THE 3IORXIXG OliEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1910. 19 BUY WHEA T r Exporters Are Once More in the Market. CARGOES ARE IN DEMAND Club and Forty-Fold Are Firmer. California Wants AY heat but Hesitates to Pay the Frlce. The abll'tv to I rarrjt na jrtlrn- tlatM wheat buyinr by exporter and m fair ovsvmnt im again unVr way. Selling la not frva In th muntrvhow-vfr. and th trnac ttona are moaity amall In slae. though tha as vracata la quit aiifetory. Tha foreijrn market have hown an Improved ton In tfc last faw dat which ran be traced to tha fa nine ftt in jhtpmenrj. hut there 1 no cer tainty yt tat tha mremeTit ha been per ananentty cha aed. and until thta fart H Hrwljr eatahlifhed tha market may not become rery active. A moderate demand f'-r Northweatern and California milllrur account la reported. Califor nia la ma kin offera? on blnestern and red. but rnTtKy at prUrtm at It V-ea not pay to ahtp 0oath. Potna liberal atilpmenta are tanv aotna; to the Pout hern state, but thea are principally on conrtanment. Btueatem waa quoted yeaterdaj at BI-fifHH rents for choica mlUIra -cra-l-s and 9" centa fr f. a. q. "or club MM centa vu offered and Mi-si rente was- bid for 44Vfol4. 0t and barley were rot particularly att!ve. Puyera were not Inclined to bid up and hoMera ware reluctant to take offeerd prloea. The flour trade 'la about normal, with ratent price maintained by the lance aeltenr. Kxnort f!oor la firmer anl will be a Ivan 4 If tha wheat market eontlnu to atrenitthen. The recent drop of 3rt centa In exporte la conM-r-M by Mme mf Hera to have been too mu- h. Local recelpta. In rare, were reported by tha Kerch an ta E2xchane a follow: ""het Barley K1-ur Oat H Monday 4 11. 2ft 3 Tnee-lay 4t A 1 A lit Tar a CO Ml 4 3 I A Seawn to date ...lrI 12 .'. -tr ait; Y-r avo 1T4H al 2.VJ rj &T3 (9 4. 50 per box ; bananas. So par pound ; pineapple, Ac per pound. VtUfclTAMLEa lie ana, 10$c per pound; cabbage. 3c per pound; raullflowar, per duaen; celery. pOc par doaen: corn. 12 6 lie per doaen; cucumber. t IOo per boa; eax plant. sc per pound; jar lie. 8-9 10o per pound; a-reen on Ion a. I5e per dozen; p-ep-pera. Ac pr pound : radishes. 1 3 U 2e per doaen; s-qu-uh. 40o per crate; to ma toe. O ."Oe per box. 6CK VEGETABLES Carrots, $19123; beeta. 1.M. parsnip. 1 1 - 1-23. turnlpa. U POTATOES Oreaon. $1.25 per hundredj awet potatoea. 2-Hc per pound. ONIONS New. $i.&o per aaca. SHEEP SELL FREELY Active Demand From Packers at North Portland. IRT 9AI.E Or NEW ORWiOX HOrS. Twre-Hawdred-Rale jtA Taken by rotrtland Oewler at .A howl ; enl. It waa reported yeaterxlay that something over to balea of new Oregon hop -id been boucht from grower by a Portland dealer at a price a fraction under 13 S centa. but for re a eon known only to them selves, the buyer and aetler kept the de tails of tha transaction quiet. Pick In a waa In pros-re yesterday In sptte of the shower, and several of the lar-r yarda finished their work. The first bale of the ll crop of Pk hem la a hop Imported this season waa re reived at w Tork by the at earner Amer Ika on the lofh Inst., by Benjamin Schwara A Sona. It was ahlpped from Auacha, Bo hemia. Aucwat 19. and showa trood quality. The latest circular letters from the Lon don hop factors aay In part: Wild. Neame 4k Co. The few samples of the new crop which have reached our mar ket are Indicative of the variable quality of tha ylld. Quotations, in the absence of any demand, are quite nominal. Pick Ing le a-eneral In most districts, and results .so far show an appreciable reduction on re cent estimate of weight. Manser a Henley A few parrels of tha new growth have come to market today. At present there la not much business do In Ptcklna: Is a-eneral and report already, to hand apeak of the crop coming; down disappointingly and much under est! ma tea W. H. v H. L May A few samples of tli "Earllee" of new growth have arrived en the market and show good quality. A few of them tiave been sold, but the market can hardly be said to bare opened yet- Dairy and Country Produce. POULTRY Hens. 17 tf 17 He; Springs. 17 9 17-??; ducks, white. 17-6 L7Hc; stese. Utf K,l-i; turkeys, live. j0c; dre.W, (f-5c; squabs. $1 per dozen. BLTTEK City creamery, aolld pack. 86c per pound; print. a7y:t7Ho per pound; outside creamery. :iia3oc per pound; butter fat. 3&c per pounu; country ator but ter, " i xt per pound. CHKLE-Kull mam. twin. ITHOlSo Per pound; young America. lSHlc. KCJGS Oregon, candled. 34 U 3rc per dozen. roKK Funcv. l.ia ner nound. VEAL- Good, average, 11012c per pound. Groceries, Dried Fruits, Eto. DRIED KRL'I T A p plea. Joe per pound: curranta. 1SH i lie; apiricots. life He; date. 7c per pound; fig, fancy white. ttc; fancy black. 7c; choice black. Ac SALMON Culumbia Ktver. 1-pound tall. $2-ID per dozen; 2-pound tails, 12.95; 1 pound flat. S2.23; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. 91; red. 1-pound tall. l-0; aockey. 1-pound tall. S2. CUFFE-Mocha, S4 823c; Java, ordinary. 17ric; Costa Kit a. fancy. 10 20c; good. lo 1m: ordinary. 12 O lAe per pound, Nl'TS Walnut. Ihc per pound; l;mzll nuta. MHttlc; fllberta. 1lc; almonds. 17c; pecans. lc; cocoa nut. &Oc$l per dozen. SALT Granulated. S15 'per ton; half ground. 1.h. s.5o per ton: 30. f per ton It tANS Small white, &c; large white. 4c; Lima. 5Sc; pink. 7Wc red Mexican. 7 He: bayou, 7c. RICE No. 1 Japan, 4c; cheaper grades, $3.r0 ci 4.3; Southern head. SH & 7c. HONEY Choice, per case; at rained. 7 He per pound. SL'GAK Dry granulated, fruit and berry. $ 1 j; beet. extra C. $5.5; golden C, t$.5; yellow 1). cubea i barrel). $ ii; powdered. $.40; Domino, $ 10.60 9 S 11. M) per case. Terms on remittance with in li day deduct per pound. If later than 15 and within SO days, deduct He per pound. Maule augar, lnjlc per pound. CHOICE STOCK AT TOP EXPORT TRADE IN FLOUR NEW IUSIXESS MAHKEO SINCE PItlCES WEKE KEDCCED. Mirat Markrt on a SliiipinR Il-in. Ouls and Ha r ley Firmer at Spaltlc." SEATTLE, ffc-pt.ljn. (Ppcial.) That the hfat miirkrt Is now on an expert hasia and that North w wro dralera are now In a posi tion to do buRinfn in earnest la the opinion of the exporting; firms here. The flour bust. nexa has picked up sllfcntiy aince im export prit-ea were cut last eek. Illuestem sold t Mi rrnta and club and fire at M cents to- dir. (ats and barley were firmer, but no hlKher. i'onntril aranes wer. In larger supply. Heretofore receipts have been rather liKlit. tl'Mid ten-pound baskets sold at to cents. " The t'ae "od cranberries are expected to arrive tomorrow. They will be qurfm-d at $v7.- per larrel. The New Jerwy sweet potatoes will arrive Thursday- and be ot tered at fXSK per crate. The first snow apples have arrived and are quoted at $1. Steamer arapea were In heavy supply and covered a wide ran, of prires. The peach market was firmer. In some quarters good sound stock was held at cent. liairy produce moved out In flrst.clasa shape. Keeeipts of all kinds were liberal, except fresh local ranch eircs. Fresh East ern erics are arriving and quoted at .".2 cents. The April ex market la weak. Butter waa steady. OLEOMARGARINE OI'TPVT INCREASED, Flmres I'rwra Thlracw Nbeir Heavy dttc-tloa la Kl-ht wonlhs. Oleomarirarine factiriew throughout the country are Increaslnv their output and the manufactured article Is expected to be a atronaer competitor than ever with butter. The production in the Chlcaa") district for August waa over J. 0 pounds larger than In July. The following table hws the output of oleo In the Chicago district for the peat eight month: Vntoired. t,as.;M . .. . .-T.?1-! ..if.s . C4 oh T.slrt..v :T.i. i ti.iii.:-'0 9.u.'Hi. 1V 10. lld.l'4tt August. Iba. J'tly. Ibe. ... J'ine. .. May. Iba .. April. Itva .. M.r.-h .Iba. . . February, lha. January. Iba Total, lbs. C-lore.1. 1"! MT7 141.1.1 Total. Li.VI.6M i.iio.;:.? 5. KLI.MIU M.IB2 .92.1!. 8 u'.0.S-'4 ..V8.H.-.7.2T2 l.itM.M oft.iS2.3pl CASABA ARE NonK THE MARKET, rtrat and rrwkably Only !hipmeat wf the Toe first emsabaa of the season, half a car of them, arrived jesterday and were pat on sale at II. SO per doxen. It la not likely that any more will be brought up, as lha California, crop la a rery short one. 'The fruit market altogether waa slow, partly because of the cyol weather and also because of the lightness of stocks. Tokay grapes were about the firmest fea ture of the market, selling at ll.libl.: In boxes and lllil. In lugs. Salway peachea moved at 75 centa, Applea and pears were ateady. Country rrodace linn. There waa no change In the eag market yesterday. 3& centa el!!! being tba top on candled ranch stock, which waa la very United auppiy. The poultry market was firm and cleaned rap well at unchanged prices, T,here waa an active demand for fresh creamery butter and the market waa quoted Arm. QI OTATIONS AT 8AN FRANCISCO. t rriors Paid for Protrore la the Bay City Markets. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. -JO. The follow ing prices were curreat In the produce mar ket tod-sr: Butter Fancy creamery. SI He: creamery aeconds. rto-; fancy dairy. 2c. t'heene New, 14tyl5Vc; Young America, li't o 1 '-. Kggs Store. 40e: fancy ranch. 42 Sc. l'oultry Kwsters. old. $4.tti . 50; roost ers, v.ning. ....ot(9; broilers, small, $2.2oty . V. ... I . - I . r . .. S-I.3.-.. t t-i CI . . ' tiers. f."o'rf IV; ducks, old, ''ji'; ducks," young. S. i 7. Vegolnble? Cucumbers. o07.c: garlic. 2ti:ic; green peas. 4iec: string besns. 3 X) tic; tomatoes. 4o(f7.r; eggplant. 40tr30c. Hops t'alifornla, lirl."c. Millstufrs Bran. Iu2.'c. middllncs. 32 tattle mid 1Us Are Steady Re ceipts Are Light, but There ' . Is a Sufficient Carryover. Receipts of livestock were small yester day, but there was a considerable supply carried over from the preceding day. and with the material at hand a moderately ac tive market was the result. Interest of the day largely centered In the sheep market. Nine good-slxed lots of nholce wethers sold at 4.?., the top quota tion, and one small lot brought $.1.75. A small bunch of medium lambs went at $3.25 and some thin stuff at 9.. Steers had a range of $3.25 to 13, ac cording to quality, and cows sold at $3.23 to $4.23. One small load of hogs was disposed of at Iln.r.j. The day s receipts were 633 sheep and 53 hogs. Shippers 3f the stock were L 8. Brune. of I.yle. two cars of sheep; Ben Ievy, of Hllls boro. one csr of hogs, and R. A. Campbell, of Sheridan, one car of sheep and hoes. The day'a sales were as follows: Weight. Price. nn hogs 2ii4 $io.n. 1i thin lambs Ill) K.OII 11 lambs "ft S.3.". 2 sheep 11.1 3.73 2 hulls 12IH 3.23 M cows P27 4.23 14 steers ....v 1071 3 0 9 steera , lolH 4. AO 13 steer. lo:l 8.23 13 cowa 1IH1 4 fO 0 cows K.-.S 4.00 14 cows 1137 4.00 cows 1U.13 3.:t3 2 cows 1 If 0 4.00 14 cows ". 1I0 4.10 3 cows .' S20 4.00 17 cows 7 illfl 4.00 2 cows e 1O30. 4.00 .".I cons i7ej 4 ?3 2.: I sheep Ill 4..'3 113 sheep .." 107 4.2- 1 Iff sheep 103 4.23 M sheep lOrt ,4.23 111 sheep . 17 4 23 144 sheep 10S 4.23 IM sheep 100 4.2" 173 sheep 106 4.23 Prices current on the various classes of stock at the Portland Union Stock yards esterday were as follows Itcef steers, good to choice. Heef steers, fair to medium. Choice spayed heifers ;od to choice beef cows Medium to good beef cows. . . . Common beef cows Pulls stsgs. good to choice......... i nlv.a. light Calvea. heavy ! Hogs, top Hogs, fair to medium Sheep, best Mt. Adama wethers Sheep, best valley wethers.... Sheep, fair to good wethers... Sheep, best vaiev ewes Ijimhi. choice Mt. Adama.... Lambs, choice valley ratea here were lower. An Increase was reported In the supply of cotton bills of fering In the exchange market and the de mand for remittance la light. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. :. lii.OOO. United States, bonds were unchanged on call. closing srrocK quotations. 2H 44 3ti 8 itlH 116I, 133 "io :r I'-" 1X'1 ioiii 27 7, 73 . lS 3.1 2.VI $ 3.235$ 5.75 Sales. High. Low. AUIs Chalmers pi Amal Copper .... 7.3 63" Am Agricultural M) 44 Am Beet Sugar .. 8.2" 3' American Can .... vi ', Am Car A Fdy .. 2iU 4H Am t'otton Oil .. ...... ..... Am Hd tx Lt pf Am Ice Securl .. 2i0 IS Am Linseed Oil .. loo 12 Am Locomotive ... 3'.i 37 V Am Smelt Ref. 6.4"0 X lo preferred ... Am S'eel Kdy Am Sugar Kef .. Am Tel i Tel .... Am Tobacco pf . . Am TVoolon Anaconda 34 in Co. Atchison do preferred Atl Coast Line ... Bait Ohio .... Bethlehem Steel ... Brook Rap Trarf. Canadian Haolrtc .. Central Lcsther ! preferred Central nf X J .... Che & Ohio Chicago A Alton .. Chicago (It Weet. 100 22 do nreferre.l Chicago 4 Jf TV .. C. M A St I'aul . C. O, C St L. Colo Fuel Iron. Colo a Southern . Consolidated Gas . Corn Products .. Hel Hudson ... D R Grande ... 3fO do preferred ... loo nwillera- Securl Erie 1,ip0 di 1st preferred. 200 do 2d preferred General Rlectric .. Gt Northern -pf ... 1.700 Gt Northern Ore 70 Illinois Central ... ) Interborough Met.. l.l.tVO do preferred ...145.7oO Inter Harvester .. lOo Inter-Marine pf .. 2,1 Int Paiver loo Int Pump 300 Iowa Central K C Southern do preferred ... ...... T-aclede Gas- 2i0 Louisville & Nash ' Minn & St Loiib. 3oo M. ' P 8 8 M Mo. Kan & Texas'. . 200 do preferred Missouri Pacific .. 8O0 National Biscuit National I.ed ... .100 Mex Nat Rv 2d pf N Y Central 2,ffl N Y. Ont & West Norfolk At West.. . North American .. 5.30 Psclflc Mall 3. .loo Pennsylvania ..... 2.40 People's Uas .... 20 i . r r st l. 3o 7t0 "i!V 3"0 2.8" loo V.4lV) 3fK 8im 1.2o iM 3.7t 1.800 200 144 1219s 131T, 1ST. 'so" Jl 'iV 434 124 r. 129 21 M- 117 17H 1014 3 142 H 2.1 132 S 3 IS "o.i4 "bo? ii.ifi, rtS 114"-i 29'i 12 177, 12 37 6ii, 11 134 '27 1'7 " loo" 103 - If' 32 :s 23" T4i 1444 1201. 130 13', "so" T1X 43 123'i 34 W 12t 10T, 53 m, 74 10"i 39 142H 2.1 131 30H '024 '00 iiii; ll.T-i 2S. 12S 107 Closing 35 2' 42 37 -77, 4t 614 20 U . 1T) 114 SBt, 63 4 101 1134 134 02 2 Bh. lio l'K 1"4 V, 2714 74 1M7 32 14 250 ' .4S 28 H 2.1-T 43 u, 144 l--"S 75 274 53 l.TU. 1.1 1H 2HI. 71 s 25 H 41 3274 145 123-4 04 127 OBEGONWODLTAKEN English Buyers Secure Short Clothing Grades. FEATURE OF WEEK'S TRADE itT Io4 39 vf 10 27 fJ2 l.H'.4 142 2:1 !i 132 3"J 01 V 42i 1 1 .o4 31 7 ll.t.' 2i 1""?4 Pltteburg Coal 104 141 4 1.19 4.23 4.3 4.23 ft S.73 W 2.00 .1.73 ft 4.00 e .7. 3 73tr 10.504T 10. lO.OO 10.23 4ot 4.23 3.2.-. 8.01y 3.oo ft 3.2--. 5.009 4. 4.73 4.75 4 23 $.73 4.O0 4.23 7 .00 5.O0 3.50 3.23 S.30 5.30 523 1 1 6.910 ROO 6,0i 31 r,2 39 'r.fii 53i 114U 23 R2 321, 'i-ii. 324 163 0' .ir. 62 39 7.7 K 35 u, 1 Iiii 21 52 31 M 'si'" r.2 K!3i J7(rl3; wheat $7W13; stock. ind oats. $59S.ou; Burbanks, 1.3; 6 1.30; Hay Wheat, lll; alfalfa, straw. 334i 0c. Potatoes Salinas aweets. Uti 2c. Fruit Arples. chalce. 60c; common. 30c: bananas, 7ico.1; Mexican limes. $06.50: tallfornla lemons. rhn-e, $...Vi: California lemons, common. $2.3o; pineapples, $2 9 2.:.". Receipts Flour. 3724 quarter sacks; wheat. tto centals; barley, 1o7.6'.o centals; oats. 2IV13 centals; beans. 602 sacks; corn, llo centals: potat'ea. f735 sa-ks: b-an. 2.10 sacks; middlings. 3o sacks; hay. 329 tona; wool. 142 bales; hides. 05. Eastern IJvestock Markets. CHICAGO. iept. Jo. Cattle Receipts, estl- n. . . I 11 00,1. n. .1. I .Iniv w -W II..-. f.l.c"tl 8 2.: Texas rteers. $5 73416; Western sters. $4.2367; stockers and reeiers. $4.234y 5 1H; ru and heifers. $2.2541-6.35; calves. 1(1 7.-.iiM..'x. H.-gs Receipts, estimated t4.000: market, steady to . cents off. Light. 9 3.VW 8 .75; mixed. $.40li.60: heavy. Is.iifjJW: rough. M 3oi..3o; g.-d to choice heavy. $S 50119.50; pigs. $S.5Ki 53: bulk of eiles. 1(1. Sheep Receipts, estimated. SH."K): market, steady. Native. $2 751T4 53: Western. .1.23a 4..o; yenrllngs. $4.73ii3.73; lambs native, $5.25 Not - NOT H KHi P1STR1BCTK... Too Moch Rlnfall in (tome ttlani, f.ooucb In Othem. V A S H I X G TO N . S-I t . 20. F orm b 1 weather for corn, plenty 0f sunshine, but D-t eno-iph rain, for cotton, too cold In Pa cific Coast MAtts for fruit, and generally not enot-gb rain on the icretit pining was the report fi ih ek over the crop-growing area. The report -: "In the Kooky Mountain anil Plateau tatea good rains occurred In many Iocs. It tie, greatly relieving the protracted drouth conditions that have prevailed, especially from I" tan northwestward over Idaho, Ne vada. Oregon and Va-hlngtnn. "la Northern California the week was generally to cool and gome damage resulted o the fruit interest on account or unusually hvjr rains, especially In portions of the San Juaquin Valley. "Precipitation was above the normal gen erally over the plateau and pacific States and tn small area of Texas. Iowa. Illinois HBjd Indiana and locally at a few other point, but over the greater part of the re gion from the Rocky Mountains eastward there ma a nearly universal deficiency. "The rainfall for the season, March 1 to date. Is j till deficient over much of the coun.r). Metal Market. Bank flearlngv Bark clearings of the N-cthwe:em yeeterday wer aa f-lkw-: 'eearlnc. Purt and l.--i T.u- -Vattte 2. 1 u. ltd Ta-oena 1.144 ftpokaoe iyi.vTi cities BaUnce. Val- r,o. rORTLAXD MARlLiTS. G-rala, FVar, Feed, F.te. WHEAT Trark prices: PluMtnn. I .c : club. K w Hr. rtl Hutui.n. stv le enfold. "" Vic. Turke o . KU'L'R Patents. li-Xi per barrel; srralghts. 4.3 4 i; export. 70: Valley. S3.4. grabam. -. whole wheat, quarters. $2k BAR LET Feed. $22 per Con; brewing. $'t per ton. HAT Trick prices: TtraothT. WlHamette alley. $l u 9 per ton : tr'astern Oregon. :ii:; a.falfa. new. JliOl. grata hay. $14 CORN Whole. 1-11: cracked. 113 per toa. XILLeTtrPS Bran, f : 134 per ton; mtddl.n-rs. fsi; shorts. $2iQl. rolled bar ley. etj:i se OATS White, ir727 0 per ton. NEW TORK. Sept. 20. Standard copper weak: spot, i-iepte-nber. October. November and lermher. 12 -Vt 12 lie; London steady. 9jn t30. futures f5 !.". Arrivals rvpfirted at New i ork lotiay. rive tona Custom House returns show exports of 2.y.7 tons so far this mo n vli. lke ctipier. 1 2. rO $ai lZ-75c: electrolytic. I2..17 t 14.'Sc; cast ing. lilUS V 12-37 Sc. Tin weak: spot .tl.fl?S 44 OOc; September, j 31. "; ().-iober. .il.ZO u :; ;jC; No vember. H4.2' -ii4.c; Dec ember. .14.1 5 ttT 4.."K'. Loti'Kin. spot !." us; futures, 1 7 l,ead easy: 4.37 S U 4.40c New Tork. 4.2" U Erst Ft. Louis. London spot. 113 K's !. Spelter easy. .VTiOfT .VflOc New Tork. 5.37 S tfr .V 2 c Kmt -Su Louis. London spot. Vi 7s d. Iron qulM. Cleveland warrants, 40s In Isondon. 1.4eaiiv the market w as quiet ; No. i foundry Northern. !.,.i0 $9 itt; No. X $1. I.Mj 1V7: No I southern and No. 1 Houtbern soft, $IS-oV Iti.'JTu KANSAS CITY. Sept. So. Reoelptj, 1000; market, steady to weak. Native Meers, H; native cowa and heifers. $2.7Mi6.75; stock era and feedt-r. twtl; bulb. J-".ti4; calves, f 4 fi (...-: Western stuers, i.ia 7; -W estern cow.. 2.7rtiS. Hogs Receipt. 1000; market, 10c lower. Hulk of sales $9.VHi9.4&: heavy. Ir9 20; Tckera and butchers. tf9. 1M?.45. light, $u.3uf$ t..V. Sheep Receipts. 18,000; market, steadv. Muttoriw. 4t4fi4 7r: lamts, tKf7; fed wether and yearlings. $-83.50; red Western, . e3.509 . OMAHA. Sept. 2 Cattle Receipt,. ll.OOrt: market. le to 13c lower. Native steers. $4.50 f7": cow, and helferw. $lff3.7.: Western steers. $.1.73atl 5: range corn's and belfers. $2.73r4.tM: canners. $2.5'fM 30; stockers and feeders. Hfi 6.25; Ocalves. $3tf7; bulls, stags, etc.. $3.. Hfgs Receipt... 6000; market 10015c lower. Hiavv. s mixed. $S.7fijS.i; light. .2J: ply,, $S.509B 23; bulk of sales. $S.639 8 Wl. Sheer Receipts. 2200. market. steadv. Tearllnga. $4 tu35.50; wethers. $3.75'8.23; ewes, $.H .vniJIff; lamba. $8.40t7. Dairr rrodure In the East. NEW YOKK. Sept. 20. Butter, easy; creamery si-.cia!a, 34c; extras. 2c; third to firsts. 242Sc; state dairy common to finest. 23j2e.'; process, second u special. 231 27c. lheese. quiet, but firm: prices unchanged. Errs, firm; stste, Pennsylvania and near by hennery, white. 36s klc: do. gathered, white. :t0w :10c; do. hennery, brown, 3J32c, do. gathered, brown. 2S2Uc. CHICAGO. Sept. SO. Butter Steady; cream eries. 24'a"28c: dairies, 2J772 Egaa Hecelptsv 10. 1117 ess raes Included. IT , v:0Sc nrts. 24c. ' Cheese Steady; daisies. IStf l.ttc: Yuntj Americas, born. ltJSlLic s: steady at mark, firsts. S2c; prime lAffliHic: twins. le'aoltlHc; lung Tressed Steel Car. Pullman Pal Car Ky Steel Spline Heading Otl.ftoO Republic Steel do preferred Rocx Island Co .. 400 do preferred . . . 4fo Pt I. S F 2d pf If St Im Southwestern do pprrrrl ... Sloes-Sheffield Southern Taclflc .. S.withem Railway. io preferred Tenn Copp. j . Texas A Pacific .. Tol. St 1. Weet. do preferred ... 2'o I'nlon Pa-lflo .... 14..10O do preferred ... lOO TT 8 Realtv IT S Rubber loo IT S Sleel 11D.700 do preferred ... 7.7 o t'lah Copper fino Va-Cro Chemical. l-o in bash do preferred . . . Western Md Westlnghouse Flee M estern I nlon W heel A L. Erie Total sales for the day. BONDS. NEW YORK, Sept. 20. dosing quota tions: t S. ref. 2s reg.inoVi'N'. T. C. an .14s SS4 do coupon . . . innii No. Pacific :is... 711, V. S. 3s reg. 101 a. No. Pacific 4S...1O0', d coupon 101 It nlDn Pacific 4S.101 U. S. new 4s re(5.114. Wis. Central 4s. lui do coupon ...115 : Japanese 4s . . 8S,B D. R. O. 4s.. 94B .1o 700 SOO .14 ll', 4", n." 'bi" .14 lir.i 5V iiii 'tin' 352 600 shares. 3.1 lo .11 iiai So pi notj oo ts'i 5.1 11.1S, 2.1 H 5114 .11 25 '4 22 501'. 104 tj flO 70 .1.1 Bltsti 115"-. 45 57 m .15 4.1 on .i 4H Stocks at Boston. POSTON. Sept. 20. Closing quotations: Alloues Amalg. Copper.. A. Z. U & Snu. Atlantic Arlxona Com. II t C C S M. 1.114 40 IMohawk 47 4'2"Xevada Oon. ... 20 2.1k Nlplsslng Mines.. 11 INorth Butte 2il 111 North Lake 84 Old Dominion... :!."', Osceola Parrot t (,S. jQulncy shannon . Co. 65V;uperior . llutte Coalition. l.S Cal. Arlxona. 57 Cat. A Hecla.. .54.1 Centennial cop. Kan. c. E. Butte Ct. Franklin 10 Glroux Con (! (ranby Con. ... 32 Greene Cananea. IIS U, s. S. K. & I. Koyale (Cop.) 20 HI do preferred Kerr Lake fll!l'tah Con. ... Iake Copper. ... 32 Winona I.a Salle Copper 914 'Wolverine ... Miami Copper... 18 S I 125 & C.) i:t 14 4HU Sup & Bos MIn. . Sun & Pitts Cod. 11 Tamarack 50 U. S. Coal & Oil .11 Vi M. ::s - .. 48 ... ajv, 1 1 Ins Dally Treasury Statement WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. The condition o the Treasury at the beginning of. business . u 1 1 1 v was as ioiiows: Trust funds Gold coin Silver dollars Silver dolalrs of lS'tn Silver certificates outstanding... General fund Standard silver dollars In gen eral fund Current liabilities Working balance In Treasury of fice In banks to credit of Treasurer of the United States Subsidiary silver coin M inor coin Total balance in general fund... Export MovemenJ Also In Montana and Red Bluff, Cal.,' Clips. Eastern 31111s Working Vp to tbo Condition. BOSTON. Sept. :0. More snap is ap parent In the local wool market, due, it Is said, to a demand for domestic product by foreigners. The foreign buying so far has been confined to short Oregon clothing. No. 2 California, and short Montana, and, while the aggregate amount is not large, the event Is encouraging. Again, lt has stimulated some buying by the mllls. Values remain steady and no Increase or decrease is anticipated for aome time. The bulk of the local business has been In territory in original bags, mostly from Montana. Wyoming and Utah, and bringing lac to 2lc in the grease. The fleece division, of the market Is dull with Ohio half-blood grade selling; at 2 to :9c. It is said that the foreign buyers paid 62 to fi;c tor Hed tliuiT. t:ai., wool. Texas Fine 12 months. 606fS2c; fine to .8 months, SotUgic; fine Fall. 55c California Fine, 53$doc; middle county. eu ( Oregon Eastern Eastern clothing, 51 it 54c. Territory Fine clothing, 58jS0c: No. 1 staple. 62 "8 64c &6(57c; valley No. 1. staple. 64f265c: fln fine medium clothing. 55i57c; half-blood combing. 58i62c; three eighths blood combing, 565ic; quarter blood combing. uZfiatc. Pulled Extra. 65c; fine. 603 62c Wool at St. Louis. FT. LOUIS. Sept. 20. Wool Steady: terri tory and Western mediums. lS&23c; fine me- dicius. 17a2"c: fine. 14?17c. LAST PRICES ARE BEST WHEAT HIGHER OX SMALLXESS OF EUROPEAN" VISIBLE. .$8!2.57.09 . 4S.".,.142.IHlO y..V!,000 . 485,342,000 5.571.710 84.ttil0,U17 32.213.653 3. .104.9' 1D.5S2.774 91.320.9uU I Etc. HEW ISSUE PROPOSED LARGE INCREASE IV OJIEGOX ' SHORT LI.E STOCK. Vetrtsble and Fr-aits. CREE FRVITff Applet. nw. AAcOISO Pr boa : plums. 4 n 7.V pr bx: pears. . 9 nor (-; pvaches. buaes.. 60 fy Tic; grspws. -wrl:)..3 p-r Uim; tur. H t.'U I -li; per DuRtt; crncrries. per bar rel- MELON. Watermelon $1 s)un-Srei1: nntiioupf . $1 tj -ra-tahss. 11 iO pr i.-n. THuPU'Ab KHLi r Orsncs, VsleneUs. litilljiT;; temona, OT.W; vipsxfrult, 4 Pr per hurt-craje; C hao-rea la ArallaeMe Supp.leit. NEW YORK. .-Vpt. TV Spec 11 rsbls and tltr riiphtc com ntun lest Jons rceivd tor Hrads treat's show ths f9Uuvtn--f chan-tes io" viiiahia supplies as compared a it n prevloua accounts: Bushels, Wheat. VnltM States east of the Hookies. Increase 1.tr3 OV) Canada, lncreas 2. lU).oo Total I nited tstates and Canada. increase 3.51&O0O Afloat, for and In Europe, in crease 1.000. 000 Total American and European sup- ply. Increase S.U5.00 Cora, lolled States and Canada. Increase 7'2.OO0 Oats. I'nlted State and Canada, In crease 4 40.000 VKible Wheat n-cttrea. NEW TORK. Sept. ;n. The New York Produce Kxritsnae haa correr:d lia viithle supply of wheat rljcure-s to lH.ti.' i Instesd of w0.2o7.0ih. an Increase of l.iCil.omj bush-ela .Announcement Surprises "Wall Street, W hlch Is at a Loss to Account for It. NEW YORK. Sept. 20. The narrow limi tations of the present stock market were marked again today by the way In which price movements exhausted themselves be fore coins; far In either direction. The wholly professional participation In the trading serves to explain this re stricted movement. The settlement of lancer questions Is awaited by the larger financial interests before attempting any Important transactions In stocks. Bur in ft for London account was a fac tor In the strength shown at the outset here. The his; her prices brousjht realising sales and reaction set In. The decline be gan about the time the finance committee of the United States Steel Corporation was ready to go Into session and that stock led the movement.' A rise In the price of copper In London was cited and reports of curtailment of output by one of the copper mining com panira of secondary grade waa pointed to aa an encouraging development In the cop per trade. Reports of lessening demand for steel products', of Increaslnir competition for or ders and of coming further reductions In the prices of leading lines were kept In cir culation and helped to depress United States Steel, with sympathetic effect on the gen eral list. The proposed large Increase In Oregon Short Line stock came as a surprise, and market sentiment was rather at a loas to Interpret Its significance or Its effect on Union raclnc as the owner of the exist ing stock and the proposed taker of ad ditional stock when It shall be Issued. There was a decline In the private dis count rata In London and foreign ennhange Money .Exchange, NEW YORK. Sept. 20. Money on call easy. MZ per cent- ruling rate, j , ; closing bid, 1; onered at . lime loans cull and steady 0o days, 4 per c-nl; tfo iaji. 4aH1-i per cent six months. -4 Vt per cent. Prime mercantile taper 6h per cent. . SterUm. exchange steady, wlih actual buii nees in bankers bills at &u4.KW0 for -day bills, and at M-N15 for demand. Com mercial bills, 4 KSfc4.ivt-W. Bar ail ver. "Sc. Mexican dollar. 44c. Government and railroad bonds flrai. LONDON. Sept. 20. Bar silver, steady 24 d per ounce. Monev. kt 1 ner cent. - The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is JS-S per cent; do. for three months bills is 2 Ll-ltl:.. per cent. Consols for money, 80 "vie; do. account. 8 A .V FRANCISCO. Sept. 20. Sterling on London, on days. 4.WSc; do. sigi.t. 4.S01,c. Sliver bars. .".3c. Mexican dollar 44c. Drafts, sight, 2c; do. telegraph, 4c. CHICAGO. York. par. Sept. 20. Exchange on New Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Sept. 20. Coffee futures closed steady at a net advance of 10 ill points. iSales, fi-t. , oO bags. beptember. K.TOc ; October, 8.70c; November, 6. 70c : le cember. 8.75c ; January. S.KQc; February, $.Slc: March, 8-ft3c. April. 8.S.V-; May. June. NSc; July. 8.91c; AuKust. 8.95c Spot coffee firm. Rio No. 7. 10c; Santos No. 4. II He. Mild coffee quiet. Cordova, llhiif 18. c. Raw augar easy. Muacovado, 1.74c; cen trifugal. 96 test. 4.24c; molasses, 3.49c; re fined quiet. Crushed. 6.75c; granulated. ft.-95c powdered, 6.15c. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Evaporated ap ples easy. Fancy, lO'ic; choice, h'tfcS-tc, prime. 8tf8-ic; common to fair. 6-&7VriC. Prunes unchanged. Quotations. 1 to lOe for California fruit and from 5 to 8 "vie for Oregons. Apricots unchanged. Choice, 10 kj 11 c; extra choice. lUV--Hc; fancy. lStflSH-e. Peaches quiet. Choice. 7 it 7 H c; extra choice. iH-Se; fancy. hiS;,,c Raisins unchanged. Loose muscatels, 4 14 O:; choice to fancy seeded. ti7c; seed less, c; London layers, $ 1.25 gj 180. New York Cotton Markets. NEW YORK. Sept. 20. Cotton Spot closed dull. Mid-uplands. 13.76c; do. Gulf. 14c. Na sales. Futures closed steady. 9 to 13 points higher. September, IS. 69c: October, l3.10c-i November.; December, 13.03c; Janu ary, 13c; February. 13.0sc; March. 18.07c; May. 13. lie Duluth Flax Market. f PULVTH. Sept. 20. Flax on track and In store. 82.74H; to arrive. $2.0."-i; to arrive September 24. $2,74 4; September. 12.72 4-;i October. bid; November. 82.03 bid; i December. 82.64 asked; May. 82.G8 asked. 1 Better Demand on the Eastern Sea board for " Manitoba Grain. Heavy Selling of Corn. CHICAGO. Sent. ?0. Ahoift the ' best figures of the day were current In wheat at the tap of the final gong, although there was enoufrh Northwestern and boutnwesc ern selling here to keep local bulls irom becominr altogether at ease. The strength fhown had. for a basis, a smaller increase than had been expected in the European visible supply. The seaboard reported im provement In the demand ior Aiamtooi wheat and a the same time primary -re ceints slrowed a fresh falling off. Local campaigners for higher prices seemed to nav uttie neea to announcements mai ca ble bids for cargoes were too low to be worked and that the total available wheat in -the world Is nearly 50.000,000 bushels Inrs-er than a vear aaro. December sold from $1.00 4 ft l.oo to $1.00 and closed V, e. un at SI 1.00 L QD 1.VUT4 . Fine weather and a sudden loosening of farmers offerings at the lowest prices of the croo made corn weak. December flue tuated between 5JVi.C and 53Vi c. closing 14c down at dz-?bc. ine snipping a em an a was fair. No. 2 yellow ciosen at oomuoc. There was increased sellings of oats by the eonntrv. December varied from 35 Vc to and in the end was '4c off at 35ic. Purchases of I art. ov snorts ana e-toorters more than offset a weaker market for hogs. When the pit was cleared lard was up 5 30c, pork at 5c advance to JOc decline, and ribs were strung out from 2 He loss to 12 Vic 1 00 Ifaoinff luium rungcu tts tuitun. WHEAT. Open. High. $ $ .97 1.00 1.O0', 1.06 1.06 CORN. .5.M4 .554 .53 M, .53 .56 V, .56 OATS. .144, .3414 .35 .35, .38 .3S MESS PORK. 19.65 19.72", 19.&5 U.Zi 18.37 '.j LARD. 15.32i l".52ii 11.65 11.70 10.65 10.724 SHORT RIBS. 11.35 11.47A 11.33 .7:'4 9.75 9.6714 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Hteaay. live No. 1. 75 He. Barley Feed or mlxlnff, 48(8' 63c choice mdltln?. 686' 72c. Flax seed No. 1 Southwestern, $ 1 Northwestern. J2.76. Timothy seed 17.50 9.25. Clover $10-15.25. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 6fJ, 000 bushels. Exports for the week, as shown by Bradstreet's. were equal to 1.314,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 2.075. 000 bushels. The visible supply of wheat in the United States increased 5.115. 000 bushels for the week. Estimated re ceipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 95 cars; corn. 416 cars; oats. 131 cars: horrs. 19.000 head. Kecelpts. Shipment Sept. . Dec. . . May. . ept. Dec. May. Sept . Dec. May. Oct.. . Jan.. . Oct.. . Nov, . Jan.. . Low. Close. $ . $ .97 1.00 1.00 T4 1.061, 1.06 1, .5414 .5414 .52 .62 .554 .55H .34 .34 .354 .35-4 .381, .38 1 18.25 . 12.3214 11.65 10.65 Oct Jan 19.7214 18.3714 12.50 1167V4 10.721, 11.45 9.75 fair to 84; No. Flour, barrels . , Wheat, bushels Corn, bushels . . Oats, bushels . . Rye, bushels . . Barley, bushels 41.700 312,8(10 SSI). 000 279.000 3.000 105.000 12.600 283,500 833,600 496.200 VoV.OOO Produce at "New York. Slept. 20. Flour was steady Grain and NEW YORK. with a fair jobbing trade. Receipts. 43.928 barrels; shipments. 31 barrels. Wheat Spot tirm. No. 2 red. $1.0414 elevator and $1.0434 f. o.- b. afloat: No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.24 f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was Arm and hirrher to day owing to strong; cables, bullish French crop news and rumora of a better export demand. Commission houses and shorts were good buyers and the market closed firm at to net advance. September closed Sl.v': Jjecemoer, xi.osvi: Xav. $1.12H. Receipts. 49.80 busheis; shipments. none. Hops and hides Dull, Petroleum Steady. THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital - - - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Profits. $800,000.00 OFFICERS: AlJf SWOllTH, President. R. W. SCHUEEH-flubln R. 1.EA BARNES, Vice-President. A. II. WRIGHT, Assistant Cashier. V. A. HOLT, Assistant Cashier. . C. LETTERS OF CREDIT AND TRAVELERS' CHECKS ISSUED NEGOTIABLE EVERYWHERE DRAFTS DRAWN on all FOREIGN COUNTRIES lumbermens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital $500,000 Portland Trust Company BANK Oldest Trust Company in Oregon Capital $300,000 First-Glass Mortgages for Sale Corner Third ' and Oak Streets Bank Notice Security Savings and Trust Company Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Street3 Capital and Surplus $900,000 Invites Accounts of Merchants, Individuals and Savings First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains HAMBURG-AMERICAN South America per cen- Grain at an Francisco. SAN' FRANCISCO. Sept. 10. Wheat and Darley fctteatly. pot quotations Wheat Shipping, 1.55a 1.6214 taL Farlev Feed. II 6 1. on H per cental: brew Ins;. 91.0517 1.0S per cental. all URird sales Wheat .Vo trading-. Barley uerember, 1.0S i ft 1.08 4 per cental; aiay, i.u v ff i t per cental. Corn Large yellow, fi.48 per cental. Kiiropean (.rain Markets. LONDON". Sept. 20. Canroes tlrm: Walla Walla for shipment at His1 tjd. English country markets quiet; French coun try markets, quleu . LIVERPOOL,. Sept. SO. Close: Wheat. Oc tober. Ts 4 4d; December, ,s is,il; March Is fid. Weather line. .Minnesota Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 20. Wheat Sep tember. 11.08 ; December, tl. 11 V, ; Mar. 1.15t4. Cash. No. 1 hard. 1.12; No. 1 Northern. 1.1 1 U 1.11 V, No. I Northern $ 1. 0711.09; No. 3 Northern. J1.05 4j 1.08. r lax losen, Corn No. S yellow. SJUfJSlc. Oats No. 3 white. f'a3ltc . Kye No. 2, 6!t (n 70 Vic Grain Markets of the Northwest. TACOMA. Sept. 20. Wheat, milling, blue- stem, Vtc; club. h7c; red Russian. 82c. Ex port bluestem. 02c; club, SSc; red Russian. t4c: fortyfold. S7c. Receipts, wheal, a cars; barley, one car: oats, 4 cars; hay. 40 cars. SEATTLE. Sept. 20. Mllllnr Quotations. luestem. 01c; fortyfold. i.7e; club. 55c: fife. SGc; red Russian. K4c. Export wheat blue stem. Sc: fortyfold. 4c; clnb. 84; rife,; red Russian. 81c. Yesterday's car receipts, wheat. 37 cars; oats. 8 cara; krley. 11 cars; hay. 73 car" A Grand Cruise leaving e.v York, January SI, 1U11, by the S. S. BLIKCHER, for. the Bast Coast of (South America, through the Straits of Magellan and up the West Coast to Valparaiso, Chile, etc. Kates ftftSO upward: duration 74 days. ALSO CRUISES TO WEST INDIES. ORIENT and AROUND THE WOULD. Write for illustrated pamphlets, rates, etc. LONDON PARIS HAMBURG Graf Walderaee Sept.- 29. 8 P. M. Kalserin Aug. Vic Oct. 1. 10 A. M. Pennsylvania Oct 5. 11 A. M. Deutschland Oct. 8, 9 A. M. Unexcelled Rltz-Carlton a la Carte Restaurant. Gymnasium, Elec. Baths. Klevator, Palm Garden. Second Cabin only. GIBRALTAR, NAPLES. GENOA S. S. CLEVELAND, October 15, 11 A. M. S. S. CINCINNATI. Nov. 3, 10 A. M. In -November the new 17,000 ton S. S. Cleveland and, Cincinnati will enter the Mediterranean service. Guide and Travel Books on Sale. Hambnrg-American Line, 160 Powell SL San Francisco or Local R. R. Agts, Portland TRAVELERS GCIDB. BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Los Angeles via San Fran clsoo, every five days. From Ainsworth Dock, Portland. ! A. M.: SS Bear Sept. 20. Km? City 25. Heaver :i0. From Ran Francisco, north bounl. U M. : SS Itose C ity, Kvpt. 1H, Heaver 23. Bear :8. From San Pedro, north hiund: Beaver Seut. 21, Bear 26, etc. H. O. Smith. C. T. A.. 142 Third St. J. XV. K:inrom. Afcent, Ain worth Duck. Phones: Main 402. 2j'i; A 1402. San Francisco, Los Angeles anl San Diego Direct North Pacific S. S. Co.'s S. S. Roanoke and S. 8. Klder sail every Wedneadav alternately at 6 P. M. Ticket office l'SJt Tiilrd at., near Alder. MARTIN J. HKil-EY, Pasttenger Aijent, V. H. SI.lSSIiK. rTeiBht A.'ent. I'hones M. 1314. A 1314. Coos Bay Line STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska Dock. Portland, 8 P. M. Sent. 2u. 17. Oct. 4, 11. 18. 2o and every Tuesday night. Freight received at Alaska Dock until 5 P. M. daily. Passenger fare, firs. -class. 10: second-class, $7. including meals snd berllt. Tickets on sale at Allio worth Dock. Phones Main SGSi A ISoi.,