Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 28, 1910, Page 18, Image 18

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XVANTED Young la -it for telephone1 err
ators; or without experience Apply
The pacific Telephone A Telearaph Com
pany. 6ta and Ei Ankeny sia, or West
Far and Aider si.
Cue- K co j c t ry b't I. 95.
Bonims-rouss co h. $A.
2 chtnrra:Ni out of elt). 9V.
RnciunBt waitress "ut of cPy, $0 wk.
n n i tvrrm t -i. fa. . $ and 9 2.
F.sauraut vahrtM uiiy. 9 and $9 wL
Family cook. 9.
kttrnn hipF. 92
Girl f.r inn r.ouework. 92 to 90.
HANSKN'S ladies- agency.
.Ma U ash st.. r -m 7.
WA .VTFP An e prrrd woman to s w
rpu and rtrjnries Apply at Car-
rt. Dpt.. se-.nd floor. this morning.
Gevurta St Sons. 173 First St.
A. TED Enfrg'ilr. vlu atd ladr. not
under '! of ni'-e apparanc. for position
Involving modified, lorm of sVemannip.
rou!rlns: tft and Initiative, witn oppor
tunity f-r a permanency and tdnfnint;
mu b abi tu travel if required. F 35J.
WA.Tl'.) OmpfiTl girl for general
nous work In country town of I0.oo
$jS pr month : will pay far one
way If party remain months; both
wars if 4 months. AMreM AF Ore
son t.nn.
A ANTrih A convincing saleslady to sell
prorty with merit bark of It; excellent
opportunity to irike Mr m-tiej. Call b
tween 2 and 4 if possible for Mr. Girt on.
jro. p. FMarkey A Cow. 1.2 otb su. cor.
Grand ave. and East Taylor g?a
GIRLS wanted for candr department.
12th and Da Ms Sta,
TT.5 wanted at Mt. Hood Shirt Factory.
2d and Couch sta.
flM.-liLHi! on skirts, mats and Jackets;
those wanting to get Into a manufactur
ing estabitshment where they can learn
something, will do well to call at once.
Aiheson Cloak A Suit Co.. 14 Sth st.
VILJ- g'.v girt :..'nt s-J home anS small
tr asmjnlng In h-upe..rk m.rnirg
-a everlnjcj. fall bet. ft and lI:3o A. M.
Mrs. J. P. icarkey. 2C E. sch St., cor. Pa
oifl" Pr C l::i4.
THK Meier A Frank stores require a strong,
robust a;trl to make herself generally use
ful around the carpet department. Apply
at superintendent's of Ace. th floor. A to
1 A M.
WANTED horus rlrls; must be nice ap
pearing: height not orer 5 feet 4 Inches;
experience unnHMary. Apply between 9
and 11 A. M. Room 3J7 Marquam bldg.
IAPAT.LE bill clerk by wholesale house;
permanent position; give experience, siary
expected and phone numbtr. K 3. ure-
EXPERIENCED girl to an gnral house
work, bnn new home, small family, wot k
asy. good wages. Call at iu Hallway
FR EE Madam Radmaker w 111 trim hi
fre of charfe to Introduce her work to
rortiana people. Frine your own material
if yon wish. Wa sh. st.. A pt. ?.
ANTED An experienced girl for general
house nrk : must be first c!as. no other
'i appiy; two In family. 87;t N. Slsf.
tftLLIABLE wrman to tnke care of baby
afternoon, phone a 1131 Franklin
vmiamette Heights.
AVANTED Competent fitter on ladies gar
men's. Apply at once. Golden Eagle, 3d
ani YamhtlL
WANTED Ccmpetent woman for veneral
housework, small family, good wagea; we
nave oiner neip. s.o ast Ankeny st.
V ANTED A girl to answer phones at
Richmond Express A Coal Co.. 3i4 An
knr t.
WANTED Girl to assist In general house
work. Appiy mornings. 702 Marshall. b
fn 21s: and W
Wan ted H ia h school a iri
girl for general housework ;
Irvtnittow. P!vne C ;h'.
assist, or
good home;
W ANTED Competent girl for general
housework, no children. Ax ply 3S1 loth
826 ' Washinirton St.. Rk m 314.
Main Md or A S2Kl
WANTED Refined, rspible woman for re
sponsible position. Viavl Co., Hu9 Roth
chi.d b!dg . 4th and Washington.
OiRLi wanted fir chamber work and dining-room
at Est a tad a Hotel. Estacada.
t.l EfUt'M'ED saleslady In furs, suits and
atsts. none but experienced need apply.
;rand Leader. 5th and Alder.
V'ANTKD Lady teachers- Apply this even
ir.K between 7:.T and 9. 145 ls First St..
ro-ini 4.
REFINED woman who wli appren-lata a
good hme. to care for a 5-mnths-oId
baby. Phone Main 3M or A 77r4
OPERATORS familiar with running power
i serine machines. Achesoa Cloak A butt
' Co.. 14 Slh st.
t4Sr Washington fet . 0r. 7 in. Upstairs
Phone Main 2G92.
GIRLS wanted to sew in tailor sVp. and
pants operators. 253 Washington at..
rom 17.
WANTED Nurs for aeneral duty; salary
9 per month. Grand Ronde Hospital.
mI a Orand. Or.
WANTED Girls to face prunes. Apply Har
rtson snd Water sts.. West Side. Phone
Exchange 1o.
WANTED Girl for coklra and general
hot work ; must be a good cook. 7 74
i'Ami I E RS. ith lo'al references. sa!ary
It weekly. Jd floor. th and Washington
sts. The P. C. Company.
WANTED Experienced coat and skirt
hands for alteration room. The Bartho
lomew "o . 4' Washington st.
AM8ITIOLS. enerpet!c woman over W for
posi tion w 1th wholesale house; experience
onpe-ejry. Ai? 1'5. Oregon ;an
sLlHL or womsn. housework 3 mln. r'de from
TV rt!ard. I'hone tk tro e Red 12-
'EXPERIENCED bok solicitor; guarantee
t p-r day. AP 3'). Oregonlan.
LlKU for general housework: must be good
'ok: family of tuo. 22 Third st.
GIKL for general housework.
2T Id st.
Inquire al
: .XPErUENi'ED coat hands for alteration
room. Sllverfield's. 4th and Morrison.
CIRL for housework; no wushins; Is min
utes from P. Q. Phone Se'.Ie.ood 15fK.
3 EAT. quirk wait re wanted. Stein's Kea-
tsurart. 122 urn t.
WANTEb Lady to sew draper. Apply
drapery dept.. I. Gevurti at ions.
WRAPPERS, cashier, cash sir.: 21 fl
ard Wss:rgT'-n P. C. Company.
Tv ANTED Your.a man to tend furnace for
mom rent. 551 Mill.
PAXTRT a"irl. private boarding-house ; also
tlining-room girl. 735 H?t st.
at on-e.
cor. 10th. Waitress) wanted
HELP wan let L Union Laundry Co.. d ad
rt-;umbla sts.
WANTED A chambermaid at 304 Morr.
st. Call mornlrg.
EXPERIENCED jtlrl to sew on ladles work.
KI:e ladies Tai'or. .46 Washington st.
LADY finishers on coats. 12 S Second sc.
r-om t-
WANTED Skirt and coat hand, ladles' dt
partment R. M- Gray.
WANTED Woman to Iron.
Laundry. 667 Washington.
Apply French
jyY Ur offiie -.rk. perrr.anent position.
e- owp handr;ttr.g. X :t6t. Ores'nlan.
GIRL f r general housework,
near 221.
729 Hcjt st..
WANTED At ter HoapltaJ In Chloo. CaL.
pupils to earer ach"o cf nursing.
WANTED Experienced waitresa. Apply
11 t2th st. Run 1 days.
CASH GIRLr at Olds. Wortman as Kings.
Arplr hetween and in A. M.
W NTED 10 girls; easy work, good pay.
9 -rt hurs. 245 Grand ave.
GIRLS W ANTED Apply Troy Laund r$
Crmpnr. 21' Bast Water t.
-WITCHES made. sic. iUnltary Beauty Par
r ors, tvo-413 iHkuza bklg. Mar ah all 1702.
Cook for restaurant. 930 per month,
ror.rn and board.
Cooks for country hotels. $'X to $45;
cook la city. waitresses. 7 to 9 per
Week; 2 waitresses together for country
h-tel, 123 each, fare advanced; waitresses,
9-3 to ..o.
Laundry girls. 91.25 per day. up.
3 chambermaids lor country hotel, $23
General housework at food wages.
Ladles' Dept. 25g Morrison.
WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for
general housework ( must be good cook
n-ar Med ford. Or.: 3 In family, no chil
dren; no help boarded and no outside work;
transportation will he furnished ; also re
turn transportation If not satisfied; wages
a-'i per month. D r."n. Oregonlan.
GIRL wanted for general housework; good
wages and good home to right party. Call
morn in cm. East 4o2.
LESs'ONS In Shorthand and Typewrit tr.g by
expert : prfvate -hool; 9.1 a, month. 29
t4th e Ma'n Sirn.
HtMSEKEEPtF: bv widower with -year
child, ser.ants kept; state ajce, experience,
salary. 8 ui3. Oregon ian.
Rookkeeyera sad C lerka.
POSITION as foremnn or superintendent m
construction; familiar with railroad, con
crete, building and machinery erect
a pusher on construction ; references. A.
Ba re la y, 717 Clinton st-
SITt'ATION wanted by man "A. gKi general
business) experience, as collector or In cieriraJ
line fi:mihlrg opportunity of advancement;
some knowledge of book can operate type
write r; god refe-enes; willing u go out
of f-sn. AdIrew K 33. Or-?gonian.
A MiDDI.E-AGED man with ten years ex
penenre In are n era I machinery lines, wants
permanent position In Portland with re
Itnhle firms; with salary and commls
ion A. Barclay. 747 Clin t on.
Yoi'NG man. years' experience In whole
sale lumber and railroad offices, as ste
nographer, bookk-per and generai -sistant
deslree posltton. M 3. oreg onlan.
POSITION wanted by experienced collector
who knows the city; can give oonas; sal
ary or commission. R 3 no. Oregon :an.
Yul rt man ilKiinrri nher wishes position
also knowledxo of bookkeeping; cay rt-f-
erencea. H 363. Qregnian.
TOrXd MAN wlfh & vearw experience In ral'
r4d oft ire. desires position aa stenographer
or clerk. L 36i. Orgfmlsn.
YCCNG man with 3 years' experience In
--'n;ale liquor store; can glvs good
Ji'-p. a B 3H.'. Oreg ontan.
WAITED Typewriting work to be done at
h-m by expert typist. AF 346, Oregonlan.
MAN wants poeiiton aa watchman. H 32,
M Isrel lanetf na.
Ktim atom with Kood references, thor
oughly competent and rename, an cias
construction. Including reinforced con
crete and steel, requires employment ;
permanent preferred, but trill work by
the Jt; moderate terms. B 967. Ore
gonlan. iOI'NG ma a. aced 27. with road experience.
desires to locate with some gooa automo
bile concern, object In view, learning sales
manship and of business. V 86s. Orego
WILLING, experienced Japanese boy wants
position as helper hotel, restaurant., sa
loon or office porter, about two hours
from 6 o'clock afternoon. T 361. Ore
sen tan. .
CIVIL ENGINEER with 4 years experience
on railroad location and construction anu
3 years' experience contractor on
building construction wants position with
enslneer or contractor. A 3$a. Oregonlan.
WOULD like position as watchman or care
taker around school or eoua; s;eu,
reliable, age 54. Address Olympta Hotel,
room 41
SITUATION wanted as manager of stock
ranK inrUnrMl all Uinri Stock I KOOd
all-around farmer: highest references. Ad-
dres T 3 S, Oregon la n.
LICENSED cauffeur. snber and reliable, can
repair any gasoline car male, wants a po
sition for private family, country preferred.
K A. Orego n la n.
A THOROUGHLY competent and reliable
man wants position with contracting firm
as superintendent; familiar with all kinds
cf constru c tlon. AK7I.Oregonlan.
WANTED Position as brick ard superin
tendent: first-class references and can de
liver the goods. Otis Klsor., 303 Yam
hill st.
YOI'NG MAN. 2S. desires poa-ition aa chauf
feur or repairman: a careful driver and re-
- liable; 8 years' cxpehce. Addresv 76 West
STFADT. reliable, age W wants Job care
taker, nightwatch or work in. round aoout
school or college. Room 46. Olympia Hotel.
TAILOR. first-claa all around man, can
cut. Correspondence solicited. S 36V. Ore
gonlan. BYMAN who haj 3 years' experlen- in fine
cabinet and picture framing; would also do
fine repairing.- It. Martens. -iJ Man sr.
HOIST derri.k engineer want position; have
Jiandled clamshell and orange-peel dredges.
A I j 31, Oreg,nlan.
MEAT-CUTTER lhe a position In country
town: an all-around shop man with good
references. C 372. lregfnlan.
SITUATION wanted as manager of ranch;
experienced fruit, stock, general farmer;
Al ref-rencea. Address V 356. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man. experienced In handling autos.
wi-he- portion driving or In repair ahop.
S 37. oregonlan.
Yoi'NG man. sKudent. desires position after
seh:l hour; previous o.-cupatWn draftsman.
A M :t7t. oregonlan.
WANTED by young man, position as
chauffeur; good worker at any other kind
of work. AM 37ii. Oregonlan.
CHAUFFEUR wants position with private
family: good mechanic; best reierences. ri
34. Oregonlan.
YOUNG Japanese wants position to do
housework In private family. B 3S, Ore
gonlan. L
JAPANESE young couple ants position as
man to work In garden and wire as
ioufTni!d. AK 346. Oreroniam
PoSlTNoN by hotel clerk; A-l reference. J
Si!. vregonlan
JAPANESE schoolboy wants a position In a
fsmriy. v ..l. Urenontltl.
WANTED Place In the country for boy 14
years old. Call or address 10th st.
CrtAWKKEl K- wants position, willing to do
some office work, aiso. Main J4.U.
Ci A U FFEUR. years' exierience. can do
all repair work. X 3r. Oregontan.
(AHr S r Lrl swra. a
trace Pbone Maraoall 2U7.
Book-keepers and Wtetiosrraphers.
EX PERT ld atenoarapher with typewriter
and multograph desires permanent posi
tion: will use machines. L 312. Oregonlan.
rur- ITION wanted by young lady stenog
rapher and bookkeeper; soma experience.
Main 4677.
F1HHT -CLASS stenographer, rapid, net.
lLa&'.e. competent to handle general office
work; fine handwriting.
E 367. Oregonlan.
POSIT I N wanted by oung woman sten
ographer; some experience; good seller;
no.lerate a!ry to start. Main S274.
Good experienced stenographer; best of
references; knowledge of bookkeeping.
Main 31?7.
Yoi'NG lady wishes position as stenographer
In lawyer's or doctor's office, in or out
of city; experienced, phone Main lUtttU
POSITION by com p lent stenographer, un
derstands bookkeeping. - T 364. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes work
for armut one week. V 3 no. Oregonlan.
YOL .NO attorney would like position wli
lawyer. AG 374. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi
tion Immediately. S 3t4, Oregonlan.
1 reewenak era.
STYLISH dresses. $5 up;
fine work. S2V E. Mill.
waists. l 5d up;
East 5256.
GENERAL ewlnr by the day. Jonea. 42
A ider street, please state phone numuer.
bt-AMS TRESS wishes
Phone Main 9t2.
se w ing In homes.
FANi'T and plain gowns made reasonable
at SS 7th St.
AN experienced nurse girl .wishes position
In city caring for child or two under 3
years old ; wages wanted at 9-i per
m o nth. Phone Main H3 1'S.
POSITION as nurse girl In private family;
can give best reference. 4t'J Spokane
ave.. Seltwood.
Dnr.SSMAK ING and plain sewing by
day. Tabor 483.
H ottae keeper.
NEAT woman of thirty, with daughter of
0, aants position as housekeeper; am
looking for a go"d home more than wages.
X .trt:i. Oregonian.
POSITION as housekeeper by Intelligent,
capable woman of 3o. (n widower's family
or to cook for club of men. city or
country; best people only need answer. AC
nv. Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPING by widow. Room 421. Sar
gent Hotel. Phone E 291; will b in from
XV to 12 Wednesday.
H oueek eeper.
MAHKICO woman, with experience, wants
position as housekeeper, or can take full
charge of apartment -house or rooming
house; references. F J47, Oregonian.
Dome! lea.
W AN T D Pos 1 1 ion to do lleht general hocse
'rk In .email private family by competent
young German woman; state wages. AM 363.
POSITION aa cook In institution. AB 96L
PLATE wanted as aecond girl. Phone Main
GiKL wants general housework.
633 Savler
WANTED By a young married lady a
place to work for the rent of a couple of
housekeeping rooms, or for room ana
hoard of herself and husband. Address
Mrs. Stout. 431 Taylor si.
YOT NO woman wishes position as clerk In
grocery or general merchandise store;
years experience and good knowledge
of keeping accounts. Address AC 3n.
WANTED Position as chambermaid by ex
perienced woman ; would run rooming
house or do janitor work If room Is pro
vided, people's Institute. Main 171.
WORK aanted by dav. cooking or chamber
work. Address 70 9th st- or AD 32, Ore
gontan. WANTED Position by a well-educated young
ladv In ductora or dentist's office. Phona
Tabor 929.
POSITION as cashier In theater or restau
rant fon. all or portion of time. AE 570,
WANTED The care of a young child t
years up. good home with mother's care.
Phone East 331. House, ?.' 5 Clackam as.
COMPETENT cock desires position; ref
erences, catholic Women's league. Main
2 4 ".I. .
EXPERIENCED German, girl wants day
work, cashing, ironing, cleaning, rnonv
Main 4."1'.
COMPETENT girl wants position as second
girl In a small family, or care of a baby.
Phon Main 797'.
LACE curtains washed snd stretched. 4c
pa 1 r; called for and aeiivereq. Main avw.
LADY wants housekeeping work by tha hour
or day. Phone Main 149K
COMPETENT cook desires position;
washing: 9o5. AD 873. Oregonlan.
LADY with
work. Y
girl A years wants place
:;. Oregonlan.
LAC curtains washed and stretched, called
for and delivered. Phone Woartiawn 144.
calendars for -1912" will be on a "higher
plane" than ever attempted refore; there
fore, we must have "hiah Diane salesmen.
We want to Interest salesmen who have
been selling the highest priced advertising
art calendars on the market. We will
show vnu how to make more money with
our line than you have ever earned. Don't
sign up until you nave our rnr. i ne
Knapp Company. New York, art publlca-
lion branch of the American Lithograph
Company. Write today for appointment
to George T. Iongacre, special representa-
. live, care of Hotel Oregon. Give particu
lars and address. All correspondence
strictly confidential.
AGENTS wanted Our excellent home'
grown nursery stock Is In demand; sales
this seaaon will be Immense; a nattering
opportunity; cash paid weekly; outfit free.
Salem Nursery Co., Salem. Or.
story of Theodora Roosevelt ; authentic;
up to date; great money-maker; liberal
terms; outfit free. Universal House, 3&4
Wabash ave.. Chicago.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand tor choice nursery stocx; outni
free: cash weekly. Address Capital City
N u rscry Co.. Salem. Or.
ACT IV E canvaasers can make 950 week Ijr
selling trees for the Oregon Nursery com
pany. Liberal proposition; good territory.
Address orenco. Or.
AGENTS WANTED At once; best money-
making proposition in city, can 4iv worce-
ter bill.
LIVE agents to sell photo coupons; swell
offer. Davis, 84 w asn. su
WANT to rant modern houso or bungalow.
3 bedrooms, cement basement and furnace.
Holiday or Irvlngton. for lhrej grown peo
ple; no children; best of reference. Ad
dress 62 5. Cham ber of Commt rce. m
SMALL house or cottage, unfurnished or
partly furnished. West Side only; no chil
dren. See Mr. Kofeldt. 6 Chamber Com
merce dlbg. Phone Prlv. Ex. 20.
RELIABLE couple wish to rent small fur-
niched cottage, close in, or wouia care ior
house while owner la away. XL 370, Ore
gonlan. & OR 6-ROOM furnished house, must be
modern ; In irvlngton. Holladay Addition
or Upper Alblna pre far red. Phone East
WANTED To manage or rent an apart
ment-house; reference furnished. AD Hi.l,
Oreg cn lan.
WANTED To rent a modern 10-room house.
West Side. Phone Main 8155.
W Av'T to rent 5-room. unfurnished, steam
heated spat., near-ln; reasonable rent.
Phone Main S5t0.
WANTED By single man, furnished room.
West Side, steam heat, hot and cold run
ning water In room; state price and loca
tion. C :i 67. Oregonlan.
LADY, alone, wishes large, bright, unfur
nished attic room : state price; owners
- preferred; Portland Heights preferred.
AK 3T3. Oreconlan:
Koouit With Board.
WANTED Rooms with board In private
family, breakfast and dinner only, by
married couple: references exchanged.
Call apt. 21. Phone Main 524 7.
YOUNG married couple wishes board and room
In private family, with oung people pre
ferred. AM 3tf Oregonlan.
'i'Wo voung men want room and board with
private family; walking distance. AB
33. Oregonlan.
WANTED Board and room, boy 16; pri
vate family: state terms; East Side. AK
372. Oregonlan.
Business Place.
WANTED Desk room In office, ground
Moor, between Oak and Washington, 3d
and 6th. AC 355. Oregonlan.
WANTED To rent space for bootblack
stan a. Jake Leon, 55 5d et.
Corner 4th. 950 Taylor,
aad Aldex st. near 7th.
Tbm two beautiful nsw hotels just
completed and handsomely furnished, pos
sess every modern convenience Including
levator service and private telephone ex
change. Both ara right down town, yet
Just ott all caxllnas; about half tha rooms
in each bar private batns. aUl others hot
and cold water. The rates ara surpris
ingly low. call and sea them ana you
will be pleased la every way. Rooms by
tne day, week or month.
Seventh and Ankeny bta.
Our many guests have found tha bast.
And frienas they tell a few. ,
If you would have a peaceful rest.
And cheerful thoughts renew
So hurry. Mr. Traveler, it's.
3 East Burnside.
A good placo to winter; steam beat, hot
and outd running water in all rooms- rooms
w ith private batn; ten minutes' walk from
business center of city; ttes 92.50 to 98 per
E 6940 B 1275
Ld Eleventh St.
Km. aaouara brick buildtaa.
gtated. private baths, hot and co!4 waist
in rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and
comfortable. Hates very reason a bla. Call
aad see . tttgu'ar aad uusat tnus
THE HAZEL Wa have discontinued our
d nlng-room. The Hazel will now bo con
ducted as a nrs:-class rooming-house,
Nice, comfortable, steam-heated room,
with running water. 385 3d iL, cor. Mont
K pinery.
hoi dAKOE NT. Cor. Grand s?a aad
Hawthorne. Pboaa Eas;
Jfl, cons act leg rr ery room. Private, kaiaa,
levator, flrat-claas grill. SptcJal rates bf
w ee k or mon ta, A man a ec xvpea,
Transients solicited.
Washington and Kin. Iirat-ctaas fumUbe4
rooms single or an suite; all modern ooa
Teniac'cea ; 91 weekly up- A 2647. M. 564T.
THE CHETOPA. IRth and Flanders 4-room
unxumlsnea apartment. ppiy 10
Furnished Room.
LARR ABES HOTEL, 27 1 Lrrabee st. ;
rooms with hot and cold water, free phone.
H block off Holladay ave-. North. 1' rices
most reasonable.
91J Oak sc. oorner Sixth ; large, llg at.
airy rooms', elegantly furnished; alectxM
Hrhta. running w a tee; low rates.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho
tel. 3SU Vamhlil; first-class furnished
rooms, single or en suite, modern, 50 up;
transients solicited. Main. 31. A "177.
MODERN outsid rooms, 92.Au to 93 per weeg.
Including baths; also housekeeping rooms.
648H Washington at.
93..-.0 AND 94 Two sunny front rooms.
Morrison st.
Furnished Rooms In Private Fa mi ly.
FOI KENT Clean room, modern, for I or 2
ladles, or man and wlie; some kitchen privi
leges; reasonable: 3 blocks east jf Steel
hrt.'ge. Holladay.
CHOICE room In swell, nwly-furnished,
well-heated home; every comfort; West
Side, close In; price, from 910 to 923 per
month. A 254".
HAVING completed the furnishing of splen
did modern corner residence, will let a
few rooms to nice quiet people; every com
fort assured. Call A 2547.
FOR RENT 4 nice furnUhed rooms chap to
couple without children. Mt. Scott car to
AfL-her Plce. then north to 38th ave., then
jrasttobiZ3, red house.
LARGE, handsomely furnished front room
and smaller connecting room; hot-water
neat, warning a is lame. 42J Market sL
A 4mt.
NEWLY furnished front rooms, all inod
ern conveniences: central. ith nriv
family (gentleman only). 404 Clay, near
i"in su
LA RGE front room with sleeping pofch i
desired: also smaller room: newlv fur
mshed. excellent board across the street.
Hoyu Marshall 2520.
FRONT room, nicely furnished, modern,
suitable for one or two; rent reasonable.
oai J ay tor st.
LARGE front room. Drivate iorih snitch
f-r 3 young men or couple, with or without
ooaxn. jaoa ami.
PLEASANT, warm room for vounr man
private. Phone A 437. 751 Kearney st.
near zaa.
16RU 10TH Large, neatly furnished fron
room, with or without board, suitable for
young man.
NI ELY furnished room for gentleman with
u mooern convenience; nice location, walk
u:g d ttance. 4L'7 Clay st.
VERY desirable, nicely furnished room
walking distance; all modern conven-
lencea. 166 liist st. North.
FURNISHED rooms with or without board.
tMiinn at. xsonrr. pnone 4na,
2 NICELY furnished rooms, good location,
modern and cheap. ;V24 1th st.
NEATLY furnished room, modern conveni
enccs, 9S. 333 11th au A 7753.
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In fine fam
lly for gentlemen. 743 f Htyu
ELEGANT large front room; everything
niLc , one or i wo uiiuiib. o,o ivearney.
NEAT fron t room, convenient for 1 or 1
346 Hall st.
FRONT room, modern conveniences, walkv
ing distance. North ith at.
LA RGE attic room, plenty of air,
light, phone, bath. 846 Hall.
92 Newly furnished outside modern; walk
ing uistance. Main fcio. 6? 4 Flanders.
TWO nicely furnished rooms.
In modern
houjie, 1W2 l.Uh st.
Rooms from 9L5o- up.
Call after 6 P. M.
PLEASANT room, heat, hot and cold water.
oreaaiast ii aesirea. ia ziax south.
NICELY furnished rooms, heat, bath, phone;
waiKing distance, d.a i.'tn st.
FURNISHED rooms, heat, phone and bath;
warning distance, .bz utn st.
Rosins With Uoard.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 23d year, room
with board, use of sewing-room and library,
910 Flanders. Miss Frances N, Heath, supt.
THE MAGNOLIAS Nicely furnished rooms
with board; reasonable. 617 Kearney. Main
Rooms With Board lp private Family.
PLEASANT room, gentleman preferred.
home cooking, home comforts, close in,
bath, phone, no cnlldren, 95 week. East
NICELY furnished rooms, with board, run
ning water and sleeping porches, a quiet
home, rates reasonable, very central. 90
Eaat Sth st.. corner Washington.
ROOM AND board If deMred. in private
home, for young or middle-aged lady. iG3
GENTLEMAN can obtain board and room.
montn. in new Kose city park home;
references. Phone Tabor 2582.
TABLE-BOARD for gentlemen only In pri
vate family, close in; rates reasonable.
Main 82H3. 38 Salmon st.
FRoNT rooms with board, suitable for three
or four; rent reasonable. 343 College st.
SMALL, comfortable room for a man, 920
per month; two meals. Main 2071.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for two
gentlemen, with board; rets. 2:t0 10th st.
9- PLEASANT front room for two gents;
modern conveniences. 470 Main s c
GoOD cooking, private family; reasonable
rates; walking distance. Main 4384.
ROOM and board for two young men; home
cooking. 1-17 N. 21st st.
ROOM and board for two employed people,
0 each. 615 Everett.
ROOMS, with or without board, reasonable.
B 2267. 725 Hawthorne ave.
The finest, most mod am brick apart
ment house. Just completed; everything
first-class; all outside rooms; apartments
of 3. 3. 4 and S rooms wltn all the latest
conveniences; situated In the finest resi
dence part of the city. Lucretla sc. near
Washington, between 22d and 23d sta.
Apply to superintendent apartment L
the banner apartments.
489 Clay street, second house from 14tb,
the only modern completely furnished 2
room apartment-house in the city; house
and elegant furniture brand new: Just
opened for buslnees; steam heat, electric
light, hot and cold water In every apart
ment; private phone, bath; wa'klng dis
tance; 920 to 9S. including electric light.
Marshall 2074.
B. 7th and Taylor sta.
New, beautiful and very elaborate fur
nished apartments of two and three rooms;
something entirely different from usual run
of apartmenut; this Is worthy of Investiga
tion if you are looking for something excep
tionally good.
HEINZ apartments, 14th and Columeia;
blocks south from Morrison st. ; new brick
building, completely first-class; furnlsoed
in 2. 9 and 4-room family apartment
prl -a to bat a. recep t ion nai 1 , . earn heat,
hot watetr. elevator, free prone, janitor
service; rent from 925 per month and up.
Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St.
New fireproof brick building, beautifully
furnished, two and three-room cpartmenta.
private baths, wall bads, lara ciotbee
closets. Phone E. 3O0.
ANGELA APARTMENTS, 3-7 Trinity Place;
new management, new brick bldg., 5-roora
apartments, elegantly furnished, electric ele
vator, private baths, hot water, ateam heat,
phones, Janitor Service.
sta. New brick building, d and 4-room
family apartments, electric elevator, steam
heat, disappearing beds, private bath
rooms. free phones, etc.; rent $25 to $50.
RE-UKAN Apts., 624 Marshall at., newly
furnished 3-rm. front apt., private bath,
private phone, every modern convenience,'
homelike. Main 6u3 A 3101.
WELL-FURNISHED 5-room- apartment, in
cluding Weber pianola; finest houe in thu
city; o blocks Irom Hotel Portland.
powers -nd Est as. 12 6th st.
6T. CROIX AparunsnLa. 170 SL Clair au
star Washington. Two and three-roosm
luodern apartuieuts. kins raaldaaco 1k
jjoAi. Keasonaule rent.
ONEONTA API'S. lttT 17th. south of Yam
bill (.W. car at depot, 3 and 3-room fur
nished suites, hot and cold water, fras
yaonm. bath. Main 4617. A 47aw.
6th sc. 4 squares above p. o. ; Xaoiiiy ho
tel, private baths and telephones; uraa
aiants solicited,
room. unfurnished. 936 ; 6-room unfur
nished, 46 : modern improvements.
NICE pleasant rooms 92.25 per week and
up. -US and 17th su Hot and
cold water; free baths.
BOZANTA Newly furnishesa 3 and 4-room
ape, private phones and strictly modern;
near John&on st.
Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modern j and it
room apartments; every convenience.
THE - LEONCE: Newly furnished 3-room
apartments. 16 N. 22d st.
421 W. PARK ST.. modern 4-room apart
menc Inquire 3&0 Hall st.
MODERN 6-room flat. 5th near Jackson. West
Side; 10 minutes' walk.-Main or A 1223.
PLEASANT 4-roomed flat, walking distance;
also furnished fist. 233 4 Hall, afternoons.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 51 Davenport ac;
aished fiaU 9- w
FuK BZNT 29 Thurmaa st beU 27th
and 2bth; fine car service; flat of
rooms, modern conveniences; rent (y-a
per montn. Inquire Wakeneld. tries
i n. 4th st.. Henry bldic. Nothine on
the West tide like it fov tne money. Will
be vacant first of October.
2Z NEW. modern, Srroom flat, fireplace.
cabinet kitchen, nice front porch, and Urge
bacK yard, close in. near cai line. Eur.t
First st., between Schuyler and Ha.ncot.-k.
inquire 3-u wemier ir pnune
FOR RENT 5-room flaL Love Joy st., near
23d st. Vanduyn & Walton. 515 Chamber
of Commerce.
NEW 6-room uooer fiat- all modem conveni
ences. Including fireplace, EJ. 6th aad Ore
gon mim. Phone 3i st
FOR RENT Reasonable. elegantly fur
nished flat, piano included; one year. 701
NEW li-room UDDer flat. 10114 E. 10th.
near Sunnyside carline. Rent $30. Phone
Tabor 414.
6-ROOM flat, attic and fireplace.
Northru p st. Main 321:5.
690 K
LOWER ti-room modem flat,
inquire 712 Kearney.
iSO Kearney;
6-ROOM modern flat, 766 Irving st. Keys In
NEW, modern flat, 3 blocks east end Steel
brldg e.Phone Wood lawn 1 856
THREE-ROOM basement flat,
cheap. Inquire 275 14th st.
gas stove.
6-ROOM flats, facing Ladd's Addition, 920.
car, I5tn ana Div toion sls .
8-ROOM modern flat, all conveniences, in
quire 225 Market t. Phone Main 516.
Foil RENT Ntwr flat, all modern coaven-
iences. 18th and E. Ash sts. Phone B .0o6s
Housekeeping Rooms.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished for housekeeping, gsra range, elec
tric lights, hot water, oath, laundry, all
bee: 15 per month up; a clean mace:
best in tha city for money; short diutanca
from Union Depot. Take ' a car or ltith-st
cars north, get offat Mar-hail st. No dogs,.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeDina; rooms. 2
9 month; 3 $13; another, $16; furnished
cottage. 4 rooms. i; lower riat. 4 rooms,
116. 364 North 26th (West Side riven.
W car from depot, 6th or Morrison to
FURNISHED housekeeping room, walking
distance; reaaonaoie; private lanuiy.. a 36u,
1 ti egonian.
2 totiTES housekeeping-rooms; ph'ones, light
and water; good car service. 6i5 1 East
.Morrison, pnune Ast ij.jj.
93 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms; la unary, pain, pjone, gas, heat.
yard, clean linen. 4U6 Vancouver ava.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms In ne
concrete biag. pnone wood lawn sutfi.
THE ELMS 2 and 3 -room apartments, fur
nish e (L lBlHtftiLjtraiwient so 1 1 cl t e d.
$1.50 WEEK. Clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
neat, launary. Datn. zoj Stanton, u car.
401 E. MORRISON St.. corncswgth: nlcoly
furnished housekeeping suite., reasonable.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family.
914 BEAUTIFUL location, nicely furnished
set of rooms, newly papered and painted,
good store ; lights, bath, phone, alking
distance, near car; auuus. au4 East bin.
Phone Sellwood 1109.
DESIRABLE. newly furnished two and
three-room apartments, modern, reason
able, walking distance, choice residence
locality. o5 Main st.
TWO suites of housekeeping rooms, opposite
tailing school; phone, gaa, bath. 71
First, corner Hooker.
LARGE front room, modern, suitable two
or three young men; also for housekoep-
Ing. ft46j. Kearney.
ELEGANT housekeeping suite; every mod
ern convenience; easy walking distance.
west side, pnone a z..4i.
THREE unfurnished rooms, all connected.
every convenience; walking distance;
reasonable. 66 X. 21st, nt..' Wash.
NEWLY furnished steam-heated housekeeping
rooms; choice location; walking distance; hot
water, laundry, bath, pftone. cott uiisan.
FOUR newly furnished housekeeping rooms
In cottage; adults only. 3St Broadway.
Call mornings.
3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms,
reasonable. 781 Kearney.
ONE furnished room, with use of tine large
Dutch kitchen. 424 H Hall st.
918 SUITE, also single room, gas range.
146 North 15th. Main 5173.
TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms,
excellent location. 202 14-th st.
SUITE of 2 lare rooms and small kitchen.
429 Market st. A 4U 06 m
IN suburbs, furnished. Phone Svllwood 36.
WHEN you move you'Ii need new furniture.
uuy it judiciously and tne savings wui ex
ceed vour movine expense.
Our NO-RENT PRICES made us one of
the largest furniture houses In the city n
i o years.
Lookers shown same courtesy as buyers.
69-75 Grand ave., corner East Stark su
East Ankeny and Russell-Shaver car lines
SIX-ROOM modern house, on carline; roses,
plenty garden, also; will rent to good re
SDonsible oarty for $30 per month. Ad
dress 1522 E. 13th st. Phone Sellwood
STRICTLY modern 6-room house, very fine
cellar, yard, lawn and flowers, excellent"!
location, 1 block from carline, good serv
ice; rent 40. C 1170, East 3tt9L 229
East 3d N.
HOUSES and flats for rent; some furnished.-
S. W cor. Cth and Washington Sts.
hX) Li RENT 12-room house. 275 N. 24th St..
ctr. Overcon. Hot and cold water in every
bedroom: fine neiahborhood. modern con
veniences. Inquire $5 4th St., Henry bldg.
Wakefield. Fries & Co. will give lease.
At a great saving. Get our prices.
Lookers shown every courtesy.
M. OSTROW & CO., 64-66 North 3rd St.
Reasonable prices. Easy tcrmsi
FOR RENT Cottaee of 6 rooms, modern
conveniences, beautiful neighborhood. 204
North 24th st., between Kearney and Love-
iov: rent 30 Der month, inquire wake-
fleld. Fries Co.. Henry bldg.. 85 4th sL
FOR SALE or rent 5-room house, 1 block
from car, 2 blocks from school; 910 per I
month; partly lurnisneu; wiu sen ror $uou.
Phono Bltg6.
FIVE-ROOM house, furnished, full base
ment, large yard; iio per. Inquire at
Fulton Park station, between 11 A. M.
ana 3:30 P. M-. Wednesday.
FINE, modern, 6-room house. 317 Morris st.
Cheap rent, almost new carpets, for sale
cheap. Call at 36 Union ave., N. Phone
M oodlawn 1713.
8-ROOM house, porcelain hath, window
shades, carpets and large lawn; adjoining
l.aureinurst ; rent i. mono Main bono.
ft ROOMS and bath. 910. No. 405 B. 12th st.
W. W. car). Louis Salomon A Co., 233,
Stark a:., near 2d.
5-room cottage. 621 Kirby st., large yard.
915. Get key 32it tiurneiae.
NEW, strictly modern 6-room house. 1066
K. Yamhill, one block from Sunnyside
NEW sunny 5-room corner, modern flat;
all or part new furniture for sale. Call
afternoons. 85 6th st.
7-ROOM. modern, furnace, wash trays, full
lot. 515 Gantenbein. two blocks west ot
Williams ave. m
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house on 7th.
near Jeflersun at.; ail Conveniences. Apply
owner; 1 1 1 3d st.
FOR RENT 8-room modern house; choice sec
tion Portland Heights; rent 37. 60. M. E.
Lee. 411 Corbett bidg.
6-ROOM modern house on 2 carllnes; rent rea
sonable. Inquire Rodgers, Hart, Gibson Co.,
146 2d st.
HOUSE. 770 Hoyt St., will be for rent Oct.
1. Apply 776 Hoyt at
HOUSE for rent, corner 9th and Florence;
rent 925. Apply 471 Alberta at.
7-ROOM house, 331 Hassalo, for rent. Phone
C . 1 -S3. ,
$.0 7-ROOM house, gas. electricity, porce
laln plumbing, trays. Phone Sellwood 897.
MODERN 6-room house. 1 block from W. W.
' car. 630 Taggart at. . near 17th.
TO RENT Six room house, modern. East
Clay, between 7th and 6th. East 353.
Furnished Houses.
965 NEWLY and beautifully furnished -room
modem house, with garage, located
near 2 carlines, in Irvington. Inquire 408
East 15th st. North.
8-ROOM furnished house, Irvington: will sell
or lease to permanent tenant. Particulars
V. C. Reed.. 345' Morrison st.
FOR REN T Furnish e d 7-room house. 1731
Fowler ave., St. Johns carline. Scenic sta,
tlon; reference required.
OCTOBER L for oue year or longer, modern
9-room furnished house, good location,
walking distance. West Side. A 46S1.
40 NEW 7 rooms; new oak furniture, new
ltneng, silverware, etc.; on Hawthorne ave.,
in. Phone Tabor 2270.
sTroOM furnished house. Portland Heights.
Inquire 34 Front, corner Ash.
MODERN 7-room furnished bouse. Phone
Woodlawn 644.
Honftee for Rent Furniture for Sale.
I HAVE a 7-room houee, new furniture, well
elected, g.wd neiehb-rhood; good lease! 2
cars pars the door: 4 bedrooms: a snaD. 9rt75.
terms 935i caph. balance 925 month. Call
- evenings or phon and make appointment
with owner. Main S766. 186 16tb st. X.
9150 BUYS the furniture In a 4-room apart
ment, apartment for rent, inaulre of Man
agcr of Madison street Apartments, 262
ram street
FURNITURE for sale of modern 8-room
house, rent 9.15 ; good location for room
ers and boarders. 415 7th st., cor. Hall.
Phone Main 3!6.
FRONT alcove housekeeping suite, 916
month. Apply between 12 and 2. 253
11th St.. near Main st.
FOR SALE Furniture and carpets, including
ma nog any oearoom set. inquire of w. K.
Rhodes, apt. 21. 714 Glisan.
FOR SALE Furniture 7-room house, 9250;
cheap rent and best locality In city. 315
Market st corner Cth .
9 -room house, all housekeeping, good lo
catlon. by owner, :tOO Clay.
94:10 Elegant furniture of 7 rooms, rent 920.
J. E. Nichols Co.. 620 Board of Trade
bldg., Marshall 1HS6-
FURNITURE of S rooms. Income 965, rooms
always run, liberal terms, if sold this
week. 4 25 E. Burnside.
NEW furnished 6-room modern flat, 4 good
beds, line carpets, nne range, bargain;
rent $22.50. Call see. 401 let st.
FURNISHED 4-room fist, adulta, 920 month.
sell furniture Vino, cash. iiOb LnVn
ae. N.. near Holladay.
FOR .SALE Furniture of 12 rooms, modern
house, lease, rent 45. Income 9114 a
month; cheap for cash. 410 Jefferson at.
B A RGAIN Furniture of an 8-room house.
good location for renting rooms. 8 Grand
ave.. N.. between Ankeny and Burnside.
6-ROOM modern flat. Completely furnished.
For sale at 5400. Kent 9.7.50. Call and
see at 126 N. ISth. t
FURNITURE of 5-room upper corner flat;
desirable; rent jZu. 2&o 11th st.
4- ROOM apartment for rent, furniture for
gale. 01O Couch, apt. d
FURNITURE of 7 rooms for sale cheap. 360
East 6th st.
Fine location for a market In Irvington
at East 2ftth and Hatsey sts.; no market
In all Irvington nearer than Union ave. ;
good location for both fine cuts and
coarse meats: will change the storeroom
- to a market room. Owner. Weekdays, 320
East Morrison st. pnone evenings and 728.
Small store in brick building, suitable fftr
most any kind of buiness; rent 915 a
month. 93 2d st.. near cor. Flanders. Inquire
211 Morrison st.
ju RENT 4-atory and basement brick
store building, 00x165. southeast corner
Front and Pine. Apply Chester V. Doiph.
803 Mohawk bldg.
Apply Yates Grocery,
Mt. Scott carline. Tremont Sta.
STORE, in new building, suitable for a (
com Dina lion 01 ury guimn aim millinery.
Phone Tabor 237 or B iik
ETORE, 24x!6. at 232 Larrabee street.
3263 AVashington street, room gui.
NEW store. 23d and Irving, splendid location
for druggist, ivey at grocery.
930 LARGE brick store, suitable for drug-
gist, plumber, painter, etc. Al t la i.
SiiOP or factory, new building 50x100, Bel-
mont between East tit h na7 1 n .
SMALL store for rent. 286i Bumslde st.
Fine location suitable for stationery,
banking, real estate business, etc. For fur
ther information apply to
2S6 Oak St..
Portland, Or.
FOR RENT Three fine office rooms on second
floor Lumber Exchange building, 2d and
Stark sts. Inquire F. B. lb rook Co..
214 Lumber Exchange bldg.
MOST centrally located of flees 912 and up.
all-night elevator service. 303 Swetland
Hdv. 5th and Washington.
SPLENDID office or desk room, front of
elevator, newly carpeted. 500 Henry bldg.
DESK ROOM to rent In finely furnished of-
nce. 33 Lewis bldg.
DESKROOM. 301 Merchants Trust bldg.
OWNING 2 lots near East 12th and Everett,
I will build garage, factory, etc, for desir
able tenant. P 368, Oregonian.
FOR LEASE Trackage; fine warehouse or
mrg. location; also corner store room. &d and
Broadway, ready Nov. 1. Alblna Fuel Co.
MOTTON-PICTURH machines; Powers. BMI-
sons, pathe and others always In stock from
975 up; the latest and swat films for rent;
'The best is none too aood ' Is our standard.
We teach operating and qualify to run a
snow; before closing deal elsewhere be sure
and see us: we have tha goods, and orlce
are right. Laemmle Film Service, Paatages
bldg.. Portland, or.
FOR SALE Moving-picture, stock and
road show theater In live town of 1U00
population doinar 91200 to 91500 ner
month : established 5 years: beautiful Iv
equipped and decorated ; elaborately ven
tilated ; owner owns the ground and
erected the building especially for a the
ater; will leas? for 5 years at $1.5 ner
month ; price $5000 to quick buyer; own
er goinK to Germany; no time for brokers
and triders. Advertiser, 425 E. Ash St.,
Portland. Or.
WANTED 925,000 capital to organize Pacific
coast sales company Tor Nationally adver
tised article of great merit, for which I
have exclusive sales right: money absolutely
secured; party can handle same himself;
profits 50 per cent on cost f article; 935.000
per month being spent by parent company
ir national advertising now. can for w.
H. Kreigh. Seward Hotel, room 219.
A fine arocery store in aood location.
with lease In a rapidly-growing district.
Now doing $1600 to 91SO0 business per
month. Rent only 930. If you want to
keep busy, look this up.
317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
A 20-M caoacity Russell nortable saw
mill complete, with cutoff saw, sawdust
conveyor, etc.; also a No. 1 Northwest
planer, with attachments, good as new;
has been used only a short time. For
particulars call at my office, 226-228 Front
su, Portland, Or.
PARTNER WANTED Man with more work
than he ran do wants sober- honest man
as partner: will make 930 per week; satis
faction guaranteed before you put a cent
into IL Call room 315, Lumber Exchange
A fine location, doinar good business
lara-e store on main street: just place for
man and wife. Call room 31a, Lumber Ex
change bldg.
FINE chance to buy a flrst-claas grocery
store doing $100 cash sales per nay. can
at once. Kinney & btarapher, bol Lumber
Exchange bldg.
GROCERY and bakery; sales average 935
to 930 per day; price, i-uu; owner must
leave city on account of wife's health.
AD 374. Oregonlan.
ESTABLISHED bathhouse, complete, Turk
ish bath, fixtures new, a money-maker.
4ul Buchanan block.
RELIABLE contractor wants partner; will
pay extra large pronts; small capital re
quire d . CaU 24 8 S tark st-
CREAMERY, butter, eggs, etc.; cash store
for $500; growing iraae; now clearing
over 910C month. Call 248 & Stark st.
RESTAURANT, doing big business, lease 2
years, rent s.!5; receipts a aay; easy
terms. 41 Buchanan biocic
PARTNER wanted for cash business; ex
perience not necessary; pay aay; ou
required. Particulars 248 Stark st.
6u0 .BUSINESS cards, 91.00; you must bring
this ad. Rose City Printery, 192 Third sc,
near Taylor.
FOR SALE Small up-to-date creamery In
good milk district; cheap if taken soon.
Address H. A. Wilson. 191 Curry st, city.
GENERAL merchandise store, doing big
business In good Country town; will
stand investigation. Call 248 Stark st.
SOLID family groceiv; over $90 day sales
now; can be increased; will sell at ac
tual invoice, call 248 Stark st.
FOR SALE Established dyeing and cleaning
works; good business; 4 living-rooms, cheap
rent. Inquire 193 4th. Main 8467.
FOR SALE or rent, 2-chalr barber shop and
living-room. Apply to E- O. Ammann, 710
Mllwaukle st. -
LEAVING city; 900 restaurant clearing
91S0 monthly; reasonable rent; lnvestl
gate. P 364. Oregonlan.
Telephone and other bonds bought and
sold. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 225 Ablngton.,
Oregonian. ,
Address R 362,
315-16-17 Abington bldg.
If you are looking for a FIRST-CLASS
ROOMING-HOUSE, call and see us. We
protect both the buyer and seller. Below is
a partial list of what we can offer you:
3S rooms, cor. brick bldg.; best transient
houss in the city; rent 9275; nicely fumlfhed;
clearing above all expenses $i0t per month.
. Price 955t0; terms.
315-16-17 Ablngton bldg.
30 rooms, corner brick, all nice large sunny
rooms, closets and hot and cold water In ev
ery room; long lease; cheap rent, and Is
clearing $350 over all expenses; the be;
transient house in the city; if you get this
you have got something worth having. The
price is very reasonable and can give god
terms. The furnishings are the best tha:
money can buy. Please call for price and
315-16-17 Abtngton bldg.
27 rooms, very central location: hot and
cold water all rooms, furnace heat, beauti
fully furnished, and a pplendid money-maker.
Very homelike place and has always had a
good reputation. If you want something
good, here it is. Price 93900.
315-16-17 Ablngton bldg.
40 room, cor. brick, on Washington St.,
hot and cold water in all rooms, nicely fur
nished and 3-year lease, if you want a good
money-maker take this; can be handled on
sy terms. Price 97500.
315-16-17 Ablngton bldg.
20 rooms, beautifully furnished, all out
side rooms, strictly modern, never on tha
market before; rent 9125 3 years' lease; If
fcere it is, net profit 9125. Price 93C0O.
315-16-17 Ablngton bldg.
Up-to-date bakery dolnR 975 business a
day. Rent only 940 per month, in a nice
clean building, with good lease. This
will bear the closest investigation. See
for yourself, price 9200m.
117 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak.
Thi agency Is In a position to furnish
reliable information regarding business
openings; only legitimate propositions con
416 Ablngton bldg.. Established 1S95.
Will save time and make money for
you; best list of business chances in city
to select from; come in and let us show
you how well we can serve you.
221 Lumbermen's Bldg.
FOR SALE Delicatessen and home bakery,
the best little business in the city. In
apartment-house district; for man and
wife who are good cooks this Is the chance
of a lifetime; full Investigation invited;
9900 cash will buy It. Phone Main 367S.
WE have a snap in a fine 56-rooni hotel on
Washington st. ; new house, elegantly fur
nished; reasonable rent; 5-year lease; 91M0
less than worth for two days only. Apply
Philip Gevurtx. care Gevurtz & Sons, be
tween 3 and 5 P. M.
FOR SALE or rent The new Portland House,
consisting of a hotel and store of general
merchandise, at St. Johns depot on the "S.,
P. ' & S. Railway. 2u77-79 Van Houten St.,
this city; doing a very good business; owner
wishes to retire.
I WANT to meet lady or gentleman who
will Invest $2000 to $500O in one of the
most promising enterprises in Portland;
strictest Investigation courted. A 366,
The New York Motion Picture Co. starts
you In business) on easy terms; largest stock
machines, etc., at lowest prices. 526
Washington, near 17th.
AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for a young
man to secure a half interest in a well
paying, old established cash business; must
have s;ood references and a little cash.
Call today. 417 Foard of Trade.
$1Oo0 and services of good live hustler se
cures an interest In well established,
clean, dignified and Immensely profit
able business; principals only. A 367,
WANTED A tirst-class salesman; must
have at least 92500 to 93000, to take half
interest In well-paying, established busi
ness; will stand any investigation. Ad
dress AD Stil. Oregonlan.
For sale, good livery business In a
thriving town ; no opposition; must go
East; will pay you to investigate. By
owner. AF ,V0. Oregonian.
GIVEN away free, map of all the California
oil fields, also trial subscription of publica
tion "California OH Fields." Sagar-Loomls
Co.. 701 Oregonian Bldg.. Portland. Or.
I HAVEJ a buyer for the best 9 to 12-room
rooming-house that 9700 or $SO0 cash will
buy. Mrs. Bancroft, 411 Corbett bldg. Main
Now is your chance to buy a good one,
right downtown, long lease and the price
Is reasonable. AL 365. Oregonlan.
For sale or trade; established theater, town
of 6M people; no opposition. 526 Wash
ington at., near 17th.
WANTED An experienced promoter to pro
mote a first-class mining proposition; nig
Inducement to right party. Address 3
3ns. Oregonlan. .
PHOTOGRAPHIC studio. established 20
years, fine location, north skylight. Ad
d ress Protographer, P. O. box 806, Spo
kane. Wash.
Center of West Side; over 9100 a day
business: 3 years' lease. $2 100.
N. T. HALL, 321 Lumbermens Bldg.
RELIABLE real estate man wants partner;
requires no experience beyond ability to
show land, etc.; pay energetic man 9150
month: particulars 328 Henry bldg.
GROCERY STORE for sale In one of Port
land's best suburbs; no competition ; will
pay you to investigate; price, 9-&00. AE
3.i0. Oregonlan.
GOOD, reliable man wanted for cash busi
ness: interest will net you 935 per week;
written guarantee given if required. 417
Board of Trade,
BARGAINS in cigar stands, confectioneries,
bakeries, groceries, hotels, rooming houses
and other business chances, on easy terms.
Call on Brown. 326 Worcester bldg.
OLD- ESTABLI SHED rea I estate man wan t s
partner to show customers property; will
show business pays 9S000 yearly. Call
room 523 Lumber Exchange.
Trade 925 a day. 4 living-rooms, rent
925; 91100; will trade for city property.
N. T. Hall, 321 Lumbermens Bidg.
ESTABLISHED butter, egg and cheese store;
a vera tr sales 94 to $00; four-year lease;
rent $35; this is a snap. Call 417, Board
of Trade.
MILLINERY for sale oheap. remodeling;
Dring any 01a raaiorju. 7 -n.,
suite 217.
$350 BUYS half interest in cash business
that Is paying $300 monthly. Call 328
Henry bldg.
RE S T AU R AN T. money-maker, receipts 935
a day; new fixtures, low rent, 5-year
lease. 401 Buchanan bldg.
WANTED Butcher. with small capital;
good opening for right man. Apply
Hocknyos Grocery Co., 138 Russell St.
STEAM cleaning, dye works, partner wanted
to drive wagon. Call room 523 dumber E
change. CONFECTIONERY and grocery store for
sale; 5 living rooms in rear; West Side.
Phone Main 3311.
CLEAN stock of groceries for sale; good lo
cation, cheap rent; 91250 or invoice. Call
early. 417Board of Trade.
FOR SALE Furnishings and lease best-paying
hotel Western Washington. Owner, ad
drt Box 163. Everett, Wash.
GROCERY, on corner, best buy In city,
91750 ; rent $25; sales average 940 day.
Call 328 Henry bldg.
RESTAURANT for sale; party sick, going to
California for the Winter. 775 Savler st.
DELICATESSEN and lunchroom. East Side;
price 9X75. J 366, Oregonian.
WANT IO to 1 5-room rooming-house, cheap
for cash, at once. 146 N.16th.
BOOK business A splendid opportunity for the
man with cash. AJ 350. Oregonlan.
BAKERY for sale; finest location In city.
Address W 364. Oregonlan
ESTABLISHED automobile agency for sale.
AD 327. Oregonlan.
I HAVE 91000 to Invest in a good business.
V 362, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Restaurant. 46S Washington sc.
good business, good terms, long lease.
POOL and cigar business; $650;. sickness
cause of sacrifice. Call 248 lj Stark st.
GROCERY, West Side, 9I5OO. New stock at
a bargain, phone Marshall 1689.
GOOD chance for restaurant and 21 unfur
nished rooms. 635 1st st.
OLD-ESTABLISHED dental office and prac
tice for sale. G qWd. uroiuan.
GOOD boy to learn the business. Loewengart
11 ROOMS, all full, to exchange for any
thing of value. 417 Board of Trade.
650 GROCERY; rent 920; sales average
S28 day. Call 32S Henry bldg.
WA NT ED For caFh. poolroom or cigar
itore. owners oniy. stL oregonian.
LADY or gentleman going East will find U to
their interest 10 aauress ali ooa oregonian.