Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 15, 1910, Page 20, Image 20

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ttit: morning oregonian, Thursday. -September is, ioio.
In which to rare to a afe poMtlon. It
wax raid yeeterday that th barge would
1 delivered to the company as noon as
the deck is planked and capstan in
Andromeda and Needles Get
New Contracts, Is Report.
Rrharterlnc of Two Vessels Takru
to Indicate Tliat Grain and
Lumber Trade Are Xot
Devoid of Activity.
In the face of what Is re jr anted as a
, oo!i period In chartering, there were
two encasements reported yesterday,
and while they were in the nature of
vessels being- rechartered. the trading
ta taken to indicate that neither the
Train nor lumber market Is devoid of
The British steamer Needles, en route
from Arapulco. and oriiclnally taken by
. ine l nina Import & Kport Company.
: was rechartered br Bulfour. tJuthrle
' Company, and will carry a lumber
cargo to Shanghai. She sailed August
J .0. for Nanalmo. and Acapulco. arriv
ing at fomox August St. and will
1 shortly clear for this port.
The second recharter was that of the
, llrltlsh bark Andromeda, which i
j first flted by Hind. -.olph A Company
! to load coal at Newcastle for Portland.
! and they planned loading her here with
! arraln for the United Kins;. lorn, but she
was taken for the sume business by
other Interests. The vessel was of-
fered for sale In London Tuesday, but
cable advices as to the result have not
been received. She Is yet dlschara-lnir
.coal at the Pacific Cuast bunkers, and
Is expected to finish Saturday, when
she will shift to be lined for wheat.
and will probably start taking; cargo
the latter part of nevt week.
Negotiation are under way for sev
i eral carriers, that will no doubt be sul
; Isfactorlly closed in another week, yet
there has been no new move In the
wage controversy between the Grain-
handlers' I'nlon and the exporters.
The French bark Urn. de Itntadeffra
yesterday completed discharging coal
Into barges at the Victoria doiphins.
and Is ready for lining. She will be
dispatched by the McNear Interests and
may depart about the same time as the
t Iredge Will Deepen Later.
MARPHFIELD. Or, Sept. 1 1. (Spe
cial. The Government dredge Oregon
Is expected here the last part of this
month from Gray's Harbor and will at
once be operated widening- and deepen
ing the channel of the" bay. The ex
penses are to be defrayed by the Gov
ernment appropriation. The Govern
ment river dredge is now at work on
Coos Hlver. where $3000 Is to be ex
pended removing the snags. Roy Ro-
xell Is In charge of the dredge. Simi
lar work Is to be done on the Coqullle
Klver. but a new dipper drcde and
snasr-puller will be built on the Co
qullle Hlver for the purpose. The con
tract for building the dredge will be
let soon and when It is finished the
work will be started. It Is claimed
that by the removal of the snags and
the dredging out of only three shoals
that the river will be In such condition
that any boats which cross the bar can
go up the river to Coqullle City.
(rfitrrnmcnl to Make Soil Survey.
M EDFOKD. Or, Sept. 14. Special.)
The United States Government is
making a soil survey of Jackson Coun
ty. J. A. Rousteel. the official at
Washington In charge of the soil aur
Jury Says . Quelle Grill Sold
Drinks Without Food.
Woman Recently Arrested for Com Theft on Second Moor
of Place Make Trouble
for Its Proprietors.
! tm ArrlTL '
I?avr. ......
K lamath. . . .
t Wellington.
f falcon
i liear
k Koanok
1 jireiikwattr. .
I rolden t. .
From Dat.
, Sanl'fdro. ...In port
. jin Kranclaco In r'irt
. -San r ranclKco In port
.a Francisco sFt.
,an ldro....Pt.
San Pedro. ... epU
. . Cooj Iter. ... .f-pl.
. . Tillamook.. ..Sept
, . Sun riro.... Sept.
hue H. mon. .Tillamook. ... c Vt.
HycJa. ........ II on Icons. K-c
Eureka Eurvk Jpt.
Geo. W. Klder. . Sin Pedro s, pt. -"
Bcbeduied to Depart.
Name For Pat.
Bavr. ....... San I'vilro. . . . Sept. 15
Falcon. ....... .Han Francisco Sept,
Klamath San Krancl!-oS.'pt. 15
Weshlrrton. San r'ram-lacoSrpt. l.'i
Pue H. Bmort. .Tillamook.. ..Sept. 'M
IK-ar .San Pedro. ... KpU
Golden Gat. . . .Tillamook. . ..Sept. -
Kreakwatcr. ... oo Kay Sept.
Roanoke. . . . San Francisco s-pt. -1
Kureka. Kureka Sept.
Kosc t'lty San I'edro.... Sept. 2i
Geo. W. Eider.. San Pedro. ... Sept. I'M
KjrJa Uonckoni... Nov. I
Ja nrr Thai Tlieir Steamers
load at Clo-ctl Port-.
Following the arrival of the Japanese
eteamer Tunion .Maru. which is to sail
from Hakodate September 3. having
hei delayed It) days, the Pacific Lumber
A Manufacturing Company will ship I
:. feet of Japanese oak by the Port
land A Asiatic steamship Company's
vessel. The otarau Maru and Tamon
Maru were chartered by the firm be
cause material had been contracted for
at Hakodate, which Is a closed port, and
under the Japanese law only tonnage fly
ing that flag can clear from restricted
harbors with cargo f.r other countries.
It Is thought Hist all lumber purchased
there cannot be shipped on the llarriman
carriers owing to the fact there are
occasions when it must be contracted for
In the Interior for delivery at a closed
tort. but shippers object to engaging
Japanese tranmps because of the neces
sity of securing for them return car
tas from this country, as exacted by
tielr owners. It Is not the policy of
Japanese to permit their craft to ply
In the general trade away from home.
Oi the other hand, exporters of fir are
not enthusiastic regarding the charter of
steamers of the Otaru Maru type, as
ehe carries less than ?. feet.
veys. has selected six Government ex
perts to assist the men already at work
In the valley and to hasten the survey
along. The survey has been delayed
by the forest tires in Southern Oregon.
which have called for the services of
all the Government employes. The soli
experts that are to arrive In South
ern Oregon the middle of this month
are Holmes. Kckman, Kocher. Nelson,
IVestover and Kolbe. The State Agri
cultural College made a soil survey
of Southern Oregon in 1908.
Thomas' Old Ian noli lo Re Repaired.
Ultimate for repairs to a steam ten
der used at Fort Stevens by the United
States Army have been solicited by Cap-
tain Ira U. Frendendall. The cratt.
which has seen considerable service
abroad because of the fact It wns for
merly on the Army transport Thomas,
has been brought to Portland. The work
Is to deal principally with the boiler and
the engine may be partly overhauled,
Deckhand Have Small Strike.
riqued because one of their number
was discharged, seven of the deck crew
of the steamer Oregon walked ashore
five minutes before she sailed for LP
per Willamette Klver points yesierasy
morning. As no notice had been given
the craft was compelled to leave short-
lfK)t JuarteruiaMrr lo Ho Succeed
ed by Captain Berkeley.
Captain Ira I- Fredendall. Quarter
raster. V. S. A., and in charge of the lo
ral office for the Uepartment of the
Columbia, has been apprised of his trans
fer from Portland to Zamboangu. Island
of Mindanao. In the Philippine group.
It la the southernmost station In the
service. He will be succeeded at the
local station by Captain Hugh D. Berk
eley, who la to assume charge about No
vember I.
Captain Frendendall has spent some
time In the Islands and enjoys the cli
mate and general conditions, so does not
regard the prospective change with re
gret. During his residence In Portland
he hail formed a large acquaintance, par
ttcularly among exporters and those in
terested m supplying Government forage
and other wares.
Clatop to Be Lifted Today, for Re
painting and Kealrs.
Taking advantage of the low stage of
he Willamette Klver. the Oregon Dry-
wvn Company yesterday employed
derrick scow to dredge the basin of Its
eWJi so as to remove material which
fell last year when piling driven on the
north side of the basin caused the wall
to cave In.
The general depth of the basin allows
the dock to be sunk until there Is at
least II feet over the keel blocks, which
means that a vessel drawing 18 feet
could be lifted. There were found on
the bottom a large log and other sunken
drift that made it difficult for the dredg
ing to be prosecuted yesterday. The
company will have the dock In the basin
today In readiiass to lift the Government
dredge Clatsop, which Is to be cleaned
and painted and have her stern bear
Irgs replaced. In addition to having her
bins reinforced.
Vessel Go AMiore During 'For.
After being sjrround on Swan Island,
opposite the Portland Flouring Mills,
from :30 o'clock yesterday morning
untfl 3 o'clock In the afternoon, the
steamer J. X. Teal, of the Open River
Transportation Company, was hauled
Into deep water by the steamer Shaver.
The steamer Kureka. which departed
last night for Humboldt Bay. was
aground on the East Side, near the
flour mills, for a short time yesterday
morning, but was floated through as
sistance from the steamer Oklahoma.
Heavy fog was responsible for both
Barge Race Across Ilie Harbor.
Superintendent Ihithle. In charge of the
Willamette Iron Steel Works shlp
j ard. Is pondering seriously on the
causes leading to the unusual antics of a
steel barge built for the Pacific Kridge
Company, which sailed on an indepen
dent cruise when launched. Instead of
being "snubbed" to the dock on reaching
the water, the craft headed for the east
bank of the Willamette, and It is esti
mated, the momentum gathered on the
ways carried It about 1MO feet. Mr.
J Hit hie had descended beneath the barge
to force loose an obstruction on the ways,
and had he not been a sprinter he would
-4ia beta Injured, as he Laxely had lime
Marine Xole.
Carrying buoys to be placed in Coos
Bay as aids to navigators, the light
house tender Armerla put to sea yes
terdar. Later she will head for Puget
To conclude discharging cement be
fore visiting the lower river for ties,
the baryre Gerard C. Tobey Is to shift
today from Columbia dock No. 1 to
Montgomery dock No. 1.
Yesterday's arrivals at the mouth of
the Columbia Included the steamer Ne
halem, recently completed at Kureka,
which will carry cargo south for the
Hammond Lumber Company.
It was yesterday reported that' the
American barkentlne Puako had been
chartered by Hind, Holph & Co. to load
coal at Newcastle. N. S. .. for Port
land. She is on berth there.
Captain "Jim" Shaver yesterday es
sayed the role of skipper again, after
long residence ashore, when he
ordered the steamer Shaver from the
yards, and. with an Improvised crew,
attended to towing in the harbor.
Loaded with 1.510.684 feet of lum
ber valued at S33.351. the Norwegian
tramp Trloolor will leave down this
afternoon, bound for 1'ort Plrle. Her
cargo Is composed of timbers to be used
In Australian mines.
As a means of assisting the steamer
Lurllne. so she will not lose additional
time on her run. the steamer Undine
will depart this morning to meet the
former near Kalama and transfer
freight and passengers for Astoria.
Having been repainted throughout,
the steamer Golden Gate got away last
evening for Tillamook, one day behind
schedule. She will make an extra
voyage from Bay City to Astoria and
return before starting on her Inward
trip, and la due here Monday.
It fell to the lot of the steamer
Kureka to be the only craft to enter
yesterday at the Custom-House, and
she also closed for the return voyage
to Kureka. while the Norwegian
steamer Tricolor filed her outward
manifest, giving her destination as Port
Plrle. and the Beaver and Klamath
cleared for San Francisco.
Movements of Vesaels.
PORTLAND, Sept. 14. Arrived P t earner
Bhoshunr. from San Franclaco; steamer J.
A. rhanalor. from San Franclaco; steamer
Vo.bur. from Nrhalrin: ateamer Rainier,
from San Francisco: steamer Catania, from
San Franclaco. Sailed Steamer Georse W.
Eider. Ittr San Kranciso and San Pedro;
steamer Ilreakwater. for Cooe Hay; steamer
Kureka. for Kureka; steamer Golden Gate,
for Tillamook. Fr,om Preacott, steamer
Carmel. for San Francleco.
Astoria. Sept. la. I-ft up at t A. M.
Pteamer Shoahone. Arrived at 7 and left
up at A. M Steamer J. A. Ihtnilur,
from San Francisco. Arrived at. 7:30 A. M.
Steamer Arjryll. from San Franclaco. Ar
rived at a A. M. Steamer Shasta, from San
Pedro and steamer Nihalem. from San
Franclaco. Arrived at S:3U and left up at
lo A. M. Steamer Voiburit. from Xehalem.
Sailed at 8 A. M. Steamer Elmore, for
San Francisco. Sept. 14. Palled at 10 A.
M. Steamer Roae City, for San Pedro.
Sailed last nlshl Steamer Toaemlt.. for
Aberdeen. 8ept. 14. Arrived Bleimer
Wellealey. from Portland. s
Tacoma. Sept. 14. Arrived Steamer Gov
ernor, from Seattle: schooner H. I. Ben
dlxaon. from San Franciaco.
Montevideo. Sept. 14. Arrived previously
Admiral Dupree. from San Francisco and
San Franclaco. Sent. 14. Arrived Steam
ers l,ur!lne. from Honolulu: Tiverton, from
Ludlow. Sailed Steamer Wlllapa. for Grays
Honskonr. Sept. It. Arrived Monrolla.
from San Franclaco. Arrived prevlounly
Rvaia. from Portland. Or.; Tenvo Maru.
from San Franclwo.
Mlddlenboro. . Sept. 11. Sailed H. C.
Henry, for Seattle.
-attl. Sept. U. Arrived Steamer Stan
ley Ixdlar. from Nome. Sailed Steamer
Jefferson, for fekas-way.
The management of the Quelle res
taurant. Sixth and Stark . streets, was
found guilty by a Jury' In Municipal
Court yesterday afternoon of selling- li
quor without a license. Sentence will
he Imposed by Judge Bennett
morning. The case will be appealed.
The prosecution was brought upon
evidence gathered by Patrolmen Mont
gomery and Schafer. detailed for plain
clothes work aliotit the grills. The
officers reported that they had seen
six persons, three men and three wo
men, served with beer In the restaur
ant, with no accompanying meal of any
Adams Woman Testifies.
In addition to the two officers. Beat
rice Adams, recently Implicated In a
theft case the preliminaries of which
occurred In the Quelle, was placed on
the stand and told the Jury that sin
had had drinks In the restaurant on
several occasions without any food and
had ocn others served in a like man
ner. She said that on one occasion she
went direct from another restaurant
after dining and drank beer at the
Montgomery and Schafer said that
nothing but beer was on the table
when they watched for 10 minutes, but
the waiter who served the six persons
declared that he brought napkins, sil
ver and bread with the beer and or
dered six dozen crawfish for the party.
Sullivan Gives Opinion.
Deputy City Attorney Sullivan con
tended that even If food was served af
terward, the law was violated. In this
lie was supported by an opinion of City
Attorney Grant, delivered to the Police
Department, that the liquors must be
served at the same time as the food.
Sullivan also cited authorities to show-
that ignorance of the act of an em
ploye Is no excuse for the proprietor.
This was sustained by the court and
the Jury was so instructed.
The Jury, composed of Adolph Dekum.
Herman Kckhart and John M. Mann,
was out but a few minutes and re
turned with a verdict of ullty n (rains t
K. J. Fait, the defendant of record
the case. Notice of appeal was given.
Tills was the second of two cases
against the Quelle, the first having
been heard before a Jury In Municipal
Court Monday afternoon. That action
charged the place with being a disor
derly house. In that Beatrice Adams
had been permitted to visit there. It
was shown that the woman met D. M.
O'Connell, a visitor from WInlock.
Wash., In the restaurant, accompanied
him to a room on the floor above and
was alleged to have stolen 140 from
him. The charge against the woman Is
still pending. The Jury found the
Quelle proprietor not guilty on the
disorderly charge.
Find Help in Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound
Hudson, Ohio. "If mothers realized
the good your remedies would do deli
cate girls I believe there -would be
irewer weag ana ail
ing women. Irreg
ular and painful
periods and such
troubles, would be
relieved at once in
many cases. Lydia
E. I'inkham's Vege
table Compound is
tine for ailing girls
and run-down wo
men. Their delicate
orsrans need a tonic
and the Compound
gives new ambition and life from the
first dose." Mrs. (J eorgk Strickler,
Hudson, Ohio, K. 2fo. 5, Box 32.
Hundreds of such letters from
mothers expressing their gratitude
for what Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegeta
ble Compound has accomplished for
them have been received by the Lydia
E. Pinkham Medicine Company, Lynn,
Yonng- Girls, need This.
Girls who are troubled with painful
or irregular periods, backache, head
ache, dragging-down sensations, faint
ing spells or indigestion, should take
immediate action to ward off the seri
ous consequences and be restored to
health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. Thousands have been
restored to healtn by its use.
If you would like special advice
about your case write a confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at
Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free,
and always Iielpf ul.
will likewise establish a record, but
It will be for human cargo. Yesterday
afternoon the entire cabin list had been
disposed of and a dozen applications
were refused, including a party that
wired from Seattle for reservations.
From Portland over 400 persons will
depart, while at Astoria SO Chinese,
flushed with wages from the Alaska
cannery camps, will embark to splurge
among their countrymen within the
Golden Gate. The Bear held the pre
vious record of the present fleet with
446 passengers, but her sister ship will
earn the new laurels. The Beaver also
has an unusually large shipment of
wheat, weighing 1400 tons.
It Snved Ilia Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg." writes
J. A. Swensen. of Watertown. Wis.
"Ten years of eczema, that la doctors
could not cure, had at last laid me up.
Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it.
sound and well. Infallible for Skin
Kruptions. Ecxema. Salt Rheum, Boils,
Fever Sores, nurns. Scalds, Cuts and
Piles 25e at all druggists.
Here Is an Opportunity for Any Man to
Be Qiiced Easily, Quickly and Permanently
NO MAN should suffer the loss f that vitality which renders life worth living, or allow him
self to become less than Nature intended, when thre is at hand a certain enr for his debility.
' Most of the PAINS, most of the DEBILITIES of the STOMACH, HEART, BRAIN, NERVES and
AILMENTS of MEN from which men suffer are due to an early loss of Nature :s reserve power.
You need not suffer from this. Tou ean be restored. The very element which you have lost you
can get back, and you miy be as happy as any man. You can be cured by the right kind of treat
ment. Come to my office; investigate my methods.
When yon are first aware of any disease; or debility upon
yonr vitality, then you should procure the proper medical advice
and treatment without delay. You will secure to yourself that
health, success and enjoyment of life which is every man's lot,
whose bright and steady eyes, clear and healthy skin, active
brain, congenial make-up and physical development show that
no contaminating influences of disease are devastating his sys
tem, that no mental, moral or physical debility is making his
life a miserable failure.
I do not treat symptoms. I treat and cure the ailment be
hind the symptoms. If the case presents even the slightest fea
ture upon which I have a doubt, or if I Becogniee incurable com
plications, I positively refuse treatment. I wtjuld rather give
up my practice than indulge in either guese-work or make-believe
cures. I have devoted years of earnest and conscientious en
deavor to the unravelment of some of the most perplexing prob
lems that ever confronted the profession, and believe that I have
attained the limit of medical possibilities in my particular branch
of practice. I have brought to light the true nature of men's
ailments and the causes of the symptoms they present. In addi
tion I have by the scientific blending of drugs produced remedies
that meet every condition that it seems possible to cure. There
is no cause to hesitate. Consultation costs -nothing, and I will
not offer my services unless I can cure you.
My Original and Exclusive Treatment for Men's Ailments Has Been Proven in Numbers of In
stances Where Success Has Seemed Impossible Before. Information That Is of Vital
Interest to Every Sufferer Free. How The? Can Be Cured Without Experi
menting. Have You Violated the Laws of Health?
Correct Medical Methods for the Permanent Cure of Blood Ailments, Piles, and All Bladder and
Kidney Ailments.
Medlelna furnished from my own laboratory for
the convenience and privacy of mjr patients, from
1.6o to ti.bO a course.
Hours 0 A it. to 8 1. M. Sunday from 1 to 12.
Consultation and eiimlnafloj. If
you cannot call, writs !r
cfllf-examlnatlon blank ana book.
Many oases cured at home.
23012 Yamhill St.
Vessel So Damaged She Proceeds
Under Slow Bell.
ASTORIA. Or.. Sept. 14. (Special)
As the steamer Hassalo was pausing
throufth Skamokawa Slouch In a dense
for on her trip down the river about
4:30 o'clock this mornlns;. she struck
large log. The buckets and arms on
one wide of her wheel were torn oft and
ahe was unable to T1 ach Astoria until
nearly 10 o'clock. started on her
return trip up the river shortly after
wards, but will be compelled to run
under slow bell.
The freight and passengers for the
Hansalo were brought across from
Megler by the steamer Nahcotta.
Ifarrlnian Steamers Have More Busi
ness Than Can Be Carried.
When the steamer Breakwater sailed
at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon, there
was stowed beneath her hatches the
record cargo carried " to Coos Bay, It
being reported at 800 tons. Some con
signments were left on Alaska dock.
The craft had TO passengers.
The steamer Beaver, also of the llar
riman coterie, which departs this morn
ing for San FranHsco and San Pedro,
Who Are Ailing,
You Are Invited
to Call
We are specialists for men.
We treat men successfully
and cure only those ail
ments which constitute our
WW if
Pay Wnen
In seeking medical treatment there are certain qualifications that
you should require of your attending physician ability, experience,
skill and an established reputation for RELIABILITY. We claim the
above requirements, which are necessary for successful treatment of
Ity tbe latest methods known to medical science we successfully
trrat Varicose Veins, rvoos Decline, Inner Nerve Exhaustion, Skin
Diseases, Kidney, Bladder, Illood Diseases, Rheumatism, Liver Disor
ders and all Cbronlc Ailments of Men.
We want all ailing men to feel that they can come to our office
freely for examination and explanation of their condition. There is
absolutely no Inconvenience, loss of time, hardship or uncertainty,
while results are direct, speedy and permanent. We want to talk to
every man that suffers from these afflictions due to any rauso what
ever. We want to explain our methods of treating diseases and all
ailments of the kidneys and bladddpr. Our office is thoroughly equipped
for the treatment of CHRONIC AILMENTS. ;
Office Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6 P. M.. 7 to 8 P. M. Sundays and holi
days, 10 to 12.
I Have Cured
Hundreds of Cases
Like Your Own
Tides al AMorla Thoradar.
Hish I .o
!:.-. A M S.S ft 4:l A. M....OT ft
W W 1. M . feet 4.S6 I'. U....i.9 Xsat
If afflicted with any ailment of a sd-
clal nature, you can come to us know-
ni that we have treated and cured
case after case exactly like your own.
You can rest assured that we under
stand the ailment thoroutchly-and will
not make a misstep in Its care, r rom
the momsnt that you place your case
In eur hands you can look forward to
a complete and permanent cure. We do
not accept cases In which there Is the
slightest doubt of satisfactory results,
and you will be convinced that you are
being- treated by strictly reliable spe
cialists. We have every known remedy ap
pliance for TKEATI.XJt YOU. Our ex
perience Is so irral and varied that no
one of the ailments of Men Is uew to us.
sultation Is absolutely free.
If your aliment Is yet curable, WE)
can cure it, and you may be sure that
our eaarce will be satisfactory and
within your reach.
General Debility, Weak Nerves, In
somnia Results of exposure, overwork
and other Violations of Nature's laws.
Diseases of Bladder and Kidneys, Vari
cose Veins. qnlckJy sjsd permanently
eured at smsll expense and no detention
from business.
tracted and chronic cases cured. AII
burning-. Itching- and Inflammation
stopped In 34 hours. Cures effected In
seven days. Consultation free. If un
able to call write for list of questions.
Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.. Sun
days. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. only.
Pacific Coast Medical Go.
.. Corner First.
By the !.
Without Hvoodermic Ioieclioas and
Positively No Harmful Effect
Tin, NRAt, Is an INTERNAL, treat
ment that will CURE the worst case of
the LIQUOR HABIT In thksk "ais,
and a guarantee bond and contract Is
given that If a perfect cure is not ef-fnrtr-H
the treatment will he absolutely
FREE. The efficiency of the NEAL
treatment i proven by hundreds of let
ters from the friends and relatives of
those who have been cured. The re
sponsibility of the Institute is estab
lished bv stronsr bank references.
The NEAL Institute provides its pa
tients with all the comforts of a refined
home. Everything- Is strictly private.
Is It not worth while to investigate
this? Ask for Indorsements of the
CURE from prominpnt people. A copy
TRACT and explanatory literature can
be had by writing or calling; at the
Neal Institute
354 Hall Street. Corner Park Street.
Phone Marshall 2K.
yields to scientific treatment. No pow.
ders, no smoke, no douches. This Is
"different." bend for booklet, "free
Air." to Dept. O.
IS I . L, Tacoma, Wash.
Their Chinese remedy of
nrrns ana roots cures won
derfully. It has cured many
muje una iemate surrerers
of all kinds of sickness, in
cluding chronic and private
diseases, when other reme
dies fail. Their medicines
are harmless. No operation.
Examination for ladies bv
.wrs. o. cnan. call or
Chan Chinese Medicine Co..
Morrison St., between First and
second. Portland, Or.
asi S. L CMS
The S. K.
inflammations. Irritations
or ulcerations of all rau
cous membranes, ennatu-
Catarrh, Ca!uu rai aiscnarres irom nose.
nay rsvsr - inroai or nnaary org-ans.
lrttETtmQialfo. SrtM hv Tlnie-irtetn
or In plain wrapper, ex
press prepaid, on receipt
of $1, or t h ree bottles, $7.75
Booklet on request. "
f-Om tat&j for I
. D. S. A. 7. r
V - 0A
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Our remedies are composed
of the choicest roots, herbs
and barks and are sure to
cure to stay cured. All
chronic diseases of men
and women a specialty. If
vou cannot call! send for
irmptomi blank. 247
Taylor at., bet. Second and
Third . Portland. Oregon.
JU X. Vee.
Tee at Son's Medicine Co. spent
lifetime study of herbs and re
search In China: was granted
diploma by the Emperor; won
derful cure of all ailments of
men and women when others
(ailed. If you zultrr. ca'll or
write to VEE SON'S MEDI
CINE CO.. IJ2J4 First. Cor.
Alder, Portland, Or.
The Leading Specialist.
There is no economy in employing' an
amateur to do an expert's task. Nine times
in 10 failure follows. In a large percem
age of instances the result is harm. The
average physician is an amateur in the
treatment of men's ailments. lie does not
treat enough cases to learn a great deal
about them. His time is so fully occupied
in treating a full assortment of human ills that he cannot devote spe
cial study to any particular branch of practice. Most ailments are
sufficiently simple as to require no special training other than that
received in the medical colleges and that afforded by experience in
general practice. The more complex and perplexing ailments the
family practitioner seldom cares to treat. lie prefers to be reliever!
of tasks beyond his training, though he cannot, without fear of injur
ing a patient's confidence in his ability, recommend the services of a
specialist instead of his own.
The true specialist is a physician who is absolutely expert in the
treatment of a few ailments. He knows all about the few ailments
he treats, and he treats the most .common ailment. For 25 years I
have been treating men's ailments only. I began my special work
after thorough preparation at the best medical colleges and hospitals
of the country, and have cured more men than any other specialist in
the West, some of whom were themselves physicians.
If afflicted with any of the ailments constituting my specialty,
seek an expert's and not an amateur's services. You can come to me
knowing that I have treated hundreds of cases exactly like your own
and thousands of others very similar. You can rest assured (hat I
will know just what to do will not make a single misstep in the
treatment of your ease and that a complete and permanent cure
will follow.
I Am Always Willing to Wait for
My Fee Until a Cure Is Effected
Be sure your cure is thorough.
Not one of my patients has ever
hail a relapse after bein dis
charged as cured, and I cure
in less time than the ordinary
forms of treatment require.
No dangerous minerals to
drive the virus to the interior,
but harmless, blood - cleanslni?
remedies that remove the last
poisonous taint.
Jty treatment is absolutely
painless, and perfect results can
be depended upon in every in
stance. I do no cutting or di
lating whatever.
It Complete Cure
Without Surgery
Under my treatment the most
aggravated cases of varicose
veins are cured in a few days'
time. There is no cutting, no
pain, and it is seldom necessary
that the patient be detained
from his occupation. Normal
circulation is at once restored
and the natural processes of
waste and repair are again es
tablished. If you are afflicted
with varicose veins, consult me
at once. Delay can but bring on
aggravated conditions and nerv
ous complications that will im
pair the general health.
Seek Expert Medical Aid NOW
Consultation and Diagnosis Free
I do not charge for advice, examination or diagnosis. If you call
for a private talk with me, you will not be urged to begin treatment.
If impossible to call, write.
23412 Morrison Street, Portland, Or.
. Office Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 10 to 1 Only.