgraphing typewriting, mailing, public stenographer, personal typewritten circular letters, 306 Railway Exchange bldg. Musical. EM1L THEILHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevick. 9U0 Marcruam.A 4160. Mar. 10Z9. Neurologists, Eye Specialists. QUICK relief "tor eye and nervous troubles. Drs. Freeze at Rlce, 326 hi Washington at. " ' Osteopathic rhj-siciang. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-416-417 Dekum bldg. PHONE. OFFICE M. 3497. RESIDENCE H.Aai on iu vi. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvtlle, Mo., class of 1898, post-graduate 1907, under A, T aill, the founder, oil -318-319 Swetland bldg. Main 1987. A 19ii5. , Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash and- doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patent Attorneys. U S. and foreign patents that protect are secured through Pacific Coast Patent Agency. Inc. Dept. A. Stockton. CaL PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock. Attorney at Law late of U. S. Patent Olfice. Booa m tre. 719 Board ot Trade bldg. R. C. WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat enis. infringement cases. 004 Dekuin. Paying;. th tc Barber Asphalt Paving Company, 605- WARREN Construction Co. street pavins. Sldewaiaa ft" ' " - ..e.- Pawnbrokers. uncle MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 yean in Portland. 71 Bth st. Main 910. Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. u. 3489. " " Rubber Stamps. also seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's. 231 Stark. Main 1407. Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, cow .-. -'"-"-a nd laying. 153 Union av bates. THE MOSLER SAFE CO.. 108 2d St. Safes ft InX.UlJ s-ws-a-s,. sbowcasca BanK anq piore j:ixturc. THr LaUTKlsi Mt'G. CO., braacii rraad Kap ipa buOVcaM Co.. ta ana ikoyu B. sL.uti.fl, mr. Th. BIRDSAIaU 208 HAMILTON BLIX., anowca-e- ln stock; prompt deUvery. baics . . n-intAAr- l.iittlhiir fn MAlibHALA. MFG. CO., 4tn and Court tutnO. Main Cabinet- w Couelt, new oric Shingles. BEST in the city: car lota or less. S. iC Oil- btorage and Transfer. PORTLJUND VAN STORAGE) CO., corner I3tu an- Everett ts. Just opened newest and moat modern storage warenouae in city every convenience lor sate and proper handling of goods; lowest insurance rate in Nortiiweflt; ire tracitAae; vans lor muv lug Mitin or A lo-U. t c-t s RTOHE TOUR FURNITURE. Brick building, dry and. airy; warehouse district; lowest rates and most careful handling; furniture moved and packed by experts, estimates given. Phone jd. lOlij, A V,. van Horn Transfer Co.. 40 2d st, C O PICi- Transfer & Storage Co., o if ice -nd commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron rooms and nreprouf vault foi vaauaDlea. N. V. cor. zd and I'ine -t- pianos and furniture moved and packed for n-PPtog- Main Siitt, A " OLSON -ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safes, Dianos and furniture moved and packed tar shipment. 20a Oak st.. bet. Front and 1st. Telephone Main M7 or A 2247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt St., between 5th and 6th. Phones Main 69, A llSij. Stoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Main 1110. tltl Fx- IS Veterinarians. 6. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, vetertnarlana. S31 Ankeny at. A 3990. Main 2402. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, S20 to $60. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentals, S3 per month. Pacilic Stationery & Printing Co -2u3 , d st. . WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter change. .'S7 u Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates, p. p. C. Co.. .31, Stark. M. 1407. . Printers. GLASS Jfe PRUDHOMME CO.. printers, blank book makers, legal blanks, loose leaf de vices, township plats. , 66-67 7th t beU Oak and Ankeny. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st st.. whole sale and retail. Samples mailed free. CRAXP CENTBAI, STATION. . . " Southern Pacific. 'Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger ....,...,.. Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited California Express San Francisco Express West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger ........... Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger .. Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger ..a Rseburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited West Side Corvallis Passenger 8:30 a. m. 4:1.". p, m. 6:00 p. m. 7:45 p. m. l:i0 a. m, 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 6:40 p. m. TO a, ttl, 10:00 p. m. d. m. 11:10 a. m. 2:30 p. m. 6:20 D. m. l - " a Boocujier ... Forest Grove Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Northern Pacific North Coast Limited via Puget Sound Nirh. Coast Limited via North Il0:10 a. m. T-ftrt TV Ttl Atlantic Express via Puget Sound Atlantic Express via North Bank Twin City Express via -Puget Sound .... 12:15 a. m. 9:00 a- nv 3:30 p. m. T-nrim rr Twin city Express via North X)lOK " hi can via trueex. uouna tv J (tarn XT' .j -w . , 12:1 a. ro, i,i ' "-AjJi-oa via anuria naiin BU!? River Express via Pugetl :oq a. m. 10:10 a- m. M1J?9uji Hlver Expres'a via North 7:00 p. m. Portland. Taromn "on V KAVtVlA V.i press. Grays Haroor, Olympla t Vi i . -oena orancnes. 6:4f5 a. m. 10:10 a. m. - aiituuver special. Puget Sound Limited, Grays Har- ww. aiiu ouuin oena Drancnes. . racolt Passenger Arriving Portland 8:30 p. m. 4:00 p. m. North Coast Limited via North! AI1JK North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 8:15 p. m. 7:20 a. m 7:30 a. m. 7:10 p. ra. 8:15 p. m. 7:20 a. tn. 8:15 p. m. Horthern Pacific Express via worth Bank 7 -Northern PacIHc Express via! ruget Sound Pacific Coast Express via North Bank Pr1ScCoast Express " via" Puget Weptern Express via North Bank Western Express via Puget Socnd Missouri River Express via North Kanlr 10:30 p. m. Missouri River Express "via PiigetJ 7:30 a. m. 4:00 p. m. . Portland-Tacoma-Seattie " Express "iiu irom uivmpta. south Bend and Grays Harbor Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special Yacolt Passenger 4:00 p. m. 7:10 n. m. 10:30 p. m. 11:30 a. m. Oregon Railroad t Navigation Co. Pendleton Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited. The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland Oregon Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local ..' Oregon Express Soo-Spokane-Portland Pendleton Local Passenger.. Oregon-Washington Limited . Spokane Flyer 00 a, m. ;00 a. m. 00 p. m. :oi p. nu 00 p. m. CO p. m. 15 a. ra. 30 a. m. 30 a. m. 00 p. m. 00 p. m, :00 a. ni. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express. Astoria and Seaside Express ... Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside and Astoria Express ... Seaside and Astoria Express... Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger 8 :00 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 5:45 p, m. 12:20 p. m. iu:uu p. m. :40 a, m. 5:00 p. no. t Canadian Pacliic Railway Co. Leaving Portland fioo-Spokane-Portland 11:00 p. m. Via Seattle 12:1. a. m Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland 11:30 a- m. Via Seattle 10:30 p. m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger ..... Shasta Limited Owl , Arriving Portland- Owl , Shasta Limited Portland Passenger ... 8:30 a. m. 3:00 p. m. 11:45 p. m. ' 7:15 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 2:45 p- m. ai E jt'Jb'jKRa ON - S TKEET STATION. bouthem Paciilc. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger .., Jtorest Grove Passenger. ... Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger , Forest Grove Passenger ... 7:40 a. m. 4:05 p. nv. 1:00 p. m. 10:15 a. m. 5:55 p. m. -13:00 nooa jtl,VjtNXi ANU jHOVT hTRiiliia iA- SENGEK AATlON. Spokane. Portland & beat tie Railway Co. j Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m. For Chicago, St, Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Pasco, Roosevelt, Granddalles, Gi-cdaie, Lyle, W hi te Salmon, te venson, V ancou v er. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North Bank Limned 7:oup. m. For Ciucago, tit. Paul, Omaha, .Kansas City, Sc. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahiotus, Pasco, Roosevelt. Grand dalles, Golaendaie. Lyle, White tfaixnon, tit Vinson, Vancouver. Arriving Portland -North Bank Limited , 8:10 a.m. From cnicagu, tit. Paul Omaha, Kansas City, tit. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahiotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand aailes, Goldenuale, Lyle, Wmte Salmon, &Le v -nson, V anco u ver. Coiumola Rlvur Local 12:35 p.m. unlana Empire ixpress a: Li p. m. For Cnicago, ol Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St, Luuis, Billings, Spoaane, Wash tucxia, ialahlotus, Pasco, Rooseeit, Grand aalles, Uuicienaale, Lyle, Whit Saimuo, Stevenson, Vancouver. Oreat Nortuera itauwuy Company. jla,ving PortiauU Htn anu Boyt tits. Oriental LimiteU, via tieattie. ... .10 :uu m, oriental Limiteo, via ISortu BanK. 7:uu i. 4U, interuauunai Limlteu, beatUe, Ta coma aha Vancouver, B. C. . . .10:00 a. nv, Th uwi. Ta-uma, jaeattie and . Vancouver, B. J 5:00 pw nu Shore ij.n Express, Tacoma, tio- aiue and Vaucouver, l. c 11:30 p. m, -Arriving Portland lltn and Moyt tita. Orintai A-imiteU, via tieattio b:4U a. n, oriental Limited, via North Bank. a:lp. aL Xne owl, Vancouver, B. C. tieac- ue ana Tacoma 6:40 a. m. Shore Line jfeixyress, Vancouver. B. C, tieatUe and Tacoma WBj,a, international Limited, Vancouver, h ll. Seattle and Tacoma :fiQp. ro. t;ard Oregon Electric Jtaiiway Co, irawenger etation, .fc'ruut and Jeflerson Sts. v oob urn-Saiem and Int. Points Locals 14-av.T roruana :4Q. 7.aQ, 11:0(1 A. M., i;yu, Aati t:-y, -0 P. M. Limited lor xuaiatm ,atial-m, ;li A. AL Local lor wilsoa tSfa auu mu titauons. 5:1W P M. a.jioro-i!ores. orov anu iiiterniedlate PaJlitw--L-ve Portland 7:oi. 8:30, l:au a. S'Jay only. -U-3 P. M. -rtvo jt'ortiand from Salem and Int. KtZlwwr---:4U, ll:0 A. M.; 1:10, 4:UU, 4:60, Zt b!xo,. 10. P. M. Local trzm Wilson SrJiI' ana lnt- pots 6:4 A. . daily a Jiy! iuday and 7: a5 A M. uaily. Arrive Portland horn forest urora and I?-0. fciil. 8;lu' 10:i'u ' i"auay only, .St -?ront and Jefferson. Portland. Or. Fortiand itaUway, IJgDt Power Company. Ticket Offlce and Waiting-Roozo, First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison street rARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND UORKISON STREETS. Oregon City 4:90 and 6:S0 A. M. and every ao minute and lnciuaing last car. miauight. S:f-zaciero and Intermediate points 6:55. " 10:45 A. M.; 12:45. a:45. 4:1J, t:ii v- FOR VANCOUVER. Tieleet Offlce and Waitlns-Room Second and "t" Wasbinton Sts. ! . .'t:l9, 4:1.0. 7:25. S:00, t:(S, 1:10, a-iu 10:30. 11:10. ": , 4 30. 5:10. 6:80, T:05, 7:40, ;1S, t.Ji. ld:2u 11:4a- on lie third Monday In every month tha last car leaves at T:(i5 P. M. -Dally excel Sunday. Bally axcjt Monday. nt Intni-medlate. nninti s.re ?.! . :. :45' i iS- 6:45' 11:30 Kalrvlew and Troutdaie :6S, '7:45, S:4i, - A. M.; la:4. J:4. 1:4a. 4:4; Jj