TIIE jrORXTVG OREGOXIAN. MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1910. 12 REAL FT ATE. e ial rrnlt Iwk. , Ai"RE3 goud nnch nar PortUnJ. parily timbered: oa county rofl: all bst soil for fm:Hrotni. rhlck?n-rasln. -etc. ; weil tlrair.etl: no rocas; only p-r acre. An other 40-acre tract at i per acre litrai ifrmi to suit. HcFAKLAND INVESTMENT CO. J I Corbet Hlig., t'ort.and. Or. Jin- Sale tirna GROVEL.AND ACRtA Situated Just i m:: from Portland on the nr Vnitcd KaUwajr. end IS mlira Jrom le city by wagon road, offers to those wno are looking for good land an opportunity to buy from 1 to li) or aorea at a price lower than anything else srU&la a reasonable distance frum Ue ctty. CKUVKLAND ACRES Is practlca.ir aU In cultivation, and tr.era ta not a atone, nor a particle of gravel on the entire tract, clvar cold water Is found In abundance only a auort distance from the iur!ic. .iroun.l Is slightl-r rolling, affording ex cellent dramas. The aoll 1 a rich, d-ep clay loam on the malor.ty of the tract", and on tome It Is thi blacs swal. aoll. commonly ea!d "beaverlani-' THE .NATITIAL UtALTT Of tMs tract makes It an Ideal spot for a ni!l rarm and tr.e prlca pula It within the reach of alL Come In and let us ex plain more about It and te.l yon about tne eaay terra a. The prlca will be raised CHAPIX HEP.I.OW. "D t::-S3S Chamber of t ommerce. ATTILACTIVB COL'NTKV HOME Willi A.S INCOME. art-acre fruit ranch. mil's from Un derwood. Wuh. oppoalt" Hood Klver. on nuln cunty mad: magnificent view of Ml. Hood. 31 acrea m fruit, 'i acrea In .-reared epp.e tr-es. e acrra In to lU-year-o.d JlaldMin ajiplrs. 4 acre In Ppltxnbersa and Newtowna, 8 acres in d'AuJ-'U pears. 3n pea. h trees i to S years old. lm prune trees and ether fruits, and tne bal ance of the cleared land In l-ar-otd ap p.a trees of a commercial variety, there U a neat little six-room house, with fire place and plenty of witer: well fenced; price Includes all tools, necessary farm Tiapiements. incliidlni; a rood road wasun. spray pump, anil It taken at once the l.uver al.l iret the b rieill nf the crop, which win amo'lnt to a'-mit $12'"K; this Is an Ideal place In every way and we can truarai.tee It to be Ju-t r represented; prtre fcr a short time ;1C'". one-quarter ra.a, balance oa terms to suit at Tfr CCUL rHAPlN m:K!.tw. ST- t'hainher of l'o:nnirr-c. feluCK AMI XA!HY FAKM FUR SALE OK KXCIlANHH. S0-acre fr.rm on the Yaaulna Pleer. one-fourth mile to railroad loun. 1K acres of bottom land. lOO acrea of bench land. 170 acrea nil! lund: 3H acres open pasture: tMs is a well-euulpped farm. A!th or chard, berries, best of aoll. convenient to town and school, good Lulldlncs. good roada, telephone, water piped to house and barn, about 7S head of rnltle on this plnce that can be bought with It; If you are looking ror a sto. k and dairy fann and have some gocd Portland property In ex change f'r It, It win pay jou to look thla us: t rice lliOuo. CHAl'IN HERIrm. -C" 9.12 i'hamher of commerce. V A K M I IKI'AK T M T311 SU-ACKE DAIRY II A N'CH AT SACRIFICE PRICK. 14 acres of rood land. 243 acres of pas ture all told. 2i acres of creek bottom uo tler cultivation, small bearing orchard. 2 tnlles from railroad. 1W miles to school, telephone. It. !.. etc.. county rood, ett.r piped to house and r.arn. good o roora house, 2 go.d barns that will hoM 100 tone of hay with p nty room ffr all stock, hay and other fod enough to feel all atock until Serine. IT head of cattle. 6 of them good milch cows. 30 head of aheen. 3 goats. 3 horses, all t;nymenta CO with the place at the prlco of Jibuti. CHAl'IN A HE111-. C S32 Chamber of onimerce. -AKMlKl"AKTM KNT 3CS. GOOD LITTLE FAliM OF 7S4 acres; 20 acrea In cultivation. 5 acres In bearing orchard, fruits of nil kinds, ttest you ever saw; best cultivated land you ever aaw; all fenced; house of roome. large barn, water pired to house arj barn, l.nd can be Irrigated from aie. good road to farm, beautiful vicar of Columbia Klver and mountains: ' rods from Corbett's Station, on O. K. A N. Kj. It you see tlila farm you will buy It for a home and you will not regret It. Price, see J. I. WELLS CO.. 61 Chamber of commerce PMg. LAKUR DAIRY FARM. 40 acres, ill cleared and In cultivation, balance sliehtly timbered; good big etrejira on two sides, railroad statvn adjoins prop erty, good roads, near large towns, schools and churchea; big" old-fashioned farmhouse of I or ff rooms, new big dairy barn with capacity ef about 10 head; old barn on far side of property: large wtndmlll. fam ily ercbard of old trees and 10 acrea set out to young apple trees; tne price on thla place is 171 per acre; 1.M cash, balance a per cent. . niAPl.N HERLOW. -D-SS.S3S Chamber of Commerce. HEAD THIS DAIRY FAKM SNAP. US acres. 3 acres of tide land. 55 acres cleared, 2 acres bottom land under cultivation. M acres hrush and stumps. 1 acre bearing orchard. 1 mile to railroad station and county seat, county road, water piped to toe house from spring, house good condition, good barns and outbuildings, all feed and farm implements and tools, IS milch cows, lour other head of catt.e: P,C f-HAPIX HERIW. -C- Hi? Chamber of iommcrc. NONE BETTER SURE: WINXKH. 60 r-r of level land, unsurpa)d f--r fruit veits-tiibleii. icrmin nd pra- of Vlrwl, part of land belny beavr- dam and can b irricatrl: .and ea.-y to clear; on ocvl county roal. 4 inlla to railroad Ptat:on on O. W. P. and 1 mil to to--n of Kaul Creek, arhool. churchen. po4?ott:c and tore- No mistake can ba inajf, in buvinS this tract ot land lor a homo. Lt u mhnvr you It. J. U WtleLS CO.. "harrbT of Qnmnifrce -CHIfKilN RANH." 15 acre 8 nilica frotu Carrolton. oa tele phone lire and U. F. t.. 4', V1 Jn cVlt! ration -li area m.re rey Ut the plow, and fenccJ with chi ken wire; half acre In rtatoAs 4-n"ru huj. Kirn, rot collar. 6 chwktn lvuf wtth mra. so younr fruit tree alo vtnnU irint and brr!e. hen. cow " 2 tore ha, lnclubator. 3 hrvoder. bO r'Cr. VrW e!4N'. AJJ5Pnlttn. :0 1 acre. 3S mllf of R. R. tow, l&o acr-' under plow. 2 acres ready to tbow r :r timber; all fenced and KoU land; 7 acre in orchard, creek on r.ace. u od ro.id. fir buil llniEa, V mlia to avhool. Vru $-5 per acre. VI caaa. b tinra timber. CSaUsUI eW llK0N-0.JITEE1-K CO.. Ground Floor. Hig- 40 ACT ;i acres olt'arfd. 5-rovm cot tare barn and -outtm.-dtnea. S arrea or chrd prlnir. creek. H mile to e ectric line atatlon. 12 nae to Fortland. terma. m . mj K TvJ all cleared, barn and bouse. i arre orchard. 1" n.llca to Portland. 2 mlU-i to atatloa; JOU; terraa, KuratU Brua.. UllUboro. Or. . V v V R V fine Ji-acr fruit form, all finest rolfmc land. 1) acrea full bearmc or chara. I acrea In calm at Ion. balance bruh"and pajtura, amall old houe. 1 mil to K. H. a-Ation, muea to foo-l county aat town; Que bargain for caah; prica levl). pROXOeSTEElB C . O rou n d V loor Lewia IthTc. ABEVt-"TTFtL. rS-aora farm. - mtl of R. K- rineet of land. II acrea in cultiva tion, balance- email timber, i-acra orchard and am-. 11 fruit, nice hirh sround. -roora houa and baaement, food barn; a very fi ne auburban home; cood terma; prlca 1.09 -per a're. BR.NO-aSTKV-LS CO.. Lewla Bldg FIX'S 1300 acre. atout 3 mlla to 1L. R om rood road. 50 acrea under plow, bal mncm fine pasture and timber; food build Inca runr.tr. e watex. all fences, fine dairy ,,n, h. p-lre $6 rr acre; easy terrna HKONM-SIEICLB Co. OrouTid Floor. Lewla 131ig. fUi XcRFd; a:i t::'. ib; larae rtwt.iir.it. convenient barn: 1WK roda woren frn-e. dtolnlnc chvol and railroad; full equip ment, feed. aeed. atock; 1-X acre ee.lcd; S4.v0X Box oxX Kouta No, U HarrU- burg. or. If TOU are looking for a cvd. eaTe In reetment In orchard farca. bulnesa propty. houaoa, fiata vacant propeny f a. aaaixiesa chance, ee BLJliyLKI-I- A FHOUP. r.ia k r. Ex iv.dr. FOR ptt ay terma Wheat and al falfa ran oh ts Eastern Oregon ; wouid consider m tradsa. WUlUma. Luai- brrpeal b'.ilg. J. A- CfS.MSGHAJl. For ea-e. faxma. prices reasonable, a ncausa .... . p. O. Vf T4, Carlton. Or. TAKM f r a.e; 10 7 W acr.-a. m:ia wat of Tortland on vroa tlectr'.o Railroad; $ IT per acre, tersia; no axenta. Wincrea, rarer to n. Ro ut a I. m X POOR MA"8 OPFORTUXITT. A ba-na. stoajc acl fruit, oa ct.eap landa rf Sovith. AM ei2. Orecvnlaa. fc ACRFe3 near city, a.; fenoed; near fcuili-!-rte. B. 4?Eh TebT 16L Mlecellni IF TOU ARB XXOKUa FOR acreage, a wnai imaca or weU-lmrroeed farm, at low price aa e aeve liberal term sea atv 1 aaasla a aaa ptpertlea J. o. st-Ror. B?o Crbt HMf. FOR West !e ac.--ife and l-ta for :..0 and up. rail "ft Ti e ciifrn Secuiat.es . 411 Fi'jMmC Mg ii Tf'. r.ver frontaae. or lota oa isrvrta City carl:r.e. y owner, U. O 6 Lark weather. Ri. Station. TO EXCHANGE. LAKE COUNT! Huil ESTEAD. 1M acres, all jtood lard. Toleanlc ash. 2." acres In cultivation. 80 acrea enclosed with wire fence; land located In aettled valley, house, barn, wairoa abed, wood well. This farm la In nice open country. Will trade for rood city property or am nil f irm In Willamette Valley. Prlca fMOQ. photos of farm and buildings at our off Ice. M CITAPIX ft TIER LOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Dept. 331. FOR Portland residence property; at beach. tia View. Wash.; best corner location on boulevard; beautiful shade trees; kltchen tl mine; -room. llvlnt-room. 3 bedrooms, wtth room and observatory; no Incum brance. tee McDuffee. 5Q Ablngton bld. ACHE tracts. Improved, near the city, to ex chajife for food ctty property or for sale oa ay tenca. Provident Investment A Trustee Co.. ai'-iL'd Uard of Trade b'.dg. ItijVI.VO PICTURE THEATER. For sale or trade, fine establlahed mov lnf picture theater; town eoyO; do oppo- :uon. S:H Washington, near 17th. WILaL trade for city property 1C0 acres Ira proved fruit and wheat land, near Madras, or., a mile fruxn new railroad. AE 304. Cre iron !a n. WE exchange your property, reicardleaa of location fur that which suits you better. Nurtuwest Etcfiante. nenry uiui. TWO donkey engines wanted, will trade jriu'Mj e.juity in nice East Side borne. FOR quick and profitable result in all classes of exchanges, caU at 30 Gerllnjor bldc. , FOR ftnancial reason I will take beat offer for $st equity in lot. 1 tinS, Or- aon.aa. 16 ACRES rood timber land to trade for equity of any kind; some cash. Bocxeaa, li LOTS in Ooldendaie. Wash., for Portland hr.uw and lot. If 3 4th. Kfto hardware and crockery etore. $3&00, fir income proiverty. 1 Oretfonlaa. fTASTKD REAL KSTATE. WANTED CLOSE-LX ACREAGE. Have a customer for a small piece of irrj;. Prefer one that la partially Im proved, not too far out, on some electric line. What hare you? F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 4";-401 Lewis l.ldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. W ANT close-in East Side or West Side bus mesa property, not over $40,000, for which some choice close-in acreage, free from Incumbrance on carllne, must be taktm aa part payment, balance cash. Vumluya Walton. 515 Chamber of Com mrce. WANTED House or bungalow with fire place; can pay $j9 down, balance $20 per nu-nth; Rive price, description and loca tion; owners or agents. H 362. Oreconln. WANTED To buy or rent, seven or eipht rouni modern house on the West Side. C- It. W-. Hotel Nortonia. 1-:LI.NjU1SHA1ENT wanted; plve full par ticulars In Urst letter. AM 7a Ore Eoniau. . FOR HALK T1MBFR LANDS. FOR BALE by owner, eight hundred acre timber, crutslns; hfi,y nu:uon feet on the biuslaw Klver; price 90 per acre; W0 arrva adjoining can be purchased at aams price; no agents. Address lox Ft.R SALE 1W acrea Oregon timber land. In Lotig.as :min:y. heavily timbered, fir and cedar. Terma cah. A E- Frost. Harriet ave.. MlnneapiUs. Minn. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CKACKEN. 3Q4 M;Kav B!1. ISO ACRES valuable timber In Douglas rnun:y tor sale; terma N 870. Oregonlan. TiV.HER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 21 Worcester bldg. It)R R:?JT FARMS. To RENT, on sliarea. farm with stock and Implements; WUlcmetto Valley preferably. l-;wl J street. BelUngham, Wash. WANTED TIM LER LANDS. TIMBER lands wanteO. C VH UcKay blJg. MoOackesk ron f vle. Uunrs, ebiclc and Harnee. HORDES FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have Just arrived nd will be sold under our guarantee. I hey range in wslghi from 10U0 to 14t0 Its : age from 5 to 11 years; all good workers and prices reaaonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight POO to lw lbs., for sale- Call ard Inspect these. If wanting horses. Hawthorns Stable, 420 Hawthorne ave. HORDES FOR SALE We have sixty head of good heavy horses for sale, suitable for any kind or work, railroad, logging. truck Jug or farm; will sell at a very reasonable pr.L-e; they are working now near Che halls: can give transportation over in. P. Ry. Winston Uroa. Company A McDXugAU. Che halts. Wash. FOR SALE Team of two horses, harness and spring wagon; all in first-class con dition; will make price right for quick sule. Owner, room 00 OregwnUui bid. NEW Studcbaker wagon, full platform spring 12-foot bed; not used enough to wear paint from wheels. Cost will sell W. J. Youmans. Inquire ll-i Vnlon ave. S. Telephone Er.st aUii. FOR SALE One 4-year-old team, mare and gelding, weight lb.. Mltcbell wagon and Portland No. 1 truck baat; all new; can be seen at Eat Grand ave. and Ash su Owners, pbone B 1 roum . FOR SALE Lady7 small. black, driving uam. well mated, city broke, very styi lh. Addroas -Urs. G. W. Yergcn, Aurora, Oregon. 1A Y team, weighs V00. good delivery wagon and hurnesa. also one sorrel horse, harness and wagon, weighs 10o0 pounds. Must be sold. Nobby Staole. 1-th and Flanders. JUST arrived. 34 head of work horses, good addle paiy. suitable all purposes, we;gnt loJO to loi. must b aa represejiied. lialun Feed jUrn. ItHo Macadam road. GOOD team mares, ZlvO, fair harness, nearly new 3-iuch "Old Hickory" wagon wtth box. all very cheap, for SJSO, Apply i$4 North 26th; "W" car to rth. block nOrth. lUit ail-E. rOKTU-NU bTAiLEJ. 20 S. 16TH ta. MAKH.VLL ICkV. HOKiSES AN WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. tLUiiriT HALL'S DTABLEa. 38 Frant B Uvary business, rigs, horses, baraeia, wagons, for sale or rent. Mala 33U. FOR S-VL C-year-old horse, weight 1375 or will trade fur a lighter horse. 742 Brooklyn su t ONE team, well matched, hors weighing nih; sound and without blcixlshea. -a 1 lessen t. . ONE borsfl. welching 1300. sound and true, very cheap, g-0 RuaselL pAbTL'KK for rent near Portland. Ssitf ohl- 1 oc k bid c- Phone M aln 1410. PK CTIC VLLT new Wrbr wagon cheap. pno r.e Eajt beft or 553 lv.t Waaalngtoa su WANTED To hire team at $7 per day. East Water ar.d Salmon. phone E. P'i. HEAD of work horse, l pair niare.. can be seen 7 Salmon. Maia ftiaO. iilLLSH. feariesa. trotting bred, J-yar-oid coll a: Second and jeflvrson. Automobile- WHY T Euy a second-hand car WHEN We can sell new automobiles from $11.5 to $jo0; twenty different styles; two, three, five, seven passenger; twenty, thirty, forty, tlltv horse power; and guarantee all car free from defects In workmanship anu material. Write or call for our little booklet. STODDARD-DAYTON AUTO CO.. jo Tenth st. AM retiring from automobile business, ha e one hve and on seven-pacugr cut Till sell at factory cost; your own term. J oC3. Ore g Jtil an. FoH SALE or trad for real estate pas senger automobile, in first class, condition; l.ave no ue for It and Will sell cheap. I. 37". Orefionlaa. GOlN- io California for the Winter: wnt r3pon:t party of mean to cwre for my new automobile for tlie use of ame. WILL 4 my auto livery company, making HoO a month clear; l7o. cash, balance -00 per month; am leaving town. J WANTED second-hand automobile no mat ter in what condition. Ang:s Automo b;.e Acadiiaey. 5 Lnlou. corner Davis; - Ma:n ftesl. ' . FOR S4,LE or trad. Whit Steamer. Al con dition, full leather top. extra rumble seat, etc Just out of shop from ovt rhaudtg aud painting. Telephone Sell wood 5-1 . FOR : or trade. fiv-p.snger. I-cjalnaer Puick touring car In good condition. Value yjj. Phon e Mam S 1 a. or Woo d la wn z 4 lo ACRE3, Polk County. 4 mile of Dallas, ex har.- f-T S0-horpower auto. 1VX or cou.-h b:..g. : 1 1 c e I laneoua. fciiOVvCASEii. new and second-hand. SlU FT v r e -. i iiirrtr nn ax io lu.ur BAR'iAJN Lad a bicycle. fine condUllon. t etb C - FOR SALE. Mlncellanroaa. SECTIONAL bookcase, fumed oak, $13.50; black walnut combination dealc $12.50; flno black walnut library table. $li; roll-top desk. 48 Inche. $J0; six-drawer chiffonier. $. 5o; fine birdve marie dreser. $10; other dreasera, $7.50 to $15; buffet $J to $23; hallracks. $5; arm rocker. $L75 to $7.50; arm chair, $1 to $4.00; three olid oak Morria chair, choice for $0.50; ix genuine Vienna dinlns chair. leather board eat and back, $10; solid oak cen ter table. $1 to $4.00; 0x12 Smyrna rug. $7.50; several large-stze earpets: domes tic sewing machine, $; Singer sewing ma chine (drop head $12.50; heating stoves. $1.25 to $.50; three-burner gas plate. $.; extra good values In iron and bras beds. $rt kitchen treasure. $2.50; kitchen table. $1; common dining chairs. 5oc each, and many other bargains In house furnishing good at way down prices. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 545-547 Washington, bet. 16th and 17th ats. Both phono: Main 1108 or A 8793. THE Northwest Typewriter- Company. 123 Abington bldg. phone kf. 8370. I the only company selling strictly .actory re built typewriter; prlce$l0 te $05. HIGHEST-GRADE powerful tleM glaa. new, Goerx Pagoe binocular. 10X. very cheap; $J5. worth double. Phone B 1407. FOR SALE Beautiful gold bracelet set with 11 diamond; cost $-0u. will take Sll'5. Address K 30. Orogonlan . FOR SALE Showcases, wallcais, countera General fixtures in stock and made to order at lowest price. 222 Grand ave., . faLlCKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS $45. $50. Ask for catalogue. Rebullts $15 up. N. M. Hayter A Co.. tfO Bth st. Main oo-a. 6xS PRINTINO PRESS and outfit; good aa new; coat $00; will sell for $30. V 370, Ore- gonlan. MISSION office furniture, almost new. In- Qulre room VL 532 William ave. ALMOST new drophead White ewlng ma- chlne. $-0. Call 607 East Washington st. BARGAIN Lady's bicycle, fine condition. 200i 4th t. LARGE afe, in good condition, for ale cheap. 240 H Morrison t., room 1. BEAUTIFUL hell port! area; can be eeen at 877 Vancouver ave. FOR SALE Store nxturea, shelving, etc Inquire 34S Washington L PItACTICALLY new axmlneter rug, lOxOX A 1I54S. . NuilvS and mortgage bought and old. Na tional Credit Aas'n. 01 Worcester bldg. wANTFT MISfELLAXEOtS. CLOTHING. Wanted Men'g cat-off clothing and shoe; we also buy household furnishing. Jewelry, run, pistol, trunk. Tall, uit caae etc; highest price paid. Call at the Fair Deal" 02 N. 3d C Main 1)272. Or der promptly attended to. CLOTHINO. Wanted Men's caatoff clothing and efcoet and blcyrle; highest price paid; w alo buy lallegf clothing. Call up the Olobe second-hand st.re. Phone Main 2OS0. 200 1st re Prompt attention always gn-en. We call la every part of the cltjr. CARPENTER work of all kind; Jobbing, re modeling, r.' palling a spcialty. Cummlngs t Catlln. 871 First st. Marshall 23-7. SELL your aecond-hand furniture to th Ford Auction Co. or you'll get le. Phone A 2443. Main M5L . WANTED. CARLOAD LOTS pllt cedar fence pots; quote price f- o. b loadlng point. AE S03, Oregonlan. IF YOU bav household furniture to sell, call up George Baker St Co.. 152 Park st. Both phone. SPOT oaatt paid for your furniture; proms attention alwaye given. Phone East 107. HELP W ANTXD M ALB MoTION-PICTURB OPERATORS' SCHOOL. The onlr achuol of it kind on the CoaTt which 1 capabi of giving you actual ahow experience with your two weeks' tuition fee; term reasonable; competent operator re cetv from $23 to $40 per week. Only bona Cde booking agency in Portland. Call or write. PulMfer'a Theatrical Exchange. Mar Quam blUg. - BOO- MEN 20 to 40 year old wanted at one for electric railway motormen and con ductor; 9X to $100 a month; no experi ence necessary ; floe opportunity ; no strike. Write immediately for application blank, enclosing iiamp. Add res X 28 care of Portland Oregonlan. WANTED An experienced real estate man, well acquainted with Portland property, to take charge of our inside- property department. Call today. F. E. Taylor & Co., 402-3 Lewi bldg.. Fourth and Oak. WANTED Salesman to handle cigar a side line on commission; good thing for live salesman. Ad dross Box 11L Carson, Wahlng:on. SALESMAN wanted capable of reaching way up; $50 required; aalary and commission; state all first letter; Interviewing tflg peo ple. Y 3S5. Oregonlan. t IF you have selling ability can put you on work that will earlly net you $10 per day selling fruit land. AK 378. Orego nlan. WANTED S mon to learn automobile driv ing and repairing, largest shop; 54 Union, corner Davis, Angeles Automobile Aca- flumy. WANTED Two first-class solicitor for out-of-town printing company ; none but the best need apply. Willamette Pub. Co., Mllwaukle, Or. . BOY wanted to deliver and make himself useful around tailor store. Prompt Tailor Co.. 432 Stark, st.. cor. 12th. Call Monday morning. CLOTHING salesman, very good wages for good man. P. C. Company, 5th and Wash- in gl un bib- WANT a lady to work in boarding-house for her and husband' room and board. 121 Kussell st. t-none ivftat i o. DELIVERY boy with wheel to work In afternoon- only. Call Monday A. M. oOo Washington st. A WIDOWER, not Incumbered, with S girls, would like a housekeeper, full charge of houMe. Call 203 3d it. J- B. Curtis. YOU NO man. not under 18 year, high aehool education, for electrical supply business. Apply t:J0 A. M. Gl 0th t. LEARN automobile driving, repairing. .. or evening, office Z26h Washington, Ro,. 415. WANTED Boy about 10 years of age. Ai plV Monday. D. B. McBrlda 4 Co, 143 Fifth t. WANTED Boy over 17 to work In factory; $7 to start. Call 4 J 5 E. 40th. south of Hawthorne ave. WANTED Upholsterer ar.d couch m Altera; steady work. Carman M:g. Co.. 18th and Upshur. IF YOU hav aalary raising ability, writ for our new catalogue. International Cor rcspondence Schools. 233 Alder at, WANTED A good, all-around dentist. Ap ply The Electro Dental Parlors. 0th aud W ashington sts. WANTED A first c'lasa traveling salesman for a San Francisco wholesale millinery house. Addres box T 377. Oregonlan. WANTED One clothes cleaner and one busncman. dhu - Dalles. or. WANTED At once, two expert men for lay ing rubber roofing. J. bimoa jfc Bro.. 144 Front St. m , vian at suburban country home to milk cov and work around house. Pbone A 3714. WANT to let contract to clear 20 to i?0 acre- onlv responsibl partle need calL V awduTp A Walton. 613 Cham, of Com. WANTED Young man. about 18 year old. on with knowledge of shirt and overall j . rr f-rrvd. Mt. Hood Factory. 233 Couch. 1 WAST to l"t contract for clearing any Prj'or aa of 400 acre; contractor come nd aoc William. o6 Lumbermen bldg. . -TED Neat young man with $."VO to learn real etate business; chance to make big maneyhllelc.rnlng.242 5tnt, WANTED A boy with a vheeL good wuges. Portland Emporium. 1J0 6th st. MILLWRIGHT Inquire at Multnomah ilu- hair MU . i-eUwood. k..jtt--s.ASb commercial salesman or rep- reentativc- Commercial bldg. PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portmit agents; new offer. Cutberth tudio. Dekum bldg. EooK KEEPING, private tuition by an expert accourUu.ni, 3Q1 Merchants Trust .bldg. WANTED Bellboy. 164 12th and Morrison at a. . feoY Hor errmnd In wholesale bouae. Apply at S.30 A M. 14 Front. a WoODCHOPFERS, ft. of Alberta and Dela- ware ave.; $2 per cord. Martin. PHARMACIST, registered In Oregon. Cottel Dru'g Co. rx vNTED Flrt-ciaa waiter. Apply 141 N. fit'h between 11 A. M. and 2 P. M. Yi'l NG man to aork In drug etore. Cottel Drug Co. A GOOD ladle' tailor; good pay, teady jrork. 447 Alder. J. K. Stern. NO 1 woodturner wanted. Portland Sash A Door Co, East Vnlon ave. a&4 Taylor. HELP WANTED MALE INCIDENT. Office Secretary Employment Department, T M. C. A. (.Young man. siranger In Port land. $20 total assets) "If I pay $5 for Spe cial Employment Membership, will only hav $15 left between me and starvation." (Sec retary) "If you paT 5 for Special Employ ment membership, you will have the Y. M. C. A with all its resource between ou. and etarvatlon." Employment r refund of memberatolp fee guaranteed. 15ee Secretary Advisory and Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. ABLE-BODIED men wanted for the L. S. Marine Corp, between the age r Z1 ard 35. Must be native born or have nrsi papers. Monthly pay $15 to $Gtf. Ad ditional compensation possible. r ooa, clothing, quarter and medical attendance free. After 30 years ervlc can retir " with 75 per cent of pay and allowances. Service on board ship and ashore in aii part of the world. Apply at U. S. Marine Corp Recruiting Office. Breedeo bldg., 3d and Washington t.. Portland. Or. M EN 9 HIGH-GRADE SUITS, Overeats and trousrrs, $30 to $35 ulta and overcoats. $ia7. $25 to $30 suite and over coat $14.75; $3.50 to $4.00 troueer for $2.50. They are manufacture re amplea and cancel lation order, sold by Jlrami Dunn in offic building rent $S0 a month), on a per cent profit baal Jlmmie doe not claim to give you eomcthing for nothing, but he can save you $10 on your purchase ot raincoat or overcoat. Room 316. Oregonlan bkig. Take eUvator. third floor. HEN WANTED Age 18 to So. for firemen. $100 monthly, and brakemen. $80. on nearby railroad a Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, con dojtora Railroad employing headquar ter over 600 men ent to position monthly. Stat age. Send atamp. Rall wav Aaaoclatlon. core Oregonlan. WANTED Bright, active boy for messen ger aervlce; must be 16 or over ana willing to learn and advance; toys will be taught telegraphy while working; "0a Jectloiiable place. Apply to H. Odeen, Western Union Telegraph Co.. 3d and Oak. MEN" WANTED, age 18 to 35. for firemen; $100 monthly; brakemen $S0. on nearby rail road; experience unnecessary; no etrike; promotion to engineer, conductor; railroad employing headquarter over 6X men eent to positions monthly; state age; end stamp. Railway Association. Oregonlan. YOUNG man to act a aaleeman and learn the real estate business; good money now and an excellent future. Call between 9 and 8:30. Ask for Mr. Glrton. J NO. P. SHARKEY CO.. 122 hi Oih, cor. Washington. . STOCK K EEF E R, young man familiar with ga and el ec trio chandelier and fitting, to take charge of stockroom and tend to ship ping; experienced roan only need apply. Call at factory of J. C. English Co., Seward Ho tol basement. 10th and Alder. WANTED Steady boy for collecting and delivering; must have bicycle; also boy for after chool hours; good chance for advancement. Apply Silverfleld Co., Cor. 4th and Morrison. WANTED Two first-class tight barret coopers, steady work on fish barrels and kegs; none but experienced men need ap ply. Union Coopprage Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED Party to manage high-class of fice business in city outside of Portland; must be so, her and trustworthy. Call at 410 Rothchild bldg. RAILWAY mail clerks. Portland examination November 12; $&u0 to $1000; preparation free. ,Franklin Institute, Dept. 3C0 U, Rochester, X. Y. . ( RAILWAY mall clerk, postofflce clerk and carrier' examination In November; salary up to $U0; free book $0. Pad II a States School. McKay bldg. FIRST-CLASS lineman wanted to go to Se attle. Call 222 Commercial Club bldg. PAINTER to do work a firt payment on lot. F 37ft. Oregonlan WANTED Elevator boy. Inquire Esmond Hotel. t BARBER wanted. 413 Morrlaon street. BOY wanted In grocery store. 203 First. CARPENTERS and plasterers at 371 1st. BARBER wanted. 210 Madison t. PLATEN press feeder. 123a Second at. WANTED flrat cla?a tailor, 2 NrBtliSLj GOOD drygoods man and dentist. B 1503. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework In small family; good wage. 081 Thomp aon st. Eaat 3'JOO. A GOOD klrtmaker on power machine, steady position, good wages, nice light workshop. 447 Alder. J. K- Hern. GIRL for-general houework; good wages. 851 82d t., N., Willamette Heights. phone M aln 5800. A 2739. WOMAN for general housework and cooking; no laundry work; wage $30. Apply 742 Lovejuy at., near 23d. WANTED An experienced cloak and suit Mfleswoman; must have good references. Inquire 403 Morrison t-FIRST-CLASS lady pianist who can sing preferred. New York Amusement Co., Inc., Washington, near 17th. GIRLS wanted for chamber work and dining-room at EBtacada Hotel, Eatacada, Oregon. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 0u0 Roth chlld bldg- 4th and Washington. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for cooking and general housework. 809 Lovejoy st., phone Main 2920 and A 4940. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 2434 Washington St.. Cor. 7th. Upstalra ' v phone Main 2892. GIRLS wanted to new In tailor shop, and pant operator. 2i3fc Washington su, room 17. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; no washing; good wages. 475 10th st. WANTED Graduate nurse for tubercular cases, hours 7 to 7; 2 hours off every after noon. Cat 1 Oak Grove. Red 33. WANTED Waitress at Winter Restaurant. 230 First st. . GOOD, plain cook, German or Swiss pre ferred. Apply in morning at 434 Main L WA.NTED A girl to assist with the care of baby. 717 Cleveland ave. WAITRESS wanted at Grand Paree Res taurant. Grand ave. andEat Ash. WANTED An experienced waltrese. 163 12th and Morrison t. i WANTED Woman to sew carpets. Apply Gevurtz fc Son. 1st and Yamhill. LI 1LLINERY, reasonable, remodeling, etc; suite 217, 2274 Washington, near Second. WANTED Chambermaid at the New Grand Central Hotel. 3d and Flanders. 1 WANTED Two experienced " waitresses. A fcxandra Court. 53 EUa L GIRL for general housework In amaJl family; ex perlencenot required. Phone Efeuat 43ul. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker wanted at J. Pollvka Co- Tailor. 206 Corbett bldg. A GIRL for light houwork. good home. B SeluJ or 044 Elliot. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking.. 0&0 Moyt st- , WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. 21 Johnson st. WANTED A competent girl for 2d work. Mr. R. Glisan. 103 North 19th. GIRL tor cooking and general housework; must be good cook. 774 Everett at. GIRL for general housework. 7S2 Kearney t.. pear 23d. ; W ANTED Girl for general housework. 702 HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co., 2d and Colu m bla at. WANTED At Sisters' Hospital In ChlCO. Cal., pu p lis to enter school of nursing. GIRLS WANTED. Apply Troy Laundry Company. 201 East Water st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. Call A. M.. apt. 4. 302 3d.t. GIRL to a?ist In housework; small family. 496 E. 11th t. North. Phone E. l?,a. NEAT, quick waitress wanted. Stein' Be- taurant. 122 14ttr at. WANTED A girl for general housework. Phone Main o3.. WANTED Lady cook. Johnson Hotel. o21 Water st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 293 Stark t. WANTED Dining-room girL Hotel Johnsou. 3J1 Water t. wXNTEDW'altress. New Western Hotel. 332 Glisan. GIRL for general housework. 729 Hoyt at-. near 22d. Hoyt. 6H1KTMAKER3 wanted. Jacob Shirt Co 291 Stark. GIRL to aaelrt In housework In small fain- lly. S52 Overton m.. . LADY agent paid to distribute ample. A.ddreas Herbl Mfg. Co.. Mllwaukle, Or. COMPETFNTglrl for general housework. 245 N. 22d. BOOKKEEPING Private leaon 3 night In vplt ; $5 per g-o. X1 Belmont. E. 1484. WANTED Girl for general housework; wage $30. Telephone C 1220. WANTED Flrst-claaa walstmakera at M. & a. Phogren. 3t4 Yamhill t. BDiviTE school, shorthand and typewrit ing. Term $5 mo. 209 lata; ata &S93.J HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Young ladles for telephone op erating, with or without experience, Appiy the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph Co.. th and East Ankeny ts., or West Park and Alder sts. A LADY who ba moved in cultured and refined society, to take a position out or the city, representing a prominent Pub lishing house; will accompany a lady wno la thoroughly competent in the biwines and who will Instruct her fully In tne work: this Is a position requiring "lilty. but not necessarily experience. V oou, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced k!rt and coat hand for alteration room. The Bartholomew Co.. 400 Washington st. WANTED First-class lady stenographer of experience; must write Graham .system rapidly and correctly and be able to um visible Remington typewriter with rapidity 'and positive accuracy; will pay what tne eervice 1 worth. Apply at. once. Albany Abstract Co., 223-S S. Broadalbin at.. Al bany, Or. GIRLS WANTED. APFLT STANDARD FACTORY NO. 2. Grand ave. and Eaat Taylor at. GIRLS wanted for candy department PACIFIC COAST BISCUIT CO 12th and Davis Sta. CAN use a good aleslady for the real es tate business ; excel lent opportunity to make big money.' Call in forenoon, ask for Mr. Glrton. J NO p. SHARKEY CO.. 122 H 6th, cor. WahIngton WANTED Experienced working house keeper In family of adult, no washing, good w-oeea, comfortable room. Eastern woman preferred. Call after 10 o'clock. 800 Union ave.. North. Take Woodlawa or Al berta car. WANTRD Girls to make hlr and overall. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch. WILL give girl stu.int good home and email wage for asstfting In housework morning and evenings. Call bet. 8 and 11:30 A. M. Mrs. J. P. Sharkey, 202 B. 8th cor. Pa clHc. Phone C 1314. WANTED Women to mw draperies. Apply Matthew Gevurts, Gevurtx & Son. 1st and Yamhill. WANTED Ten experienced operators for two-needle union special shirt machines; steady employment : good pay. Apply STANDARD FACTORY, No. 2, Grand ave. and East Taylor st. BUSINESS firm desires a woman not un der 25 who Is ambitlou and enegetic; experience unnecessary. AH 377, Orego nlan. " WOMAN to do embroidering and work mon ogram on shirts. JACOBS SHIRT CO.. 21 4 Stark St. . OPERATORS and finisher on men' neck wear. ' COLUMBIA NECKWEAR MFG. CO.. - 291 Stark St. WE teach ladles millinery or dressmaking in a few week at Boston School of A.il linery and dressmaking. 274 William ave. P hone East 345. REFINED young girl wanted to care for baby and aasist light housework: exper ience unnecessary. Main 6G71. 699 Flan- ders t. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house, 39th and Schuyler, Irvington; piano, will lease for term of months: $50; reference re- qulred. Phone C 11U3. WANTED An experienced second girl; ref erences reo.ulred. Mrs. S. Hirscn. 171 St. Clair st. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, small family of adults. Apply mornings, 773 Johnson Main 2075. WANTED Waist and skirt girls. Apply room 37. Washington bldg.. Monday, or call SellTTQod 72, after 6 P. M. WANTED Experienced help and appren tice. Apply at 131 12th st., dressmaking parlor. WANTED Housekeeper, middle aged wo man; outside of city; 3 adults; good plain cook. Aei 3S, uregonian. WANTED 2 girls to sew mattress tick, steady work. Carman Mfg. Co., 18th and Upshur. . HOUSEKEEPER wanted by woman em ployed during day; middle-aged or elderly woman preferred, phone East 2732. GIRL for general housework, small family; good wages. Call between 2 and 4 P. M., 320 Failing bldg. WANTED A competent girl to do cooking where second girl i employed; goea wage Inquire at 6S9 Everett. NEAT girl to wait on table and assist with housework. 452 Morrison at., cor. 13th. Call morning,. . THOROUGHLY competent woman for gen eral houaework, small family. Phono Home C 1114. ! IF you have selling ability can put you on work that will easily net you $10 per day lllng fruit land. A is. ao. ureBmnau- un wowr'fi LADIES' AGENCY. 228 Vi Washington St.. Room 314. Maln 8836 or A 8266 HELP WANTED M Alls OB FEMALE. 10 000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks, nelp to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tooU free; write for cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges, -io North 4th St.. Portland. Or. WANT ED So m e hlgh-clas salesmen, either sex. commission basis, good contract ; ref erences required. Continental Trust Co., -.' anolrllnir hlill? MAKE money writing stories for newspapers; big pay; send for free booklet; tells bow. United Prese synaicaie. pan WANTED Solicitor, city; good commission; someining new. rnuo " F1SK TEACHERS ASSOCIATION, 611 S wet land bldg. . SITUATION' WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerk. WANTED Position of an executive nature by man, age 45 years, who can give intelli gent administration to any busines mat ter or commission he may undertake; lumber, ooal and steel experience; thoroughly capa ble of assuming management in above line -or of representing large interest where knowledge of general business affairs, ' finances, credits, accounting, costs, etc, is essential; have energy, force, Initiative, tact, resource and ability to get results; connec tion with high-grade company, individual or large estate desired; will go anywhere; sal ary must be liberal. Address K 365, Ore gonlan. , -u.-AVTi.-n Bv voting man from Virginia, po sition a stenographer or private secretary;! college education ana mrca - i best references. AD 399, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. rapid and accurate ; good executive ; reasonable salary; fine references. N 384. Oregoman. FX PERT instructor in business penman! ship wisnes cn iu c-c..,,.. suit getter. n pop. w Rt.im.. YOUNG man wants position with whole sale house. Good penman. Accurate and active. A J 398. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED timekeeper want posi tion. H 373. Qregonian. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED window shade maker "wants position with wholesale or retail house. L. H. Stoeser. Arleta. Or. CAMP cook, experienced, reliable, small or large crew, would prefer surveying camp: J 3S2. Oregonlan. JAPANESE boy wants position as photog rapher apprentice; have little experience. K 373. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. handy with tools, wants po sition in steam or electric plant; sober, re liable. K 3S2. Oregonlan. MEATC UTTER wishes a position in country town; an all-around hop man with good references. u .iiA urrcgouiaji MAN, wife and daughter, age 13. wish to tak charge of private residence; wife firs t-c lass cook. PhonoA 7334. JAPANESE boy wants position at general housework. H 377. Qregonian. YOUNG Japanese bo wants housework or as iamiiy wane.. or. f,.... YOUNG MAN 21 year old wiahe work, any kind, insiae. aj oi-o. mesuuiau. EXPERIENCED painter, paperhanger wants WOI & iiuiu ubuh " w -. ... PIANIST wishe position with dance orches tra; union man. Phone Marshall 1752: CARPENTER ora. .n Mloa. ww -t !-r V-rmll 227. WANTED Position as cook In hotel, country preferred. C 380. Qregonian. WANTED Position a hotel baker and pa try cook. Addres C 861, Oregonlan. SITCATIQX WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. MAN and wile want hotel or restaurant to manage; both first-class books; under stand every branch of the business and will run place on salary or percentage basis; will also consider good restaurant location; nothing but lirst-class house and highest aalary considered. Address AF 3t)7. Qregonian. FOUR years' experience as timekeeper and storehouse man on railroad, canal and pipeline construction. Best of references, 24 years old and am not a boozer. Will go anywhere. AE 39S. Oregonlan. YOUNG man attending biz. college desires place to work for board and room be fore and after school. Good reference given. Address H. D. Burria, 148 6th St. 3d floor. LICENSED chauffeur, sober and reliable, can repair any gasoline car made, want a po sition for private family, country preferred. K 368. Oregonlan. & BARTENDER Germ an-American with 15 years' experience in liquor business, wants position. Phone Main 5375. Home 5375. 370 Washington at. . A-l FARM hand (German) want position where accorded good treatment, capable taking full charge in town Wednesday. AB 3S0 Qregonian. SITUATION a salesman; handled cloth ing, dry goods and furnishings; can trim windows, write cards; will go out of town. Write Charles JWurgaft. 575 5th st. YOUNG"xnanattendlng dental college wishe place to work evening and Saturday. E 373, Qregonian. EXPERIENCED carpenter wishe contract or day work from owners; prefer steady work at moderate wages. Phone Sellwood 1005. WANTED By reliable young man from the country, position as apprentice with electrical engineering company. 13 371. Oregonlan. JAPANESE Employment Co. will furnish all help. Main 659, A 40 73. 268 Everett, SITUATION WANTED FEMALE Bookkeepers and Stenographer. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. neat, accurate, attractive, good penman; best references salary moderate. M 380;, Ore gonlan. STENOGRAPHER, ome experience. not very rapid, but accurate and willing; sal qry $45. B 381. Oregonlan. COMPETENT ctenographer and office as sistant would Hke position; best of refer ences ; aalary $60. X 3S0. Qregonian. 13XPER FENCED stenographer desire position; law . office preferred. AD 391. Qregonian. POSITION by competent stenographer; un derstands bookkecpin g. T 304, Qregonian. Dressmakers. ALL kind of fashionable dressmaking and ladie tailoring, reasonable. 537 Montgom ery. M 1018. . STYLISH dresses, $5 up; waists, $1.50 up; fine work. 529 E- Mill. East 5256. WANTED By trained nurse, situation in doctor's office. AB 364. Qregonian. Honsekeepers. YOUNG German woman would like to do light housework. E. K., 90S East 20th st. North. A COMPETENT Swedish cook wishes position In private family; beat reference. X 376, LADY want housework by day, Eaat Side, 37 Going St. . Miscellaneous. WANTED Sewing at home, shirtwaists and children' clothes a specialty; also baby layettes; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone A 1042. DENTISTS wanted, licensed in Washington, all-around or experienced In mechanical work. Call 416 Rothchild bldg. WOMAN wants work In boarding-house or rooming-house for her and her husband a room and board. H 378. Qregonian. - YOUNG lady wants newspaper or magazine work. M 372. Oregonlan. PRIVATE tutoring by experienced teacher. AJ 380. Oregonlan. W ANTE D A GENTS. AGENTS to sell an automatic damper for stoves and furnaces that saves 1-3 in fuel and Insures the home from all fire risks; simple, practical, cheap; sells itself; new device, and no territory has ben worked by agents; big money made. Call or write Safety & Economy Damper Co., 440 Sher lock bldg.. 3 to 11 A. M. AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de mand for choice nursery stock; outfit free; cash weekly. Addres Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. ACTIVE canvassers can make 50 weekly selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com pany. Liberal proposition; good territory. Add ress Orenco. Or. LIVE agents to sell photo coupons; swell offer. Davis. 342 Wasn. st. WANTED TO RENT. BIX or seven-room house for occupancy No vember 1: in good residence district; what all modern improvements including hot water heat, hardwood floors, large closets, etc.; must be in good condition; will pay J35. Address 523 Colman bldg., Seattle. WANT to rent modern house or bungalow, 8 bedrooms, cement basement and furnace. Holiday or Irvington, for threu grown peo ple; no children: best of reference, Ad- dress, 025. Chamber of Commt rce. SMALL, neatly furnished house. East Side, reasonable, adults. J. M. Cox, 392 y E. Bumside, Apartment. WANTED 3-room furnished modern apart ment: give full particulars. H 379, Ore gonlan. . Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN want single room with board, walking distance; name price. F 383, Ore gonian. B uslnes Place. WANTED desk room in nice office, W 375, Oregonlan. ' FOB RENT. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS TODAY. MILNER BLDG." 350 MORRISON ST. MODERN, CENTRAL. REASONABLE Para b et Kuonu. HOTEL ALDB. THE CAPLE3 Corner 4th. 350 Taylor, and Alder L near 7th. These two beautiful new hotel just completed and handsomely furnished, pos ses every modern convenience Including elevator service and private telephone ex change. Both are right down town, yet just off all carlines; about half the room In each have private baths, all others hot and cold water. The rates are surpris ingly low. Call and -see them ana you will be pleased In every way. Room by th day, week or month. HOMELIKE. HOMELIKE. HOMELIKE. i NEW SCOTT HOTEL, -Seventh and Ankeny Sta. Our many guest have found the beat. And friends they tll a few. . If you wouid have a peaceful rest. And cheerful thoughts renew So hurry, Mr. Traveler, it' a. LP TO YOU. GRAND UNION HOTEI 387H Eat Burneide. A good place to winter; steam heat, hot and cold running water in all room; room with private bath; ten minutes walk from business center of city; rates $2.50 to $8 per week. Phone S. 5040; B 1275. " HOTEL SAVON. - 19 Eleventh SC New, modern brick building, ateara heated, private baths, hot and cold water In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and comfortable. Kates very reasonable. CaU - and see u. iMgulax and iraa.at traie olid ted. HOTEL SARGENT. Cor. Grand st. aa4 Hawthorne. Phone I-s: SSI, connecting every room. Private bath, elevator, firat-ciasa grill. Special rate by week or mon to. a nitric a or Euro pea. Transient solicited. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Hotel. S30 YamMll ; first-class f urnlahed rooms, ingle or en suite; modern; 350 up; transients solicited. Main 31. A 7177. $5 per wetk and tip. THE ASSEMBLY. 2C5 6th St., fine furnished rooms, light and sunny, running water, bath and phone; fine yard; 4 blocks from postofhee; transient or permanent; rent reasonable. HOTEL BUSHMAiUL. " Washington and 17th. flrat-claa furnlsb4 room elngl or en suite; all modern coar ycnlencea; weekly up. A 8647. M. 564T. HOT&L IRVING. ' (13 Oak at., corner Sixth; large light. airy rooms, elegantly f urnlahed; electrM lights, running water; low rate. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two people; all conveniences; $3 and 4 per week. Aster Houae, Seventh and Madiaon. MODERN outside room. 2.5o to $3 per wee; including baths; also housekeeping room. 648 hi Washington at. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall sts., well furnished sleeping rooms, $2.50 per week; electri c lights, hot baths free. NICE pleasant rooms $2.25 per week and up. -OS and 17th st. . Hot and cold water; free baths. THE WARREN. 253 Alder, near 3d; nicely lumiahed transient room. 50c up. FOB, KENT. Furnished Room in Private Family. BEAUTIFULLY furnished outside rooms, single or en suite, heat, lights, hot running water, bath and phone; $5. $10. $12 month, or bv week. 575 Couch. West Side. Call A 5-SO. - , LARGE! front alcove room, with piano; $5 50' week; also rooms at $3 per week;. .-Hilts ble for two if dt-alred; bath, phone, heat. 224 lth, near Salmon. NICE furnished rooms, very reuoiMMe. Call and see them; will make you at home; piano, phone and bath. 571 Glisan t- walking distance, near 17th st. FOUR furnished rooms; also two light housekeeping rooms, desirable location, walking distance. a(6 Johnson at. Phone A 1642. DESIRABLE room, furnace heat, electrio - light and bath; breakfast If desired, walk lng distance. 553 East Alder. WELL furnished, steam heated rooms, suit able for 1 or 3 people. 715 Johnson U Phone Aal375. m NEWLY furnished front rooms, all mod ern conveniences; central; private family (gentlemen only). 404 Clay, near 10th st. NEW furnished front room for gentleman walking distance; gas. bath. 33o H arrloa near 6th st. 12 A MONTH to gentleman, nicely fumlhef front room', with balcony. In new home, al 2-1 E. ltith. cor. Salmon FINE, steam-heated room and bath in ner apartment-house, near The Hill, on 14th street. A J 3t7. Oregonlan. LIGHT, clear rooms, well furnished, phoue, bath, etc., ( to $4; one housekeeping suite. 2 rooms. 331 14th, near Clay st. NICE light hot room in private family suitable for two; free bath and phone Call C 1964. NICELY furnished room with beard lq firlvate family; rate reasonable. 34 SJ Col ege st. LARGE well furnished room, for one or twQ gentlemen. 303 11th st. TWO nicely furnished rooms, down stairs with phona and bath, cheap. S24 14th a4 LARGE front room for two gentlemen; mod- ern, $i a month. Phone A -2Tj FURNISHED rooms, apply 327 N. ISth at Phone Mam 700. near Quimby at. FINE furnished rooms for gentlemen. 745j Hoyt. between 2d and 23d sts. WORKING girl can have furnished room. home conveniences. 5 month. 350 Ivy SU ROOMS for rent, heat, phone and bath. walking distance. 2t- 12th st. FUR NI S 1 1ED front room, modern conveni ences, walking distance. 28 North ltith sU ROOMS, ISO 10th and Johnson. Call betwuea 12 and 1 or phone Main 5402. FURNISHED front rooms, walking dis- tance. 3-7 W. Park su PLEASANT room, heat, hot and cold water. brnaktast 1 f d eslred. 175 21st South. WANTED position as cooks, two SwedlsH girls. Call Mai nJL 002. t NICELY furnished front bedroom; phone goa, bath; $10. 2G6 32st st. KICELY furnished bedrooms; phone, ga, bath heat. 513 Clay. 1 UK 2 furnished rooms, modern house and, private. 70S Everett. Phone Maln4623. To MONTH Pleasant, tninny room .suitably for two; gaa,barh,phone. 475 Clay. FOR R'NT Fur uished rooms. 106 4th Room With Doaro. PORTLAND Women' Union, 23d year, room, with board, use of sewing-room and library 610 Flanders. Mis France N, Heath, aupt Boom With Board In private Family. ROOM and board for two in a strictly prU vate Jewish family. Marshall 17S3 morn- Ings. NICELY furnished rooms with board C run ning water, sleeping porches, rates mod erate. x-iiuuk -w. BOARD for lady on East Side. large frontt room, electric light and furnace heat. Ap plv at 131 E. 10th. MODERN rooms with board; gentlemen pre- ferred. Ot'3 0th st. BOARD and room in private family. 64i Yamhill st. . LARGE suite of rooms with private bathi also single room. U4 N. 22d st. A 72o0, PLEASANT furnished rooms, with board. l4y Lownsdale st. bet. Morrison and Alder. ROOM with board. $0 per week. 291 llti neer coiumpia- rnonc .tiaionttu -"'m. CLE N, well-furnished room, suitable fo t w o; good home cooking. 432 3d -t. TWO ladies to room and board; 9-2.50 each; modern conveniences. 172 N. 23d St. FURNISHED rooms, with board. 392 Sal inon st. a $2 PLEASANT front room; for two, $4U; modern conveniences. 470 Main t. BY woman, living alone, young lady to room, and board, reasonable, Woodlawn 1H1U PRIVATE room and board. 617 Kearney st. ROOMS. board for two. 880 11th. Apartments. ' HEINZ apartment. 14th and Columbia; 4 blocks south from Morrison st. ; new brick building, completely first-class; furnished in 2. 3 and 4-room family apartments; one 3-room unfurnished. $35 month; private bath, reception hall, steam heat, hot wa ter, elevator, free phone, janitor aervlce. rent from $25 per month and up. " ORDER LEIGH APARTMENTS. Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St. New fireproof brick building, beautifully furnished, two and three-room tpartments private baths, wall beds, large clothe closets. Phone E. 300. THE SHEFFIELD, 7th and Jefferson sts.. unfurnished 3-room apartment with bath; all outside rooms, modern, every con venience, only 5 minutes' walk from P. O vory reasonable rent. Main -5U6, A 3149. , KEELER APARTMENTS, 14th and Clay ats. New brick building, 3 and 4-room, family apartments, electrio elevator, steara heat, disappearing beds, private bath rooms, free phones, etc.; rent $-5 to 50. BL AN-Mi'R Just opening, new fireproof, brick, large light hall, all outside apart ments, automatic elevator, electric dumb waiters, hot and cold water, private bath, steam heat. i!8 N. 20th. cor. Lovejoy. ST CROIX Apartments, 170 St. Clair St., off Washington; front three-room opart ment, all outside rooms, private bath, neat, water, bath, phones.reasonableient. LOIS APARTMENT, 704 Hoyt St., one 4 room furnished apartment, steam heat, private bath and phone; janitor service; references required. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room apartment, in cluding Weber pianola; finest house in the city ; 5 blocks from Hotel Portland, Powers nnd Estas.120 6th t. JUST OPENED THE WHITEHALL. 251 6th t., 4 squares above P. O. ; family ho ' tel. private baths and telephone; traa--lents solicited. THREE-ROOM apartment, furnished, house keeping, dressmaking, millinery. 45th and Bemonj-jraborl 7 OS. IRIS Apartments. Third and Mill streets. 4 room unfurnished, S30; 5-room unfur nished. $45; modern improyementa- $30 "THE SUNLIGHT APARTMENTS," -45th, and Belmont; newly furnished; modern B 1624. - .' "THE NORDICA" Cor. Grand ave and Belmont; modern furnished apartments; very reasonable. ST CLAIR Six-room modern apartment, two porches, all convenience. Phone Main 4930. . BOZANTA Newly furnished 3 and 4-r6on apt., private phone and atrlctly modern, 2d near Johnson st. THE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders 4 -room unfurnished apartment. Apply to Janitor. 3ROOSli steam-heated apartment, unfur. nished. Cottel Drug Co. ESPECIALLY select furnished apartment for two. 341 E. 9th N. Phone East 5.33. Flat. FOR RENT 2tf Thurman t bet. 27th and 26th ; fine car service ; flat of o rooms, modern conveniences; rent 25 per month. Inquire Wakefield. Fries s Co.. 85 4th st.. -iienry bldg. ,Notbing on the West Side like It for the money. NEW -room upper fiat, all modern conveni ence, including fireplace, , 6ih and Ore gon .ta. Phone -t242. 7room modern lower flat within 5 min utes' walk of P. O. at reasonable rental, W. H. Powell, tt-2 B. of T. bldg. LARGE, isolated 5-room flat. 512 Alder St., all outside rooms; $-5. Apply 211 -owns. dale USth) street. FOR RENT A modern 5-room lower flat, cor E. Burnslde and 15th st. Inquire at No." 14 E. 15th N. Phone East 235, B S3S5. FOR RENT New flat, all modern conven iences, 18th and E. Ash sts. Phone B 20u6. ftlBOOM flat, attic and fireplace. 6904 Northrup at. Rent $4u. Mala3 225. MODERN Flat. 3 block east end Steel bridge. Phone Woodlawn 151. FLAT of 5 rooms and bath. 598 Salmon at. Key 600 Salmon. NEW S-room flat for rent, near Steel bridge, 200 McMUlen at. 0-ROOM modern flat, 768 Irving t. Key in grocery. LOWER 6-room modern flat. 7S0 Kearney. Inquire 712 Kearney. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 561 Davenport st 4-room furnished flat 25. A 178S. MODERN 5-room flat, 5th near Jackson West lde; 10 minutes' walk. Main or A 1223.. - A