THE MORNING OR ETONIAN, THURSDAY, SEPTE3IBER 22. 1910. 19 BV5ir9 orroRTrMTiis. FR H A I.E. A 2-M rapAiitv Kulf portable saw mlU complrtr. a !th cu'.' ft saw. sawdust rnv or. etc. ; also a No. I Nonhwwi planer, aith attachment, good as n has been ud n( v a short time. For pertteulars call at my office. 2JH-22S Fron st.. Prt:and. Or. hkhman metzoer. oner. CKXKHAU niercbaaJise etore 8 nvl-s from Portland, ri-'ir.a a hu-tne-- of -"Ho ynr p.toffi. e in bulH'ng. which brtriu In 45 iar: rert for m building and a rt-rom residence 25; t-ar-e run 2S years; will in voic jK.k. -eIving and i'un;Ti bel-.n t t e bui:i.r. Thia requires tx ui Ca 2V, S'arfc et. VALUABLE KUK1NES3 INFORMATION' This aifiirv is in a p-U:ii to fumlsn rlUbit information regarding boslnese openings; ooiy legitimate propositions con stdered. AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. 4! AMngion b! !-. KHsb'uhlW KKSlAI KANT SI.".'. Nbe restaurant on ;th street, riarht dvwn fn. r'eara Jl2. per month a ho ai fiCtni. rent only SV !th lease; price my V0: ovmr must lave city. HRl A- .A DOW, Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. l.WKSToks wr. tin bis returns on money, call at one. We only a few shares ftf attw-k i.?t t ? No time to waate on vorjottT hunter.' but we invite rigid in estivation from people mrinlnr bust nea Hercules Mining Machine Co., Kins. I-.. ?Jl East Morrison st. rAl jr of sn knew, fur nal. th furniture f the Commercial Hotel at Ullls&oro, Or. ; 20 r oms. !) taken. dining' rifim, kitchen. everything nirt and ciean rent Si', price, with brand new piano, iUje. without piano. SieuO; a rea- snap. "a' I st one. S. l.i k- 2 good onv. pool halts. 4. diul II t M- nulk Orocerv Int olce. new riesn st-H-k. ot her business chances an J a couple good rate of business chances for lots and a small farm. txHinuga Seitx. 7 1 "i Boar. I of T r .t. MERCHANTS. LOK HBI'.K. We hv an .m 44-ac-e fruit farm in ' a ' t f ' m i for !:. u n ! 1 1 1 I a k a bwir.A "f aNut 4,'1. some cash and bal- rnioi on t'me. F. FCCHS. ri4 M'-rrtson SC. ftH SALS e rem Tr n p.rtund H-'Uf r.nfi rjt o a fcoirl and K- re f geper mrr hanJUe. at St. J"hrn rtetvt on rh I Hallway. 2"77-;t Van Houirn ih. rity: dotfis; a rry gooJ bu:nf; on-r v I-hp to rr'ir- W K ar- ha vlna- m-re m( M.-atl ti for b'ls! rs mnss than me can AIL If ' i,a any a.-M butnena prwitlT. brlns; tem In at ou--. Ktr.r-y Sc Siarr.ihr. ..'ti I.umher K ar.fK bl-iC. N Kfelt 'TIO.N KK Y cisars fire I'M-a :.: an ion. Wei st'i. Intucf rr h r for $1 ixi. Se rral Si.le. i 'a 11 and s"e ns. Sella. 71 rtosrd of Tra-ir. .t hen tin rast ;MxtnoUKh HALF Interest In an oM esfabllshed pnsl- bm. dolra a cm1 busin'ffs. a tin a sal arted position of iioo pr month. For full partl-ular. rail Kinny A S;rnphr. Lum ber CichuDRe bloc-, rooms l'Z, tRtV, ST KK r-r s!-. tusinew -t j ear 4oi pxsTkpt.ns wr ar; rsi-ru-es 4 p-r cm pr a : no (.rwiU'ii; lull prk-ra; T1 fcarvlle t:l. F.-r partK-U- !ra write ftx . TkM ai.ey, ' t. II' A N'T ED Tartner; ne mith seir-ronlden r. w ho can aril and pu.l Klla a PujI.t; only S."rfirA retiutred . fa-iorv s: at. ; iM d ' n! n- rAtnpettt ton. t'pone Min i"'.7." or ii reis A 1 . 3. rf"nlin. rfvK"R R lti(rt ni In sn k n.l of l-,-in-j-a fm" ami eea u. We have a r'i lt to awfev I frm and hr)-i'e n-thir. hut ! animate .K-if t"C. likh Kir ('.. 221 Man t'h to S-oM cn M'p mtr a fine .rptt)vr : will a 1."V tM ear. r irn flU!na ars. n. u. nuke r"rt ard ha uju-'irt r. A'1'lrri-s AO a-. re-:"nian. I HUT. f i.rt to $lt.otO M tnx -si. taklnc I'lix pari in a strirtly letrttlrnate husinen; mut utand cloet lnvritict;n; M heat commercial ref-rmces. ii 2 4 6. i r-c -nian. TOLNii MAN. oTHAMiERI afaka careful lnvst:ratton at expenw af sler before you Invest money in any proposition. Advisory IpaxuccnU T. M. C A. ytR SALR or lea tn fkan Grajt aed rspair sCxp: cava show oud proftt; astab TLpra.) for lira -; o ner w tshes to n8 flru efforts to sMts stork: buyer baa ad Yanta )f ot:r aoric. AH -.7. Or n tan. RFSpo.VsiBI.B rval wtm d-.iier. etabiisr:d 7 )-ar. bm too mu-h w-k: wilt uki a re I'JiM man at partner n.I teach him th Varr 'at' ir. 417 l'ard of TraJe. A tNi hardware, centrally tx-ated. aood lease. rhi-a rent, at invoice, doing a -ok1 businrsa. ;vlnUKh st Seits. 714 H..!r.1 of Trade !;- tilV tN away free, map of all th California oil fields, also trfal subscription of publica tion "Callfirnia OH Fi-ldtc" S k a r -loo zn i s Co.. 7"! Crea-onian lilda.. Portland. Or. ROMlNOir plrS. " lrrt bew martial value; 11 ronirm; (xwth.n and nrm-cia. furr.l!ure; nHiis a I wa full. to.1.jr. 417 H-rd of Tra-le. Foil SALE by ner, ciKar. confectionery, fruit stop.; best corner location on the West Side; owner must Ivat East. Call 1s 4h st PKI'LfK store. d-ina strictly cash busl ne and nei $, monthly, will take partner that ran furnish good refereQct-a. Call :3 Lumber Kn-lmntf. rOK HALE iiHl dental practlrw w r i 1 -equipped office. In the best tusin-ss town In LUitrrn urtcun. For dat. address P r.. cr c x EUn. LtTRl'AL fix:ure and rt'palr fmpany s.u:s partner, bis? peon!, small lnvet mrr: retUtrel; nivr.ey v urei. iJU .4S S-ark st. N Fv 'K SALE One of the best cwrerT an 1 crockery bustnea In tlie itroMii.-r city of Kurene. For Information ad errs Box !t J.t. Eugene, or. SMALL cah stor wants partner, as owner can t d-pnd on hired help; pay $i week ly with srndli Investment. tU room i J J. Lumber Kt-hani?. l- "H A I K 6ri-r sh- p buetr-ea: 1 . r r ; sr on s laiphmn. n-k. It uie: Willis; unt a.vknesj. W. Wwh. FOR SALE r.fDfril store In lrrijrated pm)-t. don't answer unless you mean A 3.'d rr c n 1 n n. rll"SlNFS .ird.'. ! ; ju uvwt brr.f tfcU a. K.-ae City Printery, TbxtS St., r.Mr iivi. r tiOl viarar s:or for sale cheap: best down -tow n location : hs fine bunnies, w Itti I'-ase. AN 3 7. r--r" bM ALL cuntr bote). ,V s.rad v lMardrs. ic car fare from rttv; ;nonry-u aker. Call rm St(t Henry blls . FOR RENT in. room hou.w. furr.lsbod. cen iraTy located at I4 N. 1Mb. Inquire 9 1 SI. MINING AND INUCSTLIAL UTOIKS Teiph-"nfl and oitier bor.ii bouar.t an4 So'.d- Fletc ht?r Inv. " P.. Abiastoa. JTt'R 1.EASK or sale. bt. Jsmrw Motel, at W nAk. Wash. Arplr E. M Everltt. 12 K Heron at.. Aberd- en. -Waf. rAKTNER. wanted f r e s t. tend "ffTCr et ; will rr:---iar 417 It. ,-ird o a m- nt.i. vie. J4i VF.KSlf )-uar I kir f . r a atnail busl nriw that will 4ttnd a i v-r -us. h i':-.e(iKA. i -f. cue us m 41 lt"arn of frs ie 1"UH SALE At a sat. a t!.J painc baa-r- in the b-t town In Ores-on; coma and Invest 2 rats. eot liithrnian. Heppner. or. XKl';-. store bull'llnjj. r!l'nrf. two lata, 9 . s-alua of bta t'hanc for doctor. Dr. tt rr r i. Corn e 1 1 us. O r. 4n PI YS property and hminess that fr!ll easilr pa- per month. Inquire errtt St.. betwene 1 ar.d 4 P. i. o-R oM h el with b ir-r-- m fr awle; b-uaw t full. L, ii Lor-khaxt. owner. 21b Worcester . ' W A TKi Parmer )ihd busineas li T-ade. n bet city. PMVlnc est ah' 3n i;ord of liAKNS srwt; -d location tn a d lla hutr.euta town. F r inf.-rn;a:ion a-idr-ss- P. t. b- No ft. Vale r lU'KAM KkV. hiitt-r. ks. cnorir. etc.. -I-m Irr a r o.J buJir-'.'-f: rri.t S.'j. 2 ear" lease; fr d,ll rr a srrn : isy sales; ra tl; mill Irnoir. no .l jai Call S1, Siark s. i be in--k; st-d bl lU'RHA i-r with .1 :i;re; rowni: rent .. with b-w: (Ti ST.". i. arrae axles f.t' 'iv 'all 'J4- 'a Stur K s A HAfcirJ o pt-Tl"NiTY. ptc-;urw show. rVj- fn rtcr.iv R"i!f M. Kay rstn ;3 Nrr. TI N KKV T KK rnvn strr-et. snap prli- Si Lumt-ermen It C t m O-t M T. If si. tt I LI, ftRLI. effect. -.ce. dome; ftr-t-cu ri ..r. Mrsll -!! ry snd takfry at in buarrM, pMkd loca- CASH TALK: S acres ar River-lile. te. "ali 417 rl of Tt-Ie. w market price. FOR S A LB f a rs. kst t..r. U. fW -f bevlc. ttr j c trteryQoW tlllams ae. VU JiAUii LTaKij'-d tlyeir.s; and cleaning: wo-k. busineaa: 4 livinc -rooms. cDeap r-nt. Ingutrs I -J 4b Vsm WilJj bt.LL my b;r Interest In real estate off ..; i-inrg isk rr.on:h:y; am kavlns ty AM .ti j fTgonlsn. IF YOf want t- sen .n.r bustneas or want a pa rtner. cji: r.j Hen r y h 1 . 1 r . NTp;-bvt:l..i f..r rjrjriitcr o. cheap r-f ! r t'he. i ; irke. ftl3 .M t. WANTED to finance ihrehor Ttudt iiie at F.. K, Saith, Sdvertou. or. Brsrxxss opportumtiu. brorrnv'.rTrrT-TBi Pnwuri. Edl- r.s. Psthe and others aJways In enock from .3 up: the latest and best films ior rtm, " The bej-. is nona too rood" Is our standard. We teach operstit.s and qualify to run a show; before, c tost eg deal el sew her be sire and see us; we have tha g xkIs. and prices) are rig It. LaemnUe Film bsrricw. Faataiea bid., Portland. Or. J. A. L4WRKNCE 0. HRADyfARTKRS FK ' HOTEI-S. R(X)lNt:.Hirsr r.pfM'KRlES. ET . GROCERY. FINE IaX'ATION. SALES. n PEU I'AY. RENT 5. LEASE TWO YEARS. KICK. CLEAN STOCK; 3W0 t V T 'll'I 1 VT RWFt.f. r-ivV tmivi: mr. I'SINESS. CI.KARINU ItUMj' TO lsXM PBil MONTH; snap kiiv itv irivrt ht nisiNE8S. On icount vt prolonged Illness, a cli ent Is oblitfrf tn asj-rifica a thrifty. WSll- esthllhH iitH-ftil lovrirv business. Splendid loVatiun. Part cash, balance good terms. Vtn ..iwinunttv for nabt party; bo trlf I era or amenta need apply. This is a snap sod will go at first fair oppor tunity. WHITFIELD at COAN 312 Fgntori bldg. Folt HAI.K a 1 -thousand cansrity saw mill equipped with planer, edger. lotiifln' I engine, blacksmith shop, team of horsre i and all kinds of tools; tnere ara about -0 million feet of good timber near this I mill and It Is rlaht on the railroad. or , further nartlculars refer to Summit Lum- bcr Co.. Summit. Oregon. WANTED TO LEASE COUNTRY HOTEU We hav customers who want to leas or pure has a good country hotel. If ou want tn sell out. write us aa we do the business. owners only. liKI'SSI Jk ZALMJW. nlT Hoard of Trade Rldg.. 4th and Oak. W A N T t: L A t once two good live aa Irs atcents tn handle salable oronerty. If you can produce vou certainly can make good money on this. Call and see J. H. Tip too Co.. uu Spalding bldg. Phone Mar- shall I. 4... WANTED A man to assist me In th pur chase of m mlnin nroiuTt v who can com mand $1o.omi; has cord wood which will net I2.h above purchase price. If you irant a sure, big money-maker, look it up- :r, j Hawthorne ave. RESTAURANT. Best location In rlty: U w rent, long cstsblt-hcd. good business: Mand; close ni- spertion; good lease. O 34 7. r-Rnlfcn. RELIABLE real estate operutor. with more work than he can do. wants steady, sober lwrtner to take half Interest and ationr property; must have references and he w nunc woraer. Herrlck-Maldcn Co., J'VJ B. -rd of Trade. IK HEKK, INVrMR. $ I t.rws on gvd lerma buys a corner worth nor than ask-d for. ieetiiu nuunings on It b-as-d for . a month: 3 blocks from City Hall Can ou beat this? F FI HIS. r-MS Morrison St. t ANTED Four men. with . each loin me with like amount, in a syndicate. , ;uarantee pr cent prflta; (nsldo propro. J. L Tipton Co.. rhune Mar- shall S7.. Hpaldlng bldg. To THE AUTOMOBILE CAPITALIST. Fortune forth right man with capital. a natent Dunciureicas auto tire. r or fur ther Information call room 46, Hotel Rainier. RMMINCllttl SFft. MRS. LENTS AC.ENCY. SKId HOTElS AND ROOM I NO-HOUSES. ."..'.'-.'I Falling Bldg.. 3.1 and Wrsh. Sts. NEW TODAY. 33 rooms, i a pa rt meats, col ner hrtck building, tent only Including steam b-at. hot and cold water and Janitor service. This is a gol proposition clear ing over e-oo a montn; very easy manage; only $3.Vmi cash required. NEW MODERN HOTEL. 74 KlHlMS. On of the moat elegantly furnished houses tn the city; every modem equip ment; 4o private batns. -vear lease cheap rent; located Just rtarht for a flrst class commercial hotel: thia house aas only been furnished a abort tlma but paying big prom and la easy lo manage; only sot'O cash required. :;t rooms. . HOOD TRANSIENT HOUSE. All on on floor. steam heat. v ijr an and well furnished; actually eb on the a vent a over $2'o a month; this ran be handled with f-HM) cash. OTHER BARGAINS, rooms, rent $; nice; s jho. 17 rooms, swell place ; onlv $lrtrt. 13 rooms, 7th st - cash only $t3rt. 1 1 rooms, bargain day for this; must sell todav; JuM think. Sto. APARTMENT-HOUSES. WEST SIDE. rooms, elegantly furnished. rash iio. .Vi rooms, new and elegantly furnished throughout ; clears :UK) monthly; only f.l.'mi cash required. ROOM!. Mostly unfurnished excepting halls, gas ran ices and about $-'-tHi furniture; lease 5 years; nice West Sid locntlon; can be furnished and sold at a big profit. See this today; first time offered. It. H. GOODK.IND CO.. M Board of Trade Bldg. VERT SWELL FURNITURE. 1 1 -room select location, run by pres ent owner 4 ears. rent fine tatn. furnace beat, the very best of carpets and furniture: no cleaner nlace In Port land; every room rented; price SHOO; don t fall to see this: tt Is fine. OWNER LEA VI NO CITY. Will sacrifice 12 rooms of furniture : In a fine, clcv in location, for $v"0. i. cash, rent s-o; rieara s.i month. l RfOMS PART HOUSEKEEPING. Good location, rent Ai furnace heat. clearing: fift month; price only $1100, -4j cash. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. .T.'. room bouse, very beat location. clearing big money ; if you have t'-'-'i'H) rash and want something select, see this. : ROOMING HOt SE OWNKKS. We want your house on our list. Put your price, we will do the rest. SEE THIS AND YoU WILL LOOK NO FURTHER. 3t rooms, very elegantly and completely rurnihei witn nest or Axmmster and vel vet carpets and high-grade furniture; Ideal location, one block from rarllne; 1 min utes' walk from Perkins Hotel; clearing nearly . S-OQ nr month; tine, homelike place; long lease at only MS per month; this Is the best bargain In the city for 9100; terms. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH. M 0-311-51? P wet land Bldg. MUST SELL SNAP. S4-room apartment house, strictly mod ern : S-rear lease; cheap rent ; clears above all expenses can be bandied for -?; bai- to per mo., 6 per cent int. irics , DI ETZ-MUELLER CO.. 315-1617 Ablngton Bldg. - J. A lAWRKNi'K I'U, ttiill COHBKTT HLIHi. H E A DJ CARTERS Ft R HOTEIJ. ltHMIN-Hl tiK'H KKIKS, RES TAURANTS. ETC Liu ROOMS MOOFRN BRICK. FIN B l.M-VT1 N. HKAr KK.NX. l.lli LEASE. IF YOU It AVE 1U.WW TO INVEST, LOOK 1 ltl t I . NOTICE HOTEI.fl OF ALL F17.E AND PRICES. SMALL rooming-house, on Eat Burnside. walking distance rrem iiy Hall; now full, will make living for o ner and 140 per montn at-ove an ezctnas; price f'kn. r ii n a: j . 312 Merchants Trust Itb'g. 1 i o ; rtPhon es. 14 R M . brick building. cl-ars Chest rBt. always full. SI .hm terms. 13 rooms, elecantlr ftirnlshe!. clears $U0. r.fni a-, ami- nuea. terms. Pi rrxima. rent B.V risers $40: V7S). b rooms, ivr.t .U5. a snap. $T,V) Main 3w77. 31 Rw.rd of Trade. X Ris-M-J. all hoiseketinr. rent SiA- i.-iik and Yamhill: I traded wtrelesa for It; It la ii g i o nrr- i a; ii iir nair vaiue or I will give It away; agents need not try Ie ltst itand sell at advance figure. Address) FCR HALE A snap -room flat, fashionable dts- trw-t. eerining in ine best shape. H. W. Garland C Pl 4th st. SN P -rt ronis. aa H. K. : eU-s-nt rnmii, One kcatln: long lease; clears SIX; or wtli trrle fr smaller place. Owner. AM 343, Ore- FOR SALE OR TRADE. Rooming-houses, all sizes and locations. ST A K REALTY CO.. Fourth SL jo Rt Mi- li-st transient houe in city for " y cvomui on neaun. call arter IP A- M. 27 1 Morrison st. RtOMING-HOUSB. rooms, all rented, good furniture, rent $.t: mut se:i ; this la a ta rg in - Ph ones Ess i B '"Jim. SACRI FiCE sale. 3 rooms, housekeeping, clears I l'H) per month, cost $20U0- will take Uto. Owner. Main 3S77 ROOMING-HOUSE for sale; West Park; terma. 1 room a 1st W A NT E?D Rvmlng-hou ss. all siju-s. Vts of t. it ct. Phne Mutn'P7i Look here! Best roomtng-hnuse on dth at. For particulars phne A 3M. SN A P. nomlni bo us close In, Z2i Worcester Building. only 4-nt. Call ROOMINCi-HOVSES. Dl ETX-M TELLER CO.. :tl."i-l-17 Abingtnn Hid;. ROOM INO-HOI'S E H EA IHJC A RTERS. If you are looking fr a FIKST-i'LASS ROOMlNa-HOCSE. call and se us. We protect both the bucr and seller. Below Is a partial list of what v. e can offer you: RKDICKl) Fi:cM TO rt.Hd. no rooms, modern, cor. brick; hot and cold water In all rooms, strain hat: very richly furnished; clears shove alt expejises VWH per month. Don't miss aeUig this, for it is m splendid buv. Price. IGr.uO. DIE rZ-MCELLER CO.. SL-ld-17 Abtnicton Bldg. EXTRA OOOD BUY. 5 -7 rooms, very central location; h"t and cold water all rooms, furnace heat, beauti fully furnished and a splendid money maker. Very homelike place and has al ways had a good refutation. If you want something good, here It la; price, DIETZ-Ml'HI.LEK CO., 31-1-17 AblnKton Bldg. GOOD HOME. 12 nice large sunny rAoms. corr-r. fur nace heaL VERY NICELY FT R N I ED. This will sfve ynu a good home and leave yon d per month clar above all ex penses. Be sure and are this, for ll will go quick; price. ITJ'm; terms. DI ETZ- M C'El.LER CO.. 515-10-17 AbinRton Uildg. BIG MONEY-MAKER. HP rooms, cor. brick Iddg.; best transient house in th city: rent e-73; nicely fur nished ; clearing ubnve all expenses $4U0 per month: price. $o.ttrt; terms. D I ETZ-MU ELLE R CO.. 310-14-17 AbtitKton Bldg. BEST IN THE CITY. 2.1 rooms, tine f u rn ( t u re a nd carpets; atl outside rooms. 3 baths; best location In Portland; t till of first-class rooinrs ; w III clear $L"o over all expmses every month in the vear. A pickup at $2750. Dl ETZ-MUELLER CO.. 3L-IJ17 Ah.RKton Bldg. PORTLAND ROOMING MOL'SE CO., 31.1 Henry BlflT A Blti MONEY MAKER. 74 rooms. cio in, eleguut furniture and carpet sv only been usd three1 minths. Thlg new- and up-to-date hue is clear ing over per mo. A o-yea.r lease, reasonable renL If you want something good, see thlj. IK)VC. TOW N BARCA FN. 4." rooms, rnrntr brick. hot and cold water to all rooms, steam heat, new fur nishing. Just put in : 4 -year lease, low- rent, clearing sdOO per month. Don't overlook t hit MODERN A PA RTM E N T fi. 37 rooms, new, up-to-date Irick: steam heat, hot and cold water, bath and- tele phone tn rufh huitc; lu :i-ronm suites, elegantly furnished in be-t of taste; 3-car lease; rent : clearing f:H per month; price a''.MX. Half cash. BIG SACRIFICE. I1 rooms, close In. all housekeeping, all filled; 4 - yea r lease, cheap rent and a bargain; owner sick; must sell. BARGAINS. , 1 rrwms. well furnished, filled with de sirable roomers; rent only a month and a bargain at Sloit; only $"," cash re quired. 10 rooms, elegant furniture and car pets, house full, a anap at f-iH): terms. ti rooms, close In. very nicely furnished, rent A.d: If tak n this week, only f.lMt. We ha ve ot hers. See us before vou buj. PORTLAND ROOMI NU-HUl SE CO. :;i:i Henry Bid-;. ROOM I NO-HOUSE. Id rooms, all rented. nicely furnished, furnace beat, rent -; price 30, easy terms. Call 4."-J E. Burn side at. . ri-:ciAi. notices. rropvaala invited. THE. PORT OF PORTLAND, PORTLAND. OREO ON. PUBLIC SALE oF d'. BONDS. Proposals mi invited for the purchase of f 7U.tHH in bonds of TH E Port K PORTLAND, nf the dnmnirmtion of $1M each, dated July 1. J ios. and pay.tlle as follows: 13.000 July 1, 1'Hl; (,0.iNM July 1. IMC.'; Tooo July 1. 1W13. with interest thereon pavuble sml -annually at the rat of 6 per cent per annum, principal and in terest pa able In United States guld coin at the office of THE PORT OF PORT LAND. In the City of Portland. Or-goiu Sealed bids will be received at the of fice of THE PORT OF PORTLAND. Port land. Oregon, until 4 o'clock P. M-. of Thursday. th 13th day of October. IIUO, for the above described bonds and will then b opened. No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a certified check tn favor of THE PORT OF PORTLAND, drawn upon a reputable banking-house In the City of Portland. Oregon, tor ft pr ront of the par value of bunds bid for. the samo to be retained bv THE PORT OK PORT LAND, as liquidated damages should the bonds be awarded and the su''resftil bidder fail to take and pay for the bonds so awarded him. Conditional Lids will not be considered m a n d every facility will b pro vi d ed pros -pectlve bidders for determining the legality ot these bonds before submitting bids. The locality of the bonds oflered for sale has been affirmed by the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon. The successful bidder will also he re quired to pay lu addition to the amount of his bid. the accrued interest from July 1. 1'-"H. to the date of delivery of the bonds. TH B PORT OK PORTLAND reserves the rifiht to reject any and ull bids. John P. Doyle. Clerk of the Board. NOTICE OK BALE OF IMPROVEMENT bONPtt. Tha Common Council of the Town of Fpnngfleld. Oregon. ill receive soaled bids for the sale of of omprovement bonds of the Town of Springfield. The said bonds will be issued under authority of a charter amendment of said town, ap proved by popular vote of the electors thereof. The bonds bear 6 per cent In terest, payable semi-annually, he bmds will be Usued In denominations from flOO to I1OO0 to suit the convenience of th purchasers. The Council will meet at the Council Chambers, In the Town Hall of said town, at th hour of 8 o'clock P. M-. on the tenth day of October. 1010. for the pur pose of opening the bids and considering th same. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. All bids should be addressed to John C. Mullen. Spring held. Or., who will auwr all ing.ul.i4is rulativ to the financial con dition of th town aud the proceedings bad leading up to the giving of tills notice. This notice given by order of the Com mon Council. Dated this first day of September. 1110. J O HN C. MULLEN. Recorder. NOTICE Is hereby given that the under signed, by virtue ot an oraer maie uy me United States District Court tor the Dis trict of Oregon in Bankruptcy, will sell to the highest bidder the bankrupt stock of M. Hansen, locuted at 1 4 1 4 7 Second street, consisting of a complete line of ladles' furnishings, such as corsets, under wear, hosiery, w a 1st . r.eckw car. knit goods, umbrellas, notions. "tr.. togeth-r with fixtures good will and location there of for the purpose of pa vtnic the debts and claims against said M. Hansen. All bids must be accompanle by certuted check for lo per cent of the amount of the bid. The right is reserved to reject anv or all bbla and no bid can be ac cepted without the conOrmation of the court. Inventory and stock can he examtt-ed at its location. 14.-I47 .econd st. pro posals or bids should be hnnded or mailed r. st . Jtamnurger, trustee, at same address. NOTICE Is hereby giea tha: sealed bids win ha received ror tne Durcnuse ot 000 of coustruction lnds of School Dis trict No. 27. in Josephine county. Oregon, drawing ft per ent inrvreat. payuble semi annually, said bonds payable abtolutely In 20 year, baid bids shall be sealed and be accompanied by a cr tilled check for 9500. and will be received up to and In cluding tne tfutn day ox aepiemoer, iviw. ant that the School Board will open and consider said bids on the first day of Oc tober. lsUO. at s o'clock p. m. of, said r Btda should be nanaea or aa a reseda to F. M. Stascn. Clerk of the School Board cf Period District No. 27. Wolf Creek, ! Josephine County. Oregon. j NOTICE to Contractors. Notice Is hereby given tnat the county i ourt or Lincoln County. Oregon, will receive sealed bids tip to o o'clock A. M.. Tuesday. September 27, 1010. for a suitable engine for trans parting crushed rock on n agon road.- In Lincoln I'ounty. Oregon, together with three cars with a capacity of at least ran yards each for delivering the crushed rock. 1 he capacity of en e tne and general description must accompany ' all bids, the sam to b addressed to Cimntr Clerk. Toledo. Oregon. Ira Wade, County Clerk. NOTICE Is hereby given that scaled bids ' for quarrying rock at court v quarry, the c rushing of same, spreading same on Detioe Slough road In Line dn Count v for a distance of two miles under direction of the County ('ourt. all tools and material to be furnished by the county, will be received br ne county t ourt or Lincoln County. Oregon, on or twfore 9 o'clock A. M . Tuesday. September 2"7. 1910. the said b Ids to be add ressed to the Coun t y Clerk. Toledo. Oregon. Ira Wade, County Clerk. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. Honolulu. T. H.. Sept. 14. Healed proposa.a fr break water eon; met ion at Kihiilal iiarloi. Mini. H.. will be re.-eived here until 11 -Vclo.-g M.. tetober 14. Ult. and then nubheiv opened. Information on application. h Eve- let h v Inslow. Iar. Engrs. FINANCIAL. fT-" CASH will net you Sl.'io in nest y-.i da s; aosoiuteiy ear and legitimate and real es tate seeutit for iour money. A duress Y 339. tregiiniun. MoRl'GAGES. loutracts. bonds, stocks, war rants and notes bought and Sold. Loans negotiated. Henry Teal. 614 Abinirtn bids;., 104 H Sd su FINANCIAL. SEVERAL rlrst mortgages. all hlKh-cli dwelling-house security, close In, restrict ed' districts, 1-3 of valuation. 7 pr csnt Interest, navable auarterU : Insurance, ab ft ran. etc. Cail ov McKay Main 4 71". WE can place your money at high rates of interest : nest security, nrst monr;ag"s. i'ROVIUENT INVESTMENT 4fc TRUSTEE! COMPANY. 524 -.11.' 6 Foard of Trade Bldg. Ioney to Loan Real EM ate. NO BETTER SECURITY OFFERED. ON REAL ESTATE LOANS. THAN THE FOLLOWING: J 20 00 AT 7 PER CENT. $2o00 AT 7 PER CENT. 3000 AT 7 PER CENT. HAVE YOU THE FUNDS ON HAND FOR ONE OF THESE LOANS? 6EE THE REAL ESTATE DEPART MENT, HARTMAN & THOMPSON. 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CASH paid for mortgages or sellers' Interest In contracts on real estat anywbera In Oregon or Washington; mortgage loaoi negotiated on improved property. H. B. Noble. Lumbermenj bldg.. Sth and Stark. ON IMPROVED city property or for bu-Ud-Jrg purposes; 3 to 9 years time; libersa repayment privileges; money advanced as tuildU-f progresses. Tha Kqultabla Sxv Ings & Loan Association. 240 dtark st. I600.0CO on Improved city or farm rroperty; buildtr-g cr small loans at lowest; larg kana a cUlly. J. H. McKenxl Co.. 4l4 Gerlingcr bldg. ilK&T and second mortgages and contracts purchased on farm and city property, anywhere la Oregon or Washington. lm Devercaux. Kenton bldg.. S4 oth sL PLENTY of money to loan at S and per cent on real estate security. LDW. P. MALL COMPANY, 104 Second St. IMMEDIATE loaus iron. $S to oO0. on all securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 14W W as h Intiton bldg. Fhon Main MfZ. BUILDING loans. A. C. Furlong, con tractor. (26 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 4j4 ihiLiiCl ijAuji: loans on city property; lovaal rates. A. H. BirrU Co 2U MckA bldaw 3d and Stark. gUuo.uoo TO LOAN, large loans a specialty) building loaus. lowest rates. W. ii. Beck. 312 Failing bldg. - MONEY in amounts of ."khi and up to loan on Portland real estate, call at 414 Spald- Ing bh!g. pi-.i, VA'i money loaned on real estate mon gages, ti. Miloy, room i!uL Oeringer bids, LOAN5 on leai. personal, chattel or coital cral security. C. W. Pallett. 3u3-P Fentotw State funds loaced, a per cent. W. E. Thorn aa. attte agent. Multnomah Co.. 400 C C HAVE 2Mn0 7 per cent money to loan on good income property, ac .t.i, urfgunian RA'i ES. F ti. LEWIS. 3 LEWIS BLDQ. MONEY to loan on good real estate security. J. A. Lawrence & Co., o"t Corhett bldg. MONEY, any amount, o to H per cent Good no u g fa 4fc Sous. 71M Board of Trade. 1 loot To loan on improved real estate se curity. Cowllshaw, 615 Commercial block. id loan $i 0.OO0 o less, real eslale securiVf t arnngton. 4 Hi Commercial Club bldg. W 1 LL loan J0u0 or less on real estate. HitchoocK. 010 Rothcnild bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 0 AND 7 PER CENT; LOUIS SALOMON. 'iH STARK ST. Money to Less- liattels and Salaries. $ I $ $ $ $ 4 WE HAVE mI)NEY TO LOAN, On salaries only. In amounts of from $5 lo l0O. at the lowest posaibla rates. Rebate given If paid before due. Being salary loan brokers exclusively. we are enabled to make the best terms and give th quickest possible service. Our well-known reputation for square dealing and courteous treatment during tn past 1 our best reference. Business strictly confidential. STATE SECURITY CO.. SO 8 Falling bldg.. cor. 3d and Wash. sts. 9e S9X HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 3o 7 Spalding Bldg. We wilt make you a loan on your furnl ture. piano or livestock and the prop erty remains unuisturDea in your posses siou. Now Is the time to get In fuel and Winter supplies. AH the common com modities are cheaper this time of the ear. r Payments are made to suit your Income and rebata is given for any unexpired time. CALL AT ONCE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF MUiNLi. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. 307 Spalding Bldg. Main l:-ttil XHH: L. b. REAL ESTWTE BROKERAGE COMPANY. Makes liberal loans on real estate, furni ture. Dlanoa (without removal . livestock. storage receipts, life Insurance policies and all ainus or securities; terms to suit, easy weekly or monthly payments. W buy first and second mortgages and con tracts. Phone Muln 2C84. Room 113 Ham ilton bldg., 131 3d st. I $ S $ 3 I 1 I J MONET advanced salaried people, house keepers and others upon their own names without security; cneapest rates, easiest payments; o faces in principal cites; ssve yourself by getting my terms flrsu TOLMAN. 317 Lumber Exchange. MONEY loaned on mortgage evcurities for pri vate investors' on city property in amounts of and up. M. E. i no Oi peon Co., 4th. and Oak. LOWEST RATES Loans on all kinds of se curity, chattels or real estate. Union Loan Co.. ." Lafayette bldg.. oth and Wash, sts. WE loan money on diamonds anu Jewelry reasonable interest; long or short time. A. A M. Delovagu. S6 Washington st. WILL LOAN In amounts to suit on all kinds of securities; business confidential. Gray Cunnlngram, 7'! Electric bldg. A LOAN for th asking, salary or cfaau!, Th Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg. LOW rates; we loan money on diamonds snd Jewelry. Marx s Bloch. 74 3d si Loans anted. WE WANT MONEY AT T PER CENT. Wa have several clients who want to borrow on first-class real estate security. REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT. HARTMAN & THOMPSON. 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE., WE can Invest your money at rood rates of interest. Gilt-edge securities. First mortgages. Long-term Investment. PROVIDENT INVESTMENT &. TRUSTEE CO. 624-5?6 Board of Trade Bldg. BEST security; 8 per cent to 1U per cent real estate loans w anted $500 up. Union Loan Co.. 3S Lafayette bldg., 6 th and Washington sts. M. YOUR money Is worth 17 per cent to me. Scuritv first-class, gilt-edge; must have about iMr.oo quick. Address F 319. Ore gontan. WANTED Loan of $4000 at ti per cent on gilt -edge West Side Income property. AB :;.t:i. Oregon ian. W ANT $L'."tOC ; w ill give first mortgage on Improved city real estate. O 37, Ore gouf an. WANTED farm security; 9 per cent Intercut; J eari ; principals only. H 343, regoninn. FIRST-CLASS 7 per cent and s per cent mortgaae for sale. Davfd Iewlg, room 2. I.timb-rrnens bldg.. Mh and Stark. WANTED :. s per cent, one x. nrst mortgage. 2'8 Couch bldg. FINANCIAL. IxHtns Wanted. WANT J4000 for months or year. Wil nv lO ner cent interest and wi' t e na - in mon ihlv Installments if desired security is tltst-class: if you have the money. Investigate. AJ 34. Oregcnlan. WANTED A loan nf S33.4MIO on income Dronertv. Gilt edge: no b;okers. N 34. , Oreponlan. f LET us place your money good mortgages references. F. H. Lewis. 3 Lewis bldg. PERSONAL, FREE. $15 X-RAY EXAMINATION. IK YOU CALL ' AT ONCE. DR. IIORNE'S GRAND OFFER TO THE SICK AND WEAK. Th nhUt nf thia irrand nfTftr IS to nrove to tha sick and ail ins: citizens of !,.- Iqk.I anit vwlnilv that h A tl UJ th 6 grandest, simplest and most successful method ol restoring health anu tuno diseases that Is known to the scientific w 01 lu. Ma WHnti th trna morlr of his SUCCeSS ful treatment known to everybody and he does not know of any better way ol i- t m,4 .i t r. rr if t-, t n TKv nffarirtr h) PSamlna tions Ii R EK l Of IH1Ri;E to all who call tirithtn 10 A i KhrtiilH vniir C11KA bfi In curable he will, frankly tell you so. and advise you against spending your money for useless treatment. Many of you who have been taking; medicines and Bit-called treatments for months will be absolutely cured in, a few t ren t mon ta Are you nervous, dyspeptic, weak In the stomach, conminated ? Do you have that tired feeling which is so prevalent? Ttn vmi H a - ennf. flnutlnv Vkefor the CVeS. ia Inital Inn nf f V a hirt shortness Of breath. headaches, neuralgia, shooting; pains In the chest, back, hips or ankles nave ycu varicose veins. oosinituwu, blood uoisoninif. nervous debility, piles. or any diseases of the rectum ? Are you in pain from rheumatism, lame -back, sciatica, lumbago, locomotor ataxia or weak kidneys? If so there Is quick relief and a nermanent cure In store ior yuu If you call upon Dr. Home, who gives von n n iionnst mtinioii. bonestlV exnrcssCQ, honest dealing and honest treatment which cures to stay cured if curable. His address Is 407-406 and 4UU Rothchiid bldg. Take elevator to 4th floor. Hours to 12, J to 5, 7 to S- " Phone Marshall 2b30. DR. VV MALLOKY. 31:: Rothchlld bldg hna tha moat comolete modern oifice in Oregon. The treating rooms are fitted up with the most expensive mouern ap pliances on the market, including radium ttfae only physician on the Paciiio Coast havlna radium . Xs-ras. static machines. X-ray coils, ozonu. o ta taachiiies t the largest, in use), electric currents ot eerj description and kind, including high fre quency wave, insoueaai. xaraa.c ana sat vanic currents. cauLciy. vibrators, radia tors, electric light bath cabinets, not band ovens, of every kind ; mineral, ner&a. steam and shower baths. From luo ta U.Ouo-candle power ligiits, flnsen, miuins, helios, solar, violet aud utra violet lights, and others. Cancers. eciema. tumors, goitre, tubercular glanas, old sores, mules, mother marks, scars and scar ti&sue. aud all kinds of chronic diseases axe treated and cured by these methods. ROSE CITY PAR K IS TliE PLACE TO BL A LOT. VALUES ADVANCING. PRICk WILL RE RAISED OCT. 1. RU0. Eh Ol R DISPLAY AD ON PAGE 5 i. THIS PAPER. , HARTMAN & THOMPSON, REAL ESTATE DEPT. CHAMBLR OK COMMERCE. IF you were going to buy an automobile or sewing machine, you wouia surety gt-t ma latefci ana most up-to-date make; why not do the samo when bu mg washing com pound r Ask for 5-MlNuTE WASlUMi COMPOUND. IT'S A MARVEL. 10 WASHINGS FOR 10 CENTS. Attk your grocer, or phone us. B lliiX Pacific bupply Co., 2lo Grand ave. . FURS FURS We assure satisfaction and reasonable prices, no matter where you look; wu can not find soles or fimsn or be mud as here, because I am a practical and expert furrier, over ;io years a manufacturer. Adolf Reiner. 12. lUn, near Wasni n g t o n. U. S. ENGINEER tFFICE. Honolulu, T. II., Sept. 14, lillo. Sealed propo.-al lor break water construction at Hilo Habor, Hawaii. T. H., Will be received here until ll o'clock A. M., octooer 14, HiO. and tticii pub licly opened, information on applicatiou. K. Eveletn Window, Major, ir.grd. UK. ALICE A. Oiuui. Diseases of women and children, sur gery; chronic and. uervou diseases treaiei accord In j to the latest methods; private hoemtal accommodations; confinement careu for; consultation rree. Koom itf,J Grand Theater bldg. Main 3tf2S; A obQ7. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A S P E Ci ALT Y, DR. VLADiMiR K. JlNDRA, From Europe. KLECTI-.O-TUERAPEUTIST. Ky cures are painless, piompt and thor cugn. Suite 0a-o2-&l-&0-4U-48 Vi-4S. 270i Washington bldg.. car, sin aadVasa. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate; rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments, under physician's directions; baths, masseuse. No. 7 .East Jim su, sec ond door sou uth from East Ankeny car- line. Phone East 2o, B lM)X FEBVET ec HANKBUi. Leading wig and tonpee makers; Unest stock of nman hair goods, switches from l-ui up. Up-to-date parlors for haird reasing, Suanlcuring. face and scalp treatment. 147 1th St., beL Morrison ana Aiuer. MISS DESALIE DE VOE. the Philadelphia House, ad and Salmon sts. 212 d st., manicuring, electric, vibratory aud mag netic treatments; respectable patrens so liclted; .hours lo to b. r SWEDISH medical gymnast and masseur, C Holmtsrom, specialist in nerve, rheumatic and stomach disorders; only scientiiic masseur in the Northwest. Office o02-3 Oregonian bldg. Pnone Marshall 2bm. M AIR. HA IK All shades in Oeat quaiuy at cost. Closing out stock; acienuhc face and scalp treatments; expert huirdressiag and Duuucuriiig taught. Aza H. AtiuoecA-a, Grand Leader, bib and ''Alder. DR. D. L. LEWIS. Diseases of women and children; electrlo treatment of nervous aLments, private hos pltaL Rooms Oi-6oti Common wealth bldg., oth and Ankeny. phomts Main 4o47, A 4il MRS MAYME WALLACE. Electric and vibratory treatments; baths; masseuse- 320 Stark St., Port land, Or. Phones: Marshall 24'J2; A DR WALKER, specialist for men. quickly cures blood and skin ailments, kidney and bladder troubles and piles. Consultation free. 181 1st St., Portland. DRESS suits for rent, $1.50 month keeps your clotnes cleaned, pressed. button sewed on, rips repaired. Prompt calls and deliveries. L'mque 1 ailoringCo., aou star-. $5 REW ARD Ior tne aauress 01 jar. juonan. bcrman-Ainri n-uu, mum ,-j hwu horseman in California. H. Pirutke, care y t. Vincent s Hospital, l'ortl and. Or. Ki'rXiAL ANNOUNCEMENT Expert feather curling, cleaning, oeuiK anu cwpajriiig none by Madame Glloert, 3ks 7th st. i'hone Maiu 4443 Moved frum 0' Sixth sc N elderly lady and gentleman wish to go to Los Angeles, Cal. Phone Marshall litS. PAINLESS, prompt and permanent cures by the latest natural iifauug uietituua. jj-. Philip T. Ball. 320ii Washington eireet. STENOGRAPHER and typist, work guaran teed; reasonable. 000 aweiiatia oiog., cor. oth and Washington. MRS. M. I'AKK, iaauato gives sclent ine massage; auso acaip it eaLiuenis. 3 "0 Alder St.. opposite Olds A Knij-'s. Mme. Courtwright, skin and scalp treat ments, racial ueiui mines twi i tic surgery. 453Morrison st. M. 5U42. LIQUOR habit permanently cured in 3 days; SO SUllering anu uariuiw waiuima iuiu tute. lo27 peninsula ave.. Portland. Or. DR. KETCH U M treats women a maladies. 1 9 7X U St.. l-O. I It'" .nil. BALM OF FIGS Reinefiiej for diseaess of women. uavm sv. w.i PHRENOLOGIST, 235 Oth st. 1 hone Main o4! . fiCHuOL BOOKS bought and sold. Jones' book store, 204 oas. m. MADA3IE WALLACE, magnetic treatments. ul ueveioping. iw inn gt. jiOLEb. wrmkies. superfluous bair removed Mlt3. S. B. SKIP, mental and spiritual sel 21 Seiling-Hirsch bldg. Main 6iZi. entlst. RUSlNrS DIRECTORY. Accouiiiauis. MACKENZIE, BAlKD 6t BERRIDGE. Counsel and experts in ail masters relat ing to municipal commercial, iactory cost mud inau trial accounting. Moderate tee. Consultations free, 24 Worcester Block. Phones Mam 7 iOf, A 1449. E. H. COLLiS At CO., ACCOUNTANTS. Commerical, county and Municipal Auditing, investigating anu a-.ieu.a.-.izing. jl-4 w orcester bloc iy pnone .Alain boot. Afternoon Kindergarten. THE MATTINGLY Afternoon Kindergarten and primary ocnw. -o Aim. Jiam 3U3. Assayer and Analyst. Wells proeobtei. mining engirjeer, ci-tiin- ISIS snd assayerx 2U4 Vvasmngtou. asjt-yers. MON i AN A &sA l Oi- FILE Laboratory nd ore-ieiiiig o-tk. xot iorrion st. Attorneys. H. TANNER, attorney. Rooms 311-314, Spalding building. 3d and Washing ion sis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Architects. tAsiMAN CO., Inc., Architects and Build ers. Plans and estimates furnished free to builders. We build on contract, percentage or terms. Main 320, A 411d, Abiiigton"bldg. Atturneys-at-Law. H. K. SARGENT, general practice, Notary Public. Both phone;. .".34 Ch. of Com, bldg. Awnings and Tents. PACIFIC Tent Sc Awning Co., tents, awnings and sails. 27 N. 1st. Main and A PjSL Baths aud Swimming. Portland Swimming Baths. lt7 4th EUgant plung-i. steam and siioer baths, 2jc. Bicycles and Motorcycles. We buy sell, exchange or repair. Hummel Bicycle Ex. 133 loth. Main 70oS. jra -and Machine Works. HARPER'S BRASS WORKS Brass casting and machine work, loo N. 5th. Main 3702. Uuildess. CUMM1NGS & CATUN, builders in every branch of the building trades, jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty; ahowc-ases. counters, shelving, -etc.. Office and shop, 371 Flrst;gt. Phone- Mai shall 2327. Circulating Library. - LATE nctiou, 3t; a day. Woman's Exchange bias-. 1 SO 5th st., beL Taylor and YamhilL " C h iropra c t ic Phyfclclnn. iK. TICK NER removes the cause of disease. tiK)-l Columbia bldg. A i Hrs. 33-5:30. Cliiropoij-. WM. ES TELLE and Flossie Deveney. the only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors 302 Gerliuger bldg., S. W. cor. 2d and Aider. 1'hone Main 130 1. Chlroiwdy and pedicuring. Mrs. M- D- Hill, room 429 Fliedner bldg. Phone Main 3473. CHIROPODY, manicuring aud scalp. Mrs. Duiiton. 540 Washington. Marshall 132J. ColJectioiis aud Law. NETH & CO., COLLECTORS COLLECT EVERYWHERE; NO COLLECTION. NO CHARGE. 535 Worcester NjI Jg.. Portland. Commission Merchants. TAYLOR, YO'JNG & CO.. ship brokers, com mission merciiants. Sherlock bldg. SUN SOON HUIE, CHINESE GOODS. MAT TING. SILK AND CURIOS. 70 tith sL Dancing. PROFESSOR RINGLER'S dancing classes. Mondays and Saturday evening. Private instruction daily. Western Academy, lid and Morrison. Main 9212. DANCING lesson 25c. every morning, af ternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Will son's Dancing School. 3Sot 'Washington W. park and loth sts. M. 7tS37. Dog and Horse I iopi lal. DR. BROWN. D. V. S. Ofiice 324 Flanders st. Mam 40S0. Hospital 89 lg:h st. Electric Motors. PACIFIC ELECTRIC ENGINEERING CO. Motors for rent or sale. 213 2d St. Engineering. TECHNICAL ENGINEERING CO., General Engineering, Designing, Drafting, 201 Hamilton Bldg. Engines-Gua and Steam. ROBER Machy. Co.. Coast iits. Seabury steam engines aud boilers. gasolltio en- gine. 2M-2S3 E. Morrison st. Phone E. S75. 1'eed tore. Z1GLER & Misner, hay. grain, feed, ce mcnt, shingles. 294 Grand ave E. 4a2 French Dry t'loinlng. CLEANING TAILORING DYEING ALT tS RATIONS pp wi v(i nrfviH!(i Special club rates 50c per suit (sponged ana pressed per ween. i ni t arm 000, 751 Washington st. A 5417. Main bja3. 1 bra. N. M. UNGAR Sl CO.. INC., formerly of 4oa Merchants Trust bldg.. have remoea w lul Seventh st- Furs remodeled, repaired and stored. Marshall iJs Ha Factory. HATS madn 'to order cost no more. See us. Koval irlat Worka. 223 1st sl M. o- Launches Iti-FT. 3-H. P., 150; 1S-FT., 3-H. P., 5-0". Reierson Mach. C3., JS2 orrison at. , Leather and Jtindliigs. CHAS. L. MAST1CK. t CO.. 74i?ront, Lea'Uer of every uescnpuon, taps, nars. nnumba. J. A. SlROrr.itiDGE LEATHER CO. es tablished lJsSS. ISO Front St. Machinery. B. TREN KM AN ec CO. Hydraulic and spe cial pip t st screens, baling, in -.11 10 g ma chinery. All kinds of repairs, lt'4 N. tn. Much 111 ery for Rent. Contractors' machinery of all kinds. David Dow Ac Son. ZiJZ L U m o e r.nens umg. x ooo-f. Musical. E.M1L THEIuiioRN, violin teacner, pupu levick. boo Marquam. A 4100. jiar. PIANO wLudio: modern methods. 2iiU 14th t. South. 1'hone Main 3&'Ja. Osteopathic l'liyifinn. DR. LeRoy Smith, graduate Kirksville, Mo., class ot Ja:'", post-grauuato vvt, unoer a. T SRI, fhe found t-r. 317-316-31U awet land bitlg. Main 11M7. A lbJ5. DR. R- B. NOKTUHUP. 415-410-417 DeKum Bidg. Phone, QfUce, M. 3417. re.. Cast or B 1028. fituiits. Oils and Glse. RASMUSSEN & CO.. Jobbers, paints, oils. g '.ass, sash anddoora. cor. d ana t a j mr. Paving;. Tiiii Barber Ashpalt Paving Company, Co5- 008 Electric blug. uscar nuucr,ryrau. WARREN Construction Co. Street paving. sidewalks and crosswaiKS. xscck oiug. Patent Attorneys. proLect your ideas; reliable patent attorneys. ai.KL.Ci i. tiALi r. .m 1 . 1 ' 1 1 , 1 . 1 1 -wv-., Begistered Patent Attorneys, 201 Hamilton Bldg. PATENTS procured by J. K. Mock, ntty. at law. Late 01 u. a. patent on ice. xousiefc Ire e". 41'J Board of Trade bldg. U. S. and foreign patents ttiat protect are secured ;-ncy. Inc., iept. A. Stockton, Cal. R. .C. W RiGHT, uouiesiic anu loreign pat- enlS, iniringemciiL caacs. 00 t-mum. pawnbrokers. UNCLE MYERS Collateral Bank. 40 years in l'uniaiiQ. 11 om ' .-to-m iv. IMpe. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO Factory and ortiee near --ttn auu a ora g-.a. ai. .na-.i. Fr inters. GL-VSS .5: PP.UDHOMME CO., pziiitcrs. blank book makers, legal Llanks, loose ieaf de vices, township piats. 067 ith it., beu Oak and Ankeny. CH AUSSE-PUUDHOMME CO.. books, com mercial. 142 -e 4th St. Main 810. A 1555. piano jYactorv. C Sommer 6z Co., established US'Jti; general 'repair worn; tunlng.247 oth. MarshulI L57i ' " Rubber Stamps. ALSO seals, stencils, choice, stationery, etc. tillUyiiiml5- --!--aJ"?4ilinJliyj- RuC W eaver. NORTHWEST RUG WORKS Kugs from old taipets. colonial rag rugs, carpet cleaning and laying. 153 Union ave.. nr. E. Morrison THE MOSLER SAFE CO., 108 2d st Sifes at factory prices. Second-hand gafea. bliow cases. Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE- MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rapids Showcase Co.. oth. and Hoyt, R. -Lut;te, mgr NEW 4th and second-hand J. I. M?" Mfg. Co.. and Couch. Main 2103. Cabinet w-jrk. Shi rig 1 cs. BEST In tho city; car lots or ess. Oilbert, 20I Washington st. btoruge and Transfer. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE CO.. corner 13th and Everett Bts. Just opened newest and most modern storaga -varehouse in city every convenience for safe and proptr handling of goods; lowest: insurance rate In Northwest; free trackage; vans for movin z. M ain or A 1ft 2 o. ' ' LET'S STORE YOUR FURNITURE. Brick building, dry and any; warehouse district: lowest raLes and most careful handling; furniture moved and packed by experts- estimates given. P.ione M. IOIjs, A li)!4. Van Horn Transfer Co., 40 2d street- - C. O. Pick Transfer & Storage Co., office "and commodtcus four-atory brick ware house, separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packedfor shipping.Main 5i0. 109u. " OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO., General transferring and storage; safes, pianos and turniture moved and packed lor shipment. 2o! Oak St.. bet. Frcut and 1st. Teh-i-hotie .Main 5-17 or A T217. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. established 1S70. Transfer and Forwarding Agents Storage. Office 310 Hoyt st., between 5tn and oto phones Main 60. A 11j. Swiss Dairy. 67 UNION ave.. N. Phones East 5556, B 2011. Ro-gg bottled rmilk a specialty. Stoves. S i'OVKa connected U 10 014 FroiiL snd repaired. Vet erinurlans. . L. Brown and S. B. Foster, veterinarians 231. Ankeny st. A 3JJJ, Main 2402. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Ty pewrltern. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. f20 to o fully guaranteed; easy payments: rentals, $;i per month. Paciflc Stationery & Prlntln-f Co., 2Q3 2d st. WE ARE the exchange for the largest tyre writer concern on this Coast; Investigate; all makes all prices. The Typewriter Ei. cnange. 2b7 Va Washington st. NEW. rehuilt. second-hand, rentals at cut rates. P. p. c. Co.. 231 Stark. M 14i7. Mall Paper. ERNEST MILLER CO.. 172 1st st.. wnole saie a-sd retail. Samples mailed free. GRAND CENTRAL STATION. Southern Pacific. LefK-Ini' P.ii-flan Ashland Passenger Roseburg Passenger Shasta Limited Siiverton Passenger ." California Express San Francisco Express n West side Corvailis Passenger fehendan Passenger Forest Grove passenger forest Grove Passenger Arriving- Portland Oregon Express Ashland Passenger Roaeburg Passenger Portland Express Shasta Limited 1. 1..."" Siiverton Local West Side "" Corvailis Passenger Sheridan Passenger Forest Grove Passenger orest Grove Passenger 8:30 a. rru 4:15 p. m. fiiWp, m. 6:20 p. m. 7:45 p. m. 1:30 a. m. T :20 a. m. 4 :u0 p. m. 8:50 a. m. 6.40 p. m 7 :30 a. m. lo :Od p. m. a:au p. nu 11 :00 a. m. 2:30 p. rru 9:30 a. nu 6:20 l. m. 10:0 a- m. 8 :00 a. m. 4:40 p- m. Northern Pacific. Leaving Portland iMortn Coast Limited via Pucet sound 10:10 a. m. -ortu coast Limited via North.' . an I 7:00 p.m. Atlantic Express via Puget Sound 12:15 a. m, Atlantic Exuret-s via North Bank 0:00 a.m. iwm city Express via Pugetl Sound ) 3:30 p. m. Twin City Express via North Bank . 7:00 p. m. Eastern Express via Puget Soundil2:ir a. m, Eastern Express via North Bank) U;00 a, ra Missouri River Express via Puget! feound 110:10 a. ra. Bank Portland, Tacoma and Seattle Ex press. Grays Harbor. Olympia and South Bend branches Portland-Vancouver Special Pugtt Sound Limited. Grays Har bor and South Bend branches. . Yacolt Passenger Arriving Portland 7:00 p. xn. 6:45 a. m. 10:10 a. m. 3:20 p. m, 4:00 p m. North Coast Limited via Bank North Coast Limited via Sound North I 8:15 p. m. Pugetf . 7:20 I ixortnern Pacific Exuress vial North Bank 1 7:30 a. m Northern pacific Express via Puet Sound I 7:10 p.m. Pacific Coatvt Express via Northl Bank I 8;i3 p. nu Pacific Coast Express via pugetl Sound I 7:20 a. m. Western Exrresa via North Bank! 8:15 p.m. Western Express via Puget Sound;iO:30 p. m Missouri River Express via Northl ank 7:30 a.m. Missouri River Express via Puget! Sound 1 4:00 p. nv Portiand-Ttooma-Seattle Express) and from Olvmoia. Smith rmh and Gravs Harbor Puget Sound Limited Vancouver-Portland Special acolt Passenger 4 :00 p. m. 7 : 10 p. m. 1 0 : ;;o p. m 11:20 a. m. Oregon ICuilroad Jfc Navigation Co. Leaving Portland Baker City PuKsenger Oregon-Washington Limited The Dallt-s Local Soo-Spokane-iJortland ....... .".." Oregon and Washington Express Spokane Flyer Arriving Portland The Dalles Local Oregon and Washington Express. Soo-Spokane-Portland Baker City Local passenger Oregon-Washington Limited .... Spokane Flyer 8:00 a. m. 10:)0 a. nu 4:00 p. nu 11:00 p. nu b:oo p. nu tt ;O0 p. m. 10:15 a .rru 10:30 a. rru 11:30 a. m. 7 :00 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 8:00 a. m. Astoria & Columbia River. Leaving Portland Astoria and Seaside Express ... Astoria and Seaside Express ... Rainier Passenger Rainier Passenger Arriving Portland Seaside and Astoria Express ... Seaside and Astoria Express ... Rainier and Portland Passenger. Rainier and Portland Passenger. 8:00 a. m. 6:30 p. m. 1:15 p. m. 5:45 p. nu 12:05 p. m. 110:VO p. in. y ;40 a. nu I 5 :00 p. 111. Canadian pachic Railway Co. Leaving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland , Via Seattle Arriving Portland Soo-Spokane-Portland Via Seattle 11 :00 p. xn, 12:15 a. nu 11:30 a. rru lO:3o p. m. Oregon & Washington Railroad to. Leaving Portland Seattle Passenger. . . . Shasta Limited Owl Arriving Portland Owl , Shasta Limited Portland Passenger. . . S:30 a. nu 3:00 p. m. 11:45 p. xzu 7:15 a. m. 0:20 p. nu 2:45 p. nu JEFFERSON-STREET STATION. Southern Pucilic Leaving Portland Dallas passenger , Dallas Passenger Forest Grove passenger , Arriving Portland Dali-is passenger Dallas 1'assenger , Pores t Grove passenger T:40 a. nu , 4:05 p. nu 1:00 p. m, 10:15 a. nu 5:55 p. nu ELEVEN AU AND HOIT . STREETS PAA- 8ENGEB MATION. Spokane, portimid t aemtie Railway Co. Leaving Portland Inland Linpire Express ... For Cnicago. St. Paul. 9:00 a. m. Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis. Billings. Spokane. Pasco. Roosevelt, oranddaiies. Giendale. Lv lu. White Salmon, Stevenson, Vancouver The Oreoniau . .11.00 a, m. U'or St. Paul, Spokune, 4asco, Washtucna, Kalilotus. Cliffs, Lyle, White Salmon, otu venson and Vancouver. Columbia River Local ... North Bank Limited For Chicago, Sl. Paul, Citv. St. Louis. Billings, 4:30 p. m, 7:i'0 p. nu Omaha. Kansas Spokane, Wash- tucua, Kah iotas, Pasco, Roosevelt, Grand dailea. Goidendale, Lyle, While Salmun. bia vcuusoa, Vancouver. Arriving Portland The oregonian 7:03 a. m. From St. Paul, Spokane, Pasco, Cliffs, Maryville, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson and Vancouver. North Bank Limited 7:30 a. m. From. Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha, Kansas City. SL Louis, Billings, Spokane, Waahtue na, Kalilotus, Pasco, Roosevelt. Granddalles, Goidendale, Lyle. White Salmon, Stevenson. Vancouver. Columbia River Local 12:35 p.m. Inland Empire Express s;i5 p. In Fur Chicago, St. Paul. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis. Billings, Spokane. Wasiituc na. Kahlotus, Pasco. Roosevelt, Granddalles, Goidendale, Lyle. While Salmon, Stevenson, V a n c o u v e r Great Northern Railway C'oqipauy. Leaving Portland 11th ana Jiovt Kts. Oriental Limited, via Seattle l":uo a. m. The oregonian, via ftwui isanx. .1 1 ;uo a. nu Limited, via North Bank 7:uu u. m InternaLional Limited. Seattle, Ta coma ana vaiicwutw, s. , . . . .xu;uo a. nu The owl. lacoina, aeattle and ancouver, B. C C.OOp. m. Shore Lmo Express. Tacoma. Se attle ana o., j . np, m, Arnviuir Portland 11th and Hovt st Oriental Limited, via Seattle :4ua.m. The oregonian, via North Bank.. 7 :Oa a. m. Oriental Limited, via North Bank Hila p. in. tle and Tacoma 6:40 a.m. Shore Line Express, ancouver, . w c Seattle and Tacoma n Internatioiiiii Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Seattle and Tacoma 0:50 p. rru Time Card Oregon Electric Railway Co. 1 unsentfer friMtioii, rront and deileraon ata. ooduuru-auieni and int. romis Licn, leave Poriiund b:J0, :50. 1 1 :oo A. M., 2;uu. 3;y0, 0:30, 5:40 P. M. Limited for Tualatin and Salem. tt:15 A. M. Local for WLson Vi'lc and Int. Stations, 5:10 P. M. Hihloro-loret Grove and AntermetUate Points Leave Portland 7:u5. S:3o. lu:2o a. ; 12:10. 2:10. 3:30, i:30, b;2o P. M. Sat uraav uniy. ll-3o P M. Arrive poi-tiaud from Salem and Int. Stations, 8:40, ll:o0 A. M.; 1:15. 4:uo( 4;0j, 0:00. s -0, i0;5u P. M. Local irom Wilson vilie and Int.. ti:40 A. L Daily except tun day ami 7:35 A. M. dally. Arrive Portland from Forest Grove and Int. Stations H.vO. V.Mj. 11:40 A. M. ; l;jj, 2 iO 5;-o. b:lo. Z0:0u P. M. Suuaay only. 4;-0 P. M. , , Depot Front and Jefferson. Portland. Or. Portland Runway, Light A Power Company. Ticket Oillce and Waitlng-iioom. First and Alder and East Water and East Morrison Streets. CARS LEAVE EAST WATER AND MORRISON STREETS. Oregon City :00 and :30 A. M. ' and every so minutes and Including last car, miunighL Ureanam and Intermediate points -55, 7:45, .4o, 9:45. 10:45. 11:45 A. M. ; 12 4J, 1:45. 2:45. 3:45. 4:45. 5:45. 6:45. 11:3d p. ai. Fairview and Troutdale ;55, 7:45, 8:45 :45. 10:45 A. M.; 12:45. 2:45, ;4o. 4.45, 6;4.", 0:45 P. M. Ca-tadero and Intermediate points 6:55. 8:45. 10:45 A. M.: 12:45. 2:45. 4;15 6:4j P" FOR VANCOUVER. Ticket Office and wait:ng-room Second and Washington Sts. A. M. 6:15. 6:50. 7:25. S:O0, 8:C3. 0:10, 8 uu ii:30. "1:1 ti. 11:50. j p. M. 12:30. 1:10. 1:50, 3 30. 3:10 3T.1 4:30 5:10. 5; 50. 6:30. 7:4)5. 7; 40, 8:15. y;25. 10:35. M1 :45. On tnlrd Monday in every month the In-; car leaves at 7:05 P. M. D.-tlly except Sun dav. Dally except Monday, t -