19, TTtV MORXIXG OREGOXTAX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1910. HOPS AT 15 CEMTSBliiiPii CATTLE.ARE HIGHER Lachmund Lifts the Oregon Market 2 Cents. 7Je; squash. lie per pound; tomatoes, 20 j i'e pr box. TUfinni. ri:ni OrtniM. Valencia. liliii:!- l.mon. ILaC.&S: srapefrutt. 15 IfdM p.r Dos; uanan... anc it fuiu. pin. apples. a per pound; pomfrimut 1 1. js. pr box. i it a tov -i rWwnn. tl 2.147 1.3. per Dan dled: iwrn potatoes. 2 V u:lt Pr pouna. ONIONS Onico, baring prle. Il.ll aoc baatlred. Steers Sell at 15 Cents Ad vance at Yards. BUYS FROM KAN, BROOKS Ilrarr Trading in Different Parts or the Valley Kxportera and EaMrrn Buyer With Order. Wheat Market Weak. Lenta Uthmand yesterday palj Aadrew Kaa 13 nau for too balsa of hop erosra at Brock a By thla tranaaotloa a lifted tha market 1 mil a poaad. It wu tba i sensational advance ta Orogoa bopa elnea tba Says af paal 1 1 oral ball campaign ta 1 vaea tt anil bo remembered tl-.a market started off wtth a z-eent Jump, going from IS to 14 cents, aad did not atop nntU 30 casta waa reached. Thoro was a Jot of buying yesterday at from 11 to nearly IS ceata. bot tta Lacb- and nl was aot generally baowa. From bow n It a not Itk.lr that baying at aucb flrnrea will bo so easy. Tha marhat baa baas established at tba 13-cont level tbo holders af th bottar grades will want tnat neico or mora. Practically all tba rortbmd and W dealer wore ta tba market. Kraba Bros. boacM tba Jo Williams lot or "40 balaa at rMmm at i? v cents and bald tha aama price for tba Peterson crop of 100 bates at tha aamo alar. They bought tha Damoa rop of ISO balaa at Indepondeoe at bottar uu L centa. n. I Hart, who baa boon operating neae- II j- ia Lane County, n Batorday and Sunday secured 4-4 baioa tber. alao son d a rati ad Dallas aad Aim. Another ur bas by Mr. Hart was tha La v"hung lot of 40 bale at Salem. Ha alaa bought ISS baioa on tho Weat Bid. and ISO baioa from drai.ro. all tha at 10 to 13 eoata. John Carmlchael waa la tha markot yes terday and aald to bara bid IS cents for several lota. Henry U. Benin purchase for LacdoB hn. bora about 00 balsa. . Ma.V.xf Broa. yesterday bought about 400 bale at It to 13 centa. Including tba k of rtoberteon at Grant, rut, Stores at BUUboro. Prtneo at Dundee. Auatla John son at Caston. and Cody. Morris and Lata Hall, at Newberg. A. J. R at 8on bought 100 baioa at Dank. and Khar-rood u US conta. Klaber Wolf Nestor's purchases wer 150 baioa at 11 to 12 S eoata. T. A. Uvesloy Co. se cured 77 balra from tSeorge Savage, of Ha- lam. at ll'i conta. A recent purchase not before reported wu tho Chuna 1.1a lot of iv baVa at St. Paul, takoa by F. W. turtn at lit, erata. n.li-. aad raaa'rr POULTRT Hna. lSlTc: Sprlnea. f.x.yi"r.;:. 7i -. cows are up 20 cents BLtTKK Oty creamery. aolld 'pack, uu. rv.. Mum nrlnta. 37037HC per poond; ovtaido creamery. S3 3 Ac per pound, butter fU 30c per pound; country aura sutler. J?V rrr TiOtltMt. CHEESE full cream, twin.. ITHOlae per pound: younc America. 13 SO lac U' L'inrv 1a ntr DOUnd. EO;d on on ranch. T0 37Vtc: Eaetera. S0(?3Jc pr doarn. VKAL Fancy, tt to 1:3 pounda. ISc per pound. Hope. Wool. Hldre. Eta. IIOr lilO crop. 11 H lie; 1WJ, noml- WOOL, Ea.tern Orecon. US 17a pound; Valley. ITU IVc per pound. Uiiuaih t'hoioo. a J.io per pouna. iK.AHi ft A K K Htt4Ke per sound. n i r r t Salted bldea. "77tae per pound; sailed rait. Mr; sailed kip. 8c; salted ataca. .: .roea bldea. le leu; dry mure. JO'ju 17c: dry calf. 170 ISc; dry ataaa, 110 12c 1CL.T9 Irr. lHe: aalted. butchers' take-od. Ma;tc; ttprlnc lamba, 23 0 4VO. Oroeerteo. Urtew Fralta, Etc DRIED FRUIT Apple. ltc per pound; currants. 131 U ISc: aurlcota, 11 O 14c: da tea. 7c per pound; rir. bulk, white or black, by sack, iix; i6. i.3o1.73: 12-1 2a. sic; i". lo-l.. bc: Pmrrna. ISc. SALUON Columbia River. 1-pound tails. 11 lo ser dosen; Z-pound tails. IiJ: ! pound tleta. S3-23; Alaaka pink. 1-pound talis. II; red. 1-pound tails. L3; socaeye. 1-ooond tails, 12, t-OKKEt storba. S4e: Java, ordinary. IT M :tx-; Costa Klca. fancy. ISv.'Oc; cood. ii,i i" ordinary. liula? per found. xi:t Walnuts. 17tlSc per pound: Bra- 'l nuta 14flSci filberts, 14 1.1c: almonda. H41N:; pecana. ivc; cocoanuta. wes a per dosen. kiLT-Oranulatoa. li per ton: nair- around, luua, per ton: 30. pec ton. BANS Small while. Sc; large white. IVc, Una 3Sc; pink. c; red Mexicans. Twe buroa 7c KICK No, 1 Japaa. 4e: rh.aner srsdos. 33..o a 4.53; Southern head. 3Hi& HONKT Choice. $3 is per case; strained. IUc cr bound. SUGAR ory aranuiatea. xrun ana oerrr. 1.1.70: beet ij. jo- extra t v. 33.20: coiden c. tA.10: fellow Ll.. 13: cotxa lharrel.l. S3.3V; powdered. 34. 9.V lerms on remittance, wlth ta 1U dsys. oenucx tc per pouna. is laser than 13 and within SO dars. deduct e per pound. Mspia su(sr. IbttJSo per pouna. Fraelsloaa. HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 21c; 12 to 14 pouDtlt, 74c; 14 to 14 pounds. lc; skinned. xoci picnics, 14c: rottsxe roil. 14c BACON Fsnry. l.'.c; standard. Itc; chotc. :4c: Knrli.h. 7re. CMUKEL XI1-.A1H Beef toncues. 7tc; dried beet sets 'J2c; outsldes. none; In tnl.. 31c: knuckle. 27c. , 1RT SALT cl'HKt it'itulsr short clean dry salt, loc: smok.d. 17lc: bscks. light. salt, loc; smoked. 17 He: backs, hesvy. salt. 1S4c: smoked. 17c; export bellies, salt. 17a; smoked, use Choice Lambs Show a GaJn of Quarter Over Last Week' Price. t Hofrs Hold Their Own at $9.0 for Tops. Tha week opened yesterday wltb the cat tle market strong snd higher, with sheep Arm snd Iambi sdvsnced. and with hogs stesdy at last week's closing prices. Tbs strength thst has been apparent In tha cattle Una for soma tints past resulted In buyers paying IS cents more, for steers snd 24 cents mors for cows thsn last week. A load of steers, averaging 1234 pounda. sold at $5.tS. against in sxtreme quotation of S5.S4 last week. Other steers of lower grade moved at l.'.5S down to $4. Tha cowa that lifted tha list to 14.70 ware a load that averaged 1429 pounda In weight. Qusllty under the top In cows sold at about the same ratio as In leers. Calves and bulls were unchsnged. Hogs held their own st tho previous level, tops going at 94.40 and heavy-weights mov ing from 34 up. A bunch of (77 head of cbotca lambs were turned over at $3.30. a quarter above tha beat price lately paid. No sheep were disposed of but a lot of goats were aold at $:. The receipt, for tho dsy were (14 cattle. 14 calves. (OS sheep, bit hogs and IS goats. Shippers of the stock were: C. S.- Wsiker. of Ontsrlo. 3 cars of cattle and calvea; F. TV. Burke. 3 cars of csltle, from Idaho points; Kldwell Caswell, of Welser. 14 car. of bogs; J. F. Turner, of Junction City, 3 cars of goals: Simon Lauder, of Boise. 1 csr of hogs; Ed Knorr. of Qrsngevllle. 3 cars of csttls; William Shepherd, who drove In S0& sheep, and Clyde Buckley, of Drain, 3 cars of hogs. Tha day's salss wara as follows: Weight. Price. belief that higher money rates were prob able held stock market operations In check. An early advance occurred In foreign ex change rates here. The msturlty on No vember 1 of 33O.O00.0O0 .New York City notes, due In London, is a factor In tho exchange tnsrket for which provision has been msde, according to the statement of bankers concerned in the transaction. Sub-treasury operations have withdrawn tl. 300.000 from the New York banks for lU new bsnking week. The price of copper was lower in, London. The sustained production of September, an nounced today by the Utah Copper Company, alTeoted conditions In the reported agreement for curtailment among the principal pro ducera. Bonds were steady; total sales, par value, 12.029,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sslcs. High. J.ow. Allls Chal pf. . -Joo a:i v :t:i Amal Copper .. 24.IMIO 711 ! Am Agrlcult .. 3H 41 47 Ab Beet Sugar. 2iK 37 4 37 '3 American Can.. 2,U0 it-"- l.iilHI 04 r4 100 is. 2:1s 200 ii0 20 -t Am Car Fdy Am Cotton oil. Am Hd A I.t pt Am Ice Socurl. Am Linseed . . . Am locomotive 700 Am Stnel & Kef S2.200 42 fciiH 4114 bo'. Bid. 3.1 till 47 87 US 53 "s a? 20 , 12i 4! i do preferred.. lofl MILLERS ARE BUYERS n HEAT 19 BULL AND WEAK. EiDoetera Quote Clab Oa Ceat Lower. Coarse Crala I a-hanged. The wheat msrket opened very weak wltb emorters auotlng torices a cent lower oa c ut. Country advices were agala to tha erred "that offerings wara freer than they na.e been of lata, but so far as could bo Irsrntd. not much business waa transacted. Os:s and barley wara unchanged. Loral receipts, la cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows Wheat Barley Flour Oats Bay Monday 13a S .... 17 W II EAT MARKET OS THE SOUND . 3IODERATELY ACTIVE. 27 steers 1"3 steers 7j steers 41 .leers X steers 2o steers 3 steers 1 steer 77 cows 172 cows 1 3 cows 23 rows . 2 rows 1 cair . 1 caif .. 4 bulla . 4 bulls . 1 bull .. 1 bull .. 1 bull . , int gosts 67 7 lambs SO hoes . S4 hogs . lit hots . 132 hosts . 14 hogs . 1 hog . . S hogs . . 1--24 . . .ll."3 ...1047 ...loiil ...1U44 ...1114 .. .1U9 ...110 ...lu.'S ... 9S3 , ..lotn ... :s ...1114 .., 2S0 . . . .4S0 ,. .1474 , .. 14L-0 ...1320 . .1200 . .140 .. S3 .. 0 ISS .. 213 217 u .. 1S1 .. 210 .. 333 Am StcW Fdy.. Am Sugar Kef. Am T.I 4e Tel. Am Tobacco pf Am Woolen . . . Anaconda M Co Atchison do preferred.. Atl Coast Line Bait A Ohio thlebem steel rook K 1 Tran. Sr. 4IKI 2.MIO loo 1.000 7, OUO 3l0 300 1.0O1) J..100 U.til'O 1. tKMl 2, :.o0 1 IK 130 4'. . 33 u 4!l 104 102 W 11H l"-s 34 7!i' l:is" 33:. 84 'si" i.V" 12b 606 'si'i 9r,.ss 3 -i S.-'S j S.23 4.7S 4.SS 4.2S 4.O0 4.70 4.2S 4 23 4.25 4.00 7 CO 4.2S 3.7S 3.35 3.26 3.73 3.00 2.110 S.30 .60 i.ii K.r.o .2S 3.2S .2S 3.00 Jersey Cranberrloa Pnt on Sale Seattle at $8.50 I'er Harrel. Butter Trade Is Dull-, 20 7.T 6U0 ll 420 4 til 1047 v7 Tear aso 14 lo .aion to dale.Jt-173 Ihi Tear azu 4Ji2 a2 The weekly market statistics of tba Mer chant. Exchange follow; Amertcan Vss.ble Supply October 21. 1M0.. October 23. 10.. Ocrober 21, lta. . October f'7.. October 2. 11OH.. October SO. 1KOS-. October 31. 34.. October is. 1W3.. October 27. 11-1.. October 2. 1901.. October x, UNO. . . ..."I7.V7S.oi. , . .. .23,t5-0.ooO .... .4-..32.0iM .....4 2. 2-t. . ... .7.l-7.Oo . . . . . 2M.3.1.0' .....2.4:.-i.0-l .... . 22.374. Otirt .... .W.oie.ooo 40.7O4. 0'W .....&.773.00V Qssan titles ea Pa-stage Week endlntr Oct. 2J For Bu.h.is tr. K. .. ...10 seo.ono Continent ..20.4S0.0uO Week ending Oct. l. Oct. 2.7. Buh.ia Bushels 14.Hl-0.O-" 13.2oO.voO 30.740.000 17 JSO.OoO SEATTLE-. Wash., Oct. 34. (Special.) Wheat ooened moderately active today. with bluestem quoted at t6 centa and club and file at M S centa. Millers were thi best buyers. With at least five vessels to bo dispatched from Puget Sound before the end of November, grain dealers believe ex porters will have to adopt a more liberal burins -oollry than they hare followed so far thla Fall. The first New Jersey crsnoerrics of tha season reached Western avenue today. Tha cranberries were put on (he market at 31.00. The Capo Cod cranberries are oiierea at s.I3. Tba cemanu ror tigs is improving. ,-,ew Imnurted dates ara expected to reach tb4 1 i7'Ca street toward tha end of the week. Few 1 .-.t mm I sood tomatoes were oiierea on xne street toair, uow -: eiiu r-rsi.,j ... Several carloads or unsoia sppies were OB track. TOO market ia neavny as-ocaea with off-grade fruit. Tha egg market waa eery nrm. Mean while Eastern do not advance, owing to h larxe etorka orrered. Gutter was dull. .-heese waa firmer. Poultry does not clean up. I n rre -e. 4CVV0.-0 S -I7!oo0 37l.O"0 . -0 1.12U.0IW 1.M0.WH) INH.OOO 3.24.0O" Week ending Prices current on the various classes of stork at tha Portland Union Stockyards were as follows: Beef steera, good to choice H'ef steers, fair to medium... Choice spayed heifers fiood to choice beef cows...... aledlum to good beef cows...... Common beof cows Hulls , Stags, good to choice Calves, light Calves, heavy Hogs, top Hok.. fair to edium Sheep, best Valley wethera Sheep, fair to good wethers Shep, best bit. Adams wethers. Sheen, best Vslley ewes........ lambs, choice Mt. Adams. Lambs, choice Valley ..I3.00OIS.43 . . 4.E.0U s.OD .. 4.S0g) 4.7S .. 4.23li 4.70 .. 3.50.'(i 4.00 ,. 2.00 O) 3.7,0 .. t.&Otr 4.00 .. 4.00 tt 4. CO .. S.75 4J 7.00 .. 3.73(r S.OO .. .50 .60 , . 9.25 CI S.:,0 3.25 lu 3.60 3.00 it 3.2S 4.00 W 4.2S 3.00 ,l 3.50 .... t.OO-isL S.OO .... 4.7S0 5.40 Chicago IJveetock Market. CHICAGO. Oct. 24. Cattle Receipts, ei tlmated, 2S.0OO; msrket. steady to shade lower. Beeves. S4.607.80; Texas steers. 33.404fS.45; Western steers. 34.10tsS.8S; stock. rs and feeders. 34.2&9S.60: cows and heifers. 32.2S&S.30: calves. S7.2SO10. liogs Receipts, estimated, 20.000: mar ket, strong to bo higher. Light. 33.704 9.37H; mixed. S!t.2ftu9.2S; heavy. "., l .OS: rough. $7.9S4i 8.13; good to choice heavy. SlSfr.03; pigs. (8.2393; bulk of sales. 3S.2..4J 8 .80. Sheep Keceint-i, estimated. 4d,ooo: mar ket, saioc higher. Native. 3t.7Sty4.o0; Western. 33 4.40: yearlings. 34 .0 (u S.60 ; Iambi, native. 34.7307.30: Western. 3Sr 7.10. Canadian Pec Central Leather do preferred. . ...... Central of N J Chcs 4 Ohio.. S.200 Chlcsgo tc Alton Chicago Gt Wes 800 do preferred Chicago ek N W 900 C. M A St P .. 10,500 C. C. O & St L. Col Fuel & Iron Col A Southern Consol Gas .... Corn Products. Del A Hudson. DAK Grsndc.. do preferred.. Plstillcra' Secur Erio do 1st pf .... do 2d pf .... Gen Electric . . Gt North pf .. Gt North Ore .. Illinois Central lnterbor Met do preferred.. Inter Harvester Inter Murine pf lnt Paper Int Pump Iowa Central . . K C Southern .. do preferred.. Laclede Gas . . . Louis & Nissh.. Minn & St L . . M. .S P A S S M II o, Kan A Tex tlo preferred.. Mo I'inc .... Nat Biscuit . . Nst lad Mel N Ky 2 pf 2( N V Central . . 12,2"0 M V. Ont A Wes 4'M Norfolk A Wes. North Am .... Northern-. Puc. . Paclllc Mall . . Pennslyvsltia .. People's Gas . . . P. C J A St U Pittsburg Coal. Pressed S Ctr. Rv Steel Spring Reading 120.3"O Republic Steel .. 2..VIO do preferred. . MM) Rock Island Co IO.200 do preferred.. 400 St L A S F 2 pf 400 St 1. Southwest do preferred.. 1 Sloes-Sheflleld . I.1011 Southern Pac .. 20.200 Southern Ky ... iOO do preferred.. Tenn Copper . . 1,500 Texas A Pac Tol. St L A Wes r.OO do preferred.. 2'KI Union Piscine .. OCcmki do preferred.. J,lM,o V KeBlly ... IOO II K Rubber ... '" U H Steel 13.3O0 tlo preferred., l.loo Utah Copper . .. 3.700 Va-Caro Ohem. 4, '."Ml Wabash b"0 do preferred.. 6.3"0 Western Md ... 1.1"0 Westln Eicc . .: b'K -ss.'u.i...n ITninn.. 30 WI...I 1. E.. 0OO " .HH) 5hi 1.2iH) OOO 'V.ii'16 3.1MM) Li'"' 2o JIM) l.noo 700 100 lfl.2'Hl :o.tM) J.IMtO 100 2lV 3'M 41MI 3'M tiiHl 2.3IH) 21'0 1IK l.lOO 2mi 1.7O0 "700 U00 1S7H 17 vs 170", 34 1 '.id i' 30 t, ,os. :;s '4 1.-.3 12!4 .r.T. 131 S 23 'j no 17;. 'ill-is 20 1 3.1 till IO.I 's 147', 31 U 131 i 3r.-s t','1 3.1 Si 1111', 4.T-J VJ 4,So' 400 6.7M 1K .'."HI 3'K) 117", l.ttf-'i 1141. 33 Vi 42 103 -N 101 ia 118'A losii 34 77 I'.Hi 34 s S2H '24 i-oi 120 V 'ii" i:i"4 17 v 170 33 H '.ii 211 . 411 '.j 3-Ss 354 t l'JSt, 7.0 131 22 r.s-, 110 17 T4 'i.-i'si 20 V. 82 ' 104 H 14B-M 31' r31-W 3.3 t "'.o" ' S3 V. 117Vs 43 U0V4 iio'-i 32 H 3. 20 121 33 132 -k too lost, J0X 100 ns 1, ' us 20 S5-i 311 '. 1 .'..-.-! 3.". !"7 42-V 1201 30 V ik" -2S" .Miti 17 is, !3Vs 71 3S 7H- 120 .-.1 or. ;. l-S-Si 40 4S-Ti 73 3.-.-U 1.-.3 34 mm 33 42 '' ' .Ml "si UK. 30 V. '37'i 173-, l3 71 37'i .7S 7 11!)' r.ci'i Wi is. 3 4S 73 71 t 4S'4 117(. 13S-J . 114 32l 42 103 lol-Ts lis losH S3 V4 77 me- 34 103 i.s.-. 2i 45 21 Vi 4S-V 14!) 12 75 33 -,v 130 . 17V, 33 V, 74S 31 29- 4i 38 154 12S V4 5!) i 130 23 's - .-VH HO", 174' 12-W 4 3 ' 10-H 32"- ;.-. 104 146S 2!lVi 131 U 34", t;s 55 'i 110 00 33 '4 117'. 43 ll'J 7 120 32 V, 131 Vi IOS ASV, 10s 344 s.-.v. 153 V 34 .;; 3::- ;i; 42 2HV4 t.S f.O"tl lisvi 31! Vi fl S7V4 27 26 V4 5i 173H 2i i! 37V4 7S 118 50 '4 04-4 1R!4 3! 4S 72 ?4 71 '4 CROPS ARE GOOD Better Prospects Weaken Wheat Market. LAST PRICES RE LOWER Totala ....4l.04O.0O0 40.OXO.000 S0.4M.OO0 World's Shipment. Flour Included From C. .. ran.. Argentina .. Australia ., Dan. porta., H us-da India Week endlnc Oct. 2J Bushel 77.tHi .. M M 3.272 S.et.oN V2O.000 Week Week ending ending Oet. ii Oct. 23. -vs Bushels S. Ii3.0O 74.000 2SO.t04 2.VS4.otsl 7.42I.0OO 720.000 Bushels e.4.u0 i.o,o 334 1H) 12. OOO T.373.0U4 Totala ....1X101.0OO 13.393.000 13.731.000 EASTERN EGOS IX LARGE SUFPLT. Bat (or This Fart, Orewoaa Would Sea Higher. Poultry receipts were not large during tba dsy and with a moderate demand tha mar bet heid ateady at tha prices tbat prevailed Saturday. There waa a good demand for Oregon eggs, which were firm at 37 6 37 H centa. The aup- piy waa very light and the price would bo higher bat for the largo quantity of East ern egga on tho BiarittL Butter holds ateady without any prospect of change In Vtice tn the near future. There ia plenty of Eastern butter oa band. Coed Demand For Cr There was a good demand for grapea yesterday, but otherwise tbo fruit market was slow. A car of California tokaya rived and tho best sold readily at SI 33. The Jersey eranbeVrtra that arrived Saturday wara distributed along the etreet. 4JUOTATION8 AT BAN FRANCISCO. Price lald for 1 "reduce la the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24. Tbo follow ing prices were current In tba produce mar ket today: nntter Fancy creamery. B- He. Cheese New, 13 few 17c; young America. 15 HO 170. F.rs. store. 42c: rancy rancn. 4 so. Vegetables Cucumber. 4uii .5c; garlic. S8 4i:. green peas, Jise; string beans. t,4Tc; lomaioe. ave; eggplant, 401s 0C Hay Wheat. 304714.- wheat and oats. Hu I1U: alfalfa. 37 U IS. Potatoes Oregon llurbanka, $1.40: Salinas Burbanks. 31 4501.00; sweet. 11.80 2.13. Onions 41 V l.u. Fruit Apples, choice, bc: common, 30c; Mexican limes. to7: California lemon choice, so; caiiromia lemons, common, 3 Dlneepples. $2 iOi S.i0. Kes-eiDt. Klour. 21DO quarter aack: wheat. ll.tH. cental: oariey. ii.-'.n.-i2 cent als: oat. tor.n centals; potatoes. sacks; Dran. low sacs; nit, iv.,4 lima COTTON PRICES SLUMP HEAVY LIQCTDATIOX , IN XEW YORK MARKET. THE STORAGE FRUIT WANTED EASTERN" TRADE INTERESTED IX WINTER .VFFLES. Deellnea la Frwvialoaa. Tbo lower tendency of all bog market has affected provision, a new list Issued yester day a bowing a number of declines. Hams are quoted from halt a cent ta a cant lower and soma grades of bacon are allghtly ra- oucea. Bank Clearings. Back clearings of tho Northwestern cities yesterday were aa soiiows: Clearings. Balaneea. Portland Il.:i.7ij 3 .3.40s Seattle ......... l.!41.83t 213.324 Tacoma 1. 041.033 44.413 Spokane sis.sis 104,373 FORTLANP MAJtJLsrT. Crala. Flsar. Feed. Eta. WHEAT Track prices: Bluestem. - elub. ll:oi red Russian, ts)c; Valley, SS 40-fold. lie. B Ait LEY Feed. 131 per ton; brewing. 122 per ton. Ml Li TUFFS Bran. . S3S per toa; mid dllrgs. 133; ahorta, 27; rolled barley, S34.30 O 33.50. FLOUIt Patent. 13-85 per barrel: straights. 34-3O0 4.S3; export. 33.70; Valley. ' 13.40; graham. S3; wboia wheat, quarter, AS. 10. HAT Track prices: Timothy. Willamette Valley. $ 10C 20 per ton; Eastern Oregon. 331C23; alfalfa, new. $13010: grain hay. 114. CORN Whole, ttl: cracked. $31 par too. OA1S White. 327.30 per ton. Vegetables and Fruits. APPLES King. 7.VC I 23 per bo: Graven.tein. 75cd11.2&; Wolf River, 119 1.23: Waxen. 3c9 11.2S; Baldwin. $Lo; Tiortnem opr. ouww, . , v - Spltsenberg. lt.2i2. Winter Banana. $1J a 3 50. CREty FRl'ITS Pear. I1.IS01 per box: muea SI at 1.33 per box; 17t.e per basket: eranfterrlee. per barrel: quince. 73cf31 per box: buckleberrte. '-.cSVa per pound: p.r.tmmon. $1 3 per box. gCK VEGETAPLE3 Carrot. l1.23 fc..rtrd- narsnlpa. 310 12S: turnips. IL VEGETABLES Beans. 3 0 so per pound: cabbage. Itfle per pound: caulldower. SOa 0$1 par dosen. salary, uasva per auaen; Demand for Jonathans Has Fallen Off Materially Recent Sales by Exchange. The dslly msrket bulletin of tha North western Fruit Exchange, 303-318 Spalding building.' follows: The market opens todsy rather quiet. , The demand for Jonathans, which hss been quite active, seems to have fallen off ma terially, and the buyers are turning t.ielr attention to hard Winter varieties, such as Wlnesaps and similar storage fruit. vs e have sold csr Uis litjst. irom vi e- natchee. October 13, to a buyer In Ohio. the following prices: Jonathan. 4-tler and larger. $USo: Jonathana. 4 s, and C-tler, I1.2S: Grime. Golden. $1.40; Senator 31.40; W'lnter bananaa. $3.40; all f. o. b. shipping point. Prices at the Close Show Net Losses Running to Forty-one I'olnts. NEW YORK. Oct. 24. There was a re newal of heavy liquidation In the cotton market today and another sensational break which carried prices from SO to 35 points below tbe closing flitureg of last week. January contracts sold at 13.49c or about $5.35 per bale under the high record of the season. 8!lght rallies! followed as a result of covering, but the market continued very nervous and unsettled. not cotton, quiet. 15 points decline. Mid- uplands. 14.30c; do gulf, 14.55c; sales, 21o0 bales. Futures closed esry at a net loss of 27 to 41 points. October, 14.05c; November, 13.84c; 1 secern brr. l3-llc; January, t.i.v.rc; renru ary. lX.5c; March. 14.3c; April. 14.06o; May. 14.07c; June. 14.00c; July, 14.03c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 24. Evaporated apples quiet; steady. Spot fancy, loc; choice, S use: prime, ifssVSVsc; common to xalr. 7, j Sc. l'runea In better demand: firm: 5f 10a for California up to 30-40 and 74Vc for Oregons from CO-SOs. reaches inactive out steady on reports of smell stocks on the Coast. Choice. 7 4 tV4c; extra choice, 4fv,c: fancy. IVCc. HALT IN SPECULATION STOCK TRADING CHECKED INCREASING WEAKNESS. BY We bay aold car choice Spttxenburrs from I r)ne.tnni Wstit Prnillne t ri A Wrsr-L - box f. o. b. for all sixes. We have sold car CPtTJ 374ts. mixed choice grades, at $1.23 for Jonathans, $1 per box for ths other varieties f. o. b. This car contains 14 different vsrtetles. snd was sold to buyer In Oklahoma at full value. We re port aale of car OX 3034 from Cashmere, l.tn. containing 14 dllferrnt varieties of choice grades at $1.15 for choice Jonathana, King David and Stayman. wlneaaoa: &0C lor in. otner variolic., including lien Davis. i.ng Ont of Foreign Money Market Developments. NEW YORK. Oct. 14. Tha speculation In stocks showed a disposition to adopt a walt Ine attitude, with Increasing weakness to day, pending the working out of develop- Pearmsln. Rambo. Baldwin, etc We havej stents In the money market abroad and the alao eod car O.N 3044 from Cashmere, l'th containing seven varieties or mixed choice at a straight price of $1.10 t. o. b. aa tha fruit runs to desirable varieties. Oil. LINSEED OIL Pur raw In barrel $1.37: kettle boiled. In barrels, 31.43; raw. In cases, $1.13; kettle boiled. In esse. 31 14. Lou of 20 gallon. 1 cent leas per gallon. TURPENTINE In cases, $1; la wood barrels. IT4c. BENZINE Union benxlne In iron drums or barrels. lose; union benxlne In esse. 3-5. 23V,c; anion stove distillate tn iron drum Tc COAL Oil. Pearl oil In case, lsc: bend- tight. In esse. l"4c: eocene. In caaea. 21c; Elaine. In casea, 21c; extra star. In casea. 21c: water white. Iron barrels. lOHc; head light. Iron barrels. IS Vac; Special w. whit. Iron bart.ls, 14c confirmation of reports on which the recent advance in stocks was bssed. The most influential of these reports have centered about steel trsde matter until some of them have gained Indenmteness since they first began to be lieard and hare lost something of the credibility or Influence as result- For instance, tho statement took explicit form today that the Interstate Com merce Commission will permit roads to ad vance freight tariffs to the extent of one half tha rate specified In tha applications, although the decisions of the commission in detail will not be announced until Feb ruary. The effect waa to arouse suspicion In the speculation, where confidence bad been shown, towards the vaguer surmises of the probabilities of favorable terms for the rsllroads In the decisions on rate advances. The course of money and exenange rates Total sl.s for tho day, 34,uoo snare. BONDS. " XEW YORK, Oct. 24. Bonds closed as follows: 17 S rcf 2s reg.l00;x T C sen 3:4."89H ,- s ref 2s cpn.loO. Nor Pacific 3s.. 71 H V S 3 rcg. . . .ll (Nor parotic II 8 aa cpn 101iUnion l'ac 4s. ..lolS XT 8 new 4s reg.ll.i n' se.nmi F S new 4s cpn. 113 '4 1 Japanese 4s... D A R O 4s... 5B 03 V, SUV, Stocks at Boston. Oct. 24. Closing quotations .... 43 IMohawk .... 6!' :Nvurta Con ... 27 V Nlpisslng Mns . 171. North Bntte .. 8Vi North Lake .. lHiOld Dominion . ID loseeola Calumet A Arx. 59iParrott (S A C Cal A Hecla 555 IQulncy Centennial 21iShannon Cod Kg Con Co. ii pupenur E Butte Cop M. 8V4iSui Franklin BOSTON, Allouex Am Copper A Z L A Sm... Arix Comm'l... Atlantic B A C C A 8 M. Butte Coalition. Glroux Con ... Granby Con . , Greene Canan Lie Royale ... Kerr Lake .... Lake Copper .. La Salle Miami Copper 1 . 21 'i . 1 1 V4 . 32 Vi . bVx . 40 V4 .130 . 14 . 7tf',4 . 1214 . 50 A Ilos Mk.. 7 3. HVilSuD A Pitts Cop. 13 7 j4ramarack tiO A 34 III S C A Oil... 41 ttilli S S R A M . . 40 22 do pfd - 4S?4 ( ttSII 1,-in consol ... 3,sv, W inona 10V4 10-4; Wolverine 132 10 I December Delivery Goes Below 9 Cents at Chicago on Heavy Sell ing Shorts Cover on a Large Scale. CHICAGO. Oct. 24. The turn backwards in wheat began when, after an early period of weakness, liquidation was precipitated by the December delivery breaking below 92c Such a condition was altogether contrary to the theories of the large short sellers, si conseauence. covering began all over th floor. Preceding the reports of Franco re moving duties, a better demand for ocean tonnage furnished some stimulus. The fact that primary receipts were short of the total 12 months previous received attention. Early selling of wheat was based on fine crop prospects In Argentina. Australia ana rtua ia and on liberal world shipments. De cember ranged between 91 74c and 924 c, clo.ine firm at DStvo. a net loss of V4V4c Big- short were th first to cover in tho corn pit. December iiuctuaiious woic wo tween 444c and 45ic with the close firm at 454C a net rise of ?4c. The cash market was weak. No. 2 yellow finished at 47V4es4S'4c. Speculative sentiment In oats appeared much affected by continuing reports that the French Import duty of 8V4C a bushel had been suspended. December varied from 30 (330V4C to 30T.C and In the end was V4 0 4 net hlrher at 30is93OV.c. Provisions in general were marked up. An attempted sale of 250 barrels of October nnrlr hrnke the nominal price of that de livery ti7Vc. Ail other hog products closed unchanged to 30c up. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. $ ..-2V4 $ .924 .S8-4 -9l .95? .98 V CORN. .45"4 .45i .4S1 .49 .49 .49 -4 OATS Deo.. May. July. Dec May July Dec. . . May.. July.. Jan.. . May.. .S"V4 .3 3-V4 .33 '., 17.35 160 .0T4 .34 V .33?, 17.37V4 16.25 Low. Close. $ .91 4 -92V, .934 -99 .95'., .96 V4 .4444 .4o4 .49's .49 .48 .49H .S0V4 -30-4, .334 -34V. .33 .30'-, 17.37V4 16.12 V4 17.$5 16.2a LARD. Oct 13.25 13.25 13.05 13.05 v 110 11.7214 11.70 11.70 Jan 10.42 V4 10.42 V, 10.35 10.42 V4 May 9.S2V4 9.82 '4 9.7 JV4 9.S2V, SHORT RIBS. Oct 11.10 11.25 11 10 JXTO Jan 9.22V4 9.22 V4 9.17V4 9.20 Mav 8.92V, 8.95 8.90 8.95 Cash quotations were as follows: . U... V-., 7K 1L ttt. 77(. Hariev Feed or" mixing. 60ffi65c; fair to rlinic. mnltinr 7 0 (& 7 4 V- c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $2.50; No. 1 Northwestern. $2.63. Timothy seed $7. 60 9.10. Clover 8.o089.14. pork Mess, per barrel, $17.25 17.00. Lard Per 100 pounds, $13.05. Short ribs Sides (loose), $10-911. Sides Short, clear (boxed). $1111.2S. lintfTi .futilities: Total eteMmnce Of Wheat Oild flOUr Were equal to 211.000 bushels. Primary receipts wera 1.4M.00O bushels, compared wan i,t4, 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. The amount of breadstuffs on , ocean passage decreased 3. 224,000 bushels. Esti mate,! receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 109 cars: corn. 340 cars; oats, 237 cars; hogs. 15.000 head. Flour, barrels . Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . Oats, bushels . . Oats, bushels . , Rye. bushels ., Barley, bushels , Receipts. .... 19.600 G7.200 300.000 24.660 ....246.600 .... 5.000 117,000 Shipments. 42.000 40,200 300,700 2V,26i 57V.660 Money Exchange. Etc. NEW YORK. Oct. 24. Money on caH steady. 8'"3V4 per cent: rullnit rate. :;;i per cent; closing bid, 3Vi per cent; offered, SV4 per cent. Time loans slightly easier and very dull. Sixty days. 4V4)"V4 per cent: DO days, 4i ij 5 per cent: six months. 4iSf4i per cent. Prime mercantile paper, o'.s&d per cent. Sterling exchange strong to easier, with actual business lu bankers' bills at M.b250 i4 b275 for 60-day bills and at $4.S0s0 for demand. Commercial hills. $4,823 4.82V4. Bar silver. 5tJiC. Mexican dollars. 45c Bonds Government steady; railroad steady. LONDON'. Oct. 24. Bar silver, dull, 35 15-lSd' per ounce. Money. 3 Vi Per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for small bills is 4Vi per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for three months bills Is 4Sf4:i. per cent. RAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 24. Sterling on London. 0 days, $4.82: sight, $4. ST. Drafts Sight, lc; telegraph, 4c CHICAGO. Oct. 24. Exchange York. S per cent discount. on New Bally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Oct 24. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds Gold coin $SS.1GS.6G0 Silver dollars 4e7.KDH.ono Sliver dollars of 1SB0 3..'.24.0x Silver certificates outstanding.. 49,, SDH, OOO General fund Standard silver dollars In gen- . era! fund 1. 904.1.8 Current liabilities 107,40,BS4 Working balance In Treasury of- Iices ov.bjo.vu? In bsnks to credit of Treasurer of the United states 53.740.042 Subsidiary silver coin 17.3C.S. li'.S Minor coin tos.ihs Total balance In general fund... 83,010,432 Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Oct. 24. Standard copper. auiet: soot. October. November. Decen.ber and January, 12.50trl2.0Oc London, steady; spot. 57 5s: futures. 58 5s. Arrivals re ported at New York today. 2425 tons. Cus- tom-nousa returns snow ejsporss 01 i..si,f ton. .0 far this month. Local dealers report a firm market with Lake quoted at 12.87 V, 13c: electrolytic at 12. iotf 12.B1 vc, ana casting at 12.37 Vi & 12.62'ic 1 in, weas: spot. on. -.i-spoo. owzi uciodct, 86.12V4e3n.50c; November. December and January, 35.50 Hf SO. 25c. London, easy; spot. litis 10s; futures. 1104 ins. Grains at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 24. Wheat, t.irli" tsMrlev. steady. Snot Quotations: Wheat, shipping, $1.47 V4 1.55. Biirley Feed. $1.00(3 1.01V ; brew ing 1 OL". n i l.05. Oats Red. Sl.12'4 l.so: white', $1.41V41.57V4; black. $1.35 -1 jr. Kan Francisco call board sales: Wheat, no tmdlnir: bnrlev. December. S1.0SV1: May, $1.08 bid. Corn isrge yellow. European Grain Markets. LONDON. Oct. 24. Cargoes dull and de pressed. Walla Walla for shipment at 37s, nominal: no buyers. English and French country markets. quiet. LIVERPOOIjf Oct. 24. Close: Wheat. Oc tober. 7s "id; December, 7s lvid; March, 7s l!4d. Weather, cloudy. Minneapolis Wheat Market. nitwRAPOT.ls. Oct. 24. Close: Wheat. December. 31.024: May, $1.084 & 1.08 ; No. 1 h..H 11 No- 1 Northern. S1.03Vt,(ft 1.04; to arrive. $1.03jrl.04; No. 2 Northern, 9UVicw$1.02; NO. 3 wneat, uictfti.vv. Dulutb Flax Market. nrri.i-TH. Oct. 24. Flax on track, $2.61: to arrive. $2.58V; October. $2.61 bid; November. $2.58 asked; uecemoer, :.aj 01a May, $2.32 bid. . Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. Oct. 24. Wheat Milling; Blue- stem. K7c: club. Klc. fc.xport: tfluestem, c fnru-fnlil K5e : club. 83c: red Russian. 81c Receipts, wheat 22 cars, oats and hay 1 car each. SKATTLE. Oct. 24. Milling quotations: TtltiA.tem K5Ue: fortvfold. 81s-c: club, SOV,c; Fife. SOVc: red Russian. 7sV4c Ex port wheat: uiuestem, 1- ,c, sorsysu.u, 7stjc; club, 77Vsc; Fife, 77Vsc; red Bussian, 70V.C VUlhle Supply of Grain. NEW YORK, Oct. 24. The visible supply of grain in the united States Saturday, 00 tober 22. as compiled by the New York Pro dues Exchange, was as follows: Bushels. 2.99fi,uoo 16,989,000 421.000 2.S4S.000 Decrease 800.000 800.000 lij,000 illfc.lHlU Corn Oats live rt.elov The visible supply of wheat in Canada last Saturday was 10,415.000 bushels, an In crease of ST 0,000 bushels. Increase. Lead, steady. 4. 40 4s 4 50 New York; 4.27V4 17s 6d.- 94.30 East St. Louis. London, spot, 23 Usui... Ynune America. 15xlfi'Ac: los did not offer striking developments, but tboj horn. lSladlbVau. iron Cleveland warrants. 49s 9d in Lon don. Locally Iron was quiet. No. 1 foun dry Northern. No. 1 foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry soft. $15.75010.25; No. 2 Northern. $13.50& 16.00. Spelter, firm, 5.70iB.75o New York: 5.60fS.70 East St. Louis. London, 23, 15s 6d. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Oct. 24. Butter Steady. Creameries. 24e2'Jc; dairies. 23&27C. F.Bgn steadv. Receipts. 2Gsi cases. At mark, cases included, 18'.4S21Vjc; firsts. 24'4f. prime firsts. 26V3C. Cheese toteady. Daisies, iotioc: twms. Coffee and Sugar. Nl7w TORK. Oct. 25. ColTea closed steady at a net advance of 10 'a 14 points. Sales 46 500 bags. October and November, 8 60c; December. 8.56c; January. 8.60c; Feb ruary. 8.64c: March. 8.69c; April. 8.70c; Mav 8.72c: June. 8.73c; July. 8.75c; August, 8 77c- September, 8.79c Spot coffee steady. Rio No 7. 10'c; Santos No. 4, 11V4C Mild quiet. Cordova, ll"ijl3Jic. riurar Raw steady. Muscovado, 3.87c; centrifugal. 3.87c; molasses sugar, 3.12c Retlncd sugar easy - Wool at St. Lonis. , PT T.OUIS. Oct. 22. Wool Unchanged; territory and Western mediums. 1823c; fine mediums, 17 g 20c; line, 14 17c Hops at London. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 24. Hops at London, Paclllc CVast, firm. f3 10s 4 13s. Elgin Butter Market. ELGIN". Hi-. ct. 24. Butter Firm, 29 Vic; output. 683.700 pounds. Hops at New York. NEW TORK, Oct. 24. Hops Steady. Indian School Sit Reserved. IAKEVIEW, Or., Oct. 24. (Special.) The local Government land office Is in receipt of a communication from the department at Washington, D. C to the effect that all of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter, sec tion 34, township 34 south, range 7 east, 'Willamette Meridian, comprising 40 acres lying west of the Williamson River within the Klamath Indian Reservation, had been withdrawn from all forms of disposal, and is to tie re served as a site for Indian Day School No. 1. This reservation was made on recommendation of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and will probably bo followed by similar wltixdrawajsv Lumbeiens " National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 Ladd & Tilton Bank Established 1859. OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST Capital $1,000,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $600,000 TV. M. Ladd, President. K. . Howard, Jr., Aas't Cashier tr Edw. Cooklnnham, Vice-President. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. W. u, Dusckley, Cashier. Walter SI. Cook, Aas't Cashier. I" First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of ths Rocky Mountains ELLIS BUCKS TICKET Lafferty Assured of Support by Defeated Candidate. PENDLETON PLEDGES VOTE Republican Nominee for Represent ative Finds XTnited Party in Umatilla County Active Campaign Waged. PENDLETON. Or., Get. 24. (Special.) "You have my unqualified support," declared Judge Ellis to A. W. Lafferty, his late successful opponent In the pri mary nominating election, today. "You will undoubtedly be elected and I hope and trust that you will be able to accomplish much good for the people of Oregon, continued the Representa tive, who ia soon to retire from the of fice to which he aspired for re-election. Though this is the home town of the man he defeated ijarrerty louna most enthusiastic welcome awaiting him when he arrived here early this morning from the far eastern part of the state. In company with Congressional Committee man Thompson and several other promi nent Republican leaders, Lafferty made an automobile tour of the eastern part of the county. He visited Adams Athena and Weston and upon his return this evening the Congressional candidate says he shook hands with every man in the towns visited and that he found every Indication of a united party. This evening he was the guest of the Business Men s Club and make an In formal talk and at its close was warmly praised for his stand on the National Forest Reserve questions, as well as for his determination to see that Oregon is given her share of the Reclamation Serv ice fund. He left for Echo tonight and tomorrow will visit Echo, Staafleld, Hermiston and Umatilla. His throat is greatly im proved and he expects to be able to re sume his speaking tour at Heppner Wed nesday evening. This was Laff erty s first visit to Pen dleton and Umatilla County with the exception of a brief vsit to Freewater early in the primary campaign. Every where he went today he was given a cor dial welcome and he, says this evening that many promises of support were re ceived from prominent Democrats in the county. JONES PICKS JAY BOWERMAN County Chairman Believes Ho Will Carry Marion by 70 0. SALEM. Or., Oct. 24. (Special.) County Chairman W. L. Jones, of Jef ferson, was In the city today and says he bellevee Bowerman should carry Marlon County by 600 to 700 votes. He did not make this statement unqualified ly, as he says It is impossible exactly to determine West's following in Marlon Countv. as it is largely of a personal na ture and Bowerman's majority may run below his estimate, although he la con fident that the Republican candidate will carry the county. Shortly after the primaries, mere were some doubts expressed as to this but Bowerman's strength has increased notably each day. In Salem, where West Is best known, Bowerman Is securing a remarkable following and Republican leaders are becoming more and more optimistic as it Is apparent that West's friends are showing dissatisfaction at the manipulations of the Bourne-Chamber lain machine. Judge Stephen S. Lowell will speak In the city Friday night, according to an nouncement made by the Central Com mittee this evening, and it Is probable meetings will be held In Jefferson, Sil- erton and Woodburn next week. Lane County shows a total registrar tion of 490 voters less than two years ago, when It totaled 6421, which in cluded 3975 Republicans and 1714 Dem ocrats. This year the total is 6931. The parties represented are: Republicans, 3670; Democrats. 13S6; Prohibitionists, 159; Socialists, 301; Independent, 172; refused, 24; nonpartisan, 218; popu list, 1. That Are Increasing in Value the Fastest, Are Those Improved CITY LOTS With Lane Registration Light. EUGENE, Or., Oct. 24. (Special.) BITULITHIC S-T-R-E-E-T-S IKAVELKlsiy CCIBK. HONOLULU AND THE VOLCANO THE TRIP MOST t'OMl'fcl.LIXG and . worth while, excelling- all others for jtrand eur. beauty and pleasure. And this .pleudld trip can be made In two weeks and a duy from San Francisco by sailing on the S. tf. SIERRA (10,000 tons displacement). Tha Volcano of Ktlauea. the largest In tha world, is tremendously active Just now. and a few quick dispatch trips have been ar ranged. Never before has it been possible to make this desirable trip with such Mired and comfort, and the price Is low. 110 first-class. San Francisco to Honolulu and back, and 41 for aide trip from Honolulu to volcano, including rail and auto to Kil auea: hotel at Hilo. also Volcsno House. No other trip compares with tills. Be sure to visit the Islansis and DO IT NOW whlla the volcano is active. S. S. SIERRA Balls Nov. 12. Dec. .1. 1 ;c. 24. Write or wire. OCKANIC 8. 8. CO., 673 Market rilreet. San 1-rapci.co. BAN I'KAN CISCO fOKTI-ASI bS. CO. New service to Los Angeles via Saa Fran cisco, every five days. From Atnswoxth Dock, Portland. 4 P. M. S.S Beaver Oct. 21), Bear Nov. S, Ko.e City 8. From San Francisco. Northbound, 12 M. S.RBear Oct. 2K, Rose City N"v. S, Braver 7. From San Pedro. Northbound. S.S Rose City Oct. SI, Beaver Nov. 5, Bear It U. G. smith, C. T. A., 142 Third St. J. W. Ransom, Agent, Ainsworth Dec, phones: slain 402. 2s4: A 1402. San Francisco, Los Angeles anJ San Diego Direct North Pacific S. S. Co.'s 8. S. Roanoke and s. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at 8 P. M. Ticket office u Tiilrd t.. near Alder. MARTIN t- liKiLKT, passenger Agont, W. a. si.i;s9ivK, rreignc Ageni. jehones M. 1314, A 1314. S.S. Golden Gate for Til lamook, Bay City and Garibaldi Leaves Wash.-st. dock Tuesday at S P.M. Freight and Passengers. Phone Main 8619. A 2465. O. R. & N. Astoria Route. STEAMER HASSALO Leaves Portlai.4 daily except Saturday at 8:00 P. M. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 A. M. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:O0 A. M. Arrives Portland at B:00 P. M. Makes direct con nection wffti steamer Nahcotta for Megler, Ilwaco, Long Beach, and all points oa ta llwsco Kallroaa. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P'. M., October ll 18. 25. Nov. 1, 8, 15. 22, 29 and ever Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska Dock until 5 P. M. dslly. Passenger faro, first-class, $10; second-class, 7. Including meals and berth. Tickets on sale at Alui worth Dock. Phones Main 238: A 1234. Canadian Factflo Empress line of steamer. sailing weekly between Montreal and Liver pool. Wireless on all steamers Ask any ticket agent or write V. B. Jabosco. a, 142 Third .1. Port I nil