b If Am -rdih -7 n - i . -if. PR, t wit taw im ,m ei w I m ME 3IORNTXG OREGOXTAJf. 3IOXDAT, OCTOBER 17. 1910. Grand Formal Opening OF THE GREATER Olds, Wortman &. Hing Store TaRes Place Tuesday Evening 8 to IQ o'ClocR -Souvenirs In all aes the new has been a subject of absorbing interest, specula tion and curiosity to Human Kind ; its reason discussed, its object analyzed, its development Keenly noted and approval of its tHeories awarded or withheld according to the ' prevailing standard of con temporary enlightenment The improved new of today is tKe ac cepted of tomorrow Nothing can arrest or even long delay progress It is the spirit of the age and the popular voice hails the new, gives it trial fairly and discards it only if it fails to mahe good its promises Tuesday Evening Portland Witnesses Formal Opening; of the New and Greater Olds, Wortman&i Ring Store MORRISON, PARK, TENTH AND ALDER' STREETS Already an Established Center in Retail Merchandising This new shopping emporium is open to the world- It is the very apotheosis of interesting novelty in the ways and means of endow ing shopping with a new significance and wider meaning An ideal trading place for women, men and children The great white store is now in a completed state We cordially invite your inspection and criticism Ruzzi and His Band 25 Pieces 8 to lO P. M. I This celebrated musical organization will join in the opening festivities The band is considered one of the best trained organizations in the West and a rare treat is in store for lovers of good music who are here Tuesday evening Doors open promptly at 8 Extra car service from all parts of city "Webber S Mandolin and Glitar Visitors to the Fourth Floor will be entertained by Webber's well-known mandolin and guitar Or- OrcKeStra'on tKe FoirtH floor chestra of IP pieces Don't fail to visit the 4th floor SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IN THE BASEMENT STORE 20,OQQ Handsome Souvenirs to e Distributed to Women tK Fl.