12 TIIE 3IORNIXG OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 0, 1910. END IS BY DEFUNCT Title Guarantee & Trust In debtedness Is Reduced to $296,000. PAYMENT TOTALS $74,000 All Savings Account and Claims of S500 or lss Hatf Now Been Settled by Receiver" Soma Pe ftosltors Cannot Be Fonnd. Throurh the approval by the Vnlted States Circuit Court yetenly of a divi dend of 10 per rent on claims axalnet the. Title Guarantee Trust Company, which cloned Its doors November . 1507. the outstandmr liabilities ol the Institution will be reduced to approximately l.'S'i.OoO. When the institution failed Its liabili ties were about li.OOO.OOfl and the pay ment of the divkw-nd ordered yesterday will brlna- the total of the liabilities that have been paid to about 85 per cent. Durtns; the receivership of R. S. How aid, the bank has paid all the vavlnrs rlepoeltors in full and all claims In full of J.VM) and less. The Individual creditors of the bank ortclnally numbered about 6000. but now number only 300. The claims to which the m per cent dividend will apply are checking accounts, certificates of deposit and outstanding drafts for amounts ex ceeding ISOrt. The total of these out Mandtn cUlms. on which Interest Is also ben paid, la about J370.0OO. with out deducting yesterday's dividend. Three other dividends, two of in per cent and one of 1 per cent, have been paid rn accounts of more than JoOO. The. claims originally totaled aboirf ,740.000. n the 10 per cent dividend approved yes terday will mean the paying to creditors of the bank of about S74.0UO. Many checks for dividends Heretofore made still remain uncalled for at the office of the receiver at Second and Washington streets, and Judging from the failure of the efforts, so far. of the receiver to locate some of these creditors, a considerable sum Is likely to remain In the hands of Receiver Howard to be ilsposed of by the court when he Is ready to make his final report. For example, two checks, each for nearly lrt. are in the funds of the receiver and the addresses of the men w"ho deposited the money In the savings department of the bank are unknown. Notices sent to the addresses given In the bank's books have been returned bv the Poetoffice Department. There are scores of depositors who had a few dol lars each In the hank who have neglected to call for their checks, although the noj tlces sent out have apparently been de livered. At least they have not been returned to the receiver. There Is also a considerable number of minor depos itors who have changed their residences and failed to notify the hank or the aostofflce officials and efforts to reach them have been In vain. The winding up of the bank's affairs has disclosed the manner in which the population of a cltv changes or drifts wav. to he replaced by another set of residents'. The receiver of the Title Guarantee & Trust Company has paid or Is paying claims of depositors In practically every state In the I nlon.- All these perssns lived In Portland In 1907. One depos itor Is now In Berlin, another Is In Paris and another is in Korea. In the finan cial depression of lso many Scandina vians returned to Minnesota and a large number of creditors of the bank of that nationality have been located In that state. Many depositors hsve been found in Ohio. Illinois. New Jersey. Iowa. In diana. New Tork and Pennsylvania and In smaller numbers In nearly every other state. ALASKA CLUB ORGANIZED Member Mart .Movement to Bring Arctic Brotherhood Here In 1911. The Alaska Club of Portland met In the Commercial Club rooms last night and mails arrangements for an arttve campaign to bring- the grand camp of the Arctic Brotherhood to Portland In 1911. The club now has an enrollment of more than 100 members. Business men who are not Alaskans are request ed to loin the club, as Its purpose, among other things, will be to establish a closer trade relationship between Alaska and Portland. At first, none hut former Alaskans were considered eligible for membership, but the com mercial object outlined proved so at tractive to business men. tt at the bars were thrown down and all may Join. The nominating- committee last niftht presented names for offlcera and -they will be elected next Monday night. The meeting; will be held in the convention hall of the Commercial Club and will begin at S P. M. Following la the list of officers nominated: President. Frank Swanton; first vice-president. W. 11. Bard: second vice-president. E. J. Daly; secretary. A. O. Phoup; treasurer. W. E. Morris: directors, 11. T. Freedman. J. F. til n not t. C. H. Collls, W. 11. Downing and R. Chtlcott. The club has obtained permanent quarters In the Manchester building and will have rooms furnished and fitted up within the next two weeks. PERS0NALMENTI0N. T. R. Hudson, of The Dalles, is stay ing at the Cornelius. r. F. J. Brown, of Dufur. mas at the Cornelius yesterday. C, R. Oreisan and Mrs. Oretsan. of Hood River, are at the Lenox. Frank Menefee. attorney of The Ixtlkea. Is staying at the Imperial. John Henderson, a merchant at May ors. Is In the city for several days. W. J. Morrison, of Carlton. Is at the Cornelius, accompanied by Mrs. Mor rison. Dr. C. W. Bales and Mrs. Pales, of Kelso. Wash., were at the Imperial yes terday. F. M Weil, a prominent merchant of North Yakima. Wash., arrived in Portland last maht. F. C. Page and C. O. Power. Med ford business men. were among the arrivals at the Portland yesterday. J P. Bridges, of Aberdeen. Wash.. Is staring at the Portland. He Is ac companied by Mrs. Bridges. L. F. Jones, one of the best known railway passenger agents at Seattle. Is at the Oregon for the week. A. A. Jayne. attorney and expert in apr-le culture at Hood River, waa yes terday staying at the Imperial. Charles H. Rowley, heretofore assist ant manager at the Norton!, has been employed as a member of the Imperial desk staff. F. S. Bramwell. said to be connected with the management of the, Kcclea DVD I BANK sugar Interests at La Grande. Is stay ing at the Oregon. Claude Gatch, National Bank Exam iner, stationed at Salem, came down yesterday and was in consultation with Government officials during the after noon. Fred Simington. merchant at Astoria, and one of the foremost advocates of a permanent annual regatta at that place covering six months out of every year. Is at the Cornelius. George A. Tannahill and William Dwyer. well-known ranchmen of Lew- iston, Idaho, are staying at the Per kins, while giving depositions in land fraud cases before the United States Court. A. U Miller, pioneer of the famous mining ramp of Creede. Colo., and at this time one of the successful lease operators of that camp. Is staying at the Ramapo. He may decide to remain In Oregon. Mrs. C 1. Stlmson and daughter. Miss Dorothy, wife and daughter of the well-known Seattle banker, are wiin friend at the Portland. S. C Dunlap came In from Amity yes terday and registered at the Lenox. U. H. Adams, a well known business man of Portland, returned to this city yesterday, after a trip East. He was accompanied by his sister. Mrs. Hosea Webster, of Montclair. N. J., who will be his guest for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Adams resides at S90 Clackamas street. W. A. Wann. of Berkeley. Cal.. an ex-resldent of Portland, arrived at the Hotel Perkins yesterday. Mr. Wann went to the Philippine Islands from Portland, and. after remaining a few years, located In California. He Is now superintendent for the Mutual Life In surance Company. BENNETT MEETS BOARD ARCHITECT KX PLAINS PUNS FOR CITY BEAUTIFUL. Terminal Station Fat-In Park Block at Hoyt Street Is Proposed In General Scheme. At gathering of members of the Civic Improvement League, Including members of the Park Board, held yes terday afternoon at the Commercial Club. E. H. Bennett, of Chicago, arch! tect of the League, whose scheme for civic Improvement for Chicago Is wide ly known, submitted drawings enjbody lng suggestions for the development of various civic undertakings In harmony with a general plan for the Improve ment and beautlflcatlon of Portland's thoroughfares and parks. As expressed by one of the League's prominent members, the purpose of the plan la to provide a detlnlte scheme by whlrh the city's possibilities regarding parks and boulevards may be deter mined and perfected as opportunity of fers, rather than to defer such develop ment until some time In the future, when tt would involve questions more difficult of solution. The drawings prepared by Mr. Ben nett cover schemes for the develop ment of a civic center, terminal sta tion at the western approach of the Broadway bridge, a park and boulevard system, and a plan for the treatment of the river banks. In regard to utility and beauty. Mr. Bennett's explanations at yesterday's meeting covered the plans prepared for the treatment of a terminal station to face the park blocks at Hoyt street. This Is planned In con Junction with the approach to the new Broadway bridge. The drawings, of which there are half a doxen. show this undertaking from various standpoints. Mr. Bennett has made a thorough study of the terminal station as related to the new bridge and as related to the district Immediately adjacent to the terminal grounds. The results of his work show schemes of great beauty and utility. He has prepared a system of streets radiating from this point which is calculated to expedite traffic In that vicinity. After a detailed explanation of the several drawings, the remainder of the session was devoted to an informal dis cussion of various matters In connec tion with them. Mr. Bennett expressed the opinion that the bridge question would have the effect of drawing the manufacturing establishments further north. Hla Idea Is to separate the warehouse district from the residence section by means of a system of wide thoroughfares, these to serve as fire lines. In the evolution of the city the manufacturing district would be. he be. lleved. located at the Junction of the two rivers. At a meeting to be held later In the week It Is proposed to invite the engi neers or the Hill and Harriman ays terns to be present and give their vlewa as to now the plan of the terminal sta tion Cfcn be carried out to conform with the railroads requirements and the scheme proposed by the Civic Improve ment League. At other meetings to be held during Mr. Bennett's stay in Portland he will explain the plans pre pared by him for a civic center, boule vard and park system. WOMAN SWALLOWS POISON Mr. Holland Hears Husband Has ' resorted Her and Wants to Die. Hearing that her husband had de serted her. Mrs. Hiram Hogland. liv ing at the house of Mrs. Christine Wood. 4T East Burnslde street, took about three ounces of chloroform yes terday morning and only prompt as sistance saved her life. She Is now in St. Vincent's Hospital, and Is recov ering. The woman Is the wife of a barber at the Oregon Hotel. Sunday nirlit Hogland Informed his wife that he was going out with "some of the boys." He failed to return. Testerday morn ing the wife was Informed that her husband had not come to work and that his tools had been removed. She went Into hysterics, saying that he had done the same thing before. v- A few moments later Mrs. Wood heard her scream, and rushed to the room, to find that she had taken the chloroform. Restoratives were given. Mrs. Hogland Is 24 years old. 1500 MOOSE AT MEETING 800 .Members Are Initialed Into Local Lorh?e. At the regular weekly meeting of the newly organised lodge known as the I.oyal Order of the Moose, held at the Portland Theater Sunday night, over 15"n members were In attendance and many left because of lack of accommodation. the theater being not large enough to seat the throng. Nearly (100 new mem bers were Initiated, and because of this number the ceremonies had to be cur tailed considerably. The meeting also took tip the matter of holding the charter open for another month, as It Is desired to swell the mem bership to 3000 charter members. After much discussion this matter was left to a committee, which will report at the next meeting. Vear'y all of the flnni automobile machines are driver by Afreet ennctd electric mot.'rs The fit'l equipment of the Jananeee sold'r In Winter we 14 hi 69 pounds, and la Hummer 44 pounus. VOTERS TO DECIDE Oft PUBLIC DOCKS Chamber of Commerce Favors Decision of Question at Election. MAYOR DOES'NOT OPPOSE Resolutions of Executive Committee) Will Re Transmitted to City ' Council for Immediate Consid eration by That Body. After a few minutes' discussion of the expediency of forcing an election on the question of voting a $2,500,000 bond issue for the construction of public docks, the executive committee of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday passed a resolution offered by Ben Selling, which places the Chamber on record favoring the decision of the question by the taxpayers at the election No vember 8. of this year. The resolu tion will be forwarded to Mayor Simon today, and will be transmitted to the City Council for Immediate considera tion For the first time In the history of the meetings of the executive commit tee, the session was made public. A longer time was devoted to the dis cussion of the question of admission reporters than was devoted to the ma ter nf a onarter of a million dollars Those present were Ben Selling. Joseph H. Teal. R. W. Montague. C. F. Adams. F. C. Knap, K. C. CJiltner. Har vey Beckwith and M. Mosessohn. .Major's Letter Read. A letter from Mayor Simon, ad dressed to F. C Knapp. was read. In which the Mayor called attention to the necessity of expending approximately 18000 In holding a special election on the bond Issue, while Attorney Mont- asnie helleved hut It waa not onlv leiral i to hold the election as a part of the general state and county election, through supplying extra ballots and ballot boxes, but that one set of elec tion Judges would be ample. If there are any citizens who oppose the view of the attorney for the ex ecutive committee, their objections will of necessity have to be filed with the Mayor or members of the City Council. During the entire discussion of the question, the issue appeared to be as to when, the election should be held, the members taking it for granted that the bond issue should be submitted to a vote. Major Not Opposed. Mayor Simon last night said that he was not disposed to oppose a special election on the dock bond or other question, and City Attorney Grant believes the same election machin ery may be used for both. It is still believed. however. that the expense will be In no wise les sened by that procedure. The sentiment of the East Side push clubs and improvement associations Is strongly In favor tf holding a special election in November to vote on the water mains amendment. The Brook lyn Improvement Club. Sellwood Board or Trade. Kenllworth Push Club and other clubs have passed resolutions favoring a special election. Members of several clubs which have not yet met say that they favor a special elec tion. Delegates to the Civic Council, which meets tomorrow night, will urge that the Council ask for this special election. C A. Btgelow. of the East Side Busi ness Men s Club, said that the water maina question should be settled as early possible so that many miles of street paving will not be delayed. All members of the special water committee from the Seventh Ward League and the South East Side rie sltre that the special election be held so that the proposed system of rein lorcing water mains may be laid so the shortage this season shall not be repeated next year. Ben RIesland president of the Seventh Ward League ana cnairman or me water committee, declared that It would be almost a calamity not to settle the water mains question this Fall. SCOUTS WILL ORGANIZE NEW BOYS ORGANIZATION SOON WILL REACH PORTLAND. Rlflns Generation Will Cultivate Outdoor Life and Loyally to JYlcnds and Country. Portbvnd 1 soon to have, one or mora patrols of the Boy Scouts, an orsranlsa- lon that Is gaining; ground rapidly In he eastern part of the I'nlted States and In Europe. The Portland Scouts are to ba org-anlxed by the, boys depart ment of the Younsr Men's Christian As sociation, and It la expected that it trill prove very popular here as It has else where. The plan for conduct Ins: the Boy Scouts oriirlnated with Ernest Thomp son, the naturalist. The organisation first (rained prominence In England, where It Is under the direction of Gen eral Baden-Powell. All or the larcce Eastern cities now have patrols, and men who are eniraa-ed In welfare work for boys are unanimous in the opinion hat the movement la one of the most beneficial ever organised. The chief purpose of the Boy Scouts Is to encourage outdoor life among: boys. The Scouta spend much of their Ime in the open air. maklnar trips into the country and learning the arts of woodcraft. They are tausrht to build campfires and to cook on them, to fash ion outdoor shelters, to handle a rope with deftness and to do many other similar feats. At the same time thev Instructed In devot'on to their friends, to their parents and to their country. Swimminjr. running and other forms of outdoor exercise are encour aged. While the Scouts are not affiliated with the T. M. C. A., the latter ortran- Izatlon Is Instrumental In promoting It. ne local association has received Ut- rature from the Y. M. C. A. headquar ters In New Tork. and J. C. Clark. boys' secretary. Is now planning to get he movement under headway here. "The first step." said Mr. Clark. will be to get together a number of men who are Interested In boys' work and who are willing to serve as lead- re. This will be done within the next few weeks and the formation of patrols will soon follow. Headquarters will ln-4 !THElMPI3L Oregon's Greatest Hotel 150 Boom, .104 Suite With Prirt Baths. NEW FIREPROOF BUILDTM Moderate Bates, Ffcfl Metschan & Sons, Props. THE PORTLAND rORTLANO, 0.1 mtoTHAjf nut MODERN KESTACxtAJTT HOTEL OREGON Portland's Live, Growing Hotel. European Plan. Mark, Portland, Or. WRIGHT. DICKINSON HOTEL ' COMPANY, Prop. j ' COAT OKB STIHIW HOTJHH. of r ' r J. Richardson. Pres. 1 THE MTlu TT i . . . All front rooms par day double. umuMb 0. "W. COEITELIUS, ' " - OPENED SEPT, 190 His 2 ill? HOTEL LENOX E. D, and V. H. JORGENS M Props, and Mgra. COR. 3D AND MAIN STS. Hot and Cold Water. Lone? Distanoa Pfaooa RATES $1.00 and up ia Every Room. Beautiful Hotel Moore CLATSOP BEACH Portland's Nearest Beach Resort Via A. & 0. R. R. Open All Year. Directly overlooking the Pacific Ocean.. A delightful Summer and Winter resort. Hot salt baths and eurf bathing. Sea foods a spe cialty. Walks, drives and boating. " DAN J. MOORE, Prop. lM Far Dar One spatile from O. N.-Ry. and probably be established 4at the T. C A. . M. Paving Contract Let at Roecburg. ROSEBURO, Or., -Sept. ! (Special.) At tonight's meeting of th? City Council, the Clark & Henry Construc tion Company was awarded the con tract for paving about 20 blocks of street In Roseburg with asphalt. With this contract completed, Roseburg will have over 60 blocks . of hard-surfaced pavement. Causes Debility Here Are Facts Backed Up by a Strong Guarantee. Catarrh causes debility. Ia our opinion, most people suffering from general debility have catarrh. Such cases of debility cannot be completely cured by medicine not designed to eradicate catarrh. In every case where our remedy fnlla to give entire satis faction we will not charge a cent for the medicine employed during the trial. Now. surely no one should hesitate to believe ue or to put our claim to a practical test under such conditions. We will take all the risk: no one else can lose anything by the transaction. We make these statements and this offer because we know and have time and again proved that Kexall mucu- Tone rarely falls to do as we claim. It is not a cureall prescribed to cure every disease that flesh Is heir to. It Intended for one purpose, i. e., to cure catarrh by assailing the diseased condition In a reasonable, scientific way. which Is to employ agents that have been found to have the tonic and alterative power to correct faulty metabolism (tissue change) and to stimulate and help nature overcome the cause or causes of catarrh. This being done, appetite increases, nutrition Im proves, weight Is gained, comfort of body Is attained and life's work taken up with the sest natural to the per fectly healthy individual. We want you to try Kexall .Mucu- Tone. Follow directions and take it regularly and consistently for a rea sonable length of time. Then, If you are not satisfied, come back and tell us and the money you iald for the treatment will be returned without anv argument wnaiever. Rexall Mucu-Tone comes In two sizes. 5c and J1.00 a bottle, .bold only at The Owl rrug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th and Washington Sts. fei 5.2.5: ttsffilH tfl HEATH C AETEB8 FOR TOCRISTW ua COMMKrU'IAJ. k-TKAVEXEB. Fpeclsl rates auto to families and sin ale sentlenMB. The mjuunranent will, be pleased at mH times to show noma sad rive prices. A rood era Turkish establishment la tt betel. H. c. noirm Wsasaer. ' HOTEL SEATTLE New, Modern, Centrally Located. EUROPEAN PLAN. Ploaeer Square, Seattle, Wash. WRIGJ1T Jfc DICKINSON HOTL COMPANY,. Props. NEW PERKINS Fifth and Washington Sts. . Opened Tune. 1908. A hotel In the vary heart of Portland's business ac tivity. Only hotel equipped with wireless telegraph. Every convenience for comfort of commercial men. Modern in every respact. Rates $1.0 and up. Cafe and grill; mualo daring lunch, dlnaer and after theater. & ts. wet-hand. See. and Btgst CORNELIUS WWlllie - MVOW Paife US Aid. land's Bswest sad most modern hotel. Buropean plan. Be ginnlmr May 1st our rates will be as follows: All back rooms Vitbout ballk. starts, ai.00 par dart double. 4S-00 per .day. without bath. tt-BO per day. single; I2.S0 AjU OUTglSD rooms. Oar omnibus moots E. H FLETCKES, ' M&nazer. Proprietor. HOTEL RAMAPO Corner Fonrteentli zai Washington Nsw HotaO. Elegantly Fumiahed Rates $1.00 and Up Special R&tea for Permanent Bos Meets An Trata a. K. FOUR. aOrBJCBxa PBJVATfl BATHS SEASIDE. OR. TOTT WILL T.nrni THE WOODS American Plaa TTV PUT European Plea X I I s tl & 11-60 Par Dajg "It's u Comforts d'Hats Ibali Oas Fearnra. la heart of business district, center of city, half blooW K -P. Ry. Depot, close to all team snip wnarvee and V. f. n. Oenot. VANCOUVER, B.C. FUJfERAX, NOTICES. MITCHET-Ii In this city. September 18, at . the residence of his daughter. Mrs. J. rs Hniiph un npkum av.. Samuel Mitchell as-d SS rears. Friends Invlled to funeral services, which will be held at Holmans chapel. Third and Salmon streets, at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday. September zu. in terment G. A. B. Cemetery. M'CILAJVRA'T In this city, Sept. -19i at 476 Clay ... Mrs. Barah MotHlilvray, aftea .1 rears, mother of Katherine and hi. 1 ward Mc Oillivray. Funeral will take place today taklng parlors, 3d and Madison els. Services ai ine grave private. RAMRAITGH In this city. September 18, Francis Marlon RambauKh. aaed Co years. Funeral will take placa from the parlors of the East bide rimeral directors, t,asi Alder and East Sixth streets, today (Tues day) September 2Q. at I V- M. lu.vstrrH rxoRAi Co. UAKvtUA&l llLXlG. FLOKAX, DESIGNS. Phong: Mala blutx A 1108. ' unnnlna- A McKotee, Funeral Directors, fib sadPine. Phone Main 430. Lady as sistant. On Ice of Coonty Coroner. EUltAKD HOLMAV CO.. Funeral Direct ors. ttO 3d st. Ladr Assistant. Phone M. 6UJ. i. F. FINLEK SON. Sd and Madlaoak Ladr attendant. Phone Mala 8. A loss. EAST SIDE Funeral Directors, successors to 1. tt. Donnuur. Inc. K. 8. B tfiZA. ERICSON" CO. Undertakers: lady assist ant. 409 Alder. M. Siaj. A Z3SO. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Funeral Directors, 6ft Williams are.; both phones; lady asst. LEKCU, Undertaker, cor. East Alder and tith Fat 781. R IRKS. I.adr assistant- Dentist?? i i Ontot town people j .a xiavo tDBir niftr 1 nnrf h.in.n n lnhed in ooe daj if neoossoiT. We trill gn yos a tnoC 22k gold ar piroeiilc orowo for J3.5C Solar Crown S.CC 2kBrldgeToets3,5 3ouruicgt J.CC unsl Filling ICC 3lw Filling oO5 :nUyFiTTings 2DU 3ood Rubber e Plate lest Red nub- m. M run miaraua a straws PihleM Ertmos uu WORK UARAPfTEEB pCH IB YBARS Painless Extrsction Free wher: rjatoc or bridge worTf is ordered Consultation F rea, You cannot get better painless work done anrwaere. AH work fully ffuar enteed. Uodei-ne1eetrioeoaltmont. Best methoafc Wise Beittal Go effiSaatOUA:, sVlL.te tC.IC. toixiar, i Sea, Painless a"-TC-1 !M 'iJW E ,.2rreilV.':V MC?F.MEXTS. n I TT aw Mir Theater. 12th L U IN ljL.V-J VV and Morrison. Phones Main 117 and A 4 :24. Tonight and Tomorrow Night. Walker Whiteside (Urbler A Co. Managers) IX ZAXUW1LLS GREAT PLAT "THE MEI.TTN'G POT" Prices tl.SO, $1.00. 75c. 50c. Seat Sale Opens Today 3 NIGHTS BEGINNING THURSDAY POPULAR PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY THE MARATHON COMEDY "GOING SOME" Prices Evening. $1.00, 76c, 80c, 25c. Matinee 75c, 60c, 26c. RAKFR THEATER UXllV lJ AY Morrison and Eleventh GEO. L. BAKER. Manager. Beautiful new home of the FAMOI-S RIKFR STOCK COMPANY. Tonisht. all week. mat. Wed and Sat. -, Goriceous Scenic Production, "SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS." Special arrangement with David Belasco. Prices 25c. 50c. 7Sc. Wednesday Matinee. zrc. Saturday Matinee. rc. &"e. MAIN 6. A 1020. MATINEE EVERY DAY. 1W5-5& HiBHTS THEATER 15-95-50-753 WEEK SEPTEMBER 19 William Rock and Maude Fulton. Maurice Freeman & Co.. In 'Tony and the Stork," The Kosow Miagets, The Neapolitans. Work Ower. Kreo l pres. Luce A l.uce. Picture. Orchestra. LYRIC PORTLAND'S FAMILY FLAVHOUSE 7th and Alder Sts. WEEK OMMENClNti SEPT. 19. Edw. Armstrong presents his popular com pany in " THE HOBBLE GIRL." Sunday performances at 2:tr. 7. 8:10, 9:15. Week days at 2:45. 7:45 and 9:15 P. M. Night prices. 15c and 25c: Matinees. 20c Friday NlRht Chorus Girls' Contest Next Week "The Merry Liars." GRAND Week Sept 19, 1910 The Vaodavtllfi Sen - station teuprt?m, , Burlrtfth'B AEROPLANE GIRL Ttiree flights Daily. Hiurheff MuaIcoJ Trio Cora Minipftoii I Wolf ,illHM-t LeRoy Harvey LcMter it Moure Grandaecope Matinee Every Day, 2 :30: any seat 15c Evening Performances at 7:30 and 9:15 Balcony 15c; Lower Floor 25c: Box Seate, 50a PORTLANj Last Two Performances This Afternoon at 2 Tonight at 8 25th-Street Show Grounds. "BUFFALO BILL" BIDS YOU FAREWELL FOREVER UfW R"''Sivi;ir Led in Person bv the Last of the Jli-L. 1. J The Only and Original um UUL.W. t". UUUY "BUFFALO BILL" Who Positively Participates ia and Personally Directs the Performance. ROSSI'S MUSICAL ELEPHANTS THOMPSON'S TRAINED HORSES 100 AMERICAN INDIANS 100 ARTILLERYMEN, CAVALRYMEN JAPANESE SOLDIERY DEVLIN'S ZOUAVES AMERICAN COWBOYS AMERICAN C0WSIRLS RH0DA ROYAL'S 20 HIGH SCHOOL HORSES 6ERMAN CUIRASSIERS BEDOUIN ARABS RUSSIAN C0SSACK8 SOUTH AMERICAN GUACH03 MEXICAN RURALIES ROYAL IRISH DRAGOONS ROYAL ENGLISH LANCERS SC0UT8, GUIDES AND FRONTIERSMEN, AND A FEAST OF 100 FEATURES Admission (including; seat), 50 cents; children under 9 years, half price. Grandstand chairs (including admis sion), ""$1.00. On sale day of exhibi tion at downtown ticket office, Sher SDan, Clay & Co., Sixth and Morrison streets. ASE BALL RECREATION PARK Corner . Vaug-hn and Twenty-fourth Streets VERNON . vs. PORTLAND lept- 20. 1. SS. 33, 24, 2.1. Gam Boffin Weekdays at 8:00 F- M., Nun days :80 P. M- Adm fusion Bleachers, 50c; Boxes 2.-.C extra. 10c; Grandstand 25c. 2.V; Grandstand, Children, Bleachers LADIES' DAT FRIDAY nvs nmlr 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday TODAY FOOD EXPOSITION -. ARMORY. BABY. SHOW 3 P. M. TOMGHT KLKS. DO.T MISS IT. THIS IS THE LAST M EEK. MEETING XOTICES. THE MYSTIC STARS OF MYR TLE. CHAPTER NO. IS. O. E S. Meeting this lTuesday Sept. -jii. s -o'clock. Masonic Temple. Election of officers and 'oher business All members of the chapter requested to attend. il 1L l h fc,. sec. MYSTIC STARS OF MYRTLE There win be a meeting; this (Tues day) evening at 8 o'clock. New Ma sonic Temple, West Park and Yam hill sts. Election of officers H. J. BOYD, Pres. OREGON" COUNCIL. ROYAL ARCANl'M. meets at the Audi torium. 208 Third street, the first and third Tuesday of each month at 8 P. M. Visitors cordially wel come. O. O. HALL. Secretary. Care Honeyman Hardware Co. AND A. S. RITE. AINS- WORTH CHAPTER OF CROIX. NO. T Regulai F ROSE ar meet ing in Memorial Hall. Scottish Kite cathedral, mis iiuesnayi evening at T:4j. Brother B. B. Berkman. 32d degree, will lec ture on Alexander Hamilton at 8 o'clock. By order. WISE MASTER. INDEPENDENT HOMESTEAD NO. 6S0. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEOMEN will Kie a dance Thursday evenins:. Sep tember 22 at the East Side Woodmen Hall, East 6th and Alder eta. Prasps' Orchestra. BORTI..AND CHAPTER. NO. 97, O. E. S. A stated communication this (Tuesday) evening. W. O. W. Hall. 334 Russell Btreet. By order W. M. All members of the order cordially Invited. Social. New hall for rent, central, fine floor, steam heat, piann, large ante-room and lockers. Howe-Pnvls Co.. 109 2d St. or A goQ. DIED. BENNETT In this city. September 1l. at his late residence. 11M Konney avenue, Frank S. Bennett, aped 35 years. 1 month. 2 1 days. Announcement of funeral later. BROWNING In this city. September If), at. her late residence. 9 East Ntnth street Mrs. E. A. Brownlnp. aped 7fl years. I month, 17 days. Funeral announcement later. -SJHL"!SXT-i 1 rt a M M Li ) 1 1 S r3 2 AUCTION SAXES TODAY. At Gtlman'a Auction House, 12ft feoond street, at 10 o'clock A. 31. S. L. X. Gilman, auctioneer. At Baker's auction house, 152 Park St., furniture, etc. Sale at 10 o'clock. Gvo. Baker & Co., auctioneers. At Wilson' auction house, corner Second and Yamhill; new imnka. Sale at 2 P. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OIHCE, CITY HAIX MAIN S9.- A 75M. HEUAA'E OFFICER. EAST s- KEW TODAY. A SNAP THIRTY ACRES, CHOICE ' Clark County. FARM LAND 14i2 miles from Portland, IV2 miles from Vancouver Electric Railway. On the best good road in Clark County. For sale as a whole or in small tracts at $90 Per Acre Small cash payment; easy terms. J. T. FORD 210 Lumber Exchange. Phone Marshall 2627. - Portland. Vancouver Office, 503 Main Street. Irvington Swell Home Brand new, modern, swell 9-room house, e-erythin:r in and refldy to move into; furnace, fireplare, sloepinpr porch, built-in t-hina closet, window seats, nice combination fixtures, shades. breakfast-room; in fact It has all latest Improvements and is a beautiful home, on a lot 60x100, with cement sidewalks and street improvements paid. This iiome is worth $7500, and you ran buy it for a few days for $6900, about $J.10ft cash, balance easy terms, in the best part of Irvington. Nothing but swell homes surrounding-. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bide., 4th and Oak. 5-Room New Bungalow, on 405100- foot lot, on 13th, near Alberta, car line. Make offer. 7-Room House, new, in Piedmont, 1174' Haight ave. ; very nicely finished,' at a sacrifice price. Beautiful 8-Room House, on corner, 100x100, Mallory and Jarrett. One! of the prettiest homes and locations in Piedmont. MERCHANTS SAVINGS A TRUST COM PAS Y, S. W. Cor. 6th and Washington Streets., NEW HOUSESI FULL LOT 8-room house, Irvington.. 86750 6-room house, Rossmere- S4100 6-room house, Rossmere.. $3900 6-room house. Blumauer- S3250 6-room house, Kenton.-... S1950 BUTTERWORTH-STEPHEXSOJI CO., Owners and Builders, 35 Lafayette BlnVf nth and Washington! Phone Main S520. East Side Garage Wanted Approximately 5000 square feet,. ground floor, corner preferred, either brick or irame, on either Hawthorne ave., .Belmont St., rsurnsiae st. or; Union ave. Wanted within 30 days by strong institution. Apply 606 Concord Building. Main 1373. APARTMENT SITES 60x100 corner, close in. south of Mor rison: low price: easy term. 50x55 corner, close in. West Side, very cheap: pood terms. lrtiixlOG corner, on 1st st. with 3 grood houKes, rented $135 per month; good terms. Grussi & Zadow 317 Board of Trade Bids?., 4th and Oak, ' MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN GOLD. Value lying dormant in already devel oped mineB. within twenty miles of the Sumpter Smelter In Eastern Oregon, where a ready cash market exists. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore now blocked out ready to break down and ship. Grand opportunities for practical miner and live promoters. Now is the time to se cure some of these valuable properties, through purchase, lease or workir g .option. Quick action counts. Address feecy. Sumpter Development League. Sumpter. Oregon. 14th and Market $15,000 Corner ' S5000 CASH. OUTERS' HKALTY ASSOCIATION, 20.1 Abtngton Bids;. MORTGAGE LOANS Lowest rates and term to ault; npe eial rates and favorable terms on large loons on hualness properties. funds Loaned for Irlate Investors. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 02 MeKay Blrtg., 3d & Stark. IRVINGWOOD Restricted residence district. East 29th. 30th, Klickitat. Fremont. -Lots 50x105. alley SO feet wide. Water, sidewalks, graded streets. 1 Prices $S75 and upwards. 10 per cent down, 2 per cent monthly. 25 per cent helow adjoining property. Only 20 lots, so hurry up. COHIMW, Owner, 20S 4th St. PACIFIC TITLE & TE,UST CO., Removed to 7 Chamber of Commerce! ground floor. Fourth-street side. A. B. Manley, Pres. "W. Y. Masters, Seo'y. and Attorney, INVESTORS Call ob owners' Realty Aat. for timber, acreage, busmen resident, aaj apartment properties. Itui Ablnxtov