13 EXHIBITORS AT THE FOOD AND INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION, ARMORY, SEPTEMBER 12-24 The it is no Mistake See the Display of Columbia -Sanitary Ranges ,ookf,or Steak to Buy TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1010. J Government Inspected meats must bear the stamp of Uncle Sam's pure food in- spectors. All Union Meat Company's J i- rvnea 4Via Ti rri A inonpctinn look and approval of these government in spectors. Find the stamp on all the meat you buy and you "will know that you're getting the safest, freshest, bes At Bet Dealers, Hotel and Caj VV?V "Columbia Brand" Hwu, ?JJa Meat brnpair (MM rtcMn 1 , Partlaad, Or ran Don't Fail to Visit the Exhibit of the I PORTLAND. 3 Vv'T ff weii ' jl OREGON --X. V EAT ,0M COME AND SAMPLE OUR PRODUCTS y.iipMiiiwiHwn Heating Stoves . Vacuum Cleaners Fireless Cookers Coffee v Percolators Hot Point Electric Irons ideal Water Heaters at the Food Show rnf ITMDI A UADiiiI ADC riMDAMV 104-106 Sixth St. ONLY 3 DAYS MORE FOOD SHOW Tonight at the Armory 4 Big Acts Chinese Caruso Eden Musee Katherine Dinsmore Mile. Syma Piebiters' Contest Tug of War BABY SHOW FRIDAY, 8 GUPS AVE YOU KID I AOL A? 4 BUTTER Aft' If Not, Why Not Your Neighbor Uses It Your G rocer Sells It t NOTHING SO GOOD For Cakes, Pastry, Pies, Fritters, Fried Chicken, Doughnuts, Saratoga Chips, Etc. IT IS NATURE'S PERFECT VEGETABLE FAT Free Demonstration1 at the Pure-Fcod Show CONTRACTOR, ftr PiTlit, Cenx-at Sidewalks, Concrete Wark, SO Berk Bnlldlag, Portias. Or. Pk, Mala 817. . mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I.TMiYfrsTfrVii'f-.U ir-i-Vi ulr i t-m i'u; See Our Display at Booth 40 PURE FOOD SHOW, ARMORY ALL THIS WEEK Only Three Days More To taste crisp, delicious Royal Table Queen Toast at the Pure Food Show in the Armory. ' v 'But you can have it all the rest of your natural ife in your own home, At Your Own Table The only bread that preserves its flavor after toasting is , Royal Table Queen Insist! Royal Bakery & Confectionery, Inc. Absolutely the Cleanest and Most Sanitary Bakery - on Top of This Earth. Clean Milk To th majority o( people who use milk In on form or another, clean milk signifies milk free from, visible dirt, such as cow hair. hay. straw, etc. Aa a matter of fact, auch forma of dirt are seldom met with In the milk as delivered to the consumer. - It is the filth that we can not aee with the unaided eye that does the harm and makes consump tion of dirty milk dangerous. In ordekto get good clean milk, and as near free from harmful Me terla as possible, .and in keeping with the MILK ORDINANCE of our CITY, on January 1st of this year we started an educational campaign against dirty, unhealthful milk. The very first step taken was to edu cate the producer from whom we get our milk,, and this educational work has been carried on right down the line until now we can say to the people of Portland that our milk will atand the most rigid test.. While we do not say but what a great deal more can yet be accomplished, we feel tha.t you are taking no chances by using our milk. Our system in handling milk is the same aa all the great dairy Institutions throughout the country who have made a specialty of clean milk. Phone your orders A 6001. Priv. Ex. 40. K WE ARE TOO BUSY To Exhibit Our Columbia AND ' ' aiserblume Bottled Beers But we want the public to thoroughly understand that for . Quality and Purity ' Our product excels.' Compare Columbia Bottled Beer with any other brand on the market then you'll use Columbia. HENRY WEINHARD BRBWERI Main 72 Thirteenth and Burnside A 1172 FRY SAVED BY WARDENS YOrXG BAS IlESCVED FROM STREAMS DRYIXU VP. Additional Number to B Installed In Klamath Lake Violators of Game Law Punl-hrd. J. I. Grn. chief deputy name warden under Warden Stvensnn. is buay com pleting the work of transplanting 50.000 baa fry from streams and sloughs rap idly drying up at present, and within tn days he expects to have completed this task. By artin? in timo the deputy warden and hit assistants have saved this grevt number of young flh from extermina tion and the young fry hare been placed In other streame throushut the state. Deputy Warden Green returned yester day from a trip through the Willamette Valley, where he not only completed transplanting bass fry tn Gale and Dairy rreekn. but also assisted in the arrest and prosecution of several hunters caught violating the game laws. Among the game law violators ar rested and convlrted since September 1 are the following: Sherman Saxton. of Houlton. Or., arrested and convicted of running dver with dogs near St. ' Helena and fined 1100: Fred Grear. of Gresham. arrested near Jefferson, Mar lon County, found guilty of hunting up land birds out of season and fined $?S and coata; Will and Arthur Klepper and W. J. lynoney. arrested tn Marion and LJnn counties and fined 2h each for violating the up-Und bird shooting law; A. T. Roddy. C. Roddy. H. H. King and J. T. King were arrested on the North nantiam for running deer with doga and on conviction were compelled to nay finea of $50 each. Deputy Warden Green and his assist ants have several other cases of game law violations pending, and as soon aa they are tried the work of Installing tOOO young bass fry In Klamath I-ako. now ready for shipment, will be completed. SIXTH STREETCOMES NEXT Beaut I float Ion Scheme to Be Worked Oat in Cluster Lights. Men who own property on Sixth street, between- Morrison and Jefferson streets, have a scheme on foot that will work to the beautinration of the street. Yester day a group of them held a meeting In the offices of D. Parker Bryon. In the Commercial Club building, and took the preliminary stepa to form the South. Sixth Street Improvement Association. The first things to be undertaken are the clearing out of trees and the Installa tion of cluster Hkhts. From Morrison street to Jefferson the plan is to take out all the trees on the street and then to Install lamp poets such as are now in use on Seventh etreet. with five lights earn. Permission to remove the trees will be asked from the Park Commission and th lamp posts must be permitted by the City Council. Attendant on the meeting yesterday were Leo Friede, A. F. Smith. A. C. Davis. Jr., E. R. Plttelkau. H. M. Bur pee. W. P. Crawford, of Vancouver, and D. Parker Bryon. AH these men are desirous of making Sixth street present as good an appearance as any downtown street in the city. Trunks, suit cases and bags. Largest rarieijr at Harris Trunk Co. lit Slxitt. PAVING NEARLY ENDED RAINY SEASON WILL- PUT STOP TO STREET IMPROVEMENT. City Official In nouht as to Advis ability of Letting Contracts for Additional Work. With a number of contractor. City En gineer Morris yesterday afternoon made a tour of the city to Inspect street work, and after his return he expressed the opinion that not only will the contractors be enabled to finish the work now under way before the rainy season begins, but with the usual amount of Indian Sum mer weather. 10 or 15 miles of additional pavement can be laid this Fall. In spite of this fact. It Is evident that, the city can let but few more contracts this season with the expectation that much work can be . done before - next Spring. Whether It would be to the ad vantage of the city to let contracts this Fall that cannot be completed until the good weather begins next year la a ques tion on which which city officials are divided. ' Cement will be advanced in price. It is aid, 30 cents on the barrel by the first of next month, and there Is a possibility that material will be so much higher next year than at present that contracts let then will be much more expensive than at present. It is feared by some of thoee city officials who are Interested In street Improvements that material and labor may drop next Spring and trat the city would realize a profit by refusing to let contracts this Foil that will not be completed until next year. Concerning the present conditions, Mr. Morris said after his return yesterday that the contractors seemed to be doing all In their power to hurry tho completion of their work. "We can figure on at least 30 more days of good weather." said Mr. Morris, and that will give the contractors suf ficient time to complete their present con tracts and still do much additional paving." High School Farming Popular. PENDLETON. Or., Sept. 21. Opecial.) The agricultural department introduced In thp high school this yenr for the first time promises to be popular. There are now seven noys anrj seven girls in the class and arrangements are being made for a tract whero bmmbI Hmnl1.r....i V . . nULlwllolk,ul,g may be made. A scries of contests for ociioui cmiaren are also to be conducted in tne fcprlng. i? Must Be Above Suspicion. Kidney and bladder ailments are a serious in their consequences, and unchecked so "often fatal that anv rem edy offered for their cure must be above suspicion. Foley Kidney Pilla contain no narmiui drugs, nave suc cessfully stood a long and thorough test and have proven themselves to be botn curative and tonic, and give bene fit to an wno lane tnem. Bold by all druggists. Strong Healthy Women If a woman is strong and healthy in a womanly way, moth arhood dmm to her but little suffering. Tba trouble lie in the fact tFlat the many women suffer from weakness and disease of the distinctly feminine organism and are un6tted for motherhood. This can be remedied. Dr.' Pierce's Favorite Prescription Cures the weaknesses and disorder of women It acts directly oa the delieate and important organs concerned in motherhood, making them healthy, strong, rigorous, virile and elastic. "Favorite Prescription" banishes the indispositions of the period of expectancy and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It quickens and vitalizes the feminine organs, and insures a healthy and robust baby. Thousands of women have testified to its marvelous merits. It Makes Weak Women Strong. It Makes Sick Women Well. Honest druggists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon you as " just a good." Accept no secret nostrum in place of this uon-ttcret remedy. It an tain not a drop of alcohol and not a grain of habit-forming or injurious Vugs. Is a pure glycerio extract of healing, native American roots. avs ' Grange County Fair GRESHAM, OREGON Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1, 2 Agriculture, Floriculture, Livestock," Horticulture, Poultry, Domestic Science and Juvenile Dep'ts Round Trip From Portland 25c Portland Day Thursday, Sept. 29