Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 20, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    friTTTicntv nrTflTtTTl 2f).
..MssssssssBWaa,,,,,M -- 1 ' " '
- . I
Murderer Seeks Revenge on
Erring Wife and Sister,
Who Keeps Secret.
railing to Find Woman In Spokane,
After Trip From Chicago, Hus
band Kill Wire's Favorite
Jilece. Then Himself.
w propose to work for general Demo
cratic sucess In thts state."
Robert E. McKay, who acted a chair
man of the meeting. also took occasion
to criticise severely a Portland evening
paper, which posea as the mouthpiece of
the Democratic candidates, for its failure
to lend Itself to the support of the party's
candidates for the legislature and county
Victor Scott Accuse Fields.
Victor 1 Scott. Independent candi
date for County Clerk, charged F. S.
Fields County Clerk and the Republi
can candidate for re-election, with
"grafting." . .
An udlt of the County Clerks
books shows that be baa an average j
of iZl 900 of unearned fees constantly
on hand" said Mr. Scott. This money j
j Is deposited in his own name ana no
draws the interest ai per i.
also does the same with the money de
rived from the estates of dead men in
process of settlement. He robs widows
and orphans. The Assembly drew a
veil over bis acts as long as he con
tinued to contribute to campaign ex
penses. I question the sincerity of
Fields" insurgency. His grafting has
been done In the name of the Republi
can party and for that reason it Is
Daggett Attacks Stevens.
No less scathing was the denuncia
tion of Sheriff Stevens by C. U. Dag
gett, who will be his Democratic op
ponent at the polls next November .
"I ara going to see." said Daggett,
"if elected Sheriff, mat cuiu
News of Disaster to Vessels
Begin to Pour Into Key
West Port.
i i r
SPOKANE. Oct. 1J Evidently craxed
bv iral-usr when his wife left him for
another man and came to this city. J oana;er of being killed by automo
Henry Schroder. d 62. of Chicago. dB1IllnR to and from Fred Mer-
followed her to ms ciu "u i -in-- mid-house. I stana on
failed to una ner n-r.
by kilting her favorite niece. JV years
.;. ilaiiiitiier or f.awara
on himself h
occurred this
while the girl s
tuen turning the gun
took his own life.
Thts terrible trsgdy
mother was working In the room ad-
lalnlns- at her home here.
nd the child were
poilce . officers arrived. According to
Mrs. Taylor, her brotber-ln-law came
to her home Tuesday
tMtklftff frtr his wife.
..w - tha nma of Brock.
mm m - s
The couple had been at th Taylor
home a few days mto. but Mrs. Taylor
would not tell Schroder where they had
gone, fearing that he would do them
bodily harm.
While Mrs. Taylor was preparing
shr,ti- took the girl. Kuril.
in hi. arms and carried her Into
rarior where he sat down In an
chair and rooked her to sleep,
he coolly took a revolver from
and. tlactng It against
breast, tired two shots.
form of strict law enior.c......
rich man will not be allowed to run
someone down with bis automobile and
Both the
dead when
from Chicago.
who had run off
for the
a grip
the child s
Ho then fired
bullet Into his right temple, dying
almost immediately. . .
rVhroder left a letter In which he
said: . .
-To whom It may concern: I am ao
lng this terrible deed to punish my
. i .11 Ah,n ronrerneil In It. I
thought I would find my wne
man she ran away tm -
kane. but I could not And out
,i,t,r where she went, so I
ravines In this way
isi of her moet loved one will make
a punishment harder than death. After
this deed is done I will commit 'eld
as there Is nothing left for me In this
world. The result Is the conspiracy of
mv wife and her sister. Mrs. Ugam. No.
1319 Flfty-firth street. Chicago.
(Signed! Henry Schroder. No. !
Lake avenue. Chiciuro."
oted New Orleans Lecturer Give
Antl-Prohlbltion DUconrse.
A large audience listened to Sidney
Pfcory. tlie noted lecturer from New Or
leans, last BiRht at the Ownmercial Club
rooms, on -Prohibition Is Not Temper
ance." Mr. Story presented the subject m a
clver manner giving illustration of the
effect of saate-wide prohibition in many
states and appealed to the people merely
by presenting experiences of other states
under the license and prohibition law.
Mr. Story does not condemn or de
nounce those who d.Ker with him. Ho
merely says that prohibition, having
filled to prove a cure wherever tried,
that the people who are striving for the
)K-t:erment of civic and social conditions,
should set aside prejudices and be" will
ing to try a remedy that doe operate
as a cure for the evils of the liquor
traffic. ,
Th i,mfdv. save Mr. Story. le Na
tional M xW Licensed Law." which the
National Model Licensed League of
Louisville. Ky- advocate and which Is
now operated successfully in many com
rendlotonI.I-Breaker to lie Haled
Before Grand Jury.
PENDLETON'. Or., Oct. 19. (Special.)
Because Justice of the Peace
fined the four rorn arrested yesterday
f,yr srlllnr whisky In violation of tin
local option law only tKO each, they will
bo subk-cted to aa Investigation by the
irand Jury.
District Attorney Phelps was not pres
ent wht-n they pleaded and were fined.
Two of the four were W. A. Brown and
George larvau. leading hotelmcn of the
city. Kaeh had previously been fined
1 in the Circuit Court for violation of
tha local option law and this fact was
impressed upon the Justice of the Pear
bv the District Attorney. He also told
the court that the accused men should
not be let off with fines of less than IU
each. Disregarding the recommer.da
t:ons of the Prosecuting Attorney, tho
Justice of the Peace explained that since
It was the first offense by these men to
roan before hia. court, be set the Ones
at 1' each.
spirit the principal witnesses out of
my jurisdiction. 1 will be an active
sheriff Stevens has done nothing but
sit tight ana araw h
Id the course of his address, which
grew more Ucry aa rt progresses
Island, where Mr. Asman. who I found
was seriously Injured, tied it to a tree.
Aide's Hart Serious.
"For two hours, we shouted for aid.
Our clothes were wet. to the skin and
wa had nothing with which to light a
Are. All the rest of the night we re
mained on the Island alone, I trying aa
best I could, to attend to the Injuries of
my aide, which I found consisted of a
broken arm, a sprained hand and a sev
ered artery. His wounds bled all. night
and I feared for his life.
"Shnrtlv before ( A. M. today, we
hailed two Cherokee Indian hunters In a
skiff, who took us to the shore of tho
hike and .guided tis through tho loresx to
Powassan, where Mr. Asman receiveu
medical attention. I am returning to the
lair IA FMWIlk TT1 V ballOOn tOOay. lb IS
an experience that I would not care to
PHv. of the 18 balloons which started
ing over the southwestern part of On-tju-lo.
thouah no definite news has been
received from them at a late hour.
The Isle de France, Alrred .LDianc
pilot and Walter ere Mumm e-ia, ue
scended near Pogamasing, Ont.. in a
wild forest, at 4 A. M. The French
aeronaut had traveled 726 miles north
east of St. Louis and naa remained in
the air 30 hours and 38 minutes.
Th Isle de France was xne rourtn
balloon to alight, the others being the
Condor. 8t- Louis No. 4 ana Million
Population Club, which lanaea yester
day at Two Rivers. Wis. Hillman.
Mich., and Racine, wis. xne xmiuuu..
Ill was the fifth to alight.
Aeronaut. .
11 Yfl 1
El I
rn ct. in Ttrscnea Ten Men FTOin
One Boat and Six Front Another.
Fears Are) Felt for Safety
of German Warship.
Loblanc Premier
Leblanc had not been spoken since
onel Wood read Senator '"."'
Texas and David Bennett im. i
Tork. eut of the Democratic party.
i.k.iii.r ihm -tools of the vested
Interests who have deserted the prin
ciples of Democracy, which may be
stated in the single sentence, tqual
rights to all: special privileges to
Home Kule AUvantages
In Liquor Question, Instances-Being
mi t ennnn nr . Oct. 19. (Special.)
Captain Dan Morgan Smith, in behalf of
the Oregon Home Rule Association, ad
dressed a capacity house at the Crescent
Theater tonicht and n-ld tne ciose at
tention of the audience all during the
talk. Ha was Introduced In a ahort ad
dress by Henry M. drowning. -
touring the state with captain omiw..
For two solid nours uii'"u
Iwelt upon the advantages of home rule.
He discussed at consiueraoie irajui
selsure measure In the proposed prohibi
tion law and had a new line oi itiuuwui
for Oregon home rule,
ti. ttl that murders in Maine are
less frequent in proportion to population
than in Kentucky. lie aixnuuiea iu
this to tha matter of temperament. In
regard to murders he said:
"In Mame when one man calls another
man a liar the offended party anes i"
court to make his accuser prove !
when a wife decamps with another m:
the aa-grieved husband sues for aliens imu
of affection and asks for pecuniary dam
ages: but in Kentucky they kill people
for these offenses."
In discussing the eonviot situation.
Captain Smith said:
"Tha story of the convict, who to a
self-confessed murderer, lost to all sense
of decency, who cannot be trusted out of
the sight of a guard, who for the lack
of other excuses for hla depravity clalma
his downfall was caused by liquor, seems
not only credited by" some, but the un
supported tale is need as a basis for sta
tistics, and you are asked to vote away
my right to drink even in moderation
as a result of these atatlstlcs."
Captain Smith speaks tomorrow night
In McMlnnville.
KEY WEST. Fla., Oct. 19. (via Ha
vana.) Three vessels sunk, one steam
er ashore and another disabled Is a to
tal of the disasters to shipping In the
tronlral hurricane which swept the
f lenianc jiaa nut uu
West Indies and the southern section oi j zjon c T1 egterday morn
the United States reportedThere today. ,ng. He finished second in the race
Several lighthouses along tne for tne uewieu cup, vnicn imi ion
Jr...- w - ,,.. I Rt Louis in 1907. and la regarded as
- o, .......tin ihn liorm nna nf tho nremier aeronauts as well
.... .nrH has been re- I aviators of Europe.
. . ,., and conditions I it Poiramaslna- he was within 149
are not known. This city has not been miles of the American record of 873
in communication with boutnern r..- mues. sei oy ' ' ' " ' , . I r
ih. nninta for three days, aiucn
Cnttnnl rrwm ririt ra
crwtlo ticket. It Is going to wag Itself
from now on. Individualism defined Is
one man, bv sheer force of personsl char
acter, siovlng his tbeortra down the
throats of tlw pr,P'c
Tail Will Was; Itself.
The DtronraUc candidate for the
Legislature are going to tight for the
niece of the tall end of the ticket, even
If thry have been deserted and thrown
aside by the head of the ticket. Don't
forsr-t that you can have an individual
maohlne as w-ll a a party machine. A
statement of Ih.s kind on the part of a
Imcrmt may be called rebellion, but in
tha State of Oregon I have never found
opportunity to vote for more than one.
or two. or thre at most. Democrats at a
time. Get together. Boost for the
parry. Klect tho head of the tlrket, but
elect the tall. too. ant don't forget that
the tall will be wagrtng vigorously for
the next three weeks."
Kin; Rule Koeuted.
"Wa have been told to bo good, not to
create dissension In the party. But me
refuse to bow to any ring. I. as a Demo
rrmx. have aa much right to be elected
Representative rrorn aiuimonian inunij
as any Democrat has to be elected Gov
ernor of this state. The Interests of the
party have been subordinated too long
to the interest of an Individual, or two
or three Indlvlduala. We bave stood for
It as long as we are going to. Will
somebody pleas tell me why the Oregon
Journal Is supporting the head of the
rwmoeratla ticket and ths tall of the
Republican ticket? There Is to be no
more concentration on two or three fa
vorites for us. Wa aro Democrats and
Court Holding City Council May
Hear Charges Against Him Of
ficial Resumes Loner Rank.
SrOKANE. Wash.. Oct. 1. (SpeclaU
John T. Sullivan this afternoon trans
mitted to the Mayor his resignation as
Acting t hief of Police. Mayor Pratt ac
cepted 8ulllvan"a .resignation Immediate
ly and tissued a proclamation declaring
an emergency and proclaiming himself
IVilef of Police until a successor to Chief
Sullivan Is appointed. Chief Sullivan re
signed believing charges preferred
against htm would not be tried fairly by
he City Council. N x
The Mayor caused copies of Sullivan1
resignation and of hia own proclamation
to be transmitted to the Council. This
notified the Poliea Commissioner that he
had taken up the duties of Chief of Po-iJl-e.
Chief Sullivan's resignation followed
the decision of the Superior Court Judges,
sitting en fcane. that Sullivan was da
facto Chief of Police and that tha Coun
cil had a right to hear any charges pre
ferred against him as Chief of Police.
Tha Judg.n denied a writ ,of prohibition
asked by Sulllvwn restraining the Council
from hearing the charges which they
h.rf nrevlousir determined to do.
SuUlvan. however. Is restored to the
captaincy he held prior to assuming the
lety is felt about Miami. mo
. .,ui i.inarin- TS miles an hour
.i - hut tha barometer was
Sloop Dashed to Pieces.
Early this morning the sloop Frolic
was dashed to pieces against the sea
wall and a power launch was sunk, but
no lives were lost.
t-k. vr..,lin steamer Fos. from
t . ivn. rw-tohar li. for Europe.
off Doca Grande
... a ii. e - rear of IS has arrived
, Th. American steamer Herman
frnn New York. October IS. for
,hir. Tex., la disabled off Alligator
Key lighthouse.
Sixteen SaUors Are Rescued.
Band Key lighthouse reports the Brlt
.... invantor. from Galveston.
ii r IJvemool. rescued .16
sailors. 10 'from the 8panlsh bark Hugo
and six from the American schooner
.Kb Th. Inventor proceeded. 1 no
kmmri from Corunns, Septem-
k.J "a fnr Analachlcola. Fla. The Martha
was iast reported at Port Arthur, Tex.,
The American steamer Neuces has ar
rived here from Galveaton for New York,
and reports the lighthouses on Rebecca
Shoal. Tortugas Island and Garden Key
if, dark.
The German cruiser Freya. on the way
to Havana. Is believed to hsve encount
ered the hurricane at Its worst. The eap-
..i. hr Saturday despite storm
..rainn savins: the experience would
k. rwrt for his cadets.
Tvh,. island waa completely cut off
frnm enmmun Icatlon with the city by
the rising water today. It is believed
the Inhabitants of the Island and flood
ad nortions of the coaat reached safety
last night, but there la uneasiness about
the steamer Iroquois, of the Clyde Line,
which was running "light anchored" of
Warsaw Island Just before the storm.
High Winds Give Way to Calm, but
' ' Savanah Is Cautious.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Oct. 19.Unles, the
hurricane Is "playing 'possum." indica
tions early tonight are that the storm
has passed to sea. It has been almost
dead calm all afternoon, due, according
to the Wetther Bureau, to the fact that
this Immediate vicinity was In the cen
ter of the cyclone In the hole of the
douchnut-shaped storm.
The conduct of the storm has been so
erratic however, that vestals are stay-
ins; In port unill positive ''information
about the disturbance has been received.
The steamer City of Memphis, Boston
to Savannah, has) been hove to SO miles
off Tvbee since last night. Near li
Memphls there is a five-masted schooner.
name unknown. WDlcn nas Deen in an
tress all day. The Memphis was unable
, n H assistance.
No loss of life nas resuitea , rrorn tne
hurricane as- far aei can be learned.
Property damage will be less than at first
renorted. The most serious pnnse oi tne
aituatlon was the . arisen ce oi aennue
nwa of several vesrvLs at sea.
At Brunswick. 8t. Simons and xybee
tnnle-ht. the storm was the worst in
year A conservative estimate places the
joas at tiieew points ai less tnan
Tonight nothing has been r.eard irom
tha cMlea south of rt fierce on toe
east coast.
within 468 miles of the world's record
of 119S miles, set in 1900 by comic
Henri de la Vaulx.
With the Million Club aerostat down.
the hope of the United States winning
the race rests in the America IV piloted
by Alan R. Hawley.
HacketTs Picture oi Don
Caesar Pleases
Romaatle Actor'a Art Shines Bril
liantly la Roguish Role.
A Romantic Drama In Fonr Acts by
Victor Mapes. Presented at the
HelUg Theater.
Don Caesar James K. Hackett
Don Jose. Prime Minister
Arthur Hoop
Carlos I. King ef Spain
Pryse Mackaye
Eangrado. Queen's physician
v Charles T.lmmer
Benuto. a fop of the period
) , Herbert Perjeon"
Laxarlllo. Armorer's apprentice....
Anne Rogers
Marquis of Gonsalo
H. Newklrk Clugston
Captain of the Guard, Charles Brandt
Captain of Alcazars, James Watson
Marltana Laura Hudson
Marquise De Gonzalo
Virginia Elwood
Antonla OUIe Cooper
Queen .....Agnes Lee
County Seat fight Warms; City Of
fers Courthouse Coat Free.
KELSO. Wash, Oct IS. (Special.) Aa
the day orelectlon draws near, tho cam-
oalgn for county seat removal grows
The plana for tha Courthouse, which orrers tin taxpayers free of all
cost, are completed and Carter Davis,
,i, architects, and Postmaster W. P.
Ely left for Portland this evening, where
h. ninna will be photographed. and wealthy men of this
citr have signed a bond guaranteeing
,h. eonatruction of the new building.
Copies of this bond ana illustrations oi
tha Courthouse plans will be sent to
very voter in the county.
v-.t ara not exoerlmenttng on your
..if whan vou take Chamberlain's
I'nuih Kemedy for a cold, aa that
....rlnn has won Its great reputa
.n axtenslve sale by Its remark
able cures of colds, and ran always be
depended upon. It Is equally valuable
. .nit children and mar be
a-iven to young children with Implicit
.-or-fldence as It containa no harmful
drug. Sold by all dealers.
Itnllrf Trains Are Sent to Pinar del
Rio District In Cnba.
HAVANA. Oct. 19. The first news in
eight days from the Isle of Pines was
received here when steamer passen
gers srrivea mis anernoon irom un
island by way of Kaiacano. ruey to-
ported that the island had suffered
only slightly from the hurricane, but
that the colony was threatened with a
acarcltv of food.
Tha steamer will return witn neces
saries. Relief tralna bound for Plnar
del Bio have been detained on account
r the damage to bridges and road
Streetcars Fall to Move.
ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla.. Oct. !. The
streetcar traffic was still at a stand
still tonight, many miles of suburban
track being washed out, but business
generally haa resumed normal con
dltlons. A relief party left here tonight
In a launch to carry supplies to the
farms "and settlements on the lowlands
south of here.
CR old and well-beloved friend Don
Caesar da Baxan in a new cloak
made for him by tha playwright Victor
Mapes, was Introduced last evening at
the Hetlig by that dynamic romantio
actor ioines K. Hackett. v
Not sd dramatic or complex as "Zenda
nor eo pleasantly delicate as Monsieur
Boaucalre," the unfolding of this simple
romance of the lovable, dare-devil vaga
bond Don Caesar and the pretty little
gypsy girl, Marltana, was unusually well
told last evening, and in a way calcu
lated to leave most pleasant memories of
both play and players. -
Among Mr. Hackett s gallery of por
traits or Heroes or stage romance, no
one of them Is more likable than his
Don Caesar. The spring of his vitality
seem inexhaustible and never for an in
stant withers into mechanism. The gay
air of irresponsibility, the sincere cama
raderie and actual Bobemianism that are
so essentially a part of Don Caesar's
character are given a newer and fuller
significance in Mr. Hackett's Interpreta
Gusto savors and animates his pic
ture of the picturesque man who loves
nothing, fears nothing and wvho asks
nothing. When in a merry mood lie
runs a dagger through the middle of
captain of the Guards and In conse.
quenoe Is aentenced to die and confined
in a cell, the richness and ripeness,
even vivacity and spontaneity with
hlch Mr. Hackett invests the role
make his acting singularly explicit and
Every theater-goer knows the story
of the wedding in the prison cell, of
the veiled bride and the obliging cava
lier. Don Caesar, who having- but two
hours to live, weds because he thinks
the lady desires his title. Every thea
ter-goer knows, too. of Don Cawar s
escape without Knowing mat tne
woman he haa wed is the lovely Marl
tana. a gypsy street-singer; and of
the rascality of Don Jose, who seeks
to give the girl into the hands of ths
King, and Is prevented only by Don
Caesar's return.
There Is an adroitness of technique, a
fineness of understanding Just where to
draw the line between comedy and farce
that makes itself ' felt in Mr. Hackett's
work. His acting never stops at sugges
tion. He erosses all his histrionic t's
and dots all his histrionic fs.
Laura Hudson is particularly suited for
the role of Maritnna by reason of a cer
tain dusky and piquant beauty, to which
Is added personal charm and sincerity in
her acting. Arthur Hoops is excellent
ly cast as the Don Jose and makes much
of a rather thankless role.
The ploy has been beautuuiiy costumed
and the stage appointments, as in all
Mr. Hackett'a plays, are unusually handsome.
(Continued From First Page.)
Pdian soil. At 9 P. M. I decided to try
a landing, as our ballast was getting
low. but was agaJn confronted with the
waters of Georgian Bay.
Attempt Made to Ind.
"I then tried landing with the drag
rope, after casting over another sack of
ballast and passing over the bay.
"Finally we decided to descend and
take our chances. At 11 P. M. I pulled
tha valve and we descended from a
height of 1.00 feet. The descent w
something terrific and if we had not
fallen Into water we would have been
dashed to death.
"In our descent, we were caught by
the wind and for a moment were In dan
eer of being dashed on the unlnhabit-
ated Gull Island. The Impact when wo
struck rendered both myself - and Mr.
Asman momentarily unconscious. As
soon as I could collect my wits, I grabbed
the light drag rope and swam to the
la a Constitutional Disease.
It manifests itself in local aches and
pains, Inflamed Joints and stiff mus
cles. but It Cannot be cured by local
It requires constitutional treatment,
and the best Is a course of the great
blood - purifying and tonic medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparllia. which corrects
the acid condition of the blood and
hniiria ii n the system.
"Mv father had been afflicted for
years with rheumatism, kidney trouble
and nervousness. He was weak and
loainsr flesh. He then began taking
Hood's Sarsaparllia and Is now well.'
Ora E. Campbell, Washington, Ind.
There is no real suDstituie tor
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Get it today, in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs,
It is the
. thing
in the world
to make a
hot biscuit
A U-1.t.. Dia-sl 9(1
And when
made it is the
most delicious
of foods.
And you are
absolutely confident
of its absolute
3 No Alum j
No Lime k
Cli Phosphate Jji
To all who are suffering from Ec
zema and other skin diseases It is worth
life Itself to know that a simple wash of
Oil of Wlntergreen. Thymol and other
carefully compounded ingredients gives
Instant and positive relief to that awful
burning itch.
You know that unless you do get reller
from that torturing agony, life is not
worth living.
Get at least a 25-cent sire of this won
derful Eczema wash today. It Is called
ik. -n n r. Prescription. The very
first drops will give you absolute and
Instant relief. They will show you that
life is worth while, for your suffering
ceases with the very first application,
and you feel that In D. D. D. Prescrip
tion you have at last found a cure. At
anv rate, you know you have instant re
lief. Woodard, Clarke & Co.; Skidmore
Drug Co.
"? P M
Dr. R. Schiflmami- "ASTHMADOR" never
talis to give INSTAST RELIEP In the worst
cases o ASTHMA. No WAITING for RE
SULTS. Its action Is Immedirtle. direct and
CERTAIN, and a CURIi Is the result in all
the most violent attacks of AS.IHMA. So
positively certain are wc that it will do exactly
a claimed for it. that we have authorised all
Druscists in the U. S. to
Refund Your Money
without question if it fails to benefit you. (1)
R. Schiifmann Co.. Proprietors, Et P2td, Minn.
It Is the Purchasing
m - -
Power of Your Dollars
That interests you. If the standard makes (and they are
standard makes) of the Shoes we sell are good values at $4.00,
$5.00 and $6.00, they should be a mighty sight better at
$2.00 and $2.50
Should they nott "We gell the factory samples of the best
American Shoes manufactured.
O n r upstairs
rent is one-seventh
of the rent
paid by ground
floor stores. No
fancy fixtures,
no heavy ex
penses, but just
perfect - fitting,
stylish $4 to $6
shoes for ladies
Our upstairs
rent is one-seventh
of the rent
paid by ground
floor stores. No
fancy fixtures,
no heavy ex
penses, but just
perfect - fitting,
stylish $4 to $6
shoes for men.
Portland's BRANCH New
Busiest 150 Third St- e-v .
X Bet. Morrison and Alder Shapments
Upstairs. Weekly
Sixth Floor Oregonian Bldg. Rooms 600-601-602-603-603ia-
;takb elevator;
tfffSiOS I
-T .i.-...e-ii
rarsrx mivi'iLa.
The Paradise of the Pacific
where it is always summer time
offers' more to do and more to see
every day in the year
'Mild and healthful climate. Winter temperatures 45 to 65 degrees
only, Unexcelled for golf on the fineft 1 8-hole all grass golf course m
America, within three minutes walk of the hoteL Motoring over 40
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