TTTE MORXI3TG OTCEGO:!riA5,, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1910. 11 O'CONNOR, IRISH LEADER, TO COME Advocate of Home Rule for Ireland to Visit Port land October 16. WARM WELCOME PLANNED Vlfrttnr FcIlow-CmintrjnMii Are Arranging for Noted Man' Re ceptlon Press Club Extends Invitation to Lnncheon. Plana for rha entertainment of T. P. O'Connor. M. I. who will visit Portland Sunday. October It. In the Interest of Irish home rule, were partially made IRISH POLITICAL LEADERS WHO ARE VISITING UNITED STATES, ONE OF WHOM WILL SOON VISIT PORTLAND. el' i : v : I - . - irk -; ! i- a ' em r . : m . jT - VI v r l , , --F JJ, : IS' . . "If . I ! k : w ft. , m ' ' i - " - '" X irrT TO RIGHT i lsaasesssaeeesse. yesterday afternoon at a meetinr, of members of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians. Irish Leaerue and Irish-American rtttsons of Portland. The meeting; was held In the Woodmen of Jhe World tem ple on Eleventh street. ivar Alder. On account of the Inclement weather conditions, but a small delegation was present, a majority of whom were worn fn. However, the women, who are mem bers of the ladles' Auxiliary of the An. lient Order of Hibernians, were Just as enthusiastic as the men and airreed to lend their hearty co-operation In mak m the vlalt of the eminent Irish poli tician one of the banner events in Irish history in Portland. Reception Will Be Warm. At yesterday's meeting. E. H. Deery, lecretary of the entertainment commit tee, was empowered to appoint a com ftilttee on arrangements for the recep tion of Mr. O'Connor. Members of the committee will be announced at a meet-Ins- to be held next Sunday at t o'clock, tn rooms 6o:-. Ourllnser building;. Sec ond and Alder streets. Mr. O'Connor will arrive In Portland from Seattle early Sunday morning. Oc tober 1. The Portland Press Club hes extend td ths Irish committee an Invitation to rntertaln Mr. O'Connor at luncheon dur Injr the hours from 12 to S o'clock. Kollowimr this he will probably be shown about the city tor an hour or more tn an automobile, after which he will rive a public reception at the hotel parlors. In the evening he will address the citizens of Portlanvl at the Armory. A nominal entrance fee will be charged with which expenses will be met. He will probubly remain In Portland over night and leave Monday morning; for fciokaae. In a stlrrtns; speech Mr. IVery be seech ed the nah people of Portlnnd to come forth and make every effort to make the visit of Mr. O'Connor a suc cmi He told the advantages of home rule and told of the work being; carried on by Mr. O'Connor and party of Par liament members that Is now doing; mlsalonary work among; the Irish cltl sens of the United States and Canada Fonda Wanted for Home Rule. T. r. O'Connor, with John E. Red tnon.l. Joscyh pevlln and Daniel Boyle, constitute a committee f four dele gates of the Irish Nationalist party to the convention of the United Irish League of America at HuflTalo. They are also soliciting funds for the carrying; on of the Irish home rule work. Mr. O'Connor was usslgned the Cana dian terrttorv. Mr. Kedmond the East ern States. Mr. Devlin the Southern States, and Mr. Boyle the territory west of the Mississippi Klver. On account of tha territory to be covered by Mr. Boyle Mr. O'Connor agreed to visit the North west cities, lie will appear at Seattle. Tacoma. Portland. Spokane and Butte. Each of these cttles has made exten sive plans for his entertainment, and the Irish cltlxens of Portland Intend to outdo the other cities of the Northwest In the entertainment line. If that Is pos sible. The Armory has been engaged for Sunday nlcht. and it will be thoroughly heated, beats for 6000 people will be placed. Mr. O'Connor la scheduled to leave Quebeo on Ms Western tonr October V. This will gtve him plenty of time to visit the cttles marked on his Itinerary and arrive tn Portland at the sched uled time. J. Hennessy Murphy. Dan McAllen. P. E. Sullivan, editor of the Catholic Sen tinel, and others offered suggestions at Sunday's meeting as to the entertain ment of the eminent Irish Nationalist. CHARGES WILL VISIT FAIR Insane and Feeble-Mlnded Person Will Go to Spokane. SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct. X. (Special) Vr. J. M. Sempie. superintendent of the Eastern Washington Hospital for the Insane, at Medical Lake, has ar ranged with the Washing-ton Water Power Company for spectal trains on Wednesday to take the patients of the hospital to the Interstate Fair at Spo kane. Superintendent S. C Woodruff has made similar arrangements to take the children of the State School for the Feeble-Minded to the fair on Thursday. Reduced rates are not offered to del egates or exhibitors at the National Dry Fanning Congress. THREE AIRSHIPS HAVE RACE Aria tors Practice In Chicago for Flight to New York. CHICAGO. Oct " J. Three aeroplanes arose today at once and en raped In a three-mile, race around the mile course at the Hawthorne race track. All were Cur tias model biplanes, and they were driv en hr Curtlss himself. Charles F. Wlllard and J. A. D. McCurdy. Wlllard and McCurdy are entered In the Chicago-New Tork race which begins next Saturday, and spectators watched them pit their a kill against each other with considerable Interest today. The maneuvering- of the aviators will continue all week, and the actual race to JVew Tork for the JO.0'0 prise offered by the Chlcae-o Ever in Post and the New Tork Times will be In at 10 a. m- next Saturday. LETTERS IDENTIFY BODY Corpse of Mnsio Teacher and Sus pected Flrebugr" In River. HOQCTAM. Wash, Oct. X (Spe cial.) The body of Professor F. A. i V . ! sV s 1 ,.. - 1 , - - .III I I - - ' JOSEPH DET1.IX. JOIIX E. REDMOND AND T. P. CO-XXOR. Schwabe,' suspected of setting; fire to the Hoqulam Hotel. Friday morning-, July 23. was found floating; In the bay, about 600 yards off the foot of Wlshkah street. Aberdeen, this morning-. The body was Identified by means of letters In the pockets and by Arthur Johnson, of Hoqulam. who took music lessons from Schwabs. An examination of the clothes on the body, revealed a letter to Schwabe from a New Tork publishing; house, acknowl edging the receipt of money In payment for printing; done for Schwabe. Another letter was from Joseph Grebel, of Portland, asking; for a music teacher for his daughter. This letter proved to be a most valuable asset In Identifying ths dead man. Johnson stated that Schwabe had shown him the letter In his room In the Hoqulam Hotel before the fire. John son also identified an amethyst ling; found on the body as one worn by the muslo lnsts-uctor. Inside the ring; were the letters "M. 8. to B. 8." There also was a return postofflce order receipt from the New Tork publishing- company scknowledglng a payment bv Schwabe. I AlCriOX SALES TOD AT. At tVilone auction house, corner Second and Tir.ihlU. ! at lO A. M. J. T. Wilson. au.-tiopeer. MtiXUSU NOTICES. WILLAMETTE COUNCIL. ROYAL ARCANUM, meets at K. P. hail. Ulb and Alder srtreeta the first and third Mon days of each month, at 6 p. M. P. II. Noltcr. secretary, care lrlbb-n a Fextoa Col. 17th and t'pshur streets. Mm-t-sra do not forgot opening uoaco. ThursUAjr, October . g-SO P. il. ABAPJKONT LOPCE. N'O. 12, A. Y AND A. M Special oommunl- T a C7 cation this IMondarj o-reolns aX ' SO o'clock. Work la the iu li. ' - vited. W. M. pa LIN. See. WILLAStETTB LCDQa. Jfx 2, A. r. JLND A.M. Stated communi cation this tMonlsy evening at 7 :oO o'clock. kUoctlon of commis sioners for the life membership fund and work tn the M. M. de gr v Full attoouanc of msmbora desired. Visiting brethren wsicomo. i. V. a. WKKKS. Sen. CAMELIA CHAPTER. NO. 27, VVy O. E. S. Stated communication this (Monday i evening at 8 o'clock, w"- lasonio Temple. Heceptlon. in V honor of Grand secretary Miss Nel 11 McK-lnley-. grand. onUcera and eftleere of city cliaj-ters united. Hy order V,'. aL PLOKJiNi: P. JOUNdON. Sec Kw hall for. rent, central, fine Boor, steam )iMt. piano, larse ante-rooms and locasra liowe-i'ifcvla I.O.. IW J" ft. or C3La4SSiriia ViTISIeNU EATS Per Lin. Oa time tirM l W OtC4ltW tlw. ...... ..Xx tMktU 4.4 laaXs COOMCatW UIM (mui lis r htm sBscuiiv time. ,fto bix VsurU iwUDU U cmtk - UhcB mm .tdvsiasjtjresmt lm ot rmm t On cturif ! bok vdrtlfvuotw wto rhvte iiUl M tM4 m tmm mctnml annrnrlnc km IDA MlrfT, n Cta as iaalAl- of word Ll Msrb Hal. Itt W XeXieajr mil mti lT UMHUD IM " cbara r in .nr m. 14 ua t Uic Ih shor ! applr t m4wmrUmmmtmtm mDdci -Sw T and mil otmm BiiiaiUioa Um rxcpUnc tb foliowloci Mtaatlaas niwd, Mai. NIuiiiom MuM Fenusi. or Huu Kmum, Jrit Fa milled. UllSSste-k T-linsT a -asmaa tfl t lb ri oa tit atT clsH-Uir.at4 km srsnnLsa sa lirkas c-aerh InMrtlon. TO UlT-OI-IOUM J'AXRON'S Th Ora aolaa will raoava copy OW maU. prarldad uffkciaa rantliLMC fwr duaita aombar mt iMOfi la arat. AciLata(lsaniiit of mic ranuttaaca U1 b (orwarir4 promptly. la sjit box adia iara U reqiurad. aa rasmlar faca sivaa. and coast Uita aa part mt tba ad. Asuwfrt to adrarUmaat will b forwarded tm patraaa, provlOed it aiV srspaard mwmiaQrm mxm tACaoard. li roa bava ail bar Irlcpbuaa la jrrmr hooaa t w iii aosrsf-pl jmm ad avar tba pbona aad rerad wosi ib biU tba arxt dajr. l'bon Maat Ad. li-pC. Mala 70. a mr a MM. Ml aat.yia Wanted and VmonaJ adTafnbsaaaaata a asNsrptad avar tba povaa. Jurrora mrm Mora aatly mada la taiepbooina; advac aarata. iharcfar Tba Orrtfwiaa wtU baid ttaaa iwpmibit iJirSEMEXTS, BUNGALOW 2di'oV Phones Sfala 117 aad A St. TONIGHT. TOMORROW. -W-EDNBSDAX. Special Prloe alatlnee Wednesday. "The Lottery Man" A REAL COMEDT HIT Evenings. $1.10 to 60c Matinee. II ttltl BAKER rWEATKKl Male t 11th and Morrison r I.Kiktr. Mgr. Beautiful new home of the famous Baker Two packed houaaa yesterday and last nlgnt RFirSTraMTlXIONS." The Barnum of them all. greatest eomerty or the age. Don't misa it. .TonlKht. all Uata Wed, Sat. Wed. Bargain Mat.. 2oc SaL. 25c. 60c. Evenings. 5ic. To. Nut Week "Cameo KlrbT. SEATS NOW SELLING Prices: $3.00 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 All Reserved SCOTTI dePASQUALI Tomorrow Eve, Oct 4 Baker Theater TMreetloa Lois steers-VJ'yan Comas MAIN e. A lnso. I atATlNKB EVKBT DAT. ib-am KCin. THEATER 1S-?W9-75 WEF.K OCTOBER S I Torts Jads. John r. arte and Co.. In -Marse J'heibT's Chrlt mas Dinner." Cjulnn and MltcneU In Tne Aenl. Irene llowlejr. The Flrlnl Martins, lam Put. Uheeloofc and Uar. -turea. Orchestra. PORTLAND THEATER The Home of Drama Uth and Washlneton. HtMT SKAT IN THE HOUSE 50 CENTS. Seat Sale On. WEEK COMMENCING TOXIOHT William C Dow lan Stock Company Presents TOE TttAVEJJXQ MAN." PrlceNiehts. 15r. Sic. JSc 80c. Matlneee. l&o and 2Sc Matinee Sunday 1:30 P. M. w -w w aa w -a HKVKXTII LYRIC TAi5 Week Conunenclns; Monday. Kdw. Ad matrons Presents THE WvKVANT IADY." Performances at 2:45. 7:45 and 8:15 P. M. Saturday and Sundays at 2:45. 7:00 and 8:15 P. M. Nlsht prices. ISO and 25c Friday night Lhonia Glrla' Contest. Next week Return of the popuiar favorites. Ben T. Dillon and Will King. A NO Week Oct 3, 1910 DANTE L J Added Attraction, SCI.LIVAX and COMPANY, la a Komantie Iriah Incident, 1KAM1UM AKltXL, A CO., la "The buffrne-ette." Emma Don. Kate Flower. G KANDASC Oi'E. la IteUe Meeker, '..n. ... .... IKa uatluea Kvery uay. .ov. j " FTenlns Performances at T:80 and 9:ia: Balcony lite: lower Floor 25c; Bo Seats 50o DIEIX JONES In this city. October t. at the fam ily residence. S3 4 East Third street. Mabel Francas Jones, ared 21 years. 2 months. 24 daya Announcement of funeral later. ALLEN In this city. October . at St. Vincent's Hospital. Mra Ella Allen. An nouncement of funeral later. ITM-KAX, NOTICES. KDDT Bertha A. Eddy, wife of Charles F. Eddy, ssed 62 rears. 14 days, died yester day (Sunday) A. M-. at 8:20. They live at 6th and Mildred avenue. Funeral will be from residence, 3 o'clock, tomorrow (Tuesday). BLOOM In this city. October 1. at Oood Samaritan Hospital. Mra. Martha M. Hloom. ased 60 years. 1 month. J4 daj-a. Krlenda Invited to attend funeral eervlces, which will be held at Holmans chapel. Third and fcaimon iunw i (Monday), October a. interment River- view cemetery. KERRIGAN At the family residence. 1399 Mallory are.. Philip Joseph Kerrlsan. aeed S4 year a Funeral services will be held Irom above residence today (Monday). October a. at 8:44 A. M.. Unce to the Churrb of the Holy Redeemer. Piedmont, at 10 A M. FMends respectfully Invited, fervlcrt at the cemetery private, lnlar ment ML Calvary Cemetery. FCNEBAI, NOTICES. O-rLT At Colorado Sprlnss, Colo- Sept. jt. Ada. wtfe of Fred L MulL Fwneral wlU be held at Cresoeat Grsre Cemetery Monday noon. , XONRETH FLORAL CO. HAKMCAM B1JJU. m-m i.u.l 111 .ll.M Fhoneei Male A 11IH. Dane Ins kfeEatee. Fnaeral IHreetore, tth sad ilna Phooe Mala 4SS. Lady aa aUiast. OS Ice el l.aH -'"" sea, tie d st. Lady Asslstsat. PU.oe At. sea, "t r. ILVLSt a SON, Sd and Usdasa taay attendant. Pnone Mala . A IMS. KAnT BIDE Fuaeral Directors, successors te s. 0. bmmlm. Isa E. a. B t&Jto. LKJtwoK CO. Codertakersi lady anlst- ssit. see aider, si. sua. TK1 I FH.BVHNES CO.. Funeral Directors, M tllllams ava; both phonesi lady asst. LtKCU. Cndertaker. ear. East Alder and sib.. EaM ML B isa. Lady assistant. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICX. CITY HALL MAIN SSS. A 75SS. sxaaKS officer, bast stts. NEW TODAY. Apple Land $125 Per Acre (00 beautiful (rently rolling: acres, 400 acres in cultivation, no waste land, no rocks, at shipping: station, on S. P. R K. In lioeeburfr: lies Ideal for sub division: will be sold on advantageous terms for subdivision. 'Will sell. If subdivided. Into 10-acre traots at 1200 to $500 per acre. Price Is only $126. Come La and set particulars. Grussi & Zadow i-ir Board ef Trade Fids, 4rh end Oak. MILLIONS Or DOLLAJiS IN COLD. Values lying- dormant In already devel oped mines, within twenty miles of the Eumpter Smelter In Eastern Oreson. where a ready cash market ealsta Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore now blocked out ready to break down and ship. Grand opportunities for practical minsrs and live promotera Now Is the time to ss eurs some of these valuable propertiea threush purchase, lease or workU-s option. Quick action counts address fcecy. Sumpter Development Leafuo. gumpter. Ore son (H 1 J Jj AA Income-bearing 4) X O 9 O vl vl home property, two blocks south of Morrison street, West Side; nets over 14 per cent on whole investment; $10,000 cash will handle. 718 Marquam btril ding, 10 to 12 A. 1L, 2 to 4 P JL Pacific Title X Trust Co. Removed to 7 Chamber of Commerce, ground floor. Fourth-street side. A. H. Manley. Free W. Y. Masters, free. a Atty. FOR SALE 10 acres right bottom land. Joining; Foreet Grove. Price tibO per acre, $500 down, balance on time. Address Owner, y. Verhoeven. Forest Grove. Or. LN VEsTOKo Can ea ewasrs- Jteaity Ass's, sor timber, aerease. buna a rastdacjee aaS r2w C NTTW TODAY. Rare Bargain Referee Sale I Monday, October 3d, J At Coarthonse, 10 A. M. . Lot 6, Block 219. 188 Tenth st, between Yamhill and Taylor; inside business property. Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, Block 237. E. 11th, between E. Ankeny and E. Burnside; business and apartment property. Lot 3, Block 13, Dunn's Addition. At 749 East Ash. Sold to highest bidder. V. SCTrMTT). REFEREE. J A. T. Lewis and Chester Dolph, Attys. Quarter Mile Willamette River Frontage Finest Country Residence. Tract Near City. About twenty-seven acres; fine groves, choice trees, spring water, srood house and barn, some orchard; about ten acres tillage; excellent building sites; reached by Rood county road. rlTer and electrio car service. Price below market. Part casb, balance easy terms. Geo. D. Schalk 2 28 Stark St. ' Bungalow 5 rooms and bath on lot 40x100, on 13th st., just north of Alberta. Of fered below the market price. Big Sacrifice will be made on bungalow or 6-room house at 872 Capitol avenue. See owner today. 70 W. Emerson A nice 4-room bungalow offered at a very reasonable figure. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TEUST COMPANY S. "W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sts. A Great Chance e 720 acres highest-class fruit land 300 ready for planting, $45 per acre, in a large and growing fruit district. Also the best-160-acre farm in Yam hill County. E. P. Mall Co. 104 SECOND STREET. Irvington Swell Home Brand new, modern, swell 9 - room house; everything In and ready to move Into: furnace, fireplace, sleeplns; porch. built-in china closet, window seats, nice combination fixtures, shades breakfast-room. In fact It has all latest Improvements and Is a beautiful home, on a lot 60x100, with cement sidewalks and street Improvements paid. This home Is worth $7600, snd you can buy It for a few days for $6900, about $2300 cash, balance easy terms. In the best Sart of Irvinston. Nothing: but swell omes surrounding:. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board of Trsde Bldg-, 4th and Osk, ANDERSON BUNGALOWS ARB) Correct tn Arehlteetnre, Art la tie la Colorlnais. Substantial la BnUdlas;. , 5 rooms, 46th street. ....$3750 rooms. 46th street S3S50 s rooms (45th and Hancock-st, corner) S43SO rooms, 68th and Fland ers. S2800 Easy Terms. TOST O. AKDERSO.e, Forty-fifth and Sandy Road. Take Rose City Park Car. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William O.. 311 railing bide. Bu-relL AH. Co.. 202-S McKay bids. Real estats. Insurance, mortrages, loans, ace. Brubaasr Benedict. SU2 JacKay bids. M. Chapin 4 Herlow, sJ Chamber Ctmunersa, Cook. B. B. Co, SOS Corbett bids- Jennlnrs C&. Main laa, SO Oreconlan, FALMER-JOXES CO, & P Sl Cannasr eial Club bids- chalk, Geo. IX, S2S Stark at. Kata SOX A JS81. BBIXDLJIR HAIX. KB AMactoa Mds The Oreson Real Estate Cow Orand are. and afultDomah st. (Holladay Addition.) SC. E. Thompson Co.. cor. th and Oak sts. BEAT, ESTATE, For Bale Lota. LRVLNiiCON' PARK. TSxlOO. one of the finest lots in the tract. SX terms and a bargsla. teg Couch bids. Phone A 2811. BARGAIN Westmoreland, corner, 100x100, on Bybee ave,. a blocks from car; 91075. Inqulre T. Burns, First Xatlonal Bank. PORTLAND HEIGHTS site, amons; line res idences, nsar car; most be sold cheap for cash. Main 1561. A 3. LOTS la Shearer's Addition now on sale; fine residence property, hisb. and sightly, close in; tenna Tabor 1888. At Oilman's auction rooms. 120 Eeoond street, at 10 o'clock A. M. & L K. Oilman. auctioneer. fBVIXGTOJT lot cheap, 20th at. Owner. Phons Main 7290. BACRrpI CD Ladd avenue lot. AK SSX RE.VL ESTATE. For Sale Lota SUNNYSIDE LOTS. 25x100, on 4th. near Hawthorne, 0O, SOxlOO. on 48th. near Main. $1800 ; 83 1-Sx 100. on East Morrison, near 30th. I12"0; 80x100. corner 4Sd and Hawthorne. $I9u0; 44x100, Hawthorne avenue. near SSth. X)0; 50x100. ISth and Esjv TamhilL J-T.uo; 100x100. 0tn and , East Yamhill. GRCSSI A ZADOW. 81T Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SNAPS. Boxllfl. East Irving-. $950; terms. 100x105 on hard-surface street, near Laurelhurst. $1700; easy terms. 70x100, business. East Qllsaa. $2260; tarma DUBOIS CROCKETT, Washington Bids;.. Room S. A DANDY PLATTINO PROPOSITION. Over 200 lots. 50x100. some larger. Bull Bun water laid Into tract: carllne through tract: best and cheapest proposition on market; $1700 per acre; good terms. B 880. Oregonlan. $1750. . 40x100. on E. 18th st.. half block from new Sandy Road carllne; $100 cash, bal ance $25 monthly. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 211--21.1 Oommerclal Club bldg. Phones Main 3CS9, A 1653. BIO CORNER. Small price. E. 20th St.. vicinity E. A carllne. $2'200. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. IRV1NQTON LOT $la On 18th St.. bet. Stanton and Siskiyou. Can be bandied on easy terns H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-21 S Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main S8, A 2653. TWO CHEAP LOTS. 450 for the two; each 4uxl20 to alloyi city water, graded streets, some terms. EABB A PATTON. SS2 LuTnbermenfl bldg.. 5th and 6tark. -PORTLAND Heights 8 lots, best residence district, block to car, beautiful view. Im proved street: must sell immediately, about half value. Main 8S5L. A 8S39. gS-KK) STRICTLY modern T-room home, lot 74x100. beautiful grounds, fine district, close in. near car and schooL ties owner, P32 E. Kelly st. Phone Sellwood 37; terms. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! $2 eacn month; price 9150 up to $2n0: nothing down. National Realty & Trust Co., a4 Washington st.. room BIO. you can buy a lot near Rose City Park for 1300. $25 down and $10 monthly: graded streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. 524-520 Board of Trade Diag. ONE lot. 60x100, corner of 12th and Whlfa ker sts.; price 9850. Inquire 6o0 Spokane ave. . Scllv ood. Portland. Or. HA"WTHORNE AVE. Bungalow of rooms and bath, full ce ment basement, fireplace, bookcase and built-in cozy seat. Lot 50x100, faces east. Price 9375p. Terms. Phone Main 80 or A 4041 between and 10 A. M. weekdays. BEAUTIFUL IHVINGTOIJ HOME. 7-room, strlctl modern, almost new house, with every convenience; nicely lo cated In Irvington; larg;e fireplace, beam ceilings, all mill work to order; nice lawn and shrubbery; street paved; full lot. In fact everything complete to suit trie most fastidious; this little house was built for a home and not to sell, but circum stances have changed and It will be forced onto the market regardless of price. 11 you would like to make me an oiler for It. nddreas AC 875. Oreconlan. ROSE CITT PARK. BARGAIN, 9200. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms, lot 50x100, Improvements In ana pe-ld; bath, built-in buffet and bookcases, den. pass pantry, beamed celling in dining-room, sleeping porch, furnace, base ment, laundry trays, hardwood floors; own er must sell at once. National Realty &. Trust Co. 320M, Washington St., room 018. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Good, large t-room residence on corner, modern In every respect. 60x50 open ground for flat; 1 block from Grand aye ; fine car service. The house is worth 9000 and the lot is worth $5000. Will sell tor $8000. In cluding new carpets, shades, stoves and linoleum. This is a bargain. Phone Eist 1357. '- IF YOU HAVE THE NECESSARY CASH. 1 can sell you a fine 6-room. ne. mod ern 2-story house, close to 4 car lines and 15 minutes out. The price Is 93600. and 91500 down will handle It. Balance eas. This includes shades, tinting.- fixtures and everything that goes to make a com'?" ble home. Call 210 Falling street. Phone KS 1444. ON East 16th near Washington High School, modern 8-room house, large attic, cement basement, furnace, electricity and gas, lot 83x100. cement sidewalks, walking dis tance to business; bargain price and terms. See Henry A. Townsend with Henry Bldg.. cor 4th and Oak. PRETTY 5-room modern bungalow, re stricted East Side residence district near good car line, paved street, cement walks, lot 410x110. lawn, roses. 91000 cash. Will alve you a fine bargain. Phone owner Sunday! from 12 to 2 P. M.. or any time Monday, wooqiawn im MUST SELL Thoroughly modern. 7-room. West Side residenwonly a short distance from City Hail. This place is 110 feet Seen but haa only 25 feet frontage For thai reason we are pricing It 91000 under valua 94250. terms. This is absolutely a snap 414 Spalding Bldg. NEWfrnodern bungalow strictly up-to-date, beautiful Interior finish with bullt-ln china closet, plate rails, wood-lift, sta tionary tubs; in 'act everything nifty and handy 9300 will handle the deal. See owner, 414 epaiqing xiug. COMPLETELY furnished modern 6-room house, splendid East Side location. If you have 92000. will give you a bargain. Phone owner Sunday trom 12 to 2 P. M.. or any time Monday. Wood lawn 1267 or C Z44L WALKING distance, in prominent loca tion? One view. . block, with modern 9 rm house, rent, for 940 per mouthy street improvements In and paid, no aienta 254 E. 20th su. cor. 1 block north Ilawtnomo ac ON East 25th street: modern up-to-date bungalow cottage, with 77xl0p of sltely around 93000; a thousand dollars below the market. The Western Securities Co, 414 Spalding Bldg. , j fiAFNev o-TOom bungalow one block east Ankeny oar line, close In; fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, cemest basement, laundry trays, etdewaiks. everything arst-cLs and up to date. 92950, terms. Owner. Tabor 2101. " HANDSOME RESIDENCE. 1600 cash, balance like rent; East Side, In most select part of Rose City Park. L",r Canine; 8 rooms. 93G00 buys it if taken Vt once. Owner. X 3q Oregonlan. unnCRN' 7-room house and 60x100 foot lot. In the Union ave. district, for 92260. If you want a snap look this up at once. The Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding iag OWNER at eacriflce. modern 8-room Irvington residence, near two carllnes and school; price II taken at once. 956O0. r o-i Or.ffnnlBB DTC-.T,tnJT By owner, brand-new modern eight-room house, tile bath. Portland Boulevard and iJial lory St. Price. 94200. AM 304. Oregonlan. 8-ROOM house. lots, on 29th St.; Alberta 'VI. bargain. 91500: must have half cash. Inquire J. Polansky. 29th and Al- Terta sxs. uomw" BEAUTIFUL 5 and 6-room houses, modern, near school and cars: very easy terms; will exchange for lota Plttenger. 110 Klllinpwurvu - - OWNER &-room new modern cottage. rrouna euxAuu. v 1 ' - . ..w month; location on carllne; also 100x100. Call 925 tn su rauMP FINE seven-room house modorn. close in, good neighborhood, a very desirable home. Price 94700: cash 91000 and reasonable terms, inquire 001. """-fw FIVE rooms, bath, etc, near Alberta carllne, 122 50 per month;. 7 rooms, centrally lo cated. 920. National Realty & Trust Co, oos : . j.EW attractive. Irvington home, 8 rooms, beautifully arranged and finished. Owner. .. r Thomnson St. 8264 waaninswu 44 cast a,.-". vpw modern 7-room house, rood location, close to cars. $1000 cash, balance time. Phone f. hb 1 t,---.,. nt SALE by owner, the handsomest 8-room house in Irvington. 4eo B. 80th at. N. Call and see It. m-i SALS by owner, 7-room bouse; price 9450- easy terms, or will trade for team. Call 28 8th. PORTLAND HEIGHTS homes, lots and tracts, all prices; views and locations; aome great bargalna Main 3551. A 8839. FOR SALE by owner. 6-room modern house, full lot. younr fruit trees, block front car. Phone Tabor 780. 81100 cash or terms, 6-room cottage. Uonta villa carllne. Call R. 8. Searle, 720 Cor bett Bldg WILL sacrifice new 6-room bungalow, furn ished or unfurnished. Call Owner, C 1617. 6-ROOM house, lot 60x100. Inquire 730 Ten lnoe ve. Phone Sellwood 1507. NEW, modern 5-room cottage. $850 cash, balance like rent. Tabor 368. NEW modern houses In Irvington. R, B, Sloe, both pttoaea REAL ESTATEl 1 or Sale Houses. TAYLOR'S SPECTAL BARGAINS. NOB HILL. SOSOO 92000 cash, balance as long as you wish at 6 per cent, buys absolutely modern bouse. In one of the choicest sec tions of Nob H11L This place has excel lent furnace, fireplace. In fact all modern conveniences, and Is easily worth 93000. IRVINGTON. s 83500 $2000 cash, balance your own terms, modern In every particular, new: is located on one of the prettiest corners in the choice section of Irvington: 8 rooms, however 8 in the. attio are un finished. HAWTHORN'S. 93250 $1000 cash, balance any reason able terms, monthly or otherwise, this Is strictly modern, and new. No better buy In the Hawthorne district. SUNNYSIDE. 82000 91000 cash, balance easy terms, buys a brand new home In the heart of the Sunnyslde district. This home will appeal to you, as it Is offered very reason able. Located between two of the best caxilnes in the city. UNION AVE. 93200 $1000 cash, buys 7-room house, only 2 blocks from Union ave, located on one of the best OOxlOO-foot corners in this section; has beautiful lawn, fruit trees: in fact, is one place that will make a nice home, and is worth at least 94500. KENTON. $1200 9100 cash. baL 910 per month, buys brand new 4-room house, a great bargain for the money: has bath, toilet; In fact, practically all modern conven iences. , . 9900 $75 cash, baL any small amount monthly, buys brand new home In Ken ton, which cannot be equaled for the mwe"have an kinds of homes, at all kinds of prices, and can suit you no matter how particular you may be. Call and see oar luta P. E. TAYLOR ft CO.. 402-3 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6 large rooms, large sleeping porch, fine bath, lavatory, beautiful flreplaf-e bullt-ln bookcase and china closet, paneled dining room and den. duplex shades and nice combination fixtures, double constructed, full cement basement and floor, cement laundry trays, block to Hawthorne; this is absolutely the best buy in this section. $3300, 95000 cash, balance $20 per montn and Interest. See Hawthorne Realty-Company at once. There's a reason. 'Corner 84th and Hawthorne ave. B 2Ubi. ! bor 618. . . UNION AVE. HOME. Nice, new, modern 7-room house, gas ana electric; nice fireplace, cement basement, laundry traya, built-in china closet kitchen, den. 8 bedrooms, nice tuIe walls nicely tinted, on Skidmore. corner Grand ave, nice location. Jnc13. r?? worth of furniture; price $4o00. -00 cash and 820 per month; a snap. GRUSSI & ZADOW. H17 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak- TmiT Ti vntr IT IS TIME TO SAVE MONEY. OX. R SUCCESS IS BASED ON OOOD WORK. FAIR DEALING AND DISPATCH OT CONSTRUCTION. IF WE BUILD, PLANS FREE. IF YOU OWN LOT. SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH SUFFICIENT- IN VESTIGATE US AND OUR METHODS; IT NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO, SH12 1.I.W 18 nuLJyg- EAST MORRISON-ST. COTTAGE A fine 5-room cottage, gas and elec tric, nice fixture nice porcelain bath, cement basement. Includes oil healing and cooking plant; on a Sunnyslde lot. 33 l-3x 100. with bltulithlc street and sidewalk In and paid; a beautiful little home, on East Morrison, near 30th St., nrice 93100. 81."oO caBh and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Beard of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. VIEW property, by owner Five acres, on the esst slope of Mt. Tabor, 300 feet from City Park; 6-room house. Bull Run water, barn and chicken houses, 25 Royal Anae cherry trees; apples, pears, pruaesv quinces, 4SO young gooseberry trees coming lJ",fJB: 050 feet of choice grape vines trelllseo. ano j-ust commencing to bear. Price 913,000. Ap ply ldU lOin Bl. nwuq " ..-. n-TTU mT-132. 6-room house and about Va acre or ground: good well oa place or can connect with water main. Price $1800, or will sell 70x132 feet of ground with above im provements for $1350; one-third cash, bal ance easy; 5c fare. KNAPP & MACKEY. . 212-213 Board of Trade bldg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. S2S50 for a 5-room. with full attic, lot 60x100. facing east, 1 block from car, west of 35th street Sly reason for sell ing at that price Is that I need some money. If you want ft snap .see my agents at once. Walks and sewer paid. Term Call at 66 SIXTH ST 8-ROOM HOUSE. - A perfectly new 6-room house; large attlo and basement, fireplace, modern In every way; If you are looking for a beau tiful little homo for $2500. on easy terms of Dayment, see us about this. 212-213 Board of Trade bldg. SNAP Beautiful new bungalow, f no dis trict, every late modern convenience, 6 rooms, full basement, full attic, beautiful fireplace and buffet, fixtures etc.; only 92800; 950O cash required, baL like rent Take -Hose City Park oar today to end of line; second house north. 'J as. l Logan, g-o vvaaii. . . " -,.-r.- tI.TlW C3lr,0 $500 down and 930 a month will buy this new and modern six-room bungalow A poaitlve bargain, on the market for three dasy only. H P PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones Main 8019, A 2653. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $500 cash will buy one of the -most at tractive 7-room homes In Irvington . new and modern: shades, fixtures and lawn. H. p. PALMER-JONES CO, 212-213 Commercial Club bldg. Phones aiain eo;'g " 1 AM GOING TO SELL MY 6-room Queen Anne, very cheap, and on asv teTrni this week. Cannot describe li Si onT'per In one adv.. so if you want a bargain at $2TS0, with 8500 down, bal Sncrterma? come in. It Is worth while. ' Owner eo otn su FTTh SALE The best built bungalow In 'D!eavt.anS and wl. , sell for .hat it cost o uu... . - " A anA1 n Cferlr tit THIS 100x100 reet lor itryv. v across street from Laurelhurst; very lib eral terms- 6-room cottage, Salmon near Sth st 82150: terns inquire 1155 Belr moot, corner 39th. Tabor 80S. , WEST OF LAURELHURST Will build you a bungalow on fractional or full lot. close in at very small cost; easy payments. Western Trust Co, 86 Lafayette bldg. Phone Main 8529. " WHY PAY RENT 7 We will buy a lot and build a house on It for you: no delays. HERRICK-MAIDEN CO, 8oa-WB aoarauiiiBuc ato CASH, balance on eauy monthly pay ments. buys a new. modern 7-room home and 50x100 foot lot Stop paying rent and !e The Western Sea Co, 414 Spalding Bldg. ; BY owner 8-room house. 8 bedrooms, fire nlace furnace, east front modern, lot snrl2. East 54th st, close to Hawthorne avl3800T terms. F 888, Oregonlan. section, uei cj -- v'v PHONE Main 2275. room 421. Hamilton Mrtir for a modern 6-room house in SuSyslde; $3500 Is the price; $1500 cash will handle It WANTED Best offer over $2500 for lot 67x 04 and well-built house. unfinished. unnke H4 blocks south of Archer Place. vl ilttt vlTcaah, bal. 920 monthly. Acreage. -BEAUTIFUL 6-room buagalow. In select neighborhood, on Eas. 61de. near East Ankeny carllne; it Is new. substantial and cheerful: need money Immediately so must dlsposT if property; will seU it lor $3600. 8500 cash or more, balance like rent J 8iu, oregonlan. WE offer some beautiful acre tracts close. to Station, water uu per cent; We wlU soli you an acre and build you a house right awsy. all on terms: verv little cash required. , BROWN ST AVER, 411 Couch Bldg. uAnn T5T-C1T.W 8 acres all set to commercial fruit. In third year; 8 acres In fine strawberries, 8 miles of town, on good graveled road. Rogers & McRay, room 25. 803 Vs Wash ington street r , . I a .hii Kan km,. or, choice acreage Investment, do not fall to consult the TSUrSL nDAll ... i, . j. CLODFELTER BROS- 414 Couch bids. 120 ACRES good grain land. In Gilliam County, lies level on county road, handy to R.' R-; 100 acres summer fallow; price $16 per acre. 880 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 2246. " 3 ACRES. On Oregon City line at Jennings Lodge; 850 down, $10 monthly, 8 per cent Inter. est on balances. Owner AH 833. Ore gonlan. 20 ACRES of good fruit land close to rail road station and river landing, 925 per acre: this is exceptional snap; & cash. BROWN 4 STAVER, . 411 Couch Bldg. ' BEST LN THE CITY LIMITS. ' Nearly 2 acres, all in bearing fruit good house. Bull Ran water, 5c fare. Full particulars owner. Tabor 2507; REAL ESTATE. Aoreaae. COUNTRY HOME. CHICKENS. FRUIT. FORCED TO SELL AT ONChl. LOCATION 5 beautllul acres. Improved with costiy modern bungalow; acre fine chicken runs, etc all In highest state of cultiva tion and almost In city limits; to be sao- rlficed for $7.V'0. City water and electricity In bouse. Plenty of water to Irrigate the commer cial orchard, berries and garden truck: on 5c car fare, and 22 minutes' from heart of Portland and only 8 blocks to electxlo line and station. The view superb: the district select Forced sale and absolute sacrifice. Tho adjoining 5 recently sold for 910. 000; It had no bulldlns Improvements. $2500 cash necessary. See it and you will buy it. NeiJ some cash at once. Owner, A SNAP. 55 acres, a splendid subdivision tract 11 miles from Courthouse, lies i mile along R. R, with station at each end of tract: one-hnlf next to R. R- timbered, red loam soil; other half In cultivation, black seml-beaverdam soil, good onion land; will subdiviae to give each small tract part of, each kind of soil and a frontage to R. R. : all rich soli, no gravel; must have f-000 cash: will take house In city worth 83000 to $4000 as part Psyh1'"? timber on tract worth to the prloe; 9-'0O per acre, terms $2000 cash, balance easy. Will sell part of tract for cash. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade B'.qg.. 4th and Oak. ACREAGE. $18 to $25 per a,re; 10. 20, 30 and 40 acre tracts, unimproved, red shot land; no rock or gravel; well watered, plenty of cedar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad. 25 miles northwest of Port land; 800 feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orchard tracts being rapidly cleared and set te fruit Call and arrange to visit these tracts at once. The soli, elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest priced land now on the market 810 Cor bett bldg. , SUBURBAN HOME. Sacrifice sale of new bunsalow at Oak Grove, 5 rooms, strictly modern, 14 acres fine soil, no pravol or rock. 1 acre irri gated by sprlns. all kinds of ftult, straw berries gooseberries, currants, grapes. 1 dozen assorted fruit trees. In bearing, hvdrants In lawn and garden; business calls owner away: a snap at price of 93750, 9200 cash and $25 a month, GRUSSI & ZADOW. 817 Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. COLONIZATION TKACT. We have a large tract, admirably adapt ed for colonization or lor orchard develop s.ent; this land Is A-l In every particu lar, accessible, nearly all In cultivation, assistance could be given in putting this on the market In small tracts; price IS low and terms can be had; must be seen to be appreciated. Oregon Title Trust Co, Albany. Or. MUST have money quick, so will take $75 cash for my equity of $1S0 In a two-acre tract suitable for a suburban home or chicken ranch: water on It and best or soil, ten minutes' walk from electric car, 85 minutes from Water and Morrison bal ance payable $20 per month. Absolutely the cheapost buy la PorUand. AD aso, Oregonlan. 11.5 ACRES fine land, close to Portland and steam line; $100o; terms. ., 6 acres, all cultivated, richt at station! $1250. $250 cash, balance to suit. IVi ncres. cultivated, running water sna piped water. 5-cent fare Oregon Lleotrlo, $1100, $300 cash. BROWN & STAVER. ' 411 Couch Bide. RANCH FOR SALE. I have a farm of 800 acres, line fruit land nearly all in cultivation and well improved, on main county road; a great bargain at $00 per aero: liberal terms. Can o? address H. M. Hawkins, Albany. oreson. 850 ACRES adjoining Ashland; 80 acres Ir rigated alfalfa, balance grain ; water for all; homesteaded 1S5S; one of the few desirable large fruit land tracts remaining for sale In Rogue River Valley; land ready for fruit trees: bargain. Graves, 431 Chamber Commerce. ARB you looking for ten acres of the best soil in Oregon, unimproved, but all till able, with running water, on good road and only short distance from Portland, that you can buy for $350. part cash? I nave n. ui- I'unn m". Balem Electee line. 20 minutes out. Ideal for platting; station on property. 410 Corbett Diag. Business property. NEW BRICK BLOCK. Well located on East Side; 45 rooms oa two upper stories and S large store rooms, all leased for five years; this Is a weU-buill building and must be sold at once; prtc4 827,000, V, cash. , J. DELAHANTY, Phone between 6 ar.d 10 A. Main iuv. SEVER 4.L good lots and quarters, close im on West Side, suitable for apartments or Investments, at attractive prices; also long-term leases. Vanduyn A Walton, 6U Cham per t omnicri.-c. FIRST ST. business property: well improved! new building; well rented; good i Income; close in; $is.000. Owner. AJ 370. Ore gonlan. ' FIRST-CLASS dye works cheap. H 82, TTomctraos. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 82-page book explaining what each ot the 34 counties Is best adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 1 lx-S. showing new R. R. and towns. Including Eastern ar.d Central Oregon; counties In dif ferent colors; drawn to March U 1810; lat est map In U. S. ; price 2oc Mnuno Runey. 313 Hamilton blcg. TWO relinquishments Joining 160 acres, eaobj i mile from school; mall and telephone! Sostoffice; on county road: running water, est of land. 6 miles from R- R- town. About 4.000.000 ft on each: these are bar gains; 80 miles from Portland. J. A. Davis. i 214 Swetlacd bldg. ' TIMBER HOMESTEADS. Want to locate parties on- three quar ter sections aggregating 16 million feet: plenty of work In adjacent lumber camps; these three elalms worth easily 810,000, K 381. Oregonlan. SOUTHERN Oregon homesteads on new In corporated railroad; also fruit and : alfalfa lands. information 215 Board of Trade bids. FOR SALE or trade, 160-acre homestead la Lake County; no improvements; no agents. For Kal. WILLAMETTE VALLEY ORCHARD TRAC TS Located In heart of this productive val ley we have tracts of 10 acres along? railroad and within 60 miles of Portland, that we are selling on very easy terms. Small cash payment down and balance each year as you produce fruits ano vegetables from your land. All In cultivation and ready for you to go to work on. Call on or write us your wants as we) have much larger farms for sale. MOSSMAN-ilcNAIR INVESTMENT CO, 902 Spalding Bldg, Portland, Oregon. FORCED TO SELL. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 15 acres, all planted to strictly com mercial orchard, being Yellow Newtowns and Spitzenberes from 1 to 5 years old soil Is very best and has perleot drainage; place has been developed along scientific lines and Is one of the best In this fam ous little valley; only 3 miles from town. If you have 94000 cash to Invest It will pay you to see this, for the price is 92000 under the markot for quick sale; might consider good Portland property In part payment E 370, Oregonlan. "WHAT IS FRUIT LAND WORTH 7" This IS the name of booklet that carefully dis cusses this question. Tells also about Edge wood Orchards tn the "Glorious Kootenay," British Columbia; mild climate. Irrigation unnecessary: fruit land 910 to $100 per acre; $10 cash, 910 monthly. Stnd for booklet today. Investors' Trust & Mortgage Cor poration, Ltd. 134 V Hastings St, W, Van couver, B. C. HOOD RIVER. I jnust have money, will sacrifice 300 acres undeveloped deep red shot soli, near R. R. This place will make aome one rich- little money required and will take some Portland property In part payment. Owner. AG 379, Oregonlan. HOOD RIVER. $300 per acre buys 25 acres In the best district in Hood River, good 6-room house with spring water piped throughout; $2500 handles this and will make big money for someone. Address AG 878. Oregonlan. KENNEWICK HIGHLANDS. B acres apples, 2 years old, 6 acres un cultivated. See owner, 883 West Park St Phon Main 631. BEST Irult land, 30 miles from Portland: 10-acre tracts. $-0 per acre; tenna See McDuffee. 520 Abington bldg PROFITABLE pineapple plantation. For particulars address Kalmukl Land Co.a Ltd, Honolulu, T. H.