10 .TIIE MORXI3Q OREGONIAN. TITUIISDAT, OCTOBER 27, 1910. SUPPORT IS URGED FOR WHOLETIGKET Dr. Harry Lane Is Unwilling Tail-End Candidate Shall Be Neglected. R. A. MILLER IS SPEAKER George H. Thomas and Robert K. McKay Declare Party Shall Re Krlraaed From Clique Domi nation for Flgbtlnff Bail. "Ton tnnv cut a anake'a head off. but ffte tail will continue to wif. Bo It la Kith ti Democratic party." said Dr. Harry Lane, addressing an aodlenca In hall at Seventeenth and Tnurman streets las, eight. Thla waa Dr. Lane's frt speern In favor of the- Democratic ticket from top to bottom. He urged that the candidates for all ofrloas be support ed and announced himself as opposed to the tendency to sacrifice the men seek'nc smaller offices la behalf of the bead or tha ticket. Pr. I.jirvr'i aJdrees wit mainly tn aup pnrt ot tho candidacy of C. L Dags-it for Sheriff. Mr Iaga tt waa auperin teouent of the city crematory during Lane's terra of office aa Mayor of Port land and the latter told his audience that Mr. Dijrrett had turned several hundred dnT'ars Into th clf treasury from the j sale of useful malarial hauled to the cremtorv to be, burned. J Georze 11. Thomas and Robert E. lie- I Kay spoke briefly, ursine their hearers j rot to toraet the Democratic candidates I for legislative bonora and county offices I In the Interest arntsed by the Guberna torial contest. McKay declared that the Jt.-l.on Club, which cams Into sxlstenre recenrlv. waa organised to release the partv from clique domination and put It join on a flf-htlng basla. Mr. Tonmas declared that the fiht n Orcm as far as the adherents of the , J'ftVracnuin doc'rlnen ars concerned Is tetweeh noopar-.laansnlp and Democracy, j SATI RDAV RALLY IS rtAXXED , Republican Spclllilndrrs to Appear at Masonic Temple. Extens've arrangements are being (nade by the Republican Stats and County Central Committee for tha bis; eoenlna- rally of the campaign at the Masonic Temple at West Park and JMrier Streets, next Saturday night. Ac tin Governor Bowerman. direct pri mary nominee for Governor, will be tne principal speaker. Others to address the meeting will be Dan J. Malarkry. nominee for Joint Senator, and Stephen A. Ixwell. of Pendleton. The night before. October JV Mr. Itawerman will address two district meetings, under the ausplcea of tha Multnomah County Central Committee. One of these meetings will ba held at Mitri i-taii. ai pevi!Bfnia sou ai- j berta Streets, where, in addition to Mr. Honrirman. the speakers will he Mr. ' MaJarkey and County Judge Cleetnn. The same evening; Mr. Bowerman will address another audience In Malr's Hall at Williams Avenue and Russell street. At this meeting;. A. E. Clark -and John F. Logan, chairman of tha i County Central Committee, will also make short addresses. in the concluding week of the cam paign, beginning; next Monday. Mr. Bowerman and other speakers will ad dress from ne to three meetings night ly In different sections of the city. Lowell I Active Orator. Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendleton. Is entering actively Into the campaign In support of the entire Republican ticket. Ing at SUverton. Tonight he will sneak at Stayton nd tomorrow night be will ba the prlnc'pal speaker at a big rally In Salem. Returning to Port land Saturday morning. Judge Lowell will be one of tho principal apeakers at the big opening Republican rally In this city at the Masonic Temple. COLORADO GETS APPLES J Walla Walla Prom F.aliclog; to Centennial Slate. TV ALLA WALLA. Wash.. Oct. S. Special.) Fancy Walla Walla apples are being shipped to Colorado, reputed to produce more apples than any two ef tha Northwestern atates. Only recently have looal dealers at tempted to Invade th's market, but their success was Instantaneous. Since Mon day a local firm baa ahipped to Denver three carloads of fancy apples. In this lot were oaa car of Roma Beauty, one ef Eeopua Bpltsenberg and a mixed car of yellow Newtowns and Kane Spltxan eergs. Colorado buyers call for nothing but blgh-grade fruit, stating In their or ders they have plenty of apples of In ferior quality. They also commend tho attractive method of packing fol lowed la tha Northwest. Colorado growers still throw their applaa Into barrels or ase the shuffle pack when they put fruit late boxes. MRS. EMILY BARKER DEAD SBSBBSaWSBWSB V Pioneer Dice After SO Years' Resi dence In Douglas County. ROSEBTJRCa, Or, Oct. I. (Special Aire. Kml!y Barker. agd 70. and for more than 60 year a resident of Douglas County, died here early this morning af ter aa Qlneaa of two weeks. Death waa the result of pneumonia. Aside from a nusbend. A. T. Barker. soe la survived by four daughters, Mrs. J. P. Marrla. Ornate Pass; Mrs. Walter Flngleton. Roeeburg: Mrs. Anderson, XsrshBeld: Mrs. Richard Chapman, Olid, and two sons. Missouri Barker. Portland, aad Dee Barker, of Drain. Portland Man, 111. le Improving. WALLA WALLA, Wastu. Ot. IS. (Spe cial.) D. 1L Diamond, of Portland, of the firm ef Lang Co.. who -has been dangerously 111 with pneumonia at the home of Mr. and Mre. J. P. Hayden, 71f Boyar. Is Improving end the attending physician baa pronounced htm out of danger. Hie family, who are at his bed side, expect to remove him to Portland next Sunday. air. inimoni r.as been IU hero for several weeks. s Two Prospector Found Dead. TVIBT ASTOEI.ES Wasb Oct. 2. The I lead bodies of Johnnie Nledrrstraffer ojid f'.eorge Cowan, prospectors, have been found near flapho. In the western lrt of tMallam County, which Is the rorthwratera comer of tha United The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel BO Booim,-104 Suite, With Privata Baths. ananas n SB. AMUA 4MTW W e WMIMM V Modfrat Ratea. XtQ MeUchaa ft Son. Prop. THE PORTLAND rCKTUXO, 01 i i MODEU UB-TArmAjrr COST tWX MTLMJKHa POT JAM. HOTEL SEATTLE 400,000 Ree-entry Spent es Its later lor. All FWmlanlnaw and Appointment. New, Madera aad Splendid. Headowartera for Portland People. HOTEL OREGON STISgS Both Hotels Coadopted ' by MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON svi tftiiv A hotel in L. Q. THE witaouf paio. All front rooms per ar aeakka. AU I ilf? iini:it ll'itfgjjiit.'li o. w. coBJfELnra, FropzUtec. OPENED 3PT, 190 HOTEL LENOX E. O. and V. H. JORCENSEM crope aad Mgra. COR. 3D AND MAIN STS. Bet and Cold Waaaa, Long Diataaoo Pboae aa Every Room. RATES J1.00 and od America Plaa ILIt Per Day Oer Table la heart of business dlstrlot. canter ( oiur, half irorn a. K. Ky. and ship wharves and For Biistoess'Use WOT I.! fT' 'sai. Cr' 'Vl Is often a necessity. It Is safe, smokeless and odorless. ' Apply match, and It ..... hm.t onickiv TTirh fnur nnam of oil It burns nine hours. Has anto- natle-locklna flame npreader. which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to rnoke, snd is essy to remove and drop bsck so that ths rick can be cleaned in an Instant. It has a cool handle snd s damper top. An indicator always shows the smount of oil In tbe font. The filler-cap It. Is put in like s cork In a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. Tho burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new do nee In construction, and consequently, It can always be easily unscrewed in sn instant for rewicking. The Perfection OU Heater is finished In Japan or nickel. It Is strong, durable, well made, built for service, yet light and ornamental. Dflrt few-iwarrs. If so ef yews, neav for detcnjtwt drvtJar X7 Standard Oil t ...is I - - - XEW STEEL TWIX-SCREW Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George LEAVE SEATTLE, WASH. SVXDAY9 AMI THURSDAYS AT 2iO0 P. M. FOH VICTORIA. VANCOUVER AMD PRINCE RUPERT. CeaaeettaK At Prlaee Rasen With the " . Prtaee Albert" For Stewart And ttaeea Charlotte Islands. DAYLIGHT RIDE TO VICTORIA. Leave Vancouver. B. C. Northbound. 11:88 P. M., Mondays and Fridays; Southbound. 2:00 P. M.. Saturdays and Wednesdaya. Meals aad Berths Included North of Vancouver. For Tloketa and Reservations Apply to Local Railway Ticket Agents or J. H. BURtiia. General Agent, lat Av. and Tester Way. Seattle, Wnah. rE TTKAnouAFrrT-Ra FOR TOl'RJHTW aae COMMEIU I AX, K-TKAVICI.KBH. Special rates aenaa te teoiUle. and sta gls gentlemen. The win oe Unee sad .tvsstwms. stve prices. A snod sen Tnrktea Bath .n r am wtablliksjsat fes the u. c Bovrxats. PIONEER SQUARE SEATTLE fcm less a ao a3 L3 J3J333I3C NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washintrton Sti. Opened June, 1908. the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates $1.00 and up. Moderate price restaurant in connection. Swetland, Secretary and Manager. CORNELIUS -The Bohm o( Walaome." earner Par and Aides. Pare toad's newest aad auaet medem hotel. Caropeaa plan. Be slanlas May 1st ear rates will be ss follows: All baok reoma st ear rates will se ss iduows: a.11 oaoa room stasia, st.oa per dari double. 1H per day. a wltbest bath. fl-M per day. hlngto: $1 s. AU ODTaUOal seesaa. Our emnlhiis snsets a. b. rurrcHna, HOTEL RAIIPO Corner Fonrteentli sod WasHngtoa Ksrw Hotel. ElcganUy Furnlabetl Rates $ l.OO and Up Special Rates) for Permanent Bos Meeas ATI at. a. poucx. raunuctas. PRJVAT& BATHS TOTJ WLLXa UKS THE WOODS TT' I ' T Baropeaa X I I J 1 A L.0 Par Dadf It's All CemtortJ emote Kaoia Oas Peerrara. - ity. P. Ry. Depot, close te all C P. R. Depot. VANCOUVER, B. C There are a great many places and occasions when the possibility of get tin, extra heat immediately effects an economy by decreasing the discomfort of the worker. In the office, In the early morning or late at night, before or after the steamheat is on, it is of importance to have extra heat. In the builder's outside office, in the shipping room, in the checker's shack, oh exposed lofts, la railroad stations, In studios, the RFECTIj a7lv1UI.eVnVe.aSf9 LJ- .ill w am-JeaeaU Altohltly smokeless end odorless Company r a It A if ! iii"ria''iiiM-s'Viaai AMUSEMENTS. SEAT SALE OPEXS 10 A. M. PRICKS 75f, 91.CO. 91.50. 92.00 BOX SKATS 92.50 MME. Gadski XEXT Sl'XDAT AFTERNOOX, 2:30 Heilig Theater HEIJLIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A 1112. TONIOHT. EVERY NIOHT THIS WEEK. Ppeclal Frtre Matinee Saturday. JOHKPH K. HOWARD, In the Musical Play Success. "THE GODDESS OF LIBERTY. Evenings, $1.60. $1.00. 75c. COe. 85c. 25a Matinee, $1.00. 75c 60c. 85c. 25c. 6 EAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW. Hsrua THEATER. Shuhert Bros. Present Famous Russian Actress Mme. ALLA NAZ1M0VA REPKRTOIRK: Monday evening. October tl, Ibsen's "LiTTLK EVOLF.V Tuesday evening, November 1, Bnltoh ler's THE PAUtV TALK." Wednesday evening, November I, .pe dal prtce Wednesday matinee. Ibsen's "THE DOLL'S HOISE." Bv.nlsea, $3. $1.60. $1. 75o, too, aEo. Ma. Matinee. $1 50, fi. 76o. too, JSo. 26a. BUNGALOW .T Theater. 13th nd Morrison. Oee. I. Baker, Manager. Phones Main 117 and A Tonight, all Week; Matinee Saturday. Bar gain Matinee today. 25c. Chas. Sellon's Famous Musical Extravaganza. "THE COW AND THE MOON." Forty people, uiok scenic effects, gorgeous transformations, pretty girls, song bits, screaming comedy. Mights. 25c, Sue, 75c. $1; Saturday Matinee, 20c. 50c. Next week Tbe Illus Mouse.". Eeat Sale Today. RAKFR THEATER Uri.1V 1 XV Morrison and Eleventh Main' 2. A B360. GEO. 1. BAKER. Mm. IYtr.nrrlln.rv nlf.rln. this week. Baker Stock Company with Henry Stoekbridge and Immense choruses In Geo. M. Cohan's greut- est musical hit or them all. a mtti.k Jftlivw JOXKS." Tremendous hit, packed nouses all tbe time. Get your seats quiok. Regular prices: 25c. 40c, 7c Bat. Mat., 25c 40c. Next week opens Sunday Matinee "lexas. MAIN S. A 102a (EE EVKHI 1PAX. Hicjni THEATER 1S-2W0-TU WEEK OCTOBER 21 MUe. Camllle Ober, the larl.ian .Lar and nhenomenal vo calist, ew Vork Trio, Miss Felice Morris at t o. in "A Call for Help." Hyraan Meyer, the Hve Alphas, the Two Kacketts, DeLlsle, llclures. Orchestra. GRAND Week Oct 24. 1910 The worldst most t'ampbeU Yates. The three Eacardos. The three Imperials. Bush A Peyser, llstel dishing. ii randaseopa. 2:80; any seat 15s. marvelous monkey. Lady Betty The all but hnman C'himpansee. Mstlnee Kvery Day Kvenlng Performances at 7:30 and S:l! Pslcony 16c: Lower Floor 25c; Box Seats 50a LYRIC PORTLAND FAMILY PLAYHOUSE Seventh and Alder Streets. ALL THIS WEEK. Armstrong Musical Comedy Co. In HOOP LA Special Feature. Eds Marjorle Mahr and The Temple City Quartet T-n l'irfwmanri-1 NlKhtly. Matinees 1)hI!v. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Raker's Auction House. 172 Park st. Furniture, etc. S.ale at 10 o'clock. Geo. Baker A Co.. Auotloneers. UTINO NOTICES. WHEREAS, it has pleased Almighty God to can rrom our miusi our esteemea uro. olaf Johnson, a loyal member of the KnlKhts of the Rose, and in his death we realise that we have lost a friend and brother, who during his life was an honest and upright citizen, and a true Knight of the Rose, and who by his char acter and loyalty, has won the esteem and respect of all who knew him, and bis memory will long be cherished, and the Knights of the Rose extend their sym pathy and condolence to the family of our Bro. in this their hour of sorrow. Su preme Court, Knlgbts or the Rose. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18. R. A. M. Speclul convocation this (Thursday) afternoon, at 8 o'clock sharp. Work in Royal Arch devrree. Dinner will be served in dining-room at o:80. AU Royal An-b Masons cordially Invited to attend. By order E. H. r. CLYDE EVANS, Sec. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18, R. A. M. Special convocation this (Thursday) evening, at 7:H0 sharp. Work In Royal Arch de gree. Full royal arch lecture will be given. Visiting companion wel come. By order E. H. P. CLYDE EVANS. Sec COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114, A. F AND A. M- Special communi cation this (Thursday) evening at 7:20 o'clock. Masonlo Temple. Work In tbe y. C degree. Visiting brethrea m-elcorae. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Sao. MULTNOMAH CAMP. 77. W. O. W. The entertainment announced to be given at the East Bide W. O. W. Hall Friday evening Oc tober 2a, ia postponed until further notice, on account of the deatb of Clerk Wood worth. Camp meets as usual. II. L. KEENAN. Ass t Clerk. ,.T. J. KUNUER. C. MACCABEB PRIZE WHIST SOCIAL One of those slways enjoyable affairs given by Portland Tent No. 1, 8:30 P. M. this evening, st K. P. Hall. 11th and Alder sts. Friends and members Invited to bring their friends. Oood time assured all. Re freshments. Admission lfto. PORTLAND CIRCLE NO. 55. W. O. W. Neighbors are requosted to attend the funeral service of our late neighbor. Emma M. Linden, at Holy Rosary Church. East Third and Clackamas sts., this (Thursday) morning at 10 A. M. FIVB HUNDRED soolal at Oddfellows Hsll, corner of East 6th and Alder streets, this (Thursday) evening; given by Utopia Rebecca Lodge. No. 2. 1. O. O. F. HsfrwH mcntg. Admission 15 cents. FUNERAL NOTICES. LINDEN In this city. October 25, at the family residence. MX Honauay avenue, vt. Emma M. Linden, age 52. years 1 month and 10 days. Funeral will be held 'and requiem mass will ho celebrated at Church of Holy Kosary. East 3d and Clackamas streets today tThursdayl, October 27. at 10 A. M. Friends Invited. Interment at Rlvervlesr Cemetery RAIOUM October 25. at 703 Altina ave.. Mamie Raloum. ased 17 years. 16 days. Funeral services will be held from St: Mary's Church, corner Williams avenue and Stanton streets, today (Thursday) Oc tober 27. at 9 A. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Dubuque, la., papers please copy. rONSETII FLORAL CO. MAKll'AM KI.1K1. I LORAL DF.MONS. Phone.: Main filu A llOt, UUPniuE fl " . . j . - . 7th and line. I'hone Alain 430. Lady as sistant. Office ef County toroner. rnWARn HOLM AN CO.. Funeral Dlrect- ers. Z-0 d st. Lady assistant. I'hone M. OOl. J. F. HNLEY SON. Sd and Madlsoa. Lady attendant. I'hone Main a. A 15K1). EAST MDK Funeral Directors, successors to F. 8. Dunning. Inc. E. St. B goto. F.RIOSON CO. Vndrrtakere lady ant. 409 Alder.. M. 8l. A I -no. 7KI.I.F.K.HVRNES CO.. Funeral Directors, 1B4 Williams are. both pboneei lady nest. IAHCH, Undertaker, cor. Fast Alder and a. Last 78L It 1888. Lady aseislsnt, eTV n MATH A ClJSSIFIED AD. RATES Dallr ar auaday. Per Line. One time Same ad two consecutive times tia KMBfl ad three eonsecutlve tioiea ..SOe Same ad six or seven comiecutive times. .&Ce Six words counts as one line on cash ad vertisement, and aw ad counted tor leas ttiso two lines. When an advertisement Is not roa consee atlve times ths one-time rate applies. On cliarse of book advertisement, the ehurre will be based on the actual number j or lines OUJersrms id iuo vvrt irvaraicN of the number of words In each line. la New Today ail advertlitemrnts are charged by measure ealy. 1 lines to tbe Inch. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY CITY HALL MAIN osS. A 7888. ' HUMANE UFtlCtB. KABT 4T7s ' I KEW TODAY. FINEST FRUIT LAND $25 Per Acre 160 acres in Klickitat County, close to railway station and located in tie heart of the fruit belt. It will pay you to hurry and investigate this offer. For farther information call or address C. P. Wells 414-415 LEWIS BUILDING Fourth and-Oak Sts. Umatilla Project E65 acres, section 22, township 6 N. R., 2 E. V". .VI., near Irrigron. Morrow County, Oregon, all good volcanic ash solk no sand, lies gently sloping-. This land will be Included under the new Government Irrigation project. It 's also an Ideal tract for Irrigation by pumping- plant. Anything will grrow on this land that will grow in Yakima Valley. If subdivided this land will sell readily at $200 to $n00 per acre Price for short time only, to settle a partnership, $85 per acre. Grussi & Zadow SI7 Board ot Trade BldBV 4th and Oak. Must Raise Money One of our clients must raise $20,000 by November 16. 1910, and Instructed us to sell any of his holdings at a price that would attract speculators and In vestors. His holdings consist of: Apartment sites Improved. Income property close in. Acreage and farm lands. Interested parties will do well to call at the office and see Inventory of his. holdings. Cash offers Invited on any of his property. M. E. LEE, 411 Corbett Bids. Swell Irvington Home Modern, swell, 9-room residence, lOOx 100 corner lot: house has furnace, two fireplaces, built-in bookcases and china closet, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays. four bedrooms and sleeping-porch; lot has some nice fruit trees and lots of fine shade trees: street is improved and cement walks all around; on Weidler street, close in. Price $12,500; $3000 cash will handle. Grussi 8c Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak. APPLE LAND 10 ACRES deep r.ch red shot soil, 20 mtn. walk from the center of the City of SHERI DAN, overlooking the city. Right In the renter of the famous HYLANDS apple and walnut district. ueauttrui aiope ana view, well watered and drained. Fine prow lng city, bis; payroll and fine transportation. Land Is all clear and ready to plant. Only 1.G rer acre, easy terms. V. R. Hvland Fruitgrowers' Association meets Saturday evening, the 21th. Come join us, attend tne meotin? ana iook over tne tracts Sunday. (1KO. O. MA IK. C. L. BA.UHKROKK, 2 Lumbermen Bids;, Apartment House Site 100x100 On East Sixth. A Bargain at S1G.OOO NORTHERN TRUST CO.. 270 Stark St. NOB HILL l-room house, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement; built for home by owner; one block from carline; sacri fice price in order to raise cash. MERCHANTS SAVINGS S TRUST COMPANY, g. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Streets. MORTGAGE LOANS LowMt rates and trm to ault; pe efn-1 ratrs and favorable irrmj on larc loans on baninrsa pro pert lea. Food. Loaned for frlvate In rem tor a. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bids;-. 3d A Stark. WH HAVE A Fine Lot on Grand Ave. In line with new railroad bridge, that wa are offering- at a bargain; some Income. ' ATLAS LAND CO., 430 Lumber Ex ch 'fire. This Is a Buy Piedmont home, new, 100x100 corner; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, paneled dining room, bookcases and seats, all tinted flxt. shades, furnace, garage, lawn, cement walks, all complete. $5900. B'- owner. (Woodlawn 25S3). 222 Ainsworth ave. A GREAT BUT FOR $2100. Five OOxlIX) lots, corner :vd and East Davis, worth KOOO. all cash. David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermena bldg., 5th and Stark sis. MORTGAGE LOANS 5fa On' Central Business Property. EDWARD .K. GOUDEY, Lewli Bldg. FOB SALE. 10 acres of ricn bottom land, adjoining Forest Grove. $-50 per acre. This la a snap: land sourrounuiog it ait .ciung $4uo per acre. Aaareas Forest Grove. Or. Felix Verhoeren, Rose City Park Cash fnap SPIOOO LOT FOR SSOO Beautiful corner with all Improvements. M. 4675. 617 Board of Trade Bldg. INVESTORS Tail oa owners- Keaity Asr a. for timber, acreage, buslnel red.nee .as ssartmesl properties. $v Aslaa-toa. SEW TODAI. T.0NQDIN 5 and 10-acre FRUIT AND GARDEN TRUCK FARMS Rich Soil r 1 1 l 1 Plenty of Water Oregon Electric Station on Property. Also Good School Best of Terms $175, $200, $225 Per Acre For Map and Booklet Call or Address G. P. WELLS 414-415 Lewis Building Fourth and Oak Sts., Portland Near Washington St. $16,000 A fine 60x100 lot with lmnrovements bringing $700 per year Is offered for a short time at 116,000. Located not many feet north of Washington street and next to fine apartment house. Here is a fine site for an apartment house and If you don't want to build right away you have a reasonable in come from It. Terms, half cash. POBTLASD-PACIFIC to, 1S Railway Exchange. INVESTMENT Marshall 2753. 7th and SALMON This corner offers the choicest In vestment in the city. Only 400 feet from Portland Hotel, and opposite Jew Heihff Theater: this is the fu ture business center of the city and big profits can be made on this before Spring-. For price and terms see Owner, 272 Washington. $2650 New 5-room modern bungalow. $2a0 cash; balance terms. $3500 100x200 Kossmere. corner. $12.000 New, four, five-room apart ment flats: Income $150 per month; lo cated North Portland. KARNOPP & KOPF, 2 Chamber of Commerce bide. Marshall 2574. A1694 TO BUILDERS Who are looking for lots on which to construct houses tnat will sen rapidly: If 70 lots have been sold in Grove- land Park in the last month and a half, why won't houses sell as quickly?! We have tne cream- ot tne .casi Blue, but our prices are LOW. Come see tor yourselves. COWPERTHWAIT & CHRISTEN SEN. 40th st. and Hawthorne are. WILsO.V & MYERS, 60th and Division sts. SAVE MONEY Biiv a lot in Portland Park Addition $35 to $100 on payments plan and save rent, city assessments, city taxes. Keep chickens, have a garden, bring up your children in the fresh air. Perfect suburban location, 19 minutes on West Side electric line. Every advantage and so cheap. Call on us at once. M. E. THOMPSON CO., Henry Bide., fourth nndOak. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. Relr William Q.. 312- Falling bldg. Birrell. A. H. & Co.. 202-3 McKay bldg. Real .state, insurance, mortgages, loans, etc Bru baker & Benedict, 503 McKay bldg. M. 540. BERREY'8 REALTY CO.. 219 4th st. Chaoln 4 Herlow, 3-"2 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. S. & Co., 508 Corbett bldg. Jennings A Co., Main 1SS, 203 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., clal Club ,bidg. 213 Commer- Schalk. Geo. D.. 22S Stark St. Main SOX A 2392. SHINDLER A HALL, 205 Ablngton bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. Holladav Addition.) M. E. Tho-npson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sta REAL ESTATE. For Hale -Lots. YOU CAN HAVE my lot in Rose City Park . for $H0O. Better investigate this, it's a bargain. NORTHERN TRUST CO., 270 Stark St. ONE CULTIVATED ACRE $500. Fronts on carllne and street; 20-mln-nt ride: half cash: this is a splendid lit tle Investment and cannot be duplicate. AH 467, Oregonlan. von r-m n hiiv lot near Rose City A-ar cut $500, $25 down and $10 monthly; graded streets, ceraeut sidewalks. Bull Run water. 24-526 Board of Trade bldg. FACTORY or warehouse site, embracing 20 lots wltn btu leei tracaags .011 yj. tx. cc N Co.: price $15,000. The Hart Land Co.. 14s ad St. Phone Marshall 1585. PIEDMONT. 100x100. east face. Improvements in. car one block; bargain at $2600; terms. R. B. LENT. 417 Corbett Bldg. KNAP 100x105. Tillamook St.; $1700, terms. Dubois a crocneil, Yasnington oiug., room 8. CHOICE east front lot in best part Irving ton: real Dig uarsai. 450. Oregont:.n. FUTURE business lot, on Killlngsworth ave., $1150 including street improvements. Phone Woodlawn 2705. 100x100 PORTLAND HEIGHTS, two blocks from car. superb view,. $1SU0, terms. H 45S, Oregonlan. SNAP. ' .Lot, best part of Irvington: $1200. eaay terms. Call "" IRVINGTON snap; save agent's commission, im"t front. 50x100. , one block from car. Owner. plione tP. I MUST sell my fine Riverview Willamette boulevard. JuO cash, terms. Box 235, St. Johns. lots on balance 7xluo ON Itussett near Pippin, one block Irom car; $800. David Lewis, room 2, LumbermenB bldg., 5th and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Charming home place of 94 acres: beautiful view of river ntl mountains. Main 8551. A 3339. ltnixioo 20TH and Sandy Road ::.-.! 0 7tox103. head or Johnson st $0OU pgSHON & HAWK, Main 2018. MUST be sold before the 1st. 100xl08-foot corner, Alameda Park; make me a cash offer. Address O 448. Oregonlan. KENTON; $700 cash; 00x100, 1 block from ne rby st. S 438, Oregonlan. LOT 85x160 on Alameda, fine view; a 'bar gain. Phone Main 142. gain IRVINGTON lot cheap: 20th st. Office I phone M. 7ZOO; resioence r.. xiujl. IRVINGTON PARK CORNER, $550. 2-td and Jarrett sts. Owner, Main 2018. A FEW lots In Overlook, prices right on easy terms. Phone Main 218. 3 Bargains REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots GET WISE. GAS MAINS ARE NOW BEING LAID IN THE GREAT ROSS M ERR SKt'TldN. Of the Rise C'liy Park district, ths fast-st growing district of all Portland. SOME CHOI-'E 50100 LOTS on E. street I.ESS THAN $000. or prl.s $7"0 Includes crm-nt walks and curbs, wfd- parkins, praded and pravoled streets. FOR PARTICULARS PHONE Main 1SHH or A l:i:S. ASK FOR MR. SEA BE RG. or e'e him b,fon 111 A. SI. at 1 or B.M P. M. at 2."i3 6th st. tTlie Whitehall), corner Madison, just 4 slinrt blocks south of P. O. OWNER'S REAL BARGAIN RESTRICTED RESIDENCE PROPERTY. EAST WALKING DISTANCE. Two lots, each from four to Ave hun dred dollars cheaper than surrounding lots; hard surface pavement in and paid for: price only $2150. See me durlntr store hours, day time, at 11J0 East, Mor rlson st. I NEAR ailTH STREET. " For a short time longer you can buy full-size lots three blocks south of W. R. carlino for JiiSO; this Is Hie price you would pay a Ions distance out for a lot: no bonded assessments; terms $25 to 8-10 down and $lt monthly: the new bridge, w-ill increase values here and lots are a couple hundre.l dollars underpriced now. 41 S Railway Exchange bldg. nr' BEAUTIFUL BUILDING SITES. In Olmsted Park, overlookina- Irvine-ton: full lot. Improvements all In and paid; one and one-half blocks from car; owner must' sell; original price, easy terms; ex tra size lot on the Alameda; fine view, terms; don't answer unless you mean business. P. N. CLARK, 822 Spalding Bldg! LOTS FOR SALE. 11 lots, each S3 1-3x100, on St. Johns carllne. $4500; easy terms. Quarter block in Irvington, corner; vary choice; bargain price $3150. m. e. Thompson CO.. Real Estate, Insurance, Lout. Main 60S4. A 3327. Henry Bldg., 4th and Oak 8t. PAVE RENT. $1B0 DOWN. BAL. LIKE RENT. Bungalow and lot only $1100: close tn car; will furnish you lot 48x140 and build for you: no trouble, no worry, you can move in about 3 weeks, for particulars call on Jas. C. Logan, 32V4 Wash. St.. room 404. near 6th st. J500 CASH. Balance mortgage will buy 100x100 cor ner on East 37th St., 2 blocks from W-W carllne; cement sidewalks in; pries $900; a snap. KAUFKMANN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. two days only. Beautful lots, overlookng Laurelhurst; prces. $400. $425, $000, $525: owner leav ing cltv. can take contracts with him. but not the lots: they will soon be worth double. See Jas. C. Logan, 826 ',i Wash. St., room 4Q4. BUNGALOW LO""S AT WHOLESALE PRICES. I have ten beautiful lots. 50x100 each, close In, suitable for high-grade bunga lows; location will sell them; can make wholesale price and eaay terms. AN 451. Oregunian. IRVINGTON PARK $500. 50x100 feet on E. ?5tli St.. near Alns worth; faces east; 10-foot alley in rear. Cheap for cash. Price $500. H. V. PALMER-JONES. CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. phones: llaln Su99. A 3153. CORNER 100x100, $1450 Close to Rose City Park car, one of the nnesx restricted suburban districts, nice homes all around, cement walks, curb, grade, water in and paid; $450 cash, balance monthly. 8 per cent; would sell one lot. Call today. Jas. C. Logan. 32 6 UWaBh. St.. room 4"4. BUSINESS CORNER LOT.. Corner lot 50x100, ready for stores or flats or both: on East 22d and Division sts.: price $2000; a bargain. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board ot Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. CLOSE-IN INVESTMENT. 80 feet on 11th. 142 feet on 12th. Will divide. Paying Income now and vacant ground for apartment-house. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL SELL FOUR OR ONE. Lots 50x100 on Pettygrove St.. near 25th; tho best buy on tho West Side; will give you a price that will Interest you. See sign on lots: look at them and see ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. TO BUILDING CONTRACTORS. I have ten beautiful lots. 50x100 each, close In, suitable for high-grade bungalows- location will sell them; can make wholesale price and easy terms. AN 453. Oregonian. YOU "aa buy a lot near Rose City iar for $425; graded streets, cement. .iu. walks and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone, building restrictions. Provident lnv. & Trustee Co., 624-524 Board of Trade bldg. TWO LOTS, MARKET ST. DRIVE, $3500. Frontage on urive anu v.auj" line canyon view, walking distance, on the Heights, and price quoted Is not for each, but both. Fred W. German, 321) Burnside. M. or A 27H6. A HIGH-CLASS SITE for a residence, on tho heights, overlook ing the city: equal to zva ooxiou iom: improvements now going in: price snd terms reasonable. Puree, ois Chamber of Commerce. ONLY 11 MINUTES TO POSTOFF1CE. $4.10, terms, takes beautiful 50x100 lot, near Ladd's Addition: must sell. C. L. BAMBERGER. Room 2. .Lumbermens Bldg. Main 248. VIEW LOT ON HEIOHTS. 15 minutes' walk to P. O.; with unob structed view of city, mountains ana rivers; swell homes on all sides; a snap; $1750. Owner, AN 42, Oregonlan. $475. n-nrceri to sell: unfortunate owner's loss. but your gain; $475 spot cash at once will buy $i;oo lot on nose n.'u. particulars P. O. box 811. Portland. All Or. PUKILA.SU HEIGHTS An elesam iwo-ioi piece In select neignoomuuu m -of Heights; all Improvements in and paid for, $8000. Phone Owner, Marshall 1585, or call ho ao si. , $10 DOWN. BALANCE TO SUIT. -, i j i mv .I., iiit with shade trees. overlooks the city; won't be long bfnr" It's worth $1000; owner leaving Portland, one block to car. Phone Main 7G61. tluOU FULL-SIZED corner lot on we"J Slope Mount xauw, . biui " commanding splendid view of city; terms to suit; a snap. The Hart Land Co., 146 Id st. Phone Marshall 1585. FACTORY site on the Peninsula, bolng lots 1 and 2 in block 10. East St. Johns; equal to 8 full lots in size: price $150O. C. . Pfluger & Co.. room b Aiuiaey oiag., .u and Morrison bu. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, on Montgomery Drive, close 10 car, .1 t view fruit trees, choice neighborhood; $5000, terms; will divide. Main 355L A 8839. SMALL business lot with trackage tn com ing district, very tni, , - ' Y7. V. v. bio your money. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbott bldg. sin rsH and $5 per month buys a (Ins level lot 3 blocks Jit. Scott oc car; city water and streets gruaou. HIGLE I & manur, IflOO Large building Site, over a quarter terms.' st-e this today. M. E. Lee. 411 Cor bett Dldg. . BARGAIN $1100; half casa buys a beau tiful lot uoxiuo. r"' ;,.V,V from Union Avenue carllne. Call ill Vt Morrison st.. room u. COUNCIL CREST PARK. I have some very choice sites from $800 up: all improvements uo J w. J. nAiyr.rv, .Hi. j mm v. tj. . . n... RIGHT ON THE CARLINE .lino Half cash, will buy 2 beautiful lots on Gladstone ave.; hurry it you want them, fall 221 'j Morrison st. room n. I AM not leaving town, out i mn money, consequently i . , $350 eoulty in $1200 lot In Laurelhurst. T 452, uregoniao. For Sale Houses. SNAP. lot KftxlOO. N. E. cor. 28th and East Washington. $1800. Inquire 90 E. 28th. CPVPTAT ISTS In houses oil eaj iriiiia. ... SPttlAl.i'i" " .i,.,riieiis bldc. 5th A. cnanoier, oi" V-.- and Stark sts. .tan- MODERN 5-room bungalow w.m .Ltit;. J1UUD1 ., Ai...rtn reasonable. In- Commercaai no' quire BIS Gantenpem At rT 5-room house, barn, nne fruit trees; Luia, y h , .,. Dubois & on v o-o. Crockett, Washington bldg.. room 3. . r-t kit 6-room bungalow in a restricted section; easy terms. Purse. 818 Chamber ,f Commerce. ,T7 gat E by owner, the handsomest S-room F houle In irvington. 40 E. 20tb u. N. Call .nd see It. .. . eiTE lOOxlOS. modern 8-room house, FOR Montavilla: Umi in- East --"-"-,: T nn piy i.aue-ia' IJ m 50x100, Rose City Park bungalow. S lLrce rooms, attic, basement, fireplace; Owner. C 1844. MT modern room home. 2 lots, 920 Han- S St.; sacrince. Marshall 1S47. 77l7MWWst Bide; two 7-room houses; 8 Jt$8000; terms. Room 17. 105 Vj two 7-room houses; face 4th urtnvRS 7-room .lrington buugajow, $45"0. Call at 406 E. 14th St. N. Owner. ljpuue. i