Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 12, 1910, Page 11, Image 13

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PiroifOHT Taxm to Etttrtat3C. The
Holy Redeemer fair at Piedmont will
entertain tba Knlghta of Columbus and
delegation from Holy Rosary parish
tonight. The choir from Holy Rosary
Church will furnish the programme.
TmxEB Wanted. Nichols, 453 Ankeny
Special 25c Dairy LvincH Served Daily
Soda Fountain and Candy in Basement
The Hat With
out a Peer
Holeproof Hos
Faelfle States, Horn
Countluc-rooin Mala 770 AI)S
Citr circulation Main 707 A i09S
Manacles Editor Main TOT A
Sunday Editor Main T07O AIWi
Coroposlnr-room ......... .Main 707 A 0J
City Editor Main 707 A C0S5
CupL. salldlass Main I'M A 0
BEIUl) THEATER (Sarenth and Taylor
streets Viols Alien In t:.e drama. "The
White Bisters." Preclal matinee ,at 3:13
ar.d tonight at S:ZIX
Morrison) "Arlvona. Tonight at 8 5
BAKER THEATER '(Elo-ronth and Morrl
nj Tba TaJier Stock Compear In "Oara
03it- TT2T fBayua.'
for Men,
Women and
Children i
Foremost Clothiers Since 1863.
Kirby.' Special matinee at J:l and to-
niht at
ORPHEUM THEATER Morrison, between
Slith and Saranth Vaudeville. This
aXtaraoon at Z:l and tonight at i:lS.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Wnahlna--
ton) Vaudavllla. Thla afternoon at 1:15.
tonight at 7:19 and .
North East Side Improvement Club
Takes Up Campaign Hard Work
Required in Preparing Papers.
H. H. Rlddell. C. VT. Fulton and Mar
tin L. Pipes, attorneys representing the
LTRIC THEATER S-Tnth and Alder) I North East Side Improvement Club, are
Irmitrnnr Vmlfal rnm.rt C-imDaDT In
"The Mustard Kings." This afternoon at
I 10. 7:11 and t.
PORTLAND THEATER (Fourteenth and
Waahlnston) Dowlan Stock Company In
"By Right of Sword." Special maUnae at
l it and tonight at li o'clock.
STAR THEATER CPark and Waehlnrton
Motion pictures. Continuous, from 1:30
to 10:10 P. M.
BASEBALL Portland ts. Los Angela this
afternoon at 1 o'clock at Vaughn-street
to assist the City Attorney In the hear
ing to be 'given the Broadway bridge
bonds Injunction before the State Su
preme Court on October 20. M. G.
Munly. president of the North East
Side Improvement Association, will also
be present at the hearing, and In an
Interview yesterday he said he believed
other attorneys will volunteer their
services In behalf of the city.
It is the plan of the Improvement club
to do all In the power of the members
to get the Supreme Court to admit of an
early sale of the bonds, according to
Mr. Munly, who Is affiliated with the
Fextxsola Hospital, to Ribts- At a
Daeeling of the directors of the new
Peninsula Hospital yesterday the follow- I cjub,
In- officers were elected: President, w. "I have entire faith in the Supreme
G. Steel; vice-president. Dr. G. E. Christ- Court." said Mr. Munly yesterday, "and
rna: secretary. Dr. V. M. Killlngsworth; I I eel confident that when the case la
treasurer. Coe McKenna. The following presented to the members the lnjunc
assignment was made of tne terms or i tion will be dissolved."
the seven directors: Dr. W. M. Killings- I The bonds, after they are accepted by
worth, one year: W. O. Steel, two years
Ir. G. K. Christmas, three years; a
Cutting, four years: C. Spies, five years;
C. McKenna six years; Dr. C. S. Hosmer,
seven years. O. McKenna, Dr. Killings
worth and Dr. Hosmer were appointed a
committee on concHltutlon and bylaws.
Dr. Hosmer. S. Cutting and Dr. Christ
mas were named the site committee. It
was decided to levy an assessment of
) per cent on the stock, secure a site
and start construction of the hospital at
Hooax's Attack Costs $10. A con
spiracy to persecute his client. Matt
Hogan. to which Deputy District At
torney Hennessy had been made an un
witting parry was charged in Municipal
Court yesterday by H. C King, an at
torney. Hogan was accused by Henry
Haas of assault and battery upon Mrs.
Haas, over a month ago at Second and
Oak streets. The woman was unwilling
to swear to a charge against Hogan, and
the complaint was made by Hennessy in
person. Hogan was before the court last
week on a charge or assaulting Haas,
but the case was dismissed. He was
fined $10 yesterday.
Threat or Murder Gets Man ij
CotRT.-Fed Klsh. . Twenty -sixth and
the buyers, will draw Interest at the
rate of $27.78 a day, and the city is sub
I Ject to lose this in case the court re
Although It usually requires the
services of four or five and some
times six deputies to keep up with
the registration of voters In Mult
nomah County, one deputy clerk has
been able to do all the work since
the books opened after the primary
election last month.
There are but five more days until
the books close, yet only 83 voters
registered yeaterday. There were 59
Republicans, eight Democrats and IS
miscellaneous. The books cloae at
3 P. M.. October 17.
fuses the delivery of the bonds. A bond
of $5000 has been filed with the Su
preme Court in connection with the ap
plication for the temporary injunction
that has been Issued, but whether this
1 - ... ..1 ,r ,- nt V. A --.A
Wilson streets, saw someone waving of ,s w meot any b fop damages thai
signals at his wife from a room across
the street and thought that A. M. Van
may arise as a result of the injunction
in case the city wins the contest is not
Norwich was the iculprlt. He went frch- underftood by local attorneys on the
ing ivr u .-ui .---.. ......... . . . q y
that he would kill him. Van Norwich, in
fear of death, swore to a complaint
charging threat to commit murder, and
Fish appeared to answer la Municipal
Court yesterday. He admitted the
threats, but promised to molest Van
Norwich no further. Judge Taxwell ex
tended mercy to Fish and continued the
case Indefinitely.
Coos Bat Looger Gets it Trouble.
Frank Grant, a logger from Coos Bay,
was taken to the police station late
Monday night, suffering from several
bad cuts on the back of the head, neck
and face. Ha refused to tell how the in
juries mere received. It appeared from in-
It was said yesterday by Mr. Munly
that it will keep the attorneys who are
working on the case busy up to Octo
ber 20 in getting their arguments pre
Horace Tillurd Jones Asks Judge to
Instruct Grand Jury.
Charging that District Attorney
Cameron has been "strangely acqules-
vestlgation that the affray occurred in cent" in the matter of requiring the
the Roscmond rooming-house, following Portland Railway. Light & Power
an altercation with a party of women company to equip its cars with ade-
and Thomas Berden, proprietor of a quate fenders, Horace Tlllard Jones
saloon at S65 Burnside street. Grant was yesterday addressed a letter to State
arrested by Policeman Grlsim two weeks I circuit Judge Cleland, asking that the
ago for Insulting a woman on the street, omissions of the streetcar company be
and was lined $25.
Assailant or Woius Pats $10. When
Mrs. H. A. Pulver. a hairdresser, at
tempted to remove her baggage from the
home of Sam Lavlne, 666 Third street,
he assaulted her. Bhe says, knocking out
two teeth, and Mrs. Lavlne stood by and
clapped her hands. Lavlne was tried
" .....- ...... u r . 1 u VfA nl-
leged that Mrsi Pulver owed him $1 for company to supply safety devices.
Zl. h. v her afaer she Jones says that he furnished a 1
rent and that he struck her afser she
Jiad assaulted him. The court refused
to believe this testimony and fined
Lavlne $10.
Vetxran-s to Entertain. Preparations
are being made by Camp Scout Young.
Spanish-American War Veterans, to give
public entertainment in tne near xu
called to the attention of the October
grand Jury by instructions from the
Mr. Jones charges that District At
torney Cameron failed to take notice
of his first complaint against fenders,
made last August, At a later date, Mr.
Jones asserts, he was asked for a list
of witnesses as to the failure of the
list of
people who had been injured, but that
none of them has been summoned be
fore the grand Jury.
Mr. Jones contends that the Nelson
fender, recommended last week by the
City Council street committee, is not a
compliance with the state law on the
subject. He asserts that all the street
Olds, Wortman & King'
Today's Bargains in trie Basement Underprice
Store In Addition to oir Regular Hourly Sale
TOWELS Linen Finish Huck
Towels, size 32x16, special Qfi.
price todav. the dozen.' OC
GINGHAM In 10 to 20-yard
lengths, regular 15e qual- 1 f
ity, on special sale at, yd..''
BEDSPREADS Croohet bed
spreads, for doable beds. CO.
Specially low priced at.
SHEETS Good quality sheets,
size 72x90. Regular 50o OQ.
quality, on special sale at.'
TABLE DAMASK 62-in. blue
table damask, excellent OQ
value, specially low priced.''
BATH TOWELS Unbleached
bath towels, 20x36, hemmed ready
tor use. Very good 1 O -
values at this price & aV
twilled crash toweling, in C
white. Special price, yard.
TEA CLOTHS 84 linen Tea
Cloths, neat drawn-worked
borders. Keg. $1.25, sp'l.'"
REMNANTS Mill-end sales of
outings, percales, ginghams, Aj
etc. For this sale priced at.
orandums, leatherette bindimr.
Regular 10c, special 4ej
Loath, bndg., reg. 6c, special. 2
d-in. slip case, reg. loc, sp'l..&
ALBUMS Post-card album, em
bossed covers, holds 100 0
cards, reeular 15c snecial at.O
ALBUMS Postcard albums, with
black silk cloth cover. OP
Resrular 50c value, special .a- JC
regular scrap book. Regular C
15o aualitv now on sale for.
PHOTO Albums for unmounted
photographs. Regular $1 AQ
and $1.25. Snecial nriceT'C
COMPASSES Dont lose your
self buy a compass. Reg. OP
50o to $1 kind, special at.?
DICTIONARY A handy size to
have, carry it right with 10.
you. Regular 15c, special. etfiC
DICTIONARY A pocket diction
ary is one you should 1 Qp
have; 25c value, special at.C
LUNCH SET A collapsible lunch
set; a very handy article. O
Regular 10c set, special at. C
PENWIPERS Neatly made and
very pretty cloth penwiper, Q
Regular 15c value, special.'
PENWIPER Good chamois pen
wiper for your writing desk. O'
Reg. 15c quality on sale at.i
STRAPS Book or shawl strap, a
good size. Our regular 5c O-
nimlitr crtopiol c u 1 n nnpfi-
i"""".' y "t z
PENCILS Pnsh pencils, handy
for your "purse; reg. 25c "j f
per doz., special, per doz..
dresses in white, navy, cardinal
and light blue, ages 2 to 6 years;
these are neatly made. CO QQ
Reg. $5 value, special.?5''0
COATS Girls' wool coats in plain
and fancy materials; short or
long lengths, ages 6 to tO QQ
14 yrs. Reg. $8, sp'l.?70
Sample vests and pants, merino,
mercerized and cotton fleeced,
also tights; an excellent? f
bargain. Reg. $2, choice.'-'
HOSE 2000 pair children's black
cotton stockings, lxl ribbed,
seamless foot and reinforced
heels and toe; fast dye. Q
Regular 20c, special, pair.
SHOES Men's shoes in four
styles, plain and tip toes; Winter
weight scles; splendid wearers
and comfortable. Our 3J 1 7Q
reg. $2.50 shoes, sp'l.V''
WOMEN'S SHOES 6200 pair of
women's new Fall Shoes; patent,
gunmetal and dongola kid leath
ers, button and lace; newest styles
and in all sizes. Worth tfO 1 O
$3 per pair, special at.K"""
ladies' hemstitched Hdkfs., neat
colored borders, a good qual- O
ity; value 7c; on special sale.
LAWNS 10,000 yards printed
lawns, dark and light colors,
stripes and figures; splendid A
quality; special at, the yard."
CALICO Special offer in light
and dark calicoes; hundreds of
patterns to choose from. J
Special sale price, per yard.
C RALLIES 36-in. figured Chal
lies, only two widths, for a com
fort. We make special of- 1 ff
fer at the low price of, yd.."
CHALLIES 20,000 yards of cot
ton challies, fast colors and pretty
pat terns ; supply your-jj fo '
self at the low price, yd
LAWNS Printed lawns, splendid
patterns, for house dresses and
waists. Regular 20c value, 1 fla
on special sale at, the yard.J
printed dress patetrns; 10 yards
each. Suitable for house f f2f
dresses, special offer, each.
night and she will finish tomorrow. The
ramp Knight of the Garter, which is
being counted on to establish another
record for lumber loading, is to finish
Saturday. October's ezportatlons . in
lumber promise to be heavy.
ture. .More man ou oi tne veteran i ,.Q n v ho ov.r haa
take part In it. among them being Seneca lred to do was .-aimost" adopt a
Kouts, Jay Upton. Zeb Martin. George ( fender which would be ade-
Curr. Frank Beatty r . M. 1-etera. ueorge Quat8 to protect llfe.
Xj. cvaiis auu J - v. .... A..i,
are being held every Friday evening at
tlie headquarters of the camp, .Eleventh
and Alder streets.
Jetfersox High School Paper Out.
The lire Issue of the "Spectrum" of Jef
ferson High School was distributed to
the students yesterday afternoon. It ia
a neat-appearing magazine of 45 pages,
including 14 pages of advertisements.
The first half in occupied by stories and
venae, and the last half by scnool notes.
Grand Lodge Escorts Body of John
31. Hodson to Cemetery.
With highest Masonic honors, the re
mains of the late John M. Hodson were
hiiriA-t in klvArvlDW f molcrv vRlAr.
news of athletics and Jokes. The whole day efternoon. Meeting at the Masonic
Is neatly printed and well arranged, the
coloring of the pages devoted to adver
tising being a feature.
Luncheon ajtd Dinner to Be Served.
The ladle of the Methodist Episcopal
Temple, West Park and Yamhill streets,
the grand lodge of Oregon marched in
a body to the Scottish Rite Catherdal.
A eulogy was pronounced by S. M
Yoran. of Eugene, a former business
Church, South Multnomah street and I associate of air. rtoason. The lodge
Union avenue, will give luncneon ana I men escorted tne to luverview
dinner today at the Beverly Hotel, Park
and Yamhill streets. The luncneon i'.
continue from 1 to 2 o'clock and the
dinner from 4 to S o'clock. The pro-
Cemetery, where it was Interred.
The honorary pallbearers were John
B. Cleland, S. M. Yoran, B. Van Dusen,
J. C. Moreland. P. S. Malcolm, D. P.
ceeds will be used for paying for the Mason. E. E. Kiddle. Norrls Cox and
1, . c. vr. w.
Tbe acting pallbearers were E. A. Mc
new carpets recently Installed in the
Thmnn. W fV N'flrtan. J. E. WerelAin
IsmTAim Laws Its Tone. Arrange- I Thomas Mann. Archie Thurlow, Edwin
rnents have been completed to discuss
Important Initiative and referendum
measures next Saturday night in the hall
of Evening Star In South Mount Tabor
on the Section Line road. J. JJ. Ie, r.
8. Ball. J. W. Mills and others will ex-
claln the e?veral measures. The meet
ing will be open.
LODOiKO-Housa Ttrixr Sentenced.
Charlen Morgan rented a room in a lodg
ing-house, at Fifth and Couch streets.
Wldmer, W.
K. Knapp.
O. Shellenbarger and E.
Interests Business Houses.
The business houses of Portland have
shown much Interest In the coming Horse
Show. Sherman, Clay , & Co. have by
Monday night and then rifled all the ad- I far the most attractive window. It Is
Joining rooms. He stole three pairs or wortn a special mi uu i" u iu n
ahoea and two suits of clothes. He It. In the background of course are
pleaded guilty yesterday and was sen- beautiful pianos but the greater portion
tenced to ) cays on me rocsput. oi me .
t... Tt.e R.r, FAIJ--J. Q. Palmer, effective dlfTlay well calculated to help
Wool blankets worth $3.60 to $12
priced during our great Annual Woolen
Goods Sale at $2.65 to $9. Brownsville
Woolen Mill Stores, 3d and Morrison,
3d and Stark streets. '
Hlplinger Goes Back to Honduras.
SEATTLE, Wash., OcV 11. Having
been acquitted of a charge of embez
zling, John Kiplinger, formerly City Con
troller, will leave November 1 for his
plantation in Honduras, to which place
he went several months previous to the
presenting of the charges of graft made
against him. Ripllnger will be accom
panied by his wife and daughter, Mrs. C.
B. Van Slokler.
a painter, while working on a house at
fc'i Elliot street yesterday afternoon.
f-1! S feet to the ground and was sev
erely shaken. It Is not believed that
any bones were broken. The Red Cross
cmbuiance .was called and he was taken
to hi home In Woodlawn.
Labor Law Violator Pats $C5 Fixe.
R. E. Gale, of the Gale Outfitting Com
popularize the Horse Show.
Mas Tailored Ladles Salts.
Hot the "tailor made" suits made of
cheap dreea goods, but suits made of
man's goods garments that fit. look
pany. arrested upon a complaint of State someOilng and retain the shape to
7 trrTn .'.in..r Hnrr fhArarina' that I -rllvi- ' .
he had employed a woman more than ten
hours In one day. pleaded guilty in Muni
cipal Court yesterday and waa fined 3.
Txusarrs or Dt-vnsruT axd Pkajislact.
The annual session of North Pacific
College has begun. Students wishing to
receive credit for a full course must be
la attendance by October 14.
Fazsa Crabs.
Razor and hardshell clams, sealshlpt,
Eajern aji.1 Olyrni-ia oysters. D. Kellaher
Co. Phone E. 41 S. B 1H.
Cottaos Fa mm Ri asu Resort will be
pen to f 'f "ta all Winter. I'hone Sol or
address Mrs. Alma L. Howe. Hood
River. Or.
silk dresses and silk waists. The Allen
Co., 41S Waoiiington St.. corner Eleventh.
Man tailor to tit and finish suits and
coats. Agents for Warner's. Redfern and
Thomson's corsets.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart
ments for ladles, 305 Wash., near Sth at.
Evening Wear
Should be gorgeous. A multi
plicity of lights detract from sim
ple setting. We have beautiful
neck chains of exquisite workman
ship in festoons. La Vallieres, elab
orated with Jewels, the Baroque
pearl drop, etc. in rose. Roman,
enamel or platinum mountings.
Also many beautiful brooch pen
dants with the safety clasp. Should
our vast assortment fall to suit
you, we can make you anything
you wish. Both members of this
firm are practical Jewelers and our
work bears distinctive evidence of
2S Morrison Street.
of Woodcraft
Tooth and
irA 2281
t M 6201
A Skin of Beauty Is) a Joy Forever.
Store Closed
On account of holiday
our store will be closed
all day Thursday.
Portland's Oldest Grocers
148 Third Street
Two Tramps Finishing Lumber.
Most of the carsro of the British
steamer Strathjre, which Is to clear for
or. lUx DiKlht tux- A Waahi utrUlw will -bo aboard Xha vessel, to-
DR. T. FNx Oouraud's Oriental
Crtim or Magloal Bsutif1r.
RgTBOTfja Tan, Plmpl,
FrecUca, MotH Patcboa,
mnu every eiemifa
on beauty. an4 de
fies detection. It
ha nood tbe teat
of t jeara, and
la m Itarmleaa we
taatett tobeaarelt
la properly made.
Accept no counter
feit of aloaliar
came. Dr. L. A.
Biyre aald to a
ladr of the bant
ton (S patient) :
MAa yoa Udies
will tue them.
I rfcummend
'Goaranrl! rream' aa the lut harmful of all U
kin preparation., fnr Bale by all dnuccrlsts and rancf
Goods Dealer in the United Statea, Canada and JEurop.
rfflfl.T.HUPLIS.rnia, 37 ml Jooet Stmt, let Id.
is a positive safeguard against
tooth decay. Makes your teeth
white at once. Tones up the
25c everywhere .
Main 165, A 1165 First and Oak
nn-i u- i "ffflT R sTi i.ii J
imp rPST wav to pti 6.
the Clothes Question
-to settle it satisfactorily, economi
cally and with the least inconveni
ence to yourself is to come direct
here. We are the largest retailers
' of good clothing in Portland, where
the products of all the best makers
are gathered together in one place
for your inspection and approval.
We show fully 2500 Suits and
Overcoats at $15 and $20. Rogers,
Peet & Brokaw Suits and Overcoats
at $25, $30 and $40, and worth every
cent you are asked to pay for them.
We offer them in confined patterns,
thus insuring you against having them
so often duplicated as to become
' . m m . ,-mm na.
.- s'-3 f'3J mm m CJT M av Km v a '?
an i.-TiTsii -jr.r.e-- - r sis f me m ' - .
y ..Bookcase
il L'-liii i' ' ' - 'iJ El If yon need only one section or enoueh cases for s lares f
a 1 f. J f " "airy- J li library, the Viking- is the bookcase that will meet yonr re- 1
3 1. ,'-'. lig,' .",V " ". ' : . i-, i 1 Kl aulrements most satisfactorily both in taste and convenience. f
; fl'S ". J vff : r"? j. - ' ? 1 O 11 comes in any of the classic styles of furniture Mission or Do Luxe Home 1 1
a K" Wi"-? j: -V.-r.-.-'r. J Library with plain or leaded glass and in the finest seasoned woods. Double If
" jitt.i,..',.x t..-T-..fcTr v.' i-. "J- VI ' tops are dust-proof and damp-proof. il
tkyiilrJ"! Disappearinedoorsrun on frlctionless steel sruides which prevent rattlinf. ft -
'' i 1. 1 1 i i i i " i - - - - stickine-or binding-. Air-cushioned
' 7 .. construction causes the doors to rir.,.hlm T.n n.,.r nmnf
, f V drop noiselessly. Vikins-Sectional Doablm Top-Da.t.yToof J
l-r i. ...... --A-A.. y Bookcases are built to hand jS5aTrrwrT'
qM--! - i' - . V
cy I, Batm ana corners aswaja .tzM.riiaJTrA r-l!jwp'".P
m to fit any room 3881 laaTaaaw- . .:40mmmimmammmmmmmkm2
Every sale we make in any of our several departments is but the beginning of an endless chain
of satisfied customers. See our display of -AJLLSTEEL Furniture and Filing Devices, Solid
CUTLER Desks and Office Tables, MAKBLE Chairs, "WABASH Filing Cabinets, etc., etc., and
every modern .Office Appliance. ' .
in every detail.
' N TALUM'50
All Sizes and Prices
Eesides Lamps we carry a com
plete line of
Electrical Supplies '
O. B. Stubbs Electrical
Supply Co.
No. 61 Sixth Street. Portland, Or,
PhonM Main 1696, A 1606.
Fill set o teeth
ouly $5.00
Brldga wcrk or
teeth without
plates, $3.50 U, 5
Boat rubber plates
only .60
Good rubber plates
only 5.00
Gold or porcelain
rrewns S30 to S5
Gold or porcelain
fllllnps 1 up
Silver fllllnprs only
50c to S1.00
Painless extraction
only 50
Free when plate
are ordered
Oar Work Guaranteed Perfect
Ko better work done anywhere. Mod
ern equipment, perfect service, every
customer pleased. Out-of-town patrons
may make appointments and have work
finished In one day. Every operator a
Hoars I A. U l 1 P. )L Sunday. 9 A.
M. to 1 P. M.
Lady attendant. ti.Ecol-itli and Morrison
If you can walk we can teach yon
to skate.
Oaks Roller Rink
Three Sessions Daily.
Medium-priced Bedroom Furniture,
in enamel, golden oak, birdseye ma
ple and Circassian walnut.
Fifth TT m-1 T1S ' I ritr O Sr Fifth
& Staxk J. J, LYlAVtl CL llU. & Stark