Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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. .. .
HAbsence of Wind Aids in Sav
ing Whole Town From
i? Destruction.
I; Lack of Flr-rjjhtlBff Apparatus
". Hinder Every Man in Tow a
Tnrna Out and Gives Asslst-7-
ance to Bucket Brigade.
.. EUGENE. Or, Oct. J4. (Special.)
Losses? that tr believed to run abova
t.SSS.000 resulted in a fire which wiped
'. out a larirepart of tha business sec-
r.tloa la Florence, tha seaport town of
Lane County, early Bandar morning-.
T.Had there been a wind citizens say
that tha whola town would hare (tone.
Tha fire atarted In Nadeau'a black-
smith chop and spread both waya In
spite of the frantic but apparently fee
J.ble efforta of all tho people of tha
-town. Especially fierce were tha
..nam a amonir the buildings alone; tha
wharf, where the space beneath tha
"building's created a strong; draft.
Tha following; property waa de
Western Hotel, building and con
tents: loss H000.
f Stock In Salem Woolen Mill store and
Vor clirar store, both located in tha
(building: loss J 3 000.
I, Hard's building. 14000. and stock In
two stores, $20,000.
il Funke building;. $3000: stock. 13000.
Knowles'.two buildings. IJ500; stock.
ci Nadeau'a blacksmith shop. JS00.
' Florence baa poor flre-fig-htlng; appa
ratus, btn every man In the town joined
i tha bucket brigade, for water had to be
carried several blocks to soak down
..roach of the property that waa aaved.
' A number of boata along tha wharves
JJwere destroyed.
Irate reduction fought
Railroads Object to Order of Com-
mission in Valley Case.
i :
MEDFORD. Or. Oct. Special
J.The United States Circuit Court for tha
southern district of Oregon will convene
'In Medford early in November to bear
arguments In tha case of Southern Pa
"clflo Railroad va. tha State Railroad
Commission. A permanent restraining
order has been asked by the railroad
to prevent tha operation of a reduction
.-in rates Between rorusna ana pomta on
1 the Southern Pacific south of Euirena.
' This redaction waa recently ordered by
the State Railroad Commission.
' Tha eaaa la being brought in Medford.
as most of the witnesses eubpoened are
from thia section. The proceedings will
aabe heard before Examiner Push.
t A month as o a temporary restraining
, order waa Issued by Judge Wolverton
which prevented tha new rates from go-
tng into effect at the time or the reduc
i tlon. If the Commission overrules the
injunction of Judge Wolverton It will
' mean tha saving of thousands of dollars
annually to business men of Medford and
J Southern Oregon.
!2ropeTtr In Silver Lake Irrigation
District Subject to Entry.
UKEVIBW. Or, Oct. ZL Spcclal.-
Kotlre has been received by the Federal
.Land Offlee here of the restoration to
settlement and entry from the Silver
. Lake irrigation project. Lake County.
Orsson. of all of sections IS. JO to IS. K
.19 . township Zt solid, range IS east:
-sections 19. S and 8 It 13, Inclusive,
township Z south, range If east; sec
. J tons I. 2. 1 and 10 to U. Inclusive town
ship 9 south, range IS east: sections 4
4li . inclusive. K. 17 and 11. township Zt
south, range If east. Willamette meridian.
.This land will become subject to settle
. sent on and after November 3V but
filings wilt not be accepted by the Ttke
Hn ofBce prior to December 2s. 191U.
Tha land Involved la situated about 10
atlles northwest of Summer Luke, and
comprise an area of practically l.tM
acres. The soli Is considered to be fairly
gnod. bordering on the southern and of
Silver Lake.
California Officer 'Wants James and
Waiter Hatter for Sheep Deal.
SALEM. Or, Oct. It (Special.) W. at.
Pavla. Deputy Sheriff of Merced County.
('!.. Is in the city endeavoring to have
a requisition honored for James and
Walt-r IJayter. of Gold Eagle, formerly
of Merced County. It is alleged that
the Ilsyters secured 70 on a eheop deal
In California and they are eharced with
obtaining money und-r false pretenses.
Thsy came to Jackson County. Oregon,
and were arrested. A cash bond of I20O
was required and this James Ilayter put
up la the form of a check to the Justice
of the Peace there. It waa afterward
discovered that th check was bogus.
Jmes Haytrr. in the meantime, had
disappeared. An attorney of Medford
telegraphed to hold up the requisition for
Walter Hayter and tho ease will be
threshed out before the chief executive.
w Ledge or Quicksilver la Found
In Monmouth Mine.
MEDFORD. Or, Oct 14. (Special.)
W K. Jackson, of Medford, and I. L.
Hamilton, of ten Francisco, owners of
the Mammoth quicksilver mine on the
Rog-ue River, have decided to resume
operations and develop tha mine this
Winter. A recent Investigation shows
new ledge, bearing quicksilver of
excellent quality on the property, which,
with the ore already blocked out. will
warrant astenslve operations.
Thla property la tha best of tha few
quicksilver mines In this district, and
despite tha cost of separation and re
fining the product, tha ownera have
enough ore In sight to carry on tha
farther development work.
' Dogsleds to Deliver Mall. .
SEATTLE. Oct. 14. Tha Government
bee closed a contract for monthly mail
service to tha Idltarod and Innoko di
stricts during the Winter by dogsled.
Tha mall for tha new ramps and for
Fairbanks will go from Cordova, on tha
raat to Chttlna. over tha nearly completed
Copper Railroad and thence by atage
44 BBllea to Fairbanks, over a new
trail. Tha Valdaa-Faribaaka trail haa
bee a abandoned aa a Winter mail route.
- . , '
Photo by Owens.
GOLDENDALE. Wash.. Oct. H. (Special.) Four generattona are rep
reaented In a Central Washington and Oregon family. The eldest Is
Mra. Samantha L. Weld, wife of Timothy Weld, a retired farmer and
stockman, residing at Goldendale, who Is a well-known Klickitat
pioneer. Mr. Weld waa born in Piscataquis County. Maine, in 1818..
When a youth he went to La Salle County, Illinois. Mrs. Weld waa
born in La Sails County. Illinois. In 1838. and was married In 1862. In
1SS? they moved to tha Middle West, residing: in Iowa and Nebraska until
1881, when they crossed tha plains with a party of emigrants and set
tled in Klickitat County, Washington.
Next la Mrs. Bertha Guy, of Waaoo, Or., who waa born In Iowa In
1870. Her daughter la Lola M. Flak, of Wasco, Or., who waa
born in Klickitat County In 1888. Tho fourth generation Is represent
ed by tha baby Nellie Lucelle Fisk born in Spokane County, Washington.
Insurance Board Would Abol
ish "State Graft."
with Companies Paying $500,000
Yearly in Taie, Ho Believes
State Should Sustain Expense
of Examining Books.
OLTMTIA. Wash.. Oct. 21. fPpedaL)
Jobn II. Bchlvely. 8tate Insurance Com
missioner, la a letter to Governor Hay,
which the Governor baa indorsed and for
warded to Chairman J. D. Basset t. of tha
State Insurance Coda Commlasion. rec
ommends that Washington abolish tho
state arsft" of charging Insuranoe com
panies for the examination of their book
He atatea that this amounta to about
000 a year, and Inasmuch as the Insur
ance companies this year raid in special
Mxra almost tti0.coo, the expenses should
be borne by the state. Mr. Bchlvely aays
that it thla la don then tha Insurance
examiners will be placed on a mora busi
nesslike bssla and that much of tha crlti-
ciera of the office will be done away
with. Mr. Bchlvely atatea In part aa his
reasona :
First To maintain tha dignity ana
fair name of tha office.
'Second To prevent injustice to me
Insurance companlea.
Third To obviate a most prolilo
source of controversy and criticism which
greatly handicaps the department in tna
performance of Ita duty and retards Its
lesttlmate actlvltiea."
The method outlined by Mr. Bchlvely In
his recommendation la the one used by
tha Federal Government.
Man Hurrying to Church Breaks
Ribs and Collar Bone.
tt" . t T k -n-A T T L TV ah . Oft. 31. jKne.
clal.) Riding to church yesterday, near
Dixie. Garrleld - Brunton was thrown
from his horse by tna oreaaing ot a
olncli. and to ribs and his collarbone
He is also aerlouely Injured Internally
and lies In a swrtous condition at the
borne of his mother, Mra W. H. Brun
. i- ttv. Tha In lured man la a
brother of a L Brunton, postmaster of
this city.
It was while hurriedly riding K cnurcn
fter dsrk Isst night that tho accident
occurred. Dosplte bla broken bonea the
Injured man crawled to a nearny tarm
houen and telephoned for bis brother,
.h. want out from thla altv and brought
him to town In an automobile.
Portland Firm Will Build South
Salem Sewer System.
iT.r Or Oct. J4. (Special.) The
largeat contract aver awarded by the
City of 8alem was signed, by Mayor
Rodgera today, tt being for 1171.000. and
e money will ba used tor huouioioi
enmnteta a ewer system which will en
tirely cover South Salem.
Bebea 4k Stevenson. 01 rgruun. are
contractors. Wltn ma signing 01
contract, it brings tha amount for
aawer contracts for Salem to an ag-
gregate of over 8400.000.
Oregon City "Live Wires" Work for
Development of Town.
rtr-nrw rTTT. Or. Oct. 14. Spe
cial-) A the meeting follow ins - tha
We-'7 -vklV - - -
.-V -
. v ;,' t
Monday luncheon of the "Live W'.res"
tcday. several propositions of interest
to the development were discussed, and
as a result, committees were named to
work for the following matters In con
nection with the Oregon City Commer
cial Club: public dock, bridge across
the Clackamas River at Its mouth in
ordor to shorten the distances between
Oregon City and northern points; the
installation of hitching posts on the
side streets of this city for the con
venience of farmers, terminal rates for
Oregon City on all classes of merchan
dise. Inducement of the Southern Pa
cific Company to put In a chute for
unloading- coal and other loose 'com
n odlUes at this point.
The membership of the "Live Wires"
Is now XT. and all are working In per
fect harmony with tha offlcera of the
Commercial Club, and good results are
promised from their manner. of boost
Clever Halfback Proves Maklnff of
Another Eckersall In Scoring:
Touch-Down Record.
Or.. Oct. 24. (8peclnl.) Football en
thusiasts are at II talking of the remark
able game of citurday and the wonder
ful feat accomplished by Captain
"Chock'" Taylor. The Oregon team
made i touchdowns. 10 of which were
made by Taylor. Kenton. Latotirettn and
Chandler each made two. and Means,
Kay and Battel! contributed one each.
Sixteen of these touchdowns were con
verted Into goals, Taylor kicking 14 and
Chandler J. Taylor missed two attempts
and the other instance waa a failure to
"heel" a punt. Taylor kicked one goal
from placement. This score aggregates
a total of 114 points, S7 of which were
contributed by Taylor himself.
The football authorities hero feel cer
tain that Taylor's performance estab
lishes a world'a record for Individual
The score registered by the Oregon
team eclipses everything in Pacific Coast
Inter-colk-glate football history and
comes near equalling the great record
made by Minnesota In 1903 wlien they de
feated Grinnell College 135 to 6. Tha
Northwest record was formerly held by
the Oregon team, bavins; been made in
the daya of Dick Smith and Clarence
Bishop. In S9g they omothsred the old
Portland University by tha score of S3
to nothing.
Though he scored no points, the work
of Bob KelloBK wns largely Instrumental
in the game Saturday. Nearly all of the
passes were long ones but the work of
the big Oregon center waa atwlft and
accurate. Thu account for the fact
that the varsity made only one or two
fumbles, which is a remarkable record
for the open style of play.
Latourette's generalship and tho punt
lnff and open field work of Latourctte
and Fenton were great factors In deter
mining the size of the score. Oregon
relied mainly on trick plays and open
work, reporting to the forward pass and
on-alde kick with frequent success.
The fighting qualities displayed by tha
plucky little Methodists won the respect
of the Oregon supporters. They are gen
erally conceded to be the gamert crowd
of loaera who ' have ever appeared on
KlncakJ Field. Crippled and sore from
their telling defeat, the Tacoma men left
today In company with Coach Wright
and Trainer Riley for Solem," where they
meet their Methodist brethren on tna
Willamette Held. Monday afternoon.
While It is evident that Coach Warner
and hie assistants are pleased with the
showing mado by their men. they are by
no meana confident of victory over the
Agricultural College. It is expected that
several chances will ba made In the line
up this week and etartllng revelations
may be looked for before the gams with
Idaho at Moscow, next Saturday.
Fine Gold Watch Goes to J. Becbe
for Display at Kugene.
EUGENE. Or.. Oct. 24. (Special.)
After long hours of bard - labor, tha
jjudgas of Eugene's first apple show
For Skin
If you have undergone
the itching, burning,
sleep - destroying tor
ments of eczema or
other cruel skin erup
tion and have suffered
from its embarrassing,
unsightly disfigure
ment ; if you have tried
all manner of treatment, '
no matter how harsh,
disagreeable or expen
sive, to no avail, and
have all but given up
hope of cure, you can
appreciate what it
means to you and
thousands of skin-tortured
sufferers, young
and old, when the first
warm bath with Cuti
cura Soap and gentle
application of Cuticura
Ointment bring instant
and grateful relief, per
mit rest and sleep, and
point to speedy and
permanent alleviation
at trifling cost.
completed their work, and the prizes
were awarded to the following exiyoit
ors: J. Beebe. Ave boxes. SM gold watoh.
F. L. Walte. three boxes, $25 trr cash.
J. Beebe, two boxes Spllzenbergs, (15 In
J. Beebe, two boxes Tellow Nswtoos, $10
In cash.
H. F. Hollenbadc. two soxaa Baldwins,
flo In cash.
Harry Bower, two boxes Bpltxenbergs, $10
In cash.
B. F. Wheeler, one box Jonathans. $5 In
B. F wheeler, one tox rea-cneeK pippins,
IB In cash.
H. F. MeCormlck. one box Rhode Island
Greenings. 15 In cash.
H. EL Wylle, one box Northern Spies, IS
in cash.
George T. Ray, one box Kings, 13 in easn.
H. F. MeCormlck. Winter N'ellls pears.
Pally and Twlce-a-Wek Register one
As Remedy for Saloon Evil and Club
ex-Sfayor of Milwaukee Urges
Passage of Home Utile Bill.
LA GRANDE, Or., Oct 24. (Special.)-
The churches of this city were practically
deserted last night, trie people turning
out en masse to hear the lecture deliv
ered by David S. Rose, of Milwaukee,
on "The Fallacies of Prohibition." A
larae portion of the audience were W. C.
T. U. women who, on being noticed by
tha speaker, were complimented for be
ing In attendance.
Mr. Rose spoke for two hours, outlin
ing in a concise manner the experiences
of other states in the Union with prohi
bition, and stated that nearly every one
of them that had tried prohibition bad
abandoned it as a failure.
As a remedy for the saloon evil and a
club over the "blind pigs," "Kitchen bars"
and "bootleggera." the adoption of the
home rule bill waa urged.
Br the adoption of this bill It will
prevent the county from wiping out the
vote on city measures," he said. "It
will make prohibition possible wnere
wanted and Impossible where not wanted.
I have found that the worst cafes of
Should Be Directed Toward
Restoring the Blood to Its
Normal Condition. .
Every Sufferer Will Bo Interested in This
Case at Snohomish, Waak, Which
Waa Corodby the Use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
In an attack of rheumatism the blood
is rendered thin and weak with amazing
The treatment of the disease should be
directed towards restoring the blood to
its normal strength for unless it is pure,
rich and red the rheumatic poisons can
not be driven from the system. The
experience of thousands of sufferers haa
been that there is no better blood build
er than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Thej
quickly enrich and purify the blood and
make a permanent cure. While using
the pills a light nourishing diet should be
taken and exposure to cold, dampness
and draughts avoided.
The cure of Miss Marguerite Hall, oi
Snohomish. Wash., by this treatment,
was recently described by her mother,
Mrs. G- 8. Hall, as follows:
"A few years ago my daughter,
Marguerite, was suffering from a severe
attack of rheumatism. Her limbs were
swollen to about twice) their normal size
and the pains extended from the knees
to the feet. The pains were constant and
were so intense that I could scarcely
move her.
"I applied liniments and bandaged the
limbs for some time but there was no im
provement. I finally bought a few boxes
of Dr. Willi ami' Fink Pills. The pills
helped her very quickly and I gave them
to her until she was entirely cured. She
has not had an attack since. I may also
say that I have used the pills to build up
my system, I shall always be grateful
for the benefit Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
have given us." '
Dr. Williams Pink Pflls are guaran
teed to be free from opiates or harmful
It yon are interested in the remedy
that cured Miss Hall, write today for a
copy of the new edition of our book on
"Diseases of the Blood." It contains in
formation that may save you money and
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on
receipt of price, 50 cents per b"x ; six
boxes for 12.60, by the Dr. William
Medicine Company, Schenectady, K. Y.
bootleg-gins; are to be found In towns
where the city haa voted wet but the
county voted dry. When this is the case,
it practically always follows that the
officials of the town who are called upon
to enforce a law that they do not sanc
tion and are not In favor of, will wink
at tho violation of it, and these Illegal
places are a thousand times more dan
gerous and more detestable than the li
censed places where liquor may be sold.
"In addition, the complete destruction
of these illegal places, the revenue re
sulting from these licensed places should
be taken into consideration. Taxes are
high enough now, and In spite of the
claims made by the prohibitionists that
taxes are lower In "dry" sections, I
have found them to be greatly In
creased." takevlew Folk to Get Telephones.
IvUCEVIETW. Or.. Oct. 24. (Special. )
Work will be commenced in several days
towards repairing the private telephone
line, owned by 8. B. Chandler and oiner
On Sale at AH Best
Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
MERELY a suggestion as to which days to leave a stand
ing order with your dealer for Columbia Brand Pure
Porlr Sausage. The idea of leaving a standing order for cer
tain days ia to make sure you will have this delicious Break
fast Treat on the days you want it. You see, we make up
from day to day only the amount we have advance orders
for. This method insures you of getting your sausage sweet
and fresh. It's as near like the sausage you used to get back
on the farm as any sausage possibly can be. Made of Pure
Pork from Little Pigs. Seasoned just right with delicate
spices and salt.
Union Meat iwmmn-i" i s 1 1 n i ii ii in I I il 1 1 Ml " I . Ill
Steamships Prince Rupert and Prince George
Conaectias; At Prince Rupert Wltb the " S. S. Frlne Albert" For Stewart
And Queen Charlotte Islands.
Leave Vancouver, B. C- Northbound, 11:30 P. M., Mondays and Fridays;
Southbound, 2:00 P. M.. Saturdays and Wednesdays.
Meals and Berths Included North or Vancouver.
For Tickets and Reservations Apply to Iocal Railway Ticket A grants or
J. H. BVRGIS. General Agent. 1st Av. aad'Yesler Way, Seattle, Wash.
Every bargain mentioned in our big page-and-a-half
advertisements of last Thursday, Friday and
Saturday is still on sale at the same prices as last
week. Five entire floors twenty-five departments
more articles on sale than were ever offered by any
drug store in the West before and at lowest prices.
Free delivery to any part of the city, and every arti
cle guaranteed. Look up our big ad, select what you
want, and if inconvenient for you to come to the
store, call us up by phone and we will send out your
order without delay or trouble to you.
Fourth and Washington.
ranchers on the route between here and
Silver JLaJte, a distance of 110 miles. The
lines and poles will be thoroughly over
hauled, and all house instruments put in
first -class ehapo. making a oomplete
up-to-date system.
La Grande Boys Run Down by Autos
LA. GRANDE, Or., Oct U. (Special.)
Two automobile accidents occurred here
today, resulting In the aerloua Injury of
two boys. A machine driven by J. P.
O'Connell. a local cigar man, ran down
a -boy, as it turned a corner. He sus
tained a severe scalp wound and nu
merous other bruises and scratches. An
other boy, by the name of Patterson, waa
run down by an auto driven by Merrill
Stoddard, a local lumberman. He was
painfully, but not seriously, Injured.
Rev. TVasson refuses to deny pub
lished statement that he is In IIquot
people's employ and receives from them
yea'rly salary. Paid advertisement.
Grocers and Markets
At Fountains & Elsewhere
Ask for
The Origtesl end GenuSna
The Food-drink (cr All Ages,
At restaurants, hotels, and fountain.
Delicious, invigesmting and sustaining.
Keep it oq your sideboard at home.
Don't travel without tt.
4 quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Fake no imitation. Just aajHORLICTS."
In No GcsnbSaa or Trust
Through fast service between Port
land and St. Paul, connecting with all
lines east and south,
Try tha
Service de Luxe
The finest transcontinental train ia
service. Electric-lighted ; Standard
and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining
Car, Compartment - Library - Obserca
tion car.
For rates and descriptive matter, ap
ply at 142 Third street;
or address
Frank R. Johnson, Gen. Agt
"The Liver PAIs act
So Naturally and
Such a statement, coming from
the cashier of a bank, shows what
confidence responsible people have
in these pills. Mr. A. L. Wilson
after trying them wrote:
I have used Dr. Mil en' Nerve
end Liver PUls and also your
Anti-Pain Pills, on myself, with
erood results. The Liver Pills
act so naturally and so easily
that I scarcely know that I
have taken a pill. Frequently
being troubled with headache 1
take an Anti-Pain Fill and get
immediate relief to every case."
A, L. Wilson, Sparta, 10.
Mr. Wilson was for a number
cf years cashier of the First
National Bank of Sparta,
Dr. Mile
Nerve and Liver Pills
are different from others. Many
kinds of liver pills are "impossible"
after one trial on account of their
harshness. Dr. Miles' Nerve and
Liver Pills do not act by sheer force
but in an easy, natural way, with
out griping or undue irritation.
They are not habit forming.
If the first bottle falls to benefit, your1
druggist will return the price. Ask him.
MILES MEDICAL CO., . Elkhart, ind.