17 TITE MORXIXG ORE G O XI AN, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. .Mg : : -7 fr, f.ro, I K.ir.rm.. . ini-ivr.Tilv HI Ntt ALOW. Xw. well modern i-room bungalow, gas and electric, furnace and fireplace. panl dining-room, beam ceiling, bum In bookcase, full cement basement. Hu; dry tray, fruitroom and another lt'" lmimr-mnli. oa a lot .VixlOO. on 6 lWi near Thompson; a swell neighborhood. Frlc $.oo. on easy trnu. OKUSSI A ZADOW. 31T Board of Trade pldg, 4lh atvd oak. FINE -room houn In Irvlngton. on 17lh at modern In every respect, two grrplicri, hardwood fioora. furnace, ce ment basement. I bedrooms, sleeping poren and attic; built leas than two yea r. very attractlve location and 1 blocks from car. price 11001: very easy term. Mccargar. Bat- Lively. H Falling bldg. PLAX your own borne; we will build for 42-421 Lumber d bid., cor. 5th and 6ark. MODERN and attractive j?If T oi'f on Ciarkama. near Ea.t :th: lot 50x1 J. tine legation. hou.e practically M w and v.ry..r.c.lvelT .rr.n,.a. Price, with (tree! impiiim- 7," ara term.: thl l a bargain. McCargar. Batel Lively, $15 Falling bldg . -TV . . "lypRnvm with fine bulidlr.g: S mile from eiectrlo canine and oa.y i T . Portland property. lsn; Will imoe ' - - David Lewie. Win 1 Lumbermen bldg. . Hl.l. Xrh ana stars. " - . -- r. r.o rs"i V R1VTH ISO acre pood wheat land, V mile from John Dav r::vr ano o 111 1 " "- - - .T, r, son or kit. David Lewie. r-vim 1 Lumbermen- bl-lg.. nth andSter SEAt Tin L 12-ACRE TRACT IN TO IT. ear orcnaro, b - , - .- - i ' . v- . Brill trade r for Nome In Portland. David I'". wm 1 . .,- Qrarlc BlVrtvLOW. near Hawthorne. lame verv convenient; lot oxll.. $:90i. down. Ill Madleon. near th. Call h"UP". , H E ARE epeciallK'e In noueee. our llet of 3X anapa We can enow you photoe. before tain you out. thereby saving you time and trouble In buyln. II A. Chand ler. 610 Lumbermene Bld. BKll TlFl'L homes on East Side. We have aome attractive baraln In hornet In Hoi laday and Irxlnton Addttjona If y-u are Vookl i for a home In thle line reel Senc. di.trlct. see us. McCar.ar. Bates a Lively. ;ii Falling bldic. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS bunralow for sale by owner: a ft-room modern bungalow, ex cellent view. I'm blocks 'fnr? for H. Hutton. Torke Hotel. 12th and ,i Seven-room houae. with modern con- venlencea. on lota. In cholceet location: fruit of all kinds. A great home Plsca. The Hart Land Co. leo becond au 1'nona Marshall lasa. rui ia a bargain. tVroom house on cor. In between V-R and Hawthorne cars on ftsth st $1750. with furniture ls:-o. Washington st. Barber shop. ait for Ralaton. Bl N(JAUW. East 37th St.. Lear Haataorra ve. rooma mo.!.-rn. large attic. Jee ir.ent: double construction throughout. rash, ba.anca terms. Haas Hlngler. ;ll Iewle bl-lg riVE home. new. furnace, two fireplacea. 7 rooma block to car. on E. Ith st. ; a III sell on terms of i0 down or trade li equity tor acreage. Owner. ifr-gonian. a . l'TIFVL 5 and 6-room bousea modern, near school and cars: very easr terms; will exchange for lota ritlenger. II) Kllllngsworth ava U. L. or St. Johns cars. s 1 K T Y ap-to-daie bungalow with picked furnishing. This Is a gem and will cer tainly suit you. Terms .that you wane See owner. 41 Spalding Bldg. j.v.ni Eaat ISth. near Ankeny. walaing oietance. V ro-. m modern house; tnls is a snap, as people are leaving for the East. Haas A Rlrgler. '11 Lewie bMg. SVV modern houscn Hli-e. botn phonea. in Irvlngtoo. R. H, Bnelaeea Property. BEST INVESTMENT IS PORTLAND. $12.0no for a fnoA twalneea corner, leaeed for $05 a month: only 5 blocks from rity Hall: caah. balance S year, e per cent. K FVCHU, as Morrison St. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. ACREAOE. IS to 2S er acre; 10. . 80 and 4o acrs tracts, unlmprored. red shot land; Bo rock or gravel: wall watered, plenty of cedar and umber for all purposes; located on railroad. 24 miles northweet of Port land; feet elevation above Columbia R.ver. adjoining larga commercial or. hard tracta being rapidly cleared and set to fruit. Csa.1 and arrange to vtelt thee tracts at once. The soil, elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest priced land now oa the market. ali Cor- pcn oiqg. Sacrifice sale of new bungalow at Oak Orove. s rooms, strictly modem. IS acree fine soli, no gravel or r... 1 acre Irrigated by spring. All kinds of fruit, strawoerrtea gooeeberrlea. rurranta. grapes. I doien assorted fruit treee In bearing. Hvdranta In lawn and garden. A snap. Bulnee calls ownr ). A snap at price of $J7. WXt cash and per month. GRl'Pfl 7AOOW. 317 Board of Trade Bids-. th sn-1 Oak. CIIICKK.N RA.WH. 7 acres of fine land located In city Irmlts of Oregon 'lty. 1 blocks from cartlne. I blo-ks from high echool. on Improved streets: good house, barn and rhi.-ken-house, city water and spring water on the place: 10O frnlt trees and - acres of strawberries; price $-tvO; (1400 cash, balance to suit. EMPIRE LAND COM PA NT, eifl Merchants Trust Bhlg. Washington a BEAlTIFfL ACRES. For Country Home. Thickens r Fruit. In cllv limits of Mllwaukle. bordering on K'll-wg s Ike and only ehort walk to car; the apiendM bungalow and tine chicken run are practically new; fruit treee In fine con dition: the a.ttotnlng -acre tract recently sold for elo.ju: it had no buikltngs; this pne Is being arr:Bre-i at C. L- EAMHF.KiitH. Main 28. R.-om 3 lAimbermens Bldg. A.Av'RE tracts, one mile from the center of a live Willamette Valley town; streetcar and paved street op to comer of prop-e-tv; land 1 all cleared and In rultlva. tlon: fine aotL Hale of these tracts uet begun: price. $23 per acre and up. Phono or call at eft ice. h. h. rr.PAHU 50S I.umhermens Bldr. Marshall 1.n or A d.ulV SO ACRES. CLEAR EH ANH HtCHLT m.TlVATW EXl'KPT ONE ARE: OVER ONE-THIRD IS CENCINE PEAVERDAM LAND; NEAR PORTLAND .ND ELECTRIC AND STEAM R. R-; tisi PER ACRE eS COUCH BLDTJ. acres, chickens, bksries. 2lW fine fruit trees, 3ut) strawberry plant, etc.; aplendut T-room house. barn. etc.; sightly location ami near Una statkio on Oregon City line; iw. terms; thu. include lot of personal profertv; only $--1 C. L. BAMBtR'IKR. Main 24M. R.-wm 2 Urmb-rmwi BUg. ACRES at White Salmon; fine fruit land: acre all cleared, remainder I alaehed: will sell at a bargain for rash. Com In and make me an offer; pric ua terms. 3. Phone or call H. H. I'RDAHl. lWk.1 Lnmbermer.s Bldg. Marshall l.-.. or A r-l5. ACREAGE SNAPS UAfcr CALL AT THESE LOW PRICES. ID acres, only o miles eaat of cay. at $225 per acre. acrea on Section Line road, only 4 miles from city, at $27.1 per acre. Tima la the essence of th contract. STRONH CO . v PP3 Concord bid g. FRUIT AND CHICKEN RANCH. ftiO cash, balance $: month, buy 11 acres ef good level frlut land. 11 miles from Portland, near electric carllne. on county road, price $ljO. See owner. 231 Morrison st . room ACREAOE for platting, price tli..ie; cash. $.-l5,04 will handle. An easy pn.nt of 1U0 per cent on purchase prlca. Adjoins a set tled district la c-.ty limit. Phone Marshall i -so. or call on oaner. Ho 8 evxjtKl i t. If wanting a suburban home Of cholco acreage Inveatmaat, do not fall to consult th -rTBI RBAN HOME rPECIALISTa." fLOPrKLTKR PROS.. 1 Couch Bldg. LAKilE hog ranch, near city, owner will show you a net profit of x;ii per month; prire tsooo; cash, balance s per cent. tall $14 Henry bldg. ONE acre, cioee to Portland: 5c car fare. 2't-minut ride from poatofflre. for aala at your own terms. '" Corbett bldg.. J. A. I.wreneo di Co. TEN acre, small farm, cloee to Portland: fin aoll. beet fruit land In th state: $.1M per a re : terms to suit you. Gov Corbett Kg. J. A. Lawrence Co SL BIKHAN ! M E. IS acre. g-H.l huse. barn and well; on Eatacada csrllne; a snao at $UiO. x RACKCS. 31H r!-sr-1 of Trade Pldg FIVE acrea. fine for l:la home, locatel on I Willamette River: pri.e $l.v per acre; I tarmj to suit )ou. tJ Corbett bklg. r, a- . , TGT1TT - RFAT. ESTATE. I ,.a A-o.a.Aa I A REAL GOOD BUT. 1 acres best of fruit and. acre In cul tivation. 1 acre In timber; fair house, good barn, big ho-ihouse. first-class well, besides running water the year round; fine family orchard of avvirted fruit treee; the following eeock and Implements so alth this place: 1 good horse. 1 n-vear-oid thoroughbred Jersey cow. 8 hogs, t disen chickens, also the fal lowing Implements: 1 new plow. 1 new har row. 1 gor.i wagon. 1 buitgy. 1 set hameee. beside I5 worth smell uxvls; bam full of ay and tree full of apples; everything goes: this place only 11 mile from Port land. 1 mile south of Tlgard. on the Ore gon Electric: a macadamised road almost to wjur front dor from Portlandt the price Is onle aSH.10, $1700 cash, balance long time at per cent: my reason for eillng Is that I have been a steamboat captain for 12 years, am not satisfied off the water and I hav position awaiting me as soon ss I can get to It. so am of fering mv place below market value for immediate sale. Pee me this week at 3nt, Gerllnger bldg. . WHERE tor CAN MAKE A LIVING, ii n.r. 1-. cultivation, m in fruit. goon house, barn. etc.. near Orchar.ls and N. B. R. H.; this Is a bargain at XI. 2H0 cash. 10 acrea all In cultivation, fruit, good house, aome household goods, barn, etc., 4 souarea from Orchards; price $2H0, 12ihi cash. 37 acree. 14 rrrlle from Portland, splen did location close to R. R-: '" fruit trees, good buildings: wall Improved; price XTooo; will consider a residence of equal value. , Many tracts. Call at offic for full Information. ZIMMERMAN. SIO Board of Trade Bldg. RIVER HOME. .1 acres. 1)0 feet rivm Meldrum station, all planted to 4-year-old peach treee. beau ties: best soil, no gravel: fine crop pota toes betweeg trees: woven-wlre fence: a lew bungalow, sirlctly modem. S rooms, fireplace bath, etc: lies hlKh and sightly, overlooking river: choicest neighborhood; 2S acrea with house. .M"W; all 5 acres. 7V0: business calls the owner as. otherwise gio.ooo would not purchase this property. A "few cropa of peachea will pay for this fine home, which will then be worth 2t.iNM. CKI SSI ZADOW. , , SIT Poard of Trade Bid.. 4th and oak. A MAIL TRACT OF ' -EL LAND. Al.I. CLEARED AND CI I.TU ATLD; FINK BLACK I.O.M SOIL KEADJ TiirLAVT TO BERRIES OR FRL'IT: NEAR PORT LAND AND S ELECTRIC L1NL&: EAbY TERMS IF DESIRED. . 405 COLCIl BLDG. BIC.UKST SNAP ON THE MARKET. 1J acre, near Milwa.ikie. all In culti vation, good 7-room house. m-drn. wltn hot and cold water, full basement, good barn and outbuilding, t acres In good bearing orchard, balance In potatoes and vegetable. 3 head horses. 1 cow lo chickens, wagon, buggies and all farm, Implements, crop and all goes for 12.000. with terms Call at lit Henry bids. $.;;. CASH will take my 1 equity In a TB' acre tract; cleared and level; water on It pbone. electric, lights and school, ten minutes1 walk from the O. V P. car a short distance east of Lenta If you know what acreage I worth and will buy a snap, answer at once. A 33. Oerginlan. Ail AND ;o-acre tracts. 33 miles from Port land, on county roads, near scnooT; soli, elevation, drainage Just npht for fruit or gardening; smooth and tillable; no rock; wood and water abundant: let us show you the best buy on the market. Eaay terms. Palmer. IPs 4th sL. room ill. ' LEVEL VALLEY LAND. lo acre under Irrigation, with perpetuBi water right, all In cultivation, two mile from Baker City. Or.; price only U0 per acre' fair terms. Owner. A. BACKUS. 51 Board of Trade Mdg mYLTNOMA H STATION. S minute from station; 4 aires' under plow, on In limber; will sell for JH an a-re. all or half; 1-3 caah. 411 Couch bldg.. HO 4th st. CHOICE acreage on the Oregon electric, right adlolning the car track for (200 per acre. We will surprise you. Coll 414 Spalding Bldg. , fc UN OA LOW. six ronnia. very fine, choice lo cation rent il per month: party must buy Winter wood In baeetnent and fine range. AL Jen. Oreg.-nlsn. I HAVE a ten-acre snap ckie to city and car. ready to plat to acre tra u or lot. See m. for price and terms. Jo. C. Gibson. HeHlr.gcr hl'ig. a.o4 ACRES. S miles from Courthouse, highly Improved, near electric line. $i0o with terms. Call 114 Henry blilg. rtonseeteac. THE OLD HOMESTEAD MUST GO. .1M acres, being one of the beat all-around farm In Oregon; 220 acres In high seat of cultivation: two large bams, good elght rom house; water run Into house from spring; 12 erring on the place, making It a fine stock frm: 2,o00.0.l feet of goi-1 saw t'mber: lurms adjoining th! are selling for 75 and sim an su re: this can be ha.1 for .Vi an acre for short time: only M miles of Portland and close to one of th beat towns In lb state. J. M. FRBNOH CO., 412-411 Ablnglon Bldg.. l'tlS Third St. ADVANTAGES OF OKEnO.V. aj-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is beet adapted for; gives amount of Government land open to home stead In each county; map attached. 21xJ". snowing new R. R. ar.d towns. Including Earlern and Central Oregon: counties In dif ferent color: drawn to March 1, lMu: let eat map In V. 3 : rrKw 25c. NUnroo at Rurey. all Hamilton hlg. TWO relinquishments Joining 10 acrea. each mile from achool; mall nd telephone; postofflce: on county road: running water, beet of 4and. S miles from R. it- town. About 4.0OO.000 ft. on each: the are bar gain; 0 mile from Portland. J. A. Davis. J14 Swetland bldg. SOUTH Kit N Oregon homateada on new In corporated raliroad: also fruit and alfalfa Isnda iniormauon -i uuara w nsi bldg. ' ONE excellent aimbcr c'laiiu. .1.0i.ms feet, .scuihern Oregon. Room 215. Board of Trad bWg. SECOND Hood River, homestead, plenty wood, water, tillable land; near Portland; s-.'OO. call row. u rittn st. TWO relinquishment S.isj.Ok) timber on each a.'.jo bWg a.'.jolnlr.g cheap If taken soon, lii Marquam M. 8314. roe Male f-rwia sjaaoa. FRUIT LAND. FRUIT LAND. FRUIT LAN D. FRUIT LAND. ORCHARDS. ORCHARDS. ORCHARDS APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. APPLES. Horn orchards. unimproved: fruit land; Improved farms; from .' to S"oo B,-re. Come in and talk the matter over with ua tour experience 1 worth money to you. We are not bankers, but wa do know the apple land busi ness, and can show you the road to sue ress. We can give you bank references, but our satisfied clients serv us better. H. F. BOTH FU R. 4 1 .1 -Henry Building. CliEllVLEM MOUNTAIN OHCHARDS Planted to Epitaanbarg and Tallow Mw town apples. Get full Information, booklet and map of the Willamette Valley free at our of Ace. ..... A visit to our orchard will convince you that It Is th best In Oregon. ON LT 1 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Easlst of term; anybody can and should buy to Insure for himself a steady Income. THB CROSSLET COMPANY. 70$ and "0 Corbett Bldg. HOOD RIVER SACRIFICE, lftu acrea A-l Hood River orchard land: n seres cleared, with house and ham; mag nificent view; on bank of beautiful Ho.d River, near some of the pnxe orcharda of the valley; owner must hae money by Oc tober 1 and will sacrifice for quick sale: gliNrt put you In possession. W 300. Ore gonlan. A SACRIFICE In Hood River fruit land: SO acres unimproved. 2 mile from Van Horn Station: all good apple land except acrea. and tract has gentle northeast slope. for a short period we are authorised by owner to sell for $.MS0. This Is the best bargain In the Hood River district. Mc Cargar. Bates A Lively. 7.15 Falling bldg. HOOD RIVER APPLE ORCHARD. Thirty-seven acres In finest district: .10 acre in beat vsrletle from 1 to 12 ear. oil. balance ready for tree next Spring; new bungalow and barn. team, wagons. Im plement, etc.; no agents. Address X 3t), tireg-intarL OREGON ORCHARD LAND. Redshot soil, partly cleared. $10 at arte and up: we arewheadquarters for Wil lamette Valley lan.Ts. close to Portland. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO 414 Spahftng Bldg. W E have some attractive bargain in fruit lands In th famous Mosler and Esst Hood River district, both small and large tracts. If you are looking for fruit -land. It will par you to see McCargar. Bates A IJvely. $15 Falling bldg. CELEBRATED ROGUE RIVER VALLEY fruit lands, large and small tracts, for ale; apples won sweeptk prixe at Spo kane In HeoO: correspondence soUclted. Moor-Ehnl CO.. Meaiora. ur. BEST fruit land. 30 miles from Portland: lo-aere tracta " per a-re; terms. be McDuffee. y20 Ablnglon bldg for Sale Farms. LINCOLN COUNTY ha a mild climate and rain for ail purposes and partly improved lards at reasonable trice, ivlk City, Or. . . , v. vi. Aeiaoe. iitij ,umt.ii.'u w -... . -. . , 1 -.-.- " 1 " i-...LJ xi-axr-ram 1 WAXTEPMISCBIXAyEOCg. HELP WAXTF-D MALE THREE GOOD BUYS CIOOO CASH And $7V on terms buys a neat little home place, consisting of 15 acres; best of soli: four acre olopred. several acre more easily cleared: nea- 4-room houe; spring and fine clear atream through back of place; elegant trout fishing; lies fine; 54 miles from electric car line; 1 mile from country town and only 15 miles from heart vl r'ortland. . 2S ACRES. All eieh land acres under CUltlVB tlon, nine acrea In bearing orchard, five of prunes, four of apples of best varieties; fine 6-room plastered house, bam ToxlNI and necessary outDunaings; piece n.-uii-'' and croas-fenced; good well, spring and running water; school adjoins place; S mile from country town and 10 miles from Vancouver. In thickly settled locality; In cludes personal property as follows: Good team worth $ . double harness, new hack cost 140. wagon, buggy, harrow, culti vators, spraying outfit, cream separator a ., nt, . inn .'nirif.ni -2 hogs and all mall tools and crops to the value of about $Hi0; price f.inuo. nan cam, ao r-Tir tAR-r IMPROVED. All good rich. leel land. 4 acres under cultivation, more easily cleared: about 200.000 feet of green saw tln-bcr; new. . he.m runi-h htillillnc. soring Bud WCll water; 2 miles from country town. 4 miles from electric line and new townslte and 12 miles from Vancouver, on good level road; price only 2.i0o, $1500 cash, balance term of A'ears. TO ACRES Of test level rich soil, all under high state of cultivation, all fenced and cross-fenced In lO, 2 and ;l0-acre lots; fine 2-story t-room house, with nrepiace. inrne i'' apple, chicken and outhouees; fine orchard of assorted mlia In full bearing: 2 good wells with tank and windmill; ! mile from country town, graded senooi, etc.. and 15 mliea from heart of Portland on good country road. Personal property: 14 ... Am. i. ..... miinh eous thoroughbred hull. S voung heifers. 3 calvca, 2H head of hogs. 3 head good horses, with double and single harnesses, buggy, hack. 2 wagons and all manner of farm implements, ino chickens. 50 tons of hav. oats, wnrai. baled straw, cream separator, -etc, all for $!2.5(Mi: Jii.-.oo rasii. balance pr cent., or will sell 123 acres, wltn loo acres under cultivation, and 2:1 acres green saw iimoci for $17.oii. and give terma THOMPSON & SWAN. V6 Kothrhtld bldg. 6th and Main. Vancouver. Wash. " LARGE IRRIGATED DAIRT RANCH. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC LINE AND HOl'R'S RUN TO PORTLAND. Here Is a wonderful ranch of 22tl acres, with 55 acres under irrigation ditch and power already Installed for Irrigating the entire ranch without a cent of cost for the power; land all lies level. 150 acres under plow, balance good pasture and easllv cultivated; $5000 worth of personal property. Including fine herd of Holstelns. go with place; all kinds of machinery and Implements; this Is strictly a bona fine proposition, a duplicate of which Is not in this state: price Is extremely reasonable and I can furnish you Gov ernment references as to the crops which have bee grown through Irrigating on this verv place, three and four crops of clover, 12-fool corn and other products. Come In and see photographs. H. E. Cnspm.m. M7 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE TRACT. SMALL PRICR One tnousnnd acres only 10 miles from Woodland. Waan., which is on the S.. P. S. Railway. 20 mile north of Vancouver. This I trtctly choice land, not kgged-off Innd, but covered with brush ar.d small tim ber, such a fir. alder, bear berry, vine maple, oherry. etc.. and 1 easily cleared. Th... ! a million and half of fine large fir also. Land Is well watered by small streams and spring; adjoin Improved larms; very much of ll la level and will grow any crops or fruit that can be grown In Western Washington: lies In Little Kalama River Valley and is a bargain at the price, namely. fl.l.'ssi. S. G. I.ane. Woodland. Wagh. m LOCATOR LEAVING FRIDAY. Opr-ortunlty lor the right man. L.rini homestead or desert act. SO acres 'that can be watered by running creek at small cost. Fine alfalfa or fruit land, near railroad .nA transportation. Arither So acres that can be irrigated from river by force pump; when in alfalfa this land will sell for w per sere. Thl land Is splendidly located. If Inter, ested, see me at once; Locator taking ev eral taitle to this section Friday. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 24S8. Room 2 Lurrhermenw BMg. 240 acrea fine Alberta wheat land, all cleared and ready for the plow; good houae. barn, well, all fenced; other good Improvements; 40 acre broken; $17 an acre: easy terms. 640 acres, stenm plow wheat land In Alberta; all prairie land, covered with heavy grass; rich, black soli and a day ub-soit: 5 miles from a new town; $18 an acre, terms easy. Wo have a large list of Improved farm and raw land for sale or exchange at prices from $12 to $25 per acre. IDE-M'CAKTHY LAND COMPANY, 425 Lumbermen' Building.' FOR SALE Fine Eastern Oregon wheat farm of land acres. In Gilliam County, only 4 mile to railroad: 500 acres per fectly level, balance somewhat rolling; i.5 acre plowed and harrowed ready for Fall crop. Good house and large barn, also a smalt house. Windmill and plenty of good water from a driven well. Or I will divide this place to suit purchaser. Also a fine Vi section all plowed and har rowed and perfectly level. Either of these fine tracts for $20 per acre from the owner direct, on very easy tortus. T. H I.tttlrhnles. Forest Grove. Or. HOMESEEKERS. On arriving In Portland, don't go roam ing all over a strarge land, but get Im partial, free Information about all prt Western Oregon at Hartman & Thompson, banker. Chamber of Commerce bldg.. oor. 4th and Stark. O mpleie line of Illustrated literature for your Inspection. Call on their Farm Land Dept. You will be made welcome. (See H A R T O O ) b l-:i ACRES- of rich. deep, black swale the kind of soil called "beaverdam," at a price below anything around this part of the country. This soil is the best there Is anywhere for onions or garden truck. This place la only a few blocks from electric railway station: Is all In cultiva tion: lies right on graded street, with board sidewalks to store and station. Vhlch is only 10 miles from Portland. Remember the easy terms. "D." Cha pin A Herlow. 332-338 Chamber of Com- merce . 1S AX ACRH. 71 acres. 4o per cent of which Is good farm land; lo million feet of good saw tim ber; this i an A-l Investment. So acrea, within 12 mile of Portland snd no better land for an all-around fami: 25 acres cleared and 25 more nearly cleared: one-half of this place 1 black swale and beaverdam land. J. M. FRENCH i CO.. 412-413 Ablnglon Bldg.. I'tH Third St. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Ban kers. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Offer hO acre Yamhill Co., with houee, aome stock and personal pro pen y. at l than two-thirds l- value. If sold at once: value $4ioo; cost owner IW1; will take $2500 cash if sold on or before Monday. Farm I,ande Dept. ( See H A R T O G ) A ORKAT DAIRY FARM. Where can you beat It? 21A 150 hay land In cultivation, balance easily cleared: complete st of building, bearing orchard, plenty of water and S mile of river frontage. S mile u Carlton, Or., and two hours to Portland; only $75 per acre, $5"00 ciieh. balance Ming time. C. L. BAMBERGER. Main 24SA. Room 2 Lumbermene Bid g. " HARTMAN THOM PSOnT Banker. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Have a decided bargain In some PO acre of fine land, about 14 mile east of Portland: must be ld; wilt take considerable leew than value for quick sale. Call at farm lands department. (See H A R T O Q. 14000 ACRES. 10.000 acres finest wheat land. 330 sere fine alfalfa Isnd. raliroad through place; splendid water rights; this Is a line sub dividing proposition; price $20 per acre, t cash, balance long time. ZIMMERMAN, SIO TlnarH of Trade Bldg. FINE 7Soo acre on N. Umpqua: 6000 acre can easily be put In cultivation: coyote-proof fence: this will make several fine farms; sin per acre: ioo i--i iu. T. 1MMERMAX. 310 Board of Trade bldg. IMPROVED WHEAT FARMS IN SHERMAN AND GILLIAM COUNTIES Six choice. Improved farms. 1 to 6uiHi acres In each; all In cultivation: $21 to $31 per acre. A. BACKUS. 519 Board of Trade Bldg. $45 ACRES; ad tillable; large dwelling, convenient bam; 500 rods woven fence; adjoining school and railroad; full equip ment, feed. seed, slock; 120 acres seeded; $24,000. Box 60. Route No. 1. Harris burg. Or. FtR SALF: 40 acres, half In cultivation, good houae and barn, runnlnr water. 7 miles from good town snd condenser; $3300, $1000 cash, balance terms. See owner. Cha. Marra. on place, 7 mile south of HUlsboro, halt mil eaat Laurel. Washington County, Of. 2O.'000 ACRES. First-class wheat, alfalfa and grazing land, well watered, near railroad: Ideal for colony: a snap. E. R. Hlckson, 517 Board Trade. A PilOR MAN'S OPPORTUNITY. A home, stock and fruit, on cheap lands of South. AM 32. Oregonlan. Land for sale cheap by owner; o acres choice land. Phona Sellwoud lU'Ju, 704 . suta, at. Bouiii. i. 80-ACRE FARM. WELL IMPROVED. WITH five? woi'SF. HARM AND OUTBUILD INGS: CLOSE TO PORTLAND AND ELECTRIC LINE; FINE BLACK SOIL; $175 PER ACHE; TBK.113. 405 COUCH BLDG. J. A, CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable; no exchange. p. O. Box 74. Carlton. Or. Miscellaneous. HOMES! HOMES! HOMES! Here are a few bargains and YOU will have to act quick If you wish to benefit by them. $3900 7-room modem and up-to-date house. $.'1750 5-room bungalow. $:is.irt 6-room bungalow. J4;(MI 6-room bungalow, fine corner. The above are double construction, hardwood floors, furnaces, shades, lino leum for kitchen and bath, walls papered or tinted, cement porch fioora, sidewalks and graded lawns. $3300 5-room house that is a dandy. You should see these to appreciate Remember we will build any kind of a house on easy terms. Call at our branch office. 43d st. and Sandy Road. Take Rose City Parle car. Tabor 2K12. S. D. VINCENT CO. BIG SNAP One acre, well improved, and only 3 blocks from "W-W" car; price $3iu0. 242 Oth St. ' IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close-in acieage. a wheat ranch or email, wall-improved farm, at low price and oa Boost liberal terms, see ma. I bandi aur awn properties. J. O. ELROD. S20 Corbett Bldg. CHOICE acreage, river frontage, or lots on Oregon city carllne. by owner. ti. -o. Starkweather. Rlsley Station. TO EXCHANGE. EXCHANG E. $400 will put you In possession of a fine cottage. 2 blocks from postofflce, St. Johns; future business corner. I also have home. No. looi East 17th st.; 7 rooms, furnace, modem In every way; Income property; $5oo will put you In possession May 1. I also have business property. Union arc, JS500. $.M cash, balance terms, wilt give you a fine river view lot. Willamette boule vard. E. C. HURLBERT, Owner. J24 Fessenilen St., St. Johns. Or. HOOD RIVER HOME. 10 acre In fruit; near town; beautiful home; a bargain at $S5o0: will trade for small home or. Portland Heights. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce, ii LOS ANGELES RESIDENCE. 11 rooms, modern, perfect repair, bam, tennis court, lot 25 front by 173 deep, all kinds of fruit, close to electric lines, hlgh clas neighborhood, overlooking ocean and city: will Increase In value fast; price, $20,000; exchange for Oregon or Washing ton improved farm or fruit land: must be well located ana good. C. D. Fish. Hood Klver, Or. FINE half section of' Alberta wheat land to trade for Portland residence or acre age. 100 acres of good fruit land In the Moaier district; 40 acres cleared and ready for the plow; 6o more partially cleared; w-lll exchange for Portland properly - or acreaso. price only $5ooo. This IS a snap. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, 425 Lumbermen's Building. FOR Portland residence property; at beach. Sea View, Wash.: best corner location on . boulevard; beautiful shade trees; kitcnen-dlnlng-room, living-room, 3 bedrooms, wash room and observatory; no Incum brance. See McDuffee, 62o Ablngton bldg. $175 equity In good lot. 50x100; graded streets. Bull Bun water; balance $225, payable $7.50 monthly: will trade for motorcycle, launch, piano or horse and buggy. V 361, Oregonlan. tt-ROOM modern houee In Sellwood. close to car: $2so0; for Improved farm "f 40 acres or more; will go as high a $0000; difference In cash. Kauflmann & Moore, 325 Lumber Exchange. $125 TO $10 PER ACRE. 10-acre tracts, all cleared, finest kind of fruit and garden land, to trade for Port land properly. A. BACKUS. 819 Board of Trade bldg. AN elegant Irvtngton seslrtence, new; will take part payment In good mortgage, bal ance 4 veara. 7 per cent: fine bargain for someone. F. Fuchs, 224 S Morrison st reet. WANT close-In East Side or West Side prop erty, not over $10,000; must take some cloae ln choice acreage aa iiart payment. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber commerce. ACRE tracta Improved, near the city, to ex change for good city property, or for sale on easy terms. Provident Investment A Trusts Co., bl'4-026 Hoard or iraae oiag. WILL trade for city property 100 acres Im proved fruit and wheat land, near Madras. Or.. mile from new railroad. AE 364. Oregbntnn. WANTED Portland residence or buaineais property; have 40 acre choice Hood River orchard land in a nne aiatnct. wnirn i win turn In at a low figure. V .'!04. Oregonlan. HAVE $7000 property In Portland to trade for acreage west of Portland. What have you 7 Moose Realty Co.. 504-6 Board of Trade. A FULLY equipped restaurant doing $35 a day. for real estate, value $00. 4J0 Lumber r-xchange. FOR SALE or trade, V, sec. timber land In Curry County, Oregon, for houae and lot In Portland. 618 3d st.. city. HAVE you anything to trade? Call and see us: we pav special attention to exchanges. Moose Realty Co.. 5Q4-6 Board of Trade. 1M ACRES of very fine garden and fruit land, near Vancouver, for sale or trade for Portland property, S 302. Oregonlan. WILL trade 7-room house and 8 full lots In Sellwood for good little farm; price of Sellwood property, $3500. XXX. Oregonlan. ROOM INCpHOUSE to exchange for lot; lease $900. T 3fi0. Oregonlan. Exchange hardware and crockery More, $3500, for Income property. L 852. Oregonlan. YOU can trade any kind of property at 310 Oak St. TTANTFI lFf, F. STATE. HAVE you T.OB Angeles prop erty to trade for Portland Home? If so, see Mr. Guthrie, Columbia Trust Co, 4 th. Board of Trade. WE HAVE calls for property In every part of the city: business and Income property, factory and warehouse sites, houses and vacant lots; all transactlona confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COMPANY. R. w Cor. 6th and Washington Bts. . WANTECf ACREAGE. Want to buy or get selling agency JttO to 1000 acres on Oregon Electric or United Electric within 25 miles Portland; must be good and nearly all under culti vation; Tualatin Valley preferred. Owners onlv. . W 312. Oregonlan. WANT Gland ave.. Union or Burnalde-at. busineaa property; not over e.o.isio; mum take some choice close-In acreage on car line free from Incumbrance as part pay ment, balance cash. Vanduyn A Walton, 515 Chamber Commerce. WANTED House or bungalow wlth fire place; can pay s.iv nown. Daiance u per month: give price, description and loca tion; owners or agents. H 362. Oregonlan. 20.000 to 30.000 acres Oregon or Washington lane, suitable ror colonizing: bjikwit quica, we mean buslnea. AF 372, Oregonlan. WANTED 7-room bungalow, with plenty of ground, trees ana iruit; ciose in, reaton Mi terma S 301. Oregonlan. WANT room for business location, Washing ton or Morrison, irom jo. to ran at. i oi. Oregonlan. ; WANTED Good vacant lot north of Alberta st.: must he snap ana gooa terms. a 3K2. Oregonlan. WANT to buy small modem bungalow; must have terma AH 371. Oregonlan. WANTED All kinds of city property for quick sale. F. Fuchs. 221S Morrison st. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS -BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CHACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. 3Cr MILLION NO. 1 heavy timber on good har bor, cheap If old next 30 days. 733 Mar quam bldg. t TIMBER CLAIMS, homesteads, relinquish ment. 310 Worcester bldg. FOR KENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT. YEARS. 10 acres, all In cultivation, house and barn. S mile O. W. r. carllne. 5c fare; a snap for someone. Call room 301 Princess Hotel. Phone E. 171. WHEAT RANCH wanted. 600 to lOOOjicres; must be first-class wheat land; prefer good buildings, but not essential; must be close to good school and not too far from transportation; . desire It fenced and watered; I' have first-class unincumbered Portland property and good mortgages; I mean business; owners only will please answer. Call on or write or wire J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce, Port lnnd. Or. WANTED, in Western Oregon, for coloniza tion purposes, from 200O to 10.000 acres of land suitable for fruit; price must be low and terms not over one-fourth cash. Give full particulars first letter. Thomas & Walter. 540 Commercial National Bank bldg.. Chicago. v ANTED Good farms for quick, aale. We sell them If the price is right. . Fuchs, 221 S Morrison st. FARMERS We have cash buyers for all kinds of farms: list your acreage with us. 417 Board of Trade. WANTED TIMBER LAMPS. TIMBER, lands wantea. $04 McKay bldg. C J. licCrackssv, TIMBER lands wonted In Grand and Tilla mook counties. 417 Board of Trade. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. HORSES FOR SALE. Two car of horse have Just arrived and will be sold- under our guarantee They range in weight from 1000 to 14O0 lbs.; age from 6 to 11 years;, all good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three SDan of small mules, weight 900 to 10O0 lbs., for sale. Call acd Inspect these. If wanting horses. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. $225. TEAM AND HARNESS, $225. 2000-lb. team of horse, cloeely mated and true and reliable, single or double; this team can do as much work as a $400 team; set of heavy sewed "trace harness, as good as new; warranted and trial allowed. O. R. C. Stable, 14th and Yamhill. FOR SALB Team of two horses, harness and aprtng wagon; all in first-class con dition; will make price right for quick sale. Owner, W 356. Oregonlan. WANTED Matched team of horses, about JiOO; must be young and bay color. Rob erts Bros, 3d and Morrison sts. FOR SALE One 4-year-old team, mare and geldlr.g. weight 25u lbs.. Mitchell wagon and Portland No. 1 truck harness; ail now; can be seen at East Grand ave. and Ash st. Owner, phone B 1152, room 4. $175 BU YS-TlOo-VnJ team anT harness and two-seated hack, good as new. $100 buys mule and horse with harness. See watchman, Hawthorne Park, East 12th and Madisnn. Iul"R choice of three horses, ages from 6 to It. weight from 1200 to 150O lbs. : prices from $50 to $100. O. R. C. Stables. 14th and Yamhill. ' WANTED To rent by the month, team and -harness, ordinary team will do; r.o livery man need answer. F 3'io. Oregonlan. FOR HIRE. PORTLAND STABLES. 20 A. 15TH ST. MARSHALL 16SU. HOUSES AND WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. FOR SALE One good work horse, welgh . lng 13t0. sound and true; one heavy draft team, weighing 32'0. 226 Russell St. HUBERT A HALL'S STABLES. 380 Ftant St.. livery business, rigs, horses, harasvs. wagona, for aals or rent. Main 120$. TWO light horses, weight about 1000; will sell cheap. Inquire between 12 and 1, Hnzlewood Stahles. 11th snd Flanders. WANTED Use of horse for feed; also to buy one-horse wagon and working harness. Address Wastena Farm, Troutdale, Or. GOOD team mares, harness and nearly new 3-lnch wagon, $250. McCoy, 364 North 2nth, W per. BLACK and bay horses and harness sale cheap. U. S. Feed Barn. Front St., F. McCurd-; PASTURE for rent near Portland. 339 Sher lock bldg. Phone Main 1410. PRACTICALLY new Weber wagon cheap. Phone East Q5 or 555 East Washington st. WANTED To hire teams at $7 per day. East Water and Salmon. Phone 926. Pianos. Orrsna and M UMlcill Instruments. FOR SALE A bargain for cash. Chlckering grand square piano, good con uion, good tone, good-looking, excellent for large hall or beginners. Inquire No. 12 East th st. fnone r;asl 2iy2. HIGH-GRADE standard make, positively new piano. 175 caah. call 22o 5th st. opposite Courthouse; home all day and evening. ALMOST new- $400 piano, your own price ana terms; mu.st sell at once. Mra. scott. Phone A 44O0 het. 7 and 9 P. M. Automobile. WHY? Buy a second-hand car WHEN We can sell new automobile from $1173 to $30O0; twenty different styles; two. three, five, seven passenger: twenty, thirty forty, fifty horse power; and guarantee all cars free-from defects in workmanship and material. Write or call for our little booklet. STODDARD-DAYTON AUTO CO, s Tenth st. LEAVING city soon and want to sell my 60-h. -p. shaft drive, toy tonneau Stearns at once. it is in line conaition ana a snap for someone who wants the real thing In motorcars. Demountable rims. extra tires, top, glass front, eta Tchephono East 4344. AUTOMOBILE for sale; $1650 cash takes model 16 toy tonneau, HMO Buick In A-l condition; fully equipped. Including glass front, mohair top. speedometer shock ab sorbers, extra tire, tubes, etc x 361. ore gonian. WANTED Bv the Y. M. C. A. Automobile School, automobile to repair: no charges except for parts fumisnea. fnone eauca tlonal director. A 6501. Private Ex. 65. Y. M. C. A. bldg. WILL trade mv 5-passenger automobile, good order and almost new. for good lota Or nOUSes; navn luur ui uivai cin. -vu dress, with particulars, location, price, Y 3o4. Oregonlan. AUTO-RUNABOUT, big one; can run It fully equipped: top. extra seat, tires, etc: only $4mo, part cash, balance trade. Owner, room 4K. K-'n'-a vasnington st. AM retiring from automobile business, have "one five and one seven-passenger car will sell at factory cost; your own term. J 3H8. Oregonlan. GOING to California for the Winter: want responsible party of means to cave for my new id 1 1 automobile for the use of same. Address, with reference. Y 303. Orfgonlt.n. i,. ai'liKls. Polk County. 4 miles of Dallas. exchange for 3o-horaepower auto. 19oi or lull'. 403 coucn niog. - Foil SALE 5-passenger Franklin, fully equipped, or will trade for good real es tate. AN 360. Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade. 7-patsenger Wlnton. In fine shape and a bargain. Hess &,0'Brlen, gara e. ' Miscellaneous. HAVE two A No. 1 motion-picture theaters for sale both In thla? city; low rent and long leases; locations fine; not selling out on acoonnt of poor buines; for cash only, price $2250, $1500. Address R 355, Ore- gonian. 1E Northwest Typewriter Company. 32J Ablngton bldg. Phon if. S870. la th only .company selling strictly factory re built typewriters; prices $10 to $6$. ALMOST new drophead White sewing ma chine. 20. vaii mtrnili.a. ooi x-u. Washington. t BLICKENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS. $4j. $50. Ask for catalogue. Rebullts $15 up. N. M. Hayter A Ca, 90 Mh at. Main 5o28. STUDY with American Correspondence School of Law; 3 years" course. C W. Warrtle. agent, room 23. Lafayette bldg. U'IERVOOD typewriter: latest model, "cheap. Room 9 Washington bldg., 4th and Washington. STOCK of crockery, glassware, novelties, registers, 2 shooting galleries, finest on the -l n ;isty A. ail hi m ONE-Eureka hop-press, good as new; price H. U- aiaraYicmci, " BEAUTIFUL shell portieres; can be seen at 877 Vancouver we. Nui'JtS and mortgages bought and sold. Na tional crean ass n. e-i " ,.v,i. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. S1J Everett, corner om. amu u TV ANTED MlSCEIXA-EOCS. SELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get leas. Phone A 2445. Main SU31. I WANT to "get next" to great Pacific NortnweSl lueiaiuin. at,i, tLiniui. v. Battle. Paducah. Texas. 1 WANTED. CARLOAD LOTS split cedar fence posts; quote price t. o. b. load lng point. AE 363. Oregonian. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, call up George Baker A Co, 152 Park st. Both phones. WANTED To buy second-hand donkey for clearing lana; aooui w nornepower; niu.-i lie In first-class condition.- Corhett bldg, 7"9. WANT to let contract to clear 20 to 1O0 acres; onlv rellaoie parties neea apply, vanauyn 4 Walton. B15 Chamber Commerce. LADY has nice home, would cars iat tmall child, ois college si. CLOTHING. Wanted Men' castoff clothing and ehoe nd bicycle; highest prices paid; w also buy ladles' clothing. Call up the Glob second-hand store. Phone Main 2080. 290 let t. Prompt attention alway given. Wo call la every part of th city. CLOTHINO. Wanted Men's cast-off clMhlng and shoes; we also buy household furnlshingi,; highest prices paid. Call at tha "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d at. Main 9272. PAY cash for equity contracts on lots or real estate contracts; ready to buy at once. What have you to offer? National Realty A Trust Co, 326 Washington st, room 516. CARPENTER work of all kinds; Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummlngs Catlln. 71 First St. Marshall 2327. WE BUY all kinds second-hand store fix tures and pay the highest price. 222 Grand avenue. WANTED Double drum hoisting engine with out boiler; In Junk condition; cash. Phone Main 8766. WANT to buv furniture of 7 or 8-room flat; West Side. A 365 Oregonlan. arui una p&iu mr your luuiiuir, v . ... attention alway given. Pbone )ast 1067. I HELP WANTED MALE. MEN'S HIGH-GRADE SUITS. Overeats and trousers. $30 to $35 suits and overcoats. $1875. $25 to $30 suits and over coals $14.75; $3.50 to $4.0o trousei-s for $2.5o. They are manufacturers' samples and cancel lation orders, sold by Jlmmle Dunn in an office building l rent $30 a month), on a 15 per cent profit bais. Jimmie does not claim to give you something for nothing, but he " can save you $10 on your purchase of a suit, raincoat or overcoat. Room 315. Oregonlan bldg. Take elevator, third floor. SALESMEN Tha Columbia Life- A Trust Company have an opening for one -or two ft rat-claws solicitor. If you hav not had experience In selling life Insurance you will be schooled and rendered assistance In find ing prospects and closing Dueiueaa, Come la and talk It over. Ask for 8. P. Lockwood, Vice-Pie, and Gen'l Manager, or Harry Rlchey, City Manager. 9th floor Spalding bldg. MOVIXG-HICTURB operators' school: take lessons at a reputable school; we have the only first-class school here; we furnish best references Irom principal theaters in Port land and eLsewhere where we have sup plied operators; we guarantee to teat h you right, at Wtia price you can get elsewhere: . ree us first. New York Film Co. and School Motion-Picture Operating. 526S Wash, jiear 1 7th. WANTED 5 high-class suieirnen with $HH each or more to organize co-operative Halfi company for Pacific Coast for Nationally ad vertised article of merit: absolutely essential that you be sale.inian and show ability to handle men. as you will eventually be put In charge of a branch office. Call C. 11 Kreigh. Svward Hotel, room 219: MEN WANTED Age 18 to 85. lor firemen. $100 monthly, and brakemeu. $t0. oa nearby railroads. Experience unnecessary; no strike. Promotion to engineers, con ductora Railroad employing headquar ters over 500 men sent to positions monthly. State age. Send stamp. Rall way Association, care Oregonlan. EARN more money; learn automobile driv ing and repairing; day or evening; pay later. Ofl'lce 326S Washington. Room, 417. BRIDGE) foreman. $5. Plledriver engineer, $4. Bridge foreman, log road, $4 and board. . Carpenters, bridge and house, $4 and $3.50. C. R. HANSEN & CO, 26 N. 2d Si. t SALESMEN for the new changeable passe partout foe art and photo postals, kodak prints, etc.; 17 designs; patent pending; no competition"; big seller; write for sam ples and territory. Postal-Passe-Partout Co, 305 Tajo block, Los Angeles, Cal. WANTED A young man to act as Kales man and learn the real estate business; good money .now and an excellent future. Call between 8 and 9:30, If possible, for Mr. Glrton. Jno. P. Sharkey & Co,. 122S 6th st, cor. Washington. WANTED Men at Lo Angeles; no expense to learn trade electricity, automobiles, plumb lng, bricklaying by actual work, contract Jobs; only few month required; 2u0 student last year; catalogue free. United Trade School Contracting Co, Lo Angeles. 600 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for electric railway luotormen and con ductors; $60 to $100 a month; no experience necessary: fine opportunity; no strike. Write Immediately for application blank. Address X 328, care of Portland Oregonlan. WANTED 20 young men to solicit business for us a a side line; good money In it. Call between y and 10 A- M. or 5 and 6 P. M. Armstrong Collection Agency, X2i Lumhermens bldg. WANTED Experienced country newspaper solicitor; must be experienced and sober; $18 per week and expenses; position may be permanent to man who can make good. Address S 369. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced Janitor, murrit-d.; only those who have had previous apartment-house experience need apply; state full particulars by letter. AN 362, Orego nian. WANTED Steady, reliable man. with $150 cash, make $30 weekly; experience not required: single man preferred; handle your own money. Particulars 190 S 3d st, room 23. HAVE first-class opening for man to act as treasurer; must furnish $250 cash se curity or bond. Salary $25 per week. Must travel. Pulslfera Theatrical Ex change. Marquam bldg WANTED Good. live, energetic man to take half Interest in real estate business; must be hustler; such a man can make $200 per month; small amount required. Herrlck Malden Co, 3H3 Board of Trade. MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mull order house to distribute, advertise, etc; $20 weekly: expense allowance. Globe As sociation. 123S State st, Chicago. STENOGRAPHER Want a man about 21 years old for permanent position. Com mercial Abstract Co, 408 Commercial Club bldg. ' WANTED An experienced promoter to pro mote a first-cla.-ei mining proposition: big in ducement to right party. Address 9 368, Ore gonlan. WANTED Coatmakers and tailors wanted inside by the week, steady job year around. Maxwell, The Tailor, 216 Wash Ington st. CLOTHING, furnishing, hat salesmen, checkers, floorwalkers and cashiers. 2d floor. 5th and Washington sts. Tho P. C. Company. MATTRESSM AKER wanted. Steady work for right man. Portland Furniture Manu facturing Company, 1249 Macadam road. Fulton car. 500 MEN wanted to buy their pants of me; $4.50 to $5 trousers for $3.50; values up to $4 at $2.50 a pair. Jimmie Dunn, 315 Ore gonian bldg. RAILWAY mail clerks, postofflce clerks and carriers' examination In Noveasber; salary up to $1800; free book 30. Paclflo States School. McKay bldg. RAILWAY mall clerks. Portland examina tions November 12, $300 to $1600. Prepa ration free. Franklin Inatltute. Dept. 316 T. Rochester, N. Y. FIRST-CI.ASS coatmaker wanted at once; prices $10.65 and up. William Helkklla, tailor Sil r, Vi i.-onap ai, rtunuccii, ,i ttaii. STRONG BOY. over 16. to learn mattress- making: wages o M per weta. wiwaras Co, 191 1st. WANTED Bushelmen's tailor, men's dept.. permanent positlon.( K. M. Gray, io-i5 Morrison St. HEAD BOOKKEEPER and office manager re- qUireu. AUUreM Ull huih-uhw, iw M null, Oregonian. WANTED at once experienced young man. non-union, to leea platen press; state age and salary expected. L 305. Oregonian. SCHOOL BOYS wanted for clean messenger work, gooa pay, alter scnooi noura. west ern Union Telegraph Co, 3d and Oak sta. S5 PER MO.Mn Learn leiegrapny; aay ana evening sessiuuo. riMm.., y . . ... . Portland, Or. WANTED Carpenter for concrete forms. 16th and JlizaDetn si, r-oriiana neignis car. BOY' wanted with bicycle. Haack Bros, 351 Alder. WANTED Young man to carry dishes. Peerless eaieiena, iv-i om au WANTED Experienced pan washer. Peer less Cafeteria. J04 .itn St. COMPOSITOR, non-union. 12 Mulkey bldg. Second ana Morrison. BUSHELMAN. quick worker. very good good wages, za noor uui ana v asnington sts. The P. C. Company. CASH boys. $6 weekly, 2d floor 5th and W ashington. I ne f. v.ompany. WANTED Boy to drive wagon. 73 -East 7th St. North STOCK boy wanted. Archer & Schanz Co., 5tli and oak. CARRIERS Boys wanted for routes south of Powell st. Apply room 203, oregonlan bldg. BOY about 17 for general work: steady job. Avuugear jiuio l-o.A 1100 jiavauaiu iuau, INCIDENT. Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. (Young man, stranger in Port land, $20 total assets) "If I pay $5 for Spe cial Employment Membership, will only hav $15 left between me and starvation." iSec retary) "If you pay $5 for Special Employ ment memhership, you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation." Employment or refund of membership fee) guaranteed. See Secretary Advisory and Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. f WANTED Able-bodied men for the IT. 8. Marine Corps, between too age of 19 and 35; must be native bom or have first pa pers; monthly pay $15 to $69; additional compensation possible; food, clothing, quar ters and medical attendance free; after 30 years' service can retire with 75 per cent of pay and allowances; service on board ship . and ashore In all parts of th world. Apply st U. S. Marine Corp Recruiting Office, greeden bldg, sd and Washington sia., Portland. Or. WANTED Young men to take charge of billiard room Apply Portland C mmerciai Club. 5th and Oak st, superintendent's office, between 9 and 11 A. M. THE GREATER OLDS. WORTMAN KING STORE requires the services of two hoys of good character, thoroughly honest; reference; for transfer and package work: good po sitions to right parties. Apply 8 to 10 A . M FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer for wholesale house: must be accurate In figures and good penman and be strictly-up-to-date tirst-elass bookkeeper: srata reference, experience and salary expected. D 373. Oregoiian. CAN use 10 more men in my gold dredging camp at $4 per day; X hours; take small interest or furnish guarantee; make care ful investigation as to the merits of the proposition. Call room 201, Gerllnger bldg, 2d and Alder. THE Meier A Frank stores require two competent carpet salesmen; also two com petent carpet layers; also stockmen, for their carpet section. Apply at superin tendent's office. 6th floor, s to 10 A. M. THE GREATER OLDS. WOKTMAN KING STORE requires the services of tailors for women' garments: also fur workers. EXPERIENCED machinist and experienced ' concrete man for out-of-town work. Ap ply in person at 1206 Spaldi n g U 1 d g. MAN. with wife, for janitor work in small apartment-house, for rooms, heat, light, water. J 3Q.'. Oregonlan. WANTED A Japanese boy to work mornings and even'uga for room and board. D 374, Oregonian. TWO experienced tailors on coats: call at once: $20 to $25 per week for right men; steady w-ork. 12SS Second st, room 9. EXPERIENCED man. acquainted in the city, to list and sell rooming houses. R. H. Goodkind Co, 516 Board of Trade bldg. FIRST-CLASS sash and door machine man; also two boys. Oregon Planing Mills, lath and Vaughn. TAILORS Men tailors for women's gar ments. Apply S to 10 A. M. Olds, Wort man A King's, 2 TAILORS, one first-class coatmaker and 1 operator on coats. Apply 506 Phoenix bldg, S3 f.th st, cor. Oak. WANTED A good stove mounter; also stova moulders. Apply to Albion Stove Works, limited. Victoria. . NIGHT WATCHMAN, local man. with good references. 2d lloor 5lh and Washington. The P. C. Company. FIRST-CLASS finisher wanted: none but ex perienced need apply. Call shipping room, 2d St.. 1. Gevurtz & Son. AGENTS WANTED At once; best money. , making proposition In city. Call 419 Worces ter bldg. SHOEMAKER wanted, one who can buy part of shop. Apply or address C. Schoenbeinz. Oregon City. , IF YOU have salary raising ability, write! for our new catalogue. International Cor-re-sponder.ee Schools, 233 Alder St. YOUNG man. about 18 years of age. Apply Portland Laundry. 9th and Couch sts. TAILORS wanted. Call rooms 10 and 11, Ra- leish bldg. Stone Bros. WANTED A eash and. door cutter by Acm Planing Mill Co, East Water and Oak. WANT EDStrong-boy'for" horseshoeing shop, 3'Q Front st. t FIRST-CLASS bushelman wanted. Fashion Tailors. 73 Otli st. WANTED Couohmakers, steady work. Carman Mfg. Co, ISth and Upshur. COUPON agent, line holllday offer. R. M. Hogan. 525 Ablngton bldg. BOY wanted to assist proofreader. Apply Irwln-Hodson Co, l-lth and Gllsan sts. HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman or rep. resentatlve. 215 Commercial bldg. WANTED A good meatcuttcr. Address Brodtrs Urns, Eugene. Or. ' WANTED Bellboy. Apply Hotel Lenox. 3d nnd Main. WANTED Japanese or Chinaman to work in rooming house. 88 Oth. FI R WORKERS at the Greater Olds. Wort man. King store. Apply 8 to 10 A. M. WANTED Boy with Vienna Dye Works. wheel to 226 3d st. WANTED A and Alder. presser. Grand Leader, 5th PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; new offer. Cutberth studio. Dekum bldg. WANTED Stlckerman. Pacific Coast Dooi Co, 972 Macadam St. BOOKKEEPING, private tuition by an expert accountant. 301 Merchants Trust bldg. BOY for general work; wages $6 week. Lennon's, 309 Morrison st. BOYS t2 with wheels; wages $45 to $0U per month. 324 Yamhill. WANTED A good German sausagemakeri none but competent need appiy.34o st su W A NT E D 2 sa 1 e-imen. 303 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED A bellboy. Hill House, 265 14th. HELP WANTED MAIJa OR FEMALE. FULSIFER'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. Only bona fide booking office in Port land; has openings for vaudeville acta, dramatic people, artlcts In all lines; spe cial attention given to cafes and club en tertainment. Want chorus women for the road; two companies just organized; dramatic people all lines wanted for stock, sketches written and rehearsed, manu scripts for royalty plays furnished; have Coast rights for some of the latest pro ductions. See me for everything in the line ot amusements; book all Independent houses on the CoasL Pulslfer's Theatrical Exchange, Marquam bldg. 10.000 POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu ates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert Instructors; tools free; write lor cata logues. Mohler System of Colleges. 83 North 4th st, Portland. Or. AMATEURS wanted In all lines; teach vau deville and dramatic, write skeicnes ana rehearse, under the direction of Professor Mallee; If you have talent, will book you; have Coast rights for some of the latest Eastern production. Wanted at all time, goo'd dramatic people. Polsifer Theatrical Exchange. Marquam bldg. WANTED An experienced promoter to pro mote a first-class mining proposition: big Inducement to right party. Address S litis. Oregonlan. BOYS and girls wanted over the age of 16 for wrapping soap. Mt. Hood Soap Co.. HIS N. 4th. WANTED First-class harpist to accompany violinist: steady every night. AN 304, Oregonlan. ' MAKE money writing stories for newspaper; big pay; send for free booklet; tell hoar. United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. SPLENDID opportunity for lady or gentle man having $250. ability and aaieiman. ship. X -H14. Oregonlan. WA-NTED Someone who can write well; good pay. AK 364, Oregonlan. FISK TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, 611 Swet land bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL wanted, over 16, to take care of 2 Vhlldren. Call before 12. 328 Clay st. GIRL to do cooking In p day st, corner of 10th. In private family. 403 WANTED Girl for general housework. ISA 17th st. North. HOUSEKEEPER for widower with children; good home. Call 1Q2' Grand ave. North. GIRL to do general housework; German pros ferred. Inquire 601 Schuyler st, cor. 15'.h. 4 GIRLS to learn beauty culture. Sani tary Beauty Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg. GIRL for general housework, small family; good ages. 363 N. 32d St. LADY' cook wanted at 307'A First st, be tween Columbia and Clay. GIRL" for general hous3work; small fam ily of adults. 651 Hoyt St.. near 20th. CLOAK and suits alteration hands. Apply; Yale Outfitting Co, 4:Q Washington st. CHAMBERMAID wanted. 162 2d it. .', X