West Portland Park Lots $60 to $90 TEN DOLLARS DOWN AND $1-00 PER MONTH NO INTEREST. Opportunity knock at your door once in a lifetime. It will pay you to investigate. .'lease end descriptive circular. Name Ad"Jres Dove-Thompson Co. 420-422 Board of Trade. Phone Main 3?14. ANDERSON BUNGALOWS ARE Cmet Arehlle-tnre. ArtletU la Calorlsms. bu-eiaatlal ta MalldlaK. S room. 4th street JITKfs ( rooms, 45th street $3SiO rooms (45th n J Hanrock-et corner S4350 ( room. Sath and Tand- era.. -e52SOO Easy Terma. TOY O. JIM)EROXi Forty-fifth and Sandy Hnad. Take HoH City Park Car. IrvingtonHome Verv fo.i. mortem, "-room house, with hot water heat, electric Unfits, full basement, bullt-ln china closet, laundry trys. sleeplntr-porrii. rten. 4 bedroom: on a corner lot. nOxlOO; nice ln anrt r"se. on Hast 11th anrt llalaey. Tri'-e j-icrtrt, hnlf cash, balance to suit: In cludes carpets, linoleum and range. Grussi & Zadow BIT Board of Trade Bids-.. 4th and Oak. REAL E-HTATB DEALERS. Feck. VUlum G.. ill Falling bide, inn-ell. A. H. ft CO.. 202,-3 McKay bldg. Real etate. Insurance, mortgages, louts. etc rubkar a Benedict, aua Alcliey bids. U 11. rhapta Herlow. 3.1; Chamber Com msees, Cook. B. 8. ft Cck, lo tort.it bldg. Jennings Co.. Mala ISA, 101 Oregon laa, P1LMET.-JPNI3 CO, H. P 213 Commer clal Clab bldg. .chalk.' Geo. XX. K3 etark at. Mala t A 21tt EHINDLER d BALL, 300 Ablagtoa bid. The Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. aad Multnomah st. (Holladay Addition.) XI. E. Thompson Co., cor. 4th and Pale eta. REAL K3TAT, I or tal Lota. WEST PIPE LOTS. fJlilO. 2.1 MINITKS' walk from 4TH AM WASHINGTON. A sod thing but must lei go. THK OVI.T property thta close to the heart of the fltr which ean be bought for less than f3oO per lot. Good terms. Andreas owner. F 30L Ore goalan. A XAP Full-elsed lot. cement walk and curb, graded street and null Run water; price $423; f.0 cash and 410 a month, t D. Vincent A Co. 420-421 Lumbv mps bit's., cor. 5th and mark FOR SALE BY OWNER. On account of business rhanre. sightly quarter block. In restricted district, on 2h st.. near Hawthorne car. alii be sold on an Investment hula, Phone owner, Marshall ll48 or A 2332. COI' NCI I. I'KErT. A fne lot witri good view; atxe 30x115; only a). $2:m cash M E THOMPSON CO.. Keal Ke'ate and Insurance. Henry Bllg.. Corner 4:h and Oak. CHEAP LOTS. 3 lots. ?nxli, comer. In Santa Ttosa Park. rar country club, price uiily $050. on terms. GRVSSI A ZADOW. 3ITFoardofTradeBid..4thandOak LOT near both Rose City and Ankeny car- llr.es and between E I4tn and lth sis. $J..VO; will take .'hm down and wait 11 days for balMnce. CULVER. H1.1 M.Kay H!dg. U"1 FINE acre tracts only 1.1 minutes fr..m esnwr of ctt ; best of soil, runmni wafer, nne for garden, fruit and chickens; easy terms. M E. LEE. til Corbett Bldg CC"l:vElt S1"'(. 1st til.!.-, only Iliac, on carllne. suitable for 4 coftagrs: hi things doing near here: .1o casn, balance long time per cent. J as c. Logan, Us 'a 1ah1ngton st. room 401. JLfl one arre. hlah. sightly, view of river, three blocks from eletrlo line, finest resi dence alte In Mllwaukle. ee a. c. Le wrlltna. opposite earshop. Mllwaukle. Or. Toi; can buy a lot Bear Rose City fark for i.oo. KS down and 110 monthly; graded streets, cement stdewa.ka. Hull llun mater. .6 J 4 - Hoard of Trade b 1 d f. tSSl FINE kt. il'i. for .v'. m South Mu TatN.r. on eTth sc. IS hk ka from beetn l.ir.e rr-al; :u- down. Hi per month, l'hone East Call erenir.ga LOTH I LOT"! LOTS! IS eacb month: price 41.a up to lioa; nothing down. National Healty A Trust Co.. Washington st . room 6 1 4. Att'WT eacrlBce my full block between Ten in in4 Eleventh: beautiful view. lt minutes' ride from I'oeturlice. answer quirk; small ravmrnt dw n. T 373. trvgonian. iU(UlA I'AKK li. ilu, wll.t Impivvve mtntA tl'I'sv pivrt ca.'i. .- air... .-.:h n..r I rhi.r st., a bargain. frr .ash K 37'.. Irr4 rin .l .1N K-! l.T ON rtM.jl ... lie don and li monthly takea this. r'KED W. HtRil AN. Vlvin ;TT. ij PurrsWa. UM: lot. al.. corner of 1'Jth and Wla ker bis.: price ..'. In.iulre i'Wl itpokane fle. Sel:v vnt. IN.rt.wntl. Or. tl'AKIVKNT site, south of Jeftrrsoa. fine nleb corner at vrry lw fgure. See tiut at rn. ew M. E. l.e 41 1 ,.r.tt big i EXINHl I.A. ..ala. bet eeen two carltnea. east front, . a"h. ! :Tt. oreeonlan 4.1Nf OS E 17th and balmon. for sale t.y oeaee for l.la. will give itrma. H 3A. , ..gontsn. liKIUM Heights sa-nnce. a Iota. Mock from car. beautiful view: chotra neighbor hood, e'. terms Main Jojl, a vli. BArl'.AIN !"' buvs lot wortb 4.a :OM t"ity Park. ner rar. eenient walks; bead money V 37 1. oregonian 1RV IS.iT" PARK 71!.. one of l!.e Hn.et I-.fs in tr.e t-a.u 47.'. terms ar.d a bargain 4 VI rn,:n M :g. Phure A :m1. " luklLAMi HKI.'.Hrs. 1 lots, among beau-t-fil homes, g i.k! view, block from car. ;jS'l: terma Main A BAkAIN Westmoreland, cornsr. U'oxl.M. ta ptee ave.. J blocks from car. 91673. Inquire T. Hurna. rirst National Bank. KIN.iTOy lot cheap. -Olh at. Owner, phone Mala CHOICE lot In l.add's Addition near Haw thorne ave . I'.poq cssh. B -3l. ALAMfPA PARK lots near carllne. old cont-act. cla..:fied. Phone Main 3:Q. axio I.t'T on 14th and Alnsworth. H7li oa terma phone C 1904. eNY amount ol crxics lets: g.-4 locations aad yeasonaule. et'l iucbanan block. I I - LAPD ADPITION. One of the nnest lots In thta beautiful addition All Improvement In. Including, paved streets, sewer, water, gaa. e.ectrlclty. cement wa.ka Lots are !. ft. depth, with alley. You can't beat this for a home- t, block to carllne. a rash and III per month. re:i Mr. Outhrle. COLUMBIA Trlt riT "OMPAXT. Fourth St. Beard of Trad. a.NAP icoai.sl. J..l. active, esLablished factory district: railroad and carllne there; faces S streets: 12 minutes from Morrison St.: sultaole for store, fists or factortea. It's a ssfe. reliable. coee-ln Investment; t:oo cash will handle, balance long time a per cent. Jaa. '. Logan. :4Vt VVasb Irgton St.. roorn 44. tor bale Houses. APaOUTE BAR1AIM. NOH HII. I. HOMR. (i son i.room dwelling and ens full a:ae lot. ssslue feet, north front, choirs location, west of lid St.. Nob Hill dis trict; lot alone easily worth 4-1o. The house, while It s not new. Is strictly mod ern, with hardwood floors. "replaces. Ivrge pantry with cold water cooler, large sleeping porch, room enough for threw beds, full baeement. with cement floor, well equipped laundry room and new fur nace snd full-slse attic. Tbls is an ex ceptionally oo4 bargain and la offered at auch a reduced price In order to Sect a quick sale. JAMES J. FLTNV. ill Chamber of Commerce. NOT A COTTAGE, but a nifty bungalow, with low. broad roof and 4-foot eavea extra larga fireplace, beamed eel lings, bookcases, window seat, beautiful paneling, awell buffet. Dutch kitchen and cooler, screened -In hark porch, large bedrooms with outside closets, double constructed throughout and fln . Ished with the best; one block to ear and close to school, corner lot. with all Improvements paid. If you apprsclats something good, see this; InM-o. easy terma H. A. Askwlth. M.I7 cUnum su Take W-R car to Marguerite ave. Phone el!wood lv. EXCEPT IONAL.LT GOOD HOMB Just completed, .-room bungalow, a est face. bath, reception hall, large porch, basement cement floored, laundry traya. Hutch kitchen. linen closet, bedroom closets large with window In each, large attic, would make two large rooms; fins fixtures and shades In. large fireplace, line lot ivxinu, graded, cement walk around house, street Improved, cement walks and curbs, located on !7th at. lOS feet from car. complete In every way and ready to move Into. Price 3n; .son cash. PORTLAND-PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO, 418 Hallway Exchange Bldg. WEST SIDE RUNGALOW. 13uU0. Just finished. S rooms, modern pulmb Ing. large fireplace, full basement, mag nificent view of city and mountains, small payment down, balance same as rent. In tiuire of owner. 4oJ Mohawk bldg. HEAfTIEl l. HOME. S large rooms, large sleeping porch, fine bath, lavatory, beautiful fireplace, built in book case and china closet, paneled rllnlng-rooni and den. duplex shsdes and nice combination flxturea. double construct ed, full cement basement and floor, cement laundry lras. block to Hawthorne: thla is etsolutely the best buy In this section: .13iiu. iiu cash, balance 40 per month and Interest. Pee Hawthorne Realty rs., at ones, "Thsre's a reason " Cornsr o4th and Hawthorns ave. H ;;wiT. Tabor 516. LOOK HERE. Ons of the cosiest d-room bungalows n-ar Hawthorns ave.; fireplace, buffet. Oookrasra, large attic full basement, ce ment floor, 1,0x1 DO lot. east front, 300 feet to car. The plan, arrangement and con venience of thla bungalow will sell It be. fore it Is completed: price :I400; terms s.vh cash, balance so per month and In terest 7 per cent, bee It today. HAWTHUHNE REALTY CO.. KCi Hawthorne ave. B 'J!7. Tabor BIO. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. New, strictly modern, o-room house, hot water heat, fireplace, gas and electric, fins fixtures, paneled dining-room, beamed ceil ing, nice den. sleeping porch, built-in china eloset and book cases; full cement base ment, cement wash trays. In fact nothing missing: In a large lot. eoxl70: good view, price only 7.v; terms GKI'SSI ft ZADOW. SIT Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. f3.io.00 DOWN Halanre 'J."..t a month. Pretty n-room bungalow, brand new. close to Rose City Park carllne. Restricted district. House strictly modern. Dutch kitchen. full plunrblng. full basement, lot SoxloO. elec tric wiring and flxturea rooms tinted, fireplace, bookcase and buffet: large attic. Yard all graded. Cement walka In and paid. Price only liomi. oanar Room M.I. TJoU Wash. St. l'hone Marshall 77.V 27oO 4H CASH buys a nifty bungalow with fireplace, beamed celling, buffet, paneled dlnlng r.om. Dutch kitchen, full basement and attic, large mirror door to cloeet, piped for gas. wired for electricity; Just being finished and colors can bs had to suit; the neateat S rooms you ever saw. Taka W-R car to Marguerite ave and Clinton st. See H. A. Askwlth at 10HT Clinton su Phone fell wood 170.V East front and ona block ts ear. . ROSE CITY PARK. BAR'IAIN. $J. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms, lot Willi. Improvements In and paid; bath, bullt-ln buffet and book cases, den. pass pantry, beamed celling In dining-room, sleeping porch, furnace, basement. laundry traya. hardwood floors; owner must sell at ones. Na tional Realty A Trust Co., Iltw, Wash ington St.. room M4. BAROAI.V SALE. Am leaving city. For quirk aals will offer my etore and I -room residence for ltou4; East Side; good terms; guarantes a per cent Income bealdea natural in crease In value. See ma at S44 Hall St.. between 1 and 1 o'clock P. M. this week. Phone 7444 same hours. John A. Melas rer. FOR SALE BT OWNER. Call at 663 E. Washington at. naar lth and sea my new 6-room bouse; lawn. How era, walking distance, excellent neighbor hood. Am leaving city and will sacrifice for quick sale. FOR SALT3 Heautlful home In Lebanon, bouse a rooms, all modern Improvements, 1 Vi acrea land on comer, all kinds fruit and hrrrtee in full bearing. I rhlrken-bouses, city water, good well: very reasonable If taken at oace; adjoining Iocs can be bought cheap; Immediate sale. Box .V4. Lebanon. Or. ONLY ia.soo. lOOxino. on 13th at., with nice home, or will divide; Ideal apartmsnt alts; pries to advancs soon as contract sxptrss; buy now and make big Interest. Vandurn At Wal ton. M5 y-b amber Commerce. FoK SALE- The best built bungalow In Portland; must be seen to be appreciated; nothing lacking: a perfect home; parties must leave Portland and will aell for what It cost to build. H 374, Oregonlan. ;:' fisno. i2u. livi cash. Dandy 4-room plastered r.ouee, fins lot, large porchest; bares in. Fred W. Germain, J.V Hums. ie. M. 77d. KOJ-E CITY PAKK New. modern. -room bungalow. 1 block from earllne. built for a home: see owner. 33 West Park, from in till S. l'hone Main 631. Lt-ALTl FL'L 5 and 6-room houses, modern, near school and cars: vary saav terms; will ex. hanre for lota Pittenger, 11H KUl.'ngsworth are. V. I. or St. Johns csra. by owner. 5-room m"lem bungalow, full kt, 1 be-k fr.an car; ;.''. teruie 4J00 clown, $yt ,r nvn'h Phone Main 4t3. toil California bungalows on easy terma, Hvnson. Washington street. Mar sh xllTTS UVvNKR will aell lot. svxiro, for j.v: oth ers around It sell for jOU. 1400. td4 n. IJioO A PAB'iAIV In a li-room house. Just completed, modern In every respect, call at TM Fast Couch st. l.'. i-r.-m house and beautiful lot. Est r-Me. esjer walking distance resiaaable temw. Miller. 414 Cham ter Commerce. Pkiia OWNER DIHECT. possession at once. Modem T-room home. 2 lota Very choice. Broadwsy car. Marshsll 4T. 4.Mi a-KOOM house. &Os.loo, nnw neigft borhood. improved streets, one block from car. close In. llJoOeaah. B :1. FOB SALE by owner, the hansooMiat ft-room h"ue in Irving ion. 4M E. Auth st, N. Call and see It. PORTLAND HEIGHTS homes. lo"ts and trnrta. all prices; views and locations' some great hargalna Main JS.1I, a o3. A 43J HOME for tj.-.on If taken at once; all modern. Inquire lodl E loth .N. rear. jTo' SE. ion feet to Tabor car; fuson, terms; bargain. Qa ner. Phone Marshall 1.164. NEW. modern -room cottage. 350 cash, balance like ranu Tabor JtitJ. TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1910. " , . . vt 4TE t REAL ESTATE. . FORJMLat; I T HEAL ESTATE. I ESTATE. Horses, Vehicle, and H.irnees. HARTMA.V 4t THOMPSON. fSTOO A pretty bnngalow better than ordl narv. offered for the trice; Ave rooms, bullt-ln book cases, fireplace, two sleeping porches. 4460O story and a half, five-room home. sleeping porch, furnace, corner lot. near Portland Heights car; good view. You can movs In at once. 4SjiHy New 2-story house. 7 ro"ma. double floors and walla, bullt-ln book cases, pretty fixtures, basement and fur nace; auxluo In select Rose City Perk. :00 Irrlngion home: Just think of this property being offered at this price. One of the finest 6-room housra In this hl(h-rlsss district. Elevated lut fronting on finished street, I37SO A very attractive horns, a corner on Hancock street, 8 rooms, bullt-ln flrelff-ss cooker, fixtures and ahadea included, front and rear porches. Two snaps In vacant property. Snap No. 1 IIJO0. choice scenic lot. ooxioo. near Portland Heights csrllne. Snap No. S 6Sl. excellent rnr ner l.inxioo; flns-vlrw. nc-sr Portland Heights csr; keep one lot for your self and 1st rssale of the other two result In your bavins your own lot at small cost, HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Real Estate Department. 4. 5, 8 Chamber of Commerca. BEAI'TIFVT. IRVINGTON HOME. 3-story. 8-room house with large attic: has svsry modern Improvement t Includes hsrd wood floors, sleeping porch, fire place): haa 4 bedrooms: Includes light flxturea and shadea. Can be had for 177.1(1. part cash, balance easy. If you want a fine home, aee this one. It la a bargain at thla price. Call Mr Guthrie. COLL'Mlil A TRl'ST COMPANY, 14 Fourth St. Board of Trade. FORCED SALE. New, modern 7-room. two-atory house In Irvlngton district: haa full basement, furnacs. fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, book case, china closet, kitchen cioret, flreieea cooker, large porch and sleeping porch and other little conveniences; I ouse cost over 1.100 more to build than price quoted; only 340. about $3.10 cash. baJance terms. New. modern 5-rootn cottage on East Stark at.: lot S0xl!XJ; price J35a v2" cash, balance to ault. Choice, sightly 5oxl00-foit lot on ML Tabor, close to csr. for 9rJ50. LAMBERT-WH1TMER CO., West Side Office. 70 4th St. East Side Office, 40 E. Alder St, two. Complete, modern 5-ronm bungalow, nlcs shades and fixtures, gas and electric. Dutch kitchen, number one plumbing, fun basement, concrete foundation and floor, cement traya. lot 4xloo, nice lawn, fine apple tree In back yard, will take a good lot If well located and a small amount of cash as first payment: owner leaving city and does not want to rent It; wo adver tise bsrgalns only. See It today. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Corner E. 34th and Hawthorns ave.. B 21H7. Tabor 61d. NEW. 6-room. modern house on corner Skldmore and Halght sts.; large dining and living-rooms, large reception "su, bullt-ln book cases and china e'0'. pressed brick fireplace, a bedrooms with large closets, large sleeping porch, hsrrl wood floors, full cement basement, fur nace and elegant electric and gas flx-lures: In fact everything atrlctly modern and up to data: price for few daya, only 40Cs3 with easy terms. JAMES MANNER A CO., Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d St. THINK OK TH18I FOR 3.10. Corner. 100x100. with a house that cost 36.10 to build. The lot and shrubbery and garage ara worth alone $2'J50. The house la only 3 years old. has 2 toilets, bath, furnace and full cement basement, S blocks from Kllllngsworth ave., near Willamette Station. DAVID LEWIS. Room 2. Lumbermens Bldg., hth and Stark Sta. . GOING TO BUILD? IT PATS TO GO TO A FIRM EQUIPPED TO SAVE TOU MONET AND YET GIVE TOU SAFETY AND DIS PATCH. OUR REFERENCES. OL'R CLI ENTS. NO CHARGE FOR PLANS WHEN WB BUILD. WK KNOW IT WILL PAT TO BEE US. IF YOU OWN LOT WH WILL FINANCE BUILDING: FREE OF NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION tX 0 Lewis bldg. . ALB1NA SNAP. Good T-room. 2-story house, gas. ce ment basement, nice porcelain bath and an In first-class condition, on Mississippi ave-. near Monroe St.. nlcs neighborhood and close In; street Improvements In and paid, rented for 11K; price ontp I'lOiu, IJuO cash and 920 per month. URI S.SI A ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg 4th and Oak. VIEW property, by owner Five acres, on the east slope of Mt. Tabor. 800 feet fpm City Park; 6-room bouse. Bull Run wnter, barn and chlclten houses. 23 Royal Anne cherry trees; applea. pears, prune quinces 4K0 young gooseberry trees coming Into bearing. n.v feet of cholca grape vines trelllsed and Just commencing to bear. Price 913.O00. Ap piy 130 13th st. Phone Main aT2. SAVB TOUR RENT. We will sell you a noma aad you caa pay us la monthly payments, or wa will build for you In any part of the city. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT TRb'tTTEB COMPANY. S24-32S Board of Trade bldg. HOUSE SNAP. n-rnom house. 2 blocks from earllne. near Iiurelhurst. corner lot. Mix too ; this has got to be sold and 91700 takes It; terma See us at once. GOODNOUGH A SEITZ. IIP gpaldln g Bldg.. 3d a nd Wash. Sis. $3400 t-ROOU house, comer lot, 118x121 feet: barn and chicken-house; houss In food condition with bath and clectrlo lghts. on Ml Scott carllne, 20 minutes' ride from town; terms. MORGAN. FLIEDNER A BOYER. .1U3-6 Ablngtun Bldg. ' WE have 4 new cottages for sale at prices from 91SO0 to 17100 and on terms of from 9100 to $soft cash: located near Waverly Woodstock and Brooklyn carllne. Real Estate Dept. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. 4. 6. chamber of Commerce. pf,AN your own horns; wa will build for you on easy terras. 8. D. Vincent ft Co., 420-421 Lumbermens bldg., cor. " 6ch and Stark. THINK OF THIS FOR 1750. TSxlOO on E. TSd. near Ollsan. 100 feet from earllne, with good T-roora. 2-story house, for 917tVO; 11 050 cash, balance terma Owner leaving city. David Lewis. Room 1 Lumberman. Cth and Stark, GF1NUIND bargaine: muat have the money: for eale by owner, handsome new fs-roum residence on 100-ft. comer; select district; also new 7-room resilience, same locality: must sell at once; terms. See owner. 423 Lumbermens bIJg., 6th and Stark. THIS-100x10 feet for aiteoo. on Stark at., across street from Laurelhurst: vary lib eral terms; 6-room cottage. Salmon near SKth St.. -'l.'.0; terms, inquire 1133 Bel mont, comer :rtth. Tabor 863. A SNAP to party who can finish ths house; lot 67x130; well-built 6-room house un finished. H0S; 91S0O payable ;o per month. O. W. P. Land Co., 1st and Alder. FOR BALE New tV-room bungalow, one block East Ankeny carllne. closs In. fireplace, bullt-ln bookcases, cement basement, laun dry trays, sidewalk, everything modern and u p to tlvte; terms. Ow ner. Tabor 2:01. WEST OF LAURELHURST WHI build you a bungalow on fractional or full lot, cloae In. at very small cost; easy payments. Western Trust Co., 39 Lafayette bldg. Phone Main 51 PHONE Main 277.1. room 421, Hamilton bldg.. for a modern 6-room house in Kunnyslde; 13300 is ths price; ljoo cash will hsndls It. BY OWNER st sacrifice, modern S-room Irvlngton residence, near two canines and school; price If taken at once. ."..o. ft 373. Oregonlan. PIEDMONT. By owner, brand-new modem eight-room houss tile bath. Portland Boulevard and Mai lory St. Price. 942ia, AM 364. Oregonlan. - SOMETHING GOOD. o-room nodsrn bungalow, good location, rloaa In; 33-1 down and -to per month: price 927si. T .T72. Oregonlan. 6-KOOM house, 2 lots, on 2th at : Alberta car' a bargain. 91.100: must have half rash. Inquire J. Polansky, 29th and Al berta sts. Woodlawn 33. NEW. attractive, Irvlngton home. 8 rooms, beautifully arranged and furnished. Owner, 4k4 Esst I7lh. near Thompson st. BAR'IAIN Modern 7-room suburban home, .'7.10: also houses. 9H00 up. J. 8. Allison, 421 Lumber Exchange. NEW modern 4-room bungalow, full lot, cheap, easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 2b3L FOR SALE by owner, 7-room house; price 34.V; easv terms, or will trade for team. Call 26 N. Stn. . NEW modern houses In Irvlngton. R. B. Rice, botn phonea Business Property. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. INCOME PROPERTY'. $7M0 buvs choice corner with a new and modern 2 Hat building, situate at the east approach of the new Broadway bridge and within 6 blocks of the steel bridge; monthly Income 440 or t per cent net on the Investment. JAMES J. FLTNN. 51; chamber of Commerce. A FINE INVESTMENT. 9I2.0O0 for a business corner: vacant lot . i v. t.., . . j. .1 r,,r v.ho)c: bringing 9:3 a month on good lease; 9.XiO cash will handle. I F. FfCHS. 221 H Morrison re. Foil SALE Corner, looxll.l feet, warehouse site at a bargain. In the best warehouse district In Portland; Investigate at once. J. H. TIPTOis -o. llfta Spalding Bldg. Marshall 2.45. TOR PALE 20-room new apartment-house near Union ave.: also buslneew comer on Orand ave.. near Broadway. Phone C 2420 or C 1004. FIRST ST. business property: well Improved; new building; well rented; good Income; close In; 416.404. Owner, AJ 970. Ore gonlan. Acreage. ACREAGE BARGAINS FOR tJUHK SALE. 44 acres Improved, on goor county road. 3n acres cleared and under cultivation, good running stream; land Joins Oregon Nursery Co. property at Orenco; price 4-"" per acre, about $2OO0 cash. Ml acres of rich level bottom land, only seven miles from Courthouse, at Portland, and loaa than one mile from electric line:' price reduced to 2li per acre net: this la at least 4.10 per acre under value; offers for less not considered; some '"vT-acre tracts In Woodstock district, level, cleared, ready to build on: 3500 per tract; terma 110 down. 93 per month; only six choice tracts left. LAMBERT-1VHITMER CO.. West Side Office. 70 4th St.. Lewis Bldg. East Side Office. 4t'4 E. Alder St. ACREAGE. 91S to $23 per aero; 10. 0. 30 and so , acre tracte. unimproved, red ahot 'no. oo rock or gravel; well watered, plenty of cedar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad. 23 miles northwest of Port land: 800 feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orcnard tracta being rapidly cleared and set to fruit. Cail and arrange to visit bess tracta at once. The aoll. elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest priced land now on the market. 810 Cor bett bldg. . . LANDS at 110 to 1S per arre. Have ai tract of lftoo acrea or grazing i" r i In a radlua of 2.1 miles of Portland for 410 to 413 per acre. -Payment one-tentn down, balance one-tenth every year. In terest 6 per cent. More landa at the above price If desired. 160 acres to 640 acre tracta at the above price. H. K. HAAK. gpnl.umbermen Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH. T acres of fine land located In city limits of Oregon City. 10 blocks from carllne, 4 blocks from high school. on Improved streets; good house, barn and chicken-house. city water and spring water on the place: 100 fru it trees and 2 acrea of atrawberrles; price 42400; il00 oash, balance to suit. EMPIRE LAND COMPANY, iul Merchants Trust Bldg. 326 S Washington St. - FARM FOR CITY PROPERTY. 100-acre farm, 15 mllea from Portland, In Tualatin Valley, about half up-land. half bottom: all rich soil free from rocks. 70 acres In cultivation, 8 acres beaverdam aoll, good orchard, cheap house, good barn. 2o acres saw timber; on bank "f river: price $125 per aoxe; will take res idence In Portland: East Side preferred. GRUSSI ft ZADOW. BIT Board of Trade Bldg- 4th and Oak. ACREAGE SNAPS LAST CALL AT THESE LOW PRICES. 10 acres, only 6 miles east of city, at $223 per acre. 62 acres, on Section Line road, only 4 mllea from city, at 4273 per acre. Time Is the essence of the contract. STROXO CO.. 60S Concord bldg. 20 ACRES. NEAR WITCHAZEU 20 acres, located 3 blocks from Wltchaxel atniion; all In high state of cultivation; price 4-'o0 per acre: will exchange for good cltv property at cash price. ORUSSI ft ZADOW. S17 Foard of Trade Bldg.. 4th. and Oak. TWO l-ACRK TRACTS Unimproved. 10 minutes' walk to station, fine roadway. Just outside 5c line, on Caxsdero car: one or both tracts on prac tically your own terms: 1900 each: will cut .100 cords wood. Equitable Land Co., (117-618 Swetland bldg. . $0.1 CASH will take my $121 equity In a $730 acre tract; cleared and level; water on It phone, electrlo lights and school, ten minutes' walk from the O. W. P. car. a short distance east of Lents. If you know what screage Is worth and will buy a snap, answer at once. A 3X3. Oergonlan. ARE you looking for ten acres of the best soil In Oregon, unimproved, but all till able, with running water, on good road and only short distance from Portland, that you can buy for 4350, part ooshJ 1 have it. 512 Couch bldg. WILL take ISO for my equity In the cheap est and prettiest acre of ground around Portland; need money quick: answer at once; no agents. AD B70, Oregonlan. AT GRESHAM. 17 W acres. 4 mile from station, all tha very best of soli: two-thirds In cul tivation: a superb site for a country home; $350 an acre: good terms. O. W. P. LAND CO.. 1st and Alder. 6 OR 10 ACRES of Spltxenberg. Yellow New. town Pippin, Rome Beauty applea In the Fargo Orchards will make you Independent. By all means see the Fargo Orchards Lands before algoncOmce 83 Fifth at. If wanting a suburban horns or, choice acreage lnveatment, do not fall to consult the -SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS." CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. FOR HALE or trade, ten acres of good or chard land. 4 acrea cleared, one acta alashed. rest in brush, under ditch In Hood River Valley; 91000- AK 870. Oregonlan. initALLr"hlghiy Improved piece of acreage at Courtney; small cash payment, balance very easy terms 6 per cent. Call .117 Chamber of Commerce Ding., or pii-oie -m v. FOR SALE Acreage tract near Portland, with fine clay deposit, suitable for brick yard' product could bs sold In vicinity of Jard. Room 3. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Salem Electifc AllneE8'20 minutes out. Ideal for platting; station on property. 410 Corhett puitf. I HAVIS a ten-acrs anap close to olty and rar ready to plat to acre tract or lota. See me for price and terma Jos. C. Gibson, 3o3 irfr;in"r um Ttomesteatfa. DO YOU WANT A HOMESTEAD? We can locate you on one that has nbout 7 million feet, of nrst-class timber; will give written guarantee for 5 million before you go to ee. It; only miles from R R. station. 8 mllea from P. O. and store, mils from road; this la an unusually aood proposition. 8 " WYNN JOHSSO.V CO.. Suite BOO Oerllnger Bldg . 2d and Alder. xho. Marshall 1M48. A 2H32. . .. . . e-a Cite OD CTCiV 82-page book explaining what each of tha 84 countlea la best adapted for: glvea amount of Government laad open to home stead In each county; map attached, 21xj.S, showing new R. R. and towns. Including Ess tern and Central Oregon; counties In dif ferent colon.; drawn to March 1. 1010; lat at map In U. 8.; price 26c. Mmmo .At Kuncy. 313 Hamilton hlcg. TWO relinquishments Joining 160 acres, each mils from school; mall and telephone; postofflce; on county road; running water, best of land. 6 miles from R. K. town. About 4.000.000 ft. on each; these are Bar gains; bo mil as from Portland. T A I im via JM4 Swetland bldg SOUTHERN Oregon homesteads on new- In corporated railroad; also fruit and alfalfa landa Information 213 Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE or trade. ISO-acre homestead In I.ake County: no Improvements; no agenta rv ..Hie r ruit tsDSfc "WHAT 18 FRUIT LAND WORTH-' This la the name of booklet that carefully dis cusses this question. Tells also about Edge, wood Orchards In the "Glorious Kootenay." British Columbia: mild climate. Irrigation unnecessary: fruit land 910 to lop Peracre: 110 cash. 910 monthly. Send . for booklet today investors' Trust ft Mortgage Cor poration. Ltd. 134 V Hastings St., W.. Van couver. B. C. ' HOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. Thirty-seven acrea In finest district: 30 acres In best varieties from 1 to 12 years old balance ready for treea next Spring; new bungalow and bam. team, wagons. Im plements, etc.; no sgents. Addreas X 360. Oregonlan. $V"iO A YBAR profit from an Investment In 10 acres commercial apple orchards, planted, cared f"r four years, under direction of ex perts. For sale on easy terms by Fargo Orchard CO., 88 5th St., Portland. BEST fruit land, 30 mllea from Portland; 10-acre tracta. 810 per acre; terma. See McDuffee. 52c) Ablngton bldg. 4,41 10 acre, fine fruit land. 3 miles from CrswfordsvHIe. 8 acres In cultivation; half cash. B. S. Cook 4s Co. 10 ACRES In Keneivlrk .Highlands. 5 planted In apples. 2 years old. See cwner. SsT West Park st, from 10 till A. Phone ..I ai it uji. For Sale Farms. FOR SALE Farm of fiSB acres, choice soil, 200 acres In cultivation. 5 acres of timber, balance pasture; good house, 3 bams, outhouses: all fenced and cross-fenced, with water piped to house and barns, while a lot ot stock and farm Implements go with place; located vicinity Corvallis. near C. A E. Ky.; nothing offering In vicinity at price. JACKSON ft DEERINO. 246 Stark St. 10 ACRES A FINE PROPERTY. 10 acres of the finest land In the coun try, all rleared and In cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced, lies level, good well. 6-room house 1 H ocres of tr berries, a beautiful home In a good neigh borhood, good roads. mile from electric line and a bargain at the price. 8-1O0. 513O0. balance 4 years at 6 per cent In- Jo1" ACRES IMPROVED, CULTIVATED. 15 acres. 12 acres under cultivation, bal ance alaahed and aeeded; nice young or chard In bearing, all fenced and cro" fenced. new 5-room house, bam 4lxo- ana other buildings, fine soil, no rock or Fravel. spring and two wells, good team, double and single harness. 2 wagonj lone new), buggy, cart, 5 milch rows, 100 chickens, mower, plow, cultivator, harrow, cream separator. 1 heifer. 1 bull. a! fsrmlng tools and household goods: price $31 no, 81tkM cash, balance 3 years at 6 per cent. J-HOMl'SON A SWAN. 208 Rothchlld Bldg., Portland. Or. 6th and Main sis.. Vancouver. IV ssh. ' LARGE IRRIGATED DAIRY RANCH. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC LINE AND HOUR'S RUN TO PORTLAND. Here la a wonderful ranch of 220 acres, with 55 acres under Irrigation ditch and power already Installed for Irrigating tha entire ranch without a cent of cost for the power: land all Ilea level. 150 acres under plow, balance good pasture and easily cultivated; $5000 worth of personal property, including fine herd of Holstelns, go with place: all kinds of machinery and Implements; this Is strictly a bona fine proposition, a duplicate of which Is not In this state; price Is extremely reasonable and I can furnish you Gov ernment references as to the crops wnlcn have been grown through Irrigating on this very place, three and four crops or clover, la-foot corn and other products. Come In and see photographs. H. E. Chapman. 617 Chamber of Commerce. FARM BARGAINS. 40 acres, well Improved, north of Forest Grove, near B. K. and electric; $5800; half cash. , 67 acres, well Improved. 4 mile from Manning station In Washington County; $3H00: $2,100 cash. SO acrea well Improved. 3 miles from Manning station; $2R00: $1800 cash. 80 acres, well Improved, in Tualatin Val ley, south of Cornelius; 410,600; $7000 CB44 acres, partly Improved, S miles from Manning, 2.000,000 feet good saw timber: $3800; $1000 cash. 640 acres, near Eugene, very well Im proved; a snap at $60 per acre; half cash. Call for particulars. We have other farms. If above do not suit. KAUKFMA.NN & MOORE. 325 Lumber Exchange. nnd'n LITTLE FARM OF 37A acres: 20 acres In cultivation. 5 acres . ' . 1 ....I. n. .11 l,lnt. m bearing orcnaru. nu.io i -.,...-. h..t vnn ever saw: beat cultivated land you ever saw; all fenced; house of 8 rooms, large barn, water piped to house and barn, land can be Irrigated from same, good road to farm, beautiful view of Columbia River and mountains; 20 rods from Corbett's Station, on O. R. ft N. Ry If vou see this farm you will buy It for a home arm you m . Price, see " T 1. WR1.I.B CO.. ("36 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat firm of 1336 acres. In Gilliam County, only 4 miles to railroad; 500 acres per fectly level, balance somewhat rolling. 605 acrea plowed and harrowed ready for Fall crop. Good house and large barn, also a small house. Windmill and Plenty of good water from a driven well. Or 1 will divide this place to suit purchaser. Also a fine hi section all plowed and har rowed and perfectly level. Either of these fine tracts for $20 per acre from the owner direct, on very eaay terma T. H. Llttlehales. Forest Grove, Or. TI T XT TT7 IW O 80 acres of level land. oll unsurpassed ior rruiio, rgBiu.-t .....) , dam and can be Irrigated; land eaay to a .- s.ra A L- TM 11 a 1 fs clear; on gooa '";' " , , " railroad station on O. W. P. and 1 mile to town of Eagle Creek, school, churches. postonice anu voic-. made In buying this tract of land for a borne. Let us .iiwn J. L. WELLS CO.. H30 Chamber of commerce Bldg. HOMBSEEKER8. On arriving In Portland, don't go roam v.. . w ,- ignA hot sret Im. lng ail over -.. -. partial, free Information about all part- Western Oregon at Hum ""i-;". bankers. Chamber of Commerce bMg.. cor. ith and Stark. Complete line of Illustrated literature for your Inspection. Call on their Farm Lands Dept. You will be made welcome. (See H A R T O G ) READ THIS. THE FARM THAT CAN'T BE BEAT For price, location and quality, mostly level, creek bottom land; several acres of beaverdam on place; only 42 miles from carllne. IS miles from city: a 1 stock, team. 40 tons hay. all farming Implements, rhlrkena. cream sepsrator. etc.; 4J5O0 cash, ba ancei years at 6 per cent; for one week only. 81 Commercial block, corner 2d and Washington sts. HARTMAN ft THOMPSON. Bankers. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OfTer c0 acres Yamhill Co., with house, some stock and personal property, at less fnm two-third. It- value If so d at once; value $4o00; est owner $33CO; will take uo cash If sold on or before Monday. (See H A R T O Q 1 100 ACRES deep rich loam aoll. 1 mile from railway station, within JO mile, of Portland- 16 acres In cultivation. 35 acrea cleared. 56 acres good timber 2 acres or chard house, barn, fences; fine all-Summer spring team, cow. 60 chickens, 63 turkeys, all farm Implements, tools and household furniture. Thl. place has no waste land and Is a snap: 110 per acre. Geo- G. Malr. 2 Lumbermena bldg. ' "CHICKEN RANCH." 15 acres, 3 miles from Carrolton. on tele phone line and R. F. D.. 4 acres In culti vation 24 acrea more ready for the plow, and fenced with chicken wire; half acre In rwt toes. 4-room houss, barn, root cellar, o Kn hoJ?. with runs, 1 50 young fruit trees, also small fruit and berries. -o hens, cow 2 tons hay. lnclubator. 8 brooders. 0 Pigeons. Price 146Q. A J 367, Oregonlan. " A GREAT DAIRY FARM. Where can you beat ItT lfj iso acrea hay land In cultivation, balance easily cleared; complete set of buildings, bearing orchard, plenty of wa ter and i mile of river frontage, y, mile to Carlton, Or., and two hours to Port land; only $75 per acre. $o000 cash, bal ance long time. . GEO. G. MA1R. 2 Lumbermen. Bldg. "77 ACRE9 on Howell Prairie, near Portland, " the garden of the world; electric line sur veyed by the place. $5f00: buildings, fine wells, running water: 237 acres In cultiva tion 40 acres grand timber; worth $200 per acre'- can a-ll part of It for that; a chance In this to make $50on betore Cnnsimae ; can sell this week for $130 per acre; $12,000 will handle. G. K. Fargo. f 83 5th at. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Bankers, .Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Offer 61 acrea 14 miles esst of Portland, at a sacrifice; adjoining land Is selling at $100 an acre: will take 821.UOO. half cash, for quick sale, ss owner wishes to leave. Farm Lands Department. (Se H A R T O G ) SO ACRES. 50 clear. 35 of which Is garden land, best beaverdam. 2t acres apples, house, fine barn, strawberries, well wat ered 15 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric. Southern Pacific extends through land with station and switch thereon. The beaverdam land alone Is worth what we will taka for the So. Owners. 201 Swetland bldg. 845 ACRES; all tillable: largo dwelling, convenient barn; 500 rods woven fence; adjoining school and railroad; full equip ment, feed seed, stock; 120 acres seeded; $24,000. Box 60. Route No. 1, Harrla burg. Or. LINCOLN COUNTY has a mild climate and rain for all purposes and partly Improved land, at reasonable prices. O. G. Dalaba, Elk City. Or. 190 CRES. 44 mile from depot, school, living water, dairy and fruit ranch; $12.50. Terma Bth st. A POOR MAN'S OPPORTUNITY. A home, stock and fruit, on cheap lands of South. AM 362, Oregonlan. ..a -r eCD iCOCI SO acres good foothill land. 4 miles rrom town In Willamette Valley; has some good timber, watered by fine springs half cash, balance 3 years. For full particulars see B. 8. Cook & Co.. 503 Corbett bl .g. J. A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; price, reasonable; no exchange. LAND for sale cheap by owner; 80 acre3 L , , i 11 , Call.n lODO- 704 E. 2ih St. South, Miscellaneous. IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR tHose-ln scieage, a wheat ranch or email. well-Improved farm, at low price and oa xoost liberal terms, see me. I handle ml awu properties. J. O. ELROT). 520 Corbett Bldg CHOICE acreage, river frontage, or lots on Oregon City carllne, by owner. H, G. Starkweather, Rlsley Station WANTED- KEAL ESTATE. RESIDENCE and about $2000 cash, balance long time at low rate, will ut you In possession of one of the best farms with excellent equipment and within 1.1 miles of Portland; this is all in cultivation, his good buildings and other conveniences such as water piped to house and other buildings; owner wants to come to city - on account ot falling health and will leave everything go except bedding and cloth ing. This iB your chance. N. M. Apple, with M. E. THOMPSON CO, Ground Floor, Henry Bldg., Cor. 4th and Oak. WE HAVE calls for property In every part of the city; business and incomj property, factory and warehouse sites, houses and vacant lota; all transactions confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Sta. WANTED. New. modern residence in good neigh borhood In Nob Hill district: pi ire not to exceed $14.0o0; must he a full lot. M. E. THOMPSON CO.. Real Estate. Insuranac and Loans. Henry Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. Main 6084, A 3327 WANTED ACREAGE. Want to buy or get selling agency. 300 to 1000 acres on Oregon Electric or United Railway, within 2.1 miles Portland; must be good and nearly all under cultivation; Tual atin Valley preferred; owners only. W 362, Oregonlaiv - WANT Grand ave., Union or Bumslde-st. business property; not over $40,000; must take some choice close-In acreage on car line free from Incumbrance as part pay ment, balance cash. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. - PAY cash for equity contracts on lots or real estate contracts; ready to buy at once. What have you to offer? National Realty ft Trust Co., 326 1 Washington St.. room 516. ' WANTED A o or 6-room bungalow for spot cash: must be modern and a snap; call before noon, as my customer Is ready to buy Immediately; owners only. Her-rlck-Malden Co.. 308 Board of Trade. WANTED House or bungalow with fire place; can pay $50 down, balance $20 per month; give price, description and loca tion; owners or agents. H 36f. Oregonlan. WANTED A nice modern bungalow; must be good location and easy terms; owners only. Herrlck-Malden Co.. 308 Board of Trade. , WANT downtown lnoome property , any slie: must be conservatively priced and good building. T 374. Oregonlan. WANT all kinds of Portland property for quick sale. F. FUCHS. 22H4 Morrison 9t. MflDERV hune-alow: will give housfboat and 6 lots in Greenoe Heights bs fir payment and $20 per month. 3.2. oregonlan. WANT vacant" lot.-West Side, for apartments or business, up to $7"00. Beaux Arts Building Co., 2iil Lumbermen. bMg, WANTED Good vacant lot north of Alberta st. ; must be snap and good terms. T 862, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. $2000 EQUITY In 150 acres. 8 miles from Scotts Mills, on Butte Creek; good 4-room house, small bam. about 15 acres cleared; mortgage $1300 due In 4 years. 7 per cent Interest: want city property: will pay some cash or assume small mortgage. V 373. Oregonlan. $1600 EQUITY In 80 acres fruit land near Sprlngwater; full price $32011. balance pay able in 5 years. 7 per cent interest: good house, large barn. 5 acres fruit in bearing, will take city property, contracts or mort gages. AU an. uregonian. FOR Portland residence property; at beach. Sea View, Wash.; best corner location on boulevard; beautiful shade trees: kitchen-dining-room, living-room. 3 bedrooms, wash room and observatory; no Incum brance. See McDuffee, 520 Ablngton bldg. $175 equity' In good lot. 50x100; graded streets. Bull Run water; balance $22.1. payable $7.50 monthly; will trade for motorcycle, launch, piano or horse and buggy. V SB1. Oregonlan. WANTED A party with $2300. or anything of that value, to trade for a quarter Inter est in one of the best selling propositions known: If Interested, call todav between 11 and 12 P. M.. at 619 Worcester bldg. 320 ACRES wild land In Clackamas County, $10 per acre; to exchange for homo; Irv lngton or Holladay district preferred. Y 371, Oregonlan. WILL exchange 1640 equity 20 acres unim proved fruit land 25 miles of Portland, balance $."60 payable $10 month for small rooming-house or flat. X 370, Oregonlan. AC KB tracts. Improved, near ths city, to ex change for good city property or for sale oa eaay terms. Provident Investment ft Trustee Co., 624-628 Board of Trade bldg. WILL trade for city property 160 acres Im proved fruit and wheat land, near Madras. Or.. mile from new railroad. AE 364. Oregonlan. WILL exchange 10 acres fruit land, no In cumbrance, good value at $500, for run about of equal value. Call 304 Gerllnger bldg. HAVE you anything to trade? Call and see us; we pay special attention to exchanges. Moose Realty Co.. 504-6 Board ot Trade. IF you have anything to sell or trade, list your property with EWEN REALTY CO.. 311 Allsk y B 1 dg. AUTOMOBII-B that $.'15H). In splendid order; trade for something worth $1500 strong. Owner. 615 Board of Trade. WILL take lot or equity 'new bungalow in exchange for new automobile. 517 s Yam- hlll. SOME cash and three Portland lots to trade for rooming-house or confectionery store. 615 Board of Trade. 16 LOTS In Goldendale. Wash., for Portland house and lot. 1Q3 4th. Exchange hardware and crockery store, $3500, for lnoome property. L 352, Oregonlan. A ACRES for city property. 401 Buchanan block. YOU can trade any kind of property at 810 Oak .U FARMS W A?f TED. WHEAT RANCH wanted. 600 to 1000 acres; must be first-class wheat land; prefer good buildings, but not essential; must be close to good school and not too far from transportation; desire It fenced and watered; I have flrst-claas unincumbered Portland property and good mortgages; I mean business; owners only will please answer. Call on or write or wire J. E. Smith. 61$ Chamber of Commerce, Port- land. Or. CASH. Want about 40 acres in Yamhill Co., not over $100, all cash. HARTMAN THOMPSON. BANKERS, FARM LAND DEP'T. ( SEE HA R T O g ) TO BUY from owner, farm: must be cheap. Sena Freeman. Portland. Or. FOR RENT FARM 5, 80O ACRES with all the stock and Imple ments; H Interest for $630; married man preferred; fine opportunity. Get particular, by F FUCHS. 221 H Morrison 9;. 10O ACRES In Klickitat County. Wash., on North Bank R. R. ; CO acres In cultiva tion 70 more ready for plow; would fur nish team; cash or shares. L 363. Ore gon lam FOR RENT 5 acres, with comfortable house at Rlsley station, on Oregon City carllne. all In cultivation. See J. F. Davie., owner, St. Charles Hotel. TO RENT, on shares, farm with stock and Implements; Willamette Valley preferably. 1201 J street, Belllngham, Wash. FOB SALE TIMBER LAXD8. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AJCD SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. 904 McKay Bldg. 20 MILLION feet, $18 par acre; 14 million feet, 112.000; yellow fir. Douglas County. 829 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ments. 219 Worcester bldg. WANTED TIMBER LAND8 TIMBER lands wanteo. 804 McKay bldg. C J. MoCracke-, 19 horses FOk SALR Two cars of horses have Just arrived and will be sold under our guarantee. They range in weight trom looo to 14o0 lbs.; ago from 5 to 11 years; all good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of snia.l mu.es. weigiic 1)00 to IOOO lbs., for sale. Call ard Inspect these. if wanting horses. Hawthorne Stables. 420 Hawthorne ave. HORSES FOR SALE We have sixty head of good heavy horses for sale, sulun.le for any kind of work, railroad, logging, truck ing or farm; will sell at a very reasonable., price; they are working now near clie halis; can give transportation over N 1'. Rv. Winston Bros. Company McDougall, Chehalls. Wash. ONE 3Vc Mitchell wide-track wagon, with new- California bed; this wskoii was i-u.l two years and is in tirsl-cluss condition; will sell for it:'.; this is a nargrtln. In quire at 130 Harr road, at 12 M. Corner t2d st. Take Montavilla car i'nd get off nt rtoth St. FOR SALE Team of two horses, harness and spring wagon; all In first-class con dition; will make price right for quick sale. Owner, room 200 Oregunian bldg. WANTED Matched .earn of horses, about -200; must be you-ig and bay color. Rob erts Bros.. 3d and Morrison sts. FOR SALE One 4-er-old team, mare and gelding, weight 2!v lbs.. Mitchell wagon and Portland No. 1 truck harness; all new; can be seen at East Grand ave. and Ash St. Owners, phone B 1152, room 4. BAY team. welghs000. good delivery wagon and harness, also one sorrel horse, harness and wagon, weighs loon pounds Must be sold. Nobby Stables. 12th and Flanders. TEAM, weight 2340 lbs., fat and stuitabiO for any purpose, ride or drive, sound and gentle; also nice Bet double lianuss. Ca.l O. R. C. Stahles. 14th and Yamhiil. FINE brown 4-year-old lSuo marc, no blem ishes, true and sound; price e-'1; on ex hibition Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 only at 2i'd Salmon st. $210 BUYS team, weight 2iisn lbs. sound and true to pull; eight years old; also heavy breerhing harness, all complete. Call stable. 14th and Yamhill. JUST arrived, 34 heaj of work horses, g.wd saddle pany. suitable all purposes, weight 1U.0 to 1350; must be as represented. Fulton Feed Barn. 164" Maca'l.im pjad. $0 BUYS 14'IO-Ib. bay horse, true to pull; also nice brown mare, weighs 10.10 .l.s.. $0.1. will trade either for mate. Call Stable. 14th and Yamhill sts. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES, 29 N. 16TH ST. MARSHALL Iftfttl. HOUSES AM) WAGONS BY DAY. WEE3K OR MONTH. HUBERT ft HALL'S STABLES. 180 Kr.mt St.. livery business, rigs, horses, harneva, wacons. for sale orronC Main I308. TWO light horses, weight about 1000; will sell ihcu'i. Inquire between 12 and 1. Hazlewood Stables, 11th and Flanders. PASTURE for rent near Portland. 330 6her- lock bldg. Phone M aln 1410. , PRACTICALLY" new Weber wagon cheap. Phone East 605 or 55.1 East Washington at. WANTED To hire teams at $7 per day. East Water and Salmon. Phone E. ll'.H. 6 HEAD of work horses. 1 P't'r marts, can be seen 227 Salmon. Main 0130. SOUND. 12-year-old horse. SOO lbs.; wiil sell cheap Smith, 308 10th St. HORSE, wagon and harness cheap. Oregon Livestock Exchange. 331 Burnr,lde at. lianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. HIGH-GRADE standard make, positively new piano, $175 cash. Call 22.1 5th St.. opposite Courthouse; home all day and evening. WANTED To buy good second-hand piano cheap for cash; stata make R .171. Ore- gonlan. , Automobiles. WHY? Buy a second-hand car WHEN Wc can sell new automobiles from $11. .1 to $30O0; twenty different styles; two. three, five, seven passenger; twenty, thirty, forty, fifty horse power; and guarantee all cars free from defects In workmanship and material. Write or call for our little booklet. STODDARD-DAYTON AUTO CO.. S6 Tenth St. AUTOMOBILE for sale; $ 16,10 cash takes model 16 toy tonneau, 11(10 Bulck In A-l condition; fully equipped. Including glass front, mohair top. speedometer, shock ab sorbers, extra tire, tubes, etc. Y 361, Ore gonian. BUY your vanish at wholesale and re varnisli your automobile yourself at small expense: complete line of carriage and au tomobile varnishes to be closed out at cost. A. J. Winters Auto Supply Cu., 67 North 6th st. ' WANTED By the Y. M. C. A. Automobile School, automobiles to repair; no charges except for parts furnished. Phone educa tional director. A 6561. Private Ux. 65. Y. jf. C. A. bldg. WILL trade my 5-pasaenger automobile, good order and almost new. for good lots or house; have four of these cars. Ad dress, with particulars, location, price, Y 364. Oregonlan. M retiring from automobile business, have one five and one sevcn-passeiiBcr car will sell at factory costv your own terms. J 368. Oregonlan. GOING to California for the Winter; want responsible party of means to cute for my new l'.lll automobile for the use of same. Address, with reference. Y 363. Orcgnni.-n. jI Only $275 cash; runabout In good order, fully equipped; lup. glass front, extra tires, extra seat: price for 2 days only. Call room 104. 3-V5 Washington st 10 ACRES, Polk County. 4 miles of Dallas, exchange for 30-horsepower auto. IWoO or I :( 10. 403 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 7-passenger Wlntnn. in fine shape and a bargain. He. & O'Brien. garage. Miscellaneous. THE Northwest Typewriter- .Company. 22$ Ablngton bldg. Phone M. SS70, 1. the only company telling strictly factory re built typewriters; prices $10 to $65. CORDWOOD 350 cords of first-class dry wood in one pile at 25th and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. See J. A. Troeh. 401 Wash St.. Vancouver. . ULICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $45. $50. Ask for catalogue. Rebuilt. $18 up. N. M. Hayter ft Co.. DO 6th at. Main 5.23. FOR SALE Lettercarrier's suit, practically new; sizo coat 36. trousers W. 34 by 3 1 long; a bargain. Rooui JJP2ympiaH.tel. ONE Eureka hop-press, good as new; price $.10. H. G. Starkweather, Milwaukee. Or. BEAUTIFUL shell portieres; can be seen at 877. Vancouver ave. SECOND-HAND wood fur sale cheap. Apply East 12th and Irving. NOTBS and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional Credit Ass n. 601 Worcester bldg. BARGAIN price on roll top desk and chair. Call at 83 North 6th or phone M. 7 0 2 2 6HOWCASES, new and .econd-hand. 31$ Kverett. corner o.n a.bo ... . FINE Jersey cow for sale at O. K. Barn. 230 Jefferson. , W AXThll M 1 St ' BLLAN EOL'S. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's cas toft clothing and shoes and bicycles; highest prioee paid; wa also buy ladles' clothing. Call up the Globs aecond-hand etore. Phone Main 2080. 290 1st at. Prompt attention always glvea. We oaa In every part of tha city. CLOTHINO. ' Wanted Men's cast-off clothing and shoes, we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at ths avT Deal." 62 N. 3d su Main 6272. CARPENTER work of all kinds: Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummlng. ft Catlin. 871 First St. Marshall 2327. WE BUY all kind, second-hand store fix tures and pay ths highest price. 222 Grand avenue. 6ELL your seoond-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phone. A 2445. Main 81)51. WANTED. CARLOAD LOTS spilt cedar fence posts; quote price f. o. b. loading point. AE 363, Ore gonlan. IF YOU have household furniture to sail. call up George Baker ft Co., 152 Park at. Both phones. SECOND-HAND, small safe, regulator clock. Jeweler's watch glass cabinet. S 370, Or- gonlan. fcPOT cash paid for your furniture, piv attention always given. Phone Bast loal. HELP WANTED SIALK WANTED Baker's helper. Call at 331 17th st. after 3 P. M. PRESSER wanted. The Regal Cleaners ft Dyer.. 408 East Washington at. STRONG and willing boy for wholesale house. Apply 8:30 A. M.. 134 Front st. EXPERIENCED barber wanted. No other need apply. 112 North Jersey st.. St. Johns. Or. WANTED Bellboy. 161 12th ard Morri son sts. CARPENTERS wanted. 10th and Marshall. BARBER wanted at 210 Madison at., city. 4