TIIE MORNING OREGONIAX, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1910. 15 mmm L. Q. The Imperial Oregon's Greatest Hotel ISO Booms, .104 Suites, With Private Paths. S11VV ITEXPE.OOF BTTTLSXKQI Moderate Bates. Fhfl Ustschaa & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND afODEKf HOTEL SEATTLE 9400,000 Rrceattr Bpemt Xta I.terto. Sew, aaltn all apieatuu. nammrwn . HOTEL OREGON SSffiEB Botk Hotela Ctmdwtel ky MESSRS. WRIGHT & DICKINSON a w. cosjnxius, "PxcpTlfltcl. i(fcir-rrw v I si cJr"-'al OPENEJfiEPT0 HOTEL LENOX CO.aadV.fL JORGJiS.t JVopa. aad Blfn. COR. 3D AND MAIN STa Hot and Cold W. RATES $1.00 nod bd Loo XiatmAoa Ptinna ia tvcrr Room,. Ptaa XA lar liar. Oar Taala ta baart of biutseaa dlatrlot. cantar of ally, bait from O. N. Rr. and H. f. By. Depot, rioee ta au aoJp vharvaa and C P. K. pot. at-' r . jta W.la,aa4,Iaa PO EL'".V At hr bom. 4t EUt Tylor trct. tv-tfbr 14. Amy Thrv powelon. i -i i0 yfmr S month 1 Uays, blovd of Philip F. powalson. inervl will th pic from ths bunnyskl Conrrffj tiontil Church tc1y (6turtlar. October is. 30 P. il. rnndi rpctfull7 lnrtt !. Interment Ko" Oty CnrjrT- R m'lna at prlvat reception rooms of East Funral nirectora. East Alder and Eit 8:th street. TIMSO.v In this eltr. October It. FYed rivJr. Sttmion. aed SI years f months and 19 daya Funeral services were held at Fin We chapel at J P. M. Prlday. Oo tober 14. Interment was made la River Mew Cemetery. WTLTOV In th! city. October 14. at the rsldexir of Tils" eon. W. HW 11 ton, 7a 4 East Main street. William Tvilton, aed t years months and - daya The funeral aarvlces wlil be held at the above residence at 1 P. M. Sunday. October 14. Friends Invited. Intarmeni at Roe City Cemetery. DRIVER In this city. October 11. Annie Driver. aed 49 yesra, Fuuerai service mil be at i?t. Marks Cburoh, lib North Twenty-flrst street, today tSatoraayi Oo tober la. at 14 o'clock A. M. Friends In vited. Interment Rivervlsw Cemetery. COCHRANE At Falem. Or., October IS. Mrs. fc.m ma CochraJie. atced 14 years, sis ter of Mrs. D. A. McRae. of Portland. Funeral services will b held today t,.-st-urdsy) October IS. at 3 P. M frwm llol n.in i chspel. corner Third and Salmon street a Friends Invited. BORN In this city, October 1J. at ths family residence. 451 East Twentieth street. Gfj.-c Born, seed 65 years 11 rr.on;hs. Frimds invited to attend funeral s-rvices, wiitch win be held at Holm an" s chapel. Third and SaJmon street a at 1 V. M Sunday, October It, Interment Hivervtew Cemetery. 6ADER3T1DT Funeral services of the late Emanuel Saderst)dt, aced 4t years, wlil be held at DunnLns A McEn tee's chapel, venta and Pine streets. Sunday, Octo ber 14. at Id a. M. Friends and ae quarat!wes respectfully Invited to ab tead. Interment Kose City Cemetery. Pl'DLET The funeral services cf John Duaiey. formerly superintendent of the Fortiand Oas Company, will be held from Dunn in a ec McEntee chapel. Seventh and Ankeny streets, at 1 30 P M. today (Sat urday). Interment Kivexvlew Cemetery. JOASON D!d !a Portland. October 14. Charles E a ward Naavon. aced 60 years 4 months and 14 daya FuneraU services will be he.d at the resident.- of bis daughter. Mrs. W. J. uddy. It 31 ast Uilsea street, at 2 m P. M. Saturday. JUTPiiKAH LODGll UTOPIA Members are requested sweet at Hjlmao'i cikasel Sun !... at 9 to attend Uie fuaenu of our U:e sister. Mrs. Amelia Wooden. Utopia ixMise will take charr services at toe (rave. Inarmnt R-er-rew Cemetery. jiiSJia M v iv.u;Mj. . see. BCOTT la this city. Oct. 14. at Good Sa maritan Hospital. Sheldon Scott, aced 70 ears 4 months 14 daya Announcement of runeral later. Montana nepers please copy. TtETH FXORAt HAKVlCAJA blaUO. TLUlwia. DtMO.M reaes; Mala 1S A lltt. A; sscAaieex Fasisi l IHreeaere. fth aael ltae. fbuse Main 4JS. Si t--va u nJttire ef Ceoaty KUIKU UUUixM lO, rwenl Dtreee rs. Sd St. iaSdr A awl A toeee M- svl. si. r. Lady ai 1LMKI a SO. M aa4 Madieewm. tesdauiL. rneae Mala V. A AAST K1UK FUaeral IHrectore. m k. S. Uanntnc. lac. K. M. 14 SAsa, EBKSO.N CO- I'odrrtaAer i ladje at- 4 OS AUjerr. M. SiX. A S19A. ZLLi r K-tilE.NLo CO., Funeral Dlreetere, se Williams avevt both phones i lady ass. EA.lU.li. Taslertaivsr. ear. Xa4 Aiaer saed AoslK esittaasi JlfmasA Uratf. On NEW PERKINS Fifth mod "Washington St. Opened JunelSOS. A hotel in the very heart of Portland's business activity. Modern in every respect. Bates $1.00 and up. Moderate prioe restaurant in connection. SweUand, Secretary and Manager. fJ-sSaa B -B'B' si H ijSlSi;i n0aat'Bi2i2(jiao FOR TOCBiWTW M rOMHEIULAL Spwtel rmtmm umtm mil. m PIONEER SQUARE SEATTLE All Panlaklaxa and Appointment. luiil a aU Una aabaw , u4 rtv prteaa. A Bte4 rm Tnrfctett BMk MMMhliiial la tt K. o. MWIU, THE CORNELIUS Th. Sana af Wataom- raw uH AWm ot. land'a WTMt aa. moat mooara bote. European plan, molar Mar lt anr rata will ba a. tallow.: All back Homl Viuiout bath, .fecie. H-W par oars double. iK par day. all front roama wltlsaat b.li yLM par Oar. Uncla; W.M par Oar aav OfJlSlEm iiinma Ou wnnlhna naata XL C FIXTCIIEB, IuaziafT. HOTEL RA1AP0 Corcer Fourteenth aod Waslrington !VawHoel. FlagwnUyPumiahad Rates S51.00 and Up Special RaUa for Parmaneats aUX. TOXjrX. fEUfaUPQa, PKTWATaVfiAXSS r IpliSil TDTT WXLXi XiLKJs THE WOODS HOTEL 1 4k LM Ir OB4 "If. All Oaaafart adnata ri.l. Oaa- VANCOUVER, B.C MJEETTXQ NOTICES. fmEflOV LODGB NO. 101. A. 1". AND A. M. Stated conrmunJcatlon this (Saturday) eventna at 8 o'clock, Masonlo Temple. TVork !n E. A decree. Vlsltlnc brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M. A, J. IHANDLAX, Secretary. Ktw hall for rent, central, fins floor, steam neat, piano, larse ante-rooms ana iocaw Hovt-Divli Co.. 109 2d et. or A 2O0S. D1EXX HTNTEFMAXN In this cHy. Oct. IX. at 14C3 East Twenty-fifth street. John Htn- aermann, asrea IB years 4 montna 7 nay a CXEAVEt-ANTJ At Joseph. Or., H- Cleave- land, no East 2Mth street ISorth. Fnerai notice later. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS AXSWERS ARB HELD AT THIS OF T1CB FROM THE FOLAOW1NO ANSWER CHECKS AND MAT BE HAD BY PRB- BEN'TIN'O YOUR CHECKS AX THE ORB- OO.NIA- osncE: A 870. t&i. t3. BBS. S3. 0-i. 0, 411. B 391. RiA. .01. 401 405, 4OT. 409. 414. 41T. O 378. 1U ad. S93. 8ttl. 40a. 40a. 413. 418. X aid. iit, S8T. SSI. 883. 804. S7, 988. 401. 404. aJO. 409. 4J.O. 418. 414 F SSI. 804. 400. 400. 40T. 406. 418. G P70. 8S0. 3. S99. 4O0. 40 1. 409. XS. 413. 41 T. 4ia 419. 413. 4US. H SSg. 393. 899. 405. 408. 410. 414. 1 898. 889. 8PO. SaJ. 894. 898. 403, 403. 400. 408. 414. 410. 417. K 858. 872. 878, 8SL 883. 88T. SIX. S9T. 898, 402. 404. 411. 412. 418. 410. 418. X 833. 888. 880. 393, SVS. 898, 39. 899. 4O0t 401. 402. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 413, 413. M 40O. 408. 404. 411. 41T. 41S, 419. 4, 80, SfS. StM, 400. 407. 4S. 409, 413. O 83S, 0, Wi. OVL. u p 887, 399. 89. 401. 4i-6, 409. 410, 410. B 27A 37T. 86T. 400, 409, 410. 830. 390. 398. 401. 400. 40T. 410, 411. 01. 622. T 1T. Sa ' 38T. 8S9. 89X 893. 890. 401. 402. 4C8. 400. 410. 417. T 879. 883. 887. 390. 893, 393. 404. 40I. 408. 409. 4U. W 800, 890, 882. SST. 89U 393. 8981 899. 400. 403. 414. 418. X 803, 3T. tm. 4O0. 401. 408. 404, 400. 411. 412. 414. T 370. 871. 3S0. S3 394. 403. 408. AB 3S2. 8S3. 390, 401, 403. 403. 400, 413. 414. AC 399. 401. 407. 4O0, 410. 413. 413. 414. Al 333. 403. 407. 408. 410, 410. 418. A 823, 370, 831. 390, 401. 400. 403. 411. AJS81. 333. SflS. 89T. 398. 403, 400, 008, 411. 413. 413. 414. 413. 413. All 303. 396. 397, 89. 405. 403, 419. All 3.14. S73, 319, v3. 80S, 401. 404, 413. AJ 333. 877. 3S0. 390. 393, 402, 404. 411. 418 AK 304. 391. 892. 893. 399. 401. 40ft, 404, 400. 411, 414. 413. 417. 41S. AM AW. 80. 303. 873. 878. STS. 879. 300, 400. 403. 419. 414. 417. 419. AN 828. 832, 864. 880, 390, 400, 409. 410. 413. 41T. If abora aaswars ara not call6 for vltlw In alx dara aama will ba 0atroyd. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ornca, CITY HALL maix see, a TsasL human orncEK. sarr 4rm XEW TOD AT. FOB SAI. 10 acres ef rich bottom land, adjoinlne; Fores Orova. ti5S par acre. This la a snap; too saaa aomrrounaing it ail sailing at par acre. Aadraea "Ui Xarbeevss TCW TOTAT. 720 Acres within SO miles of Portland, on grood county roads, 4 miles from railroad. In Washington Connly. Excellent soil, no rock or gravel and the best of water. About 100 acres cleared, 50 to 75 acres of rood saw Umber and balance briwti and burnbrover land, easily cleared. Enough e e d a r to pay for land. Some old buildings and orchards. Prioe only $15 Per Acre part rash, balance to suit or will take Portland property up to $S600 $3000 cash and balance to suit. An Ideal tract for subdivision, making this a splendid investment. Fine place for fruit and stock farm. For further particulars call on KAUFFHANN & MOORE S3S Lumber Excaansre. Voperty within walking distance, for sale by owner, big lot, beautiful lawn, large house, completely furnished; prioe $11,500. F. D.. 291 Morrison. 7th and Salmon Corner This corner offers one of the best investments in the city; 400 feet from Portland Hotel and opposite Heilipr Theater. Xorthwest corner, 50x75, in the heart of the future business cen ter. Big profit can be made before Spring on this property. See owner, 272 Washington et. We Need two or three first-class salesmen to se'.l our apple or walnut plantings. This line is always active, no stagnation. Our oJforinfrs are unequalled. Your ef- .orca wui Da oacaed Dy tne largest planters on the Pacific Coast. It's a steady, sure, lasting enrolovment. An- p'y T. V. Beck with, Gen"l Sales Manager, CHURCHILL-MATTHEWS CO, Orrlaardlata and Planter, 6O0, COS, 510, Ml Spaldins; III dir. Hoiladay's Addition The one BEST place In Portland to hn-r GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTE1 nd kiuST IjBBIB AB1.S residence property or toe city. SEEIXO IS BELIEVING BETTER go and see the many CHOICE real. lencaa under construction aad the Im provement going on. Ttie Oregon Real slats Company GRAND AVE. AND MULTNOMAH CT, West Side Snap Fire-room cottaire and lot 83 1-3x100. hard-surface street and cement side walk raid. on Qulmby street, near 19th. only a few minutes' walk downtown and in a location where the lot alone is worth the money. Price only 33600 today only at this price. , Grussi & Zadow StT Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oafc. Mortgage Loans On City Property. Lowest Prevailing Rates. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce 603-S Ablngton Bids. Portland Heights View Point Ctrr. rlTers and all the mountains In plain view. Encircled on three sides by Buena Vista Drive. All improvements. 72 1 Board ef Trade. $ 1 6,SOO Tnminia . hearlnar home nroDerty. two blocks south of Morrleon street. West Side, nets over i per cunt on wnoie investment: 310,000 cash will handle. Call, after todav, 718 Marquam bldg., 10 to ia a. m.. a to 4 p. m. Pacific Title & Trust Co. Removed to 7 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor, Fourth-stree', side. A. B. Manley, Pre a W. X. Masters, be a A Atty. BUNGALOW Five rooms and bath, full cement basement, well constructed throughout. Lot 40x100. 3SQ0 cash will handle fills property on E. 13th, North, one-half block from Alborta. KP'IRCHAJTTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPAXV, 8. W. Cor. Sta smd Vaahlnirton Streeta. $30.00 CASH and 330 monthly will buy a fine new B room bunga.ow. All modern conveni ences. : ' HABB t: PATTO.V. S22 Lamhermena Bide 6th and Stark. For Sale, Artistic seven-room modern Bungalow and Garage lot 300x100, beautiful flowers, fruit trees and berries- Would sell furni ture. Phone Woodlawh 88. For Sale or Trade 360 acres fin river bottom land one rnll from R. R. tatton and near Salem. Unimproved but easily cleared. $41.75 par acre. Will take part trade. Write J. G 1TELTZEL Salem Orefroa. WA.MED 10 to SO acres east of Monta villa. Must be In culuv&i r ravel. Close to cai line. Prefer to deal West Side Jon, isot mucti I rune or proposed I with owners only. I XCW TODAY. A' Great Money Maker 40 acres of best land just outside city limits, gentle 60utherl7 slopo, no rocks or gravel ; when cleared ia worth $750 per acre for garden land. Wood enough on it to pay for clearing. Price only $250 per acre, in acres, 5 acres or 10 acres, to suit purchaser. The land is close in and will be ready to plat into city lots within a year. AH 417, Oregonian. For Rent Desirable stores In a new modern building on totarK. street. KNAPP sTmACKEY 212-213 Hoard of Trade Bids. nrrRBTORH rail on ewawr ltaalcr Aar'a. Cor tlmbr, aoraaae. buslnaau reldaoa a4 apartmant sroperuea. -v ADinsroa, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. nfk tV'lUiam .. 812 Falllnr bid. Hlrrall. A. H. A Co.. aOi-s McKay bide. Real .state. Insurance, mortgages, loans, etc. Brubaaar A Benedict 604 alcKay bids, 3t 649. BERilBTS.MALTY CO., 349 4th St. Chapln A Harlow. 832 Chamber Coountm Cook. B. S. A Co, SOS corbelt bids. Jennings A Co.. alaln 188. 203 Oresonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO., H, P. SIS Conunar- cial (;iub Diaa. B chalk. Geo. S. 123 Stark at. A 3493. Mala 39 SHINDLER PAT J. 203 Ablartoa bids. The Oregon Ileal Estate Co.. Grand ava, aad Multnomah St. (Holladay Addition.) M. . Thompson Co., cor. 4 th and Oak eta. REAL ESTATE. Tor aale Lots. TAKE A CAR RIDE OUT TO . (IRF.flORV HF.IOHTS Running- time will soon be less than 23 minutes: a few good money-making lots leu at fzuu; easy cerma 'laae lose uity rsrs car to enu oi line: com. any u UtUiliOKI U Vblll.M CU. NO TAXES NO INTEREST. Until paid lor. Rose City Park. 100x100. All cleared: In restricted district; with street Improvements. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. Balance $15 month:?. AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER. 403 Couch Bid;. BBUtOST ST. S3S00. Lot 80x100 feet on Belmont- street, near TX 20r!i; paved street, on carllno; this is the best site for flats or ao apartment-house on Belmont street and therlce la 31000 leas man la being asked lor property runner out. i timf. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main atU9, A 2063. CONDITIONS IDEALLY HEALTHFUL. Beautiful, rentl southern slose on Port- linrl If Altrhtsi nmnr. A Oft ft SLbov citT. coDtalnlQc 39,200 square feet., improved stxeest. beautiful t1w. choice residence dis trict .two millionaires planninc homes doss by; three-minute car service, one block: need money, must sell; can be subdivided and sold at handsome profit. AM 40j, ore- Roni&n. BLOCK OF LOTS. Fine block of lota, 20 In all, else 60x100. about 15 minutes service over Madison b rid re. on Hawthome-ave. carllne; sreat opportunity for builder or Investor; wlil bring from 92.000 to $25,000. Price is $17,000. From $:;O0O to $0JO0 will handle ths 'block. talance about ten years' time on it cesireq. ab 407, OTogonian. V7B have some 6 NAP 3 In Rase City Park lots From $050 up. Better see Mr. Bek at N-ORTHEaRN TRUST CO.. 70 Railway Exchange Bid. LRVINGTON HALF BLOCK. We have one of the choicest homesltes In Irvington, faclnr 2"0 feet en Knott St., rWhloi. Is the widest street In ths addition. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club BJcLff. Phnes Main SOUD. A 2B53. IRVINOTON LOTS. I20O CASH. Tour choloe of two fine lots. 60x100 each. on E. 27th, near Thompson; price only flow, -irU cash ana -uu per montn cheapest lots In Irvinpton. GUL'SSI & ZADOW, S17 Board of Trade BIdtf.. 4th and Oak. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for $42o ; f raoca streets, cement side walks and curbs. Bull Run water, elec tricity, telephone, bulldinc restrictions. P ro viden t 1 n v. ft Trustee Co., 524-524 Board of Trade bldg. BARGAIN A corner lot worth $U20; will be sold for $700: terms ?0 cash, balance $10 per month. If you want a snap lnvas- Usi&ce this, ciom in. JOflNeON A DODiSON. 52 Board of Traie. WONDERFUL BUY FOR $2150. Five 60xlu0 lots, corner of 63d and East Davis sts. ; easily worth $o000; all cash; owner leaving city. David Lewis, room 2, Lumbermen bldg., 6th and Stark sts. CHOICE lots on East 2S:h St.; sightly prop erty, covered with fruit trees, at $650 each: 10 per cent cash, balance $10 per mo. See owner, eie apaiaixig oiag.. ea ana wasnueg- toa sts. . . $550 FOR a half acre, close In; bigrer and better than a lot: a few dollars a month will buy you a home where you can have your own par a en. perries ana cnicaena M. E. Lee. 411 Corbatt b'dg. FORCED SALE FOR CASH. . 29 lots, only 3 blocks from Laurel hurst, must be iold together, $426 each. Ad dress X 407. Oregonlan. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for $000, $26 down and $10 monthly; graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. E24-02gBoard of Trade bldg. FOUND A place where you can make $375; lot for sale in Waverley Helirnts, $725; company charges you $1100 for a lot In the same block. V 41 Oregonlan. OVERLOOK. I hav a few rood lots left In Overlook at a low price on easy terms. Phone Main 216. BEAUTIFUL lot near great Reed Institute, surrounded ny loveiy new nomes, sure to double In value quickly; $000: $100 cash. balance easy. a eiy. uregoninn IRV1NGTON, 50x100 lot, near Knott St., tin aurroundlncs and a splendid huv at $1650. Apply D. GoodselL Jr., Worcester DIUS 1RVINGTON SNAP Save agent's conxmloafion; rnJL.tj v- ion, LOT 100x107. University Park, cor. Dwlght and Williams boulevard, for sale cheap for caSa. inquire sou Eumi uavis St, $10 JAONTHLT, with 6 per cent interest, will ouy you a t'-. m ana awi La, uivirioi, near the car. Owner, R 4inj, Oregonlan. PORTLAND Heights homes, lots and tracts for suoaivision; au views ana prices; some bargains. Main 855L A 3S39. BOUTHPORT Owing to death of owner, we have two cnoice iota ior saie; low price; ersy terms. 721 Board of Trade. FOR SALE Laureihurst lot on carllne; win sell i-itO equity ior u tatten within the next 5 daya AH 410. Oregonlan. TWO large choice lots, North Mt Tabor; a bargain ror caen. Aaareii owner, box 1?. Mayger, Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $2500; a large lot. splendid view ox uount 100 a. Phone Main 3312. TWO lots In Westmoreland at s sacrifice; must sell. Phone wooaiawn a.404 after P.M. WILL sacrifice $1200 equity In sightly lOOr 100 on uroaawty can in, u taaen at once. AC 417, Oregonlan. CLINTON quarter block. N. E corner 8 1st and Clinton; very easy terms. Apply L. Goodsell. Jr.. 532 Worcester bldg. TWO good lots In Southport on essy terms; 12 minutes iroru ouiiness center on r ulton carllne. 721 Board of Trade. ONE lot In Southport on the carllne: ownet IK VI NOT ON snap, aixioo corner. Eas I &3 Uad atsntorfc ax, Vkan Malia J2fefc . m4 ILEAL EfiTATB. For Sale Lots. IRVINGTON" LOT3 AND QUARTERS. $1250 50xl00 on E. Slat, between Blsldvoa ana juicaitat. $1S50 5Oxl0O on El 17th, and Klickitat. between Ststtyoa between fitantan $140050x100 on E. 24th, and Siskiyou. $150060x100. on B. ana Siskiyou. 1130050x100. on B. and Siskiyou. $180050x100. on H. and Stanton. $2000 on E. and Stanton. 18th, between Stanton 32d. between Stanton 15th. betweea Knott lftth. between Knott SOlV on E. between Thomp- son and Tillamook; all provements In and paid. street im $3500 75x100, at corner 19th and Brazee eta $3750 100x100. at corner 24th and Knott sts. $4000 100x100, at corner 20th and Knott St. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club B13f. Phones Main SfiHO. A 2"63. IRVIXGTON BARGAINS. 50x110. East 23d. near Brasee. east front, 00x100. East 2Sd near Stanton. $1300. ms, i n.-wK nssr fitantnti. X1630. 75x100, cor. 12th and Thompson. $ol25 improvements paia. - We also have some very attractive bun gaiows at attractive pnucs. F. E. BOWMAN" & CO., Cor. H2d and Bratee. phone East 685. $1460 TAKES 100x100 corner for nice boms or ior investment; woaiwiii. wv- C, i both sides; 150 feet to Rose Ctir Park car; nothing but nice homes tn uu raioiy ed district; corners like this are hard to se cure; will be sold at once ior v bal. monthly. 6 per cent. Call today. Jas. C. Logan, 826H Wash, st.. room For Sale Houses. BARGAIN. BARGAIN. Tl . DAI tT T-room. new. modern, original atyl hom in nignesc ciasa uisti i-l lot with all improvements, fine- lawn ana snruooery, viwyiux , ..j. Vt,ira- tion throughout, furnace, electric nVJ"? ana au aetaii wora i , rhtl excellent car wrvico , " -;;fl- w4.v nrin iccoo. S2000 cash. J 4oa, .-tit-. . tthm? r'tiCiP I n.ai,. nAU- stlY-rOfiTTl DUllC low. rleht on carline. 25 minutes out. i . .ni. hMmd celUn&s, dsb plumbing, One water, with almost five full-slie lot, on corner: nlca lawns, all kinds ot rowers, youm 1, "h.v barn, chicken-houses, all tenoed. ( 'htly location, nne view; .... ,ti mii-i f ayuu. very iiDerai terms. street, near iiimani p. PLANS WEE. IF TOO, . OWN LOT, If&Z &0&haXi v and oua METHODS ; 11 Wllib x-ai NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. 902 LEWIS BLDG. $1250 4-room new modern home and a nne ooxioo-ioot mi, uvum - - Sw; leailnc city. Call at Gregory Helshta oftlce. and of Rose City par car- GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. Am lorcea lo raise mvnoj - - - my taooo modern home tor about 50 cents at It: large lot and several full bearing fruit trees: only 20 minutes out. near gooa carllne: sightly location; full hl.nt. good plumbing, all In fine condition. 11 you nave i.tu cua w N 4vt. oregonlan. ROOM BL-NOALOW ON CORNER LOT 7il liftT ONLY A BLOCK FMM OWACT: ri-V; Si rSsB H TO SUIT TOU. FRICB $w. two lu- jii-.vj Good 7-room house, gas and electric, . ...i, n.ca nantrv. o SSrSSV. 'on a7"406Sr3 nice fruit trees, lots of roses, nice lawn, south fj"t. on r:. ATlKeny St., near uiu, . . 11000 cah and J25 per montn. ' ORUSSI A ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and O" 5-room bungalow, extra-well built, rnort- larca attlo. floored, electric lights. B'l Run water-. W-W or Brooklyn carllne.: close In: price for quick sale, 2500. o5l casn, balance . v .. vr:i Orath. SSI Chamber of Commerce bldg. KBW flve-room West 6lde hungalow for tf'm "om center of city, with 6-cent car-faro- magnlflcent view; water and sewer, all in; no drawbridges. Inquire 432 Mo hawk Plug. ;iNAP New 5-room bungalow, one block east- Anaenr - , .--- built-in bookcases, oement basement, laun dry traya sidewalks, everything llrst alas, and up to date; J2930; terms. Owner. Phone inpor IroOM modern house, cement floor In basement, oement walks. 50x100 lot. fruit and shade trees, on Improved street and walking distance from city, for S100; gisfto down and $20 a month. Inquire 766 Commercial st. Phone wooaiawn 1443, WEST" SIDE 7-room house on lot 25x109, CtD-lt car i nu. . ----- -, f - this la for sale at the assessed valuation, which Is one-third under value $i50 IlOOO cah, bal. easy. 414 Spauldlng bldg.. Thlra ana wa3n"'a"- .Tr,, Rix rooms, Irvlngton home, ouxiu tADestry. brick fireplace, fireless cooker, cioou or 1000 cash, balance In five years 6 pSr ient. -apply D. Goodsell, Jr.. 832 Worcester cms .BOOM West Bide home, sleeping porch. oJtyvTai . "J ...iil,r,ra U. hloclc to best car service In city: SO minutes- walk to business center; price 950O. small casa payment, balance on your own term,. L. w Mnore. suite 517. Board of Trade. New modern, 6-room house, close to w-W 'or Brooklyn carlines; owners In Fast and must sell; J300 cash, balance M per month. See E. A. McGrath, agent. S31 t:namoer m v.m--..-" UNION avenue and KUHngawortb, J1900: worth to Brown: old 5-room house; Income io- 600 cash handles. Fred W. German, u'.a' Ttiirnalde. Main 2776. A 7-room house In the best part of Ir vlngton, with all the latest Improvements, fireplace, sleeping Prch. etc etc Alex Bhives, 617 jjoaru pi u.m,. . uaqu bouse furnished; three lota; corner; nAa ,,r .1,1 mfhnrtl T 1 STace for garden and chicken,; 12600; U cash, balance 8 yeara, Corner 38th and Francis. PAT RENT. We will sell or build for you on easy terms. Some special Inducement, now. gKOvrDKNT INV. A TRUSTEE CO. WEST OF LAURELHURST Will build you a bungalow on fractional or full lot, close In at very wan wow, payments. Western Trust Co., la LaXayette bid. Phone Main 8559, pQB SALE iouoie nouse, o rooms each, ab solutely 1HW"D1 a-iaa uabQB, 11A rures. shadea full plumbing, beam ceilings, etc. $0700, terms. Phone owner, Wood lawn 197. 5 ROOMS, $830 $150 CASH. Lot 48x100, nice treea You rent tiayer. ses this. Fred W. German. &29 Bumslde st. Main 2776. a-ROOM house, toilet and bath, electric lights, wiai uBowucui, .j-.v'w, iuir cun, balance $15 per month. Phone Tabor 1Q07.H 40d, Oregonlan, BEAUTIFUL 5 and -room houses, modern. near scnooi tuu viub. vty :. y terms; will exchange for lota Plttenger, lift Killlngeworth ave. TJ. L. or St. Johns eara FOR 6 ALE 5-room cottage, electric lights. hot ana coiu aiw, ucoa vaVr aua pm l, lot 60x100. fruit, flowers, garden, bargain Bt $1600. For terms phone Marshall BARGAIN Strictly modern 7-room home. lot )X1UU, DCftuiuui m "Juuu,, liua ivcauao, close in. near school. See Werner Wrenn. 815 Lewis bldg. $3400, terms. MODERN six-room house, new; Terrace FarK; owner leaving uii iiuue oner, xiv E. 28th N. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8-room house in irvinton. yo tu. iutn au. a. can and leelt $250 CASH, $15 month, buys modern 5- room cuimg. mvuv iawr 30 CASH. $15 month, buys new, modern REAL ESTATE. HOMES. WTT-T .A VTTT-TW HEIGHTS. $SS00 8 Tooma modem ; flrepla re, harrt wood floors, largs -verandas, sleep ing porch, garaee. PIEDMONT. $S200 7 rooms; modern; large grounds, lOOx 120 feet. 1RVINGTOX. IW0O 39 rooms; new and modern, fireplace. aarawood floors. paneiea aining room, beauMiul fixtures; faces east; 1 block, from car. $5500 7 rooms, modorn. good durroundmga; 3 c.ocK-. rrom beet car service m city East 2oth. near Washington. CENTRAT. EAST BTnB. I500O 8-room house on lot 5oxl00 feet, at corner E. isth ana: t. ash ks. A LB IN A. S4B00 8-room house an lot 50x100 feet; block from Rueeell at. and withla S blocks of Williams ave. HANCOCK-ST. ADDITION. $4150 7 rooms; na wand modern:, Tillamook near Bi 33d; furnace, fireplace, good fixtures, paved atreet; lot 50x ivu ceeu ROSB CITT PAJUC (3500 e-room bungalow, how and modern; eonvuilanUy arranged; largs attlo. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Oommerclx Club Bldg. Phones Main SC99. A 2C53. NO. 125. gToOo Choice, modern -room Tip-to-date home. Now thla la a bar gain and is worth $8000 of your money. Large reception hall. Pretty parlor, dining-room, bedroom or den, kitchen pantry and toilet on flrat floor, 4 bedrooms, sewing-room, bath- and toilet on second floor; large attic, full basement, furnace, fumiphaa heat to every room; exceptionally well built and finished; N. E. corner. 75x100 lot. S block, to car; term.. Shown only In person by a representa ' tlve of our firm. Sea Mr. Beck. NORTHERN TRUST 00 S70 Railway Exchange Bldg. eOxlOO. with fine modern 11-roorn. res! dence at 788 Johnson st., near i,a. in. . i- i, t...ti. ...r. nhff h.il. receD nouse in uu..., ---"i.IIC - tlon-room. liorary. uiiiius-u'". v -T--S pantries, fine cement basement, laundry and rrult cellar; aecona i'w -iied bedrooms; bathroom wltn separate . t ..tl. nnflnlnnAA. T his Is a moct complete home, well built, beau- ttluliy rinianeu bjiu in Tk nwnx.- Ir selllna. as It Is too large for family, ine price is , will b. seen on examination. Apply DONALD MACLEOD, Sift Eleotrlc bldg. f3000 BARGAIN ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. Near Kern Park, Mount Scott line. Large lot. issxiuo. ou New, modern house of 7 rooms. MtB ana toilet, wun iu v. . - u-s and atrawborrles. ilanlflomesx nome juu " - Owner needs $1500 caeh. After that he wlU take Installment $25 monthly. J. O. ROtJNTREE. Railway ETxchange bldg. Corner Third and Stark. of 6-ROOM Modern bungalow at $2100. good terms ., mnHrn n limb large rwuu, .. . r lng" close to carllne. lot with all street Improvements, can at uregory neieu". office, end of Rose City carllne. Come GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. " '" wr.v7--rw TH-VITilYiU' 9rT4iO 5 ROOMS, HKAiU rtEjVV'J-'vy.SJr" LtJlUl. J-AlCiLiEii a BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN. COM t:i 17-pb wi-vmivn t TARfiB BED ROOMS. FULL MIRROR DOOR TO CLOSET. FULL ATTIC AND BASE WEST RAST FRONT. H BLOCK TO CAR- THIS IS GOOD; $400 CASH. BAL- AVCj Kfc.il, IIUCJ w -xv J ...... -- OUJWTBAVE. SEE H. A. ASKWITH. 1WJI ,1jUiu;i ua., i-uiw.u.. G U E7RITE. PHONE PEI.LWOUD 17)5. A T l-lOXf Beautiful bungalow at $2000, torms; bath. nreuiacc, nufcoiA .o, ' ud stairs can be finished Into two rooms; inrra wootl shed, shade trees; caU at Gregory Heights office, end of Rose City cariine. tome out wuoy. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. ...v. ti a czx HIT. T.Tirm T5 KVT Cozy auburba'n bungalow, one block to Rose City Park car; 5 room,, fireplace, buf fet etc full basement and attic, mountain view, cement walks. electricity, laundry tubs- convenient kitchen, good class neigh bors; all ready; nothing to fix up; low price to person meaning business; would take lot Sn part. oee owuwi, wtj " . room 404. Good 7-room house, with gas. full oas3 znent ana everytuiua " ... ... a fine location and a few minutes- walk from Postofflce, on Grant St., near 6th. S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. th and Oak, A -HUME; " j; I. xieautlXUl l-ruuni ... " --- everv way. well built throughout, oement iS?tf-""A- tot 40X100; IIWOT. $200 cash, balance to suit. E. A. McGrath, W1 Champer o yjommwi-o v. . Vnneo nv - nripa t9afVn O-K.tX-'-Vl. new, uiuuwu "'e . ,e.n -, V.a1 1 X. mrt- 1onatd on Eufit iSide, cloee 'in; obr. lot; full basement, vorch in front; paneled dining-room beam Yr.. .Wtrtr tv: well-built Dlace. . . -V . sin. mi At-V. a BUILT for home, not built . to -eU-Beautlful W-room noua. . "a-Vnt tT-n. withto two blocks Broadway and Irvlngton carlines; oetoro uuym - v E. mtn jn -, .rtca fPLIia flVR UiJi A IsaAOO aaaaw A cozy bungalow; an ideal home; very 7 j nHva mrarn thrftlieh- complete anu aiui-i-, - -- out; owner must leave town and will sell at a sacrifice; some cash, liberal terms t, balance. Phone A 2222. SNAP on Broadway; elegant new 6-room . iijlkt o-aa rm n t DAM A' house; eiectn , " ;t; ment " and furnace. 21 Washington bldg. M. 2795. NEW 6-room modern home and 100 by 100, ? onUmef stlc. ' w7 Noyes. 030 Worcester bldg. Buclnees rToperty. BUSINESS CORNER. We offer for sale one of the best business corners on Grand avenue, at a bargain P?l?e Oregon Land A Timber Co.. Wash- nyton blag. Jamn THE. tuifat, apaKment sit. In clt In most 14-room house on; must be cash; sold of owner; no agentB. J 419. Oregonlan. Acreage. RANCH FOR SALE. I have a farm of 800 acres, fine fruit land nearly all In cultivation and well improved, on main county road; a' great bargain at $90 per acre; liberal terms. Call or address H. M. Hawkins, Albany. Oregon. w . a-T-N 1A ArDO T1 13 A fTVQ O Ai'L- AV Avs Av-.w. Close to Portland and electHc line. Black loam soil; all cultivated. $185 to 1200 per acre. Easy terms. 405 COUCH BLDG.. Fourth and Wash. Sts. I1C5 DOWN will handle 10 acres near Port- xana Biiu cwiiMiu " .,, In cultivation and balance in oak that win more than pay for clearing ; soil rich, blaok loam; one crop will pay for entire tract. 405 Couch bldg. 2tt ACRES on Oregon raectnc it. $1750; owner must sell; S1000 can be paid In easy monthly payment. Call 414 Spalding bldg., cor. 3d and Washington streeta ACRES, adjoining tiversiie station, . . .- A Tm 1-. '..air r TTT Ty . t, Oil HUV Vi JZ.A4J - V-, V, WW. AT., 73 cleared; is level and good soil, $1200; any reasonable payment. Call for Mr. Miliar, 508 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. TWO ACRES For sale. 3H miles from Post o IT Ice. south of flandy Road; Bull Run water, excel lent soil. J. F. Wine land. 605-0 Macleay bldg. If wanting a suburban home or, choice acreage investment, do not fall to consult ths "SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS." CLODFELTER BROS., 414 Couch bldg. 28 ACRES BIG DISCOUNT. Ideal for platting; 20 minutes' ride on Salem Electric; station on property; 14 acres either side track. 410 Corbett bldg. CL-05E-1N acreage, sale or exchange Fjifr REAL ESTATE. Acreage. COLONIZATION TRACT, We have a large tract, admirably adapt ed for colonisation or for orchard develop- ment; this land Is A-l In svery particu lar, accessible, nearly all In cultivation ; assistance could be given In putting this on the market in small tracts; price is low and terms can be had; must be seen to be Appreciated. Oregon Title St Trust , Co..Albany. Or. . 0 ACRES, NEAR WITCH AZEL. 2 acres, located 3 blocks from Witch axel station, all in high state of cultiva tion; price $20 per acre; will exchange for good citv property at cah value. GRUSSI & ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. TEN acres unimproved, light clearing, "red; shot" soil, no rock, all tillable, running water, near county and automobile roads; H mile from school; in famous Columbia County fruit belt, 34 miles from Portland; $330. part cash. Palmer, 512 Couch bldg. lu& Fourth st. WILL sell my acre worth $500 for $3ft0 on O. W. P. Hue. 224 Lumber Exchange bldg. H omeMetadfc. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21x28, showing new R. R. and town a Including Eastern and Central 0regi7n: counties In dif ferent colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; lat est map In U. S.; price 26a. Nlmmo fj Runey, 31$ Hamilton blda HOMESTEAD reHnquTshment, bet. White Salmon and Lyle. J. Long, 960 E. 22d st. North. $150 BUYS 160-acre relinquishment in Lake County; no improvements. AS 41o Ore gonlan. For Sale- -Fruit suanOa. TEN acres unimproved, light clearing, "red shot" soil, no rock, all tillable, running water, near county and automobile roads; s mile from school; in famous Columbia County fruit belt, ;i4 miles from Portland; $3:vo. part cash. Palmer, 512 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. . DON'T pay extravagant prices for fruit and ranch lands; let me show you what I have for $20 and $25 per acre, less than 50 miles from Portland, on good county road. 208 Couoh bldg. PEACH COVE, the garden spot of the val ley, the best investment In Oregon today; let us show you this beautiful property. M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. BLtiT fruit land. SO miles from Portland! 10-acre tracts, $50 per acre; terms. Se McDuffee. Ablngton bldg. For !ale -Farms. A FEW SMALL TRACTS 01? MED FORD FRUIT LAND AT WHOLESALE PRICES. WELL WORTH INVESTIGATING. We have a few 10-acre tracts joining land recentlv purchased by several of the higher officials of the Great Northern Ey who are developing commercial or chards and adjoining the famous "401" orchard, located on the first gentle slope of the foothills. Lies similar and of the same soil as the famous Hlllcrest orchard; macadamized roads, city water, electrio lights and phones. Magnificent view. Here is certainly an offer to be had for a short time, and can best be appreciated by parties having knowledge of Medford district; $100 per acre cash, or if you prefer terms, will make you a special price. CHAPIN & HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commeroe, Farm Department 333- BERREY'S REALTY COMPANY, Real Estate Brokers and Business Chances 249 Fourth st. SO acres for sale or trade, SO under cultivation, 1-3 a. small fruit; 1-3 a, strawberries, about 50 bearing mixed, fruit trees; over 10O young apple trees Im proved fruit; 50 a. fir timber with about 1,500.000 feet; located 70 miles south; li miles good town and Ry. station; 4-room, house furnished; 50 chickens; incubator and brooder; 25 head Angora goats; Chester sow; 5 head milch cows; jersey bull ; span black mares, A-l, with fop.l; 2 wagons. 3 sets harness and farming im plements from a mower down to a potato digger, besides other small tools; cow and horse barns; goat and wagon sheds; root house, ohicken house, etc. This place Is easily worth $0000; party selling owing to wife's health and offers all his prop erty at $3700; terms $1000 cash. baL im proved East Portland property, or $2000 cash and mtge. 8 years 7 per cent, FOR SALE Fine home place, 35 acres, best Tree soil, choicest Bection Kogue iver Valley. Soil 15 feet deep with plenty moisture; bearing orchards all around; 3Vi miles from Medford, near good school; 1& acres young commercial orchard, A-L condition, nine acres alfalfa: family or chard; building spot contains 45 giant oaks, covering about acre; good six-room house, two barns, outhouses; two wells, fine water; telephone; stock, poultry, ve hicles, machinery, etc, go with place; place has doubled In value every 14 years for past J years; will at least double again In 8 years, when young orchard comes Into bearing; prioe $17,500; $550O down, balance easy. Would consider good Portland property for first payment. Address A. Shattuck (owner), 622 South. C st., Medford. Or. IA ir.RRS. one of the best farms in Lane County, 125 acres in cultivation, 19 acres nne timber, l-Va acres 01 nne iruit irea. all bearing; plenty of good water, one 6 room strictly modern house, one 4-room house, barn 46x62. another 40x60, all fenced and cross-fenced 3 miles from good railroad town, close to school; If you want to get something good you should seo this; will take city property as part pay ment. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO. 610 Spalding Bldg. Home Phone A 5743 TITAT.ATIV RIVER VALLEY FARM. 120 acres. 14 miles from city, 1 mllo from Farmington, 1 mile from school; land lies good. 40 acres in cultivation, 40 acres more easily ciearea. some oa um ber; owner Is sick and his family East; thisi in or nriftft in made for Quick sale: price only S110 per acre, including all the personal enacts; o nursus, o uui, crops, etc. GRUSSI A ZADOW, 817 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 60-ACRE ranch for sale or trade by owner; Will taJCe A-orilBJiiA i csiucuuo yi ui iy ur small acreage; price $12,000; $5000 cash, terms on balance; located 25 miles out of Portland on Lewis River; 50 acres cleared. 10 almost cleared. first-class ,nii nn r rones. 4-acre orchard mostly Northern Spys, fenced and cross-fenced; good 7-room nouse, oarn o-u.it iu, gran ary and implement house; $2000 worth, personal property, u ivo, urcguuiau, 40 ACRES good ranch near Portland, partly timbered; on county runu; an usai ouii iur fruitgrowing, chicken-raising, etc.; well- iirninod: no rocks: ool. $25 ner acre. An other 40-acre tract at $17.50 per acre. Liberal terms to suit. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO., 810 Corbet bldg.. Portland. Or. ' FOR SALE 100 acres, 27 acres cultivated. 2 b -acre orcnaru, htics ixilui o, pitt ance fir timber; good house, barn and out buildings: 15 miles from Portland; 1 mile from electrio line; R- F. D. daily. For price and terms address J. P. Jorgenseii Orchards, Wash. DO you want a farm chepT I have about 30 4U-acre tract, ibm iu" w amcm uuu, Portland, that I will sell for $20 per acre cash also have some smaller tracts at $25 per acre; these are great bargains and will not last long. 203 Couch bldg. FARM land, 20, 40, 60 acres, sale by owner. all convenieuueB, x. . a-'-. iwho, -uum. road, railroad, city, cultivated, balanca open and oak timber; Willamette Valley C 405. Oregon ian. Have a number of large and small, Im proved and unimproved farms, within a few miles of Portland. Alex Shlves, 61T j-ioara oi i rue pmg. t a rr-MVi vnu a vr For sale, farms; prices reasonable; n exchange. p. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. 160 ACRES In Clark Co., Wash. For price and terms see owner, a. roucrMu, v 8d st. . HOG ranch for sale. Joe Koller, Hillsdale, Oregon. Miscellan eoue. IF TO0 ARB LOOKING FOB Close-fn acreage, a wheat ranch or emalL well-improved farm, at low price and esj most liberal terms, see ma I fcandia am asm propertlea J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett BldC. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, or lots oa (jregon city canine, Dy Starkweather, Rlsley Station. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT A good place near Eagle Creek, will give right party chance to maae money. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., 610 Spalding Bldg. Home Phone A 5743 FOR RENT 40 acres near McMlnnville. with house. Darn, orcnara. unjimuiy stocked for Industrious man. Address owner. Box 640, Astoria. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT to buy a 6 to 10-acre tract near transportation and not more than 20 miles from Portland; soil must be free from, gravel or rocks and at least under cul tivation; state price, terms, improvements location and whether you are owner oi? agent. B 418. Oregonlan. WANTED TTMBEB LAXDK. JTMBER lends wonts, aV4 IMuStt S im 108.0 1