Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 20, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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City elrro'atlon.
MtUU.g Editoe
rundar Editor. ....
Cltjr dltor. .. . ..
fcupl- buUdlas....
Faeiae Bt. Tt1"Tt.
Vi. m 7(170 .
....Mala T- TO
....Main TOTO
.... Vlaln T"70
....Main TITO
....Main T'70
A Ik
A 6'3
A 60H
u . . mr.ik.r Whllaald
Maitlnc Pot." TonUht at a.lS.
n Bah-r Stock Company In
ar... O.IUIM" ToBJcllt at 5:1.
aftsmoea a and toalht at
vd.ll.. Tola aiwrttooa at
Bleat at Ut an a. -
1 iu. torn a l at T. a.
Motkia picture oonUnaou. from 1-sv
14 SO p. !.
ARMORY Tb sad !?Sr:
and manufaur.fa axpoainon. Thla aw
noon and toataht-
f.fTh--tr- ,rouaU TBI. aftmoon and
toalbt- A
tMlllam Parson.. P' '..S
Prebytertan Church. Eaat KM J"
Et Thirteenth .treets. 1. "k'" '
ranaementa for the proposed temper
which the borate, of
prMbU "n propose to tfv.
He l being aa.t.ted by a Ur"
mtttee of citizen.. Ml
Brehm. National lecturer of tha rr
byt.rtan Church, who took 1 part l he
- V-r:? arts
Mr. rnon expect, to devote much of
his time to the parade.
Hooplci Dunne BH
cleanup of disorderly persons no
w Bohi.'. Par. Ful.oju Sundays, wa
Shaker nrscTa Officer 14111a.
near bear only. wrrw ..,.,
cWd with Hln IMor rl. t .
license and on Sunday. A
hoodlums too posseaalon of a et
car and drank beer In the P'nf "
"I "her paesen-era. The off leers ar
rested Alfred and Alrt PlmbaU Harry
rorkran. John Iwak. Albert Me"""T
M Oo Lletser. The Ust two were
fined IS eacJi yeaterday mornlns. The
other cases went over.
RmriiKl Wtu. Csi-t B RA TX- The Re
W."""! oFthe t-dfollo-- Order
of this city win Join In e celebration
of the Sth anniversary of the fondln
of this branch of the order tonUhtat
Orient ld- Hall. East Sixth and East
Alder streets. This Is In "ord"
with the proclamation of Grand Sire
Tv U KuykendalL tlxtn, Tuesday. Sep
tember 20. .or this celebration. All the
R.hekah Lodses of the city will Utke
part. Mrs. A. Kallsher Is ch.lrrnan oj
tha BenerAl committee on arranaa
InTnttT Th. programme llude. rltu
!7lc serrlres. ... address by Re Ben
Uln Youn. of the First
tpL-copal Church, and musical and
literary numbers.
Hitt. Mat B IUctJASiTD.-Howar3
CoryelU who apprehended an "-ronvlct
on the street Sunday mornln and beat
him into submls-lon before takln him
to the police station, was discharged
from oultody yesterday mornlnc upon
the recommendation of the -"""
officer, imre HIIU whom C""'
rested, was held awaltlnit advices from
n Francisco, where It was believed
tt he was waited for the
a a-uest at the St. Oeorae Hotel, two
? .. He confessed the crime.
Later Captain Moore received tele
gram from Chief of police Martin, of
fran Francisco. saylnK that Hill was
not wanted, the prowcutlon witness
havlnit disappeared.
Mrs. Erotvw Buaiter R.-ii.rn.-Tr.a
funeral of Mrs. Euene Blaster, who
died last Friday nieht "at her home 6.3
aaco street, was held yesterday fore
noon at the Holy Rosary Church. t-at
Third and Clackamas treet. J rhere
solemn requiem mass was said by Rev.
Father C. V. Umb. Father Lamb
spoke briefly of the dead woman, pras
lnV her as a wife and mother. The In
terment was made In Rlverview Ceme
tery Many beautiful tributes were re
ceived. Mrs. Blaster waa 2 year. old.
and had been sick since July.
FATHn U Cooiiatctateo. IVhen
Charles E. NeberaalU a blind cikar
dealer, reached the door of the Court
house yesterday mornln he was met
by a bevy of lauchlna youns: women,
and a chorus of -Congratulations.
Charlie." The cause of the congratula
tion. wa a visit of the stork at 3
o'clock Saturday afternoon to the Rose
City Sanitarium, brlna-lna; to Mr. and
Mrs. Neberirall a seven and a half
pound boy. He has been named Charles
E. NebergalU Jr.
Pouci Get Speed Mamao C. C.
Crimea, a merchant, livlna- at 291 San
Rafael street, waa arrested by Patrol
men Lvon. Teevln and Stram. at Twenty-seventh
and Broadway streets, and
was fined $10 for speeding, yesterday.
Stram also caua-ht W. Chrlstensen
speedlnjt- He paid a line of $10. M. O.
Collin, was exceeding the limit on a
motorcycle when Stram stopped him.
He. too, was fined $10.
rrarrTED RrsslA ARRES-nto. Peter
Schmidt, a demented Russian, aired S.
went Into a church at William, avenue
and Stanton street, yesterday mornlns:
to die. He waa found by Patrolman
....w ..ILL in frinAm In the other
cur id &im.i..9 . - - ----
world. When Barke attempted to ar
rest him. he fouirht vicorously. but w'as
overpowered and sent to the county
Court for examination.
Mrrnnnrr Frcn Grows. Oregon
Methodists have $: with ahlch to aa
;st In various ways as the result of
t R M,-rnle1 and G. F.
Johnson. They succeeded In ecurins;
. k. n..tK.ra nf TaTlnr-Strwt
Methodist Church subscriptions for this
amount In a) minutes nunuaj. abbi j"
the church leave $2500.
WoxAit'i Purse Stolx!. Mrs. Charley
.. . .1 T 1 1 Un..1
Errcman. nvins; at ui
----i n nnllra ireKterdav that
rriurrM w " ' --
while she was gone from her room for
a few minutes, someone too a a pur-no
from It. containing . iwu
let was assigned to the case and a sup
.. .ninrtt Is under suspicion.
H P. IiSTtER' OxtT C5nu Pies.
Marjorle Ann Plscher. of 990 Cleveland
avenue. I years and one day old. died
k.. is 191ft Interment was at
Wasco. Or. She wa the only child of
Mr. and Mrs. H. f- fisner.
rats War. Steamer sails direct Wed
. Wan Prinplvo and Los
Angelea Cabin $10 and $1. steerage
ti and $1!. berth ana meais mcmaea.
. w n.n.n. sIlL 12S 3d St.
Max Apmtt. Milk WATERiwv-Chrlst
Stump pleaded guilty
Court yesterday xo a cnr- - -
Ing milk and waa irnw -r.
t rr. . . , hu resumed nractJce
..i.- t.v i n nMr Phones: Office.
SUllO I I V'l i-vj.ii r.- ------ - .
Msrshall S?l: residence. Private Ex.
Hicket. for Representative. No. 7b.
Platform, page iT. State Pamplet. (Paid
n a .1... I,.... it. vHll collect them
X)AV Ami ' w ' ' ' ...
The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton
Swiss Watttc Retairiko. C Chrlstan
..n m floor Oarbett bldr. Take elevator.
Diiwm.-C Chrlstensen. second floor
Cornell DuuainK. laae iptiui.
H. K Baroest. attorney, ha. returned.
SWm and Jung Toun were arretted, at
4 2 North Fourth street, by Patrolmen
Martlne. and Johnson 8unday night.
two Japanese visitors were also ar
rested. The same onicers xoos. um
Wong Long and Wong Fook. charged
with having lottery tickets In their
possession. All the case, went over.
Horse Dies; Spoil. Traps. a prorair
i A K. a A Olson. Of
iimj liui on mm w&nvu m - - -
114 North Sixteenth street, and Joe
Maloney. of 172 Water street, "
nipped untimely last Sunday, through
. i nf one of the
horses In the trade, which dropped
j .. in.F..tinir iliira of the
negotiation. Olson unhitched hi. own
horse and put Maloney-. In It. place
to give, It a trlaL tie naa noi ir..r
his prospective purchase a block when
i. AMn iieia Olnon arave Pa
trolman John Maloney $2 to pay for
the cremation or the animal.
. v ir. t wrr-, The first of
a aerie, of lectures to be given during
the Winter season on xne pan mo
'Masonic Order played In the American
kl.l ilnHn, lh. t).,nl lit 1 DTI RTT period
will be delivered at :15 o'clock tonight
at the Svottlsh Rite Cathedral, i ne u
dres. will be on "Alexander Hamilton"
i -in k. Tt R Beekman. a
member of the Portland Bar Association.
Mr. Beekman la known a. a scnoio.j
i l w . r iTvinds of the
Maoonic lentigo and the public generally
are Invited.
Alumni Elect. Ov-ficers. At a meet
latlon of the
Washington High Sfhool Friday night.
the following officers were n"-'
.in s-shrnarv: President.
prn, 1 1 ii - . . . .
Kav Singletary; vice-president. Miss
t , . -. . . . . .. Vave
lamenne umuu.
Pouglass: secretary. Mis. Margaret
Thomas: editor. Miss Hellen Sullivan.
The organisation Is expected to have a
large membership. Another meeting
win be held at the home of the secre
tary next Friday night.
Camera Clcb Elbtt. Opptckr.. The
Camera Club of Wah:ngton High 8chool
w.ia a., m . r the term yes-
terday .ftemoon. and Iected the fol
lowing officers: rresiaeni. Lie a-...
... -i tt-.,.. rn!.r- aecretAry.
H-(rBIUI III, . 1 w . .. v - . -
Dorothy Lvnsmore: treasurer. Lloyd
Robinson; serseant-at-armex u!ou"".
and editor. Margaret Carr. The club
i i . .nrl.. nf Imsoiu fOT thl.
term In practical photography. . from
which tne memoeri i
much good.
A Divideko of 10 per cent on claims
fUed and approved having been ordered
. ' . . r-. . Court for
By tne iniiea ini v-..v-..
:. V., ... -.nn creditors are
tne uimrici i ..p. -- . -
nouned to present their books, certin-
cates or deposit, or om
. . M.nwni of the above
inucuinium '- -
dividend at the office of the receiver.
corner of Second ana nnnuii
Portland. Or. R. a Howard. J'- re"
. . . k iri.i. OiiamnlM A TTUSt
ceiver 01 mo i
Company. Portland, Or.. Sept. 1. 110.
Triep JUrsr Wong S Datb. Jame.
FarrelL employed In a North End rooming-house,
pleaded guilty In Municipal
Court yesterday to stealing $11S from
... . BnA WAS
under the pniow 01 a tuww
aa - nn htm nvrknllfl. A
given . i7 " " ii
diamond ring purchased by Farrell
. . i MMrfl
with the money ana i
by the detectives.
- vvopTha Fall
convention of the Christian and Mis
sionary Alliance Is now In progress at
F-ast Ninth and Clay st rets. Sessions
are held dally, except Saturday, at
and 7:30 P. M. Rev. A. C Tork. of
Everett, will speak tonigni.
tt . Tm t wmm m 'VulOM. T.
Robert, and O. Lv Bowder. proprietor,
of two poolrooms, at Kern Park, were
. a .-a. . ..- v morning, for
having their places open after 1 o clock.
Pete Prodanort was nnea -similar
cnn Ti.Ta of the lieinen-
UKbl iwnni -j.- -
dous Trade-Building Sale In which to
secure that new. swagger suit or over
.f wn SIR .VI to tS
values, for $1. Brownsville Woolen
Mill Store, Third ana Morrison sis.
Villa Pats CO FT. Mike Villa, ar
rested by Patrolman Webster after a
desperate battle witn.ia naimuo. rn
day night, was tried In Police Court
rumniar morning, and fined $10 for
disorderly conduct.
"RDJCARKATiojt" Lecture) Si-rjitt-
Rev. Mr. SL Martin will lecture on "Re-
.i , . v. & Trnth.AMik era'
inrariisiiuu, -
conference. 52 East Morrison street.
Tuesday. September zu. at s t: at. n
lecture will do tree to me puouc
. . . 4-v.abvm mr. Mrrr. There
will be a special meeting of the Ore-
ne Unih... a the T. W
p:va vwimi"" " ......... . ... - - - - -. -
C. A. building, at 1:30 o'clock thl. after-
New Bills Open at the
Vandeviile Houses
ANOTHER landslide of good things
has fallen on the Orpheum stage. In
the present bllL Topping and spreading
all over the whole 1. William Rock and
Maude Fulton ln a series of original
dancing creations. The woman con
cerned Is an edition de luxe, dainty, chlo
and decidedly alluring. Willam I. built
like Georgle Cohan, going hlra one better
In Improvement, on nature a. well as In
stepping. He contributes a cheerfully
grewsome ditty aonut an old gent who
lived In the time of the Dodo Bird, and
introduces some eccentric dancea.
Then Maude lets out all her stored mag
netism and captures the house with her
"Gee. I wlsht I Was a 1-ady." Maude',
voice, be It said. Is of the Ingrowing va
riety, but she has cornered the market
In personality and fetchlngnesa. The two
have a very funny number In which Wil
liam Is a sailor and Maude a salloress.
wherein they tnject mors fancy dancing.
Keen. too. la their thoroughly new trav
esty on the "vlllyun and the heroine of
mellerdrama"-as-lt-too-of ten-is.
Their last number I. "The Dance with
the Devil." a small sermon, by the way.
In this the girl. In simple white garb
with apple blossom, in her arms, is sym
bolical of youth and Innocence. The
devil. In the dance, gives her a red rose,
flings Jeweled chslns about her throat
and arms, stupefies her with wtnea and
trample, the apple blossoms on the floor.
Then he flings her out In the street. In
sardonic quietude he turns slowly the
leaves of a calendar, marking off the
month, from May to December. Then
she comes back, reeling and disheveled,
with the experiences of the few months
writ large on her face and In her man
ner. Then In a wild dance the devil
claims her. Another of the numbers by
these entertainer. Is about the "boy who
stut-tut-ut-ter. and the girl who
An act that la of stellar magnitude Is
that of the Neapolitans, a trio of singer,
with excellent voice.. Estelle Ward, so
prano. Is a positive delicht to hear: her
voice Is pure and golden, with wonder
fully clear, high note.. Marlon Little
field, the contralto singer. I. a veritable
Juno and her big voice has a sonorous
quality that charms. 8ignor Francesco
Manetta Is the tenor, and the three sing
a most pretentlou. programme.- For In
stance, they gave yesterday "Tales from
Hoffman." a potpourri of Neapolitan folk
songs, the "Mlsere" from "II Trovatore."
the "Chl-ml-frena-LucIa" and that old
favorite. "Annie Laurie." Each number
was applauded vociferously.
A popular number, was the miniature
comedians, the Rossow Midgets. Their
wee little act consist, of exhibitions of
embryo Sandowiem and feat, of strength,
followed by their piece de resistance, a
burlesque boxing match, which, needless
to say, elicit, howls of mirth and com
ment. Then there is Maurice Freeman, a tal
ented actor, who presents a character
comedy entitled "Tony and the Stork."
The Planotype
Tony, In the person of Mr. Freeman,
plays the Important role: the stork Is
only an adjunct. Mr. Freeman knows
Just where to draw the line so that
pathos doe. not become bathos. HI.
portraiture of a poor Italian who has
been told hi. wife and new baby boy
died, only to learn in the midst of his
woe that a mistake In names was made,
win. a great deal of applause for him
self, with a frequent sprinkling of wet
eyes from the feminine portion of the
A dandy duo of entertainer, is Frank
Work and Relnhold Ower, whose acro
baticlsms and gymnaatlclsms are little
short of marvelous. They both have
, -inn,, .wtitNAA in tne art or
tumbling. They dress like rowdies and J
.. . v. , nb.,.,M MllnfrtAd for their 1
act manage to get Into the good grace,
of everyone present,
Fred Duprex Is a whole Orpheum 0,11
by his lonesome If no one else were on It.
IT, I. . , I I . .kn Vina f Tta h P 1 P fl-
attractlvely humorous atuff to monologue
about, and he Is a come man wno cura
ede." much better than the average. His
great song I. "Say No That'. All."
Luce and Luce, alleged Instrumental
ists, who open the bill, should by all
mean, be named Worse and Worse, Judg
ing from tn nitisnia Dauer ana irajwi
business they hand out.
The orchestra 1. there wun i-mron
Babe.- as exit number and "La Caval
cade" as the overture.
Grand Theater.
A GOOD, wholesome show is what
the Grand has to offer this week.
The entertainment I. particularly pleas
ing when dainty Freda Klemm hovers
over the head, of a captivated audi
ence. Miss Klemm has a distinctly new
"stunt" which consist, of n aeroplane
fllvhl CoA In tlrht, and Singing With
a true, sweet voice, she makes a pretty
picture when, under a son, sm.
her machine floats off the stage and
sways graoefully above the plL
The first number on tne programme
1 musical, and the two men and the
v-nman vhn enmnnse the trouns are de
serving of much praise, as they perform
with skill upon many ininuimn
Robert LeRoy and Aileen Harvey,
who follow, have a little comedy which
Is unusual In Its plot. Miss Aileen
Is caught in a rain storm, from which
she seek, shelter in a cahln by the
iv.r,ti This chances to belong to a
cowboy, who Is expecting a new cook,
and In desperation over the loss of four
others In as many days, he keep, the
unfortunate young woman, nm
telltves U be hi. fifth domestic, at tne
point of hi. gun. and despite her fran
tic efforts to depart, forces ner to
cook hi. meal. The conversation
throughout Is a .cream.
Clad In a duster and a traveling hat.
Cora Slmpaon. "the Maid de Luxe," en
ter, the stage asserting that she 1. o'f
for Reno, where divorce Is easy, and
after a fairly good tirade on the at
. -.1 ,? dlinrra sMves very
characteristic Imitations of Ethl
Barrymora, George M. Cohan, AJavtd
Warrieid ana oiners.
The remaining feature, are: Lester
and Moure, In dancing and a quick-fire
exchange ef wit. which Is rather better
than the average, and L Wolfe Gil
bert, who I. very good. He open. hi.
part of the entertainment with a song
on- applause and win. for hlra his
A word for the orchestra, too. will
V. mwr.lmm The Xll AC.t lOnS Ul U WCP k.
have a catchlnes. and swing which
cause the people to nura musuo
softly as they leave the playhouse.
IF THE Armstrong Mustcsl Comedy
Com Dan v depended upon a royalty
on all the hobble skirt. It .old as a re
sult of the advertisement given that
compressing .tyle In "The Hob!le Girl"
at the Lyric thl. week. Its member,
would not even have the hole of a
doughnut left for a square meal. Miss
F.thel Davis, a. Flossie Swift, a news
paper correspondent In the Far East,
gives a striking Illustration of the
handy drawstring creation from Paris
and the dexterity It requires to wear a
hobble skirt and get out of a canoe. If
the scenes were transferred to the
Willamette River, each show would
need a new leading woman.
When the chorus "trips" lightly and
come, near falling heavily In hobble
skirts, the audience applauds. While
the .how ha. a plot, not at all hob
bled, and 1. thoroughly enjoyed, the
audience intermittently wonders If "the
hobble girl" I. a take-off on the skirt,
or If the costume, are adopted to be
George Rehn. who ha. taken the part
of the Irish comedian since he Joined
the company, changes his nationality
and becomes a roaring companion of
Gu. Leonard, as shipwrecked sailors
from the fatherland. The plot clusters
around the palace of Rajah Singh and
Pandora, the dead King's brother and
sister, played by Ed Mitchell and Rosa
Rchn, In which Will Howard, a. Jack
Paine, enter. Into a lively race with
Miss Davis, his rival newspaper corre
spondent, to get the news to their pa
per first, Mls Clara Howard appears
In September, Just at the time
vou need them. Our gloves are
the beet the world produces.
They are made by the best
manufacturers from the best
skins money will buy.
$1.25 Centemeri Gloves, Sp'l 93c
Two styles. French lamb or
$1.25 Imported Kocba Gloves, 93c
Gray, black or assorted tans.
$2.00 Real Kid, Special $1.65
All colors, black or white.
$2.00 Feal ft'ocks, $1.48
Butter, tans, gray and black,
$3.50 Long Kid Gloves, $1.19
Colors Tans, brown, navy,
$1.75 Suede Kid Coves $1.48
21MI Morrison St.,
Bet. 4th and Sth, (orbett Bldg.
a. Queen Ellene and Howard finds time
In his career as correspondent to make
love to her.
The chorus makes a hit In the wooden-shoe
dance, and. altogether, the
show 1. one of the best the company
has put on during Its 17 weeks' engagement.
All the delicacies of the season at th
Portland Restaurant. Fine private apart
ment, for ladles. JOS Wash, near sth at.
Infantile Paralyala.
The danger of babies getting this
dread disease Is very much eliminated
if freeh air and careful feeding have
been employed to keep up the baby.
The power to resist disease with a
baby t generally In proportion to care
ful attention In these matters. So far
we have no record of a baby succumb
ing to Infantile Paralysis that has been
fed on cow's milk modified with- DEN
Stan wood Receives Office.
ington, Sept. 19. (Special.) Orrln C.
Stanwood has been appointed postmaster
at Alene. Lane County.
all ii i ii i.ii ii iiimiu (in inn iwiia ;i in
r Sbciete
ml l
''f TV
u l i' T!f," y.-Tl .wiiii1". J W-Jhil ' f :'
Tou will admit advertising with
actual typewritten circular letters ha.
become a commercial necessity.
Time and expense are prohibitive to
having the work done on typewriters.
Investigate our "Planotype." with
which you oan print actual typewriter
work, and also prlnfc from printer." dis
play type and electrotypes, circulars,
office forms, notices, statement., re
ports, etc. at the rate of 2000, or more,
copies per hour. '
All copies are alike and perfect. Ton
j, v. - -v when vou want It and
U IHO w - ..
print just as many copies as you want-
no waste. It win ao as mucn uu ,
good work as 100 typewriter operators.
The setting of type Is as simple a. put
ting children', blocks in rows. Machine
Is simple In construction, easily oper
ated and very durable.
Commercial Stationers, Office Out
fitters, Printers, Engravers, Book
let Makers and Bookbinders.
Dr. i
Tooth Povdsr
neutralizes the destructive
acids of the mouth cleanses,
preserves and beautifies the
teeth, and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
A Bright
is in store for those .who per
severe and keep right on sav
ing money.
Success will surely come to
those who follow this rule.
We . cordially invite you to
come in and open an account.
4 per cent Interest Paid
On Savings Accounts.
Accounts of $1.00 and up
Porllani Oregon
Open 8 A. M. until 5:S0 P. M.
Saturdays until 8 P. M.
Hotel Colonial
cinsbrnn ct ahnvn Sutter. Select f amllv 110
room hotel. Every modern convenience.
One block from shopping and theater dis
trict. European plan. 53.50 a day. American
plan. $3.00 a day. 8uttervt. cars direct irom
Ferry. "
Will not "stand up" in this moist climate. They
will warp and split. When you buy a desk buy
one that will last a lifetime, and one that will be
marketable if you wish to sell it '
Let Us
Show You
j- SUMS.
- . v,: -v'M j.
and Veneered
There IS
a Difference
We Must Have Space for Incoming Stock
Office Furniture and Appliances
Printers, Lithographers, Blank-Book Makers, Map Engravers
The TH0R Electric
Home Laundry Machine
will wash your clothes
better in less time at a
lower cost. Washes and
wrings at the same time by
-This wonder working
machine has solved the
servant girl problem in
thousands of homes. It
will do the week's washing
for a family of six to eight
in 90 minutes at a cost of
3c It is the only machine
with a 3 -roll reversible
wringer. 1 i
1 Tha clothes an placed Sntideof tKe self.
Teversing cylindereach tune tho movement
u revened it ipreada the clothe into a new
portion that they cannot pouibly pack
into a wad. The nnface of tha cyiindef
iniide and out is poiuhed a smooth at glut
do rough edgot, thnp comets, paddle oc
projection of any kind to teat oc fray tha
clothe. Thk i tha bigcjett tep made in
laundering in tha lut 25 yean ao othet
machine hat this big advantage.
The THOR it absolutely sanitary. light
panning and noiseless and Tout clothes will
last twice as long. It can he operated from
any ordinary electric light fixture. Made in
different size adapted foe aay house or
or apartment.
Free Demonstration.
Call and see tho THOR in operation
free demonstration daily. In calling, you
obligate yourself in no way. At least investi.
gate NOW. .
I -j
Uncle Sam is fromv
He mu9t be shown
he insists on inspecting
every step in the mak
ing of our whiskey.
We show him
that's 'why he
ttood old.
Bottled In Bono
Since 1857, the Government's Standard of Purity.
Bend for a free copy of "Makinfr the Standard
Rye Whiskey of America".
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