13 tut: morning ohegonian, Tuesday, septejiber 20, 1910. TW Ton AT.. Farm for City Property 10-er farm. IS mil- fmm Port land. In Tualatin Va;i-y. about "P land. j bottom. All rl-h .nil. frr from rocks; "0 rm In cultivation. 3 acrra bavrdnm rll: good orchar-1. rhfap noun, good tarn, so ac rfg " timber, on bank of rtvr. Prl-e $1-5 pr acr. tt'li! take rMence In I'ort- land. Kant cida preferred. Grussi & Zadow SI7 Board f Trad Bide 4ih and Oak. Acreage Bargains Convenient to Portland, by goM ' roads and elect rie linos. Any size tracts from 10 to 70 r res Price and terms rii?ht. L 6. DAVIDSON, P19 CharnrW of Counmerre. VH.W ROOM HOL'SE. S7tr nd Salmon streets: f 3V; one-third cash, balance tfrmi. Parties fin rhooas their own palming aa tint- RF.AL EAT ATE PEA LEftS. xt. w n.'i.iiam il.. 312 Faiftne bide. Dirrall. A4i. Co.. 2a-3 McKay bldg. Real 1 e;ate. insurance, mortgares. Joans, ate Fmhaasr Benedict. Sol McKay bids- M. ChiDla 4V Harlow. st Cnembsr fnmmtrc. Cooa. B- a. at Co, ftus Corbatt blds Jeanings A Co.. k&la l&S SOO Oregoaiask PALMIR-JONES COl. H. P 13 Conunsr- CAi C-UO B.Ug. fJehaJkr. Oeo. IX. tZt Enrk at. Main iHrXDLEU A HALL Ablngtoa bid. Taa Orsinn Raal Eataia Co.. Orand aa.and Mulcn imah st. Hoilaay Addition.) J E- Thompson Co. cor. 4th and Oak it Rf.lt ESTATE. lor ai Lota. KlI'fHW I -Ola. .AwirVt lot hih and atahtlr. on th wvt s.da of lha r!vr. most tdal boild- 1. not In fh- cltv of Portland. I wo M-ka frm earlln. only 13 minutes ml from hit' ness center: i lis DTI- inriuna vadad stra-ts. sld'k and aater; rash will bandla. balance 10 roontbly. rr:ct inia. S'atn Tfwt Mf Kay bMr A 4 .no. BAR-IAIN.- Pap lirh ind iTHaworth. I12.. Tvta A and 6. block 40. WavrrlalsH nrhri. 1hixHo. Roa- City Park, adjacent to m . varv fin honif. lwxtoe. cor. William v. and Sumner trt- MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRCST OM i'A.W, P W Cor. th and W.tahinajfn Ft. IVSTITI'TP PI.At'K rinaa ft I h A Xl .1 InartttllA uTOlindS hlith and sirhtlr: this Is beautiful properly and enly H lota, on the opn market totluv for th f rt time: terms ! rHr cnt ah and 1 per monih; located at the corner r K .'ith ana M-ifc-ate . imv -car. fet oft at Kenllworth curve and wa.k 3 r:ovks south: ausnr on tut sjrouno. pi " andup The Wealern tierurttiwa co.. 414 Ppaldm bids;. SAotH) HOfCK and lot. 3 M' ki fim ital hrir! Ylmnt fair Income, easy terms. IritKH) lious and 'xl' lot. only Id minutes by car frura Cd and Morrlsvn ata.. Ill lm Ilou and. Irt cnlv ft blcks from oato!Tice; fair Income, lenna, bar- Cain. 1. C, DAVIDSON. I'harriher of 'ommr'-e. OVMRLuOK LOTS. Nlra rornar lot. 40x !'. on Colonial v nu. with street improvements and mont walks In and rail. Price flS4; 43 40 cash and I: per innth. Includina Interest at a ner cnt. A not ner corn on Fatton Kuad. ilivu; iJ.j cash.. Botn barsaina. onrssr zadow. 317 PoaM of Trad Ride; . 4th and Oak. COT. r.xl0. with rt-f'-t concrete walks. lO ft paJ -fclnna. cement curt. HuM Run ater and Brawled streets all in and paid 4nr mrA tnrl:n1i-rl In th ortre of S.ti Is located on Tiliamook street in restricted dlstrti-t aai a baraaln on ita tcma. T HE f AN HKTtSAT. 0" V PAN Y. Hnrd f Tra.l- "Marshall A mO. WILL FELL my $30.00 ejulty In a $630 acre a short distance or i.nis. ten mmutf walk from tbe Estaeada Car for $M. Water on It. Uuit nave money at once Pay men ta $10 per month. AH 3o4 Ore- "niaa. NtiH HILU Beautiful, aiihtly lota on Pottyirrova at. I will buird to salt purcnaaer n ueeireo, MtWMn "Mh and 24th s:s.. faclnr south; prtca S4Jo. yen cannot find a better loca tion tor a nrme. ZIMMERMAN. 310 Board of Trado Bldg. sievr.R T. vr lraM lots rto to war VVvr!ela-h Heiahts ant XMh. buy row- and ave money, mm all Mirrundlns; imrrrrv has arfvaa-ed In price; tr;ni suit Portland PaelAc Inveaxment Vo.. 41S Railway 'har-jge. "V I"N D clH. value 2 lots. aV'xlVVv fet each. in Canltoi HtU. two bkKk Irom Palem Tlectnt? carlme. 15 m:nut from poatotticv; 2. per cent ca.h. balance ou or two eara w i r cent. KTloa a.- a ikjii .. owrer, Woodvtlle, Or. BrILDERS and lot buyers: You can net a bis; bargain In 1 lot n E 34th. another on E S7th: also l In B-lIo Crest; m cash nna of them. Owner. DttH 4th St., r- i to i : A- M LOTS! LOTS! LCTSI 12 each month: price $i.M up $Je; K- room husc. price IJOO. terms $! per nonth. nothina: uwn. Munnm n;ij Trust ro.. rtjc Wash, st.. room -in. osr.end. 1 H xl. cl -ae In; cement wa!k. a railed street. Bull Hun water. elK trie lie' ta. ornamental shaW tre-i. all in a -d paid V". for'td aala. some terms. X JtA. OrernlaA. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. ; aeret. maantftcent. unobstructed view. cls to car; street Is betnic paved to edit of property Se- this. It a a snap. W. J. HAKETR. il Hoard of Trade Bids;. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN'S. Beautiful t"ts. tracts and homes on all parte of Heights prices and views vary, but all have the same in troratinc. brae. ir air. Main a.'-M. A u it AVE a limited number of -vl huinl.ru l..tj at and up M they Ust ; flne lovatk-n. arded anraets. water and convenient to .V far: e r ti rma Chaa. L Hunter. W'-'r1 of Tra.;. HtVERDALE Three acres imn( si homes, improved Int-. beaut'fui natural park, grand view; barram f r lmmedl- 'e. T 3Qo. Oreyoni.ir.. VACANT lot. E. tth. rot fir from Glad stone ae. earltne. M:n: $ 1 OA cash, bm anew $7 i a month. Whailcy. 1S Me- Kay bM TtOi ran bur a lot rear Rom Ciy Park f-r .vw. 123 down ana sio rnnnmir: (jna e'reet. cement stdcwa'k. Hull Hun water. 524-.26 Board of Trade bldg. tio nowx and $S per month. beauti ful ltu 3 bioka Mt. Scott, ic car; city water. n: ;let a prs is; third st UtO CAH AND MONTHLY. Fine view lot nr CHnton Kellv school. prica $4m. Owner, 4J Swtiand bidg.a R'h and v asn. eta I hive ccr-i--t .on ery fine mm-r A.Ameda Park, sill ll belo market: must have some cash quick. AD 3-1 ti, in-e- ALA M ED PARK. Four lots, near vr in e. contract at SAT!ne. Phone Main kitt 1 WILL sacrifice my ontrai t on the beat corner In Laurelburs" first platting. AJ ST.tl. irrrf'n lao. A CORNt lot. KM'irgswnr-h are., rear Pat- ton or $12.: r-i !mprvnii . ?'', i'rt -aa. fw-rr 27 .1. FINE o. lt."xlt. on ear. m block ontam- ina Wodtook station: $lon. Cad 414 WFSTMOR ELAND . Knaiy. $'. isy terms. 31 J Board ef blg. r-r. 17th and W. J. Baker. lHVtN;Tov PARK. T"t1k. one of tlie f.ns? lots In the tra'-t. $700. terma 4'J Couch bldg Phone A 24 1. NI'"C lot. Wit SM. for $12 j , on carllna; trms ta suit. M. E. Le. 411 Corbwtt bldg ft4ftne BUYS StV $ blocks south of Jf- forson: Nig future. M. E Lee. 411 evor- BrT buy n Imrf' lr2i ret on '"""h mt.. be". TilUrnock nd TrV.vnpn. App'y Jeo Juflr. .N-r-r.nip sr . yoR &ALF F'n lot m W oUa'ock. ll4xlio; terms Pr.-e Tivr :iM . lF-VlN'lTON Aa-tsin; lt on 2th s. Owner, i kOZ Board oc Trad. Phona ja. RfL EJ.T4TF.. tr hal Lede. PORTLAND HEIGHTS I-OT. fx.l7 n r line. ciy mil valley t-w; strictly as rwiirranto.l, adjoin h .rhly In-proved (rounds; t aryaiu. $l.V0; $um cash. K'tTH OF LAURELHUFST. Ln t a t ' on f i r to Mount H od R y . ; we re closing out at sacrifice price. I ACRE C1 to. C!umblii park. Ht Johns lne fr filrtrt: good soil; adjolnit"s lots sell ing for $15". CorN-Tt, crept PARK. superb view Ins we M 't at a price tiat Irsnres a handsome profit on In lnv?tnimt. Water in and fcai d surface sire-ts n-xt season. THE STANTON" COMPANY. 1'H.t t. i LOT if f 1.0 pmflt ; any kind of reasonable terms; improvements In. For pailicuiais, phone or call H. H. I'RPAHL 50J I.umbrrniCDf Bldg. Marshall 1 A S for - lloua. TAYLORS PrEClAI- B UOA1NS. . 1271 nl tirxj rash. bal. J-'ft pr month. Fljt room?. modrn houi; ona and a half M.wka frona the st. car; flroplac. el tricity. fc-as, rvnient basvment. ate Come early If jou want thia. J2o ew 7-rrom modern bona, wit, lmi'foot corner ; two hjo-k f r" rn thrva carllnr. nrar I nton a. ; fl lawn, fruit trees, etc. Small cash pay ment, bnl. your own utiui. fs0 rash, balance) monthly buys new 7 roorn housa; never been orru;ld; b prartitaily all modern con verU-nes uoh as a; .is. elect rtr It y. cement btsment, etc. This bnuN Is on beautiful corner !t. only one blrn-k from - Hawthorne. Price only o.vw. on the above stated terms. irmo enh. bal. f - per 'month. btivs a seven-room boio s!ti ; never le.n scrupled ; modern, exception of furnace. $C100. l?o caFh. blanea your own terms monthly, aecurea this seven-room houe. on kood corner lot. This is brand rew. modern with exception of furnace. i rws la a snap. isrvo rath, hah ner month Absolutely new 7-roim house, one blork off from Hawthorne ava ; modem, except liif furnace. We have manv mote equally nn irood tr tDovf. in t.nrirtlnti t- cost. Mncu from to $2'hm on any reasonabia amount caah and balance month It, even nx such terms as I lo per moni:i Our properties will stand any amount cf Invei ttiratlon that you wish to cive the same. F. K TAYLOTt St CO.. 402-3 Lewis yidg . 4th and Oak ! A SNAP IN 1RVINGTON. 7 ROOM3. THOROUGHLY MODERN. ON" 11TH. NEAR BROADWAY CAR. THINK A MINUTE. 4'H 1500 CASH. SUBURBAN LAND CO.. HO HENRY BLDO. Marsha!! lst. 715. MT. TAHOH HAbGAlN. Modern stx-room residence, on wt slope of Mt. Tabor, on lt foxi:i. with lu: l cemen t basment. with outride en trance. fur lor re rooms and bath u"n stairs, and two large rooms tip sinirs 'ith room f-ir one more; wanh tr.. pantry and two extra iare virand.Ls; tins i in rapid lv aT"H inir tl;stri'-t and only two bl;i ks from licin-.ont carllne ami four blocks from the Mt Tabor Pa.k. Musi be sacrificed. J'h.nie owmr, Tabor4ol. 'V CASH. 2 l'ER MONTH. $"i'. st ri.-tly nnj-lern. 7-rr"m. r.cw -ot la-. r. fi?t 41st. b:h. tw i tollcis. Dutch kltchn. panelel !inhiK-rHin wl:h le.iu.pi cviitr.g. rttrj a.l Untod; wired. doubi fl rs and w al with papr betw een. full c-m-nt basement with cement f l-or. piped f-r furnace kd 4i'xl".'t. Tr.L is a bargain. P. A. BKAKD A t O., Ria C.erllr.aer n;.itc..2dand AMr. VKW. motion 6-roVm house, bath and base ment, healthy barlon; price 5-7'0, L'-"M) cash, balance It rnn ."-room house. lt txl0. on easy terms; prie ll.'n. 13-room house In Sv'llwood. n'iir car; rente f.r lis pr month; prb- $IM"0. t"'' c.ish. btlanca tcrma. Call romn 7. I1 Va Morrison m f;l RARC.AIN. Owner mum sr II r.ew. molcrn miburban home. 8 larire roms; 4 full lot. lifox-" and nly 3 bl.j k to h- car service; Cfwt $0.,f't; b!t offer wiili ca.-h wil! buy It; y.-Mi must see It t a;pret"tat It: don't mttw tins change to art a rine home wav b-nw value. PoKTLAND PA"IKlO INVESTMENT CO.. 4ls R.vlwav Ex-'har:ire hW.K. Mi':all .,7.Vf A li i O t N A P. Nlc 7-room J-stwry houso. 'lectrlc liahts. full basement, built-in china clos et, laundry trays. f0xl'" lot, nie yant, some fruit, on East Taylor, near J 3rd ; price only $t400. llvOO cish and $.5 per month. GRUSS! ZADOW. X17 Ronrd of Trade Bid., 4th and Oak. srVNYSIDH DISTRICT. X E W. M ' I K 1 i N .V rK m t u n k a lo w. eo m a r bd. S blociLs to c..r; imiirnved artreet; lirn- place, pAneird !itilnE-ptim. reception - hall. very nat and wll hullt and can be bought on y-ur own imni; prK- Portland T iclflu lnvetment Co.. 416 Railway change. OWN A HOME. f.1Vk will put you In pe-eon of a fine. J' hna. on "ho cnrlin bouse, a e-nup niunnej'S corner, gt balance like rent: 2 bltck frvm pos-oft let r! C. lit KI.liKUT, U4 Fiwt fi st... tr. John. irvin;t n home 1 t h and Thorn pson sta.. j:;."0 ; 7-room m dern house, full lot. lawn, roafs. eist f ron". all tmpro e merits In and paid. In- r 1 uding hard -surf .fe street : this is a de rided bargain ; cash w III band'e. Hcrrick-Maldcn r.i Hoard of Trade. U-D STREET, near Hantborne. modern s- room house; ti- :s is t.ie ot buy we have had In our offp-e for months; com in and sje the pasture of fin home and a Rrat bargain fr hair cnh. HURLEY or BISHtip. 132 THIRD ST SPLENDID r 1Ke-n.in b"-e lu rapii.y gn'w inff suburb, but a wio: t ride on l irlc car from the center of the city, with a Vcent far, beautiful view, w ater and sewers all in. Thu la a hnrvain nnd -n very e-y trms. 1 no,mre ow nT. 12 Mohawk bldg. FtR, sale! 7-room ho us in HotUdnv Park, m" In every partM'ular; Iff restricted district sur rour.(ed bv fine shrubrv. sy -terui.. THE AMK.S MERCANTILE AGENCY. 4!tl Aldtwn P! lr. M.in .Mts. i-Ktx'M modern house on corn r k-t .Vlxlt; beautiful lawrr two bk Kr from M'T.uvilla car; price -'-O. on easry tt nr.. - Fred W. tie nan. S'.v Rumside. . c."-nan. Rurnai.ie. Pb.irs Main or A 2 NEW modern d'u house, i roonis eat-h. furnares. combination nxturee. Bhads. etc.. T.)0: ey terms. Phone owner. Wood lawn 197 $1V $';. CASH. . New bur.aaN'W. a lare rrr. full nase- TT" nt : 2 lisvks Irom M ntvii:a car. Frd W. G-rman, r2l iiumsijv. Phones Main -r A iXd;EKN 6-r m hou. near Hawth rr;. mrn.r kt ilH; If tHken -n. .'7.V 7fc rish Chaa. L. Hunur. 22.V2." K.ard of 7-R-M n-dern home, fine I.-:, with fruit and f!owr?. g M I'-K'atifln on Kast Si !e; $22.V Tv Wultm ScurUls Cv, 414 KTtal.flii bljf. ALBERTA $17:,0, Joo CAS H. 5-roo;n modern cottage, one block to car. lot 4xU; nice lawn and shade trees. Call Jlcl'KKN cottage nr K ft iinsswort h sve. ; .ely rroums. eament wa.x: your barrnln th;t week. 7-Ila oe-t:. 7 West Kit.ing- rth FINE 7-r'-.m hou. ir.e ba .-m-o; ; ever - thing modern : g-"i nr i(r..r-rn--od. cear car -e in; prl e m'. iiotrt. balar.e tcrrr . Owner t-il rceatter M'k. FOR SALE bv on ner. new, molern. -room i-itttage. rios m : must sen : a snap if tukrn at onr. tan up ellWfol 15,. f i- pnrrK-uiars BY OWNER 1 - room modem house, full eemenl base ment. het plumping, terms: on, hlr.-lc from car. lof,S E. 27th st.. N. A'berta car. MODERN 5-room Vernon bungsMw, fuM lot. Mo, k to car. a 1 oi oon. monthly. Main PMO or(-fr. MIST fcELL iy a'iliful 7-ry.nn h us in sa-r.rtoe price, i'hone Tabor Fir and at 1 i-tM. ow-ner. NEW molern bungalow, five r 00 ova and barh. larg attic and basement; terms. Phone H 12T FH SALS by owner, the Handsomest room hobse in 1 rv 1 n c un . 4Ue ivaat u;a N. Call ard ar It NEW modern hc-usea in Irv.ngtao. ii. B. y. tre. r-o- o pnona EM' ITY In $14o t In . LlLreih :r.t. 4'.. '. F'H SALE My equity In lt and tyr. rooms at amcxilacw for cash, i rna Tabor 2222, REAL ESTATE. Kor Knle l!iuea. the rr.n'E is i::ftn. THE JiOLtfE HAS 7 ItOOMS. AND IS MODERN. It ifi not ait'iated, richt down town, nor In a distrtet tnt u comnoKd f J . o o o b'tmcs. hut it Is sit uiW rd in the North End of the city and is AN ABSOLUTE SNAP At the price n.krd You could ndt build this hnu? today for and It Is less t!ian a ear dd. Tho trma are !.'"0 d'w-n. balance years. Th owner must --ii. SfBL'RBAX LAND CO. , RIO HENRY BLDG. Marshall $1750. ... ' A Rood modern 5-room honse, 2 blocks to W-R car, Ll vision St., close Jn. A dandy s-mom bun sa low just built and is nvd"rn in every way; $-.0 kjh ; bnlAiK-e eay terms; 3 blocks to cflinc, i:.nt faruthf-rs; close In. KAKSOU' & KlU'K. 2 t'iimiiLcr of Commerce. , " M--"i:t i:, 1 4. , A 11 -VlVE-ROfiM HCNOALOW. EASY TERMS. I am srolna: to the country to live and will sa-11 my 6-room modern bungalow at a luir?n:n. L-.t 4 f v 100 nnd 1 o-foot alloy: parlor. (I'.iiniB-r.iin. rutrh kitchen. 2 bedrooms, at i k bathroom and separate toilet ; elec trif llirhts. Tertns $4 oit rash, balance like rent. iS:e niv act'iis at once. MCm !: REALTY CO.. 5ftl-.".S Hnard of Trade HUk. Phono Mnrshnll A 1 I T 4 . HANDSOMELY FURNISHED RESIDENCE In lrxWifcton; rooms. rc- jtlon hall. new. ntodrrn. attractive. furnace. hardwood, floors, ii fx no Innn frrnt and rear: beau tiful tree In hack vard : sn'endld block; ready to occupy, nice n!chbor8; lease to suit. Pbne uv ner. Ma in I'ooo. HARTM AN THOMPSON. l:efti Km. iTft.. A-tnts., Chamber of Commerce. B UNG A LOW 12t!'K LOT. This Is errtalnlv a snap for $3X00. hut It takes ilfrOO cash to handle it; ft room modern In every way ; full cement base ment. Including f lior and A -1 -"Turnuce. wash trays Hnd complete plumbing; floors finished, H-ctrlc fixtures and window shad. 2 blocks to car and s- hool. Any ono war.tinc good home and large grounds cannot afford' to misa this: It s worth It.M.o. Take W-H. car to Mnrguerllo av. S..." IT. A. .Askw-ith at 1n7 Clinton St. I'honea B l'o7. . Sdlw ood 1 7o.Y ' TYPICAL BUNGALOW BOxlOO LOT. tt fine rooms and f.ill porch. Iarn fire place, bookcases, w Indow seats, built-in buffet. paneled dining-room, plate mil. dandy den. swell batii. complete Dutch kitchen, screened In back porch, cement straps and walka. Thia Is on improved street,- 00 stops to car. In hlph. slRhtly location ; Jut completed" nd first-class In every particular; irr.'.-.O. cash Take W-R car tos Marguerite ava. See H. A. Askwith at Ht7 Clinton st. Phones, Sell wood 170.". B l-7. rvo Tor KNOW THAT IT WILL PAT YOU TO COMT) TO Vfl IF YOU EXPECT TO HClLDt IF YOU OWN LOT. WE WILL FINANCE THH ttlTILDINO FR YOU; SMAtO. AMOUNT OP CASH SUFFICIENT: OUR Ri;l'UTA TION FOR FATR DEALING AND PAVING OF COST BRINGS OUR BUSINESS. NU COST FOR PLANS IF WB HUILD. ESTI MATES GIVEN. NORTHWESTERN OON BTKLCTlON CO.. Wil-t. .2 LEWIS BLDG. BE U T T F U L new o-noin house on East lth near Knott, In fine Irvlngton d.s t rlrt ; modern and complete In every de tail ; I are - Jivn.aj-room with fireplace ; beamed ceil inir in d-n and tlin inn-room : S'ljid hard wo l floors, handsome Interior fmih; full cement baaement and furnace; four bedrooms, lare sleepinn poreh and at t ic. price f 7i M:Caraar, Hales l.ivly. Fu.ltntr bldir. . 4'o0 11 OS E CITY PARK. 7 rooms, lot ooxlim, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in bt:rtct and booj; caj-es, brained ceiling, firnplace. furnae, hardwood floors, laundry trays, basement, etc.; best buy In city for i4."M0; owner will sll for $700 li:Mi If taken today. e us at once. Na tional Realty A Trust Co., 3-d Wasn. si., room &16, BARGAIN. WEST SIDE. Very good ii-room a -story house, all In flraf-ciasa ord r. ouly a few mlnut-a' walk f rorn down town, on Arthur street, near V'atur; price only $C.'0i), $oO(j cash and t0 per ifionth. - GRUSSI & ZADOW. 17 Hoard of Trad Bldg . th and Oak. SAVE YOUR RENT. v We will sell you a home and you pay us' In monthly payments, or we build for you In any part of the city. can wm I'iiOViDENT INVESTMENT & TKUSTBS , COMPANY. t H24-3?tt Boaid of Trade bldg. ' - rLAX your own home; we will build gfor y.-u on eaav terrm. . u. vinoent A Co., 420-4i;i Lumbermeas bMg., cor. 6ih and Stark. BEAUTIFUL homo on East Side; we have some attractive bnrsaiits in homes tit Holladay and Irvlngton' Additions. If you are looking for a homo In this fine resi dence district. s-e ua. McOurgar, Bates I.tvel v. 213 Fall i i . it hi dg. PIEDMONT, Three modern homes, five, six and seven roonis each, cast-facing ; location l.'M7-L".'JI.U;-5 Rodney ave. K. G. War ner, ow ner, 1 27 i Williams ava. Phone Wood law n ILL reduce the price of my new modern 7-room house. KiO each week until sold; started at $4HH (actual value) am now nt $;i7oO,- lnek at this house at a .'4 Glenn ave.. near "Hawthorne. ilioiij owner. Wood lawn '. ' THREE fine Irvlnirton homes at a gruat aac- r:fiee f..r the next woeg; we must sell and will, take as low as li':nO down; one house u t rrms. one 8 rooms and one 0 rioms. For (u.l particulars call at 414 Spatriihe bide. 6-Ho(jM bouse and - lota. 2 blocks of best car line on East bide. Fine fruit trees and choice roses, street Improvements in and paid for; .i.Vi $10 cash, balance like rent. Owner. 1270 K. Taylor st. ft-UOvM cottcpv, kt 6'xl2n ft. 673 East Ash St., nor East l'h. r win remove cottage and s'H lot: a. vacant lot 4xld ft.. East Davis near East 1Mb, term-. Inquire of owner. O. L. M:Ph'Ton, 673 Kant Ash. WEST SIPB hon "n oth st.: modern 7-room "tTitKt) with nice yard nnt awne trees: $4.V'o, this is a fltie buy, eitht-r f-r InveM. nn nt or a home. The Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalrilni-.K. 46 WFIDLER ST.. bet. Mh and 0th: mod ern -room house, in flnr condition ; lot o"xlOO; terms or tiaU". aIl at 517 Cham ber of Commerce, or phone Main 1077, Hunt. A SNAP 7-room. li--story Mt. Tabor home large lot. good view, a rc.ti bargain lor quick sale. Seo owner, 313 Chum bur u im tiircc. BARGAIN by owner, nic-lm home, eicht r.-m. an c-nvnirnf: nau;irui lawn. tr and riowers). nara-surince trrets, two nrtTM. H."'. terms, m hoi, bittt b. I'ok SALE S-room ctdt ige, pretty paper and ' point, electric light, hot and mid water, ."mx loo K:. fruits, f lowTJi ganien ; great bar gain at $itirt. F'.T te:ms phone Se!lood 15-i2, jjY OWNER -room new molt.-n hoiu-e, clcae t Haw -r.orne-ave.. r-siricia ciatrtct. ele atcd; .niinmiirdi beautiful vmw of Portland; $: o, terms. Tnbor 2ii4. - f PIE D MO NT. " " Strictly modern, br.tr. d new S-twm house; tile bath: Jorfiand blvd. and Ma; lory St.; prh e'$l2. AC itpontan. BY oWNtll. a new l-room house m Irvir. ron. Call 337 East 13th North. Phone East 1 i . Hntnrt Property. WILL BUILD WARF7HOLSE TO SUIT TENANT, dope to busln section. Sfze of sito 10"xl(v. . Trackage -Jn nvir. Alr fa.es thoroughfare. Aak for Mr. Guihrte. COLUMBIA Tl:L"ST COMPANY, Bvard of Trado bidg. FLAT PROPOSITION. 40x." on Kearney at., price $;Ooo. $1000 cash; It's easy to rent flats here; walking distance. -t ZIMMERMAN". 31o Board of Trade Bldg. INCOME PROPERTY. West V id e apartmnt-hous. 140 month. 5-year serurel lee; lovvy. part terms V .t37. Oregonian. iJO'D lntomJ psperty . on the West Side. M E. Lee. 411 Corbet t bldg. Acreage. 1 1 oa BUYS acre, close in on West Side; Ideal for chicken Imsm-si; terms to suit Vvj. M. E. Loe. ill roit.tt b.rix- $acn BUYS re. tlcte in. on West Side; ideal for cMrkcn bnsinrsa: tnns to suit Sou. M.. 4XL CurhttL bltifi. REAL ESTATE. Acreage. SO-ACKE TRACT. HIGHLY ' IMPROVED. Gtiod S-room house, barn, good fences. $17i PER ACRE EASY TERMS. IS acres In high state of cultivation, 7 acres- all cleared and ready to plow, making 2 a acres cleared and 5 acres in small timber. 10 ACHES OF FINEST ONION LAND THAT WILL I'AY FOR ENTIRE TRACT INSIDE TWO YEARS. Surrounded bv rich. Improved country CLoiE TO ELECTRIC LINE and only 12 miles from Portland, ' 175 PER ACRE EASY TERMS. PACIFIC X.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO. 405 Couch Bid'. A BARGAIN. 97S-ftcre wheat and stock ranch. mliea from lieppner. Morrow Co.. Oregon; 6"0 acres in cultivation, 100 acres more can b cultivated; 4 7S acrea pasture: all fenced and cross-fenced; Knod 8-room house, barn. 8L,x4: good well at house, fine spring for stock. 25 acrea can be Irrigated from creek and 10 acres from large spring; wheat crop this year about 23 bushels to the acre; price $11 per acre; will take $6O0 to $iO00 residence as part payment, balance 5 years at 8 per cent Interest. GRUSSI A ZADOW, S1J Board ot Trade Bid g.4th and Oak. ACREAGE, IIS to $23 per acre; 10. 20, 80 and 40 acre tracts, unimproved, red hot land; Do rock or gravel; well watered, plenty of cedar and timber for all purposes; located on railroad. 23 miles northwest of Port land; 80 feet elevation above Columbia River, adjoining large commercial orchard tracts being rapidly cleared and aet to fruit. Cail and arrange to visit these tracts at once. The soil, elevation and lo cation will compare with the highest priced land now on the market. 810 Cor teltbl d g. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 18 crrw. three-fourths mile from Oren co, on- Orogon Citv Electric line, one third mile from Wltchazel. near Reed v.llc. on 8. P. R. s:x acres in culti vation; some timber, balance easy to clear; nice level land, except creak alnns; north line: two springs; price $3000. terms. GRUSSI & ZADOW, SI 7 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th a nd Oak. ' 83 1-3 ACRES. PART CULTIVATED. f acres under cultivation; some cord wood ; land lor el, some ftna beaverdam; good well; fenced; 1 miles from coun try town, miles from railroad town and 13 miles from Vancouver; good buy at $16i0; easy terms. THOMPSON & SWAN. 20t Rothchlld Bldg., National Bank Bldg., Vancouver, Wash. A DANDY SMALL FARM. . Something not picked up every day, considering location, improvements, c-tc.; 14 acres of best kind of soli, nearly all In cultivation, with a modern S-room houae with bath, etc., chicken-nouses ana Rear ing orchard; only ten miles from. Port land, ou Oregon Electric Ry. and Southern Pacific; tralna a day: easy terms. Ad dress owner. W 33.1. OregoniaJi. CI-OSE.-IV ACREAGE. WEST SIDE. 10 beautiful acres. all cleared and fenced, within five miles of lha city: 6 acres planted to choice variety of apples; m Htia ait a f or mhiirhan heme : Ilea hlffh. with commanding view; this can be had for $4."rO0 on very easy terms; a splendid proposition to subdivide. THE VAN DER8AL COMPANY, r.lfl Hoard of Trade. Marshall ACS, A IPS. SUBURBAN HOME. ft S acres. 7-room house, open ftreplaca. rdastered throughout, directly on eiec trie line and at station: Raid Res beau tifully with slope to track; choicest piece of ground In the vicinity; only 40 minutes out, tc carfare; a bargain at siuuu. KRI.'HAKER & BENEDICT, 502 McKay Bldg.. 3d and Stark. Phone Main M0. AHSOI.I'TEI.Y the best buv on the market, a 10-acre tract with running stream and 2 springs; fenced and about acres cleared; is situated in Tualatin Valley between steam and electric line and close to school. Price onlv $12'o and $400 will handle. 411 Couch -bldg.. 109 4th street. AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER. $200 PER ACRE. Ifio acres, now suitable for subdividing into 6 and 10-acre tracts, near City limits. Real Estate Dept., HARTM AN & THOMPSON. 4. 5. 6 Chamber of Commerce. FIVB ACRES. A garden sit on O. R. fc N. Ry-. near MontavlUa and Barr Rad: only $6uO per acre. CUusn to Mt. Hood auto road. RU KF-K LEI X SO RG E LAND CO.. 418 Board of Trade bidg. 21 ACRES: 1000 ft, from O. W. P. In- terurban, about 30 minute out; ciearea and level; good chicken ranch; only $1000. THE SPAN TON COMPANY, 2.rtt Oak St . FOR SALE Nine acres, aet last Spring to Spitzcnhergs ana onows. .ewiown sppies; also ten acres under plow; these tracts are mile from Sprlngbrook and 1 Vi miles from Newberg. Box 117, Nowberg. QreKon. BEAUTIFUL acre and half tract, close to 5-cent rare on west Mine; running stream, and water also pi pod on tract; soma frutt trees; old building, fenced. Price $1200, and $-loo will handle. 411 Couch bldg.. Toil 4th street . SOME beautiful 2Hi-acre tracts, all In cul tivation ana right at electric aiuiiun. iron 17.F to JiiuO an acre and only 20 per cent cahh : balance ft years, 8 per cent. 411 'otih bldg.. 100 4th st. If wanting a suburban homi or, choice acreage investment, do not fail to consult the "SUBURBAN HOME SPECIALISTS CLODFELTER BROS.. 414 Couch bldg. MUST HAVB MONEY. Will sacrifice two 5-acre tracts. Improved, 7 mi ! from Co urt hou se. f or $ 12X caah ea-h. If you want a bargain don't mls this. 4H2 Commercial block, 2d and Waah. ON THE OREGON ELECTRIC. Choice level tract of 5$ 4 acres between Portland and Hlllaboro. on the carlme; will sell at a great bargain. Call 414 Spaldlngbki g. $f(H DOWN. bal. $300 yearly per cent; bouse, oarn, ui cuttru. wi n-o . i-iiiukhhs, plows and tools. price $.1750, or trade. Phone Marsh. 1400. 320 Mohawk bldg. " : 29 ACRE. Salem electric line, 20 minutes out. Ideal for platting ; station on property. 410 tf-trbett bldg. & TO 1S-ACRE tracta, all having river frontage, cheap; $12a to $l7a per acre; trmi. See owner. "45 Grand avenue. TOR SALE 5-acre tract, half In young bear lug orchard, high and sightly, easy terma. Dr. Dlcdrlch. Kusa, station, O. E. R. W $200 TO $000, full acres, 27 minutes out, Vc fare. West Side. H fGLET & irtSHOP. 132 THIRD ST. lo ACRES, unimprovetla suitable for fruit or chicken ranch ; running water; X60O .' 0 0 down. Palmer. 613 Couch bldg. nonieeteaae. RELINQUISHMENTS wanted in Oregon and Washington. We hava the parties with the cash, ready to buy; give full particulars In first letter. - ADVANTAGES OF OREGON. $$-pae book explaining what each of the $4 counties H best adapted for; gives ' amount of Government land open to home stead in each county; map auacnea, zixs, showing new R. R. and towns, including Eastern and Central Oregon; counties la uiflerent colors; drawn to March 1, 1910; latest map in U. S-: price 2a Klmmo .ft Runey, 313 liart-llton bldg. TWO relinquishments joining 160 acres, each t mile from school; mall and telephone; poatofxice; on county road; running water, oest of land. 6 miles from R- R. town. About 4,000,000 ft. on each; the ara bar gain,'' 60 miles from Portland. J. A. Davis. - 214 Swetland bldg. BEST homesteads in Southern Oregon, also deeded land in Rogue River TValley. In formation, etc.. room 215 Board of Trade bMg. TWO heavily Jimbered homestead locations for sale in new survey. E. E. Morgan. " at Hte Portland till tomorrow night. ONE excellent timber claim, 3.000.000 feet. Southern Oregon. Room 215. .Board of Trade Mdg. ale -F mil Laods. HOOD RIVER. 30 acres of the finest unimproved orchard land In the famous Hood River Valley; red shot soil with good drain- ace; all tillable; same kind of land is selling for $2u0 to .$2.w per acre. I will shII my 30 acres for $4floo and take $2000 cash payment tor quick turn, or will take Portland property. E 338, Oregonian. IRRIGATED SUBDIVIDING PROPOSITION 20,01 "0 acres aiiaiia ana p-raxiug tp.na ; ROoo under ditch t present; railroad through property; station on land. Will deal with purchasers only. Details on applleation. AB .TS Oregonian. PEACH COVE offers the best investment in the Northwest. 2 miles of river frontage. IS mil's from Portland; easy terms. M. E. Lee. 411 Cornett nuig. FOR SALE A fraction ovsr 10 acres, un improved, fiuit land; TV nw soil; near good town ; o"J; smau payments, easy terms. Owner. 3 J g I.umbermena bldg. hfc&T iiuit land, an muea rrom Portland; jo-arre tracts. per acre; terms. - j&es REAL E ST ATX. For Sale Fro It Lands. TAYLOR'S SPECIAL OFFER IN CHOICE AfREAGE SET TO FINEST VARIETY OF APPLES CLOSE TO PORTLAND AT ONLY 1250 PER ACRE. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. BALANCE YOUR OWN TERMS MONTHLY. We have a few five and 10 acre tracts wTthfn few mites of Portland, close to electric line and steam R. R.- We have been authorized to sell these tracts at the very low price of $250, with a smalt caah pavment and balance your own terms monthly. Thia price holds good only un til Ort. 1. when tho nrlce will be ad i vanced t.V tier acre. Please bear In mind that these tracts are all set to choice apples and are offered at a price that oth . ers are getting for rawc. land the same distance or farther out. it vou are iook Ing for a nice lltye safe investment which will surely net you a handsome profit, let us tell you, or, better yet, show you these tracts. F. E. TATLOR & CO.. 4Q2-3 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. - HOOD RIVER ORCHARD, 20 acres, all in strictly commercial or chard of vellow Newtowns and bDltzen bergs. 6 acres bearing, 4 acres 3-year-olds, Daiance l year oia. aiso iaoiuy orcnaru, including cherries, peaches, pears, etc new. cozy, little 4-room cottage, with spring water piped in; free water for lr ricatlon; ideally located on main, count road, right In the heart of the valley; am compel I e to sell and will make a bar gain tor someone; s.iooo cash win nanai It and the orchard will pay the balance will consider good Portland property in part payment. Aaaress owner, a ore gonian. $350 10 acres, all tillable, uncleared; running- water, best sou, on county road, near school and railroad: suitable for fruit, gardening or poultry; round trip 0 houra; guaranteed as represented; best buy on the market; $150 down. Palmer. ai2 couch bldg. For rale Farms. TX YOU LIKE SHADE TRIEST If you do, and would also like to get 12 acre of exceptionally rich soli, we have a pot that will certainly please you. Tnii place Ilea on a main county road, with tele phone service and rural free delivery, close to eiectric ty. station, wnicn is amy a short distance from the city; there is a large barn arid a number of other outbuildings on the property; the houae Itself nestles among four great big. beautiful black walnut trees, as eii as a nanosome large nr ana a num ber of pear and apple trees; certainly a gar den spot for a home; the price put on the property takes no consideration of the house, bm it la quite old. but with a smal outlay of money could be put in good ahape the 12 acres are practically alt In cultiva tion, with the exception or pern spa a acre: of pasture, with the stumps still there; if you are looking for a place that has all th requirements for a model farm, be sure and Investigate this. We can sell this on very easy terms. et us show you tne picture, t"HAPLN & HEKUJW. "It." 832-338 Chamber of Commerce. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY LANDS. D5 acres cultivated. Fine young pear orchard. Good Improvements. River along south side; ('lose to railroad line. Electric survey goes through iL $5000 cash will handle this. 460 acres, near Medford. a fine town of 8000 people. Mostly all In cultivation. Good for an plea and pears. Plenty of water. Sightly location. we nave in is at a reasonable price, for short ume. 800 acres Lots of good bottom land just the thing for pears. About H cultf vated. Medford nearest city. $70 per acre, bhort time. Call or write. MOSSMAN-M'NAIR CO., 90 a Spalding Blog. $400 CASH With easy payments on balance, buys 10 acres of the finest sou in the 3tate or Ore gon, right on graded street, with sidewalk to electric railway station, which la Just Id miles from Portland; this place lies nearly square, is just slightly rolling and there Is not an incn or wane ground on it; tnere isn't a particle of gravel nor a stone in this vicinity; fine, clear cold water do to the surfac. The price on this Is lower than you trim. Hetter look it up. CHAPIN &. HER LOW. 'D." S3 2-338 Chamber of Commerce. 8 1-8 ACRES of rich, deep black swale, the kind of soli called Beaverdam." at a price below anything around this part of the country: this soli is the nest there 1 any where for onions or garden truck ; this place " Is only a few blocks from electric Ry. sta tion. Is all In cultivation. Ilea right on graded street, with board sidewalk to store and station, which la only 19 miles from Portland. Remember the a?y terms. CHAPIN A HER LOW. D." 332 Chamber of Commerce. Farm Department. 838. LEAVING THE COUNTRY; MUST SELL. Over RoO acres in Benton County, Ore gon, wan watered, part river Dottom lana. three sets improvements. R. R. station on placa; suitable for stock raising, dairying or platting into orchard tracts; only $27 ner acre: terms, at $ per cent: neighbor ing places have been soiling for $40 and $oU per acre. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO.. 610 "Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. A TIP. Follow Hood River orchardists judg ment. they are buying logsed -off lands in Columbia County and claim it ta equal to the high-priced lands in Hood River; price of thia lana rising rapiaiy. tee us at once, as we have several good buys. THE VAN DERSA I COMPANY, flirt Board of Trade, Marshfll 4ti3. A 1050. 100- ACRE farm at Echo, Oregon, near Pendleton: this Is a fine first-class place; 60 acres improved, very fino buildings; If you have anything of value to exohangj see me. H. C. HAUCK. & (112 Swetland Bldg-. HOOD RIVER. Unusual buy; 100 acres at $60 per acre: do you realize if cleared and set to trees It Is worth at once s-tou an acre; ret one of th few snaps left In Hood River; easy terms- Address box 345. Hood River. Or. WB have best and cheapest fruit and farm land In Willamette vauey; jet us- anow 11 to you. Call ami get our booklet. HARBOR SOUND INV. COv. 23 N. 6th St. 1750 ia acrea In cultivation, house, bam. chlciten-nouse, wen, miuuj orcnara; choice land, school, county roads; only 35 miles frm Portland; part cash; no mls representatlon. Palmer. 512 Couch - bldg. J.' A. CUNNINGHAM. For sale, farms; prices reasonable: no exchange. p. O. Box T4. Carlton. Or. FOR SALE or trade, wheat and alfalfa ranch. Eartern Oregon, with stock and farm imple ments. VllHameoCLu 5ACRES' of fine grape land for $500; easy terms- M. E. Lee. 411 Corbett bldg. Mflf ellaneooa. fc ' IF YOU ARB LOOKING FOR Close -in acrea go. a wheat ranch or small. - well-lm proved farm, at low price and oa ' moat liberal terms, see me. 1 handle sajr 'I properties. ' J. O. EL ROD. 520 Corbett Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT 2 PROPOSITIONS. 1 acre for strawberries and IS acres for other crops. Hood River; strawberries net $2V) acre; easy work. 320 acres, Vva'sco County, wheat ' and stock farm; rent for 1-3 crops, 11 miles from railroads, -near Waplnitla. McCoy, N. :th, 5 to . evenings, only. - ', FOR BALE-TDtBEH LANDS. , 2u MILLIONS yellow pine. Eastern Oregon (no foret fires) ; safest Investment ; bound to treble in, few years; need cash. Address F 3:tg. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M'CRACKEN. 804 McKay Bldg. rx-pjOOM residence, modern, owner; terms. M Shaver aA for sale by TIMBER claims, homesteads, rellnqulah menta. 210 Worcester bldg. WANTED TIMBEB LANDS. I WANT cash bargains In pine or fir tim ber claims or tracta C A Young,- 420 Swetland bldg ' TiMfcJKR ;anoa wan tea. ao4 McKay bMg. C J. MoCracsaw. TMBER LAND wanted. - Trade. Board of WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED Lease a farm 6 to SO acres, about -6 years, witntn 9 miles 01 town; should be out of city limits; water must be good condition. K T.. 93 North 6th st-, Port land. : 1 : TO KtniANGE. AVI IL trade for anything of Board .of Trade. YOLf' can trade any kind of property at 10 TO EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. $12,500 residence in Oakland. Cat, near University of California or Mills College; blue prints and 15 pictures with me. A.H 257. Oregonian, or postofflce box 311. Port land. I WANT good residenca in Portland in ex change for one of the best wheat farms In Sherman County: 13w acres, nearly 1000 cul tivated; a fine fertile tract; plenty of water, on good road and only 7 mllef to good rail road town; below tha market at $20 per nre. Charles L,. Hunter, 323-25 Board of Trade . GOOD-PAYING brick business block. lOOx 137 Vi foet, 2 stories. In valley to n. consist ing of four stores and real estate office, barber shop, hotel and operahouse, for good Portland property, Improved or va cant. Loren Seward. Vancouver. Wash. ""WILL" TRADE FORA FARM. 7-room house and 8 lots. 50x100 each, 12 . blocka from Sell wood carllne. The house Is not modern, but it Is a good boy at $G5"0. 242 Fifth &t. 100 ACRES WORTH $3000. OUR PRICE $2(X. Will trade for Posy land property; the tim ber is In Clark County and only 30 miles from Portland. Inquire 242 Fifth st. WANTED To exchange high-class touring car. first-class condition, for corner lot in Laurelhurst, East Irvlngton. Alameda, Park. Phone Mr. Smith, E. B2X. $100,000 WORTH unincumbered property. In Cal., want building in Portland suitable for furniture business. L. K.. Moore, suite MT. Board of Trade. ACRE tracts. Improved, near the city, to ex change for good city property or for sale on easy terms, provident Investment & Trustee Co.. 524-526 Board of Trade bldg. WANT to exchange piano for carpentry work. Aoply Mr. Hale, Biters Music House, 3.'1 Washington St. - WE exchange your property, regardless of location, for that which suits you better. Northwest Exchange. 228-9 Henry bldg. WILL trade. 40 acres Hood River orchard land for 5-passenger automobile in good condition. Address box 345, Hood River. Or. FOR SALES or trade, sec. timber land in Curry County, Oregon, for houae and lot in Portland. 613 3d at... city. HAVE three farm. $500, $10,000 and $15,000 to trade for good hotj. Can pay cash dif ference. K 337, Oregonian. . HAVE two lots, value $750, as first payment on small improved acreage or modern house. Phone E. 6208. PIANO to trade for horses, cows, young Mock and poultry : what have you? O. W. P. Land Co., 1st and Alder. FOR SALE Multiple drawer National, or would trade for vacc.nt lot in the city. Phone Main 21B or Woodlawn 2434. & ACRES. 13 miles from city; house, spring and some improvements. Room 316 Henry bldg. CITY property and ii-year-old apple or chard to exchange for Los Angeles real estate. B 2185. WILL trade good Eugene property for clean stock of groceries. Box 473, Eugene, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. $150 DRIVING OUTFIT Consisting of pretty, chunky-built, brown mare, extra fine roadster and fearless of cars or automobiles; also harness, almost new, and rubber-tired runabout buggy in A-l shape. Ask for Mr. Wares. Outfit at" O. R. C Boarding Stables, cor. 14th and Yamhill. WE HAVE calls for property in every part of the city; business and Income property, factory and warehouse sites, houses and vacant lota; all transactions confidential. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST COMPANY, P. W. Cor, flth and Washington Sts. $lfio TEAM AND HARNESS $165. Chunky-built team of horses, been used for delivery use the past year, kind and gentle and true and reliable; would make good ranch team; warranted and trial al lowed. 473 Yamhill st. $75 YOUR choice of 4 horses, been used as livery horses at a beach resort the past three months; no further use for them only reason for selling. O. R. C Stables, cor. 14th and Yamhill. WA NTED 5-room modern house, between Williams and Mississippi ; must be this side Kenilworth; amall payment, balance like rent; muat be bargain. R 336. Orego nian. $140 BUYS bay horse, age 0. weighs about li'OO lbs. ; true to work single or double; worth $200 to anyone who can use him. O. R. C. Boardlna Stables, cor. 14th and Yamhill. WANT business property. West Side or close in Bast bide, undr $40,oiK; must take some cloee-in acreage as part payment. Vauduyn Walton, did t nam Per commerce. WANTED From owner. 5 or 6-room bunga low; must be new and modern, not too far out; price must be rgat. 41$ Railway ex change bldg. WANTED 10 to 20 acres for chicken ranch. $2iH) cash, balance $15 or $20 per month; near electric line. What have you within one hour of city? 615 Board of Trade bldg. I WOULD like a 5 or 6-room bungalow with in 3 blocks of Hawthorne ave. Phone my office, A 2332 or Marshall 194S. Owners only; no agents. WANT to purchase csttage; make first pay ment with 5 acres Mooter fruit land, bal ance terms. A 1215. WANT 5 or ten acres, partly improved, near Portland. N. Hedin. Main 11)40. 430 Worcester bldg-. A GOOD foundry site of about 2 acres, well located for shipping. What have you 7 AD 335, Oregonian. ' l&Oo-LB HORSE, suitable for slow, heavy work, true to pull; no reasonable ofTer re fused. O. R. C. Stables, 14th and Yamhill. WANT 6 or 10 acres, Improved, house, barn and family orchard ; near electric ime end school. X 335, Oregonian. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and llasyaa. HORSES FOR SALE. Two cars of horses have Just arrived and will be sold under our guarantee. They range in weight from 1000 to 1400 lbs. : age from 5 to 11 years; alt good workers and prices reasonable. We also have three span of small mules, weight 100 to 1000 lbs., for sale. Call and Inspect these, if wanting horses. Hawthorne Stables, 420 Hawthorne ave. MISSOURI MULES for sale Another new shipment just received; 1200 to 1500 Iba, ages good, sultagle for railroad, logging and farm work; mules at Freeman Broa' barn, 13th and Overton sts. Address Sparks A Wlgglnton. Imperial Hotel. FOR SALE 1 team young,' well-matched horses, weighing 2800; sound and without blemishes; 1 team of young horses weigh ing 3100. 226 Russell st. PAIR, of nail matched black mares, also large, cheap horse- and Z white buudogs. In quire Dr. C. E. Brown, East 544v, cor. East 12th and starK. I HAVE two good city-broke ponies at stock yards. North Portland, that will sell cheap. Phone or call. Benson, Woodlawn -100. FOR HIRE, PORTLAND STABLES, 26 N. WAGONS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH. ALLOWAY STABLES. 18$ . $4th St.; livery, business rigs ror rent or sals. B 1130. Tabor 112. HORSE, wagon and harness; call at 44th and Simpson sts. irk Algeria car or ad dress 65 Weldler st. ONE of best-trained saddle ponies in state for ladles or ennaren; wen Dreav c Smith. Silverton, Or. hLBEKT A HALL'S SILVBLEo. 38ft Front St.. livery business rigs, horses,- harness. wagons, xor sale orranu ,atainxzu3. PAIR of good work horses and . harness. Merchants Hotel. Sd and Davis. " PASTURE for rent near Portland. 839 Sher lock bldg. Phone Main 1410. WILL sell 4 horses reasonable. Inquire 519 Everett st. ; bet wen 1 and 4 P. M. 11 ail oe. Organs and Musical Instruments, FOR SALE I will sacrifice my" nearly new upright piano, well-known make, full guar antee, for part cash, balance easy monthly payments. Address AL 341. Oregonian. , $145 Forced sale high-grade piano; walnut case; as good as new; snap. Call 322 Lum bermen's bldg., 5th and Stark. ' , " Hirds. lwa- and Pet stop a FOR SALE Dogs, etc.; smart, 1 andsome pup, Scotch col'te 5 months old. thorough bred, pedigree. Wrtte or call J. D. Sheel, Washington st.. near Bth at, 100 IMPORTED St. Andrearberg and Harx Mountain Roller canary birds. 12tf E. 20th street. " ; Auto ieM lea. WANTED By Y. M. . C. A. automobile school automobiles to repair; no charges except for parts furnished. 'Phone Edu cational Director. A 6561 ; Exchange 65, Y. M. C. A. building. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. 7-passenger White steam, fine condi tion, new tires; sale or trade acreage or city property. Merrill, 7th and Oak, afternoon. FOR SALE OR TRADE Large 7 -passenger Inton, Dargain. George F. Price, 403 Corbett bldg.; car at Ness A O' BrTe n' s. EX C Y LO P EDI A of electrical and gas engl neering, cost $19. almost new; sell for half or bo. Phone Marshall 518. AUTOMOBILE, sheet-metal . work, radiator. i ,1a .p aA feiiderrdp&irist. 106 N. 3d at. FOR SALE. Aatomobilee, A RARE SNAP. 2-cyIfnder. 5-passenger Bulck in first -class running order; fully equipped ; air new tires and four extra inner tubes; this car Is an excellent burgain; for a quick buyer, $5T0 takes it. PACIFIC AUTO CO.. ?fift 11th St., Cor. Jefferson. AUTOMOBILE for sale; $1600 cash mk-'i model 16 toy tonneait. 1910 Buick in A-l condition; fully equipped, including glass front, mohair top. speedometer, shock ab sorbers, extra tire, tubes, etc. H. O. Krause. 86 10th at., or telephone A 15Qfr. 5-PASSENGER. 30-horsepower. fully equip ped. 1110 Reo, used only four months, had the best of care, for sale; cash w ill pet vou a snap. Ask for Harry, and call S6 Tenth st. OLDS runabout in good running condition; will svll cheap or trade. Phone owner Tabor 2M. M ittcellttneoufi. HOISTING ENGINES AND ENGINES TOR CLEARING LAND. One 7x12 Muudy engine on sled, with wire rope. One 8x10 Lidgerwood engine, now. One 7x10 American hoisting engine. . F. B. MALLORY & COMPANY, 1 231-5 Pine St.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE First-class launch, 15 tons; length 50 feet, beam . 9 feet, 60-horsepower, 8-cy Under engine : good cabin; built 399; best boat on river for general purposes; at half cost ; might trade tT real estate. Donald McLeod. bid Elec trlcbldg. THE Northwest Typewriter Company. 222 Ablngton bldg. Phone M. SS70. Is the only company selling strictly faotory re bullttypew-riters; prices $10 to $65-. WE have two or three loads of straw ma nure for sale cheap. Inquire 317 Beck bldg. WILL trade 300-h. p. McBwen compound tan dem engine for real estate or what have you? K 325, Oregonian. FOR SALE Gasoline launch.- 12-horse-powsr. 12-paasenger, 28 feet long, with can. opy top. Inquire 310 Welle-Fargo bidg, FO R ONE W E Eli ON LY Good fir, $5.50 cord; Ren coal, $650 ton. Main 05. A 1005. BL1CK.ENSDERFER TYPEWRITERS, $45, $50. Ask for catalogue. Rebuilts $15 up. N. M. Hayter & Co., 10 5th gt. Main 5:JS. FOR SALE cheap. 2-horse motor and Buf falo moat chopper. G02 E- Burnside. Phone 13. 150o. HEATING stove, almost new, $8.50. wcrth $12.50. Call 310 E. ioth at., or telephone H 2051. OFFICE furniture, complete, desk, rug. chairs, etc. ; bargain. 315 Couch blci;. MILLINERY store fixtures for sale at 430 Eaat Madison, bet. 6th and 7th. SHOWCASES, new and second-hand. li Everett, corner tith. Also fixtures. NOTES and mortgages bought and sold. Na tlonal Credit Ass'n. 601 Worcester bldg. CORDWOOD. boxwood, coal. Fuel Co.. Both phones. Multnomah JERSEY cow, 2ti8 Hassalo St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. CLOTHING. Wanted Men's catoff clothing said hoei and bicycies; hlgheat prices paid; we also buy ladies" clothing. Call up the Globe second-hand sure. Phone Main 2060. 2&0 1st at. Prompt attention always glvea. We caU la every part of the city. CLOTHING. Wanted Mens cast-off elMhtng and shoes; we also buy household furnishings; highest prices paid. Call at the "Fair IsaU" 62 N. 3d aL Main 0272. CARPENTER work of all kinds; jobbing, re modeling, repairing a specialty. Cummlngs & Catlln. 371 First at. Marshall 2S27. WK BUY all kinds second-hand store fix tures and pay the highest price. 222 Grand aveou- WANTED About 25-horepower stationary gasoline engine: must b cheap. Peters Ma chine Works. Kelso, Wash. 8ELL your second-hand furniture to the Ford Auction Co. or you'll get less. Phones A 2445. Main Sl51. WANTED one or two four-horse teams to haul x-ravel; contract. Room 10. 141 First aL Phone Main 19G0. IF YOU have household furniture to sell, call up George Baker & Co.. 152 Park st. Both phon es . WAN TED Carpen try work in excha nge f ot brand-new piano. Address O 34o, Oregonian. BPOT caah paid for your furniture; proma attention Iwa Iven Phon ttaat loon HELP WANTED MAUE. MOT I ON-PICTURE Operators School guar antees to qualify youMor positions in two weeks; our school is equipped with all the modern appliances, thereby giving joj practical experience; only school of ita kind on the Coast; terms reasonable; only bona fide booking agency In Portland. Call or write Pulaifvr's Theatrical Exchange, Marquam bldg. WA NTED Two young men as b?Ilhoys; ajso one boy for office work. Apply Port land Commercial Club. 5th and Oak sts.. between 9 and 11 A, M-. Superintendent's office. Y. M. C. A. Employment guaranteed to every man taking our special employment member ship; only fellows who know how to du something well accepted. See Secretary Emploment Department. WANTED MEN TO'LEA'rN To operate moving-picture. Operators earn $35 weekly; leam In short time; easy terms. N. Y. School of M. P. Operating, n-'f Washington, near 17th st. WANTED Strong boy. between 14 and 111 years of age, to work in carpet depart ment. Apply to I. Gevurtz Sons, First and Yam nill . sts. Bl'SHELMAN and presser wanted at once, ready to work; good wages to the right man. 127 13th st., near Washington. A. Rubin. n WANTED Young man. 30 to 18 years." 'to sell at baseball park. 24 th and Vaughn sts. ; salary and commission. Metxger Read. WANTED Pushelman. one who i good pre.er preferred; J-e F. Holy, 123 13 th between Washington and Alder. OFFICE boy by large wholesale houne; answer in own handwriting and give tcle phone number. X 33U. Oregonlan! BOY with blcycje to deliver packages and work arounu cior.ni 11 g store. new it t Bradley & Co., 344 Washington st. WANTED 5 teamsters. R. L. Ray & n. , contractor, corner Dckum ave. and JIoote St.. Woodlawn. WANTED Young man to deliver groceries, capable of taking orders and working around the store. Call 1'St? Grand ave. BOqKKEEPER, stenographer, experience in lumber, young man. quick, accurate, a hustler. Y 3.'t5. Ore-fronian. YOUNG man! 18 years of age, to wTTTk around garage at night. Apply Rose City Electr ic Garage. 54 North2U th st. WANTED A young man to assist and learn bar business; must have best referenced. F 842, Oregonian. WANTED Delivery boy wanted; opportunity to learn hardware business, Honeyman Hard w aVa .Co. - - NEAT, quick dishwasher wanted, Stein's Restaurant. 122 1 4th street. . BOY for Janitor and kitchen work. 5.4 Conch st- ' PREISER, also a tailor, on ladies" coaJs. J, Harris. 120' Fifth St. BARBER wanted; steady job. street. ISO 14 Morrison MEN wanted to distribute circulars at S5 East 7th st. North. CaM 7:30 A. M. M TAILORS wanted, first-class coat makers. Ha jek. 3i4 Columbia blug.. 3tf5 Washington. FlRST-CLASScutter wanted! Apply to Pa risian Tailors, 81 6th. BOY wanted. 15 years old. to fwork In, gro cery. 87th and Hawthorne. BOY. with bicycle, wanted. H&ack Bros., 351 Alder. WANTED Delivery boy. Kindorf Bros, 130 Grand ave. t . HIGH-CLASS commercial salesman or rep- resentative. 215 Commercial bldg. BOY wanted. Portland Creamery, 452 Washington st. WANTED Two boys, steady work. Carman M f g. Co.. ISth and X. p shur. A GOOD steam fitter and helper. Phone E. 4132 or35 Qyand ave.. N. BOOKKEEPING, private tuition by an expert accountant. H01 Merchants Trust bidg. PRESSER wanted. Pantages Tailoring Co., 2S5H Stark st. WANTED- First-class ladiea' tailors. Ap ply De Blanche, 345 H Washington st. STEADY, reliable counter waiter; all Win- . ter Inside job. 70 North 6th st. WANTED Old man for hominy and h-irse-ranlh peddling. Call 497 Hoyt- WANTED Willing washman. Launiry, Centralis-: Wash. Model Steam. WATEBIelivery boy. 043 Wiiliaui -avej