TIIE MORNIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIDAT, OCTOBER ' 7, 1010. 10 ff TODAY. $1000 TT hare a client who must raise $1000 this week, and Is offering bis borne, a s-ven-room bungalow, at a low figure In order to do so. ilust be seen to be appreciated; price $4500, Includes all Improvements; .half block from car, twenty minutes from city: restricted district. We can highly recommend this property. For information apply MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPAQ Y" R. YC. Cor. th and Washington Streets. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Kiwk William O.. 212 Feillnr bids. itlrrell. A. H. A CO., Mi-Kay bid. Real estate, insurance, murii(M, loans, su. Brubaker Benedict. Go McKay bids. M. it J. BEKRET'9 REALTY CO, 249 4th at. fbaplo 4k Herlow. 832 Chamber Commtree, Cook. b. m co eua vorMii oiaa. Jennings Co. Mala IAS. 308 OregonlsA, PALMER-JONES CCs. XL 7 tlS Cemmar clal Cluo bag. echalk. Geo. A 232. IX S2S Stark at. Mala S6X 8 HIND LEU 4s TTAT.T 2C3 Ablagtoa bid. Tbe Oregon Real Estate Co. Grand ira and MuiiEomin it. (Htilladtr Addition.) M. E- Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Oak sts RE AX ESTATE. for tale Lota. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS. lox 1 00. corner on 4 : h st. ; improre-tnt-iiis ;:aid: a snap; $3150. 56xl'). block to Hawthorne; sewer In and pa d: $12V0. jus: lvO feet from Hawthorn; east iron;; "7x67. corner, improvements; paid; 1000, l-'-K) cih. tal. i:o oer month. 4tix Ho 4760, only $lJO cash, balance $10 per monio. - Our specialty Is fine homes and real- ceace Iuls. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Comer E:iht S4th and Haw thorne ave. RiWE CITY PARK inoxioo lot on 57 tn st-. Just north of handv Road A beautiful home adjoining tnts lot. offered at a sacrifice below the market. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY F. W. Cor. Cth and Washington Streets. IRVINGTON LOTS. I1S0O Soxioo. on 15th street, between Xnott and siaoton streets $135 5oxl0o. on 17th street, between Clsklou and Klickitat streets. II. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bids;. Phones Mam feCf'J; A 2f'.0X $W Wst S.de corner lot. all Improvement; two blocks frm electric line; tire earn. view. $11. Ow A bargain; walking- d.atance fmm d and Morrlsr.ii; scire income; easy terms. oa -yuarter block close in. tast toiae time will prove UiLs gd investment. I. O. DAVIDSON". , 819 Chamber of Commerce. A PVAP Full-sfxed lot cement walk and curb, graded street and Hull Run water; price $425; $50 cash and 110 a month.. mens bldg.. cor. 5th and Stark. FOR PALE Three beautiful lots, within 3 blocks of Mt. cott carline, near Lents, on Seventh av near church, school, store rz an itinas, near boater roaa, with alley; iur trees on: 40xlu0; terms, phone Mar shall 1415. Call 106 N- 9th St. price S00 ea.-n. uw?r reeds money. ON a strictly Investment basis. 100x200. on tho East Side, for $S00O. only $2oOO down, $.'X0 was recently refused for a quar ter across street, which lies no better; will likety sell for an advance , of $2o00 by next May. Wyua Johnson Co.. 605 Ger- nr.ger tnag. . PIEDMONT LOTS. One or two lota, located on the X. E. cor. of Mallory and Alnsworth: need a lit tle ready cash, will five someono bars mi n On QUICK Oral. Q. REGISTER, 201 Gerllnger Bldg. BUSINESS CORNER LOT. Comer lot, 50xl0rt. ready for stores or flats or both, on East 22d and Division sts; price On: a bargain. GRL'SSI A . 7.ADOW, 3'T Pnd of Trade b'dtf.. 4th and Oak. SUNN YS IDE. If taken this week I will sell the beit .tt I -lix 1 ""-fooi lot on Earn Madison st. for 9t-n ca.h; this is a grvut bar mi In. so call earl. Tabor olfi. eveninjrs B 2iKV4. VERY CKT0AP LOT. Vxli', on B. 21?t st.. near Alnsworth ave.; price fnr few days 4i.V C.ODDARD A W IKDRICK. 243 Srark St. 60c ON DOLLAR. $'?$ and J-'CHj in two years buys acre on carline. West Side. 2i minutes ride. McCarthy. 4'3 Rothrhild bldp. LOTS! LOTS ! LOTS! Mrh mnnth - nrlra il.-.n nn tn f)Ait. nothing down. National Realty A Truat ko.. d.bH Washington room bio. TOU can buy lot near Rose City Park for i.VK), 926 down and $10 monthly; graded street, cement sldewalka. Hull Run water. 5 4 : .. -Board of Trade bid PORTLAND Heights 8 lots, best residence disirp u block to car, beautiful view. Im pr.nfil street: nrnst sell immediately, a".ut ha!f value. Main 3551, A 3 $33. TO H SALE by owner one of the best building "m ;n the beautiful Overlook Addition; In wfttiittU) thia; aaap to quick buyer. D 3So, Orvjf- m.an. luKlOO ON East Pin st., close in. a snap. :. J. E. R. Markham. -OS GcrlinKer b'.dK. 1 J and Aldt-r. PI n E lot on Relmont. close in. A -1 Iur flrl s:te: price SI 62i. E. R. Markhatn, jiii ierl:n-r bide. d and Alder. TW O lots In Southi'ort on easy terms. 12 nunutcs fnm buiiDcss center on Fulton earln.e. 721 Hoard of Trade. CHOICE IRVINGTON lot. Stanton St.. 2 bln.-ks from Irving ton carline; only 41300, K"h) cash. Main MM0. A T5T4. LOT for sale. 3"xli0. 3 blocks east of I add Addition; hard-nurfa-e street; SI40O. fer.n. Inq ilre T. Hums. Klrat N a t.Ba n k. : iOK $4".0 equity in fine lot on 4.th jtt.. near Sanily toad. Call 224 Lumber Exchangeb!dg. Owner. PJione Main 6645. PORTLAND HEIOHTS site, among fine res idences, near car; must be sold cheap for cash. Ma:n 3j&L A 3:i. $7 C ASH b a Jw.ce easy, beautiful lot no at Ml Scott 6o car; city water, street graded. BHrLET A BISHOP, log Th:rd St. lii SALE Lot between East 22d and 24th. on Flanders st. Address H. Goodwin. Otiktard. Or. IV' R SALE LatireZhurst lot on East Oilman su: equity for sale IJ00 below selling price. C3S. Oregonlan. tO I TH PORT Owing to death of owner, we have two choice lota for aale; low price; ny terms. 721 Hoard of Trade. lii v l WiiON lot; one of the finest and best located lota at a bargain. Main 24SS. A J4. CORNER. 100x100. Irvirgton Park, cheap; ea-- ttrrrs. by owner. C 391. Oregonlan. O.n;; l't in soumport on the carline; owner forced t u s II. Oretconlan. SAfT.'l FICELadd avenue lotl AN JZ Oregon ian. Kor !nl -Ilou HI ' N'i'i A LOW SNAP $?;ort Prand new, r-oms. tireplace. full French p'.ate mirror, door, paneled dining-room, cove ceilinn. buiit-in svat. bufl'et. Dutch kitchen. l:e bedrooms and dandv bath. mil In whli.; nicely tinted and thoroughly modern: east frcr.t. Mock to car; a srap: terms like rent; take "'W-IV car to Mar rue rie ave. and Clinton st. See TL A. Askwith, on corner. Phone Seilwood 175. " PIED V ONT. Ft owr.er. brani-r.ew modem elpht-roora house, tile b.Vh. PoriUnd B-mlevard and Mai lory et. Price. 42. AM 34. Oregon:an. $1'H CASH and $-5 month buys n y modrrn 5-room bungalow on cariica Owner, Ma i n 777 u FORT LAND HEIGHTS homes. lots and tracts, all prices; view s and locations; umt great bargains. Main So51. a 3 S3 9. 5-Ri OM fOt:.nco, two lots, corner, hothouse, chl"ken-hne. garden, ros-; 1 block car; $62 "0. $ 1 Ov'it caaa.Q 22"o. FOR SALS Nw n.'ern 5-rvm bungalow. $:CO cms, balance $15 monthly. Owcer 200 2.1 st. EA lit AIN Modern 7-room suburban home. also house. $wo up. J. S. ALison. 4JS Lumber Exchange. yOR SALE by owner. G-rom modern house, full lot. young fruit trees. a block from car. Fhone Tabor 7S'V FOR SALE by owner, the har. 'someat 8-room house in Irving ton. 46 E. 50th st. X. Call and see It. pV owner. 5-rooin ir.oierTi bunfrrCow full lot, I bloik from citrl.r'; $2ro. Co0 down. $20 -er mnt.. Prop? Miin 4-iVt. LKING diManee. lot 4jx1X. 0-r-xm house, tn splendid 1i:ri-t: room for another t.ous r garage. S0 E. SaJmce m. kTroOM house, lot oTii. inquire 736 Ten lno ave Phone St. 11 wood UvU RKAL ESTATE. For sale House. BE AT TIFTI, FTVE-HOOM HOUSE, PAT t:s PERMOXTH. (THIS INCLUDES INTEREST). Responsible party who will come through with $25 regularly every month can own a beautiful 5-room cottage Oust fin !shed j ; house has every convenience, such as bis log fireplace, aet-ln bookcases. Dutch kitchen. wash tras. etc, etc.; $ la a cash price; not a cent ha been added to the price to offset the eay terms for payment; hundreds of houses in Portland soid in the past year for $3uG and over are not so convenient or de sirable. A, S". Searle. Take "M-V car, ret off E. 76th st. (Office on corner). Auto to show property. S230 WILL PUT YOU IN POSSESSION NEW STRICTLY" MODERN J-KUO'd BUNGALOW. Close to two carllnes and modern in evr respect; full cemented basement, with laundry trays, best of plumblncr, gas and electric fixtures, beamed ceilings, built-in effects, tinted walls. MUST BE SEEN TO BE t nonr.! a rrn 9260 down, balance easy terms. 45 COUCH BLDa. THE T! EST IRVINGTON BUY. Owing entirely to change of residence to Los Angeles, necessitated by change of business associations, we are offering our home for sale at a price much lower tnan 1. airi for lnff-nur nroDflrues. Located In on of ih-t beat portions of IRVINGTON. a home of eight rooms ajiu bath, with all improvements, and within one block of the Irvingi-m carline. It will piv YOU to Investigate. ierm. F. O. Bristol. S33 East ltfth street North. si I " XXYSITjE HOM E. Good e-room house, with gas and elec tric, furnace and flreolace. full baaement. built-in china closet. 5 bedrooms, on a corner lot, 60x100, street improvements and cement adewafks In and paid, on East Yamhill St., corner 29th. Price only "kKH; S350 ca-'h. baiance montniy. GRUSSI A ZADOW, t!T Board ef Trade bldp.. 4th and Oak. ROSE CITY PARK. BARGAIN. 1200. EASY TERMS. T rooms, lot 60x100. improvements !n and raid: bath, built-in buffet and bookcases. den. pass pantry, beamed ceiling In din ing-room. Sleeping port n. lunmi-o, dbbv ment, laundry trays, hardwood floors; own er must sell at once. National Realty A Trust Co. 320 H Washington st.. room 516. BUILD NOW. IT IS THE TIME TO SAVE MONEY. OUR SUCCESS IS BASED ON GOOD WORK. FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OF CONSTRUCTION". IF WE BUILD, PLANS FREE. IF YOU OWN LOT, SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH SUFFI CIENT. INVESTIGATE US AND OUR METHODS: IT WILL PAY YOU. NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Ii2 LEWIS BLDG. . J.ROOM BUNGALOW. 60x100 LOT. Brand new. with large fireplace, book cases, window seat, beamed ceilings, pan elled dining-room, elegant bathroom In white enamel, model Dutch kitchen, dandy den. acreened In back porch and cooler, A-l construction and sightly location; $t?30; S400 cash. Take "W-R car to Marguerite ave and Clinton St. See H. A. Askwith, on corner. Phone Sellwood 1705. A HOME That is a home on Hawthorne ave. All Improvements paid. This house must be seen to be appreciated. T. W Marshall A Co.. 39th and Hawthorne. Tabor 604. IRVINGTON HOME, $SOO0. New house, in best part of Irving-ton; 1 block from car. oast face. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, paneled dln inr room, beautiful fixtures; modern in evory respect; attractive surroundings. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-218 Commerclsl Club Bldg. Phones Main S690; A 2C3a. NEAR HAWTHORNS AVE. AND E. S2D ST. A very beautiful home of seven large rooms and attic, with large closets having window; furnace, fireplace, laundry, fruit room and the very best plumbing; all of latest modern Improvement; extra flue XixUsh; price GODDARD A WIEJDRICK. 243 Stark St. THE FINEST SMALL HOME In the most select and practical location In Rose City Park; In the midst of the present building activity: lot 50x100; beau tifully finished and conveniently arranged; owner Is willing to let it go for 23600; $600 cash, balance to suit. A 2488. C. I BAMBERGER. Main 1488. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. IRVINGTON HOME. $7000. 7 -room, new and modern house, on car line, white enamel and heavy French I a per in living room, paneled dining room, fireplace, furnace, handsome fixturea H- P- PALMER-J ONES CO. 212-213 Commercinl Club Bidg. Phones Main 63'JO; A 2653. 5-ROOM HOUSE. $650 handles it; price S2.100. New. plastered; on corner lot 100x100, close to carline. churches and public school: splen didly located In fast-growing section. A wiug little home and a fine Investment. See owner, M. 4075. 617 Board of Trade tldg. PLAX your own home; we will build for you on easy terms. a. u. vincnt 420-421 Lumbermen bldg., oor. 5th and Stark. WEST SIDE., on Qulmby St., bet. 19th and 20th. a nice 8-room nouse ana ouxiuu 101, price ti'0; $2600 cash, balance on or be fore 7 years at 0 per cent. C. F. Pfluger & Co., room 6 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Mor rison sts. A PRETTY BUNGALOW. $3250 50x100 lot and new fl-room mod ern Swiss bungalow, on E. 2Sth, close to carline; fine neighborhood, terms. FRED C KINO. 313-14 Spalding Bldg.. 3d and Wash. FOR SALE 6-room bungalow In Rose City Park, one blocK irom car; nrwT-ciasp in every purticur. fine basement, excellent plumb ing, fine lawn and garden: owner will evil for less than coat. Price $3ftoo. $1700 cash, balance to suit. C 803. Qrygoman, FOR SALE BY OWNER. AT A BARGAIN. A beautiful 7-room bungalow, complete ly furnished with birdseye maple and ma hoganv. All ready to step in and go to housekeeping. Call 19-1 ltfa st. NEW and beautiful 6-room. West Side resi dence, large basement ana attic, tun 101; a bargain at $5O0; only $1000 cash re quired if sold at once, C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 24t. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. A 24S9. $Ts0O EQUITY in fine new; 7-room modern home; - nrcpiacra "- iu east front, half block from carline; will et) on easy terms or exchange for acre age wen locatea. aj opq, vrPK"""j'' 6-ROOM modern bungalow, large rooms, ev er vthlEg up-io-oate. niiurra immjw, wjmi trays, cement walks, lawn, all ready to move intrt. Come out end see It; easy terms. K4 East Lincoln, near Et Sih. SNAP New 6-room bungalow, one block eaM Ankeny car line, cjose in; urepiace. ouut-in. bookcase cement basement, laundry tray, sidewalks, everything flrst-cl.-ws and up to date $2950. terms. Owner, Tabor 2101. DO YOU want a borne? Are you going to build it Witt oe co j our inisrai iu consult me; will cost you nothing, may savs yon money. A- F. Darling, architect, 217 Ablngton blk. Main 66'J7. DON'T PAY RENT. We frill sell or build for you on easy terms. Some special inducements now. PROVIDENT 1NV. A TRUSTEE CO. 524-526 Board of Trade Bldg. MUST sacrifice my home; handsome new ft. room rvmienc, iwu. .vin; imw. resi dence district; elegantly fln.shed; bargain for 1. easy terms. Owner, 423 Lumber men bldg. j;(K $4o DOWN: Vernon home, lot 5'JX nnished; go look at It, 169 E. -2d. X.; would take vacant lot. Phone owner, A 5TSO. 8-ROOM house near Firland, w-acre fruit and anruonerj , ciace for garden and chickens; flHOu; tAy terms. 617 Board of Trade. Main 473- WEST OF LAURELHURST Will build you a bungalow on iricuonai r tun mi. cioae In at very imau jijmciu. Western Trust Co.. $5 Lafayette bldg. pnone Main 52. " WHY PAY RENT T We will buy a lot and build a bouse on it for you; no delays. HERRICK-MAIDEX CO.. : ;o; - JOS Board of Trade. $i CASH. $15 per month, a 4-room cottage and lot. 4 J blocks- Hawthorne car, South Mt. Tabor: pr.ee $'.XJ. HI G LEY & BISHOP. 132 Third SL BEAUTIFUL 5 and 6-room houses, modern, near school and cars; very easy terms; wiil exchange for lota Plttenger, 119 Kininco,th ave. U. L. or St. Johnt cars. FIVE rooms, bath. etc.. near Alberta carline, $22.50 per month : 7 rooms, centrally lo cated. $20. National Realty A Trust Co. 326 Washington st.. room 516. $3-0 STK1CTLY modern 7-room home, lot 74x100. beautiful grounds, fine district, close in. near car and school, bee owner. r;2 E. Kelly st. Phone Sellwood 37;' terms. $25 A MONTH, including interest, for new 5 -room bungalow-; nice yard, near car; a bargain at $2650. cash $3oO. 631 Worcester block; ; WTLL sacrifice new (-room bungalow, furn ished or unfurnished. Call Owner, C 1617. ' REAL FSTATK. or Sale House. ACRE HOM15 6 ROOMS AND BATH. Only l1- block from carline at Jennings Lodge: a corner acre on Milwaukie road; slaewalks to car; gasoline lighting plant, fireplace, good bouae. acre all fenced and cleared, family orchard nf 75 fruit trees, good well. 3o-minute car service, price 4t?1 ftO; 14 cash, balance monthly This la good. HARTMAN St THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce bldg. 10 ACRES CLOSE TO PORTLAND. And rood electric car service: soli black. rich loam, no gravel or stones; five acres thoroughly cleared and In cultivation, bal ance in oak, that will more than pay for clearing; ideal place for small Dome, onty aitii.bO per acre, on your own lerms. One Croi, of Berries Will Pay for the Place. 405 COUCH BLDG. 18 PER CENT INCOME. A new 3-story building; only 1 year old, s Datns, a toueis; gas, rurnaco, iu cement basement; built-in china closets and bookcases; paneled dining-room; all rented to three families at $60 per month; on a corner lot. 50xi)0, m a fine renting location In Alblna; price of property Is $4000; $050 cash and $40 per month; on the market for a few days only; owner going fast, hence the sacrifice. GRUSSI & ZADOW. ft IT Board or Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. HAWTHORNE AVE. Bungalow of 0 rooms and bath, full ce ment basement, fireplace, bookcase and built-in cosy seat. Lot 50x100. faces east. Price $3750. Terms. Phone Main 360 or A 4541 between 9 and 10 A. M, weekdays. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Brand new, thoroughly modern, 4-mom bouse, tlreplace. hardwood tloors, select neighborhood, beautiful view, an Ideal home; price $5o00, terms to suit. J. W- Crossley. 520 Corheit Bldg. ACRE with modern 6-room house; fine chicken park; must sell; only $2550, terms. Phone Tabor 2302. Business Property. FINE INVESTMENT. Three-story apartment-house, on 11 th St.; flue location and a very nice prop erty, yearly Income c"3f0: couid easily be increased: price $U.oO0. terms. Portland-Pacific Investment Co., 418 Railway lixchLnge. CLOSE-IN fine business corner lOOxlOo, with 2o-room house, ai 4- room h ouae ; price si2.5J0 net. Phone Woodlawn 152V. A crease. 720 ACRES of excellent soil within 30 miles of Port land, on good county road, 4 miles from railroad, tn Washington County; about 100 acres cleared, balance brush and timber. Plenty of good water. An Ideal tract lor fruit or stock and a splendid proposition for subdivision, price only $15 per acre; $1500 cash, balance to suit or might take some Portland property as part of the cash payment. KAL'FFMANN ft MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. IF you ara looking for a few acres or for a large tract, it will be. worth your while to address or call on HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Bankers. Farm Land Department. Chamber of Commerce. ( See H A RT O G ) 2Va ACRES CLOSE IN. S4j all In highest state of cultivation; 200 fruit trees. 8000 strawberry plants, etc; splendid 7-room house, barn, abed, well, etc.; close to carline and station on Oregon City carline; some furniture and produce goes with this place; improve ments alone worth the price; only $2600; easy terms. Main 2iS8 C. L. BAMBERGER A J4S$ Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. I have a $55 equity in an acre tract seven minutes' walk from Gilbert Station on the Estacada line, 3 minutes from water ana Morrison: water, eiecinc ngnu and phone on It; will take $40 for my in terest, payments $10 per month. Answer quick. R 3d7, Oregonlan. COLONIZATION TRACT. We have a large tract, admirably adapt ed for colonization or for orchard develop ment; this land is A-l In every particu lar, accessible, nearly all in cultivation; assistance could be given in putting this on the market in small tracts; price is low and terms can be had; must be seen to be appreciated. Oregon Title A Trust CO.. Albany, ur, BAn'JAi.io. 2H acres, at Multnomah. $1600; 1H acres, at Ryan Station, 6c fare. $1100; 1 acre, at Garden Home, $600; 1 acre, at Lents, with water on each tract, $000. easy terms. BROWN A ST A OR 411 Couch Bldg. 1032 EAST LINCOLN. Small cottage on lot 40x100, cement side walks; offered at a price worth invest igating. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. P. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. 20 ACRES. NEAR WITCH AZEL. 20 acres, located 3 blocks from Wltch azel Station, all In high state of cultiva tion, price $200 per acre; will exchange for good city property at cash value. r.RUSSI A ZADOW. MT Board of Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak. 2fe ACRES at Multnomah st., 5c fare, $1600; m acres. Ryan. 5-cent fare, running water, fruit, fenced. $1100; 1 acre. Garden Home. $000; 1 acre Just east of lity limits with piped water, $000; all on BROWN A STAVE R. 411 Couch Bldg FOR INVESTMENT FRUIT DISTRICT. 10 acres for $1250; nearly all in culti vation, short walk to thriving town close to Portland, and in heart of a big fruit district; only 425 cash required. C. I BAMBERGER. Main 4S8. Room t Lumbermens Bldg. 20 acrea, good trutt land. H mile from road, on railroad, $25 per acre, cash. 10 acres, with running water, H cleared, fenced. 1 mils from Reedvllle, $1200; 400 cash. BROWN A ST A OR 411 Couch Bldg. A HOUSE ON AN ACRE. Inquire about this at once: land Is all cleared. piped water, telephone, elec tric tights, school and streetcar; a beauti ful little suburban home; only $1200, on very easy terms; cheaper than rent. BROWN A bTAVER. 411 Couch Bldg. RANCH FOR SALE. I have a farm of 800 acres. An fruit land, nearly all In cultivation and well Improved, on main county road; a great bargain at $60 per acre; liberal term. . Call or address H. M. Hawkins, Albany, Oregon. 17 ACRES on Salem Electric. 4 miles from city; houw. hare, chicken sheds, well, etc; a snap for cxah. or will trade for home In Portland; this is a money-maker for you and can be made a beautiful home. Owner, 428 Lumbermens bldg. SO ACRES, finest fruit land, unimproved; red shot loam; timber and water plentiful- near school; good roads; 34 miles from Portland. Only $35 an acre, part cash: Investigate. You'll find It as rep reented. Palmer 512 Couch bldg. 10 ACRES, 7 acres cleared, fine spring water good barn. houMi that can be made comfortable with very little repairing: one mile to station; $125 per acre, $400 cash, balance easy term. AM 89l. Orego pifin. ON THE United Railways, at Cornelius Pass, 47 acres of land, suitable for plating and subdividing; good money In this at $2O0 per acre. C. F. Pfluger A Co.. room 5 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison sts. HERE is a fine 15-acre suburban home on carline, IS -miles ,tf. E. of Portland, with fine creek and spring; price $73 per acre, one-third down. Call for Mr. Miller, 60S Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. , If wanting a suburban home or, choice acreage Investment, do not fail to consult the "SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS," CLO D F ELTER BRpS.. 414 Couch Dldg. 1C9 ACRES rich black loam, fuotrrigated; two crops yearly, part cleared. This Winter pays half purchsjw price. Portland home aa part payment. Price only $5500. Wagnon, Jr.. ATTENTION Valuable ten-acre tract in new anil tnriAl1v nrlo ntH fnr fmlf can be divided Into building lot and get im mediate returns; 400 per cent. AG 3S9. Ore ganlan. 15 ACRE3 on carline. close to Portland, chap for a quick sale. Kinney A Starapber, 531-2 Lumber Bx'h geb dg. TWO 60-ACRH tracts near Portland; good buildings. For price and terms call at 103 4th st. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. A GREAT BARGAIN. COUNTRY HOME. CHICKENS, FRUIT, FORCED TO SELL AT ONCE. S beautiful tcrea, improved with costly modern bungalow ; acre fine chicken runs, etc.; all in highest state of culti vation and almost in city limits; to be sacrificed for $T"00. City water and electricity in house. Plenty of water to Irrigate the com mercial orchard, berries and garden truck; fic carfare and 'Z minutes from heart of Portland and only $ blocks to elect no line and station; rowing and fishing; car every 50 minutes. The view superb; the district select. Forced sale and absolute sacrifice. The adjoining 5 recently sold for $10.oti0; it had no building improvements, $2500 cash necessary, balance long time. Fee it and you will buy it. A24S8. O L. BAMBERGER. Main 24SJ. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. $15 to $25 per acre; 10. 20. SO and 40- arre tracts, tinlmoroved. red shot land; no rock or gravel; well watered, plenty of cedar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad, 25 miles northwest of Port land; 800 feet elevation above Columbia xtiver, adjoining large commercial oauwa tracts belns: rasldiv cleared and set to fruit. Call and arrange to visit these tracts at one. The soil, elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest- price a iana now a tne maraeu ew vu- oett bldg. ci-Ri:nR x m HnuR. 1 ACRES. Estacada carline, good bouse, barn. well. $1100; near school and store. Main 8t60. A 7574. Ho me te tads. AnVAVTARFJ? OB OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each of th 34 rntini ! heat adaoted tor: elves amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21x28, showing new R. R. and towns. Including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties in dif ferent colors; drawn to March L 1910; lat ent map In U. S. ; price 35c Nlmmo A tuney, aia Hamilton picg. TWO relinquishments Joining 160 acres, each mne xrom scnooi; mail ana leiepnom, castarflce: on county road: running water. best of land. 0 miles from R. R. town. About 4.000.000 ft. on each; these are bar gains; so miles from Portland. J. A. Davis. 214 Bwetland bldg. SOUTHERN Oregon homesteads ' on new, In corporated railroad; timber claims and deed ed land. Information 215 Board of Trade bWg. I WILL sell my relinquishment reasonable. Call 187 W. Park st.. ask for J. A. Matson. -run band. MOTTXT WOnn DISTRICT. Orchard land on the west slope of Mount Hood, only 30 miles from Romano.. Greatest Dosslbllitles for commercial apple growing in Oregon where natural advant ages of soil, elevation and climate con ditions are attracting prominent horti culturists. A fruitgrowers' association al ready organized. ir interestea in nun raising, buy where the majority are en aaaina In the same business. Don't delay. get in on the ground floor. Prices $36 per acre up. any size tracts, vanauyn as m ton. 515 Chamber of Commerce. 1040 ACRES. Klickitat County. Washington Just rlgivt for platting and selling in 10-acre tract; just across a wire fence from 10-ecre tracts that have sold for $100 per acre; this will be sold very cheap for cah or will ex change for anything of value that Is clear 01 encumbrance, come ana taia im 428 Lumbermens Bldg. TU H PBTMTM A V. We have 25 acres of as good fruit land as tho m in th viiftv l mile from R. R. station; 23 acres cleared, running spring on place; this week only, $75 per acre, look it over neiore you ougr. HYLAND JONES CO., 40( Gerllnger bldg. $240 ACRES, one of the best pieces of land in Hnpun KJver vaiiev. on naniti 01 ihiru cieck. can be irrigated if desired; 05 acrea In young orchard, juo acres unaer culti vation, good house and barn, on main line S. Pacific, one mile from town, on county road; easy terms, ior umitea umo uij. 721 Bo?.rd of Trade ARE you looking tor ton acres of the best soil in uregon, unimproveu, oui an till able, with running water, on good road and only short distance from Portland, that you can buy for $350, part cash 7 I have it- 512 Couch bldg. WE have some attractive bargains in fruit lands in the famous Aiosier ana jttooa River district, both small and large tracts. If you are looking for fruit lands, it will pay you to see McCargar, Bates A Lively. ai5 i-miing puiiaing. R est fruit land. 30 miles from Portland 10-acre tracts, S3U per acre; terms. see McDurree. 0X1) ADington Diag. PROFITABLE pineapple plantation. For particulars address is. annual lbuo -o. Ltd.. Honolulu. T. H. For Sale Farms. A HANDY SIZE. 43 beautiful acres, Yamhill Co., 1 mile from Wapeto S. P. R. R- 2a acres m hla-n state of cultivation, 12 acres beaver- dam. 20 acres black land; good young Tamily orchard, aa varieties necaea; -room bouse, barn 24x60; graded school, V mile; surroundings fine; 2 horses, 1 cow, senarator. new wagon, all necessary im plements, furniture, feed and new seeding of crops. This is a snap at the price; $4800. part cash, balance easy time at 7 per cent. GRUSSI A ZADOW, , 317 Board of Trade bldg., 4th andQak. 100"ACRE IMPROVED FARM $4500. All deep rloh loam soil; 50 acres cleared and In cultivation, balance open pasture with good timber; good springs, good houses and barn, etc.; this price Includes 2 horses. 1 cow, 60 turkeys. 60 chickens, farm implements; no waste land; will dou ble in value In one year; this choice place on easy terms; handy Lo Portland and railroad. A24&6. C. I BAMBERGER. Main 24S8. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 734 acres in Benton Co.; near 500 can be cul tivated; well watered, railroad through place; one mile to fine graded school, churches, de TiArtmpnt store. R. F. D. : excellent for or chard or dairy; ood buildings; price $40 per acre, liberal terms; win consider a residence up ,to $4000 or $5000 in part pay ment, ZIMMERMAN 310 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 7 ACRES, deep rich loam soil, 50 acres in cultivation, part of balance in open pas ture and oak timber; buildings complete; main county road; springs; on milk route; only $55 per acre, and this includes 4 horses, 36 sheep, 85 goats, 6 cows, 2 hogs and farm implements ; only 30 miles to Portland , and In rapidly Improving dis trict; easy terms. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 248S. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. 40 ACRES, in high state of cultivation, lies very best, best of soli, fair buildings, family orchard, 10 miles of Portland, line road, close to electric line; this la ideal for farming and for fruit; cannot be excelled; it must be sold quickly; It ie a positive snap and a thorough Investi gation will convince you; for price and other Information, see J. . Smith. 613 Chamber Commerce. A GREAT FARM. $55 PER ACRE. 830 acres, deep rich red shot soil. 290 acres in cultivation, 40 acres commercial orchard, some timber, two sets good build ings, beautiful slope, splendid for sub division or two families; fine location in Yamhill County; only small amount cash necessary. C. I. BAMBERGER. Main 2488. Room 2 Lumbermens Bldg. HOME SEEKER. If you are looking for a farm, large or small we have as good a list as can be found, and will try hard to Dlease you. We are farm specialists, but deal in Portland business and residence property. We auarantoe to give you a square deal. J. M. FRENCH A CO. 412-413 Ablngton Bldg.. 106 A Third St. AN UNUSUAL BUY. 160 acres, partially improved on Sandy River, commanding superb view; Mount Kood Railroad building through It; ideal for subdividing into Summer homes, ow Ine to scenic surroundlnga At a bargain for few days only. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. BRGAIN for someone; 80 acrea Cowlitz V'o Wash., located at Tower. N. k of 8' "w. quarter of Sec. 2. Township 10. N. R. 1 W; some good timber, soli good, lies well; want to make quick sale; $20 per acre buys same. Owner, 67 East 9th, xortn. ner " " FIXE- 7300 acrea on N. Umnqua; 5000 acres can easily be put in cultivation; coyote-proof fence; this will make several fine farms-; $16 per acre, good terms. ZIMMERMAN 310 Board of Trade Bldg. 845 ACRES: all tillable; large dwelling, convenient barn: 50o rods woven fence; adjoining school and railroad; full equip ment, feed, seed, stock; 120 acres seeded; $21,000. Box 60, Route No. 1, Harrls burg. Or. ' 6O ACRES. IK MILES FROM FaLLS "CITY On main road, 15 acres cultivated bottom land can be irrigated. 10 acres timber, balance good pasture or fruit land; terms $ 10OO cash, balance 6 per cent. Address M. L. Thompson. Falls City. Oregon. 40 ACRES choice, unimproved. easily cleared, tillable land: 85 miles from Port land; $900 cash takes it If sold before October 15th. 512 Couch Bldg. "" . J. A- CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable; ne exchange.' p. Q. Box 74. Carlton. Or. FARM for sale; 107 acrea I miles west of Portland on Oregon Electrio Railroad; $175 per acre, terms; no agents. Wingren, Beaverton. Route 2. ao iprrs nar citv. all fenced: new build ings. 5 IS. 47th. Tabor 16L 4 REAL ESTATE. Fr-r Sale Farms. -BEST. CHEAPEST CLOSE-IN BUY. S6 ACRES FOR $10.5L'0. 7 MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. We do not hesitate to gay that this is the cheapest close-in buy that will ever come your way again. It is Just 7 miles from the city limits of Portland, on one ot the main thoroughfares out of the city; good graveled road all the way; there are 6 acres, 30 acres high state of cul tivation, balance best grove ot fir. with 300 cords of good wood; best of dark loam .soli, not a rock or gravel on entire tract, 2 good springs, good 3-room houe, fine large bam, choice 2 aews of bearing orchard ; personal property, good team, harnee?. wagons, hack, cow, hogs, chick ens, 25 loads hay, grain, all Implements, etc.; price for all, $10,500. y cash, bal ance 6 per cent. About the price of a good 20-acre tract In same community. HARGROVE & SON, 122 6th sc. North, cor. 6th and Gllsan. Main 438L A 7259. GRAIN. DAIRY, BSRRY AND FRUIT RANCH. THE BEST EVER OFFERED FOR THB MONEY. 260 acres of fine land with 225 acres cleared. 160 acrea in cultivation. 100 acres In meadow, 25 acre of green timber, all fenced and cross-fenced; 6 acres of orchard, all kinds of fruit, 8-room houee. 2 barns, one nearly new, good outbuildings, fine spring at tne nouse and z otner springs ou zarm; main county roaa runs inrouga wuu, this Dlaca borders tbe river and 10 a oeauti ful home and an excellent dairy or fruit ranch: never been offered before: for quick sale and possession at once, price $50 per acre. THOMPSON A SWAN, 206 Rothchlld bldg.. Portland. Oregon, Between 4th and 5th on Washington st., and 6th and Mviin ste., Vancouver, Wash. 13 ACRRS. CHEAPEST AND BEST BUY in the Willamette Valley today; partly cleared, balance In timber which will pay for clearing of place; this land Is especially adapted for fruits; thousands of acres in the district are planted to commercial or chard. This place located on main county road. R. F. D-, phone and 5 milt from good live town of 1500; Commercial Club and Fruitgrowers' Association. If bought at once can be had for $13 down ana per month. C1IAPIN HERLOW. 832 Chamber of Commerce. FARM DEPARTMENT 33S. YAMHILL COUNTY FARMS. SO acres, all in cultivation, fine, level river-bottom land, good new 6-room house and good barn, three miles from town, on good county road; $S0 per acre; terms. 150 acres, river bottom land, one mile from town, all perfectly level, soil dark, rich loam, all in cultivation; price $100 per acre; terms. 130 acres, ao acres river bottom land, 20 acres gently sloping, 20 acres river doi tom timber and pasture land, good 7-room house, two good barns, place well fenced ana on gooa county roaa; oo per HiLAND. JONES & CO., 400 Gerlinger bldg. 127-ACRE FARM, nn nrrpit. i-A hirh state of cultivation, 80 acres of oak Ll nicer, balance good pasture; of place lies level, na;ance ftiiifhtiv roll in a-, not a. bit of waste land; 6-room house, barn, well, creek and other outbuildings. 1 mile to scnooi, nign-acnooi. church. C miles to good live town of 1500; place located on main county road and Y.uat rst mn- lanH flfHoln &DDl OlanUng which is being sold at $300 per acre; if bought at once can oe naa tor ju per acre, one-half cash, balance to suit. CHAPIN A HERLOW. (B) 332 Chamber of Commerce. FARM DEPARTMENT 3i3. HOMESEEKERS. On arriving in Portland, don't go roam ing all over a strange land, but get im partial free information about all parts Western Oregon at Hartman A Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Commerce bldg., cor.. 4th and Stark. Complete line of illustrated literature for your inspection. Call on their Farm Land Dept. You will be made welcome. ( See H A R T O G ) Miscellaneous. IF TOU ARB -LOOKING FOR Close-in acreage, a wheat ranch or email. well-Improved farm, at low price and o most liberal terma, see me. 1 handle kjc wa properties. J. O. ELROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, or lots on Starkweather. Risley Station. WANTED REAL ESTATE. LIST YOUR PROPERTY Our customers call for property in every part of the city; business. Income, fac tory and warehouse property, also houses and lots; all transactions confidential. . . MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. WANTED To buy at once. 7 to 10-room new house within SO minutes of Postoffice, West Side preferred ; must have furnace "and fireplace; will make payment down, balance as rent; give full particulars or reply will not receive attention. S 395, Oregonlan. WE have several clients waiting for suit able bungalows from $2000 to :tuuu. can and list your property with us; it may mean an early sale for you. Herrick-Mai-den Co., 38 Board of Trade. WANTED Nice home, at least 100x100. 7 rooms or more and must be sleeping-room on first floor; give exact location and full description; Irvington preferred. K 392, Oregonian. HAVE a customer for a lot or house and lot on Hawthorne ave. Detween aain ana outn sts. Port land-Pacific Inv. Co.. 418 Rail- way Exchange. Marshall 2753. WANTED From S to 10 acres of clay land, close to Portland ; cartage distance pre ferred. C. L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumber mens bldg. Main Z4ss. RELINQUISHMENT wanted; give full par- .ul.r. In 1rmt 1ttAr. A Xf S7& Or. gonian. A REAL bargain In a home. Warn, Side; full A. Stahr. St. Johns. Or WANTED Bungalows and city property to trade tor rarms. tiernca-Jnaiaen l-o., sua Board of Trade. HAVE cash buyer; he will purchase any thing if it is a bargain. C. L. Bam berger, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. WANTED House and lot. or vacant lot. for ISO acres, rree ot incuniui uuce, new Madras; this is all good land and well w orth $4000. 305 Gerlinger bldg. WILL pay spot cash for lots in Rose City Park or otner parte uj uuiiuor. ova, gonian. WANTED G00 acres, situated on Columbia or Willamette, euitaoie ior dairy renco. am 38tf, Oregonlan. WANTED At once, a 5 or 6-room .bungalow not over $270O. BOS Board of Trade. HAVE cash buyer for 6-room bungalow and 75x100 lot. can at once. jib jooara or -traae. LOT about 2-mile circle for cash; give price and location. J ova ure gonian. FOR SALE TIMBER LAXP8. ON railroad, sawmill 20 thousand capacity, fir ; price $ 13, 000, easy terms. Mill now operating: has double-header planer. Must be sold soon. Call 520 Railway Exchange building. - 42 MILLION fine, big green yellow fir. all down grade to fortiana naroor; awai oe sold quick; the price will do it; If you want to make good money on a timber Invest ment, call 428 Lumbermens bldg., and talk with owner. TIMH&K LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CHACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANTED Small farm, not over 50 miles from fortiana. on euner suifoi jet-tnu or other R. R. ; owners only. Herrick Malden Co.. 308 Board of Trade: HAVE buyer for small Improved place near carline; give iuu particulars. x. Bam berger, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. WANT farmer with good team to take half interest in tease 01 ow aurtsa, cawe x fort land, mostly In timothy. 506 Oregonlan bldg. 10O ACRES, all in cultivation. 6 miles out on Canyon rtoaa ; terms reafonaDie ; reierences required. W. B. Carter, Beaverton, Or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS- POULTRY FARM A number of acres, soma timber, never-falling- brook, picturesque sec tion, near Portland; low rent: option to pur chase. Principal, AK 391, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED dairyman wants to rent a ranch stocked. Address Fred Furrer, 265 Salmon. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER lands want. V4 McKay bldg. . C J. McCracks TO EXCHANGE? TO EXCHANGE. 24 acres at Beaverton. 6 of which are finest kind of beaverdam and in rnions lo acres in commercial apple orchard, l'J years old. price $600 per acre. This year's Income amounted to 20 xer cent on price asked. Will take Powland resi dence up to $4000; part cash and per cent on oaianee. to suit. acres. 44 miles from Forest Grove; practical lv all In cultivation; 4-room house, barn and outbuildings; small or chard, Just beginning to bear; 1 mare, 2 colts. 3 cows and all farming Implements go with the place. Price $31O0; equity $2400; will take $500 cash, balance in Portland property. Six-room modern house in Sellwood, close to car. Price $2500. Want farm of about 40 acres In good neighborhood, close to transportation and well improved. will go as high as $000; win pay umer ence in coah. Seven-room house and 3 lots on East Side Price $i000; equity $4000; will traae ior rancn ot anoutequai vaiue. KAl FFMANN & MOORE, S2$ Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGED. 17.00 acres of ' unimpioved land in Yaki ma County, bordering on the Columbia River, railroad runnine hrouch land: about half good wheat land, about 15v0 or 2O00 acres can be irrigated; 4 mile or river front: must be scld. Price $4 Der acre. part cash, long time on balance. This is about half of what it Is worth. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., 610 Spalding bldg. of excellent soil, 4 miles from R. R.. in Washington Countv. About 10O acres cleared; ideal place for fruit or stocle- inuLU, price oniy eio per m ic, it -rortiana property up to (jdvv; ovov balance to suit. KAUFFMAN A MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange bldg. 600 ACRES wheat land to trade for city property or small farm, 300 acres cultivat ed, all fenced, 1 miles from good railroad station. Price $16 per acre, crop payments for any difference. We have several choice pieces of land to exchange for city property. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., 610 Spalding bldg.. . $4000 EQUITY in 15 acres of choice young ap ple orchard In upper Hood River Valley, to exchange for Portland property, balance 4 years at 6 per cent Interest. Apples from this tract now on display in Meier A Frank's otn-st. window. CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY glnft AS FT REOITIRED. 160 acres in that famous Summer Lake valley. Lake Co., where grain, iruits anu vegetables never fail, under irrigation; price $8 per acre, easy terms or exchange ior Portland property. FRED C. KING. S1S-14 Spalding Bldg., 3d and Wash, HALF section of good wheat land, half mile xrom station on main line rauroau, in Al berta, for exchange or nle; want homo In Portland or acreage; will give somebody a bargain for quick dual, so they can make good money. b. U. blUtJfLtt, 4-0 iumoex mens bldg. lflfi ACRES in Whit a Salmon Valley. Dart irrigated, bay land, balance fine fruit land; 12 acres cleared, nouse ana Darn, 1.000.000 feet saw timber. $25 per acre; sell on easy terms or trade equity of $2800; 100 yellow pine, sell or trade. F. 3. Peck, White -Salmon. Wash. 5-ROOM cottage on Mount Scott carline, rented for $10; price $1600; to exchange for partly improved farm of not les than SO acres; will pay about $25XK) difference part cash, part mortgage. KAL'FFMANN & MOORE, 325 Lumber Exchange. CAN YOU BEAT IT? 160 acres of finest fruit land in the Willamette Valley at $18 per acre, with good rour-room nouse, gooa oara and 40 acres under cultivation: l.OOO.oOO feet of good timber; terms. Inquire 430 Worcester block. GOOD city property to exchange for acre age; residence and fiat property; -also splendid 8-room Portland residence for Hood River property. C. L. Bamberger, room 2 Lumbermens bldg. IF YOU have an elephant on your hands and do not know what to do with him, bring him in and we will dispose of him for you. PORTLAND REALTY EXCHANGE CO., Spalding bldg. ACRE tracts, improved, near the city, to ex change for good city property or for sale oa easy terms. Provident Investment & Trustee Co.. 524-526 Board of Trade bldg. MODERN home of seven acres on street car line, near Seattle, Wash.; will exchange for Portland residence. Write to Newell, 5 East 76th st. ' WILL trade Nebraska property for Oregon land and pay cash difference. Would take business proposition or city home on this. 620 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres good land, in Clatsop County, near railroad; 60 to 70 acres easily cleared; $10 pe- acre. Call 314 Henry bldg. HAVE JS0.000 worth of real estate and personal property for exchange; any part of it. H. G. Kemp Co., 317 Hamilton bldg. Phone M. 4100. luO ACRES at $16 per acre; good soil for fruit production; 40 acres slashed, 120 acres till able; near good town. Inquire 430 Worcester block. ' WE exchange your property, regardless of location for that w.hich suits you better. Northwest Exchange, 228-9 Henry bldg. FOR SALB or exchange for city property or acreage 165 acres, fine saw timber. In Douglas County: $2500. A 392. Oregonlan. WILL trade 10 acres good value at $500 as Ai-c n-i vmonr nn Ttlfldurn Vk(llKn Jtllfi (Ifip. linger bldg. TWO donkey engines wanted, will trade $3000 equity in nice East Side home. Phone "Main 09S4. FOR quick and profitable results in all classes of exchanges, call at 305 Gerllnger bldg. $1100 EQUITY In 2 Laurelhurst lots on car line, between 33d and 35th sts. AN Z'J'J, Oregonlan. WANTED Lot as 1st payment on house and lot- Owner. 420 Swetland bldg. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent, on shares, farm with stock and implements; Willamette Valley prefer abiy. 1201 J street, Belllngham, Warn I WANT to rent a good stock and grain farm, equipped by owner. Darling, 217 Ablngton bldg. Main 6697. FOR HALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HORSES FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have just arrived and will be sold under our guarantee. They range in weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs.; age from 5 to 11 years; alt good ' workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight 900 to 10lk lbs., for sale. Call and Inspect these, if wanting horses. Hawthorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND HOME FOR FARM. Equity, 2250, in new, modern, 0-room bungalow: 50x100 lot, fine neighborhood, ou .East 2Sth street, farm or acreage must be near Portland. FRED a KING.' S13-14 SpaldingBldg.,Jid and Wash. 15 HEAD of mares and horses, from 900 lbs. to 1250, from $15 to $85, one new stock saddle, 2 second-hand buggies and good farm, wagon; will exchange for cows. Ken 11 worth. Transfer Co., 609. East 2Sth at. W-W car to Gladstone ave. FOR SALE Team of two horses, harness ana spring wagon; an in nrst-ciaas con dition; will make price right for quick sale. Owner, room 200 Oregonlan bldg. MARE AND GELDING. Ages 7 and 8. weight 2400 lbs., chunky built and closely mated, also set of hand made harness in good, condition; price fzza. Inquire for Woodlawn Ice Co. team at 473 Yamhill st. BAY mare. 10 years old, gentle and true, good order, driving or saddle, with new rubber-tire buggy and harness, for a few days at 4100. bee at stable, E. 34th and Yamhill. PAIR of matched gray mares, 10 years old. weight 2 to. gooa, true pullers, suitable for farm team, bred to ton Percheron horse; new team harness with breeching, complete; $195. 334 Front st. GOOD team mares 230 0, fair harness, nearly new 3-xncn uia nicaory- wagon with box, all very cheap, for $300. Apply 3t4 North 26th; "W" car to 26th. block north. FOUR plug horses, weight about 1200 lbs. each; guaranteea true puiiers, also 2 spring wagons: will sell cheap. House in park, East 12th and Madison. FOR SALE 27 head of general purpose horses. 3 teams gooa mares, weignt irora 1050 to 1350, sold cheap if taken at on. Fulton Feed Barn. 1040 Macadam road. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES, 20 N. 15TH ST. MARSti- L. lUSO. HUKStS A.U WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. HUBERT A HALL'S E TABLE 8. 3S0 Front St.. livery business, rigs, horses, harness. wagons, ior aie or rvnt. l&o 4xjb. PAIR of nicest mule team in the city; will suit anvbody wanting delivery pair; bar galn. 334 Front. WANTED A pony, about 800, broke to har ness. Call at 309 Stark. AUTOMOBILE for trade, $1500. Owner. Worth more. 615 Board of Trade. "pianos. Organs and Musical Instrumental GOLDEN oak upright piano, used mix months; worth $400; will take $190 for quick sale; terms. R 3S4, Oregonian. ALMOST new upright piano; well-known make. $175; leaving the city. S09 Jeffer son st. TOR SALfc. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instrument FOR SALE One set Peagan musical chimes, 3 octaves. 554 Morrison st. Hint. " TWO COWS, fresh. 3X full-blood chicken. 1 new Incubator. 150-egg, or will exchane for team. Take Mt. Scott car to Grays -"ro?.-ii'.g. go north to yellow house;Mall Bj?x1m. COCKER and field spaniel puns. Pear base- m ment. 367 W. Park. Mrs. G'enn. FIRST-CLASS milch cow; must sell, leav ing city. Main 9575. . Automobile WOULD you buv a high-grade car If It looked just like new and was guaranteed mechanically perfect one which none of your friends would know-from a new car? I have two whih have seen very little service and T have given them excellent attention. One cost $4o(0 last year: sell for $1SM) on terms. The other Is small; will sell for $1200. Address L 393. Ore- gonian. AUTOMOBILE wanted as fart payment on bungalow; will take machine to value of $600 or $s00. if party will pay tasa difference, or part cash; bur!ow $2300. 62" Chamber of Commerce. BUCK'S Hot Blast flteel heating stove, for wood or coal, used oue season, equipped with Russia iron pipe. $10; this stove is in nrst-Ha&s condition and Is a bargain. 1S1 E. 26th or phone B 1190. A SNAP o-passengt-r automobile, 1910 mod el, used only two mouths: guaranteed me chanically perfect; no reasonable offer re fused, with terms. See owner at 86 Tenth st. FOR sale or trade. White Steamer. Al con dition, full leather top, extra rumble seat, etc.; just out of shop from, overhauling and painting. Telephone Sellwood 547. FOR sale or trade, five-passenger. 2-cylinder Bulck touring car in pood condition. Value $S00. Phone Main 216. or Woodlawn 2434. 3-PASS. Buick; looks like new; a bargain If you can see Call 86 Tenth St., near Stark st: I NEW Brush runabout; will exchange tt larger car ami pay difference. Main 2712 610 Couch bids. ; 7-PASSENGER Studebaker for sale, first class condition, cheap. Call 31la JtnBt FOR RENT Fireproof garage, 7000 sq. ft. floor space. 755 Belmont et. .Mltcellanfoua. FOR SALE Three double wooden tanks, 1 ft. long. 4 ft. wide. 4 ft. deep, in good condition ; also packing tables and f 1n tures, including one Fairbanks platform floor scale. The Cudahy Packing Co THE Northwest Typewriter Company. il Ablngton bldg. Phone M. SS70. is ib only company selling strictly factory r-i built typewriters; prices$10 to$65. , FOR SALE Showcases, wallcases, counters, General fixtures in stock and made ta order at lowest prices. 222 Grand ave., S. FOR SALE Two hox-ball bowling alleya: will place them in oper.it ton if you have location. BL1CKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $43. $50. Ask for catalogue. Rebullts $15 up. N. M. Hayter A Co.. 90 5th st. Main 5j28. FIREPROOF SAFES Double door National Safe Co. safe; single door Hall Safe A Lock Co. safe. AK 361. Oregonlan. THREE pool tables for sale, very cheap. Phone East 6241. FOR SALE Kliegal spot light, A-l con' ditlon. 554 Morrison st. TWO new Oliver typewriters. $45 apiece. A P. Man. 431 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 2000 feet of moving picture ' films, cheap. H 390, Oregonian. WANTED To buv last month's magazines, t. . . . tr aa flretrnnian. ONE gent's and one ladies bicycle, almost new, pai uttum. w - a j- - " MAN or lady going to Council Bluffs. Iowa, can find something of Interest at lwjjjtlu BICYCLEgoodasncw; $15. 229 Washingtoa street. NJTS and mortgagee bougnt and sold. Na-i tional Credit Aa' n. G01 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE, reasonable; nice, gentle Jersey; cow. 575 South ave. Sellwood car. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's, cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, jewelry, guns, pistols, trunks, valises, suit cases etc; highest prices paid. Call at the Fair Deal" 62 N. 3d st. Main. 9272. Or ders promptly attended to. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's castoff clothing and shoes) and bicycles; highest prices paid; we also buy ladies' clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand store. Phone Main 2080. 290 1st et. Prompt attention always given. We ca4 la every part of the city. WANTED. Steam or gasoline wood saw for wood- vard, new or second-hand, in first-class condition. Address Box 7, Vancouver, Wash., or call Main 21, Vancouver, Wash.j CARPENTER work of all klnas; jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. CummlngS fc Catlin. 371 First st. Marshall 232T. RESPONSIBLE- party wants drying horse fow It's keep: best of care and very light driv ing. C 390. Oregonlan. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get lesa Phones A 2445. Main S951. WANTED Medium-sized safe for 52x120 foot lot; good value at J100. 305 Gerltn ger bldg. MIDDLE-AGED man, well acquainted ia Portland, desires a few manufacturers' agen- IF YOU have household furniture to sell call up George Baker A Co., 152 Park su Both phones. ' WANTED Small second-hand safe, outer and inner doors. S 397. Oregonlan. WANTED to buy Two second-hand floor box showcases. P. O. Box 432. city. BEES WANTED Wanted, to buy number ofi stands of bees. AH 307. Oregonian. SPOT cash paid for your furniture; prooaysj attention always given. Phone East 1017. HELP WANTED MALE 'ILOR wanted as a bushelman; must be "a t-oatmaker; steady place. Apply Max- 11 . v. tuiinr -jrt Wflshineton st BOOKKEEPER, wholesale house; must be II I 3L-ClttJ , uib "fc v. ,- . i ,.v.of O RSR Oreeonian. IJtmUP uumm... w " - WANTED GcKd ladies' tailor. also Kirt- maKer. v. aayi, bldg. TWO good linemen and wire men. Address bOUtxt -eiiu. wu v -w. Wash. , DENTISTS wanted to manage established office In W asningtou. xuunv i child bldg. WANTED An errand boy for wholesale house; good opportunity for advancement. T aaS. uregonian. VANTED A young man, as stenographer by manufacturing concern, out of city. D a, ureBouiiiw. VANTED A general drygoods man at once. Addreas F. C. Marquardsen, Hepp- ner, Or. . . WANTED A Chinaman to do laundry work ana to furnace. 245 is. join st. DENTIST wanted, a good, all-around den tist- Apply I1I8 taecLro ueuiw x a. iui , 5th and Washington sts. WANTED Couchmaker and upholsterers; Bteady wora. .iii ninu jh6- Upshur sts. WANTED First-class pants and vestmak- ers for out 01 town. mviy ' - & Co. WANTED Plasterers and laborers. , Sc. Fran c is Church. E. Pine and 12th. WANTED Two first-class coatmakers for out or town, avp-y -p- jijic . PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new oner, cut perm t.umw. 4-mM BARBER wanted. Apply 221 Madison st- bf-tween isl ana LIVE agents to sell photo coupons; swell offer. uavis. afs Yr BV- EXPERIENCED driver for grocery nagon. Apply Mayer ' o-. o" WANTED Good bushelman. Rosinske, 49 Washington St. HIH-CLASS commercial salesman or rep re sen tat iye!215CoinjnrUil DISHWASHER 'Hoyt St. for boarding-house. 739 W A N TED G e n e ra 1 h I-a c kflm 1 1 h t hat can el io mules. Call 420 Falling bldg. - BOOKKEEPING, private tuition by an export accountant. 301 Merchants TrusMaldg. , WANTED 2 neat-appearing men; can make $30 to $40 weekly. 303 Rothchlld bldg. -FURNITURE finishers wanted. Apply Car- man Mfg. Co.. 15th and Thurman. . TAILOR Young man to assist in busheling work. Lton Cloth ing Co.. 166-170 3 d st. COATMAKER wanted. Elof Anderson, Polsq. Idaho. BARBER wanted, steady work. 304 Burn- side. - WANTED Night clerk. Apply Sargent Ho- tel, Hawthorne and Grand ave. i