Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1910, Page 3, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1910.
rz . i i i 1" r?? i
Shopping Bags
Vaco Bottles $1
Your Choice of These Fur Hats at Unparalleled Prices
Keeps liquids hot 24 hours
Keeps liquids cold 72 hours
Ideal for the night worker, labor
ing man. professional man, clerk,
the nurse, and for keeping baby's
milk hot throughout the night
J"1H V V M
i i i i
ii ii i.
dQ ff IJ4.
f 74 fit" '
: - z mu.uu i lata
Vi vw :
Lone Coats for
J '1 : . : I
f'i i '. I
7 ::i '.--. If
A New Model
W. B. Nuform
Special $ 1 .00
Nil?' I
h At. X
Here's the greatest low
price corset ever made in
America that carries with
it the It', B. label This
is a guarantee of fit and
workmanship and is a reve
lation in corset making.
Made of good quality cou
til with the new medium
bust. long hips and back.
Three pairs of hose support
ers attached, and with draw
string in bust Trimmed with
lace, beading and ribbon.
Sues 18 to 29.
Standard and Tobacco Suits
to Be Heard in January.
'rpovaiioa Tas I Itigailoa A lo to
Com tp Thrrr Month Hence.
Rontl llrarlns wlpoard.
rmuc A r irvr-n t ! t-
flUi;T'.N. Oct 1. IW u of
fur la h a fall bnrh In th Hu
rr.m Court of th t"nttd Ftatr. a
.rvrl rAiJ u.l nnt of Important
f I lam 5rrl for ronaidoratloa
rhl. Aatumn mada to4a)r by tha
. nrt.
Ti.! txt and Toluw utt
ml.r firmn ail-trt law wr
. : t-n. t r r-r;rtn from .Von
r It t JaouAry J. Tta orporUon
;t , r. also lEn'l arju
nn t on January 4. So wvro tha fwi
mtjlTim trio iuotUa of tfca eorroct
.nal-T to to tmpoo4 CO rtolatora of
trta it-hour law. rrcnUittax tb attlp
r!t "t llatoc-k
It 1. pct4 that raccoaaors to
.'hiof J nl' "ullr and Jnatlco Moody
alll hay taken thrlr place br that
tlrr PotMnrd.
Th Imronanrt of tfi questlona in
rolrJ also led tha court to poatpon
until January a number ot caara act for
J .y
Immediate Use
For $14.85
You can purchase this stunning model
of a long Coat in navy blue, brown and
green plaids with semi-fitting back,
double breasted front trimmed with large
fancy buttons and storm collar.
For $13.50
A coal in tan and gray mixtures with
inlaid sharl collar and cuffs of plain
broadcloth and trimmed with large but
ton. Made in semi-fitting style with
slit pockets bound in broadcloth.
For $20.00
Broadcloth Coats in navy, black and
gray with turn-over collars, semi-fitting
back and novelty braid trimmed. Lined
throughout with satin.
For $22.50
An English cut coat with raglan
sleeves in the blanket cloth in gray,
navy and brown with plaid lining, and
cuffs, collar and pockets are of the
p'aid, fastens with large buttons.
Notion Specials
15c Leaded Tape 12
15c No-rip Protector. ..1S
Porcela for cleaning. . .10
Sole proof Floor Coat
ing 15
40c fancy Hat Pins. . . . 10
Melba Collar Support's 4
$1.00 Imperial Gas
Lights 4S
60c fancy Globes 20
20c Inverted Gas Man
tles 15
$3.25 Perfection Oil
Heaters ..$2.96
75c Feather Dusters. . .35
Kost Gas Jet Heater 51.39
50c Silver Polish 39
Lb. brick Parafine 8t
Lulu Scouring-Powder. .7
7. 8 and 9-inch Shears. 25
Iron Rust Eradicator. . 18
Stove Mitts 4
Wire Coat Hangers 4
Setwell Trouser Hang's 8
Kleinert's Skirt Yokes. 21
Brass Closet Hooks, doz. 8
Lusterine Stove Polish 18
Chiffon Motor
Veils for 98c
Fine quality chiffon, hem
stitched on four sides. Made
two yards long and one yard
wide, A large assortment
of colors including
sky, pink, old rose, reseda,
lavender, maise, champagne,
copenhegen, wistaiia, gray,
navy, brown, also white ana
argument today. Tha boycott and
contempt appoala arising out of tha In
junction proceeding In the District of
Columbia brought aralnst the Ameri
can Federation of Labor by tha Buck
Stove A Kanire Company, of Pt. Lvals.
were reaselaned for January 14.
Tha Klsael case. Involving the ques
tion whether the American Suir&r Re
fldna; Company and others conspired to
prevent the Pennsylvania Sukst Re
nnlna; Company from dolna: business,
waa postponed until November 10. on
account of illness of counsel. Tha cases
Involving the constitutionality of the
employers liability law were reasslirncd
tor argument on November 1.
rronage Arrnmrnt On.
Altfmpts to pontpune con.IJeratlon cf
the rases Involvlnc the peonase prose
cations from Fionas and tbe Aileeourt
l.cBl fare law w mm uuuccvwful. Arfv.
mer.t f the tonxtmr besaa today. The
latter .11 be beard probably this week.
Motions to advance a larse number
pf cases were submitted to the court.
Amona llK. were caees Involvlnc the
conxtitutlonalltr of the earmark
amendmeat to tha Hepburn rata law.
snakina the Initial carrier responsible
tr aooda throuahoat the route, and the
ravee tnvoivtna lb cwnelJlutlonaUty of
bark depoelts -f-aaraniee laa of
Oklafioraa. Nebraska and Kansas.
Astorta Soatlrtm Karl Harried.
ASTORIA. Or- Oct. II. (Special.)
In spite ot th Inclement weather of tha
pst week, work ba proceeded un!nter
ruptedly en the ronstrucUon of tha
Astoria Southern Railway Company
new real. A larg fore of both men
and tearus la employed and Contrartor
Cobb espocta to finish the first elbt
mKes of the road this Kali.
Krnrlsh Honored la Missouri.
ST. LOriS. Oct. 11. John Kennlsh. of
Kansas City, waa (elected by tha Re
publican Stat committee today as Its
candidal for the Supreme Court In
1)11. to succeed the lata Juosre Fox.
Kennlsh waa appointed to Oil th va
cancy In the buprem Court br Gov
ernor Hadley yesterday.
- ir -
Beautiful fur turbans, trim
med in silk and velvets, also
large plain turbans made of
blended skins.
More Nottingham 'Laces at 9c
Dress and; Waist Nets, Wednesday at 35c
Where there is a little touch of trimming necessary a bit of net on yoke or sleeves adds much
to the becomingness of your dress. t
These pretty Nottingham Nets range from 18 to 45 inches wide.
In filet and scroll designs, also dotted patterns in filet and regular meshes. In white and
colors in a great variety.
The values run up to $1.50 a yard
Imported Curtain Samples, Door Panels 59c
Values from $3 to $5
500 Imported Curtain Samples and Door Panels in
Irish Point, Renaissance, Cluny and Battenberg, in white,
ecru or Arabian colors. The curtains are 1 to 14 yards
long and 50 inches wide
The Curtains are values to $5.00 a pair and the Panels
value to $3.00 each, all special Wednesday at 59 each.
Maggionl Kid Gloves
Pellard Suits. Robinson
Another Big Purchase of
Taffeta Silk Waists
Special Sale $2.48
Strictly Tailormade
Strictly tailormade Waists of fine colored
and black taffeta silks. The entire front is
made with fine pin tucks, plaits and buttons.
The collar is made to match, tucked and button-trimmed.
The new sleeves have deep cuffs
and two clusters of tucking.
Christians Not United on Plans
of Government.
lleporl of Allen ft. Fhllnut at To-
peka TihIsjt F i ported to Aron
Controvcrsi Ghorrnlcy Plead
I for Progressive Ideas.
WFKA. Kin. rvt. 11. (Special)
t'nlnratlun "f th Christian churches. In
National convention her, has srou.ed
a controversy which wlU have to be
settled Thursday when a committee
headed by Allen B. Phllbut. of Indian
apolis, gives th report.
Heretofore th National convention
has been a blc mass meeting, but an
effort Is berner made to form an admin
istrative body. o.-rtptural authority
for such action Is questioned by on
facUon. which contend that such ac
tion would load toward church ecctee
Inetlclsm. J. F. Obormley. of the Cen
tral Christian Church, of Portland. Or.,
feel that th church must keep abreast
of present progreaa and that It 1 ab
solutely noceesary thai the church bo
come more democratic. He said:
-Church period of 10 years ago win
not flttlnKly apply to th .present-day
conduct of tha churches, and we are
coming more to the unincatlon and del
egate form of government In our
church aTatra. W feel th necessity
of a central body, formed from the
$5.00 Hats $3.95
Handsome fur hats in mush
room shapes with a five-inch
brim, silk draped
Again we announce a sale of these Imported Laces. It will be the
last announcement for it is the balance of this importerd stock.
Laces that are useful every day in the week. Laces ior a thousand
and one different purposes.
Thousands ot yards of round mesh and filet patterns in imported
English Nottingham Laces.
They come in white, ecru and butter colors, also some very pretty
colored novelties. Width from one to four inches. '
Wednesday 9c the yard
lor the Horse Show.
& Wells Tailored Hats.
smaller organizations, and when ques
tions arise such as the R. A- Lrong gift.
It Is essential that there be some gov
erning body which may act for the
church a a whole."
W. T. Reaa-or. of the First Christian
Church, of Portland, and president of
tha Oregon Ministerial Association, says
he favors a more central organization
of tha church and that ba feels no fear
of such acUon tending- to eccleslasA
dsm. The Oregon delegation was the first
to arrive, coming early to commence a
campaign to secure the convention for
next year. Missouri delegates came on
a special train. bringing with them
Champ Clark, who wll be one of the
speakers of the convention.
A feature of the convention will be
an Immense outdoor communion serv
ice next Sunday.
A preliminary meeting- was held last
night at the First Christian Church.
1 ii 1 1 re IWiard Kc-s-lertcd and Xo
Change of Oiflclal Is Likely.
T.L.Er0. o.. tvt. 11. Oeorge J.
Oould, Edward Taflrrey. James Gould.
F.dsvard T. Wells. Wells H. Blodgett.
Sheldon C Reynolds. Robert C. Clowry.
Thomas 1L Hubbard. John T. Terry. J.
J. Slocum. Wlnslow S. I'lerce. Robert
11. Uallaway and Frederick A. lelano
were re-elected directors of the Wabash
Railroad Company at the anual meet
ing of stockholders and debenture bond
holder today.
There was no contest. President F.
A. Delano and the entire present staff
of officers will probably be re-elected
when the board organises. .
Call Out for General Fund Warrants
ASTORIA. Or, Oct. II. (Special.)
County Treasurer Sherman Issued a call
today for all general fund warrants
drawn and Indorsed .prior to April 15.
ISO. The call embraces the warrants
drawn during about two months, and
th principal and Interest on them will
amount to about $11,500. The Treas
Six distinct different shapes
in mink, black lynx and white
furs. Broad shapes that roll
away from the face, medium
mushroom and smaller turbans.
a yard Special
ill I lMlWjiNI
I 11 Ml i
Sale Smart All-Linen $4
Tailored Waists
Extra Special $2.98
These chic Waists are made of white all
linen fabric with full plaited front and two
plaits in the back. Laundered collars and
cuffs. The smartest waist that you have
seen this season. Every waist worth $4.00.
urer is reserving about $17,000 with
which to pay the eecond half of the
state tax. which wlU be due on Novem
ber 1.
War Department Will Give Drab
Outfits to All Oregon Troops.
ington, Oct. 11. Adjutant-General Finzer,
of the Oregon National Guard, who at
tended the recent session of the National
Guard Association, at St. Louis, Is In
Washington today, arranging with the
War Department to supply full equip
ment of olive-dr&b uniforms for the Ore
aon troops. The supply on hand was
aclequaLe this Summer for men who took
part in msnuevcrs. hut not enough for all
enlisted men. This deficiency the - De
partment will make up and will also
furnish regulation overcoats for a large
part of the National Guard.
General Finzer says the state has no
claim against the Federal Government
for losses sustained through damage to
uniforms and equipment of members of
the National Guard who were ordered
out this Summer to fight forest fires.
He estimates that the total loss In prop
erty of the Guard will aggregate $10,000.
and the Stat Legislature will be asked
to appropriate this amount la settlement
of claims of the troops.
Man Convicted of Assault.
ROSEBCRG. Or., Oct. ll.-f Special.)
rVn Kennedy, of Camas Valley, who
was Indicted by a grand jury In May.
accused of assault with a dangerous
weapon upon Kdward Bushnell, a
neighbor, was convicted by a Jury In
the Circuit Court late today. Sentence
will be pronounced by Judge Coke
Thursday. Kennedy made no defense
other than he was Intoxicated at the
time the crime was enacted.
Broker Without Assets.
NEW YORK. Oct. 11. Max H.
Schultze, ot Locust Valley, L. L, a mem
Handsome Shopping or
Hand Bags in a variety of'
new shapes and styles in
genuine leathers of seal and
walrus grain, Morocco and
pig skin. All are mounted
on leather or metal frames
from four to 10 inches in
size, with either single or
double strap handles. These
elegant bags are leather or
moire lined and are fitted
with coin purse, and in addi
tion many have the card
case, salts, bottle and mirror.
For W e d n esday special
Home Furnish'g News
Drapery Materials
12 l-2c Silkolines 9c
5000 yards of the best
quality figured Silkoline in
Beautiful floral and Orien
tal patterns.
18c Curtain Swisses 12V2S
Figured and dotted Cur
tain Swisses, the best qual
ity, in many different styles
of patterns.
25c Curtain Scrims 19c
F i g u r e d art Curtain
Scrims in light and dark
grounds in pretty mission
designs, double printed, 36
inches wide.
25c Curtain Nets 19c
Fancy Curtain Nets in
white or Arabian color, in
shaded glass and mission de
signs, 36 to 42 inches wide.
50c Crettones 28c
Taffeta and damask art
Cretonnes for bedroom dra
peries, in lovely floral and
conventional designs, in
light or dark grounds.
60c Curtain Nets 43c
Fancy Curtain Nets in
handsome beaded glass and
mission and filet designs.
White or Arabian color, 45
to 50 inches wide.
25c Curtain Scrims 17c
Good quality plain Cur
tain Scrims, white, cream or
Arabian color, 40 inches
$1.25 Framed
' Pictures SpT 69c
Water color facsimile,
landscapes framed with two
inch rich brown oak frames
with a two-inch mat. Size
14 by 27 inches.
There are 250 different
subjects to select from. Also
a beautiful line of etchings
with brown mat and brown
oak frames, size of picture
12 by 26 inches.
ber of the brokerage firm of Otto
Helnze & Co., In a voluntary petition in
bankruptcy states that he has unknown
The most modern tools and equipment on the Pacific Coast.
A little Diapepsin makes your
. out-of-order Stomach feel
fine in five minutes.
The question as to how long you re
going to continue a sufferer from Indi
gestion. Dyspepsia or out - of - order
Stomach Is merely a matter of how
soon you begin taking some Diapepsin.
If your Stomach la lacking In diges
tive power, why not help the stomach
to do its work, not with drastic drugs,
but a re - enforcement of digestive
agents, such as are naturallyat work
In the stomach.
People with weak Stomachs should
take a little Diapepsin occasionally,
and there will be no more Indigestion,
no feeling like a lump of lead in the
Three Styles Long
Kimonos for 89c
Selling Regular at $1.35
Style No. One
Long fancy figured flan
nelette Kimonos with "V
shape neck, trimmed with
wide fancy banding with
flowing sleeves and , yoke
Style No. Two
Fancy figured cotton chal
lie kimonos belted style with
"V" shape neck, flowing
sleeves and belted waist.
Plain colored sateen band
ings. Style No. Three
Long cotton challie Per
sian Kimonos, with trim-.
mings of plain colored band
ings. Made with "V" shape
neck and flowing sleeves. ,'
75c Dressing
Sacques 49c
Ladies' short kimonos or
dressing sacques of fancy
figured fleeced flannelette
or fleeced lined. Made with
orwithoutcollars, with plain
or band finish in shirred and
t el ted styles.
Dress Accessories
r-1 i r
ror lc
Venise ' lace
tabs in dain
ty patterns of
Venise and
Irish laces.
Lawn tabs
with lace
edge, also
net lace and
Venise com
binations. Choice 65c
Lovely pieces of dainty
Neckwear of lace, tabs and
jabots of lawn and lace com
binations in single or double
effects. All white effects
. and white with colored Per
sian dotted trimmings. Also
lace collars and Dutch col
lars. liabilities and he has no assets. He
names 35 secured creditors. F. Augus
tus Helnze being one of them.
stomach, no heartburn. Sour risings, -Gas
on Stomach or Belching of undi
gested food. Headaches. Dizziness or
Sick Stomach, and. besides, what you
eat will not ferment and poison your
breath with nauseous odors. All these
symptoms resulting from a sour, out- .
of-order stomach and dyspepsia are
generally relieved In five minutes after
taking a little Diapepsin.
Go to your druggist and get a
cent case of Papa's Diapepsin now, and
you will always go to the table with a
hearty appetite, and what you eat Till
taste good, because your stomach and
intestines will be clean and fresh, and
you will know there are not going to
be any more bad nights and miserable
davs for you. They freshen you and
make you feel like Ufa is worth living-.
r - r
If lutfrij
' ?F ;' uYW Hill U M Ji ll, II. M H ft f Hi a
I -Hi
in iff-rl f i iff!.