Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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Owners Ask More Money for
Service to England.
Jiull Tonnage Market orfcrs Xo Re
lief I'nlon Anions Foreljn Ves
elmen Reported Broken Onlj
Two Taken In Month.
Chartering of ships for early loading
r yesterday reported at a standstill
ml It was Mill that owners, taking ad
vantage of the scarcity of available
tonnage, ha.l refuned offers offers of
the rate that has ruled of ITs Sd. from
I'ortland to the Tnlted Kingdom, and
Were a-ki!i cot less than -3 d.
Combined with that situation are re
ports that the wheat cargo market Is
off and there Is no Incentive for ex
porters to float grain at the Increased
tonnaKe rate. The Hrltlsh ship Klrk
cudhrichtshire was taken last week by
the I'ortlond Flouring Mills Company
at t and that firm yesterday was
ijtited ships at CSs rd.
The Increase Is fa I.I to eiual about
one cent a bushel, and as few ships are
Jjeaded fr Pucet Soonil, and those
Hearing the Columbia lilver have been
Tlxed. In addition to those in port be
ing chartered. It is not anticipated
there will be an Immediate reawaken
ing In the tonnage market. It has been
raid since earlv In the season that
there was practically no longer a union
among foreign ship owners, and the
llxture of the Kirkcudbrightshire was
taken to Indicate that at least ' some
f them had withdrawn from the com
bine. There were two carriers rechartered
this month, the last being the Vin
crnn'i by the Portland Flouring Mills
Company, and It was yesterday re
ported that the British ship Uenalvon,
row discharging coal here, had been
rechartered for October loading. The
French bark lien, de Holsdef fre. which
commenced loading wheat last week at
the elevator dock, but was idle Mon
day and Tuesday, will resume this
morning at Montgomery dork No. 2.
Others of the fleet in port fixed for
(rraln are the British bark Andromeda,
which will start shortly, the (Uenal
von. the French bark Bldart. Danish
bark lenmark and the British steamer i
(Scottish Monarch.
Newport News, for vessels of the
L'nlted States Nevy assembled there.
On the voyage from Chlmbote. It li
reported that the "No. 1" fireman,
who had charge of the Chinese In the
flreroom crew, leaped over the side
and was drowned.
Swells Break Denmark's Line.
Having lost a hawser through the
fart passing steamers caused swells
that proved greater than tt could with
stand, the skipper of the Danish bark
Denmark yesterday requested that
pilots and masters of large craft pass
his berth at Llnnton under a slo'
bell. The bark Is discharging ballast
there, preparatory to being lined for
wheat, and will probably shift before
next week.
Columbine Has Lighthouse. Gear,
tarrying big lenses and other gear
for the lighthouse, also equipment for
the fog signal, the tender Columbln
will put to sea from Astoria today
heading for Cape Hlnrhlnkook. where
a lighthouse built under contract
about ready for acceptance. It Is hoped
to have the light In operation In ad
ranee of early Winter weather.
Marine Notes.
Captain W. R. Thomas is skipper
the steamer George IV. Simons, whlcn
piles between The Dalles and the Cas
cades, vice Captain J. F. Atwell.
Captain It. F. Caples has succeede
Dus to Arrive.
Name. From. Date.
'Falcon Fan Francisco In port
;k. W. Cider. .JiSan lvdro. . In port
Beaver un Fedro. In port
Kalama Pan Franrlacoln port
Henrlk Ibsen. . .Hnnskonc. .. Kept 2
Hercules Hnnickons. . . .Sept. 2
Bear Ran Pedro. . . .Sept. 30
Kureka Eureka Kept. 80
Hum H. Elmore. Tillamook. .. .iM. 1
Breakwater. .. .Cool Hay Oct. 3
Golden Uate. . . .Tillamook. .. .Oct. 3
Ituanok an Pedro. ... ct. 3
Roe City an I'edro OcU 5
Scheduled ts Iepart.
Name. Far Date.
Falcon Pan Francisco Fept. 2
Geo. W. Elder. .Fan Peflro. ...Kept. 'Ji
Beaver San Pedro Sept. ao
Kalama -n FranclscoOrt. J
Kureka Kureka Oct. 2
rue H. Elmor. Tillamook ... .Oct 4
Golden Gala. .. Tillamook . . . .Oct. 4
Breakwater. .. .fona Hay Oct. 4
Bear Sao PeOro. . . . Oct. 4
Koanftke ?an Fran ?laco Oct. 3
H en rlk Ibsen Honrkons. . . . Oct. 8
.. 1'lty ban I'edro.... Oct. in
Hercules Honskonf. . . .Oct. li
Iirk of iraln and Lumber Cargo for
Outsiders Is ItononMble.
Inability on the part of owners o
arertain steam schooners to secure for
them return cargoes of lumber from
northern harbors Is said to be responsl
Me for vessels being lnld up at Ha
Francisco, and it was yesterday made
known here that the steamers Coaster,
TTahoe. Westerner and Kxcelslor had
aeen ordered out of commission.
All hut the latter are known here.
The Excelsior has been operating be
tween San Francisco and Eureka.
Fteamors In which stockholders in saw
snills nave Interests will no doubt con
tlnue to operate during the season, bu
even local mills have largely curtailed
their output as a whole, as some have
released night crews and are cleaning
4i p storks on hand.
The steamer Claremont left here
Monday for iouth Bend to load lum
er after having discharged general
cargo, and the steamer Hoqulam de-
parted last night for the same port
The trade formerly enjoyed In hauling
wheat from Portland Is also materially
curtailed for steam schooners through
the strong bid made by the Harriman
Interests. The steamers Hose City
Uaver anil Bear carry over 1200 ton
each trip and are able to deliver .t -
Fan Francisco In three or four days
after it Is loaded, while the scuooners
Jad It In the hold and then shift to
the mills for a deckload of lumber, and
on reaching their destination the lum
t'er must be removed first, thereby de
Jaylng the delivery of wheat twice as
Jong as the liners.
Junna Fmneesva 1.4 Latent of Labi
Season's fleet to Arrive.
Only one of the 1909-10 grain fleet
Jias not reported out. ami that is the
British ship Brabioch. which got away
April ne is making a slow pis.
cage, as the British bark Donna Fran
cesra. which sailed May.$, was re
ported to the Merchants Exchange as
liavtng passed Klnsale Monday. She
is hound for Qtioenmown. The Arctic
aStrram sailed May li and made the
Tun In l:o days, arriving at Cork Sep
t.'irher 12. She was bested as to ti:ne
y the French hark Ueneral de Fair-'t-.erbe.
which was 119 days on the way.
nd the French bark I-a Rorhejaque-
Jin. which sailed it in 115 days.
Another report yesterday telcrraphed
'In the Merchants" Exchange was that
the French ship Marechal de Castries,
jiound here with general carga for
lialfotir. Outhrie & Company- from Ne'
castle. England, had been towed to
1'unta Arenas in a damaged condition
anil that her cargo had shifted. The
craft put out of Dublin July 7 and from
Hrest July 12. The fact that her cargo
hlfted is taken to Indicate that she
encountered heavy weather. The ves
sel may not be In a seaworthy condi
tion again for over a month.
Harbormaster Speler Warn Captain
Not to Let Rnrk Swing Free.
Failure of the skipper of the French
erk Bblart. which is anchored In the
atream below the Steel bridge, to com
ply with an order Monday night, to
let go the stern anchor, caused Har
bormaster Speier to visit the craft
yesterday, and on his emhpatlc Instruc
tions the '"mud hook" was dropped.
The Bldart arrived up Sunday, and'
went to that anchorage to await a
berth at Columbia dock No. 1. As
only the forward anchor was used,
the vessel was permitted to swing from
one side of the stream to the other,
thereby blocking the channel at times,
and drawing caustic comment from
rlvermen. Apparently the skipper saw
no unreasonableness In his act In us
ing so much of the harbor for the ben
cfit of bis ship. It Is planned to shift
the Bldart to her berth today, to be
gin discharging cement.
fjramp Loading Lumber for Lining.
Between 70.000 and SO. 000 feet of
lumber will be required to line the
British tramp. Scottish Monarch, so that
he can load wheat for the l'nlted
Kingdom. The carrier arrived up yes
terday and berthed at the North Pa
rtflc mill to take on lining material.
T:.e vessel came here from Chlmbote.
a wiUco. port she oarrlea coal from
laptaln George T. Eury as master of
the tug Triumph, and J. T. Reeder Is
master of the steamer Chester, vlca
A. O. Kruae. -
w Ith 105 passengers and about 400
tons of cargo the steamer Breakwater
got away last evening for Coos Bay.
The Sue H. Elmore and Golden Gate
departed for Tillamook.
New gear having been rigged. Dipper
ureoge .-o. I. or the rieet operated by
the Corps of Engineers. U. S. A., left
yesterday for Lewis River to Improve
the channel, to La Center. Later she
will work In the Clatskanie.
with the British steamer Scottish
dionarcn. wnicn yesterday entered at
the, Custom-House from Chlmbote,
i"eru. were the Geo. W. Elder, for San
Padro and way ports. the gasoline
schooner Wllhelmlna. from Yaqulna.
ana me steamer ( apaslrano. from San
Francisco. The Hoqulam cleared for
soutn Bend, the Wllhelmlna for Ya
q'uina. the Capastrano for Grays Harbor
ana me ciaer for Han Diego.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND. Sept. IT. Arrived Barge
Amy Turner and tug taunttea. from San
Francisco; British steamer Scottish Monarch,
from I'hlmbote; steamer Klamath, from San
FrinrlKo; steamer Tamalpals. from San
FranclJco. Sailed Steamer Breakwater, for
t'oos Bay; steamer Hoqulam. for South
Bend: steamer Golden Gate for Tillamook;
ateamer Sue H. Elmore, for Tll'amook.
Astoria. Or., t-ept. 2T. Condition at the
mouth of the rlvar at 5 p. M., smooth:
wind, northweat. 14 miles: weather, cloudy.
Sailed at i A. M. Steamer Northland, San
Francisco. Sailed at T:S0 A. M. steamer
Konia. for Fan Francisco. Arrived at 8 and
left up at 9:00 A. M Steamers Klamath
and Tamalpaia. from San Francisco. Sailed
at 1:3o P. 31. Steamer Claremont. for Aber
deen. Sail Francisco. Pert. 27. Arrived at 4
A. M. Steamer Caaco. from Portland; at
10 A. M. Steamer Bear, from Fan i'edro;
steamer Rose city, from Portland. Sailed
at 7 A. M. Norwegian steamer Hercules,
for Portland. Arrlted at 11 A. M Steamer
Asuncion, from Portland.
French ship Marechal de Castries, frrm
Newcastle. Eng.. for Portland, was towed
Into Punta Arenas with sundry damaged and
cargo shitted.
Klnsale. Sept. 2.. Passed yesterday Brit
ish bark Donna Franceeca. from Portland,
for Queenstown.
Sao Franclaco. Sent. 27. Arrived Steam.
era Yellowstone, from C dumbla river: Sierra.
from Honolulu: Splthaad. from Tacoma: G.
C. Lindauer. from Grays Harbor; ship Santa
Clara, from Alltak. Sailed Steamer Vir
ginian, for Seattle: ateamer City of Topeka,
for Victoria; revenue cutter Bear, for Portland.
Sydney. N. S. W.. Sept. -27. Arrlred pre
viously Oceano. from Tacoma and san
Port Said. Sent. 37 Arrived Protealua.
from Liverpool, for Seattle.
Lorenxo-Marques. Sept. 24. Arrived Eng
lish Monarch, from Seattle.
Singapore. Sept. 24. Sailed Admiral Et.
elmans. for San Francisco.
Los Angelee. Sept. a,. Arrived-Steam-
era President, from Seattle: Jim Duller.
from Tacoma: Shin Tak. from Eacla Har
bor. Sailed Steamer Roanoke, for i'ortland: I
tving ivrus. ror Astoria: lartne:. ror Port
la.onia. Sept. 27. Arrivart Steamer Tal-
lac. from San Francisco; schooner Balboa,
from Port Townsend. Departed Steamer
curexa. tor saaiiic.
Seattle. Sept. 2i. Arrived Steamer Port
land from Valdes: steamer Olsen at Maho-
ney. from San Francisco; steamer Admiral
Sampson, from San Franclaco: ateamer Eu
reka, from Tacoma; steamer Charlea Nelson,
from San Franclaco; steamer Hyarie. from
Fan Francisco; steamer Montara. from Ta
coma. Sailed German steamer Wotan. for
hlna: steamer Maverick, for Fan Francisco:
Japaneea steamer Tampa Maru, for Toko-
ram a . steamer uun, ror san Franclaco;
steamer Charles Nelson, for Tacoma.
Treatment Qllly
Thorough preparation is the first essential for thorough work in medical prac
tice. Upon this point my great success of effecting permanent cures where others
have failed speaks sufficiently. I have gained practical experience by several
years in the practitioners' field and by 25 fears as a specialist in men's ailments.
All these years have been years of observation, study and research. I have had
every opportunity to acquire a thorough knowledge of men's ailments. I have
east theories aside and have stepped out upon the truths that I have for myself
aacerained. I have replaced inaccurate and inadequate treatment with methods
and remedies of my own devising that are aocurate, scientific and thorough. I
have developed a system of practice as broad and comprehensive as the entire
range of men's ailments.
The Leading Specialist.
Consultation Is FREE
and confidential, and you
place yourself under no
obligation to me what
ever by coming to talk
with me about your case.
Men's Ailments
To but partimlly cure an ailment la
almost aa dangerous as to allow It to
go untreatfd. Unless every particle of
Infection and Inflammation Is removed,
the probability exists that the aliment
will gradually work Its way Into the
general system. Perhaps 25 per cent of
the cases 1 treat are a direct result of
some Improperly treated ailment. Dur
ing the past five years I have treated
over 650O cufi of these ailments and
have effected an absolute and thorough
and safe cure in each Instance. There
have been no relapses or undesirable de
velopments whatever, and my patients
have been cured tn less time than other
and less thorough forms of treatment re
quire In producing even doubtful results.
Blood Ailments
Thle mopf troublesome of all ail
ments can no longer be classed as Incur
able. The Idea that the limit of medical
aid Is to keep the ailment dormant by
persistently dosing the system with med
icines is as Incorrect as many other an
cient theories to which manv of the pro
fession cling. Such treatment not in
frequently results In the virus being
driven deeper Into the a) stem, where It
attacks and destroys even the very
bones of the sufferer. I positively drive
the very last taint from the system.
The cure Is thorough and permanent,
and every symptom of the aliment van
tubes forever. I employ no dangerous
drugs or medicines, but use harm lens
blood-cleansing remedies heretofore un
known In the treatment of this ailment.
I regard my success as the crowning
triumph of my professional career.
Kidney and Bladder
My treatment removes the necessity of
surgical operations, even in the severe
canes of long standing. No other phy
sician employs my methods of overcom
ing this ailment. so the service I offer
you Is ordinal and distinctive. Do not
give up hope because others have failed.
I will cure you and the cure will be a
prompt and painless one. My treatment
permanently removes all Inflammation,
relieves all Irritation or congestion that
may exist in the kidneys or bladder and
restores health and lone to all organs
ai ice tea.
We have spared no time or expense In
establishing our new Portland Museum of
Anatomy and Science, which is now open
to receive visitors. We are showing over
600 pieces. Including wax and pUster
models, skeletons. skulls. Imported
French papier mache work, etc. ; also
many nfttural specimens preserved In al
cohol. The Ir. Taylor Co. is well known
as the larffst and most reliable concern
In Its particular field on the Toast, and
the greatest care has been exercised In
the arranxement of the collection to ex
clude anything calculated to shock or
Intimidate the most susceptible: and no
Indecent models of any kind are shown.
Just as our methods of treatment are In
a distinct and superior class, so also Is
our Museum so far superior to anytlhng
else In the line ever shown here that
thore Is absolutely no comparison.
Varicose Veins
Many men afflicted with varicose veins
are endangering their general health,
and even life ftaelf. by allowing the ail
ment to remain uncured. Varicose veins
result from partial'paralysls of the deli
cate nerve fibres that have a part In
controlling local circulation of the blood.
The muscular coating of the veins, be
ing deprived of nervous communication
and control, become inactive, weakens
and relaxes. The blood vessels expand
from the pressure within, the circulation
becomes sluggish, and frequently stag
nant poola form In little nooks and
pockets that constantly enlarge as the
relaxation continues.
I guarantee to cure varicose veins in
one week by a method that Involves no
cutting. No other physician employs a
like mcyiod and so thorough is my
work that there need not be the slightest
fear of a relapse Into the old condition.
Those who have been long afflicted with
varicose veins will never realize the In
Jury they have caused until they feel
the vim. energy and buoyancy of spirits
that a complete cure will bring.
Why My Cures Are Lasting
ftccauie the methods I employ meet
even the most minute detail of these ail
ments to which they apply, and are
readily modified to meet the require
ments of the individual cases. Because
my treatment is ample, scientific and
thorough, my cures are complete and
lasting, and my patients have no re
lapses. For the same reason 1 am usu
ally able to cure In much less time than
Is commonly required in obtaining but
partial results.
You Can Pay When Cured Consult Me Free
If you are afflieted in any way it certainly will be to your best interests to come ami have a friendly
talk with me. It will save you a preat ileal of worry and anxiety. It will not edst you OXE CENT, and you
will not bind yourself in any way to take treatment from mer I will tell you frankly what your condition is,
and then you can decide for yourself as to whether I shall treat you or not. If you cannot call, write. Cor
respondence invariably has my personal attention and is regarded as strictly confidential. All replies mailed
in plain envelopes. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays, 10 to 1 P. M.
The D
23414 Morrison. Corner Second
Portland, Oregon
a means to obviate o dangrerous a state
of thlr.KS and to "cast ouO" this wicked
devil from the otherwise peaceful
waters of the Scheldt.
Alleged Wife Murderer Conducts
Defense With Coolness.
STOCKHOLM. Sept. ST. Johan Ek-
lund. the brewery manaser or Falun,
who Is charged, with murdering his
hlrd wife, and may he clwrged with
murdering the first and second also. Is
conducting his defense with amazing
coolness. Several times the Judge has
reprimanded him.
You do not seem to realize the grav
ity of the charge against you. though
you are wide awake on most things,
was the judicial comment when Eklund
once more pressed fruitlessly for re
lease on bail.
I am convinced that yon are lying.
was another rebuke, when Eklund met
a string of questions as to the number
and use made of a box of poison pow
ders with a steady declaration of fail
ure of memory.
The police are following up several 1
fresh clews and they admit that start
ling evidence will presently be pro
duced against the ''Swedish Dr. Crip
pen." Meanwhile the chain of circumstan
tial evidence is being completed by the
testimony of relatives and others that
while Kklund had a box of rat poison
bis wife began to grow weak and
Paris Women Wearing Xcw Style
Skirt to Be "Scrutinized."
PARIS, Sept. ST. A serious blow has
been struck' flt the "hobble" skirt.
!:; A. M.
:28 P. SI
Tides at Aatorla Wednesday.
High. I-ow.
.. feet:S:SS A. M.
.T.S ft 4 P. M.
. .0 1 trrt
. .li ret
Antwerp Harbor Has "Water Devil"
Claiming Many Victims.
ANTWERP, Sept. ST. (Special.) A cu
rious phenomenon Is occupying the at
tention of scientists In Antwerp and
causing consternation among watermen
along the river front of Belgium's great
Inland seaport. The devious bends of
the River Scheldt, between Its sandy
banks, and the dense fog to which the
lowlands are subject, make navigation
perilous enough without the added dan
ger of what the sailors call in the Flem
ish tongue. "Dulvel In t' water" a tre
mendous whirlpool extending for 1500
meters along the great landing quays
from the Qual de Rhin to the big pon
toon bridge used at low tide.
This whirlpool is produced at the
ime of the fresh water tides, a day or
wo days after the full or new moon.
nd Is especially bad at the moment of
the syzygies of the equinoxes. It is ap
parently due to the meeting of the op
posing salt and fresh water tides, with
their violent counter currents.
The power of this "water devil" Is
uch that a ship entering Its dangerous
Ircle loses control of all Its move
ments. If anchored, the whirlpool tears
up its anchors, breaks Its chain cables
nd causes It to spin about like a glgan-
tc top; all the while drawing It irre
sistibly up the river, sweeping before
It and crushing all small craft encoun
tered on Its way.
Numberless boats have already per
ished through coming Into violent con
tact with grating ships. Seamen and
engineer are trying their best to find
Men STOP, LOOK, Read
to Mr Office
aad Uet Cured.
' if
e a I e ctlna? Vonr
Henltla Is the Worst
Calamity Tout Can
Befall Von,
I Will Cure You
atop experimenting;. Use good
Judgment In your doctoring, as
?ou do in your business drai
ns s. Come to me and be cured.
Long years of success
ahlca me to be positive in
No Guess Work
No Experimenting
Get Wise on the Doctor Problem
Tou are placing in your doc
tor's hands the most valuable
asset you possem, your Health.
Don't peddle yourself around
to be experimented upon. Come
to me and be cured.
Nature Intended you to be a
happy, aggressive and healthy
man. Are you? If not. some
pathological lesion exists that
requires my attention.
Benefit by My Long Years of Experience
and Successful Cures
Stubborn and deep-seated ailments, the kind that patients go from
doctor to doctor without much benefit, come to me. To cure such
rases is not only gratifying but a delight.
By the latest and best methods known to medical science I rare
varicose veins, nervous ailme nts. Inside nerve exhaustion, skin ail
ments, kidney, bladder and blood ailments, liver ailments, neuras
thenia, pain in the back, specific blood poison and all other curable
chronic ailments.
Don't wait until nature
gives way and ailments dis
organize Important organs
and nerves.
Don't let false pride
keep you from consulting
ine. You' are the one to be
We play no favorites. The laboring man and millionaire both
receive the same courteous treatment at my office.
' Consultation free and invited. Office hours, 9 to 12 A. M.,
1 to 5 P. M., 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays and holidays, 10 to 12.
Cor. Alder and Second Sts. Entrance 128Va Second St.
French women who wear them, are to be
subjected to the scrutiny of the beadle
before they are admitted to Roman Cath
olic churches In future. The news caused
a sensation when It was circulated in
The georgeous beadle of the Madeleine
and those of other prominent churches
stated that they hed received orders to
refuse admission to women whose dresses
were likely to distract the attention of
other members of the congregation.
Boy Drowns Xear Klamath Falls.
KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Sept. 27.-
Whlle fishing In Link River yesterday
the 10-year-old son of V. B. Finnell was
drowned. The body has not been re
v. Mas ic ni id rrr
Pay When Cured
We have every known remedy ap
pliance for T1IEAT1.VG YOU. Our ex
perience is no great and varied that no
one of the ailments of Men is new to ua.
General Debility. Weak Nervea, In
somnia Results of exposure, overwork
and other Violations of Nature' laws.
Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Vari
cose Velna, quickly nnd permanently
cured at amall expense and no deten
tion from business.
tracted and chronic cases cured. All
burning. Itching and Inflammation
stopped In 24 hours. Cures effected In
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call, write for list of questions
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Corner First.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
This great Chines
; doctor Is well
known thro u g li
: out the Northwest
because of bis
J -x- v t w o n d e r ful and
- - &. marvelous cures.
avri . T.,-L-,:-. aided by all his
patients as t a
greatest of bis kind. He treats any
and all diseases with powerful Chi
nese roots, herbs and barks that are
entirely unknown to the medical
science of rhis country. With these
hsrmles remedies he guarantees to
cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach,
liver and kidney troubles, also pri
vate ailments of men and women.
Patients outside of city write for
blanks and circular. Inclose 4c
16 First ft; Near Morrison,
Portland, Or.
1 I. Xe.
Tee Son's Medicine Co. spent
lifetime study of barbs and re
search In China: was granted
diploma by the Emperor; won
derful cure of all ailments of
men and women when others
failed. If you suffer, call or
write to YEE SON'S MEDI
CINE CO.. 142Vi First, tor.
Alder, Portland, Or.
Reasons Discussed Becomes a Necessity After a Certain
Period Neal Institute Has Solved the Cause and Its
Cure Assertion Proven by Strong Indorse
ments by Prominent Public Men.
Rev. D. F. Mulvill, Rector.
1915 University Ave., Dea Moines. Iowa.
Des, Moines, Iowa, May 31st, 1910.
I am in a position to state that the Neal Institute does all that
it claims for its patients. I am personally acquainted w-ith three cases
(two of whom I thought beyond treatment I, that took the treatment
and are today a different type of men. It Is beyond doubt a saving
grace for poor fellows that wish to get rid of the slavish habit, but
have not the strength to do it themselves. I can safely recommend the
Neal Institution and hope that all who have a desire to rid them
selves of a vicious habit will give it a trial.
Hon. James C. Dahlman, Omaha, Neb.
In writing a letter to the public on April 13th. 1910. dated at
Omaha, Nebraska, his honor James C. Dahlman. mayor, says: "A short
time after the Neal Institute Company had started operations here in
Omaha, on South Tenth street, they demonstrated their treatment up
on a friend of mine, a man whom I had known for years, and knew
him to be a complete wreck from the drink habit, and it seemed to
me to be a hopeless case.
"This man after four days' treatment told me that he had no de
sire whatever for drink, and when liquor was offered him he could not
and would not drink it.
"Since leaving the institute he has gone to work and Is filling quite
a responsible position; he is looking fine and tells me that he never
felt better in his life.
x "From what I have seen of this particular case, I have no hesi
tancy in saying that I believe the Neal treatment will cure any case
of the drink habit.
(Signed) . "JAMES C. DAHLMAN.
"I CAN QUIT IF I WANT TO" Ask any man who drinks if he does
not think whisky ts hurting him, and the chanres are that will be his
reply. Or lie will say? "1 WILL QUIT TO-MORROW." Bill tomorrow,
in most ca-sies, never COMES. Even when he knows he cannot quit, he
holds himself blameless and there is always a reason. Some will attrib
ute it to reverses In business, while, on the other hand, another will
attribute It to good hualneaa entitling him to celebrate. Another will
drink because a loved one died, while still another will drink because he
Is rejoiced over the arrival of a new baby. After a certain stage the
drinking man is blameless, in a way. And there is reason why he must
drink. -but it is not any of the above. Alcohol is a cumulative poison,
and after the system has become saturated with the poison deposit of
years of liquor drinking, the brains become atrophied, the nerves and
stomach paralyzed and the man CANNOT QUIT. As long as that poi
son deposit is in the system, it must have more poison more whisky
to relieve the man. Then the man f nus he must look for help. Not
many years ago It would have been in vain, for the only thing that
could be done would be to deaden the effects by hypodermic injections,
or put him through a course of heroic treatment by slow withdrawal of
liquor, and tn both cases send him out again to fight the new battle
with a weakened will power and th CACSE of his excessive drinking
still In his system.
NOW Every man, from the so-called "moderate drinker" to the
drunkard known to everyone in the community as hopeless, can fine
I osicive relief a cure. The Neal Institute drlvea out every vestige of
ploohli' poison erjidicates all desl ' n Is re
stored to normal state the nerves no longer shaky and the patient
leaves the institute feeling like he did before he took his first drink
better, for he's had the experience
4w JW23C
r ,j r j, f i i
and will not, .as he did the first
time, drink out of curiosity or on a
dare. And the Neal Institute can
positively do this now in three
days, without any hypodermic in
jections, without any heroic meas
ures. Above you can read what
a well-known minister and Mayor
think of the Neal Treatment. At
our office we can show you hun
dreds of other similar letters from
prominent men and letters from
hundreds of patients. EVERYONE
who has Investigated the Neal
Treatment INDORSES IT. The
Neal Treatment has cured thou
sands of patients IS DOING IT
EVERY DAY and will do It as
long as there Is a drunkard left.
The Neal Institute wants the peo-
fle of the Northwest to know that
t does exactly as it claims, and
gives every patient an Iron-clad
contract and bond, and. If It fails
to effect a perfect cure, the treat
ment is taken at OUR EXPENSE.
The Neal Home Treatment is
specially prepared for those who
cannot call at the Institute.
Call or write for interesting lit
erature, copies of bond and con
tract. Patients received night and day.
Telephone Marshall 2400.
354 Hall Street, Corner Park Portland, Oregon
Fees Only
$5 to $10
In Simple Cases
If Honest and Responsible
Master Bpsclalls-t.
Expert Diagnosis
The Reliable Specialists
We havs been the means of restoring thousands of afflicted sufferers
to complete and perfect health. Will you place your confidence in ths
care of honest, skillful and successful specialists? Years of practical ex
perience, thousands of dollars spent In researches and scientific Investi
gation, supplemented by an immense practice, has enabled us to evolve a
special system of treatment that is a safe and prompt cure for special
ailments of men. The change In thousands of cases Is marvelous. Blight
ed lives, blasted hopes, weakened systems and nervous wrecks have
been safely and promptly cured by our method. We hane evolved a sys
tem of treatment that is a powerful and determined medicinal corrective.
WF r f 1 R V B Pisoni Varicose or Knotty
II L lUlvEi Veins, Obstructions, Nerve Weak
ness, Rupture, Piles, Fistula, Kidney and Bladder
Trouble and all Ailments Common to Men.
Men make no mistake when they come to us. We give you the re
sults of long experience, honest, conscientious work, and the best service
that money can buy. If you are ailing, consult us. Medicines furnished
In our private laboratory from S1.60 to .60 a course.
If you cannot call, write for self-examination blank. Hours, ( A. M.
to 8 P. M. dally. Sundays. 9 to 12 only.
'--brldss bid.
IS3H Flrat lu
roam II, and 223 St
aider St. Chlnsae
vol and liars
atadlelnea. Cures
Cioctr, Rhauma
usm. Consumption.
Dropsy, Catarra.
titomach. Lung,
Uvar and Kldnas
1 i o a b I a. All
vbronie allmania
of nan and won
en. Kxamlnstloa
Ires. lrusjtors,
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