Tirn ?roTiTxa oregoia. sattjkdat, OCTOBTSTC 29. 1010. If rOKTLAXD. OWflOl rntw ac IMrtiul Oregon, Poet0"0 " t cond -". Matter. . jtta inranmsir BT MAIL. lrtv. Ihiae'ev iMio'ti. en year a S3 1IT. I4a44y Inciudttri. .Z momnw. ... - - li!jr. Suadar Included. ISrea month... loir. Suaaar la-lide aoa moata..... without Buidar. ee Tr ....... i;t. withaut SuaJar. month..... ; J l;!r. vntnt fui4r. ht month-.. ' i 7. wltaavt SueOaj. aa se..- -nr. year... . ZZ IS l adr. eo year. ........ J" im wi. y CBT CARRIER). I fTy. thnaar ractwaad. aa yr r. iu.t, Iu4w laelnoou. one Bnlu U Lat bud lotnf11ca tnT Ider. exprvea rir or personal ) !-e lacal hank, stamp. Co n or "'""11 at tat Mad'r-a n.a. Ote . lma ta fulL larludlaa county an state. feata- Balsa II to l pace. 1 rent: If paaea. I cents; ae ta paa. a o paaaa. coata. rori poataao labla rata. -tra rloeraea Ofnrea Varree m top -New lark, hmoikl baudlaav CM- I. sieger aulldtag. OETLAXD. S-tTCDT. OCT. f. 11. tuuit Dxr.tw ix easterx ELECTION. Many localities ar "Ins-urging" Ictinat protective tariff, yet all are mging to their own "protective iolj." It makes queer spectacle; l.oreover, an Illogical one. For there in b no revision, downward, unless rne districts or Interests shall be trrlftVed. Tet how fair Is It to cut I own one duty and not others, or to it down one more than others, or to .mlnate one duty and leave others? makes a big question too big" for I -1 a Jtepubilcan party or the Demo--atlc party or the lion-klller returned l-ora A ar tea. Now the trick Is to refer the whole usineas to a tariff commission, so as adjust the spoils system to the dlf- rrnce between cost of production at ome and abroad. This takes the -oub'e out of present-day political mergencles to that dreamy, happy ind. far. far away. But there la no constant coat of pro- ' uction abroad, any more than In the nlted States. Besides, cost of pro- urtlon varies with circumstances. tth efficiency of management, with lucre's and brains of business, "with andards of labor and with what not :e. It win be Just as absurd to try -djusting tariff to cost of production I .broad as it baa proTed at home, even tore so. Further, the commission aa no power of aubpeua over forrla-n Inanufacturers. nor of Inquisition Into heir business when they are unwlll- The politicians are Juggling with hi question In the Eastern elections. a one district they promise reduction f the duty that benefits another dls- Irlct. In manufacturing centers they romlse big cut In the raw wool sched ule. In anticipation of the cut. raw 'vool prices In the West are down to I w basis. But little Is heard of low ;uty on woolen goods In the manu- lacturing centers; there the cry Is for Iower-prtced goods at expense of the '.ockmen. The wool Is cheaper al ready, but the woolen goods are Just f a high aa ever and the quality la In terior. Democrats try to make low l:ulie their "Issue," yet their polltl- Linj are careful to consider the man- ifacturtng districts of the powerful Eastern States In turn and also the -uirar. hemp, tobacco. Iron and cotton tnlll Interests of the South. Meanwhile the cost of government a enormous, nor will It be cut. The a riff at present Is Just about balanced to as to provide sufficient revenue. trhe people are deluded by the idea -hat revision downward Is going to let -hem off easier for taxes. But who la o pay the billion-dollar cost of the 'ederal Government unless the peo ple? Spellbinders of both parties are try ing to charm Eastern voters with the uirar-coatd fallacy of protective I tariff. The people of each locality md interest are conscious of the fal lacy and of the special Interest and I privilege it "engenders." yet think they nre going to get some advantage out of It for themselves. This will all end arone day, but It I takes the American people an lnsuf- Iferably long time to reach the end. Right now It looks as If they will turn lone party out and put the rival party in power In Corgress In order to I reach, by some magic, the unattain able goal of aauisfactory and Just pro tective tariff. MME I-ACLXS Or THE PKESS. In speaking of the difference be tween America and Australian news papers. Colonel Iteay, of the latter country. -iy he finds It difficult to believe that all the charges of corrup tion which are made In our press against public officials are true. Many Americans experience the same difficulty. The whirlwind of accusa tions which the Kaatern papers are making to disturb Mr. Roosevelt's se renity Is a case in point. They charge hire with the same dire ambitions which Brutus attributed to Caeoar. He wishes to overthrow the republic, to make himself monarch of the country, to destroy the Constitution and set tip a reign of personal abso lutism. If these papers are telling the truth. Probably they are perfectly sincere In expressing their apprehen sions, but no sensible person pays much serious attention to them. Kvery Intelligent citizen west of Broadway knows that It is utterly Impossible for Mr. Itooevelt or any other man to make himself the un constitutional ruler of the 1'nlted States, and therefore he reads the tirades upon the subject with an In dulgent, perhaps a slightly contemptu ous, smile. It Is precisely the knowledge that their uproar will not be taken serious ly which mnkes some of our more frenzied Journals all the more out rageously noley. Knowing that mild accusations will be discredited, owing to the sources they come from, the writers try to reinforce them with frantic adjectives, with wild prophe cies of disaster and sometimes with outright falsehoods. The care of an evangelist who falls to rouse the sus ceptibilities of his audience Is fairly parallel. To deepen his effect he raise) his voice, emphasises his epi thets and darkens the hues of his word pictures; but the more he raves the less he accomplishes. Uproar and hysteria defeat their own purpose. The simple fact Is that some news papers have not yet learned the po tency of understatement. They Imag ine that the blacker the paint they us the greater the psychological ef fect of their picture, but this is an error. Our officials are upon the whole bo worse than those of other rountrVaa. but a good many of them rt, bo, perfect fcy any mean. They have serious faults which need rebuke and correction, and In the mistaken effort to rouse the public to estimate these faults properly some newspapers fly Into a frenxy of calumny and in discriminate vituperation. Naturally they thus discredit their own cause and by making charges which cannot be proved they really provide the best of ail defenses for dishonest pub lic men. If. aa Colonel Ray says, the Australian papers do not commit this error they are envlsble Indeed. It saems likely that some of ours will require several years yet to learn the lesson of moderation and restrained statement. roritnz.v uH Rf A DAT. Mr. Bowermsn served as State Sen ator at Salem In the sessions of 105. 107 and 1909. In the last named, he was President of the State Senate. He has throughout been most active and Influential In the state's legisla tion. Through his talent for leader ship be haa been at the front of many Important contests. He la ,not a trimmer, nor a compromiser, nor a dodger. He is in alt things Independ ent, outspoken, frank and courageous. It Is a remarkable testimonial to -his fine personal qualities that he won the respect and confidence of ail his colleagues of every political faith. His fellow-legislators of 1J0S, 1107 and I0 are today the most willing and the most competent witnesses of Mr. Bowerman's large capacity and gen uine integrity. The detractors of Mr. Bowerman are inspired entirely by poUtlcal mo tives, colored by selfishness and mean ness. They have produced many In nniinni ahotit hi leKislative record with particular reference to his rela tions with the corporations. Take, for example, that contemptible story about his opposition to the proposed bill limiting the hours of continuous employment for railroad men to four teen. Great prominence has been given In the Bourne-Chamberlain press to Bowerman's alleged opposi tion to this measure and he Is ac cused of havln killed the bill In com mittee. The statement Is not true; nor Is It true that he was at any time moved by purposes of hostility toward any measure desired by railroad employes. The unadorned facts are briefly that the measure was referred to the 105 Senate committee on revision of laws, of which Bowerman was a member. It was reported to the Sen ate without recommendation. In final passage the bill failed to pass by a vote of six ayes to twenty-two nays.- Bowerman voted no. So did three of the five Democratic members of the Senate. Bowerman's reasons for opposition were that he had not become convinced that the bill was desired by the railroad men. In 1907. however. It became obvious that the railroad employes wanted the bill en acted. It was enacted, and passed the Senate, largely through Bowerman's aid, by vote of twenty-two ayes and even nays. This la the whole story almply and briefly told. The fourteen-hour bill today on the statute books of Oregon Is due largely to the efforts and friendly attitude of Mr. Bowerman. It Is strange that the publicity organs of the Bourne-Chamberlain machine should persist in the manufacture of falsehoods so easy to confute and explode. THE ANARCHISTIC SOCIALIST. A Socialist In Tacoma may lose his eitlsenship for having denounced the Constitution and the Federal Govern ment Thar, are manv different shades of socialism and some of them are the same as anarchism; in tact, anarchism Is a form of socialism. Such statement as this wll stir the Ire of some Socialists, but it Is none the less true. The Tacoma anarchist would resent any brother's effort to read him out of Socialist ranks. One of the great faults of the cult la that of Ita vag-ua theory and abstractions. In a current magazine a Socialist writer aye: "Socialism would not diminish private ownership of the fruits of an tntWHiiara lnhor nor does it seek to curtail anyone's privileges of enjoying In full the fruits or nis inausiry ana thrift." Such a writer does not know the forces he la quibbling over. Socialism, If It means anything, means the ad ntiniairation bv the state of all means and sourres of production and distri bution. It aims at tne run equaliza tion of nronertv and wealth among the Individual of the state, which, wher ever attempted hitherto, has Deen equalization of Indolence, and laziness and "living off the state." Socialism, some authorities may think, means private property In their goods and "equalization" of the other fellow's, but that la an arrangement hardly practicable or reasonable. The have-nots" don't believe in that kind of Socialism. A good many of them are anarchists Uke the patriot brother In Tacoma.. Most of them conform with the laws and accept the view that their reforms can be. accomplished only under the Constitution. The point for present notice is that the Tacoma brother Is a Socialist and that attempts to "read him out" and repu diate him will be futile. SrPr.KLATrVB KEXFISHXEftS. A census enumerator recently knocked at the door or a modest, but wall kept cottage In the worktnsmea's quarter of CleTelaad. Unit. A woman opeae1 the door. The census ntn! Com right Into the klti-hi-n end I'll talk to rou while I am finishing- n; mornlnc work. Stt down. Tou go back to Washinston and tell the man that nt you here that I can't afford to bur meat mora than oaca a day; that my huiband ran t afford to bur a new suit; that the price of stoCkta and underwear and even ahert and pUlow case la so blith that we can't afford to bay them. Tell Mm that I hare three little (Iris in school and that ordinary eo ton seoda costs ao much mora thla rear than last rear that we have to aalrap and ecratch and aava every penny to make them look decent. "Now that Is nil the Information you are fk'ing to get from ma." she panted. This anecdote was published In August World's York and tells the story of thousands of women In the United States, and In Oregon, whose husbands are worklngmen. It Is part of an article on the cotton schedule of the new tariff law. In that article It Is charged that the new schedule, which increases the duty In some In stances several hundred per cent, was prepared and submitted to the Senate committee by representatives of the cotton mill trust. Jonathan Bourne. Jr.. Senator from Oregon, is president of the Bourne cotton mills, of Tiverton, R. I., which have paid as high as 49 H per cent In annual dividends. He voted for the trust schedule on cotton goods In the face of Information publicly given In the Senate that all the cotton mills of New England had paid for them selves In twelve years In dividends. The price of cotton goods has an Important influence on the general welfare, and In the enactment of the tariff law opportunity was given Sen ator Bourne to show his attachment to the interests of the public. Tet he placed self-interest on the highest pos sible pinnacle. He voted to -Increase the duty- on the goods he manufac tures, that a greater price might be charged the worklngmen when they buy dresses for their wives s.nd chil dren, and that more dividends might be added to his Inflated Income. Now comes the senior Senator from Oregon, with this record behind him, and says to the people of Oregon: "If you believe that general welfare rather than selfishness should be the motive power of government, then defeat In the general election every assembly nominee." That Senator Bourne knows the difference between general welfare and selflshnej The Oregonlan con cedes. But he has placed a small gauge on the acumen of the voters of Oregon. General welfare and individ ual sclflshnesa are the opposing issues of the campaign; for selfishness Is per sonified . In the Bourne-Chamberlain machine, and the peonle of Oregon know It, CCBB THE TAXE.iTEilS. City officials think they need great Increase of revenue for their next year's operations. Their "estimates" total more than 3.250,000 an In crease of some 60 per cent over this year's expenditures. Mind you, this Increase is for officials and their deputies and sub-deputies. Streets, sidewalks, sewers, water cost extra. Nearlly every department needs "more" for its extending reach. The free employment bureau, that started out cheaply and harmlessly a short while ago, finds Its needs ex panding. The sealer of weights and measures sees his duties enlarging and himself in need of additional "help." The Plumbing Inspector thinks he re quires nearly twice as much money next year. The free, museum Is also set down for "more." The Building Inspector wants his 1910 revenue trebled In 1911. Fire department, po lice department, street cleaning de partment, engineering department, park department, all need big "filling" for their lusty appetites It all goes to vindicate the old-time maxims of growing extravagance of governmental administration and waste of public officialdom. Portland will not have increased in population nor wealth 60 per cent next year over this. Besides taxpayers are paying out huge additional sums for improve ments of many sorts. The Council should prune the "rec ommendations" sharply. Officials are outreachlng the public. This Is a growing and thriving city to be sure, but it needs continual protection from the voracious appetite of Its function aries. All this should be a warning- to tax payers against ' the public docks scheme, which they are asked to au thorize with an initial bond issue of $1,600,000. The extravagance and wastefulness of docks maintenance and officialdom will add heavily to tax burdens. The needs and the de mands of public docks will grow be yond limit. The Increasing needs of the free employment bureau, the Building Inspector, the Plumbing In spector and other functionaries who began with small expectations, will be small and Insignificant by comparison. This city ousht not to "go the pace" in taxation that its office-holders have set. The time is here and now to put on the brakes.. AX rRRETKGSSIBLS OOXrTJCT. Most emphatically must there be by the voter a close comparison of meas ures and aideep consideration of pos slble conflict before exercising the in estimable privilege of the initiative at the polls in November. For example: At the head of the list of measures will be the amendment enfranchising all women citizens of the state. Far ther down in the Hat comes the offi cial gaxette bill, which provides for publication by the state of a magaslne every two months on fads and fancies In Government. In the latter it Is provided that only the registered head of a family or a registered voter who is not a member of a family shall be considered a subscriber and entitled to a free copy of the gazette. Let us contemplate the result of the enactment of both: Do we not all now know how the head of the family monopolizes the morning paper at the breakfast table and often carries it to- the office In his pocket, fashion page, society page and allT So would It be with the official gazette. It would be father's magazine, for he is the head of the family. His would be the right, every two months, to sit by the fire all evening closely persuing accounts of the workings of proportional repre sentation In the cantons of Switzer land.' Mother, also a voter, might be in nervous tension waiting to read what a model of success is govern ment In the matriarchy of Nalrs, and daughter,- too, a voter, be on pins and needles to learn from the gazette whether a law In Olkahoma prohib iting hobble skirts had been effective. Here Is danger menacing' the fabrlo of society and as a defender of har mony at the hearthstone The Orego nlan must protest. SMALL WATEBWAYS AVU CROPS. Citizens of the Umpqua Valley are earnestly urging such Improvement of the Umpqua River by lock and dam construction as will render It avail able for purposes of local transporta tion of farm, orchard and dairy prod ucts. There are, as Is well known, wide and fertile areas in Douglas County traversed by the Umpqua River that are not In touch with any, except a necessarily limited local mar ket. The Southern Pacific Railway passes through the Umpqua Valley, but cannot las said to serve It, except In a restricted sense, since it has no feeders bearing out Into the country. The I'mpqua Is a brawling stream, fei by the snows of the Sisklyous and the annual rainfall. Whatever possi bilities lie In Its waters for transporta tion purposes, are dissipated by per iodical freshets. Its utilization for purposes of transportation is forbid den by this fact and In Its present state by rapids and shoals. Whether these natural obstructions to naviga tion can be overcome by the proposed lock and dam construction Is a ques tion that cltlsens of Douglas County are urging the officials of the Govern ment engineers office In. this city to consider. It will be recalled in this connec tion that the argument! now being urged In favor of Improving the Ump qna River In the Intereata of the farm ing section through which it flows. were urged for a number of years In favor of the improvement of the Yam hill River by the construction of locks and dam at Lafayette. Finally, after many discouragements, Hon. Thomas H.. Tongue, then Representative in Congress from this district, secured an appropriation for that purpose and construction was ordered begun and prosecuted through some years to completion. The result has not Justi fied the expectations entertained or expense Involved. There Is -absolutely no freight moving by way of the Yamhill River from the farming dis tricts and It was urged the river if Improved as above noted, would serve. The improvement remains, guarded by a Government caretaker, a monu ment to the loyalty of the citizens of Yamhill County to their waterway, not without having fulfilled their hopes of waterway transportation. The question of transportation from farm to market Is being solved In quite another way In the Willamette Valley. Electric lines are reaching Into the farming regions that lie along the Tualatin and Its tributaries, the Tamhlll and Its tributaries, the Santi am and Its tributaries, the Molallla, the Clackamas and their tributaries, with a certainty that the handicap which the sections drained by these streams has long carried vill In due time be removed. The waters of these streams will be utilized where nature has paved the way with falls for the generation of power to move cars. Thus working In conjunction with na ture, not striving against the barriers to transportation that she has set up, her forces will be harnessed to the relief of the farming districts that long have suffered and clamored for a market. The Yamhill River, a limpid stream of shallows and deeps In Summer, a brawling torrent in Winter, has not been made navigable above Lafayette by the construction of the dam and locks. The question of transportation In the fertile Yamhill Valley awaited the coming of the electric railway, the promise of which now borders upon fulfillment. This will probably bo the solution of the transportation prob lem in the Valley of the Umpqua, In stead of by the improvement of the Umpqua River by the Government through the construction of dam and locks. This is certainly a fair conclusion In the light of the example quoted, wherein a small stream of varying deeps and shallows and of a tortuous channel, overflowing its banks in riotous exuberance at one season of the year and shrinking to the dimen sions of a mill race at another, after the expenditure of many thousands of dollars by the Government, is still not navigable, while those who pinned their faith to It for so many years as a solution 'of their transportation problem now look to its rapids which they once sought to have eliminated, as a means of generating electrical power for moving their crops by rail. If the United States Government has learned this lesson from this and sim ilar examples. It Is not probable that the construction of dam and locks In the Umpqua River will receive favor able consideration. British Justice Is swift and terrible and the difficulty encountered by mur derers in escaping is often commented on. Last week, however, at least one American murderer had no reason to complain that the American courts wore slower than the British, for the respective Juries that tried Webb in Portland, and Crlppen In London, made nearly an even break with about thirty minutes of deliberation. The only advantage the American murder er has Over the foreigner, after the Jury gets through with him, Is In the length of time he is spared before all of the resources of the lawyers are ex hausted. It Is much more than a safe prediction that the death penalty will be administered to Dr. Crippen long before the neck of Mr. Webb, the Portland murderer, is In any Immedi ate danger. . The formal retirement of Judge George H. Burnett from the circuit bench of the Third Judicial District after an Incumbency of eighteen years took place in Albany last Tuesday. A popular Jurist, lu the best sense of that term. Judge Burnett asks the suffrages of the district he has served so long for election to the supreme bench of the state. That he will se cure the Judicial promotion sought can hardly' be doubted. 1 - The scheme of clearing land by pull ing up tall timber, root and branch, with a donkey engine seems to be a failure. But. for all that, farmers need not go back to the old plan of using dynamite. The process of "char pitting' 'has been tried in many places and is successful wherever It Is supple mented with a little Intelligence. It Is good news that the Portland Theater of gingerbread fame is to be torn down. It was always a hoodoo, and no theater attraction however good in merit will ever bring unwill ing audiences to it. Portland women were afraid of. the building and with out women patrons a theater might as well be closed. ' The Democratic candidate for Gov ernor of Massachusetts says the cost of living is one-third higher in this country than in Canada. That is be cause tha bill "of fare is better. When the Canadians forsake the dried pea soup and kindred diet they will have to pay more for the blessing of living. This is not a good region for work by the Australians who are here to proselyte among the farmers. The Island continent is too far off for the disgruntled settler who would hook up and drive back to stay with the wife's Tolka One man, named Cherrlngton, at Dallas, says he would sather vote for a horsetltlef than an assembly candi date. If Cherrlngton will let the pub lic know the candidates he is going to vote for, the decent voter can gov ern himself accordingly. One charm of Intercollegiate foot ball Is Its name "American." Rugby and soccer football are not popular In this country because they belong to "British" tport. That's all. The Port of Portland Commission Is In line for a lot of. trouble. New York teamsters put "ginger" Into their strikes. Brussels anarchists had tha Kaiser on the run. ' Foraker is getting old and "tetchy." PROHIBITION" I A SMAXI. TOWN At Cra at a Paw. Or, More I.I q nor and Taxes, aad "Staff" Bought Elaewhere. Oregon (Grants Pass) Observer. Let us review the prohibition of In toxicants In Josephine County since that system was Inaugurated by popu lar vote In 1908. Tbe law was put in force on July 1 of that year, and the licensed saloons were thence out of business. But there were a great many people, nearly half the'populatlon, who Indulged mora or less in alcoholis beverages, and these people were not willing to accept the prohibition order of their fellow-cltlzcns. The near beer saloons Immediately following tha licensed saloons were well patronized, but many persons preferred to obtain their supplies reputably. For some of these Portland and San Francisco were the main sources of supply. Numerous others preferred the social glass over the saloon bar. and found the conditions favorable at Woodville, In "wet" Jack son County, Just across the county line from "dry" Josephine, eight miles from Grants Pass. Woodville did not count much on the map two years ago. It was little known, and yet there was a fine fruit and agricultural district surrounding It waiting to be discovered. Grants Pass visitors did the business. They inaug urated a steady flow of money from Grants Pass to Woodville, and a steady flow of empty bottles back to Grants Pass. Incidentally, the valuable re sources of Woodville became known. Grants Pass money, however, had prompt influence. The little Woodville hamlet of two years ago Is now an In corporated city. The little burg needed only a start, and the "dry" conditions of Josephine County supplied It. e e Without going Into the unfailing ex perience of all communities that hav endeavored to prohibit the use of in toxicants by law, let us have a look at Grants Pass since , It became "dry." The year 1909 was the deadest year ever known In this city. There was a well intentioned "dry" administration, but nothing could balance the collapse of trade. There was 100 per cent Increase In city taxes, and at the end of that "dry" year an increased debt of $7000, with absolutely nothing to show for the large expenditure. The taxpayers re volted at the end of 1909, and elected a progressive administration. The retir ing City Council left to the new Council an additional 60 per cent of city taxa tion. Two years of prohibition Increased the direct city taxes of Grants Pass ex actly 150 per cent and other taxes were pushed. , e e e The 1910 City Council constitutes a business administration, backed by the leading business men of Grants Pass not passively, but actively. Much has been done. Grants Pass has assumed city airs with pavement and generous lights. There have been large pay rolls but dull business. Too much money goes to Woodville and Medford. There is no prohibition that can prevent a class of working . people In a "dry" town from spending their savings In a "wet" town. Not all for "wet" goods, but with tha freedom to purchase "wet" goods a first consideration. So It was with a bunch of Josephine miners who came to Grants Pass a while ago for supplies. They didn't buy them here. Medford got the trade. Medford has grown big and fat by reason of the mis taken policies of Grants Pass and Ash land. e e e What about the moral effect of prohi bition on .the youth of the community? There Is no need to philosophize on this question, but facts are always valuable: Under tha city ordinances of Grants Pass, a heavy penalty was Imposed for the selling of liquor to minors. It was a righteous law, and a few convictions under it speedily ended that abuse up to the passing of county option, which overruled the city ordinances. Under the county option law, any boy or girl, or woman or man, has a legal right to purchase intoxicants. Otherwise the informers who were here last year dare not report. It is the sellers who are liable to penalty. The youth of Grants Pass perfectly understand this. There was a little company of them about a year ago who Indulged In splritous liquors on Saturday nights, all minora The same thing is reported from all the dry counties of the state. The liquor of Grants Pass boys was obtained pre sumably from Portland dealers, and re quired only a signed order and $3 In closed for a gallon of whisky. Under the saloon system this traffic In gal lon was not previously known her, probably because of wholesale and re tall restraints. Anyhow, boys of Grants Pass, as in other dry towns, obtained liquor supplies, and there was a little Saturday night Jollification inaugurated It developed, and presently the, night policeman took a hand. He sought to capture one 01 tne soys, dui iaiiea, probably willingly. There were in this bunch of boys the sons of some of the best families In Grants Pass. Th city ordinance enforced by the police, put a bar on this wrong. County option lifted the ban and the boys continue to pass under. But, after all, when a Grants Pass youth hits the train for the Oregon University or any other higher training school, and is piled up on his own resources, is it better that be should know something about the evils that threaten him, or be perfectly ignorant of his danger? Regarding the rural districts of Jose phine County, th gallon parcel has been in open evidence these past two year. People who formerly drank 3 or 4 br cent beer ar now drinking 40 to 60 per cent whiskies, and It isn't good for tliem. Woodrow WlUoa Lend Applause. New York Evening Post. Woodrow WilBOn's travels are not all devoted to the straight talk that is expected to land a Democratic Govern or at Trenton. The candidate gets many a good laugh along with his work. One of the best came when a rural supporter, in the course of an In troductory speech the other night, shouted: "Fellow citizens, I tell you that the Republican Administration In this glor ous state (cheers) spent more money than King Pavld used up la his entire reign over Israel." The next day, near Tom's River, the Wilson automobile broke down. 'This is my chance to make the rest of you feel what it's like to be a cam paigner,' said the nominee. Each newspaper correspondent in the party was led to the back seat of the motor oar and made a speech, while Wilson at In the front row of roadside Stumps and led the applause. . Harvard Bey and King Manuel. Boston Herald. Reginald M. F. Townsend. Harvard 11, eon of Laurence Townsend, formerly Minister to Portugal, takes a live inter est in the fate of King Manuel II., late ly doposed In Portugal, because the young Harvard student knew the King as a boy, had a "scrap" with him In which the royal belligerent lost a front tooth, and had a pony race with him In which T-rwmnA van Ihrnvn nnil Rd harilv hurt that he lay HI In the palace two weeks. the Queen rrequeniiy aitenaing mm per sonally. "I knew Manuel for four years during our residence from JS96 to 1900 at the American Legation in Lisbon," says Mr. Townsund. President Taft Gains More Weight. New York Sun. The President, notwithstanding his golfing -and strenuous gymnasium work this Summr. la going back keveral pounds heavier than when he arrived on the North Shore about July 1. INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM MEASURES fd Construction That Home Kule Bill Permit Cltle to Govern Thfm- I. All Criminal Matter I Unwarranted Bad Feature Found la Ab Forced sence of Minimum Limit of Population for Self-Regulating Town. ARTICLE NO. 10. For constitutional amendment eivlnj to eltlea and towns exclusive power to li cense, regulate, control, suppress, or pro hibit th sale of intoxicating liquors within th municipality. 38 Yes. , 8J8 No. The foregoing lr the title of a meas ure submitted by the Greater Oregon Home Rule Association and In this title what was undoubtedly the Intent of the framer of the amendment is distinctly stated by the Attorney-General. It was not the intention of the As sociation to present an amendment that would permit any city to regulate its internal affairs In all matters of crim inal legislation, but able lawyers have come forward with the argument that the amendment.. as worded would. If adopted, give that right to every Incor porated city In the state. In other words that It would remove the restrlcttons now on cities In the matter of permitting gambling, operation of poolrooms, bookmaklng on horseraces and simi lar vices prohibited by general statute. Equally able lawyers assert that such construction cannot properly be derived from the proposed amendment and The Oregonlan Is of the opinion that tbe weight of argument is on the side of the latter. The amendment. If adopted, would simply alter the present operations of the local option law by making each city and town a unit having exclusive power to license, regulate, control, sup press orprohibit the liquor traffic Bo far the city or town unit was Involved the local option law would be appli cable. Local option elections could be Inaugurated and conducted In the manner provided in the local option law with the exception, that "gerry mandering" of precincts within a city would not be permitted. In a local option election the whole city .or town would have to vote on the question whether it should be "wet" or "dry." City precincts known to have a pre ponderance of "dry" sentiment could not be combined with an adjacent pre ponderance of "wet" sentiment and the "dry" precincts force the salooons out of the "wet" precinct, as Is now pos sible. The county unit, so far as JUDGE DIMICK'S PLEA FOR Former Opponent would Help Elect Bowerman la Interest Primary Law. Eugene Register. Grant E, Dlmick, who was Bowerman's closest opponent for (governor in the pri mary election, made an able address at Rainier the other night in support of Bowerman in which he declared that: "If tha people would preserve their di rect primary law, let them not fall Into the trap of Its enemies. Republicans who voted In the primary election must abide by the results. Otherwise its effects will be weakened and the brand of Inefficiency placed upon It. I appeal to all friends of the primary law and those who supported ma for Governor In the primary campaign to ratify the choice of the people Jay Bowerman and the other nominees of the party. "Jonathan Bourne, not Oswald West, Is the man that Jay Bowerman and tha Re publican party has got to beat at the noxt election." Judge Dlmick added. "Bourne la the man who is making this vicious fight for West. His object la to safeguard his seat In tha United States Senate, whore be has failed to make good." IMmlck Is right and every Republican who is loyal to the primary law knows Dimlck Is right. It is not the class of Republican aspirants for office ' who, when beaten at the direct primary elec tion, get mad and come out Independent that are the real supporters of the pri mary law; on the contrary, they are re pudiators of that law and none, know this better than they themselves. It is men like Dlmick who, though he was op posed to the assembly and ran as an anti-assembly Statement No. 1 candidate for Governor against Bowerman at the primaries and was a close second in the race. Is not only a loyal Republican, but a clean-cut defender of the primary law when he asks the voters of this state to stand by Bowerman as the choice of the primary for Governor. He does not be come a political hybrid and run off after strange political gods in an effort to be elected when he was beaten by the peo ple at the polls for the nomination, the place where the voters. In 'the exorcise of their rights under the primary law, are empowered to say whom they want as candidates for office, the very thing for which the primary law was rramea. Dimlck. Hofer and Abraham, each of whom sought the place that Bowerman landed, have proven their party loyalty and loyalty to the direct primary law by not only supporting Bowerman but by denouncing those who repudiate the law by refusing to stand by the mandate of the people at the polls In naming candi dates for offlee, and come out as inde pendent candidates or tack on as tails to the Democratic kite. gave a Fifth and Get Rica. N. Y. Cor. Kansas City Star. ti.. n.Kara f tha Rock ef eller Bi ble class of the Fifth-Avenue Baptist Church were warned that if they spent more than one-fifth of their incomes for rent they were guilty of improvi dence. The young men were advised to divide their total earnings as follows: One-fifth part for food. One-fifth part for shelter. ., One-fifth part for clothing", recreation and self-improvement. One-fifth part for emergencies, such as doctors' bills, drugs, eto. Oneflftn should be set aside for profit able investments. The speaker was Rev. Addison Moore, leader of the class. A member of the class lnteruppted the leader to ask: "How about a man with a small sal ary and five or six children to keep? Do you think he can live up to those figures? Do you think he has any chance to lay aside one-fifth of his In come for profitable lnvestmentsT "There are exceptions to every rule, of course," replied Dr. Moore. General Verbeck, American Samurai. Human LiSe. General William Verbeck, the re cently appointed Adjutant-General of New York, succeeding General Nelson H Henry as the chief officer of the National Guard of the State of New York, might almost be called an Ameri can Samurai. Born in Nagasaki, brought up in the strictest military discipline, by the time he had arrived at maturity, his skill In the game of war was unquestioned, and he had made himself an adept In handling Jap anese weapons, even the short 2 handled sword, which demands such lightning-like dexterity and swiftness of eye and hand. General Verbeck remained in Japan until 18 years of age, always in a mili tary environment, coming, however, to California in 1880, to enlist In the Fifth California Infantry. The ArtUt Make Her Own Audience. Sarah Bernhardt In London Interview. It Is idle, it is stupid to talk of an artist '"condescending" to appear on the variety stage. So long as he does the best work within him, there can b e no Idea of condescension. You would not argue, I suppose, that a prayer uttered in a garret is less ef ficacious than a prayer spoken In a cathedral? The artist either raises or depreciates the public to his own level, j it embraces incorporated cities a.. towns within the county would be de stroyed, but otherwise would remain intact. Marlon County, as a unit, could not vote the city of Salem either "dry" or "wet," but all precincts in Marlon County outside of Incorporated cities could determine as a unit whether liquor should or should not be sold In such precincts. The Oregonlan believes that this Is a fair statement of the purposes and of the real construction of the amend ment. The amendment has one weakness in that it makes no distinction between cities and towns and incorporated vil lages. There should be some limitation In order that an incorporated village adjacent to a large city or town that is dry could not be colonized, vote I wet" and the liquor traffic be carried on' without license or regulation. It would be possible if the constitution were so amended, and Roseburg, for ex ample, should vote to aDollsh the sa loons, that a village would be newly Incorporated on the outskirts of the city, be colonized by the saloons, per mit the sale of liquor without restraint, and demoralize the larger city. If Portland voted to supress the sale of liquor, it would be perfectly reasonable to expect the saloonmen to move to St. Johns or some other adjacent town and there, by force of numbers, con trol the result of a local option elec tion, choose their own regulating end enforcing powers and draw their trade from Portland. On the other hand there is a valid objection to the present option law found iu the privilege given the coun ty at large to inflict upon a city a law which it does not want and can not enforce. This evil would be cor rected by the Home Rule bill. The Oregonlan herein has attempted to give what it believes are the goc.l and bad features of the bill. They are features easily understood and should be carefully weighed by the vot er before acting on the measure at the pollls. He should be able to de termine for himself whether the good overbalances the bad or vice versa. The Oregonlan will make no recom mendation on this measure. I WEST DIDN'T RETURN IT ALL One Side Light on That Trip to Wash ington. GRESHAM. Or., Oct. 28. (To the Editor.) As the little scheme of Sena tor Chamberlain, assisted by his friend Jonathan, comes to be better under stood, the less many men in this section are Inclined to look with favor on the attempt to put little Os West into the Governor's chair, there to be a pliant tool of the hard and fast machine which has been built up In the interest of a little, selected bunch of self-appointed guardians of the people, Mr. West doesn't wear as the public knowledge of him becomes extended. His loud songs of self-praise are becoming mo notonous and the purpose of his boost ers is now pretty well understood. The people around this part of tha country are discussing the situation, and men who two weeks ago were look ing with some favor on Mr. West's candidacy are now declaring that to be loyal to the direct primary law it is necessary, being themselves Republi cans, to support the direct primary nominee of their own party. Mr. West's grandstand play with the money of the United States Government. accom plished by turning it over to the state treasury, when the Government didn't owe the state anything, is a matter that shows up the Democratic candidate, who ls'trying to fool the people by re nouncing4jl3 party name, and is be coming pretty well understood by tha farmers generally. What people would like to know Ir: What right had Mr. West to mileage for returning to Washington, D. C when he never returned there? Not a man around here can be found who can understand Why, after the state had paid Mr. West for his expenses for the trip both ways and the Government had paid his expensas for the same trip back to Portland al he should have collected the amount of his expenses from the Government for returning to Washington, D. C, after he was through with the Hermann trial when he didn't, return at all! It is said that Mr. West swore to his claim, too. Do you know upon what ground this sort of a mau rests his claim to being a reformer, and whether it is true that the Federal officials in Portland used the word "grafter" la connection with his affidavit, that the money for returning to Washington, D. C, was really due him when he didn't return at all? INQUIRER. Novelists Can't Write Short Slorles.- Conan Doyle in "Through the Masic Door." Which are the great short stories of the English language? Not a bad bafis for a debate! This I am sure of: That there are far fewer supremely good short stories than thero are supremely good long books. It takes more exqui site skill to carve the cameo than the statue. But the strangest thing is that the two excellences seem to be separate and even antagonistic- Skill in the one by no means insures skill in the other. The great masters of our literature. Fielding, Scott, Dickens, Thackeray, Reads, have left no single short story of outstanding merit .behind them, with the possible exception of wandering Willie's tale In "Red Gauntlet" On the other hand men who have been very great In the short story, Stevenson, Poe and Bret Harte, have written no great book. The champion sprinter Is seldom a five-miler as well. Poe Is the master of all. . . . Poe is, to my mind, the supreme orig inal short story writer of all time. "Guerilla" Mosby to Lecture. Washington D. C.) Post. Col. John S. Mosby, the noted Con federate cavalry leader, has closed a contract with a lecture bureau to de liver a series of 13 lectures in the prin cipal cities of New England, telling at first hand of his experiences in the Civil War. Except for one or two lec tures. Colonel Mosby has never ap peared upon the lecture platform. After the course is completed in New Eng land, as at present contracted for. It will probably be extended to the Middle and Middle Western states. The subject matter of these lectures will include not only his personal ex periences on the field of battle, but also his relations with and to the great lead ers In the Southern armies. . i Two Wedding Rings Instead. "Molly Make-Believe," a New Novel. Carl of Mine: There's one thing I forgot to tell you. When you go to buy my engagement ring I don't want any! No! I'd rather have two wedding rings Instead two perfectly plain gold wed ding rings. And the ring for my passive left hand I want inscribed. "To Be a Sweetness More Desired than Spring!" and the ring for my active right hand I want inscribed, "His- Soul to Keeo!" Just that.