TIIE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910: JKOTIG.V-PICTCRS machine; Powers. E41- 'n. Path and others twiy In slock from 873 p; th latent and beat fllmi for rent. "The best t none too good" 1 cmr stand ard. W trard opeSating and qualify to run a fbew; be for cks.ng dai e where be u rs an d see ta; we hive the coot! and price are rgnu WRITS V9 IN BE'JAKD TO OI K OtKATOH S BOOK. ENTITLED "PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION TO OPER ATORS OK MOVING PICTURE MA CHINES." Pnct $1. UemmJfl Film Serr-1- A.; lance, room ua-iiO Couch bid., P-yrflari'l. Of. --, A FEW GOOD BL'YS. Hardware. Invoice about 7O0. rocry. Invoice about Clear and confectionery, Iron $7BJ to 8C-V0. Pool ball. 6-table hall; rent 90 per month. Saloons, on $200. on I49O0; these ar good one. Many other business chances. Call and Se US. GOODNOUGH PEITZ. 310 Spalding BMg. for 3rd aaJ Wash. BTRniVtSlftV TRACT Wanted; party with some capital to Join th advertiser lo subdividing and putting a tract of from l.Vo to .VvO acres of choice apple land, partly developed, near Hood River, on the markt; price Is rlsht and lrmi my: oniy parties w&o mean busi ness need imwr and must Mate amount you wish to invest In first letter to insure reply. I 40$. Oregonlan. READ THIS LIST. Orocexy. - 11 v ins; rooms, oo. Confectionery. 4 rooms, Si lt. Hardware, invoice about 7o'. Furniture. Invoice about 3twO. Pool room. 3 tables. 51h). Tool room. 2 tables. 3 "o. Saloon. East Ste. WX. (Wi vending machines. Plenty more to choose from. V. T. HALU 321 Lumbermen Bins;. FOR SALE, a M.W MMritv HuMMfil oortable saw' mt:i compute with cutoff saw, sawdust conveyor, etc; also a No- 1 Northwest planer, with attachments, rood as aw has been used only a short time. For particulars tail at my office. h-333 Front t. rVrt:nd. or. UEKUAN MET7CER. Owner. WOR SALE Lax it lot. corner of E. 74lh and Base Line road, with wven-room house and gara that will storo six maenmes nri. r..m -. , 'm innk and repair anop this proper; Is renting at present for 3 per month: If closed at once can be botiRht verr cheap, terms, continental Trust CO . UU spai-iag Dtufc. Rlk'RRT. Up-to-date bakery, doing $75 business per day; rent only 4D per month; tn a nice, clean building, with good lease; this win beer tne closest investigation. See for yourself. Price 8Wo. G R Cf S t A Z A DOW. SIT Board of Trade Bl'lK . 4th and Oak. A LKtilTISIATR PROPOSITION! A few hundred dollars will put yon in a Sood paving business. No skin inms about tot. willpay bis; profits. Light manu facturing proposition. WILLIAM A. MAYNES. 6C0 Chamber of Commerce. VALIARLK BUSINiaS INFORMATIOH. This ajesnev la in a noeltion to furnish reliable information regarding business openings; oa.y legitimate proposition con sidered. AME3 MERCANTILE AGENCY. 416 A bias ton bidg.. Established CPPORTf N ITT to Burrhavt twenty mil Hon feet of Bne timber, located where It can be logged cheaply to large pond of water. 3.0wi capacity sawmill and Willamette logging engine go with this deal If re quired; satisfactory terms can be made n:h right p-irty. P sal, uregoman. BEKORE buying anything In the business chance line, come and see us; It will pay you to do so; we have a splendid lift to select from and will treat you right. PLOCH REALTY d. 2V 1 Lumbermens DMg. KQl'ITY In motlern bungalow, fur mshtd or unfurnisned. near schoolhouse trade for -rocsrv. restaurant, roomlnir house, vacant lot or automobile and will pay rash difference if any. P. U- Hox -. BAKERY. will bear cloaret Investigation; compelled to sell. Particulars room 313 Lumber Kxehang b!dg. TOLKO MAN. FTRANQKRl Make careful investigation at ef se.ier before jou invest mooy in any proposition. Advisory ieparuaeoU I. M. C. A. HALF Interest In an ofci established busl- nesm, dolns: a i ood business, wim a sal arled position of per month. For full particulars, call Klnny fit amp her. Lua- Der ticntnft oiiig.. rooms n-mii. HA.Vrt at cost for Christmas, by taking a consignment of 10. Hlgh-claae piano well-known make dlrert irom xactory. For particulars phone Mrs. Myers, ziell- woocl i v 1 . immeaiuteiy. UniM bill NAP. Business conter, clean stock, rent J -V Snies ' dally; other bustneas; must sell. FtR SALE Splendid restaurant. restaurant. fully equipped, ready for butnees; good tln: owner other business. Call il. after 3 P. M. Io-a- &U2 RKMABT.E merchant wants partner; pay tl-"t month salary and share of the profits; money secured. Call Btark street. FOR SALE A Arst -class tailoring estab lishment, on West Side, close In, or would take all-around taUor for partner, r 4att. Ort-gontsn. J'CK L. RtoiI. 3 good tables, confectionery and Z--nair Darner snp; imoa nusinee; only pot room town of 20CO. tl'vO cash; t M J.Q. Lreg.nian. SAWMILL for sale. Having cut out our tlm br will sell our saw nit II. with engines and boiler, capacity 20.OOO feet. CtrpcQ' ters LumbiT Co. Arleta. Or. FOR SALE Grocery stock and fixtures. about 1U'H; a erase businag SIJ.0 ntonth: splendid territory. See owner.. T . Orepcontan. Fv'R SALE Ity owner, restaurant doing "0 uaiij, on v asnmston st.; cneap ror ca-R; will stand strictest Investigation, X 40.4, tr-irnn!nTU OIKKLK1KS. hardware, feed. etc.. part ner wanted for splt-ndld store; lease; no bonus; $1400 required. Call 248V Stark SXrKHTiONAb opportunity for barber shop commnea wun conrectionery ana pooi rvm; low rent- long lease. Con na way "Merc. Co . Hood River. Or. FINE restaurant, averaging $30 dally; lo cated on Washington at.: low rnt; lone lease; 1L?U0 cash. 4-0 Board of Trade M-lg. w K ARE In position to ofTer Issues of stocks and b'nls for sale for corporations. J. N. &evh rest A Co.. brokers. ao White bl.tu.. Buffalo. N Y. WANT ED ft ood - paym g bus! ness I n Port land or Southern Oregon for cash nnd gQvM seourlty. Y 4"S, Oregunlan, St 4'onfectlonery and cigar store, close In: a very busy place. Call Henry bidg. PARTNER m meat market; experience) not Tteceesary: call and Investigate. 21st and c.intun sts. Bia MONEY IN REAL ESTATE, opportunity to secure established offloe for 4tT Lumbermsns bank bldg. PAKTNKR wanted for manufacturing busi ness): Vaf"; can make goodl money. N. T. HALU 3-1 Lumbermen Bldg. MININO AND LrH-STRIAL STOCK 31 TVle-V-ne and other bonds bought and Wld. FietehT Inv. Cv. T2S Ablngton. LARGE lunch ciunter. feed 140 at lunch; rent Hj: Ace bara!n. Call for Wark at 451 Washington, 11:10 A. M. CXTNTRT store, oer ITT. d.vy sales: will Invoice: store w!th t-rom house rents for I'S month. Call 21 Stark st. tHoK repair shop; s;ood quality: plenty of work: owner In pr hea.th. ldl Stark st. Mouut Tabor car. S."vO c; rK-e ry : re n t i with living roomi ; man and wife can make 14 to 16 day. Call 3-" Henxr bldg. PRINTING plant wanted, mast be cheap; no Junk heap considered; give full particu lars tn first tetter. W 4u. OreEontan. BAH BF.R S HOP for sale, whole or half la terest. centrally located; trial given. R a-, Pregjr.tan. KiR S ALE Est.iMlshed dyeing and clean ing wrks. 4 rooms furnished, cbesp rent, pru-e $.. Inquire at lls 4th et- FOR M.E Restaurant, only one In town of m, one bl-ck from depot; terms. Char!-s Purnty. Woodbum. or. "WANTED Ol.-e man with f and ref erence: excellent orportunity. 3-6 Worcea- ter bl il g. FLORIST S stnnd with lease. 3W Warhlng- tr;ys P- Johnjon. ft- Sontn ave. or ogna. Died. lioci rvitaote oTtcr ana nsi. N. T. H LU 3J1 Lumbermen Blrtg. MEAT DurkM. partner wanted: expeHence cot ne-arT: require very little money. Call 4ii Stark st. XXCTOR"S residence for sale cheap; fin loeattoa lor new physician. M Ore gentan. WANTED Rooming- house, ft to 10 rooms; must he good furniture and price ra sonabte: "me ttrma. Ca II Vl 4 1 h St. FIRT-CLASS motln-pl.-ture show, down town. West Sid, a good buy. Rogers A McRay. ao5 Wa?h. st . room 35. BLACKSMITH shop, too:, stock, city lot ail ttr ro oom petition- JL M. West ov sr. Xrarwtt, WmH. stOOMTNG-KOrSES. BEST MONEY-MAKER IN CITY. , w. 53-room, modern corner brick, rlgnt down torm, exquisitely furnished with high-grade Moqaette and velt carpet golden oak furniture, special-made beos. and bedding, steam heat, hot and com water and large closet In every room: several private and public baths, lone lease, lowest rent of modern down-town place In city; positively clears l-,c to above expenses and cater to fins class or people; If vou have 5RH cash It will put you in possession of the best-pyg in vestment In the cl-y; this i-iace is gn'n cheap and It will pay you to investigate at once. ROOM 1 NO-HOC? E' SNAP. 50 rooms, one one of the bt 5 In the city, very nicely furnished witn Brussels and velvet carpets, oak na ture, iron beds. go-Kl lea-te. reasonable rent clear 100 to $173 above -Pen.f if?J the persons who a good tranalei.t house cheap, this certainly wilt nil tn bill- SI TOO puts you in possession. A GOOD BUY. 26-room. corner brick. tly '"JT nlshed with birdseye maple and oW oak furniture; Bruasels carpets, iron beds, tlosa mattrosses. steam heat, elctflc "Kl". room Ught and airy, and bealdc being a. g.Md money-maker Is an Ideal home, good lease; rent only $4.SO ner room, owner is HI and must sell at once; puts you In possession or unt o These bargains are just a sample of the great number of good bnys which we have go our list; ws are always pleased to give particulars to prospective buyers who can at our uuicb. IJEVLIN A FIREBAUOH. MO-511-512 Swetland Bliig. PORTLAND ROOMINO-HOVSa CO. 313 Henry UMff. cm rvt-i i a tuiv:iP.T WOT SE. 49 rooms, corner brick, entrance from twn tirto- xeeiient location; doing hig transient trade; long lease at iu per month, which Includes part neai. na steam heat, hot and cold water and clos ets In all rooms; a Ht of new furnishings recently put In. Owner must sell this month and place 1 offered for first time for l0. 4 CT'RE THING. ?i mnma rt-nt ISO month; long lease, good location, on comer; all rooms on one floor and clearing 150 per month; this place has been run only a short time and Is In first -cias conamon; terms. VERY NEAT. s rooms, rent 40; good location, elegant furniture throughout; a nice home and good income: special price for on week. 1 rooms, well furnished, filled with de sirable roomers: rent only liO month and a bargain at 100; only S&OO cash re quired, s 14 rooms, mostly housekeeping: lan; house, fine grounds. Close in; income per monin; a snap at si-uw; pan cm. 11 rooms, good furniture and carpets; rent only Its; only Joo casn reqmrea. PORTLAND ROOMIN'e-HOUSB CO. 313 iienry niag- ' .see everyone else, then call on us for bargain. nr rooms, beautiful furniture, price $3" to mnint a 1nvlv Home, nrlc SS'J ii rooms, a money-maker, uric ?..r. ! rooms. furnished elegantly, prl trJOO. rooms. dears $100 monthly, pries 2.' rooms, best buy In town, price $10, t.. room. Clear niwann;, F KrlW Mmm fAOO nrice SSOOO. Easy term on a'l and many more to fch"maI?ch-pchnetder-stearnb CO Call 41? Board of Trade. SALOON" Snap. $500- License paid for next quarter, rent paid for one month. Fixtures and everything In place; a:i reaoy ior cosiness; mi i For any saloon snaps see us. 400 Board of Trade SNAP PATS fin MONTH PROFIT. A creamery store on Washing- Ington street, doing t-A a day busi ness; 3 year lease. $A a month; books to show: has a fine trade In tlie center ef apartment house dis trict: butter, eggs and cheese, a paving side line. Plate glass front. Established 8 year; new store. No store of the kind within 6 blocks; price 5S0. RALPH ACKLET. 605 Corbet! Bldg. A ROOD BUY. 5T ROMS, well located; BRICK Bt'ILD INti; rent only $75. with lease, and clear ing ft0i a month over all expens-; thl 1 a KAKUAI. IOr 1U. ei'JW caii it lata it. hlMtire easv monthly payments. Also a very desirable flat of 23 ROOMS In same location for $1850; this place clears loo a tnontn. ELLIS. SMITH A CO.. 326 Washington St.. rooms 201-302. RXAP FOR SOMEONE. Kw modern hotel, elegantly furnished throughout; 16 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric; patronage guaranteed, (tee Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco. Ore., or H. D. Drleebach. Telegram or i ice. I'-OO CASH. Gets you Into a well-furnished boarding house of lo ROOMS; iuat the place for you if you want a small Investment where you can pay all family expense: total coat S40V, $-' in moninty payments ELLIS. SMITH At CO, n?6H Washington at., room l'ul-202. ONLY S0. Neat -room house, excellent location; mm ahIt ssoz rood furniture and car pets: can keep a few select boarders and make a nice income. PORTLAND KOOMI.V-VHOUSB CO. 313 Henry Bldg. PBTT.R WANTED. Man with other business want reliable man as partner In manufacturing line to look after help; pays good salary, besides large profits; experience not neceary. Call room :T. LCinwr rrnwiigB Tini 1t IX EY-MAKERS. We have the best-paying, best-furnished snd lowest-priced rooming-houses. 8 rooms. $500: 1- rooms ; many gtnw iaraiu. iV.'ti Chamber or commerce. 4 ROOMS. elegantly furnished. velvet Brussels carpet. long lease. ri"Vtft.J? home and good Income. 319 Board of i raue. new nxturee; proumuto handled for leas than $;00; must be sold this week. Apply to D. C. Burntrager, aJ2 ONE lO-room newly furnished housekeep ing bouse, never empty, one iw.bhh. - lng over 975 a month. Bloch Kealty Co 221 Lumbermens pmg. 12 ROOMS, modern rvsiaence; weii xur- nlshed; mncn or it new; cit-i uu good condition. Ring up A HIM or call 5-t 34tn, near -rv. FOR RENT or aale, completely furnished, h swell uitie iv-ruoiu imi " .ww- trtct: a big monsy maker. Call 34 Mad ison st. . SCHOOL CONFECTIONERY. Rent $li50. 5 Ilviug room. Good trade: $Cvn. X. T. HAL I.. Lumbermen Biqg. MOV1NG-PICTVKB theater tor sals or truda for real estate; nne. wnuu.vnu w' -picture theater In town of 6O0O; no oppo sition. Call 5-'6H Wash, near 17th st. FOR RENT or sale, completely furnished, a swell little lv-roora iiai u""ui-b trlct; a big money maker. Call X48 Mad ison st. ANT 8 to 12 rooms, housekeeping; small cash pavtnent. good monthly payments; good furniture: West bide. Phone Mar- good sball 7lJ. Addrea J yjrcgoninn. WANT aeeeral good house. 15 to 23 rooms; if your nous is pnrro us. ."i'H Lumoermens phi. WANTED To buy rooming-house 80 or 40 rooms; will pay wnai w rui. aa. Oregor.tan WANTED To buy a rooming-house of 16 to 25 rooms from owner, in gooa country or coast town. Addreae O 3ft4. Oregonlan. FOR quick ile. 8-room house full of room- vrs ; c&e:.P re-nt : rauonnuio inuvt uv agens. 3'J7 Hnrrlson st. 1 tf M several buyers for small room In g- ho;.s-s: if you want ro sciu can up WANTED Roomlcg-house. over 30 rooms. rod restaurent or bungalow in ficnarr fr dear Portland tots O 36. Oregonlan. ROx M1NOHO SE. 13 nvms, for half Its value on aoooant or sicanes. A iz&t, Jiein ITi BOARDTNO-HOlK 13 rooms, nil full, completely i ui niiaru. .o i nunnaii. LIST your rooming-hou: we sell or ex- r har.ge. go L.umoerroens p lag. 11 ROOMS, all hou5keeping; clear $60. g.-.-,0 ; terms- J iv roarq or i raae. HAVE parties with from $1000 to $Kl0; want rooming n"'-ia. o "g. urtitwTiian. 13 -ROOM room ! n g-house. worth double: $- -nia rio.irq oi imq IKIBTY rooms, good location. money-msJt- ar; fiSW. vvtumwyts ROOMDffl-HOrnrS. JL'ST WHAT YOU WANT 10 rooms. 7 minutes' walk from 7th and Morrison: nice corner: RUNNING HOT and COLD WATER in room. STEAM HEAT; line Iron beo. HAIR AND FLOSS Mat tresses, excellent bedding and plenty of it; AXM. and BRUSSELS carpets; all clean a a new ribbon; rent only $o0; you can clear $50 a month besides nice rooms for yourself: price $1100. terms. Several other cler.n and swell furnished places of lo KOfJMS. some cheaper, some higher than the above. ELLIS. SMITH CO.. 326U Washington at., room 201-202. ROOMING-HOUSE BUYERS. $25", H. K.. lo rooms, rent $5uo. H. K-. room, rent $U; clearing S-t'.t over rent; a bargain. S.'no. H K.. 12 rooms, rent $40. AUr.O. K room, furnace heat, electricity. StWVO. rooming. 9 rooms, furnace heat. electricity, Second, corner of Washington street. Looking for rooralng-housos? Examine our list, irom -.u io ..vu". 610 SWETLAND HlAKi. FINANCIAL. SEVERAL first mortgages. all high-cl dweiiine-house security, closa in. rest riot ed districts, 1-3 of valuation. 7 per cent Interest, payable Quarterly; insurance, ab stract, etc Call 5o7 McKay bidg. Main 4.10. . MORTGAGES, contract, bonds, stocks, war rant and notes bought and sold. Loans negotiated. Henry TeaL 614 Abingtoa bldg.. 106 1 ia st- LOANS ON INSIDE PROPERTY AT 6 TO T PER CENT. M4 LEW IS JL I LJJiNU. CASH for equities and second mortgages. money to loan. AM. 4W, uregoninn. M one y to Lena Bestl Eta te. QUICK loans In large or small amounts on improved city or tarro property. EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ov ivf proved eitT nroDertv or for build lnr turuosei : 3 to 5 ears' time ; liberal repayment privileges; money advanced as ingg & Loan Association. 2i0 Stark st. w-aah naid foe m or I races er sellers' tnt in contracts on roi estate anywhere la Orsgon. or Washington; mortgag loans aegotiatea on improvea property. xx. is Not ic. Lumberer.enj biag.. stn ana gtaric PLENTY of money to loan at 6 and 7 per cent on real estate security. ED W. P. MALI 104 Second St. 35-JO.00O on Unproved City or farm property! building or small loan at lowest rales; largs ioana a epeciaiiy. J. a. acauuw eis 10-10 Gerllrger S.Cg. WANTED A loan from private party, $1400 on improved close-in residencs property, vulued at $4000- Apply 430 Worcester bldg. I HAVE several sums of money from $Gos is $1000 which I dedlrs to loan on unproved city property. u. &. diuiui. iii worn merclal Club bldg. Fll:ST ana second mortgage and, contracts P urchased on farm and cl ty property anywhere In Oregon or Washington. Jft 1 Devereaux. en tun piog.. o4 oin iu $O.O0o TO LOAN. Sums of $1000 up. J. O. Kountree, Hallway Exchange bldg., 3d and Stark. !' you want to lend or borrow on good real estate sucurtty, see R. F. BRYAN. 6 Chamber of Commerce. cy.uou TO LOAM, large lean a specialty! DUliaing loans, isnui a oscaj 813 Failing Diug. MORTGAGE loans on city property: low rates. H. BirreU Co- 302 McKar bid aw Ad and Stark. MONEY to loan at reasonable rates In sums from $000 up A ne iuuu-ia wrence v 24S Alder St. $10,000 IN sums of $2000 or more, on Im proves raiU Cl IC O J, wn;umu. MO.NLV loaneU for building purpose If con sulted before building. ttvZ Lmis bldg. pKlVA'llfi money loaueoi on reai esiai men gages, rl. Jiuey, room o, uer.ingnr Din 1.UA.NS co real. praunul, chattel or eoUei eral ttcurliy. C. W. Pallett. ao3- Fo tat fun as loaced, 0 par cone W. E. Thorn as. state agent. Multnomah Co.. Q0 C C MOKTGAGifi LOANS AT KaSONAL4 MONEY, any amount. 6 to 8 per cent Good- nough & belt. aii ppauiQing otog. Will loan tflO.WOU o real estate securt-JW arriDEtoa. 41B commercial ciuo piog; $100ft TO loan t 7 per cent on good city propenj. f . J ut-iia, - 7 lull una iu Uur.lGA.GE LOA.NS. 0 AND 7 PER CVi? LOtla SALOMON. 2J3 STARK ST. MONEY to loan on real estate. Harding A RaynoldsCo aid cnaiaber or umumfo. WILL loan $.i00o or lss on real estate. Hitchcock. tll KothchUd bldg. .luney te Loan Cmsttcl and pAlarlsa. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. ao" Spalding Bldg. DON T WORRY. Is your lanu.ord waiting for his rent? Is your i,-rocer waiting for hi bill? Is lour life Insurance company waiting lor Its premium 7 Is your furniture etore waiting for Its pay ments? Huva yon been out of work or had sick ness, with all It extra bills? It so. you have worried enough without worrvu.g about money. But uu say the landlord must be paid ana o triers win not wait. Don't worry: let us do ab welting. We have money and nothing to do but wait that' our bueuie. Oet out of debt. Get your mind off your money trouble). You will be able to work better and. get out of oebt sooner. Come and. get the money from ue from $10 Upward. fixtures, sLorag receipt or any personal krvLXfrtv : also on your salary. We will give you 3 to i.2 months in which to pay it rr. Easy weekly or monthly payment. Seo ue first wlicn In need of money. We offer a better proposition on loans of t h is k ina than can us f o un d el where. HUTTON" CREDIT CO.. 307 Spaiulng Bldg. Third anU Wm-hlnKtoa St. $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 310 TO $100. TjOWEST RATES IX PORTLAND. iu reooid tn Installments of $ .45 repaid in lnoiaUmunts of $ .VO SOU, repaid in installment of ..$2.Vi Lnrvor amounts in Droportlon. We do not advertise misleading terms or rate, but give you cur charge In plain figures. Busiues strictly confidential KTAT1C faECL'KlTY CO.. $ $ $ $ 3U3 Failing Bldg $ $ $ $ rai if. & rLal stats 1 BRoKjiaiaj COatA'Ai X. Make liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, piano (witnout removal!, livestock, . Storags receipts, lus Insuraucs policies and ail kind of securities; terms to suit, asy weekly or monthly payment. We buy first and second mortgages and eon tracta Phone Main It OS. Atoom. iii Haxa 11 ton bldg.. l$i $d st. t$$3$$$$$$t$$$l MONEY advancea salaried people, house keepers ana others upon Lasix own name without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; offices In t4 principal cltss; save yourself by getting my terms ttrsb TOLMAJs. $17 Lumber Exchange. WE loan money on diamond ana jewelryi reaaonanie interest; long or snort uae A. at M. Delovage, I6 Washington sC WILL LOA;; in amounts to suit on sll klads of securities; business coniidential ury m Cunmngbam. 72 Eiectrio bigg. LOWEST KATES Loan on all kind of se curity, chattels ox real estate, union Joan Co.. f-o La-'ayett bldg.. 0th and Wash, st. A LOAN for lha asking, salary or chattel. Th Loan Co.. 41 Ue-aum Qltig. LO W rates ; w toan money on diamonds and lewafry. Marx Bioca. n ia st- Loans V anted. $2500 wanted at orce. T per cent Bet; gllt-eiijr real etate security. . EDWIN HOOKER COMPANY, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WE "n Invest your money at good rates of interest. Gilt-edge secuntie. mrst mort gajra Long-term Investme-t. PROVIDENT INV. 4 TRUSTED CO., 524-528 Board of Trade Bidg. BEST security; S per cent to II per cent real estate loan wantea soon up. taios Lean Co.. IS Lafayette bldg-. 4th and Washington sts. M. $; W ANTE L) To borrow $SO0O, 1 per cent. 3 yara. purity a rancn in i-astern Ore gon worth $30,000. Address I. J. W Par i fic H o t eL Huntington. Oregon. WANT I""', 8 per cent, ample er'urltr. first mortgage; no commission, am v, Oregonlan. BESPONSTBLE business man want to bor row x-foJV on nest ci security; no ageuta. A'inress a r ei. urrm-man, WILL pay 30 per cent on $"000 for 6 months; gllt-ed-; security. T 407, Ore gon inn. WANTED A loax of $1000 on Improved city property ior tnree years at i per cent -te res t. P 410. Oregonlan. LET ws place rovr money rood mortgages! raferenceav r. d- Lewis. 3 Lswia hldg. FLNANCIAL. Loauis W an ted. t HAVE a S00 note secured bv first mort gage on improved property, duo In one year; will discount 3 per cent if taken at once. v 4V0, uregonian. MW IAL NOTICE3V Proposal Invited. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROP ERTY In th matter or Daniel Blaiss Labbe. Ferdinand Daniel Labbe, Ernest Blais Labbe and Armona tienry HMnor, .11-tH r the firm name of D. B. Labbe . as Sons, and Individually, bank "nOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of afl order made in tne aoove u tmH rnnrt nn the HO tli dav of Be Dt ember. 1W10, th undersigned trustees will, on Monday, ths 17th day of October. 1910. at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M-. sail ths following described personal property: ah tha stark of eoods. wares and mer chandise and fixtures constituting ths partnership store of the aforesaid bank rupts! two warehouses, together with ths lease on the land on which aald ware house are situated- . , . Said sale shall be by sealed bids, all bid must be sealed and submitted to ths tr,..! .nmr.jnlwi fav a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount bid. All bids to be opened In the presence of the referee at hi office In Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, at iu o ciocn a. jo.. w fvifhr it ii ii- Arh bidder to have the right immediately after aald .bids are opened to raise his bid; ail bid subject to the approval ot reieree, Th hiria tar aald nroosrty must be sep- iri fnilnws: The stock of goods. ware and merchandise shall constitute one bid; the fixture on bid: and each warehouse together with its lease shall be a separate bid. Tha coin tnsir nt v&tm. roods una mer chandise is & stock, of hardware, and of the estimated cost value oi aDout m. 2o oh A iid down at Euten. Oregon, flni mt including fixtures or warehousea Copies of the inventory of said property can be louna at tne ioiwwjhk iii-c, Frank L. Armitage, Eugene, Oregon; E. L. Sabln.-Portland. Or.; Board of Trade. San Francisco, luu uie street, oaa r' This Is a grand opportunity for some one wismng to engage in tne uw ness. with a complete stock and au estab lished trade. FRANK L. ARMITAGE. Trustee. RHrORDEH'S OFFICE. ASHLAND, ORE GON, October 8. 1910. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 8 o'clock P. M.. November 1, 1010. for the purchase of $30,000 street Improvement bonds of the City of Ashland. Oregon. These bonds are of the denomination of $.00 each, numbered irom l to oo. in clusive, bear Interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, both principal and interest payable at Treasurer's office, Ashland, Oregon. They re riateri Julv 1U10. and mature in ten years, but are redeemable at the option of tne city upon payment oi tn iw wm snd accrued Interest at any semi-annual coupon period at or after one year Irom date of issue. The bonds will not be sold for less than par and accrued Intermit. T'nn or IcmnH unriciF MlithnrttV uf thS charttr and by approval of the people a special election by a vote of 323 for ana 164 against the ordinance providing for the Issue. Bids must be accompanied by a certi fied check, payable to the City of Ashland for five hundred dollars, to be forfeited In case the successful- bidder fall or neglect to take and pay for the bonds bid for. Bids will be received for any part of the Issue and the Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids. All bids should be addressed to the City Recorder, Ashland, Oregon, marked "Pro posals to purchase street improvement DOQU. M. P. EGGLESTON, City Recorder. JACKSONVILLE. Or.. October L 1010. Sealed proposals will be received ry xn City Recorder or jacKsonviue oibbuu. until k o'rioclr P. M.. October 20. 1RI0. for constructing water works for the City of Jacasonviue. uregon. Th nnrk will consist of excavating and backfilling trenches, haullne; and lay in steel and wood pipe, hauling and placing valve, valve doxcs. pyorants, spcim v"o--im'i nnrt nonatructlng storage dam and res ervoir for gravity water system. All labor aud material to be rurnisnea. Dy mo con tractor. Pinna may be seen and specifications ob tained at the office of City Recorder of Jacksonville. Oregon, or at the office of Os good & Cummings. civil engineers, aieu eiril Hrpron. All bids must be submitted on the printed forms rurnisnoa oy me vity re corder of Jarksonville. Karh hid shall oe accompanied by a cer tified check in favor of the City Treasurer of Jacksonville for five t5 per cent of the amount. bio. A bond acceptable to the City of Jack sonville will be required for thirty t30 n.r rent nf the contract Drlce. The right Is reserved to reject any or ail bids. H. G. DOX, Recorder. T. T. SHAW. Mayor. NOTICH OF SALE. In the County Court of the state of Ore gon, for Multnomah County. In the mat ter of the estate of W. W. MInar, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed, as administrator of said estate, will proceed to sell, subject to the confirma tion of the above entitled court, at pri vate sale, for cash, upon the 27th day of October. 1610. at No. 333 East Morrison street, Portland. Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M-. upon receiving bids In writing therefor, at any time prior to said date, all of the personal property of said estate, consisting of a stock of marble and granite, as snown oy tne inventory, rvr.t-ta onri anfmint nf said administra tor, saving and excepting therefrom all nrmwritt of said deceased now or since the 21st day of June. 1010, or heretofore disposed or or set asiae ior uis wiuuw, ,nii oxceDtlna- also all contracts, accounts. debts or claims due or to become due to said estate, and excepting also horse and vehicles and ofTice furniture Including chairs, safe, desks, typewriter, hooks and oauers. -r w. minar. Administrator. Dated and first published October L 181tL Date 01 last puoijcatioo, tcwunr Edwin L. Mlnar, 412-414 Spalding bldg. Attorney for Administrator. Us THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED PTATEa rXxt lncj uioiii,i yr -r-c-GON In the matter of A. B. STEPHENS, Jr., bankrupt: The undersigned will receive scaled bids up to 12 o'clock noon of Tues day! October 18. 1010. at his office. No. 7 First street, Portland, Oregon, for th fol lowing personal property belonging to said estate namely: A stock of merchandise oon rlsting of furnishing goods, dry goods, bard- ware, enoee, grofeiw. u. uv m au to ry value of $o447.23 and a lot of store fixture of the Inventory value of e r2 t.v all located at Umatilla. Ore gon. An Inventory of said property is on file In tne omce or tne unaer mitmi and the slock may be Inspected upon application to J. M. Foster, who ia la cr.arge at cmaiuiv v... hu for 10 ner cent of the amount offered must accompany each bid, and the right Is reserved to reject any ana aii okis. oaia sale is made subject to confirmation by tne court. Dated: Portland, Oregon October L 1910. R, L. sA.BIN, Trustee, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, "Wash ington, U. I--. , CepiCUlUOl VJ, DCBiOW proposals. In duplicate, for the purchase of Grand Ronde Reservation (Oregon) hinds approximately 197 acres, good for agriculture, fruit or to wnsite -purposes, and 240 acre timber will be received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Washing ton. D. C, until 12 o'clock noon. Eastern, time, Saturday. November S, lylO. The right Is reserved to waive technical de f oc ta and to re J ect any or al 1 bids re ceived. For further information. Includ ing circular letter, description, etc., ap plication should he made to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, or to the Superintendent of the Si let Indian School. Sllets. Oregon. SEALED offer will be received at the tem porary quarters oi me jnuitnuman Ama teur Athletic Club. Ib9 Lownsdale street, up to 8 o'clock P. M., October 10, for the lease for a term of years of the northwest corner of Chapman and Yamhill streets, 80 by 100 feet in extent. This site Is suit able for garage, warehouse, apartment hcute or other similar purpose, requiring a close-in, well-lpcated spot. The M. A. A- V. reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Give full par ticular with character of improvement proposed. Address Dow V. Walker, super intendent M. A. A. C. for further particu lar Sorisritbtids L. S. ENGINEER, office 733 Central blug., JjOS Angeies. ouwoer a. iaiu Sealed proposals for dredging at Los An geles Harbor, California, will be received here until 11 A. M. November 7, lslO, and then publicly opened. Information on ap plication. W. P. Stokey, Captain En gineers. Miscellaneous. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Stanuara Laicien Lvuitduy, corpora tion, did, on the 7th day of October, 1910, duly assign all of its assets to the under pinned for the benefit of all of its cred itor In proportion to the amount of their respective claim, and such creditors are hereby notified to present their claim under oath, to the undersigned as such assignee, within three month from the date of this notice. Dated October 10. 1910. (Signed) BENJAMIN E. BATMAN, Assignee. Office and Postoffiee address. bT2-13 Lum bermens bldg.. Portland. Or. NOTICE We. Nick Mlll-r and Qui Mar is n tea. nave oougnt tne js organ uyner House from the first party. George Harris and Ijouis Pappas. and we have a clear bill of sale from them. We have put all the monev in th hand of L. T. Lewis, lawyer, at 24 North 4th St.. who will pay all debt there are against thl place and we give 6 days' notice to anyone hav ing monev due him. After that we will .not be responsible to anyone SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneog TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON: Notice is hereby, given that on Monday, 1111,1 U Rn,M Cr,., n octooer hi-". rj --'. xation of Multnomah County will atten t the ofilce ox tae vounty ners vi eaiu county and public examine the assess ment roll for the year 1D10, and correct all error In valuation, description or Qualities ox land, lots or other property, and It 4 the duty of all person interested to appear tn. wu o. rviut.vu and if It shall appear to such Board of Equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property assessed twice or In tne name ui a i"" vi vi wui ui the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond It value, or any land, lot or other property not assessed, said Board . xr- .. l (yr ahull ninL'lt th limner r-nr- rcction. B. D. SIGLER, County Assessor. Portland. Oregon. September 23d. IttlO. PERSON A FREE. $15 X-RAY EXAMINATION. IF YOU CALL AT ONCBL DR. HORNE S GRAND OFFER TO THE SICK AND WEAK. The object of thl grand otter I to nrove to fhe sick and ailing cltisens of v. n -i vlKlniiv that he ha the grandest, simplest and most successful metnoa or resiunus , 1,7.!: diseases that Is known to the sclentlfiQ W HeNrants the true merits of hi success ful treatment known to everybody and he does not know of any better way of in troducing it than by offering his examina tions FREE OF CHARGE to all who call within 10 days. Should your case be in curable he will frankly tell you so. and advise you against spending your money for useless treatment. . Many of you who have been taxing medicines and so-called treatments for months will be absolutely cureu i - Are you nervous, dyspeptic, wBjJii Ia tbe stomacn. constipate a t jjo j , that tired feeling which is so prevalent T n- .... innin, hBfnr the eyes. palpitation of the heart. shortness of breath, headaches, neuralgia, shooting Sains in tne chest, nac. nips or Eave you varicose veins, obstruction, blood poisoning, nervous debility, piles, or any diseases of tho rectum T Ars you In pain from rheumatism, lame bacK. weak kidneys? If' so mere 1 quick relief and a permanent cure in store- -r - If you call upon Dr. Home, who sTlve . you an nonest opinion, nuueuj i..inv ami hnnpit treatment which cures to stay cured if curable. His address is 407-40S and 409 Roth child bldg. Taks Hours 9 to 1'2, 3 to ft.. 7 to $. Phone Marshall 280. Ti H w. K. MALLOKY. 312 RothChlld bldg. has the most up-to-date office in Oregon. aii room ar furnished with the most ex pensive appliances, including radium (tue only physician on the Pacific Coast who ha radium). Every therapeutic electric current in use ; A rays, siativ X-ray coils, osone, oxygen generators, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal, Faradic galvanic, cautery, vibrators, radiators, haihi hft-.l att-a m shower, electric Hgtlt bath 'cabinets and bake ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights, including finn ,.iin mtr violet and ultra-vlo- let. You are asked to visit my offices and Investigate lor yoursen n yu" , cancer, old sores, tumors, swollen gianaa, rheumatism, catarrh, ecsema, blood dis eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, mother marks, mole and upereuuoua moved without scaia. All chronic oiseaaes treated with tnese metnoas. rK a r.U'U a. GRIFF. nluaaaa rtt wnni AM and Cbildrnu SUT- gery; chronic and nervous diseaso treated according to the latest methods; prlvais hospital accommoaations; bmuhwuwh. careu for; consultation tree. Boom 14 O rand Th eater biag Main avza. f il V Jill OS - ' Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human talr gooes in the city; up-to-date norUr. tew h a t rd r&Mui ii&T. manicuring. face and scalp treatment. Hi 7th st bet, Morri so o: ana Amur. riwu w. SW EDISU TRAIN E D N U KSE H e Islngf ors IkUUAtOt .ubuuiaiMw, ach ailments, undr physician s directions; baLhs, masseuse. No. 7 East lltn st., sec ond door south from East Anneny ar Iido. Phun j-astauoB 1S03. Diseases of women and children, electric treatment or nervous nmuwin, i""""" . r,iul i..TiTTi(,na'.altH blug.. piTkai, xtuuina wuu"v v-wiw"" " - Cth and Ankeny. Phones Main 4U47, A 341L bWJLlisa mcuii;i J'""""' . - nolmurom. specialiat in nerve, rnumauo . i, , . .. L.w-m . nn 1 v rlntlfiO U(l luuiai.u , - masseur in the Northwest. Office joa-j Oresonian blug. Phone Marshall 2S2d- HA1U, HAIR All shade in best quality at cost. Closing out stock; scienunc iace and scalp treatments; expert hairaressing and mamcuring mugnu Grand Leader. Bth and Aider. Naturopathic and electrical treatments cure rneumuu ... - Dra. Nisbetn, Swedish Sanitarium. 4id Market st. siaan . a FRENCH and Italian taught. Berlitz method. conversation Kri., fc Write Signor Cervello, The Barton. i L-1 r .ilmnntH kidnev and cures oiwu uu t- t ...n biaduer trouoic muu. free. 11 ist b. r"11"""1- LADY partner wantea . . k.inv. X:u dnv: niBtrlmonv if suited. Aauresi x. - ti Portland. . SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Expert feather .... .i ....ti.ir .nil r.liAirinE dnn. Curling, cm. ii i ri.( ujwi. - " by Uxian. OilDtrt. itts 7tn A. Irbone iiiia MRS. MAYMG WALLACE. Electric nl vibratory treatments; bath; masaeuac. , - i.n" or. Phone. Maranall A aaaa. DKEStt ult lor rtttL, ti.au uiuum ..y. yuur clotho, cleaned. pies8d. button, ..wad m. riP repaired, prompt calU anlt WANTED Address of Emma Chanlln, last CV-nf m weeks aao at Fortlana general delivery. J. W Cuaplrn. 811 iteyer, su. oroviiie. vu"' LlubOK habit perinanonlly cured la a dw tute, lo-i r-cm-"' - . SCALP and facial treatments specialty; mcxxriut--r-'-' ' Macieay a. rrr ijourtw right, akin and scalp treat ments laciai dttformities corrected, plas tr -rcirv. 4o3 Morrison su M. OU42. OCCT7LT new thought end scientiflo books. Jones q"" ' T7T7Z s. B. SEIP, mental and spirtual cl- SSXtO. O. f ..... . u,,h hlHr Main INVJ entist. a PQIUU5-" - MANiCUKiNG Kemoved from IZo 0th st. 1W Q" 7S 77. , vi Ajf FIGS Remedies) for diseases of navia at. Main 9215. to aaui i mu ' m' W uiuou- - IADY going East will profit by addressing . An, i treEonian. UuL to, wrinKie. upernuou hair removotj u TaTM. U. Mill, 4w Fliedner bldg. M 34.3 fTTT keICHUM treat women's maladies, lev oa. BUSLNbtfS PiJCECTOBY. Abstract of Title. THS Oregon Abstract Company, 600 Board tract of title to all lands ia Multnomah County at reasonable rates. Give them an order and be convinced. Phone Main 7613. A T1T&- : Acconn tants. "MACKENZIIi. BAIRD & BEBHIDGB, iublic accountant and auditors. 22 Worcester Block. Main 73tt0, A 1449. Oft Ice y sterna. vKtem.S. jr u COLLI S CO..ACOOUNTANTS. Commerical. County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and bysiemauxlng, Worcester block. Phone Main tioL Xrtemoonliinaergrtc THE MATTINGLY Afternoon b-indergarten and primary jwa.. - jiritv vrT S MULK-JJ-t wm start, ciasse in flraw- r1.' .. ..PinDer 15. Apply at the studio. tna- coloring auu "uj, ucB"mig jaat rrt'ay Octooer 15- Apply at the studio, ata commonwealth buig. Assay er. ttTrL V. INGELS. B. S. Best equipped of--tat established 6 rears- na nr.. Pfntlcea Grant Pass. Or. Aseayer and Anniyst. iviia A proebstel, mining engineers, cbeio we-.- -nd assifcera, 304 Wash in ton. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory tM ore-testing work, led Morrison u Attorney s-at-Law. Htt &AJixnt4 a, iMacuce. jotary lU DUC wm. paths and Bwtnunip;. Portland Swimming Baths. 107 4th Slecant plunge, s-.eam and shower baths, 23c Brase and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS" WORKS Bras casting and machine work. 106 .. 6ta.Mam3702. Chiropractic physician. DR. TICKNER removes the cause of disease QOO-1 coiumpia. piag. a s:a. nraf i.-i:d. Chiropody'. WfM. ESTELLB and Flossie Deveney, the only scientiuu cjai.Ji-vuit iu rne city, parlors 303 Gerlinger bid;.. S. "VV. cor. d and Aider. Phcr Mala 130 L. BUSINESS DIKE CT O RY. Chiropeor. CHIROPODY, manicuring and saljx Mra Dun ton. 64S Washington. Marshall 1323. Chiropody and pedicuring- Mr. M. Dw Hill. room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. Circolatln: Library. LATZ fiction, 3c a day. "vToman's Exchange bldg.. 1S6 5th su. hot. Taylor and Yamhill. Builders. CUMMINGS A CAT Li N, builders In every branch of tbe building trades, jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcase, counters, shelving, etc. Office and shop, 371 First su Phone Marshall Commission Merchant. TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO., ship brokers, com mission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Collection and Law. COLLECTIONS. Prompt and tuorough attention Pa'd. to au collections anywnere; lawyer ill w- OREGON COLLECTION CO.. 312 Merchant Tgust bldg.. Pojrtland,Or. XETH & CO., COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. Sod Worcester bldg-, Portland. Dancing. DANCING lessons 25c; -altx, two-step, three-step and stage dancing taught dally, everv mnrninp afternoon and evening. Prof. "Wal Willson School. Wasn. st.. bet. W. Park and UOth su MR, AND MRS. HEATH'S dancing school, Alisky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. Stage dancing taught; class SaU evenings; pri vate lessons dally; waits and two-step guaranteed In four lessons. PROFESSOR RINGLER'S dancing classes, Monday and Saturday evenings. Private instruction daily. Western Academy. Sd ana Morrison. Main s-i-. Dos; and Horse MospitaL DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office Flanders su Main 40S8. Hospital sa inn au laectrto Motor. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motora for rent or sale. 313 d st. Lncineerlng. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO., General Ensineerlng, Designing, Di at ting, 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engine Qua and bteam. ROBER Macliy. Co., Coast agta. Se&bury team engines and boilers, gasoline en glne. 281-63 E. Morrison au Pnone E. 8k Peed btorc . ... 1 I . Att menu shingle. 294 Grand ave. . 4afc Prench Dry Cle-ining. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS rtviaaiAtU' Di.i-' Special club rate 50c per suit (sponged ana presseai per ween. j. us 751 Washington sU A S417. Main Cjj3. Pur. , N. M. UN GAR A CO., INC., formerly of 41)0 Merchants Trust bldg-. have removed to 109 Seventh su Fur remodeled, repaired . and stored. Marshall oa. Bat Pacta ry. HATS made to order cost no more. See as. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st suM. o44i. Leather and Pin dings. CH AS. L. MAST1CK At CO., 74 FronU Leather of every description, taps, nu-ra. iummfc-. J. A. STROWBRIDE LEATHER CU tabiisnea aoob. itiif i'nm su Machinery B. XRENKMAN A CO. Hydraulio and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, mining ma- c hin e ry . All annas oi repairs, -to '" Coniractora machinery ot all kinds, David Dow A Son. LumoeraieflB pm. rmi Muitigrttphlng. PORTLAND Mailing Co., multlgraphing, . u...v,.tni t-.ii.i1 In stenokTM nner. perttonal tjjje written circular letter. 30U Kaiiway txenange ou. Musical. Duciir n. Tin l mo. modern Italian school. teacher of harmony and instrument music Mala oftw, studio 390 Jeiteron streeu u i v t c T-i i V n nrrhMtn music furnished for all occasions. Fhone Main e.Ui. 35 liiedner bldg., lutn ana v aaningtou. a- EMIL THEl-HORN, violin teacher, pupil jievlck. tfOO Marquam. a exou, f rr PIANO studio; modern methods. 303 14th St. aoutn. rflgpB jhuu o- Ostcopathlo Physicians. CU. R. B. NORTHRUP. 416-410-417 Uekuiu Bldg. PHONE, OFFICE. M. 34tf7; RESIDENCE, EAST OR B 1U2& nn i .Hnv smith, sraduate Klrksville, Mo., class of lbuo, post-graduate 100'. under A. T bill, the lounaer. 31 7-310-313 bwet- land bldg. Main A ltf&J. pcunts. Oils and tila&a. RASMleSEN A CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, gasa ana qoora., ''u mu Patent Attorney. INVENTORS of Oregon may obtain free ad vice and best proie-sional service from tiieir noma oriice. NORTfaPACiFIC PATENT BUREAU, Lumbermens bldg., Portland. President. R. A. KELLOND, International Patent Xawyer and Ex-.r-t - ai vpnra' nractice. Complicated canes, those rejected In Other nands and FOREIGN PATENTS so licited. Counsel and Expert work for at- IU1 urjj a. a ' Protect your idea; reliable patent attorneys, ro.i.-i'liMil. KN'tiiNEERlNCl CO- Kea later ed Patent Attorneys, yi Bamllton Bldg. TJ." 6- 8111(1 foreign patents that protect ara secureu imvugu .vu Agency, inc., Dtpu a, otutttiu, PATENTS procuxea by J. K- Mock, Attorney, , iaW. A1L3 Ol y- . . Vfc-Afc WIUW. INVt.- let tree. 713 Board of Trade bidg. EL. C WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat ents. iniringement cases. uu4 Dcitum. Pavmg. fTiiui Rrhar AshDait Paving Company. UOo yjtfjftiactric blug. Oscar xduber. Portland. WARREN Construction Co. street paving, Tde w alks and crosswalks. 317 Beck bldg. ' raynpjukers. rti rLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years V . T1 Mth Ml Mnm U 1 0 1H A-Ol Liauii- .- PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factory and i 4th and itorlc sts. ktf. OUi Print in;. SPECIAL oifer to publisners. I print maga 7aea or any puoiicauon at lowest price. V 3tf. uitbuuioii. Piano Pactorr. 4". bomiuer A Co., estaDiisned l&yto; general repait . Bubber Staznpe. aljsO seal, stencus, cnoice stationery, eto. .nrvini'k ai faLar- Main l-iul Hum Weavers. ' iJiORTH W EST RUG WOiU-b Rugs from old and laying. lt3 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrisou bafes. THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 103 2d, SU Sales at ll.mw : 6hw uasee. hank and Store Fixtures. TriE LUTK.E MFG. CO.. branch Grand BaPlOB D.awT, w . mvm w Mtjw - .. "TZ . , . v-,t a i t . r.ft I-I a Mir Tri ii t .-. Show cases in stock; prompt delivery. onr Fa4. Winter Lumber Co xi a KhHALl MFG. CO., 4th and Couch, new fla'f , , anln ATtlS. in ulnar v ' Shingles. BEST in the city; car lota or less. & E. Tinberu -ui Wasnington st. btorage nd Aransfer. PORTLAND V AN SiyUAGa CO.. corner -, -t.u ana Everett sta ust opened newe-t aia most znouern storage wareiiuiue in city every convenience for sate ana proper nanallng of goods; lowest insurance rate in Northwest; free tra.c-.ae-. van lur t B-rS HTORE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick building, dry and airy; warenous district; lowest rates and most careiui handling; furniture moved and packed by -.certs; estimate given. Phone M. ltils, A lya-i. Van Born Traasxer Co.. 40 2d treeu . . q, pick Transfer A Storage Co., office Snd COn"uu,uua J wa,o. naiv house, separate Iron room and fireproof -vault tor valuables. t N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture jcoved and packed for shipping. Main 5tf6. jt.l&. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO. General transferring and storage; safee, pianos and furniture moved aud packed lor shtpmenU 2W Oak su, beU Front and ifit. Telephone aiain o or a xi OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1870. oilice 310 Hoyt sU, between 6tn and Ota. Phones Main 60. A lioa. i" fetoves. STOVES connected and repaired. Mala jiiu. nie jr-- Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, 320 to 6d, fully guaranteea; e j per month- Pacific Stauonery A Printing Co.. 203 2d au WE ARB the exchange for the largest type writer couoern uu iia vunat, MiLvcousaLis. all make, all price. The Typewriter Ex ec ange. 287 Washington U NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut gates. Ar A V- V-i ma vi at a. m. Aiv BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Printer, GLASS A PR CD HOMME CO., pi Inters, blank book makers, legal clanks, loose leaf de vice. township plats. 65-67 7th 1U. bet. Oak and Ankeny. Vet ertn aria us. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 831 Ankeny st A sriUO. Main 2402. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st sU. wnole aaie and retail Sample mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Ashland Passenger . . . . . Roacburg Passenger .... Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express .. West Side Corvallls Passenger Sheridan Passenger orest Grove Passenger. . Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Rnseburs Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited Silverton Local . . . West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenjrer , Forest Grove PassengPr . 8: SO a. m. 4 :15 p. ra. 6 :00 p. m. ti:J0 p. ra. 7 :4S p. in. 1:30 a. m. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 5:40 p. m. T-1A ft m 10:o p. m. I 5:30 p. in. 11:00 a. m. z:itu p. m. 3:30 a. m. 6:20 p. m. 10:20 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 4:40 p. m. Northern Pacific. Leavlnir Pnrtlnnn North Coast Limited via Puget Sound North Coast Limited "via" North Bank Atlantic Express via Fupet Sound Atlantic Express via North Bank, Twin city Express via Pugetj sound j Twin City Express via" " North, Bank Eastern Express via PugVt Bound! Eastern Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Puget; bound Mtesouri River Express" Via North Bank Portland. Taconia and SeatMe Ex press. Grays Harbor. Olympia: and South Bend branches Portland-Vancouver Special Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har bor and South Beud branches.., Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank North Coast Limited via Puget Sound Northern Pacific Express via North Bank Northersb Pacific Express via 00 p. m. 13 a. m, 00 a. m. 3 :30 p. m. 00 p. m. : 1 5 a. m. :00 a. m. :10 a. m. 00 p. m. :45 a. m. :10 a. m. :30 p. m. ,0u p. m. :13 p. no. :20 a. ra ;30 a m. :10 p. m. :15 p. m. :-0 a. m, :15 p. m. .30 p. m. :30 a. m. :00 p. m. :00 p. m. :10 p. rru :30 p. m. :20 a. m. - "FWb UUU Pacific Coast Express via North; Pacific Coast Express ' via Puget Sound Western Express via North Bank Western Express via Puget Sound Missouri River Express via North Bank Missouri River Express via Puget Sound Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express and from Olympia, South Bend and Grays Harbor Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special Yacolt Passenger Oregon Kali road A Navigation Co. Baker City Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited... The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portland Oregon Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon Express " Soo-Spokane-Portland Baker Cfty Local Passenger.... Oregon-Washington Limited ... Spokane Flyer 00 a. ra. :00 a. m. ;00 p. ni. :00 p. nu :00 p. m, 00 p. rru :15 a: m. 30 a. m. :S0 a. m. :00 p. m. :00 p. m. :00 a. nu Astorin A Columbia River. T.Mr(n. --t I Astoria and Seaside Express. . Astoria and Seaside Express .. Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside and Astoria Express .. Seaside and Astoria Express.. Jia Itllnr To a.r. .r :00 a, m, :30 p. m, :15 p. rru :45 p. m. 20 p. m. :00 p. m. :40 a. m. 00 p. m. Rainier Passenger ."."."....'.'."." Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle 00 pm. lja.ro. :30 a. ra. ::i0 p. m. Oregon A AVasb ington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger . . . 8 -30 a. ra, 3:00 d. m. 11:45 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 5 :20 p. m. 2:45 p. ra. JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas Passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger. . . . Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger , Dallas Passenger , Forest Grove Passenger ... 7:40 a. m. 4:o p. m. 1:00 p. m. 10:35 a. rru 5:55 p. m. 12:00 noon ELEVENTH AND HOYT STREETS PAS- SENGER STATION. Spokane, Portland A Seattle Railway Co, Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m. For Chicago, su Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Glindale, Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. The Oregonlan 11:00 a.m. For SU Paul. Spokane, PaBco Washtucna, Kah lotus. Cliffs, Lyle. White Salmon, Ste venson and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North Bank Limited 7:00 p m For Chicago, SU PauL Omaha, Kansas City, -SU Louis, Billings, Spokane. Wash tucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Lyle. White Salmon, Slo ven son, Vancouver. Arriving Portland The Oregonlan . ..7:05 a. m. From SU Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Cliffs, Maryvllle, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a.m. From Chicago, Su Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, SU Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahlotus. Pasco, Roosevelt,, Grand dalles, Goldendale. Lyle, White Salmon. Stevenson. Vancouver. Columbia River Local ..12:35p.m. llnland Empire Express 8:15 p. m. r or iuictu, oi. raui, umang, ivansaa Citv. St. Louis. Billincs. SDokahe. Wash tucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White 6 aim on. Die vvusuii, v auKuuier, Great Northern Railway Company. Leaving Portland 11th and Hovt Sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00 a. m. The Oregonlan, via North Bank. .11 :00 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank. 7:00 p. m. International Limited, Seattle, Ta- coma and Vancouver, a. C. . . . 10:00 a. no. The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver. B. C &:00o. m Shore Line Express, Tacoma, Se attle and Vancouver, a. u .11:30 p. m. Arrlvine Portland 11th and Hovt Sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40 a.m. The Oregonlan, via North Bank.. 7:05a.m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank. 8:15 p.m. The Owl, Vancouver,- B. C, Seat tle and Tacoma S:40 a. m. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma 3:30 p. m. International Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Seattle aqn Tacoma. ... 9:60 p. m. Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co, Passenger Station, Front and Jefferson Sts. Woodburn-Salem and Int. Points Locals leave Portland S:30, 7:50, 11:00 A. M.. 3:00, 3:50, 6:30, 8:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem, 9:15 A. M. Loiai for Wilson ville and Int. Stations, 5:10 P. M. UlUsboro-Forest Grove and Intermediate Point Leave Portland 7:05. 8:30. 10:20 A. M.; 12:10, 2:10. 3:30. 5:30, 8:25 P. M. Sat urday only. 11:30 P. M. Arrive Portland from Salem and Int. Stations 8:40. 11:00 A. M. ; 1:15. 4:00, 4:50. 6 00, 8:20, 10:60 P. M. Local from Wtlson vllle and Int. points 6:40 A. M. daily ex cept Sunday and 7:35 A. M. dally. Arrive Portland from Forest Grove and Int. Station. 8:00, 9:50, 11:40 A. M-; 1:30, 2 50 fc:z, -u:ou so., ounaay only. 4:40 P. M. ' , , Depot j?ront ana jenerson. j-orxiana, cir. Portland Railway, Light A Power Company. Ticket Office and Waiting-Room, First and Alder and East Water, and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND ' MORRISON STREETS, nrovnn City 4:00 and 6:S0 A. M. and every 30 minutes and including last car, midnight. m t t Gresnam ana uiicnurmiw vuua o.so, 7:45, 8:45. 8:45, 10:45, 11:45 A. M. : 12:4o. 1-45 2-45, 3:45, 4:45, o:4, :4b, ii:e P. M. ' . . . r ... j i ti.tr st.ic o . a - Fairview anu uuuwaie d.u-, - .i, o., - 9: AS. 10:45 A. AL.; z:o, 2:. :&, :o. :a r. ax.. Cazaaexo ana iuiernieuw :45. 10:45 A. M. ; 12:45, 8:4B, 4:15, :4 P" ii FOR VANCOUVER. lj Ticket Office and Walting-Room Second and , A. M. 6:15, 6:50. 7:25, 8:00, 3:35, 3:10, 9-50 10:30, 11:10. li:. P M 12:30. 1:10. 1:50. 2:30, S:10, 8:60, 4-30 J lO. 5:50. 9:30, 7:05. 7:40, 8.15. 8:25, 10:35. 11:45. On the third Monday In every month th last car leaves at 7:05 P. M. 'Dally except Sunday, Dally except Monday 107.01