THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. 21 TAiABDSOfC 0 fixed by Chamber of Com merce Committee. UALITY OVER AVERAGE III Varieties of Wheat, Except Red Radian, Tet Better Than .Last Year Accepted in All Market. The train standard tee ot the Port- In 4 Chamber of Commerce yesterday de- I on the wheat standards for the 1910 l-op of the Pacific Northwest. These stand- hds. aa fixed by the Portland Chamber, are I e accept atandards In all the grain mar. of the world. Tae result of the labor of the committee kores the current crop to be better tn hallty thaa the a t rare. The tests show vher grmdm than last year oa all varieties : c-pt Rod Russian. The test weights are as follows: Pounds. hits Wat) Import tlaestem ...........rHH fe o I sd RoMlU &T I irkeT red -d walla n . lilas; lieiin M The samples will be readr for forward Ins; tb foreign grain exchange by the end the week. Standards of 1910 oata and barley will be it ken up by the committee la th near l.tura. Toe grain standard committee of th f i amber of Commerce consists of Thomas t-rr. chairman; D. A. Pattallo, T. B. Wilcox. E- Curry d A. Berg. claK 3e: red Russian. 82Hc; Valley. 87c; eO-fold. 8Gc BA RLE T Feed. e21.ftd.fI2 per ton; brew tng. '-3 per ton. MILLSTLFFfi Bran, 3 per ton; mid dlings. U; aborts. $27; rolled barley. $24.60 ? 23. 30 F LOCK Patents. 15.3$ per barrel; straights. $1306 4.93; export. X70; Valley. $3.40; graham. $3; whole wheat, quarters. $3. 2a HAT Track prices-. Timothy. Wlllamett Valley. $ 1 v g 2 per ton : Eastern Oregon. $21 to 22; alfalfa. mw. SiSwlo; grata bay, $14. CORN -Wliote. $; cracked. $33 per ton. OATS Whit. 920- Acnvrrv in hop market. I inters aae) rorelgm Penass Appears to Be hubeJdlng. There was less activity in the hop market lstrday. showing some sutsldcnc In th mind. Offerings continued free. Among th purchasers reported were the nclalr lot of 9H bales and th MeKnlgbt of 54 bales, both at Hltlsboro, taken by i rNeff, Bros. Hal Bolam bought four lots -:gregatlng 193 bales at lO and Id cents. recent deal not heretofore reported was e purchase by Krebs Proa, of 229 bales om Frank Bolder, ot Brooks. Klaber. Wolf A N'etter received the follow- ' g cab I front their London office: "Continental market haa Improving tend- icy; holders asking higher prices. KngUsh : arkat dull, prices unchansed." Cattley, Grid ley A Co.. one ot th largest his In London, do not look for high prices i Is season. Their reasons are given in fir annual circular, a copy of which has n received here and is In part aa follows- Crops Consitlerlne; the cold and sunless niimer experienced both In bneiuid and on e Couttn-nl. growers of hoya should b ngratulated upon the result of their ef- rts. The nualitv 1 extremely various. i:Kt proportion of the Coluing hop blag :tmature and more or Iss touched with ould. The Kuggles, especially those grvwn th Weald and 1ujimx. Worcester and lunty Fa m nam districts, seem to hive Je I -lipd bfttvr and show excellent results. irtctly choice samples of East snd !m fnts are scarcer than for many years past. it second rate quslitlfs .ire plentiful. The orttnrnt of Europe is rather more favored oth In quantity and quality, and conslder-.-t'e Imports can be anticipated. On th ! aelflc Coait good crops are also being Lihend. and doobtlesa there will be ample jpoilea avallsbie for Enaiand as required. I onsumers may therefore fairly reckon upon Irons heinj.- sufficient for requirements, and only caue for anxiety. If any, will b In rtnv-ti n with the home growth. Markots Fair supplies from Worcester Lnd Sussex ar already being offered, and quit k drmand has set in for bright ill thy samples. Continental centers are 1 !o busy, demand not only being quick for nmm consumption, but also for export to n gland and America. It Is too. early as L et for the Pacific Coast market to affect he position, as few samples are yet to band. .n1 me uncertainty still prevails a to tn roportton of choice quality which will b vatlalil for export. Tb general position Is certainly e rudder - My more favorable to consumers than !a?t I nr. though their reserve stocks are much hiore limited. Vseful second-rate English. vhich are plentiful, together with available I applies of foreign, will materially assist In keeping the English market from any ex- ItetiK-nL On th other hand, brie lit ana t.eslthy samples ar much scarcer than last tear and values being not at all u n reason - f Me. it appears probable that this rtsss will Malm early attention, as we presume that iwer class qimlttv will not be taken for holding over and cold storage. Last year we rivtwed otir friends to buy as sparingly as l-osible of the choice high-priced English This year our opinion Is that t hey t hould not delay to secure their require ments of bright and healthy English for all purposes. Purrhasea of medium useful qual ms v. w think, with aa vantage, w oe- tsved later. h-n value of such will b ela lively fearer in comparison with th hex tor grad - of English and foreign hope- fry few EngMh of last year's growth ar -ft. and this fact, coupled with the scarcity i f oldor English, makes the position of the I om market, In our opinion, sound and llke- I to remain at least firm at present currency the limited quantity of really bright tvell-grown new hop. "urreney Engllnh. o to 14s: Con- kmenta Saia. 7's to Ms: Bavarians, 7s k 1 4o; Hohemiana. 7iw to 1 !: Wurtem- hergs. T to 14. A It mara. t'operingbe and llot. to 7.S; raclflc Coast hope, noml- al. 7ns to l:. Englmh. 11H9. 94 to 13: '.rjllfh. !. 3 to lis; Pacific Ooat bop. Ill S-9. 7 to 99; Old olds. English and toretgn. 2 to wa- Vecetables and Fruits. GREEN rRU ITS Apples, new. 00c $1.50 per box ; pears, i2 per box : peacuea. Sictl per crate; grapes. 73c $1.3 per box. 13c per baatcet; cranberries. $3.lU9 9. SO per barrel : h uck leberriea. 7 O So per pound; quince a $11.23 per box. MELONS Watermelons. $1 per hundred; cantaloupe. $ljrL50 per crat; caisbas, tX30 per dozen. TROPICAL FRTJITS Oranrs. Valencrai. $4.30v4.73; lemons. $3&&30; grapefruit. $4 4.3V per box; bananas. 6 Vic per pound; pineapples, to per pound; pomegranates. $-.J per box. VEGETABLES Beans. 3 0 3e p-r pound; cabbage. lc per pound; cauliflower. 5c asi.:: oer tlos. : celery. 5t'i9oc prr doc.; corn. I2v'.3c per dos.: cucumbers, & 4oi per box; eggplant, f 1 H Z per crate; garlic, vlt)c per lb.; green onions. 13c per dozen; peppers, fcc per pound; pumpkins, lc per lb.; radishes. 134 Uc per dozen; sprouts. 7 i e; squash, lo per lb. ; tomatoes. IS 0 5&c per box. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots. $131.2$ honored : parsnips. $11.2S; turnips, $L POTATOES Oregon. $1.24 per hun dred; seet potatoes. 3H2c per pound. ONIONri Oregon, buying price. $1.10 per hundred. POOLS ARE FORME Bankers Supply Funds Stock Campaign. for SPECIALISTS ARE ACTIV Bond Market Is Also Firm Effect of Government Crop Report on Speculation Agreement on Cotton Bill Controversy. Dalrr and roanfr Frodace. POULTRT Htm, 17t; Sprint.. Il6'i. irkt whui". lTiilNc: 11c: lurkoy. br dozen. BUTTER City erm.ry. iolld Pek, 26a cr sound: nrlnt.. .TJOTUc per pound uuld. erf Amur y. 35tr36c pr pound; butter i.t. 3 tic per pound; country nor nutter. Htlje tr sound. CUEtTE Full cream, tiring 17 13c per pound: yeun. Americm. 19Vi91o. "EGGS Oregon, candled. S(93j per dol es : Eastern. 20932c per dozen. POHK Fancy. 1 "c per pound. TEAL Fancy. 8 to 125 pounds, ISClSVjC per pound. ' Hops, Waol, mdea. Etc HOPS llft crop. 1012t,c; U0. som tsai: olds, nominal. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 13 8 1?0 potmd Valley. lT19c per pound. MOHAIR Choice. 32333c per pound. CASI'ARl BARK 14Lc per pound. HIDES salted hides. l J1Ac per pound alird calf. 14c; sailed kid. 8c; salted stags. Cc; green bides, lc leas; dry bides, in'-It 17c: dry csir. IO lie: dry stags, nvi.'c PEL.TS Dry. 10 ",c: sslted. butchers take-uft. 40 tr 76c; Spring lamba, 25x4oc. TBank Ctesurlngs. Bsnk clearings ot the Northwestern cttlea yesterrlsy were sa follows: CI carl nr.. Pnrtli.nd .o.'.i.:'i,K Seatt e a. 2.14.71 Taroina 14.M.537 Spokane 9:10. 748 Balances. II 18.013 2t5.0 l:!S.2i S3.048 BUYERS ARE CRITICAL APPLES OFFERED 3ITST C03LE TP TO SPECIFICATIONS. FXPOKTfcRH QI OTE WHF...T UOWT-H. erne IVbsmbH From Catirorala for Blneatena and Ked KsMfdaau The wheat market was rery weak y ester- Lisy from an exporter's standpoint and price vers quoted one cent lower at around. At h he same time there was a moderate de- a.nd from California f-r wheat. espa bluest m and Red Kusstan. at tn I dees that have lately prevailed. Oata and barley were unchanged. Local receipts, in cats were reported by ihe Merchants Fxchantre as follows: TV?iat liar lex Plow O-ta Hay Monday J 5 1ft ufdar a 11 l l W e.r asro ri 4 10 Z 7 t:ewn to cate. i- 7.i 403 147 ear ago 3 4LS 5 S&S 3-7 TVL Sales Made by Northwestern Fruit Exchange Net Far Better Than Auction Deals. The dally market bulletin of the North western Fruit Exchange follows: Apples The situation Is practically on chanjred. although there la a slff-htly easier tendency. This Is emphasized by the dispo sition on the part -of the trade to be more critical, and fruit not coming up to speci fications la not wanted. We have made several very fine sales of Jonathan apples. We have sold car U. X. IHH14 from Canhmere. "Wash., fith, eon talnlcs; 313 3 ft -tier. 177 4 -tier. 4 to- tier, 7 C-tler Jonathans; 401 extra fancy, and 199 fancy, ar $165 strafprht, f. o. b. Cashmere, for ali aradea and sizes. We have sold car P. F. E. 4HH. Jonathans, from Holse, Idnho. containing 427 fancy, at $1 V 217 choice at $l.r.o f. o. b. We hare sold car P. F. R. 7504, Jonathans, from boise. 9th. 173 8to-tler, 14.1 4 H -tier. 41 Re, 144 J Urn. 'i n is car is aescriDea as belns liKht color, and we have sold it at $1 T0 stratrht. f. e. b., this offer having been submitted to and acepted by the own er of the fruit. Eastern Markets by wire we rive here under Kastern delivered prices, accord lug- to the telearaohlc reports of our scents. We want to call special attention to the fact that these auction sales have no reference whatever to our own operations, but refer to prices at which fruit sold In the open market. We have no direct Interest what ever In these sales, the shipments navinir been made by parlies entirely ourside of the exchange. Iellbemtelr or otherwl!e. certain newspapers have published reports f these auction operations Indira tine that wa were responsible for prices realized. This both unfair and untrue. We have sev eral times stated In our bulletins that the policy of this exchange is not to sell fancy aonles at auction. There are tlms when. because of certain emergency conditions. It necessary to sll a car quirk It. and In such instances the auction frequently offers the best outlet, but this In quite unusual and we have been successful In avoiding it practically aitogetner. i ne prices men tioned hereunder are those which were realised in the open market at Chicago yes terday: Six cars boxed apples sold at auction, most I v Idaho : three car a of Jonathans ranged from $1.40 to J1.7.V Grime Ooldn, tum to th'X One car of Watsonville Bojiflowrrs sold 91.30. The Jonathans were very poor to-K. NEW YORK. Oct- 11. The speculation In stocks threw off some of the restraint today which has kept it In check. The fresh i tlvity was most conspicuous in a variety specialties, not usual I v nromlnent in th dealings, and manr of these were of the low -priced nnn-ulvidend paying class. a reason for this was found In the na: rnw resources of the money market. was generally assumed that newly-formed murket pools were responsible for most the demonstrations. The supposition that powerful prtva Mincers were supplying resources ana l fluence to help the advance encouraged following by the professional element. The call loan rate today touched to per cent as an effect of the slightly increased demand Incident to the day's spec via tire requirement. Yesterday's Government crop report fur nTehed the broad general Inspiration for the stirring of speculative confidence. The spe cial prominence of the Spring wheat and corn crops, as they were affected by yes terday's report, found reflection In the strength in the granaers. International Mar vester. Corn Products and other stocks. The Northwestern railway group got the benefit of criticisms levelled at the lumber rates fixed by the Interstate Commerce Commis sion In a judicial decision by the Federal circuit Court in St. .Paul, disallowing th rates. A belief that an agreement had been reached on the cotton bill of lading contro versy helped the late stock market and svlso caused a fresh decline in the foreign ex chsngo market. Bonds were. firm. Total sales, par value. s2.30,tio. ' Lnlted States nonds were un changed on call. Cf-OSINQ STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closin Sal AJMs Chal pf A ma I copper .. Am Agriculture. Am liet bugar. American Can .. Am Car & Fdy. Am Cotton OH . Am Hd & Lt pf Am Ue 8ecurl. Am Ice Securi. Am Linseed Oil . Am Locomotive . Am Smelt ft Ref do preferred . . Am Steel Fdy. . Am Sugar Ref. . Am Tel & Tel.. Am Tobacco pf . Am Woolen . . . Annconda Alln. . Atchison do preferred . . . Atl Coast Line. Bult ft Ohio... Bethlehem Steel . Brook Hap Tran Canadian Pact he Central Leather do preferred.. Central of X J. Chen A Ohio Chicago & Alton Chicago Ot West do preferred . . Chicago A N W C. 11. ft st Paul C. C. C & St L. Colo Fuel ft Iron Colo & Southern Consolidated Gas Corn Proaucts,. Del A Hudson. D ft R Grande. do preferred. . Distillers' Securl Krie do 1st pr .... do 2d pf .... General Flee... tit Northern pf Gt Northern Ore Illinois Central. Interborouch M. Inter Jrl-irvester . Inter Marine pf Int Paper tit Pump owa Central . . K C Southern. do preferred.. Leciede Gas.... Loulj ft Nash... Minn ft Et L. . . M. St P ft S SM Wo. Km Tex do preferred. . Missouri Pacitte. tinnal Biscuit National Lead.. Mex Nat Ry 1 pf V Central . . N Y. Ont ft Wes Norfolk - ft Wes North American High. Low. , TOO f3.1K0 soy 1.700 1.9m ftOO 500 100 9. TOO ftlM 67 to 4tt S' S0 74 sito '-'to 37to 704 102 to 43 to 66 9al 8to 49 5 37 70 102 to 4a to 1,90 138 1.17 to ftOO 6. 100 " HU0 1.1 IMI so6 5.t'0 aoo 3i to 41 11 10IV 76to 195 30 to 305 30 40 to 101 lis" ao7 76 195 104 7,000 81 81 TOO !oil 6.3iM 24 47 147 1114 100 75 to 2.HH 34 to 300 3.MH &.O00 100 9lM "a66 8,."04 2.700 l.OOO 800 2.400 500 200 1.800 8.300 ftOO 700 100 1.300 1.500 aoo 2.S(r 700 200 500 1.900 tit) 2.100 l.non 700 2,500 200 200 300 Northern Pacific 18,200 ODD LOT TRANSACTIONS SM-UJj VOLUME OF BISIXESS IS rXDER WAT IX WOOL. raio nnfKKxi are not wAvrrrx gmI Deual (or lleos sad Other Klada at r.nttrj. There wsa s brisk demsnd for hen. yes- ?3nlar snd 17 rents wss readily ot-tslned. ut Spring chickens vhlctt were plentuL I sere very hard to move. Supplies offered ts clean -up price of 10 centa, were turnea IJown- Other kinds of poultry were steady. Cess ot sll kicds were quoted firm. Ors- Icon ranch stock waa la amsU supply. The I advance In the East Indicates a higher local l?rW on Eastern sjgs la the near future. rlutter and cheese wers acttT and un- Ichanged- cALirTRi cmna ARE itrmfr. la South run Adyaacw la Prices Here. Csllfornla grspes were firm and 10 osnta I higher yeeterdsy on reports ot rsla In ths I Southern atsts. Local concord, were In large I supply and steady at 13 centa a basket. Thera Is a tatr nemar.d for peaches. A I few Salways sre still coming- tn and these, with storage supplies, keep the trsde go tng. Storage stock was en sale yesterday t P.V to SI a box. Applet and pears were I steady. Bsnasaa were scarce. A good assortment ot srasll California I vegetable, arrlred by ateamer. PORTLAND MAKlvEIS. Craia. rlour. t eed. Etc. UUI Track, price.: uiuest.ia, esc; Dealers Hold Trices Vp In the Belief That Mills Will Soon Have to Boy. BOSTON. Oct. 11. Odd lot transactions, with good vslues, continue to dominate the local wool market. Some territory staple Is belnc boueht bv manufacturer, and a silent demand has srisen for Ohio Ceeces. but the msrart l dull. tlll the local trade 1. in a hopeful mood and there Is no disposition to mark down prices to instigate ouyinx. tne general belief beln that tiie manufacturers will l. Kklnt wool within a short time. To support this view it Is pointed out that there I. a steady mrrriw in HmiiiinR. tbptiiii. In tallfornln and eight months Tesaa. and much Interest ahown In ail lines of terri tory stock. Quotations, secured basla: Texas Fine 12 months. .17 B 59c: fine six to eirht months. &5tro!c: ftne Kail. 6c. California Northern. 50 8."'; middls eountv. oOwAlc: southern, 46H4Sc: Pall tree. eOo.Tr. Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple. 2ff R4c: eastern clothing. oow37c; valley No. i. 62 a nc Territory Pine staple. e4fM5e: fine med ium stajile. ,wOr; ftne clothing. 57 9 ."Sc: fine medium clothing. 53o0c: half-olood combing. f.ssnc: H-blood combing. OeCoc; Qusrter-blood combing. V - Pulled Rxtra. two: fine. CiSOOc; A su pers, (to 9 37 c Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Oct. 11. The msrket for standard copper waa oulet with spot Octo ber. November snd Iecember quoted at 11C.23C lS.rtlvc. London firm. flpot. 3H Via ad: futures. 57 los. Custom house returns show export, so far this month of hS47 tons. Lsks copper. 12.73 jr I3.c: electrolyuc 12.621. 9 12 -73c: csstlng. i:.37HSH62'iC. Tin unsettled. Spot. 37.03. ;!7..Wc: Octo ber. S.03tt-3c; Nowmber. 33. 50 C 33. 7 3c: December. .3.23 35.30c: January. C4.30 ) S3.0OC. London ateady. Spot. 103 13a: fu tures. 130 13s Lead quid. 4.40C4.UC New York; 4.230 4 30c East St. Louis -London spot. 12 lis ed. Spelter quiet. 5.SOIT 3.60c New York; 5.380 S.4uc Kaat Su Louis. London spot. 23 13a ' New Vsrk CMtosj Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 11. Cotton Spot, closed firm. lO points higher. Mid-uplands. 14.7."c: do. fru If. 13 00c. Sales. mw bales Futures closed firm. ctosins; bits: October. 14.41.: November. 14.3Tc: te-reml-er. 14 Jamiary. 14.ft3c: Kebruary, 14 71c: March. 14.s;c: April.. 14 tfc; j,, 14 lc; Junes 14 Wc; July. l-SVa Paclrtc Jlall Pennsylvania ... eo pie s uai . . P. O O St L. Pressed Steel Cr ull Pal Car... Ry Steel Spring Readlntr Republic Steel.. do preferred . . Rock Island Co. do preferred . . St L At S F 2 pf St L Soutrfwest do preferred . . loo 4.000 l.aoo 200 ' V. sno 200 49.000 "ino 4.l0 2oO 500 loo OOO so-i ;i, m 167 33 "soii 47 (i 37 - 1.-.2 128 44 57 V. 134 20 T. 1031. 17H 121, 42-4 I :i3 7-t 10214 147 2(1 13-' 3.1 B.1 l7 5t" 33 114 42 H R 12ili 3144 1HON, H , 87 io" 34-4 1484k 'ii' ' 32 Mi 64 V, 41 23 47 V, 147 4. 123 7rt. 33 V4 88 133 T4 15)4 107 32 "4 "so' " 2S 464 3V4 151V, 128-4 57 Vi 133 Vi 20V. 09 hi 174 12 42 4 17, 32 S vi 10014 146-4 2314, 132V 3414 4U 57 i4 5" 32 H 1144 42 't 68 11!4 3114 3 311 '4 10714 06 v, 163" 34 147 31 64-4 41 ?s 67" 53 1154 24-4 56', 35 "4 2SV, 20 V4 57 J OS-, 69H 36 "4 7f"4 11RV-40-4 - 17 37 48 70 74-4 5 Bid. 34 67 46 V, US 49 Hi 22 18-4 11 28 70 43 Vi 115S 13. 83 30 41 101' 100 4 115-4 17, 21 76 1115 38 1"3 soo 81 04 Mi 23 47 147 123 74 33 59 16 j on 82 '-4 211 -V, 471. SV4 151 120 37 132 20 103 i i V, 12 42 18 .12 o 101 146 25 132 34 64 .VI -4 lOW'; 56 32 114 41 (18 7 120 31 130 ins 7 34 15 33 347 32 H4 31 64 41 07 r..t 11 24 ntivi 36 28 160 68 .16 71 118 40 61 17 S7 47 71 74 Sloss-Shoffleld .. AOO 54 Southern Pacific 10.1O0 116 Southern Ry MO 24 do preferred.. Boo 5 Tenn Copper. . . 6.000 36 Texas & Pacific noo 2 Tol. St L W. 20o 2 do preferred.. 3'h 57 Union Pacific. .. 51.500 1 68 do preferred.. tT 8 Realty 1" 60 I S Rubber ... SOO 36 U 8 Steel 87.3O0 71 do preferred.. 1.3O0 118 Utah Copper .. 7.100 50 Va-Caro Chem.. 4.4HO 61 Wabash 1.2HO 17 do preferred.. 1.1 oo 38 Western Md ... 300 48 Wrstinghouse El 6O0 71 Western Union.. 500 74 Wheel A L Krie 100 5 Totsl sales far the day. 4O4.200 shares. BONDS. U P R'f 2s reg.l00lN Y C gen S. 80 U S Ref 2s cpn.lOO'Nor Pacific 3s.. 71 U S 3S reg loi Nor Pacific 4s. .101 U S 3s cpn 101!I nlon pacific 4S.10I U S new 4S reg.H4'Wls Central 4a.. 93 V S new 4s cpn. 115 Japanese 4a 80B D R O 4a 84 I Dally Treaeury Stat emeu t. WASHINOTON. Oct. 11. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: Trust funds Oold coin '. tsn7.548.6fll Silver doMsr. 483.34B.0O0 Silver dollars of 1S80 3.539.0O0 Silver certlflcstes outstanding... 483.34,6,000 General fund Btandard silver dollars In gen- ersl fund 4.839.S37 Current liabilities 102.596.864 Working balance In Treasury of fices In banks to credit of Treasurer of the fnlted Ststes SubsUltsry silver coin .......... Minor coin Total balance in general fund... S1.98O.403 S3.444.S7S 18.OHl.393 871. 6S1 89.778.0J1 Bostoa Mln Ins Suieks, Allouex 4 4 IMohawk 49 Am Copper. 67 iNevada Con.... 20 A Z L a & .1 Kvipiasing atna... ik Arlx Com 17North Butte Sl Atlantic 6INonh Lake. . S B 4V C CSM. 14 Old Dominion... .18 Butte Coalition. 19 Osceola 128 Calumet A Arlx. 39 Parrot (S A C). 13 Calmt A Hecla.3..0 vjulney 73 C'entennktl 2i) Shannon 10 Cop Rxe C Co.. 67 Superior 31 k Mutts u Jan. ( -v .ip st tsom sin., sv. Franklin . 11 Sup A Pitts C 12 Glroux Con 7!i'amarsck 38 Granby ."Vn.... 19 IU S C A Oil 40 Greene Canan.. 7'U S SRAM.... 39 Isle Rovale Cp) 22 I do pfd 48 Kerr Lake t;itan lonsoi. . .. z:( Lak. Copper... 3..vvinona s La Salle Copper. 10 Wolverine IK Miami Copper. .19) Money. Rxnhange. Ete. NEW YORK. Oct. 11. Money on call, steady. 2 93 per cent; ruling rate. 2; closing, bid 3: offered at 8: time loans, dull and steady; 60 tlaj-a. 41? 4 per cent; 80 dan 4t4: six months. 4ff4. i prims mercantile paper, o'i to o per cent- Sterling exchange, weak, with actual busi nesa la bankers' bills at t4.827O04.828O tor 60-day bills and H.S3S0 for demand. Commercial bills. 4.82 84.82. Bar allver, 54 c Mexican dollars. 45c Government bonds, steady: railroad steady. LONDON. Oct. 11. Bar. silver steady, 23 5-lod per ounce. Money. 12 per cent. The rate ot discount In the open market for short bills la 3 per cent. . The rate of discount in the open market for three months bills Is 3 per cent. SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 11 Sterling on London. OO daya, 94.58 : sterling on London, sight. $4.8.1. Silver bars. 54 c Mexican dollars, 45c, Drafts, sight, 4 per cent; drafts, telegraph, " per cent. CHICAGO. Oct. Tork, 6 discount. 11. -Exchange on New Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. Oct. 11 Evaporated apples, steady, unchanged. Spot, quiet. Fancy, 10c; choice. 80c; prime, 8vSc; common to fancy. r..7e. . Prunes. Arm. Quotations ranga from OfMOc 'for California up to 30-40s and 7v"8c for Oregons up to 60-20.. jvpneots. quiet and steady; choice. 11 W 12c; extra choice. 12t13c; fancy. 13314c. Peaches, steady; choice. 7!7c; extra choice, 8fSc; fancy. 8i;'Jc. Kalsins, Inactive, steady: loose muscatels are quoted at ov6c for 23 crown; choice to tancy seeded. 6', Jibo; seedless, Sjf London Uyers .1.20& 1.35. OFFERINGS ARE LIGHT LIVESTOCK CLEANS UP READILY AT THE YARDS. SELLING IS HEAVY Wheat Prices Carried Down Nearly Two Cents. IN THE CHICAGO PIT Odds and Ends on Sale at Prices Ac cording; to Quality Hogs Come From Nebraska. There waa a moderately active demand at the atockyards yesterday and th offerings, though not Isrg. were readily taken un. Most ot them wers odds and ends snd of a quality that did not especially test the mar ket. The prices paid therefore were not ths neat. Ths day's recelDta were 136 cattle, g eatvea 6 sheep and 8.14 hogs. Of the 1 cars of hogs received nine cams from Nebraska and one from Washington. Shippers of the stock wers Armstrong A Son. of Nebraska, five cars of hogs; Robert Henry, of Ontsrio, three cars of cattle; Gil dersleeve Brothers, of Washtucna. Wash. on car of hogs; Henllne A Ohlinger. of Ne braska, four cars of hogs; C. Meahan, of Eugene, one car of cattle; K. F. McRae, of Red Bluff. Cal., one car of sheep, and K. W. Williams, ot Junction City, one car of cattle and calves. The day s aales were as follows: Weight. Price. j; steers 4t 4.U S steers ,- tS2 1 hogs - 340 1 bull 1540 1 cow 8S0 1 cow 9H0 1 COW 1400 1 COW 940 1 steer ... 990 steers ...................... 9sg 1 calf 300 4 calves 256 6 steers ...................... 926 5 heifers 4 cows 6 cows 1 bull 5 bulls 7 cows 26 cows 8t hogs Prices current on the stock at the Portland were as follow.: Beef steers, good to choice .15.00 fit 6.90 Beef steers, fair to medium. -. . 4.50 to 6.00 Chaice apayed heifers 4.&0&) t.lS $10.00 3.23 4.:s 4.50 6.00 J.f.K 3.25 6.00 4.50 6.00 4.60 4.0H 3.30 3.7i 3.00 3.25 3.85 4.15 10.00 various classes of Union Stockyards 1181 ....1077 098 140 1190 992 104S Good to choice beef cows. . . Medium to rood beef cows. . . . Common beef cows.. Bulls Stags, good to choice Calves, light Calves, heavy . . . . Hogs, top Hogs, fair to medium Sheep, best Valley wethers.... Sheeo. fair to good wethers. . . Sheep, beet Mt Adams wethers. 4.001? Sheep, best Valley ewes 3-OOf Lambs, choice Mt. Adams 5.23 'it' Lambs, choice Valley 6.00 4.25 u 3.50W 2.00(a) 3.50 "u 4.00 rii .50tf 3.75 9.73 10.15 9.50 9 9.75 3.23 J. 00 41 4.75 4.30 4.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 7.00 6.00 3.50 3.25 4.25 3.50 5.30 6.25 Eastern Livestock Markets. OMAHA.; Oct. 11. Cattle Receipts. 11.- 300: market, steady to 10c lower. Native steers. 14.25 7.2o; cows and heifers, .JO) 0: western steers. 13. 10U4.30: ranre cows nd heifers. t2.S3W4.60: canners, 2.763.50: stockers and feeders, $3 '3. 85: calves. 43.25 tr7; bulls, stars, etc.. IsvMiit Hoes Recelnts. 8500: market, stronger. Heavy. iS8.50; mixed, s.2ii? 8.35: light. 8.400 ..: pigs. .(.ovia'B.ov: DUlK or sales. t&2O8.40. oneep rteceipxa, sow; maraev, Bicaay. Yearlings. 14 505. 85; wethers. 1.1. 73 '(J 4 25; ewes. 3.23'3 3.73; lambs. .6.23 . 80. Coffee and Sugar. NEW TORK. Oct' 11. Coffee dosed firm t a net advance of 5S10 points Closing gures follow: October. B.soc: November, December 'and January. 8.85c; February, i.86c; March. 8.87c; April, 8.8Sc; May. June nd July. 8.90c; August, 8.02c and Septem ber, 8.84c. Spot coffee, stenly: No. 7 Rio, 10?llc; No. 4 Santos. 11c Mild coffee. let; corovnx nHtriac. Favorable News From Argentina, Government Crop Report and Pressure of Russian Grain Are the Weakening Factors. CHICAGO. Oct. 11. Wheat exhibited In creasing weakness as the day wor on. Rallies were few and became more and more feeble. Part of the unloading waa In view of tomorrow's holiday in nearly all import ant markets, but the greater share of the selling resulted Irom the withdrawal of Ar gentlna as the cause for crop fears Still more important from a bear standpoint waa the United States Governments Ilgures, dlcating that the shortage in the domestic cron is not so larae aa the trade naa esu mated. Cables today were weak, London endtne- word that Russia was pressing sales. The close her was within c of the lowest figures of the day. Fluctuations of the de cember deliveries were between 99c snd 7c. with the last sales at 95 o, a net loss of isic The effect of th Government report. showing a bumper yield ot corn, waa marked. December varied from 47 to 48?48c and closed c off. at 4 48 c. Cash corn waa weak. No. 2 yellow finished at 3151 V4c. Oats draraed down to a net low record for the season. High and low pointa for December were 32o and 31 c with tn close at 11 3 lie a net loss ot c Provisions started out strong, but suc cumbed tp the weak Influence of the grain markets. At the end of the day pork wss s cents uo. lard 2&5c down to 15c advance snd ribs relatively changed wtih a rise of 2c to ic. The leading futures ranged ss follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Pec 7 -7 ..- May 1.02's i.w- '"'it July 97 .98 .97 CORN. Dec 48 .48 .48 May 61 .51 .51 . July .62 .62 .31 OATS. .31 .30 Close. .95 1.01 .97 .48 .31 .51 Oct. Dec. May July Jan May Nov. Jan. May ... .31 ... .32 ... .33 Vj .-. 34 .34 MESS PORK. . ..17.3i 17.35 ...16.57 16.60 LARD. ...11.62 11.62 ...10.55 10.35 ...10.02 10.05 SHORT RIBS. .81 .31 .35 .34 .81 .31 .85 84 17.25 16.55 11.57 10.45 8.07 17.30 10.60 11.00 10.41 10.00 May 9.17 9.20 H.lo . Jan 25 " --'5 U.2S - Oct lO.te 1U.I0 JU.iO im,l Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. r r , Rve No. 2, 70c: feed or mixing barley. 63-ff-68c; fair to choice malting. 71( ttc Flax si e '. No. 1 Southwestern. .2.52; No. 1 Northwestern, 2-65. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 101.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 960,000 bushels. The world's supply, as shown by Bradstreet's increased 13,173,000 bnshels. Estimated receipts of wheat for to morrow: wheat. 92 cars; corn, tio cam, oats. 201 cars; hogs, lo.oou heaa. iveceipts. anipmeiiLs. 37.000 04.200 50.400 ,'i5.IK0 277.5O0 175.80'! 303.000 2i;;,ioo 4,000 93,000 26,300 Flour Wheat Corn . Oats - Rye . Barley Grain and Provisions in New York. NEW YORK, October 11. Flour Quiet and lower.- Receipts, 68,614 barrels; snip menta. 6786 barrels. Wheat Spot. weak. No. 2 red. $1.01 ele vator and-iL00 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 North ern Duluth. 11.19 I. o. n. anoat. futures market waa weak and lower under heavy liquidation on weak cables ana lavoranie Aeeentlne news lncreasea warm a blucks au the Government-s report, closing im to not lower. December ciosea .t.uo-; May. $1.08. Receipts, 33,200 bushels; shipments. none. TRAVELERS GUIDEL 6A V FRANCISCO PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Los Angeiea via om Cisco, every five days. trrom Alnsworth nock. Portland. 4 P. M. SB. Beaver Oct. 14. Bear 19. Rose City 24. From San Francisco. Northbound. 12 M. SS. Rose City Oct. 18. Beaver IS, Bear 28. From Ssn Pedro, Northbound. SS. Rose city Oct. 16. Beaver 21, Bear 86. H. Ci. Hmltn, c. . a., 1 xoiru ni. J. W. Ransom. Agent, Ainswortb Dock-phones- Main 42. 2S0: A 1402 Best Grade Lump Coal $6.00 Per Ton Delivered to Any Address Within the City Limits of Portland The Pacific Coal & Gas Company wish to announce to the public that they have sold the 800 tons of coal which they advertised they would sell at $5. BO per ton. and the Company has decided to offer an addi tional 500 tons at 6.00 per ton on the same basis as that sold at $5.0 per ton, whfch was only two tons to each customer at this price and no orders will be accepted unless accompanied by the cash or check. We are making deliveries of our coal to those who have ordered, and we are printing for your information some of the letters that have been written to us by those who are now using1 the coal. -We have many more on file in our office and would be pleasj to show them to you that you may know the kind of coal this is. This order will positively cease aa soon as the BOO tons have been sold and the price will then be advanced to 97.50 per ton, which price will remain in force for the balance of the Winter. If you wish to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to save several dollars per ton on your coal, you will have to act at once as this 500 tons will be sold very rapidly. The following is a copy of some of the letters: J. J. Folen. O. K. Fltzsimmons. COMMERCIAL AND REALTY CO. OREGON OPPORTUNITIES. 403 Merchants Trust Building. Portland, Oregon. Phone. Main 4076. Portland. Or., Oct. 7, 1910. Pacific Coal & Gas Co.. ilS-19 Commercial Club Bldg.. Portland. Or. Gentlemen: I am very particular about the coal I use, always buying the highest grades. A friend told me about your offer of two tons at a low price aa a test. I am very glad I availed myself of that offer and secured some of 'your coal. It is as good as any high-grade coal I have ever used. It la clean, Bootless, leaves little ash, fires quickly and holds heat well. I consider that you have done me a great favor In the service you have rendered. I will most certainly want more of It. You are at liberty to use this letter as a sincere testimonial. Toun very truly, (Signed.) J. J. FOLEN. Portland. Or., Oct. 8. 1910. Pacific Coal Gas Co., Portland, Or. Gentlemen: In reply to yours of the Sth will say that after trying your coal that lt la a pleasure to me to recommend the same. It burns well and does not clinker and leaves little ash. It is the be3t coal that I have used In Oregon and I can cheerfully recommend It. . Sincerely yours, JAS. P. HAGADONE. Portland, Or., 9-16-1910. Thlg Is to certify that the undersigned has purchased two tons of coal from the Pacific Coal & Gas Co. of Portland and have tested lt In our kitchen range, and find lt to be just as recommended, first-class coal lor a sort coal. Main 1944. J. & GREENFIELD. 491 Patton Road. Office phone, Pacific Coa! & Gas Company Boom 218, Commercial Club Building. Phone, Marshall 2581. Portland, Oregon. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus anJ Profits. $800,000.00 OFFICERS: t. C. AIXJWOnTH, , President. R. w. 5CHMEEU, Caasler. R. LEA BiRVES, Vice-President. A, at. WRIGHT, Assistant C staler. - W. A. HOLT, Assistant Caaalsr. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES lum6ehmens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND. OREGON Capital $500,000 Portland Trust Company BANK Oldest Trust. Company in Oregon Capital $300,000 4 on 90-Day Call Certificates Corner Third and -Oak Streets. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of ths Rocky Mountains Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $900,003 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Saving3 HAMBURG-AMERICAN LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Oct. 22, 12 noon. Oct. 26. 1 P. M. Nov. 8. 11 A. M. Notr. IX 2 P. M. Around the World ' Two Grand Cruises of about three and one-half months dura tion each. "Around the World," the first to leave New York Nov. 1, 1911, and the second from San Francisco . Feb. 17, 1912, by the large transatlantic steamer "Cleve land." Bates from $650 np. Alxo Cralaea to the Wnrt Indira, the Orient and Soath A nserlca. Write for Itinerary of both cruises. II Baths. Gymnasium, etc. Hambnrf-American Line, 160 Powe3 St, Sao Francisco or Local R. R. Agts, Portland tAmerika ....... Pres. Grant .... t Kais'n Aug. Vic 'Pennsylvania . . tUnexcelled RIta-Carlton a la Carte Res taurant. Gymnasium. Elec Haths. Ele vator, Palm Garden. 'Second Cabin only. GIBRALTAR, NAPLES. GENOA 8.8. CINCrVNNATI. . . Not. 8, 1 A. M. S.8. B ATA VIA Nov. IS, March 7. 8.S. CLEVELAND Dec. 6, Jan. 28. 8.8. CINCINNATI '. Jan 5. New 17,000 tons. Blerator, Electric TRAVELERS' GUIDS. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct North Pacific S. S. Co.'a 8. S. Roanoke and 8. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at P.'M. Ticket office 132 Tivlrd st near Alder. MARTIN J. HK.I.F.Y, Passenger Aft-eat, W. H. SLlsjtlL Fretcht Ascot. Phones M. 1314. A Uli. O. K. & N. Astoria Route. STEAMER HASSALO Lre&vea Porllaii.l daily except Saturday at 8:u0 P. M. MakM all war landing. Arrives at Astoria at 6:00 A. M. Leave Astoria dally, except Sunday, at 7:00 A. M. Arrives Portland at P M- Makes direct con nection wr?a steamer Nahcotta for Megler. Ilwaco, Long Beacn. and, all points on tna Ilwaoo Railroad. COOS BAY LINE STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska dock. Portland. 8 P. M-. October 11. 18 2.".. Nov. 1, 8, 3 5, 22. 29 and every Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska Dock until 5 P. M. daily. Passenger tare, first-class. $10: second-class. 7, Including meals and berth. Tickets on sale al Alns warth Dock. Phones Main 286; A 12S4, The real secret of that fellow's suc cess in real estate that you've been jealously observing,, is aggressive work for public improve ments and first of all, BITULITHIC S-T-R-E-E-T-S