Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 20, 1910, Page 14, Image 14

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    . s
" ; I " - ,. rr. a.
WANTED At.l-bTII'll mew ' -
Maitae Cot-pa. betsssea tha
U. muse t native bra or B,;J,
tare as. ellcml lt(nlUM fr""".' J ,.n7
years- mki -.Ire with "", I
of par ed aHowan- : se 1 on
and In a. I tr of the world.
I IT. . Marin, dtp. If-rjuin Offi.
PiTeen b. '-.. 84 Bud WaaciW-g'.
Vice-Pres. ucul U "". or HJ
r. '. cit Kiuitr. . Ior
t"'.. ,
LARirG Frttlsn Columbia land corporation
wishes t. e.-.icas wrn.-f f go.i. fori-f-l
u.Kmaii miiiiiir of o"Tc In an
other city. This i a very prtitaMe "-l-iectlon
Uh r.,i: cmrr'- position
anouid b T'h f:-w to -"- rr yr.r
f r a ".ret-claa mui Will cooaMter only
"Sigh -el . eem -r.. well r'' r'nt m r n ' -. J
w. I uit. xipt. ..I aaeBt. -loo cban.ier of
hKN WANTED An M S3-, for "-"".
$l""" momh.y. an 4 brakemen. I "-
nearby ri.rooda titwrnoci uniwcwT !
ao sink, promollua to engineers, con
diiclora Railroad empioylag bea'quT-m-w
utrr 6' man n to positions
monthly- Ptais . ' stamp. Kall
wny Aaoltlon. cirs Orcgonlaa.
V t; WANT live mn itli omr rapitaJ
to j un our l-id avii.ii.-atr. n.n trf.u .an
pr.Kl i. r. ae arir Incorporatt-d an 1
h nr.r tra. :a f lan. I. Iniprovr.! an'l I- r work. th.-y t- sur divided
nn.l told in aiTl.i 'r lota: suaranlaa ur
j n.'oulon; rrf. rrncea ra4Ulivd and slvrn.
Jdr.N hicn sradr auita Juat arrived: drum
n.'fa ni--!-a a. id ju inufactumra" unp." :
... to .... va.u.i r.r l-v;.. t-i to '
vjlita f.-r lI.Ti How do I do It? Tnai a
i ; r.o b.C prolua f.T hlKh r-'tl; wif .-
r rent .a or s.i.i n nionth. Jlmmis
!".n. room 4o--onian I'ldn.
W A.VTtlv l ooka. a.tfraTbutrhira. a hm-lr
m n tnnt un-l": iol runnni aim. I
toiler, tnrpent. r. rej.airera. ft... to Join
luflvlo llll's Wild rl, ...mblnrd Willi
fno lll ls s'at Kar riaal; a wi op
portunity to a. the East. Inqulrs oo
a.-'.tin is.
KK-VL. r! flrrra or s-il -an n to ael! oritl f.nj-. e I dirv--1 rortra.t U't
1 rer cert r-.Txirf.-n: ..- worth of
rrlr:ls rra.t.'..y f I veil away s lnlu.
at u pi.r . i "-..-. -! :l 'n S. p-,n;
run. r.-n ia um IMwI. betwevn 9 and
1' m-irttraj.
TVAVTtD- A yom, man ta a.-t aa
irm and ivaru t.-is ral antato luamcoa.
..oa m-.nry no and an sx-tilrnt utur.
t ..11 t. t.-n and .1". it loalbea, o,;7r
Mr. Cirton Jno. S-irrkt) it Co-.
a-h t . .-or U .t?i:nitton. ,
. ilK.N' to ear oil waaltd at onoa
for aerrtr'.- raiwny nt..rrtin and con-lu-tor.
to A nior.lh; no. M-,rM.t
r .eatrv: fl-i.- o; ;-t ; n stnaa Writ
Irnrre.-.LATely f--r ai'tu.atKin bULOIt. AdJrras
X ."...'. r.tre .-f F-r:4nli-l TeironUn.
TtA-NTEI" ilrn at le Anaelea: a- aapaaaa t
le.vra tra.le r:e:lrlc;:y automooilea. plumb
Ire. bri k it by actual work, contract
J. la; faw moiitlis resulrad: 2" studants
laac year; calaoiua frca. Lnltl TraJs.
bc.v Contra.-tins Co.. Ijfm Anrl .
TrKH WfTitUa IH np-nlns for man with
f unity and a f-w hundrad dollar; havs
I.irae to,lii brar Tortland to ts
Unrn cure t: l a soo.1 proposition
f r ir. a r.uht man; r fer. nc. V ooLi. . ire-
IF" you ar o..t avtljaned velta y.wir aa.mry or IE la our buatr.aas to h'lp yon:
wrira for our new rstalosus INTERNA
AMer at., rortlatid. i.T trpan s P. M.
IIII.KB neat-atn"artr.r yoc nn. familiar
win cTly to ntj ..n Nir.aa and b.n..
rv-ujHS e.d orcmtfad.4l C..I between ar.d
I" A M. or S and F. M . room 3. 3iV
A..WF at, .
M 0 V I v- f li TVK F. OPERATORS
Karn J : .'. to 140 weekly; you can learn
lu'nu la anort time, terms to eult.
.V.-w York School of M. y. Opanuiss.
Waahinston St.. pear lTth.
f-ri'LV LAW r'ail term opeas Jaondae. Sept.
le. ta d.iy an! evenlra sraat.wa li:TlA.X r
I. AW fi. 'fl'e.L. tl.'tl U'oroeKter bAix-k. PfaTeS
! -.rar..JTM Hone? A JHe.
rTKM'ilHA. HKK for lumber company In
It -l loan. m. e ofi. s..d pay and pro
reotior : cal' todav. L'.'mrnrrc ml Abstract
o.. 4" A'ommerclaJ t'lub
OXI'f'IU) TAll.oK.-i. 1 SC.
Ill 7TH rT. A.M ALl'KH.
T' 'I N' man for order and billing desk In
w.i.a;.; house; must ba good panman
and accurate at bjcuros. J s4o. Ora-
RrLlAFlUK pinner wanted, with $v. In
a ca-vh business, to wait on customers,
e'o. . will pay 111" s iionth eaa. I'ar-
uNrs. I1T Hoard of Trade.
VATr.L Al:ar.t forvman who can taka
t-i ...nja of ba.k Mire lathes all J do ths
kri'e aTtralitlg. OTeV Chair Co.. 1 18m Hac
t ljrn t.
j7aTi7w"aT m.vil .-lerka. poatofn.a clerks
ar.d carriers e.amlnvtlon In November;
sa.ary up to l-.'": free book 20. Pactne
S ates te.-hool. M. Kay bids.
V'l N'i man as assistant J-tnltor with ,K"
ref. renrea; muat ur-.i rt .ind how to clean
wiidowa Apply K.iatvrn outrlttlca; Co..
1'lh an J Vaaalnslon.
J.AIiWAYme!l elerka. Portland sxsmlna-
.-ns November J. !.( to sibeo. Prepa
ration free. Frnkrln Institute. OepL, Sis
T Hoehesr.r. X. Y.
WAN V t- D T wo flrst-.-lAas wallers. Apply
111 X". nth St.. 11 Jt. M. and 2
V M.
U A.1 Several cat:n.tmairrs and fur
riture packers. Af.ply oreaon Furnltures
!: Co-. 1 -14 Msru.'.am lload.
j FEB MONTH Learn telesraphy; day and
rrrnlRg ewstons. -l'ractlca," 3rl lltast-,
fnr. I...4 nr.
fiT."''s. s-vles-nen: call mornlnss 200 Cham
ber of Commerca bl'ls. lu.iulra for Mr
20 rham-
a 1 1'I.L.K- AOKO man npd wife on farm
near city. Aplv lt-i E. Utfi sl Take cell
v .iocl car
ST'li'lv salesman, mariufacturlnc propoel
tp.n. full mornuiKS Mr. Brown. 00
t'hamher fommerce bMs
W AN TEl Hrlrht ..rtlce boy with some es-
perlen.s for wholeaalo bouse, fct 34. Ore-
WaVTKH An exjerlenced w.ndow trimmer
and rardwriter. Apply ilre Hive, 171 Thlril
v ANTr fiaker-s help- r on bread at onre.
I.oyal flakery. Vancoovcr. Wash.;
W isMneton su
Til l v frst-la-s tailors to work on ladies'
varments. Apply E. Ourne. 40s Mohawk
iNI-. rpenlr-s; for j'urj maa: eTperieocs un
r.e. iaj-y. wltn s-t referenoe and small
c-.;-ital. Ir.q-jlra 3r iVaar. Inat-n. r.m 41 i.
A PKNTIaT for ib-.irtaa l.H-atl-.n; no op
pos.tton. Tail Woodard Jk C.arke. 2th and
i.Y a-inted to learn the tinner's trade. Ap
p'v a 3d st. North.. b.-t. Ankeny and
t A i'KK 1 KNCE1) stenorrapher. young- man
prrferrs.L Apply t'.srk at Wilson LamtH-r
' o panv. I.ini.tor r.
ANTt:o AT ON.'E Thr.- rriaht errand
boys, nriout Id eurs of are. Apply Mar
aa:l Walla Hardware Company . '
MAN and wife for general hou-vework and
S w!f must bs good cook. Ad
drras si Ull. oreonlan.
yol Nii man who understands typewriting
and crr.-e work. alemil. 7th andsOak
nt. afternns-
W.VNTKli Co k ant wife (helper. Merrill,
Ttn s-id t'nk. aftem-Kn.
1 il iT.x 1 1: APH coupon and portrait SKerits;
r-w otTr t'utter-.h slu.llo. Oekum l.lrli..
MAN wante.l. teacher, N. 6th at. Peter
. I'uppaa. Pt-iore vj-vin J'.'s'X -
Tl A.VTVn !.. b-n over l.V Asply s 30 iny tn-rrlrr. r -fr ilj Fectrlc bi.I.
l.oYS to learn the fur lue-.nea; age 111. 11.
g. I.lebea at Co.. --.- Morrison at.
rtL.-ireK;l TlliUATRKAI. EXCILAN..K.
only bona (!.'. b. k.r.g office In PorCind
ha opeAtriKS for vaudeville acta, dramatic
rv-ople. artUta In a.l lines: special atten
tion given to cafes and club entertain
ments. Want chorus women for Ins
two comnaiues lust crrantim : drsmtic
people ail lines wanted for ato.-k: sketches
written and rehe.rse.l. majtuarrlpts for
royalty pla.-s furnushed: have i.ot rlrhts
Tor soma or ins taien r-urunnK r-ee me
f-r everything In the line of amusements.
t...-k a.1 IT'I-pe:id nt houses on the;
I'ulaif.-r's Theeurlval .Exchange. Marquam
AIAK3 wrmi.g sioriee) r newspapers;
big p l send f-r free booklet : bow.
t'r.itel Pr.e- Svn.l..-t. fctan Frsnciacev
JANTT'"'R WAV! KrvM ii and wife, for use
r furn.-rhe.l spartmcnisx R. Hth and llllsan.
Trio- H 1 1 ? .
w v VT r.i
-i-rf I
pupils tn
X s.
1T1.-K IKAi'HHU' AiJioCiATION. ail Swsl-
I1LE.SMENT1M Ootum-te Uft TZl
(Vrorainy have as op-ain for f J .
InKlin eoil.Mt . If too bsve "
inno la lit. lus-ranc y- 7"'"
t. echo.,. .4 .art mlrnl -L-r. """","
o ...i ImSITIoNS for graduates last y-ar;
m.a and women to learn tarpcr trade in
. weeks, help to secure promotion; gradu
ates earn from flo to $Jaeweek.y; expert
ti tru.-iun. free, writs for cata
lonuea. Mohiv-r System Colleges, liS
N.rth 4tri St.. Portlsnd. Or. e
HTtl.p W A TET F1CMALE. HCLr w A.i t. JiJm- I " " - l i I Aputnmu. :
WANTED Younf ladles for telephone oper
srors; with or without experience. Apply
The panfjc TelephoreS aV Telegraph Com
ran. t.lh and East Ankeny sts.. or West
lark and Alder sta.
It ..u were solng to buy an automobile
or sewings msrhine. you would surely got
tis Istest and most up-to-date make.
Why oot do the same when buylnr wssh-t-g
compound T Ask tor S-MINt TB
VEI. lo WAnill.N'tJS TOR 10 "E-,?-Aek
your grocer, or phone DS. B 1133.
a. -lilt- .-.Tippiy i o. . v
ilit: manaaer of a prominent company de
sires to get In touch with a lady of edu
cation, poeeeaeln more than uauai alol
l. and wno wishes to -get out of the
ordlnarj. restricted sphere of (Woman's
work; must be abl.-o travel If required.
H 4. Qregonlan.
GlttlJ to work In candy department. Good
wages, steady employment.
,12ih asd PavLs fits.
fAI.ESWOMr.N" for glove and hosiery neyvrt-
- - . ..i.,n n.i.l aalariea.
L-nn-n"a specially glove and umbrella store,
llorr.s. n st.. opposite Postoffice.
WANTED A convincing asjeslady to sell
property with merit tack of It; e.-ellenl
opportunity to make tig money. Cs'l t
tween and 4 it poasibl for Mr. Cirton.
Jno. p. Sharkey at Co.. li: .th St.. cor.
W sahlncton.
TEl.KHRAPH operator wanted: young lady
telegraph operator and office aealstan.:
duties light: give are. experience ami low
est salary accepted; out of city. R 341.
W A NTKP G iris for light clean work; muat
live with parents and have good references;
wages for beginners 15 a week, with oppor
tunity for alvaacement. Clarke-Woodward
t-..g Co. irh nni Hoyt M floor.
GIRLS wanted at Mt. Hood Phlrt ractory
2 1 and Couch sta.
W A N'T E P A middle-aged lsdy or widow
who wants a g'od home, llgnr noueew...
fair wnxea Mrs P. A Chsrleeon. II
East a.'.th au. corner Alder. Phone East
1-11. ,
' 4lh and Morrison Sts.
Keoulre the services of first-class ex
perien.ed millinery salesladlt-s. Ai'Ply lo
Mi ..MAN of good appearance and averags
Intelligence to devote nil or part Urns to
work which Is both agreeable and proflt
nhlo E 333. Oregonlan.
WANTED ilirl to asalat In stenersl hone-,
work; good home to riKht party, old
l'r..; e. t drive. Taks Portland Heights car
to Market st.
WILL, give high school girl good horns and
a- m nn-eey to aaelst In caring for two
.hildrcn. Kiel Northrup st-. bs. 3th and
-lb. West Side.
WANTED A competent and experlence-d
w oman for cooking and general house
work; beat of wages: must give, ref er
enres Call 133 E. -Bth st.
WB Tt-ACH la lies either millinery or dreae
makine in few weeks st too Boston S.-hool
of alii Imrjr snd Dreasmaklng. 274 V II. lams
at. Phone East 45.
M 1 l.LIN ER Y Reasonable, sensible, becom
ing trimming and orders, lirlng any old
material. bulls 217. the Lab be, S7H
W rovMngton.
V. A VI Kr ' Girl fur general housework: Fin
nan, riwedteh or Norwegian preterreei; no
children: a--- -d wagesv. Call H5l lotn su,
cor. Montgomery.
W'fcai'ER.N MANTLE CO. '
tM ilcHiLf ilKL wanted to assist with bouss-
work. small famllv. sear rugb, publlo snd
ralrioito svbooSL V2 bianton St. pbons Bast
OIHIU'ATE nurse wanted for srrall private
li.pltal. salary l..o ir month, hoard and
laundry: references required. Address Ar.
M. T. Ialton. .umu W'nah.
a.iUKN and girls wanted to work In fruit
cannery. Apply at East sth and Division
t-oilwood -l. A 34a. Holmes Canning
bWlTCHlvS mads. .c; ban 1 tar y Beauty Par
lors. 4oe-41i Dekum building; Marshall
WANTEP Experienced maid for two chil
dren; city references. 6.5 Davis at. O.
M Smith
1...1.1AHI.E womsn lo taks car of baby
afternoons. Call A 24-aa. 111 Franalln
St.. Willamette Heights
W ashlngtoB tit-, R oo m J14.
Main i-f or A 32iK.
WANTEls Reflned. capable woman for re
sponsible position. Yiavt Co.. lu0 Roia-
cr.lid bldg . 4:h and W ashlngton.
U1KL for generai housework and ccoking;
small ramlly of grown people; wages from
l..o to l l.V Apply 070 Hoyt SL
W ANTED Lady fitter and also a good skirt
. ........ I'.ulu oinnttlnv l-o at.l
W rtr h 1 n xt on St.
lilKL for geuersl housework; good horns
and good wages. Apple Boyd Tea Co..
A YOL'N'.t4 man wants to bs taught In dra-
maiic art suau ruvai muic e- o.d. urnjv
I HAITi.liSSra tout of clty. t2S: waiter and
waitress. e-Vi. fare paid. Hansen's Ladles
Anercy. 34) i. Waeh. St.. room T.
G1KL about Ik. to attend girl 10 years old
sfter school hours, 8---0 to 6. Al.ply hul
Dekum bldg.
"WANTED A nurse for two children. and
4 years old. Apply between 3 and 4 P. M.
717 Chamber of Commerce bidg.
WANTED Competent girl for general house
work ; must be good plain cook; good wages.
1 U;4 Tnurman. Willamette Heights.
WANTED Womsn to assist In care of Invalid
ar.d light housework; good sVage. Call at
1-yj Rtet 141B st. Phone East olt'.
GIRL for genera-! housework, good cook,
two In family. Call mornings. W4 Overton
tM'EHIE.Vi'ED girl wanted In confee-non-ry
and light lunches. 474 Wash
ington st.
ejlKI-S snd women st cannery of Oregon
Packing Co.. East bth and Belmont. Ap
p:y at once, phone East .
G1KL for general housework. 6o4 Ravens
view drive, PortUnd Heights. Main 7Uo.,
A mi".
L-Nl-r-lti r.Ne'EI) girl for cooking and house
work. In small family. - Apply b2S Mar
s' all- phone Main lum.
COMPETENT girl to do rooking where sec
ond Klrl Is kept; good waves. 6-M Everett
NuSit" SClleiol. for shorthaad. bookkeeping,
thiciish. arithmetic, etc.; enroll now. Xhs
H. il. V . iv W nrce-ncr bkck.
143'a Waaiilngton 6t C
la Upstairs.
Phons Mala
80 i.
8TK1CTLY flrst-clnss stenographer; . stats
- salary, phons. references. y Ill.s Ore
gon t an.
IV ANTED A young girl lo care for 4-year-old
boy three days a week, from 1 lo 0.
' Cn'.l 8lrt P-itton road.
EXPERIENCED girl for general housework
and cooking. 714 Irving. 4'hone Main t2AS
and A IIs- ;
TW'o young ladles for rifice work. Apply
. Wise Dental Co.. Falling building. Third
and Washington.
WANTED A girl to aastst in light bouw
work Apply ftl'S Davis St.
W ANT ED Ciirl for general housework and
cooking. Apply gl'i X.
WANTED A girl for housework, two In
family. Apply 3ott ltth st.. top flat.
WANTED A girl for general housework
iHevIs st.
WANTED Bindery girls,
tionery 'at Printing Co
Kilham Sta-
EXPEKIKN'CED sklrtmaker; rood wages.
45 fliedner bldg.
COMPETENT stenographer. salary S-0;
phone; references. F S40. Oregonlan.
GIIIL wTSTED Must be good " penman.
Apply Boyd Tea Co.. Jis Salmon.
FIVE girls ro learn beauty culture. Sanl
nrv lienuty Parlors. 4i-412 Dekum bldg-
til 141, for general housework, small f-.rr.ily
adults. 151 Hoyt St.. near 2')th.
WANTLD ilirl fr general housework, wall
4r. flasealo St.. from 1 to II A. M.
WNTFvO First-class seatrusLrsss to assist
tailor Apply 2a Morrison.
Y'i' N'.i girl wanted for a small -tmU)'. lit
Wayat at,. aL Clair, apt. 7.
, I . A,V 1 W.AXTKD-TO RE "N'T. 1 ' " REXI" ! " BEXI'
I WivTEn TrtDAT. I M 1 aocl lan rouA. I I
Cooks. I4. .
J waitresses, together, country hotel, 925
each. .
Waitresses. It to It per week.
2 chambermaids, country hotel. 25 ssch.
Marker In laundry. II : per week.
Chambermaid. :o to 130.
Companion for Invalid, -0.
Housekeeper. ' l?o.
Other good positions.
ladles" Department. 205 "s, Morrison.
WOMEN out of emplovment who have chil
dren to maintain write to the Children s
Industrlsl Home. Capitol Hill. Vancouver.
Wash. Ton can place your children there
In the best of csre at sctual cost snd
they will help you to secure employment
free. See notice In snnther column. Mrs.
R. 8. Brown. F. Llndsn Brown, Tro
prletors WANTED AT ONCE Egprriencecl ''
ladles for knit underwear ard hosiery de
partments. Roberta Bros.. 3d nd Mor
riaon sta
AMATEURS wsnted In ail lines; teach vau
deville and dramatic, write sketches arm
rehearse, under the direction of Vr?""
Mallee; If you have talent, will book y' u
have Coast rights for some of the latest
Eastern productions. Wsnted t all tm"j
goo.1 dramatic peopla Pulslfer s Theatrical
Exchange. Marquam bldg.
COMPETENT girl for general housework;
family of 2: modern apartment. rooms,
good wages; references required. Phone
Main --
THE MEIER ' FRANK PTORES---Halr-dresslng
and manicuring D-r'ors
operators Apply at superintendents ot
he, nth floor. S to 10 A. M.
WANTED A competent girl or om"' "C
rrmklng and general housework, small
family; no bibles: most give references.
Apply son Ahlrgton bldg
A'OMPETENT woman for general house
work: good wages. Apply 742 Lovejoy
st.. near 23d.' , t
REPINED, trustworthy young girl or wo
man to care for child; wages -0 with In
eresse. Phone Main 110. .
W I LI. give board and room to husband and
wife In exchang for wife's services a few
hours dally. 3'-'?Mlll St.
PIANO player for dramatic company, one
that will taka small part. AB 3, Ors
ronlan. EXCHANC.E girl, staying at home: must
have some experience. Drexel HotsL ?8v
Yamhill St.
AoT'NC. girl who would PPr'"-ti?,It,!, Si
home to care for baby. Phono Mln S3.8
or A 7734 .
GIRL to assist with ho-jsework. small fm-
II v. 1123 E. Alder, cor. 31th.
WOMAN to do light hour"rn,-"'-,t
In confinement nursing. Call B -W'O-W
ANTED 'Sir! for general' housework, 2 In
family. 77 Lovejoy.
KITCHEN helper lor boarding-house. 738
Hoyt at.
EXPER1ENCRD wsltress wanted at Hong-
kni lfe.l)LV h st Call after.10.AM
OIRLSwanted. Modern Confectionery Co..
13th and Hoyt sta ,
OIRLS In all departments. Independent
siinnrr t a. ui -s
w a n-t f n A girl for house-work, two In
iE-l"' Phon' t'" ',-0-
EXPERIENCED seamstress wanted, 149
Psrk street.
GIRL for cashier. Model Theater. .North
id st- Apply It o'clock noon. - .
OOOd" girl or womaa for general housework.
A pply S2 Kearney.
HELP wanted. Union Laundry Co.. 3d and
Columbia sts. .
Ail to saalat with housework; can sleep
noma jWU 14th St.. near Jefferson.
GOOD, plain girl for housework; no cMl
dren; good wages. 2l 'h St.. cor. Clay.
TWO experienced wsltresses Sergeant Ho
tel, Grand ave. and Hawthorne.
A LAUNDRESS by the day. Apply to Mrs.
C. H. I "II. vtri ano
GIRL to assist with general nouaewurk.
Apply 747 Ollsanjlt.
HeTpER on lsdl-s- coats. Hook. 21 Monroe
St.. Spokane. v as..
oikl wanted In small family to assist with
MgouiworkA pply 41.8 E. lit h St.. N.
GIRL for general housework. tall 330
Weldler or phone East 11I.
GIRLS WANTED. Apply Troy Laundry
Company, -oi case ..-.-
WANTED -0 lady agents; good pay, easy
work. Grand avenue.
OIKL for housework, three In family: nice
room. Thone East i'H4 3Q E l"lh St.. N.
TEACHF.RS for Mlaalon School. Apply 2itl".
Second St.. 7 o'clock P. M.
WA 1ST coatmakers and apprentices. 302
Tllford bldg.. loth and Morrison.
HELP WANTED for ladles' tailoring. The
West mlns tcr. mn ano
WANTED Young girl for doctor's office.
Apply SB. t-iecvric a
WANTED Young girl, general housework;
will n to learn. B 1B34: Tabor 17B1.
G4RL for (ensral housework. 72 Hoyt.
APPRENTICES for alteration room; sal-
ary. r-1 1 --ii;eo. .... -
A tiiKL. to assist with housework. Apply tki2
Johnson street.
7"-ROOM modern, furnace and wash trays;
full lot. ;!-o erau.ei.i...-
GIKL for general housework. Inquire at
27 3d St.
gTrLS wanted as clerks at the 6-10-15o store.
2-H Washington st.
CH A M BBR MA I D. New Gra d Central Hotel,
4 and Flanders.
WANTED A girl for laundry work and
mending. prlvatfamlly Phone Main 1479.'
GOOD girl for Jlglr. housework, smell ramlly.
at n sin st.
CHAMBERMAID wanted. Alder Hotel. 4th
and Alder sta
GIRL for general housework. 81)5 Marshall
st. t-hone Main 412o.
EcSONir In shorthand and typewriting by
Expert; t- s month. 2d 8 14th. Main 38
FIVE finishers on pants, also learners, steady
work. S3 Sth St.. room B05.
WANTED 1 experienced sowing girls. EL
. . AiUt Mohawk bldg.
for geoeraJ housework,
3. s m in l-
A l-ADY to cars for child, at her home. Y
8a. Oregonlan. '
WANTED A girl for general housework
gooa wages iiiu aoo" m....
NUR3I50IRL. over 17. Call 3S5 Haasalo
cor. orana ave.
t; . ou Home for schoolgirl. Phone E ast 1 3d.
WANTED A good cook. 403 eHolladay ave.
Hook-keepers and Clerks.
BOOKKEEPER. 20 years' experience, fa
miliar with up-to-date systems and thor
' oughly acquainted in all branohes of of
flee work, city sccountant and other ref
erences. AJ3 33o, Oregonlan.
1 RST-C L-VS 3 machinery salesman and en
gineer wants position that will keep htm In
town; ten rears' experience In electrio and
hvdraullo goods: also gajajllna enginea. Ad
dress A. Barclay. 747 Clinton St. .
lUSITION by comitent suiierlntendeiit or
foreman on any kind of construction work,
city preferred- Address A. Barclay. 147 Clin
ton st.
"EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. r rrespondlng
fluently In German and French, wants po
sition: best of references furnished. R
33N. Oregonlan.
ASSISTANT shipping e.utrk. experienced in
export, customs, bills of. lading foreign),
and general office work. W 338. Orego
nlan. '
WANTED eBy capable young man. position
as clerk, timekeeper or collector; good
. references. Must be fair salary to sturt.
N 34e. Oregonlan. .
POSITION wanted ' by Industrious young
man. experienced In bookkeeping and gen
eral office work; good .references. AB 33U,
'Oregonlnn. . '
"POSITION" wsnted by Industrious young
man. experienced In bookkeeping snd gen
eral office work. Best ell. references. AE Oregonlan. i
JOl .Nlf LAWVEH. law school graduate, da
al res to enter office of established Arm In
city; best references. 9 -22. Oregonlan.
TRAVELING salesman, sober, reliable, now
open for engagement for stsple line only.
Address H. R. 8- Box 28. Medford. Or.
EXPERIENCED salesman correspondent and
clerical man desires poslslon; let roe talk to
you. B 327. Oregonlan.
MAX. 3d. desires position with reliable firm
In office or outside; cash bond If required. C
322. Oregonlan. f
BOOKS kept, periodical "visits, hy account
, ant; moderate terms. AK 321, Oregonlan.
WANTED Position by experienced stock
msn. 3a:. will take chickens on shsres.
Call or addreaa C. E. Wright, New Scott
Hotel. Portland. Or.
R. with I years' experi
ence in both architectural and mernanw-al
wants posi tlon.
G 342. Ore-
ANY kind of steady work by" temperate,
strong, willing man; experienced Janitor,
J-auLy wlU too. D- lis, Orefoxuki-.
BY FIRST-CLASS engineer, electrician sna
machinist, place Installing machinery or
operating; 17 years- mill, woods ePJ
lence; rsn handle men and show results,
have gilt-edged references. E 34 ore
goitlan. .
REFINED German. Heidelberg student, with
office occupation, wants position In private
family to teach one or two boys German.
French, grammar, mathematics. c. Je'r
two hours dally. In return for comfortaDie
room scd board. AB 3.17. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED spartment Janitor, doing
own repairing, paper hanging. "a'om''l:
Ing. tinting, painting, o""'"" "-it.-!!?
or hot-air heatlnc. wants position; strictly
temperate. P 343. Oregonlan.
WANT w take charge of cattle rarirh this
Winter hv Raateen VOUng married man.
no children; experienced and fully
netenti not afraid to work. X 137
co in -Ore-
gonlan. --
CARPENTER, with tools: best city refer
ences, wishes steady place as handy man
around wholesale or other establish ent.
wages not essential. Phone Sollwood lt...
YOUNG man. attending Y. M. C. A., wm.ld
like work morning and evening to earn
board and lodging. Addreu. W 37. Ore-
rc nlan.
POSITION wanted as engineer or II re man;
stationary preferred: honest and atte-nd
strictly to bue-laess; can give reference. Ad
dress Mill City. Or.. Wert Lear.
FHINTBR Good, all-around country printer
wants pnetltlon on small dally or Rood week
ly; merrtrd: strictly sober. Ray D. Brown.
; Oregon City. Or.
WANTED Position by young man willing to
do sny kind of clean work. Address AN 34-.
YOUNG German or-uple want position on ianu.
otherwlss cam take care of a farm. Address
S3 . N.6th . . Port lend. Or.
STEADY, sober, married man. 85 years' ex
perience, wishes situation as sawyer or
filer In rotary mill. P 342. Oregonlan.
AN experienced fruit and stook raiser wishes
a farm to take care of; Is married and com
petent. Addre Esmond Hotel. . L. Lotmlin.
BOOKKEEPER. 10 years' good prnrtlrsl mer
cantile experience In the Eaflt. AM 340. Ore
SITUATION as engineer; can bandle any
kind steam-heating plant: 1 y?
perlence; refsrnnce. Phons A -MK'-
CHACFFEUR. sober and experienced. "";'
position; private family preferred. S 3.'o.
Oregonlan. .
YOUNG man. 28. with technical and me
chanical training, wants position. S 34J.
A-l PAXTR YMAN. 23. experienced, reliable.
cold meats, salads, fruits, wants work la
clty.orcountryR342. tjrenonlan.
JAPANESE young schoolboy wants position. O
341. Oregonlan.
WORK for afternoons, steady: Janitor or
porter or any kind. S 33S. Orenor. an.
snd careful driver.
position, experienced
V 83ft. Oregonlan.
YOUNG man wanu pultkm In boarding-house
or hotel at once. T. B. Marshall, lot", run.
EXPERIENCED Chinese cook wants po-
sltlcjifamlly. R 844. Oregonlan.
EXPERIF-X'CED hand box-nailer wishes em-
ployment. AN 840. Oregonlan.
CAKPr-NTh-K work, any kind, a a u oaa
tract. Phons Marshall 2327.
Bookkeepers and fetenographers.
EXPERT lady stenographer with type
writer and multlgraph. desires permanent
position; will use machines. Address L
312. Oregonlnn.
TOL'XG girl wants posill.Mi as ai-sl-int book
keeper; can use typewriter. O 33U. Orego
nlan. t .
EXPERIENCED, - competent stenographer,
with knowledge of bookkeeping, desires
position. At: S43. Oregonlan.
GOOD. experienced stenographer. some
knowledge of bookkeeping, best of refer
ences. Main 3127.
STENOGRAPHER, with e'x years' ex perl
ence. desires permanent position. E 332.
A LADY bookkeeper with knowledge of
stenography wants a position. Address
AJ 33-. Oregonlan.
LADY bookkeeper, experienced in real es
late. desires position. AC 314. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes position.
- Arl.lress AM 344. Oregonlan.
I ree makers.
DRESSMAKING, evening snd princess gowns.
.l to 312; also plain sewing. Suits 8, ooOH
Williams ave.
WANTED Plain sewing.
212 East 28th
street north.
bTYLlSH dresses. . up: waists. 81.40 up;
fine work. 521) E. Mill. East 62od.
vl'K.-4Ki.Y governors. North German. de
position. English. Oermsn. -muslo;
g.T.J releren.-ea. A-L 34. Oregonlan.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes mora cases, 10
years' experience. Preference reference.
Main S'lcs. ' ;
REFINED young girl desires position childs
nurse. 81 N. Mth St. Main 7440.
WANTED Position as housekeeper In pleas
ant home by intelligent capable woman
of 32; widower's family or club of gentle
men; best people only need apply. AD
1 34", Oregonlan.
COMPETENT German young woman of re
finement wants situation as working house
keeper In widower's home. S 337, Orego
nlan. REFINED widow wishes position as house
keeper. City or country. M. C. B.. Wood
stock. Or.
YOUNG widow with child wants place as
housekeeper; can give good references. AD
337. Oregonlan.
POSITION as housekeeper for gentleman
owning home In Portland. T 826. Orego
nlan. '
NORWEGIAN girl wants general housework.
Phone Main 3140.
TWO good girls wish general housework and
cooking. 410 N 28th St-
M 1 acei la neons.
WANTED By genteel middle-aged woman,
care of children or Invalid, "highest refer
ence from present employer. Address S 33S.
Oregonlan. '
REFINED woman, two children, will help
mornings for furnished hcusekeeplng
room.- or do eaay housekeeping. AD 328.
Oregonlan. ,
BY competent Swedish girl, to do cook
ing In a private family; also a girl tjust
arrived from the old country, to do up
stalrs work. Phone Main 4062.
MAN and wife want Job as cook and helper
In camp or on dairy ranch. Call or writs
J D S., 603 V Alder St., room 1
. GOOD, reliable laundress wants steady
work. Minnie. Main 49o.
GOOD cook and second girl would like to get
place together. Call at 6"8 Pettygrove st. N.
LADY wants work by day or hour.
Havlsr st. city.
FIRST-CLASS manicurist wants position In
barber shop. T 337.Oregonla-l.
IeADY would like to cook for party of men.
Address T S3U. Oregonlan.
AGEX'TS WANTED to soil an automatic
damper for stoves and furnace that saves
1-3 In fuel snd Insures the home from
all fire risks; simple, practical, cheap;
sells Itself; new device, and no territory
has been worked by acents; big money
made. Call or write Safety & Economy
Damper Co.. 440 Sherlock bid g.
.AGENTS wantsd Our excellent home
grown nursery stoca m o ....-.... . ..- -this
"season will be Immense; a flattering
opportunity: cash paid weekly; outflt free,
balem Nursery Co.. Salem. Or.
ACTIVE canvassers can make l.'n- weekly
selling trees for the Oregon Nursery Com
pany. Liberal proposition; good. territory.
Address Orenco. Or.
AGENTS wanted to aid us supply the de
mand for cholcs nursery stock; outfit
free: cash weekly. Address -Capital City
Nursery Co, Salem. Or.
ABSOLUTELY' new field, big commission ; pro
motion to successful canvasser.. 227 Lumber
LIVE agents to s
offer. Davis. 84:
ell photo coupons;
-, Wash. su
We furnish the renter, collect the rent,
pay. taxes. Insurance and keep up repairs,
the same for you as though the property
was our own; references, any bank in
243". Stark St.
Phones A 3500. Main 38.
WANTED for one year or more, furnished
house of 7 or 8 rooms, comparatively new.
In desirable location, for family of four
adults. Phone East 4637.
WANTED Two-year 'esse, modern bouse. Ove
bedrooms, west of ISth. south of Qverton. or
"Portland Heights. Prefer unfurnlstied; small
family, AM. 323. JJregonlan. t
jT ONCE 4 or -room furnished cottage or
Tat." not too far ottl, psy 825. Phone Mar
shall 2472. '
WANTED By young couple, smsll fur
nished house or apartments; no chUdxea;
not over 30. Et Mil
WANTED To rent suite of living rooms,
centrally located, by two reputable par
ties; references exchanged. T 33S, Orego
nlan. -
WANTED at once. 6 or 6-room cottage,
nlshed. AE 335. Oregonlan.
LADY wishes room .where can do light
housekeeping. R 335. Oregonlan.
TrV'ANTED'permanently. three or four-room
furnished apartment, modern, for Oct. 1.
have two babies. Write to room 341. Ho
tel ftamapo. .
Rooms With Board.
GENTLEMAN wishes Arst-rlass. board and
people. Particulars 328V Wash., near lit",
room In private home or select hoarding
house West Side. AD 33tf. Oregonlan.
Furnlsueu Rwaia
Corner 4th. 860 1-y.or.
and Alder sL "" .th.
These two beautiful new hotels Juat
completed and handsomely furnished, pos
sess every modern convenience including
elevator service and private telephone ex
change. Both are right down town, yat
Just off all carllnes; about half the rooms
. in each havs private baths, all others hot
and cold water. Tho rates ar surpris
ingly low. call ai.d see them ana you
will be pleased In every way. , Rooms by
the day, week or month. .
8eventh and Ankeny Sts.
Our many guests have found the best.
And friends they tell a few. . ,
If you would have a peaceful rest.
And cheerful thoughts renew
6o hurry, Mr. Traveler, it's.
YOU. .
12-1 luleventh St.
a.- win brick building.
heated, private baths, hot and cotd water
In rooms, beautifully furnished, cosy and
comfortable. Kates very reasonable. C-OJ
and see ua. Rsfular and tra-ls
HOTEmLi SARGENT. Cor. Grand ava. and
Hawthorne. Phons ;
l, connecting overy room. Private baths,
elevator, first-class grill. Spocial rates oy
week or month. Amerlon or Europea
Transients solicited.
ROOMS for rent The Elm Place, 414 Yamhill
st has changed hands. Hot and cold run
ning water, -learn he-.t. electric light, rooms
with private balti.
YOUNG WOMAN would like to share aart
mcnt with girl or will room and board
her. Terms reasonable. On carline. Lall
phone B 1-570.
HOTEL L Ml-lAita.
Washington sad 17th. Urst-ciass furnished
rooms single or en suite; all modern oos
vlscea; 83 weekly up. A 2647. M. 6o47.
813 Oak st. corner glxtn; la a, light,
airy rooms, elegantly furnish ad; aleoula
lights, running watjowrites
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, opp. Portland Ho
tel 3-0 Yamhill: nrst-ciass furnished
rooms, single or en suite, modern, sou up;
transients solicited. Main 31. A 7177.
THul HAZEL Nicely-furnished, steam-heated
rooms, with running water. Bsi 3d aL.
cor. Montgomery
luLl-HN outsida roocs. to pr wees.
including baths; also housekeeping room-.
648 "4 Washington art
THB BEAVER. 12lh and Marshall sts., well
lurnlsbed sleeping rooms, per week;
eltclria lights, hot baths free.
I'nnUshed Rooms In Private Family.
TWO sell furnished steam-heatod rooms, con
nectimr- first Iloor: oatn. pnone, waiaiu-
distance, moderate; gentlemen preferred.
LARGE, well furnished front room In re
lined, private home; furnace heat, fire
place, etc.; central; reasonable to gen-
tlemen. A 56-'li. '
FURNISHED or unfurnUhed rooms, all mod
ern conveniences. Phone between 7 and
B P. M. Tabor 2H10. A 3013.
PORTLAND Heights, one large, light fur
nished room, good view, with porch. -SU
21st St.. between Clifton andMurtal
FURNISHED rooms, furnace heat, bath,
eleotriclLy. Gentleman. 70 E. 11th near
WELL-FINISHED large front room, bath,
telephone, heal and llghta, 812.50 per month.
4'sj Couch, corner tftn
kicklv furnished room suitable for
ultable for two;
21st, near Wash-
per month, oo rv.
NICELY furnished room, for gentleman,
with 'all modern conveniences in nice Io
cs 1 1 o n al-lng4istai-eeI"7jC
! ;,'EW'LY furnished outside modern.
' walilng distance. Main 7S15. 624 Flan
ders. WELL-FURNISHED clean, light attio room.
405 West Park. Main 4781.
ciEAS rooms, healthy, phone and bath.
walking distance. 262 12th st.
EXCEPTIONALLY pleasant front room for
one or two gentlemen.. East 3656.
LARGE front room for 1 or 2 gentlemen,
reasonable. 8B 11th at.
LARGE front room for 3 young men,
or without board. 385 " Mill.
26 NORTH 17TH Desirable rooms, running
water, walking distance; $3 per week up.
NICELY furnished rooms, rent reasonable.
4D3 Montgomery st.
DESIRABLE front alcove room, furnace
heat, suitable for two. 212 11th St.
NEWLY furnished room, steam-heated,. run
ning hot and cold water. oti4 Flanders.
FURNISHED room with board for two gen
tle menlpr:week; 51JamhJl
ROcTm at 440 6th St. Main 4538.
Cnfnrnlsbed Rooms.
THREE unfurnished front rooms for
cheap. 128 E. 20th St.
Rooms With Boara.
PORTLAND Women's Union, 2Sd yeir. room
with board, use of sewing-room and library.
610 Flanders. Miss Frances N. Heath, aupt.
THE CALVARD. 4o2 Morrison st.. corner.
Rooms, single or en suite; modern con
venlences. NORTH Portland hotel. 734 Suffolk, open
Monday, lath. Room 31.00, with board,
34.25. American cook and waitresses.
Rooms With lioardln Private lauiilj.
NEWLY furnished rooms with board; lady
teacher 'or stenographer preferred; prlvata
family: every convenience, close in. Phone
East 3811.
TW J nicely furnished rooms, with' or with
out board. In private home within easy
walking distance. r-none cast
'1 v-i o nice light rooms, 12 minutes walk
from Oregouian bldg. Will give break
fast and dinner. A 2747. 5C- Main st.
PLEASANT front room with alcove for two
gents 842, for three 800. All modern con
venlences. 470 Main st. ;
SPLENDID rooms, with board, close In;
good home. 644 B. Alder. B 203L
-WANTED Two young ladles to room and
board in pnvave
WANTED One or tw-o children to -boards
private family. P 341, Oregonl an.
FINE front room with board for two people:
bath; Id each. 281 11th at. Marshall 82083.
PLEASANT rooms, choice board, for busl-
ness people. 712 Hoyt st.
Cor. Grand Ave. and Stark St,
Now fireproof brick building, beautifully
furnished, two and three-room apartments,
nrlvate baths, wall beds, larue ciothea
closets phone E.
bLAN-iilK Just opening, new fireproof
brick, large light hall ail outside apart
ments; automatic elevator, electrio dumb
waiters, hot and cold water, private bath,
steam heat. 82a N. 2Qth. cor Lov-Joy.
6T. CKOIX Apartments. 170 St. 'Clair su
Bear Washington. Two and three-roo-a
modern apartments. Fins residancs l.a
ticn. P.easouabls rent.
ON EON T A APTS. 187 17th. soulh of Yam
hill ;W. car at depot. 2 and .-room fur
nished suites, hot and cold water, ties
noBas.bath. Main 4087. A 47-4).
6th St.. 4 squares above p. o. ; family ho-
tel. private baths and telephones; - trail-ei-nts
solicited. -
One apartment for .rent on top floor; ele
vator service. 69i Lovejoy st." . near 21st.
BOZ.ANTA Newly furnlshesd 3 and 4-room
apt., private phones and strictly modern;
Md near Johnson st.
Marlborough 6-room' unfurnished," 21st
and Flanders. Nob Hill district- Main 51.
6'fAf'LEY APAKTMENT3. 7ul Washington
Mrs. T. D. Hughes. Modem j ana 4
eootrispatments; every convenience.
and Belmont; terms reasonable;, both
phones. Dr. Darling.
UT CLAIR 714 Wayns et ; modern slx-rooa.
jjiarlm"'! $w fbat Mala 4Qnx
The finest, most modsrn brick apart
ment house. Just completed: everything
first-class; all otside rooms; apartments
of 2, 3, 4 and 6 rooms wita all the laLest
conveniences: situated In the finest resi
dence part of the city. Lucretia st., near
Washington, between 22d and 23d sta
Apply to superintendent apartment L
488 Clay street, second house frum 14in,
the only modern completely furnished 2
room aprtment-house in the city; house
aiid elegant furniture brand new: Just
opened for business; steam heat, e.ectrlc
lisht. hot and cold water In every apart
ment; private phone, bath; walking dis
tance; "f2u to 82S. including electric light.
Marshall.' 2074.
New brick apartments; every con
venience; 2, 3 and 4 rooms; furnished or
unfurnished; sotith side of Lovejoy St.,
near 22d. See Janitor, or
Room 1 Worcester Bldg.
Ph,one Main 7391.
HEINZ apartments. 14th and Columbia;
blocks south from Morrison sc. : new brick
building, completely first-clas; iuxnlsed
In Z 8 and' 4-room family arartmenta,
private bath reception hall, steam beat,
hot watetr. "elevator, free prone. Janitor
service; rent from 328 per month and up.
sts. New brick building, 3 and 4-room
family apartmeTits, electric elevator, steam
heal, disappearing beds, private bath
rooms, free phones, etc ; rent 125 to 350.
FOR RENT 829 Thurman St.. bet. 27th
and 28th; fine car service; flat of a
rooms, modern conveniences; rent $25
per month. Inquire W'akelield. Fries As
Co., S3 4lh St., Henry bldg. Nothing on
the West Side like it for the money. Wiil
be ili'-t of Octo ber
6-room. new, modern ilats, just completed,
on East Salmon between E. 12th and E.
14th sts. Kent 3'J.
2o0 Alder st.
FOR RE-ST7 83".
Flat of 5 large rooms, thoroughly modern,
very sightly location. Phone Main -vol or
call 15u Third St., near Morrison. .
FOR RENT Modern upper flat, 4 rooms,
and bath. 3-8 Ross street- Rent in
cluding water, 322- Call at 33u Ross
streeu Phone Main 2114 or A 7522.
$2S Modern 6-room lower flat; good furnace,
fireplace, etc. 6.'.9 Pettygrove, near 21st.
. Main 3176 or 21o0.
NEW 6-room upper flat, all modern conveni
encee. Including fireplace, -0. 6th sad Ore
gon sus.Phone 3ast 242.
NEW 6-room flat, nice porch, fireplace, fur
njee, etc.; walking distance; rent 3o month.
Call 441 11th at.
PORTLAND Heights. 561 Davenport St., two
four-room furnished nats, 1-0 and 825.
P.hone A 17S6.
SIX rooms, upper fiat, just completed and
strictly up to date. Nartilla St., between
Salmon and Main. t
UPPER 5-room fiat. 471 W. Park et.;
modern. Inquire 4tS Park St.. near Jack
son. FOR RENT Reasonable, elegantly fur
nished fiat, piano included; one year. 701
Everett. '
NEW modern 7-room upper flat $30; near
Washington -High School. 163 - E. 17th
st. ; keys 165 hi. 17th st. Main 6779.
6-nooM fiat, attic and fireplace.
Northrup st. Main 322. .
FIXE 5-room upper
Phone E. 1S9S.
ilat. 344 ij Benton.
FOR RENT New fiat, all mciiern conven
iences. 18lh and E. Ash sts. Pnoue B 2Q0d.
SWELL new upper flat, near 8:h and Tilla
mook. 475 Tillamook st. Tel. C H'-5.
3 FURNISHED flau-, 3 rooms; also 4 upfta!rs
room3 at 81 East 1-th South. a
LOVKLV new 4-rooin ilat lis. EaL 5, B
FLAT of 5 rooms and bath. 588 Salmon st.
Key 600' Salmon. ;
4-ROOM. steam-heated fiat; modern. Cottell
Dru gCo
MODERN 5-room flat. Portland Heights,
uth and Laurel sts.
NEW, modern flat. 3 blocks east, end Steel
briugc. Phone w'oodlawn 1S58.
(JTrooM fla-s, facing Ladd s Addition, 820.
W-W car. 15th and Division g'-.
8-ROOM modern flau all conveniences. In
quire 225 Market st. Phone Main 516.
lluD-lt.N 3-room furnished flat. 3.-.3 oth st.
Houckeepilig Kc-otua,
THE- BEAVER.- 12th and Marshall Fur
nished tor housekeeping, gas range, elec
tric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, alt
lies: 15 per month up; a clean place;
best in the city for money; short distance
lrom Union Depot. Take ' S" car or loth-st.
cars north, get oft at Marshall st. No dogs.
WELL-FURNISHED hoiekeeplng rooms. 2 $8
month; 3. 813; lurnii-hed cottage, 4 rooms,
$ls- lower flat, 4 rooms. 16. 304 North 26th
West Side river). W car from depot, 6th or
Morrison to 26th, block north.
TWO three-room housekeeping suites, unfur
nished; electric lignls, gas. bath, pnone.
$18 and $1.2.50. 66 N. 21st, hear Washing
ton. ;. .
NICELY furnished housekeeping suites,
heated, clean and reasonable price. 117
18th North.
ELEGANT furnished housekeeping suite; clean
and weil-neaueu; very icwii-uk. ., -oust.
82 WEEK Clean, furnished housekeeping
rooms; laundry, bath, phone, gas, heat.
yard, clean linen. 4u0 Vancouver ave.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms in no
concrete bldg. Phone Woodlawn 29 T.
THE ELMS 2 and 3-room apartments, fur-
nlshed. 191 14th at.; transient solicited.
81 50 WEEK, clean fur. housekeeping rooms,
heat, laundry, batn. 20"- Stanton. V car.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 354
;i.l st. -im oa..-.
Housekeeping Rooms in Private jamily.
NJdWLAND Heights. 2. 3 or 4 partly fur
nished housekeeping rooms; gas. water
and phone. Address 488 21st St., between
C. if ton and Murtal.
63 N 20TH, just opening, elegantly and com
pletely furnished, for housekeeping, in
one. two and three-room suites; also thrce
room suite with private gal age
THREE elegant furnished housekeeping
rooms, modern, ground Hoor; corner 'ront
and Mead St., $24 mdrith. Inquire 6J2
407 HOLLADAY AVE., corner Grand, large
housekeeping rooms; everything ftrlctiy
El.EGA.NT suit, 3 complete Turn-sued house
keeping rooms. Gas. bath, basement; lo
mlr.ute walk. No children, 520 Kearney.
TWO rooms, furnished for housekeeping;
815; light, phone free, no cnlldren. llbJ
Hawthorne ave.. corner 38th.
TWO furnished, outside, clean rooms; gas,
electricity; no children. 565 Everett and
17th sts
THREE or four furnished housekeeping
i.i.m - . het torhra anrl
rooms, not Dam-. u.i.-o----
garbage Included. 405 MomgjmTery.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, mod
era. $10 month. 860 Colonial ave. Take
Ru-rseU-Shavor car north. .
LARGE front room, newly furnished for
housekeeping. Including bath gas and tel
eohone. 10. 211 Sherman St.. corner 1st,
FRONT housekeeping room , 'i,.n ,,.-;!c0,e
kitchen-, phone and batn. 1 b3 N.j
THREE furnished houack-reping rooms: also
single room, lower floor. 4q0 Yamhill.
"TiiKE.. pleasant furrusnea rooms, irlvalo
home, furnace heat. 680 E- Burnside-
IT--TWO pleasant front rooms for house
keeping; mo.rn and. close in. 3-4 14th St.
aTTTiTH-ST.. cor. Clay. laFge. light, con-
venient 4-room suite. .
iiou per week, 2-room suite, walking dUe- Call 294 llth st.
TWO rooms and one kitchen, newly fur
nlsned. every convenience. 105 N. oth.
TH"REEnicely furnlahed hou-"ekeeplr.g rooms.
ground floor. , 215 10th. corner Salmon.
ONE and two suits housekeeping rooms; jj
and $12.50 month. 682 Front.
OXE suite of housekeeping rooms.
WELL furnished front suite; gas range, etc.,
Ji per week- 509 Johnson St.
NEWLY ""furnished" 2-room apartment, fur
nace heat, new home. E. 1430. -'28 E. -0.
r.H REXT 12-room house. 275 14th St.,
cor: Overton. Hot and cold water In every
bedroom; fine neighborhood, modern con
veniences. Inquire 85 4lh St.. Henry bldg.
Wakefield, Fries Co. will give lease.
HOUSES and flats for rent; some furnished.
S. Vf. Cor. 6th and Washington jits.
NEW modern 6-room house. 10(58 E. Tm
. hill St., near E6th St., . 1 block from the
Sunnyslde car.
FURNISHED or unfurnished new and mod
ern bungalow. 5-room with harti, large
attic and basement. East Side. B 1287.
MODERN 0-room house. ' furnace and two
fireplaces, electricity and gas. No. 82 E
- 12th St. Call at room 301 Dekum bldg.
r aRGE. modern, six-room house. SO East
16th, North. Phone Sellwood SSO.
MODERN 6-room house. 801 Cleveland ave.,
$22.50. Fhon Wood lawn, lolti.
Home-hunters, visit our up-to-date rental
snd information department, 4th floor,
main building, and sec the vacancies ws
have listed of desirable houses and flats.
You'll save time in getting properly and
comfortably located. We keep In touclt
w-lth all vacant houses, flats and spart
ments in the city. We also ke-p a list of
new buildings in course of construction.
The combined lists of ail real estate
dealers. This Information ts absolutely free.
WHEN you move you'll need new furniture.
Buy it judiciously and the savings will ex
ceed your moving expeiu-es.
Our NO-KENT PRICES made us one of
the largest furniture houses In the cUy- in
two yers.
Lookers shown seme courtesy a.s bikers.
68-75 Grand ave., corner East Stark St.
East Ankenv and Rupscil-Snaver carllneg
Pass ouk door.
FOR RENT Cottage of 6 rooms, modern
conveniences, beautiful neighborhood. 204
North 24th St., between Kearney and L-ve-joy;
rent $30 per month. Inquire W'aka-fh-id.
Fries A Co.. Henry bldg- .5 4th st.
FIVE-ROOM house. 215 74th St.. 1 Vj blocks
from Montavilla School; 15 per month.
Phone Tabor 73."..
SiX-KOOM house, fine condition, Sunnyslde,
$25 per month; .".-room Ilat, modern, $!
per month. H 28t'7. Tabor S16.
MODERN 5-room house, furnace, combina
tion fixtures, up to date, $2250. Phone
Woodlawn 197.
6-ROOM house, $15. Eaft 31st. corner of Pine.
Phono East 4"18. or call 733 East Couch st.
FOR REXT Modern 3-room cottage, 711 E.
Ma'ln st.. -i 820. Phone Ea-t n4i'6.
Furni-hed Houses.
IN 1RVINGTON Partv leaving jslty wishes
to rent their elegamly furnished modern
8-room house with garage; beautiful china
and cut giass. brass beds, handsome ma
hogany furniture; near two cat-lines; best
of reference required; $S0 per month, ln
qiilre -P'S E. loth St.. North.
FOR RENT until June 1. elegantly furnished
6-room bungalow with piano and sleep
ing porch; 1 block from Jefferson High
Sehool. on carline. Call Woodlawn 27i'0.
1078 Albina ave., corner of Webster; no
children. z
FOR KENT to responsible parties, nice -ruorn
home on Hawthorne ae.; good
piano: will lease for year. B -867. Tabof
FUKX1SHED cottage' separate rooms, men
preferred. 40- Flint St.. near Russell and
Williams ave. Phone E. 5571.
MODERN 9-room house., attractively fur
nished, choice location. Nob Hill. 2.'3
21st st.
FOR REXT Finely furnished houi-e. 6
rooms, beautiful yard, to responsible party.
Call room 6-3 Lumber Exchange.
FOR RENT Modern furnished
house, four blocks from St. John car: ref
erences required. Phone Woodlawn 324.
EIGHT-rooni house, modern In every par
ticular, well 'furnished ; no children; ref
erences required; i;;i4 Northrup. A 3264.
NEWLY furnished vpper flat for rent to
couple who would board owner; referen
cea. 171 E. lth St.. near Belmont. .
FOR RENT 10-room house furnished, cen
trally located at 148 N. 18th. Inquire
75 1st St.
FURXISHED house for rent. 7 rooms, mod
ern, fine yard. 10r.7 K. 10th st., cor. Al
berta. Phone Woodlawn .532.
FURXISHED 5-room cottage, 7S Grand
ave. N. Call Sunday and evenings after
7 o'clock.
$40 NEW. modern 7-room house, new oak:
and mission furniture; on Hawthorne ave.,
close In. Tabor 2270. w
FU 11 N ISHED house October 1. at 350 Sal
mon st., Inquire 10S-110 4th St. referenca
6-ROOM and bath, modern, new, furnished.
11'. E. ni'th St.. near Alder. .
8 KooM lumislied house to rent for ons
year. References required. 768 Marshall at.
$35 Six-room modern furnished houee; lawn;
cozy. Key 2.yj Alder St. .
Houaes for Rent Furniture for Sale.
Furnlttire of 5-room modern, cottage;
rent $17. For particulars see
Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny.
5-KOOM Ilat, elegantly furnished ; moaein.
In everv respect: rent $-i.-0; near Hall
st. A 3667, A 1732,
FURNITURE of B-room modern flat for sale.
Rent. $J5. Call forenoon 295 llth. cor.
Columbia. '
COMPLETE furniture of 7 room.". corner
flat; West Side; clean, beautiful home, ready
for housekeeping. K 340. Oregonlan.
NEW fiat. Ladil addition, newly and Hand
somely furnished, fine mahogany ar.rl
fumed oak: must sell at-once. East 31"'.
FURNITURE of 4-room apartment, apart
ment for rent. Inquire manager, Madison
Park Apartment-house.
NEW furniture 21" rooms, new building.
best lease in city; must sen e. o..e-.
Call 265 Lincoln.
FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale cheap
close in. Call after M A. M. Monday. 1(6
Chapman, near Morrison.
SIX-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sala,
all new. 313 West Park, cjrner of clay.
Phone Mala 4175.
VERY desirable S-room house 752 E. Burn-
airle; household furniture cheap.
S-KOOM flat for rent, furniture for sale,
cheap; rent $20. 451 -4 E. Ankeny st.
FURNITURE of 7-room house. $225 if sold
101367 Oth st.
FIVE -ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sala.
593 Davis St. Phone A 5714. ,
oi-niiE for rent: fine location for a market,
in Irvington. at East 2Sth and Halsey sts ;
no market In all Irvington nearer than
Vnion ave : good location for both fine
cuts coarse meats: will change the store
room to make It a meat market. Owner
weekdays. 320 East Morrison st. Phons
evenings and Sunday. East 7-8.
vor RENT 4-story and basement brick
tore building. 80x105. southeast corner
Front and Pine. Apply Chester V. Dolph.
803 Mohawljldj"t- .
STORE ROOM in new building on Belmont St.,
suitable for a combination of dry-goods and
mllUnery; Phone Tabor 237.
NEW stores nearing completion, corner 22fl
' aid Thurman sta; low rents to good tenants.
"Apply M6Chamber of Commerce. -
rrbRET24x9"-t at 232 Larrabee st. Call
;va i. Washington St.. room 201.
$3e -LARGE brick store, suitable for drug
TuT. l,.mrer nalnter. etc. M 7157.
LARGE store building, cor. Williams and
McMllllan St.. cheap rent.
Fine location suitable for stationery,
-banking, real estate business, stc For fur
ther Information apply to
WH Onlr at..
Portland, Or.
SWELL furniture 5-room flat, nearly new.
rent only $25. Including steam heat, hot
and cold water and telephone service,
price $425, Call Drexel Hotel. 24d Yam
MhAjJor J. W. Corser.
FOR RENT Three fine office rooms on second
floor Lumber Exchange building. 2d end
Stark sis. Inquire F. B. Holbrook Co..
214 Lumber Exchanire bldg.
DE-K room for rent in nicely furnished of
fice, with telephones; no real estate men.
Apply 8lti t-iecinc oms.
DESK room and etery "modern necessity. Ill
quire 302 Commercial block, 2d and asn-
Ington. ;
FOR SALE Furniture for complete office;
all new; a snap, don't fall to look at
this. 206 Henry bldg.
MOST centrally located offices $12 and up,
all-night elevator service. , 303 Swetland
bin,., otn anil v -ami's .o...
WELL-FURNISHED light office or desk
roo ml pnone; rea.-eumoie. ..,oua..n. u.a .
OFFICES and public halls, Allsky building,
A sta '
FOR RENT A few offices In Couch bldg.
Call 803 Lewis bldg. ; -
FURXISHED office. phones. light. Janitor
service ar.d heat. Call 513 Rothchild blrig.
DESK room. 301 Merchants Trust Bldg.
4" TEARS' lease on 41 rooms in good brick
OUIIOIOH. .10 .... ' - ,
Y :t:!U. urfniii'iaii
FOR LEASE "Prackage; fine warehouse or
mfg location; also corner store room. 33d and
Broadway, ready Nov. 1. Albina. Fuel Co.
A SNAP 3-chair barber, shop if taken at once.
" 384 Hawthorne ave.
DANDY" grocery stote for -sale; living rooms;
cheap rent; no agents. AL 336. Oregon i an.
WANTED A party to back a No. 1 Inven
tion. AH 324. Oregonlan.
ONE-HALF interest in a well-established
grocery In the, city; open to the right
partv. W 33. oregonnn
GROCERY 750. with living rooms: aver-
e-t7 - Call fl t-ter-.r hlH.
age mo. J , -i - ..... . - - - . n
LUNCH counter for sale- cheap; can'"clear $o
day; living rooms. 248V. Stark st.
I HAVE' buys for clfrar, grocery and oon
- , --, -,oe-a AO- U-n-v KM.
ICUJ".', - - e.-..
1 -