K V business orfOBTnniM 1IOTION-PICTURB machines; Powers. Edl a"n. Palhe and others twTi In ocX from r up: th latest and best nlm. for rem. 'Tta best Is our. too B'xxi" a. our standard- We teach operatlnl and qualify to run a mow: Mfur. c.;ne deal -jeher. M un and see us; we h,ve the sW and .rice, are riaht. WRITE l'9 IX MflARD TO OI K Oi-EKATOK'S KOoK j;TITLr-D 'PRACTICAL INSTRLCTION JO OPJB. A OKS OF MOVING PICTXRB MA CHINES." Prlca 1. Laemnil. Fi.m fw Alliance room. 4U8-510 Couch bids;.. Portland. Or. , IF you ARB IXKKINO FOR A Grocary atore. Oa;ar or confectionery. Oenta furnishing atore. Bakery or delicatessen. Koomlnr or boardlni-house. Or anythlnir els. In the business llna. COME and ea u: know tl lust what you are looklnc f"r BLOCH REALTY CO.. 21 Lumbermens Bios. How would too like to hare "a aaeluJlve selllnr of a ataple eom.mo.liti like erape nut. ahredded wheat. Bapo'lo. or some ar ticle of which you could aell 2M00 to 5W0 rase, per month In a atate nu ?n hi?f. you could make a net profit of jay ..0 rent! per caae? If you have iom( on"; aee us It meana tlOOO a month Income and u p for you for 1 0 years, zii Grand ave. FOR SALE. A 20-V capacity Russell portable eaw mlll complete, with cutoff saw sawdust conveyor, etc.; aiso a No. 1 Northwest planer, with attachments, good aa new; has been used only a short time. For particulars tail at my office. ilo-iliS Front IL, Portland. Or. BI.Ot'K. a: the corner of 74th street ant Base Une Road. 7-room house, garnse capable of siorina four tnacnlnes. to celher with work shop and tool room, all complete. If sold at once this property can be bought very cheap. Terms. tinentai Trust Company. -ui bBauuiuaS Bigg. A PAYING GROCERY. , A fine grocery store in nood location, with lease In a rapMly-arowing district, now doing lfioo to IS. business per month, rent only M: If you want to keep buay look this up. GRl SSI ZADOW. , SIT Board of Trade N.lg.. th and Oak. Valuable business information. Thla agency Is In a position to lurnisa reliable information regarding business openings; only legitimate propositions con- 'de"d.I.o UI.0r.VTn.r Ar.rvCT. 1 Ablngton bidg.. KstabUshcd 1895. POOL, cigars and confectionery In gooa smaii town In the Valley; no nppuslt-on; no saloons, no other place of amusement; a money maker; pn.rlelor a noD-reandeal; r Rht price f..r Immediate sale. Phone Miiln la- r". O. liox !'-. Oregon -.ty OL.LI-ESTABL.1SHED electrical surply houa-i d.'ing fine business; owner would consider thoroughly reliable man as tartner; "P tlence not necessary; duties office work and cllecling' naif Interest at Invoice. Csail early. 417 Board of Trade. KfcAL, ESTtATE and business chance; bibb leaving city, will sell at invoice office fur niture, best building In city, low rent: buslneES established, good prospects; win trade for vacant lot or acre anld pay cash difference. AK T.'S. Oresonlan. VXl.NTRACT work wanted by two Canadians, rock work or dirt, ditching, rouch ma aonry work or cement work; large ex perience of all kinds In railway work. S SS'J. Oregoman. 1176.-, WILL, buy a No. 1 general confec tionery: milk depot and light grocery store: a good lease and low rent, close in; open Sundays. Owner. AK 315. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Moving-picture show; will take part payment In trade: must sell on ac count of sickness; clearing from S.5 to IIW per week. AM asm. Qresonlan. RELIABLE merchant wants steady, sober partner: will pay 11T month smary. a.so aliare of profits: small capital required, secured. Call 48 h, Stark at. WANTED Partner in light. clean estab lished business; willing, steady worker can do well; give phono number. W 391, Ore goman MOVING-PICTURE show down town with 6-year lease; price very reasonable lor short time. Rogers & McKay, room -0. 303 4 Wash, st. A MULTNOMAH County store In a live town and doing a prosperous business, for sale cheap or will take part payment In r!! nr- write 1 .lit E. 33d St. GROCERY STOKE rurt mlh 700 to !00 if taken this week. Grocery doing good business; cheap tent; living rooms. Answci AK .I111". Qresonlan. LEADING confectionery, best Washington city; established ten years; lung lease bargain account sickness. G 3al, Ore gonian. ESTABLISHED business; good location, sole agenct. stock and lixtures, win luviv. principals only; will stand Investigation. Phone Ka.it Hlf. n . . .a iiLMf . -to he made bv expanding a macliltierv"enterpnse; (15.000 to tJO.000 required; sums of (..0 and upward ac cepted. A OW. CjrcBOiiian. GROCERY Good lease, makes rent only $8 mnnt. n trade, being an old-estab lished store: will aell at invoice. Call L' i s :, ptark St. MORE working capital wanted In estab lished business that pays from JO to .13 per cent: dividend guaranteed and your investment secured. W ass. Oregonlan. ON account of 111 health will sell or trade my atock In good paying business for cash, real estate or anything of good legitimate value. T 3.'Z, iresT.nt.in. " nr.ot-KKY AND CONFECTIONERY 4 livlng-rooma. trade -o. clean stock, 'UHALl. 3'-'l Lumbermens PldF- DF7I ICATI-ViSEN We:i-etahllhed and a big monev maker: If you ore looking for a snap seo this one; price (S75. 417 Hoard of tU00 CIGAR and fruit store, on Washing ton street, netting ti monthly. Call 32 Henry bidg. j,-.-tn:.ti7'TTre th-ater business for sale." good paver: must act quick; reason, sickness. H. x T. South Bend. Wash. ga.n, PAKTNEit wanted to help In store: energetic man can cieai e lara i4SW Stark st RESTAURANT, cheap, lease, cheap rent. irood trade; must sen; terms. aoj lor st. 1 ii nT-i r i -., sreal tn well-navlnr buslnesi gi down, balance 60 cays; must stand In- wstlgation. AO 39- Oregonlan. fiwi worth of A-l Industrial stock; will sell or trade for good piece of property. K i.01. Orogonian. t , trim K&t.l? or rent, bakery and confection- en', established 15 years. Inquire 60 N. MKAT MARKET Partner wanted, exper ience not necessary: rare chance for en- erretlc man. can ' n.t.nnt. LtiO fol- lUile. whole OT half lh- . .' A.n.f.nlTv located: trial given. R iregon IX R SMXor trade. 10. 0O0 shares Washington steel A Holt Co.. located Ertmonds. W ash. H oregtDian FINE little business for (300 clearing JO to S per day. Kogers ei 1 303 c. Washington st age (50 day. netting i-iO month. Call 3-s Henry oiog. FOR SALE Moving-picture theater; price reaaonaoie. it i;i it . ,-., ba 7'M In evenings POPCORN and candy atand. fine location. low expenses: HALL. 3-1 I.umbermena Ei dg ctbi.-TI T osh grocery for SiSI: nice UV Ing-rooms. can clear (lOO month easily, fill 'J;.-; !-l;irK s FOR S.1LE Hestamaut. only one In town of 2t, one Mock from depot; terma. Charles Bttrney. Wnodburn. (r. PARTNER WANTEI 'ash business; (310 required; will p.iv energetic s monUi? Call o'-S Henry bl.ig energetic man 3150 .u Mit.t.: Ktiuitv l;i two fine lots: tea sonable. t'ontinental Trust Company. 302 Spalding Bidg. CENTRAL cash business for J'lO: seil teas, coffees, baked goods, etc.; nice, clean store. Call -Jc, stark St. CAFETERIA AND l.UNCH. West Side, doing (loo a day: CllOO. HALL. 31 Lumbermens Bidg. DANDY cU-ar store In good location, doing ' to (5 per day. for only 7"0: a snap. Rogers A McKay, room liO. 303 Wash, at. ,....! n.rlnr A tildes. beSt lOClition In City. clearing above all expenses from (.00 to I400 month. Call S4SH stark st. lOR SALE Poolrpom. tables, good loca tlon. al' Williams ve. FOR SALE Fury equipped vulcanizing plant. Call 13-- l.thsc IESTAURANT for sale, good business, prlc yiRST-CLASS restaurant- 04 NorthcBth sc., Ir sale. .-u.i.-EiiY. i-jo Washington st.: cash busi ( neSS. PO uemeij ; oa-Faoi .... a " ' A SSAP 3-chair barber shop If taken at once, s i " " " RaKEEV. cor.fectl.w.ery . lunrt.rv.m; bargain; must sen: y.-tvi-'-. f -" KTORS building and fixtures; make me a .'ail -l E lth st. CIGAR store. (tvMi. sajes average 30 a day. t-a:i niow rti.AR and confectionery, sales aver- rZT a, v. ,'! 3-S H.-nrv bids. rycU courier f r (: can clear 14 le "I PERSON It. r BUSINESS PmiCTOBt. BUSINESS IU KECTOK X. . I OMT-C.-HOrSES. TECIAI. NOTICE., . I PERSONAL. . 1 - .... Prints A BAHC OPPORTUNITY. InvesUgate and you will know, circum stances compel me to dlnpose of the best and surest money-making business on the Pacific coast, and well stabllshed. con sisting of the best VACUUM carpet-cleaning machine In the world: have 8 machines complete, which will invoice, together with extra appliances trver (:ilo0. I own own patents, and have all tools for mak ing ray own machines, also have the ex clusive territory as follows, all ot tne States of Oregon. Washington. California. Montana and Idaho. The man that gets this will make a fortune, trlflers need not answer. I must sell and will take (-l0O for quick sale; patents and everything goes. Answer at once to owner, R S.'S. Oregonlan. A BARGAIN. One 20-M. . capacity steam sawmill witn SCO M. ft. good first-class standing I mter and SO acres good land auitab.e lng when timbar Is removed: Jh of good timber that can be bought to exceed (1.00 per M.: also considerable yard stock, one span horses. 3 wagon and logging tools. ForTurther Information call or wr.te Eugene Cumins, Oregon City. Or.. R. F. D. No. 4. OPPORTCN1TI to purchase twenty nitlllon leet or one timDor. ; be loaded cheaply to lax;. P?E.f, Su.Ooo capacity sawmill and Willamette Luminal enacina ao who ma quired; satisfactory terms with nithl nartv. D 3U1. be made Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED Honest, sober man can buy nair interest m a i"-l7 -russ. best references given; wlil vou t JuO per month; pay part cash, bal ance out of business. Call room 410 Lum ber Exchange bidg. MOVINU-PICTURE THEATKR For aaie. tine equipped moving-picture theater tn town of six thousand, no op position: or will trade for lots or acre age; no reasonable offer refused, call S-'ti's Washington St.. near I.th. XCEPTIONAL opportunity for a young man of good habits to secure a fcalf interest In an old-estabiished business; owner will pay good salary and share of profit; reference required and given. 41T Hoard of Trade. GROCERY. A splendid grocery proposition, turns itself over month, sell at invoice; no bonus; stay and try It before buying. Call room 315 Lumber Exchange bidg. BUTTER, egg and produce store wants In terested partner; cini i uepcuu wo help; owner will guarantee business U paying ,4'iu monthly net. Call room 6-J T.uniber Exchange. ., YOUNG MAN. STRANOERI Make careful Investigation at expense e' aeiler before you invest money In any proposition. Advisory Department. T. M. C. WOODWOP.KINQ PLANT Doing good and increasing business; must Daie neip, wn sell two-thirds interest to right man for :75. See J. E. Smith, 613 Chamber of Commerce. . EALF Interest In an old established busi ness, doing a good business, who a sal aried position of J100 per month. For full particulars, call Kinny A stampher. Lum ber Exchange bidg.. rooma Sal-aSL WANTED Office man to take working in terest in solid business, pay salary i monthly and prorits; we Invite you to In vestigate. Call room 3-3 Lumber .exchange. OPEN opportunity for good, reliable man familiar with i-oruano. rem mhiic, money required: must be well recom mended. Room 315. Wash. St.. today. T.'ILL trade shares of Campbell Auto" matlc Safety Gas Burner v.ompaj for a good piece of property. G. H. Elfera, 31'? Spalding bltlg. . WANTED An assistant bookkeeper who can operate typewriter. Apply in person im written applications in own handwriting, giving references, eta No. 1 First JiU PARTNER wanted in light manufacturing business: will pay guow , large protlts. farucuiara room mu num ber Exchange bidg. 800 CLEARING (ISO monhIy; my home restaurant; rent eoo; guina i"01- - v" Orogonian. SNAP Restaurant for sale wltJi lease; siou cash; cause, slckn. rirscoc. I.OHT AND FOUND. FOUND Where you can buy genuine naut mattresses retail at wholesale prices: we renovate mattresses and return same oar. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Matsjer. 2iIo Front- Phones Main 474. A la 7 4. LOST 1 naval officer's belt buckle attached to a lavender belt lost v. eanesuay morniug on Washington sl between lath and 23d. Finder will please return to T 3'.lS, Ore goman. LOST By working girl, at Jefferson st. P. depot, late weaneeaay nigni, puioo containing (30 In gold and some small change: rewaru m mmum c Worcester block. eoivn whra watches, diamonds an lewelry are sota lor mo and one month's interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Bank. 71 tun m... near uuji sc LOST Gold watch fob, diamond In center, in tin on tiacic t:. e.. j. neu 10 imuci. Chas E. Oliver, care M. A. Gunst Co., IN;'' Alder. LOST Tuesday afternoon, lady's open-faced cold watcn; initials a. i-. c on uv.. very liberal reward, as It is a highly prized gift. AB 9S, Oregonlan. LOST One horneshoe scarfpln set with ten d amonds iioeraa io"i. . 40y Everett st. Fl I N 1 Small package. Owner can have same by culling at oreguiuau wince aui paying for ad- LOST Watch fob with gold monogram. "W B. F. Mnaer please return iu ft. Fcchhelmer, 2i Stark at. Reward. LajriT i'ocketbook containing between (8 and g!0 Oh Jt. lita Or ursiiu a , tr. ward. 644 E. Stark st. t.-.t.iv..c Tin Tnlon avenue. Durse contain- In mOneV: oescriUO eoniento. -' Water sl Ttlack cocker spaniel dog. license No. 418. Name ciaxioo. . " - E. 070. 4o0 E. Morrjon St. LOST Sunday, lady's gold watch and fob. 1 L PI Urn to At. v.awu, lie ard. ROOMING-HOUSES. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 313 Henry Bldff. X SACRIFICE. -r . mntpr hrlck : Steam beat. long lease; rent only (135; Iron beds, oak and blrdseye maple dressers and chairs, AVn,in.tr velvet and Brussels carpets; best of mattresses and bedding. This Is a swell little house and a bargain; only (?75t cash required. VERY NEAT. 9 rooms, rent (4i; good location, elegant furniture throughout; a nice home and good income: special price for one week. . n-All furnished, rilled with de. sirab'.e roomers; rent only (r0 month and a bargain at (1000: only 500 cash' re quired. . , , 14 rooms, mostly housekeeping, large house, tine grounds, close In; Income JJ0 per month; a snap at JIHOO; part casn. 11 rooms, good furniture and carpeta rent only (45; only str.oo cash required. PORTLAND ROOMING-HOUSE CO. 313 Henry Bidg. FOR BARGAINS In hotels, rooming-houses. ee us. 6 rooms, well furnished, price (300. 10 rooms, elegant furniture, price (850. 11 rooms, good furniture, price (33". 22 rooms, clears (100 mo., price (1275. 11 rooms, clears (100 mo., price (1200. 15 rooms, clears (.too mo., price (6XK. TO rooms, clears (4u0 mo., price (0000. Easy terms on all and many more. Ca'14 17 Board of Trade bidg. xji- iither LIKE THIS. ie ...orris eorner dwelling: good lease elose-ln location: furnace heat, running hot and cold water in all bedrooms; tur i.iahe.1 In ouartereu oaa wiu uu." ....!. Aim. i,..ler and Brussels carpet; big money-maker; $700 cash will handle. uiTn an moms, nearly new. modern . t.rink. ten private baths, can be bought at cost; Investigate, ywu will buy. L 305. Oregonlan. IF you want to buy. sell or exchange a ho tel, arxrtment or rooming-house of merit. n P. L AUSTIN CO.. Original Exclusive Hotel Brokers, Suites 410 and '417 Rothchlld bidg. iii'ii'Tim, HOME. n modem, close in. all new an fine furniture. This place cost over (1500 m furnish: will sacrifice for (IHK: .this won't last long! Call S3 10th. ROOMING-HOUSE, lo jooms. rent (33. close In. West SUle; gOOd moTiey-maei . 00; well furnished, modern place, rooms open hall. H. W. GARLAND" CO.. 191 4th St all ... Rr.rvs all housekeeping: rent (So clears tlOO. Leaving city; will sacrifice (1 1QQ: owner. 1119 Board of Trade. 12-HOOM rooming-bouse, clearing (60; no better location: (o'o. terms; bargain, ciwu d:trd. ffla noarq oi trade. L'oii t hum :i.wllS. rent S45. clears (o..: good furni ture and carpets. Snap. (730; $400 down. 310 Foard of Trade. TWFLYE rooms, near Ladd School, rent (45. lease; (oo. terms; a good buy. Room 15. 270 S Washington St. -.xiTt-n Roomuic-house or 0-room rla orlce must be reasonable: walking dis- tanco. A 7-'l. buy a rooming-house of tn rooms, from owner, in gooo counir or coast town. Address 0 34, oregonlan. T1IE MORNING cmarri! REALTY COMPANY. Rooming and apartment-house brokerm, li4tf Fourts St. HERE ARE A FEW MONET-MAKERS. 75 rooms, all rented, good furniture and first-class tenants; steam heat; lease -4 years, rent Jd50. income (1700 per month; price (12.5O0. terms; or will trade for acreage or city property. , 23 rooms, well furnished, long lease, rent (125, net income 4103.50; furnace beat; price $-700, terms. 74 rooms, hot and cold water, steam heat; rent 70o. income (2400; price 14. Ko. part in property. 10 housekeeping rooms, furniture ac-ove average, rooms tilled, good tenants, A-l location: rent (05. net (0; price (1400, terms. SOMETHING GOOD. 10 rooms, near 13th and Main: a lvejf home and cheap at (U50. Room lo, -i0i Washington st. URN1TURE. 10 rooms, always full, leaving city, a bargain, phone Main nt.3. FINANCIAL. SEVERAL first mortgages, an nlgn-eiaes dwelling-house securiiy, ciose in, ed districts. 1-a of valuation, i pr cent Interest, payable quarterly; Insurance, ab stract, etc Call io7 Mciay bidg. Main 4710. WE can place your money at high rates oi Interest; best security. ui 'J-"'- PROVIDENT INVESTMENT eV TKL&TEH COMPANY. B;4-!II Board of Trade Bidg. MOR'lGAGS. contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and notes oougni. kuu negotlated. Henry Teal. Hi Ablngton bidg.. 1064 Sd at. THHEB (1000 loans, city property. Clinton A. Ambrose, iliaii ..noioii. LOA NS O.N INSIDE PROPERTY AT 5 TO 1 :u CENT. M4 LEWIS J3UILING. PE Money to Loan Keal Estate. CASii paid for mortgages or sellers Interest in contracts on rci ' ; - Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans cegotiated on Improved property. H. Ks Noble. Lumbermens bldt:.. 5ta and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for bwlie.- mg purpuaca, w w J . " - repayment privileges; money advanced aa building progresses. The Equitable 34V Idas & Loan Association. 240 Stark at. PLENTY of money to loan at 6 ana per cent on real es.aie aecuiny. EDW. P. MALL. 104 Second St. (000 OuO on Improved city or farm proper.) bullulng cr small loans at lowest rses; largs loans a cpecialty. J. L HcAiiu ia. ut ;&-lo Geriinger bidg. HAVE several sums of money from $509 to (lliOU which 1 desire to loan on improved city property. O. IL Smith, 221. Com mercial Club bidg. a ll.a i a.nd second mortgages and contracts purcnaseo. -on mrm . . . . anywhere in Oregon or Washington. aV L. Devereaux. Fenton bidg.. b4 0th 1U UUKl'uAua loans on city property; lowest rates, a. ai. h'1111 w .-a-. 3d and stark. 1OO0 TO (5000 sums to loan on Improved city property at 7 per cent; no other ex penses, larrlsl, Watkins & Co., 250 Alder. IF ou want to lend or borrow on good real estate security, see R. F. BKYAN, olio Chamber of Commerce. aitM Ul,u AO LOAN, large loans a specialty building loans, lowe.t rates. W. G. Bees. six railing riug. MONEY loaned for building purposes If con sulted belore ouuoiug. su. aewis umn. PRIVATE mouey loaned on real estate mort gages. At. iliiey, room -m. cioi.so uwi (alio TO (500 to loan on gooa city security. privaio inoiiej'. J- wtf, w. e,... LOAAa on real, personal, cuattei or out, at- eral security. w. r-aiieti. ooo-g r btate funds loaned, o per cent. W. &. Tilola- aa, atate agent, jjuitaomaa t.o.. iw i cai ItORTGAGJS LOANS AT KASONAJJlJi RATES. F. 11. Lfaivvis, a A-n.vY.ia xiica, MONEY, any amount, 8 to S per cent. Good- nough a- toeitz. oio apauimug oms. Will loan elu.oou or teas, real estate aecurii jfsrrlngton. 4lo commeicmi ciuo oma. MORTGAGE LOANS, ti AND 7 PER CBNX LOUIS SALUJIU.. aiAnn ox. MONfclY to loan on real estate. Harding A Reynolds CO.. ilia cnaiiiuui ol ommeicq. Money to Loan lbs ttels and Salaries. HUTTON CREDIT CO, Sol Sualdlng Bidg. We will make you a loan on your furni ture piano or livestock and the prop erty remains undisturbed In your posses sion. Now is the time to get In fuel and winr.p Biinnliea. All the common com modities axe cheaper tula time of the year. Payments are made to suit your incoma and rebate la given ior any uiie-iynen CALL AT ONCE IP YOU ARB IN NEED OF MONEY. HTJTTON CREDIT CO, 807 Spalding Bidg. Main 230U ' ( ( ( STATE SECUKITT CO. ( ( ( SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. (10 TO (100. 1 Ott-CST RATK.S IN PORTLAND. $10. repaid in installments of ( .45 $20, repaid in Installments of ( -JO sr.o. renaid in installments of (2.00 i.aretr amounts in oroportlon. We do not advertise misleading terms or rates, but give you our charges In plain figures. Busineiis strictly confidential. TA-ri.. Ki-:ci;ii rrv t'tl.. ( $ ( 30b Failing Bidg ( ( .( ( THk! if. S? REAL IsTATE at BROKjlRAGfl Luara. z. Ual-., liberal loaus on real estate, furnl' ture, planoa (without removal). livestock, storage receipts. lite Insurance policies and all kinds of securities; terms to suit, easv weekly or monthly payments. We buy first and second mortgages and con' tracts. Phone Main 20K4. Boom (11 Ham llton bidg.. 131 3d st. ...... (((((( (( I unKT advanced salaried people, house keepers and otners upon iur own uaiuoa Without security; cheapest rates, easiest payments; ofuccs In o principal cites; save yourself by getting my terms first. TOLMAA, III Lumper exco-aass- WE loan money on diamonds ana jewelryi reasonable interest; uiut or euw, A. 4t M. Delovage. Zh9 wasnington st. WILL LOAN In amounts to suit on all kinds of securities: business eonuuenuai. ursj Cutiningt-.am, tx A-iectric pioa;. ijiutit i?itf.s Loans on all kinds of curlty. cnalteic or real wwwi. i;u u.y Co.. ."5 Lafayette Dldg., otn ano vaa. c. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chatteL The Loan t-O.. sit ueaum oma- LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds sod jewelry, aiarx at - Loan tvanteg- MOXET WANTED ON REAL ESTATE. nnnl Sir recentlv availed them selves of the unusual advantages of our splendidly organized "loan department, if vn.i h,e c.-.on or goOOe idle and wish to loan It, notify us by phone, letter or In person. HARTMAN THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. , Chamber of Commerce. HENRY C. PRUDHOMMI CO, FINANCIAL AGENTS, .r i .-, D,m .Cmnldlnir bldAT. Call and see us about placing your Idle funds. Applications on nanu aoa iiiiu grade loans: bank references. New telephones: A "744. Main 2T44. 17400 WANTED at once on ln-.proved city property at 7 per cent net to lender. EDWIN HIAIM-.H cusi-.i.i. Chamber of Commerce Bidg. WE can invest your money at good rates of interest Gilt-edre securities, rinst mon' gsges. Lone-terms Inveatmen PROV1UKNT 1NV. & TRl iTEB CO.. 524-520 Board of Trade Bidg. 8. Src Ixion me S5000. 3 years on $13,000 city r.ni p.tnif.- must bAve it- this week. AC Oregonlan. BEST security: 8 per cent to 10 per cent real estate loans wanted $i00 up. Union i nn Co.. ss Lafayette bidg.. eta and Washington sta. M. 8529. ... . .--r-c-i Tn Rnrr-nte JSnOoO 10 Per CCnt. vears. security a ranch In Eastern Ore -u-n-tv. 000. Address n. a. Pacific Hotel. Huntington. Oregon. ...a,0 FOR 5 years, at 6 per cent; property AiRdiHi: 1 Mock off Grand Ate. AB 3?5. tireconian. n-i'T ih0 at 7 per cent and (2000 at ner cent: 3 years, flnst mortstage, no com- it. ilon : good gecurl'.y. AF 390. Oregc-nian. i x v nf x.-.ouo on farm value $12,000; close lA 1 or 2 years. per cent; principal onlv. H Oregonlan. WANTED (1130 for three years. . per cent on" close-tn residence property. Inquire 5.T Hoard of Trade fc'.dg.. 4th and Oak. WANTED (BC-Oti from private party; good se curity. West Side. per cent, au mil ..VTtn S"On0 on No 1 Inside property iJorth (3O.0i AC .".H3. Oregonlan LET hi place your money good rnortgages; references- F H Ltwls. 3 Lewis bidg. tVtN'TF.D First nio-'gage loan (2c, 10 per ana eax. aVo Couch Bidat. OREGONIAN, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1910. TOWN OF YACOLT. WASH., WATER SYSTEM BONDS NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned until 8:30 o'clock P. M-. Oetober 10, 1910. for $5800 of the bonds of the Town of Yacolt. Wash., five of w hlch in- denominations of (loOO and one In denomination of (sOO, each numbered from one to six inclusive, dated October 1. 1U10, and to become due and payable aa follows: The first one for (1000. Is years after date; the second for (1000. 1( years after date; the third for (1000. 17 years after date; the fourth tor $1000. 1 yeara alter date; the fifth for (109". U years after date, and the sixth for $SOO. 10 years after date, ail to bear interest at the rate of i, per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the" let day of January and July of each year, principal and interest payable In United states gold coin at the office of the Treasurer of the Town of TacoiC . , The above described bonds are Issued for the purpose of constructing a gravity water svstem for the Town of Yacolt. Wash. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for amount equal to i per cent of the face value of the amount of the bonds bid for, payable to the order of the Mayor of the Town of Yacolt, to be forfeited as liquidated dam ages In case the bidder shall withdraw his bid or shall fail or neglect to take and pay for said bonds should the same be awarded to him. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. Ail proposals should be marked "Proposals for Water Bonds. Town of lacolt." and addressed to William W. Eaton, City Clerk. Yacolt. Wash. By order of the Town Council of the Town of Yacolt. Wash. WILLIAM W. EATON. Clerk of the Town of Yacolt. Wash. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF PERSONAL PROP ERTY In the matter ui uui ,,L' . Labbe, Ferdinand Daniel Labbe. Ernest Mlais Labbe and Almond Henry Labbe, ..at-tnir. unrier the Dnn name ut u- Labbe at Sons, and Individually, bank- virtue of an order made in the above en titled court on the 30th day of September. lUlo. the undersigned trustees will, on Monday, the ljah day of October. l10. at the hour of lu o'clock. A. M.. sell tne following described personal property: All the stock of goods, wares and mer chandise ami fixtures constituting the partnership store of the aforesaid bank rupts, two warehouses, together with tne leases on the land on which said ware houses are situated. , Said sale shall be by sealed bids, all bids must be sealed and submitted to the trustee, accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent of the amount bid. Ail bids to be opened In the presence of the rclcree at his office in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, at 10 o'clock A. M. on October 17. l'JIO; each bidder to have the right Immediately after said bids are opened to raise bis bid: all bids subject to the approval of referee. The bids for said property must be sep arated as follows: The stock of goods, wares and merchandise shall constitute one bid; the lixtures one bid; and each warehouse together with its lease shall be a separate bid. ... The said stock of wares, goods and mer chandise is a stock of hardware, and of the estimated cost value of about $l. 2U3 00 as laid down at Eugene, Oregon, and not including fixtures or warehouses. Copies of the Inventory of said property can be found at the following places: Frank L. Armitage. Eugene. Oregon: i.. L. Sabin, Portland. Or.; Board of Trade, San Francisco. 10U Pine street. San Fran cisco, CaL This is a grand opportunity for some one wishing to engage in the hardware ousl ness, with a complete stock and an estab lished trade. FRAN K L. ARMITAGE, Trustee. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. , BUYS AND SELLS HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. Phones Main 8560. A 34T5. 822 Falling Bidg.. 3d and Wash. Sts. so na for the best list of hotels and rnominfr-hnuses in city. We can save you time and money. TRANSIENT HOUSE. At rnnms 11 VP:tt-' leaBB. CheSDCSt rent in rltv. ste'am heat, with lease; running water: clears'$400 per month. We will sell cheap and you can name your own terms. ANOTHER. 40 rooms, Washington St.. corner, mod ern, brick building, beautifully furnished, long lease, cheap rent; also easy pay ments. See us for this, sure. APARTMENTS, NEW AND CLEAN. . . 1n lit nnartments. Ol rooma, a - - . , - beautifully furnished and modern, rent less than $5 per room, clears (300 per month; this is a snap and only needs to be seen to be sold: terms. on nnnva 20. ah .neDirninir. nlcelv furnished, rent $60, clears (160. best of locations; price (2200, (150O casn Duys. 6 ROOMS IN A FLAT. Steam heat, elegant furniture, rent (85, cheap at (350. MRS. LENT'S AGENCY. 822 Falling Bidg.. 8d and Wash. Sts. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPROVEMENT The Common Council of the Town of Springfield, Oregon, will receive sealed bids for the sale of (50,000 of omprovement bonds of the Town of Sprlngneid. The said ponds will be Issued under authority of a charter amendment of said town, ap proved by popular vote of the electors thereof. The oonds bear 6 per cent ln ferit pay-able semi-annually. The bands will be Issued In denominations from $100 to (1000 to suit the convenience of the P?heaSCouncll will meet at the Council Chambers, in the Town Hall of said town, at the hour of S o'clock P. M- on the fenth day of October. 1010, for the pur pose of opening the bids and considering tbThe1Icouncll reserves the right to reject any and all bioa. . in kin. .hnoiri he addressed to John c. Mullen. Springfield. Or., who will answer TT, , '.i-i. totivn tn the financial con dition of the town and the proceedings had leading up to the giving ot fcuis su . . .V-A ..., kv nrrier of the LOm A HIS 11,1 1 n.u . . " ' Dated this" first day of September. 1010. JOHN U. A1U A. !..... Aiem."". . t mna ir)R BONDS. SALEM. ALji-t f"" -,.!,. iii receive OREGON Alie uuue.too bids up to 6 o'clock P. M-, on saturuay October 8. 1010, for the purchase of all or any part of a block of "refunding ?L.,',.n.- nr the Citv of Salem. Ore gon, amounting to the sum of (2O.000. said bonds to bear date of October 8. lulo. Interest to be-at the rate of 5 per cent pe annum and payable April 8. and Oc tober 8. ot each and every year during the life of the bonds, aaid bonds to run '"said1 bands' shall not be sold for less than par and accrued mieieoA. man p . a. MOORES. City Recorder. SEALED proposals will be received at the ot- S??.."'.1.?' 'SrC North --Yakima: Wasi fi.. ,.mi ;m p M.. Oetober 29. 1K10, ," nnneirnrtion of about forty (40) miles of laterals. Tieton Unit of Yakima rlrotect near North Yakima, Washington, la volvlint about 230,000 cublo yards of excava tion. Particulars may be obtained st the of fletT of the United states Reclamation faerv 4;,rih avenue and B street. North Yakima, Washington. Chas. H. Swlgart, Su- nervl-ilng cngineei. Si, A LED proposals will be receiv-ed at tne Servfce? North Yakima, Washington until 2 n clock P. M.. November 1. 1010. for the construction of canals, wood stave pipe and other structures In the vicinity of For particulars address the United stiles Reclamation Service. Bunnyside or North Yakima. Washington, or Washing ton D. C. Frank Pierce, Acting Secretary. LTf.ii.ii nmoosals will be received at the of. nco of the Project Engineer, United states Reclamation Service, North Yakima. Wash mgto until 2 P. Mo October 28 lBlo for the excavation of about seventy-three (i.t) miles of sub-laterals. Tieton Unit of Yakima oroiecL For particulars address the United Sines Reclamation Service, Fourth avenue and B street. North Yakima. Washington. Chas. H. swigari. oui. . -... Miscellaneous. to THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH i ... nuvnnv Notice 'is hereby given that on Monday. iTtn. 1010. the Board of Equali sation of Multnomah County will attend it the office of the County Clerk of said county and publiciy examine the assess ment rolls for the year 1810. and correct all errors 111 iaiuauihi, w. n...iitia of land, lots or other property. and it is the duty of all persons Interested to appear at the time and place appointed and if it shall appear to such Bo-rd of Equalization that there are any lands, lots or other property assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under nr n.vnnd its value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, aaid Board of Equalization snail niaae tue proper cor ,.inn. B D. S1GLER. County Assessor. Portland. Oregon. September 23d. 1010. NOTICE. We beg to notify the pnbllo that we are again open for business, prepared to do all iiin.i. nf eeneral repair work on machinery of all kinds, die work, etc We have the most modern macnuieesnop on cue cnji, and expert machinists employed. Send or nnnno us your orders. CAMPBELL'S AUTOMATIC SAFETY OAS Vl.-Tl 1T1VP1KV Comer 22d end Thurman. NOTICE Is hereby given that Ngun Shun t.n. hmitht the irarden at alllwauKi' known as Mow Shlng Yon, from Lee lung. Creditors and debtors of said Lee roror are herebv notified to call At Id St.. Portland. Or., on or before Oct. n min to effect settlement. Otherwise Ngun Shun will not be responsible for any peots ot or sauini mia jji'io). tctt t. not ha responsible for any debts con tracted by anyone other than myself. tSigned) SC. Jt cuarK, FREE (15 X-RAY EXAMINATION'. IF YOU CALL AT ONCE. DR. HORNE'S GRAND OFFER TO THE SICK A.ND WEAK. The object of this grand orrer Is to prove to the sick and ailing citizens i . , ,.ti... ...... v, hn tne Portland ana vitiiuu - , , grandest, simplest and most successful method of restoring health and rarlii; diseases that Is known to the scientiflo world. He wants the true merits of his success ful treatment known to everybody and ne does not know of any better way of in troducing It than by offering his examina tions FREE OF CHARGE to all who call within 30 days. Should your case be in curable, he will frankly tell you so. ana advise you against spending your money for useless treatment. . ,, Many of you who have been taking medicines and so-called treatments tor months will be absolutely cured in a lew treatments. , Are you nervous, dyspeptic. wea m the stomach, constipated? Do you have that tired feeling which is so PfevalentT Do you have spots floating before the eyes, palpitation of the heart. shortness of breath, headaches, neuralgia, shooting Tialns in the chest, back, hips or ankles? Have you varicose veins. pbsuuetion. blood poisoning, nervous debility. P'" or any diseases of the rectum? Are yon in pain from rheumatism, lame DacAt. sciatica, lumbago, locomotor ataxia or weak kidneys? If so there is quick relief and a permanent cure in store for JOT If you call upon Dr. Home, who gives yon an honest opinion, honestly expressed, hciiest dealing and honest treatment which cures to stay cured If curable. H address Is 407-408 and 409 Rothchlld bidg. Take elevator to 4th floor. nhnna Houra to li. 2 to 5. 1 to (. Phona Marshall 2850. DR. W. E. MALLORY. 312 Rothchlld bidg. has the most up-to-date oinc-e . - A.11 rooms are furnished with the most ex pensive appliances, including radium ttue only physician on the Pacuio Coast who has radium. Every therapeutic electric current in use; X rays, slatio machines. X-ray colls, ozone, oxygen generators, high frequency, wave, sinusoidal, iaradic. galvanic, cautery. ..vibrators. radiators, baths, herbal, steam, shower, electric lignt bath cabinets and bake ovens. Smallest to the most powerful lights Including flnsen. bellos, solar, violet and ultra vio let. You are asked to visit my offices and investigate for yourself If y0,""-8 cancer, old sores, tumors,- swollen glands, rheumatism, catarrh, eczema, blood dis eases, bronchitis, throat trouble, motuor marks, moles and superfluous hair re moved wiLhout scars. All chronic diseases treated with these methods. . DR. ALICB A. GRIFF. Diseases of women and cnlldren.- snxr gery chronic and nervous diseases treated accordlnj to the latest methods; private bospltal accommodations; confinement careii for; consultation free. Atootn 1 Grand Theater bidg. Main 3928: A od07. FURS FURS Va assure satisfaction and reasonable p-lces, no matter where you lookrou can not find styles or finish or be fitted as here, because I am a practical and expert furrier, over 30 years a manufacturer. Adolf Reiner, 129 11th. near Washington. rpnvf-p a. t4 A.XBBT7T- Leading w ig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods in the city; up-to-date na-i.m for h a i r.i reading, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 147 7th St.. bet. Morri son and Alder. Phone Main 64b. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rneumaiism, uwuu w -----ach ailments, under physician's directions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 East 11th su, sec ond door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 200. B 1S03. SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur. C. A-101intSrOIU, .iPULlWlD. ,u r.fi and stomach disorders; only scientiflo masseur in the Northwest. Office 302-J Oregonian bidg. Ptione Marshall 2S20. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases ol women and children; electrle treatment of nervous ailments, private hos DltaL Rooms &05-O00 commonwealth bidg., 6th and Ankeny. Phonea Main 404i. A 2411 HAIR. HAIR All shades In best quality at COdt. J10SlKg OUt BWi.ii, ........ ..... and scalp treatments: expert hairdressing and maincuring taugnu --"a aa. a...,m Grand Leader. 5th and Aider. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Expert feather curling, cieanins. uyen. " 7TL 7 by Madame Gilbert, S8S 7th st. Phone Main 4443 and Main oooo. Jiuow hviia w v... .... DR. WALKER, specialist for men. quickly CUrCi DlOUt-i AllltA Sn.lt! ts,4Aa-u- a- b'adder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St.. Portland. MRS. MAY ME WALLACE. ' Electric and vibratory treatments; bath' roasseuBO. 320 Vi Stark at.. Port l.nd. Or. Phones Marshall 2402. A 2aa. DRESS suits for rent. (1.50 month keeps our clothes cleaned, pressed. buttons sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and alllverles. Unique Tailoring Co.. 3uM Stark. tit? an optician. We prepare you for orc- ahh, rminmatpv ntflTnin.itlniii' In vestigate. Room 8. 250H Alder st. Phone Main 7403. , l DT or gentleman going to MLsourl will bAu . ..6.u.,. int. in aftdreSH AW .tyi find it to tire" ...v.--. Oregonlan, LADY going to Denver before end of month mov nno some auiau..., o. this ad. Immediately. AAA 397, oregonian. GENTLEMAN of 30 wants to make the ac quaintance of lady about 25. object mat rimony. Address AJ Ooo. ureguiuau. nn.i.ti and facial treatments a specialty; h,"- - ripunnr Room I'll manicusang . Macleay bidg- 288 Uaghlngton St. VA1NLESS, PROMPT AND PERMANENT, ,riiTi. Bf NATURAL METHODS. Tin PHILIP T. BALL 3204 Washington st. ito iphrr and typist, work guaraa- ouuivu.". Kwetland bldar.. cam. teeo; reasuna' - .... -nri Wftshlnaton. n-XPBRlENCED male teacher wishes begin . on piano; lesson given at ahomea. 2b' venth st. Marshall li02. Mme Courtwrlght. skin and scalp treat a"10' f-nial deformities corrected, plas- surgery .453 Morrison st. M. SU42. I toL'OB habit permanently cured In 3 days; L ..frrprlne and harmless, cardiola lnsu. r,,.. 1027 Peninsula ave.. Portland. Or. tuaniCURING Removed from 125 6th at. aA- r . . o..,iE,,n .t room to. tO Millie Ainu" ..ot. a n SKIP, mental and spiritual sci SariO. c " .......u.h hlllB" Mflln .'AA ntist. at aen"i .i.... vi a i M OF FIGS Remedies lor diseases ox " .n r.21! Davis su Alain S2la. tr-HOOL 300KS bought and sold, Jones' V" vsa Oak sf. bOOK arm. - " LADY wishing to go bast address a tlregoiiian. LADY going East will profit by addressing G 3. i esn'"", uoi.ES wrinkles, superfluous hair removed M tVrrM. U Hill. 429 Fliedner bidg. M 847a CK' " V.m hTlI 179 ti i BUSINESS .DIRECTORY. Abstracts ot Title. thf- Oregon Abstract Company. 609 Board nQ P. -.;ui mnlinu irll.railllipil ah. tracta of title to all lands in Multnomah County, at reasonable rates. Olw them an order aaa mo 7513, A 111" Account its. "MACKENZIE, BAIRD & BERR1DGE. Public accountants and auditors. 4 Worcester Block. Main 7369. A 1449. Office systems. Periodic audita. Investigations. Factory sysceiop-.. F H COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. 7m.rifiAl. County and Municipal Auditing. Investigating and Systematizing. (24 Worcester biocK. a-ooiio jaain oooi. Afternoon lijndergartta. ;Bn MATTINGLY Afternoon Kindergarten T?n "tlrnarv School. 269 14th. Main 3093. TThi V INGELS, B. S. Best equipped of In ' state, established 5 years; no ap- nnentlces. Grants Pass, or. Assayer and Analyst. Weils A proebstel. mining engineers, chem ists and assayer. o ts it aaums ma MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory tna ori-.".'-a " Attorneys-sit-Law, H K SARGE1NT, general practice. Notary Public Both pnonea. ooa -u. oa cum, oiog. EUttns. and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant . .nn chntr., hlthl 0ln plunge, aim ni. . . Brass and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting T machine work. 106 N. 6th. Main 3702. 1 Builders. CCMMINGS A CATLIN. builders in every branch of the building trades. Jobbing, re modelinaK repairing a specialty; showcases, noun t era. shelving, etc. Office and shop. 71 First st- Phone Marshall 232T. Cblropoay. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney, the only scientific ' chiropodists In tne city. Parlors 302 Geriinger bidg.. S. W. cor. Id end Aider. Phone Main 1301. phiMMav and nedlcuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill room 429 FUedner bidg. Phone Main 347 CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 549 Washington. Marshall 1329. Circulating Library. LATE fiction. Ho a day. Woman Exchange bids- 18 6 tit W bet, Taylor and YainhAAA, - TAYLOR. YOUNG A CO.. ship brokers, i mission merchants, Sherioca pms,. Collections and Iaw. - COLLECTIONS. , Prompt and thorough attention paid to all collections anywhere; lawyer In office. OREGON COLLECTION CO.. tit Merchants Trust blds PlSJldOr- ETH A CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT t-VLKiWHERE; NO COl-bt-ciiv... . CHARGE. 533 bidg.. Portland. Dancing. ANCING lessons 25c; waits. two-step. three-step and stage dancing taugui every morning, afternoon and evenint. Prof. Wal Willsons SchooL 3S6H Wash. St., bet. W. Park and 10th St. MR. AND MRS. HEATH'S dancing school. Alisicy bidg.. 3d and Morrison sea. o. dancing taught; class Sat. evenings; pri vate lessons daily; waits and two-step guaranteed in four lessons PROFESSOR RINGLER'S dancing $,la,es' Monday and Saturdav evenings. rro" instruction daily. Western Academy and Morrison. Main 9212. 2d Detective Airency. KILLED detective service rendered oy world-wide experienced operators. ""' assistants: all service absolutely confiden tial. Address National Detective Agency, P. O. Box 212. Portland. Or. Dog and Horse IlospltaL DR. BROWN, D. V. S. Office 3S4 riaauers St. Main 4088. Hospital S9 in c- Electrle Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale, zao a tin k in re ring. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO.. General Engineermg. Designing. Drafting, 201 Hamilton Bidg. Engines Gas and Stetvtn- ROBER Machy. Co.. Coast agta. beaoury steam engines and ooi.ers. guawnii. gine. 2Sl-2a3 E. Morrison st. Phone E- bia. PORTLAND HI3IGHT3. Stand 16th and Washington Arts. Marshall 16s. Perry ElILs. Feed Store. ZIGLER A Misner. hay, grain, teeo, ce- cnt, shingles. Grand ave. - -"J"- Frencn Dry denning. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS - PRESSING REPAIRING Special club rates 80c per uiysPns'a and pressed) per week. The Wardrobe. 751 Washington st. A 8417. Mam 6553. JTura. N. M. UNGAR A CO.. INC.. formerly oi o Merchants Trust bidg.. nave 109 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired .and stored. Marshall 753. Glass and Glazing. GLASS and glazing. F. E. Beach & -o 135 First street. Main Aao. a iv- Hat lactory. HATS made to order cost no more see us. Royal HatWorics. --u ist st Leather and Jr In dings. CHAS. L. MASTICK A CO., 74 Front. Leal her of every description, taps, m-tra. mmo.eo- J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO.-Es tablished 1S58. 1S9 A-TOnt su Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, nagging, mnuus i" chinery. All kinds of repairs, 104 N. 4th. Contractors' machinery ot all kinds. David Dow A Son. 202 Lumbermens diiak- a-hqh- 3IuslcaL PROF. G. TIGANO. modern Italian school. teacher of harmony anu lusiium music. Main 5760, Studio 390 Ji Jefferson street. RUZZI'S BAND, orchestra, music furnished for- ail occasions, a-iiuho ... Fliedner bidg.. 10th and Washington sts. EMIL THE1XHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevick. 900 Marquam. a arw. . PIANO studio: mod'.rn methods. 369 14th St. South. Fnone Main ooao. GR.ADUATE masseuse will give treatments by appointment, pnyaiciano .Oo.....- tionB. A 4283. Osteopathic Physicians DR LeRoy Smith, graduate Klrksvllle, Mo., na iqo nnat.eTnduHtB 1907. under A. T. Sill, the founder. 317-318-318 towet- land bidg. Main 19Si. A mao. DR. R. B. NORTHRUP. 415-416-41T Dekum. Bidg. Phone Office. M. 3497, res. East or B 1028. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMlSEN & CO.. lobbers, paints, ollj, glass, .sasu an" u"ui -- - j--- 1HE Barber A-hpalt Paving Company 605- fiOS HaleCiriC U'UB. -a'.-i. A.A-A, A warREN Conatmction Co. Street paving, B.aewatiA3 anu - . - Fatent Attorney-. Protect your ideas; reliable patent attorney. Registered Patent Attorney 01 H-inllton Bidg. U3 and forelffn patents mtt. pruicui i-- . 1 Donifin Pno if Patanl' conirea liuuub" Agency, -inc.. xjvv l S TEXTS procured by J. K. Mock, atty.. at Law LAte of U- S. Patent Office. Booklet free." 419 Board of Trade bidg. o n WRIGHT, domestic and foreign pat- la iynbroker. TTKCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 yar V JrorUanO. Tl 6th st. Main 910. WARREN ConatrucUon Co.-Streel ; pavine, iiriPWaiKa q-iit-A . -w Pipe. PORTLAiND WO CD PIPE CO Factory and PUi, - ., nnil Yarlc mtm. C I14SQ oiTicq mpa z--:, ,.-.. piano Facto r. ITinting. ct-.cTAT. nffc.r to Dublis-hera. I print maga- orrjv" -.-.Klinal-inn at InwMt . nrlpA. zines or - r fiommer ft Co., established general - . t.inintr. tin. MuririHii ii repair -. - - :. - Knuter aiampa. 7"i c-r. seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc. ZXJtZeiAm's. 2Z1 fctark. Main HU7. Bug Weaver!. KnRTHWEST KUG WOUKS Kus from old ,Vr,.ts. colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning laying- li3 Union ave.. nr. ,. Morrison Mosia bAFK CO., 108 I'd st. fiafe .: , nrwa hecona-nand safes. telioe Repairing-. Shoe repairing, 507 Gllsan near lth. First SHOE, rep" -!,. Keasonaiile nrlce. Class aijai : --- -- . RiinlA and Store l-lKturAS. nnrtiy i..-. -.- . 7 it LUTKK MFG. CO.. branch Grand 1?J!, Tr7ii,oaui CO- Bth and Hove R Lutie.mBtj n0w ca -y r-ij. gf"- agent jo- .-tlm.-et,. n-ank and IStore FUture. 7ThsH.aIaIj MFG. CO., 4th and Couch, new - . .... uonri Min uaoinet work. ana .ia aa.- : Bhinglee. dust iu tne city; car Juta or less, vi.i wasninKton st. l!OCA W bto'-an and Xr-Uislex. VOIITLANU VAN blOliA.lA. CO. corner iCth and Evereit sts. Just opened new cot anii must modern storage warenoue in iiv- every convenience lor sare a&d proper hanaling ot goods; lowes insurance rate fif Northwest; tree trackage; vans tor A,r,; Main or A 15-0. , c-T' 1ST ORE YOUR FURNITUKB, r Kuildice. dry and airy; warehouse aisliicl; lowest rates and most careful experts; Van Horn Transfer Co., 40 -d tret. " jtI nAmmQiiicuB four-tory brick ware House separate iron rooms and fireproof vlt for valuables. N. W. cor. ad and Zit?a sts. pianos and furniture icoved and Girted tor shipping. Main o9L jl 1WU. "V.T.ctjN-ROl TRAK6FEB CO.. General transferring and storage;, safes, and furniture moved and packed shiDrnent. 2uV Oak Bt., bet. Front and 1st. eieunuaj- --.. ... , (f. n PA at 7 A rJ'fA T oKr-JoN TRAN-FER CO.. established 1.70. Transfer and Forwarding Agenm Ktorage. .rtlce 310 Hoyt St., between Bth and ttta. . , Phones Main W. A fewUs lairy. TIMION ave.. N. Phones East 6556, B 2011. vura pu.n" - c-rnvES connected and repaired. Mala U10. 61 Front. r 1 Typewriters. TVDcivPiTERS. all makes, J 20 to $60, full euaranteed; easy payments; rentals, 3 per inonth. Pacific Stationery ft Printing U0.. ma -n -xw. ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all make, all prices. The Typewriter Ex- change, -a.fr w aa.iint, iaa vrw rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cat . 1 t:j i fr, 'A AI Star If. M. 1107. ,. 21 GLASS A PRUDHOMME CO.. pi inters, blank book makers, legal clanka, loose leaf de vices, township plats. 65-67 7la it.. beC Oak and Ankeny. Veterinarians. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians 331 Ankeny at. A 3999. Main 2402. Wall Paper. 1KX;.:' MILLER CO.. 172 1st St.. whole salo and retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. Leavine- Portland Ashland Passenger 8:30 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:i0 p. in. 6:20 p. m. 7 :45 p. in. I:o0 a. Oi. 7:20 a. m. 4:00 p. m. 8:i0 a. nu 5:4i p. ui. 7 :'M) a. nu .oseourg passenger hasta Limited ilverton P.iawnr California Express San Francisco Express .. Avest side Corvallis PH.nf.t Sheridan Passenger rorest Grove Passenger.. Forest Grove Passenger' Arriving Portland Oregon Express snland Passena-er 10:0 p. nu Roseburg Passenger o : p. m. A-omami express 11:00 a. m. ita Limited 2:30 p. m. 8:30 a. au Silverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger . Shfcridan Passeneer . 6:20 c. ttv. 10:20 a- m. . ui muio t-assenger . Forest Grove Passenger . 6:00 a- nu 4.40 p. m. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland ( North Coast Limited via Pugett Sound ilfirln a m- North Coast Limited via Northi Aaanic i 7:00 p. m Atlantic Express via Puget Sound 12 :15 a. m. AtlanUc Express via North Bank 9:00 a. no. iii city express via puget Sound . I n-30n. m. Twin City Express via Northi Lank ... 7 on r. m Eastern Express via Puget Soundil2:16 a. m. Eastern Express via North Bankl 9:00 a. m, Missouri River Express via Pugetl """"a iv:io a. av Missouri River Express via North Bank . I T.nn n m Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex- press. Grays Harbor, Olymplal and South Bend hranches I -4S m - Portland-Vancouver Special 10:10 a.m. Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har- bor and South Bend branches. . 3:30 p. m. lacolt Passenger 4:00p.m. Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 8:15 p. m. North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 7:20 a. m, Northern Pacific Express via North Bank 7:80 a.m. Northern Pacific Express via Putret Sounrl I 7ilOam. Pacific Coast Express via North Bank 8:15 p. m. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound 7:20 a. m. Western Express via North Bankl 8:15 p. m. western Express via Pueet Sound 10:30 P. m. Missouri River Express via North xjanit . I 7:00 a.m. Missouri River Express via Puget Sound 4:00 p. m. Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express ana rrom Olympia, south Bend and Grays Harbor 4:00 p.m. Puget Sound Limited 7:10p.m. Vancouver-Portland Special l0:30p. m. Yacolt Passenger ll:20a.m. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Lea vine Portland I Baker City Passenger 1 8:00 a.m. Oregon-Washington Limited 110:00 a. m. The Dalles Local 4:00 p.m. Soo-Spokane-Portland '11:00 p. m, Oregon and Washington Express s:iu p. m. 6:00 p. m, 10:15 a. nu a&pojtane Flyer Arrivlne Portland The Dalles Local Oregon and Washington Express 10:S0 a. nu 11:30 a. nu &oo-&poKane-Afortiand Baker City Local Passenger.... Oregon-Washington Limited .. 7 :00 p. nu 8:00 p. m, 8 :00 a. m. spoKane Flyer Astoria A Columbia Rier. Lea vine Portland Astoria and Seaside Express.... 8 0 s m. 0:30 p. nu 1:35 p. nu 5:45 P- m. Astoria and seaside Express .... Rainier Passenger , Rainier Passenger Arrivinz fortiana Seaside and Astoria Express .... Seaside and Astoria Express. . . . Rainier and Portland Passenger.. 12:05 p. nu 10:O0 p. m. 0:40 a. rn, 5:00 P- nu Rainier and Portland Passenger. . Canadian Pacific Kailn-ay Co. Leavlnr Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland , 11:00 p. nu a. nu Via Seattle , Arrivin- Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland 11:30 a- m- via beattie 10:30 p. nu Oregon St Watdiington Railroad Co. Leavine Portland Seattle Passenger .......... 8:30 a. nu 3:00 p. nu 11:45 p. nu 7:15 a. ni. 6:20 p. nu 2:45 p. nu Shasta ,imitea Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger JEFFER-SON-STREET STATION. Southern Pacific. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger Dallas Passenger 7 :40 a. nu 4 :05 p. nu 1:00 p. m. Forest Grove 'assenger. Arriving Portland Dallas Passenger 10:35 a. m. Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger . 5:55 p. m. 12:00 noon ELEVENTH AM) HOYT STREETS PAS- sKAOK BlAliUa. Spokane, Portland St Seattle Hallway Co Leaving Portland Inland Empire Express 9:00 a. m. For Cliicaiso. St. Paul. Omaha. Kansa City, 6t. Louis, Billing, Spokane, Pasco, Roosevelt, uranaaaneu, ijiecuaie, White Salmon. Stevenson, Vancouver. The Oregonian ....11:00 a.m. For St. Paul. bpoKane, raacp w aniuuns Kahlotus, Cliffs. Lyle. White Salmon, Ste venson and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 p. ra. 2sorth Bank Limited :00 p. m. For Chicago, fct. iraui, mana, A.tmtM City, Et. Louis, Billings, Spokane, vv asn tucna, Kahiotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Ste venson, Vancouver. Arriving .rortiana The Oregonian 7:05 a. nu From St. Paul, spoKane, rucu, liwh, Maryville, Lyle, White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a. m. From L-nicago, pt. raui, ihiiiu, Atuma City, St. Louis, Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dalles, Goldendale, Lyle, White Salmon Stevenson, v ancouver. Columbia River Loca! ilnland Empire Express... 22:35 p. m. S:15 p. m. Omaha. Kansa For Chicago. &t. ram, Pitv Sf. T.nnis. B 1 inKS. Spokane, Wash- tnpii'g Kahlotus. Pasco. Roosevelt, Grand- dalles, Goldendale, Lyle, Wrhite Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. ' " Great Northern Railway Company. T ao9vir.fr' Portland 11th and Hoyt Sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 10:00 a. nu The Oregonian, via North Bank. .11:00 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank. 7:00 p. nu International Limited, Seattle, Ta- - coma ana Vancouver, x. ,v.v w. The Owl, Tacoma, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C :00 p. nu Shore Line Express, Tacoma, Se- . attie ana vancouvei, . v a i-triAT- Portland 11th and Hoyt Sts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle 6:40 nu, The Oregonian, via North Bank.. 7:06 a. m Oriental Limited, via North Bank. 8:15 p. nu The Owl Vancouver, B. C, Seat- tie ana uacoma ""h Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B C. Seattle and Tacoma 3:30 p. nu International Limited, Vancouver, B. C., oeattie anu. idwma.... P . v y. n Time Card Oregon Electric RallwayCoi Pa wen gerSt ation, Front and JefferaonSta WAodburn-Salfm and Int. Points Local leave Portland 6:30, 7:50, 11:00 A. M., J:ou 8:60, 6:3", :o w"--" T,7, and Salem, 9:15 A. M. Local for WUson ville and Int. Stations. 5:10 P. M. Hillsboro-Forest Grove and Intermediata Points Uave Portland 7:05, 8:30, 10:20 A." M llO 2:10, 3:30. S:30. 8:25 P. M. Sat urday only. 11:30 P. M. Arrive Portland from Salem and Int. StaUons 8:40. 11:00 A. M.; 1:15, 4:00, 4:50. e-oo 8--0 10:50 P. M. Local from Wilson vine and' Int. points 6:40 A. M. daily ex cept Sunday and 7:35 A. M. daily- Arrive Portland from Forest Grove and Inrstations-SO, 9:50, 11:40 A M.; 1:30, 2750, &: 20. 8:10, 10:50 P. M. Sunday only, 'ep't Front and Jefferson. Portland, Or. Portland Railway', Light St Power Companyv Ticket Office and Waiting-Room, First and Alder and East Water . . ' and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oretron City 4:00 and 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes and Including last car, mGrlefn1am and intermediate point-6:155, 7-45 8 45 9:45, 10:45, ll:4o A. M.: 12:4, 1-45 2-45 3:45. 4:45, 5:45, 6:45, 11:30 P. M. 1'FlrTiewndWroutdai 7:45. 8:45. 9:45, 10:45 A. M. ; 12:4a, 2:4o, 3:4i, 4:4. C-aaero Pknd t Al?ih 8:45, 10:43 A. M-; 12:4o, 2:45, 4.15. 6.4S P- FOR VANCOUVER. ' ' Ticket Office and Waiting-Room Second and Washington Sts. x M 6 15. fi:50' 7:-5' 8:00' 8:8!' 9:10' .iii'riiiioV-iV - !:. :s0. 5:10. 5:60j 6:30, 7:05. 7:40. 8:15. :25, '"nnfhs'thlrdMonday In eve month th la. c Vavesat 7:05 V M. 'Dally .xcaj.1 Sunday. ''Daily except Monday, ,jA day. Ca-i iai iaui ai.