THE MOHXIXG OKEGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. 19 BCMXKsa orFORTCXirrrs. t tR(M'KRYMAN". A arst-claas jnirf mm with some 1 . man? i invest will find 11 r h hilI 1 . . 1 t 1 1 r 1 1 ! r room ! - "!V Lumhr Eimini1 b'dg YOL'NO MAN. cTRANGBKI Tsfeke careful investigation at tipa f ee.lsr before 70a invest money la An propanft. Advisory Department, T. At C A. PARTNER IS MAMTAiTl RISO PLANT. A Art-rldjiB man mtth some money Invest, with hit services, ran s-cure "l-"r eat In on of the best propositions on 'h Coast; wtil bear lntrHcUa. particala room 31 -V I.umtxr Ki'M-trgf Mlg. RA LF interest In an ok) established lul- j mma Hnln a vivwl Kualnml. WILD m SA1 a tied position ot $10 per month. For full particulars, call Kinny Mampher. Lum- ber KichtHf bldg . room! &11-4J 2. tOR SALE by owner. cigar. rnfwilnpr. frutt itur' ki mrnr hcall-n nn th West Si.le-" om nr must lffTe Klt. Call 15 4th at. WnVI.NO-PlCTCRE theater, clearing monthly, the only ahow In i-n. II. 1 Cash price llOflo. "4 Rothchild hid. RFAI, estate owner want partner to iIiaw Un4. etc.; rmre chanc far energetic man. f 'artlfulara St.trlr. st. KKSTAt KANT te..w ci: - hus H tf Soid before the 3tt: a owning" In a good k- rhn W'.7 Ifr.ird f TP1'1 H aKN USH ah.: nod lellui In a g-d llv buine twn. Fr information address) P. O. b-. No. 6. Va'e. Or. STORE Irr r.xxi anH notions: 2-vea lease; good patn business; established , trade. t Buchanan M-lc. M'UbNDlD irtxrrjr for 7i4; good cash sate, i-m I H S Stark at. ROOMINO-HOl'PEH. PORTLAND KMMIN;-tti SK CO.. 311 Henr Rldg. A Hit: MOXKf UAKKR. 74 else In. einnt furniture nl cart t a. only ben ued tree months. This new and up-to-date h-mse Is clear ing r $m pr jno A &-year lease reasonable rent. 1 you want something good, see this. . IrilH VTOW V Tt A K(!A I NS. 45 room, rornrr brtrk. hot and rold water to all rmna. lin heat, new fur- ntiMnr. Just put In: 4-v-ftr Ieae. low rent, e tearing S.ruo per month. Don t over took this. A SACTIIFICK. ra rooma. rrnr brick; steam heat, lonr Tease; rent only Iron oak and I Mrdseye maol dressera and chairs; Ax mktister. relvet and Hruimels carpers; heet or mavttreaaea anrl Kedatnr. This I a lirtl hcoM and a baricaln; only $-100 cash required. RARrtAISA I rooms, well furnishad. fltld with de- j trsbl roomers; rvnt only $'0 n month and a barsAin at luU: only Q casn re- QUired. 14 rooms, m-rntty hoTsekeepina: lare hnqa. fine jcrounds, done In; income per month: a ano at part cah. 11 rooms, good furniture and rnrpeta; j rent only S4i: only rash required. IO rooms, elerant furniture and carpets; house full: a. snjt- at t.rtiL. rooms. tn'Ntrrn house cm ri farnltura and carpets: low rent; a snap; only -. W have anything you want. See mif MM. PORTLAND ROOMIVH-HOl'SE CO.. :itn H-nrv Hl te. MRS. LENT'S F-V T.f-SIVE HOTFL At;KNi-r. .127 Fslllna; PHr . 31 and Wash. Buy and se.l all cla-es of boiflft. apart- I meat and rontnlnjc-housrs. Hre are few? sumpieav HI rooms, down-town corner lo-atlon: cheap rent, kmc leaee; best transilent house in city; can be boucbt rla:h;. e v t-rms. APAKTMKXTM. M sultew of 3 and .1 roms. ekitantly fur ntoed. strictly m-Mem ; private taTh and t-lerhone In eah apartment; R minutes' wlk from PwKofflce; price is rlcht. terms AVOTHRR. lft suites, cleaxlnc 1 per mn'h; one of I the best small houjs In the city; owner I leavlns; city; mm s U. -n make offer. 14 nionit, el.a:ant furniture and carpet 1 matl- new: & Mocks fmrn P. O.; beautiful kx-at km. 3-rom flat: stram heat, newly furnished: this Is a beautl'ul pfa e nnd only ne-ts to I seen t re siKi: rent -io. W have others) to select from. Call aal Insvect ur I tufa. ralltna; Puildirc HOTELS A ND APARTMENT HOUSES FOR SALE. OCR LIPTit CONTAIN THE BE5T Bl'YS l.V APARTMENT HOIVE3 AND HOTELS IN THE CITY. MOST OF THKSR PUCE CAN BE ri'Rt HASKD WITH THE PRESENT FVRNITITRE. AND ARE ALL READY rOR mcn'AS'T. . , ALL SIZES AND PRICKS. WE CAN SI IT YOI. H ARTM K "C Ar THOMTSOX. RENTAL DEPT.. V'HAMRER OF COMMERCE. R. II. ;M.DKINI CO.. 51 Rard of Trade. TeL Marshall 4I. A 10X0 EVERY HOI'SE ON THIS LlfT HAS FROM 1 TO 4 TEARS" LEASE. r-O-room hotel. Washington at-. rint only Id room; new brick bulldins;. strictly mod em; new furniture and trie very best: $ ioito cash, balance $3oo monthly; 4 years leae. 8 rooms loemted on closw In corner; Steam beat: fine- transient h"Ue. elearlnc I2'e month; rent only 4 years lease; price -sno. terms. ,T)-rnom tr.inalnt house near P. O. : rent only f I :"-; . years' lease; averajte furnl- iire; price 'Jl0t. only cash; good money maker. 14 rooms near new Baker Theatre: sjood furniture ; rent over 3 years lease; price. $1-mm. terms in rntimi, Washlnfcton st.; rent $4rt; 2 yeara eaw: price ha!f rajh. REMEMBER EVERY NE F THESE HOUSES HAS GOOD I.Nt LEASE. R H. !CKPKIND CO. DON'T OVFRIjOOK THIS OREAT BARGAIN K'OSIS. N r.w nK.M.R HRIt R: h. and cold water In every rm, ateam neat. PRIVATE HAT MS. the best BEDS. CAR- PET? aad FLRNIT1RB that money ran bin ; thts p1si-e k clearing H0 MONTHLY; I thla ha never changed hartl. hut on ac- eunt of ither busne-if it can be bm:ht I NW; thts Is . of the beat. f nf Til E I PFT In tne city. 'all on us fr further rartlcnlsrsi It can be had on easy terms and very rnap El. US. SMITH A CO.. 23ft H Washinarton at-. rwms 1 TT VtIJ PT TO LOOK THIS TP. 13-room house near 11th and Jefrerson, ma kins; fod money; ail 'r e'e moms, fnr-r.a-e. gaa. porch, bath. A XMINSTER. AND PRUSVEf Jl carpets, furniture AK AND KRT HtiP; iron be!j snd FL SS M AT- TRKSKKS: gro-i Income 123. besl'les own room; rem -", with tease and term; thla la one of the b ELLIS. SMITH A CO., 3MS Washington st.. nomt itt-St2. LS-ROOM eleanOv furnished house, right down town, furnace heat, running water in most rooms, lease, rent .-. nrlce s i ..on .VO rash, balance terms: may consider . real estate in exchange. This will make you a fine- horn and put xu la your pocaei eTerv monin. cicar profit. Fof parttcuta- call room 417 Rnthchtld bldg, , FIRST TIME OFFERED. R4 rooms, romer brick, down town. splendid transient trade; long Un at SH"d Ier montn; oak rurntiure. iron i-la. velvet and Axminster carpeta. silk n-es mat tresses; hot and cold water In everv room. private hatha; rlearlng steadily $0o0 per , m "nin ; vt.'v n ma ranairi, PORTLAND R m Ml.'l-HOI'S E CO.. 313 Henry B! d g. UOOD LEASE. - Iong time lease on a fine new apart ment house with furniture for sale. This wtil near inspection. ThVI Chamber of Commerce. MI ST sacrifice by the 1st, furniture of U rooms: brass and Iron beds, good carpets: 4 rooms pays 3i above eapvnsea. ull Morrison st. FOR aale. well paying roonilnghouse. al tiousokeeptng room a Good business fo right party. No a rent a Reasonable. For particulars. .Main 1 1 i. FOR SALE 1 4-room transient house. gool locatkin. tease, new ouuoing. new fur nlture; money-maker for right party; Owner, r 3" rr g-ni an " ROOM modern, swell furniture: best of lo cation on 11th .: muM be sold this week. Call 47 ?:oard nf Tn-Je. JvhuOM house, housekeeping, rent 40; In come 112 and tw-o rooms used; It loo. narrieto". j;i 4th at. 22 ROOMS, good location and furniture; clear u a month; price xi.Ta; terms. Cal 41T Board of Trad 31 RtXiilS. cood condition, best location. eleare .t.".o per month, reasonable rent. 4t purf nn Mock. I WANT to buy from owner. ! to 20-room vouse; must nv.t lease; will pay cast. Ph'-ne M nn C-Tg Xi-riooM house, rent $U": good lease- price a aiz casn. cail 417 lioaxd of Trade. ronin.norr MKTZ-MI'KLLKR '0.. 31",-lit-17 Abmeton HIds; RfOM I(M ISK t K & ror A RTERS. If are looking for a FIKST-t'UAPS KtMjMi.(i-MOi SE. call and us. v t protect b-ith the buver and seller. Below Is a partial Hat of what we ran offer you; H 111 MONKY-MAKr. rv. S5 rooms. ctr. brick bll.; beat tran sient houM In the city: rent $27.: niceiv furnlnhed; clearms; above all expenses M0 per mootn; price !...: terms. LUF.TZ MI KIXER 3li-in 17 Ablncton I'.Ug. I.1TTI K IIP. Xl'TY. SO roomn. comer brick, all nice 1are;e wnnr rtw.mi closets and hot and cia wa- tr In evry room; ln; It-ase: cheap rent. and la rlMrin iimi rtvr nil exnenses: the beat tranairnt hoiif In th city; If you itet this you have cot something rth havlnit. The price Is very reason able ami r n -iv . w.l trma. The fur- khtnc:a are the best that money can buy. I'lease call fr price and term. DIETZ-Mt'KUt-KR fO.. .Tir.-lH-l" AhmKton BIdr. SO MRTHI T. PVTRA r.OOD. 54 rooms, new corner brlc-k build t nit: very central location ; positively clearing ov an expenses .'u por monin; wnu- tlfullr furnlihail' nrlril hathl. hot and cold water, nil rooms steam heated; when you see thts you will look no further. Tha price is rtjrht and terms are easy. For particulars call DIETZ MrFU.ER CO.. 31.V1H 17 Ahtnxton Itldjr. rvTu iiiuiit nrv -7 rooms, very central location: hot and cold mater all rooms, furnace heat, beau tifully furnlnhed and a splendid money maker. Very homelike place and has al wavs had a ood reputation. If you want something ood. here it Is: price JWW. KIKTZ MLELLKR 3I.".-Irt-17 Abint.n lllds;. OfI APlRTU K'T-HOt'SE. M rooms, new cor. brUk, cheapest rent In fnwn ! than T ner room. strictly modern and extra well furnished. 4-vear lease, clears above all expense $t:At per month; Hmm til handle it. MKT7-MVKLLER CO.. 3l.V1-17 AMntton Plda;. KXTRA ;4XD mT. 40 rnotni i.r hrt. lr nn Washington St., hot and cold water In all rooms, nlcelv furnlahed and 3-year lease. If you want a c od monv-maker take this; an D handled rm eauv tTms: price $730. iTKTZ Ml'KU.ER '.. 31.".-in-17 AMnieton fllg. EVTHA RWHI.L FLAT. 20 rooms, beautifully furnished, all nut side rooms, strictly modern, never on the . market before, rent fl.V 3 years lease; If YOi: WANT iOMETHINl EXTRA nice, here it is. net profit $1U3. ITtce mno. PIRTZ MfFM-KR CO. 31S-1-17 Ablmcton Bids;. FIN B HOMK PLACE. rooms on Morrison, nice lanre lawn. nod fnrniahlnva ronf 14 income 74 ; owner occupies 3 rooms. This Is a sjood buy as It la a Rood house and a nice In come; prir Jmo. MET7. MIEI.T.ER CO. S1.V1H-17 Ablngton Bldg. IKAIIX A PIKKBACnH, M'.M1-M2 Srt..i:..l HMg. FINE INVESTMENT. P4-rom corner brtrk apartment-house, partly fum tailed : mo.iem I n every reipet. in fact one of the fmeiw nliue and byrt lo- cath-iis In the city: 4 S -year lea; rent only a.Kf"; a snap at the i-nre. WASH IN ;TON-STKErr SNAP. 4 room. orrver brirk. rlKht tkmn town; e1ir-tnt;v furnished with hlKA-crade carpets. furniture, beds and beddtna-; hot and cold water In eirerv rrKn : one of the best loca- ti-na In city; drdna bis; buntaeat; Ions; league. r-afJocahl rent: owrwr -mu.t sell at nce and is maklr.n big euLrlftce; It will pay n" to tnveetis;ate at one, for thts tarirain win rtr laM; a fine proposition for the Investor. 91'M.xi casn. A GOOD RUT. J3 moms, eltrrantly furnished with Axmln ster in Wliton carpets, mahogany and b:ree mapka furniture. Iron beis and floss) mat tr'ns : aood l-a.tion. TKnit lesj; rent only 1."h; bis; money-maker: this la a Pii-iani home and caters to a fine clnss of p"p:e. besides beina; a good investment; A FINE PLACE. 24 room, corner brick very nlcelT fiir-nl-ed th"urhout with blrdeye maple and f-.tlden oak furniture and Brussels cariets and rus;-; steam heat and mortem in every re.eci; rI leajie; rent only $l!3; lire lo cation; putsi you In pispidon ot the cneat place of its jnze in tne city. A SNAP. 1H room, rls;ht dn town, very nicely furnished and modern in everv particular: clears vs monthly above expenses; owner 111 and must sacrin.-e: H9 cash. esy terms. This la a bargain and must be seen to be appreciate!. DEVLIN Tc FIRERAFOH. :! M l-M'J Swetiand RMg. MRS, LENTS. EXCLl'SIVE HOTEL AOENCT, rH Falllna- . :id and Wash. Buys and sella all classes of hotel. apartments and roominft houses. Hore are a few samnles: fkl rooms, downtown corner location; cheap . rent. Ions; lease; best transient house In city; can be bought right; easy terms. APARTMENTS. 34 suites of 2 and 3 rooms, elerantlv furnished, strictly modern ; private bath and telephone in each apartment; stnln- minntea walk from Postofflce; prTe ii k h t. terms easy. ANOTHER. IS suites, clear! na; $150 per month; one of the best small houses In the cltv; owner leaving city ; must sell, so make orrer. 14 rooms, elegant furniture and car pets, mostlv new ; A blocks from P. O. ; neatitirui location. f-rom flat ; steam heat, newly fur nished; thla is a beautiful place and only neeos to be seen to pe sold: rent f ! We have .tiKl others to select from. call and inspect our lists. 32-' Falling Building. NICE HOMELIKE PLACE R-room houite, S ro-HTu rented for $7: Fl" R. NACE HEAT gas. bath. AX MINSTER AND BRI'SSKIjS car -.n U, OAK and B. E. MA PLE furniture, mm and mantel beis; A BARGAIN. t -': rent i0. lease and leritut. .nher lf-rnom place, very- nicely located near Mtn and M"irw-n. wnere you can cle over all expense; can be had for term?. Another of 11 rooms for rT'n; mostly mmfekecpirg; terms. ELLIS. SMITH A CO., 3tt "Washington st.. rooms 21-202. j HOTEL. Newly furnished hotel in Eastern Ore gon. 31 rooms, doing good business; must aeii on account or sicaness at great sac- rifle Price 'jo-ai : si-oo cash. A. HACKl'S. M Board of Trade Mdg. 1 ROOMS, gas. electricity and water; rent S7o; lease .1 years; fixtures good. 401 Buchanan block. WANTED To buy 1 to M mom house; fur ntture mut be good; in good location. iH4 : Morrtaon "t. - UoOMINit-HOl SE fo quire 103 ! Oth si Houe. ale. 14 rooms. In North, the Cottage IS RmMS. apartments, new. very fine fur niture: 1 ' V H atrtein. 1 T 4th St. VH SALE Rooming-house, 16 rooms. 189 Went Park; terms. ROOM I NtJ-HOI'S ES. ROi M I NO- HOCSEA SEE IS. 311 HWKTU.SU BLDO. LOST AND FOUND. Lsr ltvrK yniin launch, onrted away rnm prsne it..-g isiant nun; the beii( w ht-tle and nri,ller removed: anyone sav ing Information that will lad to ltj recovery win revrive i reward. Aaireea v. rJ. Orimenarn. Milwaukie, Or. i'Dune Black roUM) Where yon can buy genuine bad mattresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate xnatirassea ana return same a ay. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. MUgA ZSa rroDt. r-non mm 44. A 174. FOCND Where watches, diamonds and Jewelry are sold for the amount loaned and one monta's interest. Vncle M era i oiiaierai hunt. ?i win at., near Oak st. LOST Fraternity pin with 3 .gold letters on raised center of black enamel: name . j. liiioison engraven on revarse side; return Ml Swetland bldg; reward. LOST A diamond screw earring. Saturdav. Sept. 17; finder return same to to I Mar- quum bldie . : suitable roward. IaST Elk tooth gold fob. No. ,142 and In itial . ri. (.'. Me warn ctven. Return . rv t oie. oil i.eww n:ng. LaST A small watch, with TJ. L. B. one aide and plain on the other, with fob Tl. B. Return to Abe Wells. 414 Wash. st. REWARD for return of gentleman's gold watch. ht September 23, at tfellwoud. I' ScHwq.n1 142 4. LOST From 43 7 East Mh North. Airedale dog. black collar; license No. 790. Phone C Reward 1XST On Washington t.. small black purs containing over K. ll4 N. l.Vh at.; reward. KTKtlAl. NOTICES. Proposals Invited. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Wash ington. D. C. t-ept ember 20, 1910. Sealed proposals. In duplicate, for the purchase of Grand Ronde Reservation (Oregon lands approximately lyT acres, good for agriculture, fruit or townslte purposaa, and 24rt acres timber w-lll be received by the j ommissioner ci maian Arrairs. Washing ton. D. C. until 1-j o'clock noon. Eastern time, Saturday. November ft. 1910. The rirnt is reservea io waive technical de- T-cts ano to reject any or an bids rv- cei eT. r t iunner iniormation. includ ing circular letter, description, etc., ap plication should be made to the Co mm la. sioner of Indian Affairs. Washlnrton C. or to the superintendent of tne tslleta tt.i.. uiWa. t Ittumi owwv strviaj v c(uu IfMIAI. MUKI-A Proposals Invited. H;ul'U.SAL8 Kult STATIONERY !C1' PLIES Office of the Secretary of State. Salem. I r.. Aur. 3 l!ilJ. Sealed pro- posa.s will be received at this ufiice until 1 o'clock P. M.. Oct. 3. UH. nd tnen publicly opened, for furnishing the Mat of Oregon the following stationery sup- tlllrt' X". rrrt 1t.l levfil r : n nuDiT. bt-St aualltv No. T ruhnr uubmil lamDie): 13 rmi. 12-lb. letter paper, bst uality. No. 7 rnllnr fsiihtntt sikniuiei: tvoewrlUng papers aa fullowa. or as good (submit fampiei): 7."i rms. Colonial Umu. bxll. bans JU-lh. folio- rma. Document Bond. 8 S U. basis ld-Il. folio; 00 rma. Colonial Bond. 8x13, basis J4-lb. D. C. ; rms. Strathmore. 8xi:i. No. & liiin finish, fiaxon grade. pUln style. W.; 40 rms. Strathmore, 8x13. No. 76. linen flnlsti. trthmore cradc. ulain style, W.; Co rms. Oid Pnml HUill basis JO-lO. I. C 30 rms. A-l Onion Skin. SxIS; tio-lb. No. 1 rag XXX envelopes isubniit sa moles i vl: lit M. No. 0 V. t M. No. , 7 M. No. lo: The Improved Columbian clanp envelopes. XXXX. vix: 5 M. No. tU. b M. No. 73. Catalogue fenvelopes. open end (submit aamtdea). vix: 3 M- ixiua Io0-i! o tr. m tiTfu heavv manlif 15 rms A-l Manila wraunlng paper. 24X 3tl-6U IK. lniil.mli antnnlel: 3 rini. bfbt quality blotting paper, !WxJ4, ibt. to rm., sniecteu colors tsunmii sainjucN M. A-l manuscript covers, 9x1.1 U. light hlne i ft. ) k - OUftlitV caf- bon papars as follows, or as KOd, 3' sheets to box. selected colors and wtinnu (submit samples); 00 boxes Remtico Para gon, h U 13 IS boxes Remtlco paragon. Kxll; 00 boxes Itemtico Red Feal. hSx is. is boxes Remtlco lied beni. a lOOO sheets "Hull Fros- carbon paper. xi. beat qua: it v. Zephyr weight, blue; 'Jit dog. typewriter riblona. Paragon No. 1. or as cood boat nualttv fre?h stock. selected colors and degrees of inking, to db ueuvereu as neeueu i suomn naiupir-n , K. Fiiber'i tvncwrltcr erasers, via ' o tl No. 102. 6 dos. No. 104. 10 dox. No. 1030 Strnocranher ruhher nencils. 24 dor. No. 107 "Comet"; o dox. E. Faber's Cnlon erasers. No. 110; 3 dox. typewriter brushes, "New Franklin"; 6 dox. Perfect pocket oilers: 10 dox. small bottles Web ster btar brand tvuew-nter ol : 1U aoj. Isaac Pitman A Sons a.aatlc bound (open- T at I renorlln mil tiookic "Fono ' rif-s No. S. red line. 2io parns. ruled slnrle. without mrttnl lino lO dox do.. with marginal line and pages numbered l - .w: lO do, itcnoeraunrr i note douks, Progress No. 173, or as good (submit sam ple), Dixon's stenographer pencils, viz: 1 gr. No. 400 fi. M.. 3 era. No. 401 M.; Lagle Pencil Co.'a Mercantile hexagon D-nrll. viz: mrrm N'o. .tsa 3 crtL .NO. .f'.f": 12 srs. Fdtrle rivll Pervlca lead pencils. H. B. (Ergle Pencil Co.); L. A C. Hard muth's "Koh-l-noor" pencils, vix: 2 grs. In-awing, selected grades: 1 gr. "Copying Ink ; 6 dox. colored pencils, selected. No. 7 1 t hoc penci! ( o. nennoiaers. viz: 2 grs. E. Fahefi "Korka." 2 grs. Eagle Pencil Co 's No. t92. 4 xrs. Tower's "The F-ank"; Esterhrooit tk Co.'s steel pens, vix: 4ft grs, pacific Railroad No. 140. 10 grs. "J. No. 2s0 (fine points). 10 grs. Falcon o. 4 H. 10 a-rs Relief No. S14. grs. Probate No. 313. 6 grs. Judges Quill No. 312; Joseph Glllotts steel pens, vix: 5 a ra. No. 30.1. A rs. No. 404 : 1 0 rrs. M. Jacob's Iondon Incandrjtcent pens. No. 4: to grs. boencerlan double-elasllc pens r-o. 1: 10 grs. I. Ma cow sky A Co.'s Zi-Nlckel CoIIea-e nens No. 101 ; 3 ura Mason's No. 20 pens; 10 grs. The Dreka engrosslns pens. No. 3: 6 grs. No. Alof ball pointed pens (ormiston & oiass); 2 grs. frp"n- cerlan Subway pens No. 30; 10 dox. Sty lograph pens. "Independent' No. 1. per fect rtolnta submit saann e: 1 dox. ea Dwarf ink pencils ( D. Wood A Co ): l- boxes A. w. Fabers pure rubber Jianos. asjwrtment No. 300 (fresh stock) ; Good ear Pubher Co.'s "Oold Seal" brand pure rubber bands f fresh stock), vix: 6 jrra No. 12. 6 era No. 15. 6 srs. No. 16. fl grs. Xo. 17. 40 grs. No. 1. 10 grs. X . 32. 10 irrs. No. 33. 6 grs. 0O0 H in.. BJ0 grs. (000 in., 6 grs. 00 i in., 2 grs. ooo H in.. 4 dox boxes "flank Assort ment"; SO dox. boxs tlOO ea.) C. Paper cllrs (Cuhman A Den I son il 'g. Co.); S sma'l boxes Renforce TV Ti. o-J -letts; 6 dox. Pvramtd pinF. Office .i Toilet No. 4: IS dog. Terrace pins. As serted sixes A. C. McCIurr A Co.'a cata logue); MrOfll's paper fatners. tx: looo earh round heads No. 2 3. 4. ivmi earn flat heads Nos. 2. 3. 4: 4 doz. 2-oz. boxes Challenge eyelets No. 1 ; t dox. Botch kiss automatic paper fasteners. No. 1; 4 not boxes staples for same. No. 1; 6 dox. " Ever Handy" clips, selected sizes; 1 a Challenge cvelet punch and fasteners. No. 1 ; 2 dox. Seymours Banker's shears. 10 In. nickel Plated blades: 2.i dnz. steel eraser and uek knives. Joseph Rodgers & Sons' No. A 1 si 49, black rubber handle On limit sample i ;- 10 dox. bone paper folders, P-in.. smooth finish, straight and free from blemishes submit sample): 14 dox. Good year hard rubber rulers. 14 inch. flat. stralKt edges (submit sample ) ; 1 dox. V. 6. dating stamps. No. 2: 3 Bates automatic hand numherinc; machines, style F." six-wheel: 1 dox. Excelsior Jumbo Indelible pads, seif-inklng. 3x6 In., black 20 dox. enameled inkstand with postal card rack. 4Vx4. No. r3o A. C. Mc- t'lurg A Co.'s catalogue (submit sample); In dox. San ford s murllnce reservoli stands. No. 338, 8 -ox. (submit sample); 13 dox. sponge cups, plain glass, round (submit sample) ; 1 gr. sponges. good quality, medium sixe, for "ponce cups submit sample); 1 gr. bleached slate sponges (submit sample) ; 20 dos. waste paper baskets (round), height 12 in.. In side diameter at top 10 in:. Willow No. 130 (A. C. WcClurg A Co.'s egtalnguo (sub mit sample ; 16 dox. table pads. "Lie Flat' or as gooo:. to hold paper 10x24 Inches, strong leather tips, must be sea soned so that tncy win nor warn (sub mit sample): 20 dox. N'onparicl gummed stub flics. No. 22, 11x1.1 in.. 500 stubs (submit sample); 9 doa. The Improved Favorite Invoice flies. Ox IS n. ; 15 dog. board clips, 9x134 In., full cloth, nickel plated clip, strong springs (submit sam ple): 4 dox. box letter flies, good quality (submit snmpiei; anx. The Superior postal scales; BO lbs. bent quality No. 6 hemr twine (submit an m pie ; best nual Ity Royal flax twine (Putnam Mllis), vix: 40 lbs. earn extra ro. in ana no. 30 rsuh- mtt samples!: 3 doz. quarts Sanford's iuterior mucllare: fl dox. auirts Stnf- ford's writing fluid (fresh stock ) : 5 dox. No. 607 San ford's fountain filler blue black Ink glass top; 4 dox. pints San- fords cardinal red ink. with patent spout; 3 oox. Mtnrorn s inn eraser tansoiuieiy fresh stock); S dox. Sanford's library paste. 8-og. "T toplan paste bottle; lOOOO Innison'a gold seats. Mo. 20 extra gummed: 10 dog. Congress tie envelopes. 10x4 1 4i In. thick. A more detnlled description of the foregoing articles Is contained m tne blank form of proposal. which may be had on application to the Secretary of State.. All bids must be made on said blank rorm ana all the articles must be of absolutely fresh stock and strictly in accordance with the descrip tions given thereon. .Delivery must b made before December 1. 1010. Certified check. payaMa to the order of the retary of State, for 10 per cent of the amount tild. must accompany each pro posal. Envelopes containing proposals annma ne inoorsen : i-roposais ror Ma- llonery. Price, fitness and quality be ing equal, preference will be given to articles manufactured In this state. When n psrtleular brand, quality or weight U specifically called for. bid for other brands equally as good will be enter tained, but in every instance samples to gether with a full description of the ar ticles it is proposed to supply must ac company such bids to Insure recognition of the same. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bin's, or to accent or reiect a nv narr or a bin. Auditing officers are hirehv prohibited from confirming accounts of purchases wnicn no not eompiv with section 24no. chapter X. title XXIV. B. A C. Cnl. F. W. BENSON. Secretary of State. NOTICE OF SALE OF 1XFKOVEMENT BOS VS. The Common Council of the Town of Fprlcgflcld. Oregon, will receive sealed bids for tne sals of $0o,0v0 of omprovement bonds of the Town of bprlngnld. The said bonds will be l&suttd untie r authority oi a charter anienament ot said town, ap proved by popular vote of the electors , thereof. The bonds bear u per cent In terest, payable semi-annually, fhe bonds Will be Issued In denominations from 4100 to 1000 to suit the convenience of uie pure hasers. The Council will moet at the Council Chambers, in tno Town iiaii ot said town. at tha hour of 6 o'clock P. M.. on tbe : tenth day ol October. lUio. for the pur pose of opening the bids and considering the same. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids should be addressed to John C. Mullen. Springfield, Or., who will answer all Inquiries relative to the financial con dition of the town and th proceedings bad leaaing up to the giving or this notice. This notice given by order of toe com mon trouncii. Dated this first day of Poptembor. 1910. JOHN C. MA-LLEX. Recorder. SEALED bids will be received at the of fice of School Clerk. 402 Tilford bldg., Portland. Or., until & P. M.. Thursday. October . litlO. for grading and improv ing of following school grounds; Brook lyn. Glencoe. Kerns. Ladd, Stephens and WooTtock. Each Is to be done in ac cordance with plans and specifications. a copy of which may be had at clerk's or ice. mi us are to ne on eacn scnuoi separately. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. K. H. Thomas, hr-noni t lent. bEALED bids will be received by Scott Sasser, recorder for prices, on feet 2-Inch pipe, L'000 feet 4-Inch. 1J00 feet 4-lneh and' extras for the construction of water system ; also for construction of I'OO.OOO-gallon reservoir excavated In ground, with walls and bottom Inches concrete and cement. Bids received up to October iw- Right reserved to reject fl and all bids. Prices on material f oj b Whaniko. or. TH E annual meeting of stockholders of the Portland rair Ac Livestock Exposition will be held at the Commercial Club building. Portland, or., October 12. 1 :3o P. M.. for the purpose of electing directors an rt trie transaction ot such other business as may come before said meeting. . F. A. WELCH. Sec. Dated at Portland. Or., this l-tii day ot toep temper, isiu. SPECIALNOTICES Mooter's Notice. DANISH bark "Danmnrk." Captain NWison, from Honolulu: neitner captain nor uuuv siKiied consignees of the above named ves sel will be responsible for arty debts that may be contracted by the crew. - TAYLO R . YOUNG & CO.. Agents. Miscellaneous. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COCNTY. OREGON: Notice is heTeby given that on Monday, 4i.i i7th inlii. tliM Board of Eauall- xi t ion of Multnomah county will attend at the office oi tne county ciera, oi sa.u county aud publicly examine tho assess mont rolls ror tne year auio. anu correu 1 1 nrrora in valuation, description o; ...u lit m of land, lota or other property and it is the duty of all persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed and if It shall appear to such Hoard of Eouallzutlou tnat mere are any ianu lots or ot her property ass-seed twice In the name of a person or persona not tm owner of same, or assessed under or beyond Its value, or any lands, lots or other property not assesaeu, saiu xoarj of Kqualixation shall make the proper cor recti oris. H. D. SIGLER, County Assessor Portland. Oregon, September 2.141. 1H10. FINANCIAL. PORTLAND 'r. Mi"e. Tr MORTGAGE TRLST FOR SALE These mort CO. gat;es are made for our o BANK. investment; ,we collect Intei est for you free of char, all information at hand, no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO BANK. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. bEVERAL mortgages. all hlK'h-class d wellinc-hour.j security, ciosj in. rejstric ed uisulcts. 1-3 of valuation. 7 pr cent interest. Duvable uuarteriy: insurance, an tract, etc Call 0u7 aloKay bldg. Main 4710. WE ran place your money at hitfh rates ot Interest: best security, urnt montages. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TKUaTEE CUAli'A.M, 024-026 Board of Trado Bldg. MORTGAGES, contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and notes Dougnt ana sola. Loans negotiated. Henry Teal. 514 Ablngton bldg.. 104H 3d at. Money to Loan Beat Estate. $2000 AT 7 PER CENT. $0000 AT 7 PER CENT. $10,000 AT 7 PER CENT. J20.O00 AT C'i PER CENT. HAKTMAN A THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT. Ch umber of Commerce. .ss.zrt paid for mortgages er sellers Interasx lu con tracts on reai esLaie anrwaert la Oregon or Washington; mortgage loans negotiated on improved pxoporty. tu xw N ob Ic. Lumbermena bldg.. Qtb and tark. ON IMPROVED city nroperty or lor build Ins DurDoses: 3 to a years time; iibora repayment privileges; money advanced aa bunaing progresses. j. ue nquiiaoi Irys & Loan Association. mo atarx sc. aoOO.OvO on improved city or farm property Dunning cr SinaJl ivxu at n.; largs loans a peciaity. J. is. auatum vo.. ifr-ld Geninger olog. I HAVE several sums of money from $000 to $luoo which 1 desire to loan on unprovea city property. m. amiiu, i.i iora merclal Club bldg. 1 ihsi and second mortcages and contraais purchasea on i&rm anu city property. anywher In Oregon or Washington. ia 1 Levereaux. Fenton bldg.. t4 Oih st. PLENTY of money to loan at 4 and Z per cent on real estate security. KUW. P. MALL COMPACT, 104 Second St, IMMEDIATE loans iron. $a to 4000, oa ail iecuritles. V. A. namaway, roooa Aa W as hlngton bidg. Phono Main 302. JiOi'.'luAUii loans an city property; lo weal rates. A. ti. iirreu co, zuj atccvay oib d and Stark. $J0Mv) TO loan on good security, farm or ctty properij, t Simian. per cent. T 3ts, ore- .uu.uoo TO LOAN, large loans a specialty i bulld:ng loans, lowest rates, w. u. iiecs. t!2 Failing bldg. 5 PER CENT. Large loans at this rate on the best I'nruanu uusiness property. xu ward E. Garnley. Lewis bbitf. MoNn-t to loan at reasonable rates. In sums -from 40uo up. The Dunn-Law rone Co., 24 5 Aloer st. PRIVATE money loaned on real estate mort gage, ri. aiuey, room- au-i, uer.inger Qia LoANb on itai. peiaonul, chattel or collat eral security, u. w. yauett. r entoa. etate iunda loaned, per cent. W. EL thom' as, state aent. aiuiinoman c o. . -too j Mortgage loanjs at keasonablh RATKri. F. U. LEW la. 3 UiWIS Will loan $10,000 or :csa, real estate security A-arrington. 4i0 f.oiniuerciai ciuo o"g.. WILL loan $J0ou or less on reai estate. liJtchcocK. tiio KQtncniia oiug. MORTGAGE LOANS, tt AND 7 PER CSiX, LOUIS SALOMON. telAUK. af. MONEY, any amount, 0 to 8 per cent. Good- nout;h He faeitz. ua iJoarq oi i ratio. $7000 to loan at ti per cent on ineide West Mie realty, ak. ..m, ui -gMMuii. no to loan on" good security. j ' Morrison st. F. Kucha, jioiiey to Loan CUattels and bniarles. $$$$$$$$$$ i$i$$$$$ WE HAVE AlOMEY Xo LOAN. On salaries only. In amounts of from $5 to $lo0, at the lowest possible rates. Bebate given IX paid before due. Heine salarr loan brokers exclusively, we are enabled to make the best terms and give the Quicke. posainie service. Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during tne past i our nest rciereuce Business strictly confidential. ETATE SECUR1TT CO.. SOS Failing bldg., cor. ad and Wash. sts. $ $ $ $ HUTTON CREDIT CO., iu7 fcpalduig Bldg. We will make you a loan on your furni ture, piano or livestock ana the prop erty remains unaistpirbed In jour posses sion. Now Is the time to get In fuel and Winter supplies. AH the common com mod ill es are cheaper this time of the year. Payments are made to suit your Income and rebate la given lor any unexpired, time. CALL AT ONCE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF MONEY. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 .Spalding Bldg. Main IfliGO. $$$$$ff$ b. REAL ESTATE A BROKER AG hi COMPANY. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture, pianos without removal), livestock, storage receipts, life Insurance policies aad all kinds of securities; terms to suit, easy feekiy or monthly payments. We buy first aud second mortgog-is and con tracts. Phone Main 20b4. Room SIX Ham ilton bldg.. Ill Sd st. S 4 S 4 ? f I $ I I PORTLAND 'r. 0:,Trr, 7V MORTGAGES TRUST FOR SALE These mort- tU. gages are made for our own BANK. investment; we collect Inter est tor you rree oi cnarj-c; all information at hand, no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO. BANK. Cor. Ud and Oak a'ts. MONEY aa an ceo. salaried people, house keepers ana otners upon tneir own names wlthoat security ; cheapest rates, easiest paments; offices in btt principal cues; save yourself by getting my terras flrsu TOLMAN. HI Lumber Exchange. WE loan money on diamonds and Jewelry reasonable interest; long or -snort time A. A M. Delovage. 26 Washington St. WILL LOAN in amounts to suit on all kinds of securities; business confidential, oray as Cunningham, 7 1:2 Electric bldg. in ax for the askmc. salary or chattel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and Jewelry. Man & iiiocn. . ia sc Loaus Wwitea P. R T LAN D 6S. 7 MORTGAGES TRUST FOR SALE These mort- CO. gages are inaue ror our o a BANK. Investment: we collect inter est ior you tree oi cnoj--, all Information at hand, no PORTLANDaTRT"ST CO. BANK. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. WE can Invest your money at good rates of interest Gilt-edge securities. irirst mortcages. Lone-term investment. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TKUSTEB C24-B26 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE very responsible client wanting $10o0. :t years. 8 per cent, on property worm $JoiM; house brand new; insurance $Mo0. A. Mctiregor. attorney, n"- toroeu om. Phone Main .":ijtf or A 0700. W'ANTED $12,m00 on S houses under con struction, lots iOX-'no; no ngents neea ap ply. Tel. Main S4:7, A 2 8:3. 03i Wor center block WANT $J0O at 8 pr cent, first mortgage ae curuy; o oommi,e5wa a w, vrcvotuao. FINANCIAL Loans Wanted. BEST security; 6 per cent to 10 per cea real estate loans wanted 500 up. tnio Loan Co., 35 Lafaette bide -' 6th an Washington sts, M. tS529. WANTED To borrow S4fHv) fr 3 ytaw at per cent on Improved West Side property .viaresw a t, uregonian. LET us place your money good mortgages! rezerences. v . wwii. a iwn biu. PERSONAL. FREE. $1S X-RAY EXAMINATION. IF YOU CALL AT ONCE. DR. 1IORNE S GRAND OFFER TO THE SICK AND WEAK. Thft oblect of this trrand offer Is to prove to the sick and ailing citizens of Portland and" vicinity that he has the xrandest. simplest and most successful method of reatorlne healih and cunn diseases that is known to the scientific world. He wants the true merits of his success ful treatment known to everybody and he does not know of any better way ot in frnrliii'ln? it than hv nffc ririir his CX anil II a tions FREE OF CHARGE to all who call within 10 days. Should your case be in curable he will frankly teii you so. an advise you against spending: your money tor useless treatment. Han v nf vnn who huve been takln medicines and so-called treatments for months will be absolutely cured in a few treatments. Are you nervous, dyspeptic, weak in tne atomacn. constipated.'' jto you ti that tired feelinc wuich is so prevalent Do you have spots floating before the eyes, Damnation or the heart. s norm ess breath, headaches, neuralgia, shooting naina in thts chest, back, hiua or ankles Have vnu vnricoae veins. obstruction blood poisoning, nervous debility, piles, or any diseases of the rectum Are you in pain Iroin rneumatistn, lame back, Klfitin liiTiih:(i'n tot r ataxla OI weak kidneys? It so there is quick relief and a permanent cure in store tor you if you call upon Dr. Home, who, gives you an honest opinion, honestly expressed, honest dealing and honest treatment wnlch cures to stay cured if curable. His address is 407-40 and 4u Kothcnild blug, Take elevxtnr to ith fiuur. Hours 9 to 12, 2 to 5. 7 to 8. Phone Marshall UttoO. IiH W NlALLUlli. &12 Kothchild blUg., has the nicit complete mouern office in Oregon. The treating roouaj are Plied, up with tbe moit eipeuaive modern ap Dliances on the maxaec incluuinic radium ithA onlv nhvaician on tha paciiia Cous hftvintr radium . A-rays. static machines, X-ray colls, ozone, oxygen machines the largest in usej, eiecirio currenis oi c description and kind, inciuaing nign irw quency wave, insoucdai. farau:c aud gal Vini currents, cautery, vibrators, radia tors, electric light batu cabiueia, not bake, ovens, of every kind; mineral, herbal, sieam and shower baths. From loo to l.ouo-caudle power lihLx. finsen, mmins, hellos, soiar, violet ana uvra violet lights, and others. Cancers. eczema. tumors. aroiLre. tubercular tcianas. old sores, xuuies, mother marks, scars and scar uobue. and all kinds of chronic uiseases are trusted and cured by these methods. FL'liS FLKS We assure, satisfaction and reasonable prices, no matter wiiere you look; ,ou can not find fityles or finish or be luted a: here, because 1 am a practical anu expert turner, over oo years a mauuiactui er, Adolt Reiner. isJ 11th, near WaaumfcioP- WANTED One persot. afflicted with hilKlMA'l Ir-M in every town in Oregon and W athliiirtun to know that we will treat them tree to auvertise our new methods which bring quick ana permanent relief. October only. Drs. Freeze At l-ice, Neurologists, 304 Merchants Trual blu Portland. DK. ALICE A. GK1FF. niiMui or ttiuen una children, sur gery; chronic and uervou diseases treated according to the latest methods; private hospital accommodation; comiuemeai caruu for; coiiaultation rree. itoom itf. Grand Theater bldg. Main j23; A 6o07. sVLL CMROiNlC DiisEASd A tiPECAAA!' IvR. VLADIMIR K. JlNDitA. From Europe. ELECTKO-THEKAi-EUTIST. My cures are painless, piompt and thor eugu. buue 0o-o5A-00-4a-4bs-4tt. 270 Washington bldg., cor. 4th and Wash. bV EDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; riieumatism, nervous ana atom aeh ailments, under physician's directions baths, masseuse. No. i Eat llth sU. sec ond door aouth f rout East Aukeny car Hue. Phon Eot.OU. & FEEVET A HANKBUI. ladlna wiir and tonpee makers: tineet stock ol bt-man hair goods, switches from $1.0o UP. Lp-io-uate pariors ior nairuresaug, manicuring, face and acalp truatmeut. 1-J 7th su, bet. AlorrisonanaAioer. MRS. A. M. Park, graduate nurse, gives scientific massage also scalp treatment Baldness cured by my method. The Francis, West Park and Morrison streets. Kooin 10 aud 11. M1.-S DESAL1E DE VOL. tho Philadelphia House. Ail anil buimon su. :i '-s U at manicuring, electric, vibratory aud mag netic treatments; resp&Ltaulo patrons so licited; hours 10 to b. SWEDISH medical gxmnast and masseur. C iiolnusrom, specialist in nerve, rneuniauc and stomach disorders; only scientific niaaseur in the Northwest. Office oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 2S'J0. HAiK, HAIR All shaaes in beat quality at cost. Closing out stock; scion tine ac and scalp treatments; expert hulruressing and manicuring taught, Azi H. iilbbecko Grand Leauer. uth ana Aiuer. OR. D. L. LEWIS. TJiseases of women ana children; electrio treatment oi nervous aniueuis, private uui plial. Rooms $05-600 Commonwealth bldg., Uth and Anketiy. Phones Main 4047. A 2411 PAINLESS, PKOMPT AND PERMANENT CUBES FOR ALL AILMENTS. DR. PHILIP T. BALL, 3'2Gj Washington. MRS. STEVENS, lt years Portlands lead ing palmist ana clairvoyant, nas ner late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale at 3 4-la lainhill, cor. 7th. VoL NG man, i0 years ot aye. wishes to meet vounz lady oi means; ouject main niony; no tritler need answer, i A0'2, Oin- onlan. - DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cures blooa anu sain aiiniema, kiuiiwj auu bladder troubles and piles. Consultation tree. 181 1st St., Portland. CRESS suits for rent. 41.50 month keeps Vflur ClOineS CieaUCM. V coacu, uutbuua sewed on, rips repaired, prompt calls aud ie Uveriea Unique 'l alloring Co., 3otf Stark. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Expert feather curling, cleaning, ujeius una lejjau ins uouo bv Madame Giltert, itsc 7th st. Phone Maia 444U. Mo.ved from Uo Sixth st. MADAME WALLACE. .Magnetic healer. leading mental una bpiuiuui buioiilisu 100 11th at. near Yamhill. lli. G. S. 1MVK. rnrvnniogiFt ; or phrenol'gy. tonnneTciLii uia., -i- asiungiou m. , room .v MIDDLE-AGED g.ntlcman and young muii wish to go to nucago mis weea. x-noue Marshall 16SS. MEN S suits and overcoats made to order; Choice Ol iJO paiiuwis, pi :t-!. 9t m )oU. J i minle Dun n. 015 Qregpnian bid g STENOGRAPHER and typist, work guaran teed; reavonaoie. o-jo DHeuaim uiug., cue 6th and ahlngton. . Mine. Courtwrlght. skio and scaip treat ments, xaciai ueiormtiies eurreceu. plas tic surgery. 403 Morrison st. M.004li. XJQUOR habit permanently cured in 3 days po suiiermg ana ntrattuj. curuiuia nsti tutc. ldii Penius ula ave.. Portian d. Or. LADY or gentleman going Est will find It to their lntere st to auuresw u i ,ore g o n l a n. MRS. S. B. SE 11. mental and spiritual sci entist, -l toeiiing-riirsen oiug. Main um'4. OL'XO man going to Chicago write me let ter of ad vantage. R 3i, Oregon Ian. BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of 03- Davis st. Main 9216. women. SCHOOL UOOK-S boLght and sold. book store, Jo oak st. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hafr removed Mra M. D. Hill, lu r Meaner bldg. M 34.3 DR. KETcHLM treats women a maladies. 179 n oa st., cor. lamnm. BVSLNESS B-IKECTORY. Abstracts of Title. THE Oregon Abstract Company, 009 Board of Trade building, makes guaranteed ab stracts of title to all lands in Multnomah County, at reasonable rates. Give them nn oruer and be convinced. Phones Main 70 L, A 7 1 T ft- Accountants. MACKENZIE. BA1RD & BKitHIlJGli, Worcester Block. Main 7iiby, A 1440. Office Systems. Factory Systems, Periodic Audits, Investigations. E. H. COLLIS & CO.. ACCOUNTANTS. Commerkal, County and Municipal Auditing, Investigating and Systematizing. 32-4 Worcester block, phone Main 6007. Afternoon Kindergarten. THE MATTING LY Afternoon Kindergarten ana primary atiiwi. j.-;ii. Aiain 3 s y 3. Asoayer and Analyst. Wells & Proeostel. mining engineers, chem- isis ana assayers. zo-i Washington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ji a-ic.nuy wiv. oo aurruan su Attorneys. H. TANNER, attorney. Rooms 311 314. Spalding building, 3d and Washington sts. Attorneys-at-Law. K. SARGENT, general practice. NoLarv Public Both .phoney of Conu, Jaiigv . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. " " - Architects, EASTMAN CO.. Inc., Architects and Build ers, Plans and estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. Main 3J3d, A 411G. Abington bldg. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent & Awning Co.. tents, awnings an d satis. 37 X. 1st. Main and A lttfl. Baths -4i nd Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, lt7 4th Elegant plunge, steam and shower baths. 25c Brass and Machine Works. HARPERS BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work. lot. N. 5th. Main 370, Ittu-titrt- CUMMINOS A CATL1N, builders in every branch of the building trades. Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty: showcases, counters, shelving, etc.. Office and shop. 371 First su Phono Marshall 2ii27. Chiropractic physician. DR. TICKNEH removes the cause of disease. 000-1 Columbia bldg. A 5205. Hrs. 33-5:aO. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE, and Flossie Deveney, the Parlors i02 Gerlinger bids- S. W. cor. 2d and A.der. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 420 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3173. CHIROPODY:, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 549 Washington. Marshall 123. Circulating Library. LATE fiction, Zc a day. Woman's Exchange bldg.. lad 5th st.. bet. Taylor and YamhilU Collections and Law. COLLECTIONS. Prompt and thorough attention paid to all collections anvwhere; lawyer In ofhee. OREGON COLLECTION CO., 012 Merchants Trust bldg.. Po"land,Qr. NETH at CO.," COLLEC'HOHS 'COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 005 Worcester bldg.. Portland. Commisiou Merchants. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission mercnanis. Sherlock bldg. Dancing. PROFESSOR 'RINGLKR'S dancing classes. Mondays and. Saturday evening. Private instruction dally. Western Academy. 2d and Morrison. Main 9212. Dog and Horse llospi tal. DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Office 024 Flanders st. .Main 4086. Hospital 9 lth st. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors fur rent or sale. Ul'd 2d st. - Engineering. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO.. General Engineering, Deslguing, Drafting, " 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines -Gu and Steam. ROBER Muchy. Co., Coast agts. Seabury steam engines and boilers, gasoline en gme. 2Sl-a3 E. Morrison st. Phoae E. S75. Feed More. Z1GLER & Misner, hay. grain, feed, ment. shingles. 204 Grand ave. E. ce 42. French Dry Cleining. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALTERATIONS PU (,:;il N.n KEPAIKLNO Special club rates 50c per suit (sponged ana pressed per week. The Wardrobe, 701 Washington st. A 0417. Main 6003. Furs. N. M. UNGAR & CO., INC., formerly of 400 Merchants Trust bldg., have removed to luu Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired . and stored. Marshall 703. it Hat Factory. ' HATS mada to order cos, no more. See us. Royal Hat Works. 223 1st st. M. S442. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTlCK & CO- Front. Lea' her of evei-y description, tups, nytrs. nnainhs. J. A. STROWBK1DGE LEATHER CO. .Es tablished lfcob. lbi iront st. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes., screens, nagging, mining ma chinery. Ali kinds of repairs. 104 N. 4th. Massage. GRADUATE Boston masseuse gives massage at resiuences; physician's rererences, tuuies only: terms reobonaule. Mrs. Macy, piwne A 12 b 2. 1 comrac tors' machinery ot au Kinoa. i Dow ac sun, 20i Lumber aiena uiug- 1 iiou". Mubicul. EM1L THEluHORN. violin teacher, pupi Sevick:UoOAro1uarnAia j-v-j PIANO stuaio; modern methods. 36U 14lh su tooutu. I'uone jiain jgjo. Osteopathic Physicians. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville, Mo., T Sill, tue luauuer. 3i-3J.a-3lu Swot- land biUg. Main iaa7, A l'JSS. DR. R- 1. N OR XHK U P. 41J-41ti-41j DeKUUX 51Ug. Phone, omce, M. 34'Ji. ro., Eaat orB 1028. PainLs,Oil and O la b. RisviiSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils, glaSb, sad n. auauoors. uor.a ruiuir.iui. Pavina. niH iirner Ashualt Paving company, wo butt Electric umg. uwr nuucr. ryi iicmu. WARREN Construction co. Street paving, SluewaiKS ana crosswaiKs. on xe;a umft. Patent Attorneys. Protect your laeas; reliable patent attorneys. Bl'KUC'i'UllAu ENGINEERING CO.. l.eglSLert-a fttieui auoiucj, 201 Hamilton BlUg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, atty. at law. Late OI U. 3. paiuni uuuc juuAict tree. 410 Board ot 'Xiade blUg. U. S. and foreign patents mm protect ore .secureu imuub -jo.ok. m. amuw A&eacy, Inc.. Dept. A, Stockton. Cal. iu C W Kiuii i'. aoiuustic una toi c-iga pa pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS -Collateral Bank, 40 years in Fortianu- q-q Pipe, POHTLANU WOOD PIPE CO factory and omce imai .tm afcg. j.. o printers. GLASS & FRL DilOMME CO., pi Inters, blank book matters, i B L'aimo, iuuo ci, ue vices, township plats. 6a-07 7th XL, beL Oak and Ankeny. Pluuo Factory. C Sommer & Co., established general reuair work; tuning. 24i Otn. Marshall lot 1 Itunuer siaiups. ALSO seals, steiicus, choice stationery, etc Cunningham's, 31. Stark. Main14u7. Rug Weavers. KOUTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, cuiumi iuk , duv. and laylDg 1- Union ave., nr. E. Morrison THE MOSLEK SAti- tu., iu ia sc. bales at factory pntr. octunu-iiauu bhowcaes, BankjndStoreFlx.tuics. THE LUTKE MFG. .CO., branch Grand Lut:te, mgr. v uwv unci secona-nana j. 1. ai. aiix. Co. 4th ana L.ouen. .-nain -iuj. vaumet w-rit. bhinjjles. BEST in the city; car lots or less. Ulibert. ui v awninii at. Morage and TrAnfcfer. POitTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th ana jtiveieit b- upenea newest and most modern storage warehouse in city; every convenience for safe and proper hauailng of goods; lowest insurance rate in Northwest; free trackage; vans for moving. Main or A 1520. LEX'S STORE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick building, dry and airy; wareiiouse district; lowest rates and most careful handling; furuitur moved and packed by experts; estimates given. Phone M. lGlb, A 1054. Van Horn Transfer Co., 40 2d street. , O. Pick Transfer A Storage Co., oifie and commodious four-story brick are bouse, separate iron rooms aud fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pmfl sts. Pianos and furniture moved and " packed for shipping. Matn56. .a. 1996. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed lor shipment. 309 Oak St., bet. Front aud 1st. Telephone Main 547 or A 224". OREGON TRANSFER CO., established 1S70. Office 310 Hoyt st.. between 6th and 6th. phones Main 69. Alltt9. Swiss Dairy. 67 UNION ave.. N. Phones East 5556, B 201L Pure bottled milk a specialty. STOVES connected and repaired," 1110. 614 Front. Main Store. STOVE doctor, general stove repairing, w tlmates given. Main 3482. J. A. Pearson. Veterinarians. 6. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarian 331 Ankeny ct A 3999. Main 2402. Wood und Coal. FOR nice dry slab wood phoae "Multnomah Fuel Co. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 173 1st st.. whole sale and ret-aiL, -$?paaai 4C ailed Iree, BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $J0 to 560. fully guaranteed: easy payments; rentals, $3 per month. PacMc Stationery & Printing Co.. 203 lid st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes. au prices. The Typewriter Kx- . cnange. aS7fr Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. p. D. C. Co., nai Stark. M. 140L 5RAM1 CENTRAL STATION. Houthem pa Lea vlnir Pnrl 1 n n.l Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express ......... West Side Corvallis Passenger Pneridan Passenger forest Grove passenger r oreat Grove Passenger Arriving; Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roseburg passenger Portland Express Snasia Limited , Silverton Local West Side Corvallis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger ! Forest Prove Passenger , 8:;0 a. m. 4:15 p. m. 6:00 p. m, 6:20 p. m. 7:40 p. nu 1 :00 a. nu 7:20 a. m. 4 ;00 p. m. 8 :00 a. nu 5.40 p. nu 7:10 a. m. 10:00 p. nu 0:;i0 p. m. 11 :00 a. m. 2:H0 p. nu 0:3u a. nu 8:20 p. m. 10 20 a ro. 8:0O a. m. 4:4o p m. Northern Pacific t-eavlng Portland 1 North Coast Limited via Puget Sound 110:10 a. m. North Coast Limited via North' Bank 7:00 p. m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound 12:10 a. rn. Atlantic Exuress via North Bank' 0.UU a. nu Twin City Express via Pugetl Sound 1 3:30 p.m. Twin City Express via North) Bank I 7:00 p. m. Eastern Express via Puget Soundl 12 :1 0 a. m. Eastern Express via North Bank :oo a. m Missourl River Express via Pugetl Sound 10:30 a m. Missouri River Express via Northi Bank J 7 .C0 p. m. Portiand. Tacoma and Seattle Ex-f press. Grays Harbor. Olympial and South Bend branches ) 6:45 a. th- Portlapd-Vancouver Special 10:10 a. m. Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har-I bor and South Bend branches..) 3:20p.m. Tacolt Passenger J 4:00 p m. Arriving Portland f North Coast Limited via Northi Iank S:15 p. ra. North Coast Limited via Pugetf Sound j 7 ; 20 a. nru Northern Pacific Express vi North Bank 7:.10fcm Northern Pacific Express vla Puget Sound 7:10 p.m. Pacific Coait Express via North! Bank S:15 p. nx. Pacific Coast Express via Puget Sound I 7:20 a. m. Western, Express via North Bank! 8:1.1 p. nu Western Express via puget Sound10:30 p. nu ' Missouri River Express via North! Bank 1 7:30a.m. Missouri River Express via Pugetl Sound I 4:00 p, nu Portland-Tacoma-Seattle Express! and from Olympla, South Bendl and Grays Harbor 4:00 p.m. Puget Sound Limited 710p.ra. Vancouver-Portland Special 110:80 p. m, Tacolt passenger 111:20 a. rn. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. Leaving Portland . Baker City passenger Oregon-Washington Limited . . The Dalles Local Soo-Spokane-Portlanrf 8:00 a. nu 10:00 a. m. 4 :00 p. m. 11:00 p. nu J:00 p. nu 6:00 p. nx. 10: IS a.m. 10:".0 a. rru 11 :;; a. m 7 :00 p. nu 8:00 p. nu 8:00 a. m, Oregon and Washington Express! J:00 p. m. ounauQ p er ....... Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon and Washington Express. Soo-Spokane-Portland Bakor City Local passenger Oregon-Washington Limited . . . . Spokane Flyer Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express ....j 8:00 a. m. Astoria and Seaside Express 6:3o p. in. Rainier Passenger 1:10 p.m. Rainier Passenger ( 6:40 p.m. Arriving Portland , Seaside and Astoria Express . . . . j 1 2 :00 p. m. Seaside and Astoria Express . . . . j 10 :oo p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger. . i:40a. nu Rainier and Portland Passenger, .j B.ik) p. ny Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland , Via Seattle , Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle 11:00 p. rru 12:15 a. nu 11 :30 a. nu 10:30 p. m. Oregon & Washington Railroad Co. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger Shasta, Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl Shasta Limited Portland Passenger. . . . 8:30 a. nu 3:00 p. nu 11:45 p. nu 7:15 a. m. 0 20 p. nu 2:43 p. nu JEFFEKSUX-bTKEKT STATION. Southern PaciUc. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger Dallas passenger ForeBt Grove Passenger........ Arriving Portland Dalits passenger Dallas Passenger Forest Grove Passenger 7:40 a, nu 4:05 p. m. 1:00 p. m 10:15 a. nu 5:55 p. nu 1U:00 noon ELL V EM U AND liOYT h'l'Kttljj 1A- bpokane, j-ortlaod at cattle Railway Co. Leaving Portland " Inland Empire Li press 0:00 a. m For Chicago, su Paul, Omaha. Kansas City, SU Louis. Billings. Spokane, .fasco, Roosevelt, Granddalleti, Gictidale. Lyle White Salmon, Steveusuu, Vancouver. The uregotilan ..... 11.00a. m. For Su A'aul, Spokane, I'asco, Washtucna, Kahlotus. Cliffs, Lyle, White Salmon, Ste- vctison and Vancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 pj nu North Bank Limited 7;ou p. in. For Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane, Wash tucna, Kahlotus, pasco, Roosevelt, Grand. aalles. Goldendale, Lyle, Whito Salmon, ts- venuson, Vancouver. Arriving Portland The Oregonian --. 7:05 a, nu From at. Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Cliffs. Muryville, Lyle. Whito Salmon, Stevensoa and Vancouver. iorth Bank Limited 7:30 a. m From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louii, Billings, Spokane, Washtue na, Kahlotus, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddallns. uoldendale, Lyle, White Salmon, Stovouaoa. 'alicouve. r Columbia River Local 12:33 p. m Inland Empire Express 8:15 p. nu For Chicago, bt Paul. Omaha. Kansas: City. St. Louis, Billings. Spokane. Washtuc na. Kanlotus. Pasco. Roosuveit, Granddailes. Ooldeudale, Lyle. White Salmon, jstevenaoa. threat Northern Railway Company. Leaving Portland 11th ana ioyt sts. ' Oriental Limited, via Seattle lo:oo a, m. The Oregouian, via North Rank. .1 1 ;oo a. m. orimiLl Limited, via .North Bank 7:un n interiiistioual Limited. Seattle, Ta- coma sua Vaucuuver, B. C. . . .10;0 a. rru The owl. Tacoma. Seattie and Vancouver, .0. v. 0:00 n. nu fShoro Line Express. Tacoma, Se- altie and Vancouver, B. C 11:30 p. m Arriving Portland 11th and Hovt aim . Oriental Limited, via Seattle ti:4o a. m Tho oregonian, via North Bank. . 7:o5 a. nu Onemal Limited, via North Bank S; The Owl. Vancouver, B. C., Seat- tlA and Tacoma 6:40 a. Shore Line Express, Vancouver, B. C, Seattle and Tacoma 3;3Qp.sJu International Limited, Vancouver, U. C... QCa-uo a.m Aat.miia :QO p. ITU Xlme Curd Oregon JElectric Railway c0. uHse-ifeer station, X rout mid Jedein leave Portland U:30, :o0, 11:00 A. M., 2:uo, 3-50. o:30, b:40 P. M. Limited lor 'lualatia aud Salem. W:15 A. M. Local lor W Lsou vido and Int. Stations. 3:10 P. M. iinfcttro-r oret-t Grove and intermediiit Points heave Portland 7:0C. 8:30. lo:u a. xi . ; 12:10, 2:10, 3:3o, 5:30, 6:2o p. u. Sat- uruay oaiy. nwr. Arrive Portland from Salem and Baa Stations, 8:40, 11:00 A. M. ; 1:1,. 4;oo, 4:60. o (jo b:20. lo;y0 P. M. Local from Wilson ville and Int., 0.40 A. M- Dally except faun day and 7:30 A. M. daily. , Arrive Portland from lorest Grove and Int. Stations t:0O. U:ay. 11:40 A. M. ; l;jo, J 0 &:20, b:10, -w.oo P. M. Sunday only. 4:-40 P. M. Depot I'Tom mm ""'"'ii, ruruann, (Jr. Portland Runway. Light & rower Company, 'i-iekat Ofhce and auiuig-Rooin. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City 4;00 and 6:3o A. M. and every au lumuioo .m.uuiuk iuui car. mianigUu l74;,. 8:45, :45, 10:4o. 11:40 A. M. ; 12:45 1:40, 2:40, 3:4o. 4:4J. o:o, o:-id. 11:30 P. m. Fairview anu. inuiubic w.o, -1 :-tt s:, :40, 10:45 A- M.; 12:40. 2:40, 3:4o, 4:40, D:40. 6:45 P. fa. Cazadera and Intermedlato points 6:5.'i. 8:40. 10:45 A. M.; 12:43. 2:43. 4.10, o.4 FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and waitmg-room Second and A. M. 6:15, 6:00. 7:25. 8:00, 8:35, 0:1Ql 9:;.o. 10:30. :i:iu, ii:ou. P M. 12:30. 1:10, 1:60. 2:30, 3:10. 3. so 4 30 5:10. 5:00. 6:30. 7:05, 7:40. 8:15, 8:2a, On third Monday In every month the las car leaves at 7:05 P. M. 'Doily except Sua day. Palir opt .Monday, j 1