TIIE MORNING OKEGOMA5,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. 17- KXAL ESTATE. "For Lot. TEERO ARE LOTS OF LOTS. Vat thee ara choice lota at the right prices: Btwa Hancock effd Broadway, on Fast 4id. Nothing better tn toe city at $X); iur terms. Fine corner on Broadway and 43d sts., only $3tX, urmi. Business lot in Sell wood, only 1300. Thee ere food buys. WESTERN ORCOON' TRUST CO. 772 Stark St. CLINTON ST. CHOICE RESIDENCE SITE. Lot 100x100. At a bargain If taV-n soon. WtU ee'.l all or half. Phones : A3 1 20 ; M a rah a 4 331. 406 Couth Bldg. TAKE A CAR RTDE OT'T TO GRKGOKr HEIGHTS. Runnlns time will toon be lets than - minutes a few good money-making lot. lfr at I2uO- aasv terms. Take Hose Cit' Park car to end of Iin; rome any day. GREGORY 1UTK.M CU. HAVE YOU S23? If eo. and if yon can oar $10 mnnthl you can make by buy In a 5'txluO I OI lOr 00, IQCklM DQll 1U " " W-R canine: only lot at that price- bore the new at re tear Just arrived will run over Madison bridge ana supply line part and make la rife Increase tn values, fcnt nrHt twiv it la worth much mora than asked. 41a Railway Exchange bids. Marshall 275X Lot 50xiuo feet, oa Belmont st., near E. Mth- ntvM a:reer on cariine: this is m beat site for lists or an avar:mnt-hou on Belmont sc. and the price la $1'HH leas than la b.in asked lor property fur- tner out; j.oo. u'rmi. H. P. PALMER-JOXES CO.. 212-21$ Commercial Cub MJj. Prunes Main H;0. A 2'3- A UKCIDED SNAP. Lot 50x100. sidewalks, sewer and water In; V block to car, near school and cloas) In; Iota In same block held at IV km) and up; owner non-reslnent; price u o payments iio per mom n. usi ou j. E. R. MAKkHAM. 2". Geril rifer Bldg. M. 8430. d and Alder. JCl'k' DP LOTS. Fine block of lota. 20 In ail. aire 30x100, about 13 minutes service over Malison bridge, on tlawtbornfavc. cartlne; great opportunity fr builder or investor; wilt bring trom $22. to $2"..nH. price 1 IIT.0OO- From :O0 to si will handl th block, balance about ten years tim on If desired. AH 4"7, Oregonlan. KM MAP?- 1. Latest nap of Portland. Or., grrtns new additions, ctrlc lines, eta. X, 25-mi: a circle of Portland surround tax. ft vln townships, ranges and tec: too. aamoeraw new electric lines) ana raurosuia, Ota. Priest SO osa t m each. Sen a stamps. j The CruswUy Co., . W Corbet t b icg. PflRTI.AVn H RIGHTS'. Fine quarter block with unobstructed vft. This Is a choice bu'Mlna site and la In the one restricted district on the Heights; n ar car and menlfnt school and Heights Club: ,wii; terms. R. F- PRTAX. Main 103. n"5 Chamber of Com. A 1?2T. lOOxlOO, 8. TV. corner Wltttams and uznner; make us an onVr. half cos a. MERCHA.NT.S BAVIN-'.S TRUST COMPANY. 0. W. Cor. flfn and Washington St. A sTNAP Full-elred lot. cement walk and curb, graiied street and Hull Run water; price S42S; lo cash and no a raontn. a. D. v lacent st Co , 4JO-421 Lumtr men a bids;., cor. th and Siark. FOR NICE HOME. 11 450 takes luuxlu corner. Una out look; cloe to Jtose City Park car; east front; cement walke, curb, water In and paid: both sides 2 feet above rral 1450 cash. bai. o per cvnt. cull toiay. Jos. i . uoian. w uo. St.. room en-. ALAMEDA LOT. A ftne lot f.Ovlon. oath front, wfth ftne view of the city: on Alnme.la Drive, an AO-foot street; price fl-iO. cash and 2d per month. ORUSSI 7ADOW. T Board of Trade Hldg.. 4th and Oak. lor t'sa buy a Ut near Rose City Park for sraded trusts, crmmit Stde- w atks and cur is. Bull Kun waer. elec tric tty. telephone, butld.nr restrictions. Frovtdent In v. A Trustee Co., uJ4-4 Bard of Trade rl'!f- SlVINCiTON corner, lt'iuioo, for lurire home or for lavfftment; the most slRht'y Corner in this ntKhcU?s tlistrict; ox erlooks all the rest: oi;ty lji0- pvxl trets. easy terms ir aesrreo. J as. U. Logan, 3.o- asn. Br. room '-. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS' J; each month: prue fi:0 up S?o0; 5 reun house, price olooO; tomis, 910 per month, nothing down. National Realty se iruar -q.. j j w ash- St.. ronn ziti. I WO choice lots. 8xl". between Hancock ana Ttii.tmock. on .ast 3th ; a bv.tutl ful residence site In a fine location : price for both. IJJ.'-o. one-third caa. balance d per cent. Mccarsar. Hates 4t Lively. it ratlins; onis;. IKV1NUTOX. Choice fractional lot. una block from the car: this la on of the most desirable home eita In this neighborhood of good nniDct, price fiijv on easr terms. R. K. HKYAV. Vfn umi B.T Chamber of Com. A 1JC7. CAN YOU HEAT THIS? 9&90 ea:i. ba.lance In - years f "r a beau' tlful resident rt on East Plin- dera st-; walking; d.at.inca. Pru only 1 1 tan . -1 -i 3iorr3on St., r-j-'m 9. CHOICE kxj on Fast 2S:h sc.; srtrrtU- di- erty. covered with fruit trees, at oo each; i per cent casn. ra.unce tiu oer rr.x : owner. 414 Spalding b.Jc. 3d and Washing- CO UN KR Srt:.0. CASH. $9SA buys this benutif'il corner lot on 22-d St.. naar Mr.tjr mad car.'lne cement walks In and paid. Call -l V MoT-r-sn st.. r-xrm . h bLLE CHKal. f)xl'0, 17$ ft. to car; oast rront, CLot 3. I lk. 2- Lot S. BIk. S. Rochelle. corner E. 34th and Sv Harrison; sewer paid. $ j w n r. a i w. A PIJ hVAP ON TERMS. Five JAxloO lota on Uast id and Dnvls rr -3CM. easily worth J.tOvn riirh( nov, Pavid Lewis, room X. Lumbermen bUs ftth ar.d Stark. APARTMENT PITS. 64x100, LuvfVy. bet. 2M and 24th ata. at a banal a tyr Imrr.ejte siile; a so lot oa Ore-toa at., aaar m6ih. Vanuya A W's.- ion . 19 t nam or worn meres. WEST SIDE LOT. $3t09 for a good residence lot 60x194. In iroidam!th's Atldition: one block from car Una. This !ot would be cheap at $4G0t. Call 331 H Mo rr'on sr.. room . 79 lota, only S brcks from Laurelhurst. must ce roa toge-ner. each. A dress X 4T7. Ore rlan. llioo buys a choke acre, rood soil , only IS minutes' ride; o-ceut fu.r. West SMe; terms to suit you. M- E. Lee. 411 Cor bett bidg flvto CASH BUYS TWO FINE LoTJ On Portsmouth f., near Columbia Boulevard. Call at tK' Worcester h JO'J can buy a lot near Rose City park for 1300, 123 down and Slu monthly: graded streets, cement sidwa.ks. Huli Kun water. 624-;fl Foard ofjradi b!dg. IRVINGTON. XRVIXOTON. IRVI.Vr.TOV. Choicest artd best bat-gam ever olved. for immediate eaio 1-m. terms. M4 d. Oregon:an. HAVE SHOO equity In two Laurel hurst lots ca bandy mad cariinev far j:td su; will trade on or both for acreage. R 4uL, Ore grn .in. tio CAH wtU bfiy tou a beautiful lot. A blocks Mt. cut;. 6o car. street graded, city water Hfol. EY4t PTH!TOp. 1 3 ? Th I rd gt. AO PER l'K T PlSiVfNT FOR CA.H. $4rt CORNER 1-t. V'lliN). Clos to Iurelhurwr. J hi.Kka f-.-n carlUie. worth l-i.-H. M.tm s;u a 7.T4. axuXt FO. FT.. PORTIVND HRIdHTS, flSoA. Right oa earl:r.c. "ne t-. to Pa::oa ii ! hm.i.es. Frtd W. German, Barnlle. if 7 it TWO i--"1 ,oiB 1B ,u 12 minutes fr"m bus; Pti on easy terms. center oa Fulloa rsrttne. T21 Hard of Tn HVsloO, East tftark and S-.i rmr. monthly. AN sis, orecoman. For !e FOH SALs; a-room cottage. eis tn,. hKf.(. hot srd old wa!r: fr.n ptr mn rJ,int, lot 510. fruit, flowers. ii-J-n. irca.n at It1. Fr terms in"ne i.ir-h.i., . ; XKty a rm "'' 'j 1 1 . naTTTTt si : 0 cao reu-rea. lT hwrj T:s b-it UtCT buy m R" Cit Prs. I'.H.-m it. rw house, lawn. r-'s nut;y XuraisasU, $v0. urma lalor A REAL ESTATE. s-'oe tale HOMES. . KOfl HILL. tWOO & rooms, modern, on 34th at nlc ' rTounds, WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $8500 b rooms; modern, ftreplaco. hard wood floors, large varan das. Sleep ing porr-h. garas:e. WOOiLAWJT. 15250 7 rooms, nwuarn. largo grounds. IOOxUO feet. IRVINGTOX. -m SOOO 7 rooms. nw and modern, "re place; haruwood floors; paneled dining .roum. beautifui ftxturoa; laca east. 1 block tram car. EAST SlUhL M . . $5C00 8-room house on lot 80x100 feet , at corner E. 1tU aad E Ash sta. $4600 8-roora house on lot sOxlOO fee: 1 block from P-ussell st- and wuhin S blocks of WUiiams a vs. ROSE CITY PARK. S50O 6-room bungalow; new and rool ern; conveniently arrancd; largo atuc H- P- PALMEU-JONES CO.. 21-213 Commercial Club Bids;. . Phones Slain b&rO. A 2C3. EUXGALOTV. rnrnor lot beautiful TleW. -rCOm bun re low: Jet us show you this Ideal home that we offer at $Ju: ."VOO cash, bal ance -'5 ter mo.: will taka a Rose City park lot as first paymenL If yoti wish somethlnif different, look at this: larce living-room, with hardwood floo.-a. art glass and fireplace, dinlng- mnm thf i,nn In'fl thfl livInr-rOOITl, Xhua Klandtn th finish and design of the two rooms; special pains have been taken to glvs each room plenty oi usrm. there's a rooms in this bungalow; price $o30; terms. filx !nri rooms, east -front home, with fine view; electric fixtures and shade In hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; this is a good home at a low price, lWO, easy term . WESTERX ORETOX TRUST CO., 272 tark St. RARRAIN'S IN HOUSES. . d-room house, all modern. Piedmont. Cln tn Mrlir.A! nrlre J4iO. 6-room In same district, well-built; all modern; price S.l&o. 8-room, on Williams ava.. Piedmont: all modern and a fine place: price $."'700. tt-room house in Vernon, two blocks from carline; modem : bulit for a home: lot f.uxlOtt: nrice i tJSu: rood terms can b had any of these and If you are looking for a well-built home at the right price it will pay you to look at these COODXOUOH & SEITZ 719 Board of Trade. nrT.ALOV SNAP 100 CASH. L'.0 for quick sale; 6 rooms, strictly moilern in every wny; beamed celling, solid paneia on ana amins-room. largo nnn room, burret. Dutch kitchen. 2 large bed roori;s and closets; swell bath, full atil ami rsnient basement. lncludlnr floor' 'fu have never sem anything like It for less than J-u0: lot 41x116 and less than two miles to 3d and Morrison; this is brand new, but must be sold quick; take TV. R. car to MaiKuerlte ave, -e H. A Aakwith. 107 Clinton st.. corner Mar gnerlte. Phone Eellwood 105. THESE are rood little buys, either for a hrae or ror renting: (Urnnm hoiiKA on Fast Pine, near 25 th only 100. This place will rent Cor 20 Ui a year 'round; terms. $1W0 cash. 8-room house. In TVoodlawn; full-alxe lot; price. 0o. This rents for $3.34) per xnonth; $.".(H 'cash handles it. WESTERN OREiiOX TRUST CO.. 27i Htark St. IS PER CENT INCOME. A new 3-story building, only 1 year old. 3 baths. S toilets, gas. furnaoe, run cement basement, bull. in china closets and bo-ok cases, paneled dining room, all rented to 3 families at JoO per month ; on a corner Int. oux90. In a flne-rentlnff location In Alblna; price, of property Is 4'HM: fooO cash and 40 per month; on the market f-r a few das only; owner going East, hence the sacrifice. GRU3I a ZADOW, BIT Burd of Trade Pldg.. 4th and Oak. $250 BUNGALOW 1250. New modern 5-room bunrnlow. Sewer, Bull Run water, gas, electricity, larire veranda, fireplace, built-in buffet. full basement. H blocks to TV-R carllne on East Caruthers rt., close In. Price 1650. $-50 cash, balance easy terms. Apply to J. L- Karnopp, owner, room 2. Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2374. NEW and very handsome 7 -room house In one of the bet Irving ton districts, on East 10th st.; built for a home and very attractively arraned; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porcli. attic, modern in every particular; furnace, fireplace, solid oak Iioors. beautiful living-room, dining-room and den; fine lawn; price. t'UOO. Price ruduced from J'."0 In order to make qtick sale McCargar, Bates A Lively. Falling bldg. PORTLAXD HEIGHTS. Feven-room bungalow, vestibule hall, sitting room with fireplace, cozy dlrrtng room, convenient kitchen, two bedi SMms first floor and two above, bathroom, closet ami basement, furnnce heat. Full lt and fine unobstructed view pf the city, rivers and mountains. 40000, ou good terms. " R. F BRYAN". Tf-iln 10A3 6"5 Chsmber of Com. A 122T. BUILD NOW. IT 13 THE TIME TO PAVE MOXET. OUR SUCCESS IS BASED OX GOOD WORK, FAIR IE A Li NO AND DISPATCH OF CONSTRUCTION. IF WE BUILD. PLANS FREE. IF YOU OWN LOT, rMAl.L AMOUNT OF CASH SUFFI CIENT. INVESTIGATE UH AND OUR METHCrS: IT WILL PAY YOU. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. IM2 LEWIS IILI'O. 125U CAS H 1 1 250. Am forced to raise money and will sell my 130U0 modern home for about 60 cents on the dollar to the first person who looks st It; large lot and several full bearing fruit trees; only'20 minutes out. near good c4gilne: sirhtiy location; full basement, rood plumbing, all in tine condition; if you have Jl-oO cash to Invest, see this at once, N 4'7. Oregoman. gee: LOOK! Molern T-room house, full lot, on Com mercUl st., near high and public schools: a duuvly buy. and look st the terms; 2o cash, balance $15 per month; price 14000 and worth every cent of it. K. It. MAKKHAM. ?i. Geril riser Hiug. M. 430. 2d and Alder. IRVINGTOX HOME. Modern 7 -room bungalow, nearly new and close In, on East Side; large living and dinine: rooms: fireplace. sleeping porch and full basement. This Is $.V0 under value and price Is made for quick ale; 1000 cash, bs lance easy torma. J. G. SANDERS. 427 Lumbermens Building. 1 41 ML Xew 7 -room house on Tillamook St., near E. 33d; thoroughly mod'.rn: furnace, tlre- piace, etc. ; fcanasome natures inciuaeu; paved street; lot ..Oxioo rt. H. F. PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main b:9. A 2Co3. .i-'v TAKES large 6-roora bungalow, close 0 In; only 15 minutes on E. Ankeny cars; restrict ea aisiric ui nico iiuiuci . cviiiriii basement, fireplace, large attic, panel work, buftet, Dutch kitchen, etc.; right up to date and new; street Improvements In; $o00 !ow-n,bat. monthly. lon't fall to see It. Jul w. 1-ogan, .t.o wain, su, n. -I'Ja. Bt'NGALOW 4 NBV. I have a fine new bungalow, Just com- pleted. tnat i musi sen ai once, as i Wva t n kave the city. The house has cost me l.-O and the lot cost $S30 a ver ago. Will sell at $3000; MX down, balance easy 1 12) month t. This is your cu.i.rvrtunuy. AO 4 1 1. uregogiian. . A XOB HILL SNAP. 75rtv New -roo:n house, fireplace, fur rsce. mmlern finish throughout. Why pay ynore mne for hme on Last Side? Ix cation wet of 2rd. best car service. No events. See owner. 145 7th. near Alder. MODERN and attractive 6-room dwelling on Clackamas, near ran i"tn; ioi 12.T: fine location, house practically new and ery attractively arrsngd; price, with street improvements ail paid, (47'H); good terms. This Is a bargain. McCargar, Bst.-s Lively. 513 i-'a:ilng bid?. &N A I' New -r"m bungalow, one hiock east Ankeny canine, ci-is in ; fireplace, buiit-ln bookcases, cement basement, laun drv trava. mfwiiit. everything first class and p to date ; $2 l; terms. Owner. l'honeTabor DO NOT PAT RENT. $30 and only $li4 c.ish puts yon In ?cosion of a no K t. with fruit trees and room house. In good location, J i, blocks from tc car. Esr terms on balance. F, Fi i r h . til S Morrison street. -KOTM. modern hous. cement flior In basement, cmeni waiss. uxi.t lot. fruit and shade trees, on Improved street and w a. king d;sis:ice from dry, for $81)h; 1300 down and l?0 a month. Inquire 74 Cj-nmercial st- 1'hone Woodlawn 1443. ion can and Sin a month; new 4 -room bunaalow; iuu cmwui. o h-uh irees: McH-k from car; neat little home; only I 4M E"T S'l K cotiaa r m.r. z blocks t hus-ras sue. K.pilty 12".' cash. Owner. I- -urn - " - BEAUTIFUL 5 and room houses, mfxlcrn, near s.hool and cars, very easv ttrms: w ill exchange fr Uta. riitenjrer, 1 1 Kuirngswurui ave. U, I or U Joaos cut REAL ESTAfK. For Sale Hooms. BARGAINS IN HOrEel. Ws have houses and bumraiows In all parts ox the city. Keao over part ox ou: ust. Kose CltT Park Nice new bunaalow, rooms, modern: furnace; a beauty , 2125. Ill::, cash. East Sifth mt. New R-room bungalow, cement basement, electric fixture, etc. IoMi. caah. S1& nr mo. Westmoreianu 8-room modern t fire' place, full lot: danuy home and snap for sjhw; easy terms. Woodiaarn 7 rooms, all modern through out: iooo cash. MontavlUa 7 rooms, bnth and toilet 121 ou: mks offer- East 01st st. 5 -room new. modern bun e-aJnw - S''UiM) Piedmont 6 rooms with furnace; all modern: looo. Waverly New 6-room modern house Broadway; 8-roora modern; furnace close in : 1 4'.1ft irviiMCton 7 rooms, beautiful homo. $7000. HERRICK-MAIDEV CO- 3 US Hoard of Trude BARGAIN. BARGAIN. T-room, new. modern, original style horn In Tnlrheat rlat rilstrlrt on East Side, ful lot with all improvements, fine lawn and shrubbery, aleeolne- oorch. double construc tion throughout, furnace, electric fixture ano an aetail work oi nncai chii.i-. , excellent car "ervice: must be sold this week: price lo-TOO. I20U0 casn. -aua, jurcgoman. XO TAXES NO INTEREST. Until paid for. Rose Cay Park. lnozlOO. AJJ clearod: In restricted district; with street Improvements. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. Balance. $15 monthly. AX EXCEPTIONAL OFFER. 403 Couch Bldg vr it? niTcrnnnvw CAR. Xtceiy finished six-room house, with 3 bedrooms; gas, electricity, laundry; 37th street: i:i.vi; easy terras. EDWIN HOOKER COMPAXY, Chamber of Commerce J31dg. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. J7M). XEAR T'NIOX AVE. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, modern throughout: has built-in bookcases, buffet, linen closets, nlate rail, bath and toilet; this Is a line place and must be seen to be appreciated. Herrlck-alaiden Co., 303 Board of Trade. . 2o0 $200 4200 T?OSFT PITY" PARK. Seven rooms, coruer lot, 50x100, on 4Mb. street; solid oak floors, beam ceitintts. fireplace. built-in buffet and bookcases. bath, laundry trays, basement, pantry mirror, doors et. National Realty Trustee Co.. ."2 S Wash. st. Room 51ft. $12.0u0 MOST magnificent view In the city, 10 -room new house, every moaern conve nience, beautiful lawn, fine vegetable gar. . den and orchard, also berries. Almost acre of ground, close to car. Improved streets. Easy terms. Geo. G- Misir, Lumbermens bldg. FOR SALE Beautiful home In Lebanon, house 0 rooms, all modarn Improvements, 1 rt acres laud on corner, ail Kina rrui and berries In full bearing. 2 chicken houses. itv water, sood well: very reason .V,U te tnlian a t nnftf H Inlnlnc lots ran be bourht cheap; Immediate sale. Boa s4. Lebanon, ur. . X E W WEPT SIDE T I TN OA LOW. S.'iJnO AOxltiu and B-room modern bun ralow: ras and electric llaht. furnace. full basement, hard surface street, in choice resilience district. NEW SWISS BUNGALOW. FREO C. KING. B13-14 gpaldlng Bldg.. 8d and Washington. KELLY STREET. 4 rooms, with attic large enough for two rooms, nreplace. nice view over river; offered at a price jt-.nn below the market. 31 rJ Ki. n A i " SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. 3. W. Cor. 6th and Washington ts. GRANT ST. HOUSBr Good T-room house, with gas. full base ment and everything in first-class order; a fine location and a few minutes' walk from post orf ice, on Grant St., near otn price 14000: part cash. ORCSSI ft ZADOW, SIT Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. DO YOU WANT A CHOICE FARM AT A BARGAIN PRICE? We have all Vies and kinds of farms throughout the state. If you wish to get good value tor your money and a square deal, see F. FCCR5. Morrison Street. PLAN your own noma: we will bolld for you on easy terms. s. u. vincwui at wo., 42t-421 Lumbermens bldg., cor. 5th and Btark. WE have M homes that can be bought on terms of $130 down ana io ana eu per mcnth. H A. CHANDLER. 610 Lumbermens Bldg.. Bth and Stark Sta Phone Main BUILT for home, not built to sell Beautiful p-room house on luoxiuv rt. wo "re places, fine lawn, shade and fruit trees, within two blocks Broadway and Irvlngtou catiines; before buying see this. Owner, 3o4 fc.. UEh N. DON'T MISS THIS ONE. A cozy bungalow; an Ideal home; vary complete anil attractive; mouern mrounn .tt - nwner in i la t leave town and will sell at a sacrifice: some cash, liberal terms on balance. Phone A 2222. 4.tmi .nino. aft-room modern bunga inw Kmi 'sth at.: rood neighborhood: close to carllne: would -exchange for small farm near iortiann. vnvin c. KING. ' 8 1 3-1 4 Spalding Bldg., 3d and Washington. SPECIALISTS In houses on easy terms. 610 Lumbermen's BldV, Bth and Stark Sta aim oiuu. I HAVE a small 5-room modem bunga low- which -I boucht for tOAnO a year ao and will sell for $2700 on terms or $J00 down $20 a month. Make me an offer at onre: must sell. AVJ i i". urrnoiun. 4-ROOM house furnished; three lots; corner; cement walks; naar car and school. Ideal place for garden and cliU kens; $2000; W rash balance 3 years. Corner 3Ulh and F'-an-ria. TiON'T PAY RE XT. We wiM sell or build for you on easy term a rlmi' ipariKi urn cmrn is uon, PROVIDENT INV. & T It L' ST EE CO. 524-52 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE $2300; for few days only; new T-room house, corner 4Mh and East Lincoln- gee. electricity, concrete basement, wood-hntst, two porches; terms to suit. Pee owner. 4"3 Chamber of Commerce. WEST OF LAURELHURST Will build yon a bungalow on fractional or ful lot, close In at very small cost ; easy payments. Western Trust Co 26 Lai ay et to bldg. Phone Main S2. FOR SALE Double house, 6 rooms each, ab solutely modern: separate furnaces, fix tures, snaaea. im fcit",""" uwiiuisa, etc. $5730, terms. Phono owner. Wood lawn ItfT 6-ROOM house, nsw. every modern feature, BO-foot lot, at a sacrifice price; $2o0 down, balance monthly. Address R 400, Ore- gnnlan. 6 ROOMS. $s l50 CASH. Lot 43;4jxl0(, nice trees. You rent- fmyer. see this. Fred W. German, 329 turnslda at. Main 2776. LOOK 5-room house. 4 full lota, fenced, fine fruit trees and small fruit, at Wood lawn ; I2COO: very easy terms. Dubois A C ro k et t. Washington blilg.. room 3. FOR SALE bv owner, the handsomest 8-room house In Irving ton. 41)6 E. 2uih st, X. Call and se it. ; NEW, modern Irir.ston homee. Phono owner. C 11 2 r Main 2:i. Hueloess Property. BA RliAlN' In good income property. West Side: owner neexis cash; If you are look ing for a good buy it will pay you to see me. M. E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. Acreage. ON th United Railways. 3 miles back of Burlington and at Cornelius l'ass, 47 H acres of land, suitable for platting, $2oo per acre. c. r . 11 iu ger at t.o room o Mulkey bldg. 2d and Morrison sta. 20 ACRES easily cleared, on good stream and county read. S miles to railroad sta tion and boat landing; best soil; price $2M0. terms to suit. A. "A. Loeb, Corbett, Orfgon. t 20 ACRES truck or fruit land, six miles south of City Hall, near Fulton, 25o pet acre. Frank A, Steele. 027 Corbett bid. MalnlSOa. If wanting a suburban home or, choice acreage investment, do not fail to consult the fTf T4 VPBAN HOME SPECIALISTS. CLODFELTER PROS.. 44 Couch bldg. 38 ACRES BIO DISCOUNT Ideal Ir platting: SO minutes' ride on Salem. Electric: station on property; 14 acres either side trsk. 410 Corbett blrtg. i ACRES. Weet Hiae. iic lore, test of soil. Prt ! V impro- u. s "i.trr anu uuf, I .:ai; terms. Ritter. 224 Lumber Ex- r'n nee hlg i ACHES on carlin. rw to Tonland. cheap (,,r A quirk sale. Kinney A Stampher, Lumber Frharge bMg. CLOSE-IN acreage, snie or exchange, .Rob ert An M'llr1. nCMl OiU HEAL ESTATE. Acreage. 2 ACRES, HIGHLY IMPROVED. CLOSE IX. All In highest state of cultivation; 2c0 fruit trees, 3rtoo strawberry plants, gar den truck ; splendid 7-rcom house, etc. This is ideeliy located, close to station on the Oregon City carllne; 12600 bujs the above if sold at once; easy terms. Some furniture, produce and fuel in cluded. This place cannot be too highly recommended. C. L. BAMBERGER. Room 2 Lunibermer.s H'.dg. Main 24!S; A 24SS! CHICKEN RANCHES. 44j acres good rich river bottom land, river flowing across one end of place, land all cleared and fenced, new tt-room hnuno, place situated in suburbs of good town; price $ 1 Too. 3i acres, all cleared river bottom land, 14 acres of year-old ap )le trees, new 6 room house. mile from business center of good Krowlng town: price $17u0. HYLAND JONES sV CO., 401 Gcrlinger Bldg. 20 ACRES, 17000. $7000 buys 20 acres. In a high state of cultivation, with splendid house, good out buildings, fine bearing orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries, good well, lovely f low ers and soli unexcelled ; rlEt on board sidewalk leading to two carllncs, only $ miles from center of Portland by wagon road. J. F. COMPTOX. IOO Ablngton Bldg. COLONIZATION TRACT. We have a largo tract, admirably adapt ed for colonisation or for orchard develop ment: this land is A-l In every particu lar, accessible, nearly all In cultivation: assistance could be given in putting this on the market In small tracts: price is low and terms can be had; must be seen to be appreciated. Orejjon Title & Trust Co. Albany, Or. . TEX acres, close to Portland; one crop will pay for entire tract; on electric line: soil rich black loam, with no gravel or stones; half cleared and in cultivation; balance in small oak trees, that will more than pay for clearing; ideal location for suburban home; only Sltio per acre, on your own terms. Pacific X W. Develop ment Co.. 4 00 Couch bl dg LAND PRODUCING JS00 TO THR ACKE Only 3 miles from Vancouver and 4 miie from the electric Marline; onions arj now being pulled; think of. land producing $SK to the acre that can be bought for 3u0 an acre on easy time; 5 stores within -Va mile of this property. David Lewis, room 2. Lumbermens t-lri.. oth and Stark sts. RANCH FOR SALE. I have a farm of 600 acres, fine fruit land, nearly alt In cultivation and well Improved, on main county road; a great bargain at S0() per aero: liberal terms. Call or address 1L M. Hawkins. Albany, Oregon. 13 ACRES of good land, for fruit or gar den: unImproed. near Sycamore station on the O- W. P. ; no gravel or waste lanu ; price siuu per acre, very easy terms. TV. H. Lang Co., -ft! Ablngton build Inf. t 26 ACRES on Oregon Electric R. R., 20 minutes from the center of the city J173U; owner must sell; $1000 can be paid tn easy monthly payments. can 414 Spalding bldg., cor. 3d and Washington streets. IVx ACRES, adjoining Riverside Station, this side or fc.agie creca, i w. v. ; cleared; is level and good soli, J1200: any- reasonable payment, can for Mr. iiiner. 000 Ger linger bldg.. 2d and Alder. A FORCED SALE FOR CA6H. HERE is a fine JO -acre suburban home on carllne, 18 miles S. E. of Portland, with fine creek and spring: price $75 per acre. one-third down. Call for Mr. Miller, B03 Gerlinger bldg., 2d and Alder. 40 ACRES unimproved land 67s miles from Courthouse; level, fine sou. Fries $20u per acre. Terms. JOHN' M. PAYNE CO., 311 MohawkapMrtg TEN acres, choice, unimproved land, suitable for fruit, gardening or poultry; running water, good roads, school: your expenses paid if misrepresented; ..ou. part casn. Call and Investigate. 512 Couch bldg. AT Courtney and near the Oregon City car- lino, 'j acres, all clear ana partly .in borrlea; 4-room house and barn; only $i.0u0- C. F. Pfluger &. Co., room 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. TWO ACRES For sale. 3H miles from Postofflce. south of Sandy Road: Bun Kun water, excel lent soil. J. F. Wlneland. 303-6 Macieay bldg. Homesteiads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties la best adapted for; gives amount of (government laua open to noms stead In each county: man attached. 21x24, showing new R. R and towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in dif ferent colors; drawn to March 1, lUlu; lat est map in U. S. ; price 25c. Mmmo A Rurey, 313 Hamilton bldg. For wale -rruii Lauda. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ t KUH LA.MJ f n L 1 I L A -N APPLE ORCHARDS. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ If you are looking for first-class fruit land or orchards, come in and talk the matter over with us. fa EE OI K DIS PLAY OF PRIZE APPLES. GROWN WITHOUT IRRIGATION. We have orchard homes, young orchards with and without buildings, as well as unimproved fruit land, at prices that wul surprise you, taking Into consideration that our orferings are In districts with ESTABLISHED REPUTATIONS, AND ORGANIZATIONS TO PROTECT YOU. TVe also have several splendid platting propositions that should appeal to the speculator. OCR EXPERIENCE IS WORTH MONEY TO YOU. H. F. BOTHFUR A CO., 415 Henry Bldg. i SUBDIVISION TRACT. Wanted; party with some capital to Join the advertiser in subdividing and putting a tract of from JOOu to 00O0 acres of choice apple land, partly developed, near Hood River, on the market; price is right and terms easy; only parties who mean busi ness need answer and must state amount you wish to invest in first letter to insure xeply. P 4uS, oregonian. NEAR MEDFORD. 120 acros of fine fruit land 2 mites from R. R. station; price $30 pur acre; hi cash, bai. time at 6 per cent; will trade for Portland property of equal value. 100 acreH, eome improvements, can be lri gated by running stream on place; house, barn, etc.; 3 miles from K. R. sta tion; price $-10 per acre, i cash. These places are near the famous Thorson Uuthrle orchard and aro bargains. ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. HOOD RIVER BARGAIN. 11 acres. V mile from railroad station, school and store; all under cultivation; JJ acres being; in commercial orchard In fine condition; also fine family orchard, r.lce bouse, barn, good well and other Im provements on place; at Junction of two county roads; grand view of mountains and burroundlng country; only $3000 puts you on one of the prettiest places in this beautiful valley. X 405, Qrogonlnn. 10-ACRE Hood River orchard, East Side, -mil from van Horn station on Mount Hood road ; all act to Spltxenbergs and Newtown Pippins; tree 4 to 8 years old; crop of 600 boxes this season ; will be worth $12,000 next year. Price $10,000, half cash. JOHN M. PAYNE CO., 311 Mohawk Bldg. PORTLAND PROPERTY. Am looking for good Portland residence or income property tn trade for an 80 acre tract of A-l apple land In the heart of the Hood River Valley. Place com mands a magnificent view of the mow capped mountains and entire valley. Will make you a fine proposition on the place. N 40, Oregnnlan- WHITE SALMON SNAP. 40 acres, 2Ms milts out; 2 acres cleared; adjoining land selling for $15t per acre; non-residont owner compelled to sell at a sacrifice. Come in and get particulars and a price that will surprise you H- F- POTIIFI R, 413 Henry Bldg A SACRIFICE in Hood River fruit land". 0 acres unimprovea, iwomiies irom van Horn Station: all good apple land ex cept 6 acres, and tract has gentle north east slope. For a short period we are nuthorlzed by owner to sIl for $M50. This la the best bargain in the Hood River district. McCargar, Bates A Lively, S15 Falling Plflg- . 40 ACRES, one of the best pieces of land tn Rogue K'.ver aiiey. on canw or large creek, can be Irrlirite.l If desired: 65 acres In young orchard. 100 acre under culti vation, good house and bam, on main line 6. Pacific, one mile from town, on county road: easy terras, for limited tima only, 721 B-iard of Traie. WE HAVE ax.nie attractive bargains In fruit lar.Os in the rnmoua aiosier ara 1100a Miver d. strict, both small and large tracts. If you are looking for fruit lanrts, it will nay you to see McCargar, Bates A Lively, 313 Pal 1 1 n g bldg. 10 ACRES' red-shot soil, all ready to plant. within ont-half mile of center of town, organized district; $to00, one-third cash, balance 6 per cent. Geo. G. Malr 2 Lum- brmens bldg. SPECIAL BARGAIN'S IN HOOD RIVER. If you are in the market lor mvi juvr rrrhard land, improved or unimproved, do not fall to see FDWTX HOOKER COMPANY. Chsmber of Commerre BMg. HLST f TUlt land, ."0 miles from Portland; 10 -acre tracts, s;.o per acre; terms, ess iUDuXXce, S24 Abingtoa bldg. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Fruit Lands, RESPONSIBLE party with $33,000 to take interest in fruit land near Portland. Investigate. AD 405. Oregonlan. For Sale Farms. 60 ACRES. 60 acres. 20 acres under cultivation. 15 acres more slashed and seeded; 23 crea of good green umber, all level, all fenced and cross-fenced, family orchard in full bearins, 2 good wells and running stream; good 7-room house, barn 40x54, and good outbuildings, R. P. D. and telephone serv ice: only 4 miles from good town on river and 1 8 miles from Portland ; personal property. 14 tons of hay. 6 tons straw. Sou bushels of oats, 2 doxen chickens, anjn of mares worth $500. 2 colts, 5 cows. 2 calves, wagon, harr.e-s. cream separator and all small tools; price si-ou; iwui THOMPSON A SWAN, ona Tnrfer-hiM Ttlrisr.. Portland. Ore., Between 4Lh and 3th Hts., on Washington. AU 6th and Main Sts.. Vancouver. Wash, 120 ACRES. CULTIVATED. 50 acres In fine cultivation, balance pasture and timber; 25 acres mora easily ciearea: o-rooni huuh. 1 granary, hoghouse and all other neces . nnthnuAiniri- ft Birfti fine bearing u nio. fATirsd and r-rnss-f enced, living water on every 4o; water piped to house and barns; 4A miles frora river town. 16 miles from Vancouver, v asn In .villnr neltrhVtnrhood. With gOOt church and school advantages; price $7o00; terms. THOMPSON & SWAN, 206 Rothchild Bldg. 6th and Main, Vancouver, Wash. FARMS ANT FRUIT RANCHES. 7300 acres, Douglas county; $16 par acre. rfoo acres. Douglas county, J15 is 0o acres, Benton county, 30. 44t acres, Benton county, 140. 734 acres. lien ton county, $40. 4u00 acres, Jackson county, S20. 7f4 acres, Lane county, $60. S4U0 acres, stock ranch. $d. 1i nnO sora C C nn R R 120. X4 acres fine cranberry land, place well Improved; excellent buildings; price $000). Call at office and Inquire all about the above places; tney are gooa. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Hoard of Trade Bldg. tn a 1-0 c afirea sonri bottom land, res hill land, covered with brush and small trees; can aa De cieareo, at suian cond itio acres. 70 in cultivation, 15 acres of hops, good house and two gooa Dams, out nroA of unrltared land mav be nut In cul tlvatlon without excessive coat. Price $55 per acre. . . vn ,.T-. .11 rlonrri river hottom land good house, two good bcrns, 3 miles from good' town, on level county road. Price au per acre. HYLAND. JONES 6V CO., 409 Gerlinger bldg. 143 ACRES, one of the best farms In Lane County, 125 acres In cultivation, IS acres fine timber, 14 acres or one iruit ireea, nil hpnrinfft nientv of sood water, one tt- room strictly modern house, one 4-room house, barn 46x62, another 4ux60, all fenced and cross-fenced; 3 miles from good railroad town, close to school; If you want to get something good you should see thLs; win take city property as pari menL PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., 610 Spalding Bldg. Home Phone A 5743. WARMS AND FRUIT RANCHES. 7:4(io acres. Dourlas Co.. $16 per acre 1WHJ acres, Douglas Co., $15; 1300 acres, TtAnton Co.. 530: 440 acres, Benton Co., $10: 734 acres, Benton Co.. $40; 4000 acres, Jackson Co- $ 20 ; 754 acres. Lane Co., $00; bl00 acres stock ranch, $3; $14,000 acres. E. O.. on R. R., $20; "66 acres fine cranberry land, place wen improvea e. eellortt huilriins-s: nrice $0000. Call at of flee and Inquire all about the above places, They are gooa, ZIMMERMAX. 310 Board of Trade Bldg IF you are looking for a few acres or for a large tract, it win do worm your wmie to address or can on HART MAX A THOMPSON, Bankers. v Farm Land Department, Chamber of Commerce. ( sea HARTOG ) 1n 1PRER EXTRAORDINARY. On Sandy River, 23 miles out on ML Tfor.fi Railroad, now building: command ing superb mountain view; 100 acres best or irun tana 1-0 01 wmcu m cuhobuuh, some good timber; owing to the location this will unquestionably double In value within coming year when railroad will be in operation. Fine for subdividing Vanduvn A Walton, 515 Chamber of Commerce. 160 ACRES of fine irrigated land. 4 miles from good R- R- town, new R. R- will go within y mile of place; 100 all leveled and In alfalfa, balance good land, water rights for all land: this land shouia oring $:(50 per acre in 5 or 10-acre tracts; will exennnge xor gooa city property. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO. v v610 Spalding Bids. ilome Phone A 5743. MR STOCKMAN. Dear Sir: Am offering you a fine stock ranch on, the John uay mver, w acreu, 200 acres fine alfalfa tana; gooa Duiiaings, trwk (pflit aheeD). all farming imple ments, etc., included in price of $5 per acre; one-third cash, balance iu years. 11 you appreciate a bargain investigate this. Zi l .VI J ti tv -M A. IN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. 107 ACRES red-ahot soil nearly all in culti vation: good bouse and barn; main count road close to town; orchard, vegetaDies, horses, 5 cows, 35 sheep, 35 goats, 80 chickens, 3 pigs; several fine springs, it. y, p. and phone. $30.00, easy terms, Geo, G. Malr, 2 Lumbermens bldg. an arp.ES retaA ranch near Portland, partly timbered, on county roe a; ah dcbk boh ui fruitgrowing, chicken-raising, etc; wen drained: no rocks; onl $25 per acre. An other 40-acre tract at $17.30 per acre. Liberal terms to suit. M FARLAXD INVESTMENT CO., 310 Corbet bldg..' Portland, Or 100 ACRES, LAKE COUNTY. 11280 160 acres of land in Summer Lake Valley, where they raise finest fruit, grain and vegetables grown In the state; $640 cash, balance easy term a Will exchange lor roruauu pruwi. FRED C. KING. 813-14 Spalding Bldg.. 3d nnd Washington. 7n acres of finest land, nearly all level. 30 acres clear; oniy b nines irom center of city and 1 mile east of Oregon City carllne; ou per acre. . r. rnuger ce Co., room 5 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrl son ata. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable: no exchange. P. O. "Box T4. Carlton. Or. 480 ACRES wheat land In Crook County, level, lice soil, mt per acre, lerms. JOHN M. PAYNE, 311 Mohawk Bldg. Miscellaneous. 4VA1RY STOCK . (At Auction). Owing to going out of the milk business I will offer at public sale on the Samuel Walters farm, one mile east of Cedar Mill and 0 miles west ox r-oruano, on uorneu road, at 10 o'clock A. M. on SATITRDAY. OCT. 15. 1010. 40 head of good milch cows, some fresh and most coming fresh; three head of good work horses, on Star milk cooler. No. 1; AO-gallon milk tank. No. 17 DeLavel milk separator; my new milk wagon and other articles too numerous to mention. Lunch at noon. Terms Sums of $10 and under cash; over $10, 12 months' time at 8 per cent, bankable note; 2 per cent for cash on sums over $10. John Hauschel, Owner. J. C. Kuratll, Auctioneer. Ed Shute, Clerk. APARTMENT-HOUSE SITE. SACRIFICED. 60x100. not far from tho Rose Friend apartment-house; commands a beautiful view and has an Ideal location for a high class proposition ; lot adjoining priced at $26,000; this bargain is going at $ll,00o, only $2500 cash; an opportunity like this presents itself but once, and it will pay you bargain hunters to see this at once, for It will not last at that figure. N 401. Oregonlan. IF TOU ARB LOOKING FOR Ciose-in scieage. a wheat ranch or smaX well-improved farm, at low price and osi most liberal terms sea me. 1 asn die sm ikb properties. J. O. ELROD, , C20 Corbett Bldg. BARGAIN in good Income property. West Side; owner needs cash; If you are look ing for a good buy K will pay you to see me. M- E. Lee, 411 Corbett bldg. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, or lots 00 Oregon City carllne, by owner. H. G. Starkweather, Rlsley Station. FOR SALE TTTtTBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRACKEX. 804 McKay Bldg. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 210 Worcester bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. EXPERIENCED dairyman wants to rent a ranch stocked. Address Fred Furrer. 265 Balmon. WA aTBO-TTMBEB LANDS. TIMBER lends wan tea. C J. MoCxacksi K 404 iicKajr bldg. TO EXCHANGE. LAND FOR EXCHANGE For One or More Houses and Lots In Portland. At the lowest Dominion nrice uer.acre. the equity of $7300 in 640 acres of best wneat iwnq in central Ainerta, uanaaa, near the Grand Trunk R. R ..' now build ing: will advance ISO an acre in the near future. Wyon Johnson Co., 0o Gerlinger uuuuing. Hardware to trade for lota or good nouse and lot. Confectionery to trade for house and lot or small farm near Port nana. GOODNOUGH A SEITZ, 310 Spalding Bldg. Y Cor 3rd and Wash. WE have several customers for small houses; if you have anything in farm or city . property for sale or exchange, would ba giaa to nave you list it with us. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., 610 Spaldlag Bldg. Home Phone A 5743. 21-ACRE ranch, hichlv lmoroved with build lngs; lies on main county road. 4H miles from Vancouver and H miie from elec tric carllne; owner will trade for Port land property. David Lewis, room 1, Lum bcrinens bldg., 5th and Stark ata. I HAVE clear income orooertv In Nebraska, $S))0 equity In Portland home, an estab lished business in Portland and some cash. to trade for Oregon farm land; must have aome improvements, i. o. bux os-. Port land. FOR EXCHANGE Lot 7. block 11. Park View Extended; value $S50; will trade for other city property, preferably with some Income. Beacon Investment Company, 606 Concord big. FOR SALE or trade 40 acres of good land eprlngs. good improvements, good loca tion: 30 miles from Portland; wish t( deal with owner of property. Address own- er. Atf vjs. oregonian. TEN-ACRE tracts In Southern California; undeveloped sage brush land. 3 miles from raMr-n v ncrfuxr ft1 xnlndlrT chance tO dry farm or speculate. C. S. McDuffee & Son. 620 Ablngton bldg. 10 ACRES, ALL IN FRUIT. On electric carllne. miles from Van couver. Wash.; owner will trade for home in city. David Lewis, room 1, Lumber- mens bldg. MOVING-PICTURE theater for sale or trade for real estate; , fine, established moving- picture theater in town of 6000. Can 004 Wash., near 17th. - EQUITY of $1650 in new S-room house. property worth $4H00, for lot or acreage, close In- Address or see W. F. G. Thacher, 20S Wells-Fargo bldg. WE exchange your property, regardless of location ror tnat wnicn suns you oeuer. Northwest Exchange. 228-8 Henry bldg. RESIDENCE lots. E. 34th and E. 37th sts. for small farm near R. R. 'Address Room 36, lo5 y 4th st.. or L 409, Oregonian. 40 ACRES fine land, house, barn, orchard, creek; trade for city property. Room 7, 2911s Morrison at. FOR SALE or exchange 1224 acres choice wheat land. L. H. Smith, owner. 316 Ham llton bldg.' WANT to trade a lat-class drop-head New Home sewing machine, or will sell cheap. K 400. Oregonian. ' FOR quick and profitable results In all classes of exchanges, call 305 Gorlingor bldg. I'LL trade with you. Goddard, 015 Board of Trade; anything you want. 1600 EQUITY In three houses for a saloon. Owner, phone Main 5276. room 86. REAL ESTATE. WANT TO BUT BUSINESS PROPE RTY. Wanted business property, value $15,000 to $30,000. which nets 7 per cent. TT ynn Johnson Co., 600 Gerlinger bldg. Phone Marshall 1948 or A 233:;. LIST YOUR PROPERTY Our customers call for property in every part of the city; business, income, fac tory and warehouse property, also houses and lots; all transactions' confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST ' . COMPANY, 8. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. WANTED UNIMPROVED. I am In the market for a large tract (un developed) in the Mosler district. I want the attention of an owner who wants to sell, not of on who simply hooes to. Give full description, lowest price and terms, if this fits you. P. O. Box 381, city. WE HAVE a client who wants to buy a home, 4 or 5-room house, not too xar out; first payment must be very small ; will pay inataltments either monthly or quarterly. Continental Trust Co., 802 Spalding bldg. WANTED A good, modern 5 or 6-room cot tage or bungalow, on tsunnysiae. naw thorne, or Mt. Scott carlines; price $1700 to $2500, easy terms. Phones A 1321, Main 0774. or see H. TV. GARLAND & CO., 191 4th St. WE have several clients waiting for suit able bungalows from $000 to SoOuo. can and list your property with us; it may mean an early sale for you. Herrlck-Mai-den Co., 308 Board of Trade. HAVE ready buyer for small Improved niace. well locatea to peruana, ana suit able for suburban homo. C- L. Bam berger, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. Main 4b3. WE have several customers looking for SNAPS in city property, jr you nave de sirable property at the right price list It with us without delay. Oregon Land A Timber Co., 21 Washington Ai i a g. WANTED A corner lot In nice residence district. West Side, walking aistance, irom owners or agents, b . Fucns, zzi Mor rison at TO BUY fi or 6 room houso close In. Must. be modern and a gooa buy. r rom owner only. Give full particulars. L 407, Ore gonlan. WISH to purchase 200 to 400 acres of good Stump lanu; mun un cuesn iui casa. s 407, Oregonian. WISH to purchase 200 to 4 Mi acres of good stump lana; must do cneay xur caaa. c 407, Oregonlam WANTED Bungalows and city property to traae for larms, aernca-juiuueu uo.. ouo Board of Trade. I HAVE several buyers now for hk to 2 acres wim nuune. m. xcaub, a xa jjvmu of Trade bldg. RELINQUISHMENT wanted; give full par ticulars in urat letter. ajo. 99, wjb- gonian. 1 FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 208 acres, hill ranch, fair improvements, 85 acres under cultivation. mile to school, miles of railway and town, tel ephone In house; will lease for 1 or 5 years and leave stock on shares, party to buy team and tools, all good, or will rent tor cash, renter can work out part of rent. Walter Roswurm. Forest Grove. Oregon. FOR RENT A good place near Eagle Creek, will give right party c nance to mow some money. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., 610 Spalding Bldg. Home Phone A 5743. I WANT to rent to a good party 70 acres OI cnoice ooiium ivnu, io union up mo valley; lies nearly level and all tn culti vation; in one field; la very rich soil; must be plowed and seeded this FalL W. H. Lang Co.. 414 Ablngton building. FOR RENT to good tenant, 10-acre farm. fruit ana garaen truca, i-room nouse, barn, etc.; in town, on 2 R. R., near Port land. For terms apply L 412. Oregonlan. TWO farms for rent on shares, good ones. one. for sale. MCCoy, so .norm zotn. w car. FOR SALE. Horsw, Vehicles and Harness. 15 HEAD of mares and horse, from 000 lbs. to 12ou, from io u so, one new stoca saddle, 2 second-hand buggies and good farm wagon; will exchange for cows. K en il worth TTan Sfer Co., Ewt 28th at. W-W car to Gladstone ave. TEX head of horses and mares, ages from 6 to 9 years old, weighing irom luoO to 1300 lbs., been used by the Merchants' Delivery Co., who have put on automobile delivery trucks; can be seen until sold at 473 Yamhill at. Prices from $3Q upwards. FOR SALE Team of two horses, harness and spring wagon; an in nrsc-ciass con dition; will make price right for quick sale. Owner, room 200 Oregonlan bldg. BUSINESS or farm horse, age 6. weight 1400, absolutely aounu o.nu aiiia ic an places and Is so warranted; price $175, about half his actual value: two weeks trial allowed Call 473 Yamhill st WANT team, harness and wagon complete for farm; give Description, price, aa areas and phone. V 406. Oregonlan. WILL hire horse for the Winter; good care and feed; little wora, on smaii renca. O. W. p. Land Co.. 1st and Alder. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND &TAHLK3. 26 K. :CTH ST. M AKanAliLf JOSd. HUKSBS AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. HUBERT A HALL'S STABLES. 180 Frnnt St.. livery o us in ess, rigs, norses. naraeia, wagons, tot gala pr-xaaW Mala jayj FOR SALE. Horwes, Vehicles and Harness. BLACK BEAUTY. Wanted, a good home more than a large rice for my pet family mare, Black eauty: she is 6 years old. weight 11"0 lbs., coal black in color, most beautiful long tail, absolutely safe for the most timid or Inexperienced person to harness and drive, perfectly fearless of automo biles and all road objects, can trot three full miles in 2:13 which is no measure of her speed; 1 am prepared to show her to day a half in 1.01. Beauty is registered end standard-bred; 1 havo her papers; she cost me one year ago $450 and la worth that today; only reason for selling, have purchased an automobile and will sell her to insure her a good home and kind treatment for $100; purchaser must be prepared to give references; please call O. R. C. Stables, corner 14th and Yam hill st. Inaoiire for Mrs. Hill's horse. BROWN tearahorBeand mare, weight 2SOO, age 6 and 8; price , also one bay team, weight 2ttu0, ages 9 and 10, $160; one sorrel gelding, weight 1300, age 7, $175; one pair chunk v gray mares, ages 6 and 7, weight 22U0, $173; also 12 head ot horses and mares, weight 1OO0 to 1400, ages 5 to 10; suitable for farm and deliv ery purposes; these horses will be saowa In harness and guranteed as represented. 1 Ask to aee Scott 'a horses. 372 Water st-. corner Mont g ornery. HORSES FOR SALS. Two cars of horses have Just arrived and will be sold under our guarantee. They range in weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs.; age from 5 to 11 years; all good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight 900 to 1000 lbs., for sale. Call and Inspect these. If wanting horr-es. Hawthorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ava PAIR closely mated farm mares with har ness. 6 and 7 years, weight 2500, kind and true, both single and doutle, free ' from all vices In or out of stable: also at purchaser's option almost new B'i-in, Studebaker wagon. For Inspection O, R. C. Stables, cor. 14th and Yamhill sta. FOR SALE cheap. TOO-lb. horse, also buggy and harness, gentle, broke to ride or drive. Apply U98 East Stark, between 33d and 34th. Take Ml Tabor or Sunnyalde car. tle Mare and horse, 10 years old, with, harness; weight llOO lbs. each; true pull era; come see them work; $,"5, bay mare. Cottage in park. East 12th. Madison. FOR SALE Horse, hai ness and two wheeled cart. Apply 086 Alberta St., cor. Glenn ave. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. PIANO at cost for Christmas, by taking a consignment of 10. High-class pianos (well-known make) direct from factory. For particulars phone Mrs. Myers, Sell wood 1631, Immediately. PECKER player piano for sale; party hav ing almost new player piano wants to sell and go South; have also considerable music; no reasonable offer refused. Call or write 267 Wood St.. city. FOR SALE Beautiful mahogany upright piano, almost new, perfect condition; will sacrifice for cash; bargain. Address Q 404, Oregonian. FOR SALE New Chickering "quarter grand . piano. Enst 5269. Hlrda. I'ugp and Pet htoca. WILL give away to good homes without children, three short-haired cats. A 4023. Automobiles, RENT CAR MEN ATTENTION. Wo have two new 7-passenger automo biles for sale, 1911 models. Factory wants us to make auick sale; will take small payment and make easy terms. SEE FACTORY MANAGER, 86 Tenth St. A SNAP 5-passenger automobile, 1910 mod el, used only two months; guaranteed me chanically perfect; no reasonable offer re fused, with terms. See owner at 8ft Tenth St. FOR SALE or trade, white steamer, Al condition, full leather top, extra rumble seat, etc.; Just out of shop from over haullng and painting. Phone Sellwood 547. SNAP $95 buys auto runabout; extra Beat, tires, top, glass irom, searcungnL, woiw, etc ; owner must sell ; will teach you to run it. See J as. C. Logan, 326 Vi Was. st., room 404. ' ,. WANTED To purchase 5 or 7-paesange touring car; must do in gooa coiiamou ana price reasonable. Address B 414, Orego nlan. NEW 5-horsepower 2-cyllnder Indian motor cycle, wit a .tfoscn magneto. ' mce aiu. Phone East 5240. 8-PASS. Buick; looks like new; a bargain if you can see it. ion oo xema u, uw Stark st. I TV ILL buy a 7-passenger car; must be In lst-class condition ana a Dargain. .bast 3573. - -PASSENGER Studebaker for sale, first class condition, cheap. Call 311 6th st. WILL exchange my 30 H. P. roadster for a smaller macnine. jiarsnaii xt-v. FOR SALE This year's Overland automo bile; f r t y - h or e. t&si D-'tn. . M 1 ncellaneoua. PECKER player piano for sale; party hav ing almost new player piano wants to sen and go South; have also considerable music; no reasonable offer refused. Call or write 267 Wood st.. city. j Xn Northwest Typewrite!- Company. 02J Ablngton bldg. Phone M. feSYO. Is the only company selling strictly factory re built typewriters; prices$10 to $65- FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases, counters. General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave., 8- FOR SALE Two box-ball bowling alleys; will place them m operation if you have location. P. Q. Box 127, Camas. Wash. BLICKEN6DERFER TYPEWRITERS, $45, $50. Ask for catalogue. Rebullts $15 up. N. M. Hayter A Co.. 90 Pth st. Main 552A- FOR SALE 100 ostriches, 1 and 2 years old. Houston, 518 Central bldg., Los Angeles. FIREPROOF SAFES Double door National , Safe Co. safe; single door Hall Safe A Lock Co. safe. 87 5th st. HUNTERS, attention For sale, or will trade for kodak, 13-foot collapsible canvas row boat. Tabor 40 , i OR SALE Steel range and other house hold furniture. Inquire 492 Taylor st. FINE Alaska mink coat, muff and hat, quite new, reasonable. P 407, Oregonian. NEW furniture, lace curtains, Axminster rugs, cost $100. for sale $190- . Main 8766. A MAN or woman going East can find something of interest at 168 13th at. FOR SALE Cheap, office furniture. 510 Gerlinger bldg.. Second and Alder. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credit Ass'n. 601 Worcester bldg. GARAGE for rent $6 per month, 671 Gli san. Main 428S. TV AN TED MIS CF.T .T.A. NEOTJ 8. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, Jewelry, guns, pistols, trunks, valises, suit cases etc.; highest prices paid. Call at the 'Fair Deal" 62 N. 3d st. Main 6272. -Orders promptly attended to. , CLOTHING, Wanted Men's castoff clothing and ehoef and bicycles; highest prices paid; we also buy ladles' clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 2080. 290 1st st. Prompt attention always given. We caj ia every port of the city. . WANTED. Steam or gasoline wood saw for wood yard, new or second-hand, in first-class condition. Address Box 7, Vancouver. Wash., or call Main 21, Vancouver. Wash.f WANTED Fat, healthy, windbroken horse for veterinary experiment; muit he eneap. Joe Carter, general delivery. Portland. Or. CARPENTER work of all kinds; jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummlngff A Catlla. 871 First at- .Marshall 2327. WANTEDTo rent, piano by responsible party. H. Heitsmitn. 06-' Main st. pnone Tabor 1020. - . SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main 8951. ; LF YOU have household furniture to sell. call up George Baker A Co., 152 Park su Both phones. WANTED A good watchdog, will buy or trade a good hound. D. Dillon, 232 lat st. WANTED Dirt to fill in. Inquire at East a;th and Shlllcr. HUNTING dog, broke, any breed; state low- est cash price. L 406, Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prompt attention always given. Phone East 1067. HELP WANTED MALE. $25 TO $65 WEEKLY for canvasser, staple line at cut rata; meet buMnese people; only . one solicitor has Ift us In three years. News. B 391. Oregonian. IF YOU want to earn more, you have to learn more. The International Corrappond ence Schools wilt show you how. Local of flce. 233 Alder at. LEARN automobile driving and repairing, day or evening. Office 326 Washington SU, R. ai.5; comic business, plenty work, j