23 Entries Close Wed. Nov. 2d Greater Entries Close Wed. Nov. 2d TITE jrORXTNtJ OREGOTCTATC, TUKSUAT, OOTOBTTR 25, 1910. Olds Wortt Net week, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Olds, "Wortmaa & King will hold their annual Doll Show, an event of tha greatest importance to all the joun? folks, and the grown-ups as welL Our splendid 4th floor auditorium will be given up to what will prove, to bo Portland' largest and best exhibition of doUs. In stead of toys and merchandise of doubtful value we will distrib ute $250 in gold to the winners in the various classes. This Doll Show of ours will be oa a scale never before attempted in the country. It will be managed and worked out by the origina tor of doil shows in this country the same individual who has managed Portland's annual Doll Show the past ten years. Our sale of our entire stock of dolls and dolls' apparel will enable voa to prepare your entry at aavinir. Don't forget the dates, November 3, 4, 5. Entries close 6 o'clock, Wednesday, Nov. 2d. Prior to the Doll Show we announce our annual aale of Doll and Doll Apparel of all kinds. This event answers a double purpose, first, enabling parties wishing to eater the show opportunity to buy dolls and doll apparel at a saving, second, it offers oppor tunity to purchase Christmas gifts and supplies at great saving. 340.000 StocK of Dolls and Doll Apparel Offered at Special Prices Our magnificent new stock of dressed and undressed Dolls and Doll Apparel is included in the sale. Dolls of every size and kind, and every doll new. The best the world has to offer, personal selections of our buyers at home and in foreign markets. Doll apparel in complete "assortment everything for Dolly from hair goods to footwear. We invite comparison of goods and prices. g25Q to. Gold to tike WisMiegs In Our "Doll Show"-Nov. 3, 4 5 A HANDSOME PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN TO EVERY EXHIBITOR $250 in Gold For Prize Wiryiers In Qur "Doll Show" Class A Best dressed Doll, all sizes eligible $25.00 in gold Class A 2d best dressed Doll, all sizes eligible $15.00 in gold Class B-rLajgest, best dressed doll, 24-in. over $20.00 in gold Class B-2d larg. best dressed Doll, 24-in. over $10.00 in gold Class C Best dressed Doll, 7 in. to 24 in. long $20.00 in gold Class D Best dressed Doll, 7 in. to 16 in. long $15.00 in gold Class D, 2d best dressed Doll, 7 in. to 16 in. long $500 in gold Class E Best dr.essed Doll not over 6 ins. long $20.00 in gold Class E 2d. best dressed Doll not over 6 inches $10.00 in gold Class F Most original dressed Doll, 1st prize $20.00 in gold Class F Most original dressed Doll, 2d prize $10.00 in gold Class G Most comical dressed Doll, 1st prize $23.00 in gold Class G Most comical dressed Doll, 2d prize $7.0.00 in gold Class H Best dressed Boy Doll, 1st, $10.00; 2d $5.00 in gold Class I Most original Dressed Character Doll $10.00 in gold' Class K Handsomest Paper Doll in the show &10.00 in gold To girl entering the greatest number of Dolls $25.00 in gold Agents for Nemo Corsets, Royal Worcester, Bon Ton, Howd and La Bean Front Lace Corsets, Marquise, Marietta Corsets Mme. Helene Corsets, Rengo Belt Corsets and SaHlin Waists Merode Underwear Onyx Hosiery Dent and Derby Cloves The (Greater Oldis- Wop tmasii-lliini tore II Cooking School Today at IP o'ClocK Lecture by MiasTracy Yon should see Miss Tracy make the goodies. She can teach pxx how in Sk jiffy. Today she will make Fruit Cake, Confectioners Frosting and Boiled Coffee with Egg. 4th floor. Tuiesdlay Slh-oppiimgl Builletio $1.75 Handbags 98c 1500 extra good quality of Seal Handbags, leather-lined and fitted with coin purses and strap handles; trimmed in gilt or gon metal; bags which sell readily atQQ $1.75; on special sale for only, each yJV' 35c NecKwear 19c II $2.5Q Hatpins 98c Just received, another big express shipment of 200 dozen ladies' Hat Fins, all the latest rhinestone and metallic stone-set novelties. Hat Pins worth to $2.50 each; very QQ special tomorrow at low price, each OV Thousands of pretty styles and Just what vou'd nick out if tou raid re aril ar nrice. Jabots, stocks, rabats, etc., in lace, lawns and Venise effects; our regular 'al- 1 n una tn 35a: sriecial for on v. each $2.QO Veils at 98c 50 dozen Lace Veils just received. A lucky purchase at half price, and we pass them 6n to you at the same rate; colors are black, white, navy, brown, green and- old QQ rose; values to $2.00, special, only U OK The Style Lecture Today at 3 o'cIocK By Linda Ross Wade Subject of today's lecture, "Physica Development." As this is the lzift lecture of the series, you are advised to be on time. Doors will close fat 3 :10 P. M. Auditorium, fourth floox. A Great THan&sglvinigi Sale Great Sale of .Uiidermuslins Fine Linens for the Table Women's $45Q Gowns at $2.39 RegTr $1.85 Is FLedluacedl A rare opportunity is offered to the early Thanksgiving shopper. Our entire stock of Bichardson's fine Irish Linens is at your disposal at greatly reduced prices. Linens worthy of the day and the dinner. A lavish variety from which to select Qualities and patterns of rich and exclusive beauty. Our own importations bought direct from the maker in far away Belfast Ireland. We quote a few of the bargains: w $l.QO Table Linen 82c $2.25 Table Linen $1.94 Very fine grade Satin Damask, full bleached, in a large assort ment of patterns; our regular 75c quality, all new O stock, special, the yard JJ" Table Linen, in heavy bleached quality, for hard wear; QOr regular f 1 quality, yd. t,t Heavy quality silver bleached German Linen, full two yards wide; yery select patterns ;onr $L60 quality, the yd., $1.24 Damask Finest quality Dou ble Damask, two yards wide, choice patterns, CI Ql $2.25 Talues, yard Richardson Cloths at V Off S6-25DamasRCloths$4.75 Regular $1.5Q Drawers 98c Pair Regular 75c Corset Covers 49c DRAWEES, circular style, inade of fine longcloth, trimmed in dainty embroidery and torchon lace; perfect-fit-QO ting waists; values to $1-50 on special sale at, pairC)-' COESET COVERS, made of fine cambric and nainsook, cross-barred and plain, nicely trimmed; regular val- A Q ues to 75o; very special at the low price of only, each" Regular $3.75 Drawers at $2.12 $8-5QDamasRCloths$6-8Q $1.25 Chemise for 59c DRAWERS, circular and umbrella style, open and closed; daintily trimmed in lace and embroidery, with GJO 10 fitted waists of sheer nainsook; values to $3.J5 P" CORSET C0YERS of nainsook and allover embroidery, dain tily trimmed and finished with wash ribbon; reg- 01 J O ular values up to $2.25; very special at only, ea. vA' $1.35 Combinations 71c Splendid Pattern Cloths, 2ViX 2i; $G.OO values, only $4.60 Pattern Cloths, size 2V4x2Hi regular $7.25 values for $5.80 Richardson fine Damask Cloths, 2Vix3 yards; $8.50 vala. $6.80 Napkins, Richardson's very fine quality, carefully selected pat terns, $7.50 values, do, $5,75 Beautiful Lunch Cloths, 2x2V2 yards, $6.25 values, for $4.75 Richardson mada Cloths, 2 by 3 $3.95 Chemise at $1.98 LOT 1 Women's White Chemise of good Quality cambric, prettily trimmed in laces yards, $7.00 vajues for $5.60 nd embroideries; all well made and CQ. tT 1 rimV n.. regular values to$L25, at ?C b-o-- - - LOT 2 Women's fine Chemise, of good 2x3V4 yards, $8 values, $6.40 quality sheer nainsook, trimmed in dainty Napkins, extra quality of linen, Val. lace, insertion, fancy embroidery and in many choioe patterns. Our heading, and made with lawn ff QO $3.50 values, the dozen, $2.08 flounce; values to $3.95, each V $3.95 Combinat'ns 2.19 LOT .1 Drawers and Corset Covers com bined, also Skirts and Corset Covers, made of longcloth beautifully trimmed in lace, in sertion, embroideries and medallions. 7 1 regular values to $1.35, special at 1 C LOT 2 Drawers and Corset Covers, and Skirts and Corset Covers combined, made of sheer nainsook and batiste; 0 1 Q wonderful values to $3.95, only P.x5 Gowns 94c LOT 1 Ladies' white Gowns in the slip over, high or V-neck styles, made of the finest quality longcloth and nently trim'd in fancy laces and insertions and pretty embroideries, all made full in the body; also extra sizes for large women; Qf values up to $1.85; special pnly LOT 2 Women's Gowns of every style one could wish, . made of very dainty nainsook, longcloth and pretty crepe ma terials, all nicely trimmed in laces, in sertion and embroider iesJ We have marked them down to $3.75 and $4.50, but they are worth $5.50 to $7.50 each. For this sale of white we IJO OQ group them at this price, ea. P Petticoats $2.25 Vals. 98c , , LOT 1 Ladies' White Skirts, made of finest quality cambric and longoloth? beautifully trimmed in Valenciennes lace and insertions and some trimmed in pret ty embroideries; regular values QQ to $2.2o, on special sale at, oach ""v various styles, made of good quality JonjfT cloth and cambric, nicely trimmed rn Val. lace and insertion; values up "fl" QQ to $3.00; white sale price, ea, V OU I A Great Sale of Art Furniture High-class Art Furniture, designs reproduced from tha finest and rarest ngiigii and Colonial models, the originals of which are today priceless treasures in the hands of collectors or in muse runs. $450.00 Chippendale Hall Clocks, made QO of mahogany, on sale at the low price of u?Ji0 $250.00 Colonial Library Desk, made of mahogany, on special at low price $195 $225.00 Colonial Library Table, made of JTf mahogany, on special at low price of 3) X O $125.00 English Living-Boom Table, made of mahogany, offered special at low pric :$95 $150.00 Colonial Davenport, made of mahogany, on special sale at only, each $110 $125.00 Colonial Style Ladies Desk, made trv of mahogany, offered special at, ea only IbbJ $35.00 Qneen Anne Desk, made of mahog- fQ any, offered special at the low price of ebOQ $45.00 Martha Washington Tables, aqw made of mahogany, on sale for pO,jU $35.00 Hepplewhlte Chair, made of ma- (hrr hogany, offered special at the low price of ebO $65.00 Qneen Anne Chair, made of mahog- Q0 any, offered special at the low price of QJJ $75.00 Adams Inlay Cabinets, made of ma hogany, on sale at ;amneis, maae or ma- frr y special low price of QQD $18.00 Inlay Tea Tables, made of mahogany, special at low price Custom Shade and Drapery Work a Specialty. of $13.75 S22.5Q .Suits Specia 1 at $ 12.45 $82.50 Dresses Special $19.79 Today we will continue on tHe great aale of Tailored Suits and strengthen tHe line by adding a few extra good Monday arrivals All wHo saw tHis lot of suits yesterday, pronounced them the best they Had ever seen at .the price Plain tailored rich appearing suits cut and modeled to fit perfectly Materials employed; serges, cheviots. and mixtures Actual $2Q and $22.50 values $12.45 DRESSES full of individuality and character, all new one-piece styles de signed to please the most particular woman Made of silK and wool mater ials, trimmed in laces, braids and fancy buttons All colors and sizes $32.50 Values at $19.79 A Great Sale of Oriental Rug's The best investment one can make is in an Oriental Rug, the value of which increases with age. They can be handed down from generation to generation. The value increasing with each owner. .All our fine Shirvans, Dagistans, Beloochistans, Mossouos, Kaz- aks, Khivos, Kirmanshahs, Bokharas, etc., reduced as follows take advantage of the great savings: $6.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price only $4.80 $7.50 Oriental Rug3, special sale price only $6.00 $12.50 Oriental Ruga, special sale price $10.00 $15.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $1S.0Q $20.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $16.00 $28.50 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $22.80 $35.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale pri.ee $28.00 $45.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $36. OO $60.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $48.00 $85.00 Oriental Ruga, special sale price $68.00 $110.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $88.00 $150.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $120.00 $225.00 Oriental Ruga, special sale price $180.00 $300.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $240.00 $450.00 Oriental Ruga, special sale price $360.00 $650.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $520.00 $875.00 Oriental Rugs, special sale price $700.00 Wool Blankets Largest and best assortment in the city to choose from. Inspect these blankets at advantageous price. 4 4