Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 29, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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PmHfl 5t.. H-
r, elrcolatloa Main T07 A V
Manasir.- Editor MimTO.O A
I-undajr Editor M.ltl TOi "
City Editor S1.IHT- A 5
fcupt. bulldlnss MainTOTO A SOJJ
Ctndenila." to
Morrin.) "A StutJwra
slant at 8 16 o'clock.
on Faker Work company in
Hypocrites." tosi:ht at S IS o'clock.
CRPHCCM THEATER (Morrison. tsetTrsea
(iiith and s.nth vaudeville. Tola
afternoon at 1.1S and tonigbl at S.13-
rmvn rur . T r o f.rk .nd Washington)
Vaudli;- Thla attarnoon at 1:14 to-
Bl(bt at T:J0 and a.
LTRIC THEATER Bvvnth and AldarV
Armatron Musical Comrdy Corrrpenv ra
Tha M.rry Uara Thu afternoon at
2.30. tonisht at 7 30 and S.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Motion pictures. coauouotA xrom i:w so
10;30 P. M.)
VAl-OHV-STREET OROrjTDt Baas-bait.
Oakland sa. Portland. Thia afternoon ai
3 o'clock.
Bio "Water Maim Esdasoerio. Tha
l-lnch m-nter main on Grand nu
u in dnr of belnir broken Tester
day mornlnc between East Stark and
Kast Oak streets by trie cave in or in
ast side of the street where excavat
Inir Is belna- done for the foundation o
h jama rartrifht concrete bulldlns:
The nresaure from the rarel and sand
pushed the "laa-KlnK" Inward with the
r..ult that a portion of the stree
raved In dangerously near the water
main. Soma of the Davement wa
broken. ileavr timbers were placed
asainst the supportlna; plank and an
effort will be made to prevent aamasje
to the big main. It broken the force
of water would soon wrecit tne em
bankment. A solid reinforced concrete
wall was started yesterday along the
Grand avenue bank.
T. XI. C A. Secretaries Visit t.
R. K. Terklns. rellKlous work director
of the Portland Young Men s Christian
Association, yesterday visited f orey
nrove. where h snoke before the V
M. C A of Pacific University at the
opening meeting of the Fall term. To
day, another Y. M. C. A. secretary, a
M. Grllley. the physical director, will
co to Forest Grove and test tne ap
paratus of the fine new gymnasium.
This gTmnaslum was opened last
Spring, just before the close of school,
and Is now being used for tne nrs
School. Needs More Space. Th two-
rnorn building erected In the Itose
City Park with the extra portable room
added are not sufficient to take care
of the pupils of that portion of the
school district, and the two-room build
ing situated on leased ground on Villa
avenue, near Kast Sixteenth street, wu
be moved to the Rose City school
ground to provide for the overflow
There Is considerable complaint con
cernlng the sanitary conditions about
the Rose City Park schoolhouse. open
vaults being used.
Jacksox Woman Dismissed. When
Alice Jackson, a negress. gave her
statement In Municipal Court yesterday
morning concerning her arrest at Front
Fhe said that a man had called her chil
dren "alligator bait" She denied that
she had assaulted tha officers with
hatpin. The troubles of the woman
arose when neighbors complained that
her boys had kl.-sed white girls of the
vicinity. She was dismissed with
warning by Judge Tazwell.
Smith Case Ooktisced. The defense
In the case of "Mysterious Billy
Smith, charged with assaulting James
Mar-Donald, secured another continu
ance In Municipal Court yesterday. The
complainant was present in court to
prosecute the case, but disappeared be
fore it was called to trial. Poltceman
KHngeL who made the arrest, says
that the assault by Smith was un
provoked. Smith alleges that he was
defending himself.
Dr. Smetdct to Iecttre. Prepara
tion of plans for the meeting of the
State Teachers' Association, to be held
In Portland December M. S and 23
were begun at a meeting of the execu
tlve committee of that organisation
yesterday afternoon In the office of
City Superintendent Rlgler. The only
feature of the programme decided upon
by the committee was the selection of
Dr. I 'avid Smedden, of Boston, aa one
of the speakers.
White! Held to Grakt Jcrt. For
having In his possession obscene pic
tures John White, arrested by Police
man Epps at the I'nlon Station, was
held to the grand jury by Judge Tas
mell yesterday. White stoutly denied
ownership of the pictures, which were
found In his room with a set of brass
knuckles. The prosecution will en
deavor to produce witnesses to show
that White has pursued bis trade In
other towns.
Tax Patmejct Due: 7Lat Bat Moxdat.
Next Monday Is the last day for the
payment of second half taxes. S. B.
Martin, chief deputy of the, tax de
partment of Sheriff Stevens' office, re
quests that all make their payments
promptly, and avoid the penalty of 10
per rent, and Interest at the rate of
IS per cent.
Dalle Wcxx Accused. Mrs. G. W.
Woods, of The Dalles, was arrested
there yesterday and will be brought
back to this city to answer to a charge
of passing upon Martin Denny, pro
prietor of a South End grill, a bad
check for :s.
Milkma WAsrra Jinx Trial. Ben
jamin J. Hand, president of the Alblna
Creamery, charged with selling Im
pure milk, will appear for trial In
Municipal Court on September 30. A
jury trial has been demanded by the
Chimisc Gamblers Fixed. Chee How
and Jim l-oule, Chinese gamblers,
pleaded guilty In Municipal Court yes
terday and were fined 1 25 each. Three
hangers-on. charged with vagrancy,
nd two visitors were fined flO each.
Jcrilee Committee Meets. A meeting
of the central committee, having in
charge the Women's Foreign Mission
Jubilee, will be held at the T. W. C
A. auditorium, at 2.30 P. M. today. All
members are requested to attend.
Art cVhool. The new year begins
October X- Miss Simmon' office hours
will be Thursday. Friday and Saturday
mornings from 10 to 12. Applications
should be in promptly. Museum of Art,
6th and Taylor.
Fixe Residence. For sale at a bar
gain, lot and ten-room modern resi
dence on west side of Twenty-fourth
street, between Kearney and Lovejoy
Apply Donald Macleod. 616 Electric bldg.
Oridoe to Speak Tonight. Alfred D.
Cridge will speak on "Proportional
Representation." at 491 Alder street,
tonight at S o'clock. The meeting Is
open for public discussion.
Ratm War. Brand new steamer Klam
ath sails direct Saturday noon for San
Francisco and Los Angeles, make res
ervations Immediately. Frank Bollam,
agent. 1?S Third si
S5 Acre on rich Tualatin Prairie, 10
minutes walk from station, bargain, easy
payments. Withy com be dc Dickinson. 421
Hamilton Ba!ld:n.
Pioneer Pai.vt Cdmpant. 13 First St.
Kalomine. floor paint, doors, windows,
glass and glaxlng. Main 1334. A 7043.
Swisa Watch Repatrimov C ChrUtaa
sen. d floor Corbett bldg. Take elevator.
Diamond. C Christ ensen. second floor
Corbett building. Take elevator.
Don't miss a good skate. Oaks Rink.
Saturday night.
WooaTER' household hdw V Wash.
Dr. Trimble has returned. Mohawk big.
Xa. Hamm returned. COT Marcjuam.
Water Short I Complaint. Rest
dents of tha Mount Scott district along
the Foster road still complain that the
water supply Is short and Insist that
the supply of Bull Run water oy in
H-lnch main from the lower reservoir
has been shut off. They will carry th
sublect before the Water Board nex
Saturday. By this lS-inch water main
an abundance of Bull Run water can
be delivered to the patrons or tn
Woodmere Water Company If the com
pany desires to furnish IL It Is charged
that the company shuts off this source
of supply so that the cost of supplying
Bull Run water will be reduced.
Permit Mat Be Given. No building
permit had been Issued up to yesterday
for the eight-story building for the
John Ieere Plow Company, whlcn nas
been started on East Morrison and East
Second streets, but negotiations were
In progress yesterday by which a per
mit may be issued and the erection of
the building proceed. The permit was
withheld on the ground that tne piam
did not comply with the building ordl
nance. No work ha been done on the
foundation for some time, but Charles
Archerd general manager, said yester
day that the matter was being adjusted
with the building Inspector.
Special Week Wanted. The com
mlttee from the East Side Buslnesa
Men' Club will meet this morning a
o'clock at the Morgan-Atchley build
lng on Grand avenue and East Stark
street to consider further the matter
of holding a special East Side week,
when buslnesa houses will be Illumi
nated and the public will be given a
chance to see what Is being done for
business exoanslon In East Portland.
The committee Is composed of Louis
Gevurtx. H. A. Calef. C. A. Bigeiow,
George IM! worth. G. H. Bannon. W. Dor-
res. J. Boussellott and A. C raw.
Flint Street to Be Opened. Joseph
Buchtel. who owns a tlTe-acre tract on
Broadway street, west of Vancouver
avenue, said yesterday that he win
open Flint street through his tract 70
feet wide, northward. Mr. Buchtel de
sires to have Flint street opened north
ward to Russell street TO feet wide and
will do his part. By opening Flint to
Russell street access will be given to
Broadway direct from" Russell street.
Large Improvement are contemplate:
in the territory near Broadway as sooc
as work starts on the Broadway bridge.
Division Street Work Rcbhed. The
Pacific Bridge Company has a large
force at work on Division street put
ting down hard-surface pavement. Be
tween East Twentieth and East Twen
ty-second streets, where the hard-sur
face was omitted to allow sewers to be
laid, the pavement Is now being put
down. At thla point all streets lead
lng to Division are cloned until the
pavement can be laid. The prospects
are encouraging that the street will be
Improved out to East Forty-first be
fore Fall rains start.
Club Elects Officers. The Edelweiss
Club, an organisation of advanced
German students of Washington -High
School yesterday afternoon started the
term's work. The regular election of
officers resulted as follows: President.
Hannah Baumann; vice - president.
Judith Joy; treasurer, Edna Doyle
serfceant-at-arms. Russell Alexander:
editor. Eleanor Palmer; associate editor.
r.iaine r. well.
PosTorpicB Needs Mors Clerks.
Business at the Postoftlce has Increased
so rapidly that Postmaster Merrick
yesterday applied for two additional
clerks. The Increase In business since
the first of the year has been more
than 17 per cent. Eight new clerks
have been added to the force since
January 1. but It Is still Inadequate to
take care of the business with proper
Quarter Block Brings SSOOO. Mail &
Von Borstel have Just sold the quarter
block at the northeast corner of East
Eleventh and East Flanders streets
for the Ladd estate to W. R. Williams
nd E. W. Webster, of the Fashion
Stables for 18000. There are no Im
provements. Plans have already been
prepared for a three-story J26.000 brick
stable, and work will be started
Conor eoattonal Church Bazaar. For
benefit of parsonage fund of the church
at Forest Grove will be held In the
First Church on Friday afternoon and
evening Manila embroideries and
Turkish rugs will be for sale.
Confusion Characterizes Elections at
Washington High School.
Considerable Irregularity marked the
election of officers of the Associated
Students of Washington High School held
yesterday afternoon. The voting was by
ballot, but in many rooms the ballots
were not distributed on account of a
misunderstanding by the teacher. In
some rooms but two or three votes were
mat. from a membership of 20 or more.
Officials say no other opportunity will be
given to vote.
About 300 votes were cast, which
elected George Frailer, president, and
filled the other offices as follows: Irene
Went, vice-president; Lyle Baldwin, sec
retary: Arnold Hall, treasurer: Harvey
Undsey. H. M. Dickenson and Warren
Jackson, members-at-large of the exec
utive committee, and Terry Oberg, yell
The Baker Theater Next Tuesday
Will House Great Audience) for
Seoul and De Pasquall.
When Antonio Seoul, the famous bari
tone who sings here with Mme. de Pas
quail next Tuesday evening. October 4,
sang "Falstaff" during the Chicago opera
season hla performance called forth the
following: "The production of 'Falstaff
by the Metropolitan Company wa ad
mirably given; the cast could not have
been better. Seoul has been chiefly
known aa the Interpreter of the sardonic
Scarp la and the pathetic Tonlo.' but
hla 'Falstaff was Inimitable." The great
operatic favorite will appear her on
October 4 in Joint song recital with the
lovely soprano. Mme. de Pasquall. The
concert la the first of the Lois Steers-
ynn Coman series, and will be held in
the attractive new Baker Theater.
Despite Charges Quelle Is AI
lowed to Sell Liquor.
Clljr Council Takes Pipe Question
From Hands of Refractory Com'
mlttee and Passes It Old
Assessment Case Settled.
Effort to deprive the Quelle restaur
ant of It restaurant liquor license, on
the charge that It wa not a moral re
sort, met with defeat at the hand of
nine member of the City Council yes
terday. In spite of the recommendation
of several members of the license com
mlttee, who had conducted an invest!
gatlon of the charges made against th
place and who had Insisted that It be
denied the further right to sell intoxl
eating liquor.
Before the Council voted on the revo.
cation of the license. Councilman Cel
lar made an eloquent talk In which he
condemned the place In bitter terms and
further explained the damaging charac
ter of the evidence presented to the com
mlttee at It recent hearing
Although no Councilman championed
the resort in a speech, two-thirds of
those present voted in its behalf. Those
who voted for the restaurant to retain
Its license were: Councllmen Annand,
Baker. Beldlng. Concannon. Drlscoll,
Dunning. Kubll. Menefee and Watklns.
Those who voted to revoke the license
of the place were: Councllmen Cellars,
Devlin. Ellis and Wallace. Councilman
Rushlight was out of the room and did
not vote.
The vote as given was on the motion
to accept the report from the members
of the committee condemning the place
and recommending the revocation of the
license. In the afternoon the matter
came up In the form of an ordinance to
revoke the license of the place, and the
vote wa the same, with the exception
that Mr. Rushlight voted In behalf of
the Quelle keeping It license and Mr.
Beldlng. being absent, did not vote.
Mr. Cellar, in hi speech, insisted that
smaller resorts had been deprived of
their licenses by unanimous votes of the
Council, and he demanded that the same
consideration be shown the Quelle, which
he inferred wa possessed of political In
After a spirited debate in which the
question of the quality of cement sewer
pipe wa an Issue, the Council took from
the sewer committee the ordinance pro
vidlng for the Riverside district sewer,
and passed it without the committee's
recommendation. The larger number or
members of the committee have opposed
the laying of cement sewer, on the
grounds that it is not of good material.
Although the property owner had ex
pressed their preference for cement
sewer, the committee held the ordinance
up for so long a time that It wa taken
from the committee yesterday by a vote
of nine against five.
Only 32.8 per cent of the assessment
for the Improvement of Union avenue.
from the Lewi Love donation claim to
Alberta street, will be paid to the city
a the Council agreed yesterday to set
tle with the benefited property owners
on that basis. The assessments had been
fought in the court for several years.
and when the compromise was offered
as a settlement. It wa decided to accept
and stop further litigation.
Tne oner of the Portland Sanitary
Company to take over the collection of
all garbage, was referred to the com
mittee on health and police.
Trade-Building Sale Big Surprise.
The great Trade-Building Sale has sure
ly been a big event for all the men.
Just two days more In which to profit
by purchasing a $25 suit or overcoat for
tli Brownsville Woolen Mill Store, Third
and Morrison.
All the delicacies of the season at th
Portland Restaurant. Ft n private apart.
menu zor laaiea. sua wutuaMrilaiti
Mrs. Anna D. Schwlnnen and familv
xpress their sincere thanks and erati-
ude to their many sympathising
rlends. during the day of their late
orrow. In the bereavement of their
daughter and sister.
We wish to thank our many friend for
their sympathy and kindness during the
irkness and deatn of the late Mrs. Ray
mond Calovan. (Signed)
In Oar-many papr la used In tha manu
facture of faUa teeth.
Additional Motorcycles May Be Tsexl
Complaint From Citizens Grow
ing More Numerous.
Noticeable Increase In the schedule of
fine for violation of the speed regula
tions by chauffeur Is probable within
the next few day. Chief of Police Cox
and Deputy District Attorney Sullivan
yesterday laid before Municipal Judge
Taswell their representation that the
fines Imposed under the present policy
of the court are Inadequate. Judge Tas
well took the aubject under considera
The present practice Is to Impose a line
of $10 for the first offense without, and
$2S within, the Are limits. These penal
ties are doubled for the second offense.
There has been no discrimination be-
ween simple and aggravated cases.
It wa pointed out that most of the
offenders under the ordinance are men
to whom the penalties Imposed are neg
ligible and that In certain circles a con-
lctlon for speeding only gives added
Indignant protest from citizen along
certain well-paved street have been fre
quent. Among the streets where the reg
ulations are most abused are Union ave
nue. Broadway. Belmont street. Haw
home avenue and the long, well-paved
stretches in the northwest section of the
city. Combined effort on the part of
the motorcycle policemen and a speed-
trap crew under Sergeant Fatton have
resulted In ' many conviction, but the
Chief and the Deputy City Attorney say
that the penalties imposed have not been
heavy enough.
In the several month during which
two motorcycle have been operated by
Policemen Sims and Evans, the revenue
from convictions has more than paid for
the maintenance of the machines and
the salaries of the riders. Police Com
missioner Slchel, who recently made an
Investigation of this subject. Is well
pleased with the showing and Is In favor
of the purchase of additional motor
cycle. Only two speeders appeared in court
yesterday, both arrested by Policeman
Bvans. Charles Happing, of 603 Alder
street, wa arrested at Fourteenth and
Washington streets. Fred Taylor, of S3
Fast Seventeenth street, was arrested at
Thirtieth and Broadway streets. Each
paid a fine of $N.
Score of Hives Will Convene Today
in Selllng-Hirsch Hall.
Twenty-one hive of the Lady Macca
bees of the World will be represented at
the annual Portland rally to be held by
that organisation in the west hall of the
Selllng-Hirsch building today.
The session will be called to order at
10 o'clock this morning by Mrs. Alice
Porges. state commander. Appointing of
committees and registration will occupy
the forenoon. In the afternoon there will
be the reading of reports from delegates,
an exemplification of the ritualistic work
of the order, and a memorial service for
i Whether you have been thlnk
lng about buying a homeslte
W and getting a home of your
X own or not It will pay you to
fx go out and look at IRVING-
W TON PARK. But If you ex-
2$. pect to -build a home during
xj the coming few years It will
Vfi pay you to secure the site
Y now .for the price of such de
sirable property will advance
15 rapidly. And IRVINOTON
V PARK will suit you In price.
v In- location, in surroundings
(l) In all that goes to make an
ideal homeslte. It Is a fine
A neighborhood, many fine peo- ,
(fl pie are now living there in
g their own fine homes. And
? our prices, $475 for full 50-foot
9v lots, are below the real value
l5j of the property. Take an "A"
car, 5-cent fare, and go out
A and see it. Call on our agent,
(ll Mr. Schwan. on the ground. Or
VS' stop In at our office, room 214
a Lumber Exchange.
F. B. H0LBR00K CO.
214 Lumber Exchange.
Phoneai A-T507 Mala 53DS.
deceased members, conducted by officers
and guard of Golden Rule Hive No. 17.
Tonight there will be class instruction,
competitive drills by the guard teams, and
a musical and literary programme.
Portland People Will Entertain
Party Bound for Orient.
A. W. Rider. Pacific Coast secretary
of the Baptist Foreign Missionary So
ciety, arrived In Portland yesterday
from his headquarters at Oakland, Cal.
Mr. Rider Is on his way to Seattle to
meet 22 persons who are under ap
pointment for foreign mlssionery work,
and who are to sail from San Fran
cisco, October 6 for Japan, China and
the Philippines.
Mr. Rider and party will stop In
Portland on their way to California,
and a mass meeting will be held Fri
day night at the White Temple. Most
of the party are young people who
have lust left colleges or universities.
Others are returning from a furlough to
America. Two were in China at the
time of the Boxer uprising and were
compelled to flee from the mob when
their buildings were destroyed.
"This out-going missionary party."
said Mr. Rider, "is a part of the result
of the great laymen's- missionary cam
paign which spread over the country
Friday, Sept. 30
Hillsboro Fair
$1.15 Round Trip
A splendid exhibition of the
products of this rich and pros
perous district.
A beautiful ride to Hillsboro
no smoke or dust.
Trains leave Front and Jeffer
eon sts. 7:06, 8:30. 10:20 A. M.;
. 12:10. 2:10. 3:20. 6:30. 8:25 P.M.
Sept 29 -Oct.l "
last Spring, one of the laymen hav
ing agreed to pay the outgoing ex
penses and salary of the first ten ap
pointees of this missionary board.
Trunks, suit case and bag. Large
varletv at Harris Trunk Co- 'SI Sixth.
La Tosca Corsets.
$1.00, $1.50, $2.50 and up.
A model for every figure. We
fit them.
New Neckwear 25c to $15 each.
200 Morrison fit..
Bet. 4th and 5th, Corbett Bldg.
Women's Union
Special 98c
High or low necks, ankle length.
$2.50 Quality, Plain or Taney
Trimmed, $1.48.
Quality, Plain
Lisle, 69c.
Swiss Ribbed
TT., no.
35c Last-for-Ever Women's
and Children's Hose,
Special 25c.
Four pairs guaranteed to wear
four months without darning or
new hose free.
50c Best Cotton Hose- Extra
Quality, 35c.
Don't wait till It rains buy a
fuaranteed umbrella today. $1.
1.60. $2. $2.50. and up. The
guarantee is for one year.
Mess Dentistry
Out ef town
osn hare their plate
and brjdo work flu.
laboa in one "ax
it necessary.
Wo will roo goof
22k gold or porctltli
crowalor J3.5C
Molar Crowns 5.0C
3old Tilling 100
Entmtl Fillings 100
SUvwRDIng o5C
Inliy Fiinngs .50
3ood Rubber
Plato S.UW
Bait Rod Rob.
a.w.a.wrninuiuui:auw barPWw I.SW
Painless Extraction f reo ov ben plates or bridge wont
k ordered. Consultation Free, Too cannot get bette
painless work done anrwhere All work fully trua
anteed. Modemeleotrioeqnipmont. Boat method
"aRk .a. v in
. . - n : ft it- '
"iMarv -.- .-.
' ' - J v :
OJWICS HOOFS! t.K t Si- aL tsMava. 0m
If you wish to
get a few tons
of Sootless An
thracite, out of
the ship due
next month, just
phone East 303
or C 2303, or call at Meier & Frank
Store, Stove Department.
Edlefsen Fuel Co., Inc.
Hotel Colonial
Stockton St.. above Butter. Select famllr 110-i-Anm
hoteL Every modern convenience.
One block from hopplnff and theater dim-trirt-
Euro tie an nlan. 1.50 a day. American
plan. $3.00 a day. Hutter-st. care direct from
Cared. Only aothorlredFwalgy In
stitute In Oregon. Write tar ulna
tratrd circular. Kr.Ior Inatltnte,
71 s - for-Mauid. Oregon
are offered as conspicu
ous examples of correct
ness. There is an inde
scribable air of style in
a "Castellan" a digni
fied elegance is evident
in every line the mas
ter touch of the artist
rwho has overlooked no
detail. In fact, nothing
has been over looked
that could contribute to
air of distinction characteristic
the Castellan. Positively no du
plicates. Jlodestly priced at $10
Novelty Feathers and Wings
Special '3 Off
All our immense stock included. Over three hundred distinct
styles to select from. This season's latest novelties in black
and every desirable color, selling regularly at 50c to $10.00
each now a third off.
All 50c Feathers at 35 All $3.00 Feathers at. .S2.00
All $1.00 Feathers at 65 All $6.00 Feathers at. .$4.00'
All $1.50 Feathers at. 31.00 All $9.00 Feahter at.. $6.00
-a'tW'V Of
The TH0R Electric
Home Laundry Machine
will wash your clothes
bttter--'m less time at a
lower cost. Washes and
wrings at the same time by
This wonder working
machine has solved the
servant girl problem in
thousands of homes. It
will do the week's washing
for a family of six to eight
in 90 minutes at a cost of
3c It is the only machine
with a 3-roll reversible
The clothe ate placed inside of the self,
rerersing cylinder each time tne movement
is serened spreads the clothes into a new
position so that they cannot possibly pack
into a wad. The surface of this cyliodei
inside and out it polished as smooth as glass
no rough edges, sharp cornea, paddles or
projections of any kind to teat Of fray the
clothes. This is the biggest step made in
laundering in the last 25 years tao other
machine has this big advantage.
The THOR is absolutely sanitary, fight
running and noiseless and tout clothes will
last twice as long. It cum operated from
any ordinary electric light fixture. Made ta
different sizes adapted for aay house oc
or apartment.
Free Demonstration.
Call and see the THOR in operation
free demonstration daily. In calling, yon
obligate yourself in no way. At least iarcati.
Three minutes
nr. w. -KT.nK .
sii tytu
Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland completed same
as local calls in Portland by our new Two Number Serried
If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call
"Information" and ascertain.
Try it and yon will be pleased.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
Beck Building;, Seventh and Oak Streets.
Grand Trunk Pacific Steamships
Arrire Tirtoris SnndaTv asd Tbarsdars at. .TsH P. Bf.
Arrlrs VsncooTer Mondays and Fridays at ................... .?p0 A. M.
arrive Prince Rupert Wednesdays and Sundays at........ 11 S A. M.
Connecting- at "Prlnee Rnpert with 8. S. Trine Albert" tot Marnraurt
and Queen Charlotte Islands.
- Rates north of Vancouver include meals and berth.
For ticket and rrservationa apply to loeal railway ticket agents or
J. H. BCRGIS, General Agent,
First Avenue and Yealer Way, Seattle, Wash.
"We are showing a wide range of
handsome designs in dining tables
golden oak, fumed oak, mahogany.
Prices from $20.00 up to $100.00.
t& J. G. MACK S CO. ft