THE MORNING OEEGOXIAX, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1910. 13 T CASCADES' CREST Mrs. W. E. Herring, of Port-1 land, With Husband Is First to Make Journey. COUPLE SLEEPS IN OPEN Cover n merit COO-Milc Completes Journey Valuablo Water Tower Found In Moun tains May Be llarnced. ilEDFORrx Or.. Sept. 25. (Special.) Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Herri njr. of Tort- land, have arrived In Medford after a fM-nillf? trump alonfc the summit of the l arde. Mrs. Herrlnp is the first oman ovrr t make this trip. Mr Jferrtna- In District Government Kntrin- er. In Ms tmrni) he examined all the lake and streams as to thlr adapt ability to noa-er and Irrigation uses. The lournev w beaun In the Cas cades east of Portland In the middle of July and was completed in Medford yes terday. Mrs. Herrinsr made this trip almost entirely on foot. She and her hushand went for miles across country where no trails existed. Candle Not Need oil. The two months that Mr. and .Mrs. Wrrlnr were In the mountains thf never Uahted a candle but went to bed ith the. sun. They carried no tent. hut slept beneath the open sky. The engineer and his wife traveled li.roneh two snow fields at the alti tudes of 7100 and 7300. respectively. The latter snow field was near Crater Iike. At Diamond Lake they found Ice on A) if us t IK. They saw numerous deer and bear. but as Mr. Herring carried no (fun he killed no aame. His compass and an eroid barometer occupied his attentions. "When crossing trout streams they would ston a few minutes to catch a mess. Th order of day was to break ramp j . , at sunrise and walk until eenlna-. eoverlntt IS or 2" miles per nay. .mu Herring made numerous side trips, ag gregating; 400 miles. Forrst t'lre Ohsorcd. As they ciftn south, the couple passed fiur forest fires. They arrived at Prospect In time to see the fire which rased across the Roeue River. This was the most destructive fire in South ern Oregon. For ta weeks Sir. and Mrs. Herring tayed in this fire district. Mr. Her-rlna- aided in the efforts of the fire fighters. Spenkina- of the trip. Mr. Herring; stated: "We found an Immense amount Pf horse power stored In the rivers, but were somewhat dissappolnted In regard to the possibilities of the lakes as stor asre reservoris. Most of the outlets are too wide to make damming practicable. The outlets, however, of several of the large lakes are narrow and will make good storage reserviors. The storage cf wnter ts very necessary both to pow er and irrigation projects. If enough water can be stored to keep a plant running to full capacity during the dry season, which in this country lasts !' days, a great saving can be ef- 'ected. Storasr ! NercMirjr. The value of storing water for Ir rigation is apparent. The reservlor sties are so high up in the mountains that the only feasible way would be to let the stored water run down the ratural channels during the dry months. "The possiMlites of power develop ment along the lascades have not been touched upon. Tliere can. of course, be no development of power plants until there is a market for the power. In Southern Oregon a small portion of the pr could be put to good use pump ing water for Irrigation. In the jan Joaquin Valley 42'i motors are used to pump water from the river and its branches for irrigation purposes." Other Trip Contemplated. Kt Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Herring leave for another Journey through .;e mountains. Herring is going to l.ok for power sites along Succor Creek to t,,e Illinois River, donwn it to the Rogue and on to the ocean. He will also investigate the possibility of open ing a sfe trad to the famous Oregon caves out from Orants Pass. Mr. Herring desires also to find a rout for a trail down the Rogue River that will connect Grants Ias with the tl.ielamls The couple will finish their trip by October IS. at which time thy will return to Porttand. where Mr. Her ring will make an extensive report of this trip. COLONEL PRAISES TROOPS McCJunnrple INilntt Out Achieve ment. of First Infantry. VAXmrvKR P.ARnACKS. Wash., fept. 2S. (Special. Speaking of the recent tournament In Tacoma. Colo re! George K. M'-Gunnegel. commander of tnls post, today said: "The conduct of the enlisted men of the regiment during their entire stay at Tacoma de serve particular commendation. "1 wuli to congratulate the officers nl enlisted men. It seems fitting at thla time to commend the regiment for the work at Camp of Instruction. American Lake, Wash- during July and August.' In the tournament 11721 was offered for events open to the infantry. Of this amount the First Infantry cap tured In prises litis. For athletic events open to all. 3S7 was offered and the First Infantry se cured 1137. In addition to these sums the. First Infantry band won first prize. 1150. In the band contest at Tacoma. WOMAN RAVERSES IAII.Y MKTKOROI-04-irAl, RFIOKT. PORTLAND. Sept. 2.V Maximum fm pratur. 7 4 dear. minimum. 4" derr-ws. T-'a! rainfall t.' P. M to 5 p. M non-. T.r rainf il sinr September 1. lftio, 1 pi In-h; nrtnl n In fall ln-- September 1. 12 Inches; itclnry of rainfall sin-e fep tmhr 1. Hi O inch. TotaJ inmMn Sermbr 24. 0 hour. 42 mlnuirs; puttle stinh in. 12 hours. Hrom-tr ( reduced to -a-Icvel at A P. 2J.ia lncna. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A low preur area Is approaching from Frttlsh o.umhia. and th Held of hith pressjre tat ys:rday overlay the north ern Kockis has drifted slow lv eastward, having cause! light frost this wiomlng over F.srrn Washlncton. Eastern Oregon and 1 laho. wit h trmperatarva of M to 40 d grea UiM rain hM I Un In the Mlasts s.pp and Ohio v;!t nd th Lake region and 'nnf the etrn slop of the central Hor-kt"- Th weather is warmer over t?ie greater prtinn of this dtstrtct. but Is C2 rirea coMer at PcarHbk, Idaho, tonlrht. whi! over t t plains tata temperatures ar H t 2 d low-r. ndttion ar favoraM for continued fair Syrvatner throughout una district 34oadajr rlth variable wlnria. mostly wMlrrlv. It HI warmer over th eastern DOrtinn of mi. aiairiri Monday, eapeclaily la fciouin- FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity--Fair, northweiterly winaa. Oreaon Fair, northvrosterlv lnrt Washington Fair, vai laolo Hinds, muatlr Idaho hair, warmer aoutheant portion. IHLdlHJlCK K. LMiAKh. Observer, Temprari:y in Cnurire. THE WEATHER. Wind STATIONS. State of Weathac Boise. , Boston . . . 66 o. io 4 W (Clear 76 o. i'j s Clear 31 o h . .i. . I)ar Calgary hI-aro Ho !-. 4 NE MMoudv Denver ... Inw Moines Duluth Eureka 7 1 NK Cloudy 72 l.4M. 4SK Pt. cloudy r4 o.i'o. s k i Kaln r.. o.imi 6 w M'lear iveston. ....... 84 "I t 12 SB I't. cloudy H-Iena . j n im 4 k i ictr Jacksonville. . . . . S4 w.o-i. s NR i!t. cloudy Kan 'U'. ..... Marshrieid Montreal , t- O.OJ 4 NK lllaln tit n.o in NV cloudy 7j o.iwt 12 sv Pt. rioudy New Orleans sti o, rut 4 e i far Now York , Norm Head. ..... 1 XW loudy i'no ni ......... pt it. no 4 N W ;.. m o"' 4 NV 74 ti.OO. 4 E 74 o.o.i 4 N ie;tr poe t e ; k . ....... Portland Rosehura Iff I't. cloudy St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lik 7 j 0.0t' 4 E 'loudy i. lji 4 XW irioudy 0 ihh XW t'lenr 70 o.O'il W 'inr Si; SV iludy Ati.nV 4 XW ilear 710. oit' 4 SV l4'ar r,4 it.'. . . . jf'tnudy ti; rt.4l 4!NW ctrjir s n (Hi 4 SE "!ear San Diesn S.n Francisco.... S:okane. ........ Taroma Tinman Inland... Wnlln Walla , Washington. . . . Winnipeg 4 4N 'Pf. rioudy -, Mnn MI-" TurV 4.: o in x w ' M-nr bungalow Tncatr. 12ih n1 Morrlaon. Vhnnm Main 117 and A 4.-.M. TOV!i;HT. TOMoBRniv, WKHNKSBAT. prrlul rro .Mallnr. BnlnrMiu. WILTON LACKAYE In ClTIan4 Mnff'fn Oram a. TIIE BATri.K."' Krfnlnga 1.M) to Mfc. Mtln.. II t" GRAND Week pt. 26.1910 HAVDKN.BORDKN U'.IIm l.w A rn. I Koland Cartrr to. and IIAVDKN. Tom lilllrn. lll lrrv. Ilt-t Iv I rum. (iKV.MIAMUI'K. la a llupwr rmll- njUInn of Maaic and Jollity. lfatlnc. Kv.rr Iav. 2:30: any a?al ISc Kv.nlna P.rformancea at T:SO and 9: IS; Batcony 13c: l-of r Flor 25c: Pox 9eaf ftOo LYRIC rSIM POKTI.AXD'S I.Y HOISE 7th and Alder W RKK (OMUFMINfi MONnAV. KUW. A KMSTKi N1 fRKSKNTS TIIK UKKHV UtW." "eklar performances at 7:45 and l.V SMtunhiy. and Nunilv at ! 15, 7:'K Jj"' anrt Trlres. exenlnj 15c and s:..-. Mutlnwi anr Mst. 2K:. I-Yltlav lcH. , horu. tilrl.' (oninl.. n Week -Tl.e Kcrtant lJ"-dy.' MAIN 9. A lO'-'a P MATIN t'E EVKHV DAT. a, Wi '.a .-J -teJrJ Rlauia Wr.KK OF SITTKMBEit ta. Hal Stephen. In "IKamon. stcene From Kamoii. I'lajt." Jewtle Miirley and Co. In ''The t heat," Lloyd and J. Kobert., Meyer.. Warren and l.ynn. Jo4pti Adelmann Kamilv, the Mk AlHlellnhs. las Hrnfher. Orchestra, Picture. RAKFR theater XJ iv Jrf AVnrrion and eleventh CEO. L. "RAKER. Manager. Tnlaht. all this . K.irin Matinee tVcdnesdav. 5:.c. Kamntts Haker Stock Company In the powerful 4-act play. "THK If! PtM lUTES." Great Ilunsm Theater. N. V. mccrM. First time In Portland. rtilni-. 2cc. i."c Saturday M.llnce. I'or. 3'e Next HVk "HreTter. Million.." Do You Know a SNAP when you see one? I will sll you the best corner lot in ROSE CITY PARK r-Oll SSOO. Only ."n0 cash required. This Is a 950 lot. one I ftit OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY O.FlCfc. CTTT flAIA MAIN &US. A 7SS. HiMA.NB unict a KArt tt. ACCTlOJt S3ALM TO DAT. At Wilson", auction house, corner Ferond n.l ratnlillL Sale at 10 A. M. J T. Wilson, Urtloner. At retlrtenee. fc7 rorhelt at., 10 A. M. 6. I- V. ;ilman. au-tlner. MUTING NOTICED - MARTHA W ASHINGTON CHA TER. N. 14. O. E- S. Stat nifftini this iMtndayi evening, fc.. m h and Burnslde. Social. Order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Sec. CA M ELI A SOCIAL CLl'B Ma sonic Temple. 34K party, thla (Men day) evening. FLORENCE P. JOHNSON. Sec. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL ROY AL ARCANUM mets at K. P. Hail. 11th and Alder streets, the scond and fourth Monday of each month at 8 p. M. Visitors cor dtaly welcomed. H Claussanlua, Jr., secretary. 125 11th st. HARMONY LOtKJE. NO. 12. A y. AND A. M. Special communi cation this i Monday, evening at , :Mt o'cl-M'k. Work In thj M. M. degree. Visitors are cordially li lted. W. M. lB LIN, Sec. New hall for rent,, flne floor, steam piano, large ante-rooms and lockers. H"'.t-lu Co.. iryj 2d st. or A 20tti. ETI.ERS September 24. to Mrs. F. J. Eilera. ? East Eighth street. N'-rth. a sit. l X OTIC ISA. SCMWINNEN September 24, at 10 East t.Mh street. Lois M. Schwinncn, sged ll years. months, U nays. Funeri grv- ic-'S will be hId tomorrow Tudy . September 27. at A. M-. at St. Stephen's ruut-n. layior ani. 4-d sire Friends respectfully Invited to attend- iirwia Kapius. Alien., paper please copy BAIHP-At St. Vincent s Hospital, Sptrm- ner --.. Aiexanoer A. Kuneral from Holman's undertnkina parlors, t o dry iMonua , Septtmbr 2i. ai 2 o' lo-k. Friends respectfully invited. Interment Ktver lw c emetery. FILLBKRT Funeral services of Claud C i.ihert. aged - y-rs. e mnnihs. 5 days. son oj ir. ana 1 rn. . n. t-nil-ert. 7, (l street, will be held cpiemher . ( t. it nt-miitKn uros. lunerai pariora. V niversily I'ara. fiAIHD In this city, September 25. Alexai ier Aaron Halrd, agrj years. Funeral services will b he.d at Holrnan s chapel. corner inira ana saimon streets, today 1 3tomiR at . .m. i-Tienns invited. In terment at River View 1 emetery. ABRAMS Phoebe, beloved daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. . ri. Aornms. huntrii win take place from residence. 60 1 Jefferson street, tomorrow f. 1 mway), m a. M. XU ET II r LORAL CO, MAKCA.H tlLPtl. FLO UAL 1LU..N!. rbooes: Alain ftlUJ; A HOt. Irnnilna alcKoiea. Kuneral Dlrecsora, Tth sod Ala. Ptooue Alain 4JO. Lau a niiani. va k v vuotj v orvser. lOmAKO HOLM AN CO., Funeral Dlra- ra. r.f aa Lsiy Aitaoi. i-hone AA. o. I. J. MMKi s hO, ad and Msdlsva. mut mnmiiii. rmwt aiiua V. A lt. S AT MUK Funeral Directors, uccoaaoca n f. p. .tannine, isc a. ex. ft g&Za. bfUCMON CO lodeTtakers: adjra nt. 4u Alder. M. 6U3. A 131ft. ZLI.LI- H-BVRN t.H CO.. FaiM-rl nip.r. fry Mutisms awe.; both phooea; lady asst. i Lr-Kl U. . Dtlertakar. cor. ast Alder and j IB. is um. isdf -n. 3 c -3 I - C 7 m A CLASSIFIED ADVfiETISETG AT3 DaXlr or bundar. Per Line. Obs tfm hame ad two consecutive times aMttiie ad ttirec coneculiTe time fUu bau.e ail ilx or aeven cuDwcuiive timea. .660 Mf Murun cuiiuta Ma uue liu uB cat a au- Teitiaeuieats aud au ai vuuuted tor leas thau two llaea. Ubi-n un uUTertUement is not run conse ntiro limn ill a one-tliii rate auoliea. un cbaxK-0 of book advert iwmentu the charxe will be baaed un tiie actual numttfr 9t Hue hu pea rlnc in t tie tuirr, recurtiie of the nuiuner uf Kurd in eacn iuj. In New Today nil niireriuementa ara c, I ta rareu by nuatu re 1 Ultra to tlie lfte above rates apvly to ndvfirUemenia under "New Today ami all otaer laafcillca- Ltun rxceptiiiK the folios ion; bltuaiiwu V anted. Male, bituatiuna V anted. 1-einale. l or Kcuu Kooina, Frlvate Famlllea. Itwoma nod Uourd, Jfrlvate tamiiica, iiuuki-kn-ulnv Kouma. lrl ate 1 uuiiLiaa. Ilie rate on the aiove cluaauicaiiuue 1 centa m line curb Insertion. 1U Ol r-Ot-IOW.N 1A1K0 The Ore- aonlun wljl receive copy uy n.nll. provided udlcient remittance for m definite number of luee ! eent. Ackuowledi;otiient of aucb remittance will oe forwarded nrouipiiy. la ease box vnic adurcoa ta reoutreni. ae regular furut riven, and ciiuot ihta aa part of (be ad- Anawecs to ndvertleinente wlU be forwarded to patron, proviued aiil- ureaaed cnvelonee are incioaeo. II yon nave ettner telrpbone In roar boose we witt accept your au aver vue iiuone send you tbe bill the next day. tbone want AO. iept.. Main r A tiWS. mi taiton Hanted and l'eronnl aovertlaemeoi not acerpied oyer the phune. krrora aire snore emaiiy made In teleDhunlna advertise ments, liierefore Tbe Oreconlun will net ooia iiaejr reaponainie for sucn errors. NEW TODAY. Irvinrfon Swell Home Brand new. modern. woll 9 - room house, evprythlna: In and reaiy to move into- rurnace. nret ace. alee u ne-norch. bnllt-ln china t-losot. window seutH, nice comhlnatlon fixtures, shades, break fnst-rooin: In fact it lias all latest im nrovemrntn and Is a beautiful home, on a lot SOxlon. with cement sidewalks and street imprnveinenta paid. Thl liome Is worth $"r.oo, and you can buy it for a tew days ir ii:'0, aDout j:;i cash, balance easy terms. In the best part of lrvinrton. Nothing but swell homes surrounainff. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Dlds., 4th and Oak. ANDERSON BUNGALOWS ARE Correct In Architecture, Artlatle In Coloring. Substantial lu llulldlug. 5 rooms, 4ith street JSS750 6 rooms. 45tli street 3S50 6 rooms (45th and Hancock-st. corner).. ..S4350 6 rooms, 5Sth and Fland ers. 82800 Baay Terms. TOTt'V G. AXIJERSOV, Forty-fifth and bandy Itnad. Take Koae City Park Car. DESIRABLE COUNTRY HOMES If you doiMre to move to the country MP can exrhantre your rity property for a ftood farm home. We have sev eral located In the Tualatin and Wil lamette Valleyn. Also several wheat farms near oknne, Watdilnton, that we are author. .ed t exrtianpe fr prood Portland Inconifl nronertv. inod resi dence., apartment -houses or flats. If you want en exrhnn that will make you smile, call on hefier with Grussi & Zadow 7 Board of Trade mlg 41 h and Oak. 1RVINGWOOD HesfHrted Realdenre Tftatiirt. East 2Sth. 3oth, Klickitat. Fremont. Lots 50x105, alley 30 feet wide. Water, sidewalks, graded streets, Prlre $S7a and upwards. 10 per cent down, 2 per cent monthly. per cent neiow anjoinina- property. uniy .U lots, so nurry up. GORDOV, Owner, 2ilS 4th St. MILLIONS OF UOLLAR3 IX GOLD. Values lying dormant In alreaiy devel oped mines, within twenty miles of the fcumpter Smelter in Eastern Oregon, where a ready cash market exists. Hundreds of .thousands of tons of ore now blocked out ready to reak down and ship. Grand opportunities for prsctlcal miners and live promoters. Now Is the time to se cure some of these valuable properties, throuch purchase, lease or workii g option. Quick action counts. Address Secy. Suinpter L'eveiopment t-eitgue. rumptcr. uregon TIMBER CLAIMS Two quarters near tidewater In Tlllumook rounty. v.ith 6.000.000 feet nn rnrh. More is a rhanre for two men with a little money to mnko a his rii-anup. I'lenty or worn in nearby lumber rrtmps: pool fishing and hunt- n. v i irefoniiin. Apartment House In l"PDcr AVa-shlnsrton-street district. StiO.OOii. It loused for five year at $600 per month, with ensh deposit to secure tense. v. 111 require rasit to handle, and per cent on money Invested. Lot 54x100 feet. .MOHt;A, KI.IKDF.ll A novcE, SO.I-SIKI Alilnglon Kliig. Pacific Title S Trust Co. Removed to 7 Charabpr of Commerce, pround floor, r ourth-street side. A. B. Marley. Pres. W. Y. lasterx. Sec Atty. CITY pnorr.nTY. Roomlng-hous, h. 10. IS rooms. Klri)tcluss grocery store, cash busi ness. Citffirs mm oonrrtionory stands. See Mf, Uurualtie St. INVESTOR B CaTt on owners Keaity AaVa. ror timbsr. acreage. bus:nesn r:anom aa4 partmant prvprila zo A olnsoa. REAL KSTATK DEALERS, Beck. William G.. 312 Kallins: bids. Birr ell. A. H. A Co., 2U2-3 Mt Kay bldg. Real estate, insurance, mortgagaia. loans, ate. Bru baker Benedict, CO ale Kay bldg. aC 64 s. CbaDtn A Herlow. 82 Chamber Commeroa, Jennings A Co.. Main 164, 303 Oregon laa. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P, 91S Com: ctai ciub Did. Bchatk. Geo. XX. 32a stark st. Mala ti A 2393, 8HLVDLER V BALL, 00 Ablsglom bid. The Oregon Best Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah st. (Hollidar Addition.. M. E. Thompson Co., 00 r. 4th and Oak eta REAL ESTATE. OVERLOOK. I hare a few lota In thl tract at low prices; on fy terms. Thono Main 210. IRVING-TON bargain; lot on 20th st. Owner, ! mti noard or Trade phone M. 7 .'.. CHOICE lot In Idd's Addition near Haw- X home ave., $2330. $1000 cssh. B 2301. SIX lots, fine location. Willamette boulevard. corn e r Delaware. n aj t eSl 7 Un Ion ave. ALAMEDA PARK 4 lots near carline. old contract, classified. Phone Main 33 OS. REAL ESTATE. J-'or iaie -Lota. INVESTORS It is the convenience, satis faction and future possibilities that give property value; a lot on the West Side, rlRht on the carllne, within walking dis tance of the P. O., certainly means con venience; a lot In a new hiph-ciass resi dential district where all Improvements are cnlng In at once, certainly means sat isfaction ; a lot with 50-ft. frontage on the principal, street In Portland, a street which has a monopoly in serving a tre mendously large district assuredly means future valuf when the residence restric tions are off for business purposes. The man who buflds here will have not only convenience and satisfaction but he will Brow rich. The price is now $1600; trms. The price Includes absolutely all Improvements; terms. E 354. Orcgoniun. BARGAINS. 100x1 oo, William and Sumner; 100x 57th. Just North of Sandy Hoad; llOx ln, Montelth and Warren; "H-xlia. Ellsworth and E. 3Sth; 10"xJOO. Jarrett and E '2Mh North; 50x100, E, Oth North, near Stanton. merchants Savings a trust COMPANY. P. W. Corner flth and Washington Sts. TABOR, HEIGHTS. On th went s!ote of Mt Tabor, command ing truperb view r city. We have tor sale -.cri pircels, rHnKlng fmm one to Ave lota, running from to fUKAt per lot. All either on or very close to carllne. Very easy terms can be arranged. Thla Is a great oppor tunity ar,; w-e solicit an Investigation. The Hnrt L-ind Co,, l-W Second st. Phone Mar- READ. READ. READ. On Pettvicrove il. bet. 24th and ISth very hautiful lots In the heart of the Nob Hill residence district; an Ideal home ite. too; if taken at once will give you a bargain; call at office for full particu lars; Hon t wait; see sign on lots. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. $4000 for block, fi lots D Ox 100. lnclud ing 2 corners facing east; i blocks from Piedmont carbarns: 10 minutes walk from Jefferson H igh School ; this is one of the best buys In Portland ; $2000 cash, balance terms. If sola this week. Call at 66 Sixth street. $4.vo Quarter block, southeast corner E ith and Lincoln sts.. central ana win imnrove ranidlv in value when new Madi sou bridge ts opened. This is really a bar gain, i erms may be had. PARR1SH. W ATKINS & CO., j0 Aider st- INSTITUTE PLACE. Sltely lots in this choice addition now on the market. I e ment walks, streets. This is close in property. Agent on the ground- Take W. W. car, get off at Kenllworth curve a. id walk 2 blocks south. Owner at 414 Spalding bldg IRVIXr.TON LOTS. S20O CASH. Your choi.-e of two lots.- 5oxl0u each, on East 27th. near Thompson; price only $13' mi, $::oo cash and $J0 per month; cheapest lots in irvingron. GRUSSI & ZADOW. .117 Board ofTrade Bldg., 4th and Oak. (tftoion Very choice two-lot piece, lower por tion of Portland Heights, surrounded Dy nne homes; hard surface treet and all Improve ments in and Paid for. A chance for good hen A Phono owner. Marshall 1SS5, or call 14 S. cond St. OWNER wants cash; will sacrifice two (Vx loo-f t . K t s, Capl toi Hill. ai&0 dk w pres ent prices. DOVR-THOMPSON COMPANY. 420-4.22 Board of Trade. HERE IS A SNAP. Lot JrOx lor, on salmon, near 49th -.; price I Ton; easy terms. MOOSE REALTY CO. . VM and ,vh Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAINS. Beautiful lots, tracts and homes on all partb of Heights; prices and views vary, but all have the same invigorating, brac ing air. Main 3351. A 3;m. PANORAMIC view lot. totally unobstructed and always will be. within easy walking distance of the P. O.. on the West Side, a lt with magnificent foliage; $loti0; terms. P 3'n, Oregon ian. ELEGANT lot. 45xlOO. in vicinity East lrtth and Couch; If -ou ar a responsihie builder we will take $M0 to $luoo cash down and balance in days. CULVER, 615 McKay bldg. LOTS! LOTS ! LOTS! $2 each month; price $150 up $200; 3 room house, price flK50; terms $10 per month, nothing down. National Realty & Trust Co.. 3.'H VN asn. st., room 516. jlT one acre, high, sightly, view of river, thre blocks from electric line, finest resi dence site in Milwaukle. See S. V. Le velling, opposite carshop. Milwaukte, Or. BA ItGAl N 100x106 on Tillamook, includ lng Improvements ; hard-surface street ; $1700; eany terms. Dubois & Crockett, Washington hidg.. room 3. 1 6 oo EACH for 2 choice corner business lots in Mi lion rarn. Adjoining street -car station. Terms to suit. Call 414 Spald ing bldg. RIVERDALE Three acres among best homes; Improved Into beautiful natural park; grand view; bargain for immedl nre sa'e. T 300. Oregonian. YOU can buy a lot near Rose City Park for Koo, 25 aown nnd iu mommy; graaea streets, cement sidewalks. Bull Run water. &24-S20 T! oard of Trad e b Id g . GREAT BARGAIN. Close-In VxlOO lot on Irvlngton carllne; very attractive homes surround this choice lot. N 3."n. Oregonlan. PORTLAND Heights sacrifice. 8 lots, block from car. beautiful view; choice neighbor hood, N.r00; terms. Main A 339. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Z lots, among beau tiful homi, good view, block from car. $3..rtn; terms. Main 351. A 339. 1 HAVK 2 lots 60x100 each, near carllne, on Portland Heights, with a wild scenic view, for $!' each; terms. O 3i3. Oregonlan. For fale -Hon CLOSE IN f.-ino. 0x1 no corner. East Kith and Ash, with eight-room house, only one block from East Ankeny car; thla property carries Itself and " be very valuable for an apartment house. H. P- PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-2L1 Commercial Club bid g. 6-RoOM bungalow; fireplace, paneled dln intr-room. Dutch aitcnen. rurnace. full ce merit basement, all modern conveniences; A Ins worth ave., corner, close to car; my enuttv for cash, balance $3450. in mont hly payments. AM .WW. Oregonlan. THINK OF THIS FOR 1170! 7Aslou on 74th. lw feet from Montavllla carllne: a g'-d 7-room hUfe and barn, fine lawn and garden; ea.ily worth $273o; owner leaving city, navid Lewis, room 1 Lumber mens b!'lg.. Mh and Stark. i fV.Hi Seven-room house, with modern con veniences, on o ioib, in cnoicest location; fruit oi an Kinns. a itreai noma place. The Hnrt Iind Co.. 146 Second st. Phone M a rs hall J. THIS Is a bargain, fl-mom houre nn cor. lot between v -1 ana Hawthorne cars on ;isth st.. 175. with furniture lsro. 3oI Washington st. Barber shop, ask for Ralston. NEW modern double house. 6 rooms each. f urnacei. combination nxtures, shades, etc.. $f7o0; easy terms. Phono owner, V oodlawn 197. BEAUTIFUL 5 and fl-room houses, modern, near scnooi ana cars; very easy terms; will exchange for lota Plttenger, liw Kllllngnworth ave. IT. L. or St. Johns cars. NIFTY, up-to-date bungalow with picked furnishing. imm um ana win cer tainly suit you. Terms that you want. See owner. 414 Spalding B?dg- 4-KuoM house and large lot at Lents. $960; will taae vi.. ii. nm payment; hnlnnrw $10 month. Box lLLent, Or. MODERN, new, S-room house. East 44th and Main; easy wni ao 400, Ore gonlan. : i FOR SALE by owner, monern to -room bun galow, tasi Ji'i" . k"ou irmi. Call 90 East lth st. Phone B 273S. 1 FOR California bungalows on easy terms. Hynson. " an cm. jaar- shnll 77.V , Mi'DEIlN 3-room bungalow, on carllne; electric IlgnLB. umc. uarKHin at sibUO; rmaj. j'lione 1 hq't om or r.ast x.i. HERB la a S-Xv nap In Sunnysl.le; new coiiHRe. " ' 1 r - . -"o casn. balance sis-w "'"" -ne xaoor y5, u'oo-8-ROOM house. fiOxlOo, flne neigh borhood, improved streets, one block from MODERN elgbt-ronm house, furnace and m, 1.. .-T .t Vaat Anbonv ar 10th: reasonable terms, phone East 1515. $370t A BARGAIN in a o-room house, just compieten. it.oi-iii awpvcu leu FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest 8-room h'jUHa in irvingion. t. 00m sr.. uall and see It. BY OWNER, a new 7-room house In IrvlnF- tm. ( an ojm cm iiu on.n. rnont East 1S72. BA AI N Modern 7-room suburban home, 7ivt; ai" nuf--w. ciw up. 4. o. Aiiiaun, 42S Lumber Exchange. WEST SIDE Good r-room house, walking distance; s-ifw can win nanuie. owner, .":oi Grant st. FOR SALE or rent, a modern 7-room house on Keroy st. can at bos ivy il HOUSE, 1O0 feet to Tabor car: $2wo, terms; bartraln. Owner. Fhone Marshall 1364. SIX-ROOM residence, modern, for sale by owner: Terms. ..i 1 rna ver street. Nfc-W modern house In Irvlngton. R. B. Rice, bo 10 phones. A MODERN ! room house, lot 26x100, $20u0. I hone W oodlawn 1444. REAL ESTATE. MrsT ke RArRirrrEn for i2ftoo. Good, well-built 8-room house, with full basement and modern plumbing, newly painted and in fine -condition: lot oOxil 6 large, bearing fruit trees, within three mocks or the beat car service In tne cu I naid JLMOo for this, hut am forced raise monev lmmeuiatelv and am wlllin to sacrifice for Quick sale. Aa dress AF oot, ureconiau. IRVINGTON HOME WILL HE SACRIFICED. One of the most complete little horn in the choicest part of Irvlngton; has eve Imaginable convenience, is new and c ceptionally well built; 7 rooms, very large hath. sleenlnaT oorch. full basemen beamed ceilings, large fireplace, beautiful especially designed fixture, screens an shades included: nice lawn - and sum bery; worth J7000, but will be sold Irre specttve of price. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. 510-511-512 Swetland bldg. YE BARGAIN HUNTER. SEE THIS AND YOU WILL SEEK NO FURTHER. Any reasonable offer will tako this hea tiful 8-room home, located '2G minutes ou on the best car service In city; modern iilumhlnir. full basemen L 50x11 . lot : rare bargain for someone: it is a case of "the early bird and the worm." Pri only $J.o. DEVLIN A FIREBAl'GH. 510-M1-512 Swetland Bldg. GOING TO BUILD ? IT PAYS TO GO TO A FIR EQUIPPED TO SAVE YOU MONEY AN YET GIVE YOU SAFETY AND Dl PATCH. OUR REFERENCES. OUR CLI ENTS. NO CHARGE FOR PLANS WHEN WE BUILD. WE KNOW IT WILL PAY TO SEE US. I V YOU OWN LOT WE WILL FINANCE BUILDING FREE OF CHARGE. . NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO. 902 Lewis bldg. $300 DOWN. C-ROOM BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and bath. 2 blocks from good car line. In a select part of the city strictly modern, fine lot with cemen walks; full basement, close to school. If you want something nice and neat and good, comfortable home, we want you to investigate this place. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. BIG BARGAIN. A first -class modern, well-built bunga low in Rose City Park, 4 blocks from car- line, lor sale ror i.ioou; cash and naf terms; lot &4lx 100, house t:ix4", 1 -story six rooms and reception nan, sievpm porch, bath, nantry. 4 closets, two toilet! beam ceiling, pantry wainscoted, buft'e and closet, clothes chute, fireplace, two big porcnen. cement waiKs ana cement noor i basement. Arranged for furnace. Phon vv oodlawn Jii;.. ROSE CITY PARK. BARGAIN, $20(1. EASY TERMS. Seven rooms, lot GOxlOO. improvements In and paid: bath, built-in buffet and book cases, den. pass rtantrv. beamed cellln In dlnintr-room. Kleenintr norclv furnace, full basement, laundry trays, hardwood noors, etc.; owner must sell ar. once, isa tional Realty & Trust Co., 320 Wauh. st room 010. 1500 CASH. BALANCE ON EASY TERMS Kuys h line, modem 7-room nouse in Richmond Addition, on a oo by, lou-root lot. 1 block from car. near 3!th St., in the best part of this fine addition. Let us show you this before vnu locate. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 622 Board of Trade Bldg. 4th and Oak sts. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Call at 663 E. Washington st. near IRth and see my new 8-room house; lawn, flow ers, walk in j? distance, excellent ncignoor hood. Am leaving city and will sacrifice for quick saie. ALBINA COTTAGE. Nice" 5-room cottage, cement basement, gas. porcelain bath ; this cottage Is near ly new and on a lot 5"xl00. east front, on Minnesota ave., near Skidmore; price only $2.oo, s,oO rash and $20 per month. GRUSSI & ZADOW. JM7 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Qrtk. BEAUTIFUL IRVIXGTON HOME. Located near E. 18th and Tillmook sts. 7 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace, large attic and every modern convenience. Never been on the market before. I built the place for a home, but find I must sell, and it is a bargain. If ynu want a home in Irvlngton you should see it. Address the owner. E 3 74, Oregon lan. - OWNER'S SALE. A flne new 6-room Queen Anne style, with den, bath, toilet, wash basin, built in bookcases and china closet, full base ment and largo porches; If sold In a few days, f75u; $auu casn win taae it ; one block from car on corner lacing ease 56 Sixth SL HARC.AIV WEST SIDE. Very good rt-room 2-story house, all In first-class order; only a lew mi mi tea walk from down town, on Arthur street, near Water; price only $2300, S50O cash and 2 per montn. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Hoard of Trade Hidg., 4th and Oak, SAVB YOUR RENT. We will sell you a home and you can pay us in monthly payments, or w will huiM for vou in any Dart or tne city. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT & TRUSTBfl COMPANY. 624-S2tl Board of Trade bids;. IRVINUTON BVNOALOW, t.'iOO cash will buy one of the most at tractive 7-room homes In Irvlngton ; new and modern; shades, fixtures and lawn. ' H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 12-213 Commercial club bldg. phones Main SG&8. A I3r.n0 8-ROOM house, corner lot, TlfixT2i feet; barn and chlckcn-house; house In good condition with bath nnd electric lights, on Mt. Scott carllne, 20 minutes' ride from town; terms. MORGAN. FLIEDNER & BOYER. ro:j-rt AMngtnn B!dp. 1 YU WANT TO BUY A HOME? We nave houses and lots from $10u0 to $10,oo0; easy terms. If looking for a nice home, come and see us. G'KJDNOI'GH & PEITZ, 71S Board of Trade, OWNER MUST BELL TERMS. 2 lots and 3 house on corner of 2th and East Irving sts., 100 feet on 28th st. E. Ankeny car. OREGON ABSTRACT COMPANY, 0OW Board of Trade bldg. KLDGANT CORNER ON HAWTHORNE. NEAR 41ST ST. Choice 6-room house, rented for $22.30 and there Is room for another house; 4."j40 taks this if sold at once. David Lewu room 1 Lumhermens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. 12Z Small, neat houne. East Gllstin and CSth St.; full corner lot, facing on carllne, with nice shade trees; owner a non-resident, wants cash. An opportunity. The Hart Land Co., I4rt Second st. WEST OF LAURELH URST Will build you a bungalow on fractional or full lot, clos3 In at very small cost; easy payments. Western Trust Co., 25 Lafayette bldg. Phone Main 8:29- E. T'TH ST., corner 774x100 feet with now modern 6-room bungalow cottage. The property is high and sltely. A good bargain at $3000. It Is easily worth $3800. See Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding Bldg. Acreage. $10 A MONTH. ACRE HOUSE BARN. $100 cash will put you in possession of this beautiful tract, close to i-cent fare and close to graded school. This 4 acre Is planted to fruit, berries and shrubbery. Nice little 3-room house, basement, barn and good well; city water piped to within one block; price iiwu. 411 COUCH BLDG. 109 4TH STREET, ACREAGE SNAPS. LAS f CALL AT THESE LOW PRICES. in acres, oniy o mucs east 01 city. 1223 Der acre. 2 acres, on Section Line road, only 4 miles jrom city, at r.'iu per acre. Time Is the essence of the contract. STRONG &. CO.. 603 Concord bldg. GO TO GARDEN HOME. 10-cent fare; well cultivated acre tracts at $600; only 20 minutes to Port land. You can work in the city ana llv at Garden Home. Liberal terms. 411 Couch Bldg. 109 4th St. WHEAT LAND. We have customers for about f?oo acres of wheat land In counties near Columbia Klver, in Eastern Oregon. GRUSSI & ZADOW, 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. ACREAGE for platting; price $100,000: cash $33.0oO will handle. An easy profit of 100 per cent on purchase price. A'l joins a t- tlcd district in city .limit. Phone Marshall 1386. or call on owner. ntisecond st. FOR SALE 3 acres, well Improved. 4-room house, well, barn, close to school; take Oregon Cfly car to Risley Station. 500 yds. east. Phone Oak Grove Red 354.. Mrs. Rergford If wanting a suburban home or, choice acreage investment, do not fail to consult the "SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS," CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch Did. to ACR0 ON MT. TABOR HEIGHTS Choice building site; beautiful view of city; lots of fruit and berrlea; will sell for $3300 or trade for good home about equal vah. Owner. H 341. Oregonlan. 28 ACRES. -Salem electric line. 20 minutes out. Ideal for platting; station on property. 410 Corbet t bldg. FOR SALE 5-acre tract,, half in young bear ing orchard, high and sightly, easy terms. Dr. Dtedrlcb, Kusa station, O. , R, REAL ESTATE. Acreage. HYLAND SNAP BUYS Several choice ten-acre tracts located 5 miles northwest of Sheridan on main county road, R. F. D. and phone line; every foot deep red shot, several acres cleared on each tract, balance good stand ing fir timber, no underbrush; running water. This land is especially adapted for fruit: hundreds of acres now planted to apples, cherries and walnuts. Our price for a short time is $73 per acre: terms, $1 per acre cash; $1 per acre per month. Our land sells on Its merits. You be the judge. If not as represented we will pay you $lf per day for your time spent In . investigating. Prices will" soon ad vance. See us todav. CHA PIN & HERLOW, 332 Chamber of Commerce, Farm Department ACREAGE. IIS to $25 per acre; 10. 20. 30 and 40 acre tracts, unimproved, red shot land ; no rock or gravel; well watered, plenty. of cedar and timber for all purposes; located ' on railroad. 23 miles northwest of Port land; 800 feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orchard tracts beinz raoidlv cleared and set to fruit. Call and arrange to visit these tracts at once. The soil, elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest- priced land, now on the market, sio jor- bett bldg. 20 ACRES. NEAR WITCHAKEL. 17 acres under cultivation, balance of 3 acres oak timber; fine sod. n?s rolling , frame buildings. acre orchard. 0 cows, 2o0 chickens. 2 horses. 2 wagons, farm , implements, some furniture, all for $5200, $aoo cash; will exchange for a few acres at Garden Home. GRUSSI & ZADOW. 317 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. 14 ACRES CULTIVATED. 14 acres of cultivated land, on rail road, near Portland; can he irrigated; will exchange for Portland property. MOOSE REALTY CO., .104 and .Vrt Board of Trade Bldg. BusinenN i'rooerty. CITY PROPERTY. $7000 buys good East Side business , nronertv with an income of 11 ier cent; street improvements all in. one block from j carline; $H3oo cash, balance to suit. HYLAND. JONES & CO.. 400 Gerlinger Bldg.. 2d and Alder. rTomcstencH. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. 32-page book explaining what each of the 34 counties Is best adapted for: elves amount of Government land open to home stead in each county: man attached, JlxJN showing new R. R. and towns, including Kastorn and Central Oregon; counties in dif ferent colors; drawn to Mareh 1, 1010; lat- est map in Tj. S. ; price Zac. n immo Runey. 313 Hamilton bldg. TWO relinquishments Joining 160 acres, each mile irom school; man ana telephone; postofflce; on county road; running water. Dest of land. 6 miles from R. R. town. About 4.000.000 ft. on each; these are bar gains; eu miles from Portlanu. J. A. Davis. 214 Swetland bldg. BEST homesteads in Southern Oregon, also ; deeded land in Rogue River alley. In formation, etc., room 213 Board of Trade hidg. TU A wllnnnihmnl n OiJO OTtO tlmHpr sin Afifh adjoining cheap If taken soon, iss Marquam bldg.. M. 8314. ONE excellent timber c!alm 'A. 090. 000 feet. Southern Oregon. Room 213. Board ot Trade bldg. -I-run iJioa. MODEL FRUIT RANCH. We have recently arranged for the sale of a 73-acre fruit ranch. In the famous Garfield fruit section, about three miles from the town of ESTACADA. This is one of the finest up-to-date fruit ranches in tne country, beautiruiiy located, com manding a magnificent view of Mount Hood and St. Helens, with Intervening stretches of mountains and valleys. The ranch contains all modern improve ments, including one of the newest and finest types of Craftsman bungalow houses; house has seven rooms and nam. running hot and cold water, with pres sure tank in cellar; perfect sanitation with septic cesspool; house piped for fur nace heat or separate heaters: large liv ing room with fireplace and French doors leading into porches ; interior trim of house best selected fir, with finely fin ished floors; house has only been com pleted about two months. Adjoining house is woodshed, tool shop and washhouse, the latter having run ning water. The barn is new and up-to-date In all appointments, with good pasture lot ad Joinina. This ranch contains about 30 acres of commercial apple orchard, trees from 1 to years 010, neing nest seieciea hpiizen hergs, Ne tons and Jonathans, with Ort- ieys and Arkansas .Blacks as poiienizers; theso trees are as nearly perfect as can he grown, having been cared for by ex pert ore hard 1st s. In keeping with latest accepted methods of apple, culture. There are 5 acres of strawberries. gooseberries and currants. which will yield a profit of over $7oo next season. Aside from about 13 acres of timber. suitable for fuel and pasture land, the balance of the land is perfectly cleared and ready for the planting of any kind of fruit or other products. With two deep wells and six good springs, the land is perfectly drained. owing to its si igh tfy rolling character. The main county road divines tne place. giving about mile of well-wired fenced road frontage. The owner of this property wishes to sell and develop a larger tract of land near by, and for this reason will sell at very attractive price ana win make good terms. If you have any dount or me kmai a- DA section being fine apple and fruit cr-untrv. we would respectfully n-fT vou to Professor C. I. Lewis, of the Oregon Agricultural College, or to any one con nected with that institution. The O. A. experimental orchard Is located near the aforementioned fruit ranch. We want you to call nt our office and let us give you further details about this ranch, for it is one of the best that is on the market now and the prlc? is right. CHA PIN & HERLOW. 332 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or., Farm Department 33S. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD. 20 acres, all in strictly commercial or chard of yellow New towns and Spltzen be.rgs. 6 acres bearing. 4 acres K-year-oids. balance 1 year old; also family orchard, including cherries, peaches, pears, etc.; : new. cozy mt le 4-room cottage, with BDrine water niped In; free water for ir rigation; ideally located on main county road, right in the heart or the valley: nm compelled to sell and will make a bargain lor some one: .oou casn win nannie it and the orchard will paj; tne balance; will consider good Portland property In part I payment. Owner. AH .too. Oregonlan. MT. HOOD DISTRICT. On west slope of Mt. Hood, the coming commercial apple center, close to Portland, offers bert Inducement for men of moder ate means of any fruit district in Oregon. The Mt. Hood Railroad now building will svn afford excellent one-hour service to the city; Hood River and other prominent hor ticulturists are investing in this favored lo cality, where soli, elevation and climatic conditions are ideal ror -high-class apple growing. Any s-tze tracts from 10 acres up Get our booklet. Vanduyn & Walton. 61.' Chamber Commerce, HOOD RIVER. 23 seres. 4 i miles from town. West Side; 1700 apple trees, 200 full bearing. 400 fl years old, 300 4 years. 8nu 1 and 2 years: good bulldlnga, spring water piped to house and barn; team, wagon, crop and Implements go with place. This will he big money producer in short time. Price only $18,000; easy terms. Address, AC 330, Oregonlan. HOOD RIVER SACRIFICE. 19 acres, first-class apple land, near some of the finest orchards In the valley; 6 acres cleared, houso and barn on place; flno trout stream; on the banks of the beautiful Hood River, commanding an un surpassed view of the surrounding or chards ; owner needs money badlv and will sacrifice; only $1000 required. AJ 350. Oregonlan. 40 ACRES good ranch near Portland; partly timbered; on county road; alt best soil for fruitgrowing; chicken-raising, etc. ; well dralned; no rocks; only $23 per acre. An other 40-acre tract at $17.00 per acre. Liberal terms to suit. . Mc FAR LAND INVESTMENT CO. 310 Corbett Bldg., Portland. Or. I HAVE a short option on 100 acres, 3 miles from railway, in Hood River 550 an acre, land adjoining uncleared selling for $125 an acre. Make some quick money. $2300 will handle would tako part payment in Portland property. . Address AC 333, Ore gonlan. i HOOD RIVER. $3000 cash handles 40 acres, partly In hearing. within mile of railway and fa mous East Side orchards; this is real bar gain; won't last long. Address AC 852, Oregonlan OREGON ORCHARD LAND. Redshot soli, partly cleared, $10 an acre and up; we are headquarters for Wil lamette Valley lands, close to Portland. THE WESTERN SECURITIES CO 414 Spalding Bldg. CELEBRATED ROGUE RIVER VALLEY iiuil minis, large ann -mfU Tracts for sale; apples won sweepstake prize at Spo kane in 1009; Correspondence solicited Moor-Ehnl Co.. Medford. Or. A REAL BARGAIN" t'ntil October 1 I offr 40 acre of A 1 fruit land. 3-A miles from MosW on county road, at $65 per acre. $oo0 ' oaah bal. term. AM 335, OregonianJ REAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Fruit Lands. JOIN OUR CLTB PLAN" SAVE MONJCY ON CHOICE APPLE LAND The city of Estacada is rapidly becom ing the center of a great fruit dist rict, and is today one of the most promising and highly recommended fruit sections in the state. Prof. C. I. Lewis of the Ore gon Agricultural College is very enthusi astic over this section and will be glad to answer any inquiries regarding the ad vantages of this locality for the growing of fruit. You will find hero some of the finest young orchards in the state, beau tifully sitUHted in the Western foot-hills of Mount Hood, in the center of a set tled community, with congutiial modern . conveniences and a Tlrst-class eommutilt y high school. In the heart ot" this district is located the State Experimental Orchard which Is under the direction of the Ore gon Agricultural College. Here informa tion of great value to the orchard is t is given free of charge, and in tho immedi ate neighborhood there are n number of expert fruit growers, and extensive de velopment is going on throughout the en tire section. The soil, climate, etc vat ion. and results already obtained give promise of rich returns, and we believe that this vicinity offers a splendid opportunity for any one looking for a home or an in vestment. You can save money by Join ing our club plan and purchasing a small tract at wholesale prices on easy terms. The property we have for this purpose is well located on a good rock road, and only 2l miles from Estacada. If you are not in a position to occupy the prop erty at once we can make arrangement s to have it set to trees and cared for by experts at a very moderate cost. This is a money-making opportunity that de serves your thoughtful attention, and we would appreciate an opportunity to give you further details in resard to our plan. CHAPIN & HKRLOW, S3S t'hambor of Commerce. Farm Department. BEST fruit land. R0 miles from Portland; 10-acre tracts, $,V per aere ; torniB. See McDufTee, 520 Abinjrton bldg. For Sale -Farms. FARM BARGAINS. J2oO CASH. A fine piece of land only 14 miles fn-m Portland, on fine county pki1. 2 miles from carline; sandy loam, no gravel; 12 feel t t water in abundance; cultivated land In this vicinity aelilng for $2r-0 per acre anil up. If you have $2H) cash you can make ths land pay the balance; the price of thla pl.jc Is on 1 y $ 1 1 5 per acre an d we will 1. t you have a year and one-half to make another payment. thn pay it off at S15 per month; any reasonable terms will he, considered. There are four of the0? 13-acre farm and if you will conie In or phone for an appoint ment we will arrange to meet you. This Is all right nnd our Kiiarantee la back of it. CHAPIN & HEJRLOW. "C." 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Dept. ::3S. NEVER OFFERED BEFORE. 40 acres, over one-half in cultivation, with two nice applo orchards ; a lot of cherries and pear trees, all full bearing ; berries of all kinds: 2."i0 grape vines, all In paying quantities. Good house, fair barn, a beautiful home, and a plate that pays well. Owner must go East and will not rent the place, and will sell at a bargain ; will take $2300 cash, balance can be paid out of place ; only 12 miles from the heart of Port land, on a good road. If you are looking for a place, see this one. HOLT-JONES REAL ESTATE CO., 522 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. LARGE TRACT, SMALL PRICES, One thoumnd acres only 10 mile from Woodland. Wash., which U on the S.. P. & S. Railway, 20 miles north of Vancouver. This is strictly choice land, not logged-off land, but covered with brush and small tim ber, such f.r. alder, bcarberry, vine maple, cherry, etc., and 1 easily cleared. There is a million and half of fine larne fir also. Land Is well watered by small streams and spriuga; adjoins Improved farms; very much of it Is level and will grow any crops or fruit that can be grown in Western Washington; lies In Little Kalama River Vallev and is a bargain at the price, namely, f 1 3 . 3 '0. S . G. I jii n e . Woodland. Warih, FARM LANDS 35 acres, all cleared and under fence, good spring on place, on good country road. 3 miles from good town: price $73 per acre. 40 acres, all fenced and cross-fenced, on Rood county road. 1 3o acres pioweil land; good house. 2 large barn;?, loo tons of hay and all machinery and stock k with place ; feet of saw Timber on place; 4 '-4 miles from town; 330 applo trees ft years old and bearing : prtee $;;o per acre; sell or trade for city property. HYLAND. JONES & CO., 4ol OerHngor Bldg. 24o acres tine Alberta wheat land, all cleared and ready for the plow ; good house, barn, well, all fenced: other good Improvements ; 40 acres broken ; $17 an acre; ensy terms. 040 acres, steam plow wheat land in Alberta; all pra irle land, covered with heavy grass; rich, black soil and a clay sub-soil ; 3 miles from a new town ; $13 an acre, terms easy. We have a large list of improved farms and raw lands for sale or exchange at prices from $12 to $23 per acre. IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY, 423 Lumbermen's Hull ding. DANDY 1U-ACRE FARM With a brand new 0-room bouse, all plastered and piped for hot and cold water; bathroom all re;idy for iixtures; fine well and new woodshed. Every Inch of this place is In cultivation and is only a short distance from the city, on electrlc railway; board walk to station. The price la $3430, $i:0 cash will handlo it, balance on easy terms. CHAPIN & HERLOW. "D" 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. FARM DEPARTM ENT. I20 ACRES, $1000 CASH, J2OO0 TIME. 6 PER CENT. 50 acres In cultivation ; good house and bam and balance in pasture; rme g--rX timber; no waste, land or rocks on this farm; Is bottom land and running water year round : mile from town, churches and graded school. Fr further particulars see John Dick, 020 Henry Di-ig. FOR SA LE Fino Eastern Oregon wheat farm of Klviu acres, in 011 nam rminty, only 4 miles to railroad; 5o0 acres per fectly level, balance somewhat rolling ; 603 acres plowed ami harrowed ready for Fall crop. Good house and large barn, also a small house. Windmill and plenty of good water from a driven well. Or I will divide thin place to suit purchaser. Also a fine Jr2 section all plowed and liar rowed and perfect y leel. El t her of these fine tracts for $20 per acre from the owner direct, on very easy terms. 1. 11. Llttlehales. Forest Grove, Or. HOMESEEKER3. On arriving In Portland, don't go roam ing all over a strange land, but gat Im partial, free Information about all parts of Oregon at Hartman & Thompson, bankers. Chamber of Commerce bldg., cor. 4th and Stark. Complete line of il lustrated literature for your inspection. Call on their Farm Lands Dept. You will be made welcome. ( See Hartoe ) 63 ACRES bottom land. g-xd house and barn, Ifi cows, team and tools; $7000, $:;uOO cu5h. balance long time. 130 acres. 50 bottom, balance hill; good btilldlngf. Thin i. snap at $OoO; easy terms. 201 acres, all bottom, fine house and barn. This place is within quarter of a mile off etation and is one of best places in Co lumhU River Valley. Price $32,5o0; terms right. C. C. ALFORD. Woori lard. Wa s-h . WHEAT FARMS. Wheat lands. Improved and onlmproved, in Sherman and Gilliam countlea. clone to railroad. $0 to $31 per acre. 17.00O acres to select from. This Is a choice wheat ranch being divided, this Is the first time offered for ralo; come earlv , and get the first selection; terms half cash; will sell 100 nrres or more. A. BACKUS. 519 Board ft Trade. Bldg. 80 Af'KKS, 30 clear. 35 of which is garden land. 20 br?st heaverdam, 2J acres apples, house, fine barn, strawberries, well wat ered, 15 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric. Southern Pacific extends through land with station and switch t hereon. The beaverdam land alone la worth what we will take for the SO. Owners. 2ol Swetland Hidg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY RANCH. 805 acres foothill land for sle at 25 per acre. 5 miles from R. It station; very best of frnlt trrnln and crass land an fdel stock and dairy ranch; some fine saw and piling timber; good house, ham, orchard, well watered and all under fence; must bo seen to be appreciated; liberal terms. Ad dress owner. Geo. W. Wright, Alt any, pr. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FARM?.. We have several improved farms near Portland listed for Immediate sale at bar gain prices; all stock and implements in cluded. MOOSE REALTY CO.. 504 and 500 Board of Trade Bldg. R45 ACRES: all tillable; largo dwelling, convenient barn; 300 rods woven fence; ad join In jr school and railroad; full equip ment, feed, seed, stock; 12 acres seedrd; $24,000. Box 60, Route No. 1, Harris hurg. Or. " J. A. CUNNINGHAM. " For sale, farms; prices reasonable; ao exchange. P. O. Pox 74. Carlton. Or. LINCOLN COUNTY has B mild climate and rain for all purposes and partly improved lands ut reasonable prices. O. G. Dalaba. Elk City, Or.