VOL. L. NO. 15,531. PORTLAND.' OKEf.ON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1910. PRICE FIVE CENTS. F.R.GETSSTIMSON LIFE PASS USED FOR MAN WHO IS DEAD EXCHANGE OF HAIR DOZEN INCLUDED BEAM WOULD KEEP WIFE FROM STAGE FLIGHT FAR; JAPS QUITE DISASTROUS AT TICKET'S HEADL OPPOSES PINCHOT IN GRAFT E BLOXDE AND BRTJXETTE WOM- DOW INSISTS, AND STEAM SHIP COMPANY GUtS IX. HCSBAXD GOES TO XEW YORK, . EX FIGURE IX COMEDY. BUT SHE IS IX HJEPPXER. NNG CONGRESS GHAKG AND WHITES IV1ARRY Nomination Another In surgent Triumph. PLATFORM IS "PROGRESSIVE" Convention's Choice for Gov- L ernor Federal Attorney. OLD GUARD BADLY BEATEN Colonel Roosevelt Maly Eloquent Speech Tor StlniMm and Fiery Talk for Direct Primary Plank, and Is Vic-tor. SARATOGA. X. T.. Sept. IS. Ths Re Duhlican State Conventon tonight nimwl Henry L- Stlmson. of New Tork, aa It candidate for Governor. The nomination rf Mr. Stlmson was ne more victory for Colonel Roosevelt, rho personally led the light for the lomlnatlon of his candidate. The rest of the ticket follows: Lieutenant-Governor. Edward Shoe- sec k. Secretary of State. Samuel S. Koenig renominated). State Comptroller. Jamea Thompson. State Treasurer. Thomas F. Fennell. State Engineer. Frank M. Williams (renominated . Attorney-General. Edward R. O'Mal- ley frenomlnated). Assistant Justice of the Court of Ap peals, Irving G. Vann (renominated). Vote for Governor Shown. The vote for Governor follows: Henry L. Stlmson. M: W. S. Bennet. pf New Tork. HI: Thomas R Dunn. Rochester. 38: James B. McEwan. Al bany. IS: scattering-. 13. The slate as made up this morn ins; by Mr. Roosevelt1. Senator Root and their advisers went through without a hitch. Colonel Roosevelt said tonight that he wnld take the stump In the campaign. He said that ha would not cancel bis Southern trip, which begins on Thurs day of next week, or his trip te Iowa early In November. Wadsworth to Retire. At the close of the convention James S. Wadsworth. Jr.. Speaker of the As sembly, announced his wtthdraway from the Legislature, due to his personal views as to the length of time during which a member of the Assembly should te a candidate for Speaker, and If sue has been Speaker Ave years. Mr. Wadsworth would not say that his retirement was due to the victory rrssful. hold tha tlniportant office. He of the "progressives" In the conven tion. The eiose of the convention found the Roosevelt forces in complete mastery of the situation, although the old guard kept up Its light grimly until the end. Roosevelt's Triumph Complete. Following the flrst ro.ut of the or ganlzatlon in the selection of Colonel Roosevelt for temporary chairman came his dramatic and successful bat tle for the adoption of the platform of tbe "progressives and his final victory in the nomination of Mr. Stlmson. By th etlme the Stlmson vote was taken the strength of the organisation had been dissipated badly. Having no candldaet for whom to make a deter mined fight. It threw the bulk of Its vote to Representative Bennet. As a rule, voting on the candidates for Gov ernor followed the same division be tween "progressives' and the old guard as the vote for temporary chairman Thompson Well Supported. On the vote for State Comptroller Thompson received substantially the full "progressive" strength In addition to about half of the old guard forces. He was opposed by Senator Klssell. The new state committee, containing several new names, waa announced to night, and It waa assumed thta the "progressives" would control, turning over to the Roosevelt forces .the party machinery of the state. Chalrmi Woodruff, who failed of re-election In his own district, was elected from the second district. Xrw Chairman Likely. The election of a "progressive" chair man in place of Mr. Woodruff Is expect ed, although who the new chairman will be Is not surmised. It Is customary to hold a meeting of the state committee for the election of a chairman directly after the convention, but Chairman Root, of the convention, said that no tuch meeting would be held tonight. It is understood this situation arfose on account of the fact that no agree ment had been reached as to the new state chairman. Lloyd C. Griscom and Cornelius V. Collins both hav edecllned to serve. Roosevelt Opens Session. Colonel Roosevelt called the conven tion to order at 1 1 : 1 S. "This convention." he said, "has shown that tha utmost Intensity of differences of opinion can be accom panied by scrupulous fairness in han dling tha question as to who ia by right entitled to admission -to tha conven tion." United States Senator Root was named aa permanent chairman of tha convention by the committee on perma nent organization. The report waa adopted and Colonel Roosevelt ar r Concluded Fas i Purser Is Astounded when tree Transportation Is Offered for Carrying Body on Steamer. SEATTLE. Wash.. Sept. 2S. (Special.) Insisting that her deceased husband was Just as much entitled to travel on a pass as when he its alive. Mrs. John Chadwlck. of Black Bay. on the Hood Canal, staggered L. K. Purcell, of the steamship State of Washington, by re fusing to pay freight on his corpse, which she had brought to the vessel for shipment to Seattle. 'My husband had a para on the State of Washington, when he was alive," she said to Purser Purcell. "and no one Is going to prevent him traveling on It when he is dead, poor fellow." Mrs. Chadwlck had placed her hus band's body In it coffin on tbe steamshlj. and Purcell. who Is one of the moot con siderate officers In the service of the Puget Sound Navigation Company, hesi tated to order It put ashore, when aha refused to pay charges. He reasoned with the widow, telling her that she really ought to pay tha regular charge, ami much as he per sonally would like to oblige her by allow ing the corpse to travel on free, he was only a purser and had no voice In the matter. A crisis was rapidly approaching, when Purcell. deciding to let the higher offi cials of the company fettle the matter. telegraphed to L. A. Miller, freight and passenger agent for the Puget sound Navigation Company. An examination of the records satisfied Miller that Chad- rlck. who bad a lumber tract at Black Bay. held a life pass. When Purcell read the freight agent's reply. "Let corpse travel free and col- lect panel." the widow heaved a sigh of atUfnorlnn mnti mstlti dhn knew BrvA ouM wi-tf. R0SLYN MINERS ON STRIKE Four Hundred Men Walk Out When Union Man Is Discharged. ELLENSBURG. Wash, Sept. 28. Dis agreement between the Northwestern Improvement Company superintendent and the president of the Miners' Union at shaft No. 5. near Roslyn, which con trols coal weighing, caused a walkout of 400 men this morning. The union president was discharged aa welgnt cneeaman. ina company contending It should appoint the weigh ers. It Is probable tliat 2000 men in tha other mines may be affected. COURT ACQUITS LOFTUS Man Tried for Murder Freed on Ground of Self-Defense. BAKERSFIELD. Cal., Sept. 28. J. C. Loftus, charged with the murder of Joseph LaCferty September 4. was ac quitted In a Justice Court here today on the ground of self defense. Testi mony of witnesses showed that Lafferty had been the aggressor and had choked Loftus twice the night before. The next morning he attempted to repeat his treatment, when he was shot by Loftus. A quarrel over the treatment of . a horse was the cause of the trouble. PRICE OF MILK ADVANCED Vancouver People Will Pay $1.75 for Pint Per Day for Month. VANCOl'VER. Wash., Sept. 2S. (Spe cial.) Milk prices have received a second boost within a year, the new schedule golnc into effect October 1. Patrons of the dairies have been notified. The full new schedule, which becomes effective Saturday, follows: One pint a day for one month, $1.75; one quart. $2.75; three pints, $1; two quarts. $5.25: tine pints, ItS; three quarts. $7.25: seven pints. $3.23: one gallon. $9; cream, one pint. Hi one-half pint. $3. KATHERINE ELKINS COMES Ambassador Bacon Sees Americans I Off at Paris. PARIS. Sept. 28. Mrs. Stephen B. Elklns. her two sons and Miss Kather- Ine Elklns. departed today for Cher bourg, where they sailed later on the steamer Kaiser tVllhelm der Grosse for New York. They were accompanied to the rail way station by Ambassador Bacon and other friends. BANKER IS ARRAIGNED W. E. Bnffum Found Guilty of Con tempt and Fined SS. ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. 2. (Special.) (V. E. Buffln. manager of the Bank ing. Savings and Loan Association, waa arraigned before the Circuit Court an a charge of contempt of court In that he broke Into the association's office af ter It had been closed by tha Sheriff under proceedings. The defendant was sentenced to par a rme or 5. and apologize to the court and the Sheriff, which he did. EXPENSE EXPERT NAMED President Taft Chooses Xew Yorker to Head Inquiry Board. WASHINGTON. Sept- 2i. President Taft today announced the appointment of Dr. Frederick A. Cleveland, director of Bureau of Municipal Research, of New Tiork. to head a Federal staff of I experts to Investigate the expcndlturea la executive departments. Conservation Wanted Without Waste. COMPOSITMEPORT FRAMED -X Land Withdra. v Act De nounced as Stiism. FREE ENTRY IS DEMANDED Committee on Resolutions Making Substitute Opposing Plan of Incasing or Royalty System for Mineral Lands. LOS ANGEJL.ES. Sept. 28. Members of the American Mining Congress are for conservation of natural resources that Is conservation which will eliminate waste. But they are opposed . to the Plnchot Ideas Thia summarizes the sentiments of an apparent majority of the delegates on the eve of the report of the committee on resolutions and it presages rejection "," "-" meones wnen "" suom.w us report on I ""wiiW"- I Th coinniittee la at work tonlffht on ma mass or more or less violent con servation rohltinn sn fat ln(rn.4n.. 1 to report composite substitute embodying the anti-waste idea of con- ervatlon, and with it the essentials of the resolutions which denounce the land withdrawal act as socialistic, the atti tude of the conservationists as "mere el. am and pretense" and demanding free and unrestricted entry of American citizens upon mineral-bearing lands as I opposed to the proposition of establish ing ine teasing or royalty system. At the request of the oil aien's organizations no recommendations will be made regard ing oil lands. System Will Mean Waste. B. R. Buckley, president or the 'Mining Congress, expressed a view entertained by many of the delegates, when he said that It was his belief that the leasing and royalty system would Inevitably lead to the. defeat of one of the main ends of conservation, the prevention of waste. "Leasers,'' he said", "would not handle great quantities of low grade ore that now are mnied at a profit. It would not pay them and all this would go to waste." The composite resolution offering the Roosevelt-Plnchot conservation policies will In all probability go through, but not without opposition. There are some able supporters of the Plnchot theories among the delegates and they will op pose the reeolution but there will be no fight. The odds are apparently too over whelming and President Buckley aald to-' night that there was no Intention to dis turb tbe even tenor of the discussions. Mining Law Revision Asked. The principal accomplishment today 1 waa the adoption of a committee report recommending the appointment of a joint Congressional committee to hold public hearings' in the mining districts and then Concluded on Pm 3.) REPUBLICAN VOTER "MY BOY, I'M FOR YOU FROM Hasty Dressing in Unlucky ''Lower 7" Causes Girls' Embarrassment on Vancouver Streets. VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 28. (Spe cial.) In the darkness of their Pull man berth the Ill-fated, lower 7 again two young women who boarded the North Bank train at Spokane last night carelessly exchanged their sur plus hirsute adornment, which, be cause one Is a decided blonde and the other a (pronounced brunette, caused unlimited amusement among the other passengers, provoked an outburst of laughter from a local streetcar conduc tor, brought forth smiles from persons j whom they passed on the street and createa confusion, bordering upon riot. ...... to the girls themselves, when they glanced Into a convenient mirror at the St. Elmo Hotel this morning. Both women were well dressed and either would have attracted more than passing attention because of her strik ing beauty, alone. They hastily retired to their room, following the discovery of their predicament, and did not ap pear again until late this evening, when their tresses, from all outward appear ance, were of natural growth. The girls afterward admitted that they were weary when they retired to their berth yesterday evening and that the porter did not call them until the train was due, within 30 minutes, to arrive at Vancouver. In their haste to dress, they explained, they accidentally made the exchange that proved so dis astrous to their personal appearance. LIFE CHEAP IN CHICAGO Only Two Men Hang for 693 Mur ders In Four Years. CHICAGO, Sept. 28. (Special.) Per sons outside who wonder why human life Is the cheapest commodity In Chi cago may discover a reason In the crime statistics just made public. In the last four years there have been 693 murders In this city. Five hundred and forty-seven persons were arrested on murder charges; 132 were convicted, but only two have been hanged, the others getting prison sentences or se- curing new trials and delaying matters until they eventually were discharged. The repott Is official', being made by Chief of Police Steward to Corporation Counsel Brundaje, who will submit it to- the Bar Association', -so that" the lawyer will have some light on the in sistent complaint that crime goes un punished In Chicago. HASKELL WINS HIS POINT Prosccutlon Must Show Guilt "Conscious Participation." of McALESTER. Okla., Sept. 28. The hearing in the trial of Gov. C. N. Has' kell -and others In the Muskogee town lot cases today was postponed until to morrow. Federal Judge John A. Mar shall granted a request by the Govern ment's attorneys that they be allowed time to examine their witnesses before putting them on the stand. Judge Marshall ruled that the evl- dence against Haskell would have to be confined to proof of "conscious partici- I pation" In the alleged conspiracy in the I three years prior to the return of the I Indictment against him. which was on May 27. 1909. S. R. Rush, special assistant to the Attorney-General, said the Government did not wish to take up the time of the court If the witnesses for the prosecu tion would be unable to present evi dence under the restrictions thus laid down. Ostermann Recounts Deals With Rawn. HIGH AND LAW ARE ACCUSED Startling Testimony Offered in Repair-Fund Case INSIDE WORKINGS TOLD Head of Car Repairing Company in Detail Tells How Rawn and As sociates Mulcted Illinois Cen tral Out of 91,000,000. CHICAGO. Sept. 28. The Illinois Central Railroad corruption bomb ex ploded with terrific force today In Municipal Judge Bruggemeyer's court. Henry C. Ostermann, ex-president of the Ostermann Manufacturing Com pany, was the fuse who touched off the explosion, and former officials of the railroad company, both exalted and low, were struck telling blows. The head of the defunct car repair ing company, which is alleged to have mulcted the Illinois Central out of $4,000,000, was a voluntary witness. Ostermann was called as a witness for the prosecution In the conspiracy hearing against Frank B. Harriman, Charles L. Ewlng and John M. Taylor, former Illinois Central officials charged with participating In extensive car re pair swindles. Rawn Chief Figure.' The testimony involved not orjly the names of the three men, no.' on trial. but extended to a dozen others who formerly occupied position of trust with the railroad. The Nate Ira G. Rawn, late president of the Monon Route, who was mysteriously shot to death at his Summer home last July. was named by Ostermann as one of the chief figures la the alleged graft ring. Ostermann declared that Rawn, wnen vice-president of the Illinois Central, was given low snares or stock in tne oster - mann Manufacturing Company and that this was Increased to 2700 shares. He sad that Rawn sold this stock to the Oster- mann plent at par, or S3 a share. Payment Made for Cars. After he had sold back the stock for $13,500. the witness testified, Rawn de manded and got flrst $3, then $10 and finally $15 for each car repaired or alleged tc have been repaired at the Ostermain plant. Ostermann testified that he per- 1 sonally made one payment of 110.500 to I Raun. which, he said, waa for VOO cars nn which the concern collected renjlr I :.. I Kill. m aud'tion to a payment per car ns to Rawn, all Ostermann, a. fixed monthly- B;.m wag paid to certain officials and a 2 per cent a month dividend was paid on large blocks of Ostermann Manufactur ing Company stock held by Illinois Cen tral officials. "What Illinois Central officials held stock in your company?" Ostermann was i Concluded nn Page o.) THE BOTTOM UP," While Singer Awaits Footlight Call " Friends Believe Talk of Sep aration Is Unfounded. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. (Special.) It Iff the consensus of opinion among the friends of Mrs. Adele Case-Beam and her husband, Willard Metcalf Beam, that the young music lover is speeding East to New York to carry out her long threatened plans to enter the stage life, and that her husband follows closely pur suing her In a desperate effort to per suade his wife not to answer the call of the footlights and that all rumors of a separation between the newly-married pair ia merely idle talk. It was said today that Beam had re turned from Portland after vainly trying to persuade his wife' to return home with him to thia city. Beam did not return to his mother's home, at 903 Fell street, I up to a late hour tonight, and according to the close friends of the family, he will not return home until he Is succes ful in winning over his wife to not re turn to a stage career. Mrs. Mary Adele Case-Beam left for Portland several weeks ago to visit her mother, who was reported to be seriously ill. Upon her arrival In the northern city the condition of her mother was notably Improved. Then the talk of re turning to the stage was broached by the young wife to her mother. Beam in some way heard of her plans and started north to persuade her against the stage, but he was too late. HEPPNER. Or., Sept. 28. (Special.) Mrs. Mary Adele Case-Beam, the well- known musician of San Francisco, is viejfing her "brother, M. L. Case, a promi nent merchant in this city. It is reported that Mrs. Beam is I awaiting telegraphic report regarding an engagement to sing in grand opera in New York City, and friends In this city are hoping to Induce Mrs. Beam to give a recital here Friday evening in case she does not leave prior to that date. Mrs. Beam came here alone. MRS. BELL WANTS DIVORCE Society Woman Charges Husband With Many Acts of Cruelty. RENO. Nev-., Sept. . 28. (Special.) A complaint for -divorce is filed here by Corlnne Bell, a former society leader of San Jose, where she was married April 190S, to Frank J. Bell, an automobile dealer of Seattle and San Francisco. Her storv of his threats to throw vitriol In her I f.- during his fits of Jealous rage and his attempts to strangle her. choking her I ,nto insensibility, ending in his punching ln the. face and blackening her eyes nart nf her accusations of abuse. He beat and chastised her and charged her -m, aHnlterv with divers men. His laniruaee was obscene and vile, she .hrc. and his temper ungovernable. Ther a. no children. sh. ,t t renme her mal.len name, There Is no reference to property rights nH it S understood the husband will not offer any opposition' to her actions. Mrs Bell is a buxom little woman, con- sDiciious in her wealth of bleached hair, socially inclined and is a familiar figure ln local cafes and those of San Francisco, ONE DEAD IN MINE RIOT Dynamite and Fire Used by Angry Men in Colorado Camp. BUENA VISTA, Colo., Sept. 28. One man is reported to have been killed and considerable property destroyed by dynamite and fire as the result of a riot that broke out among miners at Monarch, a mining camp 35 miles from here, early today. Telephone and telegraph wires are down, apparently as the result of the fire. Sheriff Brewster has gone with sev eral deputies to the scene. The Chief of Police and several patrolmen were also summoned from Sallda. STRIKERS NOW PEACEFUL Berlin' Riots Cease and Emperor Wllhelm Demands Iteport. BERLIN, Sept. 28. The rioting coal strikers appear to have worn themselves j out during the night, and today quiet prevailed throughout the Moabit Pre clnct. There are no reliable figures of the number Injured ln clashes with the police. At one hospital, 30 wounded citi zens received treatment. Comparatively few policemen seem to have been In jured. Emperor William has sent lor a tun report of the trouble. PHEASANTS TfJ BE FREED Chehalis County Will Liberate 300 Pair on 5-Year Limit. MOXTESANO. Wash., Sept. 28. (Spe cial.) Three hundred pair of Chinese pheasants will be liberated in Chehalis County ln November, the birds having been ordered from a New York fancier. The regular five-year limit will be placed on the birds, and the Legislature will be asked . to pass a law protecting pheasants of this kind in counties bor dering on Chehalis. GOVERNOR BENS0N ON WAY Oregon Executive Passes Through San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 28. Governor Frank W. Benson, of Oregon, left here today for Salem, having practically recovered from the illness that caused his protracted sojourn, ln California. Journey 1500 Miles to Get License. . SEATTLE BALKS; TACOMA OK'S Two American Girls Take Ori entals as Husbands. LEGISLATION MAY STOP With Granting of Right o Wed Washington Likely to Pass Law Prohibiting Such Unions. Emery Case Recalled. TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 28 (Special.) After a 1300-mile flight from Los Angeles to Seattle In a vain effort to be wed, two Los Angeles Japanese and two white girls, one the daughter of a retired Utah farmer and the other the daughter of a Los Angeles mer chant, were granted marriage licenses here today, after being refused in every city where they had applied. Knnio Toda. a Japanese merchant. o( the California city, and Miss Ryda Reid, whose pursuit of the elusive license began at Los Angeles and has taken them through the Oakland, Cal., jail, were the flrst applicants. After securing their license they were mar ried by Rev. M. Takahashl, pastor of the Japanese mission, and immediately took an lnterurban car for Seattle, on their honeymoon. I -os Angeles Couple Shy at City. Taunejlro Tanaka and Edith Hote meyer, both of Los Angeles, were the second applicants, and came to thia city, accompanied by an attorney. After getting their license they left In an automobile, stating that they would not attempt to get married in this citv, but preferred a country town close by. The auto went in the direction of Roy, a few miles south of Tacoma. In the case of Miss Reed, who nut her husband first in Los Angeles, the young couple began their long Journey to be wed by first making tracks to- ward balt Lke t-lt"- where the father ot the bride-to-be lives. They wera arrestea in passing mrougn uaKiana. Cal., but after an Investigation the po " i"u iU pin, the father of the girl telegraphing the "-anrornia city autliorities that Ills daughter was of age. "he following laconic message was I sent by the father ' (jirl or age. jr any law, put them I in Jail. James Reed." I with tneir. release from the Oakland jan, tney tnougnt it not best to tempt the parental mind further by continu ing their journey to Salt Lake, so they took the Shasta Limited for Seattle, where, of course, they expected to ex- perlence no trouble in securing a li cense, get married, ana sail tor the Orient on their honeymoon on the Tamba Maru. It was planned to pass their honeymoon with Toda's father, a wealthy Japanese wine merchant, who had asked his son to visit him In japan before death should finally separate them. After returning from the Orient Toda and his bride were to go to Los ; Angeles and reside on a chicken 'ranch in that vicinity, which the Japanese husband owns and oper ates. Jap to Give Up Religion. When contemplating their amrriage Toda agreed to give up the religion of his forefathers and in return his Mor mon sweetheart has adopted' many of the customs of the - Far East. She speaks Japanese like one "to the man ner born," and firmly believes . that in far Nippon only does woman hold her true position in the scheme of things domestic. She insists that Japanese husbands treat their wives better than the Americans do, and asserts that marrlage , a more Bacred Institution ! u that country than here. Miss Reed i says that the Jap husband extends a comradeship to his wife that Is un known ln this country. When her father's telegram w-as men tioned today, Mrs. Toda said: When my father said that he did not give his consent to my union with Toda, or words to 'that effect in his order to arrest us if there was any law, he lied. He has said often he did not care what became of me as long as I did not hang around his home all my life. There . is no danger now that I will bother him." The Jap takes the warm affection of his white wife very casually, and when she becomes too demonstrative in public he does not hestitate to repress her. Couple See Only Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Toda express entire satis faction In their present situation and da not hesitate to declare that their mar riage will be one of happiness. This is the . second international mar riage between a white American girl and a Japanese which has stirred the Pacific oCast within "the past two years, the other, which culminated most unhap pily for the bride, was that between Miss Gladys Emery, daughter of the Arch deacon Emery of the Protestant Epis copal diocese of California and Gunjiro Aoki. This event caused no little comment t Concluded on Page 3.1