s 20 THE MORNING" OREGOXIAX. THURSDAY. SEPTE3IBER 22, 1910. 61 MEN STR1K E FOR HIGHER WAGES Vessels Now Bound for Port land May Be Loaded on Sound in Consequence. 1 from the Oregon City mills each day I for several weeks, ahe moored at Alns- worth dock yesterday with 80 tons. Captain Short promised that today he would Increase the load to 120 tons. Officials of the Yellow Stack line said yesterday that they had not been informed of a better boating stage on the river, as the steamer Oregona Is having no easier time making her run, yet Captain Short appears to have dis covered an Improvement. The Kuth does not enter the locks, therefore can carry more freight. Harry Richmond, superintendent of the Morrison - street bridge. yesterday reported to the Weather Bureau that there was an un usually high tide the preceding afternoon, and that the gauge showed 4.0: feet at 8 o'clock that evening. THREE SHIPS CHARTERED to Some? of 'Wheat Now In Interior He forwarded to Seattle and Taconia Other Mock Will Be Held for Pre-cnt. Portland's cereal interests offered two features yesterday, the first being a walkout of members of the Grain handlers I'nlon. affecting about 150 men. and the second w;ia the charter ing of three ships to carry wheat to the I'nlted Kingdom, all being taken by the Portland Flouring Mills Company one at the highest rate of the season for a sailing vessel 28. d. The company also has uniirr engage ment the British bark Andromeda, which will be lined Friday and ready for cargo. She Is the only vessel of their fleet that may be directly de layed -by the strike, other exporters do not display the same apparent op timism regarding the situation. for thejr lutve not ad. led to the chartered list and assert that they have Instruct ed agents In the Interior to cease buy ing wheat for Portland, but to route It to Puget Sound from points where the same tariff applies to both ports. Walkout Not l'nexpe-tcd. The action of the GrainhV ndlers" I'n lon did not occasion surprise along the waterfront. It was expected because the demand for an Increase from 3 to 40 rents an hour had not been compiled with by the exporters. The French bark General de Kolsiieffre Is lying at the elevator dock and was ready to receive wheat yesterday morning, bu at a meeting of the gralnhandlers Tuesday night It was voted unanimous ly to walk out though the men had been working until 5 o'clock that nigh for 35 cents an hour. Exporters declined to discuss wha steps will be taken, though yesterday the Pacific I oast Elevator Company ' offered to sign with the union for 10 cents an hour. Other grain shippers declare that they will not yield and insist that wheat that can be handled at Tacoma and Seattle will be forwarded, while that bought on the line of the O. U. & N.. that cannot be routed there ex cept by pajing an additional rate, will be held In warehouses pending the out come. As to employing nonunion men to truck on the docks, no information was given out. but replies by some that'tliejr were not In a position to dis cuss plans at this time Indicated th such a step was being considered. Orriclal Withhold Comment. Theodore B. Wilcox, of the Portland Flouring Mills Company. said last night that the strike situation was of too recent origin for comment, but that today's developments might tell the course that would be followed. He said he did not wish to express an opinion on the question whether the demand was unreasonable for the class of labor performed. v That company has fixed-the British ship Kirkcudbrightshire. 32 days out from Newcastle. X. S. V.. with coal: the rreneh bark Bayard. IRS days on the way from Glasgow, and the French bark Mfrhelet. which sailed from Lon don 80 "Hays ago. The Kirkcudbright shire was taken at Iss. d., because she Is of onlv 1481 tons, with a capacity of about 220 tons of grain, and is known as a "handy" ship. The others were engaged at the ruling rate of 27s. d. Steamers were yesterday re ported offering at 30 shillings and It was said 2 shillings had been re fused. The three carriers were chartered with the privilege of January canceling, and as all are In cargo they will be some time In port before starting to load outward. . CLATSOP TO BK FINISHED Steel Hull of Dredge Found In Good Shape, and Is Repainted. K When the Government dredge Clat sop was floated from the Oregon dry dock, after being painted. It was de cided to order additional repairs to her engines, and she will not get away from the Willamette Iron & Steel Works until this afternoon. The ves sel's hull was painted while she was out of the water, and Captain Blaine, in charge of the drydock. said that STEAMER IXTEM.KiF.NCK. Dae to Arrive. Name. From. Date. RU ... Honrkong. . . In xr; Kurrka. .Kurrk. In lrt Roae i'lly San Pedro. !. -In port Northland San Kranclsco It p'rt Nome t'Hy San Krancls-o In por: Falcon San Kranclscu.-'.-pt. 211 Sue H. Elmore. Tlilanik Sept. 24 Preakaatrr. loo. Bay . . . . .!!. 2. Gulden tint. . . .Tillamook. . . .Sept. 2"i lieo. W. Kider..Sn Pi-dro. . . .Kpt. 'J.I Heaver Sail I'edrrt. . . -Sept. 2. Brar San I'edrn Sept. UO Roanoke San Pedro Oct. 2 Scheduled to lepart. Name. For Date. Eureka Kurt-ka Sr.t. 22 ' Rolf "lly San l"lro. . . .S-pt. -'" Kalron. San Francisco--!!. '-'" Sue H. Elmore. Tli;amk . . .S.-pl. 27 Nome I'lly San KranrlsroSpt. 1'7 Northland Pan Krnnclsio Sept. 27 ilUn liare. .. Tillamook. .. .Sept. 27 Breakwater. .. .Coos Hay Sept. 27 lira. W. Elder. .San Pe.iro S-pt. 2 Braver San Pedro P.pt. to Har San Petiro. . . . Oct. ." Koanoke San Francisco Oct. . Kycja Hongkong. . . .Nov. 1 COVER SHOHT SALES Heavy Buying of Wheat in Chicago Pit. Health Restored After If - Losing 78 Pounds Mr. Whipple. When So Weak From Dlabetea That He W na Unable to Work, Waa Completely Cored by ONE HOUSE GETS 2,000,000 Vessel May Be inverted. The British steamer Scottish Mon arch, which Is on the way from Chlm tote under charter to load wheat for Kerr. Glfford Company. for the I'nlted Kingdom, 'has the option of Portland or Puget Sound and when she arrives In the river next week will re ceive orders at Astoria. In the event the strike Is on she will go north. Except for the fact that there was an air of absolute qolet about the grain docks yesterday, nothing Indicated a strike, for no pickets were in sight. No effort was made by the. exporters to unload tars of wheat waiting on the tracks. Should outsiders be em ploye.t to truck grain on the docks, the exporters will ask Mayor Simon for police protection as adequate as waa given to the employers during the early days of the teamsters' strike. the plates were In good condition, be ing free of rust, though the former roat of paint has vanished. The "dredges stern bearings have been renewed, her bins strengthened. and. with the new work authorised, she mill be In praper order. It Is the first time In a year that she has been overhauled. The Clatsop Is ued for deepening the channel In the vicinity of Astoria, and with the work of the Chinook at the entrance to the Columbia Ulver. the entire lower har bor Is soon expected to show great Improvement. f.llOl'MIKII IIAKGK Dl'JirS OUE Cargo of 300 Tons Ii.-t In Water When Tide Goes llono. TACOMA. Sept. II. Barge No. . In tow of the tug Teplc. went ashoro In a heavy fog at midnight Monday In th" Narrows at the entrance to Roche Har bor. When tho tide went out the barge cnpslxed. dumping 3PQ tons of copper ore into the water. The ore waa a portion of the flrst ship ment from the Britannia mine on Van couver Island to the lacoma smelter. The tug and another barge of the tow swung into deep water and escaped In- Jury. Steamer Tussles With Lojr'ltuft. Over an hour was spent yesterday by the steamer Gamecock In towing three rafts through the harbor. They were lashed In tandem and. after delay ing the ferry W. S. Mason, difficulty was encountered In passing through the Steel bridge, because of construc tion work under way on the. new Har- rlman bridge. After passing through the Morrison-street bridge, the rirst raft fouled an obstruction off Clay street, and nearly half an hour was spent in Treeing It. Meanwhile, a Tew steamers were delayed. Larjre Shipment From Black Sea Ports This Week Are the Fore cast and English Market Is Depressed. CHICAGO. Sept. 21. The bis buying in wheat was to cover short sales, one hoi.se alone taking fully r.nuu.0iMI bushels of De cember and May. Beforehand, however. there had been a weak start from which at no time an entire recovery developed end hlch waa due to disappointing Liverpool cables, quoting futures more than a penny lower. The English market was affected by private forecasts of larire shipments from Black Sea ports this week and bv rainy weather promising a large crop la Argen tina. An improvement In tho tlout trade at Minneapolis was s tzed upon as a sustaining Influence, and so was a decrease In ; rlmary receipts. The close was at almost the best prices of the day. December ranged from fl.ooi to SI. (HS. finishing !c net lower at linottf l.oos. rliif weather for maturing the crop caused extreme weakness in corn. December sold from -?r down to "io'ic and closed weak t .ilc. a decline of IS under the figures of 4 hours previous. The cah market waa also weak. No. 2 yellow in final trading was 53 H fiHc. Tired out owners were free sellers of oats. December varied between 34 I) S4 H e and .13c and In the end was at 34H3tic a net loss of uSr. The weakness of corn and hogs contended against provisions and led to much liquida tion. The outcome left pork ."i to ."Oc down; lard. 2i,r7c and rlhs .- t- !.". The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept I :. i.; .t s .96V. $ .! Dec l.DOij 1.00 1.00. 1.0OI, May .o 1.0s 1.05 1.0 COR.V. im.DYS 1IOXOK LIST IS I SI Waterfront Character Has Brought IS Persons Hack to Life. Mugrt Krai v. who for 3f years has "' aepenned on to grapple for unfor tunates drowned in local waters, has recovered I-.4 bodies. IS of which were resuscitated. lies vocation has called as rar north as Kcllingham Bay and rf'Uth to I'oseburg. and In but In stances has he been unsuccessful. Ills latest work was the recovery of the body of a seaman of the French bark. Gen. de Bolsdeffre's crew lnt week arter a day had been passed by the sailors In trying to locate It. "It la a business In which a person must keep his mind centered on when at work." said Brady yesterday, as he rat In front of Kellogg's boathoisse and jcased meditatively across the river. "In most Instances the persons, drowned are members of poor families or with out relatives and possessing but little, so there are not great gains for me financially. To be -successful a person must study currents and learn to cal culate about how bodies are carried away from the scene of the drowning, and after that it Is largely a proposi tion of knowing how best to operate the grappling apparatus." Brady has resided In Portland 41 years and for years was a longshore man until his aervlces began to be In uch. demand. tSHOKT OVERCOMES SHORTAGE hkipper of Ruth Carries Rig Load and Promises Larger Today. Hlvermen are speculating on the means Captain Short, of the O. It. A N. steamer 1'ntti., employs to Increase the capacity of that craft during the pres ent low stage of mater, for, while she Las been carrying 40 tons of paper Marine Notes. George Tllden. a diver, was yesterday employed by the Diamond Brick Company to recover terra rotta pipe mat ren into the Willamette, at the foot or nurnsino street, when a barge went down Monday nicht. Having finished loading ties for the Southern Pacific lines- In California, the barge Gerard C. Tobey waa yesterday shifted from Goble to Stella, where an other lot awaits her. The barge Amy Turner, of the same fleet, left San Fran cisco yesterday for Portland. In tow. of the tug Dauntless. Captain Hnsen. of the steamer Nome City. Is planning to carry a greyhound and broom because of having beaten the steamer Northland from San Francisco. The former left the Golden Gate at 9 o'clock Saturday night. in hour later Ivan the Northland, and reached Astoria Tuesday morning 30 minutes in the lead. General Agent J. Walter Ransom, of the Harrlman steamer lines, was yester day opprlsed that the Oriental carrier Henrlk Ibsen would sail from San fTan- elaco Saturday and probably reach here Tuesday. It remained for the steamer Roanoke to be the only vessel cleared yesterday at 'the Custom-House. and the entries Included the steamers Rose City. Nome City. Northland and Roanoke, from San Francisco, and the Newport, from Aber deen. B. C. Ball, of the Willamette Iron A Steel Works, has departed for Vlctorln, B. C-. on business connected with a bid submitted by the compsny for repairs to the steamer Princess May. which ran on the rocks on Sentinel Islet. In Lynn Canal. In tow of the tug Gen. R. Vosburg. the barge Nehalem has arrived at l.innton from Tillamook. On the return she will be loaded with material for the Puclflc Railroad & Navigation Company. J Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Spt. 21. Arrived Steamer W. s. Porter, from San Francisco: tug CiVo. R Yosburg. with barge Xehalem. from Tilla mook: le-im--r Eureka, from Eureka. Sailed Steamer alden Gate. for Tillamook: steamer Roanoke, for San Diego and way ports. From St. Helens, steamer Yosemtte. for San Francisco. Astoria. spt. 21. Sailed at ft A. M. Pteam.r Shasta, for San Pedro. Arrived at 1 and left up at 11:40 A. M. Steamer W. S. Porter, from San Francisco. Arrived down at 11:40 A. M. and sailed at 1 li P. X St-amer Rreakwater. for Coos Bay. San Francisco. Spt. -I- Sailed at A. M. Hans" Amy Turner In tow of tug Daunt less, for Portland. Sailed at 1 P. 34. Steam er lloqutsm. for Portland. South Bend. Sept. -'1. Arrived yesterday Slamer Daisy Freeman, from Portland. Ssn Francisco. Sept. -J. Arrived Sl.am sr Redondo. from I'ooa Bay. Sailed Bark Amy Turner, for Portland: etnmers I.ur- line, for Honolulu: Col. K. I.. Drake, for Se ttle: Honulam. for Astoria: San Jacinto. for Hoqulam; Flneld. for Bandon. Sept.. Dec . May.. Kept. . Dec.. . May. . Oct. . . Jan... Oct. . . Jan.. . ..14 " .R2 -3! .54 .S2S .So ' .53 .5S .54 OATS. .334. .33 .331. .3.1 .3.'. 3IS t .8 .37H MESS PORK. 1 S 19.S5 1S.4.1 130 lH.3i 18 30 LARD. 1245 11474 1240 10.70 l.7t 10.C7H SHORT KIBS. 1135 11.15 11.37V. 70 .70 .7H , .52 .51 -54 H JJt, -34H -J7S 19 45 18.32 Vs 11.42 H 10.70 Warner's Safe Diabetes Cere A short time ago he wrote: "About two years axo I began to loee my health. In two months' time I lost 78 pounds. I went to two hospitals they did not tell me my trouble. The first week In laat July I went to Monti cello. N. Y.. where I stayed one week. While there I saw a doctor and he told me I had Diabetes. The Sunday after I came home, I purchased a New York paper, and my wife ald. "Here la a Diabetes Cure: why not try it?" I went to a drug' store and bought two. bottles of Warner's Safe Cure. After the first bottle I began to feel better after the second bottle I was ready to return to work, and have been working ever since (In the meantime I had had to give up my position). "Now. to make it brief, I would not be without Warner's Safe Remedies In In the house under any circumstances. Warner's Safe Pills are especially good. I hope this will be of great benefit to all others who suffer as I did. George E. Whipple. 700 Wash ington Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y." There Is no disease more dreaded than Diabetes, for the reason that the supposition la that it cannot be cured, and It Is most remarkable the letters received ffont men and women who say they had Diabetes In Its worst form and were completely cured and restored to health by Warner's Safe Diabetes Cure, which is one of the Warner's Safe Remedies, among them Warner's Safe Cure for the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, which has done so . much good the past thirty years, and Warner's Safe Pills for constipation and biliousness. These remedies are sold by druggists every where. If you have any of the symptoms of Diabetes send at once for a 'free sample bottle of the Diabetes Cure, or If you have 4f ldney trouble ask for Warner's Safe Cure for the Kidneys, Liver. Bladder and Blood. State your case fully, mentioning having seen this liberal offer In The Oregonian, and our doctor will send you a sam ple and full directions how to treat yourself, free. All communications treated In strict confidence. Letters from women are answered by a woman doctor. WAIINEK'S SAFE CURE CO.. Rochester. N. Y. The gen uineness of this offer Is fully guaran teed by the publisher. Albina dock to Goble. where she will be held during the Winter. 11.30 .7o fair to Oct, . . . Jan. . i 'ash quotations were as follows: Kye Xo. 2. ;3e. Barley Feed or mixing. 48$C4c: cnoict mailing. GJtM-c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern. S2.65; No. 1 .N'orl hwestern. 12.77. Timothy-seed 7 .2.1. I'lover $10 15.2.".. Pork Mess, per barrel. $0.2o 20.50. Lard Per 10 pounds. SI2.0. Short ribs Sides I loose I. $ 1 1.25 l t 1 1-"5. Sl.tes Short. clear (boxed). il:.12V1& 12.35. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were enual to 32.000 bushels. Primary receipts were l.Ols.oiHi bushels, compared with 1. 4ri.Y0fl0 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Kstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 75 cars: corn. 355 cars: oats. 109 cars: hogs. 13.000 head. Receipts. Flour, barrels 42.500 Ilassalo Grounds at Kaltima. While making a landing at Kalama late Tuesday night the steamer Hassalo, of the O. K. N. fleet, grounded and Wfi. not floated until 41 o'clock yester day morning. She reached Astoria be fore noon and loft on the return trip at once. It was reported that the presence of another steamer at the dock Interfered with the Hassalo reaching a berth. Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . Oats, bushels . Kye. bushels . Barley, bushels ... 11S.7U0 ...SI 3.500 . . 2K.;00 .. 3 000 .. 11,000 Shipments. 47.200 X7.S00 521.1O0 2011.800 15.000 York. Sent. 21. Flour was steady. hand-to-mouth trade. Re- shlpments. 1378 bar- Grain and Produce at New NEW YORK. with a small celpts. :!2.Jl barrels; reis. Wheat Spot easy. No. 2 red. $1.04 S ele vator and 31.04 f. o. b. anToat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.2314 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market opened weak on cables and after a quick rally, eased off again at noon with corn. A subsequent recovery was based on reports of a better cash and flour business In the Northwest and steady cover- ng by Chicago ahorts. The market closed Sc higher to Sc lower. September closed .05: December. ll.lNii: May. 11.13V. Re ceipts. 7200 bushels; shipments, none. tildes Dull. Petroleum Steady. longshoremen Load Golden Gate. Differences between the longshore men and officials of the Tillamook Transportation Company concerning the handling of cargo for the steamer Golden Gate were adjusted yesterday without nonunion men being employed. The principal contention was regard ing overtime, and It Is said that has been arranged so the long-shoremen will be kept on the work. The Golden Gate sailed last night. WHO CURE WEAK, NERV OUS, WORN OUT AND EXHAUSTED MEN For $5 to $10 Fees In Simple and Uncomplicated ' Cases. Consultation, Examination and Advice Free. A Friendly Talk and Our Opinion Regarding Your Case Will Cost You Nothing, So Do Not Hesitate to Con sult Us. MUM WE NEVER FAIL YOU lULll WE DO ALL WE PROMISE Our Charges Are Low. Our Cures Are Lasting. CERTAINTY OF CURE is what yon want. We will GUARANTEE to cute you. If, you are tired of paying: out money and waiting "for results, this is your opportunity to be cured quickly. There is all the difference in the world between doctors and treatments, and you want the best. MEN VISITING THE CITY Consult us at once upon arrival, and maybe you can be cured before returning home. Many eases can be cured in one, two or more visits, continuing treatment when home. SEVENTEEN YEARS OF SUCCESS IN TREATING MEN Danger Signals Examine Yourself Thousands of young and middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature grave through nervous complaints and blood ailments. If you have any of the following symptoms con sult me before It Is too late. Are you nervous, weak, specks before your eyes, with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys Irritable, pal pitation of the heart, bashful, pimples on the face, eyes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex pression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack of energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods. If so, I can promise you a permanent cure. Do Ycu Need Substantial Aid? It Is said that a drowning man will grasp at a straw. How many weak, nervous, drowning, sinking men are grasping at straws today to get cured of their ailments which are dragging them down to the bottom of the sea of despair and misery? Why not awaken to the realization of the fact today that boast ing promises of quick cures, misleading statements and unbusi nesslike propositions to the afflicted, are but straws that will sink you deemr and deeper Into the sea of despair? As for others, let them grasp at straws, but you. who are In need of substantial medical aid. come to honest, skillful, true spe cialists, who will not deceive you with any false promises but will save you and restore you to health, strength and vigor, and place you safely within the boundary line of prosperity and the enjoyment of life. No matter who you have been to see or what you have tried, I can and will cure you. or I will tell you it cannot be done. To prove to every man that I have a sure and wonderful cure for ailments of men, I want vou to call and bave a friendly talk free, that I may show you why I can and do cure cases after all others have failed. W'F. CI HE tt JEM' SCIENTIFIC METHODS WHICH CANNOT FAIL BLOOD AND SKIN AILMENTS, NERVE. WEAKNESS, VAUICOSE OR KNOTTED VEINS, OB81 Rt'CTIONS, SOKES, I'LCEHS, SWOLLEN .LA.MS, R1PTI HF, PILES. KIDNEY AND BLADDER THOIBLES AND ALL AILMENTS COMMON TO MEN. MY OlARANTEE NO PAY ITNLESS CURED . We are permanently located and Incorporated under the laws of Oregon. MEN, IF IN TROl'BLE. CONSl I.T 19 TODAY. If you cannot call, write for free book and self-examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays 10 to 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 21H MORRISON ST BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, PORTLAND, OR. Chinook Starts Work Today. ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. 21. (Special.) The dredge Chinook, which arrived down the river Tuesday, will begin work tomorrow morning on a shoal between Klavel and Fort Stevens. This will give her new crew a chance to get broken in before the dredge begins operations at tne entrance to tne i o 1 umb la. which will probably be nex Monday. W. Harper, a rancher near Bend, com mitted suicide In bed today by shooting himself with a 45-caliber revolver. He was about 36 years of age and leaves- a, young widow. About five years ago he waa Injured In a railroad accident, which is supposed to have deranged his mind, and he has been subject to despondent moods since tho.t time. He has a brother living at Billings, Mont. The Harpers came to this country about three months ago. European Grain Markets. I-ONDON. Sept. 21. '"arsons steadv and qulAt: Walla Walla for ehlpment at 37s, uu. tingli"" country maricem. qtuei. French country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL. Pent. 21. Close: Wheat. Oc tober. 7 3N,d; December. 7s 4-d; March, 7a 4d. Weallur fine. Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 11. Wheat Sep- tnih-r. Sl.osli; perember. tl.ltU; Mar. l l.-.S. Cash. No. 1 hard. M.l'Jt,: No. 1 Northern. l.ll; No. 2 Northern. l.l7Uf l.O'.l; No. 3 Northern, t l.l6 to 1.08 V . Flax Closed at '!.7o'. Corn No. 3 yellow. Mc. Oata No 3 whit. 32v3-r. R.e 6tr7Hc. RANCHER COMMITS SUICIDE J. W. Harper, of Bond, Takes Life as Result of Pcspondeiicy. SHANIKO. Or., Sept. 21. (Special.) J. TIZ-For Tender Feet -Whe lira in at Kan Francisco. PAN FRANCISCO. Sent. 21. asv; barley, steady. t-poi quotations Wheat Shipping. $t.S.. t.2 Vj per cental. Barley Feed. H.OOSf 1.02 to Der cental: brewing. 1 0i4r 110 per cental. Oats Red. 1.2lr I.ao per cental: while. II. MM 1.00 per cental: black. ll.30Ol.43 Der cental. - Call board sales Wheat No trading. Barley December, $1 074 per cental: May. $1.13 per ceneal. Corn Large, yellow. Il.-I! per cental. (rata Market of the Northwest. TACOMA. Sept. 21. Wheat Mllllna: Ulue stem, ti2o: club. Mc; red KtiMrlan. t2c. Ex port: Hluetem. lc; club. 84c; red Russian, 82c: f.irtyfold. 8"c. Receipts, wheat 60 cars, oata 2 cars, hay 3 cars. SEATTLE. Sept. 21. Milling quotations: Rluefftem. Pic: fortyfold. K7c; club, Mc; Fife, gfcc: red Russian, Mc. Export wheat: Bltie em. K1-: rortyfold. S4c; club, 63c: Fife, 83c; red RiuwHan. Mc. Yesterday's car receipts, wheat 26 car, oats 5 cars, hay Ro car. Ttdea at Astoria Tharaday. Htxtl. Low. M A. M feet S A. M IT feet : P. M... .J fe-i :; P. M 0.1 foot MARINENOTE. . Th favorable iroairtit for tho nomi nation of Shepherd for Consrena Is en- rourafflnj? over ea am coastwise ship ping, t Paid Advertisement.) MAKAWELI MAKES PORT Yeesel Ordered Here to He Pocked for Cleaning and Painting. ASTORIA. Or., Sept. 21. (Special.) The American barkentlne Makawell arrived late last .evening. 22 days on the way from Honolulu. Captain Nell son reports having experienced thick weather, with dense fogs, during a portion of the trip. He sighted no vessels. The Makawell called six months ago yesterday from Willapa Harbor with a cargo of lumber for Brisbane. Australia, and made the run across In 44 days, which Is said to be a record trip. From Brisbane the barkentlne went to Newcastle, and she later made a fast run of 39 days from the latter port to Honolulu. The Makawell received orders thl evening to proceed to the Portland drydock to have her bottom cleaned and painted, and then load lumber at Westport for Algoa Bay, South Africa. A new. scientific medical toilet tablet which DBAWS OCT ALL INI XAMMATION AND gORErNKS. This remarkable foot bath remedy Is Superior to Powdrr, I'laater or Salve and la guaranteed to cure Corns. Callousea, Bun ions, Frostbites, Chilblains, InRrowlng Nails. Tired. Aching. Swollen. Nervous. Sweaty, Bad-Smelling Feet. , Smaller Shoe Can Be Worn by uslna TIZ. because tt puts and keeps the feet In per- lect condition. TIZ Is for sale at all druggists. 2.V cents per box or direct If you wli from Walter Lnther podge Co.. cnicago. ill. Recommended and sold by . The Owl Drug Co 7th AND WASHINGTON. PORTLAND. OR. ASTH Mil A GUARANTEED REMEDY FOR Little Damage "Sustained. Officers nf the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company have reported that the ship St. Francis, which crashed Into a bridge of the Astoria & Colum bia Klver Kallroad Company, on the Seaside division, had sustained 'but minor damage, some of the planking on the port side being ellghtly marred. The Warren Packing Company's ship Berlin was yesterday towed from the SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS CN THE MONEY-BACK PLAN Dr. R. Rchiffmann's "ASrHMADOR" never fni.s to give INSTANT RELIEF In the worst cases of ASTHMA. No WAITING for RE SULTS. Its action is immediate, direct and CERTAIN, and a CURE is the result in all curable cates. W E ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEE "ASTH MADOK" to give IMMEDIATE RELIEP in the .most violent attacks of ASTHMA. So positively certain are wo that it will do exactly as claimed for It, that we have authorized all Druggists in the U. S. to Refund Your Money without question if It fails to benefit you. (I) R. Schiflmann Co., Proprietors, SL Paul, Minn. Cured. Only ant bar! red Keeley In stitute In Oregon. Write for QW trsted ctrcnlar. KMlrr Insritnrs U K- Itb PocMaad. Oregon Articles of Incorporation. GNU TRUSTER COMPANY Incorporators H. S. Daniel. M. W. Thompson and J. A. Kuks; capitalization. $30no. OREGON MILLS & LOGGING COMPANY Incorporators. F. L. Botsford. R. J. Fitz gerald, R. F. McLean and O. F. Tipton; cap italization. $2.".0"O. MEN CURED $10 IS OUR FEE Pay When Cured We have everj known remedy ap pliance for TREATING VOI. Our ex perience is ao great and varied that no one of the ailments of Men is new to un. C'OMR IN AN I) TALK IT OVER. General Debility, Wenk Nerves, In Mnmnla Results of exposure, overwork and other Violations of Nature's lnwn. Diseases of Blndiler and Kidneys, Vari cose Velna, qulekly and permanently cured at nmall expense and no deten tion from business. SPECIAL AILMENTS Newly con tracted and chronic cases cured. All burning, itching and Inflammation stopped in 24 hours. Cures effected in seven days. Consultation free. If un able to call, write for lint of questions Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. Ml Sundays, 10 A. Al. to 1 P. M. only. PACIFIC COAST MEDICAL CO. WASHINGTON STKEET, Corner Flrat. iOUNG MING CHINESE MEDICINE CO. as Our remedies are composed of Che choicest roots, herbs and barks and are sure to cure to stay cured. All chronic diseases of men and women a specialty. If von cannot call, send for symptoms blank. 247 Taylor t.. bet. Second and Third. I'ortUuid. Ore sua. Inflammations, Irritations or ulcerations of all mu cous membrane, nn natu ral discharges from nose. May Fever throat or urinary organs. lTWEfBi GwsiaJC. SnM rir Tim aAU.1 I OO or In plain wrapper ex press prepaid, on receipt of $1, or three bottles. $.75 Booklet oa request. r fT Catarrh. CeldaU Who Are Ailing, Nervous, Debilitated llf You Are Invi ted to Call SUCCESSATTENDSOUR EFFORTS We are specialists for men. We treat men successfully and cure only those ail- v ments which constitute our specialties. In seeking; medical treatment there are certain qualifications that you should require of your attending- physician ability, experience, skill and an established reputation for RELIABILITY. We claim the above requirements, which are necessary for successful treatment of AILMENTS OF MEN. By the latest methods known to medlcnl science we successfully treat Varleose Veins, Nervous Decline, Inner Nerve Exhaustion, Skin IMscnaes, Kidney, Bladder, Blood Disease, Rheumatism, Liver Dlsor dcrs and all Chronic Ailments of Men. We want all ailimr men to feel that they can come to our office freely for examination and explanation of their condition. There la absolutely no inconvenience, loss of time, hardship or uncertainty, while results are direct, speedy and permanent. We want to talk to every man that suffers from these afflictions due to any cause what ever. We want to explain our methods of treating diseases and all ailments of the kidneys and bladdder. Our office la thoroughly equipped for the treatment of CHRONIC AILMENTS. CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE. Office Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6 P. M., 7 to K P. M. Sundays and holi ' days, 10 to 12. DR. LINDSAY CORNER ALDER AND SECOND. ENTRANCE 1-iSVs SECOND STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON. L. T. Yee. L. T. YEE THE CHINERK DOCTOR Tee A 3on's Medicine Co. spent liftlm. study of herbs and re search in China: waa granted diploma by the Emperor; won derful cure of all ailments of men and women when others failed. If you suffer, call or write to YEE & SON'S MEDI CINE CO., 142-4 tint. Cor. Alder. Portland. Or. disease a v e it don't know it. If rvIDNFY I" a deceptlTa thousands h TDHMDI IT and don't kno iuuuuliY you want good results you can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kid ney remedy. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney trouble. Address. Dr. Kilmer Co.. Bingham too. N. X. DR. TAYLOR'S $10,000 MUSEUM OF ANATOMY Open Free to Men All men visiting Portland should see Dr. Tay lor's Free Museum of Science. As far ahead of all other advertised museums a the Dr. Tavlor methods of treating men's ailments are superior to the old, haphazard and guesswork treatment. An exhibition prepared at a great cost of time and labor. No charge to see museum, which is entirely apart from medical offices. Consultation and Advice Free NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CLRED. The LeadlnK Specialist. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Dally. Sundays 10 to 1. If You Cannot Call. Write for Symptom Blank. The DR. TAYLOR Co. ::4V4 .MORRISON ST. CORNER SECOND. .JlVL. ..u.-J-au'l 'for il THE DRS. S. K. CHAN Their Chinese remedy of herbs and rots cures won derfully. It has cured many male and female sufferers of all kinds of sickness, in cluding chronic and private diseases, when other reme- Their medicines less. No operation. ation for ladies bv Mrs. S. K. Chan. Call pr The S. K. Chan Chinese Medicine (, 2-'iV Morrison St., between First and Second, Portland, Or. -tStZ'M ar harml s6sW-- Examinal MIS. 1 1 QUi