CRUCIAL CAME ON FA1IOUS BASEBALL EXPERT WHO IS WRITING WORLD'S SEBJESjGOSSIF FOR THE OREGONIAN. TODAY IN CHICAGO Cubs' Slump May Be Checked .- r 1 " at Home, Believes Fielder Jones. 3t- t ea X J- THREE DISTINCT OFFERS Any one of the three is remarkable and a bargain good as gold This is the most exten sive and comprehensive offer we have ever made JONES DUBIOUS OF BENDER Spies', garments free ' Funou White Sox BaJIpUjfT Poes Xot BeUtYO Indian Can Pitch Another Came Like First. CubV Chances) Good. pt rrn.DFR joxra. . CHICAGO. Oct. 19 SplaL) With Connie Mack's American Uitu Cham pinna two ramea to the rood and Frank Chanea's National Laaaru topllners aa many conteata to the bad. tha scene of the worlds championship at rug la Mfts tomorrow from rhlladalphla to Chicago. There) Is much significance to b attached to the fact for It mar man an trtnlnc-up of tha accounts between tha two dubs. What name la to bo emblazoned oa tha world's pennant at tha end of tha aeries will depend largely upon tha outcome, of tomorrow's game. Tha Cubs need tha decision and need It bad ly If they expect to remain In tha run ning for premier honors. On the other band. If tha Athletics continue their triumphal march through the narrow lane of Cubs' hopes and make It three straight, nothing but a miracle will be able to turn the flood tide In faror of tha Chicago club. Crucial Came on Today. It would mean the titanic task of winning four straight games from a baseball machine which. In tha two con teats already played, has shown mar velous form In nearly every position. Tomorrow's game should prove tha crucial one In tha series aa far as tha Cubs are concerned. It practically will be "Custer's last stand" for Chance and Ms men. Bark to back, flauratlvelr speaklnsr. and farina; a victory-flushed team that has humbted two of their box stars, they must play tha rame aa they have never played It before. If they would triumph over tha Invaders. Switching tha games from FJilba Park to tha Cubs noma diamond glres a distinct advantage to Chance's club. The Cuba know tha lay of the land perfectly and are familiar with every lich of turf on tha West Side lot. In Philadelphia they war "strangers la a strange land" so to speak. There la no denylna; the fact that tha Cubs are full of confidence In spite of their present handicap, and that they fully expect to overcome tha pair of defeats administered during; the short but disastrous Invasion of tha Quaker stronghold. Slump May Be Checked. Certain It Is that the Cubs did not play anywhere np to their usual form In tha two games, and It my bo that the slump will be checked tomorrow. They are famed for their ability to coma "from behind." On their own grounds and before their own crowd a different story may develop. It Is curious to note tha natural change that has coma over tha dyed-in-the-wool Cub fans since the team left for the opening- In Philadelphia. At that tlma tha Athletics seemad to ba held cheaply and tha opinion seemad to prevail that tha American League champions would ba treated much as .Detroit was In 190. A few days ago they were supremely confident. Now they are hopeful, and aa hope Implies doubt, it would appear that their faith has been slightly dislocated. Overall has not pitched op to his usual form during; tha present season and when ha was beaten In tha open er It caused no g-reat surprise. Brown's defeat was another propo sition. Cub fans saw their Idol smoth ered by a terrifio bombardment o Athletic hits and driven to tha bench and naturally much of tha confidence) that has character lxed tha West Side hots oozed out. While tha bitter dregs of unexpected defeat hava been tha portion of the Cubs so far, their bad luck may ba ended, at least for tha time being. One thins; that may turn the scale In their favor la the tact that the Athletics are conceded to ba much better on their home grounds than they are on the road. championship cannot be conceded to any club until the final and deciding game has been played. Followers of baseball were given a striking example of Uils assertion In the ISvl world's series between, the Boston Americans and Pittsburg; Nationals. -Pittsburg won the first game and Boston took the second after which Pittsburg came back and won the third and fourth. It was a nine game aeries and with the tally S to 1 Boston appeared to stand but a allm chance fur the flag. .However, the Hub team re versed Its form, won four straight and took the pennant. I do not believe that Bender can be relied upon to pitch another game In the series that will anywhere near equal his exceptionally brilliant per formance In the first one. I look for ilack to open hla Chicago Invasion with Coombs In case Bender Is not ready to "come back" and I do not be lieve he will be. i will be greatly surprised If Mack does not attempt to continue his win ning streak with Coombs and hold Bender aa his trump card. The Atn letlca have more confidence la Bender and are able to back him up better than any other of the Philadelphia Patchera. Bender la a close student of the game and showed in the first contest that he had studied the Cub batters and only used hla slow balls on those who are accustomed to hit ting fast pltchera That the Cubs are not running bases with the old-lme speed and Judgment was shown In Tuesday's game. Nine base on bails, eight hits and only three runs did not look good, especial ly on top of four errors. Only one Cnh Tinker tried to steal, lie attempted to make second when he thought Coombs was going to pitch wild, lie was thrown out by Thomas. In the game the day previous. Thomaa Triad caught two Cubs who attempted to steal bases) In spite of the fact that kla throwing; was far from perfect. He was lucky to get his man. In Tuesday's game Coombs was wild In early Innings and seemed to be only trying to get them over. That gave the Cubs a fine chance to Steal but they failed to take advantage of their opportunltiea The Cube encountered eonslderable hard luck, though. They got more bad breaks la luck th" the Athletics did. For In stance. In the third Inning Chance was at bat with fVhuite on first and Bheckard ea second. Chance, with two balls and no strikes on him. dodxed a fast ball on the lns;8e which hit his bat for the first strike. At the time cooroos was going .ni It looked aa if Chance surely would get a base on balls, which would ttave given the Cubs three men on bases. with one cut. i -Fv 1 ' '' - m -v - v ' . V i FIELDER A. JOES. "minnin nrnniTrn UUD ID ntDLl, I LU Critic Saved by Crowd's In terference at Chicago. POLICE ARE NECESSARY When Nationals' Train Arrives In "Windy City Trouble) Begins Rain Feared May Not Materialise. Chance) and Fans Hopeful. CHICAGO. Oct. 19. Though Captain Frank Chance and his team of Cubs lost both games thus far played In the world's series, he refuses to be called a "dub" and let the Insult go unchallenged. On his arrival here today from Phila delphia Chance's automobile was wait ing tor him. surrounded by a crowd. As he made his wsy to the machine a man whom he had Just passed, but who was still within reach, called the vet eran first baseman a "dub." He was borne back by the crowd around him upon the man whom he bad Insulted. Chance Curbs Temper. Chance, curbing his temper 'with a I. IKI. n- . f Via nnltnAwn m. shove, and the crowd, cheering wildly for their baseball hero, allowed the culprit to escape amid Jeers. Connie aiaca s ouij rcmara. u alighting from the train was: "We're playing- bail; watch us." Chance said be was more disap pointed that Brown's cunning forsook him than for the loss of the game. "I had counted on Brown for one of the last games," said the Chicago leader, "but If he doesn't come back, which T hsna ha will, we still have Cole, Mclntyre and Richie." Fears that a rain storm would pre vent the first Western game In the present world's series tomorrow were partly allayed tonight. A epeciai mgnt lorecasi uj uig TT v. t ) 1 1 ii In rainnrm to. the re 1 , u ..-.... - - . quests by hundreds of baseball en thusiasts, is as follows: . i.,w irorhe llaht showers between tnldnlsat and noon. The afternoon temperature, will bo between 40 and to decrees with the wind hlch and guaty. rrora tne noriowaii. r i i. j and fair, but cold. With the return of the twice-defeated Chicago Nationals and the arrival of the victorious American League team today, supporters of the home team took on new hope. The Americans' train, the first to arrive, carriea aaoi" and the team. Umpires Rigler, Sheridan, O'Day and Connolly. When the Nationals' train rolled In ten i . Lira. - artiard of nollcemen was necessary. The train contained the Chi cago team, members m mo commission, Charles P. Taft. brother of n . . .. DM.lil.nt fnrnhr. of tha riewusut . . . . - - - National League team, and new-paper writers. Either Pfelster or Beulbach Is expected -ii.w - th. riiM tomorrow and Cole Friday. Coombs or Plank may twirl today for Atnieuca. Kculbach. Is Confident. B.rhah ilecJared tonlcht he waa ready for the game tomorrow. He said that, having seen me rnuujan"" I. ain. ha la confidant of breaking up their winning streak. Reulbach baa not pitched for a nurooer w said to ne tnaace "- . . -t. far the eames here had been disposed of to scalpers were . . . I h. . . f tir In. made at tne noio iuutu. lng as high as x ana .-.-i -1 .transnm for vester- IRf lt - - - days game at Philadelphia was 24.957. ind the total receipt, wire 135.137. The total attendance for tUe two days was US8. and the total receipt ' e share or tne piayera ivi lys is ..!. ... - iMwmtin. in the rules laid down by aw. -. 1 1 CMnmlnlnn If A . . mA ll tllff jaUUU04 . a. postponed or drawn, the teams will re main ltt CniCSKO BQUI mv OKa " ' - been plsyed. .The rules aim declare that aw- I- .J If - fifth aHma ia necessary, shall be played In Chicago. I re i ess oi au ouaow xnua, w- ill n , -f . w - aaih.r In play tha came, U must be played on Th da) Saturday In this city, instead of the game regularly scheduled for Philadel phia on that date. Rain tomorrow therefore may mean there will be three gamea In succession played on the local grounds Friday, Eatorday and Sunday. This Is certain should Chicago win one or both of the gamea Friday and Saturday. MISS CAMPBELL GOLF LOSER Ilarrlet S. Curtis, of Brookllne Club. Bests Champion. BOSTON. Oct. 19. Miss Harriet 8. Curtis of Brookllne Country Club, a former National champion, won a well earned victory on her home green to day In the Invitation tournament of the Women's Golf Association of Bos ton, over Miss Dorothy Campbell of Hamilton, Ont,, who won the Ameri can title at Chicago last week for the second time. Miss Campbell succumbed on the 7th green, which Miss Curtis reached on her ejecond shot, winning by two up and one to play. BENEFIT FUND STARTED TESTIMONIAL TO PORTLAND TEAM TO BE HUMMER. Prominent Business Men Subscribe $140 to Remember Beavers for Season's Work. The campaign to collect funds to give Walter McCredle and his Portland Beavers a testimonial benefit if they win the Pacific Coast League pennant was started off with a vengeance yes terday, for the committee worked an hour yesterday and sold enough tickets to guarantee the raising; of the sum de sired by the time the big game Is to be played here. Several Influential Portland mer chants, who appreciate the big benefit a championship team would be to this city, have enlisted their aid In this movement, and are subscribing lib erally to the proposition. The Beavers are doing yeoman service in this sea son's pennant race, and If the plans of the committee In charge of ti.e re ception fund meets with success the players will think they have been par ticipating In a world's championship series. Those who subscribed to the fund yesterday are as follows: Julius L. Meter, of Meier & Frank Company. 50; W. F. Llpman. of Llpman. Wolfe 4 Company, flO; Ben Selling. $10; Samuel Rosenblatt. 5; Morris Polltx. $5; Hl bernla Savings Bank, $5 and Portland Trust Company of Oregon. $5. When McCredle's team won the pen nant in 10 the citizens of Portland contributed a sum sufficient to present each member of the dub with a hand some watch fob, but this year It Is pro posed to do even better than that by the boys, principally because of the decision by Judge Graham, which robs Portland of three games legitimately won. QCINN'S SPITBALLi PUZZLES Highlanders Pound Giants for 14 Hits, Netting Ten Runs. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. The New Tork American)' ball team today fell upon the local Nationals' pitchers. Ames and Wlltse, and won the sixth post-season game today. 10 to 2. Four doubles, two singles, twe bases on balls, and an error by Doyle sent eight' runs over the plate, for the Highlanders In the second Inning.' The Giants took to Vaughn's curves kind ly In the third Inning, driving home two runs. Qulnn was called to the pitching mound, and kept them from scoring with his spltball delivery. The games now stand: Giants won three. Highlanders won two, and one game tied. Score: R H E R H E Nationals.. Z 10 2 Americans 10 14 1 Batteries Ames. Wlltse, Myers and Wilson; Vaughn. Qulnn and Ciiger. Umpires Evans and Klem. Today's receipts of tho sixth game for the championship of Manhattan were $1044.50. of which the National commission will receive 04.45. and the club owners $5440.05. The number of paid admissions totalled 742. To morrow the dubs will play at the polo grounds. HERE THEY ARE FIRST With each Lady's $30 (or more) Coat purchased of us we will give FREE a $16 Tailored Skirt. SECOND With each order for a Gentleman's Suit (any price) we will give FREE a $30 Lady's Fnll-Length Tailored Coat. THIRD With each order for a Gentleman's Stdt (any price), where the lady prefers a Lady's Suit in place of a Coat, we will credit the price of the $30 coat on the lady's suit, and that amount goes FREE with a man's suit. About eight hundred can be handled by us on this offer at this time. WHAT YOU CAN DO You can register your order, select the lady's suit, and the gen tleman's suit Can' be selected any time hereafter, before Novem ber 15, that you may be ready. There is no cinch to this. We want your business this exceptional offer entitles us to it. You are not true to yourself or business principles if you don't accept the offer. - GO TO EITHER PLACE Auto Convenience From One Store to the Other TERMS AND CONDITIONS Ko deposits or payments on ordes or garments are taken by us with a view of forcing you to take garments, but are ..taken as evidence of good faith on your part, and if we fail to please you are promptly refunded, no jangling about it. A prices are plain and are made according to the goods, style, regular sizes, etc,, from printed lists. You can see them. There will be no changes. We know they are right. So will you when you see what we will give you. Don't be grouchy if you are large or stout and it costs you a dollar or two more on that account; don't ask us "to go" any better; we won't, because we can't. You should be glad you are strong and big. m if I tir The Lines of Our Ladies' Garments Are correct the most perfect to be had. You know and can depend on it that every garment we show you is made by us right here in our large, 50x100 making floor and department. The lining the best to be had. ' NO FIGHTING OR ARGUING with you to deliver or get you to take a garment.. If it isn't right you can't have it. Won't cost you a cent. DON'T BE AFRAID of any misrepresentation. ifr. Acheson absolutely will not allow any of his assistants to misrepresent indeed, you can rely on their word and judgment, and you need not be surprised if we differ with you about a piece of goods advise you not to take it, etc., for we know what is bes and will work up best. YOU CAN REST ASSURED that we do not use or cut up an inch of what is known as DRY GOODS material, or similar to that used in Eastern ready-made garments. . We use only tailor cloth woolens. Those words sound good, are good and mean lots. HUS BANDS, FATHERS, BROTHERS, COUSINS, UNCLES, SWEET HEARTS Ladies, bring them in; they will have to have a suit this Fall, and you get one FREE. You know you want one. RETAIL STORE AT 367 MORRISON ST., CORNER WEST PARK, BY OLDS, WORTMAN 8s KING'S OR COME TO OUR MANUFACTURING AND WOOLEN FLOOR, 148 FIFTH ST., ACHESON BLDG. TAKE ELEVATOR TO FIFTH FLOOR ENTIRE FIFTH FLOOR IS USED FOR THIS PURPOSE. Aches! Co. Manufacturers and Makers of Ladies' Garments, Readj-to-Wear and Special Tailor-Made; also Merchant Tailor of Gentlemen's Garments. Making Department, 148 Fifth Street, entire Fifth Floor. Take Elevator. Retail store 367 Morrison, corner West Park Street, by Olds, Wortman & King's store. RANKIN'S WORK TARGET PORTLAND MAX'S UMPIRING DE CLARED BAD BY AXGEXS. OrendorlT Says Ixis Angeles' Rebel lion Such as to Cause "Ump's" Transference to Bases. Ins ANGELES. Cat. Oct. 19. (Spe cial) Reporta of rank umpiring on the part of Rankin. Portland's con tribution to the Coaat League staff of indicators, were brought back from the North by the sauealing- Angels, who returned late last night. The players declare tnai nis worn, on balls and strikes was so bad In Wednesday's game that Castleton started to leave tne dox in aisguai auu tjt. ,1 PAiiini work onlv after WaS aUUU.u - - - - much persuasion on the part of the Los Angeles piayera. "It waa Impossible to strike one of th Portland Dlayers out unless he swung at the ball," said Orendorff. Caatleton couia cut ujo ui v. ui .v.. lai. hut no strike would be called unless the batter swung at It- But when we were at Dai 11 was iuumouu With two and three on me. Steen sent one up higher than my bead and six inches outside the plate, and Raakln calmly called me out on strikes. iuior iiiv i ..... . - - with him and he explained that 'the buncn up mere in mo e.i duuiu wants "em If they are within six inches the plate. row, wii&. j iuiuk . . . . 1 1 ft afrllra h.a.i... DI UUUI v.M"va aw - the bunch In the grandstand' wanted It. Finally, the club rebelled and re- . . A -.low it p.nkfn waa atlowavl ft 1USOU V ' S " ' Judge balls and strikes. and he was transierrea 10 mo hmob. HARVARD TEAM HARD PRESSED Varsity Plays "All-Stars," Securing Only Six Points. CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Oct. 19 The Harvard varsity football eleven played a game at the Stadium today, with a team made up or former Harvard, xaie and Princeton football piayera styling themselves "all stars," and won by the narrow margin of 6 to 0. The members of the all-star, team are all Harvard law students and, aside from their fumbling, they put up eo strong a game that the Crimson men were unable to get across the goal, the 'only points being made . on two goals from the field by Lewis. Oregon City to Meet Lincoln. . OREGON CITT, Or., Oct. 19. (Spe cial.) The football team of the Ore- gon City High School will meet the Lincoln High School eleven on Chau tauqua Field next Saturday. Nightly practice Is being held by the local team under Coach Webb. The Oregon City team will journey to Portland Sunday and play a practice game with the CathoHc Toung Men's Club. The central plaza, and "aeveral entire streets In Valparaiso. Chili, are being raised nbmit 40 Inches. Falling Hair You Run No Risk When You Use This Remedy. While many people in their prime doubt the assertion that "the hairs of our head are numbered," yet there Is to day many a man and woman fast reach ing the point where this statement is literally brought home to them. If you suffer from irritation of the scalp, and from dandruff, or if your hair is falling out, do not wait until you reach the point where you can actually count how many hairs are left on your head. Most cases of baldness are caused because the roots lack proper nutrition. In such cases there le a microbe which bores through the scalp along the line of the hair into the root and when it lodges there it begins to destroy the fattx matter around the hair roots. When the scalp and hair roots are strong and healthy, it is impossible for these microbes to get in their deadly work. We can promise you that. If your hair le falling out, and you have not let it go too far, you can repair the damage alreadjr done by using "Rexall '93' " Hair Tonic It is a scientific cleansing, antiseptic germicidal prepa ration, that destroys microbes, stimu lates good circulation around the hair roots, promotes hair nourishment, re moves dandruff and restores hair health. It la aa pleasant to use as pure water, and It la delicately perfumed. It Is a real toilet necessity. W. want you to try Rexall "93" Hair Tonic with our promise that It will cost you nothing unless you are perfectly satisfied with Its use. It comes In two sizes, price 0 cents and $1.00. Remem ber you can obtain It only at The Owl Drug Co., Inc. corner 7th and Wash ington Streets. ,L,::Ji Don't Go Thongi Life With BAD EYES when it Is so easy to get the best for so little money. I sell you lenses and the fit ting for 1 that cost you many places from $3 to $15. I follow Eastern prices of up-to-date optical concerns. SEE THIS. Lenses in your frames. . .$1.00 Lenses in Aluminco frames $1.50 Lenses in filled f rames . . . . $3.50 STAPLES THE JEWELER 162 Fourth Street near Corner of Morrison Is a brand of "MAKE GOOD" Coal. It lives up to its reputation always. It agrees to convince you that it is the most satisfactory you can buy. All coal no dirt, no clinkers, no soot. Telephone A 3887, Marshall 2635, or f Order from your dealer to-day fT.