POTATO CROP LIGHT Yield in Most States Is Much Below Normal. PRICES SHOULD BE GOOD Mabililjr of Markrl l-nd on Steady .Movement of appli?s. , Crop Condition in I'nltcd Male Itclcrl. The p:iut markets In all parts ff the Vnlted Statea should be on a Rood basis this car. Crop limott tvrywhft ars -low normal and lo him sectlor.a, very tiM. Ths prosperis in the Pacific Jforth srest sr favorable for reasonably Rood prfes If a steadr. free movement la main talne,) throughout the aeasnn. If stocks ars held bar bjr farmers, However, tha carve of lar yea-'s market mar be re peated. At that time. It will be remem bered, potatoes vera held In Oregon above tha shipping quotation and tha eonaumlnc marketa of tha Northwest ot their sup plies elsewhere. A surplus was left In this state that could only be worked off later at very low rates. Tho outcome of tha Oreaoa crop Is still in doubt, but tho dealers all acree that It will be smaller than last jear'a. There la only three-fifurtha of an early crop and tha growth of the late planting Is be in re tarded by dry wealher. Timely ralna. bo rtfr. would remedy thla matter. Acrording lo tha Government crop report tne average condition of potatoes In tha I ruled Stales on September I waa 7.S. acs'i-t Ti it last month, . on September 1 !. T3 I In ! and a ten-year average f . on September I. Crop conditions In all the states of the 1'nion are re lewed In tha latest Issue of the Chicago Packer, which may ba eum-wta-ilcd as follows: In Colorado the promise Is for a moderate ylcM. t Greeley d strict, which sues a normal c.-op of 10. 000 cars, b-ln - estimated lh:s year at ." cars. 1 tah will have a fair crop, but the acre axe Is not extensive. t'allfrnta has about ai a-erage crop. Washington and Montana a. tow a small shortage and condltlona tn I. ', are normal. In Minnesota. Wiscon sin and tha Iakotas the drouth wiped out t.'ie earty crop and tha late crop ts short. There was less damage tn Michigan than e'sewhere In that part of the country. Iowa f ports practically a failure of tha earlr crop and a light late rrop. The Nebraska crop Is uncertain. The Eastern states will tarn out a moderate crop. New Tork shows a liberal acreage but tt.e yield will fall e:iort of lart year's. Maine will have a good errs on a large acreage, but the yield will cot be up to lost year's. In Pennsylvania t.is output will be a little less than nor n al. wtir..T jti'T and run n (.. little Hmarw I ader Way In the Country. t isrr t.rala t a chanced. Th local wheat market waa quiet and weak anil country advices were of very flt t'e haa'n passing at artv point. Exporters nuot-d club at at rents and offered 9a ceota for bluestem. ! nere were bo changes In the barley or eats ms-krt The former was steady and tne Taitee w-ak. The movement of flour ts light, but prices en patents are well maintained Export Sour Is east. Iv-al receipts In caee were reported by the Merchant Exchange as follows: Wheal Barley riour Oale He M.rriav ' 3 I" I & r. "--r- Is .... i I i : II V ear as i; l Sit ij t date . 1 J. I "fear ago Uvh iior ORir.R arkivK itiovt tiit. kt. I lrt laaalry Irwso That Quart t-r Thit Several Tortland and Saro hop dealers r-celved ordera from the Kast yesterday tha f.rst satisfactory signs or buslresa In tha cew crop since harvest beran. The orders were for good grade hops at 1C(s centfl to the grower. So far as could be learned, none of the orders were executed u- to last night, rut acme business along this line la early expected. The New Tork hop crop Is not of very good qualitv this year, according to the Water viMo Times, which says: The hops are coming down fast, but not qutte fast enough to prevent them from r-lnr touched with mold. Tnete will ba f-wrr choice hops from New Tork State than has been the case In many years. ;roera are Arm In their belief that there will be ready market for their hopa when the market onca opens and the steadier feeling on tha Coast and abroad would Indi cate that there was some foundation fur tneir belief. IM.ti PRIIt-S foNTINlE TO ADVANCE. save I rent -street Headers Hold Ore go as at 11 tenia. The lightness of receipts of ranch eggs and the growing demand keep the market In a strong position. Oregon egga were quoted by most dealers at -1 cent yester day and some held at ZS cents. Poultry arrived more freely, but tn spite f this fact. 17 cents was obtainable on ctit.-kene of a'1 sues. Rurter was quoted firm local::, without e feature California shippers efferej but tsr more freely lo the local trade. The cheese market waa also Arm. Former prices were quoted on country dressed meats, though the real supply waa large and the undrrtone of the market waa weak. -local. i.RArts ake too n.KxrirrL. All Other Kusda r tTwIt t lesa I s H ell al -wad fries. Kvery thing la the fruit Una except grapes cleaned un well yesterday. California grapes were la good demand, tut there was an ever supply of local fruit, especially blacks and basket grapvs. J-earhes vrere sarce and wt'l contiune so mil Sain ays begin to arrive. Some South ern Oregon Wonderfula cams in and sold at V 5 rents. Tba best Crmwfords and Kl bertaa were held at " centa Cantaloupes were in fair reviuest at Hlpl.JO. Apples and te-ars were alow. Sweet potatoes were .In moderate supply and quoted lower at cent per pound. Itaak riewrlBga. Pank clearings of tha Northwestern cities jrs'crUay wers aa fotlows: I'lrartnr-i- Balances. P.vrflard f l.l-J .: $'7 I. '.r'O -att.e I.PM.OT2 2t.Tl Tarima PI.V3 Vrckana I.w-'i.Jt-S lrto 112 PORTLAND MAKlvJET. t.raln. tlwar. feed. Kir. n if tr-Trj. k r.-I.es. exprt basis. Blue s' -r :-: rluh, asc: ret Russian. -: ''I'!. .-; "-VH. arc; Turkey red. MIS pec. '.: 'I Patents. I j 3i per barrel: atraighta, export, : Valley. S40; graham, ti. whole wheat, quartern. II'-'"- BAP.UEV Feed. P" ton; m S V ner ton tng. l-'S per ton. HAV Track prices-. Timothy. Willamette Valley, tl'tr- per ton: Kastern Oreixon. CloK: alfalfa, new. Hi Is; (rain hay. IUi 1 . CUUX Whole. $-.1: cracked. per ton. MIUUfTlKFti Bran. per ton; middlings. HI: shorts. !:--. roiled bar- lev. J l.o r 2 UATi White. 1T.S0 per tin. Vettetahlea and 1'ralle. ORETEN FRl'ITS Apple new. S0crJr1.IJ per box: plums. 40W7.V- per box: pear. i.;c 1 :i per box; peaches, boxes. 40a1 ic. lugs, il llvl.:i; grains. :icII.-.'l per box: 11.31 per lug: :0tf:;c per tfcsket: cran bvrrles. per barrel. MELONS Watermelons. 1 . per bun hundred: cantaloupes. ll io per "at.-. TKOPKAU KKl'lTS Orangea. alerielsa. H Will T.'.; lemons. l't7.il: gratvefrult. 114 l4.-"a per box; bananas, t'ic per pouno. plnevpnl's. Be per pound VE'lriTAtll-ES Heane. SOic per pound, eabbxge. 2c per pounn: cauliflower. fl.au per Uuacn: celery. c per doxen: corn. IZlSc per doxen: cucumbers. !jf40c per boa: eggplant. c per pound: garlic. Bffloc par pound: green onions. Ii per doxen: pep pers. 6c per pound: radishes, 1 .", 1 l'c pe r u...J: aqua-h. 4U per crate; tomatoes. 3ue tc pet tox S.CK VEOET.ri.E carrots. flOl.w. beets. II. on irsnliis. alfil.K: turnips. SI. IMJTATOEK Oregon. per hundred; sweet potatoeli. UNc per poufld. ONIuNS New. SI. 10 per sack. Isalry aad Cavalry n-odac. EGAS Oregon, candled. SlWaic per dos'n. Bl'TTEK Cite creamery, eolid P" c per pound; prints. .:7 at per pound, butter fat. 3c per pound: country alora bat ter. rw:ic per pound. ,...,. CHEt.-K Full cream, twlrs. liUC per p-tun-t: young America. l!ikle- POl LTItT Hens. 17c; Sorlnes. durvs. white. IAS 17c: geese. 10xe; turkeys. live. roc. dressed. IJ'.iV-eC, Sviuai-a. S3 ler doxen. IHJKK 1 sney, l:ic per pound. VEAL Good, average. UyKc per pound. Grarcrtew, Dried rrnlle. Etc. DRIED FBI-IT Apples. JOc per currants. 1-ih" ic. mfr T, . . Iunc. 7e per pound; figs. lancy wmm. - r- black. 7c: choice black. c. ,.n. s tLkON-Columbia Rivsr. 1-pound tans, IS.10 per dox-n: 2-pound talla. pound flata. S2.25; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. l; red. 1-pound talis. l tlo; sockcy. 1-pound talis. J2. COFFEE Mocha, H2Sc; Java, ordinary. 17f!2c; tot lllca. fancy. IxiOc: good, latllw: ordinary. 12V St 10c per pound. Nt'TS walnuts. lc per pound; BrvxJt nuts. l4-lo.-: hlberis. Ic: almond. I.e. pecans. lc: cocoanuta. '.Wcl per doxen. SALT ilranuiated. SIS per ton; ha.t ground. lvoe, tM per ton: oos per i ton. IlEANS Small wh.te. Sc; Ivge e.hlte. 4.c; Lima. iSc; pink. 7'c; red Mexicans. 7 y c : bayou. Tc. , mice No. I J.an. 4.c: cheaper grades, S3 MM! I.S.-: Southern head. 51 i' HONEY Choice. Sl-2&3- P'r eMe atralned. 7ic per pound. , , St OAK vry granulated, fruit and berry. JS.2.; beet. SS.05: extra C, Si-7S; golden C. i.i; yellow- D. Ji.'.; cubes .barrelsi. H.ui. powdered. ft.io: Domino. SlO.jOal SI LOO per case. Terms on lemlttancea wllli la 1J days deduct 'c per pound. If later than 15 and within 3" ii". deduct per pound. Maule sugar. 10loc per pound. Hope, Wool, llldee. Etc. IIOpe 1910 crop. 13 , ; 10". ltllc: ol'ls. nominal. . . , WOOL Kastern Oregon, hv lie pound. Valley. llUJOc per pound. i OIIAH Caoi.e. J2.r33e per pound. CASCAKA BARK IStKc Per pound. 11 ID bis Sailed hides. 77(c per pound; salted calf. 13c: salted Wlp. be; xaltea stags, kc; greeu hides, lc Ices; dry hides, lnv-ts I7c: dry call. I7ylc; dry ataga. HOlic. PELTS Dry. Ivc: salted. butchers" take-off. 4tt7Sc: bprlng lambs, 20v4&c Iro visions. HAMS 10 to 1 pounds, lone: 11 to 14 pounds, lac; 14 to lt pounds. 19c: 18 to u pounds, none; skinned. 20c; picnics, 14c; cottA.ee roll, lec . . BACON Fancy. 20c: standard, S.c, Choice. lie: English. IltlSlC SMOKED MEATS llcef tongues. lie; dried beef sets. 2-c; outsldes. none; In sl.lcs. rJc: knuckles. 3ic DKT SALT CURED Uegular ahoa clears. dry salt. ltf'c: smoked. lMc; backs, light. salt, lSr; smoked, lie: backs, heavy sail. lc; attrokecl. liVsc; export bellies, salt, l.tf; smoked. 1S'C .... .... . . i . .! li . r I . n feet. riv.ai.r-u uwio - - 1: regular trtpe. l: honeycomb tripe, Sli; lun. o tongues, S '; lambs- tongues. - I.AltD lens, kriuv i riiyci . . -.- ataadard pure. 14Vc; choice. UlaC; aUort- enmg. ax c. farIuErTareTolding NOT IIsrosKI TO sy.l.X. WIIKAT AT CI RKKXT PniCKS. flour Tratlf on Ihc Sottiiil Shows Xo Improrrnirni Potatoes Continue lo Mlffcn. SE ATTLE. Wash.. Sept 1 1 Special. The grain markets were firmer today, due largely to the etrowger view of farmers, who appear leee disposed lo sell than they have been. Exporter are also more active. Inas much as at least three vessels must be loaded before the em! of October. One Is alrrady awaiting a grain cargo at Tacotna. Oata did not aril below 30 today. Blue atem held at fMie-3 cents. The Hour trade shows some Improvement. .Concord grapea were offered toiler aa low aa V cents per basket. Some fancy Con cords are offered, but are In poor demand. California grapes also tnov-e slowly, even at extremely low prices. Celery Is depressed by the presence of large quantities of off grade stock. rotators continue to stiffen. Dealers are endeavoring to get shipments from Eastern Washington. Spot atocka are not large. Sweet potatoea sold at 2 S to 2 4a cents. Outside prices were offered for veal There has been considerable pressure of anrll eras. Storage atocka In the Enst are aaid to be larger than usua at thla time of the year. MAX FRANCISCO QIOTATION'3. r reduce Prices Current la tbe Bay City Market a. SAS FRANCISCO. Sept. 14. The follow ing prices wers current to tbe produce au krt today: Butter Fancy creamery S2c: creamery seconds. 10c; fancy dairy. He. threse New. HUtic; Young America, 1S.I- , 1,1. Kgs etore. JSC: fancy ranch. 40c poultry Koosters. old, S4.iiiS.iii; roost era young. i.io: broilers, small. S-' Z0 1 broilers, large, Slvl.-'i: fryers, ivj, Lena ivill; duckav. old. !; ducks, young. Svyi. Vegetables Cucumbers. 4OVG0c; garlic, jii4,ji,c: grein pea.e. 4i0c: etrltig beans, 3 fjOc; tomatoes. 30ile: eggplant. 40u0c. it cpe vjaltiornia, lussloc Mlllalufle Bran. S-'4i34; mlddtlnga, 32 'hi, Wheat. J7ol3: wheat and oats. fMtll; altalfa. S7V13: slock. Si.6.iO; straw, lluivc- potatoes Salinas liurbaoka, $I.20L45; sweets. 2l2c Frult Applet, choice. COc: common, .trie; bananas, "jctjl-t: Mexican limes, c$fitv:.0; California lemons, choice. t.V.Vl; California lemttna. common, $2.30; pineapples. Uw 2.J'i. K-ceipte Flour. quarter sacks: wheat. rentals: barley. .".T'C centals; oats, ftsrvo centals: bearte. AllH racks; corn. t;4i centals: potatoes. &V73 sacks: hran. :iS7 sacks. mUitlllngs. rV sacks: hsy. 7r Ions; wool. 322 balrs; hlues. 2IO. Metal Markets. NEW TORK. Sept. 14. Standard conper, dull; spot and September. I2.10tf 12.2J; Octo ber. 1.212's 0 li'-hvc; Novemler, 1 2-1 o r liiic. and December. 12.20 I2.2"c Ixin tlon. dull, spot l.v, :is Pd: futures. i.vi 17s lid. Arrive Is al New York today. 2.", tons: Cus-toma-House returns show exports of 11. .'old tons so fsr this month. I.ske Copper. 12.73 tJlSfT'tc: electrolytic. 12.30fy 12.73c. and casting. 12.2iwl2.iOc. Tin Fas? : spot g4.fi t 34.S."e: September. 34.7IS ty 34.7ic f Veto her, 4.ioi 34.tivc ; No vember. 2A.331g34.w: December. 3I.2M 34.Sr: aalea S tons September 34.7.c. mo tion wesk; spot, fl.a; futures, 1.'7 7s otl. Lead toilet: 4..17 H 1 l.42',c New Tork. 4 22 's 114.27 's East St. Louis. London spot. 112 !. s Spelter, quiet: .VIO J.0c New Tork. 3.90 -..-' c Fast St. Louia Iron. Clevelsnd wsrranta. 4a -tl In !-on-don. Locally the market aaa quiet. No. I found rv Ne-thern. SlntT1-,: No. 2; Sl.VT.O I ll; No. I foundry Southern and No. 1 foundry' Southern aofu S13.7af ia.23. SELL FOB PROFITS Stock Prices Carried Down on Realizing Operations. . EUT BONDS CONTINUE FIRM Money Kales Easier In New York and In the Interior Renewed Demand for Farm Mortgages at I.ovvcr Interest. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. The stock market today had to bear the burden of profit taking and waa affectej accordingly. So considerab'e a movement after the pro longed period of apathy and llatlcssnesa waa not to be neglected by the long-suffering professional operators. Politics continued to occupy a iarge share of attention, but there waa a disposition among some of the larger financial houses to defeat the exploitation of the stock mar ket as a Ueld for the expression of opin ions on political prospects. The subsidence of anxiety over tha bank ing position of the country provided a sub stantial substratum for the confidence that la growing up. Thla waa manifest In the reception accorded the newa of the rejec tion by the London conference of foreign bankers of the validation plan for American cotton shipments. The resources of the do mestic mnnev m arket seem now so assured that the extra requirement thus implied c&us?a ao anxiety. Money continues to work easier both In ts York and inland. Chicago reports a renenal of demand for farm mortgages on the part of the Insurance companies, with Interest 'rates marked down from to fc'i pr cent. Bonds were firm. Total sales, par value. 12.24.000. I'nited Statea 2s declined per cent on call. Sales. High. Low. Bid. Alils-Cial pfd ..... Amalgam Copper., lo. ." 4J W' k Am Agricultural... 1.2"0 ,,41,' 4 CLOSINU STOCK QUOTATIONS. Am Heel Suiter l.SOu 37 SiH 'I American Cen .... 3o S's ' 'V Am Car A Foundry U 4f- 4v 4;N Am Cotton oil 4" .: b-i'Se ;- Am Hd A l.t pfd.. S.tX ,w Am Ice Securities American l.lnSeed. 7i 1 1 V II l' Am locomotive... 1mi :tn .If's Am Smell A Hefln. ', . ,io preferred " Am St.l Foundrlea ..... Am Sunar Refining .Ki 11 JJ-'s J'; Am 1VI al Tel w Wa(a Am Tobucco Pfd J American Woolen. 2"0 2.S- .'S't -f ' Anaconda Mm Co. I'D ; J V?: oo preferred M XvO loo All CViSt Lire - llAlllinore Ohio.. 4AOH lOS 1'I1 I;", Hthiehem tteel .. 7"" 27 2. ItrvM.klvn It T ' 73"t .44 Cannolan I'acltlc. l'i i 11K Central Leatber... ' 3" 4 do preferred i. , C-ntral of N J : Clx-ealake A Ohio ia.200 .r'1. 4" .4 Chlag. A Alton Chicago Ol West.. SU 22v, 23 .3 do prefernM .? Chicago A N W.. K 14n's 151 "4.. C, M at St I'aul... 2JO 122' 121 12i- C. C. C St L Coki Fuel i Iron... 30 50k SO CoKiratio Sou;llcrn ..... ba Consolidated Oaa. . S.t-Hi 13H, 13 ISot Corn lr.-lu.ta .... Se 141 is Del.iwarv Hud J- L A H G ft) 1 "i 3o' do preferrcl I"0 71S 71 Distillers' aecur... ti 2s 2 . Vi tj-t,. l.taw 2B, 2 25 "4 rio 1st preferred. 1" 4.'lt, J' 'J1 cl 2.1 preferred General Electric " 144', 144 14.1$, tit Northern pfd.. 3.J"t) 12,i lJ-Vs 1- fir No Ore Ctfs... 1.3"0 t 5 6" llllnou. Central... l' l V- 330 lnterbotouxh-.Vet .. 12.H-.W l-a 1T JS1 do prrferred i.."'"U 'IS '' ".'' Inter-I'arv.ter .. 7lO KS'e " 'V, Inter-Marine pfd 51s Inter I'air Inter Tumi i? Iowa Central .... 'n K C Southern KD 2 2 do iiref. rred latrlede Oas MJ 1"" 1" lu0i l,lsvlile a Nash 4Xl 144 143i 142 Minn l. St lx.ue ..... .3 M. St T ai S St M 1.2UO 133 131, 13J4 M... Kan 4c Tex... 1.100 32-4 31 ' 81 do preferred MI'WVHin I'o-lfc... W Ms .MS W1! .N. l.ono I Kisvult.. 2t 1141, 114 lit .NatK.nal lead " .-.2- i2 81 Nt Hy of M 2d pM 1.71-1 .12 ' .11 V Y C.ntnl 2 7- H3" H-' ,a,t N Y O Weetcrn. 1M" 41 40' 415 Nor A Weetern... Het P7', W7 ' Jit, North Amerl.-nn.. 5"" 7', ', Northern Pacific. . 3. loO 11SS IH'l 1'4S Pacific Mail 2i . 2., 2's fearuevlvanla 7.1l 12'a 120 12SJ, Teople's tins 4..ti l7"s 1 X I"" P. C C a St 1 2 Vi fVj Pittsburg Coal ! ' ' I-rcfvied Steel Car. I' -'.4V 3I, 34 lullinan I'al Car. duu liil, lvlIS 1' Rv Ste.!l .irlng.. .. - .'' Keau'irg 3' 11S I'H 141 ' Repub.lc St-el a., preferred 2 " W S M's "4 Rock lelnnel Co.... .2" 321, 0 do preferred 2i . . M St 1. a s r 2d pfd. 3.-I 40 sai, :t St Ia)Ula S W -4 do preferred..... t Sh.ss M M A Inn. I 57 57 MS s-.uthern Pacific. 13.3' 1141, 11.1 11.1S southern Railway. 3'-l '-1 Zt 23i, do preferre.i '. ,Vt 52U .12 Tennessee Cot'per. 1.30O 2S1 -i . 's Texsj- Pacific. .TO 2, 20' 2" Tol SI I. West "-'-S do preferred f l M . Vnfen Pacific ... S3.l 17 1.V, 16.14 do preferred ! H I- S Realty ll" l Tl .1 1 s Rubber 1" S 34 S3'i 1- M Ste.1 iOC.VHt 701. OM.V, fi-S"-, do prefet-ed - H'. H4 T'tah Copper f" 47 4flT 4rt Va-Car Chemical.. l.'- bH Wabaeh d.. irrefeired l.tVXI S7t 3 M . Wet Murvlsrd 41' Weel Electric 400 (tl ! eV AVestern Cnion SOO 64 31s 3t W it- Lake Erie 41 Total aalcs for the day. 385.200 shares. BONDS. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Closing quota tions: V. A rcf. S reg iniTi X. T. C. g S,s SS'B do coupon .. .lrtOtnlNo. Pacific 3s... 71 i r . Us leg IOIiNo. Pacific 4a. 1004, H 'do coui-cn . . .ll.;i.'nlon Pac. 4s. 100 Ml f. S. new 4s reg.11.1 Wis. Central 4a.. P2V do coupon ...ll" (Japanese 4s .. S8B D. K- O. 4s. . 9g I Stocks at rtoatea. BOSTON. Sept- II. Closing quotations: Alloucx 4 IMohatvk 47'i Amalg. Copper.. 114 '4 ' Nevada Con. ... 20V, A - L. A- sm. . 26 .Niplsslng Mines., loi, Arlxpna Com. .. 17HINorth Butte. Atlnuiic tt i, (North Lake a, H C C A 3 M. 13V,:01d Dominion 3r, ltutte Coalition. lK'.rjOsceola 12T CaL Arizona. S9 IParrott (8. C.) 13 Cal. a Hecla.. .3o '(Julncy 73 Vi Centennial - 10 sliannon fl's Cop. Ran. C. Co. 0('.',Sup.rior 5 E. Ilulte Cp. M. "i,;Pup Bos Min.. S l Franklin 10 V, Sup a plus Cop. 11 i, Glroux Con Cillamareck 57 Cranhy Con. ... S2 l.'. S. Coal Oil 8' (Jrcene Cannnea. 6H U. S. S. H. A M. 3 Ms I Koyale (Cop.) 21 ! do preferred .. 4Si Kerr Lake r.iairtah Con 2:lv Uke ropper 3.".Ajl"lali Copper Co. 40 La Salle Copper lot, Winona 7', Miami Copper... l$-Wolverlne 122 Dally Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. The condition of the Treasury at the beginning of busi ness today wss aa follows: Trust funtla Gold coin SO2.n20,iWn Silver dollara 4S."..2iil.ix silver dollars of ivki S.iG.s.oiH) Sliver certificates outstanding... 4Hu.2Ol.0VO Oenersl funtl Standard ailver dollara In gen eral fund .S7S.If.4 Current liabilities SU.74u.till Working balance In Treasury of fices 30.008.301 In baoka to credit of Treasurer of the United Statee 35.71.417 Suhsldlarv silver coin l.li.-..20S Minor coin 1.0HA.127 Total balance In general fund... 8t.5tt3,l(ll Money. Exchange, J.tc. NEW YORK, Sept. 14. Money on call eay. I,tt2 per ent: rullrg rate. 1 ; clcering bid, 1; offered at lTs. Time loans eaay; rto days, 3,i4 per cent: o days. 4t)4'a per cent; six months. 4ti per cent. Irlme mercstitlle raper closed 5W per cent. Sterling exchange Arm. with artusl btis-neje in bankers bills al H b3(Kefrl.&3ti0 lor 60-day bills and at 4.55 for demand. Commercial bills. S4.-fc.4i4 &m. Par silver. 53 'sc. Mexican dollars. 41c. Government bonds, easy: railroad bonds. Arm. LONDON. Sept. 14. Bar silver, steady at 24 'id per ounce. Money. tt lc per cent. The tate of discount In the open market for short bills Is :H per cent; do for three months' bills. 2Ts per cent. Consols for money. 80 11-16; do for ac count. 80?,. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 14. Sterling on London. 60 days. I4.S3); do sight. 4.S6V4. Silver bars, o'ic. Mexican dollars. 44c. Drafts, sight. I'ic: telegraph. 16 3c. CHICAGO. Sept. 14. Exchange on New York, loc discount. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Coffee closed -toady at a net advance of 2"H' 24 points and aales avere reported of 188.700 bags for the day. repeating the largest day's busi ness since the beginning of the current bull movement. Close. September. S.oc; Octo ber. s.5."c: November, .".fiSc; December. S.75c: January. S.i3c; February. S.sr,c; March, s.s.tc: April. S.Mic: May. a.Ulc; June, ft. USc: July. S.OiJc: August. S.9VC. Spot cof fee firm: No 7 Rio. 10"v, tt 10-c: Santoa No. 4. 11 's i llc. Mild coffee firm; Cordova. 11 4 a i::"-ic. P.aw sagar Steadv. Muscovado. .Ml teat. 3."vc: centrifugal. .!I6 test. t.'Wc: molasses sugar. .S! test. 3.i'lc. Refined fufiar. quiet. Crushed. 5.83c; granulated. 3.10c; powdered. 5.20c suppLiclSed up NO FRESH RECEIPTS OF LIVE STOCK AT YARDS. Only One Sale Is Reported During the Day. a Buneli of Hogs at $10. BO. Trading at the stockyards practically came to a stop yesterday because of the lack of supplies. There were no fresh ar rivals and nearly all the carry-over stock had been worked off. A elngle sale tin reported during the day. a bunch of 77 hogs, averaging 1U4 po.imls. which brc-tight Slvl.50. Prices current on the vsrlous classes of stock at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were as follows: Deef steers, good to choice. $ B.25$5.50 Beef steers, fair to medium... 4.20& 4.5 Choice spayed heifers 4.50 411 4.75 Good to choice beef cows 4.2atf 4.65 Medium to good beef cows 3.70W 4.:i Common beef cows ;.l0iji 3.7i Bulls 3.751? 4.00 Stags, good lo choice 4.UU&) 4.-5 Calves, light 6.70 4U 7.O0 Calves, heavy 3.75 W 5.00 Hogs, top H).0010.7o Hogs, fair to medium u.50 r 10.00 Sheep, best Mt. Adams wethers 4.1'0M 4.-0 Sheep, best valloy wethers 3.5 3.00 Sheep, fair to good wethers.... 3.00 'a 3.-3 Sheep, best vslley ewes 3.00 3.50 La-mos. choice Mi. Adama O.Oftr O.jO Lambs, choice valley 5.00 5.20 Eastern Llvewtoek Markets. CHICAiiO. Sept. 14. Cattle Receipts, es timated. 17.00t: market, steady. Beeves. $I.M 5.: Texas steers. 3.70&5.o0; Western steers. S4.4&97: slocken- and feeders. 40ttl.lO: cows and heifer. X2.2506.40; calves, e6.70a9.25. Hogs Rccelots. estimated. 23.000; market. 20r25c lower. Light. SU.lCxJs.55; mixed. S.i.35fj f40; heavy. s. 10i9.2i: rough. tH.l51i8.45: good to choice hesvy. t.45r.20; pigs. ..1lS U.4u: bulk of sales, SK.0ms.s3. Sheep Receipts, estimated. 35.000; market, steady to strong. Nnllve. 2. 751 4.60 : Western. 3.20e4.5S: yearlings. S4.7.-i5 70; lambs, na tive. S.20g7; Western. 3.25g7. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 14 Cattle P.cceipts. ln.tKW; market, steadv. Natives. $5; native cows ami heifers. g2.75S8.73; stockers and feeders. 3.40: bulls, $J.25ff4.25; calves, e3.75ff8.25: es:era steers. 4.507.10; West ern cvrtvr. $30.20. . Hogs Receipts. R0O0: market. 15i9-25c lower. Bulk of sales. 2.V&9 ,V: heav-y. 0.10g.35: parkera and butchers. .2."69.50; light, t&40 180.53. Sheen Receipts 20.000: mnrket. Steady. Mut tons. ell4. : laniho. 5.707: fed wethers and vearllngs. e4i5.35; fed Western ewes. ,3 70S 4 .15. ' OMAHA. Sept. II Cattle Rpcelpts. 11.400; market, steadv- to easier. Native ateere. $4.50 4i8: cows and'hrlfers, :ie3.0: western steers. S3.ntt4.S0: ranee coks and heifers. I2..ir.: csnners. $2.5iKi3.4o; stockers and feeders. .t.254i.25; elves. $3.50fe7.25; bulls. stags, et.. $3t5. Hogs Itecelpts. ilSflO; market. 15t?23c lower. Havy. S.liii: mixed, tf.65?A.wt; light. ..Ti; pigs. 5.25ia.25; bulk of stiles, IS.60xj ' Sl eep Receipts. 45.S0O head: market, slow to weaker. Tearllng.'. 14 .ViSfl.50; wether t3.iUiiJ4.30; ewea. t.:.734J4.10; lambs. t6.23o .;3. Dried Frail nt New" York. NEW YORK, Sept. II. No Improvement was reported In the demand for evaporated apples. prices steady; fancy. 10", trllc; choice. 8tttViC: prime. jS'jC: common to fair. Hi 7 Sc. Prunes, quiet; quotations. 3"c to 10c for California fruit up to 20-40s and from 3HC to 8'4C for Oregon. Apricots steady, fancy. 1213'4c. Peaches unchanged, choice. 7r7fec; ex tra choice. 7'evi c: fancy, S6"SiC Raisins, firm; loose muscatels, 41,&".r; choice to fancy seeded. Itt'Hc: seedless, 4t.Xw3'sC; London layers, tl.251.30. Dairy Produce in the Eaat. CHICAGO. Sept. 1 4 Butter Steady; cream eries. 24'ii2Uc; dairies. 23 it 27c. Eitga Receipts. 10,755 cases; steady at mark, rases Included. 14ft 17c; firsts, 21c; prime firsts. 23c Cheere Easy; daisies. Wc; twins, 15fl 13L4c: Young Amertcaa. ltii,G 16fec; long horns, 16frl0,c. NEW YOP.K. Sept. 14. Butter Steady; creamery third to nr, 24'si62Sc. Cheese Steady, uncharged. Eggs Steady: suite. Pennsylvania and near by hennery white. 32ft36c; do gathered while, 'fi33c. Near York Cotton. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Colton Spot closed quiet. 10 points lower. Middling up lands. 13.70c: do. Gnlf. 14c. Sales, 75S0 bales. Fulurea cloaed barely steady, net 1 point higher. September. 13.39c: October. 12.99c; November. l.91'c: December, 12.9?c; January. 13.0c; February. 12.93c; March, 12.90c; May, 13.o:c; June. 18c; July, 12.99c Duluth Flax Market. DCH'TH, Sept. 14. Flax on track and In store. t2..t; to arrive. t2.Sl; to arrive In 10 days I2.S2; September. 2.M: October. 12..B',; November, t2.70Vi; December, 12.66. Wool at St. Leuis. ST. LOl'IS. Sept. 14. Wool Steady. Ter ritory and Western mediums, lSfeZSc; me diums. 1 ft JOc : line, 14 4 1 DR. PIETRZYCKI IS BURIED Many Men Attend Funeral of Promi nent Dayton Physician. DAYTON. Wash.. SopL 14. (Special.) The funeral of Dr. Marcel Pietrzyrkl. a pioneer physician of Oregon and Wash ington, ex-Mayor of Dayton and widely known man of affairs, who died suddenly Monday, was held thla afternoon. Mayor Mttlrhead Issued a proclamation yester day requesting all business houses to close today and the response was general. Scores of prominent men of Southeast ern Oregon, Including pioneers and lodge members and school children attended the funeral. The service was held at the residence in South Dayton and was under tho auspices of the Masonic Lodge. A monument will likely be raised In the City Park to Ills memory. Rhodes Scholar Leaves Kiigenc. EUGENE. Or., Sept. 14. (Special.) Ce cil Lyona left his home In Eugene yes terday for Oxford. England, where he will represent Oregon as a Rhodes Schol arship student. He will be In Worcester College and will pursue a pedagogical course. Mr. Lyons Is the third Eugene boy to go to Oxford under the Cecil Rhodes plan. The others were Harvey B. Densmorc and Wlstar Johnson. Forest Fires Peslroy Fencing. WHITE SALMON. Wash.. Sept. 14. (Special.) A forest fire Is raging be tween Hussman and Gtenwood. Much fencing has been destroyed and H. D. Cole's house, containing the central tel ephone station at Ouler, Is burned. HOLDERS SELL OUT General Liquidation in the Chicago Wheat Pt. MARKET OFF ONE CENT Weakness Reported in the Russian Trade Outlook in Argentina Improved and Acreage Is Increased. CHICAGO. Sept. 11. Acute weakness was reported In tiie Russian wheat trade, in creased acreaca and improved outlook m Argentina were heard from and there was a break in both cash and futures at Win nipeg;. Liquidation by the tired owners was the Beneral order of tne day and some of them were of the laxzer and more !n (luentlnl sort. Primary receipts showed a decided fulllne; off. but the fuel was de prived of much siftniflcance when contrasted with official fterurcs that exports from the I'nited States to Great Britian last montn were on'y a little more than hair the total of a year ago. The close was weak at nearly the lowest point of the session, witn December at OSHWOSC a loss of 'it lc aa compared with 24 hours previous. Tne ranne waa from DSVic to 9iic. Fine weather for the rapid brlnginc or corn to the aafety line made that grain weak December fluctuated between 531c and 84 c. closing lc net lower, at 64 c Cash com was ottered with very low prices East with the tone weak. No. 2 yellow closed at 56 &ft .10 Vic. . Oats, after a depressed start, developed surprising firmness. December sold from :t4"c to 35tic and flnlahed at the latter fig ures, a net gain of He. Declining quotations for hogs weakened provisions. In the end. pork was 10c lower to 5c higher; lard. 2ijc op to 10c down, and rlbe 2vc cheaper to a nickel more ex pensive. On account of the primary elections, the Chicago Board of Trade will be closed to morrow all day. The leading futurea ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept .95 U t .95 'i -JJji Dec !9i,t .9 ',i .t -98 May lOaS LOSS 1.044 1.04i CORN". Sept. .. Dec. . . . May. . . Sept. . . Dec. . . . May... . -16' .sh ; .54'. .4' .53' .o4' .57?s -Os . iiti T-s ,j4 OATS. .33', .33',i .SS .33U .s ' .4i -35U .381. .3S' .37s .38U MESS PORK. Sept IO.K's !0.l:s 20.10 20.1?',i Oct :0.00 20.10 19.90 20.10 Jon 18.37 18.3i',i 18.0 18.30 LARD. Sept 1J.15 15.27i ll.lSVi Oct 13.12'., 13.22V, 12.07 12.20 .Nov 11.60 11.80 11.50 11.52'i Jan 10.6S 10.S5 10.60 10.62Vi SHORT RIBS. Sept 11.70 11.77V, 11.67 11.77?- Oct 11.45 11.52i 11.37?, 11.30 Jun S.65 9.70 9.65 9.70 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Hye Xo. 2, 73c. Barley Feed or mixing. D8g4c: fair to choice malting. 70?- 73 fee. Klax seed No. 1 Southwestern, 12.70; No. 1 Northwestern. 2.S2. Timothy seed $9.50 & 9.75. Clover SlOii 16. Pork Mess, per barrel, $20.50320.75. Lard Per 100 pounds. $12.25. Short ribs Sides (loose), (ll.s6'11.75. Sides Short, clear tbuxedl, $12,25112.50. Grain statistics: Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 88.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 1.113.000 bushels, compared with 1,523. 000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated reeclpta for tomorrow: Wheat. 30 cars; corn. 256 cars; oats, 74 cars; hogs. 17.000 head. Receipts. Shipments. FInur. barrels SS.iOO 14.800 Wheat, bushels 159.600 42.600 Corn, bushels 572.500 2.-.S.200 Oats, bushels 241.200 318.200 Rye. bu.-hels 2.000 1.000 Barley, bushels 9.000 34,500 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW TORK, Sept. 14. Flour' Quiet: prices easier. Spring patents. $5.40 &' 5.60; Winter straights, $4.35tM.4; Winter pat ents. (4.0064.110: Spring clears. $4.35tt4.60; Winter extras No. 1, $3.d5Sf 3.85; Winter ex tras No. 2. eO 3.55; Kansas straights, $4. tsOS4.90: receipts, 39.741 fcarrels; ship ments. 1S.-.5 barrels. Wheat Spot. Irregular. No. - red. Il.OSi elevator, anj. $1.03?t f. o. b. afloat. No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1.22 f. o. b. afloat. Owing to bearish cables and foreign news, wheat declined lc. but was steadier near the close on commission-house buying and export talk. The close was barely steads'. tt c net lower. September closed $1.03?4: December, l.oi: May. Il.111. Receipts, 1IS.4O0 bush els: shipments, S100 busbels. Hops Quiet. ' Hides Steady. petroleum fijteady. Minueapulls Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 14. Wheat Sep tember closed at $1.0991-094: December. (l.IIVs: May. $1.15ii 1.15's. Cash. No. 1 hard $1.11-: No. 1 Northern. 1.1?,4j llltt: No. 2 Northern. $1.0btt ii 1.08, ; No. 1 Northern. $1.04 H 1.07 ,. Klax Closed. $2.78. Corn No. 3 yellow, 53 (4c. Oats No. 3 white. 32?,e,3!c. Rye No. 2. 71t71V.c. Europeaa Grata Markets. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 14. Wheat October closed 7s 3',d; December. 7s 3d; March, 7s 4?4d. Weather .unsettled. LONDOX. Sept. 14. Cargoes dull and Inac tive. Walla Walla for shipment at 38s; nom inal! no buyers. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14. Wheat Easy.. , Barley Firm. Spt quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.52 ?. ii 1.65 per cental. Barley Feed. !5cfe$1.00 per cental; brewing. J1.05ar1.07 ',4- Oats Red. 1.22ttei-8Stt Per cental ; white. 11.57 "4 iai.02',,; black, si.249i.so. t.'all board sales: Wheat No trading. Hariry December. 1.0 per cental bid, l.(0 asked; May. Sl.lli bid. $1.12tt asked- c-orn Large yellow. $1.53 tt per cental. Graia Markets of the Northwest. TVCOMA Sept. 14. Wheat Milling: Blue stem, Wll5c; club. 85c: red Kuasian. 7o. Ex port: Bluestem. U5c: club, 67c; red Russian. Sic SEATTLB. Sept. 14. Milling quotations: niuestem. 0-c: fortyfold, KSc; club, 87c; Fife. S7." red Ruffian. t5c. Kxport wheat: Blue stem, fc; fortyfold. S5c: club. 84c; Fife. S4c- red Russian H2c. Yesterday's car re ceipts, wheat 2t cars, oats 3 cars, barley 2 car', bay 48 car, rye 1 car. BAPTISTS PLAN MEETING Idaho Churchmen l'lan for Biggest Convention State Has Seen. BOISK. Idaho. Sept. 14. The largest gathering of Baptists the state has ever seen will take place In Boise Sep tember 20 to 23, on the occasion of the Baptists' state convention. Great care has been taken to provide for the 400 to 500 delegates expected. Among the convention speakers are such men as Dr. W. H. Hlnson. one of the most brilliant and eloquent pulpit divines of the United States; Dr. C A. Woody, the Coast representative of the Home Mission Society; Dr. C. A. Cook, who represents the foreign work, and many others. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS G 15 Jacobs to J. Belgbeder, lot 1. clock 14K. a Portland $ 10 A. V. Regner to A. Wilkinson, lots 7, 8. block 4. Recgner's Add 360 G A. Cobb to E. H. Mowre. part lots 1 and 2. block 226. Hollsday's Add 8,500 W. K. Smith. Jr.. to B. S. Bartlett, lot 3 block 4. ft. Ives Add 500 A F. While to J. A. Melssner, lot 1. bl".-k Ifl'v. City 19,000 C. F. Howard to S. Nudelmaa lot ft. Lumber mens National Bank CORNER FIFTH and STARK STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON Capital Ladcl & Tilton Bank Established 1859. ' OLDEST BANK ON THE PACIFIC COAST Capital $1,000,000 SUEPLXJS AND PROFITS $600,000 W. M. ladd. President. n. S. Howard, Jr., Ass t Cashier. Kdw. cooklnerham, Vice-President. J. W. Ladd, Assistant Cashier. XV. a. Dnackley, Cashier. Walter M. Cook, Ass t Cashier. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 750,000 Oldest National Bank West of tha Rocky Mountains block 3. Vernon 1. 11 Flcnner to U". Maftltt. lou i. -H. 27, block 37, Fait port Rachel Kellow to Anna W. Chambers, lot b. block IS, Flrland Arlna Land Co. to R. H. Hunt, lot IV. block 5 Elbert Stephen P. Don to J. H. Kramer, lot 13, block 52. Vernon Security Savings & Tr. Co. to J. B. Houston, lota 47, 43, block 6, Greg ory Heights Holden lms. Co. to A. McMlllen, land In Bee. Ik T. 1 S., H. I H C. A. Johnson to J. U. Sowbery, lot 2, block 10. vitencoe Park W. C. Knighton to M. Alnsworth, lots 1, 2, bluck 4, Kavensview Sec. Abstract & Trust Co. to K. Kern ley, lot 2, block. Si. Rose City Park . . A. I, parsons to C. Silva, lot 14. block 2, Rochelle J. A. Kaslitt to B. U. God, 1 acre In J. E. Wltten D. L. C E. Boole lo P.. M. Scott, lot . block 43, Vernon Oak. Park Land Co. to J. A. Hyde, lota 1!, 2o. block 2, Oak Park Add. No. to St. Johns R. O. McCroskey to W. Haynes, lot b. block 3, Gleso's Add 4 Security Abstract Tr. Co. lo F. C. Stovens, lots 13. 16. block 17, Elm hurst V"," J. H. Jones Co. to J. F. Cawood, lot 10. block 23. Jbnesmore L. M. Gammans to B. B. Johnson, lot 4. block 15. Sub. Proebstel's Add J. Hafneter to E. Gobel, lots 15. 16. block 5. Kem Park J. C. Roberts to AV. K. Benvle. part of lots 3. 4. block 21, Hanson's 2d Add G. G. Woodworth to R. Flndley, lot 8. block 8, Kvelyn W. Q. Manning to A. C. Emmoria, lots 32, 33, block . Hiverdsle T. Vlggers. to A: C. Emmons, lots 25. block 7. Rlverdale H. G. Schneider to A. C. Emmons, lots 24 25. biock 7. RIverdiUe M. B. Springer to C. B. French, part lot 4. block 130. Woodstock Add Merchants Loan Trust Oo. to W. Mills lot 33. block 7. Roselawn - S J Shuts to Caroline Mann. 46x115 ft. Sees. 7, S, 17. 18. T. 1 8.. It. 2 E. . .. . E. Shearer to A. O. Temple, lot 22. block 1"7. Xorwood F. E. Potter to S. J. McLeod, lots .1, 22. block 7 Kern Park Rose City Park Am. to O. SaUman. rota 2. 3. block 12S. Rose City Park.... F. Werta to Mary Lleble. lot 13. block 11. 1 Jncoln Park Annex il. A. Weygandt to F. A. Andersen, lots 6. 6, block 0. Arleta Park No. 2... T. H. Powell to C. S. Mitchell, part lot 5. block 8. Richmond M. Ross to M. Baumer. lot 3 and part lot 2. block H. Sunnyslde ......... T. P. Carstensen to H.iod River Orch ard Land Co.. lots 13. 14. block 8. Capttan Add ,''."'-' Investment Co. to M. (3. Huber. lots oi. 39. block 47, Irvlngton Park E. P. Mall to J. Klein et al., 30x1011 feet, commencing in north line of Stark street 290 feet east of south east corner of block 241. East Port land '' Same to same, 100x100 feet, com mencing in north line of Stark street lflO feet east of southeast corner of block 211. East Portland Columbia Trust Co. to Tillle pilget rlm. lots 9. 10. block 11. Swlnton. . . Same to same, lots 11, 12, block , Swlnton .' ' ' W F. H. Fruiht to R. W. Stein, lots uO. SI, Lee Bow Park Add. ......... Same to same, lots 48. 49. block 2. same addition ''.''','' J. E. Tilton to Alice B. Powell, lots 0. 11. block 5. Richmond Add..... j. t. Owens to G. Anderson, lot 16, block IS. Rossmere Ruth Trust Co. to T. P. Toung, lot 25. block 1, Burlington , Metropolitan Land Co. to F. Charn lev. lot 8, block 7, N"t Grove C. Sandstone to II. D. Sandstone, lots 15. 16. block 18. North Uvington.. Rose Cite Park Association to H. M. Haller." lots 8, , block S3, Rose Cltv Park J. c. Alnsworth, trustee, to Florence T. Hockenberry. 3.S5 feet of lot 5 and north 15 feet of lot 0, block ., Irvlngton - ; ' W F G. Thacher to the Glenmorrle Co.. lot 5. block 51, Irvlngton Mrs. L. D. Leonard to Kate I Tem ple, lots 7, 8, block 310, Marshall's O AR? Bail ' to Hood River Orchard" "Land Co.. lot 13, block 103, Irvlng- o'h. Anderson to C." P. Olson, lot 53. Melrose '";. J. P. Schmeer to S. W. Ramseyer. lot S, biock 5, Schmeer's Add..... Esther A. Lewis to F. H. Pownder. lots in, 11, IS. block 8. Chicago O.Xeek" to' A." 'Qiiay. lots 1, 8," block 1. Chase's Add. 100 1 523 275 S.600 10 150 10 10 10 2,700 2,500 1 1 4,000 1.250 425 1 500 5.000 l.t)60 10 25 25 550 650 1.430 750 500 2.500 1.850 425 3.000 2,250 2,500 10 7,500 1.000 1,100 220 220 1,800 S00 405 430 10 1,500 2.000 3.329 7,000 6,300 1 800 1 soo Total . ..100.W1 LAWYERS ABSTRACT it TRUST CO. Room G, Board of Trade Bldg. Abstracts a specialty. SUA RANT E ED certificates of title and ab stracts made by Title & Trust Co.. Lewis bldg., cor. 4th and Oak. sis.. Portland. Or. Marriage Ucenses. MABEN-BRYCE William D. Maben. 36. cltv: Annie Bryce. 24, city. REYNOLDS-NORTHL'P William B- Rey nolds. 24. citv; Lola R. Northup. 19. city. COH.V-HOFFEN'BERO Joseph Cohn, 45, city; Roza Hoffenberg. 37. city. OSTERL'D-Sl'RFl'S Hjalmar L. Osterud, 27. Seattle: Ixella M. Surfus. 24, city. BERRY-BUSH EXVII.LE Andrew Berry, 30. city: Ida Bushenville. 24. city. GERTZ-BI'RNI William W. Gerts, 24, city: Rose Burnt, citv. BALLARD-GOSSETT Scott E. Ballard, over 21, Cascade Locks: Evelyn M. Gossett, over IS. city. LANE-NOHRIUGE Timothy J. Lane. 22. cltv: Emma NorriilKe, over 18. city. WADE-CONABLE Robert D. Wade, 62, $500,000 Los Anreles, Cal.; Louise A. Conable, l city. Wedding and visiting cards. W. G. Smith aV Co., Washington bldg.. 4th and Wash. Wedding and vlalting cards. Wm. KJumpr Co.. 3JbU. Vwashinirton st- BITULITHIC Makes good streets. Property owners who have paid for it know this. Ask them about BITULITHIC TRAVELERS GUIDE. IRIENT- An Oriental Cruise leaving New York Jnnnary 2K, 1911. by the S. S. CLEVELAND, for Madeira. Spain, Italy. Greece. Turkey, Egypt, Holy Land, &c. Duration of 80 days. Rates from $325 "P. Incllttlng landing and embarking ex penses. Also Cruises to West Indies, S"oimsj America anil Around the World. Send for illustrated book. Guide and travel books on sale. IIAllRlltn-AMEKICAN LIXK. 1IIO Powell St., Man Francisco, t ill., and I.ocnl H. II. Agents in I'ortlund. HONOLULU $110 And Bark (First-Clans) DjfcYK from IS. jfc The kplendlU twin-screw steamer SIERRA (10,000 tons displacement sails Sept. 10, Oct. 1 and every '2 days. Round trip ticlcftts rood tor tour months. Honolulu, th moat attractive spot on entire world tour. BOOK NOW and secure best berths. LINE TO TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. S. S. Mariposa and Union Line, saUinrs Sept. 11. Oct. 17, etc. Tahiti and back (24 days). J12i first class. New Zealand ( Wel lington . J-Mrs.'jO, first class R. T. si months. Vrlte or wire for reservations. OCEANIC 8. 8. CO., 673 Market Street, San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO A PORTLAND SS. CO. New service to Loa Angeles, via San Fran cisco, every live days. From Alnsworth dock. Portland, 9 A. M. : SS Beaver Sr:t. 15. Bear 20, Ko&e CHy 23. From San Francisco, northbound, 12 M. : FS. Br Sept. i:i. Rose City 18, Heaver 23. From iian 1'edro. northbound: SS. Rose City Sept. 1, Beaver 21. Bear 20. II. O. Smith, C. T. A., 112 Third St. J. W. I.auont, Agent, A in worth Dock. Phoni8: Main iO-', 286; A HO:. Saa Francisco and Los Angeles DIRECT tortb Facltio ti. ci. Co.'s S. & Koanolt. and S. S. Elder sail every Wednesday alternately at S i. M. Tlukac otriu H2 Third at., near Alder. MAHTI.V J. HIGLLV, l'asseoser Aseat. W. II. SLUSSIill, Freli,-bt A cent, fkosea M. 1314. A 1314. Coos Bay Line STEAMER BREAKWATER sails from Alaska Dock. Portlnd. S P. M. Sept. 20. 2i. Oct. 4, H. IK. 25 and every Tuesday nls;ht. Freight received at Alaska Dojk until tl P. M. dally. Passenscr fare, first-class. $1 second -rlars. 7, Inclndlniy meals and berth. Tickets o:i sale at Alnsworth Dock. Phones Main -GS; A l-'34. Canadian Pacific Empress line of steamers, sailing -weekly between Montreal and Liver, pool. Wireless on all steamers. Ask m'.J ticket acent or Trrlta F. K- Johnson. O. A. 142 Tblrd St.. Portland