Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 27, 1910, Page 5, Image 5

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: ' I .
Upper Albina Citizens Fail to
Act on Offer Made by
J. C. Proebstel.
Trl to Ireland Have Disclosed
That Deeds Given Were Fraudu
lent. Saya Speaker Co-.t of
Settlement $50,000.
According to the statement made lait
night by - C. Proebstel to an audlenca
composed of people who own. homes In
the Proebstel donation land claim In
Upper Albina. comprising 137 acres,
now worth more thaa $1,000,000. there
la a cloud on their oronerty which he
can clear no at an average cost of
ISS a lot. The meeting was held In a
hall at Williams arenue and Ivy street
Mr. Proebstel has made two trips
to Ireland to Inquire Into trie status of
the heirs of the estate of Wendel
Proebstel and his wife. who was Jana
Chapman. lie said that he had ob
tained documentary proof that the sup
posed heirs who sold their interest to
127 acres owned by Jane Proebstel
wero not heirs, and obtained the $3000
they received by fraud.
Titles Long I'nder Cloud.
Wendel Proebstel and his wife took
the claim In 1331. No real title, had
passed, said the speaker, and every lot
rested under a cloud. He added that
he had found the real helra and haj
obtained deeds and power to act.
When Jlr. Proebstel had concluded
his statement. G. E. Baker, attorney
for fha Proebstel Adjustment Company,
set forth the plan for clearing tho
title to all the property In the tract.
He said that before sales could be
made the tltlea must be cleared up.
and this the Adjustment Company
would undertake to do at the rate of
ft a lot. It would be done through
registration proceedings, and the stale
would stund back of the deed. He ex
plained thxt money would be used to
pay the cost of the proceedings, and
what was left would go to the owners
of the estate. Much expense has been
Incurred by J. C. Proebstel In hla two
trips to Ireland and other places In
his search for the real heirs, said Mr.
Faker, with the result that every lot
owner could now lift the cloud from
his home.
Offer Not Accepted.
The speaker was questioned freely.
One man asked why Mr. Proebstel did
not take possession If he held the real
coeds and wanted to know how many
mora heirs might be found In Ire
land. Another asked what assurance
could be given that Mr. Procbstel'a In
formation was reliable.
Tha meeting did not accept the pro
posal. No plan of action was decide!
The territorr Involved la between
Fremont and Morrla streets, and Un
ion avenue and the Willamette Hlver.
but rot all the railroad land Is. In
rlnded. It la In a desirable section of
I'pper Albina. For the past 20 years
the title baa been In dispute. Some
of the tltlea to lots were guaranteed
by the Title Guaranty Trust Com
pany, which failed.
Tho total cost of clearing title
through the Adjustment Company waa
estimated at f:0.000.
Tive Walk on Track, Four Hurry,
F.nslne Kill! One.
STEVKNSOX. Wash.. Oct. 2i. (Spe
cial.) One of five men who waa too
low in getting off the North Bank
Knad near here this morning was
truck by the engine of train No, 3 and
was hurled 40 feet up a bank. The
train was stopped and the Injured man
taken aboard to be lodged In a Port
land hospital. He died a few min
ute after the train resumed Its trip.
. The man killed waa a aecttonband
known here as George Pappas. He and
four fellow workmen left Stevenson
this morning to take up their work
at a point near Four Lakes Mill be
tween Stevenson and the Cascades,
When rounding a bend the whistle of
train No. 1 waa heard and four of tha
men left the railroad track Immedi
ately. Pappas. despite warning by his
companions. continued to walk be
tween the rails and win struck by the
locomotive as he waa about to get out
of the way.
Violation or Copyright In Fight
Films Charged Against Three.
tAX FRANCISCO, Oct. I. On the
rharge of violating a copyright. Victor
Duhem. of Frultvale. Nathan J. Her
sg. of San Rafael, and Benjamin
Michaels, of this city, arrested In con
nection with the theft of the films of
the Jeffries-Johnson fight pictures,
were turned over to the Federal author
ities today.
United States Commissioner Wright,
who Issued the warrant, held the men
on J5000 bonds each. According to
complaint. 'the three men expected to
show the pictures In countries where
films were not protected by copy
rights. Ilerzog and Michaels are actively In
terested In nickelodions In this city.
Ituhem Is a photographer, and It Is"
charged that he copied the films, which
were stolen several months ago from
a theater In tbia city.
U Llttlefleld. of Newberg. are staying
at the Cornelius.
B. M. Lincoln, of LaGrande. la at the
S. W. Seemann. of LaGrande. is at
the Oregon.
& Rlste. of Ashland, la registered at
the Perkins. '
T. R. Barnes, of Marshfleld. is at
the Portland.
A. F. Shore, of Dal La. Is registered
at tho Lenox.
Dr. E. R- Waffle, of Pendleton. Is at
the Imperial.
Mrs. W. F. Ralston, of Forest Grove,
Is at the Perkins.
Mrs. J. E. Oates. of Seaside, la stay
Ing at the Oregon. -
E. P. McCormlck. a banker of Salem.
Is at the Cornelius.
D. B. Russell, of Medford. la regis
tered at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Rose, of Sacramento,
are staying .at the P.amapo.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ftrauss. or Albany,
are staying at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Grler. of Cascade
Locks, are staying at the Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lilly, of Met
Mlnnvllle. are staying at the Perkins.
Mr- and Mrs. O. H. HlwelU of Kelso,
Wash., are staying at the Imperial.
CHICAGO, Oct. 2. (Special.) Ore
gon people registered at Chicago ho
tels today as follows: 1
From Portland Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
McCraken. Francis B. Clarke, John N.
Casey, at the Congress; J. F. Stevens,
at the Great Northern.
From Medford C S. Dudley, at the
Great Northern.
Texan Takes Life by Shot and Wife
AImj Commits Suicide.
HOUSTON. Texas. Oct. IS. A. L.
Wahnnarin. a confectioner, today sent a
bullet through hla heart In hla home
here, dying Instantly.
Hla wife, who witnessed the suicide,
wallowed carbolic acid and lay- down
hld him and sooa expired. Business
trouble Is assigned as the reason.
Mrs. Albert Dunbar Is at the Port
land. A. C. Ms her. of Seattle. Is at tha
J. Donovan, of Seattle, is registered
at the Ramapo.
Will W. Baldwin, of Kalaraath Falls,
la at the Imperial.
Mr. Lynn B. Ferguson and aire. M-
Decision May Be Given Today as to
Recount Other Const CI t Ion
Mast Eltle Their Time.
ington. Oct. At a hearing granted
Jointly by Secretary Nagvl and Census
Director Durand today, a delegation of
citisens of Tacoma voiced a vigorous pro
teat s gal net the announcement that Ta
corua's population la only &2.9T2 and asked
for re-enumeration, or some further ad
justment. "
It was xoutly maintained by this dele
gation that Tacoina has an actual popula
tion In excess of luu.iwu. and Special
Agent who lopped off more
than 33.WU0 names, returned originally by
eumerators, was denounced for hla al
leged unfairness. .
No drcMon aaa reached at today's
conference and the matter will be taken
uo again tomorrow when Secretary
Nagel is expected to announce what
action he will take. After today's con
ference. Secretary Nagel said emphati
cally that the original returns from Ta-
cotna were padded, but he was not pre
pared to say to what extent they bad
been Inflated.
He also was willing to admit that
when the schedules were being re
vised In September many citizens
might have been out of town, and
therefore been overlooked. From this
It Is Inferred that some concessions
may be made to Tacoma. but lu8t what
will be done 1 not announced, cen
sus . Director Durand said after the
conference that tf a re-enumeration
Is ordered It will be complete and will
not be confined to those districts
where padding waa discovered. He
also emphasizes the fact that If tnere
Is a recount Tacoma will have to abide
by the second set of figures, no mat
ter what they may be.
Mr. Durand tonight announced that
In all probability the population of all
Pacific Coast cities may be wimneia
for two or three weeks, as a result of
the agitation started by Tacoma. He
does not believe it advisable to give
out the population of other places tin
til this Tacoma affair Is straightened
Decisions) of Conintission to Be Faascd
on by Supreme Court
SANTA FE. N. M-. Oct 2. The com
mittee on corporations of the New
Mexico constitutional convention today
adopted k unique safeguard against
delay In the enforcement of orders of
the State Corporation Commission.
By Its provisions. If any party or
corporation affected by an order of
the Commission falls to appeal to the
State Supreme Court, the case shall be
at once submitted to the Supreme
Court to be affirmed. The court Is
to be considered always In session for
that purpose and must give such cases
precedence. If error is found In tho
order, it Is to be sent back to the
Commission for correction and then af
firmed. Thus no delay can be caused
by subsequent litigation.
The Commission is to consist of
three elective members and will have
a wide scope of power, from charter
ing all new corporations to rate-making
for common curriers.
Stationary Engineer, Employers
and Employes, Get Together.
Oregon Association Xo. 1. National
Association of Stationary Engineers,
held its annual banquet In the grill
room of the Oregon Hotel last night.
Including members of the association,
associate members and a few employ
ers, there were 70 seated at the tables.
The annual feast Is also called the "get
together" banquet, when employee and
employers rub elbows.
H. E. Judge acted as toastmaater. To
the toast. "The National Association
of the United States." J. D. Asher re
sponded. The response to the toast. "Ore
gon No. 1." the resignation of lie local
association. A. E. Worth, vice-president
responded. Remarks were nia.le by M.
C Banfleld and Chester A. Whitemore,
and George Flower, delegate to the Na
tional convention recently held In
Rochester. X. V, gave his impressions
of that .meeting. There were also
short addresses by members, employ
era and associate members.
Caesarian Operation Performed.
OREGON C1TT. Or.. Oct. 16. (Special.)
Drs. Hugh S. Mount and Thomas J.
Fox performed the dangerous Caesarian
operation this morning on Mrs. Brady,
wife of a well-known automobile man of
Oregon City. The operation waa success
ful. Mrs. Brady's condition Is favorable
and bcr little daughter is a healthy
I do not believe there is any other
medicine so good for whooping cough
as Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy."
writes Mrs- Francis Turpln, Junction
City. Or. This remedy is also unsur
passed for colds and croup. For sale
by all dealers.
Success of Bowerman Would
Vindicate Law, Dimick
Says at Rainier.
Columbia County Citizens Out in
Force to Attest Approval of Re
publican Ticket Much En
thusiasm Is Shown.
RAINIER, Or., Oct. . (Special.) "If
the people would preserve their direct
primary law, let them not fall into the
trap of Its enemies. Republicans who
voted In the primary election must abiue
by the results. Otherwise Its effect wiu
be weakened and the brand of Ineffi
ciency placed upon it. I appeal to all
friends of the primary law and those who
supported me for Governor In the pri
mary campaign to ratify the choice of
the people Jay Bowerman and the other
nominees of the party."
Such was the warning to the voters of
Oregon uttered by Grant B. DlmicK,
champion of the primary law and state
ment Xo. 1. who was Mr. Bowerman's
closest opponent in the recent primary
Bourne Is Man to Beat.
"Jonathan Bourne, not Oswald West. Is
the man that Jay Bowerman and the Re
publican party has got to beat at the
next election. Judge Dimick added.
"Bourne Is the man who Is making this
vicious fight for West. His object is to
safeguard his seat In the United States
Senate, where he has failed to make
Every section of Columbia County waa
represented here tonight at a rousing
mass meeting in the Rainier Opera
house. So far as making any campaign
waa concerned. Mr. Bowerman need not
have called here. For he found Rainier
and Columbia County all his own way.
"At the polls Xovember 8 the county Is
going to give the Republican standard
bearer a five to one vote," aay leading
"Oswald West, the Bourne-Chamber
lain machine candidate, has no standing
at all In Columbia County." say the peo
ple of Rainier. No one has been heard
of. Republican or Democrat, who la go
ing to cast his vote In perpetuation of the
machine and its protege. In putting the
outcome at five to one for Bowerman.
Columbia County Republicans say they
merely want to be ultra-consecvatlve.
People Come In Wagons.
Residents of the county gathered from
every quarter to attend tonight's Bower
man meeting. From the Interior of tho
county many people came In by wagon.
Clatakante sent up a line of boats filled
a 1th people, accompanied by the Clats
k.inle Brass Band, which serenaded the
Republican leader. A large delegation
from St. Helena was present. The crowd
mas far larger than the opera-house
a )iild hold and many stood through the
i.:-tns. Afterwards the visitors were
guests of honor at a public banquet.
Judge Dimick came from Oregon City
for the meeting- and his appearance
upon-the stand In behalf of his former
opponent was the signal for enthusiastic
cheering. The speaker presented in a
forceful manner the main lames of this
campaign the elimination of Bournelpm
and the preservation of the Imperiled
direct primary law.
"The direct primary law must be safe
guarded at this time If we would per
petuate It." said he. "If the Repub
lican voters fail to elect the candidates
they nominated then by their own act
they stamp the direct primary law as a
failure. If we want that law strength
ened and guarded we should exercise
every effort to elect every candidate
nominated by our party.
Men at Issue Compared.
"A word concerning the two men who
are the crime factors In this election:
Bowerman is a man of the highest char
acter. I have known him for many
years. His Integrity and honesty have
never been questioned. His political ca
reer Is without blemish. In the Legis
lature he was to be found supporting
those measures favorable to the people.
He stood by the people and not by the
corporations, as the records clearly show.
"On the other hand is Bourne, the man
behind the machine and the man whom
Bowerman has in reality to cope with In
this campaign. A man In the United
States Senafe should be clean. Bourne
is not such a man. There is much in his
past record to stamp him as an undesira
ble. It will be hard to forget the fact of
his holding up of the Legislature several
years ago. when by use of bawds and
booze he prevented the organization of
the lower house, mado it Impossible to
get legislation through the hold-up and
placed a burden of thousands of dollars
in extra cost on the taxpayers.
"The people were deceived Into send
ing him to the Senate. I am inclined to
blame tbe press of the state for not
sounding the warning against such a
man. He has been a failure. We must
not perpetuate him."
Bowerman Discusses Bourne.
Mr. Bowerman was presented by
Judge J. B. Doane, who presided, aa
"the next Governor of Oregon, and the
man best fitted for that office." The
Acting; Governor made an able and Im
pressive presentation of the issues of
this campaign and the principles upon
which he stands. He outlined hla
views on economy, good roads, and the
Improvement and referma which he ad
vocates. Taking up tbe subject of the Bourne
machine's fight upon him. Mr. Bower
man said: Jonathan Bourne has rea
son for wishing to secure my defeat.
As representative of the people of Ore
gon In the United States Senate, he has
frittered away their time, responding
to roll call less than half the time.
He has allowed 1 10.000.000, belonging
to this state and available for Irriga
tion purposes, to go by default. He
has wasted his time In playing golf,
poker and other pastimes for which he
Is noted. He got the 'office by political
trickery, deceit, debauchery and the Il
legitimate and unlawful use of his
large fortune, and la seeking to retain
the place by the same methods, rather
than by honest work In behalf of Ore
gon, i
Hope Lies In Machine.
"He sees the storm that la brewing.
He Is seeking to stave off the Inevit
able. He hopes by the building up of a
powerful state machine to use the or
ganization In effecting his re-election
two years hence. That la his object
In going Into partnership with Cham
berlain and putting his forces at work
behind Oswald West, Chamberlain's
trusted protegee, who can be depended,
goods-' He Is, Indeed, the man who "de
upon to obey ordera and 'deliver the
livers the goods.' That's all they want
him for.
"Bourne Is a champion of the direct
primary taw. In that respect he is a
hypocrite. He favors that law only In
so far aa It serves his ends. When
JT x- 7 S
Announces the arrival of the
largest assortment of
of the season
Most of them are man tailored
and the much-wanted styles
It is advisable to call quickly
Modest prices always
the primary law does not operate to
hla liking, as In the last primary elec
tion, he says arbitrarily: 'Do not
abide by the primary law. Defeat the
choice of the people for they are not my
choice.' And this Is an imperial man
date to his loyal subjects commanding
them to do his bidding."
People WIU Tlule.
Mr. Bowerman reiterated his pledge
aa to the laws of the people. "I will
protect all laws of the people," said
he. "and If elected Governor will exer
cise the Influences of that- office and
the power of the veto If necessary In
protecting those laws which the people
have written upon the statute ' books.
This applies to the direct primary.
Statement No. 1 and all the laws of the
people. If there are to be any changes,
those changes must come from the peo
ple themselves."
Mr. Bowerman leaves at an early hour
In, the morning by steamer for Port
land. Thence he will go to Hood River
and The Dalles. A meeting - will be
held tomorrow afternoon at Hood
River and tomorrow night at The
Bowerman Favors Putting Schools on
Legitimate Bapis.
ASTORIA, Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.)
Through an error in transmission. Acting
Governor Bowerman was quoted In The
Oregonian of today as saying that normal
school certificate would not pass lta bear
ers with the same examination taken by
others. What he eid was -that the nor
mal school certificates were not accepted
without the same examination aa given
all others.
"I favor normal training," said Mr.
Bowerman today. "I am opposed only
to the system employed in the legisla
ture where Representatives combine in
securing appropriation for the normal
schools and other Institutions and thus
delay- legislation and interfere with tho
workings of the Legislature. My con
tention is that the normal schools
should be placed on a legitimate bas'.en
and I opposed them at the last Legisla
ture merely becaune they were below por
and In order that the people might have
an opportunity of dealing with them as
they see fit."
Mrs. Sarah E. Morley Dead.
OREGOX CITY. Oct. 26. (Special.)
Feet So Sore
Couldn't Walk
Down Stairs
TIZ Cured Her Quick.
After suffering three years from
Brlght's disease, Mrs. Sarah E. Morley,
a well-known resident of this city, died
this morning. She was 63 years of age,
and is survived by the following
children: Alva, of Pendleton, Mrs. G.
B. Hockett, of this city, Mrs. Lena Mc
Nlsh, of Rencoe, Mrs. Letha Kerman.' of
Rencoe, and Albert, Ida and Nina, of
this city. The funeral services wiU
be held tomorrow morning at 10:30
o'clock at the family residence, and tbe
remains will be interred in Mountain
View Cemetery.
FOSSIL. Or.. Oct. 26. (Special.) Alvln
Helpful Hints on
Hair Health
Scalp and Hair Troubles
Generally Caused
by Carelessness
Dandruff is a contagious disease
by a microbe which also produces bald
ness. Never use a comb or brusli be
longing to someone else. No matter
how cleanly the owner may be, these
articles may be Infected with microbes,
which will Infect your scalp. It is far
easier to catch hair microbes than it
is to get rid of them, and a single
stroke of an Infected comb or brush
may well lead to baldness. Never try
on anybody else's hat. Many a hat
band Is a resting place for microbes.
If you happen to be troubled with
dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or
baldness, we have a remedy which we
believe will completely relieve these
troubles. "W'e are so sure of thlfl that
we, offer it to you with the understand
ing that it will cost you nothing for the
trial if it does not produce the results
we claim. This remedy Is called Rexall
"93" Hair Tonic. We honestly believe
it to be the most scientific remedy for
scalp and hair troubles, and we know
of nothing else that equals it for effec
tiveness, because of the results it has
produced In thousands of cases.
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is devised to
banish dandruff, restore natural color
when its loss has been brought about
by disease, and make the hair naturally
silky, soft and glossy. It does this be
cause It stimulates the hair follicles,
destroys the germ matter, and brings
about a free, healthy circulation of
blood, which nourishes the hair roots,
causing them to tighten and grow- new
hair. We want everybody who has any
trouble with hair or scalp to know
that Rexall "93" Hair Tonic Is the best
hair touic and restorative in existence,
and no one should scoff at or doubt this
statement until they have put our
claims to a fair test, .with the under
standing that they pay us nothing for
the remedy If It does not give full and
complete satisfaction in every particu
lar. Two sizes, 50 cents and 1.00. Re
member you can obtain Rexall Reme
dies only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc
Cor. 7th and v ashington &is.
TVomm a laborer, died last nignt irom i ow.wu -..
inlrie. received in the afternoon. When broke. As he fell the board penetrated
w, th erection of a small Rhea his abdomen.
BWinn0 " -7 asasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasa
Don't Move
Your Old Piano
Hobart M. Gable
Terms to suit your convenience
Send for illustrated catalogue
Between 5th and 6th
Finest in the world for Men and Ixmng Men
Sold "exclusively by
Leading Clothier
Tr vou have sore feet, tired feet.
sweaty feet, lame feet, tender feet,
smelly feet, corns, callouses or bunions.
read wnat nappenea 10 irs. L.rgeii,
of Jeffersonville. TIZ DID IT. Mr.
cTroclcett savs: .After tbe second treat
ment she mll ne loot
at a time. She baa not been able to :
walk downstairs nerore in nasi nw
yean, except oy stepping; aown on men
n,p with one foot at n time. This la
remarkable. Send five more boxes."
No matter what ails your feet or
what under heaven you have used with
out getting rener. just use x i in
different. It acts rlgM off. It cures
sore feet to stay cured. It's the only
foot remedy ever made which acta on
the nrinciole of drawing out all the
?olsonous exudations which cause sore
eet. Powders and other remedies
merely clog up the pores. TI2 cleans
them out ana Keeps mum cinn. x ou
will feel better the first time lfs used.
t;.a it week and vou can forget you
ever had sore feet. There Is nothing on
earth that can compare with It. TIZ
Is for sale at all druggists. 2Sc per box,
oe Hired if vou wish, from Walter
Luther Dodge & Co., Chicago, I1L Rec
ommended and sold by
The Owl Drug Co
7th and Washington, Portland. Oregon.
SSi CreaIs,Yeast.Water,Baker.'Art-BREAD 'jjK-l:
:XjSt8ill' Mothar Earth's Best Cereal, and Hop., 'I
rrVyCS lL4r ?X& i Water, Yeast, backed by Original Brewing iVTJI 'fet,
IjMEggy Methods BLATZ BEER 'mtS
jMWm- They Dreak About Even
"r BLATZ possesses timehonored irtues -
"fV old fashioned tonic properties, delicacy of t,r:
'MjStdlway8 theSame GoodOldBlatz gfj
4' ' . nn . iiiiilili nnrtO niv i Llwll TL?iC 20-22-24-26 First Street e
Mai; 153: A 1666 KVIIIUIILU D1U