Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 29, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Pse'fle State Hum
rniUlt-nmi MalaTOI A ttl
C!i circatavo MtsT.
Minaaics EdJte ....Mela
S-ic4.r Editor
C"o.T;poia-rooia ..........Main ;'
Cllr EdllT
tape buildings Mwi"''
A "
A 0)i
HEtl.M THFATER Tlh aril TTl
Joeph K. Howard In tl mulltal corn
ed.. "Tu. MUru or Llbrl." peial
arwa BiiH at tli and tonight ax
CVOALOW DittTtR tTwetr and
Uorruwi-Oiarioa A. aollon la lb
muair! raa inu. "Tn. t o end th.
Mxta." Mauaro at Mi and umgb at
VI eclovk.
BAKCR THE ITER Elewth and Morrl--o
Th. lar Sto. k Company In "tT
I - Johnny Jn. Matin, at 2:U ana
loolilit at S.U s clock.
C P rH RUM THEATER (Morrison, balwae
."to aad OT.aia Vaudevlii. Thla
fu f el !.! aad tonight at :!.
CKt.VD TH CATER (park aad Wunuif
t-a Vauoiiie. Thie atteraooa at l.iV.
oa'h at I U aad t.
LRI' TH CATCH (Seventh aad ANIr
Araitronf Mu:iai Corner Company la
' Mon-La." Tola afteraoea at 2.M, c
KM at T.M aad a.
ItAR THEATEK Park and Wahlngton
afitloa pictures, trm J -A
to Id AO p. at.
tXKTbAU-Oncn ArrK-ulioral CMIes
'reus Vahlate:l Acricuttural College.
Tweaty-fowrta aad Yaugaa etrweta, at
1 Jo a'aloca.
Ttnlnamn raa4d lor . City
la Brief alaaaa la "day" law
. a a aiaat ko kuM la Ta osvcaaUaa
wwalav JO J r'tUtk Miwaii
Out IVovld Bsts Ornctms. Lou!
Kaulouas. a OrwK who recently r
m -4 (rum 3n Francisco. u arrested
yesi.rtay for attempting- to bribe Polio.
Nrftinl Golta and Policeman N!on to
a. low rtra to conduct ) la gambling den
at Zi North Flfto strerL H ha been
trying to run a gambling-nous In con-D-
tlon wltii a reataurant and cafe.
iiit many of hla countrynien' make
tlrir tiradriartra. KsiHouae l aa:d to
hav. offered tfce efflccrei each J5 k
to Ulna him to carry on bi gambling
cV-a nnm!rtil. Tfc Greek said I bad
alway contributed money to policemen
In otner c'tira.
iLUtort y.tx To Lrva Herb. Coming
to Orrcin on a pamir Jjunl. tao l!!t
oi brothers. Bra L H an k ptiysi of Amber. III., and C. li- S.-ar. an
kttomey of ChlraKO. hke not only pur
chaaed prnjwrty on tho ElM tS'.Uo. 'but
opn4 cfTw la'thla city. Attorney c.-ar
l a acudent of tlw firm of Ayera. Rlnaker
A Ayora of thlraco Both o ntleAiien era
a' roinpanird ti Portland by U-tr famlLc
and m:U make this city their future
A Natvuai. Paric Ton 6U
WtTHtt TNI Oitt livm.
Tfartman tt Tmnpaon. who hvo effected
many of the I-irrt and Dltwt Imporlkjil
rl catktM trruc'Joui In Portland, are
n-r aI to offer for aaja tb moat ma
nnrent huoia alta of acrea within
t:i city limit. A con ln plated ub
iltvv.on of a rT-arre Kaat S.tla boldln
rAks thla poaaibla. All previous oft era
baea -orned by ta former owner,
an old reatdent of Portland. Tnea
rounda are iruiculflcenfly derelopd. the
wrrk of a lifetime. They have aplendid
eM tras. many atow-crowln; vine and
Ivvs. laanax brim of rare flowers, foun
tain, (old Ch pond and rustic brldcea.
Th rarrien are beautiful and now yield
rrw-irnt lncom to keep up all the
nund- Thewa Improrement took years
ti arrjulra and are of Incalculable TaJue.
T buiWlr.js. Inclndinc fardenars lodee
and conaervstory. are appraed at
on ear line and Improved street. Total
price totX Uetai: of this unparalleled
eprviriunlty may be bad of Hartman at
TNmiriiii. Chamber of Commerca bldf."
Jimn Mnxitui Tha Greater
old. Wormian A Klcx store have en--4iTd
tha V liber Juvenile Menaserla for
k free audltnrlura attraction today and
ail week. Tha attraction la made up of
a collection of trained monke-a. rac
coon, two B-orUlaa. bird, trained see,
H- Tha nrm extend a aeneral Invi
tation to all children to' coma to the
but free ahow and brlea their papa
and manimks.
f-LLWDoo to Itars Citwuc Orrmcn.'
A man meetlrc baa been Cklled for
rest Thursday nlsht In tha rooms of the
bell wood Oommerclkl Club to consider
way and mean for tha baSMlng- of a
a:hil:c CT-.urco and achoolhousa on tho
aate recently boufht on Ka-t fifteenth
atrret. betaeen Miller and Nehalom
streets. In flellwood. i
Kortt TM0fAO DOt.tJ Givt Awat.
TfdAy the Greater Old. Wortman A
Kips store will sladden tha heart of
.v., children by civics, with each pur
ch. amountlr.c to U or more, a hand
nrre drensrd dolL No doubt every
parrnt In Portland w!Il be on hand. Tha
offer deserves attention.
;nvr Rn'nucA- Rau.t. tonifht at
I o'rkxk. at the Masonic Temple. West
Park and Yamhill street. t?"-ukera:
Artln Governor Bocmin. Iaa J.
MAUrkey and JuJr Stephen A. Iw:L
Votera ar urcod to coma out and hear
the L-wue of the campk.'jn fearlessly
discuned. (Paid adv.)
J. V. Casct. manager and buyer of tli
crp-t department of Powers Kurnk
ture Company, left for Nw Tork receot
lv cn sn extended b'iylr trip. WblUj In
the Kaat be will vlrtl all the lance carpet
centers with a view of securlnc for r.t
hoiiM the neacst and best products nf
trie mills. "
Ixtvtnj. or Sirsic W'tu. Mis A Rarb
That If triey do not attend tha month
ly praiae wrvU-e. by tha choir. In tha
llrst Consresatlonal Church, tomorrow
at 7:S P. M. Additional attractions here:
lr. Iyott' sermon at 11 A. il.. and ad
drejw at : P. M.
'ATitot.K Men- Clts r.xr.D.A.
men's clu baa been formed In Ft.
Tarcl! parish, composed of ("ktthollo
nenihr only. Tli club will ive an en
tertainment the nlht of November 4 In
hi. Stephen'a IlalU Eat. Forty-aecond and
I at Taylor atreeta.
Otho Who Dir.. Otho "Ward died at
the borne of his sister. Mrs. R. II. Stlll
we'.l. lal? Ea. Ninth street North. Octo
ber XT. II waa U yesra old. He had
been a member of Homer Lode, of
Knhjrhra of Pythias, of Lone Rock. Or.
and Twelfth street Sunday. 10: mora
Inr worship, aermon by Dr. Jr'oulkesx
-The Lord God of Host": 7J0 evening;
servW-a. adilres by Mary Ilarria Armor,
of Georgls.
Pr. Ri'CHi-it-i To iJcr-rcRB. Tha Peo
ple's Forum bunrlsy evenlr.e will hear
Ir Davidson Buchanan on Somethlna
Impendlrs; What Is Itr". rVUlhlt Hirsch
I tall. Tenth and Washinrton. Admlslon
J. TV. Frwi.-s to Lsxtcrs- "Oregon
and tha Golden West" will be tha toplo
of n lllustrkted lecture by Jame W.
wln at the Taylor-Street Methodist
Church, next Tuesday at J P. M.
Waxtxd. l'MO prohibition voter to meet
at T. M. C. A, t T o'clock thla evening,
to march In a body to attend Mrs.
Armor- meetlnit. at tha Armory. Tenth
and Couch. tPald aU.) "
Roew Cttt Parr: Cbttrch. Bsst 5th
and Hancock treels Boudlnot Peeiey
will preach tomorrow at 11 A. M. and
7 13 P. M. Hla evening" subject. "Tha
Loat and tha Paved."
Thomas Holmes Walker will preach to
morrow on 'Th Fear of Man Brlngeth
a Snare" and "Home Rule 1 Not tha
Rule of the Horn.-
LABORtxo Mm com toMx-onlo Temple.
Wt Park and Tamhtll at., thl evenin;
and bear Senator Dan J. Malarkey discus
labor bill No. . (Taid dv.)
J0HW B. Ctxta!i anould be re-elected
Circuit Judre The public welfara de
xaais Ik Lf-4 adrA .
Wbippbo VtcnK FtK-to. On a char
of persocktlr.c an officer. J. 'HJ
"etching-, who u horsewhipped hy
Miss Nsnl Nsnstrom latK Tuesday,
found irullty In MunJelnal Court yetar
day mornin; nd fined 1 by Judge
TaswelL Hftchln- ha filed noUca of
appeaL Illtchlngs waa accu!d of gxilnaT
to tha Bellevu Hotel, wher th young
woman live, where b represented him
self to the proprietor a an officer and
told him that If Mls Sans-trom wa not
ousted tha bous would ba raided.
A Slionnccyf Mbat Market. It '
only a big word like this that cn de
scribe the newest Frsnk L Smith market.
It Is located at lfc First atreet, between
Aider and Morrison streets, right around
th corner from Smith Alder -street
market. The finishings of It ar whlta
and gold. Meat rack of pur polished
nickel. Today there will be music by a
14-piece orchestra: totted plants, palms
and -flora throughout, and th great
charm for the ladiea will bo tha good,
cheap, attractive Oreron meats. Smith-)
meat are th cheapest and best In the
Vnlted Statea. Everybods 1 welcome
everybody but the Reef Trust.
Japan) Ecid BASXsau An added
adornment to th walla of the office
of tha Chamber of Commerce I a allk
banner. In a fram. presented by tha
Honorary Commerclkl Commissioner of
Jspan to the United S-ste In 1S-9 In
appreciation of favors bestowed In Port
land during their vlalL American and
Japanee flags. Intertwined, and sUtched
by band appear at the ton, followed by
several column of Japanese charscters,
all band worked. A border of leaf gold
surrounds the inscription.
MR. Ja.vb Mtkbs Dead. Word wa
received here yexerday of the death of
Mrs. Jane Myers, at Klluea. Kauai.
Hawaiian Islands. Mrs. Myers waa the
mother of Mr. Josephine Chmberlaln.
and alo of Jackon IL Myer. wbo ev
eral year ago married Clara Dekum, of
Portland. For the last few years she
had been Maying with her on In th
ItawaJan Islands, at wboee home aha
Grand Rirtaurix Ralxt. tonight at
I o'clock, at tie Maeonlc Temple. West
Park and Yamhill streets. Speaker":
Acting Governor Bowerman. Pan J.
Mnlarkey and Judge St.-phen A. Lowell.
Voters ar urged to come out and hear
th Issue of the campaign feaxlly
dlscuwed. (Psld adv )
LanoRiiva Max com to Maewnlc Temple,
West Park and Yamhill St.. thla evening
and hear Senator Dan J. Malarkey discus
labor bill No. CO. (Tald adv.)
Rbljhno Bros Jeweler nd clentino
opticians, moved to new atore, 346 Wash,
st. Sea our window.
Tub ladiea of the First Congregational
Church will bold their bazaAr November
St. 3 and SO.
Rikolsr- Halloween dance Saturday.
Women of Woodcraft Hall. Tenth and
Taylor atreeta.
VOLT5 CLOSE TO $2,000,000.
Chicago Capitalists Believed to
Havo Closed Sale Throu;h
W. C. Slattery.
A sal of an.ry acre of Tsmhlll County
timber land wa reported to havo been
closed by W. C SUttcry. of Portland,
yesterday. Th price I said to be be
twea lUSflO.Of and C0M.4CO.
Th land wa owned by N. P. Wheeler,
of Penns lvanla, and com?rlsea a solid
tract of rxl 11 r. located near the town of
Grand Ronde. It was accumulated for
Mr. Wheeler by WllUird N. Jonna and
contain approximately ou0.uOO,(M fcot
of timber.
The name of th purchar have been
withheld by thoeo who are on th Inside
of th gigantic deal, but It is believed that
they are Chicago men who have been
seeking foothold on the Coast for
many year. Mr. Slattery la In Chicago,
where he ha been looking aft-r the
transaction for a numbor of week. A
telegram from The Orek-oolan produced
the statement that Mr. SlMbery had no
"disposition either to d-ny or affirm the
sale of timber al th present time.
The attention of his associate wa
called to the matter and the communica
tion waa taken to mean that the deal had
been doevd.
The location of the timber land Indl
cai.s thkl the material will be brought
to the Portland market for manufacture,
and It Is believed thst a number of large
zswmlll and manufacturing Induatrfc-s
will be located along the waterfront to
care for the product.
All Critics Aerce That the Noted
Soprano Is Ju.-t at the Height of
Her Tomer and Charm.
Mme. Gadskl ha been winning tha
most unusual laurels everywhere she
has sung thl present season, and ber
fame has grown steadily until, with
the widening and deepening of her
wonderful Interpretative powers, she
now stands at tha very head and
front of the recital singers. Her op
eratic position has been long under
stood to be one of the very highest, but
song recitals take an entirely (dif
ferent sort of genius, and Gadakl ha
proven herself to be their foremost
exponent. New depth of passion ha
been added In th last year or so to
her glorlou YOlc.. enabling It to re
spond to all tha latent grandeur and
mystic beauty of the greatest master
pieces of music Her low note nave
a richness that I almost opulent and
her pianissimo Is incredibly beautiful.
The song recital tomorrow afternoon
at tha Helltg will make hlatory for
lover of th beautiful, both la muslo
and In art. The recital Is under the di
rection of Lois Steers;Wynn Cotnan.
An overcoat wltb a convertible collar
which gives, with a simple turn of the
hand, either handsome lay-down or
snug military collar, ,1a attracting great
attention at tha d I mora rat! on being
given In the Third and Morrison-street
window of the Brownsville Woolen Mill
Store. All 20 to 130 value) ar seHlng
at JiS during thla event. "
Special prices today on Gordon dye
hosiery. Hk llrle and cotton. Redfero,
Thomson's and Warner's corset, ladles'
man-tailored suits, silk waists and allk
petticoats, black mercerised petticoat
and raincoats, ail hlgh-grad goods. Th
Allen Company, 414 Washington street,
corner Eleventh.
All the delicacies of the sesson at th
Portland Restaurant- Fin private apart
ment for ladles. J05 Wash., near fcla St.
Old-Fashioned Pumpkin Pie.
Nothing better for Halloween partle.
Big. sptay. fragrant, delicious and two
for a quarter. Order at one either
branch Royal Bakery
Flncapnre. br lis Irx-aMon. Is the nstural
gstewar for all trade oln eat and west,
liininiflnnn waia llrai aaiahilihed ia !
Candidate for Judge Accused
of Attacking Attorney.
Politician of Pngilistio Propensities
Said to Have Struck: John Mc
Fadden ' and Cursed Him In
Bar of Local Hotel.
For participation In a barroom brawl.
John Dltchbura. Republican candidate
for Clroult Judge, will be hailed before
Judge Taawell In Municipal Court thla
morning at o'clock., A warrant was
Issued yesterday afternoon for the pol
itician, who I aald to poises pugilis
tic prowess and to hava tried It upon
the person of John McFaddcn, a lawyer
and formerly District Attorney of Wah
kiakum County, Wash- The warrant
cauaed to be Issued b Mr. McFadden
waa for assault and battery, aald to
have occurred In the bar of the Esmond
Hotel. Front and Morrison streets.
Dltchbarn t'nters Saloon.
SIcFadden. L. P. Branstetter. a ship
ping man; C W. Hayes, an agricultural
Implement dealer, and Charle Carlson,
a painter, were seated at a table In
the saloon Thursday afternoon, when
the aspirant for the high political office
came Into the establishment. Dttchburn
is said to hava advanced to where the
men were seated conversing and laid
his hand upon McFadden's arm.
McFadden threw it from him and
asked Dltchburn what hla mission was.
Thereupon, according to McFaddcn, he
hurled a volley of oaths at him and
loudly declared: "You wrote that letter
to Judge Gatens."
I didn't writ any letter to Judge
Gatens, neither do I know anythlng
ahout any letter of which you are
speaking," said McFadden.
Blow Is Stunning.
No sooner had ha retorted than
Dltchburn struck him over the right
eye wltb considerable fore, causing
him. to become momentarily stunned,
according to McFadden. Before Dltch
burn, who 1 a much larger man than
McFadden. could 'strike again tha men
seated at tha table Interceded and pre
vented further hostilities. Dltchburn Is
said to have uttered another string of
abusive words at McFadden and de
parted. McFadden yesterday morning went to
the Dltrlct Attorney- office and Dep
uty Garland drafted the warrant, which
waa placed In the handa of Captain
Baty for serving. An officer searched
for the would-be Judge with no suc
cess. Captain of Police Bailey, located
the man wanted, and was assured that
he will appear In court thl morning to
answer to th charge.
The complainant says that Dltchburn
made an offensive remark to him sev
eral months ago and that he has not
spoken to him since until tha tbn of
th assault.
Bad Temper Is Cause.
Back of the whole affair seems to He
the uncontrollable temper of Dltchburn,
who 1 said to be a quarrelsome man.
He la a powerfully-built iran, weighing
moV than 200 pound, winl McFad
den. th object of hi wrath, I of small
stature and paat middle age. McFad
den still bear the mark where the
local attorney aad candidate struck
I didn't comprehend what he waa
saying." said Mr. McFadden yesterday,
"and the first thing I knew he emitted
a string of oaths and vile language and
attacked me. Others rushed between
us and prevented him from striking me
again. As for the letter he alleges I
wrote to Judge Gatens, I know nothing
of It. His utatement was the first I
had heard of it." Although I had
reaaed speaking to hlra following an of
fensive remark which he made to me,
I did not know that he bore me that
much ill will, that h would want to
attack m In public"
Eyewitnesses to the affair say that
Dttchburn was the sggressor and that
hla attack on the smaller, man was en
tirely uncalled for and a cowardly one.
McFadden bears the beat of reputations
In hi district and I known in Port
land as a peaceable, law-abiding man.
Aa Dltchburn is known to b a drink
ing man. It I thought that he bad been
Imbibing when be attacked the Cath
lamet lawyer.
Virtuoso's Interpretation of Chopin
Heard by- Woman's Club.
One of the mut Important musical
eventa ever given under the direction
of the Portland Woman's Club waa th
appearance of Francis Rlchter. in a
short Chopin recltaf. yesterday after
noon. In Women of Woodcraft HalL The
programme though short, displayed to
advantage both the delicate and poetic
phrasing and the purity and power of
tone possessed by the young master
musician whom Portland claims par
ticularly a Its own.
After th recital report were made
from Mra. John Scott, Mr. M. A. Ogden
and Mr. A. R. Shannon, who were
among th detegr&tes from the Portland
Woman's Club to the recent State
Federation Club meetings at The
An Interesting feature of yesterday's
programme was the discussion by the
club, led by Mrs. Grace Watt Ross, of
some of the most Important questions
to be voted upon at the coming elec
tion. Among the speakers were Mrs.
Mattla Sleeth. Mrs. S. M. Blumauer,
Mr. J. D. Spencer, Dr. Mary Thompson
and Mra. Sarah A. Evan a. all of whom
gave lucid expositions, from differ
ent points of view, of the question
under discussion.
Court Adjourns- to Go SO Miles ot
See If Shack Is Pajnted.
DAYTON, Wash., Oct 28. ( Special.)
Riding 30 mile In the dark. In a light
rig over rough roads, to find out whether
a ramshackle farm house had been
painted In recent years, was the unique
experience of Judge Thomas Brents, of
Walla Walla, here yesterday and. today
to hear charges against A. H. Boyer,
ex-Deputy Sheriff of Columbia County,
accused by J. L. Wallace with gross mis
management of the estate of Wnilam
Jlbbona, a demented pioneer farmer.
Evidence wa introduced to show that
Boyer purchased a quantity - of paint
and hog-tight fencing for use on the
Jlbbona farm and In order to ascertain
definitely whether It had been used Judge
Brents adopted the precedont In court
circles of driving personally to the ranch.
Jlbbon is now an Inmate of the Medi-
IfjHX JM. JjHci jHc ,
Building (!)
A City f
' Go down and see the exca
vation being made for the
i Thompson Hotel on the block
' bounded by Third. Fourth. Ash
and Pine streets. Then take
a look at the Teon building
' and the Selling building. The
I value of these three buildings
and grounds will be upwards
of three millions of dollars
and there are literally dozens
, of other very large atructures
and hundred of smaller ones
" going UP all over the city
i but five on the East Side to
' one on the West Side. Soon
our Irvlngton Park property
will be "lnlde" and not su
burban, and the lots now sell
ing for $175 will sell for
, double and treble that price.
There never was a good a
time to buy property a today,
never a better buy than Irv
lngton Tark.
F. B. H0LBR00K CO.
314 Lumber Exchange.
cal Lake Insane asylum and Boyer ha
been guardian of the estate.
Chrlstensen'g Dancing" School.
Forming a new class for adult be
ginners. Phonos Main 6017; A 4680.
Ice Cream
Center of Orange Sher
bet with outside layers
of Pecan Nut and Baked
Apple Ice Cream. It's
"A Dandy"
Order Early
Democratic Ticket
For Representative In Congress:
For Governor:
For Secretary of State:
For State Printer:
For Commissioner of Labor:
For Commissioner of the Railroad Com
miseion: M X M'LAIN. JIUGIL
For Judge of Circuit Court, Depart
ment No. 8:
For Representative:
80 X BERRY. FRANK T.. Real Estata
M X GRUSSI, JOHN W., Real Estate.
Ha X SLERET, JOHN. Farmer.
84 X STONE, H. W.. Gen. See. Y. M.
C. A.
chant. M X VAN DCZER, IL B- Lumberman
P7 X VERSTEEG, E., Brick Mnfr.
88 X WATSON, D. M, Watson's Res
taurant. For County Sheriff:
IIS X DAGGETT. C I, Marine Engineer.
fUr KS. s r ir A I
President Taft
Nothing; is more foolish, nothing- more utterly at
variance -with sound policy than to enact .a law which,
br reason of condition arrouadln; the community, I
Incapable of enforcement. Such Instances are sometimes
presented by aoroptnarr laws, by which the sale of
, Intoxicating- liquors Is prohibited under penalties In
localities trhere the public aeatlment In the Immediate
community doc not and will aot aaatala the enforcement
of the law. In such cases the legislation usually is the
result of agitation by the people In the country districts
who are determined to make their fellow citisens in
the city better. The enactment of the law cornea
through the country representatives, who form a ma
jority of the Legislature, but the enforcement of the law
is among the people who are a-eaerallr oppoe to It
enactment, and,, under nch eireiimtanee, the Uw 1 a
dead letter. . . . The constant violation or neglect
of any law leads to a demoralization of all laws.
Vote 32 S X Yes
(Paid Advertisement)
Sheet Music
Special at 15c
Beneath the S&very Stars, the very
latest real "hit." Do not fail to
get a copy today in the music dept.
Just received an invoice of Ne-r
York's very latest vocal and in
strumental "hits," which-we will
introduce today in the base- 1 C
ment sheet music dept, copy W
Come lis nd Hear the
Following Numbern
Just for a Dear Little Girl, ballad;
She's a Patient of Mine, eomio
"hit"; It's a Girl like You That
Keeps a Fellow Guessing'; Lone
some Little Me, a great vaudeville
number; I'll Change the Thorns to
Roses; How'd You Like to Be My
Beau t song schottische ; Somebody 's
Lonesome very gtiod ; Battery, a
march; Cupid's Message, a tone
poem ; Way Down East, rustic bal
lad; Beautiful Queen of Night, rev
erie; Hesitation Novelette, very
fine; Captive March, everybody
plays it; Sweet Memories 1 C
Waltres; your ohoiae, copy
Underprice Mmlc Dept,
Mary Harris Armor
"How Georgia Went Dry
and How Oregon Can"
Hon. E. C Bronaugb will pre
side and will give some
facts about the
, Home Rule Bill
N. B. Join the "One Thou
sand Voters" at the Y. M. C. A.
building at 7 P. M. and march
to the Armory.
(Paid Advertisement.)
"Just Say"
It Means
Original and Genuine
Tha Food-drink for All Agos.
More healthful than Tea or Coffee.
Agrees with the weakeyt digestion.
Delicious, invigorating and nutritious.
Rich milk, malted grain, powder form.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Take no gubstitate. Ask for HORLICK'S.
pSl? Others are imitations.
Full aat ot teeth
only ss.0
Bride work or
laatn without
slates.. SS.50 to W
Red rubber plates
only T.t
Good rubber platei
only - SS.Oii
Oold or porcelain
crowna.S3.50 to Sa
Gold or porcelain
nlllngi SI up
SUvar nlllns only
fiOo to fl
Palnlass ax traction
only 60e
Free when plaisa
are ordarad.
Our Work Guaranteed Perfect
No batter work don anywhere. Mod
ern equipment, perfect service, every
customer plea.ed. Out-of-town patrona
may make appointment! and have work
finiilwd la one day. Every operator a
DR. H. A. STCRDKVAjn. Mar.
Honra, I A. W. to I P. M.
Sundays. A. M. U 1 P. M.
Tadv Attendant. N F. Cor. th-Morr1oi.
The Greater Meier & Frank Store
Little Girls of Portland
The Great Boll Show
Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday
The 10th Annual and
Original Boll Show
At Portland's Largest and Best Store
poo 11 razes
$ 1 00.00 in Cash
Society or Charitable Organization
Exhibiting the Best Dressed Doll
$25.00 Merchandise Order to the
Little Girl Entering the Most Dolls
And 14 Additional Prizes
CLASS A, Best Dressed Doll All
sizes eligible in this class. First
prize, $25.00 Eastman Kodak and
carrying case; second prize, toy
stove, with cooking utensils, valued
at $15.00.
CLASS B, Largest and Best
Dressed Doll 24 inches or over.
First prize, toy kitchen and uten
sils, valued at $18.00; second prize,
handsome doll peramburlator, val
ued at $10.00.
Class 0, Best Dressed Doll 7 to 24
inches.- First prize, doll's lace
trimmed bassinette, value $15.00.
CLASS D, Best Dressed Doll 7 to
16 inches long. First prize, hand
some German silver toilet, set, val
ued at $10.00; second prize, wea
thered oak doll's chiffonier, val
ued at $7.00.
Entries Must Be Made Not Later than 6 o'Clock Wed
nesday Eve. SeeDaily Papers for Farther Announcements
Present for Every Little Girl
Entering in This Great Doll Show
The Greater Meier & Frank Store
(than youwill find in
Rye Whiskey
of America.,
Send for a free copy
of "Mskinf? the,
Standard Rye
Whiskey of .Ameri
ca." A.GuckenhefmeriBros.
VOiitillers, Pittsbarj.
Compare Our Prices
With the, m ban te la th. habit ot parlac
IS on all work and ron cannot set bojter Plnla
ill i i. nn m.ttM now moos roa pay.
' HB1UU utavm
' A brldx work for ont-
ol.towa pairon m
on dar it deairttd.
PainleM oxtraction
I bridge work iu order-
od. oasuiution tree.
MolirCrowni $5100
Gold Fillian 100
Enun.1 Fillinjn 100
Silver FHIingi .50
Good Rubber - nn
PlttM 5.00
Bit Rd Rubber -n
PUtet 7.50
Ptlnleit fcrtr'llon .50
DJLW. A. Will, rinamuw Suim
tt run nruuan rtnuat
All work fullr suarantaed for flftean Tears.
Wise Dental Co.,ic.
Painless Dentists
FJltlnt Building. Third and Wwhlnglon. PORTLAND, 0R&
OlUeeBear.: S A- H. to I. M. SSSday.. S to i
Imperial Hair Regenerator
is everywhere recognized as the
'tor Gray or Bleached Hair. - Its
application i. not - affected by
baths; permita curling; la abso
lutely harmless; any natural
shade produced; Invaluable for
beard, mustache. Sample of your
hntr colored free.
IHKtill UUtIM Hfl CO. 135 K. f31 SI S. 1
ViniMFV Is a deceptlv disease
ivlJLll C 1 thousands have it
XDnl T R T F nd don't know It. If
IIVUUOLiEi you want good results
you can make no mistake by using Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid
ney remedy. At druggists in fifty cent
and dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mall
free, also pamphlet telling you how to
find out if you have kidney trouble.
Address, Or. Kilmer Co., Bingham ton. i. X.
Will Be Given the
CLASS E, Best Dressed Doll Not
over 6 inches in length. First
prize, beautiful weathered oak table
and doll's chest, valued at $10.00.
Second prize, doll's wardrobe
trunk, valued at $5.00.
CLASS F, the Most Original Doll
First prize, child's weathered oak
desk and table, value $13.50; sec
ond prize, combination doll set,
four dolls in one, value $3.50.
CLASS G, the Most Comically
Dressed Doll First prize, doll's
millinery set, valued at $10.00.
CLASS H, the Best Dressed Boy
Doll Prize, doll's five o'clock tea
set, valued at $10.00.
CLASS I, the Most Originallly
Dressed Character Face Doll
Prize, an enameled doll's bathtub
and fixtures, valued at $6.50. Doll
show, fifth floor.
There'Jsn't any. suchlthingaslfiner,
or more 'perfect purity'
of Woodcraft
Tantb and
A 2281
M 6201
The Tenderest Skin Is Benefited
It has a delicate, velvety touch and con
tains just the elements necessary to
thoroughly cleanse, invigorate, softea
and clear the skin.
All Grocers and Druggists