THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1910. 15 ? HR RENT. VHCX you mv UT1 orj new furniture. uy It ni u. Mnc . ;il ex- cee.j your m-jxi.-g ;'-nejL Cur .u-ht.NT PHlCEa made us one of the icn furniture houses in the city In t yr. L.ere ihr.D aixt courtesy - buyers. MuhoAX-ATOHUV FURNITURE) CO. -1$ Grand v-., ornr E S;rk t East Ar.k.:y snJ liu' !-S vr carllnes PASS OUR IKXJE. STRICT LT modern rvim houi. very ftn ar-l. Iiwn ana f t -: . excellent l-rti.)n. 1 hlui'k from ' 1. r. rnl I U C 1170. gmtd terv HOISES and Cats for rem: some furnisned. MKIU HANTS BAV1.V1S THL'ST COMPANY, TV frr. Hth ni Wahlngtoi PtS. Wt IA . rnt niir beaut If ul H-fwm horn in truifir.n f in W!ntrr. f urntsrted I ir'UK twut ; rnt 3 per month furr.lslied; , .er m nth unf jraisr.ed. Call -J4 I. )t bitg K m M mod or: f urnlsb-d home In Haw i norn Park, Ith or without garage phone Sunday or any morning beior v o ruck. East 3"i. VI tiWKIi ;-riHm cttttit. nlr In fc.t - and Irving. Call roum 201 et- la'd i. rT' PHil I. f-.f r.e ar or fcnger. uKlera ft-r--..t rurr.jiftM hue-. god la:lon. wa.k trr JUir.c. Wee Si .e. A V'M. i-Rixty furnished fUt. welkin dittnr, r- iwnihifi. I hoai Marshall 4S. 373 3d !urnu1 him.', I- Incton ; ill sell p i rr-ranerit tr.r.:. Particular Itl. 3'. Mrrts.-n St. Ft f'.NISED hwie f"f rnt In eirharrw for n sn b-.N. 12 Stewart Laure.wood vi- -. M:. -tt rr. ! K rorrs. flrwt rJ.-r. partly furm-hrd; ntiid. r. 1. ana c'a nr in pamry. $lA: on V-k rnrunr. 4i E t. O'ANKR ltvir. if. 7-nwm hue. j ro-nn turr-.iKhrti . r-ffrfr-'fi Call &. E- iW or K-iMS. mil a r-in4 mr.tx mut - rnifi a r M-i:n jPa .'jvir.n Tr. M.-tikI v-n- m h--ui. nar Arbor Llff & K it:i- 411 Fat M i i furr... lr at -K 'L'M ir.l bath, rao-lrn. new. furnlahed. i: Jr 3th r.arAid :r. "h-'ih- for Fefil umlture for hale. .1 KTH.MS. M KLI- ITRMTl'RE Nrl n.l and rl. an. Kf.dy to m' Into Flat fr rnt nTv JJ." prr m n-!. itn'lutilnc Km tlmin-r-'.n at. atl f r cajfi or oi rt c i iilnr pavmmti. -'ir particular . I f-tn T.t ak f-.r .rr A fl.sK low rt. t-: in. rt p U i. rrIoklnc th h rity, H rvrTia. 6 fjm'iftfl. 3 room rented unfurntaed; Wra f !n furniture an! carpel, half of cat prtre; c-t ' W ar leav 1: c ti rtty Y :;'. urvyrmn - l i.KS il furniture In a 4-r apart nient. a;rtir-ut for rnt. Inquire of Mn acer of Ma'Un atreet Apart n.enta, t urn ytr-et. . Fl l: NISH KD f-M. moi-rrt, furniture new. r-nt reaaonsb'r; 1- minute' ri'le f-"rn birt of c:t. I'hune Yl- :'HM 1 r inior ri.ithn A r.? SN a f Kurntshed - roomed toue. I bl fr-m Waahlrcton. renf fine lo ct ; . m f r r"tnTi or boarders. u ner. VI t'ti at. nn- i-r-'m corner. m rart nw furniture f-r fiat: all n t -n . r m f. t h at . A furniture of t l.e:ip. rent F'a-k at. ;-ro':i fit for le A 7ilJ. 473S West NEV furmslie.i -r-m rt.i'der be.!. rtne carp-is, line r. r--nt 1 - nl t flat. 4 good iac bargain 1st St. Ft" R N ITt" t. E of a modern r.irnr f at for sale . rent street. 3- room I X- Rt ' 'M modern cot tace. Income r-nt : l.argaln; parties leaving cliy. 'oiu"Ttla st. 4 RM h ate. Cl c;ithn use for rent .1 at store. and furniture t i-orner -4:h an4 FIKMTIT.B ,t &-r--'u I. at Xtr ele: rent 2T .V. A 1 73 a oc A Jrtr .-.! n re II A M sr-1 af-r 2 P. M Ik x in i i N Furniture of an b-room house, Mt.od location for rentinc roons. h li'and N . be:wrn Ank -nv .t-.o ir:-' T".H il l: l-'i.nillurf of mod. rn - Iho-iae rnt t.. : fine local ton fr boarder m l roort;er. 4 ! 7 1 "1. nTRT laH. ft-. m Urn IatL i omite r furnished. .- sale at H-. Kent 1-7-60, Call and s a I'M N. 1Mb 4-f: M ho ft-r rent and furnHur t store comer 4th . for and Fl'LVITCRE, n residence, six dei-n dcs:rHbie. Sunny aide phone Tabor 44. j.-,,oM f;at. g-M furniture; modern, tha :r: tcrrr.s 3 3d s:.. C. Fl '.NTTI RE 7 room, close in. cheap rent. Irt; hpnan street. near Morrison. Fl i.NITl'KE of 7 room for al cheap. 360 F. .si fitn t. Store. IET MARKET PTOREROOif f'OR RENT. r in locntton for a market in irvir.srtoii at Kr.9 n and f ialaey t. ; no market in sll Irvlngton nearer than Union .; no.-.!. location for boti fine ruts and i- verse mats. will chance the storeroom i a rrt rkrt room. (wner. We'kdav. 3 Fvt M"rriv)n sc. phone evenini; and Sunday s. East FCR RENT 4-atorr and baaoment brick store bu.Mln. Soil 40. soutueat corner Front and pto. Apply Cheater V. OolpX 303 Mohawk bldg- yc r RENT Storeiom. koI location foi hut cher ir an vtMng , Next to go.d if roc -erv and rlr.itor '3'h Sixth. fToRE. In new t-uildiriic. suttaMe for a i ombtrarton of dry good Mni millinery. Ph-ne rt-r -J7 or U t;E. at -aJ Larrabee str-ei. :tj Waahmcton s'ret. rHm -'"1. T. LARwK brick story. sultaMc f.r c t. ;.!-.iTer. pointer, etc. .M 71 7 t' or factory, r.ew buiictng ont bete en Etst rii and ' M'xlin, Hel- 'th. COf: n Kit store fr rent, l.-nm 3rd and Mln Inquire Htel OtTWee. FOR SALE LEASE G ROUND-FLOOH OFFICE. Fine ioeatloa u;tsble fjr statlmery. bank trr. real estate business, etc. For fur toer mformatl'-a appiy to THS sUL"T H ER-AURERTdON COk. 2v oak c.. Portland. Or. FOR RENT Three fine iff ice room on second f . .r Lumber Ex nan vo buiMirg. 21 and F:rk s- Icjuire F. B. Hoi brook Co.. ;?t t.rmtr T. -nange bMg. kor cenually located "Caves $12 and up. ail-night elevator se-vtcv C0d S wetland ir1. . .ith ar.d Vaah:ng:oft. DfTSiv R"hiM v rn: la fliu f 3 Iws Mlg !y furnWhed of- F i' riN ISH ED office. I h-re. Ii yrY-.-e aci ea':. Call 513 Rotht bfdgj. I'ESK hM titflt fumishe-1 office; r.o rexl etate man. M fclertrlc h.Ir. TO IXA5E FOll LEASfV-Trackag; fin warehouie or rr fr leeark'n; a 'so rirnr t'"r rxirr.. 3Jd and Bread way. rady Not. 1. Alair.i Fuel Co. S5tINEH OPltiKriNITIEA. FOR 8 ALB. Stock of a rck"t stor . 63 feet of shelving. to-e table ard ou. v l.liams eve. HANNEsS swp. "-d ltin la a gd iive town. For Information adtlrcae P. O bx No. 3. Vale. Or. FOR PALE General tor la trrlcated project; don t answer unless you mean bus:r.ess.A 32-4Cn-eg n!n. ." faSINESs car!, li t'; oa mux br;rg th! ad. !' City Prin:ery. Third si., nar Tayl -r !riR SALE Small up-to-date ere mere In gjod mtlk district: chevp if taken soon. Ad ireas H. A. Wtison. Il Curry st.. city. Sfv busirees A sr. lend d mMn unity fr the rr. 4 n s trh cr.. A J t Tegontan. MO IN'i-PI' TCRE th. 44 KothchUd bMg. atcr .ir sale ESTABLISHED automoDi:. AD 37. Oregon i a "- agency f.-r eaia $rt. RFSTACRANT f rrt $3 Si'm-n dvica room; W A N T E I Man with business, mak ing trunks. J 3V Oregnian WANT ED Man butr-s J . Into tea and Oregorlan. WE handle any legitimate pron.sltion. t'ton tinertal Trut i . ;;ol-4t - S p a 1-jn JW H FOR at A LE Restaurant. 4W WasMrgtun St., rM h::no. rod trmi long lean. ti tArt ai d candy store for ale. doing good Jy:n'ss. See owner. I Burnslde St. MEAT market for sal or rent, furnished. Diots Et MJH XROTERT. Weet Side fl.w. New tock t a bargain. phon MinH'l 1k:s. ii. Oi char -e for rrMurant nlsted room a 630 1st :. ind 2 1 unfur- BFSrNTSS OPFORTCMT1EA. SPECIAL INVESTMENT. TO MAN OR WOMAN W HO WILL IN VEST Jr'ROM I.MHto TO $.. WITH Mr- i IN" A I'ltOPOSITinx KAfTOHY NOW I IN OPERATION IN POHTLAN'L) WILL WARANTEE LAR;E RETl'RNS 'N' rM M r..N i AM) A i I c. i m s;.l-s. ik i IK.-; red. Tins m i- NESS WILL START l.K OV M EliCi A I WORLD AND H E V O L I ' T I O N 1 - r. ITS I INK, WILL STAND STRICTEST IN VESTIGATION AND MCST HE CLOSED ; THIS WEEK. FI LL PARTI''l LK IN TER V 1 E W ON L Y. A FT ER T L'EsDA 1 ADDRESS M 30a. OREGONIAN. JafOTIOV-PICTX'Re ir.aeb!nea;; Power. Fdl- aona. Path and other always In tm.-k from i up; tbe latest and oet nirr.a tor rwn, ' The bK I none too rood" la our atar.dard. We teach operut tat and quai:fy to run a how; before ctoainc deal elawher be ure and je u; e have h g "oda. and prU-ee are rifiit. Lamn.i Fl.m Service. Paatagea b.dc. Portland, Or. ARE YOU LOOK I NO FOR A BUSINESS? If bo rail r ni HMr1wre. invoice about ITrtOO; fine lo- Cilmn; ihmp rnt. S.-tlmn. U rno one, lome and let us Pool hall. :i. 4. and ll-tublo hall. C:r and ronfctionerv. In vote tvoout $-.Vju. a not her, IJmmi; another for 1 1 Lot of nt busines chiinces. GO 'DNofCH SE1TZ. 71 It.Kird of Trade. A FINE ;ROCERY STORK. One of thi beat retail rrv t-ry stores on East Side. onl one In district: very flne huiries corner, new store with good le: nice new futures, auaranteed h" on a vavlnr basis, will in v olee about j.'tmo; if you aant a god busimss. lei, us Show you this place. r.HISSI A 3! A now. IT pnsrd of Trade Bid . 4th and Oak. For FALE. A 2-M capacity Ruaael! portable sasr- mi'l Ltmplet. w it h cutoff aw, sawdust fonvc)or. etc.: als- a No. 1 Northwest planer, w Ith attachments, rood a I J:as been uied only a short time. For particulars call at my pfftce. 22'5-:- Front u, iririiano. or. HERMAN MET''iER. Owner. A i. (Mill M l VrWAi'TIHI Ni5 HI Si NESS- I want an activt; of ability and mm to rxLa Inirnit In'lur In r business of merit, r-rortts Ure and ure: if j want m xhm! propositi look this up; we guarantee this; 4-lJ'X required. nrtcssf x- zadow. 317 Board of Trale FIdg.. 4th and Oak. I AM buil. line a mortem -rouin bouse Mon:aviiia costing on a im cost in. '; I uould llk party with IImi to take ii;r lnurtjt tn Mme: no use wit: te cornptd in rt wevks. we can easily 1I It f'-r -."'; thrre Is Siuo pr;u ;iiiec on the Investment. A. N. Sarle. Tnktf M-V c;r. pet orf t:. "Hth St.. !ice on corner ANTED Partner t- lake vae-iukif Interest and rw-Ip manage one of the e hoteis in I'.Ttland i:h rrll TKiin and bar; lor.g !'; p,ac now clearing hotter than IVrf i-fr mon-h; ,Vi-0 tain required; ejt,-enrn--e not n t-smr : If you mean business answer mi once. M SM. reu.nlin. V A LP ABLE BUSINESS INFORM Al ION. This ogncy is In a position to rurnisn reliable information regarding business openings; only legitimate propositions con- Sliltrtf O AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 4M Atiington bl'lrf.. Estcb'isod 1S'.3- Ft.T. SALE Deiica:esen and home bakery. the test little bualr.fS in the city. In apartment -hfMie district; for man and wife who are gort cooks this is the chance of a lifetime- full invest! if at ton lnviled; m cash Mill buy It. phone Main 3;7- AN is eptioual opportunity for a ouiik man to cciire a half interest In an old -s- t.itlthF4 cash business, ne vine at least f liM per month; J.'.ini security reUlred if itrop.kSltton proves satisfactory. Cail ton ay , !7 ponrd of Trade. FvU SALE vr rent The new Portland Houe r.nifin of a hotel and a ore if general merchandise, at St. J-h:-.s depot on the 6., P. ac S. Hallway. 2"77-7 Van Houten th!j : d -lns; a very guod business; owner wiheit to rertre. M'VIN';-riCTL"KH THEATER. The New ork Mo:.n Pi-iure.Co. starts yoU In bu:nson easy terms; latvcat stock rs:acr l"e. etc.. at lowest prices. - v iue'ir-n. neir IOl.NO MAN. ST RANGER I Make careful investlcatlon at expense ef se.ier before you invest money, in any propoaitlon. Advisory Department. X. M. C A. WB are having more application for bu!- r"a oj-eninc than can fill. If you have any proposition, bring , t h-m In at once Kinney A suunpher, Wl- J Lumber Kx-hanae bn!g. HALF Interest In an old established Dull ness, dolnr a rood business, with a sal aried posit. on of 5100 per month. For full particulars, call Klnny e statnpher. Lum- I ber xenange uiug., rooms bji-wja. WANTED A partner f.r an abllshed manu facturing business In this city; annual I must have not eaj than uw caaa. Ar.drees K 3I. Oregonlan. Fort SA I.E On corner, grocery, confection ery, cigars, ice-cream and candy store; living-rooms m nacn: rent siti; price soo; look tins up. Call V'tt Williams ave, GIVEN away free, map of all the California ml fields, also trial subscription of publica tion "California Oil Fields." Sagar-Loomls Co.. 701 Oregonian Hldg.. Portland. Or. FOR FALE Sawmill hoarding house. 20 rooms, -a boarders, low rent. v in sell cheap. Call at t74 Macadam street foct I Hincroft. w car. WANTED Tailor a partjier lor Repairing and Cleaning J-ft'p; trt location; must bsve little money. Ta tor Stree near 3rd treet i.i hke a rrt"r h- has some money! tn invr.M i a mtmr.g pponoinon: mis 1 a I g -l deal, a I can convince you If you s:e ne a rhan-e irwin al. isoiv. ..'o BUYS one of housea in the city; he best room Inc ome J per Kf-lt ' clear. Rocers 4c McKay, room -Washington sL CAFETERIA AM) LI'NCHROoM. Now ta your chance to buy a good one. rtcht downtown. Iohk lra arid the price 1 e.-onioie. A 1. ..'.. rc-n ian 1 Aii I ,m; waitted in small tuma, v p-rience ui.tiec rsary . I1..0 rcuulred. Rogers McRay. room 25. 303 4 Wash insti'n st. WILL rtII establlwhed bathhouse complete Turkish bath, rlnht for nichl party; one reasonable good location. 4ol Buchanan bldg MoVlNG-PICTCRE THEATER Fr sal r trade, ertabhshed thf-ter, town r i--)i pepie. no opposition, outi'-a W ash. Irgton . near 17th. Si X - ROOM modern corner house. ne-lv (urnl9hd. cotuplete. jtrnl ah.ltiteiv clean; S room more than py expenses; very cent ra 1. 1 jwner. m ei n mi. A NEW store suitable fur acmmmtHlntlon or dryoois and nunnery. Apoiy Mart in in te. Thornpn, Chamber ol Commerce M'lsj. CAFETERIA. Center of West Side; doing over $!00 a day; Cus is the best In town; $JU". N. T. H A LI 321 Lumbermen Bldg. FOR SALE by owner, etirar. confectionery. fruit store; neat corner iK:aiin on the est ?Mde; owner muat ieae Last. Call V.13 l:h si. FIrtST-'LAS meat market. A-l location; good shop trade: a very goo,i route irad; sals average $75 a day; 4 1300 AC 32. Or go:uan. F 'P. SALE Elcht -chair barber shop. In cluding seven batntur ani Turaish r-aths. Address Johnson. 1 First ave.. Seattle. 13m WILL buy you equal interest in an A-l gold mine, over $3o0.0ou blocked ouu AM 374. Oregonian. 12.3O0 WILL put you In control large pav- 11. g tie lop.'ci (uiu miur , 111 vrsiigate. AM 37.:. Orrgoiiian. A LARGE lunch counter, rent $:o. feed 123 t lu;i'. a; big s-'ni. a'l for ark at u iinsTon. 1 1 ::o A. M FOR SALE. riati;w eu tiycir.g and cleaning a .rks. rti:s! : 4 llvlnc-ruoms, cheap rent. Irnulre TV3 4:h. Main M17. REAL estate leaer wants partner to take w interest and snow property ; only $125 required. SOS pv.rd of Trade. M1NINO AND INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Telephone and otber bonds bought and e:d. Fletcher Inv. Co.. 223 Abington. WILL sell restaurant, cash or term; re- ipls. 40 per clay: leae: rent 33; good fixture 4oi Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE At a snap; a good paying bak ery in me dhi own in iregon ; come and I n v es t : ca ( e. , e. non rm en. ri e p p n er. Or. KFTVLRANT and lunch counter! cheap; avratl pin ; cheap rent; term. 269 Ty- . If ?. FOR PALE Moving picture theater clearing i per month; cah $llou; good leaae. Addre-g f? L. Cooper. Wood horn. Or MiLLiNERY f"r bring any old S'ltte 17. sale cheap. remodHinir; material. 227 4 Wash., MAN with cash to buy good buHi-9 ex. cept!T;galoonorh'tei: J!a'n. I WANT a rarrner for my dcllcaf " , 3C4. orrfcor.un.. BV 81 NESS OPFORTTXITTES. GOOD BTYS. Grocery. 3 room, clean atock, $"o. C. ropery, 5 room. $t;i a day. Invoice. Confectionary, trade 4."; fll'Mi.. Cnnffctlonery. ft ronm; jsflrt. Confectinei y, end of carllne; i50. Confectionery and grocery, 4 room; Slloo. Claar stand. Wwt Side; 2!. Hardware, invoice; 70ft0; will trade. Hardware and furniture; partner wanted, Pool. X 3. and 4 tables; ail food, f.'loon. three to choose from. Office stationery business, 1250. Plenty more. Call on us. N. T. HALL, a-1 Lumbermen BIdg. ROOMINfi-HOt'SES. SEE THLS AND YOl' WILL LOOK NO FI RTH EK. S4 rnnmi verv lantlv and-" romDlete ly furnished with bvst of Axmlnster and velvet carpet and hih-:rade furniture; I: eel location, one block from canine in minutes' walk from Perk in Hotel nearly $Jmi per month; fine, honif like place : long lease at only $I."0 i-r month: thf i the beat baif-am in the city. I'JboO cash puis you In pos session. DEVLIN A nREBAl'OH, ftlo-511-MlJ Pwetland Hl'tc. ROOMS. Very rlrpantly furnished with the best of everythtns; and full of permanent roomer, with a waltlnr list. An ideal location for hlah -class bualness, furnace heat, plenty of baths and all conveniences. Rent 1 leaa than per room with good !Ae; net profits t-' per month; am compelled to soli at once. If you have $1.h cash and are looking for a uenulne barsitl-i write owner AH 3."5, Orek'oiilan. 7 ROOMS, brick bul'rMna. clear 17.; J ease; rent t'i -.oo. $lnt down; a I'd rooms, nil H. K. ; clears elHt; Uoi. -2 rivoms, clear $)2; Jl.'.oit; a bargain. IU rooms, clears $; fsno, term. rooms, rent $.5; 't.u. terms. 31u BOARD OF TRADE. FOR SALE 20-room bcardlng-hous. 1 block frm Oidj &. Kings; r.vr ueiore oirerea; dtnlng-rox-m siaLtf all hslr mattreM, cik furniture, bruat-I. Axminater. velvet carpet, rent $; price !- caih; don't iL.tKrr If you haven't tiie money; no agent. I :t."3. Oregon in. VERY SNAPPY SNAP. 8 rooms, close in location, rent only t32. Income $ 1 24 per month and price only VMt. terms; a chance for some woman to make a rood living with little cash. DIET. Ml ELLER CO.. 3 1 1 A Mngt n Hldg KOOMINU houses, nothing but first-class place. 11 rooms, S3 rooms, fSSOO. H room, J..75. 11 roum. $vo. 20 room. I Ml rooms, 94-uo. Many more to select from. GQODXOrOH & HEITZ. SNAP. Elcht room. L'n minute from Postoffle. furniture A-L clear If you are Kok- Ing for a good income home, see this to day ; terms. Owner. 4JS K Burnside. FOR sale, well paying roomiiiRhouse, all housekeeping room. Good business for rtrht party. No amenta Reasonable. For particulars. Mnin llSl. MODERN rooming-house for sale by owner account of sickness, good lease, low rent; part cash, balance mi time. Address W :w. Oregon ian 5 FOR SALE OR TRADE. Rooming-houses, all size and location. STAR REALTY CO., Fourth St. RooMINi-HOL"sE for aale. 14 room. In quire 103 oth at. North, the Cottage House. $530 Ht'YS a i-room house, clears $33 per month: near Mark and I'tn at-; no aficnts. Main 3116. WILL sell large rooming-house. good lo 4"i Bu- cat lou, bar icai n; goes at once, chanan : W ANTED t-Rooming-house; good location; Li to 4 rooms, we nave money. A 3, Oregontai . FOR SALE- -Rooming-house, 16 rooms. ISO West Prh' terms. IS ROOM.-. atirtmeijta. new. very fine fur niture: liatrittid, itw 4th st. Sl'ECiAL, SOT It BR. prroej Invited. UiiLci Or" bALE OK iaiPKOV'E.l.N 1 DON Da The Common Council of the Town of Fpriughcld. oregou, w ill receive sealed bids for the aale of 93O.0O0 of omprovement bonds of the Town of Springfield. Tno aid bonds will be Dsued under authority of a charter amendment of said town, ap proved by popular vote of the electors thereof. The oonda bear d per cent in terest, payable semi-annually. The bJnd will be issued In denominations from flod to $loi0 to suit the convenience of the purchaser The Council will meet at the Council Chambers, in the Town Hall of said town, at the hour of S o'clock P. M.. on the tenth day of October, luTO, for the pur pose of opening the bids and considering the same. The council reserves the right to reject any end all bids. All bids should be addressed to John C. Mullen. SprinKoi-ld, Or., who will answer all tnjulri-s relative to the financial con dition of the town and the proceedings had leading up to tbe giving of Uils notice. Thla notice given by order of the Com mon Council. Dated thla first dav of September. 1910. JOHN C. MULLEN. Recorder. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the un dersigned Recorder until September s. l'.'LU. at the Hour oi 9 o ciock i'. .t. ior he construction of 1 4,217. t square yards of bltuilthic pavement together with tho excavation, drainage and curbing as ahown bv the plana una specifications on file In this office, the same to be constructed on Fourth t reel from the north line of Adams avenue to the south line of 0 ' avenue, Adams avenue irom the went curb line of Third street, and Chestnut street from Adams avenue to the south curb line of Jef ferson avenue. Cert! lit-d check for 3 per cent of in amount of the bid to accompany ech bid. Council reserve me r nt to reject ny or all bids. Hy order of the City Council, September 21. 1H10- 1. .. I OA. Recorder of the City of La Giande. La Grande, Or. Sealed proposi,; wll be received at the School Citra'a office. 42 Tilford building, until noon October 1st. for ihi grading of property and street, and the ng of Cement walks around the Jef ferson H Igh School. Plan, and specif I- ationa may be obtained at the office or the architects. W hlt-hot: A rouiilicux. r 11 Lumbermen Building. th and Stark ircets." R. H. THOMAS School Clerk. . ENGINEER OFFICE. Honolulu. T. H., Sept. 14. 1 9 U. Sealed prioab for break witer construction at Hllo Ha bor, Hawaii. T. H-, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. October 14. and then pub licly opened. Information on application, E Eve let h W lrurh w. Ma Jo r. Eng ra " U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. Honolulu. T. H., -pt. 14. iUi". teai?a proposals r.r Dreex satr caHiructhn at K-ihulut llarnr Msut, T. H.. will be received here until U o'clock A M.. October 14. lIO. and thn pubJISy peni d. Information cn spplicatkm. E Eve- le 1 h 1 n low. Ma jor, Er g is. THS M'-Mlnnvllle. Dr., Water Commission de- jnre to execute a contract with some per- 1 10 stnk a o or -incn noie as ieet. or until sufficient water 1 found. AldreB W. J. Browcr. Water Supt.. McMlnnvlHe, Or. Miorelianrous. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COV N Tl, OKKOON : Notice I hereby given that on Monday, October 17th. 191", the Board of Equali sation of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Clerk of said unty and publicly examine the assess ment rolls for the year 191 n. and correct ail errors In valuntton. description or qualltlt-a of land, lot or ot her property, and It I the duty of ail persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed nnd if it shall appear to such Board of Equalisation that there are any lands, lots or ot her property assessed twice or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond its value, or any laud, lot or other property not assessed, said Hoard of Equalization stiHll make the proper cor rection, n. v. Muiibi; county Assessor. Portland. Oregon, September 23d. 1910. FIN A NCI AX. Pt'HTLAND 6'-. Qtt 1 MORTGAGES TRf ST FOR SALE These niort- Co. gages are made for our own BANK. Investment; we collect Inter est for you free of charge; all inform ition at hand, no delay a PORTLAND TRUST CO DANK. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. SEVERAL nvst mortsages, all high-class d elltng-hou3o security, close In, restrict ed Qistrlcls. 1-3 of valuation. 7 per cent Interest, payable quarterly; insurance, ab stract, etc. Call 507 McKay bldg. Main 4 7H). " W VI tan place your money at hiah ratea of Interest : heat secunt v. first mort cages. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRUSTEE COMPANY. 624-526 Board of Trade P!dg. MORTGAGES, contracts, bonds, stocks, war rants and notes bought and sold. Loans npft-otlaied. Henry Teal. 516 Abington b)d. 106 Id st. Money to Loan Real Estate. Mortgage loans, t and 7 per cent. mh i u .v y.n j r a K K ST. MONEY, any amount (1 to 8 per cent Good noutth SeUa. 718 Board of Trade. FINANCIAL, Money to Ln lieal Estate. NO BETTER SECURITY OFFERED. ON REAL ESTATE LOANS. THAN THE FOLLOWING: 12000 AT T PER CENT. $2500 AT 7 PER CENT. $3000 AT T PER CENT. HAVE YOU THE FUNDS ON HAND FOR ONE OF THESE LOANS 7 IF SO BEE THE REAL ESTATE DEPART MENT. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. CASH paid for mortgages or sellers Interest in contract on reai esiaie anywaere in Oregon or Washington; mortgage loan negotiated on improved property, a. Noldf . Lumbermen Mdc. th and Stark. ON IMPROVED city prcperty or for blla Jrg purpose; 8 to 0 years time; liberal rei,ameut privileges; money advanced as building progressea. The Equitable 8ir ln;s & Loan Association. 20 Stark at. $000,000 on improved city or farm property; building cr an. all ieuus at lowest; laxga joan a specially, j. aic.oaie -o ia-iu oeriicger oiog. I HAVE several sums of money from $300 to inoQ which 1 desire to loan on improved city property. o. al. onutn, 2.1 ca(ii- h I -i'J second mortgage and contracts P urea as d on xaxtu and ciiy property aowuor la orcgon or Washington. i 1 utvercam. renton hing.. un su PLENTY of money to loan at and 7 per cent on real esLate security. EDW. P. MALL COMPANY, 104 Second St. IMMEDIATE loans tram $3 to i00. oa mil securities. W. A. Hatnaway, room lu AVasnlr.gton Lltig. Phone Main Q. MORTGAGE loans on city property; lowest rates. A H. Uirreii Co zu McKay bid- 8d and Stark. JOO.uuu TO LOAN, laxga loans a specialty) building loans, lowest rates, w. is. eck. aia Failing mug. MONEY: in amounts of $5vv and up to loan on Portland real estate, can at 414 spaid- Ing blog. MONEY to loan on real estate. Hardin & : Reynolds Co.. 313 Chamber oTCoait. $ rce. pnlVATE money loaned ou real estate urt- gaes. ri. MUey, room 204, Ger.lnger bldg. LuAMi on teal, uei-ou-1. cuattel or c.Uai- eral security. C . PaileLt, Fentoo, atat tuna loaned, t) per cent. W. i Thoa as, iate as eat, jjuitnoroaa Co.. 4QO l. C MONEY? to loan on Hist real eatate mort- gdie. R. Huetlkofer. 1'63 salmon su hi OK TU AGE LOANS AT REASON AfiLil RATES. F. H. LEWIS, 3 LE W S BLDG. "Will loan 410.000 or :e s, real estate security. Farriiton. 4 10 Commercial club bldg. WILL loan $Jooo or less on real eaU Hitchcock, old Rothchlld bldg. Money to Loao- Itattels and Salaries. $$$$!$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ W HA v'E MONEY TO LOAN. T$ On salaries only. In amounts of from $5 to $100, at the lowest possible rates. Rebate given If paid before due. Belnc salary loan brokers exclusively. we are enabled to make the beat terms and give the quicke.i possiole service. Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during tn e past is our oesi meieuce. Bualness strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. $08 Falling bldg.. cor. 3d and Wash. st. ..! I Mill HCTTON CREDIT CO., 307 Spalding Bldg. We wilt make you a loan on your furni ture, piano or livestock and the prop erty remains unuisiuroeu in your posses- Biun. . Now 1 the time to get In fuel and Winter supplies. AH the common com modities, are cheaper this time of the year. Payments are made to stfit your Income and rebate is given ior any unexpired time. CALL AT ONCE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF MONEY. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding Bldg. Main 23GU I $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 jUII. U. b. KH.AL tSIAi c JUKOAi-lvH AG ai COMPANY. Makes liberal loans oa real estate, furni ture, pianos (without removal), livestock. storage receipts. life lnauranc policies ana an Kinas or eecuriuea; tertna to suit. assy weekly or monthly payments. We buy Drat and second murtaes and con tracts. Phone Main 20b. Kuoin Sit Ham ilton bid:.. 121 3d at. t $$$$$$$$!$$$ i'ORTLAND C'c. ofc. 7S MORTGAGES TKL'ST FOR SALE These mort- Co. ft Ag-s are made for our own BANK. investment; We collect Inter est tor you free of charge; all iniormation at hand, no delays. TORTLAND TRI.'ST CO. BANK. Cor. 3d and Oak Sts. MONEY advanced saiariea ptsooie. House keepers aud otners upon their owa name Without security; cueapest rates, easiest payments; offices in 66 principal cite save yourself by gelling my terms first. TOLMAN. 117 Lumber Exchange. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattcia or real estate. Union Loan Co.. 33 Lafayette bldg.. 6th and Wash, i WE loan money on diamonoa ana Jewelry reasonable interest; long or snort time A, Je M. Delovage. tfls Washington st. WILL LOAN In amounta to ult on U klads of securities: business confidential. Gray m Cunnitigram. 22 tiectric bldg. A LOAN for the asking, salary or chattel. Tne Loan co , 414 pcituro Diagr. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds and jewelry. Marx at Bloch. 74 d at. Loana Wanted. WE WANT MONET AT 7 PER CENT. We have several clients who want to , borrow on first-class real estate security. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WE can Invest your money at s;ood rates of interest. Gflt-edre securities. First mnrt-ares. Lorsc-term investment. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT A TRUSTEE CO.. 524-52(5 Board of Trade Bide WANTED To borrow $m) from private party fctr . yenr; gl't-edred securit v on nw residence. :trtj Morris st.. worth $rt.Vk; will pay 7 per cent. Phone tat 44 di. $loo for 3 year. 8 per cent, on a iri-Uy modern $2-VH house; in restricted district; excellent party. A. McGregor, city. 00 corhett bfdp. BEST security; 8 per cent to 10 per cent real estate loans wanted $300 up. Union Loan . Co.. 35 Lafayette bldg., 4th and Washington sts. M. bz9. WANTED to borrow $1500, 6r.c ; money on i residence worth $600. AD S46, Ore gonian. WANT 1160 at S per cent for 3 years; giit- eoge. ciose-in property. ak sb. ore- ttop tan. - WANT ; will give first mortgage on improved city real estate. O 327, Ore gon 'an. W .NT ED $3oo. , 6 months. Rood interest. chattel nnd r"al estate contract as seciir- liy. P. O. Box 344. WE can .handle your loans on gilt-edge security, continental Trust co., 301-4 Spalding biag. WANT loan $13,000. gilt-edge eecurity. O 371, Oregonian. WANT fiooo at per cent. 3 year, im- niwed ritv property. D 31. Qresctilan. LET u- pi nee your monev good mortoi-s; reference. F. H. Lewis, a Lewis bldg. F1NANCIAI Ixan Wanted. PORTLAND '-e. 6Hc. 7 MORTGAGES TRUST FOR SALE Those mort- CO. gages are made for our own BANK. investment; we collect inier .est for von free or. cnajge all Information at hand, no delays. PORTLAND TRUST CO. BANK. Cor. 3d and Oak Sta. ONE of the best Mexican land deals In the world. $3000 loan will Rive you fifth in terest, will clean up $5u,ud0 In two years. AN 3 1, Oregonian. LOST AND FOUND. TOUXV Where you can cuy genuine a;r mat tresses retail at wholesale prices; we renovate mattresses and return same aay. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Me tiger. 228 Front. Phone Main 474. A 1374. LADY'S gold watch. E. Mc. engraved out side case. fc,. M iicMtizie on uacK lr.siae case; finder please return to 5UU Williams ,ive.. receive rewaru. FOL'ND Where watches, diamonds and lewelrv are sold for the amount loaned and one month's interest. Uncle Myers Collateral Hank. 71 6th st., near oak st. LOST Friday, black seal purse with sura of money; tinder will be liberally rewaraea by returning same to 572 Kearney St., or t telephone Alain u io. 1 LOST A cold brooch, between First and Fifth streets;- reward. 31f E. dith Tabor VJH1. LOST Gold link fob, engraved. 'E. Pur. I'nlo, 0S." Phone East U3J. 4aJ E. Burn side st. LOT.betf Mint and the Armory, gold nug get sucKpin. neiuni 10 ui on sua bl. xte ward. LoST TiRer Ant'ors cat. return 132 Lidoii ove. Reward. Phone Last b i o. FOUND 1 6-foot rowboat. Inquire A 4i; PERSONAL FREE. $15 X-RAY EXAMINATION, IF YOU CALL AT ONCE. DR. HORNE'S GRAND OFFER TO THE SICK, AND WEAK. The object of this grand offer Is to prove to the sick and ailing citizens of Portland and vicinity that he has the grandest, simplest and most successful method of restoring heaLh and curing diseases that Is known to the scientific worlu. He wants the true merits of his success ful treatment known to everybody and he dues not know of any better way of In troducing it than by offering his examina tions FREE OF CHARGE to all who call within lo days. Should your case be In curabJe he will frankly tell you so. and advise you against spending; your money for useless treatment. Many of you who have been taking medicines and so-called treatments for month will be absolutely cured In a few treatments. Are you nervous, dyspeptic, weak In the stomach, constipated ? Do you have that tired feeling wfiicti Is so prevalent? Do you have spots floating before the eyes, palpitation of the heart. shortness of breath. headaches, neuralgia, shooting fains in the chest, back, hips or ankles iave you varicose veins, obstruction, blood puisomng, nervous debility, piles, or any diseases of the rectum 7 Are you in pain from rheumatism, lame back, sciatica, lumbago, locomotor ataxia or weak kidneys? If so there Is quick relief and a permanent cure in store for you If you call upon Dr. Horne. who gives you an honest opinion, honestly expressed, honeat deuling and honest treatment which cure to stay cured if curable. His address Is 407-408 and 4ot KothchUd bldg. Take elevator to 4th floor. Hours $ to 12, 'd to 5, 7 to I. Phone Marshall 2460. DR. W. E. MALLOKY. 31 Rothchlld biog.. ha tbe moat complete moaern on. ice tn Oregon. The treating rooms are fitted" up with the moat expeuaive modern ap pliances on the mar et. Including radium (the only physician on the pacido Coast having radium). X-rays, static machines, .X-ray coil, ozone, oxygen machines the largest in use), electric currents of every description and kind, including high fre quency wave, lnaouedal. arad;c and gal- anic currents, cautery, vibrators, rauia tora, electric light oath ca, omeis, not bake ovens, of every kind; mineral, herbal, steam and shower bath. From 100 to l.ouo-candle power light. Unset), nilnin. helios, solar, violet and uira violet light, and otners. Cancers, eczema, tumors, goure, tubercular glands, ulu sores, moles. mother mar as. scars and scar tissue, sou all kind of chronic disease are treated and cured by these methods. FL'RH FLRS We assure satisfaction and reasonabl p'ices. no inatler where you look; wcu can- not find styles or finish or be titled as here, because l am a practical ana expen turner, over 3o J ears a manuxacturer. Ado u Reiner, l;rj lltn, near Wasnlngton. Oii. ALlC-U A. GRIFF. Dlaeasea of women ana children, sur gery, chronic and nervous distiaso treated accoraini to me latest metnoas, privai hospital accommodations ; cwnf inemen carcu for; consultation free. Room 1U, Grand Theater bidg. Main .328; A 5o07. aXL chp.OjSic Diseases a speclxi7. DC V LAD 1 -lilt K. JLNDjKA. - From Europe. ELECTriO-'i HERAPEUTIST. Xj cures are painiesa, prompt and thor- cuga. Suite 63-62-01-50-49-48 n -43. Washington blag., cor. 4tn and wasq. BWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Uelsinfffors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and atom ach aliments, under physician's directions patns. masseuse. No. 7 East 11th St., sec ond door south 11 um bast Auaeay car line. Phone Eat 200. B 1S03. FEJiVklT A HANEBUT. Leadln win and totiDe mak.r: nnest stock of human hair gooas. switcne xrom up. Up-to-date parlors for nairuressing. tu an I curing, xace ana caip treatmeuu 1 1th it,, be t, Morrison and .Aioer. MRS. A. M. Paxk, graduate nurse, gives scientific massage also scaip treatment. Luiuiieaa cured by my method. The rancis. We.t I'ark and Alorrison streets. liooni 10 and 11. MISS DESAL1E DE VOL. the Philadelphia House, 3d and Salmon st, oa si. manicuring, electric, vibratory uud mag netic treatments; respectable patrons su licited; hours io to t. SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur. C Holmtsroin, specialist in nerve, rneumatic and stomach disorders; only scientific masseur in tne Nortnw est. 01 1 ice o-a oiegoman blag. pnone Marshall 2S-i. AlAllv. hAlK All shaues in peat uauu cost. Closing out stock; scion tiuo race and scalp treatments; expert hairdressing and manicuring taught. Asa xuuoecae. Grand Leader. 5th and Alder. DR. . L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children ; elect rl 9 lieatinent of nervous alimunta. private bos- pltal. Room ioo-OUtt Coiumouw-aith Plug., 6th and Ankeny. Phone Jaain 404 7. A 24 11 PAINLESS. PROMPT AND PERMANENT CURES FOR ALL AILMENTS. DR. PHILIP T. BALL. 826 Washington, MRS MAYME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments: bath: masseuse. 320 W Stark au, Port- 1 a nd. Or. Phones: Marsha 11 2492. A 28 9 6. DR. WALKER, specialist for men, quickly cure blood and skin ailments, kidney ana bladder troubles and piles. consultation free. 181 lat at., Portland. bkKSfl suits lor rent. 81.50 month keeps your clothes eieauea. pi-essea. ouuuai sewed on, rips repaired, prompt calls and V liveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 809 Stark. BP WC 1AL ANNoUNC EM EN T Expert feather curling, cleaning, ayemg ana repairing aone by Madame Gilbert, 3rvb 7th st. Phone Main 4443. Moved irum oo puun u MADAME WALLACE, Magnetic healer. leading meoiai udu apiruuai euiemmu 190 llth st. near Yamhill- MEN'S suits and overcoats made to order; Choice Ot OUU pniiniuv, pntr J?-v iu ou. JimmieDunn, 3loOregonianbldg: j STENOGRAPHER and typist, work guaran teed; reasonable, ovo owuuaua oiug., cot. 6th and Washington. Mm. Courtwrignt. skin and scaip treai- ments, laciai ueiormiiies cwremeu. piaa- tic surgery, jaornaun uai. uui.. LIQUOR habit permanently cured in 4 day AO BUlI er log auu nai uiuim umn- t ute, 1 0 -7 penluauia ave.. Port ian d. Or. MRS. S. B. SEIP, mental and spiritual ci- entlst. -I toeuing-nirsca uiuk. .Main on.i, BALM OF FIGS Remedies for diseases of w omen. ajs oavis su jqain g-u. SCHOOL BOOKS bougat and sold, Jones' book more, -a oa sr. MOLES, wrinkles, superfluous hair removed Mrs u. p. l-liii. rucqiier piaa- ju DR- KETCH LM treat women maladies. 179 n 3o- el cor- xamnui. BUSINESS DIRECTORV. Accountants. MACKENZIE. BA1HU & BEKRIDGE. Counsel anu expert in all matters relat ing to municipal, commercial, factory cost aud Industrial accounting. Moderate lees, consultations rree. ZA Worcester Block. Phones Mam 7-Ao9. A 1449. E. H. COLL1S A CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commei icai. .ouay anu juunicipai Auditiua, Investigating and byateniatixinx. 34 Worcester block. Phone Main 03 o 7. Afternoon Kindergarten. THE MATTINGLY Afternoon Kindergarten and rnmary oyuym, -up i.u. aain aov. As&ayer and Analyst. Wells A proebstel, mining engineers, chem- lsts and assayers. -04 n vvasnington. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing Mora. xta uorriaun su BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architects. EASTMAN CO.. Inc., Architects and Build ers. Plans and estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. M'-ln 23d. A 411i. Abington blug. Attorneys. A. H. TANNER, attorney. Rooms 311-314. Spalding building. 3d and Washington st. Attorneys-at-Lan'. H. K. SARGENT, general practice. Notary Public. Both phones. 34 Cn. of Com, blcg. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Ttint & Awning Co., tents, awnings and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A 1DS1. Baths and Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths, 167 4th Elegant plung-a, steam and shower baths. 23c Braes and Maciiine Works. HARPER S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, loti N. 5tn. Main 7oi. Builders. CUMMINGS & CAT LIN, builders In every branch of the building trades. Jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; showcases, counters, shelving, etc.. Office and shop, 371 First si. Phone Marshall 2327. Chiropractic Physician. Dil. TICKNEK removes the cause of disease. 0O0-1 Columbia bid;,. A 5233. Hrs. 12-3:30. Chiropody. WM. ESTELLE and Flossie Deveney, the Onlv si lent IH - fhlronnrl lti a in th rltv. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg.. S. W. cor. and Aider. Phone Main 1301. Chiropody and cedicurlna. Mia. M. D- Hill, room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 34 73. CHIROPODY, manicuring and scalp. Mrs. Dunton. 349 Washington. Marshall lo2. Circulating Library. LATE fiction, c a day. Woman's Exchange DtQ-g-. ISO 5th 6L. bet. Taylor and yamhllL Collections, and Law. NETH & CO.. COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE: NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 3:io Worcester bldg.. Portland. Commibaion Merchauts. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., ship brokers, com mission mercnants. -Sherlock biag. Duncing. PROFESSOR RIXGLER'S dancinft classes. Aionaays and Saturday evening. private Instruction daily. Western Academy, iid and Morrison. Main &212. L)og and Horse Hospital. DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Of lice .VJ4 Flanders st. Main lenspltal S: lh st. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or ale. 213 2d sL Lnguieering. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO.. General Engineering, Designing, Drafting. 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines Gas and Steam. ROBER Machy. Co., Coast agta. Seabury steain engines and boners, gasoline en glue. 281-,3 E. Morrison st. Pnone E. &75. Feed Store. Z1GLER & Misner. hay. frrain. feed. mwit. shinalea. M)i Grand ave. E. 4bZ. French Dry Cleaning. CLEANING TAILORING D YE1NG ALT E RATIONS PHKSSl.a KiiiPAIRING Special club rates 30c per suit (sponged ana presscui per weeK. 1 no vv aruruue. 751 Washington st. A 6417, Main 6333 Furs. N. M. UNGAR & CO., INC., formerly of 4oti aiercnants i.rust uiag.. nave wuwvea w 100 Seventh st. Furs remodeled, repaired liut Factory. HATS made to order :cost no more. Sco fioyai iiat worm, -- isi l jw.. Leather and Findings. CHAS. L. MASTIC K. 6: CO., 4 b rout. Lea' her of every uesciipuon, taps, zr.irs.' unuings. , A. STKOWUHIOGE LEATHER. CO. Ls- tablishea lbus. l&U r roiit t. 3t acn iii cry. B. TRENKMAN i CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pipes, screens, bagging, miniug ma chinery. All kinds of impairs. 104 N. 4th. AlacUinery for Itcii t. GRADUATE Boston masseuse give massage at residence; physic laa'u retercnecs; iaaitj only; teinu reasonable, idra, Macy, phone A 41'SJ. cuua4ciutd' inacuincry ot all kinua. jjavia Dow 6c Son, u Lumperjiuiis bldg. Phi M.u-icai. EM1L TH ED-HORN, violin teacher, pupil j toevick. 900 Ji.aiu.uaux A4100. Mar, i.u-9. PIANO tudlo; jnodt?in methods. 2uy I4tn su faoutu. phone Main 3 ty 3. Osteopathic Pliysiciuns. DR. Leltoy toiuith. graouate Kirksviile, Alo., ciajs oi iiaja, poaL-bauuatu i.oi, uiiucr T. oin, the louiiuer. 3j -3i5-3lu awei land PiUg. Mam IfaV. A 19 so. DR. K. B. NOR THK U P. i-4a0-41? Deaum ildk. Phone, oilice, M. 349 i, rea., Lasi or B 108. Paints, Oils and Glaus. RA-MUSSEN ec CO., Jobber, paints, oils., san and doors, cor. -d ana j. ay lor. Paving:. Tiftf! Barber Ashpalt Paving Company. 003- boo Electric iiug. oscar duuti, portlaud. WARREN Construction Co. Stieet paving, siuewaias anu cioaswaias. an acca. Plug. Patenl Attorneys. Protect your luvas; rejiaole paient attorneys SittLCiLiiali i..iUi.N-c-niA CO., Regiattreu Patent Attorneys, -01 liainlltmi iidg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, aity. at law. Late ot u. S. patent oiticc jouokivt iree. 4PJ Board o xraae blug. U. S. and foreign patents that protect are secured through Pacific Coust Patent Agency. Inc. Dept. A. Stockton, Cai. it c v jivioii i", uoniestiu anu ajh-u 4 ents, lniringemeuL cas.a. 004 AJeauia. Pawnorokcr. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank, 40 years in yorii-nq. uuwi j.-.m Pipe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factory and pitice near 4 m anu iorn sis, jj,. jiatf. GLASS A pKUDHOMME Co.. punter, Llank book maaers, lal Lianas, iuosu do- ices. townsnip plats. 0a-67 Ha it., bet. Oaa ana Ankeny. " Piano 1; actor-. C. Sommer -t co-, eauiujiiej -oo; gcneiai repair wora; vuinob- -i iUAiaauu 10a Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice stationery, etc Bug Weavers. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Rugs from old carpets, coioumi '-- uwmnf auq laying. 133 Union ave.. nr. L, Morruou THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 10S at. Safes at lactorj piva. ui.u'n' .iauu gmea. Bh o w cases, Baoi k in d Store Fix tu re. THE LU'i'KE MFG. CO., branch Grand p apt us a aowca-e -.0., gio auu, nuyu c iuiae, mgr. kv.w and aecond-hand J. L M. Alt it. Co. 4th anu uu 11. wttiu axvo. o-uiiig l worn. Sli ingle BEST In the city; car lots or less. Gilbert, -;ui. y aoin wu bl. btoruge and Transfer. PORTLAND VAW BioitAU. CO.. corner 13th aua jvereti .-. ut upeneu newest and most modern storage vai enoue in city; every convenience tor salt- anu prop.r handling of goods; lowest Insurance rata in Northwest; free trackage; van ior movin K- Main or A 13-0. I. KIT'S STORE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick building, dry and airy; warehouse district; lowest rates and most careful handling; lurniture mov ana packed by experts; estimates given. Phone M. 101S, A 1U-4. Van Worn Transfer Co., 40 d s tree t- ( O- Pick Transfer & Storage Co., office 'and commodious four-story brick ware house, separate iron room, and Jlreproof vault for valuables, .-v w. cor. d and Pine sts. pianos and furniture moved and " " OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO." General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed tor snlpment. 09 Oak St., bet. Front and 1st- Telephone Main 547 or A .247. OREGON TRANSFER CO., established ls70. Transier anu rui v i nK ngcuui ciwrago. Office 310 Hoyt st., between 6tn aud tfth. phones Main 60. A 1169. Swiss Dairy. 67 UNION ave.. N. Phones East Sofia, B '. p urerbottieq miiK a speciait y. STOVES connected 1110. 614 Front. and repaired. Stoves. STOVE doctor, general stove repairing, es tlmates given. Main 34S2. J. A. Pearson. Veterinarian. S. L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians. 331 Ankeny at A 3999. Main 2402. Wood nnd Coal, FOR nice Fuel Co. dry slab wood phone Multnomah BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $20 to ?G0. fully guaranteed; easy payments; rentes, $J per month. Pacific Stationery & printing Co.. u;i I'd st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest type ... writer concern on this Coast; investigate; all makes all prices The Typewriter Kx cnange. 2S7H Washington st. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. P. C. Co.. 231 Srark. M 1407. Wall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st fit., whole-saU- and retail. Sample mailed free. fiRAX?) CENTRAL STATION. South era pacific. Leaving Portland Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger ... Shasta Limited Silverton Passenger California Express San Francisco Express West Side Corvallis Passenger , Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove passenger Forest Grove Passenger Arriving Portland Oregon Expresa Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Portland Expresa Shasta Limited Silverton Local T West Side Corvnlli Passensrer 8:30 a. rru 4:13 p. m. 6:00 p. rn, 6:-0 p- m. 7;45 p. 11 u 1:30 a- m. 7:20 a- nr. 4:00 p. m, 8:50 a. m, 6.40 p. m. 7:30 a. m. 10 :00 p. nu a: 60 p. m. 11 ;00 a. m. 2:30 p. m. o;3o a. m. 6:20 n. m. 2d Sheridan Passenger 10:20 a. m. Forest Grovn Pn.nV.V "" 8:00 a. rru 4:40 p m. Forest Grove Passenger Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland I North Coast Limited via Puget Sound (10:10 a.m. North Coast Limited via North Bank J 7:00 p. m, Atlantic Ex pres. via Fuget Sound 12:13 a. rn. Atlantic Exoress via North Bank' 9.00 a. m. Twin City Express via Pugetl Sound 3:30 p. m. Twin city Express via N&rthl Bank ; J 7:00 p. m. Eastern Express via Puget Sound12 :13 a. ra. Eastern Express via North Bank 9:00 a.m. Mirsourl liiver Express via Puget) Sound 11(1:10 a m. jM.!ivuw mver jxpres via Kortn Bank Portland. Tacoma and Seattle Ex 7:C0 p- m. press. Grays Harbor, oiymplal ouuia isenu orancnes Portiand-V'ancouver Special Puget Sound Limited. Grays Har-i bor and South Bend branches., xacolt Passenger Arriving Portland North Coast Limited via North Bank 6:43 s. m. 10:10 a. m. 3 :30 p. rn. 4 :00 p m. 8:15 p. m. 7:20 a. xsu North Coat Limited via PuKetf bound I Northern Pacific" Ex Dress " "vial iNorth Bank 7:30 a.m. Northern pacific Expreas vial uget Sound 7:10 p.m. Paclilc Coai Express via North! ,i;a'lk I 8:15 p.m. Pacific Coast Express via pugetf Sound ) T:20 a. m. Western Express via North Bank 8:13 p.m. Acatem Expres via Puget Sound.l0;30 p. m. Missouri River Express via North! Bank 1 T-ao - m VHtlI,...-l 1l.... . . icau"- xwver jxprejs via puget Sound . 4:00 p. l Portiand-Tncoma-Seattle Express, u iron; tMympia, south Bend and Grays Harbor Pusret Sound Limited 4 :00 p. m. 7 : 10 p. m. 10:30 p. m. 11:20 a. m. Vancouver-Portland Special - 1 '-"I. rasenger Oregon Kail road & Navigation Co. Lea vine Portland- Baker City Passenger 8:00 a. m. 10:00 a. ra. 4:00 p. ra. 11:00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. 10:15 a .m. 10:30 a. m. 11 :30 a. m. 7:00 p. m, 8:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. Oregon-Washington Limited The Dalles Local faoo-Spokane-l'ortland Oregon and Washington Express! bpKaue Flyer . . ..V...7, .7. . Arriving Portland The L'ulles Local Oregon and Washington Express. Soo-Spokane-Portland Baker City Local Passenger Oregon-Washington Limited Spokane Flyer Astoria Jt Columbia River. I,ea vinir Portland I Astoria and Sasiue Express .1 8;00am Astoria and Seaside Express 0:30 p. m. wanner rasenuer I l:is u. m. Itaiuier Pasaeng.r I 5:43 p.m. Arriving Portland Sou-side and Astoria Express . . . .':05 p. m. Seaside and Astoria Express . . . . lo :oo p. m. Rainier and Portland Passenger. . 9:40 a. ra. P.ainier and Portland Passenger, .j 5:00 p. m. Canadian PaciUc Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portiaud , 11:00 p m, 12:15 a- m. la Seattle , Airi vim; Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland 11:30 a. m, 10:30 p m. la beattie Oregon Ac Washington Railroad Co. Leavitis Portland Seattle passenger. . . . s:jo a. ra. 3:00 p. ra. 11;45 p. m. 7:15 a. m. 5:0 p. m. Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owi Shasta Limited Portland Pa&uenger. . . . . 2:43 p. m. JLFFE1CSO.N -Sl RLE T STATION . Southern Pucilic. Leaving Portland Dallas passenger Dallas passenger Fcr-st Grove passenger.... 7:40 a. m. 4:05 p. m. 1:00 p. xn. Arriving Portland Dalits pause uer 110:15 a. m. Dallas passenger Forest Grove passenger. o:03 p. m. 1.2:00 noon ilE.t-b.NAH A.NU aOlX STRiJi.6 P.rf3- tepoKuuc, Portland A: aeattie Railway Co. Leaving Portland Iniauu i-inpire Express 9:00 a.m. Fur Chicago, au paui. oraana, Kansas City, St. Louis. Billliigs, Spokane, Puco, Roo.evelt, Grunddalles, Gienuale. Lvle. While fcalmon. bteveusun, Vancouver. The ore;-"--" Il.o0a.rn. tor l laul, ttpukane, Pasco. WaihLucn- Kahiotus. clilfs, Lyie, White Salmon, .te veubua and V ancouver. Columbia River Local 4:30 p.m. North Bank Linn tea 7;oop. m. For Chicago, Su Paul. Omaha, Kansas Ciiy, Su Louis, Billings, SpoKane. Wasn lucui. Kahiotus, Pasco. Roo.ovoit. r;rm- aalics, Goideiidale, Lyie, White salmon, t. veiiuson. au.ouver. Arriving fortland The oreontan 7:03 a.m. From et. rsui, tsponane, Paaco, Cliff Mary viile, Lle, White Salmon, Stevensua and Vancouver. .North BauK. Limited 7 :30 a.m. From Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, Kana City, bU Louis, Billings, apokane, Wahtuc na, K-.nioiua, Pasco, iiooscvtlt. Granudalles. ouiueiiuaie, Lylc, White Saliuun aieveiuoo. 1'ni.cjmer. Columbia River Local 32:33 p.m. Inland Empire Express 8.16 p. rru t or mi.-o, ov. x -ui, miliaria. Kansas City. SL Louia, Billings, Spokane. Washtu.i- na, Kan lotus, Pasco. Kooseveit, Graaddallea, Goldcndale, Lyio. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver. Great Northern Railway Company. l.eavliiar Portland Hth and hovt mn Oriental -.inuted, via Seattle lU:oo a. m, Tne oregonian, via North Bank. .11 .00 a. in. oriental Limited, via North Bank 7:00 p. xa. I ljiltfl.u.Liuual Limited. Seuttle, Ta- coma auu v autwunoi, . . . .10; 00 a. m ! The owl, Tacoma, beattie and ancouver, . o;ov p. zn. Shore Lino Jxpress. lacoma, Se attle ana vaiiuuer, ii;aon. n Arriviuir Portloxid llth and Hovt sr Ori-ntal i-inuted. via Seattle ti.iua.rn. The oreg-nian, via North Bank.. 7:05 a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank 8.10 p. m. 1 Th Owl, Vancouver, jo. c. beat tie and Tacoma 6:40 a.m. Shore iine Express, Vancouver, 1 B. C, Seattle and Tacoma 8:30 p.m. Intarnational Limited, Vancouver, ii. C-. aeame nuu x ncuum w:pn pm - Time Card Oregon Electric Railway c0. , otauuu, i: rout and JcUcrwon eta. vvuuuuiu-saieia and Aiit. puLuts joca.a leave po.tiand tt-30, 1 ;0, 11:00 a. M., ;oo. 3:0, 0:30, o:o f. . umiwu ior X ualatia anu Salem, w.aa a. - j-ucai ior yV lison vuic na InL toLationa. 5:10 P. M. 11 liihoro- uiub uuu ah term collate points Leave poruana i:o, :ao, lo.o A. M. ; 1-:a. jr. a. jaat- uruay oniy. li.3o P M. v.rive porLiaud from Salem and in fetaiious, b;40, ll;o0 A. M-; 1;15, 4:00, 4;ou. -imi. lo;50 P. M. Local Irom Wilson- villa and Int.. 6:40 A. M. Daily except Sun day ano. 7:35 A. M. dally. Arrive Portland from Forest Grove and Int. stations b;oO. 9:oO, 11:40 A. M. ; 1 ;3o. :30. 3:0. o.-u. ji.uv jr. ai. unday only. 4:40 P. M. - . Depot f ront ana, gcuereon. jfortiand. Or. pun la iid itaiiwuy. Light a Power Company, Ticket Of lice and Wauing-Koom, First and Alder and East Water and East Street. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREET-. Oregon City 1:00 and 6:30 A. M. and every 30 minutes ana inciuuing iajt car, midnighL Gresbam ana intermediate points 6:53. 7:4i', :43, 9:4. lo:43. 11:43 A. M. ; 12:4. 1:43. 2:45. 3:43. 4:43, 5:45. 6:45. 11:30 P. m. Fairview and Troutdale 6:06. 7:45. 8:43. 9:45. 10:45 A. M.; 12:45, 2:45, 3:45, 4:45, 6:43. 0:45 P. M. Cazaaero ana intermeaiate points 6:55. 8:43. 10:45 A.. M.; 12:45. 2:45. 4:16, 0 43 Ticket Offlc. and waiting-room Second and .UU OIK A. M. 6:15, 6;50. T:25. 8:00. 8:35. B:ia. 9:60, lu:30. :1:10. 11:50. P. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50, 2:30, 8:10. 3no 4:30. 5:10. 5:50. :30. 7:05. 7:40, 8:15. 8:25, On third Monday In every month th l car leave, at 7:05 P. M. Elnlly Bun day, tally except Monday.