Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 20, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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Informal Opening of Women's. Cloaks,Suits, Furs, Gowns, Millinery Etc. Thursday, September 22nd
New Line of Nemo Corsets, Howd and L,a Bean Front Lace Corsets Royal Worcester, Bon Ton and Mme. Helene Corsets
TheNew Marietta, Marquise, Warner, Redfern, Reno Belt Corsets, SaHlin Waists, in Corset Department 2nd Floor
.Olds,' Wortoan SL Him
100,000 Sale of Fine Fuar
t?rtl!HManufacturjers' -and September Harvest Sales!
ii-S2SS2" Tuesday's sKoppers will find unusual saving opportunities in all departments. Our mammoth
sale of Furs will by far eclipse any sale of the hind ever attempted in Portland. Early sHoppers -will find easy choosing', TKose who are not
quite ready for their furs will do well to mahe their selection now. Pay a deposit and have us care for them until JacK Frost arrives. Those
who desire may taKe advantage of our easy payment plan and have the full benefit of the great reduction in prices which is practically
a third less than the garments would be sold for if we had placed our order a little later. Come to this fur sale if you have to come lOO miles
Opening Sale of
Fur Coats
A $250 Brown
Ermine $187.50
Coats of quality, rich fur, full of natural
life; brown ermine body, with natural mink
collars and cuffs, lined with white brocade
silk; very durable and heavy; a coat that
will please the most critical expert; our
recular f'JoO.OO value, of- CI Q7 Cfl
fered at low price of, ea. V u
$275.00 Caracul
Coat at $206.25
An all black Coat, trimmed in jet and lined
with fancy silk ; a coat which is all the rasre
in Europe today. Popular on account of the
extremely rich surface; a bargain at the
regular pnee of FJo.UU; Cfli-
special for, the
Reg. $125
Natural Pony
Coat Priced at $93.75 Ea.
Natural Tony Coat, 52 inches lone, lined
with brocade silk; very handsome; comes
in medium weight ; priced, each, $03.7o
S125.00 Near Seal $93.75
A verv attractive Coat, so near seal you
can hardly tell it; fancy silk-lined: fro?
iasieners. yja saie ui, aimrui, u
175.00 Sable
Squirrel $131.25
An Asiatic and Siberian product,' noted for
its durability and natural appearance; a
52-inch coat," lined with silk; very attract
ive and extremely popu- CI 91 O C
lar; recular $175.00 value V A
Rerf. S75.QO BlacK Pony
Coat Priced at $56.25 Ea.
Black Pony Coats, full 52 inches lonp, lined
throughout with Skinner's satin; a barjrain.
Ret. $125 Values $93.75
Very fine black Pony Coats, 52 ins. lone,
lined with fine brocade satin. . See these.
$1.05Chemise 98c
A line of the very popular Howd Front
Lace Corsets, in most desirable models,
which retail regularly up to tO QO
$10.00; special price,, the pair P,7
EEN00 BELT SPECIAL, made expressly
for Olds. Wortman & . King, of heavy ma
terial, fitted with extra strong hose sup
porters. The reinforced front gives a per
fect line to the abdometv for stout figures.
Our special manufacturers ' price, $1.08
Ladies' medium weight Vests and Pants,
long1 sleeves and ankle lengths; sizes A Q
4 to 6; regiIar 63c values, special at "C
Hear tne Free Lecture on Style
Today From 2 to 4 P. M.
by Linda. Ross Wade
Another high-class attraction, free for the women of Portland. Mrs. Wade is a
lecturer of National fame, highly intellectual, on the subject of style and fash
ion; first president of the National Dressmakers' Association. Her subject for
today will be "Distinction Between Style and Pashion." Every woman in Port
land should avail herself of the opportunity to hear Mrs. Wade and see her dem
onstrate the various garments worn by the fair sex. This lecture absolutely free.
Regular $15.00
Handbags $9.87
$9.5Q SilK Petticoats for $4-39
$7.50 Wash Waists $2.95
PETTICOATS A very special purchase of 100 dozen Petticoats enables us
to make this offer for today. The large line comprises every wanted color,
including black and white. They are cut fall in thebody and styled with
deep flounce, which is trimmed in tailored bands, tucks, plaits, etc. They are
made of good, standard quality taffeta, the kind that will not
crack easily. We offer choice of these unusual values to $9.50 at
WAISTS Unusual values are shown in . every section of the second floor.
Special mention is made of this assortment of Women's Fine Lingerie Waists,
and only 700 women can share the great saving. They are made of fine lawns,
mulls, batiste, etc. Cut to fit and styled to please. They are neatly trimmed
in laces, embroideriesetc., or tucked and plaited in the tailored (t r) f
effects. Our regular values to $7.50, priced very special at, each )Z7J
$3.QO.Lace Curtains $1.5Q Pair
$8.00 Lace Curtains $4-00 Pair
1000 ladies' Handbags in seal and walrus
stocks; in black only; leather-lined, fitted
with coin purses and card cases, trimmed
in gilt and gunmetal, in many new styles
and shapes; our regular $5.00 CO 1 Q
values, special at low price of "PO,
Ladies' very high-grade Bags, made of
genuine seal stock, with gilt, gunmetal and
German silver frames, single or double
strap handles; fitted with coin purses and
card cases; leather - lined ; in ti!Q Q7
black only; $15 values, special P'
7Qc Sheets 54c $1.Q5 Sheets 82c
Regular 8Qc Bed Sheets for 64c
Regular 23c Pillow Slips for 18c
A very advantageous purchase of 6heets and pillow slips. Our domestic buyer formed
a club with several Eastern buyers, and bought the entire stock of a mill which was in
financial trouble and needed the cash. SPOT CASH DID IT. Most of the goods are
slightly soiled, or occasionally an uneven thread or oil spot, which in no way inter
feres with the wearing quality. They are made of one of the best qualities of sheet
ing, torn, hemmed and ironed ready for use. A grand opportunity for hotels, room
ing-houses, etc., to lay in a supply. The best ever sold in Portland for the price.
isize D4xyu sneets; duuu in tne lot.
Regular 70c values, special price
Size 63x90, torn and hem'd ready CO.
for use; regular 75c values forOOG
3700 sheets, 72x90, ready for use. CZAn
Regular 80c values, special, each
4000 sheets, size 81x90, torn and
hem'd, ready for use; 90c values
sheets, torn and hemmed,
for use; 95c values, each
Size 90x90 sheets, 2000 in the lot. OO
Regular $1.05 values, special forC
45x36 Pillow Slips, 23c values, for 18
50x36 Pillow Slips, 24c vals. for 19M:
42x36 Pillow Slips, 21c values, for 16
$LOO'Hat Pins 49c Bach
7Sc Brooches or Buckles at 37c Each
2000 pairs of Lace Curtains, comprising
200 patterns. Mast be closed out to make
room for thanew stock The new curtains
are coming in by every freight. The old
stock must go out by every delivery. Ara
bians, Italian, Filets, French Clunys, Ren
aissance in, Arabian, ivory and white. An
extensive stock in MJ A Pi pa
quantity, to be sold for riltC
Regular $ 3.00 values, at, the pair, SI. 50
Regular $ 5.00 values, at, the pair, 2.50
Regular $ 8.00 values, at, the pair, S4.00
Regular $12.00 values, at, the pair, $6.00
Regular $18.00 values-; at, the pair, S59.00
Regular $25.00 values, the pair, 312.50
CooRing" School Today
Miss S
u s a n n e
Tracy, Lecturer
Free Cooking School under the direction of a college graduate and experienced
demonstrator. Yonng ladies are especially invited to attend. Every matron should
avail herself of this opportunity to learn a few new dishes. Today's lesson will
be on "Frying in Deep Fat." This will consist of French Fried Chips, Parisi
enne Doughnuts, Fritters, Croquettes, etc. The cooking school lessons are free.
Thousands of new Hat Pins in an endless
variety of designs, in stone-set novelties,
metallic designs, etc, in sterling, gray, rose
and green gold; values up to $1.00, ICkf
all grouped together at, sp'l., each "C
LA VALLIERES An exceptional oppor
tunity to secure one of our newest style
La Vallieres, in a broad range of
patterns ; values to $1.00, at, each " C
large selection of styles and metals, O1?
all good, new patterns; 75c values,," C
BEAUTY PINS, with solid gold fronts,
gold-filled backs, solderless, plain OQ
and fancy designs; 50c values for4"''
Opening Sale of
Fine Furs
Alaska MinR
$2QO Mtiff $15Q
The Alaska Mink vies with all other furs
in elegance of luster; rich chestnut colors.
The very choicest skins, carefully selected
and perfectly matched. The very plain
neckpieces are in "reat vogue. We offer a
few $200.00 scarfs, special tfl Ef fifl
at the low price of, each P - VJ.UU
$1QQ MinR Muff $75
Alaska Mink Muff, with seven heads, tails
and feet, with shirred silk linings; very
exceptional values at $100.00. B7C ff
On special sale at only, each V 0,JJ
Chinchilla Furs
$38.5Q Muff at $28.9Q
375.QO Scarf at $56.25
Chinchilla Muffs and Scarfs, made from
j skins imported from Peru and Chile. Very
soft, downy fur, exceptionally warm and
very durable. During this sale we price
$38.50 Muffs for $28.00 and CCfi Of
regular $75.00 Scarfs for, ea. ?0J,iJ
$185 Collars $138.75
Black Lynx Fur Collars, lined with plain
satin ; fancy cut and trimmed with two
heads and long tabs; rcg- C 1 OQ "7
ular $185 value, special at P A OO, I O
BlacK Marten Firs
BLACK MARTEN MUFF, in the pillow
style, with' shirred lining; a dJCO 7ZS
rich $85 value, special price ?JO, I J
BlacK Raccoon Fur Sets
Reg. $38.5Q Muff $28.9Q
Reg. $5S.5Q Scarf $43.85
Black Raccoon Set; a large pillow muff
with strips of corded silk, set in between'
strips of fur; a long scarf to match. A
very attractive novelty. Don't fail to see it.
Portland Is
Remarkably Free
Health Officer Vheeter Makes In-
paction In Schools and Induce
Forrljrner to Improve
Sanitary Conditions.
As a ru!t of City Health Officer
Wheeler" campaign during the Summer
months to ftamp out contagious dln
euea. Portland at present t almost fre
from contagion. The healthful condition
among the school children la particularly
noticeable and. according to Dr. Wheeler,
only two caeea of scarlet fever have
b.en dlscovere.1 among them. One of
these cases was detected Just before tha
opening of the scholia.
"The general health condition "amonaf
the school children Is better than It haa
been for years." said Dr. Wheeler yes
terday. "Early In the Summer the City
Health Department started to investi
gate the conditions of the city and to
Insist upon better sanitation, particu
larly among the poor. Ky " hard work
myself and assistants succeeded In caus
ing hundreds of the laboring class to
come to an understanding of the Im
portance of cleanliness In their habits
and at their homes. Before the Summer
had passed, these people saw for them
selves why we desired to Improve sani
tary conditions. There has been less sick
ness In the families of the foreign labor
ers so far thla Fail than at any corre
sponding period In previous years. This
h simply due to the fact that the chil
dren are being taken care of much better.
-.Such cases as scarlet feyer and dlph
therla have been reduced to a minimum."
Dr. W. E. Smith, who Is directing In
spection of the school rooms, reports that
tne situation shows a marked Improve
ment over that of last year. The school
children of famlles of the poorer classes
not only have a cleaner appearance, said
he. but they are taking more pride In
trying to keep the school rooms clean.
"Parents have profited by our campaign
in taking better care of their children."
said Dr. Smith. "They have cleaned up
their homes better this year than ever
before, and as a result there Is consider
ably less sickness. One Important thing
Is that wa have practically stamped out
tuberculosis among the school children t
of poor parentage. i
Dr. Smith Is being assisted In Inspect
ing the city schools by Drs. W. E.- Smith.
F. J. Fish. L. J. Wolf and J. G.- Abele.
He hones to have completed examination
of all the schools by the end of the
month, or as soon as possible. In order to
check any contagious disease In Its In-
clplency that may be found.
Mrs, Rachael D. Shatto. who Is con
nected with the City Health Department
as a nurse, said last evening that the re
sult of the work of the health authorities
was exceedingly encouraging, and that
the general health among the children
of school age throughout the city had
greatly Improved since last year.
Peninsula Improvement Association
Is After Delinquents.
"Mossharks" will no longer be en
dured by the Peninsular Improvement
Association, particularly when street
Improvements are held up, through
failure of property owners to pay
street asaeasmenta.
Resolutions were passed by the asso
ciation petitioning the City Auditor
to Issue warranta of sale Immediately,
for all the delinquent property on
Lombard street, from Wabash avenue
eaat. and to proceed to close the mat
ter without delay.
It Is pointed out In the resolutions,
that the matter has been dragging
along for two years, and that prac
tically half the property along the
street has been signed up on petitions
asking; for a hard-surface Improvement
of the street, but the petitions cannot
be filed until all the assessments for
the proposed Improvements have been
disposed of.
According to the resolutions, the as
sessments haj been due and delin
quent alnce September 1. 1S01. and
every property owner affected has had
ample notice to pay them.
A copy of the resolutions wsa placed
In the hands of City Auditor Barbour
Clirhalis Clothing Store Burns.
CHEHAL.I3. Wash.. Sept. IS. (Spe
cial.) The Market-street clothing store
of the Morris-Baker Company was de
al royed by fire at 2 o'clock this morn
ing, causing a loss of several thou
sand dollars, partly covered by In
surance. The origin of the fire Is unknown.
Win Merit Wins.
When the medicine you take cures
your dlseaae. tonea up your system and
makes you feel better, stronger and
more vigorous than before. That la
what Foley Kidney Pills do for you.
In all raees of backache, headache, nerv
ousness, loss of appetite, sleeplessness
and general weakness that Is caused by
any disorder of the kldneya or bladder.
Take Foley Kidney Pills promptly, cure
your present ailment and ward off a
dangerous Illness, gold by all drug
gists. .
Saloonist Is Naturalized
Spite of Protest.
Examiner Hazard Contends H.- H.
Tannensee Haa Xot Proved Mor
al Character, but Applicant
Explains Away Charges.
Hugo Henry Tarmenaee, proprietor of
a saloon at Fourth and Madison strets.
was granted cltlxenshlp papers by Circuit
Judge Morrow yesterday afternoon over
the protest of Henry B. Hazard. United
States naturalization examiner. Mr.
Hazard contended that Tannensee's good
mora character had not been proved for
five years, as Is required by law.
In support of that contention he pro
duced the record of the Police Court,
mowing that Charles ' E. Hicks. George
Rogers and Annie Brlggs had been con
victed of having given liquor In Tannen
see's saloon to Hazel McKay, a 17-year-old
girl- Hicks and Rogers were each
fined 120 and Annie Brlggs was placed
on suspended sentence.
Mr. Hazard said the Tannensee case
was In some respects like the case of
J. E. Fait, proprietor of the Quelle, who
was refused papers by- Judge Cleland
last Saturday. Besides the conviction of
persons arrested in Tannensee's saloon.
Mr. Hazard cited Hazard's testimony that
ha was never arrested, while the Police
Court record shows him to have been
arrested twice.
The matter came up - yesterday on a
motion of the naturalization official to
set aside an order made July 16. granting
Tannensee his papers. He said the aale
of the liquor to'a minor was made only
three days after the order for papers
had been made, but before the certifi
cate had been Issued. -
Tannensee and his wife said the waiter
In .their grill had asked the party how
old the girl was. and suggested that she
take a soft drink. He ssld Annie Brlggs
had told him the McKay girl was her
sister, and that she was 21. After the
party was arrested, he said he dis
charged the waiter and later paid the
flnea of the two men.
Sohallberger Charge Answered.
Answering a suit filed against them
by Anna Schallberger. the members of
the firm of John Huber & Company say
they furnished lodging for Mrs. Schal
berger's son for 20 months at $15 a
month, and that last February Arnold
Schaljberger converted to his own use
a wagon cover worth $12. for which he
has not paid. They therefore ask that
her suit be dismissed.
John Hennessy. Pleads Guilty to
Stealing' Clothing and Money.
John Hennessy pleaded guilty before
Presiding Judge Cleland In the Circuit
Court yesterday afternoon to a charge
of theft of a coat and hat and $43 be
longing to Al Seguln. The crime was
committed August 26.
Frank VIrglgllo pleaded not guilty to
having attacked Ned Pyle with a razor
August IS. Ike Ford pleaded not guilty
to having passed a forged check for
$31.50 on John Wllklns. Joe Schuerln
pleaded not guilty to larceny from the
dwelling house of Frank H. Jones Au
gust 6.
George Griffith was arraigned and
pleaded not. guilty to two charges of lar
ceny In a dwelling. It Is alleged he stole
a gold watch, bracelet and gun from A.
W. Williams August 2 and that four days
later he stole four ostrich plumes, a med
icine case, an electric flat-Iron and a
pair of opera glassee from Anne Shogren.
Bill Goodwin, acused of contributing
to the delinquency of 17-year-old Irene
Barnes May 15. was arraigned and will
plead at 2 P. M. Thursday. Louis Nel
son, charged with stealing $180 from Ole
Anderson September 2, will also plead
Thursday, as will A. C. Cameron.
J. E. Quinn will plead Thursday to a
charge of obtaining money under, false
pretense December 81. I. It Is
charged he secured baths and lodging on
a worthless check for $14.76. passed on J.
Friedman. Patrick O'Brien, charged with
a statutory offense, pleaded not guilty.
Creola M. Hatch Wants Divorce.
Says Husband Failed to Support.
Complaining that William R. Hatch
ignored grocery and furniture bills for
three years, compelling his wife, Cre
ola M. Hatch, to support him. as well
as herself and her two daughters.
she brouht a divorce suit In the Cir
cuit Court yesterday.
Hatch, who Is a carpenter, must pay
his wife $35 a month alimony. If her
request Is granted by the court She
says here husband last April twice
threatened to commit suicide, going so
far once as to shut the door and turn
on the gas. , At another time, she al
leges, he flourished a revolver. The fam
ily fomerly lived at the Locks. The cou
ple married at Wlllet, Cal., February
15. 1193.
Nellie M. Gove filed a divorce suit
yesterday against L. R. Gove, alleg
ing that ha desertedd her a year ago
last March. They were married at
John Day, November 24, 1903. Mrs.
Gove asks to take her maiden name.
Hotel Men Sited.
F. TV. Tubbesing filed suit yesterday
against M. U. Hoswell and Lloyd E.
Rogers, for the recovery of $7950 dam
ages, charging Hoswell and Rogers with
having violated a contract to turn
over a lease on tne Hotel Philip. Tub
besing says they agreed to give him
the lease to the second and third floors
of the hotel, and that he went to the
expense of employing an architect to
remodel the rooms, and a plumber to
Inspect the premises. He Intended to
take possession September-16, he said
They now refuse to complete the deal,
he asserts. The hotel Is located on
Burnslde street between Fourth and
Teeth Xo Fit, Says Mrs. Keller.
That R. T. Royal, a dentist, who had
no license, but who was in the employ
of the Rex Dental Company, attempted
to fit her with teeth, but failed, are
the assertions of Mrs. C. R. Keller In
her answer to the company's suit for
fees. The case Is brought In the Circuit
Court in the name of H. Sinfield. Mrs.
Keller says she went to the company
June 2. and was to have been charged
$180 for the work. But the plates did
not fit, she said, so she refused to take
them. She says Royal pretended to be
a graduate practitioner in dentistry.
Criminal Cases to Be Heard.
ASTORIA, Or.. Sept. (Special.) ,
The September term of the Circuit Court,
convened here today by Judge Campbell,
will continue ite session for several
weeks. A grand Jury has been drawn
and there are several criminal cases to
b heard.
ft jp J
;'asy Payments;f ! I
if piano tllSMlll piano
K4 AND mwm-P AND V'
i PIANOS H lpi ' PIAN0S f
I lvv 386 Washington Street.
TO SALEM.,.,.,.:
Three minutes
.:-...r.-.25 Cents
Calls to Salem and from Salem to Portland completed same
as local calls in Portland by our new . Two Number Service,
If you do not know telephone number of party wanted, call
"Information" and ascertain.
Try it and you will be pleased.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
Beck Building, Seventh and Oak Streets.