V HOTEL SEATTLE l.n Rse-ratly- Itsrrlsr. AU Frolmklaca aaa As.oltse.te aw Mi. wrm u Ijle-a-dlA. HMduitn tor Prtla4 ple. HOTEL OREGON.M MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON r The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel ISO Booms, 104 Suit em, With PrrrmU Baths. " SEW ITEXPaOOF BUTLDUfO Moderate. Bates. TtZ ilstsciaa ft Socx Txvox. THE PORTLAND rciiu.3, ci xoDtas THE CORNELIUS ssss par day aa a W.-C0EK1XITJ3L Proprietor OPEXED SEPT, 1J0 HOTEL LENOX E.LXarJ Y.H. JORGENSEN PrefM. and Mgrs. COR. 3D AND MAIN ST3L Bet errd Cold Wasee. Lootf Distance Plicae it, ETfyBoom RATES . $1.00 and to. THE eroerlcaui Flaa from (J. N. Ky. U4K. y. uaoow hip wbarraa aad 1 uia gT, VANCOUVER, B. C est Grade $6.00 Per Ton DeErered to Any Address Wiihia tie Cty Limits of Portland Tha PaclHe CoaJ Oaa Company wish to announea to tha pnblio that thT hae old the 00 tons of coal which they advertUed they would Mil tt IS.80 per ton. and the Company ha decided to offer an addl tlonai BOO tons at $4.00 per ton on the same hasla a that aold at per ton. which wa only two tone w aacn cmiomit i v ro ordera will be accepted unless accompanied by the cash or checfc i are maklnr deUverlee of our coal to those who haye ordered, and ... ..,.n.. tnr vntir inrnrmatlnn some of the letters that hare been written to as br those who are now aatn the coal. We bae many more on file in our ofHce and would be pleased to show them to you that you may know the kind of coal this la. This order will positively cease as soon as the 100 tons bve been sold and the price will then be advanced to T.B0 per ton. which price will remain fn force for the balance of the winter. If you wish to take advantage of this exoellent opportunity to sare several dollars per ton on your coal, you will have to act at once as this 6A0 tons will be sold very rapidly. The folio win la a copy of some of the letters: J. J. Poles. COMMERCIAL AND REALTY CO. 0REG05 OFPOBTT7IVITIEJ. 401 Merchants Trnst Build In. Portland. Oregon. ' Phone Mala 407S. Portland, Or, Oct 7. 1910. Pacific Coal Gas Co- llt-lt Commercial Club Bids', Portland. Or. Gentlemen: I jam very particular about the coal I use. always buylna; the highest gradLA A friend told me about your offer of two tons at a low price as aest- 1 am vary glad I era! led myself of that offer and secured some of your coal. It la as good as any high-grade coal I cave ever used. It Is clean, sootlesa. leaves little ash. llres quickly aad holds heat well." I consider that you have done me a great favor la -tne service you have rendered. I will most certainly want more of It. Tea are ax liberty to use this letter as a sincere testimonial. Tours very truly, (Signed.) J- J. FOUE2C Portland. Or. Oct. t. ltia. Paelfra Coal St Gas Ov, Portland. Or. . Gentlemen: In reply to yours of the Ith will say that after trTlng" your coal that It Is a pleasure to me to recommend the same. It burns well aad does not ellnker and leaves little ash. It Is the best ooal that I have used la Oregon and I can cheerfully recommend It. einoarely youra. J AS. P. HaOADOKa Portland. Or. -l-ll. Tbla la to certify that the mnderelerned bee purchased two tons of coal from the PaolAo Coal Oaa Co. of Portland and have tasted it In ovr kitchen range, aad find It to be Just as recommended, first -class ooal for a soft Jyrjxix pattoa Boad. Office phone. Mala 144. Pacific Coal & Gas Company Boom 218, Commercial Clu. Buildia. Fbona, MarnTiaJl 2581. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sta. Opened June,X908t A hotel in lh very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Rates fLOO and up. Moderata price restaurant in connection. L. Q. Swetland, Secretary and Manager. ; a ;B- a rt SSSa a 'a' a. a; mm FORTOCRlSTs. east COMMKK4IAJ. TKAVlil K.BJi. Sinrfl raise $ fausnis ui n St. The inasa, am la win. be aliai il a all tlmM U eosi- liml aa4 give pHaa, i ra Tarklak raw."?. -Ar XL B. 21aCTCH2I3 aoafs& HOTEL RAMAPO Ccrwr Fonrteenli and Washington New Hotsl, Fletpintly FUmlihad Rates $1.00 and LTj Spools'. Rata t or Pemwnwitfi All PBJVATUBATUJ IUU W1XAXUU1 OaW WOODS TJ"V I 'L?T Xviomm I IAS Wr Day XIV- X JiAa tl IU( Par Uerji "It's AU CaalMI tal Taala eTXtete MsssAs ra'ai Ta besu-t of business dlstrlot,. center s dV. BaK u. k. uapoc P. K. Lump Coal O. K. Fitsalmmona. Portland, Oregon. UPII T THEATER IT! Hi 1 sLii 7th and Taylor Pfaaaea Mala 1 and A 11M. e-lml Price I atloee 2:1 I Spe-li Last Tims Tonlsht 8:15 8bubert Bros, present Clyde Fitch's Great rrsm "TUK CITT" Evenings: tL te 2ic Matinee: fLOO to :3c MPIJ Tp THEATER ilCil 1-t 1 V3 7th and Taylor Fhnnse: Msln 1 and A 112S. T NIOHT8. BEU1NNINO TOMORROW Special Price Matinee Saturday. JOSEPH F. HOWARD In the Bis Musical Comedy Hit "TUB GODDESS Or IJBEBTV Evenings: 11. SO to 23c Ustlnee: 1.00 BAKER THEATER nTorrlsaai aad Eleventh Main 3. A RS0. GEO. U BAKER, Man. Matinee today Last time tonlsht famous Baker Stock Company In Charles Klines wonderful plsy, "The IJon and the Mouse." One of the hlrhet royalty plays In stock, superb turn settings. Wednesday bargain matinee 2.-.C. Matinees 2Sc ' 6oc Evenlnss 20c, 60c, TSc Next wwk. starting tomorrow matinee I Tittle Jonnny Jonee." BUNGALOW a-fia lith MorrlsoB. UN, Am " ... i . - - Phone. Main 117 and A TWICE MORE. TODAY T"j"SHT" THE INIMITABLE BILLY CLIFr ORD In His Latest His Musical Comedy H1J TBS CIKL. TUB MAN', TUK UASlfc. Plentr of laughs and slrla. Twelve big song hits. Nlrhts, SSe. 800, Tie. SI: Matinee, lie. 0O. Nest Week, opens tomorrow matinee The Cow and the Moon." MAIN a. a 102a MATIN a K VKI Ml. ISUTI THEATER T5-&8WSI tTEF.K OCT. 17 Lionel Barrymere and Mrk Rankin assisted by Worts Kankln In ITie Ulte piaver," xna via - -dlers, Frank Morrell. Jeannette Alder and her Ticks," tius Onlaw Trie, llarry La Belle. PVturee. Orchestra. GRAND Week Oct 17, 1910 The Peerlees and Inimitable Billy Van The Grand Old Min strel Man. John and Bertha Cleeaoa aad Fred Moullhan. Slgnorla Best. Terera Harry Bloom Olrst Orandoaeopa. Carl pantser Trio. Matinee Bvery Da. S.IOi anv seat IBs, STvenlng Performancee at 7:SO and S:le: Balcony loo: Lower Floor 8So; Bos Seats OOa LYRIC PORTLAND FAMILY PLAY HOC OK Week commencing Monday Matinee EdW. Armstrong rrewaU br Popular Be an ret. MARJOK1B MAHR hie tMiDular compwl a krUUKK RIJZZAll Two sbowa nJgbtlr. 7:46 and 0:18. Mat Ineee dally at 2:6. Night prices, entire lower fioor, S3o; baloeny. 16& Matinees, any seat 20c meetcxo Konraa. OREGON LODGS NO. 101. A. T. and A. M. Special cotnmuni- 19 cation this (taturaac evening, at 8 a'clica, Masonio lempie nw in P. C. degroe. ViolUni brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M. A. J. HAN ULAN. Sea. FCXEKAL NOTICES. BCHMITT At the family resldenea. 80S Ji. SSd street. October SO, Anna Marie Bchmltt. age el years. Beloved wife of John, mother of Mike, John. Frank and Henry Scnmltt. Mra C. A. Baxter. Mrs. WUllam Mead, of this city. Funeral will take-place from above resldenoe. Monday, October 24th. at S:80 A. M-. tbenoe to EU Joseph's Church. 16th and Couch streets, where services will be held at 8 A. kf. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. Interment MU Calvary ceme tery. KERN ATT In this city. October 20. Charles S. Fernau. ase ft years; belovod husband of Annie K. Fernau; father of Mre. Joseph K. Penny and Oeorge Fernau. The funeral services will be held at Flnley'e parlors, at S P. M-. 8unday. October 23. Friends of the family Invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. McDOWELL In this city. October 20, Lucy McUowelU age 42 years. Funeral services will be held st Dunning A Mo Aatee Chapel. Saturday. October 22. it 3 p, 1L Friends respectfully Invited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. BARTMAN The funeral services of the late 8. Andrew Hartman will be held at tha family residence 786 Corbett street, at 2 P. M-. today, Saturday. Friends In vlted. interment Lone Fir cemetery. TOXSETH FLORAL CO. MAKCAM BLIKi. FLOKAL KE.MU.V9. Phonee r Main 6102 A 110t. innnlng a kfcEntee Funeral rMrectors, 7th and Fine, l'houe Main 4SO. Lady as sistant. Office ot Comity Coroner. 'ZDWARD HOI.1L1X CO., Funeral rMrert. are, 220 sd st. Lady assistant. Phone M. O07. J. F. F1MXV A SOX, Sd and Madison. Lady attendant. Phone Main , A 13IX. EAST SIDE Funeral Mrectors. successors to F. 8. Punning. Ine. E 82. B 2S26. JUC!HX CO. Undrrtakers lady aat. 4 Alder.. M. 0183. A 22S6. ymm-RVRVM CO., Funeral 1M rectors, 504 Williams ave.; bo til phones; lady aeat. IAatOH. Indertaker, cor. East Alder and Stfa kAet 7sL B 1888. Lady assistant. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARB HELD AT THIS OF FICE FROM THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRE SENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OR GONIAN OFFICE. A tOt, 407. 412, 433, 431, 411, 485. 4S8. 481. B 391. 7. 402. 414. 415. 41S. 42. 420. 431. 432. C 10. 417. 418. 430. 411. 423, 43$, 427, 4SI. 482. T 134, 41. 424. 434. 4 1 8. 432. 424. 427. E 106. 417. 42S. -S. 421. -. 424. 4 .15, 438. F 404. 406. 408. 411. 418. 412. 423, 42. 427. 432,' 436. 427. 488. G 370, 3S2. 404, 413, 420, 431. 11 3, 40, 408, 4:8. 422. 434. J 837. 390, 414, 417. 412, 434. 42S. 421. 421. K-tOlVib. 41, 420. 432. 438. 480. 48S. L 10L 414. 41S. 418. 422. 424. 423. 430, 43 U 434. 438, 432. 480. M 41. 430, 421, 428. 431. 433. 485, 438. 330. X (83. 41. 417, 412. 434, 428. 43, 430. O 340. 390, 423. 434, 422, 431. 434. 434. P 340. 3S4. 407. 410. 414. 418. 481, 431, 43. B 234. 272, 387, 412. 417. 420, 431. 421. 433. 437. A 4 IS. 421. 427, 418. X 403. 413. 418. 411. 413. 488. 42. 43$. 438, 487. 438. T 348, 383. 407,, 41$. 41T. 481. 428, 48$. 48,, W 813, 396. 82 7. 404, 41$. 418. 421. 421. 424. 428. 429. 422. 425. 439. X 878. 421. 412. 42. 43$. 437. 480. Y 380, 33. 408. 423. 424. 424. 424. 42. 442. AB 10. 418, 421. 424. 439, 440. 454. AC 405. 410, 414, 418. 41. 421, 433, 43$, AJJ$aVT403. 41$, 417. 418. 423, 415. 4!. 427. 428, 431. 452. , AE 403. 40. 417. 418. 421, 423, Mil, 4S. 48$. 43. 437. 438. AF 87. 40. 412. 418. Air 403, 410. 437. AH 350. 4U5. 414, 41$, 430. 4JL 43T, 42. 450. 454. AJ 31. 384. 41$. 428, 431. 434. 48. 437. 488. 42. 45. AK 34. 401. 405. 41$. 417. 41. 4!L 424. 43$. 432. 433. 43$, 43, 440. 441. 454. AL 133. 417, 430, 434. 434, 438, 460. 462. AM 85$. 378. SSL 4:8. 431, 43. 460. AN 42. 433. 443, 464. If above answers are not called for with in six days same will be destroyed. OREGON HU61ANE SOCIETY oaryicsL cttt kaix MAIN see, A TBS. STCktAh'K OFFICAU. EAST1 4TTA WEW TODAY. APARTMENT HOUSE On fractional lot. 1 blocks south of Morrison tt; pays over 20 por cent on Investment. 110,000 will handle. Call TIN Marqnam Bldg. ' FOB BALK. 10 acres of rich bottom rand, adtomlng Fores Grove, !& per sore. This Is a snap; land sonreounding It an selling a S4U0 per aore. Address Felix VsrHeevea. Fjsrest Osove Or. FOR SALE The best quarter block in Alameda Park for $3250, with all improvements. Part cash. 100x100 in Alameda Park. with, im provements $2000, part cash. 100x115, near Irvington, $1200 cash. One 8-room honse in HoIIaday Park, 60x100 lot, $5000; part cash. .100x100 in Holladay Park, $4500; part cash. . 60x100, on 25th and Upshur, $2750; part cash. AJ 441, OREGON! AN. Apartment House "West Side,' rented for $925 per moma. ims is me rest m m en.. Easy terms. Dammeier Invest. Co. 921 Board of Trade Building. Holladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER unit MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. EEEVG IS BELIKVLfO BETTE3 go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the lm. prevements Boln7 on. Hie Oregon Real slate Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH -T. 7th arid SALMON CORNER This corner offers the choicest in vestment in the city. Only 400 feet from Portland Hotel, and opposite New Heilig Theater; this is the fu ture business center of the city and big profits can be made on this before Spring. For price and terms see Owner, 272 Washington. This Is a Buy Piedmont home, new. 100x100 corner; T rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, paneled dining room, bookcases and seats, all tinted flxt. shades, furnace, garage, lawn, cement walke, all complete. $5900. Br owner. (Woodlawn 2593).. 223 Alnsworth ave. Mortgage Loans On City Property. Lowest Prevailing-: Rates. Morgan, FJiedner & Boyce 603-d Ablngton Bids;. NOB HILL 8-room house, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement. Built for home by owner. One block from carllne. Sao rlflce price In order to raise cash. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY g. W. Cor. th and Washington Streets. $3000 Bungalow West Side, 5 larps rooms, full base ment, just finished, modern plumbing-, 25 minute on United Railwaya line, very active district. Actual value $8500. Will sell on very easy terms. 431-432 Mohawk Bldg. A 1075 Marshall 1964. $500.00 Cash will handle a new bung-alow In Vernon near Alberta carline; well built and very desirable. Price below the market. ' MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Streets. FOR SALE A SNAP A oorner 60x100. modern 7 -room bung-alow, furnace, large fireplace, beam ceil ings, paneled dining-room. Dutch kltch enT artistic throughout, 14950. Terms. Phone Main 890. mm IORB Call en owners- Keaity AaVa. tor timoer, acreage. wui .w apartment properties. Sua Abtngtoa. REAL -ESTATE DKALETtS. Blrrell. A. M. et vo., iu.-o estate, Insuranoe, mortiagea, loans, etc Brubaker A Benedict, 602 McKay bldg. M. 640 BERRSrB REALTT CX. 34S 4th st. Chanln A Herlow, StlS Chamber Ouuuuaroe. Cook. B. S. A Co 80S Corbett bldg. Jennings 4k Co, Mala 188, 90S Oregentan. p'ALaCSR-JOirES CO, H. , S Osmmsr- ciai tiun otus Schalk. Oeo. IX, S2S Stars; s. Mala S9S, A Z3V3. SHKILSm IS BALZk 90S Ablngton bMav The Oregon Real Tetrte Co, Orand ava, and Multnomah su (Holladsy Addition.) If. aV Thompson Co.. cor. 4th and Oak sts. RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. PORTLAND Heights homes, lots and tracts for su b-d I vision ; all views and prices; some bargains. Main 8551: A 8 S3 9. TBxlOO OS Russett. near Pippin, one block from car; 8S0O cash. David Lewis. Oth and Stark, room a Lnmbormena bldg. A FEW lots in Overlook, prices right on easy terms. Phone Main 818. KENTON-, (TOO cash; 50x100, 1 black Bo Perby St. 8 484, Oregontaa, 90,000 FOR a snap In real estate, hay GREGORY HEIGHTS . Lots at only 8200. Ideal for a home ' site or investment. Call at Gregory Heights oritce. end of Rose City Park car line. r GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. LOOR READ. . , , Only 1335 for beautiful lot overlooking the city, on terms to suit you: very small payment down, balance small monthly payments: only one block to Montavllla car. on East 6"th st.: wonderful view; another for 8425, corner; streetcar men. see me. Jas. C. Logan. 88 Washing ton st., room 404. . IRVINGTON SNAP. 75x100 on East 26th. near Tillamook: street graded and cement sidewalk: some nice fruit trees; a fine place to build or a good speculation; price $2250. 60O cash and $25 per month. 6 per cent. GRUSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board ot Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. LOT3 IN RICHMOND DISTRICT. Next to 39th, near carllne; $200 below market value today: only a few left: IT you want one you must hurry; just tulnK, our price Is only $030 for 50x100 lot; $-5 down, $10 monthly. 418 Railway Ex change. Marshall 2753. LOTS $400 $125 $475. Finest view lots on the East Side, one block to Montavilla car on the bluff few minutes east of Laurelhurst. Terms to suit you. Call at once. Jas. C lagan solo agent. wasnington -. rw 60x100 ft. lot on Borthwlck St., 1 block from Russell st. trice iiiou, man H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8699; A 253. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for $425; graded streets, cement side walks and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone, building restrictions. inv. A- Trustee Co.. 024-52O Board of Trade bldg. T3 . a Hi.t.ixt HMiitlful view. streets being Improved; ten mln. ride on Sellwood car; get off at Caywood st. Agent on ground Sundays, at office week a ays. HearlQK. tnamoor '- ilTflv PARK. Streets graded, city water, lots 60x100. $300 up. Can you find any as attractive In price or location as close InT Hedrlck, agent euo UQ&moer ui mumcv. (1-K ACRE $423. Fronts on carline and street, 20 min utes' ride, half cash. This Is a splendid little Investment and cannot do oiidiioum. E 444, Oregonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS An elegant two-lot i -i . ..i.hhn.hAI In InT.r oart of Heights; all improvements In and paid , JOT, 3UWW. 1 I.LIiia v uu. , ... - or can 10 za su $1000 FULL-SIZED corner lot on west Slope jaoum jauur, buhwb ' commanding splendid view of city; terms mi 11.. a v o n A tifi To smi; a snap, mo ni a-a, Za B l. xr 110 110 jaBJoiiai' a.jq. BIO SNAP FOR $2100 CASH. Five 60x100 lots, corner Bast DavlB and G3d; owner leaving cny. Avuvtu 10-10, room 3 Lumbermen bldg., 3th ana Stark. r V 17wt-- L. A- DAiVasi Unflor contract price; two choice corner lot in Overlook Addition; raall caan f.Avmeat, For information Inquire at sT O.i r. ia Vnrrlann tit. wnnfn CAT TT unique rnoiq ommu, ---n A $300 EQUITY In 2 lots, on corner, for South Portland. Weat Side; total prics. SLOjO. ragm " " Oregonian TOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for $500. $25 down and $10 monthly; graded streets, cement iiuewmu, .u,. - BY owner splendid view lot. Wlberg Heights, fine home site. 90x100; Broad way and 36th; cheap If sold quick. AL 438, Oregonian. PORTLAND Heights on Montgomery Drive, close to car; six lots, beautirul view, fruit trees, fine neighborhood; $5000, terms; will divide. Main ooiii; ojg. tun s'iti T-siZED lot. close to Laurelhurst, on monthly payments of $10; best value on East Side. Phone Marshall 1585 or call 140 Id st. FACTORY or warehouse site, embracing 20 i... irh (10 feet trackage on O. R. A N. Co.; price $15,000. The Hart Land CO., 14S 2Q St. mUB aaj plinMONT. 100x100, east face, Improvements in, car one block: bargain ai i5'i""- K. H. l-,r.- t, ej I J'u.' MAKE me an offer on my 100xl08-foot cor- ., xjmrir T nuAti tha moiiAV and wlli make big sacrifice this week. Ad- tt jnn ApAo-rtn1n.n. UrCM -ac -mv. v " c FIXB-VIETW lota, in the UmitB, will dontvle In value In 6 months; $175 per lot; $17.50 j a - . mArith "RrraTarri Jir caan ana a.v - - ptaver, mum mm. IRVINGTON lot near Stanton at., 1 blocks from Irvlngton carline; 40xl00; $13uo; corner ia-aw. w- - - FOR SALE By owner, cheap, 3 choice lots. Country Club Addition; fine view. Apjiy 810 Boara or inwp. FULL, corner lot on Vernon ave.. near Al- rjerta; uiiiu j y-, aQO DroirnniAn. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 42600; lare lot. Spieauiu tswv. a - wa.w Main niRiiAlN on West Side lota; make very low yn-o ' - pnaw, iv u"1"'- ; T"7vr 4ltxl40 feet. E. Taylor, near 3ti.; at.7 near Laurelhurst. $900. Tabor Stio. For Sale Honwee. A HOME FOB NOTHING. Three view lots on improved street, Portland Heights, to be sold at bedrock price and good seven-room bouse to be thrown in, as owner must have money. snl M.111 uoJ. Fine modern flve-room bungalow, 60x100 lot, on the Heights, two blocks from car; J?- rAriA half cash will handle: a real V 1 Ti i i n - Hns hATTiA sacrlnn all Q ;ooa liiLUtf i" w uv.w Kali .11 way r,Auuau6- (BW modern 6-room bungalow, near Laurelhurst, full cement basement, best plurnblng and finish; price $1800; $23 down. $.5 per month. Including Interest. Owners only. r wi. wipb.. atect; full basement, oement walk, hand some fixtures, shades; range connected: will sacrifice; $2-500; terms. 1100 Eaat Sherman su w-n. -' FOR SALE Attractive ast Side home. 8 room, every modern, convenience, lawn, flowers, etc.; two carllnea hard-surface streets. $4500, terms. Owner. Phone vrsr OF LAURELHURST Will build you a bungalow . " ' . .w, . at very small cost; easy payments. Western Trust Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg. vnone a' o-.. ti-S0 NE AT little house on full corner lot on East Gllsan st. carline. with nice hade trees; owner left city and offers at great bargain. The Hart Land Co.. .144 za av. TV-ltt'T PAY RENT. We will sell or build for yon on easy n-ma Borne special Inducements now. PROVIDENT INV. A TRUSTEE CO. yilitr. -d f Trd. Wirt- Bae-oo p.. ern sale by owner, new. modern 6-room hnnualow. newly furnished, beautiful lawn, roses, garden, located In Sunnyslde. Don't rose. . . , , T,nn. T VUQ fnll BEAUTIFUL 6 and 6-room houses, modern. .go. ICUOUl ' J . . .... . will exohange for lota. Plttenger, na v nllnasworth ave. IT. L. or St. Johns cara. tefms: street Improvements paid for. 2ci7 jT.ot 37th st. rZTi BUNGALOW, PORTED HOT3. $3500. 1 -: K ..l... .Vila ltttl Ka..., 9 blocks from car. Fred W. German. 320 Rumslde. Main 2770. ACHESt Mount Tabor district; elegant 6- roora nousc b wu " o " " house' $2000 cash, balance to suit; buy from owner. AK 443, Oregonian. NEAR UNION AVENUE. Irvlngton T-room house, hardwood floors, new, modern and nice; only $550, inr.ludlng asphalt streets Main 8860. fTT; tou want a fine 8-room West Side HOmer D1U.I, . -, auu.a.uu. to suit. L. K. Moore, suite 617, Board of Trade. .ROOM modern bungalow, close In. H . .... t&lOQ: terms. Phona Tabor Digck 8S5: SEVEN lots, one 6-room cottage. it ooj school, ran l .1 ow-.ww. .owv ah. Owner. 201 Swetland bldg. vnR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8-room nouse i ii.Mi,,.. v and see It. FOR SALE 4-room house, on 2 lots, (cor ner!. iwv; ,''' emu, v month. Call 720 Linn ave.. Sellwood. a qv'AP 2 lotsT modern 6-room house, on . r ii... clean t a $23 a month. Owner. 28S Grand ave. . . 7r.K F.uKt Coach. Phona l,,r S128. won sale; 100x100. modern 8-room house. h. I1SL LOBWl " ' ply Laue-Davls Durg Co. i-.R BALE New, modern houses la Urlng- HOME BARGAIN. Very pretty home of six rooms, reception-hall, sitting-room with fireplace, paneled dining-room with buffet, kitchen and pantry, three bedrooms with connect ing hall and large bathroom, full cement Basement, electrio ugnta ana line porcn, good car service; ol00; small cash pay meat; balance easy. R. K. BRTAN. 605 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1U63. A 12J7. NICE HOME CHEAP. Fine 6-room 2-story modern house; gas and electric piped for furnace, full ce ment basement, laundry trays, clothes chute, paneled dining-room, denj on a lot 60x100, east front; street graded, cement sidewalk; half block from car, on East 10th st., near Alberta; this house la com pletely furnished and for sale at $4400, or linfiiFnt.hcil fn C101A nsrt fn.h and S'.t per month. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. (DP THTT T.nrVKTNrt for a home. Here is one of the best buys. New. strictly modern home, close to carllne on a fine 60x100 lot with all street Improvements. Price only sjiuu. Terms. Call at Gregory Heights office, end of Rose City Park carline, GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. FINE HOME. CLOSE IN. Modern 7-room 2-story house, nearly new; has gas and electric furnace, full cement basement, wash trays. doublo floors and walls, china closet, panel dining-room, nice lawn and roses, on a lot 60x100 on E. 28th near Alder; price $5500, part cash, or will sell 100x100 corner with nouse ior mjuu; a nne noir.e. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak, 1HVIXGTOX S7330. An absolutely comDlete home. 1 block from car line. This is one of the most. homelike places we have ever naa; has an . of the conveniences and a good many fea tures that are not in built-for-sale houses. The owner is compelled, for business rea sons, to leave Fortiana. TT P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 "commercial Club Bldg. Phones: Main 8680; A 2053. IRVINGTON HOME SACRIFICED. 7-room modern, new, up-to-date house and full lot One lawn and shrubbery, sleeping porch and all modern conve niences; furnace, electric fixtures and wuHwnrlr of blfl'hpRt C raiie 1 thiS IS a beautiful home and must be seen to be appreciated; must be sola to puny mail ing best offer this week. Only $2000 cash requlrea. is 43 1. oregonian. BUILD NOW. IT IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONET. OUR SUCCESS IS BASED ON GOOD WORK. FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH ' OF CONSTRUCTION. IF WE BUILD. PLANS FREE. IF TOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH SUFFI CIENT. INVESTIGATE US AND OUR METHODS: IT WILL PAY TOO. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO, 002 LEWIS BLDG. CASH $1250. Am forced to raise money and will sell my $3000 modern home for about 50 cents on the dollar to the first person who looks at It; large lot and several full-bearing fruit trees: only 20 minutes out, good carline; sightly location; full basement, good plumbing, all in line con dltlon. See this at once. AC 435, Ore- gonlan. cTTVVvcmp. wrtMK SACRIFICE. 7 rooms, gas, full-size basement; not Tiaw. hut well keDt and beautiful home for the money; corner loft 50x100: choice xrult trees and roses; streeia impnivou; good school two felocks; must be seen to be appreciatea ; it win rent. iui ov. Phoc East 4723. Address 741 E. Madison. BUNGALOW, only $200 down, balance like rent, 4 rooms, natn, toilet, sinic, caDinet, plate rail, hot and cold water, etc; only 23 minutes' ride. East Side, overlooks the vhnL r.irv: beautiful shade trees, nice. wide porch, price only $1800; car one OC, MM. V. O ' J ,. Washington St.. room 404. Elx-room house and five-room bungalow, 1S21 and 1325 Rodney avenue, facing east; thoroughly modern; lots 50x100, wlh alley, terms If desired. F. G. Warner, owner, 1275 Williams avenue. Phone Woodlawn 1S39. FOR QUICK SALE. Fine home at Mount Tabor; lot 75x130; beautiful lawn. One fruit and shrubbery; axmlnster carpets and range; $5000; 4 cash. For sale by owner. Phone Mar shall 2814J FOR SALE. 1 Morim-n two-storv house on business street. ' nnnosita bank, with three lots. $3v00 stock of clean groceries and feed; monthly eale $3500. Price for all $5500; will sell separ ate; Will sell on account ui wicaiicav. .Duel location. Box t, Y lniQCK. waaq. SOMETHING GOOD IN A MODERN HOME. A strictly modern 8-room house, full basement, furnace, etc Lot 60x100. lo cated on E. Hancock st. The price has been reduced to $6250: some terms. Lam-bert-Whltmer Company. 70 Fourth St. FOtfl SALE or trade, 6-room modern house, located on corner lot at 68th and Doug las (Myrtle Park); basement, bath, toilet, lavatory, sink, 3 bedrooms, wired; if you are looking for a home, then you oan't afford to miss this; price $2000, terms to suit. Sheppard. 423 Henry bldg- owner. BEAUTIFUL HOME. $1800, $300 cash, bal. to suit; note the price, terms and location: fine 6-room house, beautiful lawn, fine roses, garden, graded street, good walks; blocks Union-ave. carline, Cloverdale Add. DUBOIS & CROCKETT, Washington Bldg. "WALK TO BUSINESS IN 10 MINUTES. Modern 6-room residence. East Eighth, near Burnside street; $2000 cash will handle this snap direct from owner; choice apartment site, j-none 1; tctv. FOR SALE Some very fine Nob Hill Wil lamette Heights and Irvlngton homes, from $5000 to $13,000, on very good terms. Darling, 2.17 Ablngton. Main 5607. Acreage. ' H ACRE TRACTS BELOW VALUE. They are level, cleared and have run ning water piped to each tract. Few minutes' walk to Woodstock carllne. Lots close by are selling for the same price we ask for these tracts. We have but very few left. Only 500 each on terms of $10 down and $5 per month. LAM BERT-WHITMER CO., 70 4th st.; 404 E. Alder st. COLONIZATION TRACT, We have a large tract, admirably adapt ed for colonization or for orchard develop ment: this land Is A-l in every particu lar, accessible, nearly all In cultivation; assistance could be given In putting this on the market in small tracts: price is low and terms can be had: must be seen to be appreciated. Oregon Title A True; Co.. Albany. Or. NEED money Quick and will take $50 for my $125 equity in a $775 acre tract ten minutes walk from Gilbert station, on the O. W. P. car; cleared, level and water; payments $10 per month. T 434, Oregonian. RANCH FOR SALE. 1 have a farm of 800 acres, fine fruit land, nearly all in cultivation and well Improved, on main county road; a great bargain at $00 per acre; liberal terms Call or address H. M. Hawkins. Albany. Oregon. 10-ACRH TRACT 3. With running water on each tract: adapted for fruit and vegetables: on Main county road, one mile to R. R. sta tion; close to cash market. Price $100 to $125 per aero; 1-3 down, balance easy payments, au urcKmau. , irtTin TTi , CTJ 1 .fMUM TAVl'V Just off East 30th. in Richmond dis trict, we offer to wind up our holdings quickly; H-acre tracts for $1000, small amount down, balance $10 monthly; no such bargain anywhere. Call early If you want one. io HILLSBORO ACREAGE 38 acres partly WlllllU lillj v. ............ state Just settled not before on market. Fine lor platting: price low for quick sale. HENRY C. PRUDHOMME CO.. Omb Soaldina- Bldg:.. Loans Insurance. BUT of owner at nearby wild land prices n. limit, nf Vancmiver. 7..-S i.. iii,,ce . . u ... ......... -. . , i ... acres, sandy loam, 4 acres highly fertil ized garden lnnd, 2 mora cleared, small house, barn, shed, roothouse. tools, crop; purest water. Inquire at Public Market of A. C Loatson. 20 ACRES, 12 miles from Portland, 2 miles . "i; T; . ,7in,.tn lino it ni.ro. tf.lAn.rod to xt. xt. ana fiicw ..., . 1 acre fine timber, balance easy cleared, on two county roads. Vi mile to school and church; $115 per acre: terms. AD 443. Oregonian. SU acres, all In cultivation, good soli; 8-room modern house, 10 miles on Oregon Electric Ry. A snap at $4500; good terms; qUIOK acuun. w,. .a- . tr ...in. n ,i,hurln homR or, oholce acreage investment, do not fall to oonsult the . .-. . . . .-.'1.1 1 (. uE-r'T A T TTTa I HI, OH A .1 HUJIIII ciui.i.,u. CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. . .... .f. T)... T tna all pl.ar.ll XT (1 1 1 n , noon cat v i - . .. . . . . .... , will make terms Room 816. Henry btdy. TuivTPn Tjtnrt to clear by contract In 50- acre tracts ana upwaxu. iimi:. uuguii. p. O. box 2035. FOR SALE Going East, want to sell at once equity in in-atro unn. iw U.1.UU. five years: L 438. Oregonian. y ACRES on 5c fare, small house, all iencea, i.iw, Staver. 411 Couch bldg. ISO X CASn ana fiv iiw xmjin.i 'i aw vam t rich garden, land Je32, Oregonian, SUBURBAN HOME SITE. 1 acres at Oak Grove. 30 minutr from Portland; will be closer still whf new Madison Bridge is finished; lar lies nne; goou boh, im, .n... place for suburban home for a busing man. v HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept.. Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. ACREAGE. We specialize on acreage, on electrl service close to Portland; we have a lar tract of very choice land Just platted In' 6 and 10-acre tracts that we are offerlr. on very easy terms at $100 below mark value. ACREAGE. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 405 Couch Bldg. OWNER WILL SELL CHEAP. 40 acres, farm; level, in cultivation, we fenced; 6-room house. 30x50 barn; $50, I cash, balance at 6 per cent. 60-acre farm, level. In cultivation, balan timber; well-fenced, living water; $66u0, 1 cash. balance at 6 per cent. k 10 acres, level, in cultivation. $1500. These farms are 22 miles from Portion' on Oregon Electrio. 14 mile from rive vhrv,l Anri atarlon nl&nlr walks from Btr tlon to school in front of place; edjoinit land in orchard selling for Soto per aero. Phone B 2759. WM. BALZH1SER. 42 E. eiat St. WITHIN 10 to 15 miles ot Portland, flneej soil In the Northwest, valuaDle tor irun and truck purposes, convenient, rich, splendid buy; we have 2. 3 and 6-acr tracts on electric line, selling for froi $200 up: also 5 and 10-acre tracts nea hv. rlenreri and adaDted for suburban homes or fruit and truck gardening a from $175 to $20 per acre. can u write M. E. Thompson Co., Henry bldg 4th and Oak. ARE you looking for a suitable location fo a home. su acres or mure. s v, . nlowerf .1 slashed, balance good timbei Good barn and fruit house: 3 acres or L . nn,l .!, land' 21 cnaru: rouu I'un own. ..... -rutin, fmm Aurora on state road; leve mv nrlcft and save agent's commls slon. George P. H. G. White. Aurora Or.. Rout 3. 2 ACRES on carline, near city limits, wit nA.. rntTn.n 4 acres on carllne. with nice residence barn and Improvements. A.11 set to rK berries, blackberries and apples; a splen did place lor a home at a price one-na Its value In a short time. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 810 Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or. 14 acres next to Johnson Creek, on Foe ter road, short distance imm oi.ni.iuu w the O. W. P.; lies well; $450 per acre, o easy terms; rusul n v EDWIN HOOKER CO., Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM modern house and nearly acre o a . . - . J 11.. a nwf t. n aa v n rT 1 flTl 1 grouna in gouu. n.a -"" " - on electrio lino, 3 blocks to business cor ner; a snap; $3000; $1200 will handle this nne ior cnictt-eua. j -i,., Business rroperty. . . t tt otf. a Anartments, and 5 rooms each, good location, neve vacant no Dener incuiuo i J. H. TIPTON CO.. IlQgt apaiumg piug INCOME BUSINESS PROPERTY. SNAP. 1 .. T will l-OW VT1M- ' Oregon Land & Timber Co., 21 Washing ton oiag. FOR SALE-r-2-story store building and ful lot on fciast zbtn iu, iciui. jif'j Davis Drug co. Homestetads. . .... . .. rWt 1 - r m."' nnvnriv AUV&AiAuiw v- 82-page book explaining what each o ..... .1 . ha., ananlnn fnr; b-Iv.: tne 1. CWUllW" ' . ..... .- - - - I amount of Government land open to bme- stead In eacn county, u. -----Jhowlng new R. R. and towns. Including . nm.r.n fOUntlM In Clf asiern aim B. , . , , , . , ferent colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; Ut-I eat map In U. S. ; price 25c Nlmmo A Runey. 313 uaminou u.us. . ..mr. tt M ooa ann nf.rea. sultabl for a cattle ranch: not to exceed $25 pe acre, urussi & x.auov, ,11 Trade bldg. 1 , in Tlllnnl. Tllvar Val iHJKJLt noiii"Di.wiww - - - ley, Southern Oregon, on new incorporatea railroad line, aa puara "i or bale 1 rm I mjuj as. CALIFORNIA LAND. An opportunity In California for acqulr lng a large tract of land of about 20.OO1 acres, unlqualled in the state Ior proflt able results. Leiiir.it 1 .r 11 road stations, ana peneui. r.,. .1 11KI n in 1fl j II shortly more iuan " , r -T- tlrely enclosed and with abundant water and although not rendering more than $40,000 net In conducting Its business, can easily be carried on to realize from 000 to $300,000 In annual pronts by an enterprising owner, no "T 'T necessitated from advanced ago and phys ,ifi nnt.t ISi fTi II lllll leal lnaoiiny w j , .. equipped In all respects. H" a sup.rlor mansion, runy iurma". -"'"-; hltth-grade manner, miiiiiui ------- etc Accommodating terms of Pr?h Has several tnousoiiu V"-'r ,,: anice land, where from trees planted the best and earliest orange, In the stats are crown, fetching ine iiiB"ei. v"-- - brokers or Intermediaries need apply. Ad dress Land, Room 437. Whitney building. Geary street, baa rraocwtw, w .Boston, Alius. 10-ACRE tracts, easy clearing. 15-acre tracts, light timber. 40-acre tracts, all fine fruit land. -near Portland ana railway aiuUu. v:;r to $50 per acre; np rock, or gravel These tracts are uit.oi -- . vegetaDies aiiu. k " " - ; , ' : , , est prices on easy terms. Will gladly ir?gWa tracPc CalV a? ortlccYlO Corbett figART.ANh INVESTMENT CO. j7 ii ACRES, six-room nuuoc, dbhi. 1- rroca 'Krnirio rherries iieaches !.... oil 'irinrta of small fruit: roses and shrubbery? running water, on a good j nn miioi fmm a. eood town: snlen- did neighborhood; price 43O0O; term. BRONG-6TEELE CO.. 267 Vi Lewia bldg. Oak t. ... 1- aw tmnrnvsfl A( rra fruit farm bottom land near school and postoffice. $1500 cash. bal. time This ' a .rare " Vt M;;,.Vm.,. Ine buliaing, wi . -o Arleta. P. S. Have also in same locality Jyy acres lino tauu " " " tviR si 4L,h it orty ucb iiuo t." land, creea uu , - - Couch DlQg. Ior Sale Farms. 30 ACRES, 21 acres in cultivation, gooa five-room nouse. ovu Kood orchard, small fruit, running water ind one-half mile from a depot; 17 miles from Portland, on a good road; price $6000. This is a money-maker and a bargain; terms. BRONG-STEELE CO.. 267 Vi Lewis bldg. Oak st. FARM FOR SALE. 80 acres, fully half of which la onion or s-arden land; 20 of this Is very best beaverdam land In the state; 50 acres altogether Is cleared, and the rest easily cleared; fine barn and house; 2V4 acres young apples; fenced, well watered; on Oregon Electric and Southern Pacific R. R. 15 miles from Portland. Owner. 201 Swetland Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 289 acres of first-class grain and fruit land on west slope of Knox Butte, four miles from Albany; all cleared, cultivat ing land, ready for planting apples, at S'jO per acre if taken at once; ideal for Slatting; half cash, balance terms. Ad- . llhnnr Or. arena uj. . . 100 ACRES of fine wheat land, 3 miles from ratlroaa station, v vo. acre- party that owns this land took It by foreclosure, and only wants bis money out- price $15 per acre: one good crop wlil pay for this place. 628 Hamilton bldg. C K. rTanei. HEclit. . w ACRES on county road 1 mile from oregoii v-it-y, . . . .. . " chard; will consider trade. For partlcu . lars write E 442. Oregonian. " " J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable, ne exchange. p. O. Box T4. Carlton. Or. 40 ACRES, 3 miles from Reedvllle. 20 a.-res In cultivation, rest in timber. Price $125 per acre; easy terms; no agents. Inquire at Gassner Bros.'. Reedville. FOR SALE 20 acre3 fine land, seven acres cleared, 1000 cords of wood, all new buildings, on main gravel road, 7 miles from Oregon City; price $2000: easy terms. D. F. Moehnke. Oregon City, R. F. P. 4. IF you want a small chicken farm or fruls farm cn easy terms, we own them, see 11 BENSON LAND CCv. 01 welia-Fargo bid. eltx