16 THE MORXIX6 OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1910. LOVERS OF HOUSES OFFER MANY CUPS Interest in Hunt Club Show Stimulated by Valuable Prizes to Be Given. PAVILION IS Seating, Fire Exits and Foundation Officially Approved Speelal Features to Be Numerous at Each Performance. Brautlful silver cups and other prizes of value exceeding J4000 will be dis tributed to the blue ribbon winners at the Fourth Annual Horse Show, which will open tomorrow afternoon for three days In the Oriental building on the Lewis and Clark fair grounds. . Seventy cups ha-e been contributed by business and profes sional men of Portland who are Inter ested In fine horses, and several more will be provided by the Portland Hunt Club, under whose direction the show Is being Riven, so there will be one cup for the prize-winner in each class. In addition to the cups several sub stantial cash prizes are Offered by the Hunt Club. All of the cups are hand some and some are valued at as much as S300 each. The entire collection will be taken to the pavilion where it will be on exhibition during; the show. Many Cups Contributed. Those who contributed cups were Buf- fum A Pendleton. Sol Blumauer, Brey man Leather Company. A. M. Cronln. R. J. Chlpman. C. C Colt. A. J. Coffman. J. B. Coffey. J. A. Cranston. Dr. J. Cnuirhlan. Clark Saddlery Company. Dr. Emmet Drake. William Davis. H. K. Dent. A. and C. Feldenhelmer. Max Flelshner, W. FTiedlander. Clayton Fcl Iks. Glass & Prndhomme. Uoneyman Hardware Company. Hettkstnper Com pany. Henrichsen ft Company. Imperial Hotel. Jaeger Brothers. Mrs. R. H. Jen- kins. H. B. Litt, R- B. I Amman, S. B. 1-owenberx. M. C- Mace. Meier & Frank Company. Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club, ftatlonal Livestock Insurance Com pany. James Nicol. C. H. Norlin. Olds. Wortmaa ft Klnc. Portland Riding Academy. J. B. Porter. Rowe ft Martin Robinson ft Company. Smith ft Everett. Dr. Alan W. Smith. P. Sharkey ft Sons. Miss Anne Shosren, M. Rich el. Big Slcliet Company, Tull ft Gtbbs. Dr. W. I. Wood. W. H. Warrens. T. J. Krueder. J. O. Mack, J. W. Ladd. Portland Lumber Company, Lleoes ft Company. John Manning. J. A. Veach, Portland Kennel Club. John P. Stevens. Paul Wom Inner. Fen Neustadter. Moore ft Company. Jo seph Wiley. W. D. Wheelwright. Marshall-Wells. J. O. Hoyt, Barber Asphalt Paving Company. W. B. Ayer. J. C Alns worth. Llpman. Wolfe ft Company, D. A. FattuJto and the Chapman Timber Com pany. Arrangements Are Complete. The opening- performance of the Horse Show will be given tomorrow afternoon at o'clock. The ring is said to be bet ter than In any previous show, the, seat ing of the pavilion has been so arranged as to permit an excellent view of the performers, the arrangements for heat ing the structure have been made, nearly all the horses entered In the various classes have arrived, the Judges are here and all the officials have been chosen. Fire Chief Campbell and Building In spector Plummer made a thorough In spection of the pavilion yesterday. Chief Campbell gave particular attention to the seating accommodations of the building and the exits which might be used In esse of fire, and he pronounced the structure as safe as any frame build ing in the city. The entire building if crowded could be emptied within a few seconds If necessary. Bulldtng Inspector Plummer inspected the. foundations and found the Umbers safe. Aside from the judging of the various classes In the show, there will be many special events to add to the attractive ness of each programme. There will be the exhibition of rapid firing ami wall scaling; by the mule batteries of Van couver Barracks, push ball games by teams from the barracks and by the Portland Hunt Club, hurdle raolng by teams from the Seattle and Portland Hunt Clubs and officers from the bar racks, and the exhibition work by Fox Catcher, the champion Jumper of the Coast, owned by J. D. Farrell. of Se attle, at each performance. COTTAGE GROVE THRIVES Conunercial Club Secretary Praises Industry of Growing City. That Cottajre Grove is one of the most thriving towns of Its sise in the state, is the oonvlctlon of F. H. Kosenberfc. secre tary of the Cottage Grove Commercial Club, who is In Portland for a few days on business. "Our city is a bustling-, thriving, mod ern community." said Mr. Rosenberg, at the Commercial Club rooms yesterday. "It Is spending J10o,M for a new water system, bringing Its supply from Long Creek in the National forest reserve, a distance of 23 miles. Its streets are be , Ing paved, a new steel bridge has been ' built across Row River, making; a large tract of fertile country directly tributary to our town, and many new people are coming In, settling on the farm lands nearby and going into business in Cot tage Grove Itself. "There are 17 sawmills In and around the city that add a great deal to the wealth of the community. The poultry , suainess is claiming a good deal of at tention and our poultry shows compare :avorably with those held anywhere, as :here are many fanciers living there. SVe consider it practically settled that ur new county, Nesmith, will become a fact after the approaches election and this will add a great deal to the Im portance of Cottage Grove." STRIKERS ARE ARRESTED Erewery Worker on Walkout Ac cused or Pasting: Cp Stickers. Emll Morandy and Casper Pfister, striking brewery-workers, were ar rested yesterday afternoon by Police man Hunter for violating; the bill-posting- ordinance by pasting up cards de nouncing; a brewery, now affected by a strike. The officer charges that the men - were sticking their notices on fire alarm vfeoxes. poles and other places. Y. M. C. A. SHOWS GROWTH Enrollment of 3521 Surpassed by Only Two Cities In West. Continued growth of all departments of the Portland Touna Men's Christian Association was reported last night at the quarterly meeting; of the directors and committees of management, held In the Auditorium. A total membership of S521 was reported, a gain of about 600 over last Spring. Officers believe that the Increase will be even more rapid dur ing the Winter and that the association will soon pass Kansas City, which at last reports hsd 2536 members, and Los An geles,' which Is credited with 4246. These ' are the only associations west of Chl I cago that are larger than Portland's. The report on the pheslcal department, ' made by George B. Cellars, the chairman, i showed that 1932 men and boys have at I tended the various gymnasium classes ! since they opened for the season last j month. E. B. MacXaugh ton "reported that the registration in the educational de INSPECTED Dartment Is larger than ever before at this period of the year, and R. R. Per- I kins reviewed the activity in the re ligious department. Fred Lockey reported on work of the boys' department, and W. C. Moore told of the Sellwood branch, which will open in its own building some time In December. ' A special committee, headed by Dr. S. A. Brown, reported on rentals of dormi tory rooms, a protest having been made by some of the roomers against a recent Increase in the price scale. No action was taken, however, as the directors ana committeemen agreed that the new schedule was not excessive. It was ascer tained that since the increase the men pay an average of Si 1.03 each a month, exclusive of those who room in the big dormitory in which the rental is cheaper. Interesting statistics were presented, showing the states and countries from which the sssociaton members come. Oregon led the list of states, with 348 represented In the list of members, but several other states had also furnished a large number of members. The lead ing ones were as follows: Illinois, 134; Iowa, 102: Minnesota. 95: Michigan. 8; Pennsylvania, 84. and Wisconsin. 81. Among the foreign-bom members, the largest number came from the follow ing countries: England. 80; Germany, 78; Canada. (4; Norway, 60, and Sweden. 42. One hundred and forty-nine clerks are registered in the association, a greater number than In any other calling. There are 76 carpenters, 72 salesmen. 65 book keepers. 62 store employees and a consid erable number of men in many other professions. IS LOAN' AGENT SATISFIES CLAIM OF CO.MPLAIX.VXT. On Motion of District Attorney Ac cused Man Is Released Suit May Follow Against Firm. !. B. R. Walker, accused of fraudu lently obtaining money while acting as the representative of the Jackson Loan ft Trust Company, was discharged from custody In Municipal Court yesterday upon motion of the District Attorney, having; satisfied the claims of W. S. Davis, the complaining- witness. Walker was arrested Saturday nlg-ht and has been held in Jail In default of surety. It Is alleged that the com pany for which he was acting is a fraudulent concern, accepting payments as a preliminary to loans, which it has failed make according to con tract. The defendant, while admitting that the company is not regular, alleges that he has stood between it and its alleged victims and has made good many losses out of his own pockets. He says that he has lost nearly $0000 In this way, the money being in part supplied by his father, who is a well- to-do farmer, living near Salem. Walk er s attorney cited one case in which his client redeemed 1300 of the com pany's obligations, and suffered the loss of $T0 In the transaction, that amount being charged by the company as a "cancellation fee." It is said that Walker will at once commence a suit in the United States Courts to recovor from the company the amount that he is out In satisfying Its alleged vic tims. Walker Is well known throughout Douglas County, and prior to his re moval here a year ago conducted a branch loan agency for the company at Koseburg. According to Roseburg bankers. through whom he transacted his busiaV ness. aixer went tnere witn the un derstanding that the company was to execute its loans promptly and la strict observance with their agree ment. Mr. Walker carried letters to such an effect- and often presented them when necessary In consummating a deal. During the first year there he placed number of contracts, and in nearly every instance the borrowers were sat isfied with their treatment at the hands of the company. RACE WINNERS ANOUNCED Three Americans Named to Compete In Balloon Contest. XEW YORK. Oct. 11. The three win ners of the American balloon champion ship contest recently held at Indianapolis were named officially today by the Aero Club of America The winners, who are entitled to parti cipate in the international at St. Ljouifi. are: A. R. Hawley, of New York, who covered 453 miles In the balloon America II; Honeywell of St. Louie, who covered STS nVa in the balloon St. Louis and J. S. Wade, of Cleveland, who made 371 miles in the Buckeye. . . Four German balloonist who will take part in the aviation meet at St. Louis ar rived in Now York today-. Astoria I.arber Sought by Police. ASTORIA. Or, Oct. 1L (Special.) A warrant was issued today for the ar rest of A. H. Cole, a barber, on a charge of stealing a silver mug and several raxons from a barber shop (are. Cole sailed for Los Angeles on the steamer Ro5e City Monday morning and the police of San Francisco have been wired to arrest and search him on the arrival of the veel at tr-at port IliDREN Home IN THE preparation of' the ordeal, carries her through the crisis with safety. This great remedy assists nature in all necessary physical changes of the system, affords bodily comfort during the period of waiting, and preserves the symetry of form after baby comes. The penetrating and soothing qualities of Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents caking of the breasts, and in every way contributes to strong, healthy motherhood. Mothers iriena is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book containing valuable information for .ex pectant mothers. TUP T3T ATt7TTTT T f"r Atlanta, Ca. ) MASONIC TEMPLE West Park and Yamhill Streets Thursday Evening, Oct. 13, 8 o'CIock HON CLARENCE DARROW Distinguished Lawyer and Orator Will Lecture on PROHIBITION, A CR1ME AGAINST SOCIETY Auspices Greater Oregon Home Rule Association Seats Free Good Music Everybody Welcome VOTE 328 X YES, FOR HOME RULE AND AGAINST PROHIBITION l Paid Advertisement.) NFLUX IS UNUSUAL Settlers Come to Oregon in Un precedented Numbers. COLONIST RATES ALLURE Railroad Officials Say More ITonie seekers Came Id Last Six Months Than in All 1B09 Census of State Now Would Show Gain. Transcontinental railroads have been bringing more persons Into Oregon this Fall than at any previous correspond ing period sincef colonists rates have been in vogue, according to Traveling Passenger Agent O'Nell, of the South ern Pacific and O. K. & N. lines. "Every train coming West has been loaded down with prospective Oregon homebullders and investors in the past few weeks." said Mr. O'Nell yesterday. "While practically all come to Port land, many scatter in the four direc tions and are settling In all parts of the state. The colonist rates close Friday and travel is expected to decrease to some extent, but Judging from the way Oregon Is being advertised and the large number of inquiries that are com ing In dally, I believe that the Winter travel to this state will be larger than usual." Jack McLaughlin, traveling passenger agent of the Illinois Central, who has recently returned from a trip over the state, declares that Oregon is getting an unusually large number of home seekers at the present time. J. O. Thomas, traveling passenger agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee & 8t. Paul, says that if the census were taken In Oregon now, the population would show a large Increase since last April. He declares more people have come to Oregon In the past six months than in the entire year of 1909. i DEAL NOT YET CLOSED AGENT FOR BOILESQCE SYNDI CATE NEGOTIATES. David Simon Hopes Before Leaving Portland Tomorrow to Secure Theater Site. Xavid Simon, who is in Portland to negotiate a site for a burlesque theater to form a Hnk in a chain of 68 houses a large syndicate of New York and Chi cago l promoting, spent yesterday look ing over desirable locations, but no deal was closed. "I must leave ' Thursday," said Mr. Simon last night, "but before I leave a deal will be made for a burlesque thea ter In Portland. I hope to close a deal by tomorrow night. A number of excel lent sites have been offered and all that remains now Is to decide which Is the bewt for the money." Mr. Simon refused to tell whom he represents or to disclose the Identity of the financiers behind the gigantic bur lesque circuit that proposes to place companies of 40 In each show. It is nothing but a business proposi tion," said Mr. Simon. "It Is nothing more than-an Investment. The men who are backing the chain of burlesque houses- see good returns for their money. The syndicate is not allied with theatri cal people, nor has it any particular af filiation with theatrical producers or managers. The syndicate is going it alone and is not tied to anyone. Until the circuit is complete and we are ready to start our shows out, theaters that will have been completed before that time will be or-en to anybody who has show' MINERS STONE POLICE Revolver Shots Are Returned and Workmen Wounded. REMSCHEID, Rhlnish Persia. Oct 11. Miners, who made a demonstration today against the blacklist issued by the employment agencies, attacked the The highest type of happiness is reached by having children in the home; but the coming o! the little ones is often at tended with apprehension and dread. Mother's Friend if used by the expectant mother in Mother's Friend police with stones when the officers attempted to disperse them. The po lice charged the crowd repeatedly, us ing; their sabers freely. Volleys of stones from the windows of houses fell on the officers, who fired Into the win dows. Many persons were wounded, but the number of casualties are not known. Late In the day order was restored and no further trouble is expected. investigation shows the number of per sons wounded Is smaller than, at first reporiea. - MEDF0RD RUMOR IS HOAX Real Estate Men Scurry About to Find Poetoffice Inspector. MEDFORD, Or.. Oct. 11. (Special,) All the real estate men here engaged in an excited search for a supposed postal Inspector yesterday. A rumor was current on the streets that a Gov ernment official, sent to look over the 2" different sites offered for the pro posed Medford Federal building, had at la.st actually arrived. Every real estate man in town is connected with one or more of the pos sible sites and each desired to inform the inspector of the special advantages of his proposition. One innocent-looking stranger who was seen to take notes on a little writ ing pad was besieged by a number of the land dealers, who would believe nothing but that he was a postal In spector. When the stranger finally established his identity the real estate men continued their search, without avail. CENTRAL BANK We want .your patron age and offer the services of a conservatively man aged, centrally located and well equipped Trust Company. The scope of our busi ness covers every legiti- -mate endeavor having to do with money or prop erty. Check and Savings Ac counts unrestricted as to amounts. Consult us concerning any phase of our service. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY AUCTION SALES TODAY. At WIlson'i Auction House, corner Second and Yamhill. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. Wll fn. auctioneer. MEETING NOTICES. SHRTXEGRAM EXTRA! MEMBERS OF AL KADER TEMPLE. A- A. O. N. M. S.. who have not received any tickets, as well as sojourn ing nobles desiring tickets for the grand ball to be Riven by Al Kaders Arab Patrol, at the Armory, on Friday, October 14, are re quested to call on Captain vviiiiam LmviB, at ill secorva utreet. who will gladly look after their in terest. In addition to the other features, card rooms will be provided for those who do not dance. Refreshments will be served. Shriners are requested to come In full dress and fex. . WILLIAM H. GALVANI. B. O. Whitehouse, Potentate. Recorder. H WASHIXGTOX CHAPTER, NO. 18. ROYAL ARCH MASONS Regular convocation this (Wednesday) evening at 7:30 sharp. Work In mark master's degree. All Royal Arch Masons cordially Invited. Re freshments. CLYDE EVANS. Sec. PORTLAND CHAPTER NO 8. R A. M. Called convocation this (Wed nesday) evening at 7 :.'- Work in the R. A. degree. Following this a ban ouet will be served. All RovaJ Arch Masons cordially invited. By order. HOPKIN JENKINS. E. H. P. A. M. Knapp, Sec HAWTHORNE LODOE NO. 111. A. F. AND A-. M. Ppedal com munication this ( Wednesdav) evening at 7:30. Work in the M. M. degree. Visiting brethren wel come. C. E. MILLER, Secretary. PORTLAND TEAM. NO. 107. W. O. W. will gl we a whist and dance party Wednes lay. October 1 2. at W. O- W. Hall, 3 28 Alder st. Admission 20c Union music and refreshment. New hall for rent, central, fine floor, steam heat, piano, large ante-room and locker. Howe-Davis Co.. io 2a st. or A ZOOS. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OfTICJE, Cll t K&IX MAI.V CM, A TSSa. HClLaJtS Ot FlCaM. EAR ill. ajcrsracEKTS. HEILIG THEATER 7th and Taylor Phones. Main 1: A Xiet. Two Performances Today. I Special Price I Mating.. g:L5. VIOLA ALLEN In "THE WHITE SISTER." Evenlnss. 2.30. $2. On. 1.50. 1.0O. 75c SOe. Mallnw, $2.00. $1.90. $1-00. 75c 50c. J C T ff THEATER 11 Hi 1 Li I Vj 7th and Taylor S NIGHTS becinninic TOMORROW. SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY. Margaret Islington In -THE WHIRLWIND." Evenings. $2.00. 11.50. $1.00. 75e, 50c. 25c Matinee, tl.50, $1.00. 75c 50c. 25c BUNGALOW THEATER Ceo. 1 Baker, Manager. Phonu Main 117 and A 4224. Every niche this week Matinee Saturday. Annual tour of Augustus Thomas wonderful play. "ARIZONA." Br author of "The Witchine Hour." and many others. Strong- company: elaborate scenery.- Evenings. 25c 50c 75c 1. Matinee. 25c. 60c Next attraction Billy Clifford BAKER I'M EATER 11th and Morrison Geo.L..Baker. Mgr. Main . A 53O0. Tonight, all this week. Matinee Saturday, Bargain Matlnes Wednesday. 2oC Incomparable Baker Stock Company in Duatln Famum'i rotnatlc play "t famous Mississippi River Steamboat days, "CASTEO KIKBV," By Booth Tarklngton. A thrilling taleof love and romance; rich comedy. Evening. -JC, 50c. 75c Saturday Matinee. 25c. 50c Next week "The Uon and the Moow" MAIN . A 1020. MATINEE- EVERT DAT. KGUTI THEATER 15-2W0-T58 WEEK OCTOBER 10 Aug-nxta Close. Spls eU Brother and Co. In "The Continental Walter," Tliurhur and Mndli-on presenting "On a Shopping Tour." William Flemen in "Back to Boston." Nat I-nTngwell una l In "A Night M the i-odge." Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Colby, Arthur Bow en, I'lciarea, Orchestra. GRAND Week Oct. 10,4910 Brilliant Minstrel Comedian. BARKY VAN FOhSEN, Lata Mar of Al G. ' Fields. BICE PRKVOST, World's ;reutet Acrobatic Comedians Alexander Briton, -r. A Wilson. Lancaster. Haywood 1 .I I jirrn.H'i. West A Vaa Slclen GRANDASCOr-i. u.t!n.t npv ria v 3-30: any seat 13c. WvMnlna- P.rTnPm.n.H . 7:30 and 0:15: Balcony ISc: Lower Floor 25c: Box Seats 50c PORTLAND THEATER 14th and Washington. Main 90, A S"87. Beat Reat In House 50c. Dow lan Stock Co., Sxond Successful Week. By Right of Sword Kfffhta, 35c. 25c, 3-ic and 50c Thursday and Saturday and Sunday Matinees, i.'kj ana Next Week "Out or tne i-ma. LYRIC PORTLAND FAMILY PT-AYHOUSK Wek Commencinr Monday. SPECIAL, ATTRACTION TOMMY BL'KKS, , V-r.feM.rvwAio.hv i ham riinn nf thm World. and Edw. Armstrong: Musical Comedy Co. In "THE MUSTARD KJN.S." Two performances nightly. 7 :30 and 9:1a. Ussf-i-nAA rial v tat -BOTUUfi m ?. Next weeK. by request .vtarjorie -"" BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-'oorth St a. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND October 11. 12, IS, 14. 15, 16. Games Begin Weektlnyn at iuo sun days 2.:to P. H. I AdmlMinn Bleachers. 25c: Grand etand. 50c; Boxes 5c extra. Children, cieacners, iuu, uitniuoituiu, LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. Brand New at Each House of "The Big Four" SfAR TODAY That Chink of Gold Gulch, Biosrapn, jaromer .11 an. actors Kund Field Day, Hank and Lank, and Pupa's Outing, ito in aomeimng New. ... ARCADE TODAY The Sone that Reached My Heart, beautiful; Slip pery Jim, grreat; Sanitarium, novel; Brink and Camp, music masters. OH JOY, TODAY The Clown and the Minister, Different Trades of Bombay, Dunce Cap, and Mirth and Sorrow. ODRO, TODAY Forty-five Minutes from Broadway, Dishonored Steward, Brousse, scenic; a Life for Love, Thrilling. Fourth Annual Horse Show Portland Hunt Club THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY October 13, 14, 15 Two performance each day. Over seven hundred entries tile best horses from Vancouver, B. C; Victoria," B. C Spokane. Seattle and Tacoma. Reserved Seats 75c and $1.00. General Admittance. 50c Boxes 930.00 to 8100.00 for Season. Seats now on sale at Rowe & Martin's Drugstore, Sixth and Washington sts. DIED. WOODEN In thl city. October 11. at the family residence, East 3;d at.. Sirs. Amelia Ann Wooden, aged an year, month. 5 day. Announcement of funeral later. IXyEBAX NOTICES. TYLER In this city October 11, at the fam ily residence, 1HS East ;i3d treet North, Frederick Tyler, son of Mr. Caroline D. Griffith and grandson of Mrs. Emma K. Brown, aged b year. The funeral erv lce will be held at the chapel of the Portland Crematorium at 8 P. M. today, Wednesday. WHEELER Friends and acquaintances are rcspectlull invited to attend the TuneraJ service of the late William N. Wneeier at Dunnlnir McEntee chapel today (Wednesday) at 2 :3a P. M. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. LAWRENCE The funeral services of the late Olai J. jawrexice win oe neiu v iu family residence, 3L0 San Kafael street, at 2. P. M- Thursday, October 13. Friends invited. Interment Riverview Cemetery. 1V.V3ETU rLOKAt CO, staKVlCAU UlAJO. FLO HAL pfaoo..: Aimia 6iua: A 110. llmi.lD. SlcLotM. Fuaeral Dlraaan, Tin and fine. fbon. Main 430. Lao? as sistant. Onice .f County Coroner. UW1RD UOIMAS CO.. Funeral Olroct m, ttO a St. Ladj Assistant, f bi. M. Mil. .' . JP. FLNLEX m SON. Sd and MadlMSk sVadr attendant. FPooe Main . A !&. IE AST fjlUK Funeral UlrfCtors. sncces.sf la F. b- Dunuina. lac . it. B iSia. EK1CSO.N CO. ant. o Aider. Undertaker.: lady assist M- eiaa. A . ZELLER-BYR.VES CO.. Funeral Directors, 694 Uimni sts.; both phonos; lady .sat. EJKC11. Undertaker, cor. ast Aider and 61a. East WU 0 Wot. ludr assistant. NEW TODAY. 183 ACRES On the Base Line road, all in cultiva- tion. ' 5-room house, 2. barns, large orchard, big patch of Logan and Strawberries. O. W. P. Electric R. R. Station on place, and only 3 minutes walk from station on Mt. Hood Elec tric line now. building. Several acres unimproved land just across the road recently sold for $600 per acre. This can be had for a few days for $450 per acre. Part terms, or will consider part trade. Nehalem Bay Land Co 274 Oak Street. 1250 Per Acre 40 acres, 6y2 miles from Courthouse; fine ma cadam road ; 4000 cords ' of live wood; excellent soil; ground almost level; profit on wood will pay for the land. KEASEY &i jlUHASQiigJEFFERY 5 232 Chamber of Commerce. The scenic acreage adjoining St. Hel ens Halt, within seven miles of the center of Portland. $200 an acre and up. Make your, own terms. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, 416 Abisgton Building. Main 5988. To Exchange for. city property 3 acres at Tlgard- ville, in high etate of cultivation, 7 room house, large barn, Kood orchard, on good county road. mile from two stations, in nice country village, 10 miles from Portland. Will exchange for house and lot not too far out. Would pay some difference for property that suits. Address OWNER, 826' Corbett St, Or Phone Main 7811. Irvington Home Swell, modern, 8-room house, has gas and electric, furnace; full cement basement, laundry trays: panel dinintr- room. on corner lot 50x100: nice lawn and roses; improved street and cement siuewaiKs, on Muitnoman ana 24 tn street, a swell location. Price only 16500, ?2000 cash and 125 per month. A swell -home for a little money and easy terms. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bldfr 4th and Oak. LADD'S ADDITION. 11-Room House. Attractive and substantial: built bv dav laDor ior a norae; iun cement Dasement and walks, uxju sieepinflr Dorcn. z ri replaces, all plate-glass windows, a No. 1 furnace, oalc iioors: in iaci. everytnmtr is nere that be longs to a first-class house; all street Im provements are in ana paid in tills highly restricted district: 20 minutes' walk from poet office. This house was built by the owner for a home, but owing to business mat tors he la not going to occupy it, and oilers it tor sale at about cost. Bra all pay ment down from responsible salaried man, with satisfactory terms on remainder. Ad dress owner, 14 Oregonian. Exchange 160 acres. 15 miles from Portland. V. mile from good R. R. town, 45 acres in cultivation, ;u acres meadow, all tenced, Clark County, Washington; fine house, 9 rooms; barn 60x107; all Implements, watfon,- buggy, harnesses, team, 2 cows, chickens, hogs, crops and all. Will take residence in aforuana as part pay. Price $16,000. . . Grussi & Zadow 7 Board of Trade Bids;., 4th and Oak. Portland Heights View Point City, rivers and all the mountains In plain view, Encircled on three sides by Buena Vista Drive. All improvements. 721 Board of Trade. Fine New S-Room House on quarter block S. E. cor. East 9th and Going, $7000. Some terms. Owner on premises. MOTO'.RS SIX-ROOM HOUSE Just completed. Owner must raise cash at once. Will accept best offer made this week. Bee owner, 872 Capitol ave nue, or ' MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRVST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th nnd Washington Srreeta. 210 FAILING 8-room house occupied by owner about one year, will .sacrifice in order to raise cash. Make us an offer. MERCHANTS SAVINGS at TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Street. TO INVESTORS We have In one body. In the finest section of the Willamette Valley, 1736 acres adapted to high-class apple arrow ing. We can sell it for an average of .32 per acre, on easy terms. Largely under cultivation with fine Improve ments. Let us hear from you. -GRAHAM ct STREBLE COMPANY, 430 Worcester Block. Several Beauty Homes Just finished. Don't buy until you see them. Perfect, modern, best locations, best work, oak finish. W. H. UERDMAN, C 1866, Eaat 273. Sky Line NEW TODAY. New 6-Room House Susnyside $3100 S250 DOW.v Location Jn jrood neighbor hood, 1 block from best car line in city, 3 blocks to public school, hard-surfa.ee pavement. Kitchen with pantry, porcelain sink and woodlift; dining-room with built-in china closet; liv-lngr-room with built-in window seats, 3 bedrooms and 3 good closets; house has cement base ment, cement walks around house. 2 porches, porcelain bathroom, combination fixtures, walls frenhly tinted. Consider in er location, quality of house and price, this is highest snap in city; easv monthly payments. $250 DOWN. RALPH ACKLEY, 605 Corbett Bldff. rv1 est Dioe Property within walking distance, for sale by owner, big lot, beautiful lawn, large house, completely furnished; prioa $11,500. F. D., 291 Morrison. Only $500 Per Acre 81 acres of suitable land for factories, railroad shops, stockyards and packing plant; a few hundred feet from Columbia boulevard. The Main Slough or ship canal runs through this land. C. R. DeBurgh, Owner 217 Abington Bldg. Investments Fine corner, 50x60, on Fifth street a few minutes' walk from Washington? on small payment down and balance monthly. Stores below and rooms above would bring grood returns. Improve this property" and let it pay for itself. Four six-room flats, new, well built and equipped with every modern con venience, choice neighborhood. Month ly rental $152.50. Price $13,500, $55001 cash, balance long:-time mortgage. R. F. BRYAN 505 Chamber of Commerce, Mnln 19t3. A 1227. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY, KltKH FHOSTlliK, I.VCOMR PROPKBTT, t'J,AT RI II. DINGS. VACA.VT BLOCKS, Close in, offered at very attractive) prices. MERCH-1XT9 SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Street. A BNAP. Business property on Belmont paying 20 per cent: see this at one; price 2f00. Phone Tabor 516 or B 2967 or cail Hawthorne ave. Pacific litis & Trust Co. Removed to 7 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor, Fourth-street side. A. B. Manley, Pres. W. Y. Masters. Sec A Atty. $3100, Worth $4000 Buy It Quick 100x100 corner, half block from Union ave. $900 will be made on ttiis property in 60 days; must be sold. J. D. KU.VKEDT, 836 Union Ave. N. $12,500 Choice business nrODertv close tt Williams "and Russell leased until 1915 at $100 per month. Terms. LACEV SCHLESSER, 516 William. Ave. Ground Lease Bonn tuft ion ffiot from east end of Mad ison bridge, for term of years; unsurpassed opportunity. Owner. A J dress W 408. Ore- gonian. NEAR NEW WOODSTOCK SCHOOL.. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE Strictly Modern IX) T 75x100. PRICE, $8600. $500 cash, balance terms. Carl ienm, Woodstock, E. 48th Lodge. Sellwood l.03. READ THIS! Ten acres west adjaininjf Portland Heights No. 2, about three miles from P. O., nearly level, $500 per acre. Ad dress O 405, Oregonian. FOR SALE 10 acres right bottom land, Joining Forest Grove. Price 5250 per acre, $500 down, balance on time. Address Owner. F. Verhoeven, r orest urove, ur. INVESTORS Call on ownertr MeaJiy for timber, acreage. Dusineac. reataeAi .feAxiirtini proper ue. i& AblnsutB. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G., ol2 Falling bids. El ire 11, A- H- & Co., 202-3 McKay bids. Real estate, lnsura ace, mortgages, loans, eta. Bru baker & Benedict, 502 McKay bldg, BBRREY'9 REALTY CO., 249 4th st. Chapln & Herlow. 332 Chamber Commer Cook. B. S. & Co 60S Corbett bldg. 1 Jennings ft Co.. Main 188. 20 a Oregonlaa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P 213 Comm ciai ciub biag. tSchalk. Geo. .. 123 Stark at. 'Mala 39. . 2392. 6H1NDLER A HALL. 205 Abloptoa bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) M. E. Thompson Co.. cor. 4tb and Oalc sts. REAL ESTATE. For bale lxts. IRVIN'GTOX SNAP Save agent's commlaalon; 6rxlW, easi "v--- uue. Phone C 181 10 MONTHLY, with 6 per cent Interest, will buy "OU a wi m .ii Ld uisinci, near the car. Owner. R 400, Oregonian. PORTLAND Heights homes, lots and tracts for suoaivieioii , ttn vto .mu jtiiwen, mviiiv bargains. Main 3551, A 3S3tf. SOL'THPORT Owing to death of owner, we have two cn''. ium iur wig, iow price; easy terma. 721 Board of Trade. 100x305 on Tillamook; only J170O; easy terms. yuuun . v-. mni, v mujuh iuu bldg,, room 3. FIVE nice lots near Peninsula station, with JtWJU paiu me cuu , win unn ior same If taken today. Phone A 1213. CORNER. 100x100. Irvington Park, cheap; easy trrrs, py owner. oai, tregoniui. B lot in southport on the carllne; owner