Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1910, Page 18, Image 20

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    18 - THE 3IOItyiyG OREGOXIAy, TTEPyESDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1910. v
- - .
- - - . . I mp trIVTm FTM Xl.K I HELP TVSSTED FEJ1A1J.
Office FecreTary Employment Depart
ment, T. M. C. A. ,.v
Young man. strsnirer. o-Jt of wort IS-
h:. total c.-n e-t. it I r-v ,j.,
ttr special mtlrant me iber-nlp l win
only tav. $1J i-ft btn and 'ry'
Secretary If Too pay 3 f, -pec!l
employment mimjrihlj you win have t-
T 14 C. A., witn all Its iourctt between
yon and ,arvaiioa.
What hafpeued? .
Touns roan took membership. In-toe or
two hours ha founl satisfactory .mploy-
m"ijrln September. 1010. 1-3 others found
employment la a like manner.
Lmp.f ini or refund vl membennip
fee (utnnit L .
6ee eecrolA. Employment Department.
T. U. C JL.
APt-E-BODlED men wanted for tne C. .
Minna Cirpa. beteen the ages or l
and Ji. llut be nailv. born or have nrsi
pipara. Monthly pay 11 o $-i "
dllional cumpe. a tjua possible. Fooa,
c'.orhlng. quarters and meolral attendance
free. Alter 30 years' servl a can retire
with 75 per cent ot pay and allowance!.
Service on board afilp and ashor. in
pan. of tha world. APPU at V. b. Mr"i e
Corp. P.e. rultm Clt;- a. Hrwln
d and Var;ic.Lun poruand.Or.
Vlait ail the ou.J-be" and ' eo-calleor-Sloti.n
I'ltture S. hooU. and men aee our
modem, practical, up-to-date .-noo-wmch
give, you practical "J e.per.-en-e"
mitri your to eek tulnon
reaaonb.e. liood oper.i.r. j-t from
to par week. Pulaifcr'a Thea.rlcai
Exchange. 3-T Aiarquam iildg.
WANTED One nr-t-c!a. aa!a:ant marina
er.jin. and boiler draaman at 1 I r
diem. A wrtp tltlve examination wl.l l
h-Id X..emt-r 0. lam. l"r t p'irp-.. of
Riling the above po. -non. For furiner in
formation ad-lr-. ""' omniandai-u Nay
Tir.l. I'ug.t .-..v.n't, Ww."
too llN to 4 yearn old wanted at onca
far eiectrlc railway and con
ductors. I'" to llurt a month; no expari
aaca neceaaary: fina opportunity. no
a rika. W rite immediately lor application
blank, encloainc atarr.p. Addreaa X 3-
care of lort;id Orcsontan. .
MANTF.D lino tlnrd-clas as5tant ahip
Iraftemnn at t M p-.T diem. A rompetl
tle examination will b held Noveuller
I'l. f.T the purrioee of till-ni the
Mi pxaition. For further Inrormatim
addrria "l ommaniUnt, Navy Yard. puel
s-'urd. Wt'h."
alr..s WA.NTKU uo 1A to Ji for Bremen;
loo month;y: broavmen '. on nearby rall
rivade. experience unner-a.ary ; no atrlke;
trumdlfn to ercmeera. cimiluct'iri; ral.rad
eiupLolnc hea :uu.-tero ver 5e men
to p- anioca m-nthly; atate ae; aend atamp.
K.nimy Ar ciatun. t rg in'.all.
WANTJ-U to let a eon tract to clear from 10
u 1" aciva of aiurup UnJ. two mile aou:n
of bnlal Veil. rr.l ea east ot p.irt.and.
For further Information, arpiy to II- v lt
tnher. t'acific Coanx Eiacuit Co.. ltn and
IXivta ata.
W ANTEU Men and women to take home
stead and timber claims. can locata
jou on the test. v send parlies out
every lu davl. Elton Wukely.
lutb at.
kAiL..A m.U clerks. polufUc en x
and earrlerm" examination In .ofmo-r;
M.ary up to $180u; tre book Pacmc
ewtat &chooi. McKay bld!
WANTED Two hrat-ciaa tiit barrel
coopers. - steady work ow flsh trre.s ana
hex, none but xprlem-cd men need ap
piy. lr.ln .oopcrago Co.. iSrattie. WanO,
nilnr and Rradlnc to lei nt once; for iec-!nv-atlon
(Ail a.ier P. M-. room O.7.
Prtand 11. .lei.
WiNT nun xperienced In atationery. with
executive aoLiuy tn.l some resource. All
iusera strictly confldential. AE 411. Or e
cn Ian. -
A ' " L N'T ANT ho wuid inve .HX)0 to
in an awiabllshed batdnar. Commer
cial Abstract CV.. Coniiurciai Club
r Pi -iff. . ,
Movins-plciure operator earn weeic
ly we t'hrh you in ten dais on easy
terms. New York School of Operators.
;;. lt Wash., near 17th.
W ANTEI Real estate Milesman; one -who
has hai experience only and who is ac
quainted with city; rood proposition to
right man, 41S Railway Exchano blag.
, STKU RennonaiM party to contract to
clear 40 to acres fruit land at Moster.
cio?e to town. H. F. Bothtur 4c Co.. 415
- Henry bid.
fiHOB repalrin. 57 Gltsan. between 14th
and 15th streets; men s half soles and
heels. 75c: ladies' half sols and hewis.
fine; nr9t-ciasswoK.u vu.
WANTED WllUnpr lad to help with Janitor
work in ext lianfie for course in bookkeep
tng. shorthand, etc. P-l Oiesonian
IRON shipbuillers. rivetera. cslkers for Se
attle. I r.itei Metal Trad Asti.. 222 Coai
merclal Club b.dg.
vXNT younpr assistant bookkeirr. Com
mercial Al-straci Co.. 40S Commercial Club
JAPANESE boy for rhamberwork. $12 week.
Call between and 7 P. M. 41i Morr.-
W ANTED Two men to clear Unci and maka
oordwood by the contract. X 4tKJ. urtrcoat-
WANTED Young man for store and dclU-
rv work, musi n.iw "
Wash. Phone A 7313.
WANTED I uholslerers and cau.-h makers,
steady work. Carmen Mf. Co.. lSth and
I'pshur st
TAIl OKS Man tailors and pressors for
women's (tarnients. Apply a lo lo A. M..
Ol 1 s. Wormian v .Kir;.
lil SH El-MAN and presser; a-ood pay to
richt man. J. K- Holy. VIS lath SU. bet.
"r ashinarton and Alder sts.
OiMF'KTENT shoemaker wanted. 367 Stark
strcf t.
UVB a en is to sell rhoto coupons; swsil
offer. Davis, 342 S Wasn. st.
Hi jtt-- LASS
resent a ttve.
ciMiimerc aj salesman or rsp-
15 Commercial blda.
BOOKKEEPING, private tultton by an exprt
accountant, 301 M e c h a n t m Trust bi a.
PKESSER Experienced on itents jrarments.
Apply M:'.'- Washington st.
UAN TK D Hoy about 17 years of a.e, ilU
!Iool Factory. lt;i Couch.
URST-cbASS lathe man wuuted for out of
the city. Call 222 Commercial Club bid a-.
TH K s fl an ted at onco vu coa-.s 2ti3
Yamhill st-. rvm i. .
W N 1EI Kirst-class shoe cuttor at once.
i. O. l'T)tni:in Shoe Co., rt21 Thurman ft.
I-HOTOORAPH coupon and portrait aser.ts;
n e m oflwr. Cutl'crt nsiudio. De k u m o d c
POTS 1 years and over witb wheels. Olds.
Wt.rtman A King.
IN SI RANCE soUcttors wanted; salary and
e x pens-'s. 9 "9 Chamber of Comm erce.
W A TED Kirst-cUfS vulcanixer. Choa. S-
KMon. 133 10th st.
Bi'. with hee to work all day. Knight
Shre Co.
A HOY wanted with a wheel, after school.
p ; v at A!b!na Pye Works. 2S Russell.
HoS over Iti. with wheels, 30 lo $60 per
month. 2i Alder at.
EXPERIENCED grocery Clerk; good solic
Itor. i. Ke i ther ft Co.. 131 4Ora nd ave.
BOY for delivery; J per week. Portland
Electro. Stereo. Co.. 245 Stark st.
OFFICE boy wanted. 2.11 Washington st:
WANTED Aflrstclass washer. V. S. Laun
dry Co.. Grand ae. and Kat atnhtWwt.
ERRAND by wanted in book bindery. Love
joy ft Lincoln. 213 Wash. st.
WANTED Experienced tailor. Ben Selling.
l1nic cU'thier.
WANTED Two sheet nut. i worker. Apply
at once. "7 Eat Aider.
SMOKE the Alcazar cigar. For sale by all
leatling clg.r stsnrin. Phone lo.'l.
tVMMROlAl- aalesmati. also sto:k securi
ties man. 213 t'ommerclal bldg.
WANT E D Crockery packer. ortly ejer-
iVnred applv. M- S.-ntTftCo.
PRESSER anted at once on coats. 2t3 S
Vmh:ll st.. room 0. i
tit Y tr general. rk; aes . l.ennoti'S
t ;io e and I rr.brt '.'a Store, .".o. Morrison.
SEXNL baker.
Apply standard Cafeteria,
tn si.
W XNTED Janitor for smalt apartment
house. Cai: after A. M. 17 17:h st
y WTED Night engineer, one who urder
T anris porter work, inquire Seward H-tfl.
A KCOND co-ik. m-ist bs experienced, top
wacesL 2'1SYamh4lI t.
BOY" wanted" witl whe! to work evenings;
irood wase. 34 Ya-nhill.
R ANTED At Sttery Hospital tn Chlco. CaL.
r-'r'U to enter so wool of runtr.g.
T,- VTED Waitress for boarding-house,
APPl 735 Hoytsu .
wTxTEP Experienced glrL Apply Rebe'a
confectionery. 310 Wasnlngton st.
frrTTE school, shorthand and typewrlt
Terms 5 mo. 2'V. 14th. Alum S.vU.
.XED Girl to care for baby; good home,
wages. M2 Johnson st.
c".,-,Tni w-S made. 9kr. Sanitary peauty Psr
lori. 12 Iekum b.dg Marshall 17u.
WA NTfb Marker and srier. palace Laua
dx'y. J- lVUi and J.veriu
. , . i i iiii . r x-- i i t in i . r .a
.. , 1
2 hot?! cooVs. .40 eh.
Cook for in!l hotl. ."0.
Kw.ur.nt ctwk. Pr wek.
0 wltr--. iZ. to -..
Hous-Koprs. ! mo.
Chan.trraaiJ. l-' and 522.
;rk tor n'Uun itand. $3.
ook for private family, $1 per c
room out. j
hPfo"( jrirl for private frfmlir.
Ot-&ra.l aouidvork, J-iO lo
lxpt. yS Morlaon.
IicD wjitr9. I"'"
Hatel coox.
prarltrnl nurs, 4a
C hambrmnl(li. t-.rt nd t-. . .
alter n.l naitrett. out oi clty.
3 0 a:trw (out of city), i-i.
Janitor. i wVi.
Second (Cirl. $-0 and 30.
Kitchen h-'lprr. 2-V
tiiria f'r irearal houework In ul
of city. .-. to 140. ,
:u..4 Wati. it., room 4.
WANTED Tour r Ud! for t!phon op
ertiric. with or without tipriMC APJJ
the Painc Teli-phon Tlcraph Co..
th snd Emt A.kay st.v. or Wit Park
and Aidar ata.
quire Mason. Ehrmin i ompany.
Snd lH.rrt.m .tret. We sif. Phono
Grand a vs. and East Taylor sta.
SE M STRESS wanted; flrst-cls cat hand.
Apply Gale OutlittinB Co.. 40 Washing-
VofNG rlrl of refinement wanted to care for
baby and assist In hoiinework: no
ln- appd'-ant must be strong and healthy
and not expect to ie uui
a Hd borne Phne afer l- A- M.. Main
r.riTl. t'.ti Flanders st.
1MK t I'r.ini.i n'i.ra v-.k
HONEST woman with equally a-ood refr
rncvi to buy half Interest In paying
opartTnent-Uouae and loik after same, at
$40 month and half of profits; " cash.
r iinnre out ui prmn. . 1 v
WANTED Immediately, a hrl;ht. Inteiii
eiit lady of education and pleasing per
sonalit ; must be ambitious and w.iiing
to apply herself assiduously, with prtes
pct of advancement AB 4l4.Oregonlan.
WANTED Lady demonstrators; wonderful
work; good chance for those -ho will
stay. Call 318 Lab be blUg., 2d and W ash
lngton. WANTED Maid ftr cooking and hous""
work In family of 2 adul A. Apply
Marshall St. Wed. morning. Phone Mam
COMPETENT woman or girl to assist with
the care of two children and upstair
vnrk .-nm before 3:
East Ankeny. l'hontj East SOW.
WAITED Competent
ilrl to do cooking
WhAr . wirl im .mnloved tO OO ecwiu
good wages. Inyuira 6b Everett
FREE Madame Bad maker, late of Now
York. wiU trim haia free of charge, to
Introduce her work to Portland people.
TQ1 Washington st.. apartment 2.
WANTED A good experienced dining room
girl, one willing to assist with chamber
work : wages $23. Johnson Hotel. 3.51 V
Water st.
FINISHERS and operators wanted on men's
neckwear; good wages to experienced peo
ple; apprentices taken. Columbia Neck
wear Mlg. -0.. Tj "'
Ci.oK Wanted, good woman second cook,
with short-order experience, to work from
12 noon to 8 p. m. The Blue Bell. 31.5
B urns Id e st.
WANTED Saleslady. Apply Northwest
Gem Store. 341", Morrison St.. after 9:30
a. m. ; business reference or bond r
q aired.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general
hmsework: 3 In Tamil; good home. Call
"7 Schuyler st or phone C 2-'72.
WANTED At Waihaueal. Wash., girl for
fiineral housework, family of 2; salary U3;
references. Apply Y. W. C A.
G1KI.S. 16 vears and over, for transfer
work. Apply 8 to 10 A. M-, Olds. Wort-
man A King's.
WOMAN to assist with general housework la
smail famiiy; jio washing, good home. AL
4o. Oregoiiian.
GTRLforcooktng and general housework:
three-in family. 7S4 Main. bet. Ford and
343 4 Washington St.. Con 7th. Upstairs.
phone Main 2dv2.
MAID Prefer French; must be neat needle
woman, for two children. 63 Iavia,
King. .
-ti) Washinston St.. Room 314.
Main b3ti or A 320.
WANTHD Rellned. capable woman for re
sponsible position. V.avl Co.. J9 Roin
c h! i bldg.. 4th and Washington.
EXPERIENCED saleswomen, educated and
refined. Apply 319 Henry building. 8 to
10 A- M.
GIRL for general housework, small family,
good wages, phone Marshall 2."7 or call
10M Vaughn at.. Wi llama He He i g hts.
WANTED A housekeeper for one lady. In
Hood River cottage, inquire at 432 Mor
rison In morning or evening.
W VNTEI Experienced chocolate dippers at
candy factory. 44 East Sixth street. North.
Liberal wasoi and steady employment.
ItTvATt5IcsoiiS given In shorthand at stu-rt-nt
s homo if desired. Phone WoooJawn
237 U. .
GOOD dressmaker or hand sewer wanted
nt Dake Ladies' Tailors'. Cambridge bldg..
and Morrison.
EKKA L girl wanted for tailoring shop;
f.Kd wages, steady poaitlen. ii. Sail. 11
Morriso n st.
GIRL fr gener..! housework: pood w ages,
."l 32d st. N.. Wiilauiette Heights. Mujn
;.;;.o. A J-'iJj
WANTED Good, willing girl, no cooking,
washing; wages $10. room and board.
phf-ne Oak Grove, ited 33. ,
EXPERIENCED help In our ladies' altera
tion department. lien Selling, leading clo
t h-er.
SliiUiMAKEHS Women of experience. Ap
ply S to 10 A. M.. Old. Wortman ft
Kirs's. .
GIRLS wanted on mn's coats; steady wo
ana goou pa. mi rm
street, room x-
WANTED Girls to work In sausage depart
ment, vt ages i.jv v
T nion Meat Co.. orxn ronianu.
YOCNG lady to work In cigar and confec
tionery store; state saiary desired. Address
O Rlt 2oe."i. City.
DEMONSTRATOR, lady, youns;. attractive
....j In ti-itl-t tart tclfa : nrefera
.n-.n ...- " A v 411. Oreconian.
WANTED Cook; second girl kept; flrst-
. , .ma'i fumllv Annlr morn.
CUUS .". - - - . www
.. - . 4 In . fur 1 'th
111.5. M ji rx.ii
W VITRESSES Short hour waitresses. Ap
ply Tea Room, 4th floor. Olds. Wortman
C fVlaaS
WANTED A girl for g neral housework;
no 'iiinin-u. tt ..-
fcTENotlRAPHEIl wanted. Apply Ml Lewi
O I i" -
YL N) woman to worg in factory. 133 j
" rs "d ave.
WANTED tlovid second girl for prlvats
' I. . waaa H Vrtrth ? "i t h
isiiui e"v" - ---
W a N T E I Good cook for private family;
iHM'A wages. "M5 North 2tth.
WANTED Coat finishers at one. 2i3H
V a m h i 1 1st., room V.
EXPERIENCED clrl for general housework;
KOn.l Viag'S- r. i.
G1KL for general housework. 754 Tillamook
St.. C 1213. . .
WANTED Otrl for general housework. Ap
ply 372 14th st.
WANTED gir; for general housework. tiJ
H a ncock st.. Irvir.,;tn.
LADY" cashier, nickelodeon. Apply 2 P. M.
Kli- N. Third it-
GiRL fr general housework, family of 2.
Woodlawn 2'y-
WANTED Girl for general housework In
small family. Phone Main 1Z54.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer. 402 Cor
bett TsUg. Pacific Brick A Marble Co.
WANTED Girl foe, general housework.
Small family. Telephone East h94t.
W ANTED Coat finishers at once. 2tl34
Yamhill St.. room 0-
WANTED A girl to assist with housework;
thre in family. Apply 3Vi 12th st.
WA NTED-A girl for general housework.
:'i'U Col'fge st. -
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co. 24 and
Columbia ata. .
WANTED One second maid, preferably one
with experience as lady's maid, for coun
try place, one mile from town; expenses
paid to destination and liberal salary.
Answer. A. Conro Fiero. Woodlawn Or
chard. Central Poir.t. Or.
WANTED Girls- to msks shirts and OTeraJla.
Ml. Hood Factory. 23 Couch,
WANTED On Willamette Heights, pleasant
young woman who has had some experi
ence In the care of young children, phone
between ll and 2. Marshall 1UVS. Address
ll-a Thurmwi. -
WANTED 6um women to buy sample cloaks
and Butts, half price and less; experienced
saleswomen wanted. Worrell's Sample
Cloaks and Suits. 134 th st.. corner Aluer.
cpposite Oregon! an bldg.
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework. Apply 71 Tillamook street,
mi rrlngs. Take Broadway car. m
WANTED ounK lady attending business
coilexe to work for room and board; give
reference. E 4.3. Ore ?r inn
WANTED Capable, experienced nursegirl;
permanent place, good wages. Apply fore
noons at 822 Kearney St.
GIRL for cooking and general housework.
y48 Lovejoy st.
0 GIRLS to learn beauty culture. Sani
tary Beauty Parlors. -oU-4 12 Dekura bldgj.
BOOKKEEPlNti Private lwssons 3 nlgms
in week; 5 per mo. 5C1 fceimont E 14 Si.
YOUNG girl to assist in general house work.
7 till H ancQck st. Take Broadway car.
cTRlTfor general housework at oot
st. Call mornings or Phone East 4111.
GIRL for general housework, smail family.
Call 776 Kearney.
AMATEURS wanted in all lines. We tcmch
Vauocville and Dramatic; write snatches
and rehearse under the direction of com
petent instructora Have Coast rights
lor some of the latest Eastern produc
tions. Want Dramatic pepie In all lines
for stock. Two companies Just organis
ing. We have "Coast time" for Vaude
ville acts; houses that pay 1W for
teams, and $40 for singles. Only boJta
Tide booking office In Portland. Pulailer's
10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year;
men and womtn to learn barber trade In
week, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from $13 to -3 weok.iy; expert
instructors; tools free; write ior cata
logues. Mohler System of Colleges, 33
North 4th su. Portland. Or.
WANTED Coupon agents, new proposition.
Dufresr.e Studio, 2eo Wash. St.. Buchan--n
MAKE money writing stories Tor newspapers;
big pay; aend for free booklet: telis how.
United Preas Syndicate. Sjn Franclsco.
fiskteache1TsaVsociation. 6fl BwsU
land bidg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
Thoroughly competent stenographer and
general office man, 21 years of age. who
has fair knowledge of bookkeeping and
can furnish the best of references and
recommendations, would like position im
med ately where proficiency and atten
tion to business will merit promuilon.
Address It. IS. Martin. 2o3', 5th st.
BY YOUNO man who has taken commercial
course in business college, office work in
wholesale house preferred; willing to be
gin at bottom with advancement. V 4oi,
Oregonian. .
SALESMAN Young man. having several
years' soiling experience, wishes to locate
with a well-established commercial firm;
will furnish bank and other references.
R 405, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, cashier, credit man. corre
spondent, capable of taking full charge of
orilce; good salary required. Y 406. Ore
gonian. WANTED-i-Posltlon as bookkeeper, type
writer or accountant; 6 years' practical
experience. W. C Neil. yancouver. Wash.
DRUGGIST, beat references. experienced;
able to taka charge and run store. AK
4oS, Oregonian.
YOUNG technical graduate wants position
drafting, surveying or anything In engln-i-ertng
lHic W 4u7.' Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, clean-cut
young business man; excellent references;
moderate salary. A3 409. Oregonian.
WANTED By expert bookkeeper, small set
of books to work on afer 3 P. M. AB 400,
FIRST-CLASS salesman wants a live propo
sition to handle in Portland and vicin
ity. R 40S. Oregonian.
M IsceUaueous.
WANTED By experienced man a position
as representative, financial agent, account
ant or office manager to go to Argentine
Republic. Brazil or South America coun
tries; references as to qualifications fur
nished. V 407, Oregonian.
A SPECIALTY salesman of several years' ex
perience desires to make change; ac
quainted with the drug, grocery and con
fedtonerv. cigar and tobacco trade in and
a bou t Portland ; Al ref erenqf s. R 303,
ENERGETIC young man of good address
and appearance, specialist on interior dec
oration, desires position as traveler in
furniture, draperies or relateu oranchea.
A 4I'-L urf.Qnmn.
BLTCli ER A sausasemaker would like to
get nrat-Ciass puamuii; -uw m
manaqe business, city or country; best oi
references. AK 413. Oregonian.
rnii.rtnr H solicitor with horse and
buggy wants position; can give best of
references. tjregoinaji. m
YOUNO Japanese boy. honest and kind,
wishes a situation as schoolboy. I under
stand general housework and some cook
. tag. R 337, Oregonian.
YOUNG man wants position as a city or
traveling salesman; references furnished;
want salary and commission. H 414. Ore
gonlan. YOUNG Japanese who can speak good Eng
lish wishes a, situation as butler or sec
ond place in f lrst-fclas family. Japanese
Method ist Church. 121 N. 13th.
TWO ambitious and reliable young men
from East wish employment: can furnish
references or bonds if needed. AB 403,
A YOUNG man with experience as cigar
clerk wants position; can give good refer
ence. Address B. A. Wood. 403 Front St.,
Portland, Or.
A SINGLE man. American. intelligent,
hsndy. trustworthy, wishes light, steady
employment; object. AE 409.
YOUNG man with store and machine shop
experience wishe position. O 407, Ore
goninn. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position to do
any kind of work, morning or evening.
J.sfi. Oregonian.
PRINTER, pressman, AL all around man.
years' experience; can begin work at
once. A. 4i.i. uregonian.
EXPERIENCED shoe repairer wants steady
nlace outside of city: useTul all around
shoe store. O 414. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED gas engineer wishes posi
tion: motor boat preferred; can also ope-
. . w. ' V 41. Q Drirnnlin
JAPANESE boy wlehes situation with pri
vate family or boarding house. O 403.
INTELLIGENT, active man. with large fam-
ily to support, wants position; F. A. M.
reference. Phone Main 7o20. 1
LICENSED chauffeur wishes position with
private family; sober, careful driver, can
make own repairs. P 4pC Oregonian.
B KKR. stranger, wants steady work as
second or helper years experience. Ad-
drefS gaaer. ra
MACHINIST-ENGINEER wants outside Job
as superintendent of buildings or master
mechanic. N 411. Oregonian.
WOULD like to take care of child, use 3
to 7. Phone Woodlawn 235. Please call up
tfter e P.
YOUNG man. desirous to Join theatricals.
good actor, able to do most anything;
give us achance. AL 405, Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED grocery clerk. Joseph La
Bon to. general oeuery.
JAP NESE boy wants all kinds of house
wo'ric and porter. AC 408. Oregonian.
MEAT CUTTER wants work in suburban
market or out of city. O 414. Oregonian.
JAPANESE, first -class cook, wants position
in private family. M 4oS. Oregonian.
BY "first-class plumber, willing to go out
of city. N 404. -Oregonlait.
TWO voung men want positions on farm or
ranch. A L 4QP, Oregonian.
CHAUFFEUR, wishes position with private
family, can ao repairs- 'ttMuiau.
CARPENTKR work. myKi
tr -T. Phene Msrsr.s'l 2377.
a si. J4f -M -
JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish
all help. Main 659. A 40 73. t8 Everett.
PLANER man. best of references. P 403.
Bookkeepers and stenographers.
Si E.VOGRAPHER. good beslnner. not very
rapid, but accurate and neat, salary $33.
AJ 4f5. Oregonian. .
-.-.- ia.iv desires nositlon as eoDvUt:
can furnish good reference, Y 407, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Stenos-aphers
BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, neat, accu
rate, attractive, first-class references, sal-
ry; reasonable. AJ 406. Oregonian.
Dressmakers- .
MRS. FRENDS. of the Vienna Ladies' Tail
oring, announces tnat Mr. Frends has re
turned from the East with advanced styles.
We solicit your patronage; work guaran
teed. Westminster Apar:ment. srixth ana
Madison sts. Phone M ain 33S2. A 4iw-
FASHIONABLE dressmnking and ladles
tailoring, fancv waists. remodeling or
gowns, reasonable: years of experience.
637 Montgomery. Main 101S.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes enpage
ynents. shirtwaists a specialty. Miss Coi-
lar. Main 32&7.
SEAMSTRESS wishes a few more engage
ments by the day. Phone Tabor OS- t
STYLISH drejes. 3 up; waists. $1.30 up;
fine work. 528 E. Mil:. East 6256. m
KEL.IAP.LE ladv would like to take charge
of road house; 'know how to meet and treat
the public. Tears of hotel experience, as
manager, housekeeper, chambermaid. I
want a position like a home; 49 years old.
Willing to leave the city. Address Mrs.
May. ?S5 East ."3d St.. Portland. Oregon.
GERMAN lady, middle-aged, good cook and
housekeeper, wishes easy position; able to
take full charge; prefer Catholic. S.40a,
REFINED girl attending business college
would assist In housework for board and
room; private family; walking distance
preferred. AB 400. Oregonian.
WANTED By woman with 7-yr-old daugh
ter, position as working housekeeper for
men; no objection to country near schooL
Call gt Y. W. C A. '
REFINED, intelligent woman desires Posi
tion as housekeeper in pleasant home with
good peopie; capable of taking full charge;
references. T 4o. Oretronian.
RESPECTABLE, middle-aged woman wishes
housekeeper's place, with boy 14 -attend
ing school. AN 4'o. uregonian.
FIRST-CLASS German housekeeper, good
cook, tvanta position; saiary $45. Phone
A 7179. M. S.. 753 Corbett St.
RESPECTABLE Eastern woman desires po
sition as housekeeper; good cook and
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
uiuow witn small cruia; Birong -ing;
must have work. T 408, Jgojan.
LADY wants care rooming or apartment
house, commission or salary. j-ua,
gonian. .
WANTED Position as housekeeper; full
charge. Mrs. E. Porter, 527 Stephens at.
WANTED Invalid lady to care for. 04 Ea3t
7S th and Pine. Mont a villa.
REFINED young woman would accept po
sition as children's nurse In home or
well-to-do people; references. .. S 41L
GRADUATE masseuse will give treatments
by appointment; physicians' recommenda
tlons. A 42S2.
MATERNITY nurse wants case; will do some
work. Main 8456. A 2043. .
WANTED Nursing by m'ddle-aged lady;
maternity a specialty, phone lalni
B Domestics.
T have a little brown, servant In my
kitchen, who Is a treasure of a cook. She
change odds and ends of Insipid 'left-overs1'
Into savory dishes. The fowls she cooks
come to- the table, hot, tender. Juicy and
delicately flavored. She serves all food
piping hot, accompanied by aeliclous sauces
enveloped In appetizing odors. Yet no one
need envy me thi Jewel of a cook every
woman can have one. too. for they are not
expensive. My little servant Is my good lit
tle earthenware casserole." See Mrs. Mar
1S3-1&1 First st..
Oct. 10th to October 16th.
PLACE wanted as nurse girL Phone East
Mi seel Ian eons.
COM PETENT, trustworthy woman wants
position to cook in xamny ol i u, a
not less than $35. Phone Main 14Sjtf,
5 to 7 P-M.
WANTED By young woman from the East,
position In physician or dentist's offices;
capable of taking care of office or any
stenographic work. Phone Marshall 233.
YOUNG lady student desires homo In Chris
tian family, will work for board and room
and home privileges; West Side preferred-
WILL furnish families 5 dozen strictly fresh
egps weekly if wanted, market price. M
AN educated young lady desires a position
U iZUlll V .1 J Wis ,- ca.aa v-.v.-. - - -
WOMAN wants work by day: no haif days;
references. Phone East 2033.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work;
wasnlng. Ironing. 31 ain -ou.
WOMAN wants work Wed., Thurs. and Frl.
No haifdays; rererences. oouiais n -"'
LADY wants any kind of work by the day.
Call 1017.
AN .experienced woman would like work
try ttie day. Main oaoi
FIRST-CLASS colored laundress wishes day
work. Main 8908.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for choice nursery stock; outfit
free; cash weekly. Address Capital City
Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can wake $u0 week.y
selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal proposition; good territory.
Address Orenco. Or. ,
AGENTS Dutch Clay Cooking set sells
every house household necessity: big prof
Its. Pace Bros. Pottery, Rosevllle. Ohio.
AGENTS for rugs, lace curtains, furs and
wearing apparel on crean; oig cwmiuiwioui.
e9 Grand ave. j. u. stierniau.
WE have several people who wish to rent
furnished and uciurmsnea nouses, nats,
apartments. We make a specialty of look
after homes, such as the repairs, pay
ing the taxes, seeing that the insurance
dos not expire, and remitting to the
owner promptly each month. If your
property is now vacant and you wish a
tenant, we uttn fill the bill. F. E. Taylor
t CO.. 4t'J-w J x-.cwi uiu-j., uri aim wa..
A NEW bungalow or house, unfurnished;
five or SIX rwima. cgmno.ii.
SINGLE room, steam heat, wanted by mid-
-a i .. Vmlneii. man. Ai" aii7 Ortra-
3 OR 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
itm c jiT l IrpgriTilnn.
Rooms With Board.
YOUNG man. employed, wants room In pri
vate family with breakfast ana supper;
prefers place with young people; must be
On Cast Blue; f tw, Ji -CKmaau
ti-amted Room and board for lady with
child 2H years old. where child can be
cared ior during ioe aay. rt uo. ureju
GENTLEMAN, wife and 4-yr-old daughter
desire room and board on West Side, walk
ing distance; has own crib for child. Phone
WANTED By 2 respectable young men;
room and board in private family; West
clae ana wbimub uwuiuvo, a uuu-a
Z33L Alain moo
WANTED Room and board for ajjout $26
a month; near 3rd street, for young man.
Address room 34 Philip Hotel, Burnside.
ti'ANTED 2 rooms with board, family of
four, walking diy'an.-e. Woodlawn lvSl.
Business Places.
WANTED To rent, small space for light
'....r.tnrln. ni!TOrtf. With 1 H. I.
power for couple of hours daily. Y 400,
WANTED Desk room, with or without
aesK. o iva,
Famished Booms.
thk ASSEMBLY Fine furnished rooms.
large and sunny, suitable tor two or three
ladies or gentlemen , u6a iuvuib
bath and phone; 4 blocks from P. O. 2&
0th st.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, op. Portland Hotel,
330 Yamhill; first-class furnished rooms.
single or en suite; moaern; au up; transi
ent solicited. M. 31, A 7177; $5 week, up.
0th sc, 4 squares above P. O. ; family
hotel, private baths and telephone; tran
sients soticiiea.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well
CieClflC llitHt-B. a.m- jjq..HB a.. fcw
Including b,Lhs; also bouekeepiiag rooms.
LARABEE HOTEL. E27H Larabee st.. new
management, first class; steam heat, elec-
HirHt hnt rold water, bath. D hones.
THE HAZEL Nicely furnished steam-heat-
jl cor. wuivui"4.
Furnished Rooms.
Corner 4th 3o0 lay ior.
and Alder st. near 7th.
These two beautiful new hotels Just
completed and handsomely furnished, pos
sess every modern .convenience including
elevator service and private telephone ex
change. Both are right down town, yet
Just off all carlines; about half the rooms
in each have private baths, all others hot
and cold water. The rates are surpris
ingly low. Call and see them and you
w .11 be pleased in every way. Rooms by
the day, wt-ek or month.
Seventh and Ankeny Streets.
Free was their depot carriage.
I took It on tuo spot;
There may be other nouses Just as good.
NOT. .
A quiet home for quiet people.
129 Eleventh St.
New, modern brick building, steam
heated, private baths, hot and cold water
in rooms beautifully furnished, cosy and
comlortable. Rates very reasonable. Cail
and see us Regular and transient traue
solicited. -
3Tfe East Burnaide.
A good place to Winter; steam heat, hot
ana cold running water in all rooms;
rooms with private bath; ten minutes
waik from business center of city; rates
2.i0 to 9H per week, phone E. 5940. B 12.5.
Rooms single and en suite; steam-heated,
comfortaole and well furnished; rates
very reasonable; right down town; tran
sient solicited. 303 Stark st. Phone
Main 8736. ,
HOTEL SARGENT, Cor. Grand ave. and
uawtnome. ru"o
201. connecting every room, private bat its,
elevator, first-class grill. Special rates by
week or month. American or European.
Transients solicited.
HOTibL BUd-tiM a h h..
Washington and 17th. rtrst-ciase fumlsas
rom aingis or en suite; all moderf,1v
epleo'ces: $3 weekly up. A '26il. M.
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
FURNISHED room in private family for gen-
..... i. . nu. nhiltld.
uemen; moauiu. nwti. i'6'"
within five minutes' walk o Portland Ho
tel, best car servlce;-no other roomer.
Vhnn. Unln 73::U.
NICELY furnished frint"room. private home.
walking tustauce, one uiuua. .wu..-. -
keny Une; Kood board within block, taai
ROOM, suitable tor two ladies or mail aad
wile, in private nomc; u.c...
NEWLY furalVM;d front rooms, all modern
conveniences, central. ue3ii.u.o '"v. , . - -
vate ramiiy. tm?, .u
LADY alone wishes lady employed as
roomer; Dreakiaac 11 aeaneu. A uw
snnti o..
FL'KXIaHEIi room with board, all conveni-
ences; reaaonaote. iui iolo .
Kicat furnished front parlor bedroom.
pnone. eieciriv iik-. rt.
sentleman. Phone Main 6Ju.
NICE large room, furnished new and clean.
large and llgni, neai, " -free,
i to ii 'reek. 331 lth. near Clay.
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for 2 or
3 gentlemen or man mm ...a, """j -
ilciteB. Phone Main 571 GUsan.
NICELY furnished, steam-heated room for
gentleman; l tuoca. Jlutu ToZ
13th. uuuen. ayu oo. -
lJjlAL bachelor apa.rtmeats. new furnish
ings, every cuiuwi. ...... ... , t '
p-lione a. ott.
6U5 EVERETT, nice clean furnished room.
xeasonaDie, we.w om
PLEASANT well-furnished room, modern
flat, gentlemen. .ii
NICELY furnished light room, private fain
ily. Ill tveariiej.
NEWLY furnished room, t.eam-heated. rjn
.l. hot and cold water. 564 Flanders.
NEWLY furnished room, also light house-
keeping rooms at ijjv a.jw.
rthAoAliI room. heat, hot and cold water.
hrkfast if desired. 175 21st South.
XWO rooms to quiet couple, walking dis
tance. U1..1U . '
LIGHT, sunny, nicely furnished room, mod
ern, steam neai.. ow .-ii.
CLEAN ROOM, reasonabfe. 268 12th st.
rnfumlihed Rooms.'
LARGE front cornor room Becond floor.
l.iJ1 let st. v. ... .
liooiu. V. itu iloarq.
PORTLAND WomeD'i Union, 23d year, roora
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
S'n Flanders. Miss Frances N. Heath, sum.
BOARD and room for young men or man and
wite. ice '.m .vc, ,
i.m with Koard In private Family.
33 MONTGOMERY Large pleasant front
l'OOm. W ill pmi.v, .,v- ,-. -77
board, modern. Main So3 ; price W-M
REFINED young woman wishes room-
mate, rroiei"t , ma ri
board, select surroundings. b406. Ore
LARGE front rooms uitf-ble for two; also
single rooms; actueui -
Dh.nn A 7230.
COMFORTABLE quarters in private home,
man ana wuc ur i.m ' J. .
SJ.- wet Side. Call Main 5S)o4.
BOOMS, with or without board, within easy
walking aistauce.
East U06. .
vl FASANT room and good home cooking
r.. .tT.V ..ntltmnn. 5U1" Davis.
1VRGB sunny room and board for one or
t v O in private lamnj. try.
HOARD and nicely furnished looms, suitable
lur two; ft"u,v" . w .
WELl-il-rtXISHED rooms. good hm
cooking; suitaum
FURNISHED room and board, So week; pri
vate iamnj. -
ROOM, board, with home cooking. iiaw-
PLEASANT room for 1 or a furnace
heat; home cooking.
WANTED Two girls to room, with break-
fa'st and dinner. 3. 07Stephenst.
8 SALilO.N, rooms wub ...v.
heat. Lath ana pnone. .
On Lucretia at., between -J2d and 23d
sts. near Washington at. Most modern,
new brick apartment house, with all the
latest conveniences too numerous to men
tion including free private telephones in
each apartment. All outside large rooms.
Apply Supt., on premises, apartment 1.
HEINZ APARTMENTS, 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison at.; new
. brick building, completely first-class; fur
nished in a. i and 4-room family apartments-
private bath, reception hail, steam
heat hot water, elevator, free pnone. jan-
ltor service; rem. vij ..
THK SHEFFIELD. 7th and Jefferson sta.,
unfurnished 3-room apartment with bath;
all outside rooms, modern, every con
venience, only 5 minute.- 1
O vary reasonable rent. Main 2&U6, A
8148. . ,
Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St.
New flreoroof brick building, beautifully
furnished, two and tnree-room tpaxtmenta
prlvale baths, wail beds, larse clothe.
rlfiKPll. x-uiip
SAX ii A i .i . .. j
New brick building; E Sth and Couch
t 2 rooms, steam heat, private bath,
, phone. ii " $iS. CaU at Apt. 20a on
f -
.y.mvr Just opening, new fireproof
"brick, larse hsht hall, aU outside apart
ments, automatic elevator, electrlo dumb
waiters, hot and cold water, private bath.
tam neat.
w I-K.-AN o24 Marshall at.. 3-room .eiegant-
w furnished apartments, private bath, pri
iite obone, steam, hot water, all modern
convenience, quiet neighborhood. Main 8032.
A am.
. and modern. 125 to $35: 28th and
irf-uan Telephone In each apt., steam
J?;., Phones B 2516 and E. S387.
wvti-T v furnished apartment. In basement,
private bath and phone. 1S 2Jd su
bVvt iriHT apartments, three rooms, new,
'" til and up. B -1634. Tabor 1768.
..h Bt.. near Yamhill; steam-heated,
.nrnisl-cd apartments.
B07ANTA Newly furnlshesd S and 4-rooa
apt- private phones and etrlctly modern;
2:;d'near Jonnson st.
t ,1 Y to share S-room. furnished apartment.
Fnonc J. w-.
rTTS MAJESTIC Strictly modern 4-room
suite, choice neighborhood. 3a0 CIO st.
ST CLAIR 6-room modern apartment, 3
Dorcmes, all conveniences. Main 430.
irNFl"RNISHF.D flat, five rooms. Nob Hill
district, close in. desirable. I P. Coleman.
4j Davis st. 66 19th St.. North.
nH RENT New flat, all modern conven
iences, 18th and E- Ash sts. Phone B 2008.
FOR RENT ilia Thurman ac, bet. a.tri
and USth; tine car . aervice: cat of &
rooms, modern conveniences; rent $25
per month. . lnquira Wakefield. Fries &
Co.. 85 4th St., Henry bldg. Nothing on
the West Side like it for the money.
X NEW modern four-room flat, convenient
to stores and less than block to cars; a
real opportunity to get a well-located and
desirable place to reside; no cMlden. In
quire iSS Sacramento st.. near Williams
TWO modern. Just completed, 5 and 0
rooms, close in. East Side. $27.50 and
J30. Inquire 84 E. lath, N., corner
Davis. East 37i.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room upper flat, 774
Lovejoy. Vanduyn & Walton, 515 Cham
ber of Commerce.
LARGE. Isolated 5-room flat. 512 Alder St.,
all outside rooms: 25. Apply 211 Lowns
d:ile (15th) street, ;
FOR RENT Furnished, modern, 5-room up-
per ilat, porches. lawn, basement. -o.
t.5 Com, st,, cornerMonroe.
WELL-FURNISHED flat of six rooms, reaa-
onable. 432 3d St.. flat C. .
5-ROOM flat
sale. 18 N.
for rent;
lth st.
"new furniture fcr
6-ROOM flat, attic and fireplace- 6U0
Nortlirup st. Kent $40. Main o2-o.
FOR RENT FLAT, near Steel bridge, new,
modern. Phone Woodlawn 1S0.
Housekeeping ifoma.
THE BEAVER, .liilh and Marshall Fur
nished for Jjousekeeping. gas range. Me
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all
fiee- 115 per month up: a clean place;
best In the city for money: short dlstanc
from Union Depot Take "S" car or ISth-st.
cars north, get off nt Marshal st. No dogs.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms i. 2.
JS month; 3. tl3; another 3. io. 34 .'th
St.. North (west side river). W car from
Depot, Sth or Morrison to Joih. block
THREE or four furnished housekeeping
rooms IE privuie laiino, .. -, --
phone and water. 3al Wheeler and Hal-
sey. closetoSteel bridge.
j- WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms; laundry, hath, pione. gas. heat.
yard, clean linen. 4u8 aricouver ave-
T" x. j vt ,-l-vtt? at. REASONABLE.
COJirLEl r-Ul lurnisneu huubi-hcc,, -
c-. rl-- n. ITost Rlirtisidt!. COlTier
CI. M ata no, 0" -J
iOK KlalAX nouicKeeping rooms in n
concreie bldg- Phon Woodlawn 28 JT.
THE ELMS 2 and 8-ioom apartment, fux
Clghed. 11 14th t.: transient solicited.
$1.50 WEKK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat. laurdry. hatn: goa Stanton U ct.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private family.
$12.50 TAK.ES large bay window front room
overlooking river and city; fine, modern,
light, bath, phone, walking- aistauce. lako
LS-L car; adults, ou-i n ozn su rnunB
wood 11 Ol.
pi.p AiVT almvn room for two or thre
men or couple employed; southern ex
posure; two beds, rurnaco,
phone. 47." Main St.
TWO nicely furnished housekeepinR- rooms,
with heat, light and phone; worth -0 a
month. 1U4 litn st., corner r-cmy-
8-ROOM furnished housekeeping a.pU. in
new home; furnace heat. 22S E- 20th.
THREE uafurnished rooms, electric Usn
gas. bath, phone and heat, hot and coia
water. 66 N. 21sst-.earWasnlngton.
NEWLTnturnlshed room with use of kitchen
. ,i.i kA,aUninr 1 1 fl mOnttl-
Phone A 3iw.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. Hose
in; also furnished rooms, new and cltan.
transient rooms tusu. -u"
KEWIY furnished rooms for hou&ekeeping;
single or en suite; bath, gas and phone; no
cnuurea. oiu .uiic,c,
FURNISHED housekeeping suite, walking
uu,l n.n-t I7iet Pnnrh Bt.
THREE-ROOM housekeeping suite, 10 a
m o nin. ti ahvict lltDL-
354 SALMON One very desirable room, fur-
nishca ror iignt D,tKct;pi
5 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms;
gas. bath. yard. $15 month. CUIS Front.
FOR RENT Two newly furnished house-
keep 1 n g rooms. 4-q .nan au
urvw innrw R EXT WILL TOU PAT?
Here la an opportunity for you. "We
vo,. a DAW modern bungalow that we
will sell on terms of $130 down and $25 a
month. That's bener mau xi. -ure
it out and then come in and talk it
over with me.
610 Lumbermens Bldg., oth and Stark Sts.
WHEN you move you'll need new furniture.
Buy it Jualciousiy sou i"e ...
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of
the largest furniture houses in the city 1
two years. w
Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers.
MOBGA.-ATUliL.i FUKiiunffl
63-75 Grand ave.. corner East Stark st.
East Ankeny and Russell-Soaver carllnea
f Aba UL rt upon.
MOstERN 7-room house, corner Villard snd
Holman sts.; lurnace anu 8i.Bc, i-1""-
trees anu .uiuuucii,
John carlitie. Willamette station, rent -o
David Lewis, room 1, Lumbermens bldg.,
btn ana ounn.
. -m , n l,Mt all
furnished, hardwood floors, one block from
car: two iota, sleeping iii-u,
month: no small children. Cowperthwalt
..... .tmi. an Hawthnrnn hvb.
At a great saving. Get our prices
M. OSTROW 4 CO.. 64-6S North Srd St.
Reasonaoie prices. mbj iuw.
HOUSES and flats for rent. Bome furnished.
g. ty. Cor. Cth and Washington Sts.
TH T zu a montn win way i jum " "
home: JloO down. Got started right! You
won't regret it. H. A. -Chandler, 010 Lum
bermens bldg., 5lh and Stark sts. Main
6-ROOM bungalow in Rossmere, beautifully
furnished, hot air furnace, electric lights
ana eery iiiuuc.u .---finished,
on full-sized lot. rent $45 per
montn. miuno .........
40 MODERN 6-room bouse, partly fur
nished, four months or longer; all modern
conveniences, n. ej. .m .-.
niont. J. L. Wells Co.. 838 Cnamber of
Commerce biag.
eood place- for garden or chickens. $10
montn- Appiy
bathroom, stable, chicken-house, etc. E.
46th. R. A. rayior. r. tiu auu civ
thorne. B laitt.
Kast lOtli and Beacon sts. Apply at
. jm tt nriiii.
t isners, neii tw, w www
last am. r-nc, o .-t a ca tritlir tnndpm house, fl
rooms; best residence section; $70 per
month. AL) 40.. uregoniau,
FIVE rooms, absolutely modern, furnace,
fixtures, shades, .etc; East Side; $22.0.
8-ROOM house, new, every modern con-
Venl- nCe. 1V1 A nmutuim, awo
line; Keys ucxt. uwi
FOR RENT 8-room modern house. West
aoi r.e4ta""?, '
y . ni., 111 u J"0'
809 1ST bl.i nouse wiu c.n uoociuoji w,
$20 per month. Inquire 811 1st st, or room
17. lto9 m at-
FOR RENT 7-room modern house, on cor
ner. 4-1 tiOlUK- j-vio
FOR RENT House, 770 Hoyt st. Apply 778
Hoyt st.
Fomisbed Houses.
vr-iTi.v furnished cottatte. 5 rooms and
bath near Hawthorne carline; reasonable
to re'sponslble parties; adulU only, phone
Tabor llf.
NICELY furnished -room house for rent
Ior 9 mO Hulls Ui iui.t. (.u loapuiiuuia
party. -an -
768 Marshall st.
05 MODERN 4-room house, elegantly
furnished ; piano, furnace, sewing ma
chine, aast x-ij.
$35 LARGE, modern, niceiy rurnisneo, lour
room flat, good neighborhood, walking
. , A A -OnAnw Ti TTa at ifiUri
QlSiailCC. x."" -rf
r ROOil furnished, in Irvington; will sell.
r..-ia w r. Reed. a45 MorrtsoTi.
8-KOOM modern partly furnished; large
yard. Call 294 Ivy St.
FOR RENT Furnished house of 8 rooms, all
or in part. 261 E. 3rd at. N.
Houses for Rent f nrnltnre for Sale: .
MODERN 8 rooms, rent $35 monthly, walk
ing distance; furniture first-class condi
tion: must sell at once, party going East,
B 2359.
BEAUTIFUL modern flat, 6 rooms, rent
$30: fine furniture; near Wash. St.;
can rent 8 rooms; price $300. Call 191
4th st.
FURNITURE of 3-room modern flat, rent $15,
elegant location, walking distance. For
particulars call 416 Rothchlld bldg.
I5U0 8 ROOMS, good furniture, close in;
cheap rent. Call 414 Taylor, 2 to 5 P. M.
n'RXITCRE 6-room modern flat, sleeping
porch, yard; rent $30. A 4989.
NEW furniture of a 6-room modern cor.
itt,VY LUi lilt u l - ws. - .
flat; rent $22.50. 401 1st su
Him&ea for Kent Furniture for bale.
6-ROOM furnished Hat for sale, all modern
... j...... .in..,d unlit from
Postofflce. on West Side; for one-third
what it cost If taken at once; no agenta;
rent -i.a. v.mi w.'o .n . -
ri'RNITl'KB of new upper flat. 6 rooms
and sieepinir poicn. nursam. .
St.. nice residence district; 15 minutes
walk from 3d and Washington, lake o
car on at.
FOR SALE Furniture of a large four-room
. . i, ... anH -OTOflorn ana
walking distance, on West bide, rent ot
fiat .27.50. Phone between 8 and 7. Main
3779. .
SECOND floor. 100x100, most prominent cor-
j. r.m heat
ner in rom"u. It,al'" , ; ;,
and electric lighted, suitable for cafeteria,
clothing or shoe sample parlor: rent veri
cheap; state vour business and address
box AC 406. Oregonian.
SMALL STORE, plate . tilass. splendid fur
. . -i,H it- water, heat.
pne; $J. Talxr 1T6S. B l&i-.
FOR RENT cheap, half of nice, targe store
room, good for an optician, call at i-0
SA st.
Fine location suitable for stationery,
banking, real estate business, etc For tur-
iher Information apP;" to
2stf Oal St..
Portland. Or. .
FOR RENT Three Une afflcw rooms on ssoosd
floor Lumber Exchange building. 4 ana
Stark ts. Inquire F. B. Rolbrook Co.,
Z14 Luroocr fc.xcnanga Dicg.
MOST centrally located offices $12 and up.
Kii'iiigiik cieaui BCH11.0. ,-... -.
bid., jth ana astiitigton.
WELL-FURNISH KU. llpht office or desk
DESK room, modern conveniences. 209 Com
mercial block.
DESIRABLE desk room in first-class office.
W 403. Oregonian.
FOR RENT A few offices in Couch bMg.
Call tfuS Lewis bidg
FURNISHED office with lig-'nt. heat and
phone service, inquire oij. rtoincnua qiu.
FOR LEASE Trackage; fine ware House or
mfg. location; also corner store room. a bob
FOUND Where you can buy genuine half
mattresses retail at tioiesaie pru-es; vs
renovate mattresses and return same day.
Portland Curled llair Factory. H. letzger,
2'JS Front. Phones Main 474, A 1J74.
RHWARn for a Cocker SDanlel dog: a
sn-ers to name of "Dick"; wnen laei set-"
hurl sin rnllr with 1 fl 1(1 licence attaCllOtl.
Return to 1'20 Horthwick su and receive
reward. Phone M. Solo. ooa.
LOST A half-grown shepherd pup. color
black with tan and wnite arouna ni
end feet, with bob tail: please return to
Dr. C. E. Brown, veterinary surgeon, and
receive reward. r-. Jtn bl.
LOST Monday afternoon, on a W-R car
or in tne downtown snopping -.--brooch,
set with peirls and a smail dia
mond In center; reward if returned to this
office. . -
LOST Lady's gold watch and chain, with
locket engraven t;. it iouw
turn to Olds. Wortman & King Jeweliy
counter and receive reward.
LOST Lady's diamond ring, on 2d St.. be
tween Washington ana hiara ,
ward if returned to room 4J3, Worcester
LOST On Monday evening, gold watch; J.
.- j v, , . l- . r-tiirn trt 291
Grand ave. or phone East 451. Liberal
re warn.
FOUND Where watches, diamonds and
jewelry are sola ior me
and one month's interest. Uncle Myers
rnntprai Ttn-ik 7i st.. near Oak st.
LOST By an elderly lady, her purse, con
. ;! -11 r.A.clioH n the Oretcon
City car last Sunday; return to Geo.
reams, y. lnuMiiiiaa, -
LOST On 23d st., a brlndle bullterricr.
i i ntl- 14 conac Kn. libit.
WUH BUOrt CillB miu v-.t ' "
raii nn a 3v,4 for the reward.
LOST- Lady's gold ch. short chaln, near
tolXin, car i.jr j.
LOST Child's brown fur cap. on Park iti
. . tc r-b- Ann. not. Ii.
piease return iriuiDun s,aB -- -
LOST Certiflcata of 200 shares Comstock
Golaen uaie; rciuiu .
STOLEN Japanese spaniel. Frl day n i g h t ;
licenseNo9tt;returnto 54 iL
LOST-1 Red Irish water spaniel, answers to
,.t . . ...... -jji inliimhia St.
namo uvu , .
PARTNER wanted for an established busi
ness l ICaltl filUI " .rtr j,
etc.: owner will guarantee $25 a week, be
Birio r.rrtfim. rail 417 Board of Trade.
BUTTER, egg and produce store doing cash
business .uuu mvuvinj, ""-v."
as partner. Call room 52o Lumber Ex-
INVESTMENT company making good money
... .kot-a. nf Ktnclc hftlow oar:
will pay 25 per cent profit 1 year. V 405,
MOVING-PICTURE theater doing
make terms. Pacific Film Co., 404 Roth-
child bldg.
Piling and srading to let at once; for spec
ifications call after 6 P. M.. room 647.
Portland tiotei.
Stock and fixtures for sale; building for
rent, $!H month, and living rooms. Lase
n .rM Anntv 9.i West'-Park.
wiNTEb-A ? rsVclas. kwW machine . man
Tn best sewing machine business in North
west. U 41Z. uregvu.
WHOLESALE and light manufacturing part
ner wanted to tend office cllectlng
etc.: good man can easily make -00
month, uaii tit q...-
HOME bakery and delicatessen, clears $200
month; room, pay expenses. Owner. t15
Board of Trade; jOOO .takesjt.
SPLENDID family grocery: 90 le
now. which can be Increased; will in-
volce. Call 248 Starks
FOR RENT Fine location for bootblack
stand, low rent, no opposition. Phone M.
5132 after 3 P. M.
$1500 Grocery; corner; very central: sal-
average 45 day; don't overlook thla. Call
3JS Henry
SOLID business, clearing $200 """"y
owner wants reliable partner. ,17 Board
of Trade. ' .
GROCERY Fine location, cheap rent, stock,
fixtures; excellent trade; a bargain. Call
Bill Mcis.ay oiua.
GOOD cigar store, close In. good lease,
cheap for few days only. Rogers & Jlo-
Ray. 303 Washington St.
j160OGROCERIE3. butter and egg .tore
fine locaUon. sales averag. . $50 a da y
raah. long lease, t-an .
or sale Cigar, confectionery stand; will
cheaTVsoid at once. 680 Wilwau-
mo s
$875 DELICATESSEN, groceries, cigars and
toblcci, doing big business. 417 Board ot
Trade. - . .
FOR SALE Printing office, modern eQu'P
ment, doing good business: cheap to a
quick buyer. T 406, Oregonian.
RESTAURANT, established trade, $30 day.
least, rent $40. $650, terms. 615 Board ot
kie st.
Trade. iest ouy i i-i.j-
ENTIRE men's furnishings stock at 5) cents
collar. Win, not eU port on of
StOCK. l. t'Jmy"J' " "
WANTED Partner in small cash business:
pay you $1!5 weekly to start in with;
pay w T.nmW F.xchanee.
requirea. an rwm
$750. can
f t? drrRY West Side, cash business, no
GdeUe?j' investigate; bargain. Phone Mar
snail moo- . i
5?io oartner wanted; solid business; can
rlea? $25 week; experience not necessary.
Particulars 2484 Start st.
cTtf .heap, restaurant, doing $50 day
rusintssf rent Iso! Owner. 64 North 6th
shall 1B
ELl .
'ru sale Paying dyeing and cleaning
w"rkl 1 hors -nd wagon. Phone Main
. . .
RESTAURANT for sale. 153 North 8th St.
UWU I""""-
TCATESSEN- and lunchroom reasonable:
low rent; fine location. AK 405, Oregonian.
RESTAURANT. 204 4th St.. doing good;
very re
ann BUSINESS cards. $1.00; you nisi bring
-dTBoee City Prlntery. 182 Third St..
1950 Grocery: sales average $40 day; a
good buy. Call 328 Henry bldg.
FOR SALE 3-chalr barber shop. 227 Com
mercial CluO bldK.
YOUR business quickly sold or partner
supplied by Brown, 32C Worcester bldg.
FOR SALE Building, boiler and engine. W
ClGiR store. $5.": sales average $20 day.
Call 328 Henry bldg.
LUNCH counter for sale cheap: can clear
9 day. Call 248 Stark SU