Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 25, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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Port of Portland to Build
Strong Boat for Towing
COST IS ABOUT $100,000
Craft to Be resigned Alonir Special
Lines, Low Knoagh to r Vn
der Brldses Engine to Bo
I80O Horsepower.
Bid on the flmt steel sternwheeler
to chnn the waters of the Willamette
and Columbia Ktvers. and a craft that
will hare the areatest strength for
tovlnt purposes of the local fleet, will
be advertised for about January 1 for
the Port of Portland Commission. Or
tlers for drawing plana and specifica
tions were riven Thursday to t H.
Norrlln. mnsultlnir marine architect,
who designed the tus; Oneonta.
The proposition of constructing such
a craft has been before the Commis
sion several months, but did not as
ume definite shape until last week.
Recently Mr. Norrlln was asked to
draft preliminary plana so that an esti
mate of cont could be obtained, but at
that time doubt waa espresscd as to
whether the expense should be shoul
dered. It Is estimated that the steamer
will cost In the neighborhood of $100.-
Moat to Be low
Mr. Norrlln said yesterday that she
would have a length of ISO feet and
beam of J4 feet, while her draft will
be nine feet. The hull Is to be of
steel throughout. Unlike the wooden
sternwheeler In service, she will have
no hogposts. as there will be a ateel
truss on the main deck to take up the
strain fore and aft.
Her enirincs will be of the tandem
compound type wtth 1S00 horsepower.
The superstructure and stack will be
low enough to permit the steamer to
pass beneath the bridges at low water.
In the way of special appliances she
will have steam windlasses for han
dling; heavy hawsers In towing;.
Harvest Queen Strongest Now.
The steamer Harvest Queen, of the
O. K. 4 N. fleet, which Is rated among
the most powerful sternwheel towing
craft here, has about 1000 horsepower.
She was built In 1900 and Is 17 feet
lonir. has a beam or S0. feet and
a depth of hold of nine ftet.
The Hassalo was built In 1899. and,
while powerful. Is used for passenger
business. She Is slightly smaller than
the Queen, being ISM feet Ions;. 3
feet beam and .4 feet depth of hold.
It Is said by mariners that a craft of
the Queen's type could be constructed
today for about l0.000.
The Port of Portland has but one
towboat. the steamer Ocklahama. that
ran be used In handling big vessels In
the river. As a consequence a large
revenue Is lost each month through the
fact outside steamers are called on to
make harbor moves. The tariff for
that work Is 5S and on some craft
four and five moves are made while
they are In port. It Is not anticipated
the steel craft would be ready for oper
ation until the opening of the 1911-13
grain season, as the construction of her
hull ana machinery would require sev
eral months. The superstructure will
prove easier to complete, and It can be
commenced as soon as the hull Is ready.
Kedhlll's Captain Itcfutes Report or
Petentlon Here.
False reports published at Tacoma
Concerning the Watorhouse liner Red
hill to the effect that she had been de
layed passing out of the Columbia
Paver have been refuted by Captain
Dowel), master of that craft, who Is
quoted In the Tacoma Ledger as cor
recting the report. 'The Kedhlll was
drawing IS feet and passed out easily
Monday morning." says the correction.
The Redhill left Portland Sunday
evening. October I, and upon reaching
the lower harbor experienced not the
slightest delay due to conditions there.
So far as her draft was concerned that
was the least of all details, for the Brit
ish steamer Knight of the tUrter. which
left the same day with a dfaft of I5.
feet, arrived down at 11.50 A. V.. Octo
ber Is. As the Knight of the Garter was
bound on a voyage across the Pacific
with the world's record cargo of lum
ber there were subjects dealing with
the vessel to be adjusted at Astoria, as
Is usually the case, while with the
Kedhill. she was here Ejerelv to load
a part cargo and was destined to fin
ish on ruet Sound, so there was noth
ing to hold her. The British steamer
l.'K-anda. also leaving October 1. was
wheat laden for ft. Vincent, and her
draft was H. feet. She reached the
lower harbor Monday morning at 10:30
o'clock and that afternoon went to sea.
It has been traditional with the North
era Interests to minimize the Import
ance of the Columbia, particularly re
garding channel Improvements, but dis
patch of the Knight of the Garter re
futes all assertions that the channel Is
hot adequate to meet the requirements
of the port. Her departure Is one
of the strongest Indications of the
channel's depth, as the liver Is at Its
lowest stage, and the upper reaches so
low that Willamette's world-famed
light-draft sternwheeters cannot cover
their customary territory south of the
mouth of the Yamhill.
Men Remaining on Steamers Re
ceive Rise After KlrM Month.
Steamboat owners report little diffi
culty these days In retaining deckhands,
though more than a month ago
now men wore being shipped
almost every trip. On the steam
er Oregona. operating to Mission
landing, the deck crew has drawn a
full month's waxes for the first time
since early In the year. Officers of
the steamer Joseph Kellogg are con
gratulating themselves that not for
two weeks have they taken on a new
hand. On the steamer Mascot. It Is said,
the crew has given no trouble and
other vessels are also operating with
experienced men.
The rule along the waterfront Is to
pav dckhanrts l-S a month when em
piored. but If thev remain more than
a month their stipend Is Increased to
H. the ruling wage for capable men.
I "tiring the Summer exodus to hop
yards, lousing camps and other places.
Is expected. There Is a crowd along
the beach regarded as transients, who
seldom work more than a few days on
any steamer, their aim being to get a
small amount of money for Immediate
reeds and then rest.
Sailors Plot Against Howell.
It Is reported from Tacoma that a
plot has been unearthed aboard the
British steamer Redhill In which four
disgruntled sailors planned to attack
Captain Dowell. while the vessel was
lying In this harbor 10 days ago. The
seamen. It Is said, signed at New York
a year ago with the understanding that
they would stand by the ship three
years. When the craft reached Portland
they Insisted on being paid off. but
the skipper refused. Captain Dowell
went ashore one evening while the Red
hill was loading at St. Johns, and the
four seamen posted themselves for an
attack. It was foiled by one of the of
ficers, who saw them while returning
to the ship. Two of the men deserted
here. One of the others confessed.
Captain Mason on Run Ten Years
on Various Craft.
On her th voyage from Portland the
rt earner Rose City sailed yesterday after
noon at 4 o'clock, and as usual her popu
larity secured for her a full list of res
ervations. Before noon application f'r
steerage titket.i were refused, as SOO
had been Issued and ler cabin facilities
sold to capacity, giving her a total of
1 persons.
It was ten years ago that Captain
Maeon her master, made his first voyage
between the Golden Gate and Portland.
For a long period he win first officer on
... v:Mr and was a,
member of her company when she went
on the rocks at Reuhen. mpiin
says he has not calculated the number
Dm te Arrive.
Ksme. From. Da' .
Golden Gate... .Tillamook. ...In port
Herrulea Hnkon... In port
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook.... Jn port
breakwater. ...Coos Kar In P01
Geo. W. aUder. Jsn PeUro. . .. In port
RJa Honskong Oct. -
Heaer I'edro
Xalron Fan Fraoctsc Oct. 2
F.uraka Kureka cvcl. j"
Pear fan Pedro Oct. f n Pedro. ... Oct. to
Rosa City 6an Pedr.. ... Jov.
Scheduled te Depart.
Kama Tor "'
Coklii Oats... Tillamook. ...Oct. .5
Breakwater Coos Hay Oct S
Hercules Honskons. .. .Oct -J
Ceo. W. E.der. .Fan Pedro. ... Oct.
Sua H. Elmore. Tillamook. ...Oct. j.8
Heaver Pan Pedro. ... Oct. -1J
Rureka Kureka Oct. 31
P.oanoke Fan Krancisoo ot. 2
Bear Ban Pedro. ... No. J
RoeeClty Fan Pedro.... Nor. S
Rrfja Honckonc. .. .Nov. JO
Falcon 6n Francises Nov. -8
of round voyages he has) completed. He
Is credited with holding the record In
the present fleet. He Is the oldest
master In nolnt of svrvice on the run.
Csptaln Kidston. of the Beever, being
second and Captain rvopanuer. oi mo
Bear, third.
Marine "ote.
Captain E. C. lkln has follomed J.
Zumaalt as master of the tug Edith.
In tow of the steamer Ocklahama the
French bark Thiers left up from Astoria
yesterday, after discharging a portion of
her cement cargo, and win be in tne
harbor today.
Bringing general cargo from 9a n Fran
cisco, the steamer Rainier began dis
charging yesterday and the steamer
Paglnatr. from the some port, is due in
the river tonight.
8o general has become the distribution
of gasoline on the Lower Columbia that
it is to be carried on the steamer Nah
cotta. of the O. R. & X. fleet, from
Astoria, Tuesdays of each week.
With flour and general cargo for
Hongkong and Manila the Oriental liner
Hercules will sell thla afternoon, but
will call at Tongue Point to load 1.000,000
feet of lumber for the Philippine city.
As) the steamer Sue H. Elmo was In
spected yesterday she will not sail for
Tillamook until tomorrow afternoon. In
stead of today. The steamer Golden
Gate Is taking cargo and will leave for
that harbor this afternoon.
Joseph Supple, of boatbuilding fame, la
yet Investigating new craft. Including
benzine buggies and airships, in the ut,
and he was last heard from at Boston,
but he had not decided when be would
shape his course) for Portland.
First of the tramps to load grain on
Puget 8ound this s'limn for the United
Kingdom, the British steamer Harfleur,
is taking cargo at Seattle. Portland has
dispatched two steamers and is loading
tho third, the British steamer Masunda.
Entries yesterday at the Custom-House
Included the steamers Breakwater, from
Coos Bay: Eureka, from Humboldt Ray,
and Argyll, from San Francisco. They
cleared for the same ports and the Rose
City filed her manifest, showing San
Francisco as the first port of call.
Like a lost child the British ehlp Wm.
T. Lewis crossed Into the Columbia late
Sunday night from Honolulu, as It could
not be ascertained yesterday by water
front habitues who were her charterers.
The verwel s known to be under engage
ment to load wheat, but like many similar
transactions. It Is made the occasion of
a deep, dark secret.
Agent Stimpson. of the Olson A 11a-
hony line, who has charge of the steamer
Alliance, which Is lying at the city
levee, yesterday received a visitor who
desired to ascertain if tlie craft could
carry sufficient fuel oil to Htram from
Tacoma to Los Angeles snd he mas re
ferred to the owners. Gray St Holt, of
San Francisco. Yet no bets are being
placed that the vessel may be sold.
To begin loading lumber for China the
Japanese steamer Tamon Maru will
shift today to Inmsn-Poulsen a from
Banfleld's dock. The Norwegian sxeameT
Etr will shift from the Eastern West
ern mill to that of the Portland Lumber
Oxnpauy. It is anticipated that the
British steamer Iran will move from In-
man-Poulsen's tomorrow to Montgomery
dock No. t to take on wheat.
Local Spanish-American War - veterans
are Interested In the reported sale of
the steamer ZaAro. now at Seattle, to
the Mexican government. She was used
as a dispatch boat by Admiral Dewey
from Manila Bay to Hongkong and it
was on the Zaflro that Company F of the
Second Oregon. U. 8. V. Infantry, was
transported from Cavite to Manila Au
gust 13. 1S9H. when that portion of the
regiment acted as bodyguard to Major
Gcneral Merrltt.
Movements) of Vessels.
FOItTLAND. Oct. 54. Arrived gteamer
Ceo. W. Klder. from can Dteao and way
porta: steamer Argyll, from San Francisco.
Failed Fteamer Eureka, far Humboldt Bay;
steamer Klamath, fnr Fan Franrisco; steam
er Rosa Mtiy. for Fan Francisco and ban
Attorla. Oct. St. Condition at the mouth
of tne river at A P. M.. obecured; wind
south S3 miles; weatlier. cloudy and fos.
Arrived last nlxht British ship Wm. T.
Lewis, from Honolulu. Left up at 7 A. M.
Fteamer tleo. W. Elder. Arrived down at
g:oo A. M- British ship Glenalvon. Left up
at 10 A. M. French ship Thiers.
Fan Francisco. Oct. -4 Arrived It I A.
M. Fteamer Bandon. from Columbia River.
Fslled at a A. M. Steaaier Bear, for San
Fan Pedro, Oct S. Arrived yesterday
Steamer J. B- Ftetson. from Columbia
Kobe. Oct. Jl. Arrived Oct. 53 British
Steamer Armerlc. from Portland.
Mojl. Oct. ?4. Arrived British steamer
Bella of ootland. from Portland.
Ventura. Oct. 14. Arrived last night
Steamer Fan Jacinto, from Portland.
point I.obos. ocu 14. Passed at 10 A. M.
Fteamer home, from Port Fan Luis, for
Tacoma. Oct. 24. Arrived Steamer
Charlea Nelaon. from Everett. Failed
British steamer Tlarfleur. for Feattla; Brit
ish steamer ."entur. for Faa Francisco.
Tides a Aaterte Tneeday.
Lew. Hlsb.
A. M ...0.0 fee7-40 A. M....B feet
P. M....4.1 xest:3 P. M....7.S feet
Streetcars Must Be Equipped
With Nelson Device
by July.
Clly's Executive Does Not Wish to
Indorse Contrivance for All
Time, but Believes There
Shoo Id Be No Delay.
Mayor Simon ' yesterday signed the
streetcar fender ordinance. The Mayor
laid down the pen with which he per
formed the act of approval at 4:30
o'clock, and announced his satisfaction
that the long struggle over the selec
tion of a suitable fender wae at an end.
The ordinance became effective imme
diately upon its approval by the chief
executive, and requires that all street
cars in the city be equipped with the
"Nelson fender" on or before July 1,
That the Nelson fender will not be
satisfactory to many citizens who have
displayed a great interest In the ques
tion Is conceded bv the Mayor. It is
also believed that It Is the best device
which ha been offered.
For more than four years the fender
question has stirred the public mind.
Test after test has been made, and in
numerable "dummies" have been ground
under the wheels of the streetcars in
an attempt to select a suitable device.
Mayor Discusses Action.
After signing the bill Mayor Simon
"1 have given the fender ordinance
my best and most thoughtful consid
eration. 1 have approved tho ordinance,
not because I am convinced that it will
accomplish all that is claimed for it, or
even that It prescribes the best type of
fender that can be made. I am not a
mechanic neither am I sufficiently
versed in these matters to determine
that question. I believe, however, that
the Nelson fender has many good fea
tures, and that it is Infinitely better
protection to the public than the fender
now In use on the streetcars of this
citv. '
"The fender agitation, If I may term
It such, has covered a period of four
or five years, and I fear that if I were
to veto the present ordinance there
would be no likelihood of the Council
agreeing upon a type of fender In any
reasonable time. I did not wish to
assume the responsibility of preventing
by a veto the installation of some type
of fender that would benefit the pub
lic nor do I wish to sanction the con
tinued use of the fender now on the
Nelson Boosts Device.
Frank A. Nelson, the inventor of the
Nelson fender and vice-president of the
American Automatlo Fender Company,
"When I came to Portland from Min
neapolis last April to Introduce our
air-controlled fender, I made the state
ment that we would show the officials
and citizens of Portland a streetcar
fender that Is in a class by itself as a
life-saving device. I stand by that
statement to the letter, and we will
equip the Portland lines with a fender
that will be the very best that can be
built for the money. In a letter to the
Mayor. A. W. Parley, inspector of safety
appliances for Washington, declares
that this air fender is as far ahead of
all other fenders as the airbrake Is
ahead of the old-style hand brake.
"Our company Is now ready to pro
ceed with the construction of equip
ment for the Portland lines, and we see
no reason why the streetcars here -cannot
be fully supplied with air fenders
by July 1. according to the terms of the
'Willamette Metropolis Is Made Dis
tributing; Center and as Such
Can Vie AVIth Sound.
nh tha malrlnp of Portlnd one of
tlje distributing centers for supplies for
the 1st nm tan -anai t-nrnmission vivkuji
lumbermen and doalerst In building ma
(.(la will ha riven an onrtortunltv to
compete with shippers of Seattle and
Tacoma ror tnia traae.
The placing of Tortland on an equal
basis with other Pacific Coast ports In
regard to furnishing supplies' for the
Panama anal was erotism to mo ai-
i Ar r'antetTi V f ' Rners frenra!
frice m" the lsthmtfln Cnnal
Commission, some time ago by the Port
land Chamber or commerce tnrougn
Ranatnr thamherlain. It was pointed
out that Inasmuch as Puget found was
recognized by having two distributing
points, tne tjoiumnia mter was rnnut-u
to at least one supply center. Captain
C3A iinahlN tn meet the arru-
fVM" -- --- - -
mcnt and accordingly has designated
Portland as a distributing point where
advertisements for bids on supplies will
be hereafter circulated.
"We have been indeavorlng to secure
this concessaion from the IMhimlan
Canal Commiiwton a long time." said
3AA,rv ntltr.r nf the Portland Cham
ber of Commerce, yesterday. 'Tp to the
present, tne Portiana lumoermen cro
unable to receive tsperlflcatlona In time to
...kmu htt within the time limit, and
consequently the Puget Sound lumber
men nad no competition iroin iiiai ouui
Portland nhlpping contractors will now
have an equnl chance with other com
petitors and it is probable that a large
supply business for the canal opera
tions will emanate from Portland."
Columbia Digs 2 7-I'oot Road.
To straighten the channel and "clean
up" the road at Henrlcl's bar, the Port
of Portland dredge Columbia has been
shifted from Slaughter's. She will
probably complete the undertaking in
three or four days, and Is to be then
shifted to the lower end of Martin's to
widen the channel. Superintendent
Groves. In charge of the dredges, says
that orders have been issued for dig
ging the channel to a depth of 27 feet,
and that Is being done on the work
under way. Through the harbor the
road Is 2s feet deep, but as there Is no
place to lump material during the low
water stage. It will not be lowered to
27 feet until the river risen.
Seven-Day Light to Be Installed.
At a point known to mariner as the
Enjoys His Meals
For years Mr. W. B. -Wrlarht suffered all
the torments of indigestion and could
find no relief. Then Dnffy'a Pure
Malt Whiskey cured him and be has
been la the best of bealtb ever since.
Mr. Wright wrote: "I suffered with
Indigestion for three years, and tried
eight or ten doctors and every pat
ented medicine that I heard of. and
nothing did me any good. I could not
eat anything without getting sick.
Then I tried Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key, and after using it one month I
could eat and enjoy my meals, which
I had not done for the past three years.
I cannot recommend Duffy'-Pure Malt
Whiskey too highly." W. B. Wright.
1102 Beverly St., Richmond, Va.
Duffy's Pure Malt Wfiistey
Indigestion and dyspepsia are the
most common and most distressing of
modern diseases, and are the cause of
much Hi health. If you are to get the
proper nourishment from the food you
cat it must be well digested and prop
erly assimilated.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a form
of food already digested, and when
taken Just before a meal stimulates the
mucbua surces and little glands of the
stomach to a healthy action, causing a
sufficient flow of the gastric Juice to
digest the food and it promotes perfect
assimilation. If continued K will cure
the diseased or weakened function by
Its tonic and stimulating effect. It
also excites the flow, of saliva for the
digestion of starchy food, preventing
fermentation in the stomach and bowels.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is sold
druggists, grocers and dealers or direct,
$1.00 a large bottle. Look for the "Old
Chemist" on the label. Medical booklet
containing rare common-sense rules for
health and testimonials, also doctor's
adyice. sent free to any one who writes.
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.. Rochester. N.Y.
upper end of Henrlcl's there is to be
established a seven-day light as an aid
to navigation. The lamp will be sup
plied with oil sufficient to serve the
flame for a week, as often running ice
and other Winter conditions make it
difficult for the illumination to be tend
ed regularly, as are one-day lights.
The Port of Portland has caused a dol
phin to be driven there on which the
light will be placed. The beacon at
Martin's Island, which was torn out by
passing towboats. was also replaced.
Capt. Boiardos again hits the Ball's Eye
' This world-famous rifle shot who
holds the championship record of 100
fiiaveone in 100 consecutive shots is llv
ng at Lincoln. 111. Recently Inter
viewed, he says: "I suffered a long
time with kidney and bladder trouble
and used several well-known kidney
medicines, all of which gave me no re
lief until I started, taking Foley Kidney
Pills. Before I used Foley Kidney Pills
I had severe backache and pains in my
kidneys with suppression and a cloudy
voiding. On arising in the morning I
would get dull headaches. Now I have
taken three bottles of Foley Kidney
Pills and feel 100 per cent better. I am
never bothered with my kidneys or
bladder and again feel like my own
self." Sold by all druggisfs.
No case of Rheumatism was ever
mred except by a thorough purifica
tion of the blood ; just as long; as the
blood remains charged with ferment
ing uric acid poison, the painful dis
ease will continue. The pains and
aches of Rheumatism are simply su
perficial effects of the impurities in
the circulation, and sometimes may
oe temporarily relieved by the appli
cation of plasters, liniments, hot
sloths, etc. But the person who trifles
with this dangerous disease by de
pending on local treatment alone, is
certain to pay for the mistake with,
constant suffering later on. S. S. S.
cures Rheumatism in the only way it
is possible to care the disease. It
goes down into the blood, and re
moves the uric acid from the circula
tion, so that the nerves, bones, mus
cles and joints are lubricated and fed
with nounsn
i n g elements
instead of being
continually ir
ritated and in
flamed with the
sharp, uratic
i rapurity.
When S. S. S.
has cleansed
and purified the
blood, the pains and aches cease, all
inflammation disappears, stiffened
muscles are made pliant, nd every
troublesome symptom of Rheumatism
is permanently corrected. Boole on
Rheumatism and any medical advice
frei fc ill who write.
THE BWIFT BFECIT10 CO., Atlanta, Oa,
We have had so many inquiries lately
regarding Eczema and other skin dis
eases, that we- are glad to make our
answer public' After careful Investiga
tion we have found that a simple wash
of Oil of Wlntergreen, as compounded In
D. P. D., can be relied upon. We would
not make this statement to our patrons,
friends and neighbors unless we were
sure of it and. although there are many
so-called Ecsema remedies sold, we our
selves unhesitatingly recommend D. D.
D. Prescription.
Because We know that it gives In
stant relief to that torturing Itch.
Because D. D. D. starts the cure at
the foundation of the trouble.
Because It cleanses, soothes and heals
the skin.
Because It enables Nature to repair
the raviges of disease.
Because The records of ten years of
complete cures of thousands of the most
serious cases show that D. D. D. Is to
day recognized as the absolutely reliable
Eczema Cure.
Drop into our store today. Just to talk
over your case with us. Woodard, Clarke
Co.; ekldmor Drug Co.
I have treated hundreds of men who had long suffered a gradual decline of health
as a result of ailments, and have been interested in noting the marked general im
provement that follows a thorough cure of the chief ailment. My success in curing
difficult cases of long standing has made me the foremost specialist treating men's
ailments. This success is due to
and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment 1 employ.
To thoe in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results that may follow neglect.
I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. If your case is cue of
the few that has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge my services
T M.anKI ttneexts rvnlt' arA -nro all PftSeS I trfiRt.
upon anyone, x ucat tuiouic v-
Contracted Ailments
Be sure your cure is thorough.
Not one of my patients has ever
had a relapse after being dis
charged as cured, and I cure in
less time than the ordinary forms
of treatment require.
My treatment is absolutely
painless, and perfect results can
be depended upon in every in
stance. I do no cutting or dilat
ing whatever.
Specific Blood Poison
No dangerous minerals to drive
the virus to the interior, but
harmless, blood - cleansing reme
dies that remove the last poison
ous taint.
To irlve ailing men every opportunity
iTtarinn Comoare the thoroughness of my examination and diagnosis wn urn oi
wnf ,dllv";ee wh? my eslct knowledge of the ailments included in my specialty enables me to foretell the exact
u"it"r at any price. If impossible to call at my office, write for particulars of
treatment by mall. '
Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy ap
pliance tor TREATING YOU. Our ex
perience is so great and varied that no
one of the ailments of Men is new to us.
General Debility, Weak Nerves, In
somnia Results of exposure, overwork
and other Violations of Nature's lanra.
Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Vart
cose Veins, aulckly and permanently
cured at small exvena and no aeteu
Uon from business.
tracted and cnronlo cases cured. Ail
burning. Itching and inflammation
stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hours A. M. to I T. It
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M-. only.
Corner First
is Sold by All Druggists
on a Positive Guarantee
to rive Instant relief in every case of
Asthma, no matter how violent tho at
tacks or obstinate the case, or YOUR
Druggist of whom you bought the pack
age, without any question. (6)
p SchifTmann Co.. Proprietors. St Waul, Minn-
Ha! Ha! He! He!
That's the way to feel EVERY ONE
does that takes a CASCARET aibt
BEFORE, when he looks at the fellow
who didn't. For OVER-EATING and
DRINKING nothing on Earth cleans you
ont as CASCARET, naturally easily,
without that opset sick feeling;. Don't
neglect at bed time 9 P. M. or 4 A. M.
no difference you'll need it.
CASCARKTS ioc a box for a week's
treatment, all druggists. Btegest seller
in the world. Million boxes a month,
The famous
Chinese. Dra.
S. K. Chan,,
with their
Chinese reme
dies of herbs
and roots
cure wonder
luuy. i uaa
cured many
sua sufferers
fully. It has
...... mi n-hn nrnfr remeaiea
have failed. Sure cure for chronic pri- I
vate ailments, nervousness, oiooa poi
son, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia,
bladder, kidney, throat and lung trou
bles, consumption, stomach disorders
and other diseases of all kinds. Reme
dies harmless. No operation. Honest
treatment. Examination free. Call or
write to
The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Co..
I:!6Vs Morrison St.. between -First and
Second. Portland, Oregon.
Vee Son e MeUicine Co spent
lifetime study of herbs and re
search In China: was granted
diploma by the Emperor; won
derful cure of all ailments of
men and women when others
failed. If you suffer, call or
write to YEE SON'S MliDl
f'lNE CO.. 142 V, First. Cor.
T. Yea. Alder. Portland. Or.
The municipal electric railway of M"kow.
Russia, made a net profit of Si.non.00fl i In
1009. arainat one of tSOO.000 In 1008. The
cHy has 1424 factories employing- 32i.lU3
V -da
ft. TN. f
several tmngs. i is aue iu mo
Maeks, Models. Plaster Casts. Skulls,
Skeletons, life-like models in wax, also
many natural specimens preserved In
Over 500 pieces in this exhibit, which
is entirely apart from our medical of
fices. It is interesting and instructive
to a high degree. All men visiting
Portland should see DR. TAYLOR'S
of investigating my methods of treatment and equipment. I offer FREE
Corner Morrison and Second Streets,
0 A. M. TO 8 P. M. SUNDAYS, 10
I demonstrate my ability in the treatment of the ailments in my
specialty, first, by giying immediate benefits; secondly, by the rapid
progress my patients make from, the beginning, and each and every
patient knows that he is going- to get well from the fact that there i
l i a : n l . it.. A me rtr hm.V ant mnntlis nf wait-
no BfcUQUSUii UUUUL uio suuioui; "J J " v -r -
ing, hoping and watching for beoefita the trouble must yield if I teu
you in the Deginning j. can perma
nently oure you, and it is beeanse I
'am a scientific specialist and know
how to CUBE.
By ihe latest and best methods, I
cure, to remain cored, Blood and Skin
Ailments, Varicose Veins, Piles,
Kidney and Bladder Ailments.
If afflicted men irf Portland and
yicinity knew of the permanent cures
I accomplish, of the patients I dis
miss who don't have to continue seek
ing and paying for treatment, some
of them having been treated a dozen
times before, they would surely lose
no time in seeing me. I prove my
success over other specialists. I don't
ask vou to believe me. I don't ask
you to take my word for what I say
a visit and treatment will tell and
convince you if you have any doubts.
for one week If you desire to prove that I can cure you. I hai e spent
thousands to develop mv treatment, and I know what it will do. Don t
experiment elsewheri. Try my treatment free, and be convinced that
I can cure you.
While the ordinary doctor Is experimenting: and makins mistakes, I
aeeompllsh cum. See me now.
MY PRICES ARB ALWAYS THS IOWBST, no matter where you
tea There is a reason-my practice is the largest, my offices are the
fara-est , I am prepared to treat tho largreet numbers. Therefore I can
i' rV' ou the cheapest. Having tho mos? experienced and best scien
tific treatment to be had, I can cure you the quickest. If you have
any trouble whatever, come to me.
at office or by mail. One personal visit Is preferred, but if this is Ira
nracttcable. write us a full and unreserved history of your case and Ret
Sur opinion free. Many cases cured at home. Medicine, fresh from
our own laboratory, to p"-
A. M. 8 P. M.
Moderate chara-es, fair dealing, skillful
service, and speedy cures have won for us
the confidence and patronage of afflicted
Certainty of Cure
When we treat a patient there is no guess
work about it. Neither is there any ques
tion as to what the result will be. . I or
many vears we have devoted all our efforts
to a single taek. with the determination
that if possible we would place the re.a:
ment of men's ailments upon an absolutely
scientific basis, in is we nave ctumi.iiuou.
absolute V P Incurable by any methods other than those we employ. e
So not car- who has treated you or how long or by what means he has
treated you: the probability is that we can cure you and we : will be
able tS speak definitely in the matter when we know the details of
your case.
MEN, honestly InvestlR-ate oor proven methods. : and y 'l'
stand now easily we core VARICOSE VEISS OBSmLTIOS SPE.
BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles, and all contracted aliments.
If vou are ailing, come directly to our office, and we will give you
private counsel and a careful personal examination free of charsre.
Then, if you decide to take treatment, terms and payment) will be ar
ranged to your own satisfaction. Hours, daily. 9 to 5; evenings, 7 to 8,
Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
Irflammatioiis, Irritations
or ulcerations of all rau
cous membranes, unnatu
ral discharges from nose,
throat or urinary organs.
Sold by Druggists
'or in plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
of S 1, or th ree ooiiica, .
Booklet oa request. "
m Theisnedr for I
IT tZI Catarrh. Colde"
l Mar rear
rfHl Th Enil OKSridlCe.
V Laaaau.inH J
i-be Leading specialist.
By varicose veins we under
stand a twisted, hardened and
knotted condition of the veins
carrying the blood. The stagnant
blood in the affected veins seri
ously interrupts the blood sup
ply. By my improved method I
use no knife, cause no pain or
loss of time from business. My
treatment is scientific, thorough,
permanent and never fails. It
will pay every man suffering
from varicose veins to , Investi
gate before considering other
JVot a
Dollar Xeed Be Paid
V'nleas Cured.
Sundays, 10 12.
362 Washington St.
Our remedlea are composed
of the choicest roots, herb
and barks. and are sure ta
cure to stay cured. All
chronic diseases of men
and women a specialty. It
vou cannot caU. send for
symDt-oma blank. 247
Taylor it., bet. Second and
Ihlrd, Fort lan (L Oregon,