Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1910, Page 20, Image 22

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Navigation Above New Bridge
Is to Halt 48 Hours to
Permit Work.
Thrw Scons and Much False Work
Will Be l"wd in Delicate Task or
Putting Xew Draw In Its
Proper Position.
For a prin1 of at least v hours,
navigation tn the harbor above the Haw-ttiom-avenue
bridge will be blocked, ex
cept for such vesst-le) as can pass beneath
the bridge deck, as it nil! require that
tune in whicn to flont the draw span into
place and adjust it. Drake C. O'Reilly
yaterday said that it had been decided
to use three scows In moving the draw
from where It has been assembled, and
In view of the givat height of the false
work tliat will be built on the floats the
work will no doubt establish a record
In the United States.
Elsewhere, draws of the same type
have been floatnd in that manner and
the projects have been of identical char
acter, except that trey were not carried
on at such a low staL-o of water, l.nder
normal conditions' and with high water
and no current, the undertaking would
be regarded as difficult, but Engineers'
ver that the low water doubles the
responsibilities and the greatest care
will be necessary to execute it safely
The barges Ocean and Oregon, each
liaving a length of 133 feet, and the
rarge Slwash. of 13i feet in length,
will be floated beneath the draw span,
jthe Siwash In the center. On each will
'be erected false work on which the span
will rest, and braces will be carried from
one barge tn the other, so that the
entire structure will be ac rigid as pos
sible. It has not been decided whether
the Immense muas of steel and false
ork. of which the span alone weighs
M4 tons, will be shifted by means of
tow boats or with lines.
As the plans contemplated the draw
elng built In its proper popitlon. some
tof the fastenings and connecting parts
' 'will have to be installed after It is
In place. On one tower, a frame has
teen completed in which to cast the
Immense concrete counter weights, that
will govern the accent and descent of
the draw, while on the second tower
the frame Is under way. Unfavorable
weather, which would retard the set
ting' of the concrete, may defer the
si raw being shifted into position until
wbotit November 1.
Mr. O'Reilly says that space beneath
he bridge west of the draw will be
free and false work to the east, on which
the draw now rests, mill be torn away
o that craft may para, but ocean-going
vessels and river steamers with tall
stacks and hogposts will no doubt be
delayed. When it is aixeertalned definite
ly when the draw Is to be floated notice
will be given mills at the southern end
f the harbor so tiiey can gauge the
slellvery of logs accordingly.
the slough. It Is tut Intended to use
sternwheelers In towing, but to employ
propellor craft. There are four shoals
on which work will be prosecuted. The
depth on these shoals is four feet, but
ine average deptn in other places is
eight feet. Plants In that vicinity
have depended on rail lines to more
their products, bnt with the improve
ment of the channel they will have the
advantage of water transportation. In
the future development of the Penin
sula district It is expected that the
slough will become an important ave
nue of commerce. Instead of being
largely the rendezvous of nimrods. It
Is estimated that three weeks will be
required to finish the dredging.
l ighter Barge to Float Oak Branch.
Until 500 tons of sand and gravel
are transferred from the barge Oak
Branch there is little prospect of float
ing her from a shoal opposite Milwau
kle, and the removal of her cargo be
gan yesterday. It was feared that the
barge had broken in two. because of
the manner In which she sank and be
cause she had a .tremendous weight to
sustain, but an examination has shown
that she is Intact, but probably badly
(1HFFRF PRIHF I Mother's and S
UII1.UUU I IIIUL.. o. .11- . 1
otrengtn Kestorea
on s
Claim That Oregon Stock Is Freely
Offered Eastern Concord
Grapes in Market.
Coos Bay Buoy Washed Away.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Oct. 11. (Special.)
The buoy outside the Jetty at the en
trance to Coos Bay has been washed
away during the recent storms. The
Port Commission has reported the mat
ter to Commander Ellicott and asked
that the buoy be replaced. The marin
ers entering here are hoping that the
recommendation to the Government that
a bell buoy be placed at the south side
of the entrance be granted, as it would
greatly assist the vessels In entering
6EATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 11. (SptclaL)
Exporters cut the price of bluestem wheal
today to SO cents, a full cent reduction, other
varieties were unchanged, but weak. The
deirand was slafek. Receipts are Increasing
here and at Tacoma. Nearly 300 cars have
reached Pug-et Sound this week. Oats and
barley were unrhinred.
Concord grapes were firmer and California
grapes easier. The former sold all the way
from 25 to 3.1 cents per basket fend the latter
irom s l to Sl.zo. A carload or Eastern con
cord rrapes arrived. Potatoes were fn larger
supply and easier. Grape fruit was extreme
ly scarce. The Florida stock was not ready
for distribution. Several carloads of apples
arrived. Onions sold generally at 11.50. cab-
bare was sti 1 in oversuDnlr.
The cheese market continues to be th
subject of much discussion. Seattle dealers
claim Oregon cheese Is freely offered here.
but that the makers are being compelled to
store stocks that ordinarily have been parsed
on to other hands by this time of the year.
The price. It Is said. Is too high to warrant
Eggs were rainy p.entiruL poultry re
ceipts increased.
Cathclng Inlet Being Improved.
MARSHFIELD, Or., Oct 11. (Special.)
An extensive improvement is being
made on Cathctng Inlet, one of the rivers
emptying Into Coos Bay. The inlet leada
to Sumner, the town which Is the termi
nus of the stage line. The Inlet has
been dredged and now a pile driver is
being built to drive piling along the em
bankment to hold It back. With the
improvement Sumner can be reached by
boats at all tides.
Marine Xotcs,
Breakwater Signs Crew of Eight for
Steward's Department.
Concluding that racial sentiment that
mas rampant eleven years ago, when
iAguinaldo's prestige was on the wane.
I as subsld-'d. and that the present sea
son is a likely one in which the diminu
tive brown men of Luzon might ingrati
ate themselves with the seagoing pub
lic. Captain Aiacgenn hns signed a stew
ard's crew of eight Filipinos on the
"earner Breakwater. The vessel sailed
last night for Coos P.ay. and the skipper
recites that the willingness evinced by
he waiters, and their deftness as mani
pulators of dishes, augurs for them
successful employment.
"White waiters have tried our patience
until they can be no longer tolerated.
If m-e have means of selecting others.'
aid Captain Macgenn. "They seem to
rare to make only one or two trips, and
then go ashore, whllo it has been the
experience at 8aa Francisco that Flll
rlno waiters are more steady and are
equally capable. They are apparently
tetter fitted for servile tasks and do not
lave the demeanor that Is often ob
jectionable In white waiters."
The crew was secured at San Francisco
ty the Harriman interests and probably
will be retained in service. On the larger
steamers the employment of Caucasians
iwlll continue, as they have no difficulty
employing new men because of calling
mt large ports. The 1-eakwater has
little opportunity at Ciks Bay of ship
ping new waiters and if the "Goo Goos"
prove goo, I sailors they will be fixtures.
Captain Rosclle Coburn has been ap
pointed master of the tug Resolute, re
lieving Captain F. R. Hill. .
To load lumber at Stella for Califor
nia the schooner W. F. Jewett has been
towed there from Astoria.
Lumber for San Francisco is -to be
loaded at Prescott by the steamer
Coaster, which la discharging Inward
cargo at Couch-street dock.
After discharging a portion of her
cargo at the North Bank dock the Brit
ish ship Claverdon was yesterday shift
ed to Mersey dock to finish.
Balfour-Guthrie have added the Brit
ish steamer Skipton Castle to the en
route fleet, and she will sail from Ant
werp in December with general cargo.
Repairs made to the steamer lone.
which Is on the ways at the yards of
the Portland - Shipbuilding Company,
consist of the replacing of a few planks
on her hull and general repainting.
Major W. F. Mclndoe. Corps of Engi
neers. U. s. A., and E. B. Thomson,
assistant engineer, have returned from
an inspection of work being done on
the Upper Willamette. The Wheatland
dam and Matheney's bar are the scenes
of present operations.
There entered yesterday at the Cus-
toma House the steamers F. S. Loop,
Beaver and Coaster, from San Francis
co. The steamer Northland cleared tor
San Francisco with 435,000 feet of lum
ber, the Coaster for San Pedro with
650.000 feet and the Oriental liner Hen
rik Ibsen with general cargo for Hong
kong and way ports.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Oct. 11. Arrived Steamer
Coaster, from San Prsnrlsco: steamer Wav-erl,-k.
from San Francisco. Sailed Steamer
Golden Gate, for Tillamook: steamer Break
water, for Coos Bav; Uritieh steamer Scot
tlub Monarch, for St. Vincent: steamer i
H. Klniore. for Tillamook; saaollne schooner
lella. for Natucca.
Astoria. Oct. 11. Condition at the mouth
of the river at g P. M.. cloudy: sea smooth:
wind northwest, 20 miles. Arrived at 7 and
lft up at lo A- t. Steamer Maverick, from
San Franolaoo. Sailed at a A. M. Steamer
Jim Butler, for Seattle. Aerlveu at s A. l.
Gasoline schooner osnKosn. irom . enaif-tn.
nll..l at fi:40 A. M. Danish bark Denmark,
fur juentown or Falmouth. Arrived down
British strainer Scottish Monarch.
San yr.ini-lK-fl. Oct. 11. Arrived 6teamer
Falcon, from Portland. Sailed at 4 A. M.
Steamer J. A. hanlor. for Portland.
Spoken Oct. 6 :::lj fiortn. iph:ju west-
German hark Goldbek. from Santa Rosalia,
for Portland.
British steamer Pamara Is leaking badly;
holds three and four dull of water.
Kureka. Oct. 11. Arrived Steamer Eu
reka, from Portland.
Taku Bar. Oct. 11. Arrived yesterday
Norwegian steamer Alden, from Portland.
San Francisco, Oct. 11. Arrived Steamer
Nevadan. from Tort Allen: steamer Paisy.
from WIMapa; steamer Falcon. fn-ra Fort
land; t-ark Saint Hosatlen. from Newcastle:
bark John Wtnthrop. from Koiilak; schooner
l.etltta. from Bering Sea. Failed Steamer
;reystoke rastle. for ancouver: steamer
Asm. ror Hong Konc; steamer .-nn r.mun.
M. F- Plant. Cool Bar: steamer J. A. Chans
lor. for IXtrtland; steamer Atlas, for Ta
coma; steamer Hornet, for Seattle.
Hankow. Oct- 10. e Arrived Belle or scot-
land, from rortland. Or.
Sidney. S. S. W-. Oct. 11. Arrived Quito,
from Itelllncham.
Tides at Astoria WedneMiay.
Vessel Gain S2 Miles in About 12
'Hours Over Rival.
Once more the steamer Beaver, of the J
Pan Francisco Portland Steamship
Company's list of speeders, has added to
tier young reputation through overcoming
a lead held by the steamer Governor, of
t.'ie Pacific Coast Steamship Company's
fleet, to an extent that reduced it from
Xit to eight miles. It was not a race, as
orders have been Issued against such
The Beaver was to have sailed from
Fan Francisco at noon Saturday and the
Governor two hours later, but the Beaver
was delayed until 4 o"clock. When she
steamed outside the Golden Gate, the
Uovernor was seen about c miles up the
t oast. Had an effort been made to over
come the handicap, it is believed the
Peaver would have been in the company
cf the Pacific Coast fleet's greyhound
fcv midnight, hut off Cape Blanco the
fog settled heavily. The steamers were
Mdden from each other during the night
but Sunday morning the Governor waa
Been oniy eight miles away. They parted
toon after, as the Governor stood off
shore on a course for Pucct Sound, while
the Reaver remained on the Inside route.
The Reaver easily showed her heels
to the steamer President . in July, and
that was the only race she has run since
being placed In commission.
Kenton Interests Plan Creation of
Channel for Scows.
To" make Cmumbla Slough navigable
from the mouth to the bridge at Van
couver avenue is an undertaking being
fostered by the Kenton Land Company,
wl.lch baa engaged a derrick scow
with dredging equipment from the
ttamond O Interests that has begun
Srork at the mouth. Snags and other
obstructions are to be removed, and It
la hoped to have sufficient depth to
permit large scows to. be towed to
manufacturing plants along the water
way. As there are no draws in the O. 15.
fc a. and Kortnr Bank, bouses crossing
High. I.o
M .1.7 feel'tiOS A. M. ..
M 0.S fe.1'l-.14 T. M...
.1.4 feet
.4.9 fet
Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy ap
pliance tor l'HLHTLG VOL Our ex
perience Is so sreal and varied that no
one of the allmeati of Mrs is new to ua
CO Mr. l. A L IT U1H.
Geaeral Debility. Weak Kervea. In-
lomiii Results of exposure, overwork
and other Violations ef ISature'e lavt a.
lJlseaees of Bladdcx ana Kidneys, tan
roar V elna nttirkly and permanently
eirel at small expense and no deten
tion from business.
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
li u r d in k. Itching and Inflammation
stopped in 14 hours. Cures effected la
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hours I A. u to I 1'. M,
Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M only.
Corner Klrtrt.
Br the 1 arc est screen concern In the
world. M require a man of marked ability
as a salesman and of rood habits. Should I
be of mechanical turn eo a to read plans
and messure butldlnirs for screns. A per
manent and rioftirahle position ro rirht man.
Address, with ajre. xperlenc. reference
and sa'.arr. W. F. Dale, faneral delivery.
Portland. Oregon.
Prices Paid for Produce In the Bay City
BAN PRAXCISvX. Oct. 11. The follow
lnr prices were current in the produce mar
ket today:
Buttei Fancy creemery, nflifcc; creamery
seconds, 3-c; iancy auiry, -:k-.
Cheese New, lifc 17c; Young America,
Ekks Store. 42c; fancy ranch. 4 H c.
Poultry Koosters. old, $5r 5.50; rowters,
younj, broilers, small, $3';t3.30;
broilers, large, $3.50'a3.75; fryers. $4&5;
hen. (5 010; ducks, old. (6; ducks, young.
Vea-etables Cucumbers. f0 75c: rarltc.
2?3c: srreen peas. h 0c: string beans. 3
Hc; tomatoes. 25jMr; eggplant. 40,960c.
Hops lamornia, iw toe
MUlstuffs Bran, tZU U 31 ; middlings, 134
0 Sti.
Hay Wheat tTtfU: wheat and oats.
Srvll.50; alfalfa, 47$13; stock, 5friK;
Uraw, .;offtGc.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks. 11. 45; Salinas
Burbanks. $l.40Ul-,; weeta, 2fr2Uc.
Fro it Apples, choice. 5c; common. 30c;
bananas, 7oc&$3: I ex lean limes, J.3xJiT;
California lemons, cr.oice. o w; lauiorma
Unions, common. $'--50: pineapples. 12 9
Receipts Flour. 27"4 qr. sk. ; wheat, 2745
ctls .; barley. 1O.405 ctls. : oats. 285. ctla.
beans. 947 sacks: corn. 1?5 ctls.: potatoes.
647 sacks; bran. 80 sacks; hay, 1SS tons;
wool, $H bales; hides. 7"0.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 11. Wheat Decem
ber. S1.06ra; Mav. $1.11. Cash. No. 1 hard.
11. ('91,; Na 1 Northern. S1.0S ? 1.09 ; No.
2 Northern, $1,04 3,107!,; No. 3 11.02 &
1.04 -a.
Flax Closed. $2.66.
Corn No. 3 yellow, 50HffMc.
Oats No. 3 white. 304. Q 31
Rye No. 2. 71 H & 72 He.
Kuropean Grain Markets.
IONTON. ot. 11. Cargoes easier on
American advices; TV Alia Walla for ship
ment at 37s id to 87s 9d. Sellers, firm;
buyers quiet,
English country markets full.
French country markets firm.
MVERPOOL Oct. 11. What October.
7s 2d; December, 7s 3Hd; March, 3L
Weather fine.
, Grain at 8an Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO Oct. 11. Wheat steady,
barley firm.
Jpot quotations: Wheat Shipping, ft. SO
8135. Barley Feed, vTHtfSe; brewing.
Slffl.05. Oats Red. $1.15 ft 1.22H ' white,
fl.'Ol.rtO; black, fl.351.30.
Call board sales: Wheat No trading;
parley December. Sl.fU bid. $1.04 H asked.
Corn, large yellow, $1.21.W.
Iuluth Flax Market.
DTT,TTTT. Oct. 11. Flax on truck, to ar-
Hr. Joseph Miller and his mother
are living examples of what Daffy's
Pure Malt Whiskey will do for the
weak and run down man or woman.
They both are the picture of health.
1 want to make the following state
ment as to the efficacy of Duffy's Pure
Malt Whiskey. For many years my
mother, who Is now over seventy years
of age. and myself, were very much run
down in health. I consulted a number
of physicians, but received little or no
benefit, from their treatment. I read
your advertisement In the local paper
and asked my family doctor regarding
the merits of your preparation. He ad
vteed me to use it, and I frankly say it
has benefited us both exceedingly and
i nearuiy recommend it to any one
in a run-down condition." JOSEPH
MILLER. 237 West 34th St.. New York.
No medicine has stood the test
fifty years like Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey, and always been found abso
lutely pure and full of good medicinal
virtue. Men and women in all walks
of life who have been benefited Join in
singing its praises as the true elixir o
life which invigorates body, brain and
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
If you wish to keep young, strong
and vigorous take Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey regularly, according to direo
tions. It tones and strengthens the
heart action and purifies the entire sys
tern. While Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
does not digest the food, it excites the
flow of saliva for the digestion o
starchy food, preventing fermentation
In the ftomach and bowels, and by IPs
powerful influence upon the stomach
and salivary glands causes these organs
to do their natural work. It enables
the old to enjoy the sports of youth.
Duffy's Pure Malt Wmskey is sold in
gists, grocers and dealers, or direct,
$1.00 a large bottle. Look for the "Old
Chemtat" on the label. Medical booklet
containing rare common-sense rules for
health and testimonials, also doctor's
advice sent free to any one who writes
The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co.. Roches
ter. N. Y.
rive, $2.T: October and November, $2.6i
bid; December. $ J .t bid; May, $2.53.
Grain Markets of b Northwest.
TACOMA. Oct. 11. Wheat, milling, blue
stem, !itc; club. 85c. Export, bluestem, 00c;
club, sac; Tea Kussian. .c; rortyroia, c
Receipts, wheat. W2 cars: nariey, l car; corn.
car; oats. 4 cars; naj i cars.
SEATTLE. Oct. 11. Milling Quotations,
bluestem. 8"Hc; fortrfold. . S3Hc; club.
c: nre. -.c: rea itusaian. au c. ex
port wheat, bluestem, 84 He; fortyfold.
noup; cmo, 7J"r; me. -ihc.
A certain, rapid and permanent cure is the desire of every
afflicted man.
If you are suffering -with any ailment, come in and tell us
all about it. It will cost you nothing to talk over your case
with us. "We will tell you how we cure just such cases as
yours, what the cost will be, and about the time it will take.
Very many men who are ailing do not know how really
simple a thing it is to get well in the hands of a specialist who
knows his business. "
A reaonable amount, wholly within your means, clearly
understood by j'ou, is our fee. The pasment of this fee is
arranged to your own satisfaction.
MEN, honestly investigate our perfected methods, and you
will understand how easily we cure VARICOSE VEINS,
PROSTATIC, BLADDER and KIDNEY troubles, and all con
tracted ailments.
Any ailing man who calls at our office may receive, free of
charge, private council and a careful personal examination on
week days from 9 A. 31. to 5 P. 31. and from 7 to 8 P. 31. ; on
Sundays, 10 to 1 only.
Why I Cure M
TT A T"!! R H ii i
w -hen others f ai
No matter If you have been pronounced Incurable b' any other physician, don't on
that account hesitate to come to me for treatment. I have cured hundreds of men who
had been told that they were incurable. Remember, that my methods are original with
me, and are the result of many years' experience in medical practice. I effect a cure in
every case J take for treatment, -because my treatment is adjusted to the needs of each
patient with scientific precision. I leave nothing to guesswork. I KNOW when I begin
treating a patient that I will perform a complete and permanent CURB. Such a cure
by mv treatment is just as certain as that two and two make four.
I claim that nothing less than complete eradication of the disease from the sys
tem is a real cure. I treat to completely remove the disease and not merely the symp
toms. I drive out every root and fiber of the ailment and effect a cure that will make
you strong and vigorous for a lifetime.
The cures I effect are the result of my thorough knowledge of every phase of the
disease I treat and to, the fact that 1 apply Individual treatment to each case. In every
Instance I know the ailment and I know the cure for it. The fact that I agree to watt
for my fee until you are cured is proof of my confidence in my ability to cure in
every case. Some physicians assert that certain ailments of men are incurable. I deny
that and stand ready to PROVE that by my methods there Is no ailment peculiar to
men that cannot be cured.
More Men Might Be Well
There are scores and hundreds of afflicted men who believe their cases incurable
because treatment of the past has resulted In failure, and who through this belief are
being deprived of the full and complete health that might be theirs. I do not claim
that there are no Incurable cases, but I do claim that many cases absolutely incur
able bv such treatment as has been given them will yield promptly to tne correct and
scientific methods that I exclusively employ. I offer free consultation and will ac
cept for treatment no cases unless I am confident of my ability to effect a complete
cure. This Is meant emphatically. .
The Leading; Specialist.
Consultation is FREE
and confidential, and you
place yourself under no
obligation to me what
ever by coming to talk
with me about your
I Especially Invite Those Who Have Deep-Seated and
Chronic Disorders to Call and Be Examined
Men's Ailments
To but partially cure an ailment is
almost as dangerous as to allow It to
(to untreated. Unless every particle of
infection and inflammation is removed,
the probability exists that the ailment
will sradually work its way Into the
jreneral system. Perhaps 25 per cent of
the cases I treat are a direct result of
some Improperly treated allmtnL Dur
ing the past tlve years I have treated
over HZQtt cases of these ailments and
have effected an absolute and thorough
and safe cure in each instance. There
have been no relapses or undesirable de
velopments whatever, and my patients
have been rured in less time than other
and less thorough firms of treatment re
quired in producing even doubtful results.
Blood Ailments
This most troublesome of all ail
ments can no longer be classed as incur
able. The idea that the limit of medical
aid Is to keep the ailment dorniant by
persistently dosing; the system with med
icines Is as Incorrect as many other an
cient theories to which many of the pro
fession cling;. Such treatment not in
frequently results in the virus being:
driven deeper into the system, where it
attacks and destroys even the very
bones of the sufferer. I positively drive
the very last taint from the system.
The cure is thorough and permanent,
and every symptom of the ailment van
ishes forever. I esjiploy no dangerous
druffs or medicines, but use harmless
blood-cleansing remedies heretofore un
known in the treatment of thie ailment.
I regard my success as the crowning
triumph of my professional career.
Kidney and Bladder
My treatment removes the necessity of
surgical operations, even in the severe
cases of long standing. No other phy
sician employs my methods of overcom
ing this ailment, so the service I offer
you is original and distinctive. Do not
give up nope because others have failed.
1 will cure you and the cure will be a
prompt and painless one. My treatment
permanently remove all Inflammation,
relieves all irritation or congestion that
may exist in the kndncys or bladder and
restores health and tone to ail organs
N6w Open
We have spared no time or expense in
establishing our new Portland Museum of
Anatomy and Science, which Is now open
to receive visitors. We are showing over
600 pieces, including wax and plaster
models, skeletons. skulls, imported
French papier-mache wcrk. etc.; also
many natural specimens preserved in al
cohol. The Dr. Taylor Co. is well known
as the largest and most reliable concern
in Its particular field on the Coast, and
the greatest care has been exercised In
the arrangement of the collection to ex
clude anything calculated to shock or
Intimidate the most susceptible; and no
indecent models of any kind are shown.
Just as our methods of treatment are in
a distinct and superior class, so aiso is
our Museum so far superior to anything
else in the line ever shown hare that
there is absolutely no comparison.
Varicose Veins
Many men afflicted with varicose veins
are endangering their general health,
and even life Itself, by allowing the ail
ment to remain uncured. Varicose veins
result from partial paralysis of the deli
cate nerve fibres that have a part in
controlling local circulation of the blood.
The muscular coatins of the veins, b
ing deprived of nervous communication
and control, become inactive, weakens
nnd relaxes. The blood vessels expand
from the pressure within, the circulation
becomes sluggish, and frequently stag
nant pools form in little nooks and
pockets that constantly enlarge as the
relaxation continues.
I guarantee to cure variuosj veins In
one week by a method that involves no
cutting. No other physician employs a
like method and so thorough is my
work that there need not be the slightest
fear of- a relapse into the old condition.
Those who have been long afflicted with
varicose veins will never realize the in
Jury they have caused until they feel
the vim, energy and buoyancy of spirits
that a complete cure will bring.
Why My Cures Are
Because the methods I employ meet
even the most minute detail of these ail
ments to which they apply, and are
readily modified to meet the require
ments of the Individual cases. Because
my treatment is ample, scientific and
thorough, my cures are com plete and
lasting, and my patients have no re
lapses. For the same reason I am usu
ally able to cure in much less time than
Is commonly required In obtaining but
partial results.
You Can Pay When Cured Consult Me Free
If you are afflicted in any way it certainly will be to your best interests to come and have a friendly
talk with me. It will save you a great deal of worry and anxiety. It will not cost you ONE CENT, and you
will not bind yourself in any way to take treatment from me. I will tell you frankly what your condition is,
and then you can decide for yourself as to whether I shall treat you or not. If you cannot call, write. Cor
respondence invariably has my personal attention and is regarded as strictly confidential. All replies mailed
in plain envelopes. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 1 P. M.
234J Morrison, Corner Second
Portland, Oregon
- i
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doc'er
Tbls great Chines
doctor. Is well
known thro ugli.
out the Northwest
because of his
wonder ful and
mar velous cures,
and is today her
aided by all his
natients as the
r..rt nf his kind. He treats any
snd all diseases with powerful Chi
nese roots, heros ana Dara mat ara
entirely unknown to tne medical
science of this country. With these
harmless remedies he guarantees to
cure catarrh, asthma, funs troubles.
rheumatism, nervousness, siomacn,
liver and kidney troubles, also pri
vate ailments ox men and women.
Patients outside of city writ, for
blanks and circulars, Inclose 4a
lOZyz First St- Near Morrlsoa,
Portland, Or.
Vim, Energy And
A Keen Exhilaration
In hot weather it revives your energies
and stimulates the skin to healthy action.
ine iiatn Kelreening
All Grocers and Drni&iata
The famous
Chinese. Drs.
8. K. Chan,
with t h e ir
Chinese reme
dies of herbs
and roots
cure wonder-
tk . ,. f f A r r. -US..LCKW
llfl CHM when other remedies
have failed. Sure cure for chronic pri
vate ailments, nervousness, bipod poi
son, rheumatism, asthma, pneumonia
bladder, kidney, throat and lung trou
bles, consumption, stomach disorders
and other diseases of all kinds. Reme
dies harmless. No operation. Honest
treatment. Examination free. Call or
write to
The 8. K. Chan Chinese Medicine Co..
126 i Morrison St.. between First and
Second. Portland, Oregon.
Tee & bon'i Medicine Co. spent
lifetime study of herbs and re
tearch In China; was granted
diploma by the Emperor; won
derful cure of all allmentj of
men and women when others
failed. If yon suffer, call or
write td YEE &ON'S MI)I
CLNE CO., KliVi First. Cot.
Alder, rorUandj Or.
Reliable Treatment.
To Perfect Health and
Strength and Robust
"lou Seed Mr Advice."
$5 to $10
Free Museum of Anatomy
Open Daily for Men
Very Instructive and Interesting.
Man Know Thyself.
Our Practice Limited to Ailments of Men Only
We know the ailments that are peculiar to men like an open book.
We have been curing? them for years. Thousands upon thousands of
men, restored to perfect health and strong nerves, are today living;
monuments to our skill, knowledge and success. We never hold out
false hopes. We never undertake a case we cannot cure. We have
made so thorough a study of all the ailments of men of Varicose
Veins, Specific Blood Poison, Nerve Weakness and have cured so
many cases that if there is a oure for TOUR ailment you will find it
here. When we undertake a case there is no such thing as failure.
We charge nothing for consultation, and our knowledge, skill and ex
perience are at your service.
No matter who you have heen to see or what you have tried, I can
and will cure you, or I will tell you it cannot be done. To prove to
every man that I have a sure and wonderful cure for ailments of men,
I want you to call and have a friendly talk free, that I may show you
why I can and do cure cases after all others have failed.
We are permanently located and Incorporated under the laws of Ore
gon. MEN, IF IN TROUBLE, CONSULT US TODAY. If you cannot call,
write for free book and self-examination blank. Many cases cured
at home. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12.
201 MORRISON ST., Bet." Fourth and Fifth, PORTLAND, OR.
SIM! cJM-i-'ti.
im X, Xee-
tiisa ii n i mi ss isi i-ief
r bridge bldr
First Sr.
room 11, and 223 H
alder fit. Chinese
'cot and Hrs
Medicines. Coras
ancer, Rbeuma
tum. Consumption.
Dropsy. catarra.
tfioutaca, Lung,
Uver and Kldnsj
i . o u t 1 s. AU
Chronic allmeni
of ma and worn
ta. J&xamlnatloa
(rsa, Drufstor
14 jlaoO U