21 Till: 3IOKMMS UKKUUMAX, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1910. CUE IS ON Quality Will 'Count in Oregon Hop Market This Year. BEST ON PACIFIC COAST Ordrr Are i'nmins Krom th Knl Slowly, hut ironor Are l IK'd to Sell Korrlsii Market Condition. Tli-r kit na further irans:Un in th b-t hop trad jMii-nlo ar.l n- news di rect J i-onirniri t he market Uunrt ern f:rmattn of th report o in pn-vmua. day f the sa. of a bale Kt at i3 cents. TMs. belnc tfce Initial sal of th i!l rrar kt. attracted wide attnilon. Crdr from the Kast ire c minf In s'.ow Tv. Mil tt wi!I b s. m lm yet hfor thr lit an v Knictish !miin I. In the m-in:tm the crnw irr frenf in a firm front mttrt their mind f :xd n I " rent, and as the current r;frs are s to 2 tenia below thu. flaur. tin-re ta little possibility of extensive business, ftv h rlrs of the month, when Valinr !s romptetrd. the farn.r will be more disposed to aetl. and the murw of the market wtll then d;rid on the extent f the drmard. Irtc will be firm or ak ac-Arlin- to whether tb buyer or llrs are in th majority. One thin that should certainly help the Ore -n market this ; ear Is the uniformly jf"! quality of the home pnlurt. In thta rnprt. Orcn haa the advantntr of the o:hr Pacific 0t St a tea. Samples of the P'tiom. "!.. hope thai have hra received now mold. hl!e the Sa.'mnvr.t- thla year are dull ant thin. a trty usual'v are. Jn in Washington the tjualtt v hna not come up to fXT"'iathn. The Karni dalrs are alrrady apprised of the fine H'laMtr of the rrn rrop arvd many eovn I'limentary letters on the subj. t have been ( vd by local hn mm. TV H. 4 H. l-e May. of London, tn their Annual report on the bop rrt.p. star that 'ter an xhatiTtr eTnnnattn of the hop plantation In Kent. Sirw. Surrey. II amp hire. Vo reenter and Hereford hr are ab1 p. report that they ha e found tn every d:str;. t a.irdrns of ereedtti;l v well -grown hopn fre- from dlsas. m the other hand Ihere are very man gar!.nn th:t I in pit rt the tprate fight m:dr hv the owners haxe nuffere! more or bss senMy frm the trvmt perioua late attatk of aphta that has been know n for many yern. and the ki -era w no hiv bn uceeful tn rnnhS'ltlf It :rm g. rfly to he cnsjratu.ittd. W:th re:tl to the total yield It Is ! tarty to ip.ik w it it any poit: ness. but under the nvv fj"rahle condition from now it can wr.1v h a mod-rat- crop, or m -"V . 3"t r t.. but JiuM the weather be tinf a v. at'fe thta may III be redut-ed. The nituj t u5utitprton. the report ;ut-. in England I at least .) ct As th St k of h.p U ehaustei Vars. L tv at sore thnt th- I-mand for the nw crop HI o g'tod and that prlres w tri be wh iiwi l py tit- protuer for the hivy cpens he has been put tr. frop fnditlns on the Continent of Kurope at e re tewed by Krlanger Suns, of ur rrbertr. as fullos i; V have mtirh pleasure in giving you re p'TZ abut thla yeara Continental hop crop, a't-r having re -ei rd most careful and re liable Information frm ail principal hop growing dlstrirts. Kery alngl- district on th i Vntlnent will gUe a satisfactory rw sult It ts stranci that thla la the ca In a ear in hi h wc had -th most un--aFTiab eat her; tbe trmyeruture waa varcely erer so warm as we are used t here in Kummer time, but it was just mild eaoush tt stimulate arowrh of the hops. hlh fleve,'.;e.j in some of the prtneip.tl fitstrt-ts m3t luxurlounlv. The plan tn t inns In tjermanv were f re- frm any ati.i-k of Insects or disease iu-ing the ah'M prfo.l. ami now wt hav- a fruit fullr sound and tn plendid condition. I'artlculrly the hoja rf the most remwned dlst ri ta like Spnlt. 1allert.tu. Wolna'h. Wurtiemherfc. S ijii ar In a rlne condllt.'n. Storks of Cctntinental fiops being gor.oraily very small In brew ers' hn1 there will he an opportunity ef covering not onlv the retiitr mit f the coming season but atsn for a god part rf the one folio inc at a very low rate; our tiops b'lr.g In auch sound condlf ton this n. they will be particularly sultnhle fr auorirur. YVSE TOKAVS f'KOM irt.NTS PASS. Una ( ar of C ape m1 C rmn berries of th? HraMMi ArriTea. The first Oregon Tokay grapes of th Atson were received yestenlay. They were from the famous vineyard of A. II. Carson Sc Son at tyrants Pass and wre of the fine quality rastomarr In the products of these shippers. They ohl at 1 15 per crate. A few shipments of California To kays ar- coming; up by express and are held firmly. The first car of Cape Ctd cranberries came In yesterday morning. 1'nlike the first ship ments last year the grade w as ery flue. They wer quoted at ?:.r.O per barrel. !lai"o cranix-Trwa are offering at $S.0. P-ach receipts were light and prlres were unchanged. a large sMpment of Hawaiian j:neappli was rer-el ved t'elery is offering more freely and Is weaker at 7Sf cents. Sprouts are on ale at S rnts a pound. A good deal of por cauliflower is hanging Are. some of It effered as low as i cents. potatoes mote slowly at a Jobbing prie of si. 15 t' $1 The rcent rains are aid to have helped the tate crop materially. MHKAT B C V I Mi STII.I IM)KK V A V. pera by I". porters Are Reported Krvm the 4 oaatry. The strike .f the grain -handlers, appar ntlv. had little effect on wheat buytrig yra terila v. as purrhases bv exporters were r e-p-irted frm tti- countr. price were quoted unchanged Whether or not the market will b seriouslv affected will tlepend. it course, on l4e iluratlon of the troutdr. tta were steady w ith J7 4 the general qt)ota!; n, OfTertnrs by valir farmers were report ed to bv light Ha r icy was" un changed. The mill feed market is Arm all around. Ial receipts In cat s were reported by the Mtrrchan's' Kvcbange as follow s: Wheat liarley Flour srj He Non1av n Tuewlav Vc.lneiIav .... i r "J Tesar ago . r 11 Season to date. S2 lo ear ago . tt itf s j is i 1 Z lregfs Kcg Are Firm. Although Kastern egas are blng freely oTcred. the price of Oregon s was firmly maintain!. poulr r of all kinds cleaned up readily with no change in prl.es. There was the usual aetl ve movement In the butter market, w hi.-h was quoted firm by the c:ty creamery men. tresse.1 meats were teadv. except large teal, which were t-o plentiful. Hank 4 I earing. Han k . !c-trir gs of the North's estcrn cities )cst:da were as J.iis L'l artng?. !la!an-es Portland Seattle ., T scom a Spokane . ..i.:.ie.,. ..4-;h . . . i.4f ::s :l.;r7 ... Ili.l.'J rOKTLAND MARKETS. ;rain. ITonr. Feed. F.te. WHEAT Tra. k prtrrs: Hlu'iitm, lUc flub. -; Mc re-1 Runwn, M ley -4 : -ly-fold. S.b". Turkey ai retl. FLOl'R Patents, IS.35 per barrel: S'ralghts. 4.3' j 4 export. JH.TO; VaHey. i-4. graham. shot wheat. Quarters. ,i.20. BARLKY Feed. $JJ per ton; brewing, per tn. HAY Track price: Timothy. Willamette Vat'.'-y $10-" p-r ton. Kastern Oregon. 9:1 u 3: a:ia:fa. new. Is; grain bay. ''yRS Wh!e. t2: cracked. I"l per ton. yin-sTiFfca Bran, i-4 per lua; a:id- rt'infii. nr,-m short . r"''i'd barle-. OATS Whit. $JT.. per ton, i Tes-etaMes and Kralts. fiRKEN KKl'ITS ppl.s, new. .m Tt l .'iO Pr box: plums. 40iT.e per box: pr-a sl.vi p-r b"X ; ;-a lies. :Ies. .-oeta1.2. p r per tMake; rrnN-iT!. . .. n v Pr b-T I. MKi.OVS Watermelons. l per htm cratc . htinlrKl antaMti. SI i '1 per ..i.j T j... - .i,.z,.n. i 'I'ft At KRrrr.- -oranpfr Valencia. M.r-o t 4 lemon, tcu T.lu; grapefruit. 14 t 4.;h T-er H.-x . hnnnr.j 04c per pound. pla-Tprl-. per pond. v K'iKVAtti.Es PuMiij. r. a 5e rrr rn5; cihbare 2.. ; cr p.n-l : cauliti r. ."k i S I ': pr in, c!er. T. -t per ; pom. l'w l.'n perltx.: u- ur.iio -rs. 4 t b-'X; ehKUnt. prr ,uun.!; j;ariic. f lfJC per jwnnj; creen onions. 1 per d -ren: iP Prs. tJo pr p ntid ; r;;u in s c -Oc Pr tl"in, sprouts, .v. iMiitii. 4"c p r cr'ts toinat . .; j ;,o,- p t ,;. S. ;v VLuK l" A lii.Ki arrtjts. fM.25; ter. it. mi parst i;is. tl.-".; turnips. II. rTATOi:s-)r(trn. l l'il l --- p r huntlret; ivot poinl'3. "Jr fer -p-oitiil. ONIONS .New. si..-:, . i 1 .Mi p-r S: ck. Ialry a4 C oautry Vrodare. rofl.TR Y Henj. IT'iIT'-c: Pi-rlngs. 1 T ' '; ducks. tu:-. 17 1 7 1 j -: 1 1 't !'-':; turkey. Ijv. i-"; dr eased. 22 j Q --"'; s-(uat s. p, r dozen. HI ITKK C ity creamery. soi!d pack. 3rc jrr pound; prints. Ier pound; on .4 iii t-r-t mery . ;:"ti Jtic -t pound ; but ier fat. Stir p-r pound; couiiliy store but tee, zi j . .c per pound. CUE list: FiiJI crtam, twins. 17 H 4?lo per pound; young America. l$Wc. K'1iS Oregon, candied, 34 u .."c per dozen. I'OKK Kan. l.c per pound. VLAL iiood. average. 1 1 tj Wc per pound. Ciroeeiies, Urled t'rulta, Elc PHIED FltPIT Applet. 20c per pound; currants. I3ti:.c; appracui. llij 14c; dates, "e per pound; Iik". fancy white, 0lc; faney bla k. 7c; choice bla at. SALMON Coining. a lUvcr, 1-pound tall. IS. 10 Ter dozen: 2-oound talU. $-.&."; 1- pound flats. J.25; Alnxka pmk. 1-pound talis, 51; red. 1-pound talis, sl.t)."i; sock.'iT 1-pound law. COKFEK-Mjiha, 24 x 2-S ; Java, ordinary. ITS'.''-; Cota Pi. a. fancy. JjiSoc; good. 3it 1 : ord:nnr, i.'tflGc per pound. M'TS Walntts. lc yer pound ; l'r tzil nuta. 14ttlnr ti;btrts. IG-. ai.nonds. 17c; pecans. lc ; tn: anu:s. per dozen. SALT ..-anuIated. ir t'n; half- trcunJ. s ;.u p-r ton: j's. P r ton. PKANS Small i-tte. .-c; la-ge whita. 4r, Lima. :4c; pink. T'ic; red Mx.an. 7 r . 1-ayuu. 7c. KICK Na. Japan, 4c; cheaper trades, $ .". 4."r. Soutiirru head. 51- ti 7c. Uo.NKY- Choice, 11:3- Pr caae; strainetl. 7!-c per j-ound. SCO A H Ory granuiu;ed. fruit and ba-ry, Ivli; beet. extra C, JS...; golden C. e j.'.i. yellow i. . 4-; t uuea I barrels l. i..; powdered. ;.4'.'; Ioniio. 1J iuu $11. ."'0 per cae. Terms on icnilttanccs with in 15 (Lays deduct ic per pound, it later than lo and w ithin ;rt dav. deduct H per pvuud. WayJe sugar, lii UvC per pound. Hops, Wool, Hide, Etc -P.UO fop. He; I'.Mi.t, loij He; HPS o.d. nominal. 'OAi K.tatrn Oreg Valv. 170 I? ir pound. !Stl7c pound; XuiUiK ci.oi.-e, :.::o per pound. CASCAUA IJAKK 4 V 4c per pound. 1IIUKS Salted hide. 7 i: 7 rj c per pound; salted calf, lac; sul:-d Kip. c; sailed ataga. , greell bid s. lc lss, .r bides. ! lz J7c. dry cull. i7 dry states. 11 f llic. J'Kl.TS Dry. lu'ic; salt-d. buicoera lakc-vff. 4" 7ac; Spring tan.us, ilotf 40c. IroMons. lUMS-lu to 1 :ounK L'le; 11 to 14 pound-. 'o . l 1.. 1. p .t.! .I!'-.r. bkiini.'i. :it',i- iii,-nl . i:c ; ' "t t.twe ro:i. 17c. MAt'uN Far- . ". lj . standi 1 d, "7';c; chi'b'e. ;'-,; Kr K'lt-h. -PrdJ.o. SMoKfe.1' ii ii.VTS 1 ; f tongues. 73c; dried berf sets, i-c ; uuts.dea nun; in-slu--. ;r. knuik!-. ZZc DilY SALT CLl'.Un Heguiar short clears, drv silt. 'i: smoke. . 1 7 : backs, litht. suit. I'h; vrnoked. 17 ':c; hacks. In avj . s.H. J.V1.-; smoked. 17( . export bcllus. sail. 17t; m-'k'-d. l -jC PICK LKI ;uOOS Xiarrels. pig feet. ld, reuiar tnpe. 1. honeycomb tr:pe. 12: lunch t nn-us. 1; lambs' tongues. ,AHI Tens. kettle rend-rd. l.a4-; stuilatd pure. 1 "4r ; ch"i. c. 1 4 c ; sliori enti.g. l--ic. Oils. I.INSKED OIL Pure raw in barrel. $1.13; kctiie bo: d. in barrels. M 17; raw. in cases. $1 ;i; kettle botb-d, in ca-s. 1 "J J. Lota vt ;.o radons. 1 nt 1 ss p-r gallon. Tt KI'r STI N K In espe-w. 'r ; In wood, barrels. fTWr. Aro turps turpentine substi tute.! c'"". 4"" ; l :irrt'! .;c URNl.V l'n:on benzine in lrn drtitns oe barrels. lCe; unHm benztne In cas . j-.".. i:;l-c; union ate distilate in iron drum-. 7c. COAL ill Pearl oil In caae. Isr; head light, in rae. p.Cjr; eoccn-. in cases, L'lc; F.Iain, in coses, ui'-; extra star, in cases. le; water white. Iron barrels. lH-c; head llarhr. lron barrels. I- 'f; Spetial w. w hlte, iron barrets. 1 4c. O AS 1. 1 N K U. C or motor pas-dine. In rase. ?.-e; r. c. or motor gasdine. Iron bar rels. lr; v; gasoline. Tn cases, .17 'ic; m gasoline. Iron barrels, ".tie. N.U'THA-V. M. A P. nnptha. case-. 2.11-.; v. m. A p. naptiia. Iron barrels. l!l;e; en gine distillate, rases. 1. .; engine distillate. Iron barrels. 'z LIGHT TRADETh FRUIT SMALL 1I:MAM FOIi FKKSlI pKoni n: at skatti.k. Hsss Aro Scart'p and Command Xull Iro More Activity in the Wheat Market. SKATTI-E. Wash.. S-,,r. 21- Trading n all hnes was restr:en-d today. Fortunately sttn-ks were not large, and the ig!it rity de mand t aiMed lit t le um afiness. The grape market wa atnfer. Stwks were not as lai e and t he f hlppintt ilemand heavy. potatoes are rit'lier scarce, tlrouers rlalra to be too busy to ship and mnny look for higher prices. Sweet potatoes were in bet ter suppn. but c.t-'v. Orape irutt is In belter demand and firm with a crate asked for the best stork. watermelon are practically off the market. c.ood tomatoes were scarce, but Inferior stork w as f rely offered. Frish etirs w ere ery s a fee anil sold readily at - cents. poultry was In limited suppl. Wheat was firmer, considerable club and fife was puked P by esporte'W. 1:lbrs nre a'o taking more interest in huMness since the dtrlite Iu prices has len eheckeil. The hay market d sptns inrreasrng st renci h. It is said that verv lnMe timothy remains In first hands In this state. California al flta Is till arrivins- Ql OTATIONH AT SAX HUNCISCO. rrieea aald for ITodtir In the Hay City larkrts. S AN F U A N CISCO. Sept. 'Jt. The follow ing prlc.A wore currit in the produce mar ket Ittl'v; Cull er Fancy rren mery. rt'c; creamery, sri omU. ; ; Unrv dair .. Cv. fhi ese New. 1 4 tt 1 " !c: loung America, K.K:e S'ore. 4'k-; fancy runrh. 4J '3c. poii. try UoMSt'is. old. Jt. v . . ;.i. roost er. vine. .i.mhj : b:oll-rs. small. u :i; broi.ers. large. $'i a :: 2a; frve;-s. a)4 u i; hens. M"; ducUs. o;d. $in'i5; ducks, outikC. 5-" '! 7. Vegetables Cucumbers. 7-V; garlic. tTf."'.c. green pa. 4lV: strini; lt-nns. a (irtr; tonstoes. 4lr7"ie: eggpiant. 4U0Uc. Hop ai .forma, ! i l.V. MtllsturTs liran. 4 m T 7 ; midi lings, 32 Hay Wheat. $7ilt; whet and o.-ts. $ U 1 1 ; alfalfa. 7 Li; stock. How ti.; st raw. ;ia t '.tc. B Potatoes Salinas Iturbanks. $1 4ii 1.5.',; Sw rets. 1 S J Fruit Ap;I's. chaie. i:V; rorn'twn. nor; ban-viuis. i 1 '. M xi un limes. $H '-i 7 ; California nioiis. f"cr. California lemons, com niou. -.; pmcappivs. j-j 2. ". K.Telpts Flour. .'" "d epia rier sacks: w brat. L'7t cent a is: bur lev. 1 4J.77 rentals; oats, vsit centals, bears. .Y:- sat k: corn. iUmi cetiials: potatoes. 47'i sacks; bran. :t"t sacks; inindltngs. !.-' saeks; ha. ol.l ton; u.m.I, 7i bales: bld.s. n7t. t off ee" and Sugar. X h'.W VORK. Sept. -I Ciifffi clo.et stesdv at a net gam of 14itJ imIiui. Stes s J 'MM i In cs. September. October and N"i ernber. S. ".e; I er mhrr. !.:iiie; January. ; February. M7r ; Alar- h. S.!c ; A pril. ., : Mav . June. j.0Ke ; July. f.(.7o; August. . oc. Spot i off- rtrni iiio No. 7 l " v lie: Ni. 4 Santos. 1'".. ,j nc. M:M rofTes stead . r.inl"a. llVlte. Su iir Raw steadv. M uscov d-. j' t. st. 5 7r; rent ri fug. Ti . tet. 4.4. moiases s-igar. ? test. 3. 4!e. It e lined steady. i Wo4 at St. tiul. ST I.oriS.'S-pt -1 m1 -Sr-aJv; p rrt t'tx and Westeri miiiff. IV-jSSc; li.ie ir.r diu.rr. 17y.V,. flnr, 14'jlTc LIST GfilfJS Stock Market Strong, Prices Advancing. With DUE TO GARY'S STATEMENT DecWion Asl"st liiinesota State Hates Also Helps Values Lively Traction Speculation Wes ttii",lioue OivluVnd iHH'lared. NKW YORK. Sept. 2t (The stock market ilay had at. an Incur L to higher prices t he statement issued esternay by t lioir msn K H. Can. of the I nited States Steel Corporation denying reports of an intended w ido open cut' in prices of ateel prod uct? to be announced before the eni of the pl t selit w eek. Tite reference In Jutlge Clnry s atatement jo "an etfort for stock Jobbing or other im I ropT purposes t exaggerate. If not mls-r-presetit. the facts." was supposed to point to the source of part of the demand to rover shorts today. A n effect supplementary to the Gray statement as a r larked Influence in the market wa.s the decision submitted by a special master to the I'nited States Circuit t ourt declaring void the railroad rate made h the M ir.nesota State legislature. The effect of t he "leeUslon wan pronounced on the r-ads lmmedlatl affected, whoae line traverse the state. Th- action of the Westinghnue Electric Directors, in declaring arcumulntetl dividends due n the first preferred atock" was a help ImI factor for higher price. Tiie reports of influential new banking In tersts in t he Interborough Metropolitan Ctempanv Induced a lively speculation In the stork s and bonds of thnt company and of tne old surfuce t-treet railway companies in cluded In the system. Honds w re irregular. Total sales. pr alue 2 i.-.0.OiM. 1". S. b-in(s w ere unchangeil in the bid price on call, CU'SING STOCK QUOTATIONS. t. lowing isales. High. Low. ;,y O- H A Ills Chalmet if AitiaI Copier M.tfs A ni Agricultural . . Am lieei Sugar .. n .Vsi A trot ' Can .... Am Var A- F iv . . Am Vtton il . . . Am H.l A i.t pf . !" Am Ie .-, url Am l.lnxeed Oil.. 1 Am Ih- n"tive . . : Am Smelt lief. t.WS !.. pn reii-d .15 41-.', 17 U 17'. iu;Ta H'l 4: ll.i 4.14 47 it a 21 4). Kl 1 "i-j" . 'ii', 1 Hi 1HC UM, 1131 41MI 111 I'M'. 'UK Am Steel fdv ... nt Am Su r IN f ... 4oo Am Tel Tel .... N"l Am T..a -co pf . . 2: si Am .-.1. n - A n-ieoiaia Mm C. 4..Vs' 4T 117 1 :C S PL", 2s', M'S M'4 Mi t 111 Tf. iin.-v. A!"M-' inn, ill. 1:1 l' :. V - ' in-", H 4 2v 7.-., IN -"tl 1 4ii', 14K 21 M 14 1C.1 !o r. -f erred . . . A: I ' -asi Unie . . . I'.ilt A hi Iolhi.ui Ste. .. Hiook flap Tran... t 'nn i lian Pacitti . . C'-irrai I.e.! her . - Jo prf-rrd Central of N J.... ch.s it ohl Chic.-vKo Alton .f Chi'-ago ;t WH.. do picft rred . . . CM. .V N . ... C. M v Sr Paul .. O. C. C Si 1. ... O'io Fuel ,v Iron. . CIo SfMKhern .. Cons..lldate.l C.as. . Corn pptduc: Tfl IPidon I H i;wmlt ... do preferred To .tHlrrrf SecUll .. Krl- 'o lt preferred. 2-i preferred . t iett ral Fie.tric . . it Northern pf ... t ,V rt hern re I tlttiois i v in ral . . . Interboroueh Met. . do preft-rred In'-r Hnrvester Inter Marine pf.. Int I'aier In' Pumr low a ' "entrwl .... K C Southern . . , .! preferred . . . Ta.'Ude asi 1'Uin' H'e A: Nssh M:nn &- St IxmiIs. . M. St P A S S M Mo. Km Texas. Co preferred . . . Mis url Pacific National liis nit .. Naiioiml Lend ... Meg Nat Kv 21 pf N Y i Vntral N V n: & West. Norfolk A: West.. North American .. Pairic Mail Pet. nsvH aula Pv,plf' tJas .... P. C C St T ... Pittsburg Coal .... Plejed St e Ca r. 11 Ml Joo 2.1 . tl :si 3' 74 W 'ii-s tr. '!''; r..i :!', 1C 4-h o"i .M-o 4.1"tl It'll pti 2 ..'' t o l1l I.t" ' 41 l.tiMi 4": .'lit ' "ioa t 4t"i si K'tl !. S. 4 nti v 1 aai 1 1'! r.i 131 I4N li2 :tot 71" 27 !.' U' -" Hi 4J .-12'.. 1 UL. U'7' . sr. u. l4 : :.4 117 '.. lti'.j H. t, 4' I lil, US f.l Ini-S 141' l'l 132 M 1 14.!', .-.4 117 Tv mv. i; lm 4'; tot, l'M13W 144 1H 144 3H. 112 J2', :-.l 1141, l.u1" 3.2ol :t 111 4'1'i il1 1 14-'. 41) 2" -.1N) 17 V7 117:1, 2 12!H. 1"7 HI 1V ln .lo'i 142', .H. HI 31 K.1 .-. 113 23 V4 H' 3.1 ;t s74 !)1 7'iUj 34 V. v UH".. 4"'U US Ills', 3.-.T, 44 i, .12 1 112. 117; iu 4IM l'K 12!it. li'7, 12s 1"7 1' 3.11, 1 h -i .t;i. 1) Pullman Pnl Car. Ry Stel Spring Reading 1li!.i It.-PUtitf Steel .... 2" 14::'. 31 m 31', KX 4i ':".s ."it; l't:7i4 (II .ii" K'-i lll-.L, 4.".', IS tni 3 " 4414 ti.'! 140 3-li 1.1 1, :I"hh :-.' SllVj .Ml 113 23', .'..1 :n '23 ij .".IV, 14 so 11. ".I, ".K5, Hi'. ::.". 44 ti"1.; prefertel ... l K - k l,. p; T. st I. 1-land Co... 4. . pf erred ... '" A- S F 2 pf. I.:wt lth western . preferred too 20.1 Fl.w-SIii-n ie;l . . . . S-'iithern raeiflc .. ?'Uihem Haiiway. do preferred . . , Tern i'optM-r .... Texu. & l-ncifle . T. l. St I. Vet do preferred .., Itiion I'aeirtc 14.uk 2"i 4. I' d 2io . . 74.l!"o 4'H ' '. ! " 'i'n ..121.2il' too d preferred ... T S 1" S IT S do rt .h Henitr Kuhber St. el . . . t-referred fii!r Va-Caro Chemical AV alias- .If. treferre,1 ... We-tern M.t We.tmKh.'iu. dec Vw.-ern 1'nion ... 2m l.MM Wheel I, Brie o-T, 4' Total ale f..r the. day. 417. I shares. BONDS. Sept. 21.- XKVT YORK. r10iinic Qunta- tlons: V. S. ref. 2 reg InnVn. R. G do P'lipon ..1"''N". T. C. 3 U. S. s rear. .. 11 l.V. V. Jia . do coupon ...le)lai' do 4a ... 4s. . 14 'jj.. sn 71 U 1 on s, 101 I". S. 4" reK. . . 1 1 O. II' I. 4s do coupon ...IIS IWIa. rent 4s.... 3Vi MnncT, Kirhanne, Ktr. - NKW Yi IKK. Sept. 2 1 Prime mercantile paper. .". ' .1 1; per cent. srerl!nKexcbHnici steady, with actual busi ness :n l.Hiikers' bills at I.VI.Vi 4.n:W for C'l-risv hills, and at lfil." for demand. Commercial bills. M.8:ii'4 .MVi. i'.ar silver. i3;c- M xlcnn dollars. 44c. c.overnment bonds steady; railroad honds Irretruiar. Mouev on call. ea.v. 1 's i 2 per cent; rul Ine r;fcie.-l", ; HostnK bid 1'.; cfTered at 2 per cent. Tim- loans, dull but easy: i dtys. 34. per cent, anil I"' days. 4 11 4 W . alx months. 44. l.oxixi.v. S.-tt. 21. Bar silver, steady. 24 d per ounce. M-iiiri . v, 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open nvarket for short bills Is 2U4.2. per cent: do. for th-ec months' bills Is 2 l.t-lfl per cent. Consols for money. SO 7-liV; do. account. SO'jt. SAN FRAV'MSI'O. Sept. 21. Sterling on London, i'.ii days. 4.sr,lc; do. sight. 4.lit,c. Silver b-irs. .".:ia,c. Mexican dollars. 44c. lnatts. alirht. 2c: do. tel.'frraph. 4c. C'HIl'AlO. Sept. 21. New York exchange, par. 1-U.,leni .Mining Ktorka. BOSTON. Sept. 21. Croslnp quotations; AKouex 4ii 'Miami Copper . l Amalgamated . ::. 1 Mohawk 47 Am .inc ev t on -o. lii!Nipfsslua- Mines. 1o :, rt North Hutte ... 27. .n com .... Atlantic ltos and c.rh. . Hutte coalition Cal A- Artr 1 al iv Hecla . . . t'enlepnial Cop KntiKe . . . . Ki.et Hutte .... Kranklin Olroux Con i; ran by I'mi . . . . Orecne Cananea Isle K. a : Kerr Lake Lake Copper . . 1:1 North like . 1". 'Old Dominion .".! Osceola .14 U il'ai rott Ii. i'Julncy ..121 13 72 . I' . Bos. 71 & Pitts 11 i... shannon 7 ISiijierlor 1 1 Superior i:' Tain a rack 32 I'. S. Coal ::n i -Vl '. S. Sm 37 -v; 21. iio .preferred.. 4f '. ' I'tah Con 22 33 ' Winona ........ 7 liaily Trra.nry statement. WASlll.NiJTON. pu 21 The conditloa IDE of the treasury at the beginning of busi ness today was as follows: Trust funds Gold coin $i!n.0M.rt Silver dollars 4S."!.:itfJ.MMI :t,.VTiMoo 45-r,;to'j.o'u Silver dollars of l dn Silver certificates oti t s tailding . . (Jeiieral fund Standard silver dollar in gen eral fund Current liabilities Working balance In treasury office In banks to credit of treasurer of the l S Subsidiary silver coin Minor coin T"tal balunrv in general fund... .Vi::!,:.n !U.r.o:t,14tJ :il.l20.8"S :it;.27.r.4r, !7I.57S io.itC4t;" Met Ml Miirketa. NEW" YOU K. Srpt. 21 Star. iiar' opiM-r, .lull Mtnl nominal. ypl. Sepl.-mbfr. Octol.cr. 12.1i 12.2.V-: NovTlilcr. 12.12. l 12. 2.V ; !ircembr. 12.irtU 12.2.V Ln.l(in. quiet; sp'it, i.V4 i:,s: futui-f!.. 54 l. -utini-h'ai8e re turnii Hhnw export, of 12. .M) ton so far this llionl.i. I.orul iltalers reported a very quiet market ami iri-ea wire tl to be r-ore or l.u nominal. Luke. 12..".'ir 1S.7S; eleclro lyllc. 12.37 ',i J 12.112 Si-: cuating. 12.12'- it 12. XT itc Tin. weak; spot nnd September. :t-4.2.r S4..MH-: Ortoher. :t4 :(4 4"r ; November. :.4'u :i4.;'.7HiC, and Decentber. ;t:l.7.-ti t4.2oC. Lon don, weak; spot. tl."i.1 Ins; future,. ItStS. 1-ad. rtull. 4 .17'4 4i 4.40C New York; 4.211 il 4.:ioc Knat St. L.iuts. 1-ondon. pot. 112 12 li.1. Spelter, quiet. ".tl i .". i o New Y'ork. 5 .. . H i.42tsc Kat St. I.oulf. London, apot. 2:1 7a lid. jron t'leveUnd warrants. 4'.l In Lontifti. Locallv Iron waa quiet. No. 1 fou.idry northern. l."..5x 1: No. 2 Northern. fl.V'JS ti 13.75; No. 1 Southern and No. 1 Scuthirn oft. 13.7."tj 1.2T LA15liGT0P PRICE CHOICK STOCK SKIXS AT $5.50 AT XOKTH lOKTI.AXn. Several Loads of Hoj;s Find Dujers at $10.50 Arrivals Are Lislit. Th movement In mutton- material was aRaln the feature of tradinK al tht North Portland .yards yesterday, but buyers dl rueted their attention to lambs and over loon head changed hands. The best offer ings mmm.ndiyl the top market price, $.1..iil, and the other lota ranged from 4.7.) to .2.-.. Not much was doing In the cattjp line. Some fows were sold, mostly at $1.25 and a few bulls hroug-hl J3 and f:.'lK Three loads of hoBs'ere disposed of at llii.r.0. Keeelpts for the day were 221UI aheep and 4'. hogs. Shippers of the stork were: A. W. Hunt, of Ashland, eipht ears of sheep; A. Wad dell, of Amity, two cars of sheep; S. B. KerKuson. of Amity, one car of hots; linns Harder, of Carlton, one car of sheep; A. K. Koid. of Carlton, one ear of sheep and hoc. and the Toppenish Livestock Com pany, of l.lye. four cars of aheep. Tie davs sate were as Weight. Inc. $ :..2.-. ."i.'rfi ."..oil .-411 lanibs 121 lambs 2H7 lamls 7 4 lambs 21 cows . 2 cows . 4 cons 1 cow . . 1 4 cow s ,"s cows . 1 bull . . 2 hulls . .'ill lanibs 4'.l hogs . 47 hogs 74 - Cti 4. HI I 1.2.1 L2.". 4 2.1 4.2.1 4 2.1 3..1') :t.DO .1 III! Ill .11) 111. lid 10. .11 1 classes Slock- Soil !i;ilt 11711 !ie.4 M4 1 7iii l:i.'ii 71 r. t,7 2.-.S 12H current on the various at the Portland trnlon 41 hoKS Prices of stock aids vesterday were as follows: Heef steers, pood to choice....! .Yolf&l Heof steers, fair to medium.... Choice spnyed heifers Hood to choice beef cows Medium to good beef cows.... Common beef cow. Hulls : Stai:, good to choice Calves, light v Calves, heavy Hoga. top Hok. fair to medium ........ Sheep, best Mt. Adams wethers Sheep, best valley wethers. . . . Sheep, fair to good wethers... Sheep, beit valey ewes Lambs, choice NI t. Adams.... Lanibs, choice valiey 4..1n'fr .1.IHI 4.75 4.7.1 4.2.1 3.75 3.5l 4.25 7.IM S.tai I1.75 111.25 4.2". 3.50 3.23 3.M. .1..1K 4,.1'lfP 4..11I''! a.7i 2.IHKtf1 . rtiio'n 4.1111 H.7.1W ii.T.T'f ln.-ln'o 10.IHK.il 4.IMI'.. 3. 2T. 5t :!.''ll'f 3.IKI'.t 5. 2.. 'if 0.I.IO 'tfi Kastrrn l.lve,lo-k Markets. C1IICAOO, Sept. 21. att lc Ueceipts es timated at 17'Wi; market steady to l'ic up; beeves. )4.IHli S.3U; Texas steers. S3.7,1'i il; Western steers. 4. lo'u 7 H: sockt-r and feeders. 14.. 'int. 6; cows and heifers, 2.2ji B..10- calve. S7'a,li'. Hops Keeelpts estimated at 17. HOD; mar k t ,1c to loc lower; liplit. S'.nu u. 31: mixed. t .2.1'ii ;.:;i ; heavy. s. 1 .1 it 'J.2.1; roimlK Js.l.l'o. H 3.1; Roo.l to choice heavy. Sfa H.2.1; pip., $s. ioi u.3.1; bulk of sal-s. ys.;.un m.w Sheep Iteeeipts estimated nt i.'i.lll'l': mar ket lite lower; native. 2.t:.' 'u 4.4.1; N'estern, :t.2.1 4.40; yearliiiRs. 4.7.1''i .1.7.1; lambs, native. $0.2.Vg 7.25. , KANSAS CITY. Sept. 21. Cattle Keeelpts 12.isi; market st routs " K'c hiKher; native steers. J.l-a: native cows and heifer. 2.r. r il.lii; stockers and feeders. sf:i.2.ii ; bulls, 3 2.1i 4.2.1; calves, lus..'; Western steers. S4 fid'.. 7. HI: Western cows. S2..1.1 it " jlORs Receipts 5IMMI; market l'ic lower: bulk of aas, js.mi'n n.2-1: heavy, is si) a't.lt); packers and butchers. $l1i .2o; lipht, '.l.l. u !i 30. hip Receipts l.l.lHlo; market steady; muttons. 41i 4. iio: lambs. su&( 7; fed weth ers and vearllnns, 4'il5.,1(l; fed Western ewes. $4W4..Kl. OMAHA. Sejit. 21 Cattle lleceipts. 11 OOO; market steady to stronp; native steers. $4..1iKt 7.7.1; cows and hclt'ei-s. $::r,i 5.U.1; West ern steers. $3. 7.1 It t!.. 1" : rar.pe cows and heif ers S2.s.Vrt 4. tn'; eanners. S2..1ii''a 3 :M ; stock ers and feeders. $:: .) ti.2.1; calves. J3'ti7; bulls, stairs, etc.. Wit 5. Hops Receipts H'H'u; market -1.1'. 2.1c lower- hiavv. s.:to"(i s .s.i; mixed. s 5'rs 7i; IlKht. s.!io7 a.lii; plKS, (Mill; bulk of sales. $S.4o',j h.7o. Sheep Receipts 24.000; market steady; vearlintt-s. S4.K1 5.4o; wethers. :;. 70S 4.20; ewes, :1..1U4 3 !0: lambs. !H.40r 7. Iried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. No Improvement was reported in the demand for evaporated apples, but holders ol attractive grades get stood prices. Fancy, ln.r; choice, S'-'ti' U'.c; prime, SSiSc; common to fair, .ti f7Vc. Prunes, quiet, with quotations ranffir-K from 3!-.c to loc for California fruit up to 30-40B and from .1c to H ljc for OrcRons. Peaches reported lower on the Coast, but remain quiet in the local market, with choice quoted at 7i7'c; extra choice, 7 ' llTc; fancy. C77 M...C. Apricots, unchanped; choice, 10Ti 4f 10-i c; extra Vlioicc. 11 il2Vc; fancy. 12'(tl:i'-c. Raisins, heavy: loose muscatels. 4"tii;c: choice to fancy seeded, 6lr i4,c; seedless, S.tic; Lonilon layers, l.2.1'i 1.3". Dairy Trot-luce In the lia.t. rllll'Ano. Sept. 21. Hutter Steady; cream eries. 24i 2Hc: dairies. 23i27e. K-Kfts Steady at mark. caiM-s. Included, 17j tfi2t;i-e- llrMs. 22e: prinie titsts. 24c. Cheese We-ik: daisies. 14;l.c; twin. HKfi! 1.1c- Younir Americas, l.l1! Itkr; long- horna. 1.1!-lic. . SBW YOBK. Sept. 21. Hutter and crirs steady, unchamred. Ch.,i firm, unchanged. New Yt?rk "otton Market. NKW YOHK. Sept. 21. Cotton futures closed steady at a net caln of 0 to 13 points. September. 13.K2: Oetol.er. 13.21c; Novem ber. 13. toe; tteceniber. 1't.14'-r .Iitunr''. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC . j (w rii, i'i. '1 - - 5siitBS5iiL t a The Central Building, Seattle, n i i ti 11 Hi SPw,lM The Broadway Central Building, Los Angeles, Cal. mm w The Hyde Building, Spokane, Ierchntatsi Sn vines) A True, Co. Trustee of isintie). The Trustee Company of Sen (lie. Tbe Trustee Ctniipnny of Spoknne. The Trust tee Company of I,m Anelcsi. The Trustee Securities Company, Mrw York City. i:i.H-c: February, l:M:'.c; March, io.ltic: May. lD.LMc; June. ia.2lc; July, i;i.JMC. Itiluth Flux Market. - Dl'Ll'TH. Sept. 21. Flax on tiack nilin st.re. 5J.7rV: to arrive. ''.f.7; to arrive Sop tember M. "2.72; September. t'2,TA: Oc tober, ?2.ti."t bid; November. $2.64 t bid; Ue ct'mber. ?2.rfi bid; Mny, 2.02 bid. BUTTER FAT PRICE HIGH Coos Count j- Creamery Pajiiis Far mcrs 40 Cents a Pound. MARSHFIEI.D. Or.. Sept. 21. (Special.) Tlie pricp of butlpr fat .is now higher than It has been in this locality for sev eral years. The Marshlield creamery- is TRAVELERS' GFIDE. MEASURE CRUISES- Superb erulsra this Winter, lea,vlntr New York for the Orient Jan. 2S, to the West Indira Jan. 24, Feb. 2o and JIarch 2S, to South Amerien Jan. 21, anil two Grand Crul.-M-s Around the World, leaving N'ew York Nov. 1, 11(11; leaving Sun Frnnelsieo Feb. 17, 112. AVrire for detailed itineraries. Guide and travel books on sale. IIA.MBl KG-AMKRICAX 1.1XE. 10 rowell St.. San FraneiM-n, Cal-. and I .or-.. I Ii. K. ucenta in 1'oii bind. 8 HONOLULU $110 And Back (First -C)as) Ku. Iiitvit O.im S. K. The splendid twin-screw steamer SIERRA t lO.ooo luiw displacement) sails Oct. iTJ and p. very 21 days. Round trip tickets good fur if our months. Honolulu, the most attractive spot on entire world tour. BOOK NOW and secure best berths. LINE TO TAHITi AND NEW ZEALAND. 3. S. Mariposa and Unjon Line, sailings Oct 17, Nov. 21, etc. T;ihiti and back (2 du vs. $l:i."i first class. New Zealand Wel lington), $240.5. first class, K. T. six months. "Write or wire for reservation. OCKAMO 8. fis CO., 6T3 Market Street, Sun Francisco. SAX F KAMI SCO & POKTI.AXO SS. CO New service to Los Angeles via San Fran cisco, every five days, Krom Ainswortb L)o-k, Iort!and. A. M. S.S. Kow VXy Spt. 35, S.S. Beaver SO. Krom Sun Francist-o. northbound. - 1 M. S.S. Bear Sept. H, Kow City, 0t. 3. From San Fdro north bound. .S. Bear Sept. 2 Ke City Or. 1 etc. H. O. Smitb, C. T. A., 142 Third St. J. W- Knom. Aicent. Ainsworth Dock. Phones: Main 42. 2 Ml; A 1402. San Francisco, Los Angeles' ani San Diego Direct Korlh fac-if le S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke and S S. Klder sail every Wednesday : alternately at U P. M. Ticket office loi j Tiilrd t.. near Alder. , MKTIX J. HIIJI.KY, 1'as.enger Agent , W. II. SM'SSKK, Kreiitbt Aeent. l'lmgfn M. 1314. A 1314. Coos Bay Line RTEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alanka Dock. Portland, S P. ..I. Sept. 20, 27. ! Oct. 4, 11, IS. 2i and every Tuesday night, j Freight received at Alaska Dock until 5 , p. M. daily. Passenger fare, first-class. $10; 1 second-clasa. $7, lnciudins; meals and LerJLfe. j Main 26s : A 12:u. Canadian Pacific Empress line of steamera sailing - weekly between Montreal and Uvoj pool. Wlreleas on all steamers. Ask ar.j ticket ajeent or write F. R. John I'D, G. X. 142 Third at.. Portland. Business Property Bonds 3100 $500 31000 It is important to have .part of your money invested in High-Grade Bonds, the kind hank ers buy, 011 which the interest is always paid when due, which you can sell or borrow money on at any time. Bonds secured, upon Improved Business Properties located in Portland, Seattle, Spo kane and Los Angeles fulfill every one of these requirements. They are the Highest Grade Bonds. Short or Long-Time Bonds, running for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 to 25 years, secured on these new, fire-proof buildings, tenanted by "the most sue-. eessfiZ Merchants and Bankers in the cities, are available to all investors. Denominations $100, .$500, $1000. Interest from 6 per cent to 7 per cent, paid semi-annually. Wash. Olas-Wortman-King Building, Portland, Oregon. We have handled -over 6,000,000 of Bonds secured on Business Property in the past six years, selling them to Bankers, Trustees of Es tates, with approval of Courts, Masonic and Fraternal Orders, Merchants, Individual In vestors, Mortgage Lenders, and Savings In vestors. . Information that will be of great value to you will be sent on application. Please indicate whether you prefer Bonds on Portland Busi ness Property or on property in some one of the, other cities. "We have Bonds on all of these and other buildings to offer. Write today. Make application to any of the following: m Wash. offering the ranchers 40 cents a pound for butter fat and guaranteeing this price for a period of six months. This is high er thn is being offered by any of the pther creameries and is the highest price probably that has ever been offered for butter fat on Coos Bay. In addition to payinpr that amount for the butter fat. the creamery gives' back to the rancher the skimmed milk, which, at the present price of pork, is estimated to be w-th 50 cents a hundred pounds for its feeding value to hops. The manager of the creamery says that he feels safe in offerine thi price for six months, for lusvibermesms National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital LacW & Tilton Eanl Established 1859. OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST Capital $1,000,000 SURPLUS AND PE0FITS $600,000 XV. H. lUini-klcy, C:shier. irst Liatioiia Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains The Trustee Company of Portland Off.ces 204-205 Henry Bu lding the reason that he thinks the ert-ain will he waive this Winter and that the prio of butter wili remain high. COLONIST RATES. The Canadian Pacific is making- verj low colonist rates to the Coast from Kastern points. For full particulars apply at 14, Third street. Electric cabins with hemp cors to tak up the strain more evenly are u Swuhs! inveni ion. $500,000 II. S. Honnrd, Jr., Ass't Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Ass t Cashier. 1 Dank ii