X0VE3IBER 1, 1910. . - . 13 - ' " : m Z a I I rt RFVT. 1 FOR BEST. - - . I -.w a wirn -r - a I I1 I . I I f II A I r. L r -.-- I - I I MB ! I HELP WAITED JUJ I ' ' ' I FOR SALE. I ?AL5l I I - M i wm m i .hlrtM llr-aa I Ml-- I Tem. ham. as and afO t th r1c.nd ci of wif in. Hnri art sound and ib sutly trua. hamaaa naw. and coo In first c. am condition. poeitlvsiy the bar)- 111 pnrtlMA TEAM AM) HARNESS B-TS Oi a hunt and oa a mar, and naw fca-aaaa. ail for t-ry Ta -rsjts 2 lb. aoaoiutaiy Bound and t m. and a wnttan auaraniaa to t as r-i. sen ted or your mnnir promptly rf undH. TEAM AND KARN'O h v.dlBa and sound in eary T TTowub'y city broken and a fm pair of tfrtvwrs. vreih Zmt lb.; t and a yr. aid. A pair af c.oaa made chunk you c I war out m hard work. Tb a!fl lot ara a aampla C tho bar ga, ina of.arad. A carload mora Cor a la irnm -' to - par bore and I w" a and bark of -T hnrvm sold ul of ihia bara to ba aa rspraaaotad or refund your mn)r. Inquire of portlauid Tr.iat . whr I bank, aa ta my rstisblllty; will a.eo I urn tan ausioas raisrenca. K. I- EVAN!. Pbooa Marsha. I 16M. HuRCM rcR SALE. Alt o Winston Itroa. JtrDoufara - will fca on aoio a( lha Jta thorns fi W dAVi. Thr nn- la .kiht. io !. aad from b io 1 2 ara of . Aa ail f our work on tha S I' K. IL la dno. all of our at oca ait I b for aala. Th-y will ha aotd undr th I'Mnntf of in- Hawthorn Call sad n.ct th- aftr Nomir 1. MAWTH"KNK DAHLIA rla thorn a.. HORDES TOR B A Law Two eat of bora havo Just and will va sold nnor our suarmnla. Thy -arte m wataht from 1X to I'm., as from a to 11 y-ara: a'l food w-orkara aad prlcaa raeon-.e. V a a so tia.o tftraa spa of small mui. walsEtl bw to l I -a., for aaia. CU and Inspact tha. U wanna bo raw a. Hawthorn Hacffc 4 JO MAWtflun $17 J EXPRESS WTPIT POM PI.ETE 1TJ 'nns.stlas rf 7- y iar-o.il borao. W'H1' IXsO U- . tru and reliabta an Pot r piara. at of hrnM in A I conlllon and a prtn visou :tn top. In oi onl-r: this outfit coal v nln mn:a u ana u.tti it tooaj to anyoa wbo baa ua f"T 1 1. Ai'irat. li HOKSKd. wrtrhl from 9t tn l- Ina.. f rtim j to l-j; nw 3 4 '!. -d aaddl: all mut ba aoid at oner; If ,H rd a tam or boraa for farm r dUv ry It wni pay Tu o ca l and Ina'-l tbaa hor-a Krntl worth Tnmifr to.. "J E. :-th at. Woodaiock car to Ciadaiona a 'noa. . A HAXDSOMK. prartlcaily lw rubtxr Hr LtutDkor aui r y . u--d but f-w tim-a. oricinal roat alao pn. tlcaJy a-a m-i-- t-or1-r doubl brn to tnatih. ratting .'.-: will aril r.:lr- out fit for 'aU at --il HotUvdy av. I'bOi.a tul i'J9. I RK' KM FROM J1 TO 7-V Y.ur cbolra of i hr-a. a era frm f lo io years, wriichmji frm io .,-. trn ud by tha Madw Hrk Dairy K- I'rfim Co.. who have no f jrthar ua for thrm. Alder at. $ao0 III' 1st lb. team it hors.- with harneaa. Jt tia. k In color, chunky bunt and ct.-Ijr mat-d; a-a and : ihta t-am haa bn ua-d hv tha Ralnl-r Hraw rrv. wbo ha rptacrd th-m with motor trvi-k; trial al?twtd A'cW TOR lALE-7t-n of twa bora-a harnaaa and aprtn wacon; all li Crt-claaa eon--r.loa. will coaka prica rtht (or quick aaa Oaaar. twun 3-a OraaoblaA bi-1 r'aioVTjt-TE A VI . mir and Kvldln. mf d and T; trua and r-Mahl to work. alnta or r..ti,a. at of h-a y a.'wd-vr. a h4riKM, apit n-w; pn mpletr. u Aldr t. fQR saLk "i"r-M o4E o hnraa, a-und and tn aood condirlon. tiood apring t(n aad barnaaa n Orai-rlaaa ahap. a bar fa ta for uuick aala. Al UaaODarS. Ut.rk.BmU. Or. BA F. VaI T-am mri, and 9 yrara, o4d. pound ami month clt. of par-ch-ron hoiaa. hama. un; all for ?. WrMkAatork. rf. at t h and flJ a a. f rry M ood 1 "S- 4 ;HtV rhkp M.a-lh. work t--m. rh for will laka dr1ir horo or c In fvlunsf. K' l'worlh Trtnir To.. nO K.tat VH't at. W W rif to Qiadafona. 4 KINS buy. 3U1U. team, max and hr. KHd ajin and harn.'a. Knil worth Tranafar Co.. ' Kaat 2Mb it. W W rif to ttlaiiJtnnr. Aotoiaablt-a. ArTMollII.E BARGAINS. Wt ara o.faruia; for aala at vrry raaaoa ablo prU aa aavaral lIMn aad llMO I1rva Arroa and Cadlliaca. two oO Htaaroa, T-oaaanaar tour Hi, ona Oldimoblla C pasawr. on Cro&ton Kaaton 1U10 modaL lutly aiuppd. Ownara of tba cara bav in piacod or d ara for ivU i'Wrca aad CaUltlae rara. covt. MrroR company. PEK DAT I.IVERT. Hir .-I'aaaroaer Whlu atrajnar. ovrr haurd. lu 'ol ahap-. krw ttr. full oulpnint of lampa. tr.; rhrnp for ch or trada for lla. cioaa-ln . r-rocr-a ba raln or rorJwood. a tlna liry car. KrI T. Marrill. 3-11 uak. corner tn, ftrBoa .., T4'ANTEI buyar Mr iwo aO-u Maarna -paaaanaa tourtnc rara. compltaly anuiplad. roranily paintrd and ovarbaulad; no raaaonabla of far will bo rafuaad. own ara of thea car hava placad ox d ara for 1W11 llar-a Amw- tOVKY 3d - TOR Ct M P A S T. HITE HTBA-KR. aurray lyp body, raaliy ronartad Into drllary. an.tnaa and liraa la a;oud rondittoa. naaty painted; caa.i or traua f.r uy proparty. I'booa -ill-wood i t p.H EXi'HA.Ni'.K k'.na Iran of orrrr. fie anJ fruit land, tn tha Soui h. for an Rutomotuk; lnvaatlla. X oro ma n. IjKTRoIT alartric 'llorta uaad for dronon a rat ins only. ar praoiu-aliy o-h1 aa naar. na'a at -ry roaaonabla prlca. O'V.V MOTOR JLX'MI'ANY. 9bai auionvbtl for aala or tra will taka sood raa: aatata for ona-haif vaiu: car 1. bast ona in ,lty and m ixrfact aUapa. Write anawar T 413. I rr;-ntn. lrAS5KN;KR tourio "rar. ab or trada for city property. f Irat-claaa rondltloa. rhap- a,l -U S oth at. 151 r da. Hca aid I'rt Mock. wo ro.kr a pan tela. malr. puppies, 1 .Hrotrb colli, mala. Tho. Mens bar, 11 K. lt hat Tu I-LCKX Encttah thoroughbred brlndta. t .-ara old. kind dtapoaU.ou, KiUa Uiny. lraaaxu. Or. Phona Pa. T1S) ts Ore naid Muadcal laatranrvawta. KH HA JO. Toung lady nnmioua to taka tip aludy of art. will d'Bpo of har ujrt piaver rtano. irrr lati-at draiftn. Ibia pian- -t t-'; will !! arv loaa; arraujc tima ravnirta to rcspoaihla party. T nKontan. Mla-allaara. M A HiAN T draaaar. up-to-data at via and fiftan. t5; chitfoatar to match. 9-0; aohd oak fold in bad with mirror, fl-; o0 roiitp daak. 3. S'W typawrltar rolltop daak. S?T.34; aavaral ravolvlng and arm rhaJra. 4L.30 UD to id: offlra labia. 3.4; btrilaaya tnapl chlftoula , 14; draaaar to matrh. .0 Mtaaiou ladtaa' daak. )--k; maboarany ladlea naaa. iww inii-nr rourh. Si. To. axtanaiuD tabira. )tM to $130: library Ukbira. $L&4 to ; two Bruaaala rues. 10: raltaMa f our -burn ar s-a ran. a. $7.10; eookar Chiaf four-burnar aa rana. . haatins atovaa of all kinda from $1.50 and up to 1- o; ranulaa ail braa tad. $10. Iron bada. l-o and ap; child a folding bad. $- oO; $- quartac-aawad oak cblffonlor. $ld; larca book aba f. 4x73 lacba. woathor flalan, .. at an da and can tar tabtaa 7e up to .50; arm roekar l.flO to $: ohaira of mA kind 34t op to 3-; upholatarad rowu $2.50. dnp aa lamp, com pi at a. f l.5. drop lactrtc lanipa. -. fancy aru- kmiiiirinl J a nan aa foidina: acraan. SJ.O bufft, 'J. ali sidaboard. ft; vary lara Ma k wainot warurot. n. ) Mb 4.V and lota of other barajna. If wa batnt aot In Block what yott want, wa can aat it for you at any or tha rirr.r.ni wholaaala feouaaa that wa trada with; you can go thar youraalf-and pick out what you neod and if you hava any old furnltur you want to aall w,1 taka It In trada. allowing you 4 II bara I .... um. if au want to aava n.nnv In furnlahln UD, call Oft Ob. It Will "ulwTrnv sAi.VAOIS IVMPANT. M.V3-47 Washington, bat. ltfth and Jt rata. Both pbonaa: Main UP: A 7IML lk-IU'h.ti'OWKrt launch, with romplata nmrn:. Including ale'-trlr Uabts; will t - lard of Trade. Mata . C.f:KESPONPEVCK couraa la aalatnanhl9 itn:don onooi ; aa at 'u iohrap. A. von k-Icic, 14 13th at a OH nAiB Snowcaaaa. wallcaaaa, couutara. Gnrml fiaturoa ta ato k and anad ta orjr at lowest prlca 111 Qrand ara.. t f IHelPROOr BAFKi Doubl door National baf Co. aafa; aingia door UU frafa Ljck t'o aa:x ! tn at , A L. ' f tpatria. palntlnga. ,-h-oa. Indian baakvta an-l tooiaa llAr 127 14th rti-.n M. C. :.NIS ttntd or paprd. In-lndlnc - irrial. -' up V 4.H. tragonian Two pool tablaa. 34 11a W I born VOK SAI-E Ramlngton tpawrltar. Nl T, A I condlMob. $'-Km M 4TJ. Otcgooian. COIN c l. actio a. or ru rr. barad property. will trs4 for aula AK 43A Oragoniaa. iOT ! and mortgacaa bought and sold- Na llonal Credit Aaa ! Worcatr bldg. AX HKRNARO f jaaia, wkl Wad. for aava I earry tha large atock of for trtm roicg for ladla hat in port.asd at low at prlraa; uf atjiaa. A. Riaaar. turrtar. Ill ilia bi. F.iR ALE Vary ancient rrllca. old pewter platT r oraaa inm-in. apoona. tc. 7T Vancouwr ir cornar u aa lbon O 1 34. I -FT Morrf rano. Call at Oravaa' bCAt- bnuaa. . rat enu wnrTi"n ir.Kw. M and 1 P. U. Waumadar. 'or W ea- TfaK .Sort h rat Typcwrliar Company. Z22 Abtngtoa Ding.. pnn i rompany asuing atrlctiy factory rabulrt NfcU. sllant runabout. Racycla. aprlng f'rn. r(asir oraaa. ibiu.w - - - 4.i7. W cash takaa It. Christlr-llosa ta, la1 Sd at. AXTEn MlHCEl.LAXEOC. CLOTH I Wanted M-n's caatoif clothing and ho and bicycle; highat price paid; w also nay ikdtca clothing. Call op tha Oiob Mrood-baod store. I'lion Main -o. T let au Prompt attention aiways givaa. u. . .n in avarv Dart of lb cits'. WANTED Pom on to a'o d rar; ary intaUigant. ate Call 13 Plan dra at. NVFui'NlLA.VD puppy. thoroughbred; prica must oa rwuB4Mi. " in (ia 7 . vi. GENEKAI, tagidermy. blrda Irfl-?"- f raUUnary; L.aA. i'non a ao.. r.ry st.. near Sdd. Taka IMrd au car. ai.LL your aetond - hand furnltur to tba td Auction Co. or you'll gal lea. Phones A 34 44. Mam a'-'Sl. blbAM BOILER M to 3-M '.. new or serond-banu ii yj. tv.. a m-v.. . Merrill. 14 Oak. cornar 7th. afternoon. IF TOU hava houaabold furnllur lw aa. call up ieorga xiakar A Co-, IJi Park u Ho:h phonea. WANTED Movlng-plctura machina. gas oui- nt. Ilim. etc. t 4J. uwEuuiaa. W ANTE!. i To hut ooma cheatnuta. Morrison at fih market. Apply 31 and WE bur rythtnr nd pay tha prlca. too. phona Marnan .-.j. . WANTED Engllih bull fup?; rrU roust WANTED Second-hand 3 -com part men t , Oregonlno. vcrtlral latter fit. AK SPOT cah paid for your furnltur: prompt attention always given, rnum r-a HELP W AXTriWM.U.l WANTED A man and hi wife, tha ma to work in an orcnaru anu ma w take charge of th boa.rdm;-hous: taous. wood and water furn;sjd; a splendid proposition for lb rlgUt parties. Ad d rasa, giving particulars, tha Mount A1 ama Orchard Company, Whit fealmon. W ash. , MEV WANTED, ago 18 to S3 for Bremaa; 3luO monthly, brmkaoien kO. oa aaarby rail roads; aapsrtcnca unnacaary: no strike; promotion io engineer, conductor; railroad a-.paylng ndu.uartr o-rar roen nt to poaitioca mobthly; atat aga; a ad atamp. pa t: way Association. Oregor.la. HELP TOURSELP TO A GOOD SALART. Ara roa waltloT Por what? Old agT Ieatbf Prpr for aueeaa now. bend for our new catalogue. International Correspondent Schools. J33 Alder at. W 'ANTED Men without experience to work at electricity. plumblus. automobiles, bricklaying; iam trada in a lew muutlia without ajtpena; studt-nt last yrar; ;.'Hh( contract Joha; writ Immediately. I'nited Trad bchool Contracting Co., Lum Angelr MEN who want to econonil and tt good valuea In trousara should faa elevator to room 313 Oregonion bide and ae Jlm mie Dunn. Ha aeila regular $i.:A to 4 aiura for and 8-iO to 3 value for t x.V). W ANTED Young men to run pa-cnger vator; mutt btj experienced and hava vf crenca Apply Commercial Club, oth and Oak sis., between aud 11 A. 31 -a super Intendant'aoSica. WE WANT a lira, hustling gentleman of good disposition and character to become financially and actively uncreated In paying and mot Intrr.'gttng manufactur- . lug propoattlon. AJ 477. Oregonlan. J SALESMEN WANTED to Bell fruit tree, m-ulnut trees and ornamentals. Others ara making good. Splendid territory. Lx pans money ad m need weekly. W rua Alt.any NuicrltaibanyOT.. Dept. A. NOTICE to upholatcrera and mattresa makera BWow ta union seal of wag' paid In San Krancts o: Vpholsterera. 34: maitreaa-niakers. 3.iW: aight-hour day, fin climate, steady work. TOL'NiJ man or atout lad to help witn J.m.tur work morning and evening In ejtchang for rours In shorthand, type writing, bookkeeping, ate Writ today. V 47S. Oreyonian. MEN. with ability, aa eanvassera. to repre snt ua inwd'ortland; muflt l capable and convincing taikers. remuneration llmlud 'only io your ability. Call aftar V A. 31. 418 Mohawk bldg WANTED Mao and w If a on farm near city; 34U month for Winter, mora In Sura- nM PACiriC EMPLOYMENT CO., 12 N. Xd t- WANTED Torap-'teni young man for copy ing and bill clerk. Insurance office; niaatl write good rapid band and hava beat of rvf-rn- ra. X 477. Orcgouian. Vol ran earn IIO and upward dally until Xtna on our apeclal HOLIDAY work. Pa cific Monthly Company, stark and Part st a. A k for Mr. T aaar. A NL'MBER young men wanted for teie graph and atation service, good position guaranteed. For particulars call al 143 oth street. ltd floor. KaILWAY mall eir. poatofnc clerks and carrUra examinauon in November: aal ary up to Slt-: fre bo-jk W. Facino btatea SchooL McKay bldg. WANTED -Clean, respectabl young man roommate; rent tl.:u. fco A. M- Kmboy. r.Mm ili. ftUdS Washington t.. to h ji p. M. AO r.tCL'LTU it-AL expert, muat b firsi-claaa oriu mao also; apiary 8-o rwr month to start. Call with lettera at room av4 Lewis bidg. WANTED, experienced marc an til and col lecting agency aollcltora. city work; good remuneration. Call room i!-7, Tuaaday, Lumbermen Exchange. biAli-HElt and polier.er. nagea eighteen dollars a week to aiaru Write or wire at once Chaira New Laundry. La, U ran da. or. ; PHOTKVRAPH nagativ retouchers, first-c-lasa on pi'a work. Cut berth, phototf rauher: Dekum bldg. LEAKN auto mob 1 1 driving aad repairing. 4ay or evening. Of rice J6Sa Waaoxngto. at.. R. 413; coming bnsineaa. plenty wort. COATMAKER and bushelman. a ready Ap ply 3iaxwelL tha Jailor, iNd Washing tun a treat. WANTED Experienced solicitor and driver for grocery store; re'ruc required. 4o9 Williams are. WANTED Hushflman. good All-around man; steady work, good wages. 173 lltb L FIRST-CLASS Jeweler, atone tier and ens-raver, watchmaker preferred. Dunbar 4k Nelson. North Yakima, Wash. WANTED Boy over 15 years to deliver box lunchca. Metropolitan Jox Lunch Co. 14 J S 2d at., room ad. HOT about 14 rears to work tn electrical stockroom. Apply 311 titaxk. Mr. Mer chant. IlRCH MAKERS -.anted at the Fruah Factory. 5X E. 17th st. Peoplti WAN'll'D at once. 2 men to learn to drive and repair autorr.cbtlt-s. 50-5 7th st.. N. Bi'S!iELMAN wanted. cur- K. S. Ervln 4l Co.. WANTED Sheet met.il workers. Puiiet bound finatMatalWorka, Seattle. Va. LIVE agents to sell photo coupons; swell offer, pnvia. 34- S Wash, st- FlKST-t'UASS. experienced spinner wanted. Bandon Woolen M ilia. Bandon. Oregon. BOOKK EEPINO. private tuition by an ex pert a cc outs ta n t. SOI Merchants Trust bid. WANTED First-class meat-cutter. sate man. Addreee box 'l. Eugei e. or. H.it-CLAS reaentauye. ummerctai saiesmaa or rea- ;l Co nor rclal bl dg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrnlt agents; new oflar. Cutbertfr studio. Dkum bidg- 00D aoUcltor for die works. yiZ wiuiam ara. WANTED I-athrr at 4 th and Ca rut her. S uth Portland. JaMTOH wanted for hotel. Apply l&O 1st WANTED Ptrat-clasa pantBnakr at J. po.lt ka A Co.. Sod Corbett bldg. WANTF1 Toung man to learn trade. Ora- g.n ''rsaa Work. WANTED A good second short order cook. Sargent. Haw thorn and Grand avea. ERRAND BO Y S B 1 umauer- Prank Dm g Co.. bth and Everett a.a. EXPERIENCED w.sow-trimmer and caYd- wrtter; ateady posit Ua. Apply 171 3d st. KXPER1KNCED aalaainan fe-r hish-cw Clothing at once. Ore g?n!AJ. c ha n a. A rc h-r -e-- h W ANTED Teams to haul lumber Aa cliy. jiiMiW Mm, a aaa-J . INCIDENT. Offlcw Secretary Employment rprt tneu T. M C A. . . Toung man. stranger, out of wort h'.w -otal cash assets) If t PT yf,? f ir epacial employment member hip 1 wm on It hava 8x3 left between ma sndataxva- becretarr If yo ay 15 fr T employment memberahlo you will n tn T M- C A-. with all li rwaourca batwaoa you and starvation. What happened? ti Toung man tooa membership- Instd 01 two hour ho found amtufactory amploy- Turftif ptrabr. 1910. 118 othars found moioyment In Ilk manner. . . Employment or refund. X mmbrni fe guaranteed. ee fiacraiary Em ploy mast Department. T. At- C A. A WINDOW trimmer for ona of our etora In our organization. An axceptlonally com petent man who can quality along tha fol lowing lines: Ability to display limited amount of merchandia to biggest advan tage, showing economy In ue of earn, adept at inside trims and decorative a heme; . economy tn us of fixture; a thorough knowledge- of march audi val uea. a married man preferred. Giv full particulars, full reference and send Pho tographs oc displays, etc. O. A- HALE CO., baa Jose. cal. BAIXAN for Washington. Oregon and Idaho, to sell knll underwear. 5''"v; sweater coas; only those wlh established trade, exp rlcnred In this ln, and can furnUh nrst-clas references new) apply. I. A. Samuels A Co., 4S Broad a. N. 1. WANVED lral-claaa accountant, thorough ly familiar with modern offlc system in commercial business, capable of taking en tire harjEe of collections and credits; lr you are not thoroughly experienced tn this work, no not reply. Prftsr Prty wl? is familiar with machinery liaoo; in answering glv your aga and Stat fully your occupation for the past live year and glva reference from past employer, otherwise application not considered. Ad dress AL 47l. Oregonlan. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the Ij. S. Marina Corp, between thoea of 19 and ;t.-: must be native b m or have first puiers; monthly pay 13 to 3d". Ad ditional compensation possible. Food, rlntblns quartere nd medical attenlance frea. After 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of prvy and allowances. Service on board eblp and ashore in all parte of the world. Apply U. - Marine Corps Recruiting Office. Breerten bldg.. ar.d Washington ats.. Portland. Or. EXPERIENCED man to tflke charge of ladle' suit department In prominent store In this citv; must be thoroughly experi ancad In handling: trade and In bulng goods: make application by letter staling experience and salary wanted. Address N 4tiii. oregonlan. 1 HEX WANTED Age 18 to H-V for firemen. 3100 monthly, and brakemen. s0; on nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, con tninr. Pali A Krrrtilovlna Headouar- t era over o'H men sent to position monthly. Stat, age; send stamp. itau- way Aaaoctalion. Oregonlan. WANTED -Two flnt-class salesmen in ma chinery line, who are experienced In fil ing to contractors and municipalities; mat iu artHaa- mo a mil lent ion considered unless age and "employer for past five years ar given. Address Al- au. urrgm"- HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAXTED Girls that hava been working on men's coats to work with tailor on ladle' jackets: good wages: ateaay won. Call at 447 Alder. J. K. Uern. ladles tailor. GIRLS. OVER 1 TEARS. A34ES-HARR1S-NEVILLB CO.. FIFTH AND DAVIS. f L LADY to take charite of advertising in 4 department etore; must be a good stvn oxiapher and must give reference aa to abilltv and moral character; no novice need apply. AD 47u. Oregonlan. WANTED Toung lady of executive ability to travel and appoint agents for Urge Eastern concern; gooa eaiary anu peusea. G 47S. Oreginlsn COUNTRY girl wanted. Id to 19 years old for restaurant. $13 per month with board and room or 3-0 without room. 372 North 17th st. WANTED TailoresaeB to work with tailors on ladles Jackets; steady work, good wagea. Cal at 447 Alder. J. K. Urn, la diva" tailor. 1 k vTt-n An l iiratnt ladv of tact and nice appearance, lo call on certain select ed mothers In promotion of educational Interests. 8 4 regonian. WANTED 3000 ladies to bring their old hats to the Make-Over Shop. 413 Alder, cor. 11th at., 1 block west of Old. Wort- man A King; trimming nuc ana 31. wanted E x oerienced sk Irtmaker on power machine: good wage. Btrady work. Call at 447 Alder, J. K. Horn, ladier tai lor. WANTED A redned middle-aged Uuiy to take charge 01 a gooa paying Tuesday. 2. P. M. to 6 P. 1L, 100m 37, Raleigh bldg.. flth and Wash iS 1 wholesale house, an energetic woman for position offering good opportunitlos; axpertenc not required. N 4od. Orago- W" ANT ED Woman to take car of laundry for two young ldlea. Room Luxor 4tA phone aJter o:au. n-1 KTrn Refined, capable woman for r- anonaibl ooaltion. Viavl Co., 809 Roth- , child bldg.. 4tb and Washington. OIKI.S Id year and over; good wagea ana ateady work. Apply Multnomah Mohair Mills, beuwooo. MRS .HOWtTS I-ADIE- AGENCY. J-tV waaningion au, room Matn s-'d or A MtSii. nun A ,n,ni housework, small family. mo0A wages East 39t0. 6"l Thompson st-. Irving ton. w a vt -!- Ralesladlea. waist depL. root wagea. experienced only need apply. Grand I.rader. a vTir.ik Aeenu for portrait enlarge nients; god offer. Call 24 o S Morrison, between '. and 1- A. M HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY! . Wdshlngton St.. Cor. 7th. L'pal -848 pstalf. Phone Main 2612. 111 it- In exchange for sewing aasistanc dally In housework. S 436, Oregon tan. COMPETENT cook, w her girl la employed to do 2d work; good wages. Inquire at obO E-vorett au RELIABLE girl to assist with care of little air I and second work. Apply mornings. Johnson au pktext airl for general housework; -mU family. Call mornings, l Over ton Bt. toi'NG lady for office in wholesale house. Adore la own handwriting. Y 473. Or- gotiian. GIRL for bouaework part day; Sunday free; sleep at home; wagea 313. Wl Kearney. WANTS D Girl for general housework; no cnildrcn. oso uroanw?. Mai ww. WANTED Teacher for night. Call T to 9 CVrntnga. OOP jmrii-mg WANTED Neat girl f.-imilv of three. iQ. to do housework Clackamas at. in WANTED Girl for general housework, good wages. 3-3 MBiuigmaa u WANTED Girl for general housework. Call afternoons. 7-3 Schuyler mu WANTED Experienced saleslady. Goodyear Raincoat Co.. 3uJ Washington St. 8LlCITOR3. 15 por week. Call 304 Lewis bldg. G1KL tr general housework. Apply 201 East Xa SI. .onn. rm-un rm. EXPERIENCED girl wanted In confection ery and light lunches. 474 Washington st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework; family of three. Call M a In S 1 mornings. WANTED A chambermaid. Call at 62 s North tn NEAT woman for housecleantng. Call 143 h lllh St., 1 TO 1- umaj TWO experienced saieagiri tor hosiery, un derwear, COraeLB, etc apyiy ix aw mi. GIRL for general housework, three In tarn- 1 . y. Apply w - " W ANTED Thoroughly competent girl "general housework. Call 4."5 Market. girl for TEACHERS for mission achooL Z0i S 2d St.. T o'ciock P. M. Apply WANTED At Slater Hoepltal In Chtco. Cel.. pupils to enter school or nura:ng. PRIVATE school. SHOrTHAND nd TYPE WRITING; $3 mo. 39 14th: Main 393. VEAT and competent girl for general house- work POO Lovejoy- Main 2.-1 or A 4140. GlKL to ass is with housework; two In fam- TWO lady ranvaTs. good offer to experi enced people- r-oi a-aum GIRL for general housework a nd cooking ; amail ramiiv. mwi " - WANTED A school girl to asxist in general ) -Lr M r..hirt. yhana Mmia Zj&'J. WANTED Toung ladle for telephon op erating, witn or without experience w p'.y Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Co.. 6th and East Ankeny at., or Weat Para: and Aider at. GTRLS WANTED. APFLT STANDARD FACTORY NO. X Grand iva. sad East Taa lor ats. PRIVATE secretary and competent sten- orranher to travel among oroson anu W aahtngton sawmills; good " maihemau clan; must have tact and ability and of neat appearance. State experience age nd salary desired. Give telephone number. E 4 it. Oregonian. 30o0 WOMEN to buy sample suits and coats. u, price or less; experiencea iueruun hands wanted. Worrell's Sample Cluak Pull Store, 1.14 6th aL corner Aldcr( op posite The Oregonlan. . WANTED Competent stenographer; mod erate salary to start, nut a gooa. perma nent position; glv your phona number. G 4 77. Oregon lan. ti WANTED Flrat-clasa manicurist. 68 6th at. HELP W A XTE D MAI Jt OB PEMALB. 10. 000 POSITIONS for graduata last men and women to learn barber trad in 6 week, help to secure promonon; grauu ates earn from 113 to 323 weekly; expert instructors; tools free: writ for cata logues. Mohlar System of Coll eg t. JJ North 4.h au. Portland. Or. AKE money writing stoHes or for new" papers; oig pa r . o L 1 " tei how. Vnlted Pre Syndicate. San Francisco. V A N T K 1 J Gentleman or lady of gool ap pearance to represent weii-Known dusi- nvss house, can at .' starK s TOl'NG Greek wish party to teach him tho English language. Call 34.VMorrlBaii. WANTED Teacher of sinclng and piano. outside city. oia bwblwbu oiqs. fTskTEACHEI:3 ASSOCIATION, 611 Swet. ana oiug. SITUATIONS TVAMTED MAtX. TOUNO man. stenographer, who Tindritaii(l little of bookkeepliiK. noi atriua . " h in hnnil. Innldn and out.lrte: .v.ryone starUnc with from buy. .re eitnar on th. road to rlrh.. or drawlnc bis .alarie.; 1 started them rlrht. "honesty and squar. dealing": do cranks, spoiled boys or booz. flKhters need apply. Merrill, 3j (kk. corner 7th. afternoons. COLLEGE graduate with 2 year, of law aohool er loric Mute tnimtinj, lre law office clerkship. Woodlawn 1W8 or M 463, Oregonlan. , BY neat, sober young man; best of refer ences given: prerer oiiac. wora ur wv. clrk: am not afraid of any honest work. Herman Van Meter, Forest brote. v-r. BOOKKEFIER with a few hour, lelsur. every day. aeaire. sniau l,f,'L to care for. Phone Wood lawn 279L BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, all-round nrr ice man: competent urn . - ary. 8 4H7. Oregonlan. MlMreilaneoaa. STEAM HEAT Ail elderly man. Just from honest- .trlctly sober, desires a position In small plant or steam-heated building, more for home than wases. Phorte V ood lan 2S97 or addreis N. M., 10-J4 Albloa .venu " MR. HOTEL, OR RESTAURANT MAN. If your kitchen Is not paying or meal. not giving til"' .i 1 1 ii ii. " 7"" :, to YOU. A man and wife who know the business, wbo ar. nrst-ciaa. cooks anu managers, are looking for a place where their ability will b. appreciated. AJ 4u, On-sonlan. WANTED By man and wife. Janitor, work at nignts: wouia go i ut " work until 6; w. ar. competent in clean ing ana scruDDina. a- state wages and particular!. Call at once. AB 479. Oregonlan. JAPANESE couple want work for boarding nous, or nuioi, i-1 1 J v, " ' ' . good exTMrlenced cook; wife as second cook, atsnwasner or euiiuwu". 2 isortn vin hi. COOK, experienced dinner, pastry and bread, ' . t. .. (,.. nil w 1 1 1 (I n 111 hotel, boarding house or institution. Coun try preferred. A. ?. Newman, Hotel Ham mer want, position: ton years experience with Dc-sl practice iu hi.hhU. . , .,n.. .raduate. AK. 47S. Oregoniun. on a larg. wneai .1 h..e A can wora. J. rwv.. Portland. IUU.VO man attwsdlng college deaires place full or address A. M. S. Phon. SITUATION by experienced gasoline engine mechanician aiiu . ... of town, after November 16. AJ 48, Ore gonlan. WANTED Position as engineer In sawmill by gooa au-arouuu . M- ..wi.nr.: beat of reference.. X 4oo, Oregonlan. TOIXO man desire, place to worlt tr room nd board before and after school Address H. D. It.. 143 otn s. PHARMACIST, registered Oregon "d Waah- Ington. seta. Vj..di ...... . BXl-EKIENCED tailor want, position to run alteration department, -.. , . first-class jod. at un...". STKAUi wora oj iiiiuuid-.b .. ly temperate, reliable, handy with rope, and tools. JulluaHahnemann. 9 N. th at, TOUNG' married man wlaht. Inside work; good education, no bad habits, furnish best r -. i c ATT Ort-i.nnla.lL OI rc.rcm-c. - WANTED Position as caretaker by elderly man aoie to oo nau. - O. box &. -ny. MAN and wlf want position on ranch. woman good coofc. man aii-arouau irui. W 4 ID, urotuuau- MOVING-PIOTURE operator want poslUoa i At of city: best of reference. K. 473. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED English, German and u.nH injLvian aneaKiiiK irrv 7 want poaltlon. AK475,Orcgonian. Umatilla ve. fiLTCATION by temperance man. salesman clerk, collector; clean record; reference S 477. Oregoniair ".."lu. sV..u.i. Artrtraaa H Oregonlan. p?iua aa - MAN and wlf want kitchen In hotel, ree- taurant or camw ---a WANT position as cook by young man. pnon caav EXPERIENCED gas engineer want posf- lion. B-iiy u""" '"Q : WANTED position of short shift morning " A -Tj aaA rti-efi-nnlan. or Pvcutm- " pahpENTER and builder, new work or al- CAKrff e..Pnl.ha1 Kllwoorl 171i teration. TOUNG man. 20 years "old. wishes to learn ky.... A GOOD cook wants position a camp cook. plumper a .rauc- ' " JAPANESE cook wants position in private I; LIT! ll. ina. UJCENSED chauffeur, good mechanic, wants -w iru rtrnirnnlan. ponuuu. " uxcH Job, either kitchen or dining-room. AB 4T. ure('iu CARPENTER work, any kind, day or con WANTED Work, lathing or shingling; non- union. x y i".D.vr.sE Emnlorment Co. will furnish al 1 help- Main 463U. A 4073. 263 Everett BIT CATION WAITED FEMALB. Bookkeeper sod btenograpbera. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER accu rate. rapid. cornpet-nt fine business woman.-executive ability; nominal salary. 8 Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, six years experience, desires position in either or Oth Caifir.. a. w.n EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po Vition; reterences. Phone C 27o5. V re asm iter. ALL kinds of nne dressmaking and altera tions by experienced seamstress; prices reasonable: best reference. J13 Yamhill St.. cor. 16lh. Phone Main 2229. NEW YORK designer makes your nice dresses up; waist L Mra Lash, iiyt Yamhill. ti AIV sewing, mending, repairs done rea sonable. Room 408 Labbee bldg.. 2274 Washington st. FIRST-CLASS tallorea. and dressmaker from the East wants sewing by the day. 44 j East Lincoln St. DRF.SaAKlNG Shirt waists and chil dren's dresses a -' laity, reasonable. Main iz:i. STYLISH dresses $5 up; waists 1.50 up; " fine work. .-.2g.MllL.1?a.t:,2,-li. tiKKoSMAK INti and ladle.' tailoring. Phon. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse, extensive- experience, doctor' rierences; re"w Slain fiv;;7. ' TRAINED nurse. Telephone Sell wood oo. II ouscteeeper. poITION aa housekeeper in pleasant htmp by renned culturea woman. o. .ajP-w of taking full charge; beat W references given and required; no objection to coun try town. P 477. Ore son lan. U f D D LK-AGED lady wishes a position as housekeeper for wiaower wiui - drtn. Address Mrs. Hampton, St, Johns, Or. CAPABLE woman with boy 3 desires situa tion, houseKeeper. wiuowcnwuiy. t Alder St., room IS. A 4072. TOL'NG lady, 25 German, wishes position JU Fischer. 871 W Front aa housekeeper, street. A LADT would like to take charge of room ing or uptti uiicui-MiuBv. . Domestic. GOOD Japanese rirl wants ituation to do houseworK in larauy. auuicm gonlan. SITUATIONS - wanted by two PrlPnJ for UD-stairs work. AO 477. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. A MUSICAL, lady wants a place to work for . ..h.m practice will not be objectionable and on west side of river near Dusineaa ni.tut t. . - -" LAUI naroer want. ill,r" 1 " " ' " - i. . i i ittii iHiirAs. Alice Tyson. . . .;.t..n. .Ill rrat HPr .ul '.nrhntl ... CltV EXPERIENCED ladv retoucher desires po ...i t .t.wtio: aalarv S15 Per r eek L 471. Oregonlan. POlTlON as child nurse by a competent T 47S. Ore- jrtung woman; wages .j."w. gontan. LADY wants work by the hour. 644 Petty- grove, room a. TOUNG woman wlshe. day worn, gooa laundress. a j.hm. . SITUATION wanted as chambermaiu. ex perienced. T 4 1 a. urepinian. POSITION wanted by llrst-class waitress in restaurant only, au . WOMAN Experienced, wants work four or five hours a any. aiain. -.;o-. A fiOOD laundress want, more steady work. liar the. Main 49. GIRL wishes to work by hour. Call Main 3471. A LADY wants wora Dy toe nal- Main 4:7S. 4ot otn sr. . ffAXTEP AGENTS. AtlENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for cholc. nursery tock; outfit free- cash weekly. Address Capital -lty ACTIVE- canvassers can make $o0 weekty ... m . L. vaa0nn 1 1 r"lr i Ilk selling trees lor lit. " ' - pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. Address Orenco. Or. WANTED XO BENT. W. furnish th. renter, collect the rent, pay taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs, the same for you as thouh the property was our own: references, any bank in Portland. THi! SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 245 Stark St. Phones A 3500. Main 35. Houses. WE have several people who wish to rent furnished and unfurnished house., flats, apartments. We make a specialty of look ing after homes, sucli as the repairs, pay ing the taxes, seeing that the Insurance doe. not expire, and remitting to the owner promptly each month. If your property 1. now vacant and you wish a tenant, wo can fill the bill. F. B. Taylor & to., eo-.oo ti... m.. QOVEKNMti.M oatcer .un '""'''J , -- ln of wife and two children, desires fur nished sulio of three rooms and batb. in apartment, hotel, where there Is cafe, must be Orst-class, in best district; refer ences exchanged. Address S 47B. Orego nlan WANTED By Nov. 20, unfurnished cottage. " C:Z.tT,ZT ; fi.t. w ithin walking distance of lrvington school; 2 adults. Phone ,A 2S17. WANTED To rent, by a desirable tenant, modern ten-room house In good residence .i . r.- t?. rtrapnnian locauuu. - -j. w-p TOLL Thompson Rental & Fire Insurance Agency; houses solicited; repairs; taxes; furnish tenants. Call 3 10Fallingbldg. WANTED Furnished room by gentleman; only in town part of the time. R 4t6, Oregonian. - WANTED To rent 2 or 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Box 6o3, Lents, Oi Apaxtioents. I WANT to rent a new rfpartment-house; West Side. Call Main 4919. 1UK RENT. BoomB. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. -MILNER BLDG," 850, MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL, REASON ABLIt Furnished Booms. HOTEL ALDER, CAPES. Corner 4th. . TaJ5- and Alder .t. These two beautiful new hotels just completed and handsomely furnished, bjj aess every modern convenience including elevator service and private telephone ex change. Both are right down town, yet lust off all carllnes: about ball the rooms In each have private baths, all otners hot and cold water. The rates are curprls Ingly low. Call and see them and you will be pleased In every way. Booms by the day, week or month, HOMELIKE! HOMELIKE! HOMELJK.E! NEW SCOTT HOTEL. Seventh and Ankeny Street.. Free wa. thelhr depot carriage, I took it on the apot; There may be other house. Just aa good. BUT I GUESS NOT. A quiet home for quiet people. . THE WEAVER, 710 Washington .U. near King- a perfect modern home; private bath, (team heat, hot and cold running .... .M telenhona In every room: fin est part of the city; the maximum of convenience fc - , . wo make you feel at home; dining-room In connection; best in tho city lor Ue, money. UOTl.'T. K A VON. 129 .Eleventh St. Not, modern brick building, .team, heated. prlvaLe baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Kale, very reasonable. Call and ae. us Begular and transient trad. soucltec i t,lt Alt IJ Ulttuit . v. An elegant suite of rooms with private bath; will give special rate to four young men; also modern rooms, hot and cold water, -jo io .o ft. ww- . u -. DWt wtnu. JaOl'LL SAlitiENT, Cor. Grand ave. and , Hawthorne. Phone East 291 connecting .very room, private baths, elevator, flrst-claa. grilL Special rates by week or month. American or European. Transcienu solicited. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, op. Portland Hotel. 1 4 w lamniii; uih-wm. tmuiwi single or en suite; modern; ,&0 up; transi ents solicited. M. 11. A 7177; , week, up. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 253 eth St.. 4 square, above P. O. ; family hotel, private name aa .Eicuitn., mm.- sients solici-eo. unTEiTBIJBHMARK. Washington and 17th. first-class furnished rooms, single or en suite; all modern conveniences; 3 weekly UP. A 3Q41, aiatn ooiiN THE BEAVER. 12tn and Marshall sts., -well zurntsneu .hj"ub . w " ' - electric lights, hot baths free. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 2 peo ple; all conveniences, close in, S3 ana ,4 per week. 1HE HAZEL Nicely furnishsed steam-heated roonu, with running, water. 3b3 3d au, cor. Montgomery. MODERN outside rooms, $2.5i to $3 per week, including baths; also housekeeping rooms. 548 V! Washington st. NEWLY furnished rooms. 178 Ella or Wash ington. l'Donij Main 6-113. Furnished Boom, fa Private Family. NICE light front room on ground floor, suitable for two: furnace heat; li blocks from Portland Hotel. 189 West Park st. $6 MONTH, furnished room for lady. 294 14th St.. corner Columbia. ONE comfortably furnished room for gentle- n,w: West Park. $lo. Main 9Q00. FOR RENT A nice furnished front room. 3 VI Park St.. near Montgomery. NEATLY furnished bed room: walking distance: $1.50 per week. 429 6th. $10 MONTH, bright, pleasant room, all con veniences. 473 Clay st. ' PLESANT furnished room with every con- venlence: references. . 208 14th st. WARM comfortable room, breakfast if de- slred. Phone 4379. 751 Kearney, near 23d. FURNISHED room for rent; suitable for t vo. Call evenings. 62 E. 29th St. M'WLT furnished rooms, one. two or three ladles. 569 Flanders. Main 8512. ri r t t T rntim for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NEWLY furnished room in private family; good bath, steam heat, phone; everything convenient; terms reasonable. Call at No. listi lBih st. X. Walking distance. NICELY furnished, comfortable rooms In private family; electricity, gas. phone, heat. 56j Irving. TcL Main 6J. 1 VERY comfortable room for 2 ladies cm ployed during the day; home privileges. Phone East 1132 NICELY furnished room for gentlemen, all modern convenience, walking distance. Main 7904. FRONT room. West Side, walking distance, private family; phone, bath, all convea lences. Phone Marshall 2127. . LAKHABEB HOTEL, 227, Larrabee at., steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water, bath; $2.50 and up per weekL THREE nicely furnished rooms on .lower floor, furnace heat, private home . 60 E. Burnside BKAL'TIFUL, well furnished front room; window: for one or two; modern home; gas. bath, furnace, phone. SUP Everett. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room. suitable for one or two genta. Rent reason ab:e,44C E.Clay. LARGE room, one or two gentlemen: walk ing distance; Kings- Heights, steam heat, all modern conveniences. phone M FURNISHED room. heat, hot water, home conveniences. 30 17th St. North. near Washington. . TWO nicely furnished modern rooms with board for two gentlemen, prices very rea aonable. SC4 E Main st. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam-heated, .running hot and cold water. iM lan ders. . , IDEAL bachelor apartments, newly fur nished, modern, every comfort assured, close in. $12 to $2o per month. A 2547. FRONT rooms, furnished, heat, phona, bath, walking distance. 202 Jgth st. . PLEASANT well-furnished front raom, mod ern flat. Nob Hill; gentlemen. A41)$l. NEWLY furnished outside rooms. 434 7th, NICELY furnished room, home privileges. "NICE comfortably furnished room, board If desired. 7"0 Irving St.. near 21st st. Unfurnished Rooms. S NICE unfurnished rooms, ground floor, i . i 4An..t 9 Hlo,.tr. to ear: S1.1 month. 601 E. Washington St., or phone East 74U. DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED ROOMS iULNER BLDG.. 30, MOKRISOJl ST. MODERX. CENTRAL. REASONABLE. Room. With Boafd. PORTLAND women's Union, 23d year, rooms witn count, u" " " brary. 510 Flanders. Misa trances N. It.Aitt. sunt. ROOMS and board. 283 Union avenue, near Hawthorne; WOnian-cwoaeu iwt mm ly clean rooms; rate $0 per week. Mrs. Crandall. proprietress. LARGE front room: two closets and hot and cold water. ttu ."n. "w Phone A 3828. Rjtnni. With Board In Private Family. NICELY furnished room, choice board for . n nm an - atrictlv Drlvate one 1,1 i " . . . family; first-class, reasonable, close in. pnone u.asi i. SUITE of rooms with private bath, excel j . i t H..tnM, location, rates reason- Able. A 7230. 204 N. 22d; also single room LARGE downstairs room for two people. . . ,-i , i- u - huth anA nhnnA nome cooatug, w iu, ... r . ; 291 11th st. Marshall 2683. 10 minutes walk from Postofnce. WILL take elderly people Into private fam- . .i I v.nmo- TirfsTarfLciiy Iiv, gooa care, ucouluui ar" -------- an invBiM. Phone East 4631. i44 E. Ash. S33 "MONTGOMERY Largo double room. suitable lor or o itteit, .-f- board, modern, reasonable. Main 8JoJ. NICE, light, clean room for 1 or 2 nUe men: bath, phone, furnace heat; meals u oesirea. .ta itu w.. EESIRABLE room, and board, modern, fur nace heat, cnoice .nome tuufm.- Aider. 3 iuai. URGE, sunny front room; furnace heat, for two gentlemen or man and wife: home cooking; very i-jitsuuam. " BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms. hpme cooking, gentlemen preferred. 741 Gllaan st. pnone ai. otv YOUNG lady, occupied during day. who wishes nice room with home privileges, call 500 Hawthorne. E. 3426. A NICE room, with board If desired; can be had by gentleman In modern apart ment house. G 402, Oregonlan. . FINE furnished room, modern, furnace heat, . i Q t f mlltf. Btr eat nice QBlKOUutuwui " ' " BervicV 1105 E. Yamhill. NEWLY, furnished room, with board. 595 u t- ..0 PLEASANT room and board; all mod- i ATn it.aln .r em COIlveillcuvco. ' " BOOM and board for young man, S5 a weeK. pott wtu p. TWO rooms with board; terms reasonable. 146 E.26thst:or call E 3150. BOOM and board, 658 Washington at; rate reaoottaut.. Apartments. HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia, 4 blocks south from Morrison St.; new brick building, completely first-class; fur nished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apart ments; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot water, elevator, free pho.e. Jan itor service; rent very reasonable: also one 3-room unfurnished. $26 per month. ORDEKLE1GH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark. St. New fireproof brick 'building, beautifully furniahed. two and three-room apart ments, private baths, wall beds, larg. clothes closets. Phone E. 300. THE KENTUCKY APARTMENTS. New ar.d modern. $25 to $35; 28th and E Glisan. Telephone in each apt., ateam heat. Phones B 2518 and E. 6387. APARTMENTS TO LET. 5-room, steam-heated, modern apart ment. Janitor service. Apply Janitor, .25 - Everett. - WELLINGTON. COURT. Corner Everett and loth sts.. under new management; furnished 2 and 4-room suites, modern. Phone Main 1245. THE CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy st-, 1 block from "W" or 23d cariine, 3-room unfurnished apartment; steam heat, private telephone. janitor service. IRIS APARTMENTS, Third and Mill ta 4-room unfurnished apartment, $36; mod ern improvements. MODERN 5-room apartment; hot water heat, gas range and refrigerator. 185 East 15th. B-room, .team-heated, modern apartments, Janitor service. Apply Janitor, 072 Kear- ney. ' ONEONTA. 187 17th at-, near Yamhill; steam-heated. furnished apartment. BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-reom apt.; private phone, and strictly modern; 23d near Johnson st. , MAJESTIC 890 Clay; one ohoice apart. 4 rooms and bath. 2-ROOM apartment, new furniture, modern; $27.50. 648-A Thurman .t., near 20th. jTrOOM furnished apartment, $37.50. 44 Hanover. Phone Main 8520. Flats. NEW 5-room lower flat for rent. 295 E. 21st., Colonial Heights; furnace, fireplace, beam ceiling and paneled dining room; sleeping porch: rent $35. Hawthorne car. Phone Tabor 1597 PLAT 3 rooms, $15. No. 454 Larrabee, near Steel bridge. "L" car. LOUIS' SALOMAN & CO.. 233 Stark St.. near 2d. NEWLY finished 5-room flat; hard-finished floors throughout, all outside rooms, gas range and water heater, coil in furnace, large yard. 610 East Madison st. COLONIAL. 6-room lower flat with large Dorch furnace, fireplace, strictly modern, located fine. 605 E. Morrison, near 15th St.; rent $30. Phone East 1619. isth AND East Alder, first-class, upstairs, outside flat, 5 rooms and finished gar ret. Inquire flat A 654 East Alder. Phon. East 8113. YOKE an- 6-room flats. Just com pleted and strictly up-to-date. Salmon at.. near .-vari-iii . B-ROOM modern fiat, on cariine, 10 minutes from 3d and Morrison: rent $25. Inquire 4SS East 12th and Division or A 3383 6 ROOM flat: modern, fireplace, hardwood "floors partial janitor service; on Portland Height, carllne. 526 20th st. T -iil-itw Ant of 6 rooms, walking distance, on cariine. West Side; rent 27.5u. Inquire 569 1 Sth st. ; NICELY furnished modern 3-room flat, rea sonable. 1043 Gantenhein. -Tel. Woodlawn 2.-.1 1. ; -FOR RENT 7-room modern flat, furna-e and fireplace. 444 Park at; $40. Phone Tabor 763 or East 1431. gTRoOMflatTprivate bath, walking distance. 231 Hall st. . MODERN 5-room lower flat, good attio and basement. 473 7th St. NICE 4-room flafc. close in; no children. In- qulre 230 Hall ft. FIVE-ROOM flat. West Side. M. E. Lee. 411. Corbett bldg. YijAT. completely furnished, phone and bath. 311'Holladay ave.- Tf--..rf,?n flut. all modern convenience.. fid Af- ata. Phona H 2oyi. ' Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished for housekeeping, gas range, elec tric Jsfo'h's, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; ,15 per month up: a clean place; best in tho city for money: short distanc. from Union Depot. Take "S" car or Itita t. cars north, get off at Marshall .t. No degs. : . $2 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping . rooms; laacdry. bath, phone, gas, heat, yarn, clean linen. 40u Vancouver ave. 461 EAST MORRISON, corner East Eighth, completely furnished housekeeping apart ments. FINE DOWNTOWN HOME. -M1LNDR BLDG.. 350VS MORRISON ST. MODERN. CENTRAL. REASONABLE COMPLETELY furnished 2-room housekeep ing suite, phone, hatn and furnace heat: also fiirnlsned basement suite. 347 Hall. 1.50 WEEli clean fur. housekeeping rooms, heat, laundry, bath. 203 Stanton. U car. HOUSEKEEPING 7ti4l,a Union ave. $13 a month. THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur nished. 191 14th St.; transient solicited. HOUSEKEEPING room. In new concrete bldg. Phone WooUlawn 2197 or -o.9- Housekeeping Rooms In Private temHy. . TWO clean, nicely furnished housekeeplngr rooms with' bath, electric lights and use of telephone: suitable for a couple. Tele phone C 1173 or call at 165 Morris St.. after Sunday WANT quiet couple; 2 roar rooms, side en trance; bath, gas, phone, hot and cold water; 4 a week. Call after 11 A. il.. 2 147 1 h. TWO modern newly furnished housekeeping rooms, first floor, very convenient. b th st. THREE nicely furnished rooms; lower floor; furnace heat, private home. 690 E. Burn side. . two finely furnished front housekeeping rooms, private family. 353 12th St. Phone Main 8643. 3 CLEAN light rooms, completely furnished houseaeeping. modern, ground floor, bl". Front. Sr3l4TH. cor. Clay, large, light, convenient 2-room housekeeping suite. ONE room for light housekeeping: irlctiy modern, private family. Phone ast 22S9. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1st and 2d floor. 149 13th. near Morrison. SMALL suite, gas plate, sink, etc 312 Co lumbia St.. near utti. 10 A MONTH; 1 large housekeeping room, ground floor, walking distance. 411 4t hst. $10 A MONTH; nice front room. bath, walk ing distance. 452 6th .t. TWO clean, furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath; $12.50 month. 892 Front. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1st and 2d floor. 149 13th. near Morrison. . TWO furnished housekeeping room, with si n k, pantry. 487 East Anken. E. 2617. Bouse. THE GREATER MEIER & FRANK STORB RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. , Home-hunters. visit our up-to-date rental and Information department, 4th floor, main building, and see the va cancies we have listed of desirable house, and fiats. You'll sav. time In getting properly and comfortably located. We keep In touch with all vacant houses, flat, and apart ment! in the city. We. also keep a list of new buildings In course of constructlon. WHEN you move you'll need new furniture. . Buy It Judiciously and the savlnga will ex ceed your moving expenses. Our NO-KENT PRICES mad. u. one of the largest furniture house. In th. city In " " two years. , Looken shown same courtesy as tuyera, MORGAN-ATCH LEY FURNITURE CO., 69-76 Grand ave., corner East Stark U a.t Ankeny and Russell-Shaver carllnes. PASS OUR DOOR. WE CAN FURNISH Y"OUB HOME. At a great laving. Get our price. Looker, shown every courtesy. VLOSTROW & CO., 84-68 North rd SU Reasonable prices. Easy terms. 8-ROOM modern house for rent. $20 Pr month; on East 10th St. - A. J. GANTNER, 406 Henry bldg-, 4th and Oak it Main 8876. HOUSES and flats for rent, sorn. furnished. . MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sta. RENTS and collection, given ati let atten tion. Call up Marshall 2778. J. A. LAWRENCE CO 609 Corbett Bldg. SIX-ROOM house, bath, etc, walking dli- tance, one diock ixoiu cwtut. -- ,,.. lams. 92 First It., room A STRICTLY modern 6-room house, newly calsomlned. 630 E. Tagert. near 17th. 1 blockfromWWcar. An MODERN home of 8 roc ii, furnace, etcT West Side. M. B. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. fine 10-room house, furnace and garage, 21st and Johnson. 474. Apply 670 John son. FOR RENT 5-room cotage, cor. East 16th and Holgate ats. Otto Kleeman, 155 E. 14tn It. rt-ent ,-t-.uv. 704 . E ANKENY, near 20th at- 7-room house, strictly modern, furnace, fln. yard; rent $30. Phone East 1619. MODERN 6-room house for rent ; fireplace, furnace, good condition, rent $35. Phon. Tabor loat. 4-ROOM clean cottage, 850 Hood at.. South Portland. Adults. FOR REN Side. M J 6WAAm hAllUt. WASt E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. MODERN cottage, room.; $12.00 per month. '749 Water street. 8-ROOM house for rent, $36. 408 Eaat 16th North. 233 Labbe bldg. FOR RENT 6-room cottage. Portland Heights. Tel. Main S216. Furnished Houses. WELL furnished, three large rooms, front of cottage, with porch, $20 month; an other, two large rooms, front of cottage, $15 month; other suites cheaper. Apply 364 26th st. North. West Side. W car from Depot. 5th or Morrison to 26th, on. block north. . FURNISHED house or room, large house, nicely furnished; will rent the whole or part of It very reasonable; on ridge overlook ing the whole city on Reed Institute site, on" block from W-W cariine; beautiful ground, and lawn. Phone Sellwood 1201. 9-ROOM modern house. Nob Hill, on Johnson it., completely and beautifully furnished: privilege of renting rooms. Ellis, Smith J- Co., 326 V4 Washington it., rooms 201- 202. 8-ROOM modern house, completely and ele- ' gantly furnished, on Willamette Heights, will rent for six months; rent $75. PARRISH, W ATKINS CO.. 250 Alder St. A NEW 6-room house, completely furnished. East 23d. near Hawthorne ave., price o. Phcne East 2221. FURNISHED cottage, bath, fine view river, mountains, city. Palatine Hill, Rlrerdale station. Phona A 5196. 6-ROOM furnished house. 980 Belmont It. Take SuysdeorMJ.Taborcar. A NICE 6-room furnished cottage? Apply 800 E. Salmon st- Phone B 1634. FOR RENT Furnished residence. 686 Couch st.; all modern Improvements. MODERN 7-room house, yard, walking dl- . 111....... tl n 1 Slit r . tance; ret.eucc. ravu. House, for Bent lurnltqre for Sale. GOOD furniture, six-room flat; dishes, china, silverware; all complete. Snap at $400 cash. Call early today. A 49SU. 325 Mill ' st. . COMPLETE furnishings of five-room house for sale and house for rent; furniture a bargain at $300; rent $16. 436 Ross it.; Phone East 1440. ELEGANT furniture of 8-room flat, used 10 days: must sell at once; terms. 3.8 V. Mill st. ; FOR SALE Furniture of 3 flats. 1 pays rent of the home, close In, West Side, a bargain; o agents. J 457, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Furniture almost new 7-room house and alcove; price $500; rent $-5. Call 294 14th St., corner Columbia FURNITURE "for sale 9-room three-story house, clean. West Side, fine location, rooms full; rent $45. Call A 3598. FU RNITURE of 8-room house for sale. Call afternoons, 77 West Park at. . FURNITURE 6-room modern flat; sleeping porch, yard. Nob Hill. A 4989. 6-ROOM flat, $20; lome furniture forsale. 2S5 Holladay ave. Phone East 2907. FURNITURE 6-room flat for lale by owner. 20 7th, corner Clay. 5-ROOM flat, well furnished. $200 cash. 147 Hth st. Phone A 7355. Stores. - . BRICK building. 50 by 50 feet, southwest corner 13th and Marshall llreeta; rent $10 per wnth. WAXfe,NS 4 C0., 250 Alder St. ' FOR RENT A imall More, with five living-rooms in rear. In Gevurtz block, cor ner Front and Glbbs sta. Inquire of the druggist. Take "S" car. cor KENT for a term of five years, the old Arlington Club building. West Park and Alder sts. Apply to R. T. Cox. room No. 8. 2iOH 3d st. STORES In brick building, with basement. Union avenue and East Ash. Rodger. jkart-Glbsoa, i4o Second at 1